We need the names of everybody behind this court case, its a scandal. Having said that I’m not really surprised.
This is just the start of the long road to delaying/stopping Brexit.
Anymore BbcProjectStopTrump stuff today ?
I guess in all the R4 news progs and TV news progs, Jeremy Vine etc.
at 11:00 R4 in FooC “On a flight to Las Vegas, Rajini Vaidynathan strikes up conversation with what turn out to be mainly Trump supporters and concludes that, wherever you are in the US, it’s difficult to get agreement across the aisle.”
13:45 R4 It’s BBC favourite feminist Gemaine Greer.
I wouldn’t surprise me if R4 Inside Science’s Adam Rutherford doesn’t have a dig at Trump
Just on BBC WS Radio. A reporter on a US domestic flight talking to passengers – all, educated, professional people. All derided Hillary and are voting Trump. Not sure how that one got through?
For anyone who still bothers to pay attention to anything the government says, the news that broadcasting is to be ‘regulated’ by Ofcom is likely to have responded to with a hollow laugh.
If that ws the case then your scepticism was well justifiued, as David Keighley explains in another excellent article in Conservative Woman:
The prison reform does sound very much like the NHS reforms ie: named Warder for each prisoner, named Nurse for each patient.
NHS reforms have cost an awful lot and given us marginal or no improvement but added vast amounts of beaurocracy and falling standards thereby requiring even more beaurocracy to address it. Under Agenda for Change staff had pay rises then ways were found to take away the rises, downgrade, threaten, and even do spiteful things like removing drinks breaks.
I do hope prisons don’t go the same way.
James O’Brien on LBC gloating, silly bint on 5 Dead can”t contain the glee in her voice…I’ve got a feeling that the politicians and luvvies who are rubbing their hands in glee at what”s transpired today may regret the decision. Nicky Morgan is on Sky now saying that democracy “has been asserted”. It was asserted when the majority of the electorate voted to leave the EU. The public won’t like this…
With this ruling, the original referendums setting up devolution should now be over-turned, and the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh and Northern Irish Assemblies should be abolished immediately.
I never thought I’d say this, but if this is not overturned then civil war could break out. If so, I hope the judges who came up with this disgusting ruling should be arrested immediately.
SoL, I can’t believe how furious I am as well. Nothing has angered me as much as this for many years.
Discussion on Sky between a clearly annoyed, but calm, Jacob Rees-Mogg who said that treaties for getting deeper into the EU had been fought in the courts by his father but they had ruled that the PM had the Royal prerogative without needing Parliament’s approval. Now, when it is to disband a treaty that would give us more freedom from the EU the court had decided to reverse precedent.
There was a Labour, anti-British MP who was clearly quietly delighted with the court’s anti-democratic decision who, when asked if he would now change his vote in accordance with the will of the people, claimed that he didn’t think Parliament would vote against Article 50. He said that twice but totally ignored the actual question of whether he would support the British People in Parliament now by voting for Article 50.
Thanks, Demon. It’s heartening to see how many other people feel the same way as you and me, reading comments here, Guido Fawkes, Going Postal etc.
It’s a particularly good antidote for when watching the so-called BBC, where the “impartial” commmentators are barely able to contain their glee. But we will have the last laugh :).
“”I now fear every attempt will be made to block or delay triggering Article 50. They have no idea level of public anger they will provoke””.
10:29 AM – 3 Nov 2016
Regard the ruling re Brexit as yet more ancien regime stupidity. No doubt the BBC etc will be ecstatic but the best course for us all is to refuse to discuss it and hold fast to the principle that all sovereignty is vested in the voters. Full stop. That their will must be paramount. That our parliament having agreed a referendum and put it to the voters is therefore bound by their decision. Jefferson and Tom Paine and Cobbett would have had no doubts. Comparisons such as the situation in 1642 between Charles and parliament are without validity.
There is a refusal that goes back centuries in our elites to accept the sovereignty of the people. The judges are just doing what the elite has always done.
Our best hope is a Trump victory as this will make it clear even to the stupidest of the old regime that there is a real insurgency starting.
I urge all Biased BBCers to write to their MPs TODAY and inform them that their support for them is dependent on their voting for Brexit in Parliament. They must be made to realise the extent of anger in the electorate.
Along with the majority of the British People I am incensed by this disgusting affront to democracy exercised by the judges in this unnecessary case. Who do they think they are, holding themselves as superiors to those they clearly regard as plebs whose democratic rights are something to be trampled on as they wish?
Previously when British governments and prime ministers have signed away our freedoms and democracy by adding their signatures to EU integrationist bills, and the courts have ruled on the validity of this; they have said that the PM has the Royal Prerogative to sign. Why have they decided that this time, when the British People have made their opinions clear in a referendum set up by Parliament, and despite the one-sided propaganda against them, that this time the PM is not allowed to exercise the same Royal Prerogative as before?
This smacks of extreme anti-Brexit bias by the judges who should have used precedent and thrown this case out, but however proved that they themselves should be sacked. If the Supreme Court does not overturn this undemocratic finding and sends the Article 50 decision back to Parliament then I hope you will be able to confirm to me that you will vote for the clearly-expressed will of the British People and support the immediate submission of Article 50.
Also, the Prime Minister has said a couple of times at least that “Brexit means Brexit”. I fully support her in that statement. But Brexit clearly means out of the Open Borders as well as the Single Market. Anything less means that Brexit means a lot less than Brexit is intended to mean.
I live in an area that voted Bremain. It would not be in my MPs interests to vote to trigger Article 50. In these circumstances writing is pointless. I have already written complaining about adult men being admitted under the guise of “children”, and had a Tory policy.T
The Lord Chief Justice’s decision in favour of the challenge to the governments right to invoke article 50 without the consent of Parliament confirms that Brexit is the battle of the British people v the liberal left elite. The BBC are crowing. Beating the establishment is going to be a long struggle and those who speak for the people should make it very clear that the attempts of the elite to undermine the decision of the people will not be without consequences for the elite. At present they can do as they like with no fear of retribution , they need to understand that continually seeking to thwart Brexit will have a price for them.
And Appeasing Teresa the Tolerant Tory will bow to the ruling of the court. Our girl did her best, and now we must make the best of remaining.
May I draw your attention to the most odious piece of writing from a slime bag that once attended my university lectures. It is an attack on the alt rt, linking them with Nazis and implying that Farage is close to Nazis. This is wholly false, but it is the beginning of the BBC’s renewed and confident attack on those who want to leave the EU – you know, Nazis, like those who are a bit like Nigel.
Mardell is an evil bastard.
And I repeat that I don’t trust the Appeaser to stand firm against the Remainers.
can you see why, even if ledsom was inexperienced, the tories and the media prevented the members from electing the tory leader and quickly crowned may? she is going to drag it until we drop dead. whether she challenges this (she has no choice but that) or calls for a general election, this will last forever. in the meantime we are still in the soviet european union.
I am so insensed, I cannot believe that this has happened. These people really do not get the unrest that has been in this country now for decades and has grown.
If this truly is the end of democracy then there will be a revolution.
I will write to Sarah Newton MP (Tory). She urged her constituents in Falmouth and Truro to vote Remain but they voted Leave. Yes Cranmer I will write to her, I write to her often anyway.
The ‘establishment’ have let down 17.5 million people in this country – I just fear now what will happen.
There’s a spate of increasingly long overdue and pleasing attacks on left/liberal elites secret arrangements at the moment. Many conspiracy theories are being aired in public which will serve to inform the public how various Governments have conspired between themselves to relieve the taxpayers of billions of dollars. Regrettably, since the media is in on the conspiracies, not one will inform the public. Here is one who tells it as it is and this is such a welcome event: http://newobserveronline.com/suit-usisrael-aid-advances/
Hopefully, there will be many more such as this, if Trump is elected.
I’m rapidly changing my mind about Wikileaks……….
Although I seriously hope not, but if a Pole gets attacked in this country again I hope it is put at the door of the judges and the Remainders for this ruling and for being so anti-British.
The BBC is, of course, absolutely breathless with excitement that the Government must now seek a Parliamentary vote before invoking Article 50. So everything’s going to plan for the regressive remoaners; this is merely stage 1 in a long game they intend to play out all the way to keeping the UK in the EU by hook or (more likely) by crook.
I’ve been adamant that regressives will never, ever stop seeking ways to undermine, unpick, entangle, stymie and otherwise frustrate Brexit. They will just keep right on going, supported by the majority of the regressive media and much of our cultural institutions, especially education (universities in particular).
Norman Smith, on the BBC, is jubilant. This is what they have been waiting for. But it’s just the start. Those ‘little Englanders’ Mr Smith and his comrades so despise – all those millions of ‘racists’ and ‘xenophobes’ who dared to vote the wrong way – they are all going to be denuded of their vote to leave the EU one way or another.
Jon Snow, meanwhile, on CH4 will doubtless be beside himself with joy.
Great quote from one of the contributors to The Spectator…
“Interesting that MPs are so convinced of the importance of parliamentary sovereignty that they have spent the last 40 years giving it away to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and now apparently wish to ensure that the EU can continue to siphon off what’s left of it.”
I have just emailed my Conservative MP.
I have clearly stated that I, my family and friends will be voting UKIP at the next General Election if she votes against Brexit.
Now the BBC, C4, Sky, Global News etc can drop the “Since brexit …” tag before every manufactured downbeat story.
Get ready for continual upbeat economic “news” being injected into all reports from now on … “Since the High Court ruling the pound is rocketing, businesses are jubilant, prices are falling, jobs are being created … blah blah blah”
LBC (Global News) political editor just said it’s now unlikely MPs will vote to leave the single market, resulting in a “soft brexit”.
As the single market is one of the three tenets of the EU (along with freedom of movement and the Euro Court of Justice) then not to leave the single market is basically not to leave the EU.
This is a complete and transparent stitch-up true to form with previous EU referendums where the democratic majority were deemed to have got it wrong the first time round.
I see massive amounts of public anger building up. Are UKIP currently in a position to channel it?
Like all of you here, just feel sick. Trying to be positive and think that this move will eventually only cement and ratify the referendum result – IF the snakes in the House of Parliament don’t put their Remoaning instincts above the clear will of the majority of voters.
We also need to start thinking more about our MEPs, and how many were voted in on a Euro-sceptic ticket – the majority. Why isn’t that factored into any of the arguments?
The real problem, which is why I choose to post here, is that the BBC is so out of control, so partisan, so bought and paid for by the treacherous EU, simply will not stop with the propaganda – and our preening, self-seeking so-called representatives actually seem to think that’s it’s more important to come over well on the BBC and Sky than to think independently of the media hive, take courage, do some independent research into the EU and its aims, and do what we bloody well pay them for which is to represent the democratic will of the majority.
Yes that’s the point though. That has a lot to do with the Brexit vote and high UKIP vote.
The Tories think they have no valid opposition other than those who voted ‘leave’ and for UKIP.
OK let them have their day.
There is still the appeal to come.
And even if we lose that
..I still think it could make it easier to hold the government to account, cos it gives us a focus point. I suspect that if MPs go against their constituents then they will be “virtual lynched” and never get back in office.
It’s disturbing that SNP MPs have a supervote. In the referendum it was one man one vote now an SNP MP who got just 10,000 votes in the general election will have the same power as some other MP who got 100,000, that seems unfair to me.
For anyone who is pressed for time – feel free to copy and paste this to your MP.
Dear Sir,
The Decision to seek Parliamentary assent in order to trigger Article 50 is an unmitigated affront to democracy and the will of the people.
I sincerely trust you will do all within your power to address this occurrence which can only serve to anger and alienate the majority who voted leave. Additionally, delay and apparent indecision can only serve to undermine business confidence and investment and will undoubtedly be harmful to the country as a whole.
I am trying to look for an upside to this event and one that does occur to me is that it might finally persuade Nigel Farage to re-enter the fray.
Meanwhile, in case you, like me, were wondering who this ‘Mrs Miller’ is, it turns out she is a Guyanan born former model who is, allegedly, a George Soros sock puppet.
The following has been brazenly nicked from te excelent Colliemum over on Going Postal
“I got this via e-mail
“This woman is a George Soros sock puppet I am sure.
The True and Fair Foundation run by Gina Miller has a trusteeship, see below.
That trusteeship is with the “Philanthropy impact”, it says “Inspiring philanthropy and social investment across borders, sectors and causes”, guess who runs “Philanthropy impact”, yep you got it.
George Soros
True and Fair Ms Miller.
This clearly shows the connection to Philanthropy impact.
GCCooper, another possible upside is that this shows the stitch-up of Brexit is being done openly by supposedly British people and institutions.
This gives the Leavers a rallying point. I knew there would be Brexit opposition, but I feared it would be behind the scenes stuff in Brussels with ambiguous wording and clever legalese to baffle people into wondering whether Brexit had actually happened or not.
This, however, is a clear and open challenge and I hope it will rouse the righteous anger of the majority who voted for change.
That would be the George Soros of ‘one world government’ fame, no doubt.
And this odious bird who thinks she can eliminate our democracy through one stroke of a Common Purpose judge’s quill….
She and the whole eco-socialist authoritarian one-world movement need to be exposed for all to see – I reckon the majority of people are blissfully unaware.
“The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
– Club of Rome
While researching for these articles, and during my academic studies, I have come across many references to the The Club of Rome (CoR), and reports produced by them. Initially I assumed that they were just another high-level environmental think-tank and dismissed the conspiracy theories found on many websites claiming that the CoR is a group of global elitists attempting to impose some kind of one world government.
I am not a conspiratorial person by nature and was faced with a dilemma when I first read their reports. But it’s all there – in black and white. The CoR claims that “we are facing an imminent catastrophic ecological collapse” and “our only hope is to transform humanity into a global interdependent sustainable society, based on respect and reverence for the Earth.” In the end I came to the conclusion that there are two possibilities – either the CoR wrote all these reports and setup a vast network of supporting organisations just for fun or they actually believe what they have written and are working hard to fulfill their role as the self-appointed saviours of Gaia.
Based on my close observation of their actions, and watching the recommendations made by the CoR many years ago now being adopted as official UN and government policy – well, I have become personally convinced that they are deadly serious. On this website I try to use quotes and excerpts as much as possible and let the reader reach their own conclusions.
As Barroso once claimed: ‘The EU is the blueprint for a future world government’. And that is why Ms Miller, with her Soros connections, brought the court action.
I tried posting this connection on the DE website but it seemd that any mention of the Bond villain, the Bond girl or Common Purpose and the comment was awaiting moderation, three unsuccessful word/spelling permutations exceeded the posting limit.
As to the referendum,there was never any intention to give us a referendum until the rise of UKIP. The snake Cameron only promised to hold a referendum to try and woo UKIP voters back into the Tory fold. He did so fully expecting never to be in a position to carry it out, either by not getting elected of having to go into a coalition, where he good blame his coalition partners for refusing the referendum
But, the scare tactics of a horror combination labour and the snp resulted in him winning an unforeseen and unexpected majority. So, he had to honour his word. Again, he did this expecting to win and he didn’t. If there was any seriousness regarding our split from the eu, there would be no reason to wait nine months before A50 was triggered. The two years wait as the clock wound down would have been plenty of time to sever the ties and tidy up the loose ends. But, no, not going to happen and many who never wanted it to happen, but said otherwise, can now blame it on the legalities and then hold their hands up and say, “sorry, we tried”.
As a matter of interest does anyone know what happened regarding the supposed investigation into voting irregularities in Thanet? It seems to have gone very quiet indeed.
No, I have been wondering the same thing. And, of course (just to drift back on topic) guess which ‘uniquely funded’ broadcaster hasn’t been telling us?
Agreed GW… UKIP seems unable to field a credible proposition now that Farage has stepped away from the fray. The ideology behind Brexit – sovereignty, border control etc. were uniquely championed by UKIP under Farage. There seems to be a body of opinion that the party has achieved its goal and is no longer relevant. But it absolutely is relevant – to fill the abyss between the current political players, none of whom represent the views and aspirations of at least a sizeable minority, potentially a majority, of the electorate.
The longer UKIP continue to demonstrate an unwillingness to be a grown up party the more their not inconsiderable former support will leak away. It, and more importantly _we_, need a political movement that not only resonates with the national consensus but one with leadership potential to galvanise that into sufficient votes to be democratically credible. UKIP was becoming that group but has stalled, in fact selected reverse recently.
Well, we’re about to find out how serious Theresa May is about Brexit. Can the vote be made one of confidence in the Government, the loss of which would trigger a General Election? Perhaps those better versed than I in Westminster procedures can comment?
I do think a Parliamentary vote against the outcome of the referendum could make parts of the country ungovernable.
So, as I understand it, the Government have been attempting to break the law by triggering Article 50 ?
If the Referendum was just, ‘advisory’ – was the whole Referendum exercise utterly meaningless?
OMG, 30 min of Remoaner orgy @ BBC World at One. Shocking!
I don’t think I felt this much outrage since the Blair and Iraq War/Dodgy dossier. I just have a feeling the next demonstration I attend may not be as peaceful.
If the High Court ruling is upheld on appeal, and the matter then goes to the EU Courts, with a ruling that only the EU can agree to Article 50 procedures, it will be demonstrated finally that Britain is no longer sovereign – indeed is no longer a self-governing country at all. This was obvious for most of us, but the whole world will see the appalling reality of our situation. The Province of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The only recourse will be to repeal all treaties tying us to the EU – the very hardest of all Brexits, indeed.
I have always believed that although the UK was first to vote to leave the EU it will be one of the very last to leave it. Somewhere between 10 and 20 years from now many other countries will have left it and eventually the EU will crumble into dust and the UK will leave then – after picking up the bills of the other EU countries.
The only real hope we have is a majority vote for UKIP at the next election. The leftie media, including the BBC, have been asking for UKIP to disband for a few months now and you can see why they want that.
The important thing is that at the next election people vote strategically and keep the Remain MPs out, but the sheeple the sheeple, many are gullible, or frightened, or just uninterested and bamboozled. The dogs know they can control them.
Paul Joseph Watson 12 hours ago Fox news video : Avalanche of evidence in Clinton Foundation investigation. Clinton emails on Weiner’s laptop are NEW – not copies.
BBC 1 lunchtime report on childhood obesity goes to a school in Luton. All the children featured are Asian. The notion of population replacement doesn’t seem as far fetched now as it did a few years ago.
R4 Today this morning. James Naughtie reporting in funereal tones from some Democrat shindig. Not even a pretence at impartiality.
I honestly think the senior hacks believe that neutrality is for juniors only, whereas journalistic silverbacks display their virility with untrammeled opining. Naughtie, Paxo, Guramurthy, Snow, Frei – they are all at it.
Naughtie makes no attempt to hide his sulks when things don’t go his leftist way.
Same when he realised the referendum vote count was heading towards Brexit – you’d have thought he was covering Gordon Brown’s funeral.
However tonight his household will be alive to the merry sound of popping Champagne corks, that is unless he’s too pissed to open the bottles after the inevitable celebrations at The Ministry of Truth….
BTW BBC did air a piece “Trump suporters vandalise : Black Church Set On Fire, Defaced With Vote Trump graffiti”
I’ll take a wild guess that it was actually a mad Alt-Left smear trick.
BBC forgot to report this :
“Trump Supporters Launch Fundraising Effort to Rebuild Black Church”
“As of this writing the Go Fund Me has received $49,555 of a $10,000 goal.” (to rebuild the church)
“it is quite possible this may just be an escalation of the “bird dogging” tactic Scott Foval described to O’Keefe’s journalists.
This could be an elaborate ploy in an attempt to frame Trump supporters in order to incite further violence and negatively effect Donald Trump in the upcoming election.”
Could be anything any idiot, but fixing the vandalism is the right thing to do.
I am so bloody pissed off.
The BBC and their acolytes have continued with their PR program to overturn the DEMOCRATIC vote of the people of this great nation to leave the corrupt and imbecilic confederation of the states of Europe. This has been a popular aspiration for a majority of the British people for years and we at last had the chance, by due democratic process, to vote for the sovereignty so yearned for. By what right can this process be undone? What do we need to do to have our collective voice heard above the self interest groups who hear only the liberal clarion. These excuses for parliamentarians, sniggering behind their order papers at the poor maligned populace who had ideas above their station. Hear them speak. They RESPECT the democratic vote, but cannot bring themselves to activate Article 50, which is EXACTLY what the vote was worded to achieve.
There is a much larger and more sinister agenda at play here and it appears to me as if this is our last chance to regain some semblance of sanity and sense to our society before it totally capitulates to the socialist experiment that is the EU which so appeals to the loud, squawking minority of the liberal left.
My mistake, not pissed off, bloody angry.
Investment manager Gina Miller, who brought the case, said outside the High Court that the government should make the “wise decision of not appealing”.
She said: “The result today is about all of us. It’s not about me or my team. It’s about our United Kingdom and all our futures.”
Brexit: The reply from my (LABOUR) MP:-
Before Article 50 be triggered, there should be a full debate in Parliament – but not a vote in Parliament on whether to trigger Article 50 because that vote has already been taken, by the people in the referendum.
Good to hear – it’s very important for our views to be hammered home to our MPs to let them know we are watching them and that they work for us – if our MPs are overwhelmed with such correspondence they cannot fail to take notice.
diggMar 17, 18:22 Start the Week 17th March 2025 My skin creeps every time I see him doing a camo jacket photo op. What a total fraud he is.
Lucy PevenseyMar 17, 18:13 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Does he need to call us racists? How far will The Deformed party go to prove they are not racist?
Up2snuffMar 17, 18:13 Start the Week 17th March 2025 a_s, Montogomery Toms is in need of a good Church in London. I would suggest St Helen’s Bishopsgate.
wwfcMar 17, 17:56 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Sixty years ago, a man who was certain to become the Tory leader and then Prime Minister made a speech…
taffmanMar 17, 17:54 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Lucy Pevensey No missed it . If true, that will be the end of Farage, but beware, dark forces are…
Lucy PevenseyMar 17, 17:48 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Taffman did you not see Nigel’s press conference today? He has literally taken up the woke position. If we don’t…
Fedup2Mar 17, 17:41 Start the Week 17th March 2025 US Politics / war As well as attacks on Teslas another phenomenon has developed in the US . This is…
taffmanMar 17, 17:36 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Its time that the British Government cancelled the ‘Woke culture’ that has infiltrated into our media and education system .…
Richard PinderMar 17, 16:51 Start the Week 17th March 2025 [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/g8JTsTqLTD0/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLC0g4uX-tEkCJ2iWJdRnFJO9JyVeQ[/img]
High Court rules that govt. must consult parliament before triggering Article 50.
Not good.
We need the names of everybody behind this court case, its a scandal. Having said that I’m not really surprised.
This is just the start of the long road to delaying/stopping Brexit.
The gentleman who made the victory statement outside the court said he voted for brexit !
Anymore BbcProjectStopTrump stuff today ?
I guess in all the R4 news progs and TV news progs, Jeremy Vine etc.
at 11:00 R4 in FooC “On a flight to Las Vegas, Rajini Vaidynathan strikes up conversation with what turn out to be mainly Trump supporters and concludes that, wherever you are in the US, it’s difficult to get agreement across the aisle.”
13:45 R4 It’s BBC favourite feminist Gemaine Greer.
I wouldn’t surprise me if R4 Inside Science’s Adam Rutherford doesn’t have a dig at Trump
Just on BBC WS Radio. A reporter on a US domestic flight talking to passengers – all, educated, professional people. All derided Hillary and are voting Trump. Not sure how that one got through?
For anyone who still bothers to pay attention to anything the government says, the news that broadcasting is to be ‘regulated’ by Ofcom is likely to have responded to with a hollow laugh.
If that ws the case then your scepticism was well justifiued, as David Keighley explains in another excellent article in Conservative Woman:
so an unelected knob in a wig overturns the will of over 17 million people?
I smell the embers of civil disturbance
On the bright side, it will be good news for rope makers and lamppost repairmen.
seriously though…..I think enough is enough and this time could kick things off
now…the army….feel like storming westminster?
What Army?
Are the reductions in both the quantity and quality of our armed forces over recent years starting to make sense now?
Not to mention disarming the entire law-abiding population on the pretext of a couple of isolated looney tunes at Hungerford and Dunblane.
Very convenient for a political class who are increasingly at odds with a population they both fear and despise.
The prison reform does sound very much like the NHS reforms ie: named Warder for each prisoner, named Nurse for each patient.
NHS reforms have cost an awful lot and given us marginal or no improvement but added vast amounts of beaurocracy and falling standards thereby requiring even more beaurocracy to address it. Under Agenda for Change staff had pay rises then ways were found to take away the rises, downgrade, threaten, and even do spiteful things like removing drinks breaks.
I do hope prisons don’t go the same way.
Puzzling, in a General Election the vote is not passed by Parliament because the principle is there?
And this court decision to delay will boost business confidence how?
Whatever weasel words they spew forth – this is a bad day for democracy.
Empty Champagne bottles all round at the BBC !
Sterling soars on Brexit court ruling
Yep its soared alright. It was $1.23 at midnight now it has soared to $1.24.
The BBC may as well claim that Sterling has soared since the child migrants came to the UK to boost our economy.
James O’Brien on LBC gloating, silly bint on 5 Dead can”t contain the glee in her voice…I’ve got a feeling that the politicians and luvvies who are rubbing their hands in glee at what”s transpired today may regret the decision. Nicky Morgan is on Sky now saying that democracy “has been asserted”. It was asserted when the majority of the electorate voted to leave the EU. The public won’t like this…
Just to put the cat among the pigeons, could the Scottish Parliament overturn the 2014 referendum??
With this ruling, the original referendums setting up devolution should now be over-turned, and the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh and Northern Irish Assemblies should be abolished immediately.
Faisal Islam on Sky was practically bouncing with joy. These “reporters” are all anti-British and anti-democracy.
I despise Nicky Morgan with her strange stary eyes and inane drivel
I never thought I’d say this, but if this is not overturned then civil war could break out. If so, I hope the judges who came up with this disgusting ruling should be arrested immediately.
A quick take on Our High Court’s decision:
And a longer version, in the Guardian. God, I am so bloody angry …
SoL, I can’t believe how furious I am as well. Nothing has angered me as much as this for many years.
Discussion on Sky between a clearly annoyed, but calm, Jacob Rees-Mogg who said that treaties for getting deeper into the EU had been fought in the courts by his father but they had ruled that the PM had the Royal prerogative without needing Parliament’s approval. Now, when it is to disband a treaty that would give us more freedom from the EU the court had decided to reverse precedent.
There was a Labour, anti-British MP who was clearly quietly delighted with the court’s anti-democratic decision who, when asked if he would now change his vote in accordance with the will of the people, claimed that he didn’t think Parliament would vote against Article 50. He said that twice but totally ignored the actual question of whether he would support the British People in Parliament now by voting for Article 50.
Thanks, Demon. It’s heartening to see how many other people feel the same way as you and me, reading comments here, Guido Fawkes, Going Postal etc.
It’s a particularly good antidote for when watching the so-called BBC, where the “impartial” commmentators are barely able to contain their glee. But we will have the last laugh :).
Nigel Farage:-
“”I now fear every attempt will be made to block or delay triggering Article 50. They have no idea level of public anger they will provoke””.
10:29 AM – 3 Nov 2016
Regard the ruling re Brexit as yet more ancien regime stupidity. No doubt the BBC etc will be ecstatic but the best course for us all is to refuse to discuss it and hold fast to the principle that all sovereignty is vested in the voters. Full stop. That their will must be paramount. That our parliament having agreed a referendum and put it to the voters is therefore bound by their decision. Jefferson and Tom Paine and Cobbett would have had no doubts. Comparisons such as the situation in 1642 between Charles and parliament are without validity.
There is a refusal that goes back centuries in our elites to accept the sovereignty of the people. The judges are just doing what the elite has always done.
Our best hope is a Trump victory as this will make it clear even to the stupidest of the old regime that there is a real insurgency starting.
Brexit will mean Brexit.They cannot duck it forever.Sooner or later there will have to be a general election .
I see UKIP soaring.
I urge all Biased BBCers to write to their MPs TODAY and inform them that their support for them is dependent on their voting for Brexit in Parliament. They must be made to realise the extent of anger in the electorate.
Done but he is a Labourite.
This is my reply, sent already.
Dear xxxxxxxxxxx,
Along with the majority of the British People I am incensed by this disgusting affront to democracy exercised by the judges in this unnecessary case. Who do they think they are, holding themselves as superiors to those they clearly regard as plebs whose democratic rights are something to be trampled on as they wish?
Previously when British governments and prime ministers have signed away our freedoms and democracy by adding their signatures to EU integrationist bills, and the courts have ruled on the validity of this; they have said that the PM has the Royal Prerogative to sign. Why have they decided that this time, when the British People have made their opinions clear in a referendum set up by Parliament, and despite the one-sided propaganda against them, that this time the PM is not allowed to exercise the same Royal Prerogative as before?
This smacks of extreme anti-Brexit bias by the judges who should have used precedent and thrown this case out, but however proved that they themselves should be sacked. If the Supreme Court does not overturn this undemocratic finding and sends the Article 50 decision back to Parliament then I hope you will be able to confirm to me that you will vote for the clearly-expressed will of the British People and support the immediate submission of Article 50.
Also, the Prime Minister has said a couple of times at least that “Brexit means Brexit”. I fully support her in that statement. But Brexit clearly means out of the Open Borders as well as the Single Market. Anything less means that Brexit means a lot less than Brexit is intended to mean.
I hope to hear your reply soon.
Thank you,
I live in an area that voted Bremain. It would not be in my MPs interests to vote to trigger Article 50. In these circumstances writing is pointless. I have already written complaining about adult men being admitted under the guise of “children”, and had a Tory policy.T
The Lord Chief Justice’s decision in favour of the challenge to the governments right to invoke article 50 without the consent of Parliament confirms that Brexit is the battle of the British people v the liberal left elite. The BBC are crowing. Beating the establishment is going to be a long struggle and those who speak for the people should make it very clear that the attempts of the elite to undermine the decision of the people will not be without consequences for the elite. At present they can do as they like with no fear of retribution , they need to understand that continually seeking to thwart Brexit will have a price for them.
They are neither “liberal”nor “left” they are Globalist corporatist elitists.
And Appeasing Teresa the Tolerant Tory will bow to the ruling of the court. Our girl did her best, and now we must make the best of remaining.
May I draw your attention to the most odious piece of writing from a slime bag that once attended my university lectures. It is an attack on the alt rt, linking them with Nazis and implying that Farage is close to Nazis. This is wholly false, but it is the beginning of the BBC’s renewed and confident attack on those who want to leave the EU – you know, Nazis, like those who are a bit like Nigel.
Mardell is an evil bastard.
And I repeat that I don’t trust the Appeaser to stand firm against the Remainers.
yes. i feel sick.
can you see why, even if ledsom was inexperienced, the tories and the media prevented the members from electing the tory leader and quickly crowned may? she is going to drag it until we drop dead. whether she challenges this (she has no choice but that) or calls for a general election, this will last forever. in the meantime we are still in the soviet european union.
I am so insensed, I cannot believe that this has happened. These people really do not get the unrest that has been in this country now for decades and has grown.
If this truly is the end of democracy then there will be a revolution.
I will write to Sarah Newton MP (Tory). She urged her constituents in Falmouth and Truro to vote Remain but they voted Leave. Yes Cranmer I will write to her, I write to her often anyway.
The ‘establishment’ have let down 17.5 million people in this country – I just fear now what will happen.
There’s a spate of increasingly long overdue and pleasing attacks on left/liberal elites secret arrangements at the moment. Many conspiracy theories are being aired in public which will serve to inform the public how various Governments have conspired between themselves to relieve the taxpayers of billions of dollars. Regrettably, since the media is in on the conspiracies, not one will inform the public. Here is one who tells it as it is and this is such a welcome event:
Hopefully, there will be many more such as this, if Trump is elected.
I’m rapidly changing my mind about Wikileaks……….
and now we know why article 50 wasnt triggered immediately
May decided to delay Activating Article 50 until March, knowing that the High Court would reach this decision.
If voting changed anything, they’d ban it.
Although I seriously hope not, but if a Pole gets attacked in this country again I hope it is put at the door of the judges and the Remainders for this ruling and for being so anti-British.
The BBC is, of course, absolutely breathless with excitement that the Government must now seek a Parliamentary vote before invoking Article 50. So everything’s going to plan for the regressive remoaners; this is merely stage 1 in a long game they intend to play out all the way to keeping the UK in the EU by hook or (more likely) by crook.
I’ve been adamant that regressives will never, ever stop seeking ways to undermine, unpick, entangle, stymie and otherwise frustrate Brexit. They will just keep right on going, supported by the majority of the regressive media and much of our cultural institutions, especially education (universities in particular).
Norman Smith, on the BBC, is jubilant. This is what they have been waiting for. But it’s just the start. Those ‘little Englanders’ Mr Smith and his comrades so despise – all those millions of ‘racists’ and ‘xenophobes’ who dared to vote the wrong way – they are all going to be denuded of their vote to leave the EU one way or another.
Jon Snow, meanwhile, on CH4 will doubtless be beside himself with joy.
Great quote from one of the contributors to The Spectator…
“Interesting that MPs are so convinced of the importance of parliamentary sovereignty that they have spent the last 40 years giving it away to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and now apparently wish to ensure that the EU can continue to siphon off what’s left of it.”
And that is exactly the nub of it. If they really cared about Parliament they would never have tolerated the EU.
We need a Cromwell to clean out this foul mess.
I have just emailed my Conservative MP.
I have clearly stated that I, my family and friends will be voting UKIP at the next General Election if she votes against Brexit.
Remember, remember the 3rd of November. I certainly will.
Now the BBC, C4, Sky, Global News etc can drop the “Since brexit …” tag before every manufactured downbeat story.
Get ready for continual upbeat economic “news” being injected into all reports from now on … “Since the High Court ruling the pound is rocketing, businesses are jubilant, prices are falling, jobs are being created … blah blah blah”
LBC (Global News) political editor just said it’s now unlikely MPs will vote to leave the single market, resulting in a “soft brexit”.
As the single market is one of the three tenets of the EU (along with freedom of movement and the Euro Court of Justice) then not to leave the single market is basically not to leave the EU.
This is a complete and transparent stitch-up true to form with previous EU referendums where the democratic majority were deemed to have got it wrong the first time round.
I see massive amounts of public anger building up. Are UKIP currently in a position to channel it?
Like all of you here, just feel sick. Trying to be positive and think that this move will eventually only cement and ratify the referendum result – IF the snakes in the House of Parliament don’t put their Remoaning instincts above the clear will of the majority of voters.
We also need to start thinking more about our MEPs, and how many were voted in on a Euro-sceptic ticket – the majority. Why isn’t that factored into any of the arguments?
The real problem, which is why I choose to post here, is that the BBC is so out of control, so partisan, so bought and paid for by the treacherous EU, simply will not stop with the propaganda – and our preening, self-seeking so-called representatives actually seem to think that’s it’s more important to come over well on the BBC and Sky than to think independently of the media hive, take courage, do some independent research into the EU and its aims, and do what we bloody well pay them for which is to represent the democratic will of the majority.
Yes that’s the point though. That has a lot to do with the Brexit vote and high UKIP vote.
The Tories think they have no valid opposition other than those who voted ‘leave’ and for UKIP.
OK let them have their day.
There is still the appeal to come.
And even if we lose that
..I still think it could make it easier to hold the government to account, cos it gives us a focus point. I suspect that if MPs go against their constituents then they will be “virtual lynched” and never get back in office.
It’s disturbing that SNP MPs have a supervote. In the referendum it was one man one vote now an SNP MP who got just 10,000 votes in the general election will have the same power as some other MP who got 100,000, that seems unfair to me.
For anyone who is pressed for time – feel free to copy and paste this to your MP.
Dear Sir,
The Decision to seek Parliamentary assent in order to trigger Article 50 is an unmitigated affront to democracy and the will of the people.
I sincerely trust you will do all within your power to address this occurrence which can only serve to anger and alienate the majority who voted leave. Additionally, delay and apparent indecision can only serve to undermine business confidence and investment and will undoubtedly be harmful to the country as a whole.
I would also remind you that you are in Parliament to REPRESENT not rule.
BBC Online News:
“”Will Brexit struggles mean May calls an early election?””
If so, UKIP need to get their house in order, asap.
Friends! With all the furore re Our High Court this morning, I literally forgot to mention here that I’ve published a new Blog today!
In it is an invitation to you all to become SupportOurLefty Members! It is very easy to do this: just send me – literally – all your dosh!
Any similarities between this and becoming a Guardian Member is, of course, purely intentional.
I am trying to look for an upside to this event and one that does occur to me is that it might finally persuade Nigel Farage to re-enter the fray.
Meanwhile, in case you, like me, were wondering who this ‘Mrs Miller’ is, it turns out she is a Guyanan born former model who is, allegedly, a George Soros sock puppet.
The following has been brazenly nicked from te excelent Colliemum over on Going Postal
“I got this via e-mail
“This woman is a George Soros sock puppet I am sure.
The True and Fair Foundation run by Gina Miller has a trusteeship, see below.
That trusteeship is with the “Philanthropy impact”, it says “Inspiring philanthropy and social investment across borders, sectors and causes”, guess who runs “Philanthropy impact”, yep you got it.
George Soros
True and Fair Ms Miller.
This clearly shows the connection to Philanthropy impact.
Philanthropy impact run by George Soros.””
Going Postal http://www.going-postal.net/2016/11/beyond-borders.html#disqus_thread
GCCooper, another possible upside is that this shows the stitch-up of Brexit is being done openly by supposedly British people and institutions.
This gives the Leavers a rallying point. I knew there would be Brexit opposition, but I feared it would be behind the scenes stuff in Brussels with ambiguous wording and clever legalese to baffle people into wondering whether Brexit had actually happened or not.
This, however, is a clear and open challenge and I hope it will rouse the righteous anger of the majority who voted for change.
The establishment has shown itself a poor reader of public mood a fir bit of late.
In sense more than a disturbance in the Force as to how this one has been mis (stage) managed by Westminster, W1A and Fleet Street.
I have never been interested in all these silly online petitions and this will not change.
However more old fashioned, direct means of expressing personal satisfaction in droite du seigneur leadership may get sharpened.
Excellent find, GC.
That would be the George Soros of ‘one world government’ fame, no doubt.
And this odious bird who thinks she can eliminate our democracy through one stroke of a Common Purpose judge’s quill….
She and the whole eco-socialist authoritarian one-world movement need to be exposed for all to see – I reckon the majority of people are blissfully unaware.
“The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
– Club of Rome
While researching for these articles, and during my academic studies, I have come across many references to the The Club of Rome (CoR), and reports produced by them. Initially I assumed that they were just another high-level environmental think-tank and dismissed the conspiracy theories found on many websites claiming that the CoR is a group of global elitists attempting to impose some kind of one world government.
I am not a conspiratorial person by nature and was faced with a dilemma when I first read their reports. But it’s all there – in black and white. The CoR claims that “we are facing an imminent catastrophic ecological collapse” and “our only hope is to transform humanity into a global interdependent sustainable society, based on respect and reverence for the Earth.” In the end I came to the conclusion that there are two possibilities – either the CoR wrote all these reports and setup a vast network of supporting organisations just for fun or they actually believe what they have written and are working hard to fulfill their role as the self-appointed saviours of Gaia.
Based on my close observation of their actions, and watching the recommendations made by the CoR many years ago now being adopted as official UN and government policy – well, I have become personally convinced that they are deadly serious. On this website I try to use quotes and excerpts as much as possible and let the reader reach their own conclusions.
And guess who is a member?
As Barroso once claimed: ‘The EU is the blueprint for a future world government’. And that is why Ms Miller, with her Soros connections, brought the court action.
I tried posting this connection on the DE website but it seemd that any mention of the Bond villain, the Bond girl or Common Purpose and the comment was awaiting moderation, three unsuccessful word/spelling permutations exceeded the posting limit.
As to the referendum,there was never any intention to give us a referendum until the rise of UKIP. The snake Cameron only promised to hold a referendum to try and woo UKIP voters back into the Tory fold. He did so fully expecting never to be in a position to carry it out, either by not getting elected of having to go into a coalition, where he good blame his coalition partners for refusing the referendum
But, the scare tactics of a horror combination labour and the snp resulted in him winning an unforeseen and unexpected majority. So, he had to honour his word. Again, he did this expecting to win and he didn’t. If there was any seriousness regarding our split from the eu, there would be no reason to wait nine months before A50 was triggered. The two years wait as the clock wound down would have been plenty of time to sever the ties and tidy up the loose ends. But, no, not going to happen and many who never wanted it to happen, but said otherwise, can now blame it on the legalities and then hold their hands up and say, “sorry, we tried”.
Cannot open second link nor find link with Soros
Not listed
Me neither, but I have found this on Ms Miller’s True and Fair Foundation website (my bold):
We create joyous experiences through relationships based on respect, understanding, humility, honest conversations, friendship and a common purpose.
Common Purpose, Club of Rome, UN, Friends of the Earth, WWF etc. – they all point back to Soros and one-world authoritarian eco-socialist governance.
Soros seems to be behind the voting machine fraud in the US at the moment too.
Mr Farage says he’ll return if we haven’t exited the EU by 2019. I think we’ll know quite soon if he will be coming back.
As a matter of interest does anyone know what happened regarding the supposed investigation into voting irregularities in Thanet? It seems to have gone very quiet indeed.
No, I have been wondering the same thing. And, of course (just to drift back on topic) guess which ‘uniquely funded’ broadcaster hasn’t been telling us?
Coming back not with UKIP may be a plan. If he can build a party without the same FUBARIstas UKIP ended up with it may proved popular.
Agreed GW… UKIP seems unable to field a credible proposition now that Farage has stepped away from the fray. The ideology behind Brexit – sovereignty, border control etc. were uniquely championed by UKIP under Farage. There seems to be a body of opinion that the party has achieved its goal and is no longer relevant. But it absolutely is relevant – to fill the abyss between the current political players, none of whom represent the views and aspirations of at least a sizeable minority, potentially a majority, of the electorate.
The longer UKIP continue to demonstrate an unwillingness to be a grown up party the more their not inconsiderable former support will leak away. It, and more importantly _we_, need a political movement that not only resonates with the national consensus but one with leadership potential to galvanise that into sufficient votes to be democratically credible. UKIP was becoming that group but has stalled, in fact selected reverse recently.
Well, we’re about to find out how serious Theresa May is about Brexit. Can the vote be made one of confidence in the Government, the loss of which would trigger a General Election? Perhaps those better versed than I in Westminster procedures can comment?
I do think a Parliamentary vote against the outcome of the referendum could make parts of the country ungovernable.
Doesn’t bear thinking about, though I will encourage my MP to do so.
Pg 27 Times Tim Montgomerie warns about the rise of the rise of the AUTHORITARIAN Alt-Left (LeftMob)
Conservative Home summarises
So, as I understand it, the Government have been attempting to break the law by triggering Article 50 ?
If the Referendum was just, ‘advisory’ – was the whole Referendum exercise utterly meaningless?
Cameron and Osborne both explicitly referred, in the Commons, to the Referendum being an ‘Instruction’ from the British people.
OMG, 30 min of Remoaner orgy @ BBC World at One. Shocking!
I don’t think I felt this much outrage since the Blair and Iraq War/Dodgy dossier. I just have a feeling the next demonstration I attend may not be as peaceful.
Aah! The irony! This court decision will really annoy Junckers and his pals.
If the High Court ruling is upheld on appeal, and the matter then goes to the EU Courts, with a ruling that only the EU can agree to Article 50 procedures, it will be demonstrated finally that Britain is no longer sovereign – indeed is no longer a self-governing country at all. This was obvious for most of us, but the whole world will see the appalling reality of our situation. The Province of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The only recourse will be to repeal all treaties tying us to the EU – the very hardest of all Brexits, indeed.
Yup, we can’t leave the EU because EU law prevents it.
And if the Referendum was simply, ‘advisory’, then Cameron had no need to resign?
I have always believed that although the UK was first to vote to leave the EU it will be one of the very last to leave it. Somewhere between 10 and 20 years from now many other countries will have left it and eventually the EU will crumble into dust and the UK will leave then – after picking up the bills of the other EU countries.
The only real hope we have is a majority vote for UKIP at the next election. The leftie media, including the BBC, have been asking for UKIP to disband for a few months now and you can see why they want that.
What they want? Hmmm …. they might get a Lib-Lab coalition or Tory- Labour coalition, that would please them?
The important thing is that at the next election people vote strategically and keep the Remain MPs out, but the sheeple the sheeple, many are gullible, or frightened, or just uninterested and bamboozled. The dogs know they can control them.
I think Farage will come back now and take charge.
Paul Joseph Watson 12 hours ago Fox news video : Avalanche of evidence in Clinton Foundation investigation. Clinton emails on Weiner’s laptop are NEW – not copies.
Great find
Yes but Trump called, illegal, Mexican criminals, “Bad Hombres” !
BBC 1 lunchtime report on childhood obesity goes to a school in Luton. All the children featured are Asian. The notion of population replacement doesn’t seem as far fetched now as it did a few years ago.
They must have enriched the indigenous population so much that they had to leave the area.
“They must have enriched the indigenous population so much that they had to leave the area.”
Perhaps theyve eaten them! 😉
There was a major article on this subject in the Mail yesterday. I can’t recall the last time a newspaper article made me so angry.
Nothing from the BBC, of course.
R4 Today this morning. James Naughtie reporting in funereal tones from some Democrat shindig. Not even a pretence at impartiality.
I honestly think the senior hacks believe that neutrality is for juniors only, whereas journalistic silverbacks display their virility with untrammeled opining. Naughtie, Paxo, Guramurthy, Snow, Frei – they are all at it.
Naughtie makes no attempt to hide his sulks when things don’t go his leftist way.
Same when he realised the referendum vote count was heading towards Brexit – you’d have thought he was covering Gordon Brown’s funeral.
However tonight his household will be alive to the merry sound of popping Champagne corks, that is unless he’s too pissed to open the bottles after the inevitable celebrations at The Ministry of Truth….
Upvote for “journalistic silverbacks display their virility with untrammeled opining”. Nice work Tom.
BTW BBC did air a piece “Trump suporters vandalise : Black Church Set On Fire, Defaced With Vote Trump graffiti”
I’ll take a wild guess that it was actually a mad Alt-Left smear trick.
BBC forgot to report this :
“Trump Supporters Launch Fundraising Effort to Rebuild Black Church”
“As of this writing the Go Fund Me has received $49,555 of a $10,000 goal.” (to rebuild the church)
“it is quite possible this may just be an escalation of the “bird dogging” tactic Scott Foval described to O’Keefe’s journalists.
This could be an elaborate ploy in an attempt to frame Trump supporters in order to incite further violence and negatively effect Donald Trump in the upcoming election.”
Could be anything any idiot, but fixing the vandalism is the right thing to do.
The Remainers have suddenly discovered our Parliament actually serves a democratic purpose.
So where were they when treaty after treaty was being signed, surrendering more and more of our democracy to the undemocratic EU?
They continue to treat us like idiots.
Remain ‘discovery’ is a bit like BBC editorial integrity.
May explain the close synergies.
I am so bloody pissed off.
The BBC and their acolytes have continued with their PR program to overturn the DEMOCRATIC vote of the people of this great nation to leave the corrupt and imbecilic confederation of the states of Europe. This has been a popular aspiration for a majority of the British people for years and we at last had the chance, by due democratic process, to vote for the sovereignty so yearned for. By what right can this process be undone? What do we need to do to have our collective voice heard above the self interest groups who hear only the liberal clarion. These excuses for parliamentarians, sniggering behind their order papers at the poor maligned populace who had ideas above their station. Hear them speak. They RESPECT the democratic vote, but cannot bring themselves to activate Article 50, which is EXACTLY what the vote was worded to achieve.
There is a much larger and more sinister agenda at play here and it appears to me as if this is our last chance to regain some semblance of sanity and sense to our society before it totally capitulates to the socialist experiment that is the EU which so appeals to the loud, squawking minority of the liberal left.
My mistake, not pissed off, bloody angry.
The Law, as they say, is open to interpretation. The Judges in this case have had plenty of time to ‘interpret’ it.
You’re allowed to be bloody angry and pissed off, Honestus. Quite a formidable combination I always find!
As Admiral Yamamoto found out.
I may be moved to support triggering Article P-38.
Very hard to pick out bias in today’s BBC news on Brexit. Everything is bias from start to finish.
Investment manager Gina Miller, who brought the case, said outside the High Court that the government should make the “wise decision of not appealing”.
She said: “The result today is about all of us. It’s not about me or my team. It’s about our United Kingdom and all our futures.”
Time to ask again: ‘Who governs Britain?’
Why does one feel Gina will be getting the full BBC treatment? Impartially, of course.
Brexit: The reply from my (LABOUR) MP:-
Before Article 50 be triggered, there should be a full debate in Parliament – but not a vote in Parliament on whether to trigger Article 50 because that vote has already been taken, by the people in the referendum.
Good to hear – it’s very important for our views to be hammered home to our MPs to let them know we are watching them and that they work for us – if our MPs are overwhelmed with such correspondence they cannot fail to take notice.
The Professor on the WATO had the right of it: “We’re dealing not with the, Sovreignity of Parliament BUT the Sovereignty of the People.”
In time for the next General Election I propose the formation of two new parties:- Pro EU and Anti EU because that is all it comes down to.
I would call them Pro-United Kingdom and Pro-Orwellian Dictaorship.