“A brief review of recent BBC coverage and any woman will be disheartened, dejected and disgusted. The Beeb, reinforcing the narrative of an evil patriarchy oppressing women, has been pumping out the “women as victims” stories, with examples from the last couple of weeks including…
As with other “oppressed” demographics, the “victim narrative” has to run in parallel with the “propaganda narrative”. When an individual or group of individuals from an “oppressed” demographic do or does something wrong, they do not represent that said group. When they do something good, however, they do represent said group. Muslims are the usual recipients of this but the Beeb’s parallel coverage of women (which ranges from cringing to patronising) underscore this.
All commendable initiatives as women look to overthrow genuine sexism in…Islamic countries! But wait, isn’t the BBC constantly telling us that Islam does not oppress women? The Beeb’s Islamaphilia agenda discredited by its feminist agenda.”
“Did you see the BBC story today that asked if the best way to “guard against radicalisation” was to develop more Muslim schools? The BBC bemoans that, out if the 6,800-plus faith schools in the state school system, only 28 are Muslim, which it describes as “disproportionately small”.
It points out the risks of illegal private schools (a point that is justified) and how having Muslim states schools would be the solution. After all, al-Beeb reminds us that the east London schoolgirls who headed off to Syria were not in faith schools and the schools caught up in the Trojan Horse claims did not have a religious affiliation. I think Richard Dawkins can take this one up from here…. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xei9qq_richard-dawkins-visits-a-muslim-sch_news
Lord Hall Hall must be proud, the so-called news corporation that he runs has just had two of the most dishonest and biased days of its life, and that’s saying something. Lord Hall Hall should once again be dragged before a Parliamentary committee to explain just how this publicly funded organisation, that is supposedly the gold standard for news organisations, is allowed by Lord Hall Hall to provide that Public with such a substandard and dishonest service. Michael Ashley from Sports Direct was hauled up in front of the MPs and torn off a strip, his warehouse being compared to a victorian workhouse, Lord Hall Hall’s corporation is nothing short of something the Soviet Union would have been proud of, the news being something that is entirely flexible in its interpretation of world events and presenting a world view that is based solely upon the politics and beliefs of those who are ensconced there.
The Tory conference is on and the phrase ‘British jobs for British workers’ was uttered much to the disgust of the BBC, it seems, which has spent the last two days relentlessly suggesting that the Tories are racist …or as Nick Robinson said [08:10]…‘some might say…you are sanctioning a form of racism’. Robinson did have the grace to mention Gordon Brown however he has been the only BBC presenter to have done so in my hearing [though he did also say that there was ‘hardcore rhetoric on immigration and considerable unpleasantness’…so any talk of controlling immigration is once again instantly labelled as something not acceptable by the BBC] . Immediately after May’s speech 5Live announced that ‘some might say’ that was divisive and a bit UKIP like….so the BBC once again painting UKIP as racist as it also tries to smear the Tories. Not a mention of Gordon Brown and his ‘British jobs for British people’ speech anywhere on 5Live over two days that I’ve heard.
The grammar school policy was laid into as based on, well no evidence of its effect, the BBC dismissing the previously hallowed Sutton Trust’s studies, as inexpert preferring the ‘expert’ Michael Wilshaw’s comments that the policy was tosh and nonsense…but where is his evidence for that?….the BBC didn’t provide it.
Remarkably the BBC is also now a believer in the Trojan Horse plot whereas once it worked hard to promote the idea that it was a hoax and even reported completely untruthfully that the various inquiries had found no problems at the schools. Mark Easton, he who thinks Muslim extremists are like Ghandi, Mandela and Churchill, telling us at the time that perhaps we should allow the schools to be taken over (even though there was no plot to take over schools according to the BBC) if that is what the Muslim community wanted. Now we hear that Muslim faith schools are not performing well and are being allowed to stay open…the BBC is outraged that a Tory government should be allowing this…more needs to be done apparently ‘to reassure the parents’.…the same parents who Easton suggested were all desperate for a fundamentalist education for their integrated children.
May in her speech set out her stall as the champion of the Workers….Pienaar in his instant after-speech analysis announced that this ‘won’t wash’, the Tories cannot say they are the Party that represents the Workers and that there is a clash as it also says it is the Party for Business and yet also wants to limit immigration.
This has always been the BBC attack, during the election it was the same ‘feigned surprise’ that the Tories should paint themselves as the Party for Workers….ignoring the fact that Business and workers go hand in hand, Business does well and workers do well and we have more jobs and that theh ‘Workers’ voted in their droves for the Tories under Thatcher and again in the last election as they saw that wages went up and businesses prospered under Tory government.
Oh..and apparently May ‘ignores how hard Brexit is going to hit us’. No bias there from the BBC. Anyone notice how the BBC seems to be pressing for ‘soft Brexit’ [ie no Brexit] in its interviews? I heard a presenter yesterday asking if there is any way we can keep freedom of movement whilst still staying in the single market?…a slip of the tongue as she got it backwards [should of course be…can we stay in the single market and not have freedom of movement?] but undoubtedly what she was really thinking.
Back to ‘British workers for British jobs’. This is being entirely misrepresented by the BBC as meaning that the drawbridge is being pulled up and no foreign workers at all will be allowed into the UK [much as Brexit means the end of all trade with Europe apparently]. The BBC is scaremongering enormously here…indeed it brought on an Indian worker who said he was now scared about the future. The BBC asking him with an alarmist, leading and perjoratively phrased question ‘What’s your reaction when you hear the leader of this country and her ministers talking about British jobs for British people?’.
Trouble is that caller undermined the BBC case that the policy is Tory racism as he told us that as an Indian worker any employer had to prove to the immigration service that a foreign employee like him would have better value than one from not just the UK but those from the EU as well…so British jobs for EU workers [under EU rules now] but not for Indians.
The presenter ‘failed’ to note that little quirk for some reason….though she was quite happy to ask a British employer if he thought foreign workers were better than British, a continuation of the BBC’s constant, and racist, narrative that British workers are idle and feckless….and yet they call the Tories racist and berate the Tories for apparently labelling all welfare recipients as idle, workshy scroungers…in fact the BBC was going on about that yesterday [a Labour attack line as well of course].
Marr was dragged in and subtly linked into the talk of British workers to discuss his new book on British poetry [odd how the BBC is so keen to exploit ‘Britishness’ when there’s money to be made….it constantly masquerades as ‘proud to be British’ [as do some communties] when it really has nothing but contempt for the ‘little englanders’ and patriotism and British history]. Marr naturally put down the success of ‘British poetry’ to the vast influx of immigrants and the effect of multiculturalism on the British language…making it so much ‘richer’. Yeah…all those British poets who are really from deepest Africa or the Subcontinent…oh hang on we had an ‘immigrant’ poet on 5Live who gave us an instant poetic commentary on the day’s proceedings…naturally it was everything you’d expect adding richly to our national heritage.
The BBC couldn’t be happier with the rumblings at UKIP…Diane James jumps ship and the BBC fails to report that one of the major reasons she left was that she had been abused and spat at during a train journey recently. Why would the BBC ignore an attack on a female politician when it is always telling us how politicians are being unfairly vilified leading to violent attacks, such as the one on Jo Cox. Seems the BBC only thinks some politicians are due protection. Which brings us to Steven Woolfe…the BBC dodging the fact that it was Woolfe who started the fight that ended with him in hospital….even though told by Neil Hamilton that it was Woolfe who ‘picked the fight‘. [The BBC still not telling us that] The BBC news bulletins preferred the considered and informed comments from Marr who knew absolutely nothing of the events but was asked for his comments and came up with an instant dismissive comment saying that UKIP was the unluckiest party in its leadership…hmmm…does he not read the news…has he not seen what has happened to Labour over the decades….Foot, Kinnock, Brown, Corbyn or even the last Tory leadership election farce with Gove and Boris, and Cameron jumping ship?
BBC news is a farcical in its selection of what it thinks is important…all too evidently picking material that promotes its own views rather than actual events. All too familiar.
The IMF announces the world economy is in crisis and globalisation is under threat. So we must have more globalisation.
Hmmm…so a world economy based upon globalisation of finance, labor and trade is failing and has been for a decade due to globalisation and the IMF wants more…and the BBC peddles that narrative for them…opposing the ‘little englanders’ and Trumps of the world who apparently want to close down all trade with other countries.
Remember it was Gordon Brown who told us one reason we had the Crash was because he failed to realise how interconnected the world was and that events in one place had effects elsewhere as well.
Gordon Brown has admitted he made a “big mistake” over the handling of financial regulation in the run-up to the banking crisis of 2008.
The former prime minister told a US conference he had not realised the “entanglements” of global institutions.
He said: “We set up the FSA [the City regulator] believing the problem would come from the failure of an individual institution. That was the big mistake.
“We didn’t understand just how entangled things were.”
So it is in fact globalisation that is the problem ‘some might say’.
The BBC however thinks that Brexit is the problem….Brexit which wants to, according to the BBC, close off all trade with the world and stop all immigration.
Seriously you couldn’t make it up…a supposedly expert BBC programme dedicated to business and finance, Wake up to Money, was telling us that Brexit is a threat to world trade [apparently ‘protectionism has raised its ugly head‘]when we know that a major narrative from the Leave camp is that Brexit will mean more world trade as the UK seeks out new markets and trade deals outside the EU.
WUTM [36 mins in…goes on for a while] didn’t mention Brexit for a while as it talked about ‘the threat’ to globalisation. I knew it would though and I waited and waited, first a subtle, indirect allusion to Brexit [the risks to business if there is a ‘bit of a movement’ for certain sectors to be trading elsewhere in the world] and then bingo the floodgates opened and Brexit was blamed for all the ills of the world. A very one-sided and obviously biased towards ‘globalisation’ and anti-Brexit programme painting a totally false picture of what Brexit means claimng that it is opposed to global trade when in fact it is global trade it champions. Good old BBC…accurate, truthful and balanced as always.
There is really no point in turning to the BBC for any balanced coverage of any aspect of the US Presidential election. Last night saw the first V-P TV debate, and this is what the BBC had to say.
It was a scattershot debate marred by frequent interruption, where moderator Elaine Quijado lost control of the discussion for stretches. In the end, however, it was a battle that Mike Pence won.
WHAT? Pence won? Good old BBC – showing some balance? But wait….it goes on…
The Trump-Pence ticket is still losing the war, however, and Tuesday night’s debate likely only succeeded in keeping hope alive that Donald Trump can mount a comeback.
Phew, amelioration in the next sentence, and then to further detract from any GOP sense of success…
That’s a low bar, but – as the saying goes – it ain’t nothing.
And then..
For the last week, it’s felt a bit like Donald Trump was routed.
By whom? The liberal media that has spent the past year mocking Trump? For the past week it has felt that the liberal MSM, including the BBC, is more crooked than Hillary Clinton.
His woeful (oh really? DV) first presidential debate performance was compounded by a series of unforced errors, capped by an early morning Twitter tirade and a damaging New York Times story about his near billion-dollar business losses in 1995. His poll numbers headed south.
Presidential contenders Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are virtually deadlocked in the Rasmussen Reports poll, released Tuesday.
The BBC is behaving in EXACTLY the same way as it behaved during last year’s general election and this year’s UK referendum. It has decided what the result should be and is doing all it can to try and influence it. As such that makes the BBC a global menace. It is not a news organisation, it is a propagandist.
Well then, Diane James has quit as UKIP leader and the BBC are relishing the situation. Their delight is obvious and whilst I accept this is a wholly self-inflicted own goal from an imploding UKIP, just think back to how the BBC casually smooths over the chasms in Labour whilst desperately, oh so desperately, seeking to find any in the Conservative Party! UKIP has been a particular target for BBC hatred over recent years and they were always going to put the boot in when something like this happens.
It must be good to be ‘one of the claque’, one of the elite who can snap their fingers and have the BBC hand over the resources and airtime to allow you to peddle your own pet prejudices. Lenny Henry of course has been the most obvious recipient of such largesse as his mates get jobs on the basis of their skin colour at the Beeb and now actress Sally Phillips calls in a few favours and is now the proud producer of a very one-sided programme that is intensely personal for her and pushes a very controversial message that is essentially nothing less than moral and emotional blackmail on a very sensitive subject that people who are in the situation Phillips is talking about will be made to feel as if they are bad and immoral people.
Phillips is the mother of a child with Downs Syndrome and wants to stop a new test for this condition in expectant mothers and any subsequent abortions that might result from a positive test. She denies she is against all abortions but having listened to her it is apparent she is putting on a nice, mumsy, middle class front as she presented her case…the real her comes through when she is pushed on her views and she starts getting aggressive and references Hitler and the 30’s as she attacks abortion and defends her position.
Driven by the experience of raising her son Olly, who has Down’s syndrome, Sally explores some of the ethical implications of our national screening policy.
By talking to experts in the Down’s syndrome community, the world’s top scientists and including people with Down’s syndrome in the debate, Sally investigates a thorny subject that begs questions relevant to us all: what sort of world do we want to live in and who do we want in it?
It has been hyped widely on the BBC but yesterday I heard an interview with her on 5Live that went quite pearshaped for all concerned. Nidal was burbling about how beautiful the film was and they were all getting along famously in the interview until a few questions were lobbed in about Phillips’ attitude towards abortion….she got very upset, questioned if they hated the film and mentioned Hitler. The presenters realised that what she was giving them at first was just a front, her real views were far more extreme than she was letting on and they kept on with the difficult questions. Fair play to them.
Things certainly didn’t go as planned as the ‘beautiful programme’ turns out to be made by someone who expresses nothing more than a prejudiced, unpleasant polemic aimed at making anyone contemplating having an abortion due to Downs Syndrome feel as if they are evil and bad people.
So at least on this occasion the troops on the ground did their job and challenged the narrative that was supposed to be run.
One of Britain’s leading antenatal experts has strongly criticised a BBC film about children with Down’s syndrome, before its broadcast this week.
The documentary, A World Without Down’s Syndrome?, will be shown on Wednesday and is presented by the actress Sally Phillips, who has a child with Down’s herself. In the programme Phillips, known for her role as Tilly in Miranda, makes the case against the introduction of a new NHS pregnancy screening test that would detect with 99% accuracy the foetal abnormalities indicating Down’s syndrome.
Jane Fisher, director of Antenatal Results and Choices, an organisation set up to support parents affected by foetal screening and its consequences, said she thought the programme – in which she is interviewed – was “not at all helpful” to people facing difficult decisions around a prenatal diagnosis of disability.
“Sally is a very compelling presenter,” Fisher told the Observer, “and – absolutely – it’s great to have the positive images of people [with Down’s] who are already here. But it’s very personal, and it’s an extra layer of difficulty for couples and families who might be making the decision now about whether to end their pregnancy. It risks offering the suggestion to those who have [decided to end a pregnancy] that they have made the wrong decision.
“It’s too problematic to have one individual representing that choice – one who is an advocate for not screening, who has a high-functioning, much-loved child. A woman who admits she has the resources for extra help with her absolutely lovely little boy.”
“We want to make sure that women who take the decision to end the pregnancy are not perceived somehow as saying they do not value people who are here – they are saying this is not something they can do, that it is not right for them or for their families.
“Not only does no one know how their child would be affected by Down’s, but the big conflict for women is the adult the child will be 20 or 30 years down the line. For most women, that is the bit that tips them to end the pregnancy. An adult who will be, at best, vulnerable,” she said.
Not sure how the BBC can justify giving over the airwaves to someone to present a programme given their views are obviously very one-sided and prejudiced on such a sensitive and controversial subject that will have such an emotive effect on others and is intended to do so. Pure propaganda of a very unpleasant kind that is verging on moral blackmail.
“A 98 per cent vote in favour of a referendum? That’s a landslide. Alas, for the BBC in its coverage of Hungary’s vote to decline the EU’s plan of handing them hundreds of Muslim migrants, the low turnout (43 per cent) “appeared to render it [the vote] invalid”.
Yes, like Brexit, the results have to be questioned. However, unlike the 48-52 per cent Brexit margin that was deemed too narrow to respect the will of the people, this time the narrative shifts to the “validity” of the vote as only 43 per cent of the Hungarian electorate voted. Apparently, this is short of the 50 per cent required to be “valid”.
Valid? We all know if the Brexit vote went the other way there would be no calls for a second referendum. We all know if Hungary voted 98 per cent on a turnout of 43 per cent to accept the migrants there would be no snide questions about the vote being valid.
How do we know?
Well, Katya Adler mentions in passing President Viktor Orban, who led a “prominent, expensive and relentless anti-EU and anti-migrant referendum campaign but failed to persuade most Hungarians to vote.” In fairness, she does point out that a higher percentage of Hungarians voted against EU migrant quotas than voted for EU membership 13 years ago.
A higher percentage of Hungarians voted against EU migrant quotas than voted for EU membership 13 years ago? Interesting.
I looked up that referendum and it was 84% pro on a 46% turn out. So surely a 46 per cent turnout means that the referendum result, and by dint Hungary’s membership of the EU, is also not valid as it didn’t pass the 50 per cent threshold?
As we know, the Beeb (and the EU) doesn’t work like that. As with this migrant vote and Brexit, when they make every attempt to undermine the outcome if the vote goes against them, when the outcome goes in their favour, questions of legitimacy and democracy are disregarded and the status quo agenda can be renewed.
“There has been widespread support both within the European Union and in countries due to join it, for Hungary’s overwhelming vote in favour of accession to the EU. Nearly 84% of those who took part in Saturday’s referendum backed the Hungarian political parties’ pro-Europe stand – but only 46% turned out to vote…
In the end, the only thing that mattered was that the Yes vote should be at least one-quarter of the electorate. That requirement was comfortably exceeded with the vote in favour at 38%….An overwhelming vote in favour was widely expected. With the result a foregone conclusion, the silent majority simply decided it was not worth their while to turn up and vote for – or against – accession.”
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