Good morning, friends. A little secret, just between you and me: most of this particular Blog was recycled from two pieces I wrote in that notoriously Far-Right racist neoliberal rag, the so-called Guardian, this week! But then, those of us on the Progressive Left are great believers in recycling – there is, friends, literally only one Earth, apart from all the others – and if as a result my Hard-Right Carbon Emissions are reduced by even a few kilogrammes, it’s surely justified, isn’t it?
Give this man his own thread somebody!
This is a scroll for the Ages,
I myself-and my lovely gels of Wayne County , over there in Munster-resolve to be the Twitchfork Mob to follow blindly into the Komment Macht Frei Sea of Correct Thoughts and Virtues…and urge all fellow Reds to do the same.
Ours not to reason Y!
Support Our Lefty.
Sporting Lisbon Lion O
Porto Lou so true.
(Haiku Zen Green Belt Rice Paper Tiger of the Bird Base Fold-c/o Robert Harbin 1972)
Thank you, Friend Dover! Am currently being attacked by a bitter lefty troll on Guido Fawkes at the moment, and I can’t tell you how nice – and a literally refreshing contrast – it is to pop over here and see such kind comments from you and Friend Chris :).
The saddest part is that you cannot parody liberals enough to match the arrogance, hate, bitterness, petulance, ignorance and hypocrisy of the real thing.
Yes, it is always the left who are so full of hatred. Despite their constant whining about themselves being so ‘tolerant’.
Of course, lefties are only tolerant of people who agree with them, or members of victim groups they worship, all judged according to some ‘top trump’ scoring system of virtue.
The left also have all the vocabulary of hate.
Scabs: reserved for people who don’t agree with their view that people should be forced by violence to follow their side in a strike or any labour dispute.
Racist: of course anyone who doesn’t agree with them on any issue to do with race, religion, nationality, immigration, borders, right to roam etc etc
Fascist: the left throw this insult around with admirable lack of self-awareness. To some extent they can now use it this way as they have changed the meaning of the word for use as a general purpose insult by the left. The ironic thing is, they have become the real fascists, while it is arguable that Hitler would no longer be a fascist according to them – being one of them in most respects.
Rejoice in the left. Filled with hatred somewhere near you.
Well said. Just one thing…Hitler was of course a socialist totalitarian. The clue’s in his party’s full name. It’s worth reminding every SJW and Dave Spart type of this remorselessly.
The left also have all the vocabulary of hate:
Add Xenophobe, homophobe, Islamophobe, white van man, chavs, Little Englander , sexist, knuckle dragger, male pale and stale,
Too true ALM.
I know Support Our Lefty is the expert-but I too have gone into lefty websites under all manner of pretexts.
The more ridiculous and parodic the rubbish written-the more likes I get.
I “literally” linked the Third Runway with a vote to put Heseltine on trial for killing a CND agent in the form of Agent Kim…disguised as a dog, but linked to Karens Silkwoods mysterious death.
But nobody called me out as a fake or provocateur-it`s all possible in a Russell Brand kinda way apparently.
These people are beyond parody and comedy. Go in, give it a try-you`ll rarely be questioned, the more stupid and circular your claims, the more they spiral into the sand-the more your likes.
Let us be your Prat-Orient Guard!
We`re thick, lefty and tend to go in with both pixie boots first and then seek compo and a Channel 4 series once we`ve self referred to them as “vulnerable victims”.
And to quote-if I dare-another top Kentishman of the Weald.
Lord Nigel Farage of Wetherspoons. “`Tis when you`re directly over their target that you draw the most fire”.
Of course he`s not got a bumpkin wiseacre straw chewing accent as I ascribe/ But it`s my truth, so up yours Delors!
Welcome to the MASH tent my friend! The aptly-named Dover Sentry will take your bags and send you Tokyo tickets very soon.
Me-apparently “I`m just a lawnmower” according to Brian Perns understudy!
Anybody else hear the Today programme Brexit interviews with the folk from Barnsley this morning? If you didn’t then you can guess where it was going, and it did. But there was one moment where the reporter said to one of her victims “why are you pushing my arm?”.
Now it’s clear to me why this wasn’t edited out, as numerous other bits would have been. The fact that this reporter can descend upon innocent folk going about their daily lives in an effort to make them sound stupid, as they frequently have, but also imply that they are violent, presumably for being a bit offended by her being in their face, is frankly despicable.
Margaret Mead was a privileged bluestocking fake along the lines of Marie Stopes and Ginny Woolfe, Brittains, Mitfords and Frys of Bloomsbury.
She too could not do but sniff, snoop and judge inferior tribes-then write her lies, prejudices and cliched hogwash for eh shelves of Oxbridge, What`s My Line and Meet the Cheeses type of elitist plum gobbed shite that the BBC regard as “contemporary current affair”
TODAYS fearless sniffers of the working clarses laundry bag and blagged trainers not only get far more money than Maggie Mead of the Top Peoples Tribe, They don`t even have to write in a notebook or pit up a tent. let alone talk to people off mic, off camera.
They just make it up, then back to their Shepherds Bunch Rent Boys and Drug Bustaz, save for a Skype to nanny or Jocasta on the forth floor.
The past is another country eh?
Well as nothing compared to the land of Shannon Matthews and Guacamole Joe.
The BBC are hated and unwelcome anywhere now but five miles around Orgreave or Hillsborough…but they still like Headingly and Scarborough where Uncle Jim blazed his bestest.
Still though-Acton Drama Schools coaches (Regional Chav division, by appointment to Kyle and Snow) will be doing alright out of it.
Look-Children in Pigskins coming up in a fortnights time-we really need to get the BBCs fat fingers off the nub of youth this year.
Would YOU trust any kid near Dismal Desmond in a slanket ?
Barnsley eh? from BBC “Battle of Orgreave” working class heroes to “left behind” Brexit zeroes in less than a week.
Hard to keep up with the gyrations of the BBC trendy lefties these days isn`t it?….fair makes you dizzy…. no wonder the lad they interviewed needed a friendly, comradely arm to hold onto.
You should have heard Nicky Campbell on his Radio 5-Live morning show today! It was a disgrace!
Those BBC presenters have clearly thrown off any pretence of bias.
And the guys tone of voice while interviewing MP Davies was a disgrace!
On the other hand his tone of voice while speaking to the SNP MP was the opposite!
To add insult upon insult when this radio 5 guy said goodbye to MP Davies he was so sarcastic, so insulting! At the end of the interview when saying goodbye with the words: “have a nice day Mr Davies” (it was as if he would have loved to have included the words – Hee, Hee)
We could also hear his guests in the background sniggering and laughing their socks-off!
The man is stupid .The BBC will gleefully foment further division in our society in the mistaken belief that it can help stop Brexit.
Brexit cannot be stopped without destroying any residual faith by us in the shires in parliament.
Campbell and the rest are enjoying a brief interlude that to them seems like victory. It is not. The insurgency of the alternative right is not going to stop here or in the US and Europe. It is just the way it is . Everything changes and cultural marxism has reached it’s end. Campbell is out of date and out of time. Only the existence of a state funded broadcaster keeps him and his like in existence. Most of the MSM is in thrall to their beliefs but that will change when the tide of battle changes.
The BBC will be the last to understand and that is all to the good.
Ironic that the likes of the BBC claim to be saving the UK when they are intent on destroying everything that makes it great, which will ultimately lead to civil and potentially even world war.
That the BBC is so closely and clearly allied with the Remoaners will be a good thing in the long run. The more the BBC mocks us Leavers , denigrates us, stigmatises us,the better. The BBC does not seem to realise that on Brexit , thanks to the long campaign, we are all well informed about the issues. Usually the BBC seeks to mould public opinion to its globalist, leftist, elitist point of view, on issues where the public’s knowledge of what is being debated is much less complete than it is on Brexit. Therefore the bias of the BBC towards Remain is very clear to all, whereas usually the bias is more opaque. Everyone can see what they are up to.
I assume that about 52% of the License Fee payers voted Leave. So mocking Leavers, calling them uneducated, racist idiots, sneering at them from dawn to dusk , seems awfully like biting the hand that feeds the BBC. At last millions of people must be beginning to realise what we on this site have known for sometime , that the BBC does not represent their interests and regards them with contempt. They will surely begin to wonder why they are forced to pay for the BBC when it regards them as the scum of the earth. So go on BBc keep up your pro Remain bias, keep on insulting 52% of those who pay for you. The BBC is steadily sticking its head in a noose. In time we just need a politician with the balls to kick away the stool.
Isn’t she the lesbian who is hardly seen in her seat these days – since lesbians rather talk to the BBC TV/Radio propaganda queens – rather than sit next to old scruffy, smelly, suited males!
I thought the Today programme broadcast from Bradford was unremarkable in every way. As usual, the BBC searched and found socio-economic group D’s to blather incoherently in an amusingly thick accent about Brexit, and they couldn’t believe their luck when they got one man to say he didn’t understand what Brexit was all about – they’re hugging themselves with glee about that. Unless my memory has failed (I was doing other jobs while I listened), they then had an articulate, evenly-spoken, intelligent-sounding person to say why we should stay in. Perfect – G&T’s all round.
Didn’t the BBC suggest that the rapists were probably “People Traffickers”. No evidence of course but we can’t speak negatively about “the Children” LOL.
“Rochdale rape: Man sexually assaulted in Broadfield Park”
It is reported on the BBC but only on a ‘regions’ section, the difference of the report from one which might have happened the other way around is striking.
I see this not as a homosexual rape, but two Muslims exercising their dominance and contempt over a non Muslim. Back in history Muslims used to rape their captives prior to execution in order to dishonour & dehumanise them.
It is absolutely a racist and religiously motivated hate crime and yet it isn’t recorded as such because the victim is white and in the mind of the Fascist left the hated whites deserve it.
Sorry couldn’t resist this…
BBC Radio 4 is running the serialised biography of Alan Bennett keep on keeping on.
Bennett is a far leftist, bordering on Communist and a BBC favourite his life appears to be a continual moan about all his problems being caused by people who fail to see the world as he does.
He attacks everyone from Farage to Fib Dems, and anyone who dares question his views. He really is a nasty bitter & twisted gay of the worst kind.
No wonder the BBC see him as some kind of national treasure !
My favourite Bennetism was in the 80s when Argentina occupied the Falklands. He failed to see what the fuss was all about and wrote something like ‘One of the main complaints is that the Falklanders have been stopped and searched regularly by the police while out walking at night. Something that is suffered by many citizens of the UK on a regular basis – most of them black.’
Another BBC ‘golden Oldie’ was the late Ray Gossling who was found to suffer from a range of mental problems after admitting to an ‘imaginary’ murder to attract attention to himself (and gay sympathy), he later admitted. Another embittered BBC employee with the same sympathies of Alan Bennet and just as sad. I was reading this in The Oldie and thought ‘bloddy hell’ this IS the BBC in pictures and life saga. Another maverick loony supported entirely by the BBC.
The regressive media are now in full panic mode – even they realise they might not now manage to drag Hillary’s stinking, corrupted old corpse across the finish line ahead of Trump. What a gloriously interesting time we live in!
The BBC, engaged in the usual regressive cognitive dissonance we now come to associate with the left, see the race as ‘close’ (because of course they do). Trump could be set for a major win next week: all the signs are pointing at it. Voter enthusiasm amongst Trump supporters is now electric – Clinton’s potential supporters are at best ‘soft’, at worst (and more commonly) completely disengaged.
Get ready for the Dems to play possibly their last ‘Trump’ card – now is the time for them to hit out, like a cornered animal, with any dirt on Trump they might still have left in their ammunition belt. Desperate actions of a doomed campaign – but it can still happen. Friday evening is the preferred window for any such media dump, so stay on your toes!
Lots of things to think about, but for one, how will the markets react to a Trump win?
For some time now they have been attuned by the controlled and biased media into believing that Clinton is a shoe-in and have priced accordingly. If Trump does win, and I for one think he could well do, there is likely to be a lot of turbulence next week as the markets re-set their positions.
This can be seen in the gold markets right now, where prices have been edging up this week in line with Trump’s perceived momentum change. Serious commentators are suggesting that $100 per day rises in the gold price could become the norm for a while.
The biased media, including BBC and Sky, will react to all this with shock, awe and wonderment, further exacerbating the uncertainty.
The Clinton emails are destroying her chances by the day, and Anonymous are apparently saving the best for this weekend. In contrast, the media still thinks they can scupper Trump with baseless accusations from provably unreliable people with close Democrat party ties, and out-of-context private recordings from 10 or more years ago.
I know of too many people who trust the baseless accusations against Trump, and at the same time know nothing of the accumulating evidence of Clinton crimes.
This is evidently the fault of the corrupt MSM, who may still win, God forbid.
As I don’t believe in God, I am just biting my fingernails till Wednesday morning.
I really do fear for this country after watching QT last night………one disgusting lefty witch who ‘worked’ at Ormond St Children’s hospital who ‘hoped some of the leaver’s children got seriously ill and needed to use her hospital to see the effects of leaving the EU’. This outrageous comment was glossed over and virtually ignored, yet when the AMERICAN journalist announced he was voting for Trump, he was roundly booed and some stupid Corbyn look-a-like said he ‘should be ashamed of himself voting for that man’ to rapturous cheers and smile on Dimbleby’s face. Only 2 Trump supporters in a crowd
of what I would estimate about 150, and yet the 2 AMERICANS on the panel both laid out Saint Hillary to be the globalist establishment criminal that she really is.
The fat shite Nandy with her lithp also said she ‘would walk through fire to vote for Hillary Clinton’ again to rapturous applause.
Switched over to News Shite when ‘Orgreave’ was mentioned just to see Kirsty Wark’s smug sneering pus announce that a Tory MP had demanded that the BBC play the National Anthem at midnight each night. She then glibly agreed and then they played the Sex Pistols version. As much as I love the Pistols, I hate seeing the rebellion and venom of my youth which the BBC and others banned and sought to censor now used by the same wankerati to score petty political points. Then I re-assured myself that their viewing figures mean not too many saw it.
There truly is No Future for you.
Gave Charlie Woolf a few minutes-courteous and impressive, having heard him on the Moral Maze only the night before.
Thought Huey Morgan to be decent enough, if a bit silly in part. But the arts and BBC6 would not employ him if he were too open. But he DID get a good few pops in at Hillaricky Dickie..and , as a former US serviceman with at least three great songs, he was fair and as reasoned as any American dares to be in luvvie land.
As for the British shower on the panel?…words fail me, as they do them whenever they spout them.
The audience?…the ones I heard were malicious and evil, very much still reprising that 9/11 thing of sneering and belittling the Americans and their ways, means, country and culture. Trump will sort them, once we`ve seen the Cape Cod Birdeye scum who hop over there to be clever-but hate the country and its people. The Americans need to know who stabs them in the back-and keep them out.
Nail the buggers to that wall in New Mexico if they dare to show up.
WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL!
Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is a controversial character. But there’s no denying the emails he has picked up from inside the Democrat Party are real, and he’s willing to expose Hillary Clinton.
Now, he’s announcing that Hillary Clinton and her State Department were actively arming Islamic jihadists, which includes the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.
Clinton has repeatedly denied these claims, including during multiple statements while under oath in front of the United States Senate.
WikiLeaks is about to prove Hillary Clinton deserves to be arrested
What is also quite interesting is that Assange has confirmed that he hasn’t got his information from the Russians. Some have suggested that it has come from inside Washington.
It also appears this morning that the FBI have picked up some emails from the Weiner laptop, emails which Clinton did not deliver to them in their previous investigation. This could be very serious, and could result in a charge of Obstruction of Justice which could put her behind bars for a long time.
It is understood that those (US) global businesses who were finacially supporting Clinton are beating a hasty retreat (I read in the Times Business section). Thanks to the two FBI investigations + another on ‘hold’ there will be no end to this and no possible ‘cover up’ by the (media) establishment. Trump is expected to win handsomely and Clinton (both of them hopefully) will be arrested before or after the Election result. The UK foreign office has already been briefed on Trump likely US result outcome and his supporting UK Brexit negotiations (the Clintons would do exactly the opposite).
The BBC rushing to defend Muslims despite the fact that their very own program Panorama founf that there is in truth an issue.
However, they needn’t worry, because like so much the UK government does, it’s all a facade to show that there’s really nothing to worry about and no case to answer (because Saudi sayd there isn’t).
Guess who our ‘honourable’ House of Commons has chosen to head the inquiry? Who might be the worst possible choice for an unbiased objective outcome?
Yep that’s right they chose the wholly discredited Keith Vaz !
At the same time, almost unbelievably the Home Office is running a separate inquiry undertaken by the Saudi funded Edinburgh University led by Mona Siddiqui, a professor of Islamic and interreligious studies.
“Over the past decade, Saudi Arabia has been the largest source of donations from Islamic states and royal families to British universities, much of which is devoted to the study of Islam, the Middle East and Arabic literature.
A large share of this money goes toward establishing Islamic study centres. In 2008, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, nephew of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, donated £8m each to Cambridge and Edinburgh for this purpose.”
Of course, any self respecting independent journalist would be shouting this out from the rooftops, but either they don’t realise what is going on, or they have had their own mouths stuffed with the Saudi gold.
The BBC have reported on the issue of oil rich Sunni Muslim countries making huge donations to UK universities for the purpose of the promotion of Islam – however they have never reported on the consequences of such donations.
There’s no need to run these inquiries I can tell you the conclusions already. There is no issue with discrimination against women in Sharia courts, Islam is a tolerant religion which upholds the rights of, and respects women. And I have a rather large bank account to prove it !
The BBC accept Saudi funds for identical PR exercises and “Islamic studies’ seen myself in many of our UK Universities this is apparent on my visits and it is worrying that the influnce has been paid for almost exclusively by the Saudis…
The Saudis have also threatened to ‘pull out’ (form the US) 98 Billion dollars if they are blamed for 9/11 (which was strongly linked to Saudi by FBI) which is unarguable as its true but never media sanctioned. And then The Saudi themselves invest in the UK (horse racing), UK gambling dens and London property and who virtually own the BBC HQ (Salford Quay) is again rented to Arab linked consortiums (QATAR) and links to Labour property companies in Manchester (using money from…)!
And then Saudi itself is heading for bankruptcy (the Saudi’s own first minister has been sacked for stating the ‘bleedin’ obvious that they can no longer afford the ‘largesse’ of sponsoring the BBC or working a few hours a day with nobody paying state taxes. It was in The Times – but you can read it here…
“A society that cannot defend its children has no future”
However villainous one may think Putin is, he is absolutely right here: the massive influx of Muslim migrants in Europe has caused a “dissolution of traditional national values,” and indeed, “a society that cannot defend its children has no future.” That’s the United Kingdom, with its massive Muslim rape gang activity that authorities feared being called “racist” and “Islamophobic” if they stopped, and Austria with its release of the Muslim migrant who raped a 10-year-old boy — indeed, the illness has overtaken all of Europe’s political and media elites.
Well at least WikiLeaks has raised my mood…Listen brexit will happen I would like it to happen quickly but it would appear we have to do the full assault course. At worst May will have to call a general election with over 70% in England and Wales voting out..I think the chances of remainers actually being selected is slim……… so thinking about it imagine parliment. Full of tories brexiters and a collaspe of labour … By the way “Go Trump!!!”
“…Listen brexit will happen I would like it to happen quickly but it would appear we have to do the full assault course…”
Spot-on. Regressive remoaners will make sure that we suffer along every inch of the assault course they will erect for us – cheerled by useful idiots at the BBC and CH4, naturally enough. This will be an exercise in pernickety, spiteful, bad-tempered political sniping and divisive point-scoring. They will try to sabotage Brexit at every turn, employ every discredited method in their filthy book of tricks and yet somehow still possess the cheek to claim they are not trying to change the outcome of the referendum, or subvert a democratic vote to leave the hated EU.
ObiWan, yes – and all that’s before we even START the process of leaving. Just imagine what it will be like in Brussels after we do! If Article 50 is D-Day then actually getting out of the EU will be like the Battle of Stalingrad.
I dont there will be a general election. The papers are just creating a stir to sell papers.
All this is a game, to show that all possible measures have been taken. T May probably told the judges that she would welcome their obstruction in the manner they did.
St George, I hope you are right.
It is also quite evident that the Brexit struggle will benefit from Trump being elected. So this is not ‘by the way’ but rather on the high road: Go Trump!
Neither LibDems or Labour is keen to have an election, as they know the conservatives will get a huge majority, and UKIP will become the official opposition.
So their gloating at the High court’s decision, is tempered with a good deal of fear. They dare not push too hard against May or she will threaten them with an electoral annihilation.
What with everything else going on in the news at the moment, I fear that we have all taken our eyes off the Climate Change debate- here is an update on that for info…
Arghh! but then what made the earth heat up (to a lefty) it was Coal and the UK produced Coal (rusty BBC logic linked to failed O’levels), and the (UK) Industrial revolution (further linked to BBC GCSE revison exercises) therefore England made the planet ‘heat up’ suddenly and too many people turned the ‘lights-ON’ leading to ‘Acid rain’, ‘deforestation’, ‘racism’, ‘global warming’, and BREXIT and finally (horror of horrors) Donald Trump! The BBC have got it covered under the TV license fee. You can fix a lot of things with £4.8 Billion pounds. Unfortunately it will never be enough to fix the BBC.
Dedicated to those hilarious Lefties, Jeremy Hardy, Marcus Brigstocke, Mark Steel et al who regularly have those of us on the Progressive Left – literally – in stitches.
Friends! Right-wingers have literally no sense of humour!
We on the Progressive Left can,and do, laugh at them. Why can't they do the same?
DT: “The Crown, which launches on Netflix on November 4 with the first season’s 10 episodes, is the global video-on-demand giant’s first original series shot and produced in the UK.”
I don’t have Netflix but, as far as I can see, it seems to be a serious attempt to make a commercially viable, well acted drama. Furthermore, I haven’t detected any trace of a political/republican agenda.
This used to be the sort of thing in which the BBC excelled, but not any more.
If this does, in fact, turn out to be a successful quality drama, it raises the question once again – what useful purpose does the BBC serve in 2016?
Discussed yesterday on the BBC radio Scotland Media review Direct link to start at minute 53.
Netfix (discussed at 1h07) has now much bigger content spend than BBC, £6bn/yr vs BBC £3.7bn
Spending on this ONE series about the Queen will be £100m (6 series 10 ep each)
but it’s almost all fictional cos no one knows what the Queen said in private.
“viewing is shifting to tablet and phone old rules are shattered and BBC is stuck in 1986”
I went to see the first two episodes at the local cinema coursetsy of free tickets from the Telegraph. The programme was good quality, well scripted and acted and the sets were excellent. Better than anything that the tired old, politicised BBC has done for years.
*Breaking* : Stephen Phillips Tory MP has resigned, because though a Leaver he does not agree with the Government’s tactics.
He wants the UK to remain in the EU’s single market, has been critical of the government’s approach since June’s Leave vote.
BBC News – 21 mins ago
Conservative Stephen Phillips resigns as a Lincolnshire MP over “irreconcilable policy differences” with the government over Brexit.
Hmmm… surely if he is so vehement in his view he would have been better off staying and arguing his position, building a coalition in support etc… he is more likely to get his way now the judges have ruled than maybe he would have done before.
Seems strange. Probably more to this than meets the eye.
Agree he’as probably got a sex scandal or something.
If it had been a HARD Brexiteer then it would have been a proper Brexit bi-election, but this will be a soggy.
“He attracted criticism from some for spending around 1,700 hours annually working as a barrister whilst serving as an MP. Phillips described his own parliamentary attendance record as “excellent”, asserting his outside work “doesn’t affect the way in which I perform as an MP”, and accused his critics of “envy” over his yearly £750,000 second job earnings. has more snippets mostly about Brexit
* U-turn as Bank admits it was too pessimistic about Brexit
Mark Carney “The Bank of England yesterday admitted it had been too pessimistic about the UK’s post-Brexit economy as it upgraded forecasts for growth.”
* Chaos and misery loom as rail unions call Christmas strikes
The UN Wants Deeper Carbon Cuts to Spare Climate Refugees
Seeker-17 hours ago
… grieve over the avoidable human tragedy,” said UNEP head Erik Solheim. UN climate negotiators from 196 countries — tasked with … conflict will be a constant reminder of our failure to deliver,” Solheim said in a statement.
UN: Huge emissions cuts needed to meet Paris climate goals hours ago
Deeper carbon cuts needed to avoid climate tragedy – UN
Rappler-3 Nov 2016
UN review says carbon plans fall well short of climate goals
BBC News-3 Nov 2016
UNEP: World must ratchet up climate ambition to close emissions gap
Business Green-3 Nov 2016
UN paints apocalyptic picture of famine, war and disease unless …
In-Depth-The Independent-3 Nov 2016
Imagine a Vincent Hanna or a Robin Day doing THIS?
Spitting in the font, as if THAT is rebellion! Chucking their Gitanes stubbies over the Eton Wall and pretending THAT is revolutionary.
If I were Johnny Rotten I`d sue them for plastication.
Kirsty presumably took the night flight back to leafy gated Edinburgh to continue the commuting rebellion at our expenses.
Nasty talentless little jobbies isn`t she?
It’s pathological, I think. I think it was a poster on there that said he had cause to discipline a young woman in his company and she burst into tears, telling him that nobody had ever criticised her before and the emotional shock was too much for her. I suspect a lot of Remoaners are of the same ilk – snowflakes who have never been told ‘no’.
Such a shame Aerfan. After dumping beeb radio stations, I found LBC on my digital suddenly, then O’Brien crawls into my brain. He is vile and very creepy. He is on Newsnight sometimes, don’t watch that either. The Beeb like him though. Wish we had a national INDEPENDANT radio talk station, like R4 without the Beeb and its propaganda.
Sadly, ‘local’ radio has been a typical government fix in this country. They deliberately set the barriers to entry so high that only large companies can enter the market and prosper. This not only smothers creativity, it enables large corporations to control the entire market and as they are invariably run by soft-Left corporate drones… well, the result is there every time you switch on the radio.
I agree Blackcap, even the Globalist Bremoaner Majid Nawaz who covered OBriens slot for a week was an improvement. As a new boy on LBC he isnt quite as cocksure as ex public schoolboy O’Brian and consequently a little more inclined to treat the program as a phone in, than a Hyde Park Corner soapbox. Well, for now.
Aerfan, Yes I guess he was a bit better though a bit dull. Just been reading some of O’Briens latest rants on the Internet. His views concern me, rabid is a word that comes to mind. I can switch off, but how seriously do people really take him? He is obviously favoured on the Beeb.
Article on children’s names (again – why??). The suspicious part of me thinks that it’s another opportunity to mislead folks as to the ‘top ten most popular names’ – Mohammed doesn’t feature but we all know why.
Re Gina Miller’s ‘success’ in overturning the will of the British people: does anyone know who funded the court case?
I have no idea how much it costs taking a case to the high court but I am guessing the solicitors, barristers and other bods involved, don’t shop at food banks.
I read somewhere it is George Soros (I understand Gina’s husband’s firm has links and/or the Saudis. Sorry, full of cold and not up to finding links – and maybe I am just reading too many iffy sites.
You don’t need to read ‘iffy’ sites to worry about Soros. Even his page on the Left-dominated Wikipedia is enough to chill the blood. The man is pure evil and behind many things that worry normal people.
It was certainly alleged yesterday that he was implicated in this case.
Miller and her husband are millionaire fund managers. The firm of vultures who fought the case is, reportedly, refusing to name any of the Millers’ backers.
BBC did at least have the decency to focus quite a lot on the gleaming Bentley owned by that plumber fellow who brought the case (the car was being polished by a chauffeur in a rather camp light blue uniform).
I think we caught a glimpse of the guy outside the courts! I think he has light brown, long scruffy looking hair (dyed)
Isn’t the main guy who spoke outside the courts an hair stylist? And we know what type of client/company they keep! So its quite obvious the money is coming from a wealthy gay person!
Thought we didn`t like Investment Bankers and hedge fund parasites who get paid too much and pay too little taxes.
Or are we now to like them BBC?
If only I could keep up with the received wisdom of the BBC-I think I`m not really worthy of their implants.
Must vote Labour-must vote Labour
It won’t be from Gina’s company as it has lost 2.4 million in the last few years. Only staying afloat due to the injection of personal funds of her and her husband.
16 former scoundrels paid themselves as EU chiefs, 250K per year euros, plus ludicrous expences and generous pension contributions. They then stood down after 4 years. I guess there is only so much cash you can rip out of the pockets of poorest people in Europe without feeling slightly troubled.
They went on to convince the dopey EU that they should be paid a few bob to stop them walking straight into highly paid jobs in the private sector. They pointed out, with straight faces apparently, that they could use their EU knowledge to benefit private companies at the expense of the EU and then held out out their greasy palms.
Ok, the EU said and agreed to pay these scroungers 100K euros per year for 3 years to NOT work. I kid ye not.
And what did these hard-pressed officials do? Yep, they walked into various private companies for mega bucks. I am sure they don’t misuse their EU knowledge to benefit the private companies to the detriment of the people’s unfortunate enough to be under the heel of the EU.
I’m equally certain the BBC will read the item in the Times and Die Zelt and be hard on the case.
Want a couple of clues? Their crimes were committed between 1999 and 2003. Oh, yes, in Rotherham. But rest assured, although the BBC weren’t able to put a helicopter in the air to televise South Yorkshire Police’s raid on the homes of the then accused, I think we can be certain that the nation’s most trusted broadcaster will cover the case.
Doh! My proof-reading’s terrible. That last clause should read: I think we can be certain that the nation’s most trusted broadcaster will cover up the case.
Hmm, were they doctors who went through a red light trying to help an old lady who was dying? Engineers who had forgotten to pay their TV licences? Then they must be dentists who were so enthralled at enriching our society, that they got caught by a speed camera?
“Have a guess for what crimes, or what kind of crimes, the following have been sentenced this morning”
Great question Jump, and one that has me completely baffled……are any of these correct?…
1: For having a tanned complexion? We know how anti-sun tan the Police are…
2: For crimes against fashion? Looking like a Norwegian Brian Blessed in drag is a guaranteed way to be arrested up north…
3: Not paying the Al Shabeeb racketeering tax? It has to be the only sin in the eyes of Islamic Al Beeb our rape fanatical, infidel slaughtering junkies could ever be guilty of….
OK these are the sentences of the 8 found guilty 2 weeks ago.
It was mentioned briefly on the 11:30pm R5 news
and there was a matter of fact statement on Look North at 6:30pm saying 4 FOUR men already convicted of Rotherham abuse had been given extra sentences.
Ah I get one of the 8 sentenced today is one of 4 brothers Jailed, the last of the four Asian brothers who were the most notorious abusers
Today’s BBC web report is quite detailed but the on air coverage is scant apart from their matter of fact reporting I think the BBC news progs have chosen to ignore this whilst banging on about pet issues,
– Like now on R5 Stephen chubby Nolan has just done 1 hour on how outrageous it is to allow headlines like the Daily Mail had this morning saying that “3 Judges betray the nation”
Even trying to get an ex-Attorney General to say it’s libel (he wouldn’t)
(The judges might be proved wrong on appeal)
Then he went on to playing the 10 year old Trump locker-room talk tape AGAIN.
Today programme, Friday morning, and they were reporting how poor workers cannot afford the fees to take cases to employment tribunals, or for Disability Discrimination or sex discrimination. John Humphries was interviewing France’s Barber from the TUC and he asked her, not unreasonably I thought, how many cases were won by the claimants. Her response was to say that he shouldn’t ask that question. It was though he had said “OK then” as John certainly just moved on. I would have thought it most pertinent to know the proportion of successful cases before and after the introduction of court fees. I’m involved with some schools where staff are taking the school to tribunal and the bar seems to be set very low in the claimant’s favour.
Well, at least La Minchin has cheered up after the slapped backside look the day after the Brexit vote. Oh how we giggled despite knowing that this glorious democracy only really exists for our fair minded liberal elite. I suppose we can all look forward to a renewed bout of condescending sneering when the racist/homophobic/thick/intolerant people(lets be honest, is how we are regarded by this infernal organisation)who are so stupid they didn’t vote the right way actually have the temerity to complain. Well SIR David Attenuated TV signal even a thick ill-educated pleb like me knows about the historical horrors leading from a dissolution of what is, effectively, a pact between the elected and the electorate, ie the death of what little democracy we have. Obviously I could have put this so much better if only I was Lord, the Right Hon, Sir, Knight of the Garter Lineker, who, boringly enough, also holds the order of both The Bono and The Geldof. You couldn’t make it up.
It sounded to me as if Francis Barber had no idea how many workers win their employment tribunals.
If you’re a minimum wage worker who’s just lost his job paying £7 per hour at some faceless behemoth and the opportunity of an employment tribunal is presented to you free of charge then IMO you would have to have the integrity of a saint not to take it.
You’re pissed off, you’ve got time on your hands and it’s a free swing at the bastards who just fired you.
IMO the obvious solution is that the worker pays the £1,200 fee to bring the tribunal but gets his money back if he wins. Not rocket science, is it?
Seems BBC Trending thinks Hillary won’t win if the media are honest, so they have to give her a helping hand by NEWS FILTERING.
I went on to the facebook page to see what was going on cos in their progs they are not mentioning Wikileaks nor ProjectVeritas “rigging the Election” videos despite 15 million views thru all the videos within 1 week.
And Wikileaks must be trending almost everyday with its daily revelations about Hillary’s tricks, yet they’ve only mentined it once a few weeks back
Ah BBC Trending disappeared a program
I see from BBC’s Mike Wending’s Twitterfeed that they aired a prog once with Wikileaks item and then deleted it.
I swear if you click the link the guest gave on the tweet it now goes to a different audio and the producer says they scrapped later transmissions.
. Note how the guest can’t just say “Trump supporters” but goes for the smear “Far-right Trump supporters”
I have found a copy of the original prog ..and it just disses wikileaks
‘Ah Trump supporters were expecting an October Surprise which would bust Hillary, but a Trump associate tweeted there might be a surprise, but then nothing came up’
I made a mental note not to watch this programme for reasons that proved so, so predictable:
The BBC’s Outright Lies On Arctic Live
In Churchill, every year polar bears gather on the shores of Hudson Bay to wait for the big freeze, and every year they’re waiting longer.
This was the exact statement at seven minutes into the BBC’s Arctic Live programme last night. This was immediately followed up with the comment, “But the prospect of a future without them is impossible to imagine”.
This unsurprisingly set the scene for the rest of that segment of the programme. The Arctic is warming, ice is melting and polar bears are endangered.
As I showed yesterday, there is no truth in the claim at all….
It starts at the beginning of October, and runs to the end of December. As can be seen, the refreeze, which began in the last week of October, occurred just when it would be expected to. During November, ice coverage was, if anything, above average.
Don’t underestimate the significance of the BBC’s role in spinning ‘climate change’ lies and propaganda – the corporation is effectively part of the nefarious network of eco-socialist authoritarian activists we saw at work yesterday, the ones who see the EU as a stepping stone to world government, its justification pinned to the premise that in ‘climate change’ mankind faces a common enemy and must unite to fight it (UN Agenda 21).
I wonder how many genuine ‘Remainers’ actually realised this when they voted.
Anyone ever heard BBC say who will be president “Trump or Hillary”
NO it seems to me they
Now on R4 : More Or Less is on sinking to low standards by analysing Trumps RHETORICAL statements.
“Independent”* fact checking Polti-fact website
* Liberal rather than independent
8:50pm R4 There is another hit piece tonight
I note that the webpage leaves off the topic, whilst the radio trailer talks about crazy people voting for Trump.
They just put info on that 8:50pm progs webpage, which they left off earlier
America Votes A Point of View
Adam Gopnik reflects on why he believes a victory for Donald Trump would be a disaster for America.
The American Presidential election “posits a simple eternal human confrontation between sensible and crazy”, he writes.
He says we must not pretend that the rise of Trump is essentially a “people’s revolt” or a movement of the dispossessed.”
So plain as anthing he’s saying that the40+% voting for Trump are “crazy” and those for Hillary the “sensible”
Who cares? The BBC are irrelevant, we all know that, as do they. Most sensible folk watch the Trump rallies on alternative news sources, and make up their own minds.
Jon Snow was full on today 7:25pm on C4 News at a Trump Rally
with Brexit MSM had ProjectFear
with Trump MSM have ProjectSneer
with Snow sneering : “oh look we have the wall bit,
oh look when Trump mentions Hillary the the crowd chant “Lock her Up”
oh look when Trump mentions the media the the crowd boo”
Snow seems to have no self awareness at all.
Ah yes, the ‘fact-checkers’. This is a relatively recent innovation from the regressive left. Armies of ‘fact-checkers’ will deploy themselves across media and culture to ensure the only ‘facts’ that are checked are those that agree with their current narratives (on immigration, the EU, climate change, Trump, etc, etc).
The BBC, as well as ‘fact-checking’, does a handy line in what it has taken to calling ‘explainers’. This is pretty much the same as ‘fact-checkers’; just another way, at licence payers expense, to dominate and ‘shape’ the narrative to ensure it always – always – stays on message.
When you control the medium you control the message. And the ‘facts’.
Mr Wan, agree wholeheartedly and it has been thus for a number of years. The difference nowadays is that the pretence of impartiality is markedly less. Almost as though they are ready to commit themselves to the cause of progressive liberalism and all its associated ism’s. Perhaps the Brexit issue has driven them to ground zero and they are no longer afraid to ‘come out’.
This would be a good thing as they will find the captive client base they have come to depend upon dissipates like snow on hot coals and their band of merry supporters, suffering as they are from various forms of victimism are not capable of sustaining them. No loss whatsoever.
London is never going to return to the kind of civilised society it once was. Trash will be appointed from the left until the process of population transfer has been completed and then it will descend into the dark ages
Apologies in advance, this isn’t BBC but LBC. It’s also not current, goes back to June. But it’s worth a listen. It’s an interview with Paul Weston (I believe he is an occasional contributor to this forum) full of vitriol and virtue signalling bullshit from the presenter – quite clearly of the same disposition as the beeboids.
Make up your own mind. The more my country continues to be degraded by traitors the closer I will be forced to associate myself with the increasingly more sane positions represented by the likes of Liberty UK. That’s not an implicit slur on Liberty UK by the way, just that I have been forced through rationale to reject the current Tory party as a realistic proposition and look for an alternative. Like FN in France, AfD in Germany, FPÖ in Austria, Fidesz in Hungary, SD in Sweden etc. I can’t imagine anyone here arguing with Paul Weston’s position, I certainly don’t in the slightest and if I thought that Liberty GB had a realistic chance of democratic success (I don’t) then they would have my support. Don’t know about their wider policies though, and this single issue politics concern is a problem.
God knows why you posted what is yesterday’s news. Weston is on the fringe of the fringe of alt right parties and has been humiliated time after time as his views do not find favour on the right. His candidate, the obnoxious Jack Buckby was utterly destroyed at Batley, getting 220 Votes!
Most people on this site support UKIP for the very good reason they deliver and connect with a huge portion of the UK electorate (52% not 1%!). Whilst we are all concerned about the leadership, one reason May won’t call an early election is that without Article 50 enacted, nobody will trust her to deliver and UKIP could achieve its overdue breakthrough.
Well that’s quite a strong and unjustified response to the post given what I said. Not sure why you have taken that view.
The post highlighted a mainstream media shut down of legitimate commentary from a political representative. If you don’t think that’s true then dispute that.
It was from June but hasn’t been highlighted here before. If you think that it is no longer relevant because it took place 4 months ago then dispute that.
There is a current debate on the rise of the so called “far right” in Europe. The debate is why this is happening – it’s because ordinary people’s views are not being represented by the traditional political parties. This is relevant. Liberty GB fielding a candidate in a constituency that has significant issues associated directly with Islam is relevant.
This post has nothing to do with the candidate that Liberty GB fielded. It has to do with the arguments that were put to Paul Weston in the radio interview and the way in which the interview was conducted with overt popularist virtue signalling. That is primarily what this site is about – media. I cannot reconcile your comments on the validity of the post with that reality.
The last sentence is an opinion. God knows why you posted this. Time will tell whether you are on the right side of opinion on the site though that is not the measure I apply to my own views.
I believe all three were appointed in the years of the Blair/Brown terror.
Entryism is the hidden cancer in this country and needs rooting out. The law, medicine, quangos, charities, the civil service and local government, the media, education (of course) and other areas have been as infiltrated and undermined as a house riddled with dry rot.
None of them now represent the views of the ordinary man or woman in the street and need thorough investigation before they destroy what is left of Britain
Number 6 I agree with your first point. And I do think the poster has an impressive layout. Just not sure the red peril is really where it’s at anymore.
Alas it’s a very inaccurate description because they share practically none of the values of the Communists who they hate!
Labour is in reality a Fascist party, and the Fascist and Communists fought each other in bloody battles during the 1930s. Perhaps unsurprisingly the Muslims took the side of the Fascists during these conflicts.
As I said on another thread, for some reason our children were never taught what Fascism was / is and fail to recognise it now it has risen again.
I see there is a whites only music programme on ITV2 and later 10:40pm on ITV
Only music of white origin is allowed, all others are banned.
Oh, I might have got that wrong.
They call it the MoBo Awards
Only LeftMob would come up with something so crazy as creating something racist in order to fight racism.
At 19:01 tonight the Guardian put up an article with this headline:
The Guardian view on the US election: Hillary Clinton is the world’s best hope
It allowed comments. I looked at these comments at about 21:00 – there were 71 of them – Comments had been closed for an hour at that time.
A Conservative MP who nobody has ever heard of has resigned in protest to Theresa May’s approach to Brexit. He resigns a seat that has been an extremely safe seat for the Conservative party since its inception. I know this story needs to be acknowledged, but to be the top headline for an entire day is a scandal. The seat will be won back by the Conservatives even if they put a Tortoise up as their candidate. The fact that the BBC are trying to present this as some kind of catastrophe for Theresa May is hilariously dishonest.
The Daily Telegraph gives other reasons why he resigned.
1 He was peeved at not being appointed Attorney General
2 He felt the government was callous in its treatment of unaccompanied child migrants, leading him to express the view that the Conservatives were now UKIP-lite.
Of course he is also a judge and barrister earning much more outside Parliament than as an MP.
Perhaps he just couldn’t be ar**ed to represent his constituents for a pittance?
Lol! Yes can’t think why. On a similar vein, sky’s Clinton v trump, just another trump bashing fest. Puke. I’m sick of listening to these globalists…why shouldn’t America look after itself instead of letting others get a free ride?
from the mouths of babes:
One of the many Guardian comments on the usual nauseating nonsense about Trump from Jonathan Friedland, a BBC fav., (he’s all over R4 with his nonsense).
The comment said:
“One of the few Trump/Clinton articles we are allowed to comment on (as long of course as we don’t criticise Clinton).
It’s not criticism but a fact that she is under investigation and the possible outcome are charges, something the DoJ cannot stop now it is under intense spotlight although I have no doubt it will try.
Forget Trump, how did the Democrats put up a candidate that only engenders trust in around 20% of the US population?”
If the Guardian/BBC cannot convince Guardian readers then what hope do they have with the rest of the country?
I have never watched Citizen Khan before but I endured about five minutes of it tonight. I don’t think I have ever seen anything so jaw-droppingly dreadful. How in the name of God (or should that be Allah) did it ever get commissioned?
John Sopel on BBC news today highlighting that if Hillary wins she will be ineffective because Republicans have a majority in whichever house it is. Is this preparing us for her uselessness or suggesting Americans vote for her anyway because she cannot do any damage
It seems that Russia Today is dripping out info from the Pilger/Assange Interview
“I think this is the most significant email in the whole collection,”
But Assange dismissed the prospect of Trump, who is behind in the polls, winning as unlikely – and not necessarily due to his standing with the electorate.
“My analysis is that Trump would not be permitted to win. Why do I say that? Because he has had every establishment off his side. Trump does not have one establishment, maybe with the exception of the Evangelicals, if you can call them an establishment,” said Assange. “Banks, intelligence, arms companies, foreign money, etc. are all united behind Hillary Clinton. And the media as well. Media owners, and the journalists themselves.”
The full 25 min interview seems to be on Saturday afternoon
I can’t make out from the schedule when exactly.
Trump has been there, done it, as regards proper business; Billary – nope, just another crooked politician, and not very much up to the job either. Liar for a husband, not very bright as well. Does America really want her?
If so, well, this man’s money doesn’t buy very much stuff from the states in future, they can ask why, but it’ll be too late.
I was watching BBC Breakfast at around 7:20am and they had a piece on ‘what will happen if their chosen candidate didn’t win the Presidential election?’. The piece had various Americans saying things like ‘Trump will start WW3/Klu Klux Klan will rise/USA will be a smoldering ruins within a year/Im leaving the country’. All of these comments were presented as fact with a very strong anti-Trump theme.
Then afterwards Roger Whatshisname had a live interview with an American lady who is a member of ‘The Trumpettes’. He starts the interview “you describe the Trumpettes as a group of educated woman but how can educated woman support Trump?”. Always nice to start an interview with an insult about someones intelligence. The lady gave a very good interview and put Roger in his place even when he said “Trump has groped woman” she corrected him with saying it is alleged not proven.
I really hope people like Trump start suing the BBC each time they spread lie and insults like this.
The Today Programme has gone into full anti-Brexit/Trump overdrive this morning.
I had to smile when they said that many on the Remain side were calling for the Leave side to calm the rhetoric, with one MP Dominic Grieve saying that the criticisms made against the High Court judges was “horrifying” and reminded him of “Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe”.
Then apparently we had the Remain side, a side that has had numerous rabbles since the vote, accusing the Leave side of “rabble rousing”.
There is clear evidence here that the BBC stands against the people, the licence payers, and for the establishment.
A judge has told Trump supporters not to use intimidation against Clinton supporters, we are told on the second main bulletin news item by the BBC.* I don’t recall the BBC mentioning any of the actual violence by Clinton’s supporters.
* When it is discussed in detail it doesn’t get much detail at all, since there is none, and is not the second item but one of the last ones alongside M&S and Andy Murray. At least they’ve planted the idea. Very useful for “rabble rousing” if Trump wins.
They’re now running an article claiming that it will be impossible to do a deal with India. They are simply peddling lies, as my compony’s Indian suppliers would be pleased to tell them.
Comparing the difficulty in doing trade deals with a block of 28 different interests, with one, is not a reasonable comparison.
JohnCMar 6, 02:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Europe ‘at turning point in history’, French president warns ‘Europe was facing a “clear and present danger on a…
taffmanMar 6, 00:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 pugnazious The blame lays with the EU’s open borders.
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why is it possible to come on Campbell’s show and say the most outrageous anti-Trump or Musk things and Campbell…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Woke up to Today pushing the Robinson interview with Sunak [Campbell ejaculated on his show…’What a scoop!’…lol…no] and getting very…
taffmanMar 6, 00:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 My often posted message to the BBC….. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 BBC… ‘He [Trump] also appeared to threaten civilians: “Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not…
taffmanMar 5, 23:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 StewGreen “Cumbria Police say it is not a terror related incident”. We have heard this before . Could it be…
taffmanMar 5, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 Who is our government or Border Force (Farce ) is letting in to our country? We are in need of…
StewGreenMar 5, 23:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Patrick Christy’s report .. ..It’s ruined by shouty lefty Stella getting 80% of the speaking time She opts for…
tomoMar 5, 22:56 Midweek 5th March 2025 BMW had a problem with runaway cars a while back – I wonder if the i40 has any secrets?
Good morning, friends. A little secret, just between you and me: most of this particular Blog was recycled from two pieces I wrote in that notoriously Far-Right racist neoliberal rag, the so-called Guardian, this week! But then, those of us on the Progressive Left are great believers in recycling – there is, friends, literally only one Earth, apart from all the others – and if as a result my Hard-Right Carbon Emissions are reduced by even a few kilogrammes, it’s surely justified, isn’t it?
Give this man his own thread somebody!
This is a scroll for the Ages,
I myself-and my lovely gels of Wayne County , over there in Munster-resolve to be the Twitchfork Mob to follow blindly into the Komment Macht Frei Sea of Correct Thoughts and Virtues…and urge all fellow Reds to do the same.
Ours not to reason Y!
Support Our Lefty.
Sporting Lisbon Lion O
Porto Lou so true.
(Haiku Zen Green Belt Rice Paper Tiger of the Bird Base Fold-c/o Robert Harbin 1972)
Thank you, Friend Chris! You are very kind :).
Literally brilliant in an almost literal sense!
“”Otherwise, we, the 48% – who, let it never be forgotten, are the majority (other than in the tiresomely pedantic, mathematical sense)””
Thank you, Friend Dover! Am currently being attacked by a bitter lefty troll on Guido Fawkes at the moment, and I can’t tell you how nice – and a literally refreshing contrast – it is to pop over here and see such kind comments from you and Friend Chris :).
The saddest part is that you cannot parody liberals enough to match the arrogance, hate, bitterness, petulance, ignorance and hypocrisy of the real thing.
That is a very good point!
Yes, it is always the left who are so full of hatred. Despite their constant whining about themselves being so ‘tolerant’.
Of course, lefties are only tolerant of people who agree with them, or members of victim groups they worship, all judged according to some ‘top trump’ scoring system of virtue.
The left also have all the vocabulary of hate.
Scabs: reserved for people who don’t agree with their view that people should be forced by violence to follow their side in a strike or any labour dispute.
Racist: of course anyone who doesn’t agree with them on any issue to do with race, religion, nationality, immigration, borders, right to roam etc etc
Fascist: the left throw this insult around with admirable lack of self-awareness. To some extent they can now use it this way as they have changed the meaning of the word for use as a general purpose insult by the left. The ironic thing is, they have become the real fascists, while it is arguable that Hitler would no longer be a fascist according to them – being one of them in most respects.
Rejoice in the left. Filled with hatred somewhere near you.
Well said. Just one thing…Hitler was of course a socialist totalitarian. The clue’s in his party’s full name. It’s worth reminding every SJW and Dave Spart type of this remorselessly.
The left also have all the vocabulary of hate:
Xenophobe, homophobe, Islamophobe, white van man, chavs, Little Englander , sexist, knuckle dragger, male pale and stale,
Too true ALM.
I know Support Our Lefty is the expert-but I too have gone into lefty websites under all manner of pretexts.
The more ridiculous and parodic the rubbish written-the more likes I get.
I “literally” linked the Third Runway with a vote to put Heseltine on trial for killing a CND agent in the form of Agent Kim…disguised as a dog, but linked to Karens Silkwoods mysterious death.
But nobody called me out as a fake or provocateur-it`s all possible in a Russell Brand kinda way apparently.
These people are beyond parody and comedy. Go in, give it a try-you`ll rarely be questioned, the more stupid and circular your claims, the more they spiral into the sand-the more your likes.
Got any Lefty site links?
Let us be your Prat-Orient Guard!
We`re thick, lefty and tend to go in with both pixie boots first and then seek compo and a Channel 4 series once we`ve self referred to them as “vulnerable victims”.
And to quote-if I dare-another top Kentishman of the Weald.
Lord Nigel Farage of Wetherspoons. “`Tis when you`re directly over their target that you draw the most fire”.
Of course he`s not got a bumpkin wiseacre straw chewing accent as I ascribe/ But it`s my truth, so up yours Delors!
Welcome to the MASH tent my friend! The aptly-named Dover Sentry will take your bags and send you Tokyo tickets very soon.
Me-apparently “I`m just a lawnmower” according to Brian Perns understudy!
Anybody else hear the Today programme Brexit interviews with the folk from Barnsley this morning? If you didn’t then you can guess where it was going, and it did. But there was one moment where the reporter said to one of her victims “why are you pushing my arm?”.
Now it’s clear to me why this wasn’t edited out, as numerous other bits would have been. The fact that this reporter can descend upon innocent folk going about their daily lives in an effort to make them sound stupid, as they frequently have, but also imply that they are violent, presumably for being a bit offended by her being in their face, is frankly despicable.
For the Regressive Left, the white, working-class scum are “so last week, yah”. They have far more exotic pets to keep them entertained nowadays.
The Lawyers For Britain site has some articles that are well worth a look.
For the Regressive Left, the white, working-class scum are “so last week, yah”. They have far more exotic pets to keep them entertained nowadays.
ROFL. Nail on head!
Browns and blacks are so much cuddlier and hotter, and Poles better looking.
Never was Shakespeare so correct as when he penned the lie, “First kill all the Lawyers”.
Margaret Mead was a privileged bluestocking fake along the lines of Marie Stopes and Ginny Woolfe, Brittains, Mitfords and Frys of Bloomsbury.
She too could not do but sniff, snoop and judge inferior tribes-then write her lies, prejudices and cliched hogwash for eh shelves of Oxbridge, What`s My Line and Meet the Cheeses type of elitist plum gobbed shite that the BBC regard as “contemporary current affair”
TODAYS fearless sniffers of the working clarses laundry bag and blagged trainers not only get far more money than Maggie Mead of the Top Peoples Tribe, They don`t even have to write in a notebook or pit up a tent. let alone talk to people off mic, off camera.
They just make it up, then back to their Shepherds Bunch Rent Boys and Drug Bustaz, save for a Skype to nanny or Jocasta on the forth floor.
The past is another country eh?
Well as nothing compared to the land of Shannon Matthews and Guacamole Joe.
The BBC are hated and unwelcome anywhere now but five miles around Orgreave or Hillsborough…but they still like Headingly and Scarborough where Uncle Jim blazed his bestest.
Still though-Acton Drama Schools coaches (Regional Chav division, by appointment to Kyle and Snow) will be doing alright out of it.
Look-Children in Pigskins coming up in a fortnights time-we really need to get the BBCs fat fingers off the nub of youth this year.
Would YOU trust any kid near Dismal Desmond in a slanket ?
Barnsley eh? from BBC “Battle of Orgreave” working class heroes to “left behind” Brexit zeroes in less than a week.
Hard to keep up with the gyrations of the BBC trendy lefties these days isn`t it?….fair makes you dizzy…. no wonder the lad they interviewed needed a friendly, comradely arm to hold onto.
You should have heard Nicky Campbell on his Radio 5-Live morning show today! It was a disgrace!
Those BBC presenters have clearly thrown off any pretence of bias.
And the guys tone of voice while interviewing MP Davies was a disgrace!
On the other hand his tone of voice while speaking to the SNP MP was the opposite!
To add insult upon insult when this radio 5 guy said goodbye to MP Davies he was so sarcastic, so insulting! At the end of the interview when saying goodbye with the words: “have a nice day Mr Davies” (it was as if he would have loved to have included the words – Hee, Hee)
We could also hear his guests in the background sniggering and laughing their socks-off!
The man is stupid .The BBC will gleefully foment further division in our society in the mistaken belief that it can help stop Brexit.
Brexit cannot be stopped without destroying any residual faith by us in the shires in parliament.
Campbell and the rest are enjoying a brief interlude that to them seems like victory. It is not. The insurgency of the alternative right is not going to stop here or in the US and Europe. It is just the way it is . Everything changes and cultural marxism has reached it’s end. Campbell is out of date and out of time. Only the existence of a state funded broadcaster keeps him and his like in existence. Most of the MSM is in thrall to their beliefs but that will change when the tide of battle changes.
The BBC will be the last to understand and that is all to the good.
Ironic that the likes of the BBC claim to be saving the UK when they are intent on destroying everything that makes it great, which will ultimately lead to civil and potentially even world war.
That the BBC is so closely and clearly allied with the Remoaners will be a good thing in the long run. The more the BBC mocks us Leavers , denigrates us, stigmatises us,the better. The BBC does not seem to realise that on Brexit , thanks to the long campaign, we are all well informed about the issues. Usually the BBC seeks to mould public opinion to its globalist, leftist, elitist point of view, on issues where the public’s knowledge of what is being debated is much less complete than it is on Brexit. Therefore the bias of the BBC towards Remain is very clear to all, whereas usually the bias is more opaque. Everyone can see what they are up to.
I assume that about 52% of the License Fee payers voted Leave. So mocking Leavers, calling them uneducated, racist idiots, sneering at them from dawn to dusk , seems awfully like biting the hand that feeds the BBC. At last millions of people must be beginning to realise what we on this site have known for sometime , that the BBC does not represent their interests and regards them with contempt. They will surely begin to wonder why they are forced to pay for the BBC when it regards them as the scum of the earth. So go on BBc keep up your pro Remain bias, keep on insulting 52% of those who pay for you. The BBC is steadily sticking its head in a noose. In time we just need a politician with the balls to kick away the stool.
This Campbell chap must be one of the highest earners!
I demand to know!?
‘On the other hand his tone of voice while speaking to the SNP MP was the opposite!’
Not one showing the calm, honest maturity of, say, this political giant?:
Isn’t she the lesbian who is hardly seen in her seat these days – since lesbians rather talk to the BBC TV/Radio propaganda queens – rather than sit next to old scruffy, smelly, suited males!
I’m referring to her own MPs as well!
Ah, my old home town. Unsurprisingly it’s still as corrupt to the core as ever…(Pretty much a given for Scottish politics).
I thought the Today programme broadcast from Bradford was unremarkable in every way. As usual, the BBC searched and found socio-economic group D’s to blather incoherently in an amusingly thick accent about Brexit, and they couldn’t believe their luck when they got one man to say he didn’t understand what Brexit was all about – they’re hugging themselves with glee about that. Unless my memory has failed (I was doing other jobs while I listened), they then had an articulate, evenly-spoken, intelligent-sounding person to say why we should stay in. Perfect – G&T’s all round.
Enjoy this short video before the BBC et al encourage them all back again:
No doubt the BBC will be covering this in great depth:
Didn’t the BBC suggest that the rapists were probably “People Traffickers”. No evidence of course but we can’t speak negatively about “the Children” LOL.
“Rochdale rape: Man sexually assaulted in Broadfield Park”
It is reported on the BBC but only on a ‘regions’ section, the difference of the report from one which might have happened the other way around is striking.
I see this not as a homosexual rape, but two Muslims exercising their dominance and contempt over a non Muslim. Back in history Muslims used to rape their captives prior to execution in order to dishonour & dehumanise them.
It is absolutely a racist and religiously motivated hate crime and yet it isn’t recorded as such because the victim is white and in the mind of the Fascist left the hated whites deserve it.
Goodness knows what diseases these muslims are passing on to their victims; what had they pushed their dicks into before they raped this poor man?
Sorry couldn’t resist this…
Brilliant-a must share Big Al”
Not arf!
Big Al – That is sheer quality!
Thanks ChrisH and Lobster, two of my heroes from this great website, and thanks to you both for your great contributions !
Sharing with my US friends
Sorry, too difficult to read in upper case.
Is that the latest wikileak Big Al?…..Superb (because it’s so true)
This joke is going big round my pals Big Al!
You`ve started something good-so thanks sir.
BBC Radio 4 is running the serialised biography of Alan Bennett keep on keeping on.
Bennett is a far leftist, bordering on Communist and a BBC favourite his life appears to be a continual moan about all his problems being caused by people who fail to see the world as he does.
He attacks everyone from Farage to Fib Dems, and anyone who dares question his views. He really is a nasty bitter & twisted gay of the worst kind.
No wonder the BBC see him as some kind of national treasure !
If he’s that much of a national treasure, can we bury him please?
My favourite Bennetism was in the 80s when Argentina occupied the Falklands. He failed to see what the fuss was all about and wrote something like ‘One of the main complaints is that the Falklanders have been stopped and searched regularly by the police while out walking at night. Something that is suffered by many citizens of the UK on a regular basis – most of them black.’
A good writer, but a hopeless woolie lefty!
Another BBC ‘golden Oldie’ was the late Ray Gossling who was found to suffer from a range of mental problems after admitting to an ‘imaginary’ murder to attract attention to himself (and gay sympathy), he later admitted. Another embittered BBC employee with the same sympathies of Alan Bennet and just as sad. I was reading this in The Oldie and thought ‘bloddy hell’ this IS the BBC in pictures and life saga. Another maverick loony supported entirely by the BBC.
The regressive media are now in full panic mode – even they realise they might not now manage to drag Hillary’s stinking, corrupted old corpse across the finish line ahead of Trump. What a gloriously interesting time we live in!
The BBC, engaged in the usual regressive cognitive dissonance we now come to associate with the left, see the race as ‘close’ (because of course they do). Trump could be set for a major win next week: all the signs are pointing at it. Voter enthusiasm amongst Trump supporters is now electric – Clinton’s potential supporters are at best ‘soft’, at worst (and more commonly) completely disengaged.
Get ready for the Dems to play possibly their last ‘Trump’ card – now is the time for them to hit out, like a cornered animal, with any dirt on Trump they might still have left in their ammunition belt. Desperate actions of a doomed campaign – but it can still happen. Friday evening is the preferred window for any such media dump, so stay on your toes!
Roll on next week!
To think the unthinkable.
Which BBC reporter will be the first to go into meltdown, if Trump does actually pull it off.
Lots of things to think about, but for one, how will the markets react to a Trump win?
For some time now they have been attuned by the controlled and biased media into believing that Clinton is a shoe-in and have priced accordingly. If Trump does win, and I for one think he could well do, there is likely to be a lot of turbulence next week as the markets re-set their positions.
This can be seen in the gold markets right now, where prices have been edging up this week in line with Trump’s perceived momentum change. Serious commentators are suggesting that $100 per day rises in the gold price could become the norm for a while.
The biased media, including BBC and Sky, will react to all this with shock, awe and wonderment, further exacerbating the uncertainty.
I so hope Huw Edwards, at the results of the GE he looked like he was chewing a wasp, this time the whole nest perhaps.
The Clinton emails are destroying her chances by the day, and Anonymous are apparently saving the best for this weekend. In contrast, the media still thinks they can scupper Trump with baseless accusations from provably unreliable people with close Democrat party ties, and out-of-context private recordings from 10 or more years ago.
I know of too many people who trust the baseless accusations against Trump, and at the same time know nothing of the accumulating evidence of Clinton crimes.
This is evidently the fault of the corrupt MSM, who may still win, God forbid.
As I don’t believe in God, I am just biting my fingernails till Wednesday morning.
I really do fear for this country after watching QT last night………one disgusting lefty witch who ‘worked’ at Ormond St Children’s hospital who ‘hoped some of the leaver’s children got seriously ill and needed to use her hospital to see the effects of leaving the EU’. This outrageous comment was glossed over and virtually ignored, yet when the AMERICAN journalist announced he was voting for Trump, he was roundly booed and some stupid Corbyn look-a-like said he ‘should be ashamed of himself voting for that man’ to rapturous cheers and smile on Dimbleby’s face. Only 2 Trump supporters in a crowd
of what I would estimate about 150, and yet the 2 AMERICANS on the panel both laid out Saint Hillary to be the globalist establishment criminal that she really is.
The fat shite Nandy with her lithp also said she ‘would walk through fire to vote for Hillary Clinton’ again to rapturous applause.
Switched over to News Shite when ‘Orgreave’ was mentioned just to see Kirsty Wark’s smug sneering pus announce that a Tory MP had demanded that the BBC play the National Anthem at midnight each night. She then glibly agreed and then they played the Sex Pistols version. As much as I love the Pistols, I hate seeing the rebellion and venom of my youth which the BBC and others banned and sought to censor now used by the same wankerati to score petty political points. Then I re-assured myself that their viewing figures mean not too many saw it.
There truly is No Future for you.
Gave Charlie Woolf a few minutes-courteous and impressive, having heard him on the Moral Maze only the night before.
Thought Huey Morgan to be decent enough, if a bit silly in part. But the arts and BBC6 would not employ him if he were too open. But he DID get a good few pops in at Hillaricky Dickie..and , as a former US serviceman with at least three great songs, he was fair and as reasoned as any American dares to be in luvvie land.
As for the British shower on the panel?…words fail me, as they do them whenever they spout them.
The audience?…the ones I heard were malicious and evil, very much still reprising that 9/11 thing of sneering and belittling the Americans and their ways, means, country and culture. Trump will sort them, once we`ve seen the Cape Cod Birdeye scum who hop over there to be clever-but hate the country and its people. The Americans need to know who stabs them in the back-and keep them out.
Nail the buggers to that wall in New Mexico if they dare to show up.
WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL!
Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is a controversial character. But there’s no denying the emails he has picked up from inside the Democrat Party are real, and he’s willing to expose Hillary Clinton.
Now, he’s announcing that Hillary Clinton and her State Department were actively arming Islamic jihadists, which includes the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.
Clinton has repeatedly denied these claims, including during multiple statements while under oath in front of the United States Senate.
WikiLeaks is about to prove Hillary Clinton deserves to be arrested
Read more:
I predict that there will soon be a world popcorn shortage!
What is also quite interesting is that Assange has confirmed that he hasn’t got his information from the Russians. Some have suggested that it has come from inside Washington.
It also appears this morning that the FBI have picked up some emails from the Weiner laptop, emails which Clinton did not deliver to them in their previous investigation. This could be very serious, and could result in a charge of Obstruction of Justice which could put her behind bars for a long time.
Obama shares her views on the West. He will pardon her, whether she gets elected or not.
They are both birds of a feather.
It is understood that those (US) global businesses who were finacially supporting Clinton are beating a hasty retreat (I read in the Times Business section). Thanks to the two FBI investigations + another on ‘hold’ there will be no end to this and no possible ‘cover up’ by the (media) establishment. Trump is expected to win handsomely and Clinton (both of them hopefully) will be arrested before or after the Election result. The UK foreign office has already been briefed on Trump likely US result outcome and his supporting UK Brexit negotiations (the Clintons would do exactly the opposite).
Muslim women complain about Sharia inquiries
The BBC rushing to defend Muslims despite the fact that their very own program Panorama founf that there is in truth an issue.
However, they needn’t worry, because like so much the UK government does, it’s all a facade to show that there’s really nothing to worry about and no case to answer (because Saudi sayd there isn’t).
Guess who our ‘honourable’ House of Commons has chosen to head the inquiry? Who might be the worst possible choice for an unbiased objective outcome?
Yep that’s right they chose the wholly discredited Keith Vaz !
At the same time, almost unbelievably the Home Office is running a separate inquiry undertaken by the Saudi funded Edinburgh University led by Mona Siddiqui, a professor of Islamic and interreligious studies.
“Over the past decade, Saudi Arabia has been the largest source of donations from Islamic states and royal families to British universities, much of which is devoted to the study of Islam, the Middle East and Arabic literature.
A large share of this money goes toward establishing Islamic study centres. In 2008, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, nephew of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, donated £8m each to Cambridge and Edinburgh for this purpose.”
In fact, so much money has been donated by Saudi Arabia to Edinburgh University that they now have their very own faculty:
Of course, any self respecting independent journalist would be shouting this out from the rooftops, but either they don’t realise what is going on, or they have had their own mouths stuffed with the Saudi gold.
The BBC have reported on the issue of oil rich Sunni Muslim countries making huge donations to UK universities for the purpose of the promotion of Islam – however they have never reported on the consequences of such donations.
There’s no need to run these inquiries I can tell you the conclusions already. There is no issue with discrimination against women in Sharia courts, Islam is a tolerant religion which upholds the rights of, and respects women. And I have a rather large bank account to prove it !
The BBC accept Saudi funds for identical PR exercises and “Islamic studies’ seen myself in many of our UK Universities this is apparent on my visits and it is worrying that the influnce has been paid for almost exclusively by the Saudis…
The Saudis have also threatened to ‘pull out’ (form the US) 98 Billion dollars if they are blamed for 9/11 (which was strongly linked to Saudi by FBI) which is unarguable as its true but never media sanctioned. And then The Saudi themselves invest in the UK (horse racing), UK gambling dens and London property and who virtually own the BBC HQ (Salford Quay) is again rented to Arab linked consortiums (QATAR) and links to Labour property companies in Manchester (using money from…)!
And then Saudi itself is heading for bankruptcy (the Saudi’s own first minister has been sacked for stating the ‘bleedin’ obvious that they can no longer afford the ‘largesse’ of sponsoring the BBC or working a few hours a day with nobody paying state taxes. It was in The Times – but you can read it here…
“A society that cannot defend its children has no future”
However villainous one may think Putin is, he is absolutely right here: the massive influx of Muslim migrants in Europe has caused a “dissolution of traditional national values,” and indeed, “a society that cannot defend its children has no future.” That’s the United Kingdom, with its massive Muslim rape gang activity that authorities feared being called “racist” and “Islamophobic” if they stopped, and Austria with its release of the Muslim migrant who raped a 10-year-old boy — indeed, the illness has overtaken all of Europe’s political and media elites.
Well at least WikiLeaks has raised my mood…Listen brexit will happen I would like it to happen quickly but it would appear we have to do the full assault course. At worst May will have to call a general election with over 70% in England and Wales voting out..I think the chances of remainers actually being selected is slim……… so thinking about it imagine parliment. Full of tories brexiters and a collaspe of labour … By the way “Go Trump!!!”
“…Listen brexit will happen I would like it to happen quickly but it would appear we have to do the full assault course…”
Spot-on. Regressive remoaners will make sure that we suffer along every inch of the assault course they will erect for us – cheerled by useful idiots at the BBC and CH4, naturally enough. This will be an exercise in pernickety, spiteful, bad-tempered political sniping and divisive point-scoring. They will try to sabotage Brexit at every turn, employ every discredited method in their filthy book of tricks and yet somehow still possess the cheek to claim they are not trying to change the outcome of the referendum, or subvert a democratic vote to leave the hated EU.
ObiWan, yes – and all that’s before we even START the process of leaving. Just imagine what it will be like in Brussels after we do! If Article 50 is D-Day then actually getting out of the EU will be like the Battle of Stalingrad.
It seems the Brexit referendum result wasn`t “the end of the beginning” as I thought but more the trigger for the declaration of war.
Everything until the invocation of article 50 should perhaps be seen as, “the phoney war”.
Coming somewhere to a Paris Metro station somewhere near us very soon if we don`t get a move on out of Eurofetid land.
I dont there will be a general election. The papers are just creating a stir to sell papers.
All this is a game, to show that all possible measures have been taken. T May probably told the judges that she would welcome their obstruction in the manner they did.
St George, I hope you are right.
It is also quite evident that the Brexit struggle will benefit from Trump being elected. So this is not ‘by the way’ but rather on the high road: Go Trump!
Neither LibDems or Labour is keen to have an election, as they know the conservatives will get a huge majority, and UKIP will become the official opposition.
So their gloating at the High court’s decision, is tempered with a good deal of fear. They dare not push too hard against May or she will threaten them with an electoral annihilation.
What with everything else going on in the news at the moment, I fear that we have all taken our eyes off the Climate Change debate- here is an update on that for info…
Arghh! but then what made the earth heat up (to a lefty) it was Coal and the UK produced Coal (rusty BBC logic linked to failed O’levels), and the (UK) Industrial revolution (further linked to BBC GCSE revison exercises) therefore England made the planet ‘heat up’ suddenly and too many people turned the ‘lights-ON’ leading to ‘Acid rain’, ‘deforestation’, ‘racism’, ‘global warming’, and BREXIT and finally (horror of horrors) Donald Trump! The BBC have got it covered under the TV license fee. You can fix a lot of things with £4.8 Billion pounds. Unfortunately it will never be enough to fix the BBC.
If Trump wins, Climate Change is history.
Dedicated to those hilarious Lefties, Jeremy Hardy, Marcus Brigstocke, Mark Steel et al who regularly have those of us on the Progressive Left – literally – in stitches.
DT: “The Crown, which launches on Netflix on November 4 with the first season’s 10 episodes, is the global video-on-demand giant’s first original series shot and produced in the UK.”
I don’t have Netflix but, as far as I can see, it seems to be a serious attempt to make a commercially viable, well acted drama. Furthermore, I haven’t detected any trace of a political/republican agenda.
This used to be the sort of thing in which the BBC excelled, but not any more.
If this does, in fact, turn out to be a successful quality drama, it raises the question once again – what useful purpose does the BBC serve in 2016?
Discussed yesterday on the BBC radio Scotland Media review Direct link to start at minute 53.
Netfix (discussed at 1h07) has now much bigger content spend than BBC, £6bn/yr vs BBC £3.7bn
Spending on this ONE series about the Queen will be £100m (6 series 10 ep each)
but it’s almost all fictional cos no one knows what the Queen said in private.
“viewing is shifting to tablet and phone old rules are shattered and BBC is stuck in 1986”
I went to see the first two episodes at the local cinema coursetsy of free tickets from the Telegraph. The programme was good quality, well scripted and acted and the sets were excellent. Better than anything that the tired old, politicised BBC has done for years.
*Breaking* : Stephen Phillips Tory MP has resigned, because though a Leaver he does not agree with the Government’s tactics.
He wants the UK to remain in the EU’s single market, has been critical of the government’s approach since June’s Leave vote.
BBC News – 21 mins ago
Conservative Stephen Phillips resigns as a Lincolnshire MP over “irreconcilable policy differences” with the government over Brexit.
Hmmm… surely if he is so vehement in his view he would have been better off staying and arguing his position, building a coalition in support etc… he is more likely to get his way now the judges have ruled than maybe he would have done before.
Seems strange. Probably more to this than meets the eye.
Agree he’as probably got a sex scandal or something.
If it had been a HARD Brexiteer then it would have been a proper Brexit bi-election, but this will be a soggy.
People do try to come-out with their own particular scandal when there is much noise elsewhere!
I think there WAS something on a blog quite recently about Stephen Phillips that did not put him in a good light. Was it on Guido?
From Richard North’s blog.
“He attracted criticism from some for spending around 1,700 hours annually working as a barrister whilst serving as an MP. Phillips described his own parliamentary attendance record as “excellent”, asserting his outside work “doesn’t affect the way in which I perform as an MP”, and accused his critics of “envy” over his yearly £750,000 second job earnings.
Somehow, I doubt he will be missed.”
One down, a few hundred to go.
Today’s News Snippets has more snippets mostly about Brexit
* U-turn as Bank admits it was too pessimistic about Brexit
Mark Carney “The Bank of England yesterday admitted it had been too pessimistic about the UK’s post-Brexit economy as it upgraded forecasts for growth.”
* Chaos and misery loom as rail unions call Christmas strikes
Green Mafia-watch :
* Eco-tricity subsidy baron Dale Vince to build green wooden Soccer Stadium for Forest Green Rovers (I wondered why he jacked up his prices last month)
* UN pushing on its trick of doing a weak Paris deal, then wailing it needs to be doubled
GoogleNews “Erik Solheim” to see all kinds of doom stories
John Podesta the satanist.
No wonder flies swarm around the Clintons.
It’s what they do best. Apparently.
But as mentioned previously, the BBC banned the playing of this record in June 1977.
Imagine a Vincent Hanna or a Robin Day doing THIS?
Spitting in the font, as if THAT is rebellion! Chucking their Gitanes stubbies over the Eton Wall and pretending THAT is revolutionary.
If I were Johnny Rotten I`d sue them for plastication.
Kirsty presumably took the night flight back to leafy gated Edinburgh to continue the commuting rebellion at our expenses.
Nasty talentless little jobbies isn`t she?
I have stopped listening to James OBRien on LBC. Hes unbearable banging on about Brxit day after day.
It’s pathological, I think. I think it was a poster on there that said he had cause to discipline a young woman in his company and she burst into tears, telling him that nobody had ever criticised her before and the emotional shock was too much for her. I suspect a lot of Remoaners are of the same ilk – snowflakes who have never been told ‘no’.
Such a shame Aerfan. After dumping beeb radio stations, I found LBC on my digital suddenly, then O’Brien crawls into my brain. He is vile and very creepy. He is on Newsnight sometimes, don’t watch that either. The Beeb like him though. Wish we had a national INDEPENDANT radio talk station, like R4 without the Beeb and its propaganda.
Sadly, ‘local’ radio has been a typical government fix in this country. They deliberately set the barriers to entry so high that only large companies can enter the market and prosper. This not only smothers creativity, it enables large corporations to control the entire market and as they are invariably run by soft-Left corporate drones… well, the result is there every time you switch on the radio.
GC, you’re not wrong there!
I agree Blackcap, even the Globalist Bremoaner Majid Nawaz who covered OBriens slot for a week was an improvement. As a new boy on LBC he isnt quite as cocksure as ex public schoolboy O’Brian and consequently a little more inclined to treat the program as a phone in, than a Hyde Park Corner soapbox. Well, for now.
Aerfan, Yes I guess he was a bit better though a bit dull. Just been reading some of O’Briens latest rants on the Internet. His views concern me, rabid is a word that comes to mind. I can switch off, but how seriously do people really take him? He is obviously favoured on the Beeb.
I am amazed that you could have listened to him up until now. My blood pressure wouldn’t allow me to.
Rich people – booooo!
Article on children’s names (again – why??). The suspicious part of me thinks that it’s another opportunity to mislead folks as to the ‘top ten most popular names’ – Mohammed doesn’t feature but we all know why.
More generosity from the BBC love to love EU
will the bbc tell us about the latest wikileaks info on hillary clinton’s satanic rituals?
Re Gina Miller’s ‘success’ in overturning the will of the British people: does anyone know who funded the court case?
I have no idea how much it costs taking a case to the high court but I am guessing the solicitors, barristers and other bods involved, don’t shop at food banks.
I read somewhere it is George Soros (I understand Gina’s husband’s firm has links and/or the Saudis. Sorry, full of cold and not up to finding links – and maybe I am just reading too many iffy sites.
You don’t need to read ‘iffy’ sites to worry about Soros. Even his page on the Left-dominated Wikipedia is enough to chill the blood. The man is pure evil and behind many things that worry normal people.
It was certainly alleged yesterday that he was implicated in this case.
Ah yes, the lovely Mr Soros – one of his companies supplied the dodgy voting machines in the states.
and Assange has confirmed that the Clintons and the Saudis/Quataris are all in this together.
Miller and her husband are millionaire fund managers. The firm of vultures who fought the case is, reportedly, refusing to name any of the Millers’ backers.
Indeed, the Millers and the companies they work for, are so loaded the Queen often pops around and asks to borrow a fiver till Friday.
But I reckon they wouldn’t spend their own dosh on this.
I know! Call me Mr Cynical, from Cynical street in Cynical land, but the money is coming from somewhere else.
As they say in poorly scripted thrillers, ‘Follow the money’.
BBC did at least have the decency to focus quite a lot on the gleaming Bentley owned by that plumber fellow who brought the case (the car was being polished by a chauffeur in a rather camp light blue uniform).
I think we caught a glimpse of the guy outside the courts! I think he has light brown, long scruffy looking hair (dyed)
Isn’t the main guy who spoke outside the courts an hair stylist? And we know what type of client/company they keep! So its quite obvious the money is coming from a wealthy gay person!
Thought we didn`t like Investment Bankers and hedge fund parasites who get paid too much and pay too little taxes.
Or are we now to like them BBC?
If only I could keep up with the received wisdom of the BBC-I think I`m not really worthy of their implants.
Must vote Labour-must vote Labour
Apparently they’re “philanthropists” according to our beloved BBC since paying for the case on behalf of the non racist, highly intelligent remoaners!
It won’t be from Gina’s company as it has lost 2.4 million in the last few years. Only staying afloat due to the injection of personal funds of her and her husband.
16 former scoundrels paid themselves as EU chiefs, 250K per year euros, plus ludicrous expences and generous pension contributions. They then stood down after 4 years. I guess there is only so much cash you can rip out of the pockets of poorest people in Europe without feeling slightly troubled.
They went on to convince the dopey EU that they should be paid a few bob to stop them walking straight into highly paid jobs in the private sector. They pointed out, with straight faces apparently, that they could use their EU knowledge to benefit private companies at the expense of the EU and then held out out their greasy palms.
Ok, the EU said and agreed to pay these scroungers 100K euros per year for 3 years to NOT work. I kid ye not.
And what did these hard-pressed officials do? Yep, they walked into various private companies for mega bucks. I am sure they don’t misuse their EU knowledge to benefit the private companies to the detriment of the people’s unfortunate enough to be under the heel of the EU.
I’m equally certain the BBC will read the item in the Times and Die Zelt and be hard on the case.
Have a guess for what crimes, or what kind of crimes, the following have been sentenced this morning:
Sageer Hussain, 30; Mohammed Whied, 32; Ishtiaq Khaliq, 33; Waleed Ali, 34; Asif Ali, 30; Masoued Malik, 32; Basharat Hussain, 40; and Naeem Rafiq, 33.
Want a couple of clues? Their crimes were committed between 1999 and 2003. Oh, yes, in Rotherham. But rest assured, although the BBC weren’t able to put a helicopter in the air to televise South Yorkshire Police’s raid on the homes of the then accused, I think we can be certain that the nation’s most trusted broadcaster will cover the case.
Doh! My proof-reading’s terrible. That last clause should read: I think we can be certain that the nation’s most trusted broadcaster will cover up the case.
Let me see, Hussain, Rafiq, Khalig. Mohammed
Hmm, were they doctors who went through a red light trying to help an old lady who was dying? Engineers who had forgotten to pay their TV licences? Then they must be dentists who were so enthralled at enriching our society, that they got caught by a speed camera?
I think we can be certain that the nation’s most trusted broadcaster will cover the case
Yes, but not on the front page. You have to go to UK News to find it.
The front page is reserved for the police chief that has been jailed for 12 years for historical child sex offences.
“Have a guess for what crimes, or what kind of crimes, the following have been sentenced this morning”
Great question Jump, and one that has me completely baffled……are any of these correct?…
1: For having a tanned complexion? We know how anti-sun tan the Police are…
2: For crimes against fashion? Looking like a Norwegian Brian Blessed in drag is a guaranteed way to be arrested up north…
3: Not paying the Al Shabeeb racketeering tax? It has to be the only sin in the eyes of Islamic Al Beeb our rape fanatical, infidel slaughtering junkies could ever be guilty of….
Just thought about a few slogans Al Shabeeb could use when their Gestapo run a racketeering collection…
“Our tax isn’t fair, but we do not care”
“Don’t pay today, we will lock you away”
“Lost in the mail? We’ll still send you to jail”
“Think you won’t pay, cult Al Beeb will take your freedom away”
These are just a couple of ideas for tag lines for Islamic Al Beebs advertising..
“You can be cert-ain, that we hate Great Brit-ain”
“We don’t care what you say, we’ll fuck up the UK”
“Reporting a crime we use Asian, unless nobody knows then it’s Caucasian”
OK these are the sentences of the 8 found guilty 2 weeks ago.
It was mentioned briefly on the 11:30pm R5 news
and there was a matter of fact statement on Look North at 6:30pm saying 4 FOUR men already convicted of Rotherham abuse had been given extra sentences.
Ah I get one of the 8 sentenced today is one of 4 brothers
Jailed, the last of the four Asian brothers who were the most notorious abusers
Today’s BBC web report is quite detailed but the on air coverage is scant apart from their matter of fact reporting I think the BBC news progs have chosen to ignore this whilst banging on about pet issues,
– Like now on R5 Stephen chubby Nolan has just done 1 hour on how outrageous it is to allow headlines like the Daily Mail had this morning saying that “3 Judges betray the nation”
Even trying to get an ex-Attorney General to say it’s libel (he wouldn’t)
(The judges might be proved wrong on appeal)
Then he went on to playing the 10 year old Trump locker-room talk tape AGAIN.
Surprised they didn’t get off on the Austrian sexual emergency precedent! But then it’s not yet enshrined in EU Law yet! LOL!
Today programme, Friday morning, and they were reporting how poor workers cannot afford the fees to take cases to employment tribunals, or for Disability Discrimination or sex discrimination. John Humphries was interviewing France’s Barber from the TUC and he asked her, not unreasonably I thought, how many cases were won by the claimants. Her response was to say that he shouldn’t ask that question. It was though he had said “OK then” as John certainly just moved on. I would have thought it most pertinent to know the proportion of successful cases before and after the introduction of court fees. I’m involved with some schools where staff are taking the school to tribunal and the bar seems to be set very low in the claimant’s favour.
Well, at least La Minchin has cheered up after the slapped backside look the day after the Brexit vote. Oh how we giggled despite knowing that this glorious democracy only really exists for our fair minded liberal elite. I suppose we can all look forward to a renewed bout of condescending sneering when the racist/homophobic/thick/intolerant people(lets be honest, is how we are regarded by this infernal organisation)who are so stupid they didn’t vote the right way actually have the temerity to complain. Well SIR David Attenuated TV signal even a thick ill-educated pleb like me knows about the historical horrors leading from a dissolution of what is, effectively, a pact between the elected and the electorate, ie the death of what little democracy we have. Obviously I could have put this so much better if only I was Lord, the Right Hon, Sir, Knight of the Garter Lineker, who, boringly enough, also holds the order of both The Bono and The Geldof. You couldn’t make it up.
It sounded to me as if Francis Barber had no idea how many workers win their employment tribunals.
If you’re a minimum wage worker who’s just lost his job paying £7 per hour at some faceless behemoth and the opportunity of an employment tribunal is presented to you free of charge then IMO you would have to have the integrity of a saint not to take it.
You’re pissed off, you’ve got time on your hands and it’s a free swing at the bastards who just fired you.
IMO the obvious solution is that the worker pays the £1,200 fee to bring the tribunal but gets his money back if he wins. Not rocket science, is it?

Seems BBC Trending thinks Hillary won’t win if the media are honest, so they have to give her a helping hand by NEWS FILTERING.
I went on to the facebook page to see what was going on cos in their progs they are not mentioning Wikileaks nor ProjectVeritas “rigging the Election” videos despite 15 million views thru all the videos within 1 week.
And Wikileaks must be trending almost everyday with its daily revelations about Hillary’s tricks, yet they’ve only mentined it once a few weeks back
I can see they must know about Project Veritas cos the screenshot above shows someone else asked on Oct 19th
Ah BBC Trending disappeared a program
I see from BBC’s Mike Wending’s Twitterfeed that they aired a prog once with Wikileaks item and then deleted it.
I swear if you click the link the guest gave on the tweet it now goes to a different audio and the producer says they scrapped later transmissions.

. Note how the guest can’t just say “Trump supporters” but goes for the smear “Far-right Trump supporters”
I have found a copy of the original prog ..and it just disses wikileaks
‘Ah Trump supporters were expecting an October Surprise which would bust Hillary, but a Trump associate tweeted there might be a surprise, but then nothing came up’
It says that BBCTrending was founded by Mukul Devichand, so I wonder if its just an extension of his personality.
I made a mental note not to watch this programme for reasons that proved so, so predictable:
The BBC’s Outright Lies On Arctic Live
In Churchill, every year polar bears gather on the shores of Hudson Bay to wait for the big freeze, and every year they’re waiting longer.
This was the exact statement at seven minutes into the BBC’s Arctic Live programme last night. This was immediately followed up with the comment, “But the prospect of a future without them is impossible to imagine”.
This unsurprisingly set the scene for the rest of that segment of the programme. The Arctic is warming, ice is melting and polar bears are endangered.
As I showed yesterday, there is no truth in the claim at all….
It starts at the beginning of October, and runs to the end of December. As can be seen, the refreeze, which began in the last week of October, occurred just when it would be expected to. During November, ice coverage was, if anything, above average.
Don’t underestimate the significance of the BBC’s role in spinning ‘climate change’ lies and propaganda – the corporation is effectively part of the nefarious network of eco-socialist authoritarian activists we saw at work yesterday, the ones who see the EU as a stepping stone to world government, its justification pinned to the premise that in ‘climate change’ mankind faces a common enemy and must unite to fight it (UN Agenda 21).
I wonder how many genuine ‘Remainers’ actually realised this when they voted.
Anyone ever heard BBC say who will be president “Trump or Hillary”
NO it seems to me they
Now on R4 : More Or Less is on sinking to low standards by analysing Trumps RHETORICAL statements.
“Independent”* fact checking Polti-fact website
* Liberal rather than independent
8:50pm R4 There is another hit piece tonight
I note that the webpage leaves off the topic, whilst the radio trailer talks about crazy people voting for Trump.
NO it seems to me they always say “Who will be president Hillary (smile) or…..Trump (frown)”
They just put info on that 8:50pm progs webpage, which they left off earlier
So plain as anthing he’s saying that the40+% voting for Trump are “crazy” and those for Hillary the “sensible”
Who cares? The BBC are irrelevant, we all know that, as do they. Most sensible folk watch the Trump rallies on alternative news sources, and make up their own minds.
Jon Snow was full on today 7:25pm on C4 News at a Trump Rally
with Brexit MSM had ProjectFear
with Trump MSM have ProjectSneer
with Snow sneering : “oh look we have the wall bit,
oh look when Trump mentions Hillary the the crowd chant “Lock her Up”
oh look when Trump mentions the media the the crowd boo”
Snow seems to have no self awareness at all.
…“Independent”* fact checking Polti-fact website…
Ah yes, the ‘fact-checkers’. This is a relatively recent innovation from the regressive left. Armies of ‘fact-checkers’ will deploy themselves across media and culture to ensure the only ‘facts’ that are checked are those that agree with their current narratives (on immigration, the EU, climate change, Trump, etc, etc).
The BBC, as well as ‘fact-checking’, does a handy line in what it has taken to calling ‘explainers’. This is pretty much the same as ‘fact-checkers’; just another way, at licence payers expense, to dominate and ‘shape’ the narrative to ensure it always – always – stays on message.
When you control the medium you control the message. And the ‘facts’.
Mr Wan, agree wholeheartedly and it has been thus for a number of years. The difference nowadays is that the pretence of impartiality is markedly less. Almost as though they are ready to commit themselves to the cause of progressive liberalism and all its associated ism’s. Perhaps the Brexit issue has driven them to ground zero and they are no longer afraid to ‘come out’.
This would be a good thing as they will find the captive client base they have come to depend upon dissipates like snow on hot coals and their band of merry supporters, suffering as they are from various forms of victimism are not capable of sustaining them. No loss whatsoever.
Sadiq has a new czar and nice she aint
I guess bbc london will not be getting any people critical of this appointment. It seems all you have to say is ‘Tory Scum’ and you are hired.
London is never going to return to the kind of civilised society it once was. Trash will be appointed from the left until the process of population transfer has been completed and then it will descend into the dark ages
What a waste of public money employing someone who
“once tweeted that George Osborne is a “c**t” –
As for the rest, class and money….
Apologies in advance, this isn’t BBC but LBC. It’s also not current, goes back to June. But it’s worth a listen. It’s an interview with Paul Weston (I believe he is an occasional contributor to this forum) full of vitriol and virtue signalling bullshit from the presenter – quite clearly of the same disposition as the beeboids.
Make up your own mind. The more my country continues to be degraded by traitors the closer I will be forced to associate myself with the increasingly more sane positions represented by the likes of Liberty UK. That’s not an implicit slur on Liberty UK by the way, just that I have been forced through rationale to reject the current Tory party as a realistic proposition and look for an alternative. Like FN in France, AfD in Germany, FPÖ in Austria, Fidesz in Hungary, SD in Sweden etc. I can’t imagine anyone here arguing with Paul Weston’s position, I certainly don’t in the slightest and if I thought that Liberty GB had a realistic chance of democratic success (I don’t) then they would have my support. Don’t know about their wider policies though, and this single issue politics concern is a problem.
God knows why you posted what is yesterday’s news. Weston is on the fringe of the fringe of alt right parties and has been humiliated time after time as his views do not find favour on the right. His candidate, the obnoxious Jack Buckby was utterly destroyed at Batley, getting 220 Votes!
Most people on this site support UKIP for the very good reason they deliver and connect with a huge portion of the UK electorate (52% not 1%!). Whilst we are all concerned about the leadership, one reason May won’t call an early election is that without Article 50 enacted, nobody will trust her to deliver and UKIP could achieve its overdue breakthrough.
Well that’s quite a strong and unjustified response to the post given what I said. Not sure why you have taken that view.
The post highlighted a mainstream media shut down of legitimate commentary from a political representative. If you don’t think that’s true then dispute that.
It was from June but hasn’t been highlighted here before. If you think that it is no longer relevant because it took place 4 months ago then dispute that.
There is a current debate on the rise of the so called “far right” in Europe. The debate is why this is happening – it’s because ordinary people’s views are not being represented by the traditional political parties. This is relevant. Liberty GB fielding a candidate in a constituency that has significant issues associated directly with Islam is relevant.
This post has nothing to do with the candidate that Liberty GB fielded. It has to do with the arguments that were put to Paul Weston in the radio interview and the way in which the interview was conducted with overt popularist virtue signalling. That is primarily what this site is about – media. I cannot reconcile your comments on the validity of the post with that reality.
The last sentence is an opinion. God knows why you posted this. Time will tell whether you are on the right side of opinion on the site though that is not the measure I apply to my own views.
Of the three judges who decided against Brexit at the High Court, one is a Blairite and the other is an EU supporter.
I believe all three were appointed in the years of the Blair/Brown terror.
Entryism is the hidden cancer in this country and needs rooting out. The law, medicine, quangos, charities, the civil service and local government, the media, education (of course) and other areas have been as infiltrated and undermined as a house riddled with dry rot.
None of them now represent the views of the ordinary man or woman in the street and need thorough investigation before they destroy what is left of Britain
“Drain the swamp” as a certain other politician has said.
Just noticed
That unhinged lefty harpy so called nurse from quisling time last night……her full personal details are out on the web including mobile number
She’s for a right roasting
Thought this was a very accurate depiction of liebore
It would be a good poster if the 1950’s come around again
They’re a shower of wankers….the decade is irrelevant
Number 6 I agree with your first point. And I do think the poster has an impressive layout. Just not sure the red peril is really where it’s at anymore.
How about “The yellow peril!”. Apart from the racist undertone I think its quite apt.
Alas it’s a very inaccurate description because they share practically none of the values of the Communists who they hate!
Labour is in reality a Fascist party, and the Fascist and Communists fought each other in bloody battles during the 1930s. Perhaps unsurprisingly the Muslims took the side of the Fascists during these conflicts.
As I said on another thread, for some reason our children were never taught what Fascism was / is and fail to recognise it now it has risen again.
I see there is a whites only music programme on ITV2 and later 10:40pm on ITV
Only music of white origin is allowed, all others are banned.
Oh, I might have got that wrong.
They call it the MoBo Awards
Only LeftMob would come up with something so crazy as creating something racist in order to fight racism.
Interesting, as with current Microsoft advert featuring a completely black and ethnic cast but broadcast here in a bme minority country
It’s one of those irregular verbs, I think:
I engage in affirmative action
You marginalise people of certain races
He is a vile racist
At 19:01 tonight the Guardian put up an article with this headline:
The Guardian view on the US election: Hillary Clinton is the world’s best hope
It allowed comments. I looked at these comments at about 21:00 – there were 71 of them – Comments had been closed for an hour at that time.
Here’s a link to that page:
Anyone have any idea why they closed it down so quickly?
It’s got me totally stumped:-)
A Conservative MP who nobody has ever heard of has resigned in protest to Theresa May’s approach to Brexit. He resigns a seat that has been an extremely safe seat for the Conservative party since its inception. I know this story needs to be acknowledged, but to be the top headline for an entire day is a scandal. The seat will be won back by the Conservatives even if they put a Tortoise up as their candidate. The fact that the BBC are trying to present this as some kind of catastrophe for Theresa May is hilariously dishonest.
The Daily Telegraph gives other reasons why he resigned.
1 He was peeved at not being appointed Attorney General
2 He felt the government was callous in its treatment of unaccompanied child migrants, leading him to express the view that the Conservatives were now UKIP-lite.
Of course he is also a judge and barrister earning much more outside Parliament than as an MP.
Perhaps he just couldn’t be ar**ed to represent his constituents for a pittance?
Lol! Yes can’t think why. On a similar vein, sky’s Clinton v trump, just another trump bashing fest. Puke. I’m sick of listening to these globalists…why shouldn’t America look after itself instead of letting others get a free ride?
from the mouths of babes:
One of the many Guardian comments on the usual nauseating nonsense about Trump from Jonathan Friedland, a BBC fav., (he’s all over R4 with his nonsense).
The comment said:
“One of the few Trump/Clinton articles we are allowed to comment on (as long of course as we don’t criticise Clinton).
It’s not criticism but a fact that she is under investigation and the possible outcome are charges, something the DoJ cannot stop now it is under intense spotlight although I have no doubt it will try.
Forget Trump, how did the Democrats put up a candidate that only engenders trust in around 20% of the US population?”
If the Guardian/BBC cannot convince Guardian readers then what hope do they have with the rest of the country?
I have never watched Citizen Khan before but I endured about five minutes of it tonight. I don’t think I have ever seen anything so jaw-droppingly dreadful. How in the name of God (or should that be Allah) did it ever get commissioned?
“How in the name of God (or should that be Allah) did it ever get commissioned?”
I think you answered your own question there.
John Sopel on BBC news today highlighting that if Hillary wins she will be ineffective because Republicans have a majority in whichever house it is. Is this preparing us for her uselessness or suggesting Americans vote for her anyway because she cannot do any damage
Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money,
Trump won’t be allowed to win
It seems that Russia Today is dripping out info from the Pilger/Assange Interview
“I think this is the most significant email in the whole collection,”
But Assange dismissed the prospect of Trump, who is behind in the polls, winning as unlikely – and not necessarily due to his standing with the electorate.
“My analysis is that Trump would not be permitted to win. Why do I say that? Because he has had every establishment off his side. Trump does not have one establishment, maybe with the exception of the Evangelicals, if you can call them an establishment,” said Assange. “Banks, intelligence, arms companies, foreign money, etc. are all united behind Hillary Clinton. And the media as well. Media owners, and the journalists themselves.”
The full 25 min interview seems to be on Saturday afternoon
I can’t make out from the schedule when exactly.
If Farage was an American he could run for the Presidency. No experience needed.
But here in the UK, he has to be an MP first.
Something wrong in the system, perhaps.
Excellent point, Dover!
Trump has been there, done it, as regards proper business; Billary – nope, just another crooked politician, and not very much up to the job either. Liar for a husband, not very bright as well. Does America really want her?
If so, well, this man’s money doesn’t buy very much stuff from the states in future, they can ask why, but it’ll be too late.
I was watching BBC Breakfast at around 7:20am and they had a piece on ‘what will happen if their chosen candidate didn’t win the Presidential election?’. The piece had various Americans saying things like ‘Trump will start WW3/Klu Klux Klan will rise/USA will be a smoldering ruins within a year/Im leaving the country’. All of these comments were presented as fact with a very strong anti-Trump theme.
Then afterwards Roger Whatshisname had a live interview with an American lady who is a member of ‘The Trumpettes’. He starts the interview “you describe the Trumpettes as a group of educated woman but how can educated woman support Trump?”. Always nice to start an interview with an insult about someones intelligence. The lady gave a very good interview and put Roger in his place even when he said “Trump has groped woman” she corrected him with saying it is alleged not proven.
I really hope people like Trump start suing the BBC each time they spread lie and insults like this.
The Today Programme has gone into full anti-Brexit/Trump overdrive this morning.
I had to smile when they said that many on the Remain side were calling for the Leave side to calm the rhetoric, with one MP Dominic Grieve saying that the criticisms made against the High Court judges was “horrifying” and reminded him of “Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe”.
Then apparently we had the Remain side, a side that has had numerous rabbles since the vote, accusing the Leave side of “rabble rousing”.
There is clear evidence here that the BBC stands against the people, the licence payers, and for the establishment.
A judge has told Trump supporters not to use intimidation against Clinton supporters, we are told on the second main bulletin news item by the BBC.* I don’t recall the BBC mentioning any of the actual violence by Clinton’s supporters.
* When it is discussed in detail it doesn’t get much detail at all, since there is none, and is not the second item but one of the last ones alongside M&S and Andy Murray. At least they’ve planted the idea. Very useful for “rabble rousing” if Trump wins.
They’re now running an article claiming that it will be impossible to do a deal with India. They are simply peddling lies, as my compony’s Indian suppliers would be pleased to tell them.
Comparing the difficulty in doing trade deals with a block of 28 different interests, with one, is not a reasonable comparison.