BBC World Service Just now – A Porte Rican Trump supporter is not put off because Trump called, illegal, criminal Mexicans, “Bad Hombres” – Shocking!
Then the two presenters console themselves because the BBC choice for the President of a foreign country is not EVERYONES!
Planes upload a kind of last will & testament by satellite if something goes catastrophically wrong. Planes simply do not just fall out of the sky without outside intervention.
Currently no one of any passion or real gravitas. They all appear middle of the road Carswell types. I was rather hoping Raheem Kassam would have made a better go of it than he did but thats life.
As was mentioned on Toady this morning with Labour never weaker, and Brexit under threat from a weak and untrustworthy Prime Minister. Now should have been UKIPS time. But with their current NEC of non entities they really do seem to have snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory.
“You really are a Pound Stretcher Donald Trump” was line stuffed into todays R4 drama Direct link to 27m 55s *plotspoiler point
What the hell is the point of playright Anders Lustgarten writing such a line ?
Seems it’s snide in-group Virtue-Signalling #BbcMetropolitanElite #TheEstablishment
During Nazi times there would have been a similar line sneering at Jews. Framing and normalising hate (like against Trump) is a manipulation technique, but risks backfiring.
* Plot spoiler alert coincidentally the critical plot twist part of the whole drama
Well, not to worry though, the moral compass of the only British Muslim character with the correct accent is what mattered. When he decided to leave he got patted on the back and told that without people like him MI5 would not exist, so he stayed. Noticed recently how the number of classic plays declined on R4. We get politically correct new plays instead about migration, lgbtq+ stuff, feminism etc + mix in a bit of Brexit and Trump….well you know the story. The BBC has become The Day Today with Chris Morris.
I’m glad I followed my instinct. A few years ago I was regularly documenting on this site the increasing politicisation of R4 drama and I now hardly listen to any. In this case, I scanned the story outline and assumed it would contain all the usual agitprop.
Looks like I was right. R4 continues its death spiral at the hands of the arrogant Leftist ‘elite’ that have stolen it.
It’s called ‘nudging’. Call-Me-Dave was so keen on it that he actually started up a Government Department of Nudging and then privatised it off (where it can now doubtless suck on the public teat as a ‘consultancy’).
The BBC, of course, are past-masters at this ‘nudging’ lark: this is how common purpose works. It ‘nudges’ its way through government, media and culture, infecting young minds and revising history (and science) to suit an agreed social and political regressive agenda. Just look at the state of universities across the western world: this is how the ‘safe space’ and ‘PC culture’ became emboldened. The BBC uses ‘nudging’ across all of its programme strands, in every genre, across all platforms. It’s a subtle (mostly) but sustained propaganda effort – stay on message and reinforce the regressive narrative; identify ‘the enemy’ and ‘other’ them at every possible opportunity.
Goebbels would be proud. And Stalin. And Mao. And Pol Pot.
Yep “drip drip drip” is a propaganda trick that normalises a viewpoint we’ve seen that with ClimatePanic, and Anti-Fracking
whereas expressing contrary views is uncool.
Reckon the indigenous population of the United Kingdom have become, “An Inconvenient Truth” which is not about to be 1)Silenced or 2)Disappear – much as some would wish.
Evan Davis was far from happy having to refer to himself and fellow thickies for Remaining as “Remoaners”.
Maybe for asking “difficult questions of Brexit types, but with no answers forthcoming”
One way of putting it, if you`re thick I suppose.
But always a delight when an insult from us oiks ends up on a BBC luvvies script.
That`s them that is.
And now they know it themselves.
Assuming a Trump win , let us indulge ourselves by imagining what can we petition him to do for the UK? Well first let’s just remind him that he has a lot of friends over here who salute his victory. But We should also point out his British enemies and make it very clear that they are our enemies too, and unless they are stopped they will wreck the entire West. Therefore it his duty to use his power as President of the USA and as defacto leader of the West to deal with them. Perhaps we could compile a list of those we want him to target.
Unsurprisingly the BBC in its entirety tops my list . As long as he gets them shut down I don’t care how he does it. Getting rid of the foul BBC is the necessary first step to regaining our country.
In the event of a Trump win, I would like to see Jon Sopel (and other BBC correspondants) excluded from all White House briefings and Presidential events, in order to send a message to the BBC that their extreme bias has been noted. Yes, I know other British networks are similarly guilty, but the BBC is the most influential worldwide.
R4 MediaShow now : Piers Morgan on trump and the media
“Piers Morgan discusses where he thinks the media have fallen down in their coverage of the campaign.”
bet he won’t mention the massive deception by their relentless anti-Trump stuff
Whilst their massive FILTERING off of ProjectVeritas and Wikileaks material
– Also : Ted Sarandos of Netflix on The Crown; Press regulation
The Guardian’s Jane Martinson gives us her analysis of the Government’s decision yesterday to put the Leveson Inquiry and its recommendations out to public consultation.
Steve Hewlett sounded stunned when piers Morgan didn’t take the groupthink line.
He didn’t promote Trump he just played it straight,
“You do know that in the latest Trust polls Hillary comes way below Trump”
Steve was like but how can this be ?
Piers told the truth about the email server
..which is the first time we have had anything other than the teamHillary narrative on the BBC
True Stew.
Morgan isn`t my cup of tea.
But to hear a lucid intelligent account of why America will vote for Trump-in the teeth of the BBC equivalents at the New York Times and CNN for examples, was refreshing.
Huesless seemed stunned, no interruptions.
A joy to hear.
StewG, could this be the start of the BBC panicking and slowly following the real wind direction. If it is, we will see, certainly by other contributors here, other symptoms of them abandoning their deceitful approach to the US elections.
Morgan likes to think he is a “friend” of anybody important, that’s why he wants to appear even-handed when discussing a “friend” who may be the next POTUS; what a shallow, tedious, annoying heap of ordure he is!
Trump’s politics are the very opposite of those of his “friend” Piers.
I’m quite tired of this relentless BBC bias, and I wish to avoid using their site and news channel in order to avoid legitimising their globalist cartel. Can anyone suggest some news sources that are free of any kind of bias? In this day and age, such a thing is proving difficult to come by.
Razza94. Totally agree with you – it is never-ending relentless propaganda! But it’s a big ask to find some other sites with no bias at all. I tend to look at a variety of sites of news channels and online sites; that way there’s a chance of getting a more balanced view than the Beeb.
The religion of peace website is great for checking out how the victims of Islamaphobia are getting on with their kill streak against the infidels.
For my other news I look at Breitbart, InfoWars, The Spectator, The Rebel media, Dailywire…..
What I also do is ensure I keep up to date with what the enemy is saying….so I of course I get the sick bag at the ready and torture myself and read through Al Shabeebs webshite every day 🙂
On Thursday night the London School of Economics will host an event featuring Professor Gurminder K. Bhambra: a post-colonialism obsessive who will insist that “Brexit means Brexit means ‘Go Home’”.
From the sound of her forthcoming report on the matter, Prof. Bhambra thinks “Brexit Means ‘Go Home’” because she says so. It is not a dissimilar from the contention of the shouty Polish woman on BBC Question Time who asserted that Brexit led to “discrimination” against her. When David Dimbleby asked her how she had been discriminated against, she replied, “I don’t feel welcome”.
And Prof. Bhambra appears to be taking that self-pity to an academic level in her paper which argues: “The referendum was less a debate on the pros and cons of membership than a proxy for discussions about race and migration”.
She’s not wrong to claim that Brexit happened, in massive part, due to migration. But the idea that it was a ballot box equivalent of the Battle of Cable Street is another sign of how the left scrambles to revise history, as they so crassly did following the death of Jo Cox MP, and indeed with the so-called “racist” attack on a Polish cultural centre – the origins of which are still unknown.
But never mind, just blame Brexit. And don’t worry because the BBC has got your back in promoting this garbage too.
The truth, for anyone who cares to try and find it, is that the “surge in hate crime” was perpetuated by Remain campaigners via a Facebook group called “Worrying Signs” which encouraged en masse reporting on “hate crimes” – many of which turned out to be nonsense. How do we know this?
Well, take this incident where a “hate crime” was reported which turned out to be a book delivery.
Or consider the fact that Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton, whose national role it is to track hate crime all over Britain, admitted: “there have been no major spikes in tensions reported”.
Finally, consider the fact that prosecutions for “hate crimes” fell by almost 10 per cent in England and Wales last year despite a rise in the number of reported incidents.
It all speaks to the dirty truth: the hate crime narrative is being perpetuated by the Left. And in doing so, not only are they arming real racists – many in their own ranks, no doubt – and causing them to believe they are in a growing movement, but they are also wasting police time and resources that could be used solving murders, stopping rapes, and generally doing what police are supposed to do.
Prof. Bhambra’s event takes place at the London School of Economics on Thursday night.
Do you think AlBeeb should send a reporter?
Maybe the question should be….How many?
Just take a look at where the London school of Economics gets its money from, and you will find it’s not in the least bit fussy about maximising its income from the worst worst human rights abusers.
It’s current number one donor is Saudi Arabia
Any of Britains Universities will say what ever you want them to say (or teach) providing you can afford to pay them enough. When the Sunni Oil rich cabal is funding all of the UKs universities to promote Islam, it’s pretty obvious that those graduates who have suffer this indoctrination will eventually populate the top jobs in the country, with a completely skewed vision of the world, and Islam in particular, we are seeing this happening right now.
The fact that people, even readers of this site STILL see this as some kind of conspiracy theory despite all of the evidence screaming at them that it is VERY REAL means that soon it will be too late to do anything about it.
I wonder if Prof Bumbra will mention the two Poles who got jailed for 8 Months for throwing bacon at a mosque.
And I wonder if the Polish ambassador has any comment on it. I know He is very concerned about post Brexit hate crimes.
Just been listening to HM Official Opposition, E. Mair (call me Eddie), on the 5.00 programme. First item was the judgement against the government with regard to air pollution. The tone was, as usual, the dirty Tories have been “called out” ( in an Owen Jones style) on air pollution with particular reference to diesel vehicles. Edmund King ,representing motorists, gave a reasoned assessment of the diesel problem which showed that cars only emit 5% of the pollution created by vehicles the remainder was (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Eddie shouting down) we were not allowed to hear the truth. The facts are that the remainder, 95% ? is created by filthy buses and taxis but that doesn’t fit the “narrative” of our national independent broadcaster who fielded Alan Carhater to call for diesel cars to be taken off the road.
The most biased coverage of the subject I have ever heard, shameful. Edmund later pointed out that by removing the worst 10% of these dirty buses and taxis, 50% of the pollution would be removed at a stroke. No,no get rid of all the cars and get rid of 5% was the line from Alan Carhater and the BBBC.
Now listening to Nnnnnnnnnnnoooorrmmmmmaannnn Smith telling us what’s all wrong about Brexit.
The BBC must be in an absolute quandary over the England-Scotland poppy problem right now.
Everybody that appears on BBC for a month before Rememberance Sunday wears a poppy , but
the Secretary General of FIFA Fatima Samba Diouf Samoura from Senegal refuses to let the English and Scottish teams wear poppies when they play each other on November 11th.
Fatima is of the kind of diversity and positive discrimination candidate that the BBC would have presenting Match of the Day instead of Gary Lineker in a trace. Expect to see the
disappearance of the poppies on the lapels at the BBC as we get nearer to Rememberance Day.
Foscari – I totally agree. The BBC must be in a massive quandary about poppy wearing. Where is the passion!! As a lifelong (and generations of) West Ham fan – I think the FIFA decision to ban poppy wearing at the match should be ignored. Regardless of any penalty.
Modern day football is far removed from the days I remember. No sponsors, just men playing with a passion (Bobby Moore). I think our players should stick their fingers up to FIFA and proudly play wearing a poppy to honour the men and women who have died for our country.
Sod the penalties! I feel disgusted and extremely upset for our ancestors.
Could anybody imagine that a Stiles, a Pearce would do FIFAs dirty work for them this weekend?
As opposed to the useless ciphers who play football today.
Since when did the likes of Blatter and Platini get any leverage over anything but Swiss gold shares or collaborations with Qatari princes or such?
We`ve left Europe-time to put UEFA and FIFA in their graves now.
** BBC1 Now Rotherham abuse report with Esther Rantzen
She’s in Rotherham talking to kids about Childline.
They didn’t go into the Asian grooming gangs at all
but a least they did acknowledge that Rotherham was a centre of abuse.
Now she just named 4 other towns , without mentioning Asian.
C4 absolutely full-on Clinton propaganda. No more pretence of impartiality – it’s like they are competing with the BBC to see who can flip 100% to the left
The problem with the likes of Snow, Sopel etc is that they REALLY think that they`re as important and as fascinating as their pals in Covent Garden tell them that they are.
After Ohio 2004, would you not have though that the Guardian presumptions regarding the redneck Tea Party trogolodytes simply are irrelevant.
In fact, the USA will do a Brexit; and stuff the liberal faces into the doggy bag. And the gloomy po-faced linen suited exports from this media nest of vipers and puff adders will get their smug arses slapped and their faces rubbed into their red diapers(as they call them there!).
How DARE a Snow or a Frei stick their public schooled noses into the affairs of the American people? None of us have a vote there-and these jet-hopping liberal fops and floaters have NO vote either, just a free ride to flaunt their own vacuous prejudice as they do here.
Hope Trump`s taking names and will ban these Whicker basket cases from Cape Cod and Kennedy tribute acts. In the cause of saving the planet of course.
Little choice for C4 now. As with the BBC they are so much a part of the established ancien regime that to waver would be impossible. As the insurgency of the deplorables gathers pace and irrespective of whether Trump wins or loses nothing is going to be the same again.
Ancient cultures such as ours seem to have a sense of just when a threat becomes existential and the cultural marxists have crossed a line somewhere and now must face the consequences and reality herself.
Stay alert and remember that at such a time the ancien regime is most dangerous and there are very very few political leaders or commentators who can be trusted or even understand that everything has changed and that they must give way to the new.
Remember, when it comes to BBC reporting, there is always a story behind the story.
Why do you suppose BBC devoted so much time on all their platforms to an upcoming study on CFS/ME? Perhaps some further research is necessary. This blog post covers a fair bit of the shenanigans:
Guys…..maybe OT..but can anyone explain:
Here’s guido’s take on the Vaz appointment
“When 203 MPs voted for Keith Vaz to join the Justice select committee last night, everyone assumed Labour MPs had turned up to back their man. In actual fact, Guido can reveal that it was the Tories who whipped their side to secure Vaz’s position. A disbelieving Conservative MP tells Guido that as he walked through the voting Lobby he saw a group of Tory whips ordering their MPs to vote for Vaz. There was no Labour whipping operation, only a small number of Labour MPs turned up for the vote. As a result 159 of the 203 MPs who voted for Vaz were Tories, including ministers like Amber Rudd, Jeremy Hunt and Liam Fox. The whips’ pathetic argument was “you’re voting for the process, not for him”. This decision to appoint a crook to the Justice committee is one of parliament’s most shameful acts in recent years – and the Tories are the ones responsible…”
However, my MP is claiming the Con Members did nothing of the sort.
Here’s the MP’s reply when I wrote him….
“You should check the facts. Only Labour MP’s could vote Vaz onto the committee. What we voted against was removing that power.”
Out of 200 plus Labour MP’s only two MP’s applied for the seats on the Justice committee. Two seats available to Labour MP’s, two seats taken. One of them is Vaz. The man who is under investigation. The man who stood down from the Home Affairs panel because of the ongoing police investigation. The Tories voted him in. The Tories apparently want Labour support in a future committee vote reciprocated. No, I don’t understand the bubble of the hypocrite Politicians either.
The appointment of Vaz, a man being investigated for breaking the law is today an elected member of the Justice committee. Only in the immoral Westminster village would this be seen as acceptable.
What a pathetic bunch of people they are.
It’s a bit like a prisoner taking over the job as a Prison Governor.
Sorry, I just remembered that the Islamists prisoners do run our prisons. -Again because of our useless MP’s allowing it to happen.
Unsurprising D_C, the Conservative party has done untold damage to Britain over the decades, examples include: encouraging non-White immigration in the 1960’s; taking us into the Common Market and “Gay Marriage” from its PM before the current one; it won’t be changing its spots anytime never.
Appalling crap on the Moral Maze. The Rev Giles Fraser tells some Trump supporter who dares to quote the Bible at him as merely spouting cliches?
CLICHES?…Gosepl quotes from Jesus?…CLICHES?
Dear God.
If that does not show what being in a radio studio does to the last of your prelate credibility, then what does?
AND-the clown says that Pope Francis would know his bible better than a twerp like Trump, so his opinion on building “walls not bridges” would matter.
Wrong again Fraser.
Not own word in the bible uses the word “bridge” as the Pope wants-but there are plenty references to the word “wall”.
indeed-the Vatican itself is very well walled.
Hypocrite thankfully DOES appear in the Bible, not that Giles Fraser would know it tonight.
When quoting the gospel is seen as spouting cliches by a leading cleric on the national radio “Moral Maze”?
We are in REAL trouble as a “Christian nation” alright.
“Walls and Bridges”?
People like Pope Francis and Giles Fraser probably get their theology from the back of John Lennon LPs these days anyway.
Giles Fraser got a kicking on Twitter
– There is swearing in the tweets, but you know how nasty LeftMob are
It’s fairly typical of their unprovoked hate and anger.
Perhaps Fraser forgot that the word Pontiff (an alternative title for the Pope) comes from the Latin Pontifex meaning bridge builder.
That aside I don’t think it is helpful to quote bible verses as to every one you cite you can find a contrary verse. Soundbites don’t concentrate on context and I think to take a single verse from my holy scriptures does little to win an argument. What is more important is understanding the concept.
I strongly believe in “give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats everyday”. I also add to that “Don’t let him poach your waters because you will starve”
Fair enough AA.
My point was that a churchman ought to be comfortable enough with that book he preaches on a Sunday-and not be ashamed to have it quoted back at him on a Wednesday.
And when he said that the British were “more religious” than the Americans-well the American who was trying to explain the rise of Trump at least KNEW some Bible verses. As opposed to random Guardian tropes.
“I strongly believe in “give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats everyday”. I also add to that “Don’t let him poach your waters because you will starve”…..loving those wonderful life lessons AL, that show compassion, thoughtfulness and hope. I will also add these loving religious instructions to that list…..
“And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter… and fight them until fitnah is no more, and religion is for Allah”
— Quran 2:191
“Prophet! Rouse the believers to wage war. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will subdue two hundred: if a hundred, they will subdue a thousand of the disbelievers: for these are a people without understanding”
AS, SG, AL, I’m going put a word in here and stand up for Giles Fraser here, although I did not listen. May catch up on Saturday.
I suspect he stumbled into a bad word choice for a variety of reasons, not least a great awareness that Trump is not the ‘BBC Approved Candidate’ for US President and that the BBC provide his platform – and a measure of income? – for his growing family.
I HAVE heard Fraser do some good ‘Thought for the Day’ and also talk some commonsense into The Moral Maze. What I’m becoming increasingly aware of is the pressure that is building ‘out there’. I have already written on B-BBC about the possible effect, intended or otherwise, of the current Reith lecture series. This pressure is mounting and TODAY 8am News is currently talking about the High Court Brexit hearing as I type. I’m sure Giles Fraser is aware at overt and covert pressures to conform to the view of the metropolitan liberal elite, especially those that frequent the BBC studios and appear on TMM. It’s a wonder they let him, Melanie Phillips and Claire Fox on the programme at times because they do at times, some more regularly than others, show some sign of independent, informed and thoughtful thinking in what they say.
The pressures at times they must feel in the studio (and out in the real world?) are being increasingly felt by me with the constant undermining of the 23rd June decision in the media and the scorn heaped on those who voted to leave the EU. Fortunately, when the pro-Bremain just get down to insults, it’s encouraging that they are displaying their own weakness.
Stay strong folks, if you are in favour of getting out of the EU.
If you are not, please console yourself that if you accept peaceful democracy and go along with the 23rd June 2016 decision, you will always have the respect of us on the other side.
It seems yesterday’s Somalian sex convictions in Bristol have been quickly (and conveniently) forgotten and BBC Points West moves on to the much more pressing subject of transgender prisoners. Cue sad stern faces from our Beeboid yokels, we hear from ‘Tara’ who because ‘she’ was born a man (= ‘she’ is a man) was placed in a male prison, and (quote) treated like “an animal in a zoo”.
The 5 minute report omitted to tell us she (he) headbutted a bar manager who suffered an injury to his nose and a sore chest and had to have £1,500 worth of treatment on his teeth, umm not a very ladylike thing to do….
I’ve often said that those on the Left who have insane ideas which the ask the rest of us to accept should be forced to pay for their idiocy.
The same applies to those on the right.
So Geoff given that this woman ran the risk of serious sexual assault from other inmates – and it really doesn’t matter a pigs burp what you think it’s how the law defines her.
Will you agree that any compensation, and medical attention required and all counselling services will be paid for in full by yourself and those who agree with you?
If not then I suggest that you stop making foolish suggestions which put peoples lives in very real danger.
It is possible to have “gender reassignment” surgery, and therefore legally “change sex”. This includes new birth certificate, passport etc, and will result in a person who was once a man being treated legally as if he is a woman.
I assume “Tara” has not done any of this, and is still in possession of his frank’n’beans. As such, legally, “he” is still a “he”, albeit an effeminate he who likes to dress as a woman. A man like “Tara” would therefore be well advised to obey the law, and not launch drunken attacks upon innocent people, because in law he is a man, and will serve time in a man’s gaol. Yes, he will have a hard time there, and have to be protected, but he is entirely the author of his own misfortune.
Britain is a very tolerant country, and a man who chooses to dress as a woman and behave like a woman is free to go about his business without the law bothering him. But if he breaks the law and goes to prison, he will be treated according to his legal sex, which is male.
I wonder if our old friend, Gary Lineker, will be sharing his views over the poppygate fiasco that the corrupt officials of FIFA have inflicted upon us? The Beeb’s favourite football pundit isn’t usually slow in reprimanding us. He gave us all a stern ticking off when we had the audacity to vote for Brexit. Later the wise one admonished us for being “racist” because we weren’t particularly thrilled at accommodating hundreds of hairy legged, bearded schoolboys.
Come on Gary, you’ve got to have an opinion about this!
So FIFA have strong moral principles do they? They must have changed the meanings of embezzlement, fraud and corruption in the dictionary recently then. Poppygate? Lineker poppycock more like it. Stop counting your money for 5 minutes and take a look outside at the real world.
Whoo hoo! Maybe Lineker has had something of a conversion experience after his, er .., shall we say difficult summer & early autumn?
That’s a brilliant Tweet. Support our Lefty has his own style but that one from Lineker kicks a Coca Cola can (a full one!) right into the FIFA anatomy where it hurts.
Wikileaks poll
There is plenty of killer stuff against Hillary today
Who will US president Barack Obama pardon (for distributing documents marked classified) on his way out of office?— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 1, 2016
Batty environmentalist Hollywood star Susan Sarandon is on Newsnight right now spouting green nonsense and Evan Davies, says “yes I can understand you supporting the Green candidate”. Really Evan? Aren’t you supposed to be unbiased?
At one point the hysterical Sarandon said, regarding fracking, “and people turning on their taps and finding water shooting out of them.” Yes Susan, that’s what happens with water taps after fracking.
But bless her pampered Luvee arse, she isn’t voting for Hillary cos she doesn’t “vote with my virgina”.
Just watched it. Evan couldn’t have been more blatant in trying to put words in her mouth if he tried. And this is a process he is skilled in across the board.
Actually she did well putting him back in his box.
The follow on ‘it’s bigger than that’ to her foo foo comment was funny, though.
Grass frost here, this a.m., in the Aggressively Globally Warmed south-east and its only 3rd November. Been a while since I’ve seen a frost here at this time of year.
FT invites readers to join debate about how UK can tackle Brexit,
The Future of Britain Project is a unique experiment in which we ask you, our readers, to brainstorm meaningful solutions for Britain as it leaves the EU. It’s all hands on deck. Join politicians, academics and FT commentators as we plan for the future. This week, we are focusing on the third of four questions.
3. How should the UK deal with immigration? What is the balance between an open labour market and a managed system for dealing with immigration from the EU and the rest of the world?
The article is a week old but the FT just sent out a promo letter. There are open comments. more
Titbits from Wednesday’s Times
To reduce workload abuse inquiry might drop investigations into BBC and Savile
Times page 5
Tory whips defeated campaign to exclude Keith Vaz from Justice Committe (are they rent boy users too ?)
Pg 13 Church woman 28 volunteering at Calais has left husband and 2 children for Afghan translator who lives in Lyon
(maybe they could go to help in South Sudan, the UN general there has just been sacked cos his troops just stayed in base when troops were attacking the volunteer house 1 mile away..raping multiple times the 5 + foreign volunteer women including 1 British
Settled science : 1980’s oh eggs are unhealthy
Today Times , front page : Egg a day cuts stroles : 300K people over 30 years 12% less strokes
..not a big deal
Main headline is : Trump in the Lead : just meaningless newspaper stuff
Times Editorial is : Nigerian president is fighting corruption Britain should help him.
Ye yes yes, help Africans in Africa ..not those queue jumpers in Calais.
Times pg 28
CNN has fired the woman who leaked the saunders debate questions to Hillary
Donna Brazile was exposed by the Wikileaks Podesta emails the BBC refuse to acknowledge exist.
page 31 : US police shoot drunk woman driving erratically as she was a danger
..She must have been white cos skin colour is not mentioned.
pg 38 Europe set to bar British (Milk-style) Chocolate
…Em we don’t have any British owned chocolate companies now , do we ?
Interesting post Stew, because some of what you listed appeared on the BBC w/s on Monday, if not before. It appears that the MSM are recycling old material among themselves like never before.
This is great Stew…
My running order here?
1. Savile and the BBC/Alexis Jay and Ben Emmerson, Michael Mansfield, allegations,new Chairbird having no legal experience and so not backed by “survivors and victim groups”
2. Cliffwatch-rolling out that BBC story with S.Yorkshire
3. The Zombie Cause of Orgreave,and Michael Mansfield seeking a role in both THIS story-as well as being mooted for our top story above.
4. Keith Vaz?…why not Paul Flowers as next Church Commissioner then?
5. Crusading to re-open enquiries into Aberfan, Rotherham, Mid-Staffs and the deaths of Keith Blakelock and david Wilkie.
6. Pull off (sorry-out!) on Clinton, Brazile and the whole FBI mess of pottage.
7.A pen portrait of Great Tories-Gummer, Norris, Currie, Mellor and Archer/Aitken etc, The point being that even THESE skidmarks are now Titans if we`re comparing to Fat Abbott and Costellos like Thornberry and Corbyn
(Hear their education shadow spokeslady called Angela Rayner?…Oxford or Cambridge would you say?).
8. The rising Labour leader that is the Corrie actress who`s walking round Batley and Spen in Jo Cox`s shroud of convenience-a diary maybe?
9. A demand for a judicial review and retrial into the murder of Kim Billby ( our canine Karen Silkwood) by hated Michael (Boston Dog-Strangler) Heseltine. RSPCA and Countryside Alliance to demand a trial.
I`d buy it anyway!
The BBC are probably waiting until Manchester cops have taken steps to protect the community from a far right backlash, just in case the ROP were responsible in any way
Thank You Esther!
I`ve just said it in my Cyril Fletcher voice, velveteen smoking jacket on an everything.
The BBC and Parliament.
Which would be the Wheeltappers?…and which would be the Shunters?
“Truss: Extra 2,100 prison officers to be deployed”
We can limited the prison population by increasing the staff on the Border Force. Also, we should start controlling illegal immigration and round up the millions that have got in .
Taffman, interesting facts and figures for the prison population. [For some reason I cannot obtain a link to paste here]. Anyway, search: ‘nationality of UK prison population’ it comes up with a number including one for a PDF, that’s the one.
Seems just under 10% of the prison population are foreign nationals and a surprising break down of that figure by origin.
Jenny Tonge, organising some anti UK event, on behalf of Anti UK Palestinians.
The UK must apologise for the Balfour Declaration.
Maybe. However we have other, earlier, fish to fry.
Such as an an Arab declaration, there must be a homeland for Arabs where they can live when they leave Egypt to the Copts.
A Turkish Declaration, there must be a place for the Turks to live, when they leave Greece.
A European Declaration etc.
Aussie Dom,who emerged from some antipodean swamp a few months back to report on economics and business for Radio 4, was clearly given strict instructions. Fully support Project Fear’s lies and, post Brexit, dredge up as much negativity about Brexit as you can. As others on here have commented, Aussie Dom has stuck to his brief excellently. On TV his equivalent is Andrew Verity, a misnomer if ever there was one.
For some reason, Radio 4 decided this morning to wheel on its Economics Editor Kamal Ahmed to carry on the good work. The Bank of England’s Inflation Report is out today. Some of us were hoping that Carney would take this opportunity to announce his departure. No such luck however. He’s hanging on until 2019, no doubt to improve his chances of slipping seamlessly into another elite job either at the IMF or back home in Canadian politics.
Kamal Ahmed’s dirge homed in on the likelihood that the Bank will say inflation will rise. It will blame it on the falling pound which in turn it blames on Brexit. The BBC does its best to follow this line and to concentrate almost exclusively on any negative effect of the pound’s decline it can see ( never mind about how else we can eliminate our huge current account payments deficit.) Ahmed turned up at Berwick Street market to tell us that the price of flowers will go up. He then moved on to a city watering hole to interview two teenage scribbling City Economists. One told us that he still forecast a declining economy next year and the need for more quantitive easing. He seemed ignorant that QE is already held to be overdone and no longer effective, but never mind that. He must be on Carney’s payroll, as is the BBC. Long live Project Fear.
It’s happening folks!! Yesterday one of our esteemed posters mentioned that he couldn’t get onto “The Religion of peace” website…. I said I could…. Now I can’t! It’s blocked by EE on my roaming data (not tried at home on my WiFi). This is worrying folks and the North Korean style sensorship is beginning! All that website does is show facts and details about the true story of Islam and the genuine number of people massacred in the name of that sick, evil ideology. Our freedom to information is being taken away from us, and our totalitarian establishment are dictating what we can and cannot see….. Very worrying development… I hope this is as far as this goes (has anyone else affected by the sensorship? David Vance I think you need to look into this…)
And as a note…. Google is cheery picking pro Muslim articles on all Islam searching on their search engine
I used to use EE but noticed they started blocking a number of Islam critical sites about a year ago. I recently switched to 3 and not noticed it so much, although Jihadwaatch is blocked there too.
We’re talking about mobile broadband operators though, where the choice is limited. My wife uses Virgin, which is basically EE, and her Internet also blocks negative Islam sites.
I’m pretty sure that the censorship department at EE must be run by Muslim, or Islam friendly, staff.
EDIT – I’ve just tried to reach the “religion of peace” website, mentioned by Tothepoint above, on my 3 mobile broadband and it is blocked. It’s not a site that I’ve tried before so can’t say if this is new, but clearly there is some Orwellian censorship being implemented by the mobile broadband operators.
Good to catch up on old stuff as I look through this thread.
I`m as guilty as anybody when it comes to random drive-by mouth offs. The BBC provoke us and we`re right to respond and realise that we`re not the only loons in cyberland,
Others heard it,think the same.
The thread starts with Vaz quietly sneaking back into some Parliamentary mock up of a “committee( c/o Colin Crompton)
Towards the end there`s a whole load of pearls around Clintons brass neck, it ought to be a noose( but the BBC think it`s a slightly misplaced halo or fascinator!)
This is the weekly digest we need to log, mark and put on on social media and even in the Big Issue as a supplement.
We just need a weekly thread along the side , and maybe a regional slant. I`m Wessex now but happily act as Southern Correspondent to Coffin FM in the North West, North Easy and the Irish Republic too.
Just feel I`ve missed Clintons lie-ins, and better people that I are able to collate them in some kind of order for me to teach my girls, and other Friends of Jesus and Israel.
It`s endemic BBC bias-they NEVER do any programmes on just HOW they prioritise their news output and their decisions to adjust through their news cycles of spin.
Lies or webs?…they decide.
We need to go deep on these creeps. Checking that I`ve still got a pulse for their Jictar via a Twitter storm only suits them.
The warnings are ‘writ’ large for everyone to see:
The UK Government “advisor on ‘community cohesion’….” whose report (02.11.16) is referred to concludes in his report for ‘Open Democracy’, that action may be required to stop the “white flight” from areas of high immigration. All for the benefit of ‘social cohesion’. The essence is, white British do not want to mix with immigrants and the suggestion is that Government may need to act to halt this. Perhaps the ‘white British’ who voted, like me, in June to stop further immigration from Europe and elsewhere should understand what is coming quickly down the tracks toward them.
Meanwhile, there is more evidence of France’s ‘cultural enrichment’ from immigration:
“Global News” just now – Obama has reiterated his belief that “Trump is not fit to be president”. This from a “president” who has proved (many times) that he is far from fit for the office, himself. Is that the best they can do? Oh. How I larfed.
But on a lighter note.
Friends! Mays Fascist Gauleiter for the Revolutionary Cadres rotting and being tortured in the Tory Death Camps of Correction was literally destroyed this morning on the Peoples Wall of Corrections that is Today(PBUI).
Comrade Cooper-Balls put the rancid head of Liz Trump up on a pikestaff. And was not even in the studio at the time. For Agent Yvette is forever in all our hearts and minds as we will the Red Tide forward to victory.
Cooper Balls Cooper
Copper Bottomed Refugees
Banking on loves food.
Dedicated to Comrade Support Our Leftimann…and UKIP Haiku San!!!
Respectively and respectfully…eek, as oiled and oily as Owen Smith after an hour on Cyril Fletchers knee!
Prior to Theresa May going in to tackle FIFA two-footed I had already posted hereabouts on the BBC’s apparent relaxed attitute to the Poppy Affair : Oh not to worry, we’re sure there’ll be some compromise.
The BBC – always relaxed about corrupt supra-national organisations bossing the UK
And as for our Theresa – beginning to notice how she talks a good game but only when there’s no cost to herself.
Anyway, Mark Palios turns up on the BBC this morning.
Now our Mark is no saint – remember the Faria Alam affair…
Parliament has already been given the change to stop Brexit, but they voted 6-1 in favour of letting us decide in a referendum. Parliament and the people have already decided.
Besides, if this hypocrisy is allowed shouldn’t the Scottish people now be informed that the referendum they voted in was pointless, as will be any future referendum, because Parliament can always overturn it if they don’t like the result. What becomes of democracy?
Enjoying as I do, nature and wildlife programmes, I tuned into Arctic Live last night. I could only watch about 5 minutes though, it was just too much.
Here’s a detailed critique that just arrived in my blog reading, for information. It’s not mine, but it is pretty good.
‘Britain’s Adoption Scandal: Breaking the Silence will be broadcast on ITV at 9pm on Wednesday 9 November’
For the moment the BBC forgets they might shed a few viewers to ITV
Charlie Stayt, sporting some retro hairdo – post ironically, presumably, welcomes a guest who gave up her baby – not, mind you, to the nasty Catholics but she’ll do – this scandal went wider… it was a different time I think that’s how the phrase goes.
Not enough single mothers – that was a horrible time.
Running out of time – if not statute of limitations – our Charlie half-heartedly inquires:
“Do you want a Public Inquiry?”
As if these things are well within the gift of the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Do I hear a big thank you from the lawyers?
Oh for a Kenneth Williams…
Inquiry, inquiry, the BBC’s got it in for us tax payers!
Finally 9pm BBC : The Hillary Dossier
A BBC investigation into conspiracies unearthed during the campaign via Wikileaks and Project Veritas.
– How Hillary cheated in the Sanders debate by getting the questions in advance from a CNN staffer, who has now been moved from her role after Wikileaks emails revealed what happens.
– The Democrat operatives who paid people to start violence at Trump rallies as exposed in the Project Veritas undercover videos.
– The voter rigging plans as exposed in the undisputed Project Veritas undercover videos.Resulting in the firing of 2 top Hillary planners etc. etc. etc.
Oh hang on I may have Misheard that, oh yeh it’s not about Hillary
The Trump Dossier – The Conspiracy Files
An investigation into how Donald Trump has used conspiracy theories to further his bid for the presidency.
The Radio Times says :
Most shamefully. he claims the current elections are being rigged, which is why he might lose*. These and other theories are given longer shrift than they deserve – in order to be blown apart
* It is not disputed that the 2 Democrat operatives were removed from their jobs after admitting on video to doing and planning election fraud.
The blurb continues :
If Donald Trump loses his battle to become president, it is already clear that he will blame a conspiracy between the media and the political establishment to rig the election. And it won’t be the first time that Donald has pushed conspiracy theories to advance his political career. The latest episode of Conspiracy Files investigates how Trump championed the notorious ‘birther’ conspiracy – which aimed to prove that America’s first black president wasn’t eligible to serve, and that his birth certificate was false. It is a claim that was believed by up to 60% of Trump voters – even though Trump has now finally disowned it.
To help defeat Ted Cruz during the Republican nomination race, Trump stirred stories about links between Cruz’s father and America’s most famous conspiracy, the assassination of JFK. And as Trump battles Hilary Clinton, he is focusing relentlessly on allegations that the Clintons have conspired to cover up crimes throughout their political careers.
Conspiracy Files probes the murky world of US politics, which, since Watergate, has been fertile breeding ground for increasingly complex conspiracy theories.
There are two types of conspiracy theory
#1 Unevidenced conspiracy theory (as usually voiced by LeftMob)
#2 Evidenced conspiracy theory
( when you have undisputed emails and people caught red handed on undercover video etc.)
Yesterday on Fox News, Bill Clinton in front of a large crowd saying, Obamacare was a good thing and then similar video from a little while ago of him saying it was a,’crazy system’. He stood there, yesterday, and swore he had never criticised Obamacare in the past. To be a good liar – you need a very good memory Bill.
Lie often enough and it DOES become a way of life. ESPECIALLY when you have willing, complicit listeners. Very shameful, very sad.
Hilary and Bill are so bent and yet they still have their supporters.
The EU is a fiasco yet it has it’s supporters.
The US election and Brexit have been a real surprise to me, as regards people, but not a nice one.
Being duped is one thing but when the evidence is right before you ……… ?
tomoMar 17, 11:34 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Give him a rusty rifle and a white flag [img][/img]
Fedup2Mar 17, 11:32 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Can you imagine the conversation between trump and Putin tomorrow …. Putin – what are we going to do about…
harry142857Mar 17, 10:24 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Why do reports need to be brief. It’s a 24 hour news channel, FFS. It isn’t a 15 minute slot…
tomoMar 17, 10:18 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Nuts This eejit is dangerous
ScrobleneMar 17, 10:14 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Starmerstan doesn’t do options, Sluff, just chucks numbers and meaningless inanities like ‘willing’ around and calling them ‘plans’, which this…
vladMar 17, 10:04 Weekend 15th March 2025 Jordan Peterson speaks out on muslim rape gangs, muliticulturalism, and the suicidal delusion of woke liberalism.
BBC World Service Just now – A Porte Rican Trump supporter is not put off because Trump called, illegal, criminal Mexicans, “Bad Hombres” – Shocking!
Then the two presenters console themselves because the BBC choice for the President of a foreign country is not EVERYONES!
PS: And oh yeah, planes usually lose height before they crash but they can do that due to a bomb, technical fault or deliberate action of a pilot.
Planes upload a kind of last will & testament by satellite if something goes catastrophically wrong. Planes simply do not just fall out of the sky without outside intervention.
So folks, who is there now Farage has retired?
Currently no one of any passion or real gravitas. They all appear middle of the road Carswell types. I was rather hoping Raheem Kassam would have made a better go of it than he did but thats life.
As was mentioned on Toady this morning with Labour never weaker, and Brexit under threat from a weak and untrustworthy Prime Minister. Now should have been UKIPS time. But with their current NEC of non entities they really do seem to have snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory.
“You really are a Pound Stretcher Donald Trump” was line stuffed into todays R4 drama
Direct link to 27m 55s *plotspoiler point
What the hell is the point of playright Anders Lustgarten writing such a line ?
Seems it’s snide in-group Virtue-Signalling #BbcMetropolitanElite #TheEstablishment
During Nazi times there would have been a similar line sneering at Jews. Framing and normalising hate (like against Trump) is a manipulation technique, but risks backfiring.
* Plot spoiler alert coincidentally the critical plot twist part of the whole drama
Well, not to worry though, the moral compass of the only British Muslim character with the correct accent is what mattered. When he decided to leave he got patted on the back and told that without people like him MI5 would not exist, so he stayed. Noticed recently how the number of classic plays declined on R4. We get politically correct new plays instead about migration, lgbtq+ stuff, feminism etc + mix in a bit of Brexit and Trump….well you know the story. The BBC has become The Day Today with Chris Morris.
“Noticed recently how the number of classic plays declined on R4”
Recently, where have you been?
100% Nigeria for twenty years.
I’m glad I followed my instinct. A few years ago I was regularly documenting on this site the increasing politicisation of R4 drama and I now hardly listen to any. In this case, I scanned the story outline and assumed it would contain all the usual agitprop.
Looks like I was right. R4 continues its death spiral at the hands of the arrogant Leftist ‘elite’ that have stolen it.
It’s called ‘nudging’. Call-Me-Dave was so keen on it that he actually started up a Government Department of Nudging and then privatised it off (where it can now doubtless suck on the public teat as a ‘consultancy’).
The BBC, of course, are past-masters at this ‘nudging’ lark: this is how common purpose works. It ‘nudges’ its way through government, media and culture, infecting young minds and revising history (and science) to suit an agreed social and political regressive agenda. Just look at the state of universities across the western world: this is how the ‘safe space’ and ‘PC culture’ became emboldened. The BBC uses ‘nudging’ across all of its programme strands, in every genre, across all platforms. It’s a subtle (mostly) but sustained propaganda effort – stay on message and reinforce the regressive narrative; identify ‘the enemy’ and ‘other’ them at every possible opportunity.
Goebbels would be proud. And Stalin. And Mao. And Pol Pot.
Yep “drip drip drip” is a propaganda trick that normalises a viewpoint we’ve seen that with ClimatePanic, and Anti-Fracking
whereas expressing contrary views is uncool.
“Last children evacuated from Calais camp”
No al-Beeb. They were EVICTED.
Did they take their pension books and zimmer frames with them?
Reckon the indigenous population of the United Kingdom have become, “An Inconvenient Truth” which is not about to be 1)Silenced or 2)Disappear – much as some would wish.
Evan Davis was far from happy having to refer to himself and fellow thickies for Remaining as “Remoaners”.
Maybe for asking “difficult questions of Brexit types, but with no answers forthcoming”
One way of putting it, if you`re thick I suppose.
But always a delight when an insult from us oiks ends up on a BBC luvvies script.
That`s them that is.
And now they know it themselves.
It also drives them nuts if you call them Remaniacs.
Assuming a Trump win , let us indulge ourselves by imagining what can we petition him to do for the UK? Well first let’s just remind him that he has a lot of friends over here who salute his victory. But We should also point out his British enemies and make it very clear that they are our enemies too, and unless they are stopped they will wreck the entire West. Therefore it his duty to use his power as President of the USA and as defacto leader of the West to deal with them. Perhaps we could compile a list of those we want him to target.
Unsurprisingly the BBC in its entirety tops my list . As long as he gets them shut down I don’t care how he does it. Getting rid of the foul BBC is the necessary first step to regaining our country.
Have you noticed any mention of “How will Hillary maniacs react if Trump wins ?”
No that scenario has not been entertained.
But Scott Adams made clear months ago ..It is not the Trump supporters who are desperados making death threats but rather many Hillary supporters.
In the event of a Trump win, I would like to see Jon Sopel (and other BBC correspondants) excluded from all White House briefings and Presidential events, in order to send a message to the BBC that their extreme bias has been noted. Yes, I know other British networks are similarly guilty, but the BBC is the most influential worldwide.
R4 MediaShow now : Piers Morgan on trump and the media
“Piers Morgan discusses where he thinks the media have fallen down in their coverage of the campaign.”
bet he won’t mention the massive deception by their relentless anti-Trump stuff
Whilst their massive FILTERING off of ProjectVeritas and Wikileaks material
– Also : Ted Sarandos of Netflix on The Crown; Press regulation
The Guardian’s Jane Martinson gives us her analysis of the Government’s decision yesterday to put the Leveson Inquiry and its recommendations out to public consultation.
Steve Hewlett sounded stunned when piers Morgan didn’t take the groupthink line.
He didn’t promote Trump he just played it straight,
“You do know that in the latest Trust polls Hillary comes way below Trump”
Steve was like but how can this be ?
Piers told the truth about the email server
..which is the first time we have had anything other than the teamHillary narrative on the BBC
True Stew.
Morgan isn`t my cup of tea.
But to hear a lucid intelligent account of why America will vote for Trump-in the teeth of the BBC equivalents at the New York Times and CNN for examples, was refreshing.
Huesless seemed stunned, no interruptions.
A joy to hear.
StewG, could this be the start of the BBC panicking and slowly following the real wind direction. If it is, we will see, certainly by other contributors here, other symptoms of them abandoning their deceitful approach to the US elections.
Is Piers Morgan not a friend of Trump?
Morgan likes to think he is a “friend” of anybody important, that’s why he wants to appear even-handed when discussing a “friend” who may be the next POTUS; what a shallow, tedious, annoying heap of ordure he is!
Trump’s politics are the very opposite of those of his “friend” Piers.
I’m quite tired of this relentless BBC bias, and I wish to avoid using their site and news channel in order to avoid legitimising their globalist cartel. Can anyone suggest some news sources that are free of any kind of bias? In this day and age, such a thing is proving difficult to come by.
Razza94. Totally agree with you – it is never-ending relentless propaganda! But it’s a big ask to find some other sites with no bias at all. I tend to look at a variety of sites of news channels and online sites; that way there’s a chance of getting a more balanced view than the Beeb.
The religion of peace website is great for checking out how the victims of Islamaphobia are getting on with their kill streak against the infidels.
For my other news I look at Breitbart, InfoWars, The Spectator, The Rebel media, Dailywire…..
What I also do is ensure I keep up to date with what the enemy is saying….so I of course I get the sick bag at the ready and torture myself and read through Al Shabeebs webshite every day 🙂
An article on Breibart.
On Thursday night the London School of Economics will host an event featuring Professor Gurminder K. Bhambra: a post-colonialism obsessive who will insist that “Brexit means Brexit means ‘Go Home’”.
From the sound of her forthcoming report on the matter, Prof. Bhambra thinks “Brexit Means ‘Go Home’” because she says so. It is not a dissimilar from the contention of the shouty Polish woman on BBC Question Time who asserted that Brexit led to “discrimination” against her. When David Dimbleby asked her how she had been discriminated against, she replied, “I don’t feel welcome”.
And Prof. Bhambra appears to be taking that self-pity to an academic level in her paper which argues: “The referendum was less a debate on the pros and cons of membership than a proxy for discussions about race and migration”.
She’s not wrong to claim that Brexit happened, in massive part, due to migration. But the idea that it was a ballot box equivalent of the Battle of Cable Street is another sign of how the left scrambles to revise history, as they so crassly did following the death of Jo Cox MP, and indeed with the so-called “racist” attack on a Polish cultural centre – the origins of which are still unknown.
But never mind, just blame Brexit. And don’t worry because the BBC has got your back in promoting this garbage too.
The truth, for anyone who cares to try and find it, is that the “surge in hate crime” was perpetuated by Remain campaigners via a Facebook group called “Worrying Signs” which encouraged en masse reporting on “hate crimes” – many of which turned out to be nonsense. How do we know this?
Well, take this incident where a “hate crime” was reported which turned out to be a book delivery.
Or consider the fact that Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton, whose national role it is to track hate crime all over Britain, admitted: “there have been no major spikes in tensions reported”.
Finally, consider the fact that prosecutions for “hate crimes” fell by almost 10 per cent in England and Wales last year despite a rise in the number of reported incidents.
It all speaks to the dirty truth: the hate crime narrative is being perpetuated by the Left. And in doing so, not only are they arming real racists – many in their own ranks, no doubt – and causing them to believe they are in a growing movement, but they are also wasting police time and resources that could be used solving murders, stopping rapes, and generally doing what police are supposed to do.
Prof. Bhambra’s event takes place at the London School of Economics on Thursday night.
Do you think AlBeeb should send a reporter?
Maybe the question should be….How many?
Maybe it’s the “Far Right Bigot ” in me but I prefer to call them the London School of Extremists.
Just take a look at where the London school of Economics gets its money from, and you will find it’s not in the least bit fussy about maximising its income from the worst worst human rights abusers.
It’s current number one donor is Saudi Arabia
And even the BBC has taken note:
The Jewish Chronicle reported its concerns last year:
Any of Britains Universities will say what ever you want them to say (or teach) providing you can afford to pay them enough. When the Sunni Oil rich cabal is funding all of the UKs universities to promote Islam, it’s pretty obvious that those graduates who have suffer this indoctrination will eventually populate the top jobs in the country, with a completely skewed vision of the world, and Islam in particular, we are seeing this happening right now.
The fact that people, even readers of this site STILL see this as some kind of conspiracy theory despite all of the evidence screaming at them that it is VERY REAL means that soon it will be too late to do anything about it.
This article gives her summary of her strange twisted view of the world
She’ll probably have already been deconstructed in somewhere like Spikes or News Statesman or Guido etc.
Sikh name
I wonder if Prof Bumbra will mention the two Poles who got jailed for 8 Months for throwing bacon at a mosque.
And I wonder if the Polish ambassador has any comment on it. I know He is very concerned about post Brexit hate crimes.
Trying to think of how the BBC could best describe this Bremoaner friendly fire incident dilemma?
The Brex of times, the Wurst of times?
Compare & contrast the crime of burning poppies which attracted a mere £50 fine.
Just been listening to HM Official Opposition, E. Mair (call me Eddie), on the 5.00 programme. First item was the judgement against the government with regard to air pollution. The tone was, as usual, the dirty Tories have been “called out” ( in an Owen Jones style) on air pollution with particular reference to diesel vehicles. Edmund King ,representing motorists, gave a reasoned assessment of the diesel problem which showed that cars only emit 5% of the pollution created by vehicles the remainder was (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Eddie shouting down) we were not allowed to hear the truth. The facts are that the remainder, 95% ? is created by filthy buses and taxis but that doesn’t fit the “narrative” of our national independent broadcaster who fielded Alan Carhater to call for diesel cars to be taken off the road.
The most biased coverage of the subject I have ever heard, shameful. Edmund later pointed out that by removing the worst 10% of these dirty buses and taxis, 50% of the pollution would be removed at a stroke. No,no get rid of all the cars and get rid of 5% was the line from Alan Carhater and the BBBC.
Now listening to Nnnnnnnnnnnoooorrmmmmmaannnn Smith telling us what’s all wrong about Brexit.
Friends! Lefty goes full libtard …
Usually the words are more circumspect, using terms like ‘truthiness’ but sometimes folk kind of tell it a bit more bluntly:
Should someone be moved to ask the BBC for a response, I wonder what it may be, if one is ever forthcoming?
28gate still working its magic on BBC editorial integrity?
Yes hopefully notalotofpeopleknowthat will add a post about the PM piece on banning diesels , soon.
Yes hopefully notalotofpeopleknowthat will add a post about the PM piece on banning diesels , soon.
The BBC must be in an absolute quandary over the England-Scotland poppy problem right now.
Everybody that appears on BBC for a month before Rememberance Sunday wears a poppy , but
the Secretary General of FIFA Fatima Samba Diouf Samoura from Senegal refuses to let the English and Scottish teams wear poppies when they play each other on November 11th.
Fatima is of the kind of diversity and positive discrimination candidate that the BBC would have presenting Match of the Day instead of Gary Lineker in a trace. Expect to see the
disappearance of the poppies on the lapels at the BBC as we get nearer to Rememberance Day.
Foscari – I totally agree. The BBC must be in a massive quandary about poppy wearing. Where is the passion!! As a lifelong (and generations of) West Ham fan – I think the FIFA decision to ban poppy wearing at the match should be ignored. Regardless of any penalty.
Modern day football is far removed from the days I remember. No sponsors, just men playing with a passion (Bobby Moore). I think our players should stick their fingers up to FIFA and proudly play wearing a poppy to honour the men and women who have died for our country.
Sod the penalties! I feel disgusted and extremely upset for our ancestors.
Gillian- I expect when London becomes Londistan in the not to distant future. You wont mind supporting West Haram Utd, will you?
Too Late!

Foscari – As I come from the Black Country, I couldn’t possibly support West Haram.
I am a West Bromwich Halalbion fan.
Very amusing. I know the area has now become distinctly ‘foreign’. I and many other fans remember how it was.
Ho haram.
It’s even worse now that they play at the Olympic Stadium!
I just googled Islam and wearing the poppy. Guess what the majority say it is haram! So maybe FIFA are worried about upsetting Muslims.
Could anybody imagine that a Stiles, a Pearce would do FIFAs dirty work for them this weekend?
As opposed to the useless ciphers who play football today.
Since when did the likes of Blatter and Platini get any leverage over anything but Swiss gold shares or collaborations with Qatari princes or such?
We`ve left Europe-time to put UEFA and FIFA in their graves now.
** BBC1 Now Rotherham abuse report with Esther Rantzen
She’s in Rotherham talking to kids about Childline.
They didn’t go into the Asian grooming gangs at all
but a least they did acknowledge that Rotherham was a centre of abuse.
Now she just named 4 other towns , without mentioning Asian.
C4 absolutely full-on Clinton propaganda. No more pretence of impartiality – it’s like they are competing with the BBC to see who can flip 100% to the left
The problem with the likes of Snow, Sopel etc is that they REALLY think that they`re as important and as fascinating as their pals in Covent Garden tell them that they are.
After Ohio 2004, would you not have though that the Guardian presumptions regarding the redneck Tea Party trogolodytes simply are irrelevant.
In fact, the USA will do a Brexit; and stuff the liberal faces into the doggy bag. And the gloomy po-faced linen suited exports from this media nest of vipers and puff adders will get their smug arses slapped and their faces rubbed into their red diapers(as they call them there!).
How DARE a Snow or a Frei stick their public schooled noses into the affairs of the American people? None of us have a vote there-and these jet-hopping liberal fops and floaters have NO vote either, just a free ride to flaunt their own vacuous prejudice as they do here.
Hope Trump`s taking names and will ban these Whicker basket cases from Cape Cod and Kennedy tribute acts. In the cause of saving the planet of course.
Little choice for C4 now. As with the BBC they are so much a part of the established ancien regime that to waver would be impossible. As the insurgency of the deplorables gathers pace and irrespective of whether Trump wins or loses nothing is going to be the same again.
Ancient cultures such as ours seem to have a sense of just when a threat becomes existential and the cultural marxists have crossed a line somewhere and now must face the consequences and reality herself.
Stay alert and remember that at such a time the ancien regime is most dangerous and there are very very few political leaders or commentators who can be trusted or even understand that everything has changed and that they must give way to the new.
The INSURGENCY has already started
LeftMob are already staging an insurgency
..they have taken the law into their own hands.
The system works like this
#1 The Political makes the law.
#2 The judiciary enforces it
#3 And the media hold them both to account
The process is broken cos the media is filtering/obscurring important info
The left is nothing except cowardly virtue signallers.They are irrelevant. You have misunderstood my point.
Remember, when it comes to BBC reporting, there is always a story behind the story.
Why do you suppose BBC devoted so much time on all their platforms to an upcoming study on CFS/ME? Perhaps some further research is necessary. This blog post covers a fair bit of the shenanigans:
Guys…..maybe OT..but can anyone explain:
Here’s guido’s take on the Vaz appointment
“When 203 MPs voted for Keith Vaz to join the Justice select committee last night, everyone assumed Labour MPs had turned up to back their man. In actual fact, Guido can reveal that it was the Tories who whipped their side to secure Vaz’s position. A disbelieving Conservative MP tells Guido that as he walked through the voting Lobby he saw a group of Tory whips ordering their MPs to vote for Vaz. There was no Labour whipping operation, only a small number of Labour MPs turned up for the vote. As a result 159 of the 203 MPs who voted for Vaz were Tories, including ministers like Amber Rudd, Jeremy Hunt and Liam Fox. The whips’ pathetic argument was “you’re voting for the process, not for him”. This decision to appoint a crook to the Justice committee is one of parliament’s most shameful acts in recent years – and the Tories are the ones responsible…”
However, my MP is claiming the Con Members did nothing of the sort.
Here’s the MP’s reply when I wrote him….
“You should check the facts. Only Labour MP’s could vote Vaz onto the committee. What we voted against was removing that power.”
Is anyone making sense of this?
I’m not.
You’re not alone Dysgwr_Cymraeg.
Out of 200 plus Labour MP’s only two MP’s applied for the seats on the Justice committee. Two seats available to Labour MP’s, two seats taken. One of them is Vaz. The man who is under investigation. The man who stood down from the Home Affairs panel because of the ongoing police investigation. The Tories voted him in. The Tories apparently want Labour support in a future committee vote reciprocated. No, I don’t understand the bubble of the hypocrite Politicians either.
The appointment of Vaz, a man being investigated for breaking the law is today an elected member of the Justice committee. Only in the immoral Westminster village would this be seen as acceptable.
What a pathetic bunch of people they are.
It’s a bit like a prisoner taking over the job as a Prison Governor.
Sorry, I just remembered that the Islamists prisoners do run our prisons. -Again because of our useless MP’s allowing it to happen.
Unsurprising D_C, the Conservative party has done untold damage to Britain over the decades, examples include: encouraging non-White immigration in the 1960’s; taking us into the Common Market and “Gay Marriage” from its PM before the current one; it won’t be changing its spots anytime never.
Al Shubtill
Just wait for the independent report on sharia in the UK commissioned by Teresa the Tolerant Tory
Appalling crap on the Moral Maze. The Rev Giles Fraser tells some Trump supporter who dares to quote the Bible at him as merely spouting cliches?
CLICHES?…Gosepl quotes from Jesus?…CLICHES?
Dear God.
If that does not show what being in a radio studio does to the last of your prelate credibility, then what does?
AND-the clown says that Pope Francis would know his bible better than a twerp like Trump, so his opinion on building “walls not bridges” would matter.
Wrong again Fraser.
Not own word in the bible uses the word “bridge” as the Pope wants-but there are plenty references to the word “wall”.
indeed-the Vatican itself is very well walled.
Hypocrite thankfully DOES appear in the Bible, not that Giles Fraser would know it tonight.
When quoting the gospel is seen as spouting cliches by a leading cleric on the national radio “Moral Maze”?
We are in REAL trouble as a “Christian nation” alright.
“Walls and Bridges”?
People like Pope Francis and Giles Fraser probably get their theology from the back of John Lennon LPs these days anyway.
Giles Fraser got a kicking on Twitter

– There is swearing in the tweets, but you know how nasty LeftMob are
It’s fairly typical of their unprovoked hate and anger.
Someone just tweeted this to Giles Fraser

Perhaps Fraser forgot that the word Pontiff (an alternative title for the Pope) comes from the Latin Pontifex meaning bridge builder.
That aside I don’t think it is helpful to quote bible verses as to every one you cite you can find a contrary verse. Soundbites don’t concentrate on context and I think to take a single verse from my holy scriptures does little to win an argument. What is more important is understanding the concept.
I strongly believe in “give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats everyday”. I also add to that “Don’t let him poach your waters because you will starve”
Fair enough AA.
My point was that a churchman ought to be comfortable enough with that book he preaches on a Sunday-and not be ashamed to have it quoted back at him on a Wednesday.
And when he said that the British were “more religious” than the Americans-well the American who was trying to explain the rise of Trump at least KNEW some Bible verses. As opposed to random Guardian tropes.
“I strongly believe in “give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats everyday”. I also add to that “Don’t let him poach your waters because you will starve”…..loving those wonderful life lessons AL, that show compassion, thoughtfulness and hope. I will also add these loving religious instructions to that list…..
“And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter… and fight them until fitnah is no more, and religion is for Allah”
— Quran 2:191
“Prophet! Rouse the believers to wage war. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will subdue two hundred: if a hundred, they will subdue a thousand of the disbelievers: for these are a people without understanding”
— Quran, [Quran 8:65]
Peace and love overload today people…
USA help and taking in refugees ; 300 000
Vatican ; 12 .
Saudi Arabia: 0
Gulf States: 0
Europe: too bloody many!
AS, SG, AL, I’m going put a word in here and stand up for Giles Fraser here, although I did not listen. May catch up on Saturday.
I suspect he stumbled into a bad word choice for a variety of reasons, not least a great awareness that Trump is not the ‘BBC Approved Candidate’ for US President and that the BBC provide his platform – and a measure of income? – for his growing family.
I HAVE heard Fraser do some good ‘Thought for the Day’ and also talk some commonsense into The Moral Maze. What I’m becoming increasingly aware of is the pressure that is building ‘out there’. I have already written on B-BBC about the possible effect, intended or otherwise, of the current Reith lecture series. This pressure is mounting and TODAY 8am News is currently talking about the High Court Brexit hearing as I type. I’m sure Giles Fraser is aware at overt and covert pressures to conform to the view of the metropolitan liberal elite, especially those that frequent the BBC studios and appear on TMM. It’s a wonder they let him, Melanie Phillips and Claire Fox on the programme at times because they do at times, some more regularly than others, show some sign of independent, informed and thoughtful thinking in what they say.
The pressures at times they must feel in the studio (and out in the real world?) are being increasingly felt by me with the constant undermining of the 23rd June decision in the media and the scorn heaped on those who voted to leave the EU. Fortunately, when the pro-Bremain just get down to insults, it’s encouraging that they are displaying their own weakness.
Stay strong folks, if you are in favour of getting out of the EU.
If you are not, please console yourself that if you accept peaceful democracy and go along with the 23rd June 2016 decision, you will always have the respect of us on the other side.
It seems yesterday’s Somalian sex convictions in Bristol have been quickly (and conveniently) forgotten and BBC Points West moves on to the much more pressing subject of transgender prisoners. Cue sad stern faces from our Beeboid yokels, we hear from ‘Tara’ who because ‘she’ was born a man (= ‘she’ is a man) was placed in a male prison, and (quote) treated like “an animal in a zoo”.
The 5 minute report omitted to tell us she (he) headbutted a bar manager who suffered an injury to his nose and a sore chest and had to have £1,500 worth of treatment on his teeth, umm not a very ladylike thing to do….
I’ve often said that those on the Left who have insane ideas which the ask the rest of us to accept should be forced to pay for their idiocy.
The same applies to those on the right.
So Geoff given that this woman ran the risk of serious sexual assault from other inmates – and it really doesn’t matter a pigs burp what you think it’s how the law defines her.
Will you agree that any compensation, and medical attention required and all counselling services will be paid for in full by yourself and those who agree with you?
If not then I suggest that you stop making foolish suggestions which put peoples lives in very real danger.
It is possible to have “gender reassignment” surgery, and therefore legally “change sex”. This includes new birth certificate, passport etc, and will result in a person who was once a man being treated legally as if he is a woman.
I assume “Tara” has not done any of this, and is still in possession of his frank’n’beans. As such, legally, “he” is still a “he”, albeit an effeminate he who likes to dress as a woman. A man like “Tara” would therefore be well advised to obey the law, and not launch drunken attacks upon innocent people, because in law he is a man, and will serve time in a man’s gaol. Yes, he will have a hard time there, and have to be protected, but he is entirely the author of his own misfortune.
Britain is a very tolerant country, and a man who chooses to dress as a woman and behave like a woman is free to go about his business without the law bothering him. But if he breaks the law and goes to prison, he will be treated according to his legal sex, which is male.
BBC Online News:
“”What do lawyers think about Brexit?””
And yet more BBC Brexit drivel.
Perhaps the BBC should ask all trades and professions one by one what they think of Brexit? Endless scope for the BBC to talk down the economy.
Well, I think they know what the trawlermen think of Brexit. And what they think of Geldof.
I wonder if our old friend, Gary Lineker, will be sharing his views over the poppygate fiasco that the corrupt officials of FIFA have inflicted upon us? The Beeb’s favourite football pundit isn’t usually slow in reprimanding us. He gave us all a stern ticking off when we had the audacity to vote for Brexit. Later the wise one admonished us for being “racist” because we weren’t particularly thrilled at accommodating hundreds of hairy legged, bearded schoolboys.
Come on Gary, you’ve got to have an opinion about this!
I’m sure luvvy Lineker won’t want to upset his new Muslim family with the Haram wearing of a poppy.
No more smoky bacon crisps for our Gary!
Lineker already has shared his views in his usual virtue signalling way, which would make Al-Beeb so proud..
So FIFA have strong moral principles do they? They must have changed the meanings of embezzlement, fraud and corruption in the dictionary recently then. Poppygate? Lineker poppycock more like it. Stop counting your money for 5 minutes and take a look outside at the real world.
Whoo hoo! Maybe Lineker has had something of a conversion experience after his, er .., shall we say difficult summer & early autumn?
That’s a brilliant Tweet. Support our Lefty has his own style but that one from Lineker kicks a Coca Cola can (a full one!) right into the FIFA anatomy where it hurts.
Wikileaks poll
There is plenty of killer stuff against Hillary today
Jon Sopel dare not say it but when he asks African-Americans in Florida whether they are going to vote in this election he discovers racism.
The Florideans he meets in a mainly black district voted in 2008 – because Obama was black. But hey, Hillary is white – so, meh…
Oh dear. One of those moments when one can only imagine what a BBC reporter would say were the boot on the other foot.
Batty environmentalist Hollywood star Susan Sarandon is on Newsnight right now spouting green nonsense and Evan Davies, says “yes I can understand you supporting the Green candidate”. Really Evan? Aren’t you supposed to be unbiased?
At one point the hysterical Sarandon said, regarding fracking, “and people turning on their taps and finding water shooting out of them.” Yes Susan, that’s what happens with water taps after fracking.
But bless her pampered Luvee arse, she isn’t voting for Hillary cos she doesn’t “vote with my virgina”.
Newsnight just gets worse. Maitlis looked a little stressed and desperate for good Hilary news. No doubt about where they all stand now.
There never was.
Maybe Ian Katz can get Emily Jr. in as cover to share the results of his poll, wearing a racy number to keep Evan on his toes?
Maybe tonight they can get in Viv on her tank?
Just watched it. Evan couldn’t have been more blatant in trying to put words in her mouth if he tried. And this is a process he is skilled in across the board.
Actually she did well putting him back in his box.
The follow on ‘it’s bigger than that’ to her foo foo comment was funny, though.
BBC tell outright lies on Arctic Live to push their biased agenda on Climate Change.
Grass frost here, this a.m., in the Aggressively Globally Warmed south-east and its only 3rd November. Been a while since I’ve seen a frost here at this time of year.
FT invites readers to join debate about how UK can tackle Brexit,
The Future of Britain Project is a unique experiment in which we ask you, our readers, to brainstorm meaningful solutions for Britain as it leaves the EU. It’s all hands on deck. Join politicians, academics and FT commentators as we plan for the future. This week, we are focusing on the third of four questions.
3. How should the UK deal with immigration? What is the balance between an open labour market and a managed system for dealing with immigration from the EU and the rest of the world?
The article is a week old but the FT just sent out a promo letter. There are open comments.
Titbits from Wednesday’s Times
To reduce workload abuse inquiry might drop investigations into BBC and Savile
Times page 5
Tory whips defeated campaign to exclude Keith Vaz from Justice Committe (are they rent boy users too ?)
Pg 13 Church woman 28 volunteering at Calais has left husband and 2 children for Afghan translator who lives in Lyon
(maybe they could go to help in South Sudan, the UN general there has just been sacked cos his troops just stayed in base when troops were attacking the volunteer house 1 mile away..raping multiple times the 5 + foreign volunteer women including 1 British
Settled science : 1980’s oh eggs are unhealthy
Today Times , front page : Egg a day cuts stroles : 300K people over 30 years 12% less strokes
..not a big deal
Main headline is : Trump in the Lead : just meaningless newspaper stuff
Times Editorial is : Nigerian president is fighting corruption Britain should help him.
Ye yes yes, help Africans in Africa ..not those queue jumpers in Calais.
Times pg 28
CNN has fired the woman who leaked the saunders debate questions to Hillary
Donna Brazile was exposed by the Wikileaks Podesta emails the BBC refuse to acknowledge exist.
page 31 : US police shoot drunk woman driving erratically as she was a danger
..She must have been white cos skin colour is not mentioned.
pg 38 Europe set to bar British (Milk-style) Chocolate
…Em we don’t have any British owned chocolate companies now , do we ?
Interesting post Stew, because some of what you listed appeared on the BBC w/s on Monday, if not before. It appears that the MSM are recycling old material among themselves like never before.
This is great Stew…
My running order here?
1. Savile and the BBC/Alexis Jay and Ben Emmerson, Michael Mansfield, allegations,new Chairbird having no legal experience and so not backed by “survivors and victim groups”
2. Cliffwatch-rolling out that BBC story with S.Yorkshire
3. The Zombie Cause of Orgreave,and Michael Mansfield seeking a role in both THIS story-as well as being mooted for our top story above.
4. Keith Vaz?…why not Paul Flowers as next Church Commissioner then?
5. Crusading to re-open enquiries into Aberfan, Rotherham, Mid-Staffs and the deaths of Keith Blakelock and david Wilkie.
6. Pull off (sorry-out!) on Clinton, Brazile and the whole FBI mess of pottage.
7.A pen portrait of Great Tories-Gummer, Norris, Currie, Mellor and Archer/Aitken etc, The point being that even THESE skidmarks are now Titans if we`re comparing to Fat Abbott and Costellos like Thornberry and Corbyn
(Hear their education shadow spokeslady called Angela Rayner?…Oxford or Cambridge would you say?).
8. The rising Labour leader that is the Corrie actress who`s walking round Batley and Spen in Jo Cox`s shroud of convenience-a diary maybe?
9. A demand for a judicial review and retrial into the murder of Kim Billby ( our canine Karen Silkwood) by hated Michael (Boston Dog-Strangler) Heseltine. RSPCA and Countryside Alliance to demand a trial.
I`d buy it anyway!
Anything on Al Beeb about this, anyone know why ?……….
“Fans and staff were pictured waiting outside the ground at dusk today after the evacuation that was described only as an ’emergency’.”
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The BBC are probably waiting until Manchester cops have taken steps to protect the community from a far right backlash, just in case the ROP were responsible in any way
BBC on-line “journalist” Esther Webber seems awfully proud that the “world leader” her views most adhere to in Kim Jong Il……Who knew?
Thank You Esther!
I`ve just said it in my Cyril Fletcher voice, velveteen smoking jacket on an everything.
The BBC and Parliament.
Which would be the Wheeltappers?…and which would be the Shunters?
“Truss: Extra 2,100 prison officers to be deployed”
We can limited the prison population by increasing the staff on the Border Force. Also, we should start controlling illegal immigration and round up the millions that have got in .
Taffman, interesting facts and figures for the prison population. [For some reason I cannot obtain a link to paste here]. Anyway, search: ‘nationality of UK prison population’ it comes up with a number including one for a PDF, that’s the one.
Seems just under 10% of the prison population are foreign nationals and a surprising break down of that figure by origin.
And finally, from this night shift, perhaps a link of ‘cheer’?…….
Place your bets !
Jenny Tonge, organising some anti UK event, on behalf of Anti UK Palestinians.
The UK must apologise for the Balfour Declaration.
Maybe. However we have other, earlier, fish to fry.
Such as an an Arab declaration, there must be a homeland for Arabs where they can live when they leave Egypt to the Copts.
A Turkish Declaration, there must be a place for the Turks to live, when they leave Greece.
A European Declaration etc.
Well spotted. Brilliant post, TS!
(They are just talking about Kurds and Turkey on TODAY as I type. You beat them to it.)
Easily explained. There are some dark passages the BBC likes, and some they don’t.
Editorial integrity.
Aussie Dom,who emerged from some antipodean swamp a few months back to report on economics and business for Radio 4, was clearly given strict instructions. Fully support Project Fear’s lies and, post Brexit, dredge up as much negativity about Brexit as you can. As others on here have commented, Aussie Dom has stuck to his brief excellently. On TV his equivalent is Andrew Verity, a misnomer if ever there was one.
For some reason, Radio 4 decided this morning to wheel on its Economics Editor Kamal Ahmed to carry on the good work. The Bank of England’s Inflation Report is out today. Some of us were hoping that Carney would take this opportunity to announce his departure. No such luck however. He’s hanging on until 2019, no doubt to improve his chances of slipping seamlessly into another elite job either at the IMF or back home in Canadian politics.
Kamal Ahmed’s dirge homed in on the likelihood that the Bank will say inflation will rise. It will blame it on the falling pound which in turn it blames on Brexit. The BBC does its best to follow this line and to concentrate almost exclusively on any negative effect of the pound’s decline it can see ( never mind about how else we can eliminate our huge current account payments deficit.) Ahmed turned up at Berwick Street market to tell us that the price of flowers will go up. He then moved on to a city watering hole to interview two teenage scribbling City Economists. One told us that he still forecast a declining economy next year and the need for more quantitive easing. He seemed ignorant that QE is already held to be overdone and no longer effective, but never mind that. He must be on Carney’s payroll, as is the BBC. Long live Project Fear.
It’s happening folks!! Yesterday one of our esteemed posters mentioned that he couldn’t get onto “The Religion of peace” website…. I said I could…. Now I can’t! It’s blocked by EE on my roaming data (not tried at home on my WiFi). This is worrying folks and the North Korean style sensorship is beginning! All that website does is show facts and details about the true story of Islam and the genuine number of people massacred in the name of that sick, evil ideology. Our freedom to information is being taken away from us, and our totalitarian establishment are dictating what we can and cannot see….. Very worrying development… I hope this is as far as this goes (has anyone else affected by the sensorship? David Vance I think you need to look into this…)
And as a note…. Google is cheery picking pro Muslim articles on all Islam searching on their search engine
I used to use EE but noticed they started blocking a number of Islam critical sites about a year ago. I recently switched to 3 and not noticed it so much, although Jihadwaatch is blocked there too.
Plusnet guys…..blocks nothing
We’re talking about mobile broadband operators though, where the choice is limited. My wife uses Virgin, which is basically EE, and her Internet also blocks negative Islam sites.
I’m pretty sure that the censorship department at EE must be run by Muslim, or Islam friendly, staff.
EDIT – I’ve just tried to reach the “religion of peace” website, mentioned by Tothepoint above, on my 3 mobile broadband and it is blocked. It’s not a site that I’ve tried before so can’t say if this is new, but clearly there is some Orwellian censorship being implemented by the mobile broadband operators.
No.6 – Plusnet – that’s BT by another name.
Good to catch up on old stuff as I look through this thread.
I`m as guilty as anybody when it comes to random drive-by mouth offs. The BBC provoke us and we`re right to respond and realise that we`re not the only loons in cyberland,
Others heard it,think the same.
The thread starts with Vaz quietly sneaking back into some Parliamentary mock up of a “committee( c/o Colin Crompton)
Towards the end there`s a whole load of pearls around Clintons brass neck, it ought to be a noose( but the BBC think it`s a slightly misplaced halo or fascinator!)
This is the weekly digest we need to log, mark and put on on social media and even in the Big Issue as a supplement.
We just need a weekly thread along the side , and maybe a regional slant. I`m Wessex now but happily act as Southern Correspondent to Coffin FM in the North West, North Easy and the Irish Republic too.
Just feel I`ve missed Clintons lie-ins, and better people that I are able to collate them in some kind of order for me to teach my girls, and other Friends of Jesus and Israel.
It`s endemic BBC bias-they NEVER do any programmes on just HOW they prioritise their news output and their decisions to adjust through their news cycles of spin.
Lies or webs?…they decide.
We need to go deep on these creeps. Checking that I`ve still got a pulse for their Jictar via a Twitter storm only suits them.
The warnings are ‘writ’ large for everyone to see:
The UK Government “advisor on ‘community cohesion’….” whose report (02.11.16) is referred to concludes in his report for ‘Open Democracy’, that action may be required to stop the “white flight” from areas of high immigration. All for the benefit of ‘social cohesion’. The essence is, white British do not want to mix with immigrants and the suggestion is that Government may need to act to halt this. Perhaps the ‘white British’ who voted, like me, in June to stop further immigration from Europe and elsewhere should understand what is coming quickly down the tracks toward them.
Meanwhile, there is more evidence of France’s ‘cultural enrichment’ from immigration:
“Global News” just now – Obama has reiterated his belief that “Trump is not fit to be president”. This from a “president” who has proved (many times) that he is far from fit for the office, himself. Is that the best they can do? Oh. How I larfed.
Trump for Prez, 2016, avec un éboulement.
But on a lighter note.
Friends! Mays Fascist Gauleiter for the Revolutionary Cadres rotting and being tortured in the Tory Death Camps of Correction was literally destroyed this morning on the Peoples Wall of Corrections that is Today(PBUI).
Comrade Cooper-Balls put the rancid head of Liz Trump up on a pikestaff. And was not even in the studio at the time. For Agent Yvette is forever in all our hearts and minds as we will the Red Tide forward to victory.
Cooper Balls Cooper
Copper Bottomed Refugees
Banking on loves food.
Dedicated to Comrade Support Our Leftimann…and UKIP Haiku San!!!
Respectively and respectfully…eek, as oiled and oily as Owen Smith after an hour on Cyril Fletchers knee!
Prior to Theresa May going in to tackle FIFA two-footed I had already posted hereabouts on the BBC’s apparent relaxed attitute to the Poppy Affair : Oh not to worry, we’re sure there’ll be some compromise.
The BBC – always relaxed about corrupt supra-national organisations bossing the UK
And as for our Theresa – beginning to notice how she talks a good game but only when there’s no cost to herself.
Anyway, Mark Palios turns up on the BBC this morning.
Now our Mark is no saint – remember the Faria Alam affair…
But he makes this interesting revelation about FIFA’s double standards – or should that be anti-British instincts
‘Republic of Ireland shirts commemorating the anniversary of the Easter Rising have been used as an example of Fifa’s double standards’
Now couldn’t the legions of BBC sports journos have found that story for us themselves?
Good post AISI.
This one is going to go big maybe?
Noted a good post from Sammy Wilson too, clearly a good paper this one!
BBC Online News:
“”Article 50 author Lord Kerr says Brexit not inevitable””
“”In a BBC interview, Lord Kerr of Kinlochard said the UK could choose to stay in the EU even after exit negotiations had begun””
“”He has also renewed calls for either parliament or the public to be given a chance to stop Brexit””
More BBC anti-Brexit drivel.
Parliament has already been given the change to stop Brexit, but they voted 6-1 in favour of letting us decide in a referendum. Parliament and the people have already decided.
Besides, if this hypocrisy is allowed shouldn’t the Scottish people now be informed that the referendum they voted in was pointless, as will be any future referendum, because Parliament can always overturn it if they don’t like the result. What becomes of democracy?
Good points. If it goes to Parliament we’ll still be in the EU 30 years from now, although that is what they want.
The logic of these Remoaners would be that Scotland HAS to leave the EU because most voted to stay in .
Enjoying as I do, nature and wildlife programmes, I tuned into Arctic Live last night. I could only watch about 5 minutes though, it was just too much.
Here’s a detailed critique that just arrived in my blog reading, for information. It’s not mine, but it is pretty good.
When does the BBC plug an upcoming ITV show?
When it fits the agenda, when there’s greivance, and of course when the BBC’s house magazine is plugging it too…
‘Britain’s Adoption Scandal: Breaking the Silence will be broadcast on ITV at 9pm on Wednesday 9 November’
For the moment the BBC forgets they might shed a few viewers to ITV
Charlie Stayt, sporting some retro hairdo – post ironically, presumably, welcomes a guest who gave up her baby – not, mind you, to the nasty Catholics but she’ll do – this scandal went wider… it was a different time I think that’s how the phrase goes.
Not enough single mothers – that was a horrible time.
Running out of time – if not statute of limitations – our Charlie half-heartedly inquires:
“Do you want a Public Inquiry?”
As if these things are well within the gift of the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Do I hear a big thank you from the lawyers?
Oh for a Kenneth Williams…
Inquiry, inquiry, the BBC’s got it in for us tax payers!
Was wondering what happens with Burqua wearers in, stop and search. How is it for passport or license photos?
Finally 9pm BBC : The Hillary Dossier
A BBC investigation into conspiracies unearthed during the campaign via Wikileaks and Project Veritas.
– How Hillary cheated in the Sanders debate by getting the questions in advance from a CNN staffer, who has now been moved from her role after Wikileaks emails revealed what happens.
– The Democrat operatives who paid people to start violence at Trump rallies as exposed in the Project Veritas undercover videos.
– The voter rigging plans as exposed in the undisputed Project Veritas undercover videos.Resulting in the firing of 2 top Hillary planners etc. etc. etc.
Oh hang on I may have Misheard that, oh yeh it’s not about Hillary
The Trump Dossier – The Conspiracy Files
An investigation into how Donald Trump has used conspiracy theories to further his bid for the presidency.
The Radio Times says :
* It is not disputed that the 2 Democrat operatives were removed from their jobs after admitting on video to doing and planning election fraud.
The blurb continues :
If Donald Trump loses his battle to become president, it is already clear that he will blame a conspiracy between the media and the political establishment to rig the election. And it won’t be the first time that Donald has pushed conspiracy theories to advance his political career. The latest episode of Conspiracy Files investigates how Trump championed the notorious ‘birther’ conspiracy – which aimed to prove that America’s first black president wasn’t eligible to serve, and that his birth certificate was false. It is a claim that was believed by up to 60% of Trump voters – even though Trump has now finally disowned it.
To help defeat Ted Cruz during the Republican nomination race, Trump stirred stories about links between Cruz’s father and America’s most famous conspiracy, the assassination of JFK. And as Trump battles Hilary Clinton, he is focusing relentlessly on allegations that the Clintons have conspired to cover up crimes throughout their political careers.
Conspiracy Files probes the murky world of US politics, which, since Watergate, has been fertile breeding ground for increasingly complex conspiracy theories.
There are two types of conspiracy theory
#1 Unevidenced conspiracy theory (as usually voiced by LeftMob)
#2 Evidenced conspiracy theory
( when you have undisputed emails and people caught red handed on undercover video etc.)
Which would be all well and good were it not a documented fact that it was Hillary Clinton’s team that first pushed the ‘birther’ issue.
The BBC has now descended to the point that many of its reports are just barefaced lies.
Yesterday on Fox News, Bill Clinton in front of a large crowd saying, Obamacare was a good thing and then similar video from a little while ago of him saying it was a,’crazy system’. He stood there, yesterday, and swore he had never criticised Obamacare in the past. To be a good liar – you need a very good memory Bill.
Lie often enough and it DOES become a way of life. ESPECIALLY when you have willing, complicit listeners. Very shameful, very sad.
Is this satire or prophecy I wonder?
Hilary and Bill are so bent and yet they still have their supporters.
The EU is a fiasco yet it has it’s supporters.
The US election and Brexit have been a real surprise to me, as regards people, but not a nice one.
Being duped is one thing but when the evidence is right before you ……… ?