A B-BBC reader writes;
“Today were hear that “Muslim women complain about Sharia inquiries”.
I misread the headline and thought that the story was that Muslim women were complaining about the blatant sexism and misogyny in Sharia and Islam as whole. You know, honour killings, forced marriages, domestic violence, sexual assault et al.
How stupid of me.
The Beeb chooses not to look at what the Qur’an or the Hadith say or their sanctions, such as:
· Wife beating is permissible;
· Raping your wife is permissible;
· Raping your female captives is permissible;
· Sex slaves in general are permissible;
· Child marriage is permissible;
· Child sex is permissible;
· Mo himself said that women have “defective” minds;
· A Muslim man can have multiple wives but a Muslim woman can’t have multiple husbands;
· A Muslim man can marry a Christian or Jew but a Muslim woman can’t;
· The skewed divorce rules;
· A woman’s testimony is worth less than a man;
· A woman’s inheritance is worth less than a man.
Alas, no. Instead, the perfect storm for the BBC; the feminist line that women are oppressed by the patriarchy and the Islamphile line that one of the biggest genuine subjugators of women is not Islam but evil Western society.
“More than 100 Muslim women have complained about their treatment under two government probes into Sharia law…but some women have signed an open letter and said the aim is to ban Sharia councils, not reform them.”
The victim narrative of how Muslim women are being oppressed by the West – and not Muslim men – is soon evident. Shaista Gohir, the chair of Muslim Women’s Network UK, said the inquiries could “patronise women”, which is in and of itself patronising.
“I do feel that there are people who are anti-faith, particularly anti-Islam, who are using women’s rights as a guise, wanting to abolish Sharia councils….If tomorrow or next year you shut down Sharia councils, what would result is Muslim women stuck in marriages, abusive marriages sometimes, and the Sharia divorce service would actually go underground.
In other words, English law apparently has no jurisdiction for these women. They want to live under Sharia and all its grossness and we should accept that, which is why the Beeb omits the wider teachings of Islam to make Shaira sound legitimate.
Don’t get me wrong, the general concept that Muslim women have it tough is painfully true. However, it is not from government Sharia inquires but at the hands of Muslim men and Islam generally.
Aisha – who herself knows the harsh side of Islam was after marrying Mo at six and being raped at nine – said it best.
As Sahih al-Bukhari 5825 explains, Aisha brought the Profiteer (sic) a woman who had been beaten so hard her bruises were green. Mo dismissed her, saying she deserved it. Before that though, Aisha’s line: “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women.”
I wish someone would point out that if Muslim women choose to suffer, it does not make them free.”
Could the bBBC please let us know if Lily Allen is in tears about this?
“Could the bBBC please let us know if Lily Allen is in tears about this?”
If she isn’t I bet her BBC female reporter buddy is who accosted that poor white guy in that London park recently is! (Lilly Allen is probably way too busy signing autographs or having her hair bleached)
I heard a rumour that the recent lily Allen `taxi` episode was basically a taxi drove past her after recognising her from her recent International UK `Voice of the People` or a fags and booze trip and an accidental inclusion of sliced onions in her picnic hamper was turned into a PR triumpth when she apologised for us all to the `child` offspring of a former regional Taliban commander now living illegally after making a false asylum claim before nipping back over to Afghanistan to check nobody had stolen his rubble he had been saving for a special occasion such as stoning his ex wives…. Assuming she was just virtue signalling he drove past and only swore at her after nearly losing control of the vehicle after she made the road surface slippery with her tears mixed with the sweat from all her hard work helping solve the worlds problems with a `tweet` and a smugness only the most diligent grandstander really gets to know of or enjoy…. As for the `immigrant` accusation I expect she misheard the wrod ignorant…….
And also, could the BBC show their viewers that readily available video of a poor Muslim woman being “stoned to death” as other Muslim people are strolling along the road some 10 feet away from the mass murder! Bet they don’t!
You should watch it people – actually, I don’t recommend you do if you faint at the sight of a poor young woman, dressed from head to foot in a shroud with some kind of “mesh” covering her face from which she can see who her murders are! But first she is made to stand in a small hole the ground, in fear, and to wait for the first stone to be thrown at her head/breast area/private parts! This cruelty went on for maybe 30-50 minutes until her head is completely smashed to pulp! The males involved were of various ages! Young and old!
I can’t describe how much that poor woman suffered! All this cruelty and gore because she looked at another male! This is THE REAL FACE of ISLAM! Reject all that hog-wash and lies by those British Muslim women! They are nothing but accomplices to those murdering scroat’s who killed that Muslims woman!
And Muslim woman continue to think Islam is loving and true?
Vesnadog you should post a link to that stoning for those who have the stomach. (I’m afraid I don’t.)
I will as soon as I can find it! It was a while since I watched it but I’m sure I can find it for you! I will be back…
Try this one from Afghanistan:
This one from Saudi Arabia:
And this one:
I cann’t find the one I spoke about? It was 10 years ago so may have been deleted by the owner? But you can see that these claims are not invented by people like myself.
“More than 100 Muslim women have complained about their treatment under two government probes into Sharia law…but some women have signed an open letter and said the aim is to ban Sharia councils, not reform them.”
Bet they all wear burkas.
I’m beginning to think that every time we see BBC white females dressed so heavily in black Muslim shrouds they long to dress like that at all times!
As if their black, drab, garments are some kind of “Talisman” which wards off every vicious/violent/predatory white English male and makes every westernised Muslim male very happy knowing that they have yet another white female slave who supports Allah.
“Bet they all wear burkas”…
Guaranteed Johnny!
That statement is as true as “Muhammad was a child raping psychopath”!
Statements also guaranteed are that they…
Hate the US…thinks they should all die.
Hate Israel… thinks they should all die.
Hate gays….thinks they should all die.
Hate apostates…thinks they should all die.
Hate people who critise Islam…thinks they should all die.
Hate all infidels…think they should die
Hate freedom, Democracy and tolerance…thinks that they should all die
Islam… The religion of peace….
I suppose FGM will also be the fault of Western society.
Of course. If only FGM was made available on the NHS, there would be no problem.
The question I have is, what do we get by bringing millions of Muslims into the country, to justify the enormous expense, terrorism and headache that is an inevitable consequence of having Muslims in the West.
As the late Laurence Auster wrote:
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.· · But we cannot destroy Islam.
· · Nor can we democratize Islam.
· · Nor can we assimilate Islam.
· · Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves
I saw that BBC News clip I(actually it was more of a documentary – it went on 20-30 mins)
Yet again the BBC bows down to every request/demand from the Muslim lobby in order to “gradually sneak-in” Sharia law!
According to Naz Shah (anti-semitic Labour MP) this morning on the BBC ‘Today’ programme, we’ve all got it wrong in the West. Sharia is not a ‘legal system’ and it’s wrong to call it Sharia Law – it’s simply ‘The Shariah’ and it is just a way of living, and is not at all in contention with UK law, but can be a useful supplemental mediation service.
Yeah, right…the other one’s got bells on….. just google Sharia Law, or even just Sharia on its own, and see how far you get along that preposterous road you are advocating.
These people really do think the British public is just so dumb!
…and the BBC just keeps on uncritically accepting the views of her and her ilk.
Richard I watched a documentary about the so-called rebels (death count fanatical Jihadis looking to take over Syria or die a martyr) who are currently imposing Sharia in Aleppo…. Do you know what a Sharia judge said about the Islamic state?….. That the entire Islamic state IS SHARIA INCARNATE!!!! It’s basically Sharia in perfect, unadulterated form…beheadings, crucifixion, sex slaves and all….. Sounds wonderful right and cleary supplements British law and culture!!
That lying, fork-tongued traitorous, bitch Naz Shah knows exactly what Sharia means and it’s purpose to dominate and conform everything to Allahs instruction!!
“These people really do think the British public is just so dumb!”
I have a funny feeling that my Muslim taxi drivers think this way about me! Grrr!
I have this feeling that they know that I know that most of um are only living in the UK to save as much money as they can to send back home, then when retirement comes along – off to their home country they will go!
I believe most Muslims have no intention to mix with non-Muslims so they think why bother if after all they intend to leave this country with enormous bank accounts in order to build new house’s for their families of 10-15 children and 3 wives while we white Brits struggle with the rain and the cost of living etc!
Of course. If only FGM was made available on the NHS, there would be no problem.
Well, gender based abortions are – in effect because the CPS are refusing to prosecute them – so why not?
Evening all. As the resident ex Muslim here, it really gets my goat how the left, the so called defenders of equality, tolerance and free speech. Throw everything they defend out of the window when it comes to…Islam. So here we have a story about how Islamic women in the Uk feel it is ‘Islamophobic and racist” for Parliament to look into the workings of..Shariah courts.(Oh I forgot to mention the bBC left that little snippet out)
Which is why the bBC goes well out of the way in which to make this stupid stance into something of a human right issue. Now the bbC when it promotes any story it likes, will alway include links to articles which shed more light on the subject. But for this story there is …nothing. Which is strange as the bBC 3 years ago went to great lengths in which to show that actually Sharia courts don’t do any favours for the fairer sex:
Are Sharia councils failing vulnerable women
A Muslim think tank has found some UK Imams discriminate against women when enforcing Islamic Sharia law.
Secrets of Britain’s Sharia Councils
Asian Network Reports: UK Sharia Councils and Women
You’d think that the bBC would have linked into any of those bBC links above in which to shed a little more light on the subject at hand. But here’s food for thought. Any county in the world run by Sharia law, is not a nice place to be. We keep on being told that Muslims live by their holy book the Koran. This is what the bBC has to say on the matter:
The Koran is the holy book of Islam, one of the world’s major religions. Islam is a way of life taught by Allah and the followers of Islam are known as Muslims. The Koran is a book in the Arabic language that Muslims believe to be the actual words of Allah. In the Koran, Allah tells Muslims how they should worship him and also how they should behave towards each other. The Koran is a collection of signs of Allah’s existance and instructions for how Muslims should live their lives.
So there you have it, the bBC informs you via its educational website that the Koran is the codex of life for Muslims and the cornerstone for sharia law is…the Koran.
Which is why Sharia courts have no problem telling men they can hit their women, rape slave women. divorce their wives by saying “I divorce thee” three times. (Yes that is true) Women have lesser inheritance rights compared to men,women have lesser status as witnesses. A woman becomes subservient to her husband and needs his permission to: “leave the house, take up employment, or to engage in fasting or forms of worship other than what is obligatory.” An unmarried woman is under the guardianship of her nearest male relative.
Yet for all of the above (which is rooted in concrete) we are told that Islam is the victim here.
‘Muslim men can have multiple wives.’ This must lead to a shortage of women & a lot of single unattached men. I believe that this is one of the reasons that monogamy was introduced. Polygamy might be fine for the alpha males, but it’s no fun for the rest of us.
Here is one aspect of Sharia law which the ethical latte drinkers and so called peaceful Muslims never seen to acknowledge. Islam as dictated by the holy Koran is a misogynist faith. men are taught that women have to be treated in a subservient fashion. So whilst the bBC waxes lyrical that Islam is a religion of peace (Actually the term comes from the fact that Musims are taught that peace will come to the earth when all the world becomes Islamic) we find anybody who questions the mores of Islam castigated as…Racists. Which can only bring out a smile on all the intolerant leftwing arseholes out there as they call for a taxis.
Anyway in Bristol , the ongoing investigation into Somali Islamic rape gangs has just seen 3 more so called ‘Child’ Refugees jailed for their part in the Islamic penchant for shagging little girls. But on reading the bBC news (first you have to find it) you find the bbC go well out of their in which to hide that fact, which is why they don’t mention that these wankers are black, Islamic and Somali. Now before somebody tries to play the race card. Here is the statement by the local Somali community on this case:
“Our community, a Muslim and black minority ethnic community in Bristol, would like to underline that we sincerely condemn the nature of these crimes.
So if they have admitted the fact, why can’t the bBC. But it gets worse, as mentioned this is the third set of jailings in respect to Somali paedophiles in the Bristol area. Where 14 Somali males have been jailed for over 100 years. Again the bBC forgets to mention that fact. So the question we have to ask is what causes Muslims in the Uk to go out and rape little white girls? (Well at least the bBC can’t refer to this latest batch as…asian?) what links these Africans with Pakistani rapes gangs to the north of the country?
Now Sharia law as defended by the bBC, sets down a load of rules for Muslims to subscribe to. One of which is the treatment of the fairer sex. I wonder if this religious intolerance is the reason why so many Islamic males get a hard on when a Barbie carrying child walks on by.
For some strange reason the liberals can’t see that, and instead continue to dictate to us all, that we should do the right thing in taking in vulnerable young children such as these 3:
WTF its like reading about rotherham again
“But a report into the abuse found that many of the victims had been let down by social services, doctors and the police, whose failure to launch an investigation immediately”
how many times do we have to read the same f**king weasel words
Keep in mind that its not around 2000 girls who were gang raped, but more in the region of 30,000 to 50,000. Multiply by 10 for the number of men serviced by these girls, and we arrive at the conservative estimate of 300,000 – minimum.
Islam is waging war on Christendom, so this amounts to a war crime. And the reason it has happened, is that Muslims view England as conquered territory, and therefore its women as fair booty for the victors.
Current Number of victims of Muslim Rapists by English town:-
Location No of Victims
Atherstone 1
Teeside 1
Accrington 1
Rochdale 65
Rotherham 1701
Carlisle 2
Sheffield 668
Oxford 760
Newcastle 95
Manchester 652
Aylesbury 2
Telford 62
Derby 27
Leicester 12
Birmingham 612
Dudley 2
York 1
Barnsley 15
Stoke on Trent 27
Bradford 2
Bristol 7
Bedford 1
Blackpool 63
Halifax 2
Blackburn 385
Leeds 12
London 1
London (Barking) 4
London (Islington) 61
Keighley 5
Oldham 4
Skipton 1
Nelson 1
Ipswich 1
Nottingham 1
Peterborough 15
Leigh 2
Burton on Trent 11
Banbury 6
Burnley 1
Gillingham 1
Preston 1
Bath 1
Luton 1
Torquay 2
Sikh victims nationally 200
National Total 5498