A Muslim boy asked his mother, “Mama, what’s the difference between Democracy and Racism? ”
Mother dressed in her Burka says “Well, son, Democracy is when the UK tax payers work hard every day so that we can get all our benefits ……..You know, like free housing, free health care, free education and grants to build our Mosques and Community Centres and so on and so forth, You know… that’s a Democracy
“But Mama, don’t the UK tax payers get angry about that”
I sincerely hope the Government, the Courts , The establishment… call them what we will, know what they are doing….. but this prolonged period of shenanigans after all the hoopla of the referendum campaign, the promise to abide by the result (voted on in Parliament when the referendum bill was passed) and then the vote and its result… give me a sense of foreboding that we are on course to enter a very dark phase of our nations story.
When the people are so clearly being duped by their elected representatives, the courts and the mass media, when a nation is being subverted to the benefit of an unpopular imperium or ideology then the historic precedents suggest that we are heading for serious trouble.
Given ‘stability’, whatever that actually is or has ever been, seems the golden chalice sought by all right thinking folk, I am hard pressed to see how delays and shenanigans of this order, pushed by such as the state social engineering broadcaster, will contribute to this.
To get a person like me ready for serious civil disobedience that puts may cancelling the BBC DD in the shade takes some doing.
Exactly. I have been saying we are in a pre- revolutionary period .The Western elites are making war on their own peoples and it cannot go on. This is the thrust of Victor Orban’s arguments. ( see his latest speech). It was commented on by the last Czech President. Trump is standing against these elites.
It is dangerous because the elites do not get it and if they do are determind to go on imposing unreality upon us.
The tipping point is when enough of us understand that this culture war is an existential battle for survival as free people in control of our ancient nations governed by custom and ancient law and not part of a fantasy globalised mongrelised world ruled over by these awful people.
The question is when is that tipping point?
In a prog abut US talk Radio Dotun only speaks to Non-Rightwing hosts.
GCooper November 2, 2016 at 11:39 am about the Goldfarb prog
said : “Yet more shame on the BBC for broadcasting this barefaced pack of distortions, lies and misrepresentations.”
According to Goldfarb :
‘talk radio’ in the USA that is ‘poisoning the well’ of political discourse in the USA.
No mention of why it was needed – to counterbalance the far-Left US media. Apparently, talk radio’s hosts are ‘ultra Right-wing’ (Nazis to a man, obviously) and that ‘if you add in Fox news’ the overwhelming media bias in the USA if hugely in favour of Trump.
* Yet when when I listen to The 5 Live News special about US Talk Radio do we hear right wing shock jocks ? *
“Dotun Adebayo speaks to Thom Hartmann, the United States’ most listened to PROGRESSIVE talk radio host and Jim Bohannon*, host of the sixth most popular talk radio show in the country.
Did you get that ? “most listened to progressive ”
What about the other DJ ? a quick Google
“Bohannon has stated that he is a registered Democrat for the purposes of voting in primary elections” webpage with stream and podcast Of course both back the BbcNeverTrump narrative
BTW the BBC should have declared the allegiance of the DJs, but broke the impartiality rules by failing to do so.
The BBC is so brazen they don’t even try hard to cover their blatant bias.
After getting the R5 job thru being the token non-white Dotun Adebayo had been becoming reasonable over the years, but now I no longer trust him.
Sixth ? That is a BBC journo trick especially on science subjects.
If they don’t get the correct NATIVE they want from the first 5 people they phone, they try a sixth.
And then run with the headline . “According to scientists at”
So, our legitimate democratic success leading to Brexit, has been undermined by Gina Miller, a woman born in Guyana. It is she who has led the high court action to spitefully stamp on the will of the British people.
If I were living in someone else’s country, even if I were nationalised to that country, I wouldn’t have the sheer, pig ignorant cheek to tell the people of that country to reverse their democratic decisions simply because I don’t like those decisions.
Why doesn’t the lady go back to Guyana and seek to change their laws? According to Amnesty International, Guyana has ‘human rights violations by the security forces, including unlawful killings and torture and other ill-treatment’.
But please do not worry yourselves about her, she is married to a multi-millionaire investment banker. So she won’t be troubled by consequences of being under the EU. Depressed wages, unemployment, low wages, over crowded schools, waiting lists for doctors and dentists won’t trouble her.
….to be overturned by the Supreme Court in due course, once the enormity of of the ramifications of trying to pervert the will of the people dawns on our Establishment…as it inevitably will, sooner or later.
It will be upheld. Do not underestimate the stupidity and arrogance of our elites. Their contempt for us is a 1000 years old and as vicious now as it was after 1066.
I don`t underestimate their stupidity, arrogance or viciousness, but neither do I underestimate the divisions within the establishment on the issue of national sovereignty, nor their desire to avoid full-on “unpleasantness”.
They are trying to put toothpaste back into the tube.
The cork is off the bottle.
The horse has bolted.
Whatever the metaphor, the remoaners cannot win.
They are the heirs of Quisling and Petain….whilst we are the heirs of Churchill.
She will be regarded as a heroine by the left, especially Loach’s Loony Left Unity Party. Ticks all the boxes, a millionaire’s wife, anti British and from a country run by a dictatorship.
She’s also a lifelong (in the UK) Labour supporter, and used another foreigner Portuguese hairdresser called Deir Santos.
How many times have I said here that Britain is not a democratic country? We have no realistic voting system, described as one which would shame a banana republic and which the political elites clearly approve of because they’ve made no attempt at all to change it.
Our judges are completely avaricious awarding decision to whoever spends the most money on the best lawyer, and then setting that as a precedent !
If we are going to have judge made laws then we need to be able to elect our judiciary as they do in civilised countries.
Parliament can of course simply over rule this decision by a bill which gives it the power, but somehow I doubt that they will, given that they voted to push this in the first place.
May might now be required to reveal her negotiating hand before going to Brussels which can only result in the worst outcome for Britain. I would make the suggestion that she presents several options to MPs and then they have to select the one they favour. This way they will not continually be able to vote no to any possible Brexit trigger.
Following on from my post about Guyana born Gina Miller, above, the other party in the Brexit legal challenge is Dier Dos Santos, born in Brazil(!).
As with Guyana, Amnesty International report on human rights in Brazil suggests that rather interfering in the affairs of a country to which he has become resident, Dier Dos Santos might like to be brave enough to challenge the Brazillain Government.
Brazil: “Serious human rights violations continued to be reported, including killings by police and the torture and other ill-treatment of detainees. Young black men from favelas (shanty towns) and marginalized communities were at particular risk. The security forces often used excessive or unnecessary force to suppress protests.”
What is it about Britain, that people born overseas, who find our country so wonderful that they choose to live here, then try to change us to suit themselves?
In view of the very bad news I would suggest every Brexiteer write to their MPs and voice their concern that they are not happy with the scam and that they vote out in the INTEREST OF DEMOCRACY, whatever political persuasion the come from . The more the delay and uncertainty, the more our economy will suffer
It was all the work of just three judges. Three bloody judges !
All the judges are in one way or another connected to Mr T Blair. This decision was a foregone conclusion from the moment the pro-EU stooges managed to stuff the benches with remainers. The High court judge who originally ruled that the government must face a court hearing before triggering Article 50 was former Labour MP Ross Cranston. He was elected in 1997 and then promptly appointed as Solicitor General for England and Wales by Blair. He terminated his parliamentary career in 2005 and was appointed as a High Court Judge two years later by Blair. So how about the judges behind today’s ruling? Philip Sales is another one of Blair’s. He practiced at the same law chambers that Blair co-founded. Blair is seeking to sabotage Brexit and Sales does his bidding in court. The second judge, Terence Etherton, was appointed a High Court judge in 2001 while Blair was in office and Cranston was Solicitor General. He was then promoted to Lord Justice of Appeal by Gordon Brown. The third judge, Lord Chief Justice, Lord Thomas, meanwhile is a founding members of the European Law Institute which makes recommendations and provides guidance with the goal of “enhancing European legal integration”. Smelling the rat? This is exactly the sort of legal sleepers that Clinton would be installing into the Supreme Court in the US if she wins. I don’t know if Blair has got his people in our Supreme Court too, ready for the appeal next month.
And while I’m here, David Lammy, fuckety fuck right off with your gleeful assertion that you will vote counter to the biggest democratic vote in Britain’s history. You’re not even prepared to hide behind some carefully crafted conditions like the more slippery Stephen Kinnock because you’re too stupid.
When the social contract is broken, the people must revolt.
David Lammy is a very stupid man, and as usual has not thought this through. David, there are more of us than there are of you, and if we cannot change the law peacefully, what do you think will happen? I know “thinking” is an alien concept to you David, but try it, just this once.
If you are stuck, try googling “King Charles I”, “Louis XVI” and “Tsar Nicholas II” for clues. Good luck.
“Their motto is that there should be no hate so No Racism, No Sexism, No Homophobia and they had these signs all around the venue saying ‘No Trans Phobia’, ‘No Fat Phobia’ embrace everyone”
(Then almost the next thing is : the presenter asks who was the headliner ?)
“Well there was a controversy, cos originally they were going to have this Sri Lankan Rapper girl MIA headlining, but there was an outcry on social media cos of 2 problems :
#1 “She’s NOT African” **(so she is being judged on her race ?)
#2 “She had criticised the Black Lives Matter campaign in the US, saying trhey were too concerned with their owns problem, and what about Syrians ? And Muslim causes”
***(So despite being anti-phobic, the festival is phobic about about people who have different views !)
* In “World Service” speak, half the time “The World”= London
BTW Today the female presenter ended the Germain Greer interview by saying
“You’ve still got a sexy mouth.
You are looking good”
Hang on what if a male interviewer had said that ?
Great post Stew. Hate justifies the hate that justifies the hate….only lunatic lefties and anti-white supremacists could believe that leads to a better world… Which is why the world has digressed so much and is so much more divided since this bullshit agenda has been fanatical championed by race and culture traitors/haters like Al Shabeeb
Another view of Islam in the USA. Thoroughly digest the penultimate paragraph though: despite any contrary views of the thrust of the article (and few here would disagree with it), that paragraph is absolutely totally accurate as anyone having lived in the Middle East or looked closely at the Cult of Islam will understand completely. All that is explained is underway similarly in the UK.
“Both Egyptians and the West sorely need to understand that Islamic law, sharia, does not permit anything other than an Islamic government under the rule of Islamic law. Consequently, only military force can stand against sharia tyranny. The Muslim Brotherhood had proven once again that the only way out of Islamic theocracies is through military dictatorships.
A head-on collision over the future of America is underway. Many Americans still do not understand the magnitude of what is at stake, but many Islamists do: they are lying in wait, hoping to return to their budding Caliphate”
Of course the moronic, self suicide bringing, self-righteous, self-hating, virtue signalling, halo polishing “look how un-racist and tolerant I am” sewer rat piss stains (they deserve it!) have no idea about Islam and it’s sole purpose to dominate and eliminate everything that isn’t utterly conforming to Allahs instruction! These delusional snowflakes are only interested in self abuse and fucking over their own people so they themselves aren’t picked out as ‘racist’ or ‘islamaphobic’.
Asking even the most simple question about Islam is met with utter contempt and hate filled bigotry… Because they have absolutely no idea about Islam and what it means. Islam isn’t a race or culture that evolves over time you stupid morons, it’s an unchangeable set of instructions that every single person on earth must follow…or spend eternity in hellfire!! In fact the easiest way of guaranteeing a place in paradise is to butcher the infidels as part of Jihad!!
The caliphate is pure Sharia, run by Sharia, for Sharia and to protect the purpose and purity of Allahs instruction…Sharia!!! Islamic state are enforcing the perfect Sharia state…. How are our people so fucking stupid not to see that Islamic state is exactly how Muhammad wants the entire world to be!!!
We live in a world so broken that feeling and emotion overrule facts and reason. That not wanting to look bad is more important than innocent children being raped and brutalised. That believing the greatest cultures and civilisations crafted and refined over thousands of years should be made to change to accommodate a utterly failed, utterly intolerant, utterly deadly cult that has been at war with everything it comes into contact with for 1400 years….
I’ve had a bit of time to reflect on today’s Brexit announcement. Being a positive sort of chap I’ve been looking at a few ‘reasons to be cheerful.’
1. We knew this was coming. We’ve been a bit complacent since the Brexit vote but we all knew that was only the beginning of a long series of battles, and today’s announcement has hopefully had the effect of reminding us just what is at stake.
2. It can have only a positive effect on Mr Trump’s campaign by strengthening the resolve of his supporters who take an interest in world politics, as they will see the lengths that the elites will go to to prevent change.
3. If Mr Trump becomes POTUS it will send a clear message to globalist elite that things are changing.
4. It’s out in the open; a clear challenge to the legitimacy of the referendum. It’s not a back-room stitch up in Brussels. If Parliament defies the will of the people it will have to be done as an act of blatant contempt for the electorate which could have an electrifying effect on them.
5. It could strengthen support for UKIP – it might be the impetus the party needs to sort itself out and become a credible force to protect Brexit.
6. It will hopefully also be a warning to other anti-EU elements abroad – the Netherlands, Hungary etc of just how the elites will operate if they are challenged, and could strengthen resolve in those countries too.
7. If it is put to the vote and Parliament votes to invoke 50, it will prevent Remoaners from arguing that leaving the EU is undemocratic, unconstitutional etc. Of course it won’t stop the next stage, which will be the back-room stitch ups in Brussels, but it will be the end of the ‘ground war.’
Mr Cranmer,
your positive thoughts are welcome – however – there is something so fundamentally wrong with the decision today (taken by a panel of judges no less) that we should be now looking to put our metaphoric shoulders to the wheel and start to fight back.
The Referendum removes rights which only Parliament have the authority to scrutinise – so said the judges. Well, if my memory serves me correct Parliament approved the holding of the Referendum by a margin of 6 to 1. Now if we voted to remain within the EU, nothing more would have been said as Parliament had already voted by allowing the Referendum. Are Parliament now saying that they only allowed a Referendum because they believed that the vote would be to remain!!!!
What did they think a Referendum was for, other than to decide, DEMOCRATICALLY, whether to remain part of the EU (and all that goes with it) or not!
This is legality as sheeps clothing with the political intent peeking out from beneath ravenously. BBC’s Norman Smith says that Parliament will almost certainly invoke article 50 anyway as this was democratically voted for.
He knows and they all know that once the vote reverts back to the elite – they will have their way.
Ever since the result of the referendum wiped the smile off Dimbletrot’s face the BBC have campaigned for remain, not deviating once. May came along and delayed invoking Article 50 which gave a courts a chance to back up the BBC’s position – and probably the Government’s too .
The US may be the answer. Contacts with US supporters of Trump indicate that they fear becoming like Europe and that Trump has used Brexit as an example of people power. That seems to have gone and we should alert US contacts to back Trump to ensure that we in the UK have a friend in the White House. Trump and his supporters know our government and media have lied about Moslem no go areas here, and lied about the extent of plans for an expanded EU, and they need to know the extent to which our judiciary have backed the BBC in the attempt to wreck Brexit. With a friend in the White House there just might be sufficient US support for a movement for UK independence
Since June 23rd I Have felt a lightness in my heart that the UK would be free of the EUSSR, today I swing back down to despair. There is a tiny part of me that is screaming ” ok you fuckers (excuse language) you all wanted to stay in the EUSSR, well go ahead and when all the shit hits the fan you won’t see me for dust” But now the gloves are off I’m going to achieve more than the “children ” in Calais who didn’t stay in their own lands I’m ready to fight. This battle of the referendum has already caused division in my family so I might as well go all the way.
Rant over and I know it’s nothing to do with the Bias of the Beeb.
Mrs Kitty, you are wrong on only one thing: it IS to do with “the Bias of the Beeb”. Every bit of our fight against the EU is to do with the bias of the A-BBC, every bit of Pro-EU fascist ruling coming from our courts or our politicians is to do with the bias of the A-BBC. Without that relentless, one-sided bias, supporting that which should be unsupportable, the courts would not have dared to pull a stunt like they did today.
By the way, your language needs not to be excused – it is completely understandable given today’s news.
According to the BBC web site, Carwyn Jones, the leader of the Wales Labour Party and thus the Welsh Assembly says, “Challenging a High Court ruling that MPs should be consulted over leaving the EU would be a mistake.”
Ah. So, challenging the democratic will of the people is ok, but challenging the challenge is not. I see.
The sooner that over fed wally is shown the door the better.
Living in France we can get English speaking news sites on our canal sat box, so tonight we’re giving it a miss as the tv would be too expensive to replace as we’re not on benefits.
I always felt that the referendum result was more of a moral victory and that it would never actually be achieved.
There are some very cock-a-hoop remainers at the moment, but if the worst should happen, and they somehow block Brexit, then what ?
How can a Politician ever stop you in the street or knock on your door during an election campaign ?
A very dangerous precedent would have been set which means that basic Democracy has been over turned. They can use all the legalese they want, but this betrayal (if indeed it happens) will never be forgotten, after all when it comes down to losing the support of the electorate, many, many MP’s could be out of a job (providing all future election results are allowed to stand)
I don’t know how you go about deselecting your local MP but I am more than willing to give it a go. Even if it means joining a political party to do so.
There is very little point in going on a rampage through the streets, and as angry as I am feeling at the moment, I know the only way to get my own back is to try and act within the law.
If the unthinkable should happen and the remoaners get their way, at some point they will have to face each other on opposite sides of an election campaign, and then what ?
Angry Tory voters, vast swathes of angry Labour voters, the only possible party who could step up would be UKIP or maybe a new party made up of disaffected remain MP’s and furious voters who previously favoured other political parties.
As for Europe itself, I will try not to be a hypocrite and buy anything manufactured there again if I can possibly help it. It may sound pathetic, but if everyone voted with the pound in their pocket and exports to this country from Europe faltered, it would give some small measure of satisfaction.
They (the powers that be) know how we feel and if they decide to ride roughshod over a majority result I’m sure we can all think of lawful ways to f*ck them up.
We moved to France at a time when the in or out referendum was just a pipe dream and it meant we lived in a place we loved and our pension went further. We voted out knowing it would affect us but did it for the UK , after speaking to many French , Dutch and German people after 23rd June they envied us but I now feel like Don Corleone in Godfather 3 ” just when I think I’m out they pull me back in”. It’s not Europe we hate but the EU. I’m prepared to fly back to the UK to protest and fight and know I’ll have to rough it on friends floor but I have plenty of pills for my hip and I can pay for my food.
I think this was nothing about law or parliament but everything about putting normal people back in their place. After all “democracy” Dave and Theresa style is mainly about serving the needs of the elite and very little about serving the people.
Apparently the Government stated it was “disappointed” with the decision. Im not disapointed Im F#####G LIVID!
What in effect has happened is that the elite and those in power have just declared war on their own people
So be it;
Always easy to start these things but not always so easy to stop them.
Heads up for tomorrow on Radio 4 at 16:30 More or Less
Our old favourite biased numbers program, will be looking at ‘Gerrymandering’ because Labour have accused the Tories of Gerrymandering over the boundary changes, which were announced weeks ago by the INDEPENDENT boundaries commission.
They will also be looking at Donald Trump (Yawn) however one pundit who correctly predicted the Brexit referendum (i.e. the numbers not the result) reckons that according to his methods 90% of the electorate in the important swing state of Florida, are either pro Trump or anti Clinton (apparantly there is a difference). Even with a margin of error that’s going to take some beating.
Then there was some other left wing interest issue.
Hardly the unbiased programming the BBC is supposed to be producing.
Yes BBC More or Less : has been got at
For a few years it has been a prog striving for objective truth, but its profile got raised too high and LeftMob noticed and probably sent some commandant down to lean on the producers to make sure it only covers the narratives that LeftMob want and in the way LeftMob want..with none of this exposing issues that LeftMob want to keep hidden.
I contacted my MP this afternoon regarding my Brexit concerns. I stated that my family and friends would in future vote for UKIP if Leaving the EU was blocked by the Courts and Parliament.
I had a reply within two hours with a promise to support Brexit along with May.
We’ll see.
I suggest you all contact your MPs in the same way.
It’s appalling to watch the BBC reporters unable to hide their smirks as they report today’s High Court decision on the 6 o’clock news. They seem cock-a-hoop. It’s actually making me feel physically sick. Is this what I’m paying a licence fee for?
I’m sure the banner headline “Brexit court defeat for UK government” on the BBC site is bigger and bolder than the one they did for the actual result on June 24th.
Raheem Kassam has done a good take on all of this on Breitbart.
Cant say I was too surprised by all of this. It was never going to be this easy. I am afraid all these self serving pigs have had their bloated snouts too long in the Euro trough for them to just stand up and walk away.
They probably realise that prevarication and fudge will probably weaken their case in the long term as people quickly get pissed off with them. Therefore I think what we are seeing is an outright challenge.
These bastards have spent years worming their way into situations which give them power and influence and now it is their time to exercise it.
I was always told that if things come too easy they are not worth having and I suppose if we want to defend our culture and democracy we will have to fight for it.
I am afraid we are coming to the end of jaw jaw but I find it quite depressing that the well aimed brick instead of a ballot paper may well have to be the vehicle to defend democracy in this country. But since they are the ones who have changed the rules then I suppose we can only respond. At the end of the day it will be a battle of wills as much as anything else.
“Remember Remember the 5th of November. Its ironic .
(Traditional English Rhyme – 17th Century)
Remember, remember the fifth of November”
Gunpowder, treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot
Remember, remember the third of November”
Gunpowder, treason and plot
And think when we all voted I hope you remember,
Voting, not for half, but for the lot.
Luckily there is an entity that doesn’t have to worry about money, paying ‘stars’ who don’t have have to worry about disclosure. Enough to fund courts cases, if so minded, maybe.
I did feel so distressed about the High Court ruling but now I feel slightly calmer. I have written to my MP expressing my very strong views.
Us Brits are a strong force who have spoken. The result of the referendum was a massive shock to everyone – least of all the Leavers, like myself. We have so often been let down by past elections. The government have had a massive wake up call from the people. Gina Miller? Who is she?? Married to a multi millionaire who will never suffer the consequences of staying in the EU. She won’t have to wait in a long NHS queue or try and find the money for an extortionate monthly rent/mortgage on minimum wage.
What the elites have forgotten is that the real people are prepared to face the brunt of higher food prices (not if you buy British). The people will stick together and stick their fingers up. It will be a very brave government/parliament that goes against the will of the people.
Eff off Gina and your ‘supporters’. I think you need to watch your back!!
Take the example of coffee. In 2014 Africa —the home of coffee— earned nearly $2.4 billion from the crop. Germany, a leading processor, earned about $3.8 billion from coffee re-exports.
The concern is not that Germany benefits from processing coffee. It is that Africa is punished by EU tariff barriers for doing so. Non-decaffeinated green coffee is exempt from the charges. However, a 7.5 per cent charge is imposed on roasted coffee. As a result, the bulk of Africa’s export to the EU is unroasted green coffee.
The charge on cocoa is even more debilitating. It is reported that the “EU charges (a tariff) of 30 per cent for processed cocoa products like chocolate bars or cocoa powder, and 60 per cent for some other refined products containing cocoa.”
The impact of such charges goes well beyond lost export opportunities. They suppress technological innovation and industrial development among African countries. The practice denies the continent the ability to acquire, adopt and diffuse technologies used in food processing. It explains to some extent the low level of investment in Africa’s food processing enterprises.
People are angry. Friends I have had for years who have never expressed a political opinion are signing on Facebook to indicate their support for a pro Brexit demonstration
If this happens and it could be large, there is no way that a bunch of Trots, Class War anarchists, Loach’s loonies and Guardian readers will dismiss this as an outbreak of far right xenophobia. Appeaser May you have been warned. People are seeing through your delaying tactics.
Methinks this is yet another example were Mrs May and her Attorney General (laugh) were completely and utterly unprepared for those “enemies of the State Lawyers” who have been working on this appeal for quite sometime while our Lawyers for (for Brexit) have probably been too much involved with quickie divorce cases for footballers wives and multi-million pound settlements for CEOs/Pop Stars/PPI
Mrs May, I fear we have been scuppered and our Labour/SNP/Liberal/House of lords enemies are going to ruin this great nation if you don’t ACT DECIDEDLY!
I don’t always agree with Richard North, but I can’t resist quoting this from his blog. He’s not writing about the court case, but it fits.
“But expecting MPs to do their jobs goes way beyond optimistic, into the realms of fantasy, where the crumbling edifice of Parliament has become a bastion of ignorance and prejudice that gives us a choice of regarding it with contempt or derision, but certainly not as a useful institution.”
David Dimbleby on the One Show has just claimed that the referendum was just advisory because the Government didn’t stipulate that it wasn’t. Another one who put the election leaflet straight in the bin then.
It really highlights how bad a PM Cameron was. Called a referendum that he was sure he would drive to Remain and didn’t allow any planning for a Leave vote. Lied, lied and lied. Now go off to make millions. He and Blair are the worst PMs we have ever had.
Oh, I don’t know – what about Sir Edward Heath? He may have done what he thought was best but, given what he must have known about the plan for ‘an ever closer union’, some would say he was guilty of treason.
Be that as it may but I have a feeling that many if not most of the Labour and SNP MPs who voted to remain will be willing to lose their seats as long as they have a part in the destruction of the Brexit EXIT!
I have a dreadful feeling that the Met Police will need to call in reinforcements to the streets of London very very soon if those Judges in the Supreme Court are as biased towards Blairs attempts to reverse Brexit as I’m hearing?!
Just a thought: one of the 3 judges opining on this case, Lord Chief Justice Thomas, happens to be a Founding Member of the European Law Institute, an “organisation that conducts research, makes recommendations and provides practical guidance in the field of European legal development with a goal of enhancing the European legal integration” [my bold]. Far be it from me to advise an eminent lawyer on how he conducts himself but the tradition in common law jurisdictions (and civil law jurisdictions in the EU as well) is that if a judge is interested in the outcome of a case he recuses himself or is not chosen to preside over the case in the first place. Now, I’m not saying that the eminent judge’s decision was . . er . . . pre-ordained or that his enthusiasm for “European law integration” affected his decision – God forfend! – but clearly in this case, even if justice was done (if indeed it was) then justice was clearly not seen to be done. So, as well as appealing the judgement itself, there’s a further cause of appeal right there if Mrs May wants to take it.
In English Law, the criterion is not whether there has been bias (which is hard to prove), but whether there is the appearance of bias. I would suggest that the Lord Chief Justice has without doubt demonstrated the appearance of bias, and I am equally sure that not one toadying lickspittle of a lawyer will have dared to raise the matter, because all they are concerned with are their own careers, and the Lord Chief Justice of England is a very powerful man who could do them a lot of damage.
This is how we are ruled. Remind me why we haven’t had a revolution since 1689?
My pitchfork was sharpened this afternoon, I’m ready to march and create merry hell!
I’m raging. A wealthy Fund Manager can block a referendum involving 33 million people because it didn’t go her way!
Dimbleby says it’s only an ‘advisory’ referendum. So why did Camoron resign, why did the pound sink, why do the remoaners moan. It may have been advisory, but advisory enough to ensure a huge turnout of voters who believed in its importance. Don’t treat the people as a disenfranchised body of lesser fools Dimbleby. The people have spoken, now do as the people have voted.
A Judge who happens to be a Founding Member of the European Law Institute decides ,as expected, in her favour.
Let the Remoaners squauk all that they like.
Mangy cocks up on the dunghill thinking that they`ve won a stay of execution.
All UKIP have to do is stand a bog brush, a broom or a sack of shite in ANY constituency in this country where the MP is a Remainiac.
We`ll nominate the crock of shite, and sign up-and get them voted in with a purple and yellow rosette.
And wilfully terrify the traitors who`ve dared to back unlected EU spongiforms.
WE really ought to have stuffed into historys recycling bins in 2009 after the expenses scandals-but we bottled it, and took the token removal of FatFuck Martin as Squeaker by way of atonement.
Not this time-how can I face the grandkids when I let Clegg,Sturgeo, Vaz, Heseltine, Clarke, Ashdown, Abbott and Thornberry, Soubry and Morgan send them off to Cologne or Mollenbeeck, Nice or Lampadusa?
No-I did not vote for these ballsac judges, nor will a Tonge or Scotland decide whether my vote on the 23rd mattered or not. It fucking did!
“There may be trouble ahead”…and they`1l only have themselves to blame if they dare to thwart what we decided. Our liberal elite won`t be safe any longer.
Not getting worried over this, nor should you. With Labour committed to Brexit as well (libs and SNP don’t have the clout) it will happen- any MP who voted against Brexit would find it very hard to get reelected especially if May goes for a snap election if the vote was lost. I voted (as many people did) to restore the sovereignty of Parliament, and bearing in mind how Bliar could ignore it (Iraq war anybody), then the Court is restating our Constitution: only Parliament, not the King or PM can decide. We had a Civil War and the Glorious Revolution to establish that a long time ago!
It’s not too much ask Parliament to ensure May gets the best deal for our economy. Who wants her to do a deal that destroys the City and swathes of industry? She is not going to do that either. May will get a good deal: Brexit will happen.
BTW May cannot go to the electorate early without a clear statement on what her deal would be: that keep it quiet, you don’t need to know approach is now dead. What’s wrong with that?
Doubt you will see this picture of the ‘child’ migrants on the BBC currently on the AFP feed:
I also want to know where these migrants are getting the money from for their smart new clothes and trainers, and who is providing them with the tents they pitched in Paris?
UN, Soros, EU, or any number of NGO charities?? Plus from some of their stories it wouldn’t surprise me if some of them have flown in, dumped their ID and hot footed it to Calais. They certainly didn’t come on boats with all that luggage. Maybe they stopped off at a retail park on the way. Am I sounding unsympathetic?
‘Hard to see how “I worked hard as a fashion model in Paris” connects with American voters but in this campaign nothing is obvious.’
tweeted re: Melania. I thought her speech could well attract a lot of voters – immigrants especially. Sure they are stinking rich, but aren’t they all, and she probably remembers life without money. Who cares if she worked illegally, theres millions of them (that the democrats love)
Well, Question Time tonight might be interesting.. I hope Remainers get a verbal kicking after the todays farcical events. Not sure if I can be bothered to watch to it though.
As I recall Zanny Minton Beddoes was a Remainer, I used to read The Economist until it lost its direction, -too many Remainers, it coincided about the same time as Zanny Minton Beddoes became editor in chief.
Like most Remainers she likes to talk about Hard and Soft Brexit. Zanny, Brexit means Brexit.
More delusional nonsense from tomorrow’s Economist magazine courtesy of Ms.Minton Beddoes. And yes wronged, I agree that the Economist has taken a nose-dive recently, now resembling a fundamentalist, globalist propaganda outlet. They’ve been wrong about every recent poll, and they will be wrong about the American one too.
“On this week’s cover we endorse Hillary Clinton for president. The choice is not hard. Donald Trump would be a terrible president. His experience, temperament and character make him horribly unsuited to being the head of state of the nation that the rest of the democratic world looks to for leadership. We disagree with virtually all his policies.
Our endorsement of Mrs Clinton is not simply a vote against Mr Trump. Our leader argues that Mrs Clinton is a better candidate than she seems and is better suited to cope with the awful, broken state of Washington politics than her critics will admit. She also deserves to prevail on her own merits.”
Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief
Come on Zanny it is the Clintons who are mostly responsible for “the awful, broken state of Washington politics…”
What was the point in holding a referendum?
It only works if the vote goes the way that suits the MPs
‘Heads they win, tails we loose’. The leader of this country should have been the one who obeys the will of the people. I hope the Tory voters get on to the MPs that want to remain in and get rid of them.
Let me guess They really thought they would win and persuade the public to vote remain, thus giving them authority to go further into EU integration.
It failed, Cameron goes according to plan B and the Appeaser is slipped in to delay Brexit until another referendum is held to negate the first. Hence the BBC’s on going campaign
GWF – I don’t think there will be another referendum, it’s too dangerous for the “Elite”: The patriots might vote out again (and possibly with an even bigger margin). No they will defeat it in Parliament with the Labour Members showing their well-known contempt for the British People.
Taffman – The referendum was all about Tory party internal politicking and nothing about an exercise in democracy.
Thats how much contempt these bastards hold us in.
Remain lost the election and yet we have a remain Prime Minister with many remain cabinet ministers given prominent positions. How does that work then?
Its a bit like a boxer who has been KOd in a boxing match having his hand raised from the floor by the ref as the winner. No I am afraid these bastards are taking the piss put of us.
“Disappointed” Theresa now looks squeaky clean. At the end of the day if Theresa had the political will to leave she would have done it and looked good. – she had a democratic mandate – so what was stopping her?
Of course and this nonsense will rumble on for years with the Government being tied up into an increasingly tight gordian knot. All it needs is one strike of the sword to cleave the knot in two yet few of our cowardly political class have the strength of character to do this (caring more about their share options and pensions) than their electorate and those that do have the will (such as Farage) have been sidelined.
With more of our freedoms being eroded, More migrant “children” entering the country and disrupting the demographic and more crazy Soros and Saudi influenced policies taking effect, slowly our culture is being dismantled piece by piece.
I believe mass street protest is probably now the only way we will be able to turn things around. Much as I do not wish to go down this road (having done it a few times in the eighties when I was a bit of a lefty) in all likelihood the ruling classes will now only listen to us if we directly threaten the material fabric of the very institutions upon which they rely on to rule us.
I hoped it would not come to this but it has – such is life.
Blimey sounding a bit like a lefty again – Maybe Corbyn might want to give me a job!
The elite really fear a middle class protest movement especially from the shires. No doubt they are already briefing the police on just how violent they will need to be.
So far the elite does not have the army .
Remember they have always despised us.
As opposed to that uniquely British iconoclast Mark Mardell.
Combover?…but what else?
Over promoted?
Smug and thick?
Ignorant, complacent and enjoying the sound of his own voice?
Publicly funded for life by a parasitic paedo-perping and protecting BBC?
But of course.
Stuff fatty Mardell…if you can find a space to put anything into.
I thought the programme “Conspiracy Files: The Trump Dossier” on al Beebus 2 tonight was very interesting with some good contributors, which would (in my view) have put more “neutrals” off Hilliary than Trump; though I doubt that was the intention of its makers.
The Clintons appeared as what they are: corrupt; criminal; duplicitous liars. They are both hopefully heading for disgrace, ruin and jail – though not necessarily in that order and it will probably only be her who gets measured for a trouser suit with an arrow pattern; the U.S. will never jail an ex-president (unfortunately).
There has been a lot of anger here and elsewhere following today’s high court ruling. Justifiably so. Yet I wonder if the actual result of the referendum is and will be more critical than the manner in which the decision to leave the EU is performed.
Brexit sent shock-waves around the globe, scaring the internationalists and inspiring the non-internationalists. That shock-wave is gaining momentum in France, Germany, Scandinavia, Austria and most importantly the USA.
Brexit put a crack in the structure of the globalist dam. European movements are extending those faultlines. A Trump victory will lead to the dam’s failure.
So take heart fellow Brexiteers. We are all Guy Gibson VC now.
I watched Wednesday 9pm BBC2 Unamed Black Male : about trial of white police officer who killed an unarmed teenage black shop-lifting suspect.
It wasn’t the usual full on BLM propaganda.
I expected a virtual lynching by the film maker of the police officer but no.
What a mess! Some dumb shoplifter ends up dead, the cop is got found guilty of manslaughter and will serve at least 2 years.
Neither would have happened in the UK, cos the cop wouldn’t have had a gun, so would have stood back.
The cop claimed he approached with a taser and the guy knocked it out of his hand
..Well seems to me if you have a taser then you shouldn’t be that close.
Surely you have a procedure that you keep your distance form a suspect and get him to put his hands up before you approach or backup arrives.
The cop claims without the taser he felt threatened so pulled his gun
(Even if this cop had a partner, then he wouldn’t have panicked and reached for his gun).
OK a cop can pull the trigger if he genuinely thinks his life at risk, like if he thinks the assailant is reaching for a gun, but police procedures should be set so that is the rarest rarest occasion. It’s better to let a shoplifter go, rather kill one accidentally.
The cop seemed like a nice guy, the black guys family did seem a bit dumb, but people are allowed to be dumb. Of course if the kid had not got in to shoplifting in the first place he wouldn’t have died. No father was evident.
The fact that he himself was a bad guy with violence convictions was kept secret until after the cops trial. As well as fact that this was the second time the cop had killed an unarmed kid. A few years earlier he’d shot some Russian kid who was drunk and was knocking on some strangers porch.
saying that
#1 Hillary spoke falsely when she said 17 US intelligence agencies trace Wikileaks back to the Russians
#2 Seems to say that Russians are NOT involved in those particular leaks about Hillary.
#3 That Hillary is just a cog in the system , not someone controlling it.
* I notice the RT headline says Russian govt , so that doesn’t rule out it being an independent Russian hacker group ?
Tonight’s BBC Question Time has been a ridiculous festival of establishment sensibilities paid for by the likes of you and me.
Overall messages –
1) Brexit was all a silly mistake and though we will all vote to invoke Article 50 we aren’t really going to leave the EU.
2) Donald Trump is the devil incarnate and even the very mention of his name triggers pannelists and audience members into fits of self-righteous outrage.
3) Margaret Thatcher was and is responsible for the woes of every grievance-monger with an issue either past of present. Orgreave being this example.
I’ve pretty much given up on the BBC now. That QT just showed how right I was to do so.
Managed to watch Question time last night for the first time in a long time with a heavy dose of drink to ready me for the bile. Boy did i need it. Dimbleby was smiling like a cheshire cat last night for the first time since june 23. Lisa nandy proved what a conniving thick idiot she is when javid skewered her on that fact that she wants a second referendum and she backed one when owen smith was running. At one point javid was fighting the whole panel on brexit including dumbleby. Plenty of remainer plants in attendance to pour their bile last night.
The economist bint was just arrogance personified she just couldnt accept the fact that hilary wasn’t a saint. One good thing out of last night was that we had more negativity about clinton out of huey morgans and charlie wolfs mouths than in years at the bbc. It didn’t go down well with the righteous on the panel.
It looked like the grievance squad from orgreave was bussed in last night especially for this. The ghost of Margaret still drives these idiots mad and good on her.
The BBC reporter outside the high court yesterday was so excited about the result that he was near Swooning! You know how you a person can get when you can’t wait to bring good news to someone but in the attempt at doing that you get all flumuxed with excitement! Well, he was like that!
I thought to meself – this guys just been told that he’s won the euro-lottery.
I dread to watch the TV News over the next month or so! All BBC restraints have now been thrown off!
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A Muslim boy asked his mother, “Mama, what’s the difference between Democracy and Racism? ”
Mother dressed in her Burka says “Well, son, Democracy is when the UK tax payers work hard every day so that we can get all our benefits ……..You know, like free housing, free health care, free education and grants to build our Mosques and Community Centres and so on and so forth, You know… that’s a Democracy
“But Mama, don’t the UK tax payers get angry about that”
“Sure they do….and that’s what we call Racism!”
They did say it was our decision
Remember the election leaflet ?…………………………………………………………………………

I sincerely hope the Government, the Courts , The establishment… call them what we will, know what they are doing….. but this prolonged period of shenanigans after all the hoopla of the referendum campaign, the promise to abide by the result (voted on in Parliament when the referendum bill was passed) and then the vote and its result… give me a sense of foreboding that we are on course to enter a very dark phase of our nations story.
When the people are so clearly being duped by their elected representatives, the courts and the mass media, when a nation is being subverted to the benefit of an unpopular imperium or ideology then the historic precedents suggest that we are heading for serious trouble.
Whatever it is, it ain’t pretty.
Given ‘stability’, whatever that actually is or has ever been, seems the golden chalice sought by all right thinking folk, I am hard pressed to see how delays and shenanigans of this order, pushed by such as the state social engineering broadcaster, will contribute to this.
To get a person like me ready for serious civil disobedience that puts may cancelling the BBC DD in the shade takes some doing.
Exactly. I have been saying we are in a pre- revolutionary period .The Western elites are making war on their own peoples and it cannot go on. This is the thrust of Victor Orban’s arguments. ( see his latest speech). It was commented on by the last Czech President. Trump is standing against these elites.
It is dangerous because the elites do not get it and if they do are determind to go on imposing unreality upon us.
The tipping point is when enough of us understand that this culture war is an existential battle for survival as free people in control of our ancient nations governed by custom and ancient law and not part of a fantasy globalised mongrelised world ruled over by these awful people.
The question is when is that tipping point?
As JFK very succinctly put it:
“Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent revolution inevitable”.
Weatherspoons will stop selling European wines and beers if the EU keeps up the bullying approach.
Says boss Tim Martin ….EU’RE BARRED says the Sun
Where’s the petition mate ? I’ll sign.
In a prog abut US talk Radio Dotun only speaks to Non-Rightwing hosts.
GCooper November 2, 2016 at 11:39 am about the Goldfarb prog
said : “Yet more shame on the BBC for broadcasting this barefaced pack of distortions, lies and misrepresentations.”
* Yet when when I listen to The 5 Live News special about US Talk Radio do we hear right wing shock jocks ? *
“Dotun Adebayo speaks to Thom Hartmann, the United States’ most listened to PROGRESSIVE talk radio host and Jim Bohannon*, host of the sixth most popular talk radio show in the country.
Did you get that ? “most listened to progressive ”
What about the other DJ ? a quick Google
“Bohannon has stated that he is a registered Democrat for the purposes of voting in primary elections”
webpage with stream and podcast Of course both back the BbcNeverTrump narrative
BTW the BBC should have declared the allegiance of the DJs, but broke the impartiality rules by failing to do so.
The BBC is so brazen they don’t even try hard to cover their blatant bias.
After getting the R5 job thru being the token non-white Dotun Adebayo had been becoming reasonable over the years, but now I no longer trust him.
“host of the sixth most popular talk radio show in the country.”
oooh! wow” the SIXTH most popular talk radio show in the country!!!!!!
Doesn`t that say it all?
Sixth ? That is a BBC journo trick especially on science subjects.
If they don’t get the correct NATIVE they want from the first 5 people they phone, they try a sixth.
And then run with the headline . “According to scientists at”
November 3rd 2016, the day British democracy died.
June 23rd UK Democracy Day
November 3rd UK un-Democracy Day
So, our legitimate democratic success leading to Brexit, has been undermined by Gina Miller, a woman born in Guyana. It is she who has led the high court action to spitefully stamp on the will of the British people.

If I were living in someone else’s country, even if I were nationalised to that country, I wouldn’t have the sheer, pig ignorant cheek to tell the people of that country to reverse their democratic decisions simply because I don’t like those decisions.
Why doesn’t the lady go back to Guyana and seek to change their laws? According to Amnesty International, Guyana has ‘human rights violations by the security forces, including unlawful killings and torture and other ill-treatment’.
But please do not worry yourselves about her, she is married to a multi-millionaire investment banker. So she won’t be troubled by consequences of being under the EU. Depressed wages, unemployment, low wages, over crowded schools, waiting lists for doctors and dentists won’t trouble her.
The revenge of the Commonwealth for 1975…..
….to be overturned by the Supreme Court in due course, once the enormity of of the ramifications of trying to pervert the will of the people dawns on our Establishment…as it inevitably will, sooner or later.
It will be upheld. Do not underestimate the stupidity and arrogance of our elites. Their contempt for us is a 1000 years old and as vicious now as it was after 1066.
I don`t underestimate their stupidity, arrogance or viciousness, but neither do I underestimate the divisions within the establishment on the issue of national sovereignty, nor their desire to avoid full-on “unpleasantness”.
They are trying to put toothpaste back into the tube.
The cork is off the bottle.
The horse has bolted.
Whatever the metaphor, the remoaners cannot win.
They are the heirs of Quisling and Petain….whilst we are the heirs of Churchill.
She will be regarded as a heroine by the left, especially Loach’s Loony Left Unity Party. Ticks all the boxes, a millionaire’s wife, anti British and from a country run by a dictatorship.
There was a time when champagne socialists could sell be assured of unthinking support from the working classes.
As Eddie Izzard and others are now finding, this is no longer the case.
What’s good for Gina and fund manageratti may not be deemed an automatic thumbs up in large chunks of the UK outside the M25.
She’s also a lifelong (in the UK) Labour supporter, and used another foreigner Portuguese hairdresser called Deir Santos.
How many times have I said here that Britain is not a democratic country? We have no realistic voting system, described as one which would shame a banana republic and which the political elites clearly approve of because they’ve made no attempt at all to change it.
Our judges are completely avaricious awarding decision to whoever spends the most money on the best lawyer, and then setting that as a precedent !
If we are going to have judge made laws then we need to be able to elect our judiciary as they do in civilised countries.
Parliament can of course simply over rule this decision by a bill which gives it the power, but somehow I doubt that they will, given that they voted to push this in the first place.
May might now be required to reveal her negotiating hand before going to Brussels which can only result in the worst outcome for Britain. I would make the suggestion that she presents several options to MPs and then they have to select the one they favour. This way they will not continually be able to vote no to any possible Brexit trigger.
Following on from my post about Guyana born Gina Miller, above, the other party in the Brexit legal challenge is Dier Dos Santos, born in Brazil(!).
As with Guyana, Amnesty International report on human rights in Brazil suggests that rather interfering in the affairs of a country to which he has become resident, Dier Dos Santos might like to be brave enough to challenge the Brazillain Government.
Brazil: “Serious human rights violations continued to be reported, including killings by police and the torture and other ill-treatment of detainees. Young black men from favelas (shanty towns) and marginalized communities were at particular risk. The security forces often used excessive or unnecessary force to suppress protests.”
What is it about Britain, that people born overseas, who find our country so wonderful that they choose to live here, then try to change us to suit themselves?
It is called enrichment!
In view of the very bad news I would suggest every Brexiteer write to their MPs and voice their concern that they are not happy with the scam and that they vote out in the INTEREST OF DEMOCRACY, whatever political persuasion the come from . The more the delay and uncertainty, the more our economy will suffer
It was all the work of just three judges. Three bloody judges !
Agreed. Do it now!
Many of us have, I copied the text of mine onto the previous page in this thread.
All the judges are in one way or another connected to Mr T Blair. This decision was a foregone conclusion from the moment the pro-EU stooges managed to stuff the benches with remainers. The High court judge who originally ruled that the government must face a court hearing before triggering Article 50 was former Labour MP Ross Cranston. He was elected in 1997 and then promptly appointed as Solicitor General for England and Wales by Blair. He terminated his parliamentary career in 2005 and was appointed as a High Court Judge two years later by Blair. So how about the judges behind today’s ruling? Philip Sales is another one of Blair’s. He practiced at the same law chambers that Blair co-founded. Blair is seeking to sabotage Brexit and Sales does his bidding in court. The second judge, Terence Etherton, was appointed a High Court judge in 2001 while Blair was in office and Cranston was Solicitor General. He was then promoted to Lord Justice of Appeal by Gordon Brown. The third judge, Lord Chief Justice, Lord Thomas, meanwhile is a founding members of the European Law Institute which makes recommendations and provides guidance with the goal of “enhancing European legal integration”. Smelling the rat? This is exactly the sort of legal sleepers that Clinton would be installing into the Supreme Court in the US if she wins. I don’t know if Blair has got his people in our Supreme Court too, ready for the appeal next month.
And while I’m here, David Lammy, fuckety fuck right off with your gleeful assertion that you will vote counter to the biggest democratic vote in Britain’s history. You’re not even prepared to hide behind some carefully crafted conditions like the more slippery Stephen Kinnock because you’re too stupid.
When the social contract is broken, the people must revolt.
David Lammy is a very stupid man, and as usual has not thought this through. David, there are more of us than there are of you, and if we cannot change the law peacefully, what do you think will happen? I know “thinking” is an alien concept to you David, but try it, just this once.
If you are stuck, try googling “King Charles I”, “Louis XVI” and “Tsar Nicholas II” for clues. Good luck.
The BBC World* Service prog The Fifth Floor had an item about the AfroPunk Festival
* In “World Service” speak, half the time “The World”= London
BTW Today the female presenter ended the Germain Greer interview by saying
“You’ve still got a sexy mouth.
You are looking good”
Hang on what if a male interviewer had said that ?
Great post Stew. Hate justifies the hate that justifies the hate….only lunatic lefties and anti-white supremacists could believe that leads to a better world… Which is why the world has digressed so much and is so much more divided since this bullshit agenda has been fanatical championed by race and culture traitors/haters like Al Shabeeb
Another view of Islam in the USA. Thoroughly digest the penultimate paragraph though: despite any contrary views of the thrust of the article (and few here would disagree with it), that paragraph is absolutely totally accurate as anyone having lived in the Middle East or looked closely at the Cult of Islam will understand completely. All that is explained is underway similarly in the UK.
I think you are referring to the following G…
“Both Egyptians and the West sorely need to understand that Islamic law, sharia, does not permit anything other than an Islamic government under the rule of Islamic law. Consequently, only military force can stand against sharia tyranny. The Muslim Brotherhood had proven once again that the only way out of Islamic theocracies is through military dictatorships.
A head-on collision over the future of America is underway. Many Americans still do not understand the magnitude of what is at stake, but many Islamists do: they are lying in wait, hoping to return to their budding Caliphate”
Of course the moronic, self suicide bringing, self-righteous, self-hating, virtue signalling, halo polishing “look how un-racist and tolerant I am” sewer rat piss stains (they deserve it!) have no idea about Islam and it’s sole purpose to dominate and eliminate everything that isn’t utterly conforming to Allahs instruction! These delusional snowflakes are only interested in self abuse and fucking over their own people so they themselves aren’t picked out as ‘racist’ or ‘islamaphobic’.
Asking even the most simple question about Islam is met with utter contempt and hate filled bigotry… Because they have absolutely no idea about Islam and what it means. Islam isn’t a race or culture that evolves over time you stupid morons, it’s an unchangeable set of instructions that every single person on earth must follow…or spend eternity in hellfire!! In fact the easiest way of guaranteeing a place in paradise is to butcher the infidels as part of Jihad!!
The caliphate is pure Sharia, run by Sharia, for Sharia and to protect the purpose and purity of Allahs instruction…Sharia!!! Islamic state are enforcing the perfect Sharia state…. How are our people so fucking stupid not to see that Islamic state is exactly how Muhammad wants the entire world to be!!!
We live in a world so broken that feeling and emotion overrule facts and reason. That not wanting to look bad is more important than innocent children being raped and brutalised. That believing the greatest cultures and civilisations crafted and refined over thousands of years should be made to change to accommodate a utterly failed, utterly intolerant, utterly deadly cult that has been at war with everything it comes into contact with for 1400 years….
I’ve had a bit of time to reflect on today’s Brexit announcement. Being a positive sort of chap I’ve been looking at a few ‘reasons to be cheerful.’
1. We knew this was coming. We’ve been a bit complacent since the Brexit vote but we all knew that was only the beginning of a long series of battles, and today’s announcement has hopefully had the effect of reminding us just what is at stake.
2. It can have only a positive effect on Mr Trump’s campaign by strengthening the resolve of his supporters who take an interest in world politics, as they will see the lengths that the elites will go to to prevent change.
3. If Mr Trump becomes POTUS it will send a clear message to globalist elite that things are changing.
4. It’s out in the open; a clear challenge to the legitimacy of the referendum. It’s not a back-room stitch up in Brussels. If Parliament defies the will of the people it will have to be done as an act of blatant contempt for the electorate which could have an electrifying effect on them.
5. It could strengthen support for UKIP – it might be the impetus the party needs to sort itself out and become a credible force to protect Brexit.
6. It will hopefully also be a warning to other anti-EU elements abroad – the Netherlands, Hungary etc of just how the elites will operate if they are challenged, and could strengthen resolve in those countries too.
7. If it is put to the vote and Parliament votes to invoke 50, it will prevent Remoaners from arguing that leaving the EU is undemocratic, unconstitutional etc. Of course it won’t stop the next stage, which will be the back-room stitch ups in Brussels, but it will be the end of the ‘ground war.’
Mr Cranmer,
your positive thoughts are welcome – however – there is something so fundamentally wrong with the decision today (taken by a panel of judges no less) that we should be now looking to put our metaphoric shoulders to the wheel and start to fight back.
The Referendum removes rights which only Parliament have the authority to scrutinise – so said the judges. Well, if my memory serves me correct Parliament approved the holding of the Referendum by a margin of 6 to 1. Now if we voted to remain within the EU, nothing more would have been said as Parliament had already voted by allowing the Referendum. Are Parliament now saying that they only allowed a Referendum because they believed that the vote would be to remain!!!!
What did they think a Referendum was for, other than to decide, DEMOCRATICALLY, whether to remain part of the EU (and all that goes with it) or not!
This is legality as sheeps clothing with the political intent peeking out from beneath ravenously. BBC’s Norman Smith says that Parliament will almost certainly invoke article 50 anyway as this was democratically voted for.
He knows and they all know that once the vote reverts back to the elite – they will have their way.
This would make Clinton very proud.
Well said Cranmer
Ever since the result of the referendum wiped the smile off Dimbletrot’s face the BBC have campaigned for remain, not deviating once. May came along and delayed invoking Article 50 which gave a courts a chance to back up the BBC’s position – and probably the Government’s too .
The US may be the answer. Contacts with US supporters of Trump indicate that they fear becoming like Europe and that Trump has used Brexit as an example of people power. That seems to have gone and we should alert US contacts to back Trump to ensure that we in the UK have a friend in the White House. Trump and his supporters know our government and media have lied about Moslem no go areas here, and lied about the extent of plans for an expanded EU, and they need to know the extent to which our judiciary have backed the BBC in the attempt to wreck Brexit. With a friend in the White House there just might be sufficient US support for a movement for UK independence
Since June 23rd I Have felt a lightness in my heart that the UK would be free of the EUSSR, today I swing back down to despair. There is a tiny part of me that is screaming ” ok you fuckers (excuse language) you all wanted to stay in the EUSSR, well go ahead and when all the shit hits the fan you won’t see me for dust” But now the gloves are off I’m going to achieve more than the “children ” in Calais who didn’t stay in their own lands I’m ready to fight. This battle of the referendum has already caused division in my family so I might as well go all the way.
Rant over and I know it’s nothing to do with the Bias of the Beeb.
Mrs Kitty, you are wrong on only one thing: it IS to do with “the Bias of the Beeb”. Every bit of our fight against the EU is to do with the bias of the A-BBC, every bit of Pro-EU fascist ruling coming from our courts or our politicians is to do with the bias of the A-BBC. Without that relentless, one-sided bias, supporting that which should be unsupportable, the courts would not have dared to pull a stunt like they did today.
By the way, your language needs not to be excused – it is completely understandable given today’s news.
According to the BBC web site, Carwyn Jones, the leader of the Wales Labour Party and thus the Welsh Assembly says, “Challenging a High Court ruling that MPs should be consulted over leaving the EU would be a mistake.”
Ah. So, challenging the democratic will of the people is ok, but challenging the challenge is not. I see.
The sooner that over fed wally is shown the door the better.
When a little over half of a 50% turnout voted for the Welsh Assembly in 1997, the vote was respected.
When 51.9% of a 72.2% turnout voted for leaving the EU, on the other hand, …
“Challenging a High Court ruling that MPs should be consulted over leaving the EU would be a mistake.”
Hmmm, that’s pretty well what Gina Miller said.
Common Purpose in action folks.
Living in France we can get English speaking news sites on our canal sat box, so tonight we’re giving it a miss as the tv would be too expensive to replace as we’re not on benefits.
“UK Government and people, don’t even think about challenging this because I’m use to getting my own way and my husband’s a millionaire – SO THERE!”
I always felt that the referendum result was more of a moral victory and that it would never actually be achieved.
There are some very cock-a-hoop remainers at the moment, but if the worst should happen, and they somehow block Brexit, then what ?
How can a Politician ever stop you in the street or knock on your door during an election campaign ?
A very dangerous precedent would have been set which means that basic Democracy has been over turned. They can use all the legalese they want, but this betrayal (if indeed it happens) will never be forgotten, after all when it comes down to losing the support of the electorate, many, many MP’s could be out of a job (providing all future election results are allowed to stand)
I don’t know how you go about deselecting your local MP but I am more than willing to give it a go. Even if it means joining a political party to do so.
There is very little point in going on a rampage through the streets, and as angry as I am feeling at the moment, I know the only way to get my own back is to try and act within the law.
If the unthinkable should happen and the remoaners get their way, at some point they will have to face each other on opposite sides of an election campaign, and then what ?
Angry Tory voters, vast swathes of angry Labour voters, the only possible party who could step up would be UKIP or maybe a new party made up of disaffected remain MP’s and furious voters who previously favoured other political parties.
As for Europe itself, I will try not to be a hypocrite and buy anything manufactured there again if I can possibly help it. It may sound pathetic, but if everyone voted with the pound in their pocket and exports to this country from Europe faltered, it would give some small measure of satisfaction.
They (the powers that be) know how we feel and if they decide to ride roughshod over a majority result I’m sure we can all think of lawful ways to f*ck them up.
Time to get creative.
We moved to France at a time when the in or out referendum was just a pipe dream and it meant we lived in a place we loved and our pension went further. We voted out knowing it would affect us but did it for the UK , after speaking to many French , Dutch and German people after 23rd June they envied us but I now feel like Don Corleone in Godfather 3 ” just when I think I’m out they pull me back in”. It’s not Europe we hate but the EU. I’m prepared to fly back to the UK to protest and fight and know I’ll have to rough it on friends floor but I have plenty of pills for my hip and I can pay for my food.
I think this was nothing about law or parliament but everything about putting normal people back in their place. After all “democracy” Dave and Theresa style is mainly about serving the needs of the elite and very little about serving the people.
Apparently the Government stated it was “disappointed” with the decision. Im not disapointed Im F#####G LIVID!
What in effect has happened is that the elite and those in power have just declared war on their own people
So be it;
Always easy to start these things but not always so easy to stop them.
See you on the streets Miss Kitty!
Yes, an attitude very reminiscent of the Strike of 1926 or all those times when the Militia has been called to suppress the insurrection.
Heads up for tomorrow on Radio 4 at 16:30 More or Less
Our old favourite biased numbers program, will be looking at ‘Gerrymandering’ because Labour have accused the Tories of Gerrymandering over the boundary changes, which were announced weeks ago by the INDEPENDENT boundaries commission.
They will also be looking at Donald Trump (Yawn) however one pundit who correctly predicted the Brexit referendum (i.e. the numbers not the result) reckons that according to his methods 90% of the electorate in the important swing state of Florida, are either pro Trump or anti Clinton (apparantly there is a difference). Even with a margin of error that’s going to take some beating.
Then there was some other left wing interest issue.
Hardly the unbiased programming the BBC is supposed to be producing.
Yes BBC More or Less : has been got at
For a few years it has been a prog striving for objective truth, but its profile got raised too high and LeftMob noticed and probably sent some commandant down to lean on the producers to make sure it only covers the narratives that LeftMob want and in the way LeftMob want..with none of this exposing issues that LeftMob want to keep hidden.
I contacted my MP this afternoon regarding my Brexit concerns. I stated that my family and friends would in future vote for UKIP if Leaving the EU was blocked by the Courts and Parliament.
I had a reply within two hours with a promise to support Brexit along with May.
We’ll see.
I suggest you all contact your MPs in the same way.
Comment by Conservative MP David Davies:-
“Unelected judges calling the shots. This is precisely why we voted out. Power to the people!”
I expect that the audience was stuffed full of Beeboids. It sounds just up their street.
Ironic – And its so close to November 5th !
It’s appalling to watch the BBC reporters unable to hide their smirks as they report today’s High Court decision on the 6 o’clock news. They seem cock-a-hoop. It’s actually making me feel physically sick. Is this what I’m paying a licence fee for?
First Roman
Don’t pay it.
…and don’t watch it, either – they’ll be smirking on the other side of their faces next week!
I’m sure the banner headline “Brexit court defeat for UK government” on the BBC site is bigger and bolder than the one they did for the actual result on June 24th.
Raheem Kassam has done a good take on all of this on Breitbart.
Cant say I was too surprised by all of this. It was never going to be this easy. I am afraid all these self serving pigs have had their bloated snouts too long in the Euro trough for them to just stand up and walk away.
They probably realise that prevarication and fudge will probably weaken their case in the long term as people quickly get pissed off with them. Therefore I think what we are seeing is an outright challenge.
These bastards have spent years worming their way into situations which give them power and influence and now it is their time to exercise it.
I was always told that if things come too easy they are not worth having and I suppose if we want to defend our culture and democracy we will have to fight for it.
I am afraid we are coming to the end of jaw jaw but I find it quite depressing that the well aimed brick instead of a ballot paper may well have to be the vehicle to defend democracy in this country. But since they are the ones who have changed the rules then I suppose we can only respond. At the end of the day it will be a battle of wills as much as anything else.
Depressed and outraged in equal measures !
“Some Brexiteers were conned by Theresa May and the fact is she could have triggered Article 50 immediately but chose not to because she wanted the High Court to force a vote in Parliament.”
“Remember Remember the 5th of November. Its ironic .
(Traditional English Rhyme – 17th Century)
Remember, remember the fifth of November”
Gunpowder, treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot
But where is the Treason this time ??????
This makes sense Taffman. Why else delay article 50 which after all allows two years for negotiations?
Taffman, where’s Guy Fawkes when you need him?
Remember, remember the third of November”
Gunpowder, treason and plot
And think when we all voted I hope you remember,
Voting, not for half, but for the lot.
In other news…
Luckily there is an entity that doesn’t have to worry about money, paying ‘stars’ who don’t have have to worry about disclosure. Enough to fund courts cases, if so minded, maybe.
Story amended, apparently, BBC-stylee.
I did feel so distressed about the High Court ruling but now I feel slightly calmer. I have written to my MP expressing my very strong views.
Us Brits are a strong force who have spoken. The result of the referendum was a massive shock to everyone – least of all the Leavers, like myself. We have so often been let down by past elections. The government have had a massive wake up call from the people. Gina Miller? Who is she?? Married to a multi millionaire who will never suffer the consequences of staying in the EU. She won’t have to wait in a long NHS queue or try and find the money for an extortionate monthly rent/mortgage on minimum wage.
What the elites have forgotten is that the real people are prepared to face the brunt of higher food prices (not if you buy British). The people will stick together and stick their fingers up. It will be a very brave government/parliament that goes against the will of the people.
Eff off Gina and your ‘supporters’. I think you need to watch your back!!
I don’t believe food prices will be higher outside the EU. We can buy without tariff from the world.
Spot on. You never hear this on the BBC:
Take the example of coffee. In 2014 Africa —the home of coffee— earned nearly $2.4 billion from the crop. Germany, a leading processor, earned about $3.8 billion from coffee re-exports.
The concern is not that Germany benefits from processing coffee. It is that Africa is punished by EU tariff barriers for doing so. Non-decaffeinated green coffee is exempt from the charges. However, a 7.5 per cent charge is imposed on roasted coffee. As a result, the bulk of Africa’s export to the EU is unroasted green coffee.
The charge on cocoa is even more debilitating. It is reported that the “EU charges (a tariff) of 30 per cent for processed cocoa products like chocolate bars or cocoa powder, and 60 per cent for some other refined products containing cocoa.”
The impact of such charges goes well beyond lost export opportunities. They suppress technological innovation and industrial development among African countries. The practice denies the continent the ability to acquire, adopt and diffuse technologies used in food processing. It explains to some extent the low level of investment in Africa’s food processing enterprises.
So much for ‘social justice’ eh?
People are angry. Friends I have had for years who have never expressed a political opinion are signing on Facebook to indicate their support for a pro Brexit demonstration
If this happens and it could be large, there is no way that a bunch of Trots, Class War anarchists, Loach’s loonies and Guardian readers will dismiss this as an outbreak of far right xenophobia. Appeaser May you have been warned. People are seeing through your delaying tactics.
Methinks this is yet another example were Mrs May and her Attorney General (laugh) were completely and utterly unprepared for those “enemies of the State Lawyers” who have been working on this appeal for quite sometime while our Lawyers for (for Brexit) have probably been too much involved with quickie divorce cases for footballers wives and multi-million pound settlements for CEOs/Pop Stars/PPI
Mrs May, I fear we have been scuppered and our Labour/SNP/Liberal/House of lords enemies are going to ruin this great nation if you don’t ACT DECIDEDLY!
I don’t always agree with Richard North, but I can’t resist quoting this from his blog. He’s not writing about the court case, but it fits.
“But expecting MPs to do their jobs goes way beyond optimistic, into the realms of fantasy, where the crumbling edifice of Parliament has become a bastion of ignorance and prejudice that gives us a choice of regarding it with contempt or derision, but certainly not as a useful institution.”
David Dimbleby on the One Show has just claimed that the referendum was just advisory because the Government didn’t stipulate that it wasn’t. Another one who put the election leaflet straight in the bin then.
Unfortunately some people will believe him
It really highlights how bad a PM Cameron was. Called a referendum that he was sure he would drive to Remain and didn’t allow any planning for a Leave vote. Lied, lied and lied. Now go off to make millions. He and Blair are the worst PMs we have ever had.
Oh, I don’t know – what about Sir Edward Heath? He may have done what he thought was best but, given what he must have known about the plan for ‘an ever closer union’, some would say he was guilty of treason.
“Some would say”.
MOST would say.
Be that as it may but I have a feeling that many if not most of the Labour and SNP MPs who voted to remain will be willing to lose their seats as long as they have a part in the destruction of the Brexit EXIT!
I have a dreadful feeling that the Met Police will need to call in reinforcements to the streets of London very very soon if those Judges in the Supreme Court are as biased towards Blairs attempts to reverse Brexit as I’m hearing?!
Just a thought: one of the 3 judges opining on this case, Lord Chief Justice Thomas, happens to be a Founding Member of the European Law Institute, an “organisation that conducts research, makes recommendations and provides practical guidance in the field of European legal development with a goal of enhancing the European legal integration” [my bold]. Far be it from me to advise an eminent lawyer on how he conducts himself but the tradition in common law jurisdictions (and civil law jurisdictions in the EU as well) is that if a judge is interested in the outcome of a case he recuses himself or is not chosen to preside over the case in the first place. Now, I’m not saying that the eminent judge’s decision was . . er . . . pre-ordained or that his enthusiasm for “European law integration” affected his decision – God forfend! – but clearly in this case, even if justice was done (if indeed it was) then justice was clearly not seen to be done. So, as well as appealing the judgement itself, there’s a further cause of appeal right there if Mrs May wants to take it.
In English Law, the criterion is not whether there has been bias (which is hard to prove), but whether there is the appearance of bias. I would suggest that the Lord Chief Justice has without doubt demonstrated the appearance of bias, and I am equally sure that not one toadying lickspittle of a lawyer will have dared to raise the matter, because all they are concerned with are their own careers, and the Lord Chief Justice of England is a very powerful man who could do them a lot of damage.
This is how we are ruled. Remind me why we haven’t had a revolution since 1689?
My pitchfork was sharpened this afternoon, I’m ready to march and create merry hell!
I’m raging. A wealthy Fund Manager can block a referendum involving 33 million people because it didn’t go her way!
Dimbleby says it’s only an ‘advisory’ referendum. So why did Camoron resign, why did the pound sink, why do the remoaners moan. It may have been advisory, but advisory enough to ensure a huge turnout of voters who believed in its importance. Don’t treat the people as a disenfranchised body of lesser fools Dimbleby. The people have spoken, now do as the people have voted.
A Judge who happens to be a Founding Member of the European Law Institute decides ,as expected, in her favour.
Bring back the rope I say.
Let the Remoaners squauk all that they like.
Mangy cocks up on the dunghill thinking that they`ve won a stay of execution.
All UKIP have to do is stand a bog brush, a broom or a sack of shite in ANY constituency in this country where the MP is a Remainiac.
We`ll nominate the crock of shite, and sign up-and get them voted in with a purple and yellow rosette.
And wilfully terrify the traitors who`ve dared to back unlected EU spongiforms.
WE really ought to have stuffed into historys recycling bins in 2009 after the expenses scandals-but we bottled it, and took the token removal of FatFuck Martin as Squeaker by way of atonement.
Not this time-how can I face the grandkids when I let Clegg,Sturgeo, Vaz, Heseltine, Clarke, Ashdown, Abbott and Thornberry, Soubry and Morgan send them off to Cologne or Mollenbeeck, Nice or Lampadusa?
No-I did not vote for these ballsac judges, nor will a Tonge or Scotland decide whether my vote on the 23rd mattered or not. It fucking did!
“There may be trouble ahead”…and they`1l only have themselves to blame if they dare to thwart what we decided. Our liberal elite won`t be safe any longer.
Not getting worried over this, nor should you. With Labour committed to Brexit as well (libs and SNP don’t have the clout) it will happen- any MP who voted against Brexit would find it very hard to get reelected especially if May goes for a snap election if the vote was lost. I voted (as many people did) to restore the sovereignty of Parliament, and bearing in mind how Bliar could ignore it (Iraq war anybody), then the Court is restating our Constitution: only Parliament, not the King or PM can decide. We had a Civil War and the Glorious Revolution to establish that a long time ago!
It’s not too much ask Parliament to ensure May gets the best deal for our economy. Who wants her to do a deal that destroys the City and swathes of industry? She is not going to do that either. May will get a good deal: Brexit will happen.
BTW May cannot go to the electorate early without a clear statement on what her deal would be: that keep it quiet, you don’t need to know approach is now dead. What’s wrong with that?
Doubt you will see this picture of the ‘child’ migrants on the BBC currently on the AFP feed:
I also want to know where these migrants are getting the money from for their smart new clothes and trainers, and who is providing them with the tents they pitched in Paris?
I’m 38 and a couple look older than me.
UN, Soros, EU, or any number of NGO charities?? Plus from some of their stories it wouldn’t surprise me if some of them have flown in, dumped their ID and hot footed it to Calais. They certainly didn’t come on boats with all that luggage. Maybe they stopped off at a retail park on the way. Am I sounding unsympathetic?
Katty Kay, biased bitch
‘Hard to see how “I worked hard as a fashion model in Paris” connects with American voters but in this campaign nothing is obvious.’
tweeted re: Melania. I thought her speech could well attract a lot of voters – immigrants especially. Sure they are stinking rich, but aren’t they all, and she probably remembers life without money. Who cares if she worked illegally, theres millions of them (that the democrats love)
Well, Question Time tonight might be interesting.. I hope Remainers get a verbal kicking after the todays farcical events. Not sure if I can be bothered to watch to it though.
who’s on?
Conservative communities secretary Sajid Javid MP, Labour’s Lisa Nandy MP, editor-in-chief of the Economist Zanny Minton Beddoes so far on the list.
As I recall Zanny Minton Beddoes was a Remainer, I used to read The Economist until it lost its direction, -too many Remainers, it coincided about the same time as Zanny Minton Beddoes became editor in chief.
Like most Remainers she likes to talk about Hard and Soft Brexit. Zanny, Brexit means Brexit.
Let’s see if the Remoaners have had a judicial revue to exclude Aaron Banks?
More delusional nonsense from tomorrow’s Economist magazine courtesy of Ms.Minton Beddoes. And yes wronged, I agree that the Economist has taken a nose-dive recently, now resembling a fundamentalist, globalist propaganda outlet. They’ve been wrong about every recent poll, and they will be wrong about the American one too.
“On this week’s cover we endorse Hillary Clinton for president. The choice is not hard. Donald Trump would be a terrible president. His experience, temperament and character make him horribly unsuited to being the head of state of the nation that the rest of the democratic world looks to for leadership. We disagree with virtually all his policies.
Our endorsement of Mrs Clinton is not simply a vote against Mr Trump. Our leader argues that Mrs Clinton is a better candidate than she seems and is better suited to cope with the awful, broken state of Washington politics than her critics will admit. She also deserves to prevail on her own merits.”
Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief
Come on Zanny it is the Clintons who are mostly responsible for “the awful, broken state of Washington politics…”
A flavour of what to expect on tonight’s QT.
Seriously, what f^(king planet is Minton Beddoes living on?
“She deserves to prevail on her own merits.” – which are …?
“… awful broken state of Washington politics …” – after 8 years of Republicans in the White House. Oh, wait a minute, maybe …
What was the point in holding a referendum?
It only works if the vote goes the way that suits the MPs
‘Heads they win, tails we loose’. The leader of this country should have been the one who obeys the will of the people. I hope the Tory voters get on to the MPs that want to remain in and get rid of them.
Let me guess They really thought they would win and persuade the public to vote remain, thus giving them authority to go further into EU integration.
It failed, Cameron goes according to plan B and the Appeaser is slipped in to delay Brexit until another referendum is held to negate the first. Hence the BBC’s on going campaign
GWF – I don’t think there will be another referendum, it’s too dangerous for the “Elite”: The patriots might vote out again (and possibly with an even bigger margin). No they will defeat it in Parliament with the Labour Members showing their well-known contempt for the British People.
Today is a turning point.
Which way it will turn is down to us all.
We have to be vocal and persistent.
Farage expresses my sentiments here:
“”I now fear every attempt will be made to block or delay triggering Article 50. They have no idea level of public anger they will provoke””
I, my family and friends are bloody angry. I don’t swear often.
Taffman – The referendum was all about Tory party internal politicking and nothing about an exercise in democracy.
Thats how much contempt these bastards hold us in.
Remain lost the election and yet we have a remain Prime Minister with many remain cabinet ministers given prominent positions. How does that work then?
Its a bit like a boxer who has been KOd in a boxing match having his hand raised from the floor by the ref as the winner. No I am afraid these bastards are taking the piss put of us.
“Disappointed” Theresa now looks squeaky clean. At the end of the day if Theresa had the political will to leave she would have done it and looked good. – she had a democratic mandate – so what was stopping her?
Of course and this nonsense will rumble on for years with the Government being tied up into an increasingly tight gordian knot. All it needs is one strike of the sword to cleave the knot in two yet few of our cowardly political class have the strength of character to do this (caring more about their share options and pensions) than their electorate and those that do have the will (such as Farage) have been sidelined.
With more of our freedoms being eroded, More migrant “children” entering the country and disrupting the demographic and more crazy Soros and Saudi influenced policies taking effect, slowly our culture is being dismantled piece by piece.
I believe mass street protest is probably now the only way we will be able to turn things around. Much as I do not wish to go down this road (having done it a few times in the eighties when I was a bit of a lefty) in all likelihood the ruling classes will now only listen to us if we directly threaten the material fabric of the very institutions upon which they rely on to rule us.
I hoped it would not come to this but it has – such is life.
Blimey sounding a bit like a lefty again – Maybe Corbyn might want to give me a job!
im ready for the streets
shame on them all for bringing it to this
and why is that bitch wo brought the case wearing a poppy on the news
is she taking the piss i think so
Won’t get fooled again
There’ll be fighting in the streets.
I felt personally insulted seeing her with that poppy. Most of us have our ancestors’ names on war memorials the length and breadth of the land.
The elite really fear a middle class protest movement especially from the shires. No doubt they are already briefing the police on just how violent they will need to be.
So far the elite does not have the army .
Remember they have always despised us.
It can be pretty violent in the shires as well.
BBC Online News:
“”US election: What happens if Donald Trump loses?
Mark Mardell””
“”Donald Trump is an American archetype, the huckster, the booster, the snake oil salesman””
Nothing partisan by the BBC in this report?
As opposed to that uniquely British iconoclast Mark Mardell.
Combover?…but what else?
Over promoted?
Smug and thick?
Ignorant, complacent and enjoying the sound of his own voice?
Publicly funded for life by a parasitic paedo-perping and protecting BBC?
But of course.
Stuff fatty Mardell…if you can find a space to put anything into.
I thought the programme “Conspiracy Files: The Trump Dossier” on al Beebus 2 tonight was very interesting with some good contributors, which would (in my view) have put more “neutrals” off Hilliary than Trump; though I doubt that was the intention of its makers.
The Clintons appeared as what they are: corrupt; criminal; duplicitous liars. They are both hopefully heading for disgrace, ruin and jail – though not necessarily in that order and it will probably only be her who gets measured for a trouser suit with an arrow pattern; the U.S. will never jail an ex-president (unfortunately).
There has been a lot of anger here and elsewhere following today’s high court ruling. Justifiably so. Yet I wonder if the actual result of the referendum is and will be more critical than the manner in which the decision to leave the EU is performed.
Brexit sent shock-waves around the globe, scaring the internationalists and inspiring the non-internationalists. That shock-wave is gaining momentum in France, Germany, Scandinavia, Austria and most importantly the USA.
Brexit put a crack in the structure of the globalist dam. European movements are extending those faultlines. A Trump victory will lead to the dam’s failure.
So take heart fellow Brexiteers. We are all Guy Gibson VC now.
Good point Mr.Golightly. Enemy Coast Ahead perhaps?
DS. This moment may well be “our finest hour”.
I watched Wednesday 9pm BBC2 Unamed Black Male : about trial of white police officer who killed an unarmed teenage black shop-lifting suspect.
It wasn’t the usual full on BLM propaganda.
I expected a virtual lynching by the film maker of the police officer but no.
What a mess! Some dumb shoplifter ends up dead, the cop is got found guilty of manslaughter and will serve at least 2 years.
Neither would have happened in the UK, cos the cop wouldn’t have had a gun, so would have stood back.
The cop claimed he approached with a taser and the guy knocked it out of his hand
..Well seems to me if you have a taser then you shouldn’t be that close.
Surely you have a procedure that you keep your distance form a suspect and get him to put his hands up before you approach or backup arrives.
The cop claims without the taser he felt threatened so pulled his gun
(Even if this cop had a partner, then he wouldn’t have panicked and reached for his gun).
OK a cop can pull the trigger if he genuinely thinks his life at risk, like if he thinks the assailant is reaching for a gun, but police procedures should be set so that is the rarest rarest occasion. It’s better to let a shoplifter go, rather kill one accidentally.
The cop seemed like a nice guy, the black guys family did seem a bit dumb, but people are allowed to be dumb. Of course if the kid had not got in to shoplifting in the first place he wouldn’t have died. No father was evident.
The fact that he himself was a bad guy with violence convictions was kept secret until after the cops trial. As well as fact that this was the second time the cop had killed an unarmed kid. A few years earlier he’d shot some Russian kid who was drunk and was knocking on some strangers porch.
RT TV : Assange: WikiLeaks did not receive Clinton emails from Russian govt*
(JOHN PILGER EXCLUSIVE) to be aired on Saturday.
saying that
#1 Hillary spoke falsely when she said 17 US intelligence agencies trace Wikileaks back to the Russians
#2 Seems to say that Russians are NOT involved in those particular leaks about Hillary.
#3 That Hillary is just a cog in the system , not someone controlling it.
* I notice the RT headline says Russian govt , so that doesn’t rule out it being an independent Russian hacker group ?
As a rule of thumb, it is safe to assume that every word Hillary Clinton speaks is a lie.
The Germans are not a lot different to us really.
Merkel and the EU have ruined that relationship.
My family lost many in WW1.
Tonight’s BBC Question Time has been a ridiculous festival of establishment sensibilities paid for by the likes of you and me.
Overall messages –
1) Brexit was all a silly mistake and though we will all vote to invoke Article 50 we aren’t really going to leave the EU.
2) Donald Trump is the devil incarnate and even the very mention of his name triggers pannelists and audience members into fits of self-righteous outrage.
3) Margaret Thatcher was and is responsible for the woes of every grievance-monger with an issue either past of present. Orgreave being this example.
I’ve pretty much given up on the BBC now. That QT just showed how right I was to do so.
Managed to watch Question time last night for the first time in a long time with a heavy dose of drink to ready me for the bile. Boy did i need it. Dimbleby was smiling like a cheshire cat last night for the first time since june 23. Lisa nandy proved what a conniving thick idiot she is when javid skewered her on that fact that she wants a second referendum and she backed one when owen smith was running. At one point javid was fighting the whole panel on brexit including dumbleby. Plenty of remainer plants in attendance to pour their bile last night.
The economist bint was just arrogance personified she just couldnt accept the fact that hilary wasn’t a saint. One good thing out of last night was that we had more negativity about clinton out of huey morgans and charlie wolfs mouths than in years at the bbc. It didn’t go down well with the righteous on the panel.
It looked like the grievance squad from orgreave was bussed in last night especially for this. The ghost of Margaret still drives these idiots mad and good on her.
The BBC reporter outside the high court yesterday was so excited about the result that he was near Swooning! You know how you a person can get when you can’t wait to bring good news to someone but in the attempt at doing that you get all flumuxed with excitement! Well, he was like that!
I thought to meself – this guys just been told that he’s won the euro-lottery.
I dread to watch the TV News over the next month or so! All BBC restraints have now been thrown off!