Incredible bias. Starmer, Brinton and Loach dyed in the wool Leftists. Greg Clarke was a Remainer in the run up to Brexit. Not sure about Dia. This will be a VERY biased episode.
Gosh…. I wonder if there will be a question about disability benefit thereby allowing Ken Leech to push his crappy movie? I guessing the odds are slightly higher than for a question about why we’re giving public money and tax breaks to luvvies to make bad films (or whether pushing this garbage is a good use of the licence fee).
Meanwhile, I don’t advise holding any breath waiting for a question about the Operation Elvedon trainwreck, and more specifically, how an impartial prosecutor came to be parachuted into a safe Labour constituency.
QT continues to scrape the very bottom of the barrel, I see. Well, thanks for the heads-up; I know now to avoid tonight’s waste of time and do something far less tedious than subject myself to yet another sneering BBC exercise in progressive messaging and anti-Brexit fear mongering (we’re all racists now – didn’t you hear?).
Loach? Really? *facepalm* I’d rather be slapped in the face with a wet fish.
Don’t these liberal working class sympathiser lookalikes come out with the obvious statements of protest knowing that the audience will be all primed and ready to applaud anything his kind of liberal elitist comes out with!
Working class traitors of his type ( doesn’t he live in Spain?) fail to see that most working class people recognise a traitor in their midst just to gain a round of cheap applause! Weasel!
I caught 30 sec by accident on Radio5, the cheap applause was being given for a man who had told the audience that FTSE100 bosses were enjoying life while they were not.
There may be an argument for shareholders seeking to obtain better value from CEO remuneration, but the audience is being suckered if it thinks that taking money away from that small number of people would have any affect on their own lives.
Put simply Twats nothing more nothing less. The usual suspects after there in that line up, how righteous they all are.
Ken lad where were you when food banks started under the labour junta around 2001-2. Whats that ken lad, you don’t want to answer. Nothing happened in history pre 2010 did it.
You know where you can stick your party political broadcast for labour and socialism don’t you Ken lad.
Dia looks interesting from her background: mixed religion from Bangladesh, married English lad and from her involvement in the Taxpayer’s Alliance seems an anti-state libertarian. (see Pity Shami Chakrabarti wasn’t there…30% of Asians voted for Brexit.
Starmer has quickly become the leader of the Remainers (sorry soft Brexiters). Surprising he took the poisoned chalice from Corbyn but will give indication as to how strong Remainers feel. The Nissan announcement has probably taken them by surprise.
Greg Clark will have been the man to do a deal with Nissan…for how much ‘aid’? Never believe the car industry moans. They are all looking handouts. GM doing the same at present, blaming Brexit. Bet you they stay too.
Sal Brinton is a nice lady in a wheelchair who would look more at home in a Bake Off panel.
And Ken Loach is Ken. I do remember ‘Cathy Come Home’ and the impact it had. We still don’t have bloody housing which also shows how little effect it had. His heart is on his left sleeve so you know were you stand with him… probably very far to the right!
I wonder what ‘Cathy’ would have said had she been competing for emergency housing with scores of Bangaldeshi, Pakistani, Somalis, Romanian etc. etc. families
I say ‘competing’ but, in reality, it’s a no-contest.
I do remember ‘Cathy Come Home’ and the impact it had.
The long term impact has actually been terrible because it led to a move away from ‘time on the waiting list’ for allocations and towards a ‘needs based’ approach. This has enabled recently rocked up immigrants who may well be in dire ‘need’ and whose previous housing position (are they ‘intentionally’ homeless) is unverifiable, to overtake indigenous British people who may be moderately well housed with parents or in insecure privately rented.
“move away from ‘time on the waiting list’ for allocations and towards a ‘needs based’ approach”
Yes, the Left has not yet grasped the fact that people can create a “need”. This used to be widely understood, before emotion replaced common sense. First come first served, or the simple concept of the queue, is widely used for a very good reason – it is fair.
“And Ken Loach is Ken. I do remember ‘Cathy Come Home’ and the impact it had. We still don’t have bloody housing which also shows how little effect it had.”
Since “Cathy Come Home” was broadcast in the 1960s, how many millions of immigrants have the left wing establishment allowed into the UK? The flow seems to be endless, it’s currently an extra million every three years. No wonder there are not enough houses for everyone, or that they cost so much. It’s what tends to happen when you have ever rising demand for a supply which can never keep up.
Basic economic theory, but it seems to be beyond our leaders to work out. And of course, as a committed Socialist, Ken Loach is excused any understanding of practical economics. Just blame everything on Thatcher and it’s job done.
Yet another example of the overweening arrogance of the QT team. To assemble such a quintet – Dia excepted but Dimmly very much included – without even the pretence of balance is as good an example of the BBC using the licence fee for its own ends as impartial observers could wish for, not that any would be asked for an opinion. Combined with the fully expected and totally predictable audience, QT provides shining examples of political manipulation Goebbels would have greatly admired.
The panels have been unashamedly Remoaners since the summer break. However, tellingly, the audience have often be pro-Brexit. Last week Conrad Black was even applauded for complimenting the Donald – and we were aloud to hear the applause. Normally non on-message applause is edited out. Last week I vowed not to watch, but did and the north east audience rewarded us. Hopefully Gloucester will too. The shires are for Out !
She has actually shifted the Tuscan albatross, some say post a bit of a savaging by Littlejohn.
If it was to prevent questions about her oddly massive capital and disposable income it really didn’t work, especially as the proceeds have to be somewhere.
Hillary does not need massages. A reboot every so often, maybe.
I think you will find that Polly got so embarrassed about her Tuscan villa and it has been sold (given to the Italian government to help those rescued just off Libya?) so is now down to two properties, one in Sussex and one near her desk at the BBC.
That would be Keir Starmer formerly of the CPS which still hasn’t brought a single prosecution against doctors performing gender-based abortions in this once fair country of ours.
The Director of Public Prosecutions yesterday appeared to back abortions based on gender.
Keir Starmer declared that nothing in abortion law prevented a woman from terminating her pregnancy because she did not want a girl.
He said abortion was only criminal if it was carried out without the approval of two doctors who said ‘in good faith’ that termination was necessary to protect the woman’s health.
And he added that prosecutors would face ‘real difficulties’ if they tried to bring charges against doctors for failing to assess the health of their patients properly.
In many cases doctors approve abortions without even meeting their patient, Mr Starmer said…..It follows the decision by the Crown Prosecution Service not to prosecute two doctors who are said to have offered a termination to a woman claiming she was pregnant with a girl….
Last month the CPS said there was enough evidence to prosecute the two doctors, but the affair would be better dealt with by disciplinary proceedings at the General Medical Council.
And I’d be surprised if ‘community cohesion’ didn’t come into it somewhere.
‘Multiculturalism’: yes, I think we alll know what that means by now. Maybe Starmer will be extolling its benefits tonight – without a hint of irony, of course.
Shwmae Aerfen, I’m “middle class” and, having lived in Gloucestershire for some 30yrs this audience are “bussed in”. I’ve heard two locals in the audience!
I now live in West Wales and my mild accent has been picked up by some of my Welsh friends.
This audience is not representative of the area, or their opinions (WRT “Leave”).
The Gloucester constituency is very much a Tory v Labour battleground: Labour took it in 1945 and didn’t lose it again until 1970 (to Sally Oppenheim) but only regained it in 1997, before the Tories won it the last two times. It’s much more working class than neighbouring Cheltenham, where the Labour vote is low, the Lib Dems do a lot better and actually held the former Tory seat in 1992-2015.
In view of this, what you say about the audience is revealing about QT.
What a waste of an hour. As I stated above, I lived in a village some miles from the City for some 30yrs.
The Brussels Broadcasting Company could have saved us tithe payers some money by holding the entire program in Islington. They would have had to pay for the, only 3, non metropolitan elite to travel to London in order to appear that it came from Gloucester, instead of moving the production company and audience from BBC Central.
I heard two locals and one Western Ally (Welshman) in the audience, putting an alternative view – all three duly ignored by Dimmly and the panel.
This reminds me of certain editions of brother Jonathan’s ‘Any Questions?’ on Radio 4.
Though nominally from the Tory shires and held in some village church hall, the audience is often metropolitan Lefty and claps Labour / Green / Lib Dem panelists like seels, and includes bussed-in ‘shtudent’ types to whom Dimbleby can wish a safe journey home, as some of them have a long way to travel, for some odd reason …
I always say credit to the BBC where its due winner of the bake off not the black man Selasie, not the Sikh and not the jolly black lady Ben. To my surprise apparently all English Candice Brown.
Will last years much feted Nadya be pushed back out of the limelight now I wonder?
I watched “The Ken Loach” show last night. For this Question Time in Gloucestershire, I expect the Trotskyist , Socialist Workers party researchers that the BBC employ to pick the audience ,sent out a diktat beforehand telling “their” audience that every time Loach
made a comment they were to cheer and applause to bring the rafters down. They did a mighty
impressive job.
I am really surprised at the BBC Post Brexit shouldn’t they be pursuing an anti Russian agenda to elicit a violent response from Putin?
Instead they pursue an anti Polish Agenda.
How readily they forget the Anti scouser agenda they pursued in the 1980’s highlighting Dockers searching for work in the S. Coast Hotels and Bars.
Best moment of the show was when the lovely Dia (we get the good looking ones, the remoaners get the mingers) pointed out that she was the only Brexit supporter and all the others were remainers.
Good lass Dia.
Tory nonentity: Wetter than an otter’s pocket. 1/10
Kier Sturmer: Grandstanding new Labour twat. 1/10
Ken Loach: Grandstanding old Labour twat. 1/10
Asian babe: Sensible but ineffectual. 5/10
Lib Dem spaz: Spasticated brain. 1/10
Dimblebot: The usual. 3/10
Audience: Ken Loach fan club. 2/10
Overall: 2/10. Don’t watch it. Burn the tapes, pretend it never happened.
Search Biased BBC
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Gosh…. I wonder if there will be a question about disability benefit thereby allowing Ken Leech to push his crappy movie? I guessing the odds are slightly higher than for a question about why we’re giving public money and tax breaks to luvvies to make bad films (or whether pushing this garbage is a good use of the licence fee).
Meanwhile, I don’t advise holding any breath waiting for a question about the Operation Elvedon trainwreck, and more specifically, how an impartial prosecutor came to be parachuted into a safe Labour constituency.
Yet another 5 to 1 against independance – don’t forget Dumbulby is a Liberal therefore a rampant remainder! Only the Tory is a brexit!
QT continues to scrape the very bottom of the barrel, I see. Well, thanks for the heads-up; I know now to avoid tonight’s waste of time and do something far less tedious than subject myself to yet another sneering BBC exercise in progressive messaging and anti-Brexit fear mongering (we’re all racists now – didn’t you hear?).
Loach? Really? *facepalm* I’d rather be slapped in the face with a wet fish.
Ken Loach!
Don’t these liberal working class sympathiser lookalikes come out with the obvious statements of protest knowing that the audience will be all primed and ready to applaud anything his kind of liberal elitist comes out with!
Working class traitors of his type ( doesn’t he live in Spain?) fail to see that most working class people recognise a traitor in their midst just to gain a round of cheap applause! Weasel!
I caught 30 sec by accident on Radio5, the cheap applause was being given for a man who had told the audience that FTSE100 bosses were enjoying life while they were not.
There may be an argument for shareholders seeking to obtain better value from CEO remuneration, but the audience is being suckered if it thinks that taking money away from that small number of people would have any affect on their own lives.
I saw Ken Loach the other day talking about the BBC’s right wing bias, so the BBC can say that shows we’ve got it about right….
I suppose from where Loach views the world, the hard left BBC is further to the right than he is.
Perhaps Dimbletrot will declare that he too is Daniel Blake.
We are all Daniel Blake.
Put simply Twats nothing more nothing less. The usual suspects after there in that line up, how righteous they all are.
Ken lad where were you when food banks started under the labour junta around 2001-2. Whats that ken lad, you don’t want to answer. Nothing happened in history pre 2010 did it.
You know where you can stick your party political broadcast for labour and socialism don’t you Ken lad.
Dia looks interesting from her background: mixed religion from Bangladesh, married English lad and from her involvement in the Taxpayer’s Alliance seems an anti-state libertarian. (see Pity Shami Chakrabarti wasn’t there…30% of Asians voted for Brexit.
Starmer has quickly become the leader of the Remainers (sorry soft Brexiters). Surprising he took the poisoned chalice from Corbyn but will give indication as to how strong Remainers feel. The Nissan announcement has probably taken them by surprise.
Greg Clark will have been the man to do a deal with Nissan…for how much ‘aid’? Never believe the car industry moans. They are all looking handouts. GM doing the same at present, blaming Brexit. Bet you they stay too.
Sal Brinton is a nice lady in a wheelchair who would look more at home in a Bake Off panel.
And Ken Loach is Ken. I do remember ‘Cathy Come Home’ and the impact it had. We still don’t have bloody housing which also shows how little effect it had. His heart is on his left sleeve so you know were you stand with him… probably very far to the right!
I wonder what ‘Cathy’ would have said had she been competing for emergency housing with scores of Bangaldeshi, Pakistani, Somalis, Romanian etc. etc. families
I say ‘competing’ but, in reality, it’s a no-contest.
I do remember ‘Cathy Come Home’ and the impact it had.
The long term impact has actually been terrible because it led to a move away from ‘time on the waiting list’ for allocations and towards a ‘needs based’ approach. This has enabled recently rocked up immigrants who may well be in dire ‘need’ and whose previous housing position (are they ‘intentionally’ homeless) is unverifiable, to overtake indigenous British people who may be moderately well housed with parents or in insecure privately rented.
“move away from ‘time on the waiting list’ for allocations and towards a ‘needs based’ approach”
Yes, the Left has not yet grasped the fact that people can create a “need”. This used to be widely understood, before emotion replaced common sense. First come first served, or the simple concept of the queue, is widely used for a very good reason – it is fair.
“And Ken Loach is Ken. I do remember ‘Cathy Come Home’ and the impact it had. We still don’t have bloody housing which also shows how little effect it had.”
Since “Cathy Come Home” was broadcast in the 1960s, how many millions of immigrants have the left wing establishment allowed into the UK? The flow seems to be endless, it’s currently an extra million every three years. No wonder there are not enough houses for everyone, or that they cost so much. It’s what tends to happen when you have ever rising demand for a supply which can never keep up.
Basic economic theory, but it seems to be beyond our leaders to work out. And of course, as a committed Socialist, Ken Loach is excused any understanding of practical economics. Just blame everything on Thatcher and it’s job done.
Yet another example of the overweening arrogance of the QT team. To assemble such a quintet – Dia excepted but Dimmly very much included – without even the pretence of balance is as good an example of the BBC using the licence fee for its own ends as impartial observers could wish for, not that any would be asked for an opinion. Combined with the fully expected and totally predictable audience, QT provides shining examples of political manipulation Goebbels would have greatly admired.
The panels have been unashamedly Remoaners since the summer break. However, tellingly, the audience have often be pro-Brexit. Last week Conrad Black was even applauded for complimenting the Donald – and we were aloud to hear the applause. Normally non on-message applause is edited out. Last week I vowed not to watch, but did and the north east audience rewarded us. Hopefully Gloucester will too. The shires are for Out !
So is Ken Clarke unavailable this week?
Looks like it – I suppose Polly is at her Tuscan retreat and Bonnie is giving Hillary a massage.
She has actually shifted the Tuscan albatross, some say post a bit of a savaging by Littlejohn.
If it was to prevent questions about her oddly massive capital and disposable income it really didn’t work, especially as the proceeds have to be somewhere.
Hillary does not need massages. A reboot every so often, maybe.
I think you will find that Polly got so embarrassed about her Tuscan villa and it has been sold (given to the Italian government to help those rescued just off Libya?) so is now down to two properties, one in Sussex and one near her desk at the BBC.
I thought that Clarke was supposed to have been on.
That would be Keir Starmer formerly of the CPS which still hasn’t brought a single prosecution against doctors performing gender-based abortions in this once fair country of ours.
The Director of Public Prosecutions yesterday appeared to back abortions based on gender.
Keir Starmer declared that nothing in abortion law prevented a woman from terminating her pregnancy because she did not want a girl.
He said abortion was only criminal if it was carried out without the approval of two doctors who said ‘in good faith’ that termination was necessary to protect the woman’s health.
And he added that prosecutors would face ‘real difficulties’ if they tried to bring charges against doctors for failing to assess the health of their patients properly.
In many cases doctors approve abortions without even meeting their patient, Mr Starmer said…..It follows the decision by the Crown Prosecution Service not to prosecute two doctors who are said to have offered a termination to a woman claiming she was pregnant with a girl….
Last month the CPS said there was enough evidence to prosecute the two doctors, but the affair would be better dealt with by disciplinary proceedings at the General Medical Council.
And I’d be surprised if ‘community cohesion’ didn’t come into it somewhere.
‘Multiculturalism’: yes, I think we alll know what that means by now. Maybe Starmer will be extolling its benefits tonight – without a hint of irony, of course.
CPS…..true definition should be ‘ Criminal Protection Service ‘……..
Do you tweet links to these articles to BBC QT, David?
I’m still waiting to hear a “Glarrster” accent! After 25 minutes!
Glarrster – as heard at Kingsholm.
It sounds like the BBC Megabus (from the elite capital of the South East) has been busy.
‘Ow bist.
P.S. Oi carn spick Glarrs.
Finally After 30 minute a genuine local giving Loach some stick!
Total stitch up!!!
Must say it does seem a very middle class audience in what is still a largely working class city.
Shwmae Aerfen, I’m “middle class” and, having lived in Gloucestershire for some 30yrs this audience are “bussed in”. I’ve heard two locals in the audience!
I now live in West Wales and my mild accent has been picked up by some of my Welsh friends.
This audience is not representative of the area, or their opinions (WRT “Leave”).
The Gloucester constituency is very much a Tory v Labour battleground: Labour took it in 1945 and didn’t lose it again until 1970 (to Sally Oppenheim) but only regained it in 1997, before the Tories won it the last two times. It’s much more working class than neighbouring Cheltenham, where the Labour vote is low, the Lib Dems do a lot better and actually held the former Tory seat in 1992-2015.
In view of this, what you say about the audience is revealing about QT.
Accents don’t tell lies.
I met a farmer (“Are you from Gloucestershire?”) in West Wales and placed him to the South of my old home – which he confirmed.
Oh dear loach asked if he will cycle to New York. Lying upper class wanker.
Liberal cock suckers debating one runway, China is going to build 66 airports over the next 20 years.
Yes, but think of the pollution we’re avoiding.
Why have the Conservatives put their Mike Yarwood lookalike on tonight?
What a waste of an hour. As I stated above, I lived in a village some miles from the City for some 30yrs.
The Brussels Broadcasting Company could have saved us tithe payers some money by holding the entire program in Islington. They would have had to pay for the, only 3, non metropolitan elite to travel to London in order to appear that it came from Gloucester, instead of moving the production company and audience from BBC Central.
I heard two locals and one Western Ally (Welshman) in the audience, putting an alternative view – all three duly ignored by Dimmly and the panel.
Biased BBC at it’s most obvious.
This reminds me of certain editions of brother Jonathan’s ‘Any Questions?’ on Radio 4.
Though nominally from the Tory shires and held in some village church hall, the audience is often metropolitan Lefty and claps Labour / Green / Lib Dem panelists like seels, and includes bussed-in ‘shtudent’ types to whom Dimbleby can wish a safe journey home, as some of them have a long way to travel, for some odd reason …
Andrew Neil on This Week is impressively unbiased. The BBC must just be waiting until he retires.
I always say credit to the BBC where its due winner of the bake off not the black man Selasie, not the Sikh and not the jolly black lady Ben. To my surprise apparently all English Candice Brown.
Will last years much feted Nadya be pushed back out of the limelight now I wonder?
They’ve already raised Nadya to BBC sainthood.
Despite (missing the usual, Brexit! c. BBC) the wobbly hat she presented to Her Majesty.
Can Muslims be saints? Won`t she be in line to become the first female Ayatollah?
“Can Muslims be saints?”
Don’t know, but they should all be encouraged to have a bash at it.
In the interests of unity, of course.
Fear not, they won’t let their favourite pet run away that easily –
I watched “The Ken Loach” show last night. For this Question Time in Gloucestershire, I expect the Trotskyist , Socialist Workers party researchers that the BBC employ to pick the audience ,sent out a diktat beforehand telling “their” audience that every time Loach
made a comment they were to cheer and applause to bring the rafters down. They did a mighty
impressive job.
I am really surprised at the BBC Post Brexit shouldn’t they be pursuing an anti Russian agenda to elicit a violent response from Putin?
Instead they pursue an anti Polish Agenda.
How readily they forget the Anti scouser agenda they pursued in the 1980’s highlighting Dockers searching for work in the S. Coast Hotels and Bars.
Best moment of the show was when the lovely Dia (we get the good looking ones, the remoaners get the mingers) pointed out that she was the only Brexit supporter and all the others were remainers.
Good lass Dia.
Nicked from Doyle at GP, made me giggle:
Your QT analysis:-
Tory nonentity: Wetter than an otter’s pocket. 1/10
Kier Sturmer: Grandstanding new Labour twat. 1/10
Ken Loach: Grandstanding old Labour twat. 1/10
Asian babe: Sensible but ineffectual. 5/10
Lib Dem spaz: Spasticated brain. 1/10
Dimblebot: The usual. 3/10
Audience: Ken Loach fan club. 2/10
Overall: 2/10. Don’t watch it. Burn the tapes, pretend it never happened.