So much for diversity, it strikes me that if 2% of the population is supposed to be Gay/Lesbian/Trans then why does it appear that 95% of the BBC celebs appear to be Gay/Lesbian/Trans.
Much as I love Milo as well as nearly all of his work, I think we need to be careful not to create a resentment between Men and Women by sinking to the very low standards of the modern feminists.
It’s only a tiny minority of females who buy in to this insane Third Wave Feminism bullshit, and they will grow out of it as soon as they leave university (unless they go to work at the BBC or in academia.)
“MGTOW is about abandoning women and living without them”
Only in part. MGTOW is about turning your back on a society which has nothing but contempt for you and which uses you as a slave. Part of this is a rejection of “traditional” gender roles within relationships, but it goes much further than that.
As for hating women; it’s true that their is a period termed “red pill rage” when you first see the truth, but this passes. It is a period of re-birth and it can be difficult, even traumatic. But after the RPR has subsided you can use all the energy towards what benifits yourself.
I have to support Spacemonkey here. Although I’ve had girlfriends in the past, I really haven’t bothered for quite a few years now, so my life is largely MGTOW in its philosophy. The reasons are many but can be boiled down to :
a) I’m not interested in monitoring/responding to their emotions (usually very temporary and trivial). This is reflected in the wider world with silly and damaging laws passed due to strident feminist demands.
b) Equality in the law is never enough for them, many women want special treatment so that they can never be seen as in the wrong. Look at how men and women are sentenced for committing the same crimes.
c) I find most women (not all) uninteresting in their conversation. They see only what’s in front of them, or what can benefit them in some way.
In response to Edward I don’t hate women (I usually have good relationships with lesbians whenever I’ve met them!) but I’ve realised that men get a terrible deal in marriage, access to kids after divorce etc and as Spacemonkey said you are paying taxes to a Government that will screw working men for all their worth whilst handing out cash and preferments to people who will likely ruin civilisation (Lily Allen?), for nothing better than votes and ‘feelings’.
Very interesting video, only spoilt by the irritating & depressing background music. Because of this I couldn’t finish watching the video. Background music ugh. Why?
Good stuff Kaiser.
The story of Fathers 4 Justice-like that of Farage and Banks-will one day be seriously taught as vital to our turning from Blairworld to Trumptown USA.
Matt O Connor, like Heather Brook; deserve thanking now for what they did-they risked an awful lot,and we democrats and supporters of dads must`nt forget them.
Ditto Julie Bailey. Local Heroes! But worldwide impact that June 23rd would have been related to maybe?
I am not going to spend my life apologising to a minority of bigoted liberal morons for being born a white straight male. Thankfully, after decades of ideological subversion, the truth is finally starting to come into focus and destroy the stranglehold that political correctness as had on western society for 60-odd years.
“Do we need men?”….well let’s have a look if we didn’t…
1: All sports will stop as women can’t play them, and women don’t want to watch other women playing them all badly either… At least you will be able to say “women are the best in the world” and not sound like a complete lunatic! π
2: The ‘parallel park’ will cease to exist… You know you can’t do one ladies π
3: You will have nothing to talk about!… If you’re not talking to your ‘sisters’ about babies and how men are all bastards, your conversation topics are wiped out!
4: You will spend even more money on make up and clothes and feel even worse about how you look, because without men telling you how beautiful you are, and without men to take your hatred out on, you will have to take it out on your mortal enemies…. Women! And we know how bitchy and brutal they are right?! π
5: All Jars cease to exist. Unless your friends with Serena Williams, even a half open lid ain’t shifting π
6: No cars. No electricity. No oil or gas….and if you would like a shelf hanging up to show your nice flowers off, forget it! The time of having things always working when you try them and having a male to call when they don’t, are over! Good luck with those grass huts π
What I do find funny about Al Shabeebs constant deviousness, conniving, bigotry and man hating, is they would never ask this genuinely needed and justifed question…..
“Do we need Muslims”…
Al Shabeeb… Not just hate filled bigots…SPINELESS hate filled bigots…
(You know I love you really ladies π I’m not a follower of the child raping, psychopathic, so-called prophet)
I particularly smiled at point 3. If you ever listen to Woman’s Hour (and I don’t recommend it!), then it’s a bunch of feminists moaning about men. Every day for one hour.
I like No 6, reminded me of a conversation my brother had with his wife once. She has a habit of using the car for even the shortest of distances, 100 yards? In the car! He asked her one morning as was getting the car out to go round the corner, “what would you do if there were no cars?” She thought for a moment and said, “get a taxi!”
Quite astonishing! I read the blurb so nicely provided by the BBC. I was left wondering how interactive technology could have been used by Goebbels, under the heading “Do We Need Jews?” Does the BBC not realise how offensive they are to the vast majority of decent people?
At the end of the hate-article, we were presented with this: “Children might also prefer and benefit from having two domestic parents, although this remains a controversial topic.”
It might be controversial in BBC land, but in the real world of crime, illiteracy, misery, self-harming, thwarted life chances and relationship chances it is not controversial at all.
My visceral hatred of the tiny, elitist, destructive, amoral, wicked little group of totally out of touch, clueless, spoiled, degenerate children who control the BBC grows with every passing day.
Agree 100% – see my post on the ‘Ask Angela’ thread for more on this topic.
Of course, “controversial” in Beeb-speak simply denotes something with which the BBC doesn’t agree but which would not be controversial with most sane people.
“My visceral hatred of the tiny, elitist, destructive, amoral, wicked little group of totally out of touch, clueless, spoiled, degenerate children who control the BBC grows with every passing day.” – To be carved in stone somewhere!
Yes, clocked that too. Of course deliberate. And the beer glasses are to underline that these men represent heterosexual males that we all should hope die out soon.
The Beeb would never have put that headline question above a picture of gay men, black men or, of course, muslim men.
So the Beeb want us to die out? Guess what Beeb, the feeling is mutual and you need my cash more than I need your insults.
More propaganda to decimate the ordinary family and emasculate men in the process. I don’t care what rubbish the BBC puts out ,children do better with a mother and father if at all possible.So yes we do need men.
Forgive me guys n gals but I’m still reeling about that recent story about a secualar progressive female MP who wants to teach very young children to watch porn in order to teach them the difference between “good porn” and “bad porn”
I’m left shocked and shivering at the thought that such a wretched woman should even be a Member of Parliament!?
Surely, this wretched woman’s demands are equal to those adults who seek to corrupt the minds of Minors and lead their poor souls into a life of depravity and self-harm? Therefore her depraved demands/desires must be close to Paedophilia?!
Scotland Yard sort this wretched woman out, please!
Did she? All I can say is that the leaders of our Justice System and most of the heads of the Metropolitan Police are Effeminate cowards!
We see an immediate shut-down of any critisim of the McCann parents yet these people can encourage certain low-life to teach children the very thing that probably incited those who killed Madeleine! Crazy Country!
Presumably her idea of ‘good porn’ is a film of a couple in bed with the following dialogue:
She:’Not tonight I’ve got a headache’.
He: ‘But you said that last month, dear!’
She: ‘Don’t start all that again. You don’t want me to have to use the pepper spray again, do you?’
He: (Sighing). No dear. (Goes back to sleep).
Vesna = Apparently Jenni Murray shares the same opinion. In her deluded world if you show kiddies porn and point out how much it disrespects women all the children will grow up to be well adjusted citizens.
What film was it – did you borrow a video of Jaqui Smiths husband. Where was it set – maybe Rotherham.
Really Jenni – I wonder how much porn you showed your kids? Not much – I bet
“Allegedly, or so I’ve been told” there’s an increasing number of porn films in which women beat up men. The preferred acronym is CBT – which is not Cognative Behavioural Therapy.
Perhaps these are the sort of films they want to corrupt children with – another step to creating the new normal.
One of the greatest mistakes made by post war governments is in not teaching children what Fascism is. When I talk to people – of almost any age, they are unable to accurately define Fascism in any realistic way.
So perhaps you, dear reader might want to ask yourself this very question – what is Fascism?
Well here’s a simplistic and brief answer. It is basically socialism with an element of scapegoating. Finding a groups of definable individuals on which all of your problems can be blamed, and in this iteration, those individuals are white males.
It is a very seductive and easy trap to fall into. Didn’t get that promotion – blame white males, missed the bus? white male bus driver etc etc etc.
Yep they hate men. Fat women are ok though , they even use glamorous advertising for overweight women sizes 12-22. Fat men are just considered disgusting and useless and would never get the same preferential treatment that fat women get. Of course its all about forcing their twisted leftie liberal agenda on everyone, emasculating men and many other appalling things. They have tried to force the white British male to the bottom of the stack.
“They have tried to force the white British male to the bottom of the stack.”
Completely agree!
Though the poor Teacher seen in the following video isn’t British – he is Canadian – we can see how the white male is openly attacked for making a stand against Gender Bender madness in University! Scroll down to the video. Its absolutely shocking how the freaks in society attack (physically – cops are called) him and his supporters simply for what he tried to say (hence for the need of his load voice!)
Of course, women need men just as you need us!
It`s a two way street-“the other half of the sky” as Lennon sang.
And I though that all he warbled was now scripture at the BBC.
The kids needed me as babies and growing up-but they needed dad to break free, take risks and try things that I wouldn`t or couldn`t.
Not only that-but hubby could do no other but show the girls what a “decent bloke” might look like when they met one…and the boy learned from a decent example in the house with us all.
None of us perfect, mistakes made and all that. But we`ve done a good job, and maybe that is ALL we were asked to do in Gods eyes.
The professional feminists appall, repel and disgust in all measure.
When a Germaine Greer or a Camila Paglia are loathed-and a Sarah Palin or Melanie Phillips are so trashed, let alone Ann Coulter or Ann Widdicombe, by their “so-called sisters”?
You know it`s time to cauterise the “wise wound”, roll up the womens tent and make sure nobody confuses a BBC staffer or a Lily Allen with anything that Germaine, Andrea or Julie said or says now.
Women brought up to hate men tend to hate most other things and die joyless, unfulfilled and bitter. Look at any BBC females life. They speak for no-one but their nasty harpic tribe, real women out here and down there only feel sorry for them, but would like them to earn a living from NOT being bilious and full of vinegar where milk might be expected.
Breast cancer and ulcers?..who knows, but their nastiness won`t help will it?
I’m a little confused about how this article is about how the bBC hates men. This bBC video clip (2 mins) shows that, that isn’t true. (If you have two mins, do watch the video and then come out with: “WTF?”) and that a lot of men at the bBC just love men. If you can’t spare two mins have a laugh at the Family guy video
Search Biased BBC
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frankly as the bbc all appear to be homosexual, the question is why they need women
oh yeah forgot fag hags
So much for diversity, it strikes me that if 2% of the population is supposed to be Gay/Lesbian/Trans then why does it appear that 95% of the BBC celebs appear to be Gay/Lesbian/Trans.
MGTOW has the answer.
MGTOW is about abandoning women and living without them (Men Going Their Own Way). It’s also about hating women, from my experience.
Much as I love Milo as well as nearly all of his work, I think we need to be careful not to create a resentment between Men and Women by sinking to the very low standards of the modern feminists.
It’s only a tiny minority of females who buy in to this insane Third Wave Feminism bullshit, and they will grow out of it as soon as they leave university (unless they go to work at the BBC or in academia.)
“MGTOW is about abandoning women and living without them”
Only in part. MGTOW is about turning your back on a society which has nothing but contempt for you and which uses you as a slave. Part of this is a rejection of “traditional” gender roles within relationships, but it goes much further than that.
As for hating women; it’s true that their is a period termed “red pill rage” when you first see the truth, but this passes. It is a period of re-birth and it can be difficult, even traumatic. But after the RPR has subsided you can use all the energy towards what benifits yourself.
“Itβs only a tiny minority of females who buy in to this insane Third Wave Feminism bullshit”
This is the perfect example of NAWALT. Not all women are like that.
Once you start to see the paterns of behavior, the sly little tricks they pull you will see that indeed AWALT.
I agree. Most if not all women I know, detest feminists.
But this thought i have sometimes. If, as we are told incessantly, radical Muslims are a very tiny minority, how come they still exist.
I have to support Spacemonkey here. Although I’ve had girlfriends in the past, I really haven’t bothered for quite a few years now, so my life is largely MGTOW in its philosophy. The reasons are many but can be boiled down to :
a) I’m not interested in monitoring/responding to their emotions (usually very temporary and trivial). This is reflected in the wider world with silly and damaging laws passed due to strident feminist demands.
b) Equality in the law is never enough for them, many women want special treatment so that they can never be seen as in the wrong. Look at how men and women are sentenced for committing the same crimes.
c) I find most women (not all) uninteresting in their conversation. They see only what’s in front of them, or what can benefit them in some way.
In response to Edward I don’t hate women (I usually have good relationships with lesbians whenever I’ve met them!) but I’ve realised that men get a terrible deal in marriage, access to kids after divorce etc and as Spacemonkey said you are paying taxes to a Government that will screw working men for all their worth whilst handing out cash and preferments to people who will likely ruin civilisation (Lily Allen?), for nothing better than votes and ‘feelings’.
Very interesting video, only spoilt by the irritating & depressing background music. Because of this I couldn’t finish watching the video. Background music ugh. Why?
my son 16 has just come to live with me π
10years of csa OVER π
150mile round trips to pick him up are over π
he travels 5hrs a day 4 days a week to college bless him
he chose his dad when legally allowed to make the choice π
Good stuff Kaiser.
The story of Fathers 4 Justice-like that of Farage and Banks-will one day be seriously taught as vital to our turning from Blairworld to Trumptown USA.
Matt O Connor, like Heather Brook; deserve thanking now for what they did-they risked an awful lot,and we democrats and supporters of dads must`nt forget them.
Ditto Julie Bailey. Local Heroes! But worldwide impact that June 23rd would have been related to maybe?
I am not going to spend my life apologising to a minority of bigoted liberal morons for being born a white straight male. Thankfully, after decades of ideological subversion, the truth is finally starting to come into focus and destroy the stranglehold that political correctness as had on western society for 60-odd years.
“If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts.”
Camille Paglia.
“Do we need men?”….well let’s have a look if we didn’t…
1: All sports will stop as women can’t play them, and women don’t want to watch other women playing them all badly either… At least you will be able to say “women are the best in the world” and not sound like a complete lunatic! π
2: The ‘parallel park’ will cease to exist… You know you can’t do one ladies π
3: You will have nothing to talk about!… If you’re not talking to your ‘sisters’ about babies and how men are all bastards, your conversation topics are wiped out!
4: You will spend even more money on make up and clothes and feel even worse about how you look, because without men telling you how beautiful you are, and without men to take your hatred out on, you will have to take it out on your mortal enemies…. Women! And we know how bitchy and brutal they are right?! π
5: All Jars cease to exist. Unless your friends with Serena Williams, even a half open lid ain’t shifting π
6: No cars. No electricity. No oil or gas….and if you would like a shelf hanging up to show your nice flowers off, forget it! The time of having things always working when you try them and having a male to call when they don’t, are over! Good luck with those grass huts π
What I do find funny about Al Shabeebs constant deviousness, conniving, bigotry and man hating, is they would never ask this genuinely needed and justifed question…..
“Do we need Muslims”…
Al Shabeeb… Not just hate filled bigots…SPINELESS hate filled bigots…
(You know I love you really ladies π I’m not a follower of the child raping, psychopathic, so-called prophet)
I particularly smiled at point 3. If you ever listen to Woman’s Hour (and I don’t recommend it!), then it’s a bunch of feminists moaning about men. Every day for one hour.
I like No 6, reminded me of a conversation my brother had with his wife once. She has a habit of using the car for even the shortest of distances, 100 yards? In the car! He asked her one morning as was getting the car out to go round the corner, “what would you do if there were no cars?” She thought for a moment and said, “get a taxi!”
Quite astonishing! I read the blurb so nicely provided by the BBC. I was left wondering how interactive technology could have been used by Goebbels, under the heading “Do We Need Jews?” Does the BBC not realise how offensive they are to the vast majority of decent people?
At the end of the hate-article, we were presented with this: “Children might also prefer and benefit from having two domestic parents, although this remains a controversial topic.”
It might be controversial in BBC land, but in the real world of crime, illiteracy, misery, self-harming, thwarted life chances and relationship chances it is not controversial at all.
My visceral hatred of the tiny, elitist, destructive, amoral, wicked little group of totally out of touch, clueless, spoiled, degenerate children who control the BBC grows with every passing day.
Agree 100% – see my post on the ‘Ask Angela’ thread for more on this topic.
Of course, “controversial” in Beeb-speak simply denotes something with which the BBC doesn’t agree but which would not be controversial with most sane people.
“My visceral hatred of the tiny, elitist, destructive, amoral, wicked little group of totally out of touch, clueless, spoiled, degenerate children who control the BBC grows with every passing day.” – To be carved in stone somewhere!
Notice it’s three white men on the linked page. Perhaps one of them is trans?
Sit back and watch as the liberal future very quickly catches up with its own tail and starts eating itself.
Yes, clocked that too. Of course deliberate. And the beer glasses are to underline that these men represent heterosexual males that we all should hope die out soon.
The Beeb would never have put that headline question above a picture of gay men, black men or, of course, muslim men.
So the Beeb want us to die out? Guess what Beeb, the feeling is mutual and you need my cash more than I need your insults.
‘So the Beeb want us to die out? Guess what Beeb, the feeling is mutual and you need my cash more than I need your insults.’
Couldn’t have put it better myself, just that annoying compulsory TV tax to scrap and the problem will solve itself.
Not sure what the correct term is for a parasite that is hell bent on destroying the host that feeds and houses it – except stupid, perhaps?
More propaganda to decimate the ordinary family and emasculate men in the process. I don’t care what rubbish the BBC puts out ,children do better with a mother and father if at all possible.So yes we do need men.
While men sleep and snore Lesbians are very worryingly working tirelessly to destroy thousands of years of family life!:
Forgive me guys n gals but I’m still reeling about that recent story about a secualar progressive female MP who wants to teach very young children to watch porn in order to teach them the difference between “good porn” and “bad porn”
I’m left shocked and shivering at the thought that such a wretched woman should even be a Member of Parliament!?
Surely, this wretched woman’s demands are equal to those adults who seek to corrupt the minds of Minors and lead their poor souls into a life of depravity and self-harm? Therefore her depraved demands/desires must be close to Paedophilia?!
Scotland Yard sort this wretched woman out, please!
The BBC’s very own agony (for listeners, anyway) aunt ‘Dame’ [sic] Jenni Murray caused controversy when advocating this a few months ago.
Did she? All I can say is that the leaders of our Justice System and most of the heads of the Metropolitan Police are Effeminate cowards!
We see an immediate shut-down of any critisim of the McCann parents yet these people can encourage certain low-life to teach children the very thing that probably incited those who killed Madeleine! Crazy Country!
Presumably her idea of ‘good porn’ is a film of a couple in bed with the following dialogue:
She:’Not tonight I’ve got a headache’.
He: ‘But you said that last month, dear!’
She: ‘Don’t start all that again. You don’t want me to have to use the pepper spray again, do you?’
He: (Sighing). No dear. (Goes back to sleep).
She’s the one who has a police caution for domestic violence, she beat he husband up. She also represents a town (in)famous for child grooming.
A police caution? How do these kind of people manage to convince the public to vote them into office?
I bet she’s out on her heels whenever Mrs May goes to the country!
Sooner the better for me!
Vesna = Apparently Jenni Murray shares the same opinion. In her deluded world if you show kiddies porn and point out how much it disrespects women all the children will grow up to be well adjusted citizens.
What film was it – did you borrow a video of Jaqui Smiths husband. Where was it set – maybe Rotherham.
Really Jenni – I wonder how much porn you showed your kids? Not much – I bet
And if you did – shame on you!
Right on !
Silly me – meant to say from Jaqui Smiths husband. Still I am sure Jenni wouldnt mind as long as it is “educational”!
“Allegedly, or so I’ve been told” there’s an increasing number of porn films in which women beat up men. The preferred acronym is CBT – which is not Cognative Behavioural Therapy.
Perhaps these are the sort of films they want to corrupt children with – another step to creating the new normal.
One of the greatest mistakes made by post war governments is in not teaching children what Fascism is. When I talk to people – of almost any age, they are unable to accurately define Fascism in any realistic way.
So perhaps you, dear reader might want to ask yourself this very question – what is Fascism?
Well here’s a simplistic and brief answer. It is basically socialism with an element of scapegoating. Finding a groups of definable individuals on which all of your problems can be blamed, and in this iteration, those individuals are white males.
It is a very seductive and easy trap to fall into. Didn’t get that promotion – blame white males, missed the bus? white male bus driver etc etc etc.
Yep they hate men. Fat women are ok though , they even use glamorous advertising for overweight women sizes 12-22. Fat men are just considered disgusting and useless and would never get the same preferential treatment that fat women get. Of course its all about forcing their twisted leftie liberal agenda on everyone, emasculating men and many other appalling things. They have tried to force the white British male to the bottom of the stack.
“They have tried to force the white British male to the bottom of the stack.”
Completely agree!
Though the poor Teacher seen in the following video isn’t British – he is Canadian – we can see how the white male is openly attacked for making a stand against Gender Bender madness in University! Scroll down to the video. Its absolutely shocking how the freaks in society attack (physically – cops are called) him and his supporters simply for what he tried to say (hence for the need of his load voice!)
Of course, women need men just as you need us!
It`s a two way street-“the other half of the sky” as Lennon sang.
And I though that all he warbled was now scripture at the BBC.
The kids needed me as babies and growing up-but they needed dad to break free, take risks and try things that I wouldn`t or couldn`t.
Not only that-but hubby could do no other but show the girls what a “decent bloke” might look like when they met one…and the boy learned from a decent example in the house with us all.
None of us perfect, mistakes made and all that. But we`ve done a good job, and maybe that is ALL we were asked to do in Gods eyes.
The professional feminists appall, repel and disgust in all measure.
When a Germaine Greer or a Camila Paglia are loathed-and a Sarah Palin or Melanie Phillips are so trashed, let alone Ann Coulter or Ann Widdicombe, by their “so-called sisters”?
You know it`s time to cauterise the “wise wound”, roll up the womens tent and make sure nobody confuses a BBC staffer or a Lily Allen with anything that Germaine, Andrea or Julie said or says now.
Women brought up to hate men tend to hate most other things and die joyless, unfulfilled and bitter. Look at any BBC females life. They speak for no-one but their nasty harpic tribe, real women out here and down there only feel sorry for them, but would like them to earn a living from NOT being bilious and full of vinegar where milk might be expected.
Breast cancer and ulcers?..who knows, but their nastiness won`t help will it?
I’m a little confused about how this article is about how the bBC hates men. This bBC video clip (2 mins) shows that, that isn’t true. (If you have two mins, do watch the video and then come out with: “WTF?”) and that a lot of men at the bBC just love men. If you can’t spare two mins have a laugh at the Family guy video