Yes, the Clinton campaign is reeling and Trump is soaring so it it must be tough for the blatantly partisan BBC. Still, have a look at what a BBC copy writer and photo editor can do to try and keep the flag for Clinton flying. From their web portal…touching, isn’t it?
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Have they cropped the photo so you can’t see the hands holding her up?
No, I suppose the original photo will show a deserted city, taken at 5am, just after she left Hospital, after taking stimulants.
Google and Facebook are heavily biassed towards Clinton.
Now it is almost a habit to google when one wants some info. But the US election has shown a consistent, deliberate and planned bias of Google against Trump,and for Clinton.
I’m going to switch from google to other search software.
The Best Search Engines of 2016!
And also use Google to search for “best search engines other then Google”. But ignore its offerings.
On Thursday at 9pm, BBC 2 is doing a hatchet job on Trump called “Conspiracy Files: The Trump Dossier” about Trumps Conspiracy Theories.
I guess it will include Conspiracy Theories such as the Assassination of JFK and Conspiracy Theories Trump no longer supports, such as Obama not born in Hawaii and any other disproved Theories once supported by Trump in the past. And any other conspiracy theories that the BBC types regard as funny, not possible, or don’t want to be true.
But it probably wont include Conspiracy Theories about Climate Politics and Science, which are mostly true, as well as any other proven Conspiracy Theories. In fact I believe the BBC could pull the Program off air if as I have heard, one or more of those Conspiracy Theories about Hillary Clinton, have been proven true by those emails.
We can find out about this on Wednesday at 8.30pm, on RT, Freeview Channel 135, Crosstalk, “The Clinton Emails”. As long as the BBC does not Jam the signal again.
What you can’t see in that picture is that Killary has managed to slip her handlers (who are frantically in pursuit of her in the background, with sedation drugs at the ready) and she is manically smiling and waving at a sh*tting dog, that’s shaking so violently Killary believes it’s her sexual deviant husband Bill