So carrying out continual genocide on innocent, vulnerable groups of people; mass rapes of innocent children in Biblical qtys; killing anyone who insults your prophet; using suicide bombings on schools, hospitals, weddings, bars, planes…..isn’t peaceful?!? You sound like a kafir to me you racist Islamaphobe!! Allahu Akbar!!!! (KABOOM!!!!)
. . . who is advising him to make these errors of judgement?
Rowan Atkinson, with a bit of luck, a consistent opponent of any legislation that criminalises free speech (or ‘racial and religious hatred’, if you will).
This from 2004, at the time of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill, but only one of several pertinent examples: ‘To criticise a person for their race is manifestly irrational and ridiculous. But to criticise their religion: that is a right. That is a freedom. And a law that attempts to say you can criticise or ridicule ideas, as long as they are not religious ideas, is a very peculiar law indeed. It all points to the promotion of the idea there should be a right not to be offended . . . In my view, the right to offend is far more important than any right not to be offended.’
A right to offend—in this particular case, a right to mock religion—that Craig Heap, the BBC more generally, and British Gymnastics are unable to conceptualise, let alone understand.
His treatment has been appalling, but Smith himself has been appalling, too. He has been appallingly cowardly, craven and sycophantic in his fawning public apology to the dark masters of the religion of hell. Shame on him for exercising zero independent / critical thinking or expressing a reasoned viewpoint grounded in fact / research.
One can imagine that all sorts of mockery of Islam goes on, including being recorded on video. He has been unfortunate in that in his case it has come to public attention because of his relatively high profile.
The onus should be much more on the (one would like to think) more mature people running his sport to do the right thing.
In fairness, a Conservative MP raised the issue in PM questions yesterday. Unfortunately I don’t have his name but he was very angry.
Theresa the Appeaser gave a ‘on the one hand, on the other hand’ pathetic reply. We can’t rely on her unless she starts getting it the neck from some her back benchers on the quiet.
There was an excellent example of this on R4’s Today programme.
Apparently, tired of outputting round-the-clock anti-trump propaganda, the team decided to devote face-to-face airtime to a querulant queer who had been persuing the Met in the courts for NINE YEARS! as they had not taken a heinous homo hate crime seriously enough. A neighbour had called him “a poof” and had not been summarily executed by an obliging PC PC plod. Truly the crime of the century.
“No apology or compensation can make up for my 9 year long struggle for justice” he moaned to a sympathetic Jim. What a waste of time and money.
I’ve just been watching a video of an interview Milo gave to a BBC nonentity.
Instead of accepting the lazy assumptions the BBC always base their questions on, he very wisely challenges them. Most politicians nowadays seem too stupid to realise they are being asked loaded questions.
Yes, I was guilty of a terrible understatement. For a man who has been dismissed as merely a provocateur and self-publicist, Milo did slaughter the BBC nonentity, but also provides a very concise and incisive analysis of the various PC tyrannies as well.
Have just seen the Smith crime on NewsShite. It’s like a return to Maoist China where a political zealot could denounce anyone as a “member of a revisionist clique” or an “imperialist running dog”, words and phrases that are about as meaningful as “xenophobe” or “transgender hate-crime”.
Geert Wilders now on trial again for asking his audience whether they wanted more or fewer Moroccans in Holland. Of course, they wanted fewer. For some reason this merits a court case.
It’s just simply a policy of making examples of well-known people who are not toeing the “party” line. The message is then clear to less influential members of society.
What a great phrase-“querulant queer”!
I saw recently that some “Watchmen of the Word” took it upon themselves to militate over the correct use of the hyphen.
We secondary mods were never taught such things, apparantly it would have to be a “grammar school thing”.
So it is this knicker-picking spirit that I as this.
Is it QuerulANT.
Or is it QuerulOUS?
Not much happening in Redditch today, as you can tell!
PS. My currant husband (grammar bugger!)tells me there`s one word not spelt aright above. I`ve now made it two! Nosey baggage!
It means that Sharia law applies to the indigenous, non muslin population.
In no reports I have seen, has anyone mentioned the continuous death threats Louis Smith has received. Making a joke about a lunatic religion is now more serious for the liberals on TV than religious nutters threatening to murder a person.
Sgb – What this whole episode emphasis es to me is how Islam appears to be totally incompatable with a modern secular society. The sort of Society most Beeboids espouse that they like the best
For years in this country Christianity has had Dick Emery, Dave Allen, Father Ted, Black Adder, and so forth poking fun at the established state religion. And yet I dont remember too many death threats being issued from established church goers.
Whilst Louis Smith comes across as a bit of a knob – what he did was essentially harmless yet we have all this fulminating and knashing of teeth about well – nothing really.
This appears to be part of some sort of strategy where most things can be mocked except Islam – because obviously their feelings are much more important than everyone else s . It therefore follows that their culture must be more important too …..
What disgusts me is the sheer hypocrisy of the BBC encouraging all this faux outrage and “Islamaphobia accusations at the expense of the society and culture that raised it.
Up until recently we had a society that on the whole was at ease with itself. We now to have a new element which seems to be slowly taking over (encouraged by the MSM and vote hungry lefties) that is only at ease with the complete subjugation of all other views which are at variance with its medieval and puritanical diktats
The worm now appears to be turning – lets hope it hurries up before its too late!
What I meant to have said is that I totally agree with all the opprobrium currently being heaped on Louis Smiths Head.
How dare he poke fun at such a virtuous and and benign “religion” – Little bastard.
I mean its not as if some of them are against homosexuality, throw gays off buildings, undertake FGM, commit mass sex attacks on Kuffar women, stone to death adulterers, kill apostates blah blah blah.
No – none of that is true. Fortunately the BBC will always be there to remind us that Islam is the true religion of peace and encourage us to support sharia law as some sort of benign equivalence to English law and help to bang another nail into the coffin of free speech by screaming “Islamaphobia ” at any one who might object.
Saying Allahu Ahkbar (allah is great) is wrong and has to be condemned according to Moslems.
So there we have it. Allah is not great so why the obsession with him?
“The BBC has been accused of racism after it posted a video online asking “Black people and fried chicken – is there any truth in it?”
The corporation put the video on Newsbeat’s Twitter feed, on the last day of Black History Month, to promote a documentary about racism faced by black people in today’s Britain.
A tagline, “Black people and fried chicken – is there any truth in it?”, which accompanied the clip was later removed.
The video was later reposted with a change in accompanying text, stating: “We’re talking about being black and British, the stereotypes you might face, like this one?”
“The BBC is extremely good at reporting the ‘what’, but we need to be better at the ‘why’. What’s missing is slow news: experts identifying what matters; data exposing the forces at work; outside expertise to examine the issues. “
Uh-huh. I make it they are only good at being slow. Not bad on £4Bpa and 20k and growing staff.
I don’t know if this would qualify as ot but the reaction of FIFA to England and Scotland teams to having the symbol of the poppy on the strip seems to marry up with Switzerland being neutral during WW2 , my only question to these “gentlemen ” being ” have you stopped taking bribes???”
Perhaps the Poppy should be on all European teams shirts during the November ties…. It would be fitting though if FIFA were told it was a matter only for UEFA to make a ruling on… I wonder if Herr Merkel would allow the germans to have the symbol on thier shirts???? Next they will ban the Israelis having the star of David on thier shirts…. I do hope they qualify for the Qatar World Cup……
Israel qualifying for the Qatar World Cup? That would be something, especially if Iran also qualified and was drawn to play the Israelis. They would pretend that the entire team had come down with a mysterious disease in order to avoid competing against the hated Jews.
Then FIFA would be obliged to expel them from Qatar, they would leave in disgrace, there would be endless wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Muslim world and the BBC would call for the Israelis to be banned from all FIFA competitions until they gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians.
BBC Points West reporting on the sex abuse convictions in Bristol, asks the important question, “How have the convictions affected the Somalian community?”
We suffer a 5 minute report asking just that question in hushed sympathetic tones, poor Somalians….Sod the poor white victims who have had their lives well and truly fucked up by these uber knuckle dragging cants…..
As you say Stew, 40+ comments ALL expressing views that would give beeboids an attack of the vapours – hang ’em, deport ’em, castrate ’em and worse. Do the beeboids actually read these comments? If so, don’t they get it? The game’s up beebistan, we’re not buying your deceptions any more. We despise you and your view of the world.
Similar thing after the Nice atrocity. A BBC female “journo” (same bint who haunts Calais)looking at the makeshift shrine, flowers, candles, cards, etc., that families, friends and well wishers had left, in memory of those who died. As she read the cards, she intoned, “…so much anger; so much intolerance…” These tributes had been left by people who had lost loved ones or seen people killed and all she was concerned about was the bloody intolerance!
Noted late on the Today programme this morning some actor (Jared Harris ?) being interviewed by Nick Robinson, regarding a new 60-episode period drama – ‘The Crown’ on Netflix.
Right up front, the Beeboid says that ‘many’ believe that this is just the sort of series that really should be on the BBC, and infers they just can’t afford it. How unfair everything is in this time of cuts and economies at the BBC.
Two options for the BBC, mate.
1. Find, somewhere in the midst of all of the infernal BBC tripe and virtue signalling across the world, from the annual BBC budget of £4.5 billion (essentially funded by taxation), the money to do it.
2. Give up on the Licence fee and, if the BBC is as good as you think it is, let it go directly into competition with the likes of Netflix as a commercial TV player, and stop using the Licence Fee as a platform to compete with, and to bully, other media players who aren’t essentially funded by a tax.
Or, as I suspect will happen, you could just keep on moaning about needing even more TV tax income because you are now having to face some real competition for a change.
The BBC knows it cannot compete any more and it is not just money. Attitude and an obsession with itself makes it useless. Only way is to set it free. Abolish the tax.
Re taxation: I would put it more akin to extortion, blatant extraction of money by threat of force. Sounds like the Mafia. The Mafia, however, charge less for their “protection” services.
Just reading through the ‘US election live update’ section on the Al Shabeeb webshite…. and OMG! WTF! FFS! FRO!!!
At 20:54 a shit eating, Killary worshiping psychopathic follower of cult Beeb has stated this (I shit you not folks..)
“Clinton shifts focus to Trump and women”
Followed by…
“Hillary Clinton has ignored the latest revelations about the email controversy that has enveloped her on the campaign trail and instead focused on Donald Trump’s demeaning comments about women”
…..WHAT!!! Killary isn’t ignoring anything!! She knows she is guilty of everything she is accused of and more, which is why she destroyed the evidence so nobody could ever prove it (or so the devious lunatic hoped)….it’s YOU who are ignoring the latest revelations as you have done since the very beginning in your traitorous pursuit in protecting her!!?
Nearly all the UK MSM are acting like fully paid up members of the Democratic Party and the Clinton fan club. ITV,s Robert Moore is just as bad as any BBC hack (sorry, correspondent).
Sky is rapidly moving from BBC Lite to BBC Heavy. Just seen an outrageous ‘special feature’ on the Trump Effect run by a woman called Hannah Thomas Peter. It started with 5 minutes of people saying they were terrified of Trump. Now, I thought, we’ll hear from some Trump supporters as to why they turn up at his rallies in their thousands, as opposed to Hillary’s hundreds. Not so. Quick section on some white nationalists where little Hannah so cleverly threaded the word Trump into her questions. Then back to more vox pops about people being terrified of Trump. End of report. Whatever happen to balanced journalism?
Totally agree Spiderman. I gave up on Sky some months ago and cancelled my subscription. For weeks afterwards they kept pestering me with various offers to rejoin even when I told them rather forcefully my reasons for leaving. As far as I am concerned the can shove their “service” where the sun don’t shine.
Totally agree, and saw that appalling and vindictive item on Trump supporters.
All I can say is that, the assaults on Brexit voters by the smart liberals on BBC/Sky didn’t stop the UK voting in the right way and I am sure it wont stop the US doing like wise.
More news not-on-beebistan:
“SWEDEN is on the brink of becoming a lawless state as the police force is losing the battle against unprecedented levels of crime and violence amid a growing migrant crisis.”
France… Germany… Sweden… as the invaders rampage through Europe, at least our leaders have a solution: let’s bring in more children so they too can grow up to join the good fight.
An interesting aside to all this is that Sweden, Germany and much of France are now no longer much use to the tourist from wherever especially if a woman. So that leaves the old Eastern lands as desirable destinations.
Liberalism has not much use for tourism unless it is to exotic third world hellholes so I doubt those Western European countries, being in the hands of a liberal elite will care much.
Same, would probably have missed it if you hadn’t linked to it again and that would have been a loss as I think it will just get funnier with repeated viewing. To his credit the reporter stooge appeared to realise very early on that he was hopelessly outclassed and eased up a little, pretty much a master class in how to deal with the BBC.
Yep thanks , got that, saw it before, but certainly worth watching again.
Bet Milo reads our website .
Challenge Al Beeb to put him on Question Time .
Our Scott will love him . Btw , Anyone seen Scotty ?
Yes saw some of that and viewed it as a little bbc project to belittle oz’s policy against boat migrants. Same old virtue signallers, lefty young charity helpers. Interesting that the migrants there are just as ‘restless’. Also thought it was interesting how the reporter had access to the parents of the murdered migrant in Iran.
Oh dear, I think I have some sort of addiction to newsshite. The whole thing was a crock of Shiite tonight, but the cherry on top was the detestable Emma Dabiri, who when discussing things that might offend (like Louis Smith) implied that Muslims are not from this country!!! I rest my case.
I have just watched a very good program on BBC Wales – “A Safe Bet?”.
It concerned the case of The Circuit for Wales which was announced in 2014 with the first race to be held in 2016. Needless to say the proposed site is still untouched, despite the (Labour) government in Cardiff giving the developer some £9 million of taxpayers money! Plus ca change.
In 2014 said government agreed a deal with a Michael Carrick, who did not come over very well when interviewed on the program (I wouldn’t trust him with the kids’ pocket money). In another interview, David Davies – recently castigated for questioning the legality of 38yr old “children” – was given a fair interview. A first for the BBC?
To be fair, a well researched piece of investigative journalism.
The newsreader at 8am seems rather exercised about this.
Two months ago, something similar happened in Otterburn, Northumberland.
Clearly awful, tragic and needs a good look.
But would the BBC say that 6-8 deaths a year amongst training soldiers in the wilds of northern Britain is
a)A scandal?One the BBC will simply HAVE to sniff out and sound their klaxons
b)Some sign of crooked incompetence by Haigs posh descendants in authority? In need of their ice cream van, disguised as a TV detector one. But still blasting out “Eve of Destruction” on the wind chimes?
c) An acceptable, unexceptional number of deaths, given the live firearms, need to simulate real conditions and-well-human idiocy, accident and error?
I don`t know. But I really resent the BBC doing a Deepcut, unless it is a fair agenda. Not a “hobbling the Army for Corbyn” one that the liberal left are wont to set before us.
More Or Less won`t be asking. Looking at the BBCs malign misuse of data for their 38 Degrees chums is verboten.But we`ve noticed.
The redcoats have always been high on the hate list for the liberal/left. Rather ironic when you consider we only have a standing army in the first place because of that arch-lefty Cromwell.
Just been watching Jo Coburn on the Daily Politics; biased,long-winded questions, more interested in putting her own one-sided 30 second questions and frequently interrupting answers that don’t meet the BBC agenda. She really is execrable.
At 3pm today it will be 80 years since “BBC One” started. The worlds first High-Definition Black and White Television Service. I still have my Grandfathers plans for building his own Television Set. The plans are for a 405 line system with 25 frames per second, to compliment the 1930’s AC mains supply. Unfortunately the war came, and they did not transmit television signals in Yorkshire until the 1950,s, so I have only got his home made Radio, he called the Wireless Crystal Set.
I understand that despite a prominent scapegoat being sacked by Lord Hall, the only intelligent UKIP Mensa type people, working at the BBC are probably the Electrical Engineers, but apart from episodes of Mrs Brown, they aren’t ever heard anymore in the background, laughing at jokes on the BBC.
What I find chilling is the lack of outcry about it. Islam has no more right than anything else not to be mocked, yet the public seem unconcerned at this attack on free speech.
In answer to your question, Peter, it’s amazing how quickly things get forgotten:
Jerry Springer: The Opera is a British musical written by Richard Thomas and Stewart Lee, based on the television show The Jerry Springer Show. The musical contains irreverent treatment of Christian themes, extensive profanity, and surreal images, such as a troupe of tap-dancing Ku Klux Klan members…..
Jerry Springer: The Opera was the subject of controversy beginning in January 2005, when its UK television broadcast on BBC Two elicited 55,000 complaints.[1] The organisation Christian Voice led street protests against the screening at nine BBC offices[2] and announced their intention to bring blasphemy charges, due to the depictions of the Christian characters in Act II. The Christian Institute attempted to bring a private prosecution against the BBC,[3] but the Magistrates Court refused to issue a summons, a decision which was later upheld by the High Court of Justice.
Just caught a tory MP at question time asking the PM will she and the house condemn the Muslim death threats against the Athlete Mr Smith – but disgracefully the whole house was silent! (one would have liked at least a one MP to condemn those death threats yet not one MP raised their voice in outrage)
And the PM wasn’t much better in her condemnation of those threats!? In fact she really struggled/hesitated in her answer/so called condemnation of said death threats!?
Maybe the reason why the PM/MPs were so silent in their condemnation of said Muslim threats was because the MP happened to mention the “hated of all words”: Christian?
Bill Still reporting on an ongoing counter-coup being run by patriotic members of 17 U.S. intelligence agencies to stop the Clinton Crime syndicate from proceeding with the rigging of the coming election.
According to a 4 minute video, done by Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a Harvard and MIT-educated psychiatrist who has written 26 New York Times Best Sellers, the Clinton coup has been put down by an intelligence community counter-coup, effective at noon today.
magicoat. That is an intriguing video, when the Director of the FBI suddenly announced they were investigating Hilliary and members of her coterie in what is the final run in to the election; I thought that something big behind the scenes had happened to trigger it.
I had a strong feeling that Trump would win the election since he won the nomination, it now appears that there are forces within the U.S. Establishment that REALLY don’t want the Clintons as residents, (again) of Pensylvania Avenue.
After this I would be amazed if Trump loses, when he wins hopefully he’ll loose Chris Christie and Trey Gowdie on both her and her and Bill’s “Foundation”; with the result that they and it will be destroyed politically and financially.
Team Killary have just finished praying towards Mecca as instructed by the child raping psychopath, and have now turned to pray towards the ‘lunatic one’, as Al Shabeeb continue their hopelessly pointless protection of the most dishonest, corrupted human being alive today… Killary.
Fact checking, reporting all facts, providing all the information for the viewer to conclude for themselves…. Hell no!!! This is the Islamic Al Beeb for Allahs sake!! It’s another day operation ‘pre determined judgement, slander, bias, morality supremacy, and hatred’ is in full swing! All articles are straight from Killary’s propaganda department as gospel, as once again Al Shabeeb try and attack Trump on his temperament and personality….whilst ignoring everything the ‘lunatic one’ has ever done or said….
Love this statement taking from an article on the Al Shabeeb webshite…
“Speaking in Florida – and appearing on stage with former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, who has previously claimed Mr Trump once called her “Miss Piggy” after she put on weight – Mrs Clinton said she had “learned way back in elementary school that it’s not OK to insult people”……..Hey!!! People who vote for Trump are racist, bigoted, xenophobes?!!! The women who spoke out about being raped by your husband are vile attention seekers? Calling Paul Fray a “fucking Jew Bastard”?….yeah that’s right you lunatic, you learned that lesson very well!
Great work Al Shabeeb! Can’t wait to see your faces when Trump wins
8:10 Radio 4 the BBC is again pitching for Hillary.
Don’t are told not to forget that this is the most important job on the world and we are reminded that Trump is a racist, a misogynistic, a moron.
We are told that white votes alone cannot win for Trump.
We are then presented with an “expert” (Nancy Soderberg) to plug Hillary. John Humphries suggests that because of Trump, the only reason that Hillary is not a certainty is because she is a woman.
Yes that must be it. If only white men didn’t have the vote.
The only reason she IS there is because she`s a woman – or at least an approximation of one.
It has to be the most breathtaking irony of modern times that her entire campaign is based on impugning Trunmp`s character. In thirty years she has achieved precisely nothing positive for America, and there`s not one shred of any credible policy anywhere with her.
One of the main reason she IS there is because of murderous money making outfits known has: PLANNED PARENTHOOD!
Those vile people sell body parts of unborn infants while the poor infant is still ALIVE in their mothers womb [plenty undercover video evidence of this vile trade on YouTube).
And if you look very carefully you will see Hillary surrounded by those weird kind of Feminists who run that murderous group of cut-throats! They nearly are always very tall, always very pretty and always well dressed! Much like the American TV presenters are on CNN/ABC etc
You’re right but there is an added (and very troubling) extra dimension to this.
The BBC is not alone in its rabid support for this corrupt and inept old woman. Most of the British media seem to be in the same camp. The Telegraph is every bit as blind and banal in its support as the Guardian, and as for Sky… well, it could be giving lessons to the North Koreans.
What we are seeing here is the reality of the yawning gulf between what ‘ordinary people’ think and what our governing ‘elite’ thinks. We saw it during the Brexit campaign and we are seeing it again and, as so often, it is mirrored back and forth across the Atlantic.
When it comes, the the UK and the USA may need more thorough revolutions than we have been assuming.
Even the dimmest BBC hack and Guardian fellow traveller must be realising that something is happening. As usual with events like these things can suddenly start to move fast. They always do. We can be pround that our Brexit vote seems to have been a catalyst.
Very much pre revolutionary days and if Trump wins then anything is possible. The elites will not get it until it is too late.
I hope you are right. If we don’t stop the rot the West is finished and to prevent that, some very big heads need to roll. Only metaphorically, of course. Probably.
Trouble is parties don’t win elections – people just get tired of a government and think, “Let’s give the other party a chance now.”
If that happens next election and people think to give Labour a go, it will be the end.
Yes, I agree – and the same is true in the USA, which is why we have the current contest between two hopeless candidates.
For a while, UKIP represented a real possibility of shifting the old order here, but the farce it has descended into since Nigel Farage effectively stepped down has robbed us of that opportunity.
There’s a scene in a Thackeray novel (can’t remember which one) when some rich society types in London in 1837 hear the death of William IV announced. The first thing they do is rush into a desperate frenzy of schmoozing, hob-nobbing and favour-begging in order to get a place in the trough when the new sovereign (Victoria) hands out the freebies (land, sinecures, honours etc).
I suspect the media and other members of the liberal elites are starting to realise that if Trump gets in, they are going to have to do something similar, or be left out in the cold, and it is scaring them witless.
That could be argued in the States but it doesn’t explain why the British media are every bit as craven. The explanation for that is deeper and even nastier – it’s to do with the rise of the new ‘educated’ governing class in both countries.
Very true – Britain was part of the EU but Britain is not part of the US. The BBC’s overt support for a candidate of another nation is very, “Twilight Zone.”
Discrete long shots of the fenced compound (shall we call it a playground?) care of the BBC this morning where the children, that’s children, are milling around at what remains of the Calais camp – just to reiterate our BBC anorak said ‘children’ three times in his short report – so you’ll notice I have complied with that little journalistic flourish too.
And guess what…. there’s been no trouble – except a fight between Afghans and Eritreans – with four injured. So there has been trouble.
Not to worry, UK Border officials are busy vetting those with a right to come here.
Phew, we wouldn’t want to import racism and xenophobia given how much of that we already have here after Brexit (and before, if you remember what the BBC tells us)
You`ve got your new sit com Mr Green.
15 asylum seekers in a lorry saying that in unison as they drive into England.
That would be the start of the show, then we could showcase their “journeys” towards -well, as long as there were japes, scrapes along the way?…who cares?
I see a Little Red Book here Sol.
One Thought for the Day for us all to nestle to our breasts, as able.
This is mine for today.
Beehive hair do and a bigger bra, so we can step in part like Gadhaffis gorgeous “security detail”.
I`d say we`ll not all be so pleasing on the eye, a few zimmers and dogs in train.
But these pithy aphorisms need a daily wailing at a calendar by the cream teas. Stalin had many grannies, so I`d imagine.
Does Al Beeb want big businesses to follow their example ?…..
Boardrooms ‘need more ethnic diversity’
Ethnic diversity across UK boardrooms is “disproportionately low”, according to a new report…..
Have they adjusted these figures for people born in the UK? It is hardly surprising that those people fresh out of a tractor tyre in Dover are under represented in boardrooms.
Given the age of the average boardroom member vs the speed of demographic change, I think it is only fair to compare ‘like with like’ and compare the demographics of the boardroom with the demographics of the country when the boardroom members were born – e.g. average age of boardroom is 55 years old, then demographics of 1961 should be used. That way we can compare whether we have equality of outcome. If so, then we can naturally assume that in 50 years time the boardroom will reflect the demographics as they are now.
Exactly, and the BBC should reflect this in their own quotas (if they must have them) taking account the age of their workforce, and not some future desired demographic of the UK like they have.
By chasing some target based on what the UK might become, what the BBC are effectively doing is slamming the door firmly shut on University and school leavers that just happen to be white. The BBC is now a racist organisation.
Perhaps the new series of More Or Less just about to start could examine the futility of chasing demographic targets.
I am all in favour of quotas for BBC News and panel games. Take QI. If the gay/lesbian percentage of the population is just two per cent; then with Sandy Tosvig and Sue Perkins on a show they will have to find 98 straight folks to sit alongside. Could be done, but finding 98 BBC types who are not nasty anti British, pro all the usual BBC dictates, not left wing and actually funny might pose a problem
Having diversity in the BBC and Parliament , and other Nalgoes and charities doesn’t extend towards having POOR people in these institutions one notices .
Just heard Humphrys sputtering over the number of deaths caused by drivers at their mobiles en route.
An RAC wallah came up with the usual scare stuff, need for more education, adverts and the rest of us to !dob them all in”.
Dismal Des wanted more law, more funding and a return to Tyburn. As lefty oafs like to do when fluttered.
Utter knee-jerky crap.
Reading WAS a tragedy, but we have EU drivers getting paid by results.
And BBC staff won`t be averse to using their phones whilst driving will they?
The RAC bloke said 50% of people admitted to doing the mobile thing whilst driving or-er stationary.
Spit it out man. Were they stationary in an M20 traffic jam a la Operation Stack?
Or stop-starting at slow speed?
None of is made any sense whatosever. Mealy-mouthed kid from the RAC splutters inanely to Dismal Des, over something where Labour were once “intensely relaxed”.
And now, ths casual indifference has cost one young family its lives on the A34.
Will the BBC ever take a calm, cool look at history, facts figures and planned projections?
Course not.
If only Jimmy Savile was around to urge us to “dump click every trip” when we`re driving around.
Makes no sense does it?
But what the heck DOES anymore on the Today Wailing Wallies in soft furnishings?
I used to work shifts and had to be at work at 7am. I was driving on the M4 at about 6:15am and saw the car in front drifting erratically – first into the hard shoulder and then into the second lane. I assumed the driver was drunk from the night before and gave a wide berth while overtaking. I glanced at the driver as I passed and he was watching a video on his mobile phone while driving (probably iplayer ).
I don’t have a dashcam and didn’t want to use my phone while driving, so I didn’t get his licence plate or phone the police. I just hope that when the inevitable happens, it is him vs an articulated lorry driver and not a family.
Gaxvil, I’m not a lawyer but I believe it’s to do with the difficulty of proving guilty intent (mens rea) as opposed to proving guilty action (actus reas). Both must be proven to convict someone of murder. If you wander the streets with an axe and kill someone with it, unless you’re a lumberjack it’s pretty clear evidence of guilty intent. If you drive around in a car and hit someone with it it’s hard to prove that was actually your intent. I have heard it said that for this reason, running someone over is the ‘safest’ way of killing someone.
She then completely spoils the whole article and proves that even she is one of those sneering elite when she says at the end……”I don’t want Donald Trump to become the next President of the United States. He is an egomaniac and a threat to global security. But, like Remain, liberal America might just be about to find their smug certainties have brought about their worst nightmare.”
How can it be their worst nightmare if they choose to vote for it? Or is it that she also thinks the plebs are too stupid to know what’s good for them?
Mrs Vine seems to be following the same thought pattern as Mr Michael Moore, ie that if Trump gets in, the rednecks will be happy for a while but then ‘buyer remorse’ will set in just like it did with Brexit. I sense the liberal elite have now become like an exasperated parent who says to a child who keeps trying to do something naughty, ‘go on then do it, and just see what happens!’
now on 5 Live : about to start a “rigged-in” I mean phone-in
“Does protection of Religion go too far ?”
specifically about Louis Smith being punished for short video mocking terrorists.
Aaron Banks is on now
Emma Barnett is of course full o hate
discussion just started
Tom Slater the Spiked guy : “No ideology is beyond ridicule”
Now Muhammed Shafiq “He was punished cos it was a second offence after tweeting about a 16 year old gymnast innapropriately”
“Louis Smith is accused of ‘casual sexualisation of women’ after posting a … of a 16-year-old girl gymnast’s leotard-clad bottom on his Instagram.”
Carly Patterson, who is now 28, attempted to calm fans down, replying that she wasn’t offended: “Sorry @louissmith1989! Its totally ok guys, we’re friends”
Discussion now over ..Shafiq lost after he said Father Ted was OK but not criticising Islam ..trying to say “OK that’s Chritianity but what about Hindu’s and Sikhs ?”
After asking for phone calls ..she aired none ..looks like she’s just stirring.
Poor Louis Smith, he’s getting the full Jade Goody treatment.
Pick on someone poorly educated, who can’t respond with a pithy answer and beat them down and into sackcloth and ashes.
Even the fact that Smith is mixed race can’t save him from the hypocritical witch hunt He’s being subjected to. It’s quite sickening to watch.
It really is vile isn’t it. Imagine the media trying something like that with Milo Yianoppolous or Dennis Murray. They wouldn’t dare, so like all bullies who can’t get a rise out of someone, they ignore them and pick the easy targets instead.
It is not solely the social media; it is a response from our country, its institutions, right up to our MPs, in recognition of the power of the invaders. Want to know who rules- the people you cannot laugh at.
An appalling interview on Radio 4 Today between Humphries and Noncy Soderberg a Clinton supporter, but even she cannot stomach the rank bias of Humphries.
Why aren’t Americans voting for Clinton because she is a woman (with the suggestion that anyone who does not for that reason alone is clearly a thought criminal who doesn’t deserve to live).
Soderberg seems genuinely shocked at this suggestion and countered that women in the US would be horrified and the only ones who might support this would be those close to retirement.
Then there was the claim that all of the Clintons terrible history was nothing more than mud slinging and that there was nothing behind any of it.
Again Soderberg was having none of it and explained that she thought Clinton was a weak candidate lacking the skills needed in several key areas.
So Humphries moves on to a heckler who should clearly have been an unperson who shouted “Bill Clinton is a rapist” at one of Hilaries rallies.
We are then treated to Hillaries response which was far from what the BBC claimed it was.
When the BBC bias is so great that you are even shocking the Democrat Deputy National Security Advisor and an Ambassador at the United Nations then you know that the bias is simply out of control !
Libtard cognitive dissonance is a real wonder to behold. The BBC, along with 98% of the rest of the regressive msm will fight to the bitter end to protect the Clinton Crime Family and try and get them into power (again). So much depends on this. The entire regressive agenda – everything from eroding free speech to the global CAGW climate scam – depends on Hillary taking the throne next week.
If Trump gets in (and I think he will) regressives know their goose is cooked, perhaps for an entire generation. Here in the rest of the world, we can hopefully look forward to better relations with Putin and Russia and a real effort, jointly, to eradicate Islamic State vermin (and all other Islamist murderers).
If the BBC’s preferred candidate gets in, we will be going to war (again) in foreign misadventures designed solely to promote a divisive, calculated agenda to erode national borders and cultures in favour of creating a solid regressive voter base (Hillary wants a 550% increase in migrants from repressive, intolerant cultures) which might see the Republicans locked out of office for decades to come.
Come on Trump – this is an existential moment and the stakes are huge.
Yes, the consternation of Humphries.
The, Oh this is such a strange and terrible thing that:
1)Trump is where he is and 2)Clinton is not President by divine intervention ?
I heard 30 seconds of it. It seems that it’s an outrage that we now have sources of information other than the MSM. I didn’t bother with the next part of the message from “the elite”.
Some of Today’s Virtue Signalling
9pm BBC2 Unamed Black Male : about trial of white police officer who killed an unarmed teenage
black shop-lifting suspect.
10pm C4 My Trans America Roadtrip : starring a British army officer who is now female.
23:15 Radio 4 : Canadian trans comedian character Mae Martin : “Mae considers how vigilant we still need to be as a society when tackling intolerance.
This November the American people have to choose between two people bidding to step in to Lincoln’s presidential shoes:
‘Crooked Hillary’, the machine politician under an FBI investigation*,
* (is that ALL the negative things they can list about her ? ..#BBCspin)
and the narcissistic self-confessed women-abuser** Donald Trump.
**(so when you apologise for some playboy stuff you did 10 years ago , that makes you “self confessed”)
What has gone wrong with America’s moral vision?
Were the fine words of Lincoln and the Founding Fathers just that – fine words? Has America ever confronted its problems of inequality, race and class?
Have big government and bigger corporations betrayed the founding principles of liberty and the American dream?
Where is the moral vision of America in this year’s presidential election?
Given the sad breaking news from Obama’s America, I wonder if the BBC2 9pm Black Male might be invited back in to comment to the contribution of the political classes and media to the security of officers of the law there?
“Where is the moral vision of America in this year’s presidential election?”
The BBC seem totally incapable of recognising that Trump has a very clear moral vision for America – government of the people, by the people for the people. That’s why the oligarchs running both parties are so frightened of him. It’s not complicated.
Both unblocked here on BT
But at the library they pretty much block any site that is not LeftMob.
Typing proxy PRX into Google will help you find a proxy server
Or just use
and set the language as Scots Gaelic ..and to English
and type the site address into the translation box..and hit enter.
Works for me Truth. Must be your provider….not sure if other totalitarian thought nazis’ have decided to ‘North Korea’ what we can read on the Internet….
Ah, how refreshing if the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation was supportive of Britain.
The vast majority of us are not, Celeb’s, Marxists, Elites, Muslims, Europhiles, Transgender or can vote Democrat.
Ohh Yes simple fact if they had picked Sanders I think he might be in the lead….. that how bent the democrats are out of two candidates they pick her……….Hail el presidente Trump!!!!
But it’s not their fault! How can you blame uneducated, unemployable, rape fanatical, dregs of the worst shit-holes on the face of this earth from wanting to come to Europe?!…..
The ONLY people to blame are the spineless, traitorous, mentally retarded left, who have hijacked society without our consent, abandoned the concept of national states without our consent, criminalised pride in your own people and country without our consent, flooded our country with unemployable, professional victims, who hate the West especially the country that takes them in… Without our consent…
That list is endless…and all bad! Our society, our culture, or very way of life is being raped by traitorous bastards on the left who hate themselves and their own people, and death cult followers who are only interested in raping innocent white girls and getting into paradise after blowing up a shopping centre
I’m sure I saw something earlier on the BBC website about Eritrean and Afghan children fighting in Paris but it seems to have vanished, probably just a water fight getting out of hand anyway. Talking of things vanishing from the BBC, both myself and a friend can recall an announcement made a good few years ago on R4 Today, it pertained to a male correspondent who was leaving but would return as a woman, can anyone remember who it was? Just a bit of trivia with no importance but neither of us can remember the name, might just have dreamt it of course.
I can imagine Paris’ tour guides are going to have to earn their crust..
“If you look to the left you will see hundreds of innocent Parisian girls being molested by gangs of Norwegian men with Tanned complexions..”
“On the right we can see the real victim of the event we are witnessing, because nasty white racism has cleary forced this peaceful, man child scientist to use that AK47 he is carrying to massacre these Islamaphobic shoppers..”
Having kept away from the BBC’s sewage pipe as much as possible lately, I had missed the pleasure of Michael Goldfarb’s ‘The Unswayables’ which is currently pouring out of R4, apparently out of control.
Goldfarb is spinning lie upon lie. According to this faux-conservative (who has lived in the UK since the 1980s – always telling, that), ‘talk radio’ in the USA that is ‘poisoning the well’ of political discourse in the USA. No mention of why it was needed – to counterbalance the far-Left US media. Apparently, talk radio’s hosts are ‘ultra Right-wing’ (Nazis to a man, obviously) and that ‘if you add in Fox news’ the overwhelming media bias in the USA if hugely in favour of Trump. Ah yes, and this ‘Right wing’ media selectively quotes Hilary Clinton in Trump’s favour. Really.
Yet more shame on the BBC for broadcasting this barefaced pack of distortions, lies and misrepresentations. Full marks for having found someone they can pretend is a ‘conservative’ to push their far-Left propaganda for them.
Thanks for doing my thinking for me SOL!
being a lefty clot like I am-I wait until my betters tell me what to think, and then think accordingly.
No need to watch PMQ now-I just believe in life after love.
Oh-and that Jeremy smashed it out of the ballpark.
Am putting together my top All Time Red Eleven.
Is Corbyn centre forward, libero playmaker in the middle, or a solid central sweeper?
I remember my team getting Ron Davies long after he`d been any good.
Played a few games, embarrassed chiefly himself before an early release to the Donkey Santuary.
Corbyn seems to be the Lefts Ron Davies, albeit without the badger snuffles on Clapham Common as his namesake in Labour 1998.
ChrisH – I think your team is likely to be a bit unbalanced. Despite the positions you choose for them they will all automatically play as left-wingers, even the goal-keeper.
Decided to see how I compared against current world leaders courtesy of the BBC’s website earlier. Having done the quiz I was amused to see this little factoid (TM Steve Wright in the Afternoon Radio 1 circa 1980s and again, in exactly the same format, Radio 2 circa 2000s) that Merkel was wary of dogs having been bitten by one on the 1990s. Thanks to her disastrous immigration policy, she is about to get bitten by a much bigger one at the ballot box.
Sitting at Work…(in a call center) just being asked how would you like to spend my friday evening without pay(unlike wogan) answering calls for Children in Need…..FUCKING HELL!!!!!
right I need to respond to this so lets have a bit of fun and could you offer any replies?
As the BBC have just predicted Armageddon and World War III due to Brexit and the US Republican candidate I feel that I owe it to my family to protect them and build a Faraday Cage to shield them from the constant communist communications emanating from W1A. As I have just heard that inflation is set to become 4% next year according to the most eminent experts no-one outside Bush House has heard of, it is imperative that I source the materials immediately before Donald Tusk bans the import of German razor wire to the UK.
Or you could say No. They got £4 billion a year to spout anti-christian sentiments all year and you want me to support their Islamist regime for one day of pretend we all love each other?
Like the HOC in its stony silence and May’s mealy mouthed reply to Charles Walkers question about Louis Smith (“What is going on in this country?”) The Daily Politics completely ignores the question was even asked.
The fact that this was the most important question of todays PMQ’s and the response it got both from our national broadcaster and The House leaves us with little doubt of who’s best interest they have, clue it’s not ours…
I completely agree, the reaction in the House was for once a stony silence. These political cowards know that this is a real problem and they are fantastically burying their heads in the sand.
Andrew Neil’s comment was also worrying. He believed the most important question for the Papers was that on FIFA. No mention as you rightly point out Geoff, on Louis Smith.
Theresa the Appeasers response was typically weak. We must be tolerant of death threats coming our way. We must be tolerant of Islam governing what we can or cannot say. We must be tolerant of people who abuse our right to free speech and free expression.
Theresa NO WE DON’T NEED TO BE TOLERANT. Tolerant is a hijacked Lefty word. Theresa the Tolerant.
What a weak drip of a woman she is. I hoped she’d be different. I was wrong. I’m still UKIP. Stuff Islam. Stuff the rest of those weak crony politicians. Vaz on the Justice Select committee, Theresa supporting the religious abuse on our people. Stuff them all.
It should be clear by now that after 6 years of appeasing Islam as Home Secretary and her reluctance to deport terrorists, now appointing a moslem panel to look into sharia, that the Appeaser is in the pockets of Islamic interests. Her answer to the question about Louis Smith classifies her as a grade 1 Quisling, not a PM for the British people.
As for Neil – Mr tough guy stops at the gates of Islam.
I do hope that President Trump will humiliate this Arab tart
FIFA is an easy target, Theresa the tolerant is clearly frightened of tackling Islam. BBC must be strengthened by her comments on tolerance, they can now be very ‘abusively tolerant’ to the indigenous non Islams.
Theresa the BBC pawn of TOLERANCE.
I am now very worried about Brexit with her hands on the tiller. How incredibly weak she is.
What a kick in the face to the British people. Have the police found the Moslems behind the death threats to Louis Smith, don’t bother they’ll only get a caution!!- And then seek out Tommy Robinson, arrest and jail him for doing nothing.
Have all the lessons of foreign politicians and some at home been in vain?
Look at the amount Sunni oil rich Muslim countries are giving to Western leaders for the promotion of Islam. Why do you think Theresa May will be any different?
Once you get your mind used to the fact that most Western institutions including Mosques Universities and probably media types are in the Saudi pocket you will be easily able to make sense of the world.
I believe you are right and whilst there may be a potential for Labour MPs to benefit from votes in Moslem towns I do wonder if the apparent cowardice of the rest, including Tories, is supported by Arab oil money. The university dons were easily bought
Since when did the bloated fat world of sporting events take on the equiavalent of the UN or the WTO.
Sport stinks, is unnecessary, a test bed for deviants and illicit means and substances, stunts any thought and is one false god.
Most of us don`t give a damn, we know it`s corrupt and full of the likes of Havelange and Blatter.
Where else would fat corrupt polyglot retards go to feather their nests, if not the EU or the Lords?
They go into sport where the boys are, the drugs hi tec and the linament back rubs come for free.
Like the BBC-make us pay to watch it, let`s see then if its any use or not.
Who gives a flying drop kick?
It`s corrupt as is the World Cup and the Olympics.
Bin them.
All the above does NOT apply to snooker though!
I well remember old brillo pad getting into a twitter argument following his abusive interview with Tommy Robinson, and claiming ( as @afneil) that he would have no qualms interviewing an islamist in the same agressive manner.
You know what?…..I’m still awaiting that interview…aint life strange eh?
Re the link between western politicians and Islam. Anonymous released this video concerning Clinton and Huma Abedin. Even if you discount some of the conspiracy arguments there is sufficient evidence in the public domain to see connections between Clinton and Saudi money. So why not investigate on these lines BBC support for Islam and Clinton, and the cosy relationship between May and Islam.
A very interesting video GWF. Leaves one asking more questions than provides answers.
I think most people now accept that 9/11 was a Saudi/ USA collaboration for what purpose, I’m unsure but possibly the excuse required to go to war in Iraq. Wars can and do make people very rich as the Bush family members can testify. As a result of 9/11, i am now also very suspicious about 7/7. There are so many unanswered questions, many of which we as a people are not permitted to ask in any depth.
As I knew one of the victims of 9/11 I was asked onto a radio programme. I asked the radio presenter why did Building 7 fall down? His response to me made suggestions that I was a typical conspiracy theorist, he told me that I was on the programme only to talk about the person I knew. He was probably right but establishment have parameters which you are not allowed to cross. The cause of 9/11 is one of them. However, I did then and I still do, want to know who killed the person I once knew.
My mistrust of politicians/ BBC/media is thus confirmed.
Back to the video.
My worry is that I think Trump can also be bought!Long shot here, but is it possible that agencies such as the FBI use Abedin as a mole or someone to track in order to gain information. As I said bit of a long shot.
OK it was mentioned on Today in parliament in passing way.
Guido has a much better detail in the last paragraph on his sketch
Everyone is completely silent.
And then Theresa dodged the question
May said: “I think we need to ensure that yes it is right that people can have that freedom of expression, but in doing so we need to respect that that right has a responsibility too, and that responsibility is to recognise the importance of tolerance to others*”
*(Spot the contradiction the speaker is the one has to have tolerance,
..rather than the Muslim have tolerance to what other people say)
He continued : “I realised I’d basically heard that line before in Spiderman.
And yet they all say that it’s Donald J. Trump who’s lowering political debate? Gimme a break.”
Re: The appointing of the, newly invented, BBC Board to replace the BBC Trust.
The BBC is the dirty window which many people see the World and that includes UK politics. Make no mistake the BBC is a player, not a reporter and as such has the capacity to exert vast amounts of influence. All those wishing to serve on the new Board should be elected by the licence payers.
BBC starts its report by saying “Flight MH370 most likely made a rapid and uncontrolled descent into the Indian Ocean, a new report says.”
Uncontrolled decent the BBC states. I.e. accident.
This is important, if MH370 was flown deliberately in to the sea you might say the Islamic captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, murdered the individuals on board. If it were an accident, as the BBC hopes, then it isn’t another Islamist terrorist action.
However, the only words the BBC quote from the report are:
‘Satellite data also indicated a “high and increasing rate of descent”, said the report.
“You can draw your own conclusions as to whether that means someone was in control or not,” the ATSB’s search director Peter Foley told reporters.’
harry142857Mar 16, 21:26 Start the Week 17th March 2025 City of Culture, innit? Expect there will be poor animals having their throats cut without the authorities doing anything about…
StewGreenMar 16, 21:22 Weekend 15th March 2025 26m18s “People go mad in herds .. and they only become sane one by one” So bring your friends back…
tomoMar 16, 21:05 Weekend 15th March 2025 [img][/img]
Fedup2Mar 16, 21:03 Weekend 15th March 2025 The health secretary thinks too many people are being classified as nut jobs …. If you add the third world…
ScrobleneMar 16, 20:11 Weekend 15th March 2025 Love the statement – “The iron-fisted leader has seen soaring popularity in his Latin American country for a successful crackdown…
Nothing on the BBC about Vaz’s recent election to the Justice Select Committee.
Not surprised Cassandra.Vaz is a crook. BBC is crooked.
‘Birds of a feather flock together’.
I’m no fan of sport and I can’t say I’ve even heard of Louis Smith but this is astonishing:
Four-time Olympic medallist Louis Smith has been suspended for two months by British Gymnastics over a video in which he appeared to mock Islam.
The so-called “Analysis” at the bottom of the article left me with a shudder going down my back.
Craig Heap – BBC Sport gymnastics summariser on BBC Radio 5 live:
“I have been concerned for Louis’ safety after he was talking about receiving death threats”.
“I worry about him as a person – who is advising him to make these errors of judgement?”.
It seems the BBC are plumbing new depths defending Islam and in their quest to drag us into a world where you can’t think or say a thing.
North Korea literally looks like a free country compared to the BBC. Milo Yiannopoulos is 1000% right with what he says about BBC.
And death threats from The Religion of Peace?.
There’s a contradiction if ever there was one.
If Islam was a ‘Religion Of Peace’ then the extremists would be really, really nice to people.
So carrying out continual genocide on innocent, vulnerable groups of people; mass rapes of innocent children in Biblical qtys; killing anyone who insults your prophet; using suicide bombings on schools, hospitals, weddings, bars, planes…..isn’t peaceful?!? You sound like a kafir to me you racist Islamaphobe!! Allahu Akbar!!!! (KABOOM!!!!)
. . . who is advising him to make these errors of judgement?
Rowan Atkinson, with a bit of luck, a consistent opponent of any legislation that criminalises free speech (or ‘racial and religious hatred’, if you will).
This from 2004, at the time of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill, but only one of several pertinent examples: ‘To criticise a person for their race is manifestly irrational and ridiculous. But to criticise their religion: that is a right. That is a freedom. And a law that attempts to say you can criticise or ridicule ideas, as long as they are not religious ideas, is a very peculiar law indeed. It all points to the promotion of the idea there should be a right not to be offended . . . In my view, the right to offend is far more important than any right not to be offended.’
A right to offend—in this particular case, a right to mock religion—that Craig Heap, the BBC more generally, and British Gymnastics are unable to conceptualise, let alone understand.
Smith’s treatment has been simply appalling, why has no public figure come to his defence? We here of course no the answer. It feels increasingly like we are sleep walking towards totalitarianism. Free speech is something that we are no longer allowed to practice and the Beeb is complicit in confining it.
A good article in The Spectator on it
His treatment has been appalling, but Smith himself has been appalling, too. He has been appallingly cowardly, craven and sycophantic in his fawning public apology to the dark masters of the religion of hell. Shame on him for exercising zero independent / critical thinking or expressing a reasoned viewpoint grounded in fact / research.
I think that’s a bit harsh, DB.
He’s a gymnast, not a politician or philosopher.
One can imagine that all sorts of mockery of Islam goes on, including being recorded on video. He has been unfortunate in that in his case it has come to public attention because of his relatively high profile.
The onus should be much more on the (one would like to think) more mature people running his sport to do the right thing.
In fairness, a Conservative MP raised the issue in PM questions yesterday. Unfortunately I don’t have his name but he was very angry.
Theresa the Appeaser gave a ‘on the one hand, on the other hand’ pathetic reply. We can’t rely on her unless she starts getting it the neck from some her back benchers on the quiet.
There was an excellent example of this on R4’s Today programme.
Apparently, tired of outputting round-the-clock anti-trump propaganda, the team decided to devote face-to-face airtime to a querulant queer who had been persuing the Met in the courts for NINE YEARS! as they had not taken a heinous homo hate crime seriously enough. A neighbour had called him “a poof” and had not been summarily executed by an obliging PC PC plod. Truly the crime of the century.
“No apology or compensation can make up for my 9 year long struggle for justice” he moaned to a sympathetic Jim. What a waste of time and money.
I’ve just been watching a video of an interview Milo gave to a BBC nonentity.
Instead of accepting the lazy assumptions the BBC always base their questions on, he very wisely challenges them. Most politicians nowadays seem too stupid to realise they are being asked loaded questions.
ID – “MILO very wisely challenges them”… he doesn’t just challenge them, he SLAUGHTERS them
Yes, I was guilty of a terrible understatement. For a man who has been dismissed as merely a provocateur and self-publicist, Milo did slaughter the BBC nonentity, but also provides a very concise and incisive analysis of the various PC tyrannies as well.
Have just seen the Smith crime on NewsShite. It’s like a return to Maoist China where a political zealot could denounce anyone as a “member of a revisionist clique” or an “imperialist running dog”, words and phrases that are about as meaningful as “xenophobe” or “transgender hate-crime”.
Geert Wilders now on trial again for asking his audience whether they wanted more or fewer Moroccans in Holland. Of course, they wanted fewer. For some reason this merits a court case.
It’s just simply a policy of making examples of well-known people who are not toeing the “party” line. The message is then clear to less influential members of society.
What a great phrase-“querulant queer”!
I saw recently that some “Watchmen of the Word” took it upon themselves to militate over the correct use of the hyphen.
We secondary mods were never taught such things, apparantly it would have to be a “grammar school thing”.
So it is this knicker-picking spirit that I as this.
Is it QuerulANT.
Or is it QuerulOUS?
Not much happening in Redditch today, as you can tell!
PS. My currant husband (grammar bugger!)tells me there`s one word not spelt aright above. I`ve now made it two! Nosey baggage!
It means that Sharia law applies to the indigenous, non muslin population.
In no reports I have seen, has anyone mentioned the continuous death threats Louis Smith has received. Making a joke about a lunatic religion is now more serious for the liberals on TV than religious nutters threatening to murder a person.
Sheer madness and it can only get worse.
Sgb – What this whole episode emphasis es to me is how Islam appears to be totally incompatable with a modern secular society. The sort of Society most Beeboids espouse that they like the best
For years in this country Christianity has had Dick Emery, Dave Allen, Father Ted, Black Adder, and so forth poking fun at the established state religion. And yet I dont remember too many death threats being issued from established church goers.
Whilst Louis Smith comes across as a bit of a knob – what he did was essentially harmless yet we have all this fulminating and knashing of teeth about well – nothing really.
This appears to be part of some sort of strategy where most things can be mocked except Islam – because obviously their feelings are much more important than everyone else s . It therefore follows that their culture must be more important too …..
What disgusts me is the sheer hypocrisy of the BBC encouraging all this faux outrage and “Islamaphobia accusations at the expense of the society and culture that raised it.
Up until recently we had a society that on the whole was at ease with itself. We now to have a new element which seems to be slowly taking over (encouraged by the MSM and vote hungry lefties) that is only at ease with the complete subjugation of all other views which are at variance with its medieval and puritanical diktats
The worm now appears to be turning – lets hope it hurries up before its too late!
Seemed to have ballsed up my post
What I meant to have said is that I totally agree with all the opprobrium currently being heaped on Louis Smiths Head.
How dare he poke fun at such a virtuous and and benign “religion” – Little bastard.
I mean its not as if some of them are against homosexuality, throw gays off buildings, undertake FGM, commit mass sex attacks on Kuffar women, stone to death adulterers, kill apostates blah blah blah.
No – none of that is true. Fortunately the BBC will always be there to remind us that Islam is the true religion of peace and encourage us to support sharia law as some sort of benign equivalence to English law and help to bang another nail into the coffin of free speech by screaming “Islamaphobia ” at any one who might object.
Thanks Aunty – you really are an evil old cow!
Some would call you a traitor!
Hah! If you’d listened to Radio 4 yesterday you would know that evil spirits are to blame – Djinns!
Gaxvil – Its enough to bloody drive anyone to djinn!
Saying Allahu Ahkbar (allah is great) is wrong and has to be condemned according to Moslems.
So there we have it. Allah is not great so why the obsession with him?
From Press Association
“The BBC has been accused of racism after it posted a video online asking “Black people and fried chicken – is there any truth in it?”
The corporation put the video on Newsbeat’s Twitter feed, on the last day of Black History Month, to promote a documentary about racism faced by black people in today’s Britain.
A tagline, “Black people and fried chicken – is there any truth in it?”, which accompanied the clip was later removed.
The video was later reposted with a change in accompanying text, stating: “We’re talking about being black and British, the stereotypes you might face, like this one?”
… … … … …”
Newsbeat can be extremely good value at times.
Not in the way the BBC intended, but still…
And, after a fair pause, in other news…
“The BBC is extremely good at reporting the ‘what’, but we need to be better at the ‘why’. What’s missing is slow news: experts identifying what matters; data exposing the forces at work; outside expertise to examine the issues. “
Uh-huh. I make it they are only good at being slow. Not bad on £4Bpa and 20k and growing staff.
‘Would we be told if Facebook was paying the BBC to produce “Facebook Live” broadcasts ?’
There is always FOI. I jest of course.
‘with unbilled co-host Zanny Minton-Beddoes, the editor of The Economist’
This is the publication spamming my Facebook timeline, alternating between the god status of Obama and rampant remainiac sulking still.
A match made in heaven.
I don’t know if this would qualify as ot but the reaction of FIFA to England and Scotland teams to having the symbol of the poppy on the strip seems to marry up with Switzerland being neutral during WW2 , my only question to these “gentlemen ” being ” have you stopped taking bribes???”
Perhaps the Poppy should be on all European teams shirts during the November ties…. It would be fitting though if FIFA were told it was a matter only for UEFA to make a ruling on… I wonder if Herr Merkel would allow the germans to have the symbol on thier shirts???? Next they will ban the Israelis having the star of David on thier shirts…. I do hope they qualify for the Qatar World Cup……
Justin Casey,
Israel qualifying for the Qatar World Cup? That would be something, especially if Iran also qualified and was drawn to play the Israelis. They would pretend that the entire team had come down with a mysterious disease in order to avoid competing against the hated Jews.
Then FIFA would be obliged to expel them from Qatar, they would leave in disgrace, there would be endless wailing and gnashing of teeth in the Muslim world and the BBC would call for the Israelis to be banned from all FIFA competitions until they gave Jerusalem to the Palestinians.
The Germans would have the Vergissmeinnich or forget-me-not as we call it, not the poppy, Justin.
BBC Points West reporting on the sex abuse convictions in Bristol, asks the important question, “How have the convictions affected the Somalian community?”
We suffer a 5 minute report asking just that question in hushed sympathetic tones, poor Somalians….Sod the poor white victims who have had their lives well and truly fucked up by these uber knuckle dragging cants…..
Item on BBC Bristol FB page has around 40 comments
None take the BBC line
As you say Stew, 40+ comments ALL expressing views that would give beeboids an attack of the vapours – hang ’em, deport ’em, castrate ’em and worse. Do the beeboids actually read these comments? If so, don’t they get it? The game’s up beebistan, we’re not buying your deceptions any more. We despise you and your view of the world.
Similar thing after the Nice atrocity. A BBC female “journo” (same bint who haunts Calais)looking at the makeshift shrine, flowers, candles, cards, etc., that families, friends and well wishers had left, in memory of those who died. As she read the cards, she intoned, “…so much anger; so much intolerance…” These tributes had been left by people who had lost loved ones or seen people killed and all she was concerned about was the bloody intolerance!
The attitude is nothing short of obscene, IMO.
I’d like to know her name. I’d describe her comment as gross misconduct.
Unique funding indeed.
Aslo all across BBC Facebook (see above).
So, vital as well.
Noted late on the Today programme this morning some actor (Jared Harris ?) being interviewed by Nick Robinson, regarding a new 60-episode period drama – ‘The Crown’ on Netflix.
Right up front, the Beeboid says that ‘many’ believe that this is just the sort of series that really should be on the BBC, and infers they just can’t afford it. How unfair everything is in this time of cuts and economies at the BBC.
Two options for the BBC, mate.
1. Find, somewhere in the midst of all of the infernal BBC tripe and virtue signalling across the world, from the annual BBC budget of £4.5 billion (essentially funded by taxation), the money to do it.
2. Give up on the Licence fee and, if the BBC is as good as you think it is, let it go directly into competition with the likes of Netflix as a commercial TV player, and stop using the Licence Fee as a platform to compete with, and to bully, other media players who aren’t essentially funded by a tax.
Or, as I suspect will happen, you could just keep on moaning about needing even more TV tax income because you are now having to face some real competition for a change.
The BBC knows it cannot compete any more and it is not just money. Attitude and an obsession with itself makes it useless. Only way is to set it free. Abolish the tax.
Re taxation: I would put it more akin to extortion, blatant extraction of money by threat of force. Sounds like the Mafia. The Mafia, however, charge less for their “protection” services.
Just reading through the ‘US election live update’ section on the Al Shabeeb webshite…. and OMG! WTF! FFS! FRO!!!
At 20:54 a shit eating, Killary worshiping psychopathic follower of cult Beeb has stated this (I shit you not folks..)
“Clinton shifts focus to Trump and women”
Followed by…
“Hillary Clinton has ignored the latest revelations about the email controversy that has enveloped her on the campaign trail and instead focused on Donald Trump’s demeaning comments about women”
…..WHAT!!! Killary isn’t ignoring anything!! She knows she is guilty of everything she is accused of and more, which is why she destroyed the evidence so nobody could ever prove it (or so the devious lunatic hoped)….it’s YOU who are ignoring the latest revelations as you have done since the very beginning in your traitorous pursuit in protecting her!!?
Nearly all the UK MSM are acting like fully paid up members of the Democratic Party and the Clinton fan club. ITV,s Robert Moore is just as bad as any BBC hack (sorry, correspondent).
Sky is rapidly moving from BBC Lite to BBC Heavy. Just seen an outrageous ‘special feature’ on the Trump Effect run by a woman called Hannah Thomas Peter. It started with 5 minutes of people saying they were terrified of Trump. Now, I thought, we’ll hear from some Trump supporters as to why they turn up at his rallies in their thousands, as opposed to Hillary’s hundreds. Not so. Quick section on some white nationalists where little Hannah so cleverly threaded the word Trump into her questions. Then back to more vox pops about people being terrified of Trump. End of report. Whatever happen to balanced journalism?
Totally agree Spiderman. I gave up on Sky some months ago and cancelled my subscription. For weeks afterwards they kept pestering me with various offers to rejoin even when I told them rather forcefully my reasons for leaving. As far as I am concerned the can shove their “service” where the sun don’t shine.
at least you can vote against sky with you wallet
perhaps we should have a sister site perhaps
Totally agree, and saw that appalling and vindictive item on Trump supporters.
All I can say is that, the assaults on Brexit voters by the smart liberals on BBC/Sky didn’t stop the UK voting in the right way and I am sure it wont stop the US doing like wise.
More news not-on-beebistan:
“SWEDEN is on the brink of becoming a lawless state as the police force is losing the battle against unprecedented levels of crime and violence amid a growing migrant crisis.”
France… Germany… Sweden… as the invaders rampage through Europe, at least our leaders have a solution: let’s bring in more children so they too can grow up to join the good fight.
An interesting aside to all this is that Sweden, Germany and much of France are now no longer much use to the tourist from wherever especially if a woman. So that leaves the old Eastern lands as desirable destinations.
Liberalism has not much use for tourism unless it is to exotic third world hellholes so I doubt those Western European countries, being in the hands of a liberal elite will care much.
Mice Height, the Milo vid’s been posted already a few times on bbbc, but the more the better – the man’s a genius.
Sorry, haven’t been on for a couple of days.
Same, would probably have missed it if you hadn’t linked to it again and that would have been a loss as I think it will just get funnier with repeated viewing. To his credit the reporter stooge appeared to realise very early on that he was hopelessly outclassed and eased up a little, pretty much a master class in how to deal with the BBC.
Old – “a master class in how to deal with the BBC”. Yes, with utter contempt. Don’t give them an inch. Expose their snide, insidious tactics of entrapment. Mock, ridicule, attack, attack, attack.
I am getting this on those links …….”404 Not Found” ?
taff, try this
Yep thanks , got that, saw it before, but certainly worth watching again.
Bet Milo reads our website .
Challenge Al Beeb to put him on Question Time .
Our Scott will love him . Btw , Anyone seen Scotty ?
Sorry taff something wrong with my computer – or the Illuminati are messing with it.
Re 9pm Storyville about Australian offshore refugee camps
In the last thread I mentioned the Nauru Government complaints
– and the recent Australian Immigration Service investigation which basically found that yes years ago the Nauru govt let some things happen, these days the incidents are way way less than claimed
Yes saw some of that and viewed it as a little bbc project to belittle oz’s policy against boat migrants. Same old virtue signallers, lefty young charity helpers. Interesting that the migrants there are just as ‘restless’. Also thought it was interesting how the reporter had access to the parents of the murdered migrant in Iran.
Oh dear, I think I have some sort of addiction to newsshite. The whole thing was a crock of Shiite tonight, but the cherry on top was the detestable Emma Dabiri, who when discussing things that might offend (like Louis Smith) implied that Muslims are not from this country!!! I rest my case.
I have just watched a very good program on BBC Wales – “A Safe Bet?”.
It concerned the case of The Circuit for Wales which was announced in 2014 with the first race to be held in 2016. Needless to say the proposed site is still untouched, despite the (Labour) government in Cardiff giving the developer some £9 million of taxpayers money! Plus ca change.
In 2014 said government agreed a deal with a Michael Carrick, who did not come over very well when interviewed on the program (I wouldn’t trust him with the kids’ pocket money). In another interview, David Davies – recently castigated for questioning the legality of 38yr old “children” – was given a fair interview. A first for the BBC?
To be fair, a well researched piece of investigative journalism.
Worth catching on iPlayer.
Hello, hello,hello, what’s going on here then ? “Police have sealed off the RAF Tain bombing range, 30 miles north of Inverness, after an incident during a “live-firing” training exercise.”
The newsreader at 8am seems rather exercised about this.
Two months ago, something similar happened in Otterburn, Northumberland.
Clearly awful, tragic and needs a good look.
But would the BBC say that 6-8 deaths a year amongst training soldiers in the wilds of northern Britain is
a)A scandal?One the BBC will simply HAVE to sniff out and sound their klaxons
b)Some sign of crooked incompetence by Haigs posh descendants in authority? In need of their ice cream van, disguised as a TV detector one. But still blasting out “Eve of Destruction” on the wind chimes?
c) An acceptable, unexceptional number of deaths, given the live firearms, need to simulate real conditions and-well-human idiocy, accident and error?
I don`t know. But I really resent the BBC doing a Deepcut, unless it is a fair agenda. Not a “hobbling the Army for Corbyn” one that the liberal left are wont to set before us.
More Or Less won`t be asking. Looking at the BBCs malign misuse of data for their 38 Degrees chums is verboten.But we`ve noticed.
The redcoats have always been high on the hate list for the liberal/left. Rather ironic when you consider we only have a standing army in the first place because of that arch-lefty Cromwell.
Just been watching Jo Coburn on the Daily Politics; biased,long-winded questions, more interested in putting her own one-sided 30 second questions and frequently interrupting answers that don’t meet the BBC agenda. She really is execrable.
It looks like a standard press release – the reports in the torygraph and daily wail are almost identical to the BBC.
You can be absolutely certain it is NTDWI!
At 3pm today it will be 80 years since “BBC One” started. The worlds first High-Definition Black and White Television Service. I still have my Grandfathers plans for building his own Television Set. The plans are for a 405 line system with 25 frames per second, to compliment the 1930’s AC mains supply. Unfortunately the war came, and they did not transmit television signals in Yorkshire until the 1950,s, so I have only got his home made Radio, he called the Wireless Crystal Set.
I understand that despite a prominent scapegoat being sacked by Lord Hall, the only intelligent UKIP Mensa type people, working at the BBC are probably the Electrical Engineers, but apart from episodes of Mrs Brown, they aren’t ever heard anymore in the background, laughing at jokes on the BBC.
Richard “At 3pm today it will be 80 years since “BBC One” started.” And look how far they’ve come since. How far down, I mean.
bbc accused of racism over blacks and chicken. Savour the irony. Delicious.
Would Louis Smith have been banned for ‘mocking’ Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other religion? Course not.
What I find chilling is the lack of outcry about it. Islam has no more right than anything else not to be mocked, yet the public seem unconcerned at this attack on free speech.
In answer to your question, Peter, it’s amazing how quickly things get forgotten:
Jerry Springer: The Opera is a British musical written by Richard Thomas and Stewart Lee, based on the television show The Jerry Springer Show. The musical contains irreverent treatment of Christian themes, extensive profanity, and surreal images, such as a troupe of tap-dancing Ku Klux Klan members…..
Jerry Springer: The Opera was the subject of controversy beginning in January 2005, when its UK television broadcast on BBC Two elicited 55,000 complaints.[1] The organisation Christian Voice led street protests against the screening at nine BBC offices[2] and announced their intention to bring blasphemy charges, due to the depictions of the Christian characters in Act II. The Christian Institute attempted to bring a private prosecution against the BBC,[3] but the Magistrates Court refused to issue a summons, a decision which was later upheld by the High Court of Justice.
Compare and contrast, eh?
The BBC – Buggering up Britain Completely.
Just caught a tory MP at question time asking the PM will she and the house condemn the Muslim death threats against the Athlete Mr Smith – but disgracefully the whole house was silent! (one would have liked at least a one MP to condemn those death threats yet not one MP raised their voice in outrage)
And the PM wasn’t much better in her condemnation of those threats!? In fact she really struggled/hesitated in her answer/so called condemnation of said death threats!?
Maybe the reason why the PM/MPs were so silent in their condemnation of said Muslim threats was because the MP happened to mention the “hated of all words”: Christian?
Silent Counter-Coup by 17 Intel Agencies To Stop Crooked Clintons
Bill Still reporting on an ongoing counter-coup being run by patriotic members of 17 U.S. intelligence agencies to stop the Clinton Crime syndicate from proceeding with the rigging of the coming election.
According to a 4 minute video, done by Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a Harvard and MIT-educated psychiatrist who has written 26 New York Times Best Sellers, the Clinton coup has been put down by an intelligence community counter-coup, effective at noon today.
magicoat. That is an intriguing video, when the Director of the FBI suddenly announced they were investigating Hilliary and members of her coterie in what is the final run in to the election; I thought that something big behind the scenes had happened to trigger it.
I had a strong feeling that Trump would win the election since he won the nomination, it now appears that there are forces within the U.S. Establishment that REALLY don’t want the Clintons as residents, (again) of Pensylvania Avenue.
After this I would be amazed if Trump loses, when he wins hopefully he’ll loose Chris Christie and Trey Gowdie on both her and her and Bill’s “Foundation”; with the result that they and it will be destroyed politically and financially.
Team Killary have just finished praying towards Mecca as instructed by the child raping psychopath, and have now turned to pray towards the ‘lunatic one’, as Al Shabeeb continue their hopelessly pointless protection of the most dishonest, corrupted human being alive today… Killary.
Fact checking, reporting all facts, providing all the information for the viewer to conclude for themselves…. Hell no!!! This is the Islamic Al Beeb for Allahs sake!! It’s another day operation ‘pre determined judgement, slander, bias, morality supremacy, and hatred’ is in full swing! All articles are straight from Killary’s propaganda department as gospel, as once again Al Shabeeb try and attack Trump on his temperament and personality….whilst ignoring everything the ‘lunatic one’ has ever done or said….
Love this statement taking from an article on the Al Shabeeb webshite…
“Speaking in Florida – and appearing on stage with former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, who has previously claimed Mr Trump once called her “Miss Piggy” after she put on weight – Mrs Clinton said she had “learned way back in elementary school that it’s not OK to insult people”……..Hey!!! People who vote for Trump are racist, bigoted, xenophobes?!!! The women who spoke out about being raped by your husband are vile attention seekers? Calling Paul Fray a “fucking Jew Bastard”?….yeah that’s right you lunatic, you learned that lesson very well!
Great work Al Shabeeb! Can’t wait to see your faces when Trump wins
8:10 Radio 4 the BBC is again pitching for Hillary.
Don’t are told not to forget that this is the most important job on the world and we are reminded that Trump is a racist, a misogynistic, a moron.
We are told that white votes alone cannot win for Trump.
We are then presented with an “expert” (Nancy Soderberg) to plug Hillary. John Humphries suggests that because of Trump, the only reason that Hillary is not a certainty is because she is a woman.
Yes that must be it. If only white men didn’t have the vote.
The only reason she IS there is because she`s a woman – or at least an approximation of one.
It has to be the most breathtaking irony of modern times that her entire campaign is based on impugning Trunmp`s character. In thirty years she has achieved precisely nothing positive for America, and there`s not one shred of any credible policy anywhere with her.
“The only reason she IS there”
One of the main reason she IS there is because of murderous money making outfits known has: PLANNED PARENTHOOD!
Those vile people sell body parts of unborn infants while the poor infant is still ALIVE in their mothers womb [plenty undercover video evidence of this vile trade on YouTube).
And if you look very carefully you will see Hillary surrounded by those weird kind of Feminists who run that murderous group of cut-throats! They nearly are always very tall, always very pretty and always well dressed! Much like the American TV presenters are on CNN/ABC etc
You’re right but there is an added (and very troubling) extra dimension to this.
The BBC is not alone in its rabid support for this corrupt and inept old woman. Most of the British media seem to be in the same camp. The Telegraph is every bit as blind and banal in its support as the Guardian, and as for Sky… well, it could be giving lessons to the North Koreans.
What we are seeing here is the reality of the yawning gulf between what ‘ordinary people’ think and what our governing ‘elite’ thinks. We saw it during the Brexit campaign and we are seeing it again and, as so often, it is mirrored back and forth across the Atlantic.
When it comes, the the UK and the USA may need more thorough revolutions than we have been assuming.
Even the dimmest BBC hack and Guardian fellow traveller must be realising that something is happening. As usual with events like these things can suddenly start to move fast. They always do. We can be pround that our Brexit vote seems to have been a catalyst.
Very much pre revolutionary days and if Trump wins then anything is possible. The elites will not get it until it is too late.
I hope you are right. If we don’t stop the rot the West is finished and to prevent that, some very big heads need to roll. Only metaphorically, of course. Probably.
Trouble is parties don’t win elections – people just get tired of a government and think, “Let’s give the other party a chance now.”
If that happens next election and people think to give Labour a go, it will be the end.
Yes, I agree – and the same is true in the USA, which is why we have the current contest between two hopeless candidates.
For a while, UKIP represented a real possibility of shifting the old order here, but the farce it has descended into since Nigel Farage effectively stepped down has robbed us of that opportunity.
We need a ‘throw the bums out’ party.
There’s a scene in a Thackeray novel (can’t remember which one) when some rich society types in London in 1837 hear the death of William IV announced. The first thing they do is rush into a desperate frenzy of schmoozing, hob-nobbing and favour-begging in order to get a place in the trough when the new sovereign (Victoria) hands out the freebies (land, sinecures, honours etc).
I suspect the media and other members of the liberal elites are starting to realise that if Trump gets in, they are going to have to do something similar, or be left out in the cold, and it is scaring them witless.
Oh the joy if Trump wins! It will be like lifting a slab and watching the bugs scuttle.
That could be argued in the States but it doesn’t explain why the British media are every bit as craven. The explanation for that is deeper and even nastier – it’s to do with the rise of the new ‘educated’ governing class in both countries.
Sorry, that last of mine was a response to Cranmer’s thoughts but the threading placed it beneath gaxvil’s post.
Very true – Britain was part of the EU but Britain is not part of the US. The BBC’s overt support for a candidate of another nation is very, “Twilight Zone.”
It gives an added dimension to the word ‘globalism’ that’s for sure!
Discrete long shots of the fenced compound (shall we call it a playground?) care of the BBC this morning where the children, that’s children, are milling around at what remains of the Calais camp – just to reiterate our BBC anorak said ‘children’ three times in his short report – so you’ll notice I have complied with that little journalistic flourish too.
And guess what…. there’s been no trouble – except a fight between Afghans and Eritreans – with four injured. So there has been trouble.
Not to worry, UK Border officials are busy vetting those with a right to come here.
Phew, we wouldn’t want to import racism and xenophobia given how much of that we already have here after Brexit (and before, if you remember what the BBC tells us)
Our local news – not BBC – described the children being bussed away as ‘teenagers’ (which description, as we know, covers a multitude of sins).
the topic of the five live phone in Favourite TV Memories
So phone in say It Ain’t Half Hot Mum.
BTW 15 immigrants found in Spanish lorry in Norfolk
You`ve got your new sit com Mr Green.
15 asylum seekers in a lorry saying that in unison as they drive into England.
That would be the start of the show, then we could showcase their “journeys” towards -well, as long as there were japes, scrapes along the way?…who cares?
Friends! Nicked this one from my Blog – well, those of us on the Progressive Left have always been great believers in recycling literally everything …
I see a Little Red Book here Sol.
One Thought for the Day for us all to nestle to our breasts, as able.
This is mine for today.
Beehive hair do and a bigger bra, so we can step in part like Gadhaffis gorgeous “security detail”.
I`d say we`ll not all be so pleasing on the eye, a few zimmers and dogs in train.
But these pithy aphorisms need a daily wailing at a calendar by the cream teas. Stalin had many grannies, so I`d imagine.
Thank you, Friend Alicia. It might just be a Little Read Book, I fear …
Thanks for your Thought for the Day, which was a lot more enjoyable than the BBC version :).
Does Al Beeb want big businesses to follow their example ?…..
Boardrooms ‘need more ethnic diversity’
Ethnic diversity across UK boardrooms is “disproportionately low”, according to a new report…..
Have they adjusted these figures for people born in the UK? It is hardly surprising that those people fresh out of a tractor tyre in Dover are under represented in boardrooms.
Given the age of the average boardroom member vs the speed of demographic change, I think it is only fair to compare ‘like with like’ and compare the demographics of the boardroom with the demographics of the country when the boardroom members were born – e.g. average age of boardroom is 55 years old, then demographics of 1961 should be used. That way we can compare whether we have equality of outcome. If so, then we can naturally assume that in 50 years time the boardroom will reflect the demographics as they are now.
Exactly, and the BBC should reflect this in their own quotas (if they must have them) taking account the age of their workforce, and not some future desired demographic of the UK like they have.
By chasing some target based on what the UK might become, what the BBC are effectively doing is slamming the door firmly shut on University and school leavers that just happen to be white. The BBC is now a racist organisation.
Perhaps the new series of More Or Less just about to start could examine the futility of chasing demographic targets.
I am all in favour of quotas for BBC News and panel games. Take QI. If the gay/lesbian percentage of the population is just two per cent; then with Sandy Tosvig and Sue Perkins on a show they will have to find 98 straight folks to sit alongside. Could be done, but finding 98 BBC types who are not nasty anti British, pro all the usual BBC dictates, not left wing and actually funny might pose a problem
Having diversity in the BBC and Parliament , and other Nalgoes and charities doesn’t extend towards having POOR people in these institutions one notices .
Just heard Humphrys sputtering over the number of deaths caused by drivers at their mobiles en route.
An RAC wallah came up with the usual scare stuff, need for more education, adverts and the rest of us to !dob them all in”.
Dismal Des wanted more law, more funding and a return to Tyburn. As lefty oafs like to do when fluttered.
Utter knee-jerky crap.
Reading WAS a tragedy, but we have EU drivers getting paid by results.
And BBC staff won`t be averse to using their phones whilst driving will they?
The RAC bloke said 50% of people admitted to doing the mobile thing whilst driving or-er stationary.
Spit it out man. Were they stationary in an M20 traffic jam a la Operation Stack?
Or stop-starting at slow speed?
None of is made any sense whatosever. Mealy-mouthed kid from the RAC splutters inanely to Dismal Des, over something where Labour were once “intensely relaxed”.
And now, ths casual indifference has cost one young family its lives on the A34.
Will the BBC ever take a calm, cool look at history, facts figures and planned projections?
Course not.
If only Jimmy Savile was around to urge us to “dump click every trip” when we`re driving around.
Makes no sense does it?
But what the heck DOES anymore on the Today Wailing Wallies in soft furnishings?
I used to work shifts and had to be at work at 7am. I was driving on the M4 at about 6:15am and saw the car in front drifting erratically – first into the hard shoulder and then into the second lane. I assumed the driver was drunk from the night before and gave a wide berth while overtaking. I glanced at the driver as I passed and he was watching a video on his mobile phone while driving (probably iplayer
I don’t have a dashcam and didn’t want to use my phone while driving, so I didn’t get his licence plate or phone the police. I just hope that when the inevitable happens, it is him vs an articulated lorry driver and not a family.
Always struck me as odd – how killing people with a vehicle is thought so must less serious than, for example, walking along swinging an axe.
Gaxvil, I’m not a lawyer but I believe it’s to do with the difficulty of proving guilty intent (mens rea) as opposed to proving guilty action (actus reas). Both must be proven to convict someone of murder. If you wander the streets with an axe and kill someone with it, unless you’re a lumberjack it’s pretty clear evidence of guilty intent. If you drive around in a car and hit someone with it it’s hard to prove that was actually your intent. I have heard it said that for this reason, running someone over is the ‘safest’ way of killing someone.
I was always intrigued how reducing Dresden to a crisp in one night was any different to Hiroshima, but the BBC is trying to close that gap.
…whilst steering very clear of any other mass deaths perpetrated by groups they feel need understanding more.
Sadly, be it immolation, vaporisation, bullet to the neck or beheading, it likely matters not to the victims. At least all were/are relatively quick.
The BBC is coy on many who seem/ed keen to prolong agonies or revel in the aftermath.
“A sneering elite could land us all with Trump: behaviour of Clinton and her supporters is strikingly similar to the Remain camp”
Sarah Vine (wife of Michael Gove) writes in the Daily Mail that the attitude of the liberal left may lead to a Donald victory.
She then completely spoils the whole article and proves that even she is one of those sneering elite when she says at the end……”I don’t want Donald Trump to become the next President of the United States. He is an egomaniac and a threat to global security. But, like Remain, liberal America might just be about to find their smug certainties have brought about their worst nightmare.”
How can it be their worst nightmare if they choose to vote for it? Or is it that she also thinks the plebs are too stupid to know what’s good for them?
Mrs Vine seems to be following the same thought pattern as Mr Michael Moore, ie that if Trump gets in, the rednecks will be happy for a while but then ‘buyer remorse’ will set in just like it did with Brexit. I sense the liberal elite have now become like an exasperated parent who says to a child who keeps trying to do something naughty, ‘go on then do it, and just see what happens!’
now on 5 Live : about to start a “rigged-in” I mean phone-in
“Does protection of Religion go too far ?”
specifically about Louis Smith being punished for short video mocking terrorists.
Aaron Banks is on now
Emma Barnett is of course full o hate
discussion just started
Tom Slater the Spiked guy : “No ideology is beyond ridicule”
Now Muhammed Shafiq “He was punished cos it was a second offence after tweeting about a 16 year old gymnast innapropriately”
Discussion now over ..Shafiq lost after he said Father Ted was OK but not criticising Islam ..trying to say “OK that’s Chritianity but what about Hindu’s and Sikhs ?”
After asking for phone calls ..she aired none ..looks like she’s just stirring.
Poor Louis Smith, he’s getting the full Jade Goody treatment.
Pick on someone poorly educated, who can’t respond with a pithy answer and beat them down and into sackcloth and ashes.
Even the fact that Smith is mixed race can’t save him from the hypocritical witch hunt He’s being subjected to. It’s quite sickening to watch.
It really is vile isn’t it. Imagine the media trying something like that with Milo Yianoppolous or Dennis Murray. They wouldn’t dare, so like all bullies who can’t get a rise out of someone, they ignore them and pick the easy targets instead.
Hmmm the power of Social Media – Tweeting sounds like twatting and tweet does sound like twat. I leave it at that.
It is not solely the social media; it is a response from our country, its institutions, right up to our MPs, in recognition of the power of the invaders. Want to know who rules- the people you cannot laugh at.
You are, of course, correct. It is those that foster Twitter storms and hound good people or argue over the banal, yet ignore the evil in their midst.
An appalling interview on Radio 4 Today between Humphries and Noncy Soderberg a Clinton supporter, but even she cannot stomach the rank bias of Humphries.
Why aren’t Americans voting for Clinton because she is a woman (with the suggestion that anyone who does not for that reason alone is clearly a thought criminal who doesn’t deserve to live).
Soderberg seems genuinely shocked at this suggestion and countered that women in the US would be horrified and the only ones who might support this would be those close to retirement.
Then there was the claim that all of the Clintons terrible history was nothing more than mud slinging and that there was nothing behind any of it.
Again Soderberg was having none of it and explained that she thought Clinton was a weak candidate lacking the skills needed in several key areas.
So Humphries moves on to a heckler who should clearly have been an unperson who shouted “Bill Clinton is a rapist” at one of Hilaries rallies.
We are then treated to Hillaries response which was far from what the BBC claimed it was.
When the BBC bias is so great that you are even shocking the Democrat Deputy National Security Advisor and an Ambassador at the United Nations then you know that the bias is simply out of control !
Libtard cognitive dissonance is a real wonder to behold. The BBC, along with 98% of the rest of the regressive msm will fight to the bitter end to protect the Clinton Crime Family and try and get them into power (again). So much depends on this. The entire regressive agenda – everything from eroding free speech to the global CAGW climate scam – depends on Hillary taking the throne next week.
If Trump gets in (and I think he will) regressives know their goose is cooked, perhaps for an entire generation. Here in the rest of the world, we can hopefully look forward to better relations with Putin and Russia and a real effort, jointly, to eradicate Islamic State vermin (and all other Islamist murderers).
If the BBC’s preferred candidate gets in, we will be going to war (again) in foreign misadventures designed solely to promote a divisive, calculated agenda to erode national borders and cultures in favour of creating a solid regressive voter base (Hillary wants a 550% increase in migrants from repressive, intolerant cultures) which might see the Republicans locked out of office for decades to come.
Come on Trump – this is an existential moment and the stakes are huge.
Yes, the consternation of Humphries.
The, Oh this is such a strange and terrible thing that:
1)Trump is where he is and 2)Clinton is not President by divine intervention ?
Repeat of the Trump Unswayables is just starting on R4
I heard 30 seconds of it. It seems that it’s an outrage that we now have sources of information other than the MSM. I didn’t bother with the next part of the message from “the elite”.
Some of Today’s Virtue Signalling
9pm BBC2 Unamed Black Male : about trial of white police officer who killed an unarmed teenage
black shop-lifting suspect.
10pm C4 My Trans America Roadtrip : starring a British army officer who is now female.
23:15 Radio 4 : Canadian trans comedian character Mae Martin : “Mae considers how vigilant we still need to be as a society when tackling intolerance.
8pm Radio4 Moral Maze
Given the sad breaking news from Obama’s America, I wonder if the BBC2 9pm Black Male might be invited back in to comment to the contribution of the political classes and media to the security of officers of the law there?
Guessing… “oo… look editorial integrity!”
“Where is the moral vision of America in this year’s presidential election?”
The BBC seem totally incapable of recognising that Trump has a very clear moral vision for America – government of the people, by the people for the people. That’s why the oligarchs running both parties are so frightened of him. It’s not complicated.
Not about BBC bias.
As a permanent believer in the inherent evil of Islam I view websites which expose its continuing, daily, nastiness.
Today I cannot view The Religion of Peace or Bare Naked Islam, “content blocked”.
Is this just my problem? Or is it more serious?
Both unblocked here on BT
But at the library they pretty much block any site that is not LeftMob.
Typing proxy PRX into Google will help you find a proxy server
Or just use
and set the language as Scots Gaelic ..and to English
and type the site address into the translation box..and hit enter.
Works for me Truth. Must be your provider….not sure if other totalitarian thought nazis’ have decided to ‘North Korea’ what we can read on the Internet….
Ah, how refreshing if the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation was supportive of Britain.
The vast majority of us are not, Celeb’s, Marxists, Elites, Muslims, Europhiles, Transgender or can vote Democrat.
Ohh Yes simple fact if they had picked Sanders I think he might be in the lead….. that how bent the democrats are out of two candidates they pick her……….Hail el presidente Trump!!!!
Similar thing happened with the Labour party here !
Friends! Lefty continues his one-person campaign to Save Our EU, in the Hard-Right Guardian:
To be fair, some politicians could be overwhelmed by a lot less.
“reeeeeeeallly…. Androooooooo”
Good point, Friend Guest :).
She should go back to modelling pink cushions on a black sofa for Corbers ……
Streets of Paris, 2016 style:
Just thought I’d mention it because neither SKY nor the BBC will.
Street baseball?
Hadn’t looked at it that way.
Cynical, racist old me thinking it was an example of “tension”.
But it’s not their fault! How can you blame uneducated, unemployable, rape fanatical, dregs of the worst shit-holes on the face of this earth from wanting to come to Europe?!…..
The ONLY people to blame are the spineless, traitorous, mentally retarded left, who have hijacked society without our consent, abandoned the concept of national states without our consent, criminalised pride in your own people and country without our consent, flooded our country with unemployable, professional victims, who hate the West especially the country that takes them in… Without our consent…
That list is endless…and all bad! Our society, our culture, or very way of life is being raped by traitorous bastards on the left who hate themselves and their own people, and death cult followers who are only interested in raping innocent white girls and getting into paradise after blowing up a shopping centre
Nah – Morris dancing Mogadishu style.
I’m sure I saw something earlier on the BBC website about Eritrean and Afghan children fighting in Paris but it seems to have vanished, probably just a water fight getting out of hand anyway. Talking of things vanishing from the BBC, both myself and a friend can recall an announcement made a good few years ago on R4 Today, it pertained to a male correspondent who was leaving but would return as a woman, can anyone remember who it was? Just a bit of trivia with no importance but neither of us can remember the name, might just have dreamt it of course.
‘just a water fight getting out of hand anyway’
Maybe a Corsican beach volleyball rematch?
Mind you, the image I saw had a chap wielding a 2×4 longer than he was tall, so it is possible it was no entirely a ‘friendly’.
AC: ‘welcome to the enchanting City of Paris, tourists……..’
I can imagine Paris’ tour guides are going to have to earn their crust..
“If you look to the left you will see hundreds of innocent Parisian girls being molested by gangs of Norwegian men with Tanned complexions..”
“On the right we can see the real victim of the event we are witnessing, because nasty white racism has cleary forced this peaceful, man child scientist to use that AK47 he is carrying to massacre these Islamaphobic shoppers..”
Having kept away from the BBC’s sewage pipe as much as possible lately, I had missed the pleasure of Michael Goldfarb’s ‘The Unswayables’ which is currently pouring out of R4, apparently out of control.
Goldfarb is spinning lie upon lie. According to this faux-conservative (who has lived in the UK since the 1980s – always telling, that), ‘talk radio’ in the USA that is ‘poisoning the well’ of political discourse in the USA. No mention of why it was needed – to counterbalance the far-Left US media. Apparently, talk radio’s hosts are ‘ultra Right-wing’ (Nazis to a man, obviously) and that ‘if you add in Fox news’ the overwhelming media bias in the USA if hugely in favour of Trump. Ah yes, and this ‘Right wing’ media selectively quotes Hilary Clinton in Trump’s favour. Really.
Yet more shame on the BBC for broadcasting this barefaced pack of distortions, lies and misrepresentations. Full marks for having found someone they can pretend is a ‘conservative’ to push their far-Left propaganda for them.
Yes – on a parr with the, ‘If you voted leave, you are evil / unhinged.’
evil/unhinged/moronic/uneducated/left behind/scared of change
The bbc policy of ‘creating’ faux cohesion by censorship and propaganda has to end.
Where’s Black Lives Matter?
Friends! My totally objective take on Jeremy’s literally barnstorming performance at PMQs:
Thanks for doing my thinking for me SOL!
being a lefty clot like I am-I wait until my betters tell me what to think, and then think accordingly.
No need to watch PMQ now-I just believe in life after love.
Oh-and that Jeremy smashed it out of the ballpark.
Am putting together my top All Time Red Eleven.
Is Corbyn centre forward, libero playmaker in the middle, or a solid central sweeper?
I remember my team getting Ron Davies long after he`d been any good.
Played a few games, embarrassed chiefly himself before an early release to the Donkey Santuary.
Corbyn seems to be the Lefts Ron Davies, albeit without the badger snuffles on Clapham Common as his namesake in Labour 1998.
Thank you, Friend Chris :). Ah, Ron Davies – that was certainly a moment of madness! [Groan! – J.C.]
ChrisH – I think your team is likely to be a bit unbalanced. Despite the positions you choose for them they will all automatically play as left-wingers, even the goal-keeper.
Decided to see how I compared against current world leaders courtesy of the BBC’s website earlier. Having done the quiz I was amused to see this little factoid (TM Steve Wright in the Afternoon Radio 1 circa 1980s and again, in exactly the same format, Radio 2 circa 2000s) that Merkel was wary of dogs having been bitten by one on the 1990s. Thanks to her disastrous immigration policy, she is about to get bitten by a much bigger one at the ballot box.
She should have followed Heseltine’s lead and dealt with it.
Has the dog recovered yet?
Sitting at Work…(in a call center) just being asked how would you like to spend my friday evening without pay(unlike wogan) answering calls for Children in Need…..FUCKING HELL!!!!!
right I need to respond to this so lets have a bit of fun and could you offer any replies?
Dear Boss,
As the BBC have just predicted Armageddon and World War III due to Brexit and the US Republican candidate I feel that I owe it to my family to protect them and build a Faraday Cage to shield them from the constant communist communications emanating from W1A. As I have just heard that inflation is set to become 4% next year according to the most eminent experts no-one outside Bush House has heard of, it is imperative that I source the materials immediately before Donald Tusk bans the import of German razor wire to the UK.
Or you could say No. They got £4 billion a year to spout anti-christian sentiments all year and you want me to support their Islamist regime for one day of pretend we all love each other?
Tell them you have a prior engagement at a fundraising do for abused children in Rotherham.
Roland / St George – Make that Rotherham, Rochdale, Birmingham, etc below. You’re gonna have a busy Xmas season of fund raising, ho ho ho.
Bradford, updated 29/10/ 2012 – added new Rochdale grooming gang, updated 14/11/2012 – added 2nd Blackburn,updated 17/11/2012 – added Keighley, Nelson, 2nd Rotherham, Oldham, 2nd Manchester, Preston, Sheffield, 3rd/4th in Rochdale, 2nd Blackpool , 3rd/4th Blackburn * thanks to Petra for tip? , updated 21/11/2012- added High Wycombe, updated 26/11/2012- added Hayes, Barking, Swansea, 4th in Bradford, updated 27/11/2012-added Darwen, updated 28/11/2012 – added 2nd Telford, updated15/12/ 2012 – added East London, updated 13/1/2013- added Liverpool and Harrow, updated 24/1/2013- added 2nd Keighley, updated 26/1/2013- added Nottingham and new Oxford, updated 7/2/2013- added 2nd Leicester , 2nd High Wycombe, updated 17/2/2013- added 2nd Birmingham, updated 16/3/2013- added Peterborough, Newcastle, South Shields , updated 22/3/2013- added 3rd Nelson, Lancaster, updated 14/5/2013-added Manchester Gay Rape, updated 21/5/2013 – added 3rd Oldham, updated 12/6/2013 – Birmingham Shop Worker, updated 17/7/2013 – Great Norton , updated 2/8/2013 – added Coventry, updated 8/8/2013 – added Londonderry, Northern Ireland (H/T #RapeJihad), updated 8/9/2013 – added Bolton, Oldham updated 28/9/2013 – added Torquay, Bristol, Manchester updated 8/11/2013 – added Bristol, Bolton, Harlow, Peterborough updated 8/2/2014 – added Bury, Leigh, Peterborough, Leeds, Oxford,
Headington Teenage Boy Rape, Bradford updated 17/3/2014 – added Middlebrough, Stevenage updated 1/6/2014 – Burton, Chesham,Sheffield/Bradford, Leeds updated 14/2/2015 – Wycombe, Newcastle, Halifax, Aylesbury, Peterborough, Sheffield
Ask what the take home pay and expenses of the Children in Need CEO and directors is and say you will do it for that price…
Wogan I think was a a bit?
St George – How about, I will only support Children In Need of a Shave?
Or I will only support Shave The Children?
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! can’t breathe need syrian doctor damn if only I could get to Calais!
Like the HOC in its stony silence and May’s mealy mouthed reply to Charles Walkers question about Louis Smith (“What is going on in this country?”) The Daily Politics completely ignores the question was even asked.
The fact that this was the most important question of todays PMQ’s and the response it got both from our national broadcaster and The House leaves us with little doubt of who’s best interest they have, clue it’s not ours…
I completely agree, the reaction in the House was for once a stony silence. These political cowards know that this is a real problem and they are fantastically burying their heads in the sand.
Andrew Neil’s comment was also worrying. He believed the most important question for the Papers was that on FIFA. No mention as you rightly point out Geoff, on Louis Smith.
Theresa the Appeasers response was typically weak. We must be tolerant of death threats coming our way. We must be tolerant of Islam governing what we can or cannot say. We must be tolerant of people who abuse our right to free speech and free expression.
Theresa NO WE DON’T NEED TO BE TOLERANT. Tolerant is a hijacked Lefty word. Theresa the Tolerant.
What a weak drip of a woman she is. I hoped she’d be different. I was wrong. I’m still UKIP. Stuff Islam. Stuff the rest of those weak crony politicians. Vaz on the Justice Select committee, Theresa supporting the religious abuse on our people. Stuff them all.
Tough on Fifa, easy on the religion of peace…
It should be clear by now that after 6 years of appeasing Islam as Home Secretary and her reluctance to deport terrorists, now appointing a moslem panel to look into sharia, that the Appeaser is in the pockets of Islamic interests. Her answer to the question about Louis Smith classifies her as a grade 1 Quisling, not a PM for the British people.
As for Neil – Mr tough guy stops at the gates of Islam.
I do hope that President Trump will humiliate this Arab tart
FIFA is an easy target, Theresa the tolerant is clearly frightened of tackling Islam. BBC must be strengthened by her comments on tolerance, they can now be very ‘abusively tolerant’ to the indigenous non Islams.
Theresa the BBC pawn of TOLERANCE.
I am now very worried about Brexit with her hands on the tiller. How incredibly weak she is.
What a kick in the face to the British people. Have the police found the Moslems behind the death threats to Louis Smith, don’t bother they’ll only get a caution!!- And then seek out Tommy Robinson, arrest and jail him for doing nothing.
Have all the lessons of foreign politicians and some at home been in vain?
Look at the amount Sunni oil rich Muslim countries are giving to Western leaders for the promotion of Islam. Why do you think Theresa May will be any different?
Once you get your mind used to the fact that most Western institutions including Mosques Universities and probably media types are in the Saudi pocket you will be easily able to make sense of the world.
Good point Thoughtful, -if true.
Morality v Money
Democracy (Leave EU) v Dictatorship (Remain EU).
Freedom of Speech v Suppression of Speech.
Freedom of Expression v Political Correctness.
Maintain a biased political BBC v change the BBC to be non political and report just the facts.
Theresa May has been on the wrong side of all of the above!
Some judgement, some leader!
I believe you are right and whilst there may be a potential for Labour MPs to benefit from votes in Moslem towns I do wonder if the apparent cowardice of the rest, including Tories, is supported by Arab oil money. The university dons were easily bought
Since when did the bloated fat world of sporting events take on the equiavalent of the UN or the WTO.
Sport stinks, is unnecessary, a test bed for deviants and illicit means and substances, stunts any thought and is one false god.
Most of us don`t give a damn, we know it`s corrupt and full of the likes of Havelange and Blatter.
Where else would fat corrupt polyglot retards go to feather their nests, if not the EU or the Lords?
They go into sport where the boys are, the drugs hi tec and the linament back rubs come for free.
Like the BBC-make us pay to watch it, let`s see then if its any use or not.
Who gives a flying drop kick?
It`s corrupt as is the World Cup and the Olympics.
Bin them.
All the above does NOT apply to snooker though!
Wronged – I trust Theresa May with Brexit slightly less than I would trust Jimmy Saville as fitting room attendant at Mothercare.
I well remember old brillo pad getting into a twitter argument following his abusive interview with Tommy Robinson, and claiming ( as @afneil) that he would have no qualms interviewing an islamist in the same agressive manner.
You know what?…..I’m still awaiting that interview…aint life strange eh?
Re the link between western politicians and Islam. Anonymous released this video concerning Clinton and Huma Abedin. Even if you discount some of the conspiracy arguments there is sufficient evidence in the public domain to see connections between Clinton and Saudi money. So why not investigate on these lines BBC support for Islam and Clinton, and the cosy relationship between May and Islam.
A very interesting video GWF. Leaves one asking more questions than provides answers.
I think most people now accept that 9/11 was a Saudi/ USA collaboration for what purpose, I’m unsure but possibly the excuse required to go to war in Iraq. Wars can and do make people very rich as the Bush family members can testify. As a result of 9/11, i am now also very suspicious about 7/7. There are so many unanswered questions, many of which we as a people are not permitted to ask in any depth.
As I knew one of the victims of 9/11 I was asked onto a radio programme. I asked the radio presenter why did Building 7 fall down? His response to me made suggestions that I was a typical conspiracy theorist, he told me that I was on the programme only to talk about the person I knew. He was probably right but establishment have parameters which you are not allowed to cross. The cause of 9/11 is one of them. However, I did then and I still do, want to know who killed the person I once knew.
My mistrust of politicians/ BBC/media is thus confirmed.
Back to the video.
My worry is that I think Trump can also be bought!Long shot here, but is it possible that agencies such as the FBI use Abedin as a mole or someone to track in order to gain information. As I said bit of a long shot.
OK it was mentioned on Today in parliament in passing way.
Guido has a much better detail in the last paragraph on his sketch
He may as well have shouted up his own backside.
I think the least we can do is show our support…
Write: Charles Walker OBE MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Re: The appointing of the, newly invented, BBC Board to replace the BBC Trust.
The BBC is the dirty window which many people see the World and that includes UK politics. Make no mistake the BBC is a player, not a reporter and as such has the capacity to exert vast amounts of influence. All those wishing to serve on the new Board should be elected by the licence payers.
BBC headline: Flight MH370 ‘made rapid descent’
BBC starts its report by saying “Flight MH370 most likely made a rapid and uncontrolled descent into the Indian Ocean, a new report says.”
Uncontrolled decent the BBC states. I.e. accident.
This is important, if MH370 was flown deliberately in to the sea you might say the Islamic captain, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, murdered the individuals on board. If it were an accident, as the BBC hopes, then it isn’t another Islamist terrorist action.
However, the only words the BBC quote from the report are:
‘Satellite data also indicated a “high and increasing rate of descent”, said the report.
“You can draw your own conclusions as to whether that means someone was in control or not,” the ATSB’s search director Peter Foley told reporters.’
The BBC, king of the deceivers.