Sarah Wollaston was interviewed by Nick Robinson on the “Today” programme. She was complaining that the government’s claim to be adding £10 billion to the Health budget was misleading, she claimed that £4.5 billion would be correct. Robinson rightly said billions, shmillions the public are bamboozled by these enormous sums. The BBC takes a rather different attitude to the Leave campaign’s £350 million “pledge”, where a penny less invalidates the whole referendum result.
Later Sir Martin Sorrell wisely chose to play up the threats of Brexit when interviewed on WPP’s results. He got an easy ride, it is an exceptional occasion when he escapes being grilled on his gargantuan earnings.
I think there is a significant difference between ‘earnings’ and ‘receivings’ NISA. What Sorrell actually does is preside in extreme comfort over an organised system of legalised extortion, much like the medium that promotes him as a valid spokesman.
NSPCC: ‘Children as young as eight have contacted the charity… Issues raised ranged from personal and family problems to concerns about Brexit, the US election and Syrian war’
That’s odd, because when I was about eight years old I think all I was concerned about was kicking a ball around and playing Cowboys and Indians (oops, sorry – Native Americans!).
Whatever you do, don’t change your name to Noon otherwise (you can guess where this is going!) people will shout out “Hi, Noon!”
I will now go and kill myself.
Ladies and Gents,
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a good, or bad, pun.
The anti-Trump BBC just can’t help itself. Even ‘You and Yours’ got in on the act today when discussing Hillary and Trump mask rentals with a shop assistant. The assistant said that Trump rentals were leading to which the BBC robot instantly chipped in with,’…but only in terms of rentals’. Maybe it is a form of Tourette’s and they actually can’t stop themselves doing it.
As it is Halloween Trump supporters should wear James Comey masks and crash Hillary’s next rally. I’m sure those fun loving democrats would see the funny side.
Not true general! How about all the man children doctors from Syria? Oh yeah…sorry they are now saying that they are “12 year old” children with reseeding hairlines, crows feet and beards, because “I’m a brain surgeon/engineer/doctor” wasn’t working!
But you can’t blame them they are just following the scriptures : “Truly I tell you, unless you become like little children, you will never enter the United Kingdom.”
The modern left is as keen to destroy the old notion of childhood as it is to destroy the concept of marriage .All part of the urge to remake humanity in Gramsci’s image. Those of us who grew up during and after WW2 were not exposed to endless agonizing and news that quite frankly we ,as children, were not able to do anything about.
Parents protected us as they should from such things. The NSPCC is just another pressure group with an agenda.
The NSPCC, like many other former charities,is just another tax-payer funded quango. It keeps the gravy train-riding quangocrats ’employed’ and they earn their wages by appearing on the bBC et al as a pressure group. About time some buffers were put on the line.
My response to any of their High Street chuggers is that I gave at the office. Polite and accurate.
Just lately, there’s been a few mentions on bbc news programs of how the polls may be unreliable for super-wonderful, angel of mercy, Hillary stuffing the evil, stupid Trump, in the US presidential race.
Now the polls have been very clear. When the race between them began, Hillary had a double digits lead. Trump got that down to 4 points, but then fell away after the groping allegations before getting back to being 2 points behind. That was before the new Hillary email revelations.
On the BBC news progs they have been talking about glorious Hillary having consistent leads of 5-8 points, and is all set to rout the horrible Trump, I guess to build up their own support.
But here’s a thought: The BBC have been wrong on all recent elections, constantly building up their sides lead. So, in the BBC minds Brown narrowly won, Milliband won and the Remainers won. They held this position until real life grabbed them by the backs of their hipster shirts and rubbed their mindless liberal noses in the truth.
Are they preparing us in advance for the fact that they may be a little bit wrong?
The Clinton supporting CNN now put the noble Hillary just 1 point ahead of the hated Trump.
Even the BBC date no longer claim that polls are 100% accurate – they only produce a probability – and whether the difference is statistically significant is not being reported (sorry – I am going back to my University maths that is longer ago than I care to remember). A 1% lead is too close to really predict the result but I guess that CNN (like the BBC, not known for its support of Trump) would have hated to have reported a 1% lead for Trump.
There is evidence to suggest that the polls have been rigged throughout this election as every time Trump begins to get close, either the data is changed or the methodology for analysing the data is tweaked in favour of Clinton.
In addition, Democrat samples may be over-represented.
The point of the polls in these elections seems to be to give the public the impression that Clinton’s election is a done deal, rather than to give a view on the standings of the individual candidates.
“The point of the polls in these elections seems to be to give the public the impression that Clinton’s election is a done deal, rather than to give a view on the standings of the individual candidates.”
I think that was the plan, but the Democrats gave the game away last week when Michelle Obama made a speech urging Democrats to turn out to vote for Clinton because the election was closer than they thought.
I think the Democrats realised that the Trump supporters were going to turn out no matter what and it was the wavering Clinton voters who were likely to stay at home.
‘Who are Trump’s loyal army?
By Michael Goldfarb Writer and broadcaster’
It is all too much of a mirror image of the BBC’s reaction to Brexit. Vote against the BBC’s favoured cause and you are no longer a voter with democratic rights and independent thought and judgement. You are suddenly the subject of socialogical research and explantion then ultimately correction.
‘It’s not clear who on the Democratic side has the patience to give up the years that will be necessary to persuade these voters if not back to the Democratic fold at least to a position where compromise – and functioning government – is possible.’
If it were not so apparently reasonable it would be frightening – it is so very Orwell and 1984. Join us, at least compromise and go along with our ideas….
That item about “Trumps loyal army” is quite interesting.
Particularly this bit, “I taught in inner city schools for 30 years,” Cordova explained. “I was passed over a few times for promotion for a really good job because I wasn’t a minority and I was working at a school where the kids got free dental and optical treatment because they were immigrant children and I was having trouble affording it for my kids.” She acknowledged that made her resentful. “That’s a flame that can be fanned into hatred. You have to rise above it.”
Now ignore the use of the word “hatred” and what we see here is a description of the politically correct tyranny that is advantaging minorities at the expense of the majority…not on grounds of merit but on grounds of race. That is why people are in open revolt…..they have recognised that “equality” is a lie…..the programme is punishment and wrecking of liveliehoods on racial grounds… make liberals feel good about themselves.
Your analysis is spot on.The mainly , but not exclusively, white majority ( soon to be swamped of course by invaders/immigrants) is being treated as second class citizens in their own countries. Amazingly this treatment is meted out by their own leaders and by the MSM. In the UK the contempt that Labour has had for its own voters for at least 25 years has at last been understood by those voters and Labour will deservedly pay a high price. But this contempt for white folks runs right across the globalist liberal left political spectrum and right across the West. The liberal elite have been contemptuous of their voters for years and in colusion with their tame MSM fellow travelers, have lied through their teeth about what they were up to. You rightly say that this is at the heart of what the likes of the BBC term the rise ‘populist’ movements across the west. We want to salvage what little these liars and fools have left us of our countries, cultures and traditions. We have had enough of their crazy policies and want them out of power.A Trump win and Brexit will be two notable victories over the liberal elite but they do not signal the end of the war of the ordinary folks v the elite.
The elite won’t go easily. They will use their power and the MSM to try all manner of dirty tricks to hold on to power. Trump may well be right about the election being rigged and even if he the next POTUS the elite will undermine him at every turn.
Two excellent analyses there, E and D. Resentment of the preferential treatment given to minorities – and it is overwhelmingly resentment and not ‘hatred’ as Cordova would have it – has been building for some time and has found an outlet in the Brexit vote and the US Presidential Campaign. This resentment has translated into contempt for an internationalist, global political elite who take us for fools and label anybody not in tune with their ‘progressive’ ideologies as racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, Little Englander, bigot etc. etc., destroying free speech and using the straitjacket of Political Correctness to make sure we stay censored.
Thankfully there are still enough sane people left amongst Western electorates who have not been brainwashed by leftist education systems and broadcasters to give democracy and common sense a chance of winning. We’ve done it with Brexit, but that can only be the start. The ‘one world government’ dictators-in-waiting have to be stopped now before it’s too late. I reckon Trump sees through it all and though I can’t take to some of his more extreme views (though at the same time I’m hoping these have been to effect a drastic and immediate shift away from the kind of mealy-mouthed debate we’ve had to endure from all political parties since Thatcher and Regan) he looks like the only politician who can free us from the tyranny of a leftist eco-socialist elite who don’t give a Flying Fokker for democracy.
And that Mexican wall thing – made himself look an idiot. Didn’t even sound like it was tongue in cheek.
But overall, I support the reasoning behind his ‘Make America great again’ slogan which basically is to stop the US from sliding into the same eco-socialist, multiculti, open borders, undemocratic, welfare-dependent, Islam-appeasing mess Europe has become.
Brave to the extent he will be gently ribbed by colleagues for being owned at the debrief, but in Beebworld he is still golden for getting the mantras out there and asking the questions that make the cut that is then sorted in post.
Mr Yianoppolous obviously understands media bias very well. I particularly like the way he points out that the interviewer wouldn’t ask a random person in the street if he or she was a ‘white nationalist’.
Clever lad, and not least in ensuring there was a separate record of the interview.
I wonder where this appeared and if and when it did/does, how the BBC filter reshaped it?
‘Some people would…’ typical of the BBC to say. As is the asking of a question, and concealing it as a mystery quote from an anonymous body, in making a statement.
Interesting that the BBC likes bright, serious, painfully right-on and varnished Eddie Izzard, but seems to be keen to trip up (rather failing) this bright, chipper, un-PC and actually witty but still courteous and calm fellow, making a fascinating contrast of confirmation bias in BBC production rooms.
Odd, isn’t it. A century or so ago, the novelist E.M.Forster could describe homosexuals as ‘unspeakables’. Now, it is totally the opposite, and a flamboyant homosexual (who would normally be celebrated by the mainstream media) is an ‘unspeakable’ because of his political opinions. It seems nowadays rather than ‘the love that dare not speak its name’ we have ‘the opinion that dare not speak its name.’
Spot on. Milo is brilliant and the BBC’s attitude towards him re-inforces something he has said a number of times about the hypocritical modern lefty; they only pretend to care about minority groups whereas their actions speak otherwise. Milo is persona non grata because of his views and nothing else.
I would love to see a debate between Milo and the on-message gay Owen Jones (darling of the beeb).
Watch this vid! MILO IS BRILLIANT and poor old beeboid doesn’t know how the hell to handle him!
He’s gay, flamboyant, sharp as a button, young, cool, snappy dresser – he should be one of OURS (meaning beeboids’)- a pc super-liberal – but instead he HATES US and despises all we stand for, spouts all this ‘right-wing’ stuff… doesn’t compute… we were not programmed for this… system overload… abort interview… system shutdown, shutdown, shutdown, shutd…
Notice how at 6m14s the Beeb try, in pretty disgusting fashion it has to be said, to equate opposing Islam with racism by asking if he’s a white nationalist. Milo was on it like a flash pointing out the obvious difference between culture and race and then goes on the attack, explaining exactly why they asked such a stupid question and ridicules it.
Milo is absolutely correct when he states that the “regressive left” (to coin his phrase) don’t know how to deal with him because the usual attacks simply don’t work. His greatest strength is not his humour, it’s his reasoned arguments based on empirical evidence. The humour is the sugar coating that makes it more digestible. What do the BBC have to fight him? Emotions, hypocrisy and lies. It’s no contest.
Headlines of Articles from the New Observer online for the last week of October 2016.
29 Oct 16. Mass African “Refugee” sex attack in Freiburg.
Seventeen African invaders attack on 2 white women.
26 Oct 16. Invaders already back in Calais.
25 Oct 16. Civil War possible because of Merkel.
Statement by leader of Austrian Freedom Party.
25 Oct 16. Italy: More Invaders than 2015 total.
More Africans invaded Italy so far with 2 months to go in 2016.
25 Oct 16. Mass Refugee/Terrorist Attack Averted.
German police raid 13 asylum-seekers residences in five states.
24 Oct 16. Muslim Invaders Protest at Colosseum
And so it goes on…but how the hell would we ever know about any of this from our main broadcaster?
Of course, we know why they won’t report any of this, but I do think the country needs to know more about this. According to the Beeb, all’s well in Europe – except for the Italian earthquake.
Since moving into my new property in spring the BBC has been sending me threat letters . I’m scheduled a visit at any time . The funny thing is they send the same letters on a bi monthly basis , so that means they’ve started six investigations and finalised six investigations .
Coming to a UK town or City near you in the not-too-distant-future (certainly if the Archbishop of Canterbury or the BBC has anything to do with it)……….
One wonders what, if anything, would galvanise the people to rise up to stop the sickness spreading any further. Although it appears its probably too late.
G. In France, the State “secularist” authorities, are stopping Church bells(…)in preference to the Muslim call to prayer. ABSOLUTELY TRAGIC: those bells were a beautiful sound in French towns and villages. As for the second part of the headline, no comment necessary. Watch and weep for the demise of a once great culture.
Yesterday’s “Songs of Praise” was an “X Factor”-style contest for achingly diverse gospel choirs, complete with panel of trying-too-hard judges. The music itself was fine – although not what most of the audience would have tuned in for – but watching middle-aged white people jigging about in the manner of Kenny Everett’s Brother Lee Love was toe-curling.
Shortly after that came Countryfile. An appropriately seasonal and otherwise heartening piece about the Herefordshire pear harvest was marred by a PC comment from one of the presenters (Asian, female). An entry from a local farmer’s diary from the nineteenth century included a query as to whether or not boys should be taught how to do housework. “Of course we’ve all moved on from that sort of thing now,” tutted the presenter.
That was quickly followed by a brow-furrowing item on “slave labour” in fishing boats in UK waters. CF’s intrepid reporter joined a Border Force patrol vessel which stopped, boarded and searched a British fishing boat.
“Where do you get your workers?” asked the Border Force officer.
“I breed them,” replied the boat’s white and (apparently) British skipper: “They’re both my sons”.
The boat was then searched but no trace of slave workers was found. This item seemed completely out of place on Countryfile, which presents a peculiar PC version of the countryside in which nobody seems to shoot or fish for pleasure and diverse ethnic minorities abound.
Then there was a trailer for a comedy about Nigel Farage “getting his life back” after politics. An actor impersonating the great man stood at a pub bar, jacket & tie, pint in hand, wearing a side parting and being bluff and buffoonish. Any fair-minded broadcaster would by now have commissioned a serious bio-doc examining Farage’s life and work, and how he almost single-handedly pulled off one of the greatest coups in post-war British politics. Instead the BBC will be serving up a sneering piss-take.
It’s interesting to compare Al Beeb’s treatment of Nigel Farage (leads UKIP from nowhere, forces referendum, wins referendum) with that of Ed Balls (plays key role in trashing UK economy then loses seat) who now features in prime-time dancing and cookery contests. Balls’ supposed duties as a Harvard professor can’t be especially onerous. Apparently Balls plays the piano too. I guess the Beeb’s is to set him up as a Denis Healey for our times.
Switched over to Channel 4 news (another publicly owned broadcaster). Yet another Asian female presenter, this one wearing a hijab.
Then BBC News at 10 (OK I watched a lot of telly yesterday!).
Headline was about Clinton emails. No word (literally none at all) about what exactly HRC might have done wrong, or its possible consequences for US national security. Lots of words about the possibility that the FBI Director might himself have broken the law by going public at this stage in the US election cycle.
Then an item about Nissan’s decision to stay in the UK “despite Brexit”. Al Beeb’s line was that the only possible reason that Nissan could have decided to stay in the UK if HMG had offered Nissan some sort of bribe.
Later we had a piece about Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s impending announcement as to whether or not there would be a public enquiry into Orgreave. The flying pickets of Orgreave – whose purpose was to bully and intimidate miners who might have wanted to exercise their legal right to work, which wasn’t mentioned – might as well have been the Tolpuddle Martyrs. How much might such an enquiry cost? What might it achieve? These questions went unsaid.
Poldark provided an hour of light relief, although it annoys me that the original novel was written by Winston Graham, father of Oxford don Andrew Graham who taught James Purnell, Stephanie Flanders, Yvette Cooper, Stephen Twigg and many more of that ilk. But I claim no conspiracy theory, and admit that Graham must have taught a few right-wingers too.
Radio 4 Today was in full “despite Brexit” mode this morning, with Kamal Ahmed and Aussie Dom giving it both Economic and Business barrels. Aussie Dom desperately fished for anti-Brexit quotes from a tech investor guest. He suggested that Brexit would be bad for UK universities which would be bad for tech businesses, and that a “hard Brexit” which ended the UK’s access to the open market would also damage them. When his guest replied that British entrepreneurs had traded successfully world-wide before the EU and would likely continue to do so afterwards, Aussie Dom complimented her response as “very diplomatic”. Was that a euphemism for “disingenuous”? Sounded like it to me.
Much speculation about Mark Carney. Will the Governor of the Bank of England stay, or will he go? Nick Robinson asked Carney’s Chief Shill & PR Supremo Kamal Ahmed whether he knew if the Governor would be stepping down or not. “Possibly not,” said Ahmed. What BS! Ahmed knows perfectly well what Carney’s plans are. What Ahmed cannot do at this point is admit that he knows, hence his weasel reply. Daniel Hannan cut through the crap as usual: even if one didn’t accept that Carney had compromised his supposed political neutrality in the run-up to the referendum, Carney had been OBJECTIVELY WRONG about the consequences of an exit vote. Yes the pound was down, but economic growth, the stock market and employment were all up.
I didn’t catch much of the rest of the programme, but did catch dark (although completely unsubstantiated and without example, natch) hints that the FBI surely had plenty of sh*t on Trump so it was terribly unfair of them not to release it.
On and on it goes. The bias is well-established and pervades well beyond “news”. I have a feeling I could write a similar post tomorrow morning, before I’ve watched tonight’s TV or listened to tomorrow morning’s Today.
An excellent post and, as you say, one that could be written almost every day. We must hope that one day we have a government with sufficient backbone to do something about this cultural Marxist monoculture.
Tom Kenney, you missed out on Countryfile the push for rambling ‘in aid of Children in Need’. Those of us living in the country dislike those who don’t know or chose to know the countryside rules. Countryfile presenters could have reminded people that they don’t have the right to roam everywhere, that gates where they open them should be closed behind them; litter should not be dropped, that dogs should be kept on a lead when walking near sheep and cattle, etc etc. But the BBC as usual have an agenda to keep to, and having the right to ramble anywhere just fits the metropolitan left wing agenda to a ‘t’.
First class post: you’ve basically explained why I have, more or less, given up viewing/listening to the BBC product. Since the Brexit vote – actually since the Conservative election win last year – the bias is now completely undisguised. The propagandising of the Narrative – together with the packaging of lies by commission or editorial omission – is everywhere. And it’s not just the news and documentary output together with the rest of the educative and information remit which is wholly corrupt, but also the “entertainment” part of the BBC’s trinity of Reithian ambitions.
It’s not enough to point this out on blogs such as this one – that’s the easy bit. Refusal to pay the telly tax and an active campaign to close down the whole organisation are required. It took UKIP, what, 25 years to get from foundation to referendum in the face of, at first, media uninterest and then latterly (as its stance gained national purchase) media contempt and abuse. I’ve no idea how long it will take to destroy the BBC but it’ll be the work of a generation or longer. Until it disappears the BBC will continue to rot the soul of the UK.
Tom, thanks for letting me know what I missed on Sunday night telly. Nowadays I prefer to spend Sunday nights at Choral Evensong at my parish church, (the traditional English service largely unchanged since its beginnings in 1662) followed by a bit of web surfing with a glass of wine or two. Last night we had a good sermon about the seventeenth century poet John Donne. I find this kind of thing far, far more life-affirming than PC drivel on the telly.
You have the stamina of an ox to put yourself through that marathon and still be to write such a good post. When you step back from it all and then itemise as you have done , the whole is even worse than the individual parts. A truly synergistic pile of leftist tripe served up by the state funded broadcaster on a daily 24/7 basis.
Great post Tom.
Very much the BBC paintball/scatter gun drive-bys we`ve all come to know and despise.
One liberal bit of crap-turn over to Ch 4-same or related bit of crap.
As for NEWS-as in things that
a)actually happened
b) actually have meaning to us
c) might need revisiting because they matter
All the above is hyperbole, speculation, wish fishing and vogues to make themselves feel good, seem good to their colleagues.
Wall to wall, day to night crap…and the liberal medias opinion on every liberal meme and hot air balloon is totally telegraphed and aimed at Islam, Clinton, Labour, EU continuation and-of course-the self regarding pioneering and endless need and love for/from the BBC.
“German Streets Descend into Lawlessness – We are losing control of the streets”. “Local police in many parts of the country admit that they are stretched to the limit and are unable to maintain law and order.”
Welcome to Germany –
Break out the arms – surely the German people have a right to protect themselves if the Police cannot?
A BBC report on the subject? I really don’t think so!
I’m sure that any European who dares to defend themselves against the immigrant invaders will be immediately arrested and subsequently imprisoned. Of course this doesn’t work in reverse, Muslims have special place in the hearts of the ruling elite. We are living in interesting but dangerous times, the democratically elected rulers in Europe are using the state power to persecute their own people if those people dare to oppose the planned demise of their country , culture and civilisation.And the MSM is with the government one hundred percent. People can only express their fear via the ballot box but which party represents the people?
This is the crux of the matter concerning the crisis facing the West. Our governments have conspired against us over three main matters. These are;
1. The removal of our jobs and in particular the better paid jobs to the developing world and others .Entirely for enriching the few and without regard for social costs.
2. Unrestricted ( despite lies to the contrary) immigration of labour to depress incomes again entirely for the benefit of the few.
3. This same immigration without regard to the problems of mixing peoples and cultures that have little in common. This creating an existential crisis in the West.
In addition the monetary policies have been designed for the benefit of the elites.
There seems to be an elitest belief that the Western nations need to be destroyed , This belief does not extend to those other nations which are celebrated and praised by our elites.
Trans national bodies such as the EU and the UN collude and actively encourage the demolition of Western culture.
The revolt is under way and we are now correctly described as being in a pre revolutionary situation. Brexit, the Visegrad Four and Trump are outliers of what will become a real and possibly uncontrollable revolution of the native working and lower middle classes.
It was all avoidable but the cultural marxists would have their way and play games with human nature and defy reality.
Trump might not win but the revolt is well under way and it has left our elites with nowhere to go but into tyranny. Many of them will feel uncomfortable doing so but they will justify it with the usual lies to themselves and to us.
This leaves the BBc and most of the rest of the MSM in a quandary. Sadly they chose sides long ago and cannot be part of the solution.
Cant say I am particularly surprised (especially when you see who is in her cabinet). The BEEB seems to have for ever been coming out with “If we leave the single market” I must be a bit thick but when I voted to leave the EU I naturally assumed that that included the “single market” but apparently not.
I believe she is just one small kitten heeled step away from saying “But of course to get this “deal” we may need to accept some limited freedom of movement” I am afraid Dave told me everything about “deals” with Europe that I need to know.
Maybe Theresa we could still pay a bit into the EU budget after brexit as well. Maybe we should retain the EU flag on our government buildings as it is so pretty. I also think we should allow Spanish fishing vessels to fish a bit in our waters as friends…..
And so it goes on. The EU should be called “The Hotel Brussels” – you can check out but you can never leave!
If that dont start our peasants revolt then nothing will.
Looks very much like it. May too is part of the problem. They nearly all are and it is this that makes the situation so dangerous. She will do the bidding of the elites. That looks certain.
I am feeling decidedly brushed-off but not surprised following my recent exchange with BBC Complaints…
Complaint sent on Saturday 29th: Justin Webb’s descriptions of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on the Today show this morning went like this: “This is a choice between a racist, misogynist, narcissistic thug and a woman who was secretive and possibly dishonest about her emails”. Let’s look at that a bit closer: According to Webb presidential candidate Trump IS, without any doubt, a racist, a misogynist, a narcissist and a thug. I assume he has documentary proof of these things as he stated that as fact, with no benefit-of-the-doubt or anything like it. Racist, misogynist, narcissistic thug – end of description, not for discussion, that must be the truth because Webb said so. Clinton however was painted in a much better light and only “secretive” and “possibly dishonest about her emails”. Doesn’t sound so bad, does it? I think anybody would agree that being possibly dishonest about a few (few as in 30,000+ emails) makes her seem almost saint-like when compared to Trump who IS according to Webb without any doubt, let me remind you, a racist, misogynist, narcissistic thug. Webb’s descriptions were blatantly anti-Trump and pro-Clinton and that, in my mind, is bias plain and simple. I look forward to receiving your email telling me that I am wrong, you got it “about right”, all journalists work to x, y and z standards, blah, blah, blah. Can’t wait…
Standard (automated?) response received Monday 31st: Thank you for contacting BBC News about our coverage of the US presidential election. We appreciate that you feel our reporting has been biased against Donald Trump.
We have covered the election campaign extensively, including the presidential debates, speeches made by the two main party candidates, their policy platforms, and criticism levelled against them. There have been controversial allegations surrounding both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and this has been reflected in our coverage. We have also reported on their responses to these allegations.
BBC News doesn’t have a view on which candidate would make the better president, nor do we believe there had been anything in our coverage that would indicate that we have. This is, however, obviously a huge news story, and as our audience would expect, our reporting has included scrutiny of both candidates.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
The BBC, never failing to miss the point when it suits them to do so.
I seriously think BBC complaints has a deliberate procedure for obfuscating and evading any useful action whatsoever. A while ago I had a technical issue with BBC transmission and trying to get a straight answer out of them was impossible. They indulge in a Kafkaesque circular illogic which is quite unique. Well… I say that, though it does have a sort of Soviet whiff to it.
I’ve re-read that several times just to make sure I haven’t missed something. But they haven’t actually dealt with the thing you complained about, so I’d go back and ask them to do so.
If the BBC had a consistent interest in politicians belief in “creationism” they`d ask all practicing Muslim politicians about this aspect of the Islamic faith.
That they don`t feel the need to do so….well that`s BBC bias my friends.
Dame Helen Mirren of Remain has producd a pro Hillary and Pro Remain video that is so bad that not even the BBC dare show it.
She tells the Americans to vote for Clinton and not make our mistakes as we did over Brexit. It’s for the sake of humanity ‘innit.
She was good in, Reds BUT that was a movie and not real. Why anyone, not suffering from a serious mental condition should give a XXXX for the opinion of a celeb’ is beyond me.
That celeb’s are given air time to pass on their views is very, very sad and says plenty about those who take it in.
I heard an interview with Robbie Williams on Radio 4 a few years ago. He was surprisingly intelligent and it was very interesting. They didn’t delve into politics, but he seemed coherent, self-aware, self-deprecating and had clearly given things a lot of thought – the complete opposite of his ‘joker’ public persona.
Compare and contrast with the likes of Emma Thompson, Lilly ‘get an immigrant to drive you, you dozy tart’ Allen, Bendoverinme Cabbagepatch and all the other BBC luvie favourites that espouse the ‘Why can’t all the people of the world share your money’ claptrap group think.
Have a bit of time for Robbie.
Reminded me of the 90s equivalent of Rod Stewart-one of our own who hit lucky and worked to get himself to the top.
Like Gazza, Harry Kane or Elton-we the people don`t have to like or agree with them, but they`re lads we can respect and see as being ours.
As opposed to the likes of Jeremy Hardy or Rory Bremner…who are the BBCs creations.
gaxvil, perhaps it shows that no one else has a proper opinion they would want to communicate. Judging by those that I know the attitude, ‘anything for the quiet life’ prevails. Wait until they are overwhelmed by the call to prayer in their locality, five times a day, every day, every month…………
Dear God! Even Halloween isn’t safe from the BBC’s left wing bias and need to shoehorn Islam into everything !
Selina Scott is intrigued and fascinated by the ghost stories she hears living in a rural community.
In the second of her three programmes for One to One, Selina talks to spiritual healer, Yasmin Ishaq who doesn’t believe in ghosts but in Jinn, supernatural creatures in Islamic tradition. She explains this phenomena to Selina and the devastating impact it can have on Muslim communities.
Three questions Thoughful: Where can we import container loads of ‘Jinn’ from and how quickly will the Jinn create a ‘devastating impact’? Is ‘Jinn’ an alternative to Pork?
‘Djinn’ll Fix it’ is among several suggestions I posted up a while ago for new BBC Islam-friendly programmes. (It could feature an unsavoury old presenter who helps youngsters realise their dreams of meeting Abu Hamza or joining ISIS.)
Other ideas included:
‘Tali-tubbies’ (Tinky-Winky is hurled from a Meccano crane)
‘Two Fatwa Ladies’ (delicious Halal feasts in Sharia-compliant premises)
‘Britain’s got Taliban’ (beardy Afghans compete to wail anti-infidel folk songs)
‘Are you being Sura-ed?’ (sitcom set in an Islamic bookshop)
‘Dad’s Jihadis’ (‘Don’t panic!’ yells elderly Corporal Jamal as his home-made suicide-rocket aimed at Tel Aviv misfires towards Captain Mansoor’s petrol bomb factory)
Here is one of those entertaining challenges where you can spot the extra characters inserted in a photo of at a Clinton rally. Someone has circled the person who has been repeatedly inserted. But look closer, almost everyone on the audience is a repeat.
One day technology will make it possible for the Question Time audience to consist entirely of identical characters – or is that beyond imagination?
I’ve just had a close look at that picture and if you also look at the bottom edge of the picture roughly in the middle, there are two bald headed blokes. They also appear in numerous different places in the crowd. I can count at least eleven! Very Odd!
Edit – Sorry Cheshire Rob, I didn’t see your post below! Apologies!
It looks like Ed Sheeran. He’s everywhere nowadays.
I’ve just noticed a guy with a bald head who’s in the picture several times also. Ohio must be a confusing place to live, with so many identical twins wandering around.
The longer you examine both photos, the more you see. I think I can see multiple shots of at least six people. Ginger one, bald man, blond hair, blue shirt, maroon top, dark blue top.
This looks like it was held in the entrance hallway of a church. Trump gets thousands at his rallies and he does 2 or 3 a day yet the msm dare not show the huge crowds only closeups of trump himself. Seeing this does not fit with the hilary is leading narrative. If she wins there is going to be a real backlash.
Notwithstanding his private jet to ferry him around, and delivering only slightly varying speeches in each place, you have to admire the sheer stamina of the man in his 70s, and his dedication to the task.
BBC gutted. Amber Rudd will not institute an enquiry into the Battle of Orgreave. All those opportunities to bash the Thatcher legacy, a favourite BBC activity, will be lost . However much publicity will be given to the shock and disgust of Scargillite Orgreave campaigners.
Good to see dear old Ann Scargill getting minutes on the BBC “news” last night.
Maybe a second payday here for Ann and the other Orgreave Ollies who hope to cash in on their chippy stupidity to follow King Arthur.
Who-funnily enough-got no mention last night on the news-not even that picture of his losing his baseball cap and risking a bald spot.
And they laugh at Trump?
Big Hated Arthur was the first Gucci Socialist, Degsy Hatton only copied.
Now then..any chance of the BBc getting Arthur out of his Barbican fortress( paid for by the idiot NUM)to speak to us again?
Ah the Miner’s Strike, brings back bitter-sweet memories. I was a police constable at the time and was present at Orgreave and other places throughout South Yorkshire. On one occasion, if I remember correctly dear Ann Scargill decided to obstruct working miners (at I think Rossington Colliery) by laying down in the road at the pit entrance. She lay there for about 6 hours unaware that the miners had entered the colliery by another entrance (at 5-30 am), and none of the police on duty told her. Bastards.
However me and t’wife managed to get two holidays in Jersey that year.
That`s right Scronker.
I was well on the other side of the line-and we knew that the police got holidays and house extensions out of the overtime.
Well remember speaking in Lincolnshire, hot bed of miners fury…not!
But I was a teaching union oaf back then, so had to stick my beak in up there-we brought velvetten trews and ruffled blousons from Hampstead and Muswell Hill up to the poor miners families…but could not stop in scabby Notts…so poor Barnsley kids got the rice cakes and moleskin pantaloons!
Utter crap-boy, was I a dick?
Glad you had a good holiday sir, and if you want a Chuckle Brothere reprise of my blather of “fightinFatcha” as you don the police outfit…as we speak of reconciliation and drawing a line under it all…then we could do a brief tour of Lincolnshire and Rutland, spinning tosh as McGuinness and Paisley did.
OR-how about a double-header on “The Reunion”-like any good lefty I can lie through my dentures as I spin yarns of your beating us all over the head with a rolled up Guardian.
The BBC would buy it, I bet!
Another day and another bad news story for the beeb, hopefully to continue into next week and beyond. Bodybags burnham and the rest of the shite that make up labour these days will be so disappointed. Expect lots of toys to be thrown out of prams. If anybody is interested professional manc Terry Christian is on the wright stuff on 5 all week and he is going to be well pissed off tomorrow with this news. The joy.
The court case dealing with the wrongful arrests at Orgreave was years ago and compensation duly paid out to 39 of the striking miners in “out of court” settlements.
Incidentally the BBC was accused of bias back then too….by the striking miners. On the BBC news they showed the footage in incorrect chronological order to present the Police action more favourably.
We might say that even then the BBC was representing the global interests of the international trade in cheap coal against the national interest of maintaining a national mining industry. This, of course was obscured by the Left v Right politics of the strike being played up.
Yes, there was an economic argument. Yes, there was also a national interest argument.
Arguably the resulting decades of alienation, stagnation, underachievement and social problems in the coalfield communities were not in the national interest.
I’ve a great ‘what if’ which can only be for someone as elevated as Ken Loach to ponder.
What if we had continued to support our mining industry and coal mining had continued apace into the ‘climate change’, ‘de-carbonisation’ era?
What then? Imagine a new Battle of Orgreave: on the one side anti-capitalist eco-socialists wanting to see the dirty atmosphere-polluting plant closed down to ‘protect the environment’ and on the other the miners and their working class supporting lefties desperate for it to stay open to protect mining jobs.
Mining jobs or the planet?
Maybe it would all be settled at Corbyn Central over a game of Leftie Top Trumps?
it is indeed real. And there are kids comments on the page.
But were talking about 10-11 year old’s and even younger have access to the program.
CBBC should not be promoting drugs and surgery to infant/primary school age children. It’s obviously the wrong thing to do. There’s no excuse.
The people involved should have nothing to do with children, never mind children’s TV. They must know it’s wrong, but don’t care.
The Breibart comments as always are succinct.
“The earlier you teach your children that everyone is different and that nobody is ‘normal’ the better.” –
These people have mental disorders. Exposing children to trans propaganda is child abuse.
The only way to deal with this is to refuse to discuss it and to understand that there is a definite cultural marxist agenda .As they are losing control of us their attempts to dismantle our society increase in ferocity.
‘CBBC should not be promoting drugs and surgery to infant/primary school age children’
Nay fear. All those likely to be swayed with access to Facebook are likely off to Glasgee to score a free fix, a pint of heavy and a quick nip ‘n tuck courtesy of the BBC promo there.
I would have thought it was quite simple. We have an enquiry into police behaviour at Orgreave when we have an enquiry into the strikers’ behaviour at Orgreave. Maybe it’s advancing years but I don’t recall the police going onto a bridge and dropping a concrete block onto a car carrying a working miner (granted that was not Orgreave).
As you say Anders it wasn’t Orgreave but like Orgreave the case of the murdered Welsh taxi driver was dealt with in the courts and resulted in criminal convictions.
A public enquiry would add little to our understanding of Orgreave or the issues around the strike.
It would further enrich lawyers and media folk though.
The assault took place in in S Wales and the labour MP, Kim Howells, was an exec in the miners union at that time. When he heard about the killing he set about destroying all the documents in the branch. Perhaps Labour and the BBC should demand an inquiry into why.
A public enquiry would add little to our understanding of Orgreave or the issues around the strike.
Maybe so, but what a great opportunity for the BBC to dust down its Memory Hole version of the miners’ strike, which includes the erasure of Scargill’s refusal to hold a national ballot.
Wow the BBC really are upset the Home Sec has not allowed the Orgreave enquiry. I wonder if they’re back on that old hobby horse that seeing as Labour are so crap, they are the only people capable of holding the government to ‘account’?
It never seems to occur to them that they have never stood for election and cannot be removed by market forces if what they are producing is not wanted by the public.
By sheer coincidence, Classic FM Labour News leads with Diane Abbott in full… ‘flow’. Be interesting how many are seduced by her oratory and the media support it garners.
Tony B Liar has called for a second EU referendum on the pretext that we didn’t know what we were voting for. On that basis, can we now have a referendum on repatriating all the immigrants that came into the UK since 1999 seeing as Labour’s mass immigration policy was not part of any manifesto and we have never been consulted on it.
Probably because the Hillsborough inquiry has set the bar. People now know that if you are prepared to wait you will get the result you want, by attrition if nothing else, not the result that is correct. It’s apologism dressed up as justice.
Well said seismic I still can’t understand why the Hillsborough inquiry entirely exonerated everyone that was a Liverpool fan on that day, even the Liverpool fans who turned up late (despite the tickets being printed with a message asking for people to be in the ground well before kick off time) and mobbed the gates demanding to be let in before pushing their way into the central pens.
Yes the police mismanaged the crowd, but some of the crowd mismanaged themselves.
Pointing this out however is “not justice”.
Like pointing out the out of court settlement between South Yorks Police and the pickets wrongly arrested resulting in financial settlements being paid out…..not mentioned in the BBC news story I saw last night.
I think the bar was set by the Mac Pherson inquiry, you haven’t got “justice” until you’ve forced a retrospective change in the law and got a seat in the House of Lords.
The BBC will never accept that Thatcher was elected because the country was sick to the back teeth of being held to ransom by the miners and other powerful unions, which included amongst other things being subjected to power cuts and a 3-day week.
There’s not much you can do without elctricity or any form of power (unless you were lucky to have a gas fire to keep warm) except watch how many differently-shaped shadows you can project on the wall using a flickering candle flame.
‘Who Governs Britain?’ was the slogan. And boy, did she.
If we tell them that we saw Savile on his unicycle round Easington Colliery at the very moment when Derek Ezra blew his papers into a fart shaped box…would that then allow the rest of us to get some real news whilst they flatten their boxers noses on a stationary coal merchants wagon from now until their welcome deaths?
Tell them its Coalisland where the “people allege” crowd are to be found on this one-thickies at the left will do the rest.
And then that anthrax test we halted when there were animals at risk on Rockall…why not refresh ourselves with that one?
Pointless, Monday evening. Clue given about Ceaser and his dates were given as BCE i.e. Before the Common Era. Thank goodness Bonaparte’s dates had no letters after them, neither AD nor CE. I thought this was a Christian country and therefore dates could be given as either before or after Christ. Multiculturalism being slipped in without people noticing.
Paxo uses the form on “University Challenge” too. It is the latest PC thing. All measurements on “University Challange” are metric now, and Paxo uses the term “given name” rather than “Christian name” or even “first name”, which just seems to confuse people.
The BBC follows the rules of all middle class revolutionaries since 1789; they refuse to use anything familiar and well understood, when they can appear edgy and up to date with things which are new and unwanted.
They would undoubtedly use the French revolutionary calendar if they thought they could get away with it. Today is 10th Brumaire in Year 225 by the way.
I find that it annoys people who should be annoyed (as often as possible) if I translate the terms CE and BCE to “Christian Era” and “Before the Christian Era”. After all the the change from one to the other is the nominal date of Christ’s birth.
Around three-quarters of the 583 people imprisoned on terror charges in the years since the 9/11 attacks have now served their sentences and been released from UK prisons, many still holding the same extremist beliefs that got them jailed in the first place.
Very surpised the BBC haven’t used this as an opportunity to interview some hand-wringing prison reformist so they can spout the usual ‘Yet more proof that prison doesn’t work’.
Or in other words, people who went in as Muslims and were allowed free access to practice their murderous religion with full government backing, then came back out as Muslims !
Poor old Kamal Ahmed, rapidly being exposed as yet another know-nothing vacuous BBC cub journalist. He wrote this about Mark Carney earlier today,’Certainly those close to him believe he is leaning towards staying for a full eight year term rather than the five years he initially signed up to.
And this morning The Financial Times reported that Mr Carney was “ready to serve” a full eight year term.’…and this…
‘Nothing I have heard over the last few weeks – and I have spoken to many people in Mr Carney’s inner circle – suggests to me that the governor wants to leave in 2018.’
Get yourself a new inner circle Kamal, this is now the headline,’Bank’s Mark Carney says he will leave in June 2019.’
I should probably be a little more charitable towards Kamal as the bit about not leaving in 2018 was technically correct but, given his relentless Brexit bashing, he deserves every piece of egg that lands on his face. Stand by for this to be spun into a scary Brexit doomsday story.
Good call Steve.
I too heard the BBC say that Carney would be going nowhere before 2020 or such.
This was to scotch any impression we had that he was a useless gargoyle of lefty privilege a la Osborne-and that the BBC elite and their contacts would ensure he goes nowhere.
None of that Brexit revenge stuff.
But within 18 hours…we hear he`s leaving early.
Where`s the BBC hack who gave us the Sunday night smarm…clearly knows all the wrong people if he hopes to do any kind of job.
But no-never apologise, never explain,truth is a BBC moveable feast of tittle tattle and back stairs billy blow jobbies.
Reel them in and ship `em out…thikfux.
Carney’s Chief Shill & PR Supremo Kamal Ahmed will do another year or two at Al Beeb then follow Stephanie Flanders’ path into a lucrative job with JP Morgan bank or similar. Naturally Ahmed will have Carney’s new number at the UN / World Bank / Goldman Sachs on speed dial, which will part of his value to any prospective future employer.
In the meantime don’t expect Ahmed to say anything that will frighten the horses or jeopardise his longer term career prospects.
Steve, the reality is, where could Carney go? His CV doesn’t look good with, now, a whole series of ‘failed’ against all his predictions. Problem is, if he remains, he is bitter and will hope to eventually be able to say, “I told you so!”. So, Head of the Treasury with an inclination to destroy the finances? He is a danger.
He should go now and take his chances in Zimbabwe or somewhere like that………
Not a good news day for the BBC. That pesky ‘Hillary and her emails’ story just won’t go away and now this:
These are the most damning lines in that piece:
‘The White House said it would neither defend nor criticise the FBI decision.’
‘The White House said moments earlier that it did not suspect the FBI’s embattled director, James Comey, of trying to secretly influence the election through his announcement on Friday of the inquiry. President Barack Obama’s spokesman said James Comey is “a man of integrity, a man of character, a man of principle and he has a very difficult job”.’
Looks like Hillary has now discovered who her true friends are.
Not even an Orgreave inquiry to bury bad news under. Oh dear.
7:30pm BBC1 Tonight’s Inside Out : Regional variations use Sky 958-969 etc to find channels
East Mids Edition (Sky 959, 960) Northamptonshire Police are working with 100 women who are believed to be at risk of being groomed into a gang. Now the police are working with former gang members to address the problem.
– Essex gardener trying to grow the biggest outdoor pumpkin in the country.
– We also discover why a Suffolk-based seed company paid more than £1,200 for a single giant pumpkin seed.
Inside Out Yorkshire and Lincolnshire
* Caroline Bilton reveals how opportunities were missed to stop a (Catholic Home) head teacher who abused boys in his care for decades *
– academies,
– man whose heart stopped while he was running a race, and of his remarkable rescue by three strangers.
BBC Inside Out South
Item 1 – Sandra has been scammed out of £59,000.
Item 2 – visit gardens by two gardening greats. Watch tonight .
Item 3 – on cycling safety and bike lights #cycling #bikelights
North East and Cumbria
– We chart Cumbria’s year-long flood recovery (also on NW)
– Why are paramedics spending weeks queuing in the north east’s newest emergency centre?
– Relive the moment a German Zeppelin was shot down over Hartlepool 100 years ago.
Inside Out South East
We discover how forged rail tickets are being sold on the ‘dark web’.
(R4 Y&Y reported how staff allow forged tix thru).
Inside Out London
– has filmed thousands of game birds being held in cages which can lead to injuries and premature death.
BBC Inside Out West (965 on Sky)
– Fears Hinkley B’s nuclear reactors might not be able to shut down in an emergency.
– It’s 200 years since Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Kubla Khan was published! Here’s poet Ian McMillan reading the whole poem at Coleridge’s cottage in Somerset.
Ah I saw the words “gang” “Women” “grroming” and thoufght it would be above Asian gang abuse.
As it happens it was about a Black woman switching sides (OK good on her)
She used to be part of it grooming girls on the street to carry drugs, now she goes into communities to get them to look out for signs and guide kids into proper jobs.
..However I’m guessing that the actual drugs operations are black gangs ..The prog seemed to sidestep that issue.
In Today’s Times
Pg 32 Israel moves to close its State broadcaster story
(They scrapped the licence fee last year and have been in process of reformation)
– Libby Purves lays in to youth campaign Undivided for behaving like a bunch of kids who DEMAND stuff ..and don’t think to thank oldies for anything.
– Pg15 :
Times used excuse of Jonathon Lynn (creator of yes Minister) writing a Brexit House Comedy play.. to lash into Trump. ‘He’s been living in US for 2 decades and is appalled by Trump’ “misogynist, liar etc.etc.”
BBC bias is across most platforms much of the time.
On Saturday p.m., I and others pointed out Clive Anderson’s opening patter against Trump on ‘Loose Ends’ on R4 from 18:15. This evening it was ‘The Unbelievable Truth’ on R4 from 18:30, hosted by Lefty David Mitchell.
The contestants deliver a speech full of untruths, with a few truths hidden in among them, and score points if nobody buzzes to point out the truths. Round One was on Donald J Trump, in which all the ‘good’ things said about him were obviously meant to be taken as lies, with a few strange truths mixed in. It was done to death and not very funny. No-one dissented of course.
Still, maybe some balance in Round Two? A spiel on Hillary perhaps, describing her as ‘straight’ (in both senses of the word) to the delight of the balanced audience? No, we got Lefty Jeremy #^(king Hardy on music, then someone else on weddings, then some Scottish Lefty on Oxford or Uni or something.
I brought this on myself by being stupid enough to listen (which I did for you, good folk of Biased BBC!) when all my prejudices about the biased traitor BBC had been confirmed by ‘Today’ from 7 to 9 a.m., reminding me of why I hardly ever listen to it these days.
The ‘Scottish Leftie’ was Fascist BBC favorite Frankie Boyle who has made his anti Semitic views widely known.
He has been on several BBC programs in the past, and has generated a number of offensive complaints which would normally see anyone else barred from appearing – but not Boyle.
He also got in trouble about his tax, he claimed he paid £2.7 million over 5 years meaning he must have been earning around £1.5 million a year. Nice to know how the BBC is spending your money !
Lets face it. The Miners Strike (which was illegal) was orchestrated by Arthur Scargill in order to bring down Margaret Thatcher’s Tory government. All the violence that I witnessed was initiated by Scargill’s rent-a-mob. Often when it all kicked off, many of the real striking miners melted away. We never hear, nor see, the injuries inflicted on police officers. Many suffered serious facial injuries, including fractures and burns (due to bricks, bottles and paint remover thrown into their faces). If there is to be an enquiry let it be into Scargill’s motives and conduct plus the NUMs Libyan (and possibly Moscow) funding. Also some of the head injuries inflicted on some of the miners were due to missiles thrown at the police from the rear of their own lines which fell short and struck miners between them and the police.
The only people who wanted an Orgreave enquiry are desperate cobweb blasted bittermen who have only smiled the one day that Thatcher died.
These are sad people, no miners club, no hope now…but they have the likes of Andy Burnham and Ian Lavery to regurgitate the bile.
All to get some semblance of purpose to their own fetid zombie shellsuit that is Labour.
All to get livings for their mates at the ECHR, Law In Action, Michael Mansfield etc.
All to remind their tribe of the hate crimes as perped by Thatch, as indulged by Brittain and MacAlpine…and keep them all on bitter life support until they`re routed in 2020.
Fcukoff Labour lying scumbutts!
Can we have a decent one into Mid Staffs now?
Wikileaks released emails show Clinton was being leaked questions by a CNN commentator/DNC chief that she would be asked at debates with Bernie Sanders. While being a paid impartial commentator for CNN.
BBC mentioned it on a quickly disappearing live feed [above], but i bet it won’t make an independent news report.
You have to admire her, she it utterly corrupt and shameless.
She has admitted it “was a mistake and i regret it” referring to her email setup. But she also says there is nothing new in the emails the FBI have from Huma’s server.
Well the wikileak email shows she was being fed questions prior to debates, so she is still continuing with her lies, as they are exposed around her.
It reminds me of the 30-40 year old blokes getting off the coach, as the libtards try to persuade us they are in their early teens.
Hillary has been repeatedly suspected of knowing the questions she was to be asked in the debates and she has been adamant that she had no prior knowledge.
With the sacking of the corrupt CNN journalist we now know that Hillary did have prior knowledge and has again lied through her back teeth. She had a duty to disclose that she was unfairly advantaged but instead said nothing and then lied when asked.
Why aren’t the media and our globally respected, world-class broadcaster leading with the story that Hillary is a compulsive liar?
I once made the mistake of browsing the BBC News Facebook page(it’s awful) and funnily enough something that I did notice was that one man’s name Fardad Farahzad appeared on every single post.
It seems he “Likes” every single post that is made.
Well, here he is and the BBC have made a nice, smiley item about him.
Oh, and it turns out he’s actually a BBC employee.
Whatever your feelings over Milo Yiannopoulos, he certianly puts the BBC in their place here. He knew what to expect, and when the BBC journalist attempts to frame questions in order to suggest that he’s an insane white supremacist, he catches them out. Worth a watch.
Lesson to the BBC. Your tactics are not working. Landing Milo with the charge that his argument about Islamic culture was racist failed. And that question – are you a white nationalist? – Milo saw it as a gift showing exactly how it is a loaded indirect accusation. And Milo’s point about how only the very stupid fail to distinguish between a joke and a statement of fact nailed our Beeboid as a fool
The state broadcaster ought to recruit from a wider pool than the university socialist societies.
I’m not a great Milo fan but I have to say that was a masterclass in how to use the BBC’s cultural Marxist tactics against them. It’s a great pity that some of our (rare) sensible politicians don’t take lessons from him.
I also highly suspect that we will never see this interview being aired on the BBC. The BBC were obviously attempting to do a hitpiece, and then selectively edit it in order to make Milo seem like a white supremacist. Unfortunately for them Milo knows the BBC all too well, so he had his people film it and then made the entire thing publicly available.
Razza – Milo’s genius is to make his right-of-centre, Alt-right views seem COOL, HIP, YOUNG PROGRESSIVE, EDGY, and the beeb seem regressive, devious, boring, grey, passé. There is a large element of fashion in political discourse and by seizing the mantel of the cool yoof that the beeb so desperately pander to, he turns the tables 180 degrees on beeboids. I am the future, he is saying, and you are finished. Yes!
Note when the odious beeboid implies he’s racist he shoots back: most of my boyfriends have been black! Unanswerable.
Very true. The BBC and other media organisations have long tried to subconsciously influence us into believing that Conservatism is the refuge of straight white males of a certain age. While the future belongs to these young, hip, “progressive”, liberals who will one day replace these old dinosaurs.
There’s clearly a great deal of panic in BBC towers now as previously ignored demographic of young conservatives, combined with another previously ignored group made up of disillusioned liberals, are being energised and being given a voice for the first time in generations. An inconvenient truth is being exposed, and it must be buried!
The hope is that it will die if Trump loses the election, but the cat is now out the bag. Once a movement gains momentum in cyberspace, even organisations such as the Beeb are powerless to contain it. It fills me with joy to see the BBC gradually beginning to realize that they are actually the old irrelevant dinosaurs who are trying to cling to an obsolete status-quo.
Razza, I have been thinking this myself for some time. The sixties liberals and their descendants who share their views seem to be looking more and more like dinosaurs unable to adapt to the harsh realities of a changing world. I suspect they are finally beginning to realise themselves that the phrase ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’ cuts both ways, and they don’t like it one bit.
Just heard Michael Goldfarbs piece on “The Unswayables”-the Trump supporters who`ll not listen to CNN basically.
The man honestly tried to make sense of it in part.
But, like all liberal media shills, he sees no other alternative to the liberal utopian version of their worldview.
Open borders, unfettered immigration and endless minority targeting for endless agitprop.
The call it heaven-looks like hell to the rest of us,but THEY don`t live among us do they?
My point?…Goldfarb only parrots what his elite seeks.
Trouble is that they see us-like Trump supporters, like Brexit voters-as lab rats in need of better pellets,mere pawns on their chess boards, saps in need of predigested pap as mediated by themselves.
They observe and survey, but refuse to listen or accept that any point of ours might actually be worth listening to.
He thinks us the victims of “gullibility and cynicism”-as Hannah Arendt puts it in her book on Eichmann and the Authoritarian Personality.
All as if the liberal left are NOT gullible, not cynical.
Displacement, projection and sheer hypocrisy. But pity Goldfarb-he really tried to be fair, but being a liberal leftie, he can only trot out his academic disdain for the rest of us.
Payback Nov 8th?
It seems that they really never will understand. But this is a feature of all ancien regimes. Perhaps this is a part of it. The failure to grasp what is going on leads inevitably to the regime’s fall.
Like leaves in autumn and as necessary.
It looks like the narrative is starting to fail completely. Once you lose the consumer’s trust, they will start to question the other bullshit you’re peddling:
I think the Beeb are preparing to start charging for a limited amount of advertising. They are greedy for money, aren’t they?
We have had one month of iPlayer isolation. I wonder how much of the £150m they hoped to pick up has been actually paid by JoePublic in order to pay twice for something already subscribed for?
Will they have the space among all the endorsements for Disney, Apple and any ‘celebrity’ with a book to sell?
Oh, and all the self-promotion. (Surely anyone who is a fan of ‘Strictly’ or ‘Bake Off’ knows exactly when they will be on and those that aren’t don’t want to see even a trailer.)
The self loathing at the bBC continues: (Remember the bbC is the state broadcaster) “Native English speakers are the worlds worst communicators”
The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more purposefully and carefully, typical of someone speaking a second or third language. Anglophones, on the other hand, often talk too fast for others to follow, and use jokes, slang and references specific to their own culture, says Chong. In emails, they use baffling abbreviations such as ‘OOO’, instead of simply saying that they will be out of the office. “The native English speaker… is the only one who might not feel the need to accommodate or adapt to the others,” she adds.
It appears that uttering allah ackba as their so called child asylum seeker rodgers them stupid is all the buggering british Childen workers feel the world needs to know. Bugger the English (which apparently quite a large number of bBC rapists have done) to the CS at the bBC, English is a dead language much better to order a latte with a plastic Italian accents, Pronounce words such as Mumbai, Israel (complete with hiss) Beijing. But that doesn’t explain why they never quote ‘Allah ackba’ on the news, it is always “God is great.” Funny that.
Peruvian and Bolivian Spanish is easy to understand at the market, cos most people there speak a different native language at home.
Whereas in the Spanish spoken at the market in Madrid, Venezuela, Cuba etc flippin tough to understand co it’s basically those peoples only language, they get bored of the simple form and fill it with jokes and jargon etc.
I use dialect in the UK, but I use special simple English when communicating with foreigners. It is noticeable that British people on 2 week holidays, don’t do that and so non-native English speakers do have immense difficulty in understanding them.
Stew – so, so right. And don’t forget the default British way of being understood in a foreign place, say the same words more loudly. For reasons I haven’t worked out the dialect in Green Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country) is far easier to understand (in Spanish) than in Andalucía.
Thinking carefully about how to express English sentences using simple, common, short words and construction is not rocket science but it does need a conscious effort.
I sometimes ‘drop in’ on French radio and if an interview is in progress it can be quite easy to spot the ‘foreigner’, even if their French is good.
The interviewee pauses before answering the question then delivers distinct, text-book pronounced words. The native interviewer will then burst straight into a response or follow up question, stretching words while they think, and packing them together to ‘catch up’ with the thought, (“ are youdoingnext?”).
It’s called familiarity and is a trait of all humanity.
A feature of the World Service, in the lost-lamented days of Patricia Hughes and when it was a department of the Foreign Office, was the relatively slow clear speaking, with perfect enunciation and in the Queen’s English, which was done in that way so that the maximum number of people around the world could understand what was being said, even if they had an imperfect knowledge of the language. In other words, in those sensible days, we accommodated the needs of the listeners. Not so now. The world Service, in the deluded hands of the BBC, is a sad creature indeed.
I find it quite possible to follow Marine Le Pen, who speaks very clearly. Jacques Chirac also used to be easy to follow in French. However, much as I enjoy French crime series such as “Spiral”, I can barely make out a word. I imagine it would be similar for a foreigner listening to a speech by Mrs Thatcher, but then trying to make sense of an episode of “The Sweeney”.
I must say I often find TV news people interviewing foreigners speaking English, and failing to take into account the fact that these people are not using their native language. The interviewer will talk quickly, indistinctly, and use slang, and yet expect the poor interviewee to follow what is being said. I suppose this is another manifestation of the lack of professionalism which is apparent every time you watch the TV news these days.
Rob, I’ve also noticed this. I find it particularly annoying. I’ve taught English abroad. I was an untrained volunteer in a developing country and a bit worried about whether I’d be any good at it. I always made sure I spoke slowly and clearly and didn’t use slang -and so was touched to hear from some of my pupils that they liked my lessons because of this – I found that a real compliment.
I suspect that today many so called ‘educated’ people live in a self-perpetuating globalist bubble where the majority of foreigners that they meet or correspond with are fluent English speakers, and therefore they assume everyone speaks English perfectly (and holds similar liberal/left views, probably).
I agree about interviewers not taking into account their interviewees’ needs. It is even worse when non-native Engish speakers are the interviewers. Just listen to Newsday, World Service from 0400, to be enraged at the idiocy of the BBC employing people who are deficient in every way (except, of course, fulfilling the diversity/ethnicity quotient).
Today the BBC hasn’t had time in many of its news progs to run the new Clinton emails scandal so will it have time to run this nice new, shiny, scandal?: Clinton definitely received leaked questions for the CNN Clinton Sanders debate. From a lass called Donna Brazile, whom CNN has immediately sacked, under lining that they believe it.
2 obvious points,
1. Why didnt Clinton flag this up prior to the debate?
2. Was she fed questions for any of the Trump debates?
And the question is: How long will it be until we discover that persons from the establishment media passed questions to Hillary Clinton’s team in advance of the presidential debates? It seems to me very likely this happened, given their track record, and the Brazile case lends credence to this supposition.
BBC Trending covered Project Veritas and Wikileaks stuff against Hillary.
No, of course not, the BBC show that covers what has trended over the last week doesn’t actually cover things that trend, but rather BBC-pet issues that trend.
Yet somehow the 20 million views the Project Veritas videos got during ONE week are not viral enough to report.
They of course had a long item on the sad story of vandalism of a US black lynching victim’s monuments.
..but didn’t mention the vandalism of property and monuments connected to Trump like someone smashing his Hollywood Walk of Fame star with a sledgehammer and a pick axe. etc.
– Ironic that LeftMob do online lynching of Trump all the time, and they think that is OK.
I notice that in the last 5 hours the £ has risen against the $.
Does this mean that Marmite will come down in price ?
Any economists out there who can tell us ?
Yes, possibly, in time, but on the other hand, perhaps not. (My answer to the final question of your post.)
Yes, possibly, in time, but on the other hand, perhaps not. (My answer to your first, directed at economists.)
In truth it was far too small a movement to have any significant difference. So that rather indicates that you were having a dig at the BBC and their reporting of matters economique, especially over the last few years and more so since 23rd June this year.
Yes Stew, Gert Wilders trial will lead to people questioning why he’s on trial at all and the smarter ones will (if they haven’t already) start looking at what he says from sources other than the mainstream, controlled press and TV.
There is no argument about what he says, that’s freedom of speech. The case is about whether his saying it should be suppressed, and whether freedom of speech should be abolished in Holland, and by extension, elsewhere in Europe and the west.
The BBC seem rather too relaxed about that for my liking.
Uhoh just been asked my opinion of Weather Watchers. I said it was a very British, Anglo-Saxon thing to do so I guess no more mentions on Shariah TV (BBC) anymore.
I must apologise in advance because this has nothing to do with the BBC, or even the MSM.
Or has it? Indirectly perhaps.
Assuming it’s true (I’m not a big fan of the DM), it does resonate in many ways. In particular, with the attitude of BBC Tax enforcers and that army of bossy, half educated, public employees or subcontractors who seem to be everywhere, telling is what to do with no effective right of appeal.
It was announced on the news this morning that a large number of Muslims (it didn’t actually say that) convicted of serious terrorist offences since 9/11 have now been released. Just as well they didn’t do something really serious like catch a bus without the necessary bit of plastic.
Wow, I thought bloggers here on Biasedbbc were angry! If you want rage have a look at the Comments after an article in the Express on migrant crime and crime stats! Hundreds of angry posts. The people are stirring, your time is up beebistan, hark the sound of guillotines in the distance!
We are losing control of the streets’ Merkel’s Germany descends into lawlessness –
GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing catastrophe over her failed migrant policy, according to a new report.
seismicboy, I looked at that idea some years ago and dismissed it as fanciful since there is not one jot of evidence to back it up. Whereas, look closely at the information in connection with and/or released by the UN and that’s another matter! In my view, it is the UN that is the current enemy of the peoples of Europe. It is the UN that is wholeheartedly in support of the Islamisation of the West and/or fill it up with ignorant, illeterate ‘hand-out’ Africans. It is the UN that oversees the taxi service from Africa to the EU. Indeed, it is the UN that gives free a backpack containing ‘essentials’ for the so-called, ‘refugees’ trip to the ‘chosen lands’. It is a vain attempt to dillute the West. It will not dillute the peoples of Europe – it will simply bring Europe down to the levels of those the UN favour to influence and replace the Europeans. You can see what’s happening throughout Europe right now. Check out what’s happening in Germany –
There’s an interview with 90s right on leftie band ‘The Smiths’ followed by a piece on the Sharia courts in Britain, and how ghastly it is that anyone might suggest it is a parallel legal system oppressive to women.
Cue a string of Muslims & Labour types to support them, and this after the BBC no so long ago ran a series of programs exposing these courts for what they are.
Makes me wonder if the Saudi Rial hasn’t reached the pockets of certain BBC producers and presenters.
I presume that Theresa has put a ban on her ministers speaking to the Today programme and that has left them extremely short of news – hence this recent spate of ‘music’ stories. Usually these non-stories are about people who were in bands in the early 1980s which reflects the age of the presenters (and possibly the producers) but for many of us are of total irrelevance as they about people we have never heard of.
Makes sense to me Deborah.
There simply is not enough politics for them any more.
Nobody will talk to them, who`s not an agitprop, regressive bore hoping to find a truffle by Saviles coffin.
Which is where the BBC and the LibLab Patsies are being buried by the day.
hence all the crap over Johnny Marr and Sharia journeys…Nuremburg or Rotherham, makes no odds to them.
As long as they`re not static at the BBC where we`ll be able to pcik them all up on old Detector Vans and then send them to Trump or Putin for renditions…
No news-no-one who matters wants to talk-so they blather and drool amongst themselves as if Toady was listened to by anyone but Heseltines nurse or Michael Mansfields skinny dipping latte bhoys.
Disgusting Stretch-Mark Lardell was clearly hypnotised and riddled in the mental illness ‘leftism’ for his psychopathic report on the Killary rally yesterday. The utterly biased, utterly intolerant, utterly bigoted Lardell and his fellow cultists at Al Beebistan are so far removed from reality and the views of people at home, it’s becoming hilarious to watch.
Compare and contrast team Killary’s reporting of this campaign…
Killary: completely innocent regardless of the facts and data to the contrary. Completely ignore all negative stories, however if unable to avoid, report the story already concluding that it’s nothing more than political gamesmanship from her opponents, and that it’s nothing of interest anyway. Use whatever statement necessary, it doesn’t need to be true, as long as it backs up Killary’s defence
Trump: All negative stories reported. No checks carried out to prove the integrity of the stories. Repeat them on every article about Trump or even when referring to him. Use constant negative and degrading statements and opinions against him. Use utterly biased and politically compromised opinions to slander him and as expert opinion. Start from the position of guilty and report until it may look like he isn’t… Then stop talking about it or use the lie as reference
Trump’s on course to win – and win big. He continues to attract huge crowds to his rallies (we’re talking 10’s of thousands here, folks, even though the regressive msm won’t show it or report it). The BBC is facing its second ‘Brexit moment’ of the year as they witness their ‘experts’, ‘explainers’ and ‘fact-checkers’ get it all completely and utterly wrong – yet again.
These are amazing times. The regressive left is losing battle after after and more and more people are waking up to their toxic mix of division, identity politics and intolerance.
Roll on Nov 9th! I just can’t wait to see the sad-faced clowns of the BBC and CH4 when Trump takes the White House!
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taffmanMar 6, 00:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 pugnazious The blame lays with the EU’s open borders.
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pugnaziousMar 6, 00:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Woke up to Today pushing the Robinson interview with Sunak [Campbell ejaculated on his show…’What a scoop!’…lol…no] and getting very…
taffmanMar 6, 00:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 My often posted message to the BBC….. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 BBC… ‘He [Trump] also appeared to threaten civilians: “Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not…
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Sarah Wollaston was interviewed by Nick Robinson on the “Today” programme. She was complaining that the government’s claim to be adding £10 billion to the Health budget was misleading, she claimed that £4.5 billion would be correct. Robinson rightly said billions, shmillions the public are bamboozled by these enormous sums. The BBC takes a rather different attitude to the Leave campaign’s £350 million “pledge”, where a penny less invalidates the whole referendum result.
Later Sir Martin Sorrell wisely chose to play up the threats of Brexit when interviewed on WPP’s results. He got an easy ride, it is an exceptional occasion when he escapes being grilled on his gargantuan earnings.
I think there is a significant difference between ‘earnings’ and ‘receivings’ NISA. What Sorrell actually does is preside in extreme comfort over an organised system of legalised extortion, much like the medium that promotes him as a valid spokesman.
NSPCC: ‘Children as young as eight have contacted the charity… Issues raised ranged from personal and family problems to concerns about Brexit, the US election and Syrian war’
I would advise these children to consume a little less BBC news output.
That’s odd, because when I was about eight years old I think all I was concerned about was kicking a ball around and playing Cowboys and Indians (oops, sorry – Native Americans!).
Oh yes!! Remember those little rolls of caps for your very own revolver? Weren’t they fun!
I’m triggered!
G isn’t for Gary is it ?
Absolutely not! Y’all….
Whatever you do, don’t change your name to Noon otherwise (you can guess where this is going!) people will shout out “Hi, Noon!”
I will now go and kill myself.
Ladies and Gents,
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a good, or bad, pun.
The anti-Trump BBC just can’t help itself. Even ‘You and Yours’ got in on the act today when discussing Hillary and Trump mask rentals with a shop assistant. The assistant said that Trump rentals were leading to which the BBC robot instantly chipped in with,’…but only in terms of rentals’. Maybe it is a form of Tourette’s and they actually can’t stop themselves doing it.
As it is Halloween Trump supporters should wear James Comey masks and crash Hillary’s next rally. I’m sure those fun loving democrats would see the funny side.
Er… no. They’d probably not get out alive.
“…when I was eight years old all I was concerned about was playing Cowboys and Indians…”
I was more interested in Doctors and Nurses 🙂
Yes but there is a shortage of Doctors and Nurses now.
Not true general! How about all the man children doctors from Syria? Oh yeah…sorry they are now saying that they are “12 year old” children with reseeding hairlines, crows feet and beards, because “I’m a brain surgeon/engineer/doctor” wasn’t working!
But you can’t blame them they are just following the scriptures : “Truly I tell you, unless you become like little children, you will never enter the United Kingdom.”
The modern left is as keen to destroy the old notion of childhood as it is to destroy the concept of marriage .All part of the urge to remake humanity in Gramsci’s image. Those of us who grew up during and after WW2 were not exposed to endless agonizing and news that quite frankly we ,as children, were not able to do anything about.
Parents protected us as they should from such things. The NSPCC is just another pressure group with an agenda.
The NSPCC, like many other former charities,is just another tax-payer funded quango. It keeps the gravy train-riding quangocrats ’employed’ and they earn their wages by appearing on the bBC et al as a pressure group. About time some buffers were put on the line.
My response to any of their High Street chuggers is that I gave at the office. Polite and accurate.
Just lately, there’s been a few mentions on bbc news programs of how the polls may be unreliable for super-wonderful, angel of mercy, Hillary stuffing the evil, stupid Trump, in the US presidential race.
Now the polls have been very clear. When the race between them began, Hillary had a double digits lead. Trump got that down to 4 points, but then fell away after the groping allegations before getting back to being 2 points behind. That was before the new Hillary email revelations.
On the BBC news progs they have been talking about glorious Hillary having consistent leads of 5-8 points, and is all set to rout the horrible Trump, I guess to build up their own support.
But here’s a thought: The BBC have been wrong on all recent elections, constantly building up their sides lead. So, in the BBC minds Brown narrowly won, Milliband won and the Remainers won. They held this position until real life grabbed them by the backs of their hipster shirts and rubbed their mindless liberal noses in the truth.
Are they preparing us in advance for the fact that they may be a little bit wrong?
The Clinton supporting CNN now put the noble Hillary just 1 point ahead of the hated Trump.
Even the BBC date no longer claim that polls are 100% accurate – they only produce a probability – and whether the difference is statistically significant is not being reported (sorry – I am going back to my University maths that is longer ago than I care to remember). A 1% lead is too close to really predict the result but I guess that CNN (like the BBC, not known for its support of Trump) would have hated to have reported a 1% lead for Trump.
There is evidence to suggest that the polls have been rigged throughout this election as every time Trump begins to get close, either the data is changed or the methodology for analysing the data is tweaked in favour of Clinton.
In addition, Democrat samples may be over-represented.
The point of the polls in these elections seems to be to give the public the impression that Clinton’s election is a done deal, rather than to give a view on the standings of the individual candidates.
The polls have been shown to be a worthless crock of shite, by 2 GE’s and the referendum..
“The point of the polls in these elections seems to be to give the public the impression that Clinton’s election is a done deal, rather than to give a view on the standings of the individual candidates.”
I think that was the plan, but the Democrats gave the game away last week when Michelle Obama made a speech urging Democrats to turn out to vote for Clinton because the election was closer than they thought.
I think the Democrats realised that the Trump supporters were going to turn out no matter what and it was the wavering Clinton voters who were likely to stay at home.
The BBC has no problem in understanding why Americans would vote for Hillary Clinton. That’s a given.
What the BBC seems to need to ponder is why would anyone vote for Trump?
And then the BBC looks into what can we possibly do about this abhorrent anomaly?
‘Who are Trump’s loyal army?
By Michael Goldfarb Writer and broadcaster’
It is all too much of a mirror image of the BBC’s reaction to Brexit. Vote against the BBC’s favoured cause and you are no longer a voter with democratic rights and independent thought and judgement. You are suddenly the subject of socialogical research and explantion then ultimately correction.
‘It’s not clear who on the Democratic side has the patience to give up the years that will be necessary to persuade these voters if not back to the Democratic fold at least to a position where compromise – and functioning government – is possible.’
If it were not so apparently reasonable it would be frightening – it is so very Orwell and 1984. Join us, at least compromise and go along with our ideas….
That item about “Trumps loyal army” is quite interesting.
Particularly this bit, “I taught in inner city schools for 30 years,” Cordova explained. “I was passed over a few times for promotion for a really good job because I wasn’t a minority and I was working at a school where the kids got free dental and optical treatment because they were immigrant children and I was having trouble affording it for my kids.” She acknowledged that made her resentful. “That’s a flame that can be fanned into hatred. You have to rise above it.”
Now ignore the use of the word “hatred” and what we see here is a description of the politically correct tyranny that is advantaging minorities at the expense of the majority…not on grounds of merit but on grounds of race. That is why people are in open revolt…..they have recognised that “equality” is a lie…..the programme is punishment and wrecking of liveliehoods on racial grounds… make liberals feel good about themselves.
Voting Clinton will deliver more of the same.
Your analysis is spot on.The mainly , but not exclusively, white majority ( soon to be swamped of course by invaders/immigrants) is being treated as second class citizens in their own countries. Amazingly this treatment is meted out by their own leaders and by the MSM. In the UK the contempt that Labour has had for its own voters for at least 25 years has at last been understood by those voters and Labour will deservedly pay a high price. But this contempt for white folks runs right across the globalist liberal left political spectrum and right across the West. The liberal elite have been contemptuous of their voters for years and in colusion with their tame MSM fellow travelers, have lied through their teeth about what they were up to. You rightly say that this is at the heart of what the likes of the BBC term the rise ‘populist’ movements across the west. We want to salvage what little these liars and fools have left us of our countries, cultures and traditions. We have had enough of their crazy policies and want them out of power.A Trump win and Brexit will be two notable victories over the liberal elite but they do not signal the end of the war of the ordinary folks v the elite.
The elite won’t go easily. They will use their power and the MSM to try all manner of dirty tricks to hold on to power. Trump may well be right about the election being rigged and even if he the next POTUS the elite will undermine him at every turn.
Two excellent analyses there, E and D. Resentment of the preferential treatment given to minorities – and it is overwhelmingly resentment and not ‘hatred’ as Cordova would have it – has been building for some time and has found an outlet in the Brexit vote and the US Presidential Campaign. This resentment has translated into contempt for an internationalist, global political elite who take us for fools and label anybody not in tune with their ‘progressive’ ideologies as racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, Little Englander, bigot etc. etc., destroying free speech and using the straitjacket of Political Correctness to make sure we stay censored.
Thankfully there are still enough sane people left amongst Western electorates who have not been brainwashed by leftist education systems and broadcasters to give democracy and common sense a chance of winning. We’ve done it with Brexit, but that can only be the start. The ‘one world government’ dictators-in-waiting have to be stopped now before it’s too late. I reckon Trump sees through it all and though I can’t take to some of his more extreme views (though at the same time I’m hoping these have been to effect a drastic and immediate shift away from the kind of mealy-mouthed debate we’ve had to endure from all political parties since Thatcher and Regan) he looks like the only politician who can free us from the tyranny of a leftist eco-socialist elite who don’t give a Flying Fokker for democracy.
What exactly are Trump’s “extreme views”?
Protectionist trade policies for one.
And that Mexican wall thing – made himself look an idiot. Didn’t even sound like it was tongue in cheek.
But overall, I support the reasoning behind his ‘Make America great again’ slogan which basically is to stop the US from sliding into the same eco-socialist, multiculti, open borders, undemocratic, welfare-dependent, Islam-appeasing mess Europe has become.
Milo meets a beeboid
He is very good indeed and it will take a very brave liberal to take him on.
Brave to the extent he will be gently ribbed by colleagues for being owned at the debrief, but in Beebworld he is still golden for getting the mantras out there and asking the questions that make the cut that is then sorted in post.
Mr Yianoppolous obviously understands media bias very well. I particularly like the way he points out that the interviewer wouldn’t ask a random person in the street if he or she was a ‘white nationalist’.
Clever lad, and not least in ensuring there was a separate record of the interview.
I wonder where this appeared and if and when it did/does, how the BBC filter reshaped it?
‘Some people would…’ typical of the BBC to say. As is the asking of a question, and concealing it as a mystery quote from an anonymous body, in making a statement.
Interesting that the BBC likes bright, serious, painfully right-on and varnished Eddie Izzard, but seems to be keen to trip up (rather failing) this bright, chipper, un-PC and actually witty but still courteous and calm fellow, making a fascinating contrast of confirmation bias in BBC production rooms.
Odd, isn’t it. A century or so ago, the novelist E.M.Forster could describe homosexuals as ‘unspeakables’. Now, it is totally the opposite, and a flamboyant homosexual (who would normally be celebrated by the mainstream media) is an ‘unspeakable’ because of his political opinions. It seems nowadays rather than ‘the love that dare not speak its name’ we have ‘the opinion that dare not speak its name.’
Spot on. Milo is brilliant and the BBC’s attitude towards him re-inforces something he has said a number of times about the hypocritical modern lefty; they only pretend to care about minority groups whereas their actions speak otherwise. Milo is persona non grata because of his views and nothing else.
I would love to see a debate between Milo and the on-message gay Owen Jones (darling of the beeb).
Watch this vid! MILO IS BRILLIANT and poor old beeboid doesn’t know how the hell to handle him!
He’s gay, flamboyant, sharp as a button, young, cool, snappy dresser – he should be one of OURS (meaning beeboids’)- a pc super-liberal – but instead he HATES US and despises all we stand for, spouts all this ‘right-wing’ stuff… doesn’t compute… we were not programmed for this… system overload… abort interview… system shutdown, shutdown, shutdown, shutd…
Notice how at 6m14s the Beeb try, in pretty disgusting fashion it has to be said, to equate opposing Islam with racism by asking if he’s a white nationalist. Milo was on it like a flash pointing out the obvious difference between culture and race and then goes on the attack, explaining exactly why they asked such a stupid question and ridicules it.
Milo is absolutely correct when he states that the “regressive left” (to coin his phrase) don’t know how to deal with him because the usual attacks simply don’t work. His greatest strength is not his humour, it’s his reasoned arguments based on empirical evidence. The humour is the sugar coating that makes it more digestible. What do the BBC have to fight him? Emotions, hypocrisy and lies. It’s no contest.
ITV 10:40 @tombradby is joined by @HackneyAbbott, @Emmabarnett & @KenLoachSixteen.
and a token non-lefty @tnewtondunn Political Editor of The Sun
#MSMBias (of course it’s Halloween !)
I’ll be watching Derren Brown on C4
Bradby must be on orders from high to have these three cretins on a panel together, either that or he has sold his soul.
Stew – It sounds like it’ll be a load of @bollocks!
In fairness, it is Halloween.
Headlines of Articles from the New Observer online for the last week of October 2016.
29 Oct 16. Mass African “Refugee” sex attack in Freiburg.
Seventeen African invaders attack on 2 white women.
26 Oct 16. Invaders already back in Calais.
25 Oct 16. Civil War possible because of Merkel.
Statement by leader of Austrian Freedom Party.
25 Oct 16. Italy: More Invaders than 2015 total.
More Africans invaded Italy so far with 2 months to go in 2016.
25 Oct 16. Mass Refugee/Terrorist Attack Averted.
German police raid 13 asylum-seekers residences in five states.
24 Oct 16. Muslim Invaders Protest at Colosseum
And so it goes on…but how the hell would we ever know about any of this from our main broadcaster?
Of course, we know why they won’t report any of this, but I do think the country needs to know more about this. According to the Beeb, all’s well in Europe – except for the Italian earthquake.
It’s a disgrace.
Since moving into my new property in spring the BBC has been sending me threat letters . I’m scheduled a visit at any time . The funny thing is they send the same letters on a bi monthly basis , so that means they’ve started six investigations and finalised six investigations .
In France, the State “secularist” authorities, are stopping Church bells from ringing in preference to the Muslim call to prayer, “It is happening everywhere in France”.
Coming to a UK town or City near you in the not-too-distant-future (certainly if the Archbishop of Canterbury or the BBC has anything to do with it)……….
One wonders what, if anything, would galvanise the people to rise up to stop the sickness spreading any further. Although it appears its probably too late.
25000 say yes in the UK
That`s 25000 sets of computer details and email addresses now held by HMG.
Keeps GCHQ in a job.
Only thing is, they are probably monitoring all those petitions!
embolden, a shopping list for those to deport asap come the day?
Nisa, whilst there is clearly a predominance of Asian Muslims at the BBC, I did not think they employed quite that many.
So that’s why York Minster sacked all the cathedral bell ringers.
G. In France, the State “secularist” authorities, are stopping Church bells(…)in preference to the Muslim call to prayer. ABSOLUTELY TRAGIC: those bells were a beautiful sound in French towns and villages. As for the second part of the headline, no comment necessary. Watch and weep for the demise of a once great culture.
The New “Justice” in Europe? Political Correctness and a fear of challenging Islam continues to make a mockery of justice.
Yesterday’s “Songs of Praise” was an “X Factor”-style contest for achingly diverse gospel choirs, complete with panel of trying-too-hard judges. The music itself was fine – although not what most of the audience would have tuned in for – but watching middle-aged white people jigging about in the manner of Kenny Everett’s Brother Lee Love was toe-curling.
Shortly after that came Countryfile. An appropriately seasonal and otherwise heartening piece about the Herefordshire pear harvest was marred by a PC comment from one of the presenters (Asian, female). An entry from a local farmer’s diary from the nineteenth century included a query as to whether or not boys should be taught how to do housework. “Of course we’ve all moved on from that sort of thing now,” tutted the presenter.
That was quickly followed by a brow-furrowing item on “slave labour” in fishing boats in UK waters. CF’s intrepid reporter joined a Border Force patrol vessel which stopped, boarded and searched a British fishing boat.
“Where do you get your workers?” asked the Border Force officer.
“I breed them,” replied the boat’s white and (apparently) British skipper: “They’re both my sons”.
The boat was then searched but no trace of slave workers was found. This item seemed completely out of place on Countryfile, which presents a peculiar PC version of the countryside in which nobody seems to shoot or fish for pleasure and diverse ethnic minorities abound.
Then there was a trailer for a comedy about Nigel Farage “getting his life back” after politics. An actor impersonating the great man stood at a pub bar, jacket & tie, pint in hand, wearing a side parting and being bluff and buffoonish. Any fair-minded broadcaster would by now have commissioned a serious bio-doc examining Farage’s life and work, and how he almost single-handedly pulled off one of the greatest coups in post-war British politics. Instead the BBC will be serving up a sneering piss-take.
It’s interesting to compare Al Beeb’s treatment of Nigel Farage (leads UKIP from nowhere, forces referendum, wins referendum) with that of Ed Balls (plays key role in trashing UK economy then loses seat) who now features in prime-time dancing and cookery contests. Balls’ supposed duties as a Harvard professor can’t be especially onerous. Apparently Balls plays the piano too. I guess the Beeb’s is to set him up as a Denis Healey for our times.
Switched over to Channel 4 news (another publicly owned broadcaster). Yet another Asian female presenter, this one wearing a hijab.
Then BBC News at 10 (OK I watched a lot of telly yesterday!).
Headline was about Clinton emails. No word (literally none at all) about what exactly HRC might have done wrong, or its possible consequences for US national security. Lots of words about the possibility that the FBI Director might himself have broken the law by going public at this stage in the US election cycle.
Then an item about Nissan’s decision to stay in the UK “despite Brexit”. Al Beeb’s line was that the only possible reason that Nissan could have decided to stay in the UK if HMG had offered Nissan some sort of bribe.
Later we had a piece about Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s impending announcement as to whether or not there would be a public enquiry into Orgreave. The flying pickets of Orgreave – whose purpose was to bully and intimidate miners who might have wanted to exercise their legal right to work, which wasn’t mentioned – might as well have been the Tolpuddle Martyrs. How much might such an enquiry cost? What might it achieve? These questions went unsaid.
Poldark provided an hour of light relief, although it annoys me that the original novel was written by Winston Graham, father of Oxford don Andrew Graham who taught James Purnell, Stephanie Flanders, Yvette Cooper, Stephen Twigg and many more of that ilk. But I claim no conspiracy theory, and admit that Graham must have taught a few right-wingers too.
Radio 4 Today was in full “despite Brexit” mode this morning, with Kamal Ahmed and Aussie Dom giving it both Economic and Business barrels. Aussie Dom desperately fished for anti-Brexit quotes from a tech investor guest. He suggested that Brexit would be bad for UK universities which would be bad for tech businesses, and that a “hard Brexit” which ended the UK’s access to the open market would also damage them. When his guest replied that British entrepreneurs had traded successfully world-wide before the EU and would likely continue to do so afterwards, Aussie Dom complimented her response as “very diplomatic”. Was that a euphemism for “disingenuous”? Sounded like it to me.
Much speculation about Mark Carney. Will the Governor of the Bank of England stay, or will he go? Nick Robinson asked Carney’s Chief Shill & PR Supremo Kamal Ahmed whether he knew if the Governor would be stepping down or not. “Possibly not,” said Ahmed. What BS! Ahmed knows perfectly well what Carney’s plans are. What Ahmed cannot do at this point is admit that he knows, hence his weasel reply. Daniel Hannan cut through the crap as usual: even if one didn’t accept that Carney had compromised his supposed political neutrality in the run-up to the referendum, Carney had been OBJECTIVELY WRONG about the consequences of an exit vote. Yes the pound was down, but economic growth, the stock market and employment were all up.
I didn’t catch much of the rest of the programme, but did catch dark (although completely unsubstantiated and without example, natch) hints that the FBI surely had plenty of sh*t on Trump so it was terribly unfair of them not to release it.
On and on it goes. The bias is well-established and pervades well beyond “news”. I have a feeling I could write a similar post tomorrow morning, before I’ve watched tonight’s TV or listened to tomorrow morning’s Today.
An excellent post and, as you say, one that could be written almost every day. We must hope that one day we have a government with sufficient backbone to do something about this cultural Marxist monoculture.
Tom Kenney, you missed out on Countryfile the push for rambling ‘in aid of Children in Need’. Those of us living in the country dislike those who don’t know or chose to know the countryside rules. Countryfile presenters could have reminded people that they don’t have the right to roam everywhere, that gates where they open them should be closed behind them; litter should not be dropped, that dogs should be kept on a lead when walking near sheep and cattle, etc etc. But the BBC as usual have an agenda to keep to, and having the right to ramble anywhere just fits the metropolitan left wing agenda to a ‘t’.
Top class post, Tom!
I start every day thinking that I couldn’t possibly hate the BBC any more than I do, and every day they prove me wrong.
First class post: you’ve basically explained why I have, more or less, given up viewing/listening to the BBC product. Since the Brexit vote – actually since the Conservative election win last year – the bias is now completely undisguised. The propagandising of the Narrative – together with the packaging of lies by commission or editorial omission – is everywhere. And it’s not just the news and documentary output together with the rest of the educative and information remit which is wholly corrupt, but also the “entertainment” part of the BBC’s trinity of Reithian ambitions.
It’s not enough to point this out on blogs such as this one – that’s the easy bit. Refusal to pay the telly tax and an active campaign to close down the whole organisation are required. It took UKIP, what, 25 years to get from foundation to referendum in the face of, at first, media uninterest and then latterly (as its stance gained national purchase) media contempt and abuse. I’ve no idea how long it will take to destroy the BBC but it’ll be the work of a generation or longer. Until it disappears the BBC will continue to rot the soul of the UK.
Tom, thanks for letting me know what I missed on Sunday night telly. Nowadays I prefer to spend Sunday nights at Choral Evensong at my parish church, (the traditional English service largely unchanged since its beginnings in 1662) followed by a bit of web surfing with a glass of wine or two. Last night we had a good sermon about the seventeenth century poet John Donne. I find this kind of thing far, far more life-affirming than PC drivel on the telly.
You have the stamina of an ox to put yourself through that marathon and still be to write such a good post. When you step back from it all and then itemise as you have done , the whole is even worse than the individual parts. A truly synergistic pile of leftist tripe served up by the state funded broadcaster on a daily 24/7 basis.
Hells Bells Tom. I admire your stamina to go through a whole day of that shite!
Great post Tom.
Very much the BBC paintball/scatter gun drive-bys we`ve all come to know and despise.
One liberal bit of crap-turn over to Ch 4-same or related bit of crap.
As for NEWS-as in things that
a)actually happened
b) actually have meaning to us
c) might need revisiting because they matter
All the above is hyperbole, speculation, wish fishing and vogues to make themselves feel good, seem good to their colleagues.
Wall to wall, day to night crap…and the liberal medias opinion on every liberal meme and hot air balloon is totally telegraphed and aimed at Islam, Clinton, Labour, EU continuation and-of course-the self regarding pioneering and endless need and love for/from the BBC.
Outstanding post!!
“German Streets Descend into Lawlessness – We are losing control of the streets”. “Local police in many parts of the country admit that they are stretched to the limit and are unable to maintain law and order.”
Welcome to Germany –
Break out the arms – surely the German people have a right to protect themselves if the Police cannot?
A BBC report on the subject? I really don’t think so!
I’m sure that any European who dares to defend themselves against the immigrant invaders will be immediately arrested and subsequently imprisoned. Of course this doesn’t work in reverse, Muslims have special place in the hearts of the ruling elite. We are living in interesting but dangerous times, the democratically elected rulers in Europe are using the state power to persecute their own people if those people dare to oppose the planned demise of their country , culture and civilisation.And the MSM is with the government one hundred percent. People can only express their fear via the ballot box but which party represents the people?
This is the crux of the matter concerning the crisis facing the West. Our governments have conspired against us over three main matters. These are;
1. The removal of our jobs and in particular the better paid jobs to the developing world and others .Entirely for enriching the few and without regard for social costs.
2. Unrestricted ( despite lies to the contrary) immigration of labour to depress incomes again entirely for the benefit of the few.
3. This same immigration without regard to the problems of mixing peoples and cultures that have little in common. This creating an existential crisis in the West.
In addition the monetary policies have been designed for the benefit of the elites.
There seems to be an elitest belief that the Western nations need to be destroyed , This belief does not extend to those other nations which are celebrated and praised by our elites.
Trans national bodies such as the EU and the UN collude and actively encourage the demolition of Western culture.
The revolt is under way and we are now correctly described as being in a pre revolutionary situation. Brexit, the Visegrad Four and Trump are outliers of what will become a real and possibly uncontrollable revolution of the native working and lower middle classes.
It was all avoidable but the cultural marxists would have their way and play games with human nature and defy reality.
Trump might not win but the revolt is well under way and it has left our elites with nowhere to go but into tyranny. Many of them will feel uncomfortable doing so but they will justify it with the usual lies to themselves and to us.
This leaves the BBc and most of the rest of the MSM in a quandary. Sadly they chose sides long ago and cannot be part of the solution.
Dave it appears that “The Appeaser is finally showing her true colours. And the remain sleight of hand begins.
Cant say I am particularly surprised (especially when you see who is in her cabinet). The BEEB seems to have for ever been coming out with “If we leave the single market” I must be a bit thick but when I voted to leave the EU I naturally assumed that that included the “single market” but apparently not.
I believe she is just one small kitten heeled step away from saying “But of course to get this “deal” we may need to accept some limited freedom of movement” I am afraid Dave told me everything about “deals” with Europe that I need to know.
Maybe Theresa we could still pay a bit into the EU budget after brexit as well. Maybe we should retain the EU flag on our government buildings as it is so pretty. I also think we should allow Spanish fishing vessels to fish a bit in our waters as friends…..
And so it goes on. The EU should be called “The Hotel Brussels” – you can check out but you can never leave!
If that dont start our peasants revolt then nothing will.
See you on the barricades!
Looks very much like it. May too is part of the problem. They nearly all are and it is this that makes the situation so dangerous. She will do the bidding of the elites. That looks certain.
I am feeling decidedly brushed-off but not surprised following my recent exchange with BBC Complaints…
Complaint sent on Saturday 29th:
Justin Webb’s descriptions of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on the Today show this morning went like this: “This is a choice between a racist, misogynist, narcissistic thug and a woman who was secretive and possibly dishonest about her emails”. Let’s look at that a bit closer: According to Webb presidential candidate Trump IS, without any doubt, a racist, a misogynist, a narcissist and a thug. I assume he has documentary proof of these things as he stated that as fact, with no benefit-of-the-doubt or anything like it. Racist, misogynist, narcissistic thug – end of description, not for discussion, that must be the truth because Webb said so. Clinton however was painted in a much better light and only “secretive” and “possibly dishonest about her emails”. Doesn’t sound so bad, does it? I think anybody would agree that being possibly dishonest about a few (few as in 30,000+ emails) makes her seem almost saint-like when compared to Trump who IS according to Webb without any doubt, let me remind you, a racist, misogynist, narcissistic thug. Webb’s descriptions were blatantly anti-Trump and pro-Clinton and that, in my mind, is bias plain and simple. I look forward to receiving your email telling me that I am wrong, you got it “about right”, all journalists work to x, y and z standards, blah, blah, blah. Can’t wait…
Standard (automated?) response received Monday 31st:
Thank you for contacting BBC News about our coverage of the US presidential election. We appreciate that you feel our reporting has been biased against Donald Trump.
We have covered the election campaign extensively, including the presidential debates, speeches made by the two main party candidates, their policy platforms, and criticism levelled against them. There have been controversial allegations surrounding both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and this has been reflected in our coverage. We have also reported on their responses to these allegations.
BBC News doesn’t have a view on which candidate would make the better president, nor do we believe there had been anything in our coverage that would indicate that we have. This is, however, obviously a huge news story, and as our audience would expect, our reporting has included scrutiny of both candidates.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
The BBC, never failing to miss the point when it suits them to do so.
I seriously think BBC complaints has a deliberate procedure for obfuscating and evading any useful action whatsoever. A while ago I had a technical issue with BBC transmission and trying to get a straight answer out of them was impossible. They indulge in a Kafkaesque circular illogic which is quite unique. Well… I say that, though it does have a sort of Soviet whiff to it.
I’ve re-read that several times just to make sure I haven’t missed something. But they haven’t actually dealt with the thing you complained about, so I’d go back and ask them to do so.
That is my plan!
In the Palin election Webb said that she was a creationist.
I persisted and persisted and finally admitted they could not justify it, BUT, as ever with the BBC, the damage intended was done.
Stick with it to the end. At least it ties up resources.
If the BBC had a consistent interest in politicians belief in “creationism” they`d ask all practicing Muslim politicians about this aspect of the Islamic faith.
That they don`t feel the need to do so….well that`s BBC bias my friends.
Dame Helen Mirren of Remain has producd a pro Hillary and Pro Remain video that is so bad that not even the BBC dare show it.
She tells the Americans to vote for Clinton and not make our mistakes as we did over Brexit. It’s for the sake of humanity ‘innit.
I quite liked her in the 80s, when she used to get naked in every art house film she was in. Nowadays, less so.
She was good in, Reds BUT that was a movie and not real. Why anyone, not suffering from a serious mental condition should give a XXXX for the opinion of a celeb’ is beyond me.
That celeb’s are given air time to pass on their views is very, very sad and says plenty about those who take it in.
I heard an interview with Robbie Williams on Radio 4 a few years ago. He was surprisingly intelligent and it was very interesting. They didn’t delve into politics, but he seemed coherent, self-aware, self-deprecating and had clearly given things a lot of thought – the complete opposite of his ‘joker’ public persona.
Compare and contrast with the likes of Emma Thompson, Lilly ‘get an immigrant to drive you, you dozy tart’ Allen, Bendoverinme Cabbagepatch and all the other BBC luvie favourites that espouse the ‘Why can’t all the people of the world share your money’ claptrap group think.
Have a bit of time for Robbie.
Reminded me of the 90s equivalent of Rod Stewart-one of our own who hit lucky and worked to get himself to the top.
Like Gazza, Harry Kane or Elton-we the people don`t have to like or agree with them, but they`re lads we can respect and see as being ours.
As opposed to the likes of Jeremy Hardy or Rory Bremner…who are the BBCs creations.
Funnily enough a week or two back I heard Robbie Williams interviewed on Radio Scotland and was impressed with his thoughtfulness and eloquence
gaxvil, perhaps it shows that no one else has a proper opinion they would want to communicate. Judging by those that I know the attitude, ‘anything for the quiet life’ prevails. Wait until they are overwhelmed by the call to prayer in their locality, five times a day, every day, every month…………
Last time I gave any credence to a celebrity’s politics was Bob Dylan in the 60s. Then again, I was only 15 at the time.
Dear God! Even Halloween isn’t safe from the BBC’s left wing bias and need to shoehorn Islam into everything !
Selina Scott is intrigued and fascinated by the ghost stories she hears living in a rural community.
In the second of her three programmes for One to One, Selina talks to spiritual healer, Yasmin Ishaq who doesn’t believe in ghosts but in Jinn, supernatural creatures in Islamic tradition. She explains this phenomena to Selina and the devastating impact it can have on Muslim communities.
Producer: Perminder Khatkar
Three questions Thoughful: Where can we import container loads of ‘Jinn’ from and how quickly will the Jinn create a ‘devastating impact’? Is ‘Jinn’ an alternative to Pork?
Does it go well with tonic?
‘Djinn’ll Fix it’ is among several suggestions I posted up a while ago for new BBC Islam-friendly programmes. (It could feature an unsavoury old presenter who helps youngsters realise their dreams of meeting Abu Hamza or joining ISIS.)
Other ideas included:
‘Tali-tubbies’ (Tinky-Winky is hurled from a Meccano crane)
‘Two Fatwa Ladies’ (delicious Halal feasts in Sharia-compliant premises)
‘Britain’s got Taliban’ (beardy Afghans compete to wail anti-infidel folk songs)
‘Are you being Sura-ed?’ (sitcom set in an Islamic bookshop)
‘Dad’s Jihadis’ (‘Don’t panic!’ yells elderly Corporal Jamal as his home-made suicide-rocket aimed at Tel Aviv misfires towards Captain Mansoor’s petrol bomb factory)
Here is one of those entertaining challenges where you can spot the extra characters inserted in a photo of at a Clinton rally. Someone has circled the person who has been repeatedly inserted. But look closer, almost everyone on the audience is a repeat.
One day technology will make it possible for the Question Time audience to consist entirely of identical characters – or is that beyond imagination?
Good catch GWF.
Killer clowns?
Send in the Clones more like.
I’ve just had a close look at that picture and if you also look at the bottom edge of the picture roughly in the middle, there are two bald headed blokes. They also appear in numerous different places in the crowd. I can count at least eleven! Very Odd!
Edit – Sorry Cheshire Rob, I didn’t see your post below! Apologies!
It looks like Ed Sheeran. He’s everywhere nowadays.
I’ve just noticed a guy with a bald head who’s in the picture several times also. Ohio must be a confusing place to live, with so many identical twins wandering around.
I had to look for it. This is the original photo without the additions
Bloody Hell! How blatant can they get?
The longer you examine both photos, the more you see. I think I can see multiple shots of at least six people. Ginger one, bald man, blond hair, blue shirt, maroon top, dark blue top.
This looks like it was held in the entrance hallway of a church. Trump gets thousands at his rallies and he does 2 or 3 a day yet the msm dare not show the huge crowds only closeups of trump himself. Seeing this does not fit with the hilary is leading narrative. If she wins there is going to be a real backlash.
Notwithstanding his private jet to ferry him around, and delivering only slightly varying speeches in each place, you have to admire the sheer stamina of the man in his 70s, and his dedication to the task.
Thanks to Millenial Millie who was at the rally and gives us the video
Twitter account @Millie_Weaver has been suspended!
Where did this picture appear?
BBC gutted. Amber Rudd will not institute an enquiry into the Battle of Orgreave. All those opportunities to bash the Thatcher legacy, a favourite BBC activity, will be lost . However much publicity will be given to the shock and disgust of Scargillite Orgreave campaigners.
Good to see dear old Ann Scargill getting minutes on the BBC “news” last night.
Maybe a second payday here for Ann and the other Orgreave Ollies who hope to cash in on their chippy stupidity to follow King Arthur.
Who-funnily enough-got no mention last night on the news-not even that picture of his losing his baseball cap and risking a bald spot.
And they laugh at Trump?
Big Hated Arthur was the first Gucci Socialist, Degsy Hatton only copied.
Now then..any chance of the BBc getting Arthur out of his Barbican fortress( paid for by the idiot NUM)to speak to us again?
Ah the Miner’s Strike, brings back bitter-sweet memories. I was a police constable at the time and was present at Orgreave and other places throughout South Yorkshire. On one occasion, if I remember correctly dear Ann Scargill decided to obstruct working miners (at I think Rossington Colliery) by laying down in the road at the pit entrance. She lay there for about 6 hours unaware that the miners had entered the colliery by another entrance (at 5-30 am), and none of the police on duty told her. Bastards.
However me and t’wife managed to get two holidays in Jersey that year.
That`s right Scronker.
I was well on the other side of the line-and we knew that the police got holidays and house extensions out of the overtime.
Well remember speaking in Lincolnshire, hot bed of miners fury…not!
But I was a teaching union oaf back then, so had to stick my beak in up there-we brought velvetten trews and ruffled blousons from Hampstead and Muswell Hill up to the poor miners families…but could not stop in scabby Notts…so poor Barnsley kids got the rice cakes and moleskin pantaloons!
Utter crap-boy, was I a dick?
Glad you had a good holiday sir, and if you want a Chuckle Brothere reprise of my blather of “fightinFatcha” as you don the police outfit…as we speak of reconciliation and drawing a line under it all…then we could do a brief tour of Lincolnshire and Rutland, spinning tosh as McGuinness and Paisley did.
OR-how about a double-header on “The Reunion”-like any good lefty I can lie through my dentures as I spin yarns of your beating us all over the head with a rolled up Guardian.
The BBC would buy it, I bet!
Another day and another bad news story for the beeb, hopefully to continue into next week and beyond. Bodybags burnham and the rest of the shite that make up labour these days will be so disappointed. Expect lots of toys to be thrown out of prams. If anybody is interested professional manc Terry Christian is on the wright stuff on 5 all week and he is going to be well pissed off tomorrow with this news. The joy.
The court case dealing with the wrongful arrests at Orgreave was years ago and compensation duly paid out to 39 of the striking miners in “out of court” settlements.
Incidentally the BBC was accused of bias back then too….by the striking miners. On the BBC news they showed the footage in incorrect chronological order to present the Police action more favourably.
We might say that even then the BBC was representing the global interests of the international trade in cheap coal against the national interest of maintaining a national mining industry. This, of course was obscured by the Left v Right politics of the strike being played up.
Yes, there was an economic argument. Yes, there was also a national interest argument.
Arguably the resulting decades of alienation, stagnation, underachievement and social problems in the coalfield communities were not in the national interest.
I’ve a great ‘what if’ which can only be for someone as elevated as Ken Loach to ponder.
What if we had continued to support our mining industry and coal mining had continued apace into the ‘climate change’, ‘de-carbonisation’ era?
What then? Imagine a new Battle of Orgreave: on the one side anti-capitalist eco-socialists wanting to see the dirty atmosphere-polluting plant closed down to ‘protect the environment’ and on the other the miners and their working class supporting lefties desperate for it to stay open to protect mining jobs.
Mining jobs or the planet?
Maybe it would all be settled at Corbyn Central over a game of Leftie Top Trumps?
What a dilemma, Ken! Go on, gizza drama!
Pure genius. It’s not easy being a lefty activist, so many conundrums.
Cheers Steve.
BBC Radio trail – The Announcer, in a voice conveying utter consternation “Michael Goldfarb(?) explains why someone might vote for Donald Trump?”
I don’t know if this has already been mentioned, and i thought the breibart report might be a joke. But
it is indeed real. And there are kids comments on the page.
But were talking about 10-11 year old’s and even younger have access to the program.
CBBC should not be promoting drugs and surgery to infant/primary school age children. It’s obviously the wrong thing to do. There’s no excuse.
The people involved should have nothing to do with children, never mind children’s TV. They must know it’s wrong, but don’t care.
The Breibart comments as always are succinct.
“The earlier you teach your children that everyone is different and that nobody is ‘normal’ the better.” –
These people have mental disorders. Exposing children to trans propaganda is child abuse.
Demands an inquiry – not by the BBC.
The only way to deal with this is to refuse to discuss it and to understand that there is a definite cultural marxist agenda .As they are losing control of us their attempts to dismantle our society increase in ferocity.
Then the BBC are quick off the mark to triumphantly regurgitate the NSPCC’s claims that young kids are getting stressed out by Brexit and Trump.
Their lack of self-awareness is de-speechifyingly gobsmacking.
‘CBBC should not be promoting drugs and surgery to infant/primary school age children’
Nay fear. All those likely to be swayed with access to Facebook are likely off to Glasgee to score a free fix, a pint of heavy and a quick nip ‘n tuck courtesy of the BBC promo there.
I see al-beeb have opened their bulk box of poppies.
I would have thought it was quite simple. We have an enquiry into police behaviour at Orgreave when we have an enquiry into the strikers’ behaviour at Orgreave. Maybe it’s advancing years but I don’t recall the police going onto a bridge and dropping a concrete block onto a car carrying a working miner (granted that was not Orgreave).
As you say Anders it wasn’t Orgreave but like Orgreave the case of the murdered Welsh taxi driver was dealt with in the courts and resulted in criminal convictions.
A public enquiry would add little to our understanding of Orgreave or the issues around the strike.
It would further enrich lawyers and media folk though.
The assault took place in in S Wales and the labour MP, Kim Howells, was an exec in the miners union at that time. When he heard about the killing he set about destroying all the documents in the branch. Perhaps Labour and the BBC should demand an inquiry into why.
A public enquiry would add little to our understanding of Orgreave or the issues around the strike.
Maybe so, but what a great opportunity for the BBC to dust down its Memory Hole version of the miners’ strike, which includes the erasure of Scargill’s refusal to hold a national ballot.
Wow the BBC really are upset the Home Sec has not allowed the Orgreave enquiry. I wonder if they’re back on that old hobby horse that seeing as Labour are so crap, they are the only people capable of holding the government to ‘account’?
It never seems to occur to them that they have never stood for election and cannot be removed by market forces if what they are producing is not wanted by the public.
Labour’s PR chief has moved swiftly…
Comments so far could be going better for her, the BBC and the opportunistic bunch of saddos they support.
By sheer coincidence, Classic FM Labour News leads with Diane Abbott in full… ‘flow’. Be interesting how many are seduced by her oratory and the media support it garners.
Em Why didn’t Labour hold an inquiry during the 10 years they were in office then ?
Do tell us Abbott ?
Tony B Liar has called for a second EU referendum on the pretext that we didn’t know what we were voting for. On that basis, can we now have a referendum on repatriating all the immigrants that came into the UK since 1999 seeing as Labour’s mass immigration policy was not part of any manifesto and we have never been consulted on it.
Probably because the Hillsborough inquiry has set the bar. People now know that if you are prepared to wait you will get the result you want, by attrition if nothing else, not the result that is correct. It’s apologism dressed up as justice.
Well said seismic I still can’t understand why the Hillsborough inquiry entirely exonerated everyone that was a Liverpool fan on that day, even the Liverpool fans who turned up late (despite the tickets being printed with a message asking for people to be in the ground well before kick off time) and mobbed the gates demanding to be let in before pushing their way into the central pens.
Yes the police mismanaged the crowd, but some of the crowd mismanaged themselves.
Pointing this out however is “not justice”.
Like pointing out the out of court settlement between South Yorks Police and the pickets wrongly arrested resulting in financial settlements being paid out…..not mentioned in the BBC news story I saw last night.
I think the bar was set by the Mac Pherson inquiry, you haven’t got “justice” until you’ve forced a retrospective change in the law and got a seat in the House of Lords.
The BBC will never accept that Thatcher was elected because the country was sick to the back teeth of being held to ransom by the miners and other powerful unions, which included amongst other things being subjected to power cuts and a 3-day week.
There’s not much you can do without elctricity or any form of power (unless you were lucky to have a gas fire to keep warm) except watch how many differently-shaped shadows you can project on the wall using a flickering candle flame.
‘Who Governs Britain?’ was the slogan. And boy, did she.
“Who governs Britain” was actually the question posed by Heath in his spat with miners in 1974.
The answer provided by the voters was “Labour”, the actual answer of course was “Brussels”.
“Labour immediately commits to holding inquiry on Orgreave if elected”.
If they are that keen, why didn’t they have one during the Blair/Brown years?
“Labour immediately commits to holding inquiry on Orgreave if elected”.
By which time, all of the participants will be long dead.
fosilised more likely.
If we tell them that we saw Savile on his unicycle round Easington Colliery at the very moment when Derek Ezra blew his papers into a fart shaped box…would that then allow the rest of us to get some real news whilst they flatten their boxers noses on a stationary coal merchants wagon from now until their welcome deaths?
Tell them its Coalisland where the “people allege” crowd are to be found on this one-thickies at the left will do the rest.
And then that anthrax test we halted when there were animals at risk on Rockall…why not refresh ourselves with that one?
Can we have that added to that Edstone of theirs?
And maybe pay their taxes now on it all, before they`re rumbled again?
Trump going down well in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As he always does, everywhere.
650,000 E mails? Oh, dear!
Pointless, Monday evening. Clue given about Ceaser and his dates were given as BCE i.e. Before the Common Era. Thank goodness Bonaparte’s dates had no letters after them, neither AD nor CE. I thought this was a Christian country and therefore dates could be given as either before or after Christ. Multiculturalism being slipped in without people noticing.
Paxo uses the form on “University Challenge” too. It is the latest PC thing. All measurements on “University Challange” are metric now, and Paxo uses the term “given name” rather than “Christian name” or even “first name”, which just seems to confuse people.
The BBC follows the rules of all middle class revolutionaries since 1789; they refuse to use anything familiar and well understood, when they can appear edgy and up to date with things which are new and unwanted.
They would undoubtedly use the French revolutionary calendar if they thought they could get away with it. Today is 10th Brumaire in Year 225 by the way.
I find that it annoys people who should be annoyed (as often as possible) if I translate the terms CE and BCE to “Christian Era” and “Before the Christian Era”. After all the the change from one to the other is the nominal date of Christ’s birth.
“”Warning as hundreds of jailed terrorists back on UK streets””
Sky Online News Headline.
Not mentioned by BBC at all.
Around three-quarters of the 583 people imprisoned on terror charges in the years since the 9/11 attacks have now served their sentences and been released from UK prisons, many still holding the same extremist beliefs that got them jailed in the first place.
Very surpised the BBC haven’t used this as an opportunity to interview some hand-wringing prison reformist so they can spout the usual ‘Yet more proof that prison doesn’t work’.
Prison might not work but a rope does.
Or in other words, people who went in as Muslims and were allowed free access to practice their murderous religion with full government backing, then came back out as Muslims !
Poor old Kamal Ahmed, rapidly being exposed as yet another know-nothing vacuous BBC cub journalist. He wrote this about Mark Carney earlier today,’Certainly those close to him believe he is leaning towards staying for a full eight year term rather than the five years he initially signed up to.
And this morning The Financial Times reported that Mr Carney was “ready to serve” a full eight year term.’…and this…
‘Nothing I have heard over the last few weeks – and I have spoken to many people in Mr Carney’s inner circle – suggests to me that the governor wants to leave in 2018.’
Get yourself a new inner circle Kamal, this is now the headline,’Bank’s Mark Carney says he will leave in June 2019.’
I should probably be a little more charitable towards Kamal as the bit about not leaving in 2018 was technically correct but, given his relentless Brexit bashing, he deserves every piece of egg that lands on his face. Stand by for this to be spun into a scary Brexit doomsday story.
Now Goldman Sachs will need another “inside man” in the Bank of England.
Egg? He deserves a full English breakfast.
Good call Steve.
I too heard the BBC say that Carney would be going nowhere before 2020 or such.
This was to scotch any impression we had that he was a useless gargoyle of lefty privilege a la Osborne-and that the BBC elite and their contacts would ensure he goes nowhere.
None of that Brexit revenge stuff.
But within 18 hours…we hear he`s leaving early.
Where`s the BBC hack who gave us the Sunday night smarm…clearly knows all the wrong people if he hopes to do any kind of job.
But no-never apologise, never explain,truth is a BBC moveable feast of tittle tattle and back stairs billy blow jobbies.
Reel them in and ship `em out…thikfux.
Carney’s Chief Shill & PR Supremo Kamal Ahmed will do another year or two at Al Beeb then follow Stephanie Flanders’ path into a lucrative job with JP Morgan bank or similar. Naturally Ahmed will have Carney’s new number at the UN / World Bank / Goldman Sachs on speed dial, which will part of his value to any prospective future employer.
In the meantime don’t expect Ahmed to say anything that will frighten the horses or jeopardise his longer term career prospects.
Steve, the reality is, where could Carney go? His CV doesn’t look good with, now, a whole series of ‘failed’ against all his predictions. Problem is, if he remains, he is bitter and will hope to eventually be able to say, “I told you so!”. So, Head of the Treasury with an inclination to destroy the finances? He is a danger.
He should go now and take his chances in Zimbabwe or somewhere like that………
Not a good news day for the BBC. That pesky ‘Hillary and her emails’ story just won’t go away and now this:
These are the most damning lines in that piece:
‘The White House said it would neither defend nor criticise the FBI decision.’
‘The White House said moments earlier that it did not suspect the FBI’s embattled director, James Comey, of trying to secretly influence the election through his announcement on Friday of the inquiry. President Barack Obama’s spokesman said James Comey is “a man of integrity, a man of character, a man of principle and he has a very difficult job”.’
Looks like Hillary has now discovered who her true friends are.
Not even an Orgreave inquiry to bury bad news under. Oh dear.
October 31
If you keep hearing something about emails and Hillary Clinton this is worth a watch….
‘Hearing something’? Bless.
It is actually worth a watch. Not perhaps for the reasons the BBC fondly imagine.
Good find, SJ. Thanks.
7:30pm BBC1 Tonight’s Inside Out : Regional variations use Sky 958-969 etc to find channels
East Mids Edition (Sky 959, 960)
Northamptonshire Police are working with 100 women who are believed to be at risk of being groomed into a gang. Now the police are working with former gang members to address the problem.
– Essex gardener trying to grow the biggest outdoor pumpkin in the country.
– We also discover why a Suffolk-based seed company paid more than £1,200 for a single giant pumpkin seed.
Inside Out Yorkshire and Lincolnshire
* Caroline Bilton reveals how opportunities were missed to stop a (Catholic Home) head teacher who abused boys in his care for decades *
– academies,
– man whose heart stopped while he was running a race, and of his remarkable rescue by three strangers.
BBC Inside Out South
Item 1 – Sandra has been scammed out of £59,000.
Item 2 – visit gardens by two gardening greats. Watch tonight .
Item 3 – on cycling safety and bike lights #cycling #bikelights
North East and Cumbria
– We chart Cumbria’s year-long flood recovery (also on NW)
– Why are paramedics spending weeks queuing in the north east’s newest emergency centre?
– Relive the moment a German Zeppelin was shot down over Hartlepool 100 years ago.
Inside Out South East
We discover how forged rail tickets are being sold on the ‘dark web’.
(R4 Y&Y reported how staff allow forged tix thru).
Inside Out London
– has filmed thousands of game birds being held in cages which can lead to injuries and premature death.
BBC Inside Out West (965 on Sky)
– Fears Hinkley B’s nuclear reactors might not be able to shut down in an emergency.
– It’s 200 years since Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Kubla Khan was published! Here’s poet Ian McMillan reading the whole poem at Coleridge’s cottage in Somerset.
oops It was east Region that covered the Northampton abuse.
The South east edition also had a report from the burning down of Calais
Ah I saw the words “gang” “Women” “grroming” and thoufght it would be above Asian gang abuse.
As it happens it was about a Black woman switching sides (OK good on her)
She used to be part of it grooming girls on the street to carry drugs, now she goes into communities to get them to look out for signs and guide kids into proper jobs.
..However I’m guessing that the actual drugs operations are black gangs ..The prog seemed to sidestep that issue.
In Today’s Times
Pg 32 Israel moves to close its State broadcaster story
(They scrapped the licence fee last year and have been in process of reformation)
– Libby Purves lays in to youth campaign Undivided for behaving like a bunch of kids who DEMAND stuff ..and don’t think to thank oldies for anything.
– Pg15 :
Times used excuse of Jonathon Lynn (creator of yes Minister) writing a Brexit House Comedy play.. to lash into Trump. ‘He’s been living in US for 2 decades and is appalled by Trump’ “misogynist, liar etc.etc.”
BBC bias is across most platforms much of the time.
On Saturday p.m., I and others pointed out Clive Anderson’s opening patter against Trump on ‘Loose Ends’ on R4 from 18:15. This evening it was ‘The Unbelievable Truth’ on R4 from 18:30, hosted by Lefty David Mitchell.
The contestants deliver a speech full of untruths, with a few truths hidden in among them, and score points if nobody buzzes to point out the truths. Round One was on Donald J Trump, in which all the ‘good’ things said about him were obviously meant to be taken as lies, with a few strange truths mixed in. It was done to death and not very funny. No-one dissented of course.
Still, maybe some balance in Round Two? A spiel on Hillary perhaps, describing her as ‘straight’ (in both senses of the word) to the delight of the balanced audience? No, we got Lefty Jeremy #^(king Hardy on music, then someone else on weddings, then some Scottish Lefty on Oxford or Uni or something.
I brought this on myself by being stupid enough to listen (which I did for you, good folk of Biased BBC!) when all my prejudices about the biased traitor BBC had been confirmed by ‘Today’ from 7 to 9 a.m., reminding me of why I hardly ever listen to it these days.
The ‘Scottish Leftie’ was Fascist BBC favorite Frankie Boyle who has made his anti Semitic views widely known.
He has been on several BBC programs in the past, and has generated a number of offensive complaints which would normally see anyone else barred from appearing – but not Boyle.
He also got in trouble about his tax, he claimed he paid £2.7 million over 5 years meaning he must have been earning around £1.5 million a year. Nice to know how the BBC is spending your money !
Lets face it. The Miners Strike (which was illegal) was orchestrated by Arthur Scargill in order to bring down Margaret Thatcher’s Tory government. All the violence that I witnessed was initiated by Scargill’s rent-a-mob. Often when it all kicked off, many of the real striking miners melted away. We never hear, nor see, the injuries inflicted on police officers. Many suffered serious facial injuries, including fractures and burns (due to bricks, bottles and paint remover thrown into their faces). If there is to be an enquiry let it be into Scargill’s motives and conduct plus the NUMs Libyan (and possibly Moscow) funding. Also some of the head injuries inflicted on some of the miners were due to missiles thrown at the police from the rear of their own lines which fell short and struck miners between them and the police.
The only people who wanted an Orgreave enquiry are desperate cobweb blasted bittermen who have only smiled the one day that Thatcher died.
These are sad people, no miners club, no hope now…but they have the likes of Andy Burnham and Ian Lavery to regurgitate the bile.
All to get some semblance of purpose to their own fetid zombie shellsuit that is Labour.
All to get livings for their mates at the ECHR, Law In Action, Michael Mansfield etc.
All to remind their tribe of the hate crimes as perped by Thatch, as indulged by Brittain and MacAlpine…and keep them all on bitter life support until they`re routed in 2020.
Fcukoff Labour lying scumbutts!
Can we have a decent one into Mid Staffs now?
Great post chrisH
Wikileaks released emails show Clinton was being leaked questions by a CNN commentator/DNC chief that she would be asked at debates with Bernie Sanders. While being a paid impartial commentator for CNN.
BBC mentioned it on a quickly disappearing live feed [above], but i bet it won’t make an independent news report.
You have to admire her, she it utterly corrupt and shameless.
She has admitted it “was a mistake and i regret it” referring to her email setup. But she also says there is nothing new in the emails the FBI have from Huma’s server.
Well the wikileak email shows she was being fed questions prior to debates, so she is still continuing with her lies, as they are exposed around her.
It reminds me of the 30-40 year old blokes getting off the coach, as the libtards try to persuade us they are in their early teens.
I think the p*ss has been taken for long enough.
Hillary has been repeatedly suspected of knowing the questions she was to be asked in the debates and she has been adamant that she had no prior knowledge.
With the sacking of the corrupt CNN journalist we now know that Hillary did have prior knowledge and has again lied through her back teeth. She had a duty to disclose that she was unfairly advantaged but instead said nothing and then lied when asked.
Why aren’t the media and our globally respected, world-class broadcaster leading with the story that Hillary is a compulsive liar?
I once made the mistake of browsing the BBC News Facebook page(it’s awful) and funnily enough something that I did notice was that one man’s name Fardad Farahzad appeared on every single post.
It seems he “Likes” every single post that is made.
Well, here he is and the BBC have made a nice, smiley item about him.
Oh, and it turns out he’s actually a BBC employee.
Wish I had the time(not) to sit on Facebook all day….but if I did I think my boss would have some stern words for me.
Let’s remind ourselves of how much the BBC extorts from us each year.
£3.7 Billion.
Just posted on thier facebook BBC news page…. I`m ElricMelnibone

Whatever your feelings over Milo Yiannopoulos, he certianly puts the BBC in their place here. He knew what to expect, and when the BBC journalist attempts to frame questions in order to suggest that he’s an insane white supremacist, he catches them out. Worth a watch.
Lesson to the BBC. Your tactics are not working. Landing Milo with the charge that his argument about Islamic culture was racist failed. And that question – are you a white nationalist? – Milo saw it as a gift showing exactly how it is a loaded indirect accusation. And Milo’s point about how only the very stupid fail to distinguish between a joke and a statement of fact nailed our Beeboid as a fool
The state broadcaster ought to recruit from a wider pool than the university socialist societies.
I’m not a great Milo fan but I have to say that was a masterclass in how to use the BBC’s cultural Marxist tactics against them. It’s a great pity that some of our (rare) sensible politicians don’t take lessons from him.
Milo for mayor!
If only
I also highly suspect that we will never see this interview being aired on the BBC. The BBC were obviously attempting to do a hitpiece, and then selectively edit it in order to make Milo seem like a white supremacist. Unfortunately for them Milo knows the BBC all too well, so he had his people film it and then made the entire thing publicly available.
Well said Milo! I hope to see him alongside Nigel Farage on Question Time .
I bet he visits this site .
Taffman – it will never happen as Aunty prefers serious political commentators like Edwina Izzard.
Apart from his taste in black boyfriends, I share every view Milo Yiannopoulos just uttered.
Razza – Milo’s genius is to make his right-of-centre, Alt-right views seem COOL, HIP, YOUNG PROGRESSIVE, EDGY, and the beeb seem regressive, devious, boring, grey, passé. There is a large element of fashion in political discourse and by seizing the mantel of the cool yoof that the beeb so desperately pander to, he turns the tables 180 degrees on beeboids. I am the future, he is saying, and you are finished. Yes!
Note when the odious beeboid implies he’s racist he shoots back: most of my boyfriends have been black! Unanswerable.
Very true. The BBC and other media organisations have long tried to subconsciously influence us into believing that Conservatism is the refuge of straight white males of a certain age. While the future belongs to these young, hip, “progressive”, liberals who will one day replace these old dinosaurs.
There’s clearly a great deal of panic in BBC towers now as previously ignored demographic of young conservatives, combined with another previously ignored group made up of disillusioned liberals, are being energised and being given a voice for the first time in generations. An inconvenient truth is being exposed, and it must be buried!
The hope is that it will die if Trump loses the election, but the cat is now out the bag. Once a movement gains momentum in cyberspace, even organisations such as the Beeb are powerless to contain it. It fills me with joy to see the BBC gradually beginning to realize that they are actually the old irrelevant dinosaurs who are trying to cling to an obsolete status-quo.
Razza, I have been thinking this myself for some time. The sixties liberals and their descendants who share their views seem to be looking more and more like dinosaurs unable to adapt to the harsh realities of a changing world. I suspect they are finally beginning to realise themselves that the phrase ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’ cuts both ways, and they don’t like it one bit.
Just heard Michael Goldfarbs piece on “The Unswayables”-the Trump supporters who`ll not listen to CNN basically.
The man honestly tried to make sense of it in part.
But, like all liberal media shills, he sees no other alternative to the liberal utopian version of their worldview.
Open borders, unfettered immigration and endless minority targeting for endless agitprop.
The call it heaven-looks like hell to the rest of us,but THEY don`t live among us do they?
My point?…Goldfarb only parrots what his elite seeks.
Trouble is that they see us-like Trump supporters, like Brexit voters-as lab rats in need of better pellets,mere pawns on their chess boards, saps in need of predigested pap as mediated by themselves.
They observe and survey, but refuse to listen or accept that any point of ours might actually be worth listening to.
He thinks us the victims of “gullibility and cynicism”-as Hannah Arendt puts it in her book on Eichmann and the Authoritarian Personality.
All as if the liberal left are NOT gullible, not cynical.
Displacement, projection and sheer hypocrisy. But pity Goldfarb-he really tried to be fair, but being a liberal leftie, he can only trot out his academic disdain for the rest of us.
Payback Nov 8th?
Agree Chris – it was better than I thought it would be but … he still doesn’t really get it, does he?
It seems that they really never will understand. But this is a feature of all ancien regimes. Perhaps this is a part of it. The failure to grasp what is going on leads inevitably to the regime’s fall.
Like leaves in autumn and as necessary.
It looks like the narrative is starting to fail completely. Once you lose the consumer’s trust, they will start to question the other bullshit you’re peddling:
This comment sums things up perfectly:
“Rather than lecturing readers, I think the mainstream liberal media like the BBC, Guardian and C4 should be ask…”
If any proof were needed that Guardian readers inhabit a parallel universe, this one sums it up beautifully.
” afurada NathAldridge
4h ago
7 8
The Guardian has never been left wing. It always used to be somewhere in the centre ground, but it is drifting to the right now.”
Oscar Wilde may have conjured a pithy phrase on this.
BBC the FRRE advertising platform for pseudo Green Products and subsidy junkies
More Free Advertising For Tesla From The BBC by Paul Homewood
I think the Beeb are preparing to start charging for a limited amount of advertising. They are greedy for money, aren’t they?
We have had one month of iPlayer isolation. I wonder how much of the £150m they hoped to pick up has been actually paid by JoePublic in order to pay twice for something already subscribed for?
At a guess, not much more than a big, fat zero.
Will they have the space among all the endorsements for Disney, Apple and any ‘celebrity’ with a book to sell?
Oh, and all the self-promotion. (Surely anyone who is a fan of ‘Strictly’ or ‘Bake Off’ knows exactly when they will be on and those that aren’t don’t want to see even a trailer.)
The BBC, knowing what you need to know.)
The self loathing at the bBC continues: (Remember the bbC is the state broadcaster)
“Native English speakers are the worlds worst communicators”
The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more purposefully and carefully, typical of someone speaking a second or third language. Anglophones, on the other hand, often talk too fast for others to follow, and use jokes, slang and references specific to their own culture, says Chong. In emails, they use baffling abbreviations such as ‘OOO’, instead of simply saying that they will be out of the office. “The native English speaker… is the only one who might not feel the need to accommodate or adapt to the others,” she adds.
It appears that uttering allah ackba as their so called child asylum seeker rodgers them stupid is all the buggering british Childen workers feel the world needs to know. Bugger the English (which apparently quite a large number of bBC rapists have done) to the CS at the bBC, English is a dead language much better to order a latte with a plastic Italian accents, Pronounce words such as Mumbai, Israel (complete with hiss) Beijing. But that doesn’t explain why they never quote ‘Allah ackba’ on the news, it is always “God is great.” Funny that.
The bbC, the traitors within our midst
Peruvian and Bolivian Spanish is easy to understand at the market, cos most people there speak a different native language at home.
Whereas in the Spanish spoken at the market in Madrid, Venezuela, Cuba etc flippin tough to understand co it’s basically those peoples only language, they get bored of the simple form and fill it with jokes and jargon etc.
I use dialect in the UK, but I use special simple English when communicating with foreigners. It is noticeable that British people on 2 week holidays, don’t do that and so non-native English speakers do have immense difficulty in understanding them.
Stew – so, so right. And don’t forget the default British way of being understood in a foreign place, say the same words more loudly. For reasons I haven’t worked out the dialect in Green Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country) is far easier to understand (in Spanish) than in Andalucía.
Thinking carefully about how to express English sentences using simple, common, short words and construction is not rocket science but it does need a conscious effort.
Sorry, off topic re bBBC.
I sometimes ‘drop in’ on French radio and if an interview is in progress it can be quite easy to spot the ‘foreigner’, even if their French is good.
The interviewee pauses before answering the question then delivers distinct, text-book pronounced words. The native interviewer will then burst straight into a response or follow up question, stretching words while they think, and packing them together to ‘catch up’ with the thought, (“ are youdoingnext?”).
It’s called familiarity and is a trait of all humanity.
Soyelcamino – the reason is that in southern Spain the accent is akin to a cleft palate, so consonants are less distinct. I find exactly the same.
A feature of the World Service, in the lost-lamented days of Patricia Hughes and when it was a department of the Foreign Office, was the relatively slow clear speaking, with perfect enunciation and in the Queen’s English, which was done in that way so that the maximum number of people around the world could understand what was being said, even if they had an imperfect knowledge of the language. In other words, in those sensible days, we accommodated the needs of the listeners. Not so now. The world Service, in the deluded hands of the BBC, is a sad creature indeed.
I find it quite possible to follow Marine Le Pen, who speaks very clearly. Jacques Chirac also used to be easy to follow in French. However, much as I enjoy French crime series such as “Spiral”, I can barely make out a word. I imagine it would be similar for a foreigner listening to a speech by Mrs Thatcher, but then trying to make sense of an episode of “The Sweeney”.
I must say I often find TV news people interviewing foreigners speaking English, and failing to take into account the fact that these people are not using their native language. The interviewer will talk quickly, indistinctly, and use slang, and yet expect the poor interviewee to follow what is being said. I suppose this is another manifestation of the lack of professionalism which is apparent every time you watch the TV news these days.
Rob, I’ve also noticed this. I find it particularly annoying. I’ve taught English abroad. I was an untrained volunteer in a developing country and a bit worried about whether I’d be any good at it. I always made sure I spoke slowly and clearly and didn’t use slang -and so was touched to hear from some of my pupils that they liked my lessons because of this – I found that a real compliment.
I suspect that today many so called ‘educated’ people live in a self-perpetuating globalist bubble where the majority of foreigners that they meet or correspond with are fluent English speakers, and therefore they assume everyone speaks English perfectly (and holds similar liberal/left views, probably).
I agree about interviewers not taking into account their interviewees’ needs. It is even worse when non-native Engish speakers are the interviewers. Just listen to Newsday, World Service from 0400, to be enraged at the idiocy of the BBC employing people who are deficient in every way (except, of course, fulfilling the diversity/ethnicity quotient).
Today the BBC hasn’t had time in many of its news progs to run the new Clinton emails scandal so will it have time to run this nice new, shiny, scandal?: Clinton definitely received leaked questions for the CNN Clinton Sanders debate. From a lass called Donna Brazile, whom CNN has immediately sacked, under lining that they believe it.
2 obvious points,
1. Why didnt Clinton flag this up prior to the debate?
2. Was she fed questions for any of the Trump debates?
And the question is: How long will it be until we discover that persons from the establishment media passed questions to Hillary Clinton’s team in advance of the presidential debates? It seems to me very likely this happened, given their track record, and the Brazile case lends credence to this supposition.
Good post scribbling,
Apologies that I posted a reply to an earlier Ray_f post along similar lines before I saw this.
Has Donna Brazile met with an untimely end yet?
Give it time!
Go for it Sir Cliff…………
Will Al Beeb cover this?
Is the Pope an Argentine socialist?
BBC Trending covered Project Veritas and Wikileaks stuff against Hillary.
No, of course not, the BBC show that covers what has trended over the last week doesn’t actually cover things that trend, but rather BBC-pet issues that trend.
So this weeks BBC Trending covered a viral campaign Tell America it’s great (a story they’d already covered on the web October 18th) Viral cos it cos 1 million retweets !
Yet somehow the 20 million views the Project Veritas videos got during ONE week are not viral enough to report.
They of course had a long item on the sad story of vandalism of a US black lynching victim’s monuments.
..but didn’t mention the vandalism of property and monuments connected to Trump like someone smashing his Hollywood Walk of Fame star with a sledgehammer and a pick axe. etc.
– Ironic that LeftMob do online lynching of Trump all the time, and they think that is OK.
I notice that in the last 5 hours the £ has risen against the $.
Does this mean that Marmite will come down in price ?
Any economists out there who can tell us ?
I think the economic argument is that this temporary rise in the value of sterling is “despite Brexit”.
At least that’s what they told me on the BBC.
(Can I have my biscuit now please, master?)
I think the BBC mislead the public to `Spite Brexit` …
Yes, possibly, in time, but on the other hand, perhaps not. (My answer to the final question of your post.)
Yes, possibly, in time, but on the other hand, perhaps not. (My answer to your first, directed at economists.)
In truth it was far too small a movement to have any significant difference. So that rather indicates that you were having a dig at the BBC and their reporting of matters economique, especially over the last few years and more so since 23rd June this year.
An economists view on that?
Quite right.
More power to taffman!
Thier `economists` shop at John Lewis … says it all really.. That`s the one in London….. But it`s okay becouse we also pay the transit costs as well….
“Wilders Trial may EVEN increase Wilder’s popularity” BBC Radio4 News
wow £6bn worth of insights !
…of course persecuting Wilders will increase his popularity, you BBC idiots.
Yes Stew, Gert Wilders trial will lead to people questioning why he’s on trial at all and the smarter ones will (if they haven’t already) start looking at what he says from sources other than the mainstream, controlled press and TV.
There is no argument about what he says, that’s freedom of speech. The case is about whether his saying it should be suppressed, and whether freedom of speech should be abolished in Holland, and by extension, elsewhere in Europe and the west.
The BBC seem rather too relaxed about that for my liking.
Uhoh just been asked my opinion of Weather Watchers. I said it was a very British, Anglo-Saxon thing to do so I guess no more mentions on Shariah TV (BBC) anymore.
I must apologise in advance because this has nothing to do with the BBC, or even the MSM.
Or has it? Indirectly perhaps.
Assuming it’s true (I’m not a big fan of the DM), it does resonate in many ways. In particular, with the attitude of BBC Tax enforcers and that army of bossy, half educated, public employees or subcontractors who seem to be everywhere, telling is what to do with no effective right of appeal.
It was announced on the news this morning that a large number of Muslims (it didn’t actually say that) convicted of serious terrorist offences since 9/11 have now been released. Just as well they didn’t do something really serious like catch a bus without the necessary bit of plastic.
How a £1.50 bus fare turned into a £750 fine: RICHARD LITTLEJOHN says his friend’s experience at the hands of a jobsworth bus inspector proves justice has been turned on its head
Wow, I thought bloggers here on Biasedbbc were angry! If you want rage have a look at the Comments after an article in the Express on migrant crime and crime stats! Hundreds of angry posts. The people are stirring, your time is up beebistan, hark the sound of guillotines in the distance!
We are losing control of the streets’ Merkel’s Germany descends into lawlessness –
GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing catastrophe over her failed migrant policy, according to a new report.
The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan – The genocide of the Peoples of Europe
I noticed this amongst the comments in PTG’s link above. I must say I had never heard of it before. It explains a lot, things falling into place. OMG.
seismicboy, I looked at that idea some years ago and dismissed it as fanciful since there is not one jot of evidence to back it up. Whereas, look closely at the information in connection with and/or released by the UN and that’s another matter! In my view, it is the UN that is the current enemy of the peoples of Europe. It is the UN that is wholeheartedly in support of the Islamisation of the West and/or fill it up with ignorant, illeterate ‘hand-out’ Africans. It is the UN that oversees the taxi service from Africa to the EU. Indeed, it is the UN that gives free a backpack containing ‘essentials’ for the so-called, ‘refugees’ trip to the ‘chosen lands’. It is a vain attempt to dillute the West. It will not dillute the peoples of Europe – it will simply bring Europe down to the levels of those the UN favour to influence and replace the Europeans. You can see what’s happening throughout Europe right now. Check out what’s happening in Germany –
BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ Program
There’s an interview with 90s right on leftie band ‘The Smiths’ followed by a piece on the Sharia courts in Britain, and how ghastly it is that anyone might suggest it is a parallel legal system oppressive to women.
Cue a string of Muslims & Labour types to support them, and this after the BBC no so long ago ran a series of programs exposing these courts for what they are.
Makes me wonder if the Saudi Rial hasn’t reached the pockets of certain BBC producers and presenters.
I presume that Theresa has put a ban on her ministers speaking to the Today programme and that has left them extremely short of news – hence this recent spate of ‘music’ stories. Usually these non-stories are about people who were in bands in the early 1980s which reflects the age of the presenters (and possibly the producers) but for many of us are of total irrelevance as they about people we have never heard of.
Makes sense to me Deborah.
There simply is not enough politics for them any more.
Nobody will talk to them, who`s not an agitprop, regressive bore hoping to find a truffle by Saviles coffin.
Which is where the BBC and the LibLab Patsies are being buried by the day.
hence all the crap over Johnny Marr and Sharia journeys…Nuremburg or Rotherham, makes no odds to them.
As long as they`re not static at the BBC where we`ll be able to pcik them all up on old Detector Vans and then send them to Trump or Putin for renditions…
No news-no-one who matters wants to talk-so they blather and drool amongst themselves as if Toady was listened to by anyone but Heseltines nurse or Michael Mansfields skinny dipping latte bhoys.
Disgusting Stretch-Mark Lardell was clearly hypnotised and riddled in the mental illness ‘leftism’ for his psychopathic report on the Killary rally yesterday. The utterly biased, utterly intolerant, utterly bigoted Lardell and his fellow cultists at Al Beebistan are so far removed from reality and the views of people at home, it’s becoming hilarious to watch.
Compare and contrast team Killary’s reporting of this campaign…
Killary: completely innocent regardless of the facts and data to the contrary. Completely ignore all negative stories, however if unable to avoid, report the story already concluding that it’s nothing more than political gamesmanship from her opponents, and that it’s nothing of interest anyway. Use whatever statement necessary, it doesn’t need to be true, as long as it backs up Killary’s defence
Trump: All negative stories reported. No checks carried out to prove the integrity of the stories. Repeat them on every article about Trump or even when referring to him. Use constant negative and degrading statements and opinions against him. Use utterly biased and politically compromised opinions to slander him and as expert opinion. Start from the position of guilty and report until it may look like he isn’t… Then stop talking about it or use the lie as reference
Trump’s on course to win – and win big. He continues to attract huge crowds to his rallies (we’re talking 10’s of thousands here, folks, even though the regressive msm won’t show it or report it). The BBC is facing its second ‘Brexit moment’ of the year as they witness their ‘experts’, ‘explainers’ and ‘fact-checkers’ get it all completely and utterly wrong – yet again.
These are amazing times. The regressive left is losing battle after after and more and more people are waking up to their toxic mix of division, identity politics and intolerance.
Roll on Nov 9th! I just can’t wait to see the sad-faced clowns of the BBC and CH4 when Trump takes the White House!