BBC favourite Saira Khan admits to having been sexually abused by her uncle when she was 13 years old
“Saira grew up in a strict Muslim home, but says abuse isn’t a religious or ethnic issue. It’s across every section of society.”
So let’s just clarify – The uncle is Pakistani and a muslim but she claims the abuse isn’t religious or ethnic……you need to speak to a few people in Rotherham or Rochdale Saira.
Oh God no, this is remorseless. Hillary Benn now. Saturday’s Today programme is only two hours, and we must have had more than an hour of anti-Brexit/Trump propaganda already.
So a big piece on the US elections with Nana and the eunuch bloke on the couch – Hillary is stable and Trump will signal the end of the World – all over the internet is the story about the NYPD and the very serious business of what is exactly in the Weiner e-mails and not a mention by the Worlds top Broadcaster and news gatherer. A five year old could do better news gathering than them.
BBC must have screened this vile woman who wished illness on children of Brexit voters. Perhaps she went too far for them
But the question must be asked whether people who are so fanatical about remaining should be employed in the NHS.
We are familiar with arguments about restricting therapy on decisions concerning life style, is the envy of the world proposing to restrict treatment on voting preferences.
Sack the bitch.
No to sacking her. Just simply ship her over to Europe where, she will quickly realise that our Worlds, “Most Trusted Broadcaster” has completely failed to enlighten its viewers/listeners as to the massive crime wave sweeping Europe which increasing numbers of individual national Police services say is now totally out of control.
Agree, if we call for the dismissal of people whose views we do not agree with then it will be visited on us 100 fold. There is nothing the Fascists would like more than to deny employment to anyone who fails to follow their vile & twisted views. God knows what life must be like for anyone who is even slightly right of centre at the BBC.
She is subject to the disciplines of her profession and in my estimation is in breach of those. At the very least she has disgraced her once revered employer.
The Left plays a very hard game, either overtly trying to get people sacked when they fall foul of it, or making sure anyone who doesn’t kowtow to their notions is never employed in the first place.
We are currently facing a Fascist onslaught which is seeking already to have people who do not share those values sacked. Why are you proposing to jelp the Fascists? Whose side are you on?
Let me give you a list of the reasons why some one could be fired
She was not there as a representative of her employer, and was commenting in her own free time. It’s called freedom of speech, and if you don’t like it then perhaps it’s time you voted Labour so you can further destroy it!
The point is that we are BETTER than they are and we can address the infantile stupidity which came out of her mouth without resorting to the levels of the Fascist Left.
They can never even begin to structure a counter argument anymore, they have lost that skill because they constantly resort to isms & phobias to silence debate.
We do not need these words because we have the truth and right on our side.
The situation is now out of control and very far beyond the point where this sort of pusillanimous ‘we’d be as bad as they are if we did X, Y or Z’ makes sense.
The Left has staged a coup d’etat in Britain. It controls just about every major organ of state. We have to fight them using every tool available and if that includes using their own damned hypocrisy back at them, so be it.
We saw what happened when the Nobel Laureate Sir Tim Hunt was forced from his post when that jumped-up ‘professor’ Connie St Louis brought him down using the usual Leftist tactics of half-truths, smears and faux outrage.
Would I have advocated having St Louis sacked? More… much more.
Interesting you should mention this. The German BBC recently reported that burglary rates in German cities have almost doubled in the last 5 years. Some uninformed Germans, minds warped by prejudice, seem to thing it is to do with Eastern European gangs, attracted by the rich pickings in Germany, who travel to Germany, go on a burglary spree and then quickly return home where they will never be brought to justice. What a boon freedom of movement à la EU is.
BBC Breakfast and Today programmes turned all their guns this morning on those who objected to the High Court ruling on Article 50. It was a good example of the BBC’s tendency to make the news rather than report it. The remainiac BBC didn’t like yesterday’s papers’ reaction to the ruling and attacked it, or claimed others unknown were attacking the way most papers covered the ruling. The BBC sees this as endangering the independence of the judiciary. There was a confusion in the BBC approach between judges being independent of the government and having unbiased judgment, but the BBC didnt worry about that and used the two meanings interchangeably.
I’m not aware that any serious commentator is implying an end to judicial independence in the sense of the separation of powers so the BBC should leave that accusation alone. On independence in the sense of unbiased judgment, we all suspect that these three judges did not keep their pro EU views out of their ruling but of course its unprovable . But BBC please note , it’s not an offence to mention it.
The Naga woman’s interview with Stephen Glover of the Mail on Breakfast was a particularly venomous one . But Glover kept his cool and saw her off. He made her look silly in fact.
Have you seen the size of the headline on the BBC website demanding that May should curb criticism of judges that made a decision that they agreed with! It’s on a scale of a very major news event.
Of course, the BBC would never question the judiciary … oh wait
So let’s get this straight….. the left are now defending the Royal appointed Judiciary who have ruled against the will of the people democratically expressed in a referendum that was proposed and voted for in Parliament…..
And they say capitalism will fail due to its internal contradictions LOL!
They haven’t “ruled against the will of the people”. They ruled on a point of law, and the lawyers on both sides agreed that it was completely appropriate for them to do so. Read paragraph 5 of the ruling:
Parliament already ratified the referendum last year. The referendum leaflet, published of course under the misplaced belief that the UK would vote to remain, stated unambiguously that the result was binding. This idea that it was ‘advisory’ is a retroactive attempt to subvert the result. While I still believe that we will leave the EU, mostly because no self-respecting MP would now vote against it, it’s clear that this whole suit was far more about obstructing Brexit because of the personal views of the claimants and was accepted by judges with known liberal leanings. They may have technically been correct, but in that case the government already got it wrong by saying it would be binding without being certain they could follow through without parliamentary backing, in which case the integrity of the whole thing is compromised.
I don’t really blame the judges, they were damned either way. What I will attack is the hypocrisy of the lawyer, who brought this case about because she didn’t get her way in the referendum, now demanding that the government accept the court ruling without appeal. Not to mention the hypocrisy of remainers who said holding any referendum would cause turmoil and insisting that this was a once-in-a-lifetime deal immediately demanding a second one because they got beaten.
Yes, there has been a lot of harumphing about an independent judiciary and acceptance of m’ludly verdicts, but the left have for years accused the judges of impartiality or “institutional bias” because they were too hideously pale, male and stale. Why else the calls for judges to be “more representative” of Britain as a whole? If age, sex and race cloud judges’ judgment why not class as well? Were they Brexiteers?
As apparently judges have been getting the law on joint enterprise wrong for 30 years!! maybe they just did not understand the complex question put to them rather like those simpletons who did not understand the referendum question or its consequences.
“Parliament already ratified the referendum last year.”?
No they didn’t. The EU Referendum Act only established that there would be a referendum and said nothing about it being binding.
Not that it matters in this case, because whether or not the government should pursue Brexit was not up for consideration in the court case. It was about whether the Royal prerogative was appropriate. Stop believing the lies spread by the right-wing press who are so desperate for gullible people like you to not bother checking the facts.
Tomi, the referendum was the expression of the will of the people through the ballot box.
The question set and agreed by parliament was whether to remain in or leave the EU.
No legal sophistry can disguise that fact.
No confections of “complexity” can disguise that fact.
As far as I am aware, no result of any previous referendum held in the UK has been overturned, not even the 1975 referendum since the EEC is a different body than the EU due to subsequent treaty changes never put to the electorate.
The “right wing” press on this occasion, as on many before speaks for the majority of the people of the U.K.
All Lives Matter – “because no self-respecting MP would now vote against it”
And there lies the flaw in your argument. There are no self-respecting MPs in either the Liberal Party or SNSP, very few in the Labour Party and insufficient in the CINO Party. This will almost certainly fail in the Commons, or be watered-down to the level of leaving us in a worse situation with the EU than we already are.
Even if (and very unlikely) Brexit actually means Brexit in the commons then it will be stalled for as long as possible in the Lords which is now stuffed to the rafters of anti-British placemen and women loaded by the anti-British Blair and Cameron.
The only possibility of getting the People’s wish is for the Supreme Court to give the only just ruling of a go-ahead for Brexit. We then have to hope the Great Appeaser doesn’t water it down too much herself as I still don’t trust her “Brexit means Brexit” statement. I am extremely depressed as I thought we would avoid civil war, and that may yet be our last option.
Demon – hopefully civil war will not be necessary. Having said that I feel the time is coming where we may have to put up or shut up.
As a bit of a smalltime lefty I went to a few demos in the 80 s – and they are not pleasant – particularly kettling when the police force large nos of people into restricted spaces.
Having said that. If we value our culture and society we need to show this unholy alliance of the left and the privileged elite, that if they do not listen to the will of the people (demonstrated in an referendum) then they will be releasing a tsunami of anger that will be almost impossible to quell.
I also remember that back in the 80 s a small number of demonstrators running amok in the City prevented the introduction of the Poll tax. Think how many more there are of us than them . If even a small percentage of us get going they will realise that they have unleashed an unstoppable force.
It is a path I do not want to go down again but in truth I love what this country was and what it can be and feel that I owe to my kids (even if they did both vote remain) to stand up and be counted. Maybe I am just in the middle of a mid life crisis but I feel I have to be true to myself.
At the end of the day it is about who has the strongest will. Its nice expressing my opinion from the safety of a keyboard – But these bastards have upped the anti and we have to respond or lose everything we hold dear.
Why should judges be independent ? . No-one else who works is .
They use this excuse of independence as an excuse for their arrogance . Do they feel they should be independent from the Ten Commandments ?
I recollect a time when the House of Lords used to overrule the ‘Judiciary’ in some of the daft court decisions they made.
Unfortunately the H.o.L is full of ‘Lib-lab-tards’, some put there by the Ex Tory PM .
Nice guy Gavin Esler gives Lib Dem Lord Lester complete free rein to spout his ‘enemy of the Daily Mail’ and ‘enemy of Brexit’ spiel.
“No, no, this was not a political decision by the judges… I’m in favour of the EU”
BBC News Channel lefty anchor Esler can’t find a tricky question for the unelected former barrister no matter how hard he dosn’t try.
Then, snidely, Esler turns to the camera and bleats about the Government not putting up a minister for interview. Gavin, there’s 17 million of us out here ready to speak against you and that smug lefty Peer.
Absolute bias.
And Gavin breaks into the news to tell us Jeremy Corbyn is speaking somewhere ‘live’ and we have to endure this superannuated hippy.
Gavin, just a question, mate… have you got anything at all for us that’s not blatantly left wing?
Corbyn is only interupted by the Travel Show – cool runnin’s, was that Bob Marley with the dreadlocks in a wheelchair racing down a hill – not a holiday as Judith Chalmers knew it.
There must have been a StopTrump BBC strategy meeting the same as they did for Global Warming, setting out how Trump/Hillary would be reported..agreeing that the revelations of ProjectVeritas and Wikileaks would be suppressed etc.
All based on their premise that Trump must not be allowed to win.
I’m wondering if they have had similar strategy meetings about Muslim sex gang events and ho certain reporting would be suppressed.
Then have they had a strategy meeting about how trans lifestyle will be promoted and negatives suppressed ?
A strategy meeting about how Calais and Mediterranean immigration would be reported ?
There is no physical evidence for such meetings, but there wasn’t with the 38gate Climate strategy meeting until they screwed up and the attendance list got released.
What is the extent of BBC’s news filtering operations ?
Any Virtue Signalling on R4 Loose Ends at 6.15pm today ?
Ah I see they have a “campaigner” guest Jack Monroe
Monroe, who was assigned female at birth, identifies as non-binary transgender, and has spoken of beginning to identify as trans from an early age. During this period (with the fire service), Monroe also had a brief relationship with a close male friend, which resulted in a son.
Well the Remoaners don’t like the fact they are getting abuse while trying to stop the democratic choice of the country…..what did they expect flowers….dinner…..let me assure you my left wing friends you ain’t seen nothing yet!!!!
I don’t object to this ‘legal’ ruling by the judges, I think we can probably assume they were asked to decide the answer to a ‘legal’ question and answered it to the best of their professional capabilities. To be fair they even clearly stated that it wasn’t a ‘political decision’ and they didn’t want to get involved in the politics of the referendum.
The issue I have is what exactly was achieved by it? It was, blatantly, an attempt to derail the Brexit process by the appellants, otherwise why bother? But, has it achieved that? Not really, it’s just given a green light to those who petulantly want to delay and frustrate the process for as long as possible because the referendum vote didn’t go the way they wanted. It’s like naughty school kids locking teacher in the cupboard, it might seem fun at the time, but it’s not going to change the fact an exam is looming and you still have a lot of coursework to get through.
It’s often claimed that a civilised country observes the rule of law. That might well be true, but a civilised country also respects democracy.
There is a widespread feeling, which I suspect is growing, that the legal system is a self-serving and very lucrative game played by the legal profession.
I’m sure we can all think of instances where the law has not reflected what is morally right. Furthermore, legal brains often disagree. At the end of the day, laws are made by people, are changed by people, and wise people (and by “wise” I don’t necessarily mean highly educated) know that there are times when they should be ignored.
The police and the CPS are very selective about which laws they enforce.
Agreed and we have also suffered from a new breed of activist judges who seem to feel it is their divine right not to interpret the law as made by parliament but to torture it into the shape they think it should have had when it was made.
Never let it be forgot that the megalomanic traitor Blair was a lawyer.
“Never let it be forgot that the megalomanic traitor Blair was a lawyer.”
His wife still is. I believe this “civil rights” lawyer is currently challenging the recent tax changes to the law on rented property on behalf of her large portfolio of client landlords. Follow the money.
“but a civilised country also respects democracy.”
I forgot to add that, IMO, a civilised country also respects freedom of speech. Another right that members of the hallowed legal profession are happy to stamp on when it suits.
a Judicial Review (JR) will ONLY legally scrutinise the process leading up to a decision made by Government (or any public body). It has no authority to question the actual decision reached although if a JR proves successful in identifying serious flaws in the procedure or process, it may ultimately mean a re-run of the whole process and a different end result may be obtained. The judges in this challenge are seasoned and the JR process is more akin to rail tracks: once the case is ‘mounted’ on the rails, it will not be influenced by anything which detracts from the scrutiny of the process. For me, I feel safe in the knowledge that those three judges will have ignored the element of millions of voters involved in the Referendum. That is the reason why the British Judiciary is the best in the World.
“I don’t object to this ‘legal’ ruling by the judges, I think we can probably assume they were asked to decide the answer to a ‘legal’ question and answered it to the best of their professional capabilities.”
In the 1990s the judges were asked by those opposed to increasing EU powers about the limits of the Royal Prerogative and the role of Parliament, in relation to the Lisbon Treaty (previously badged as the EU’s new Constitution). The judges were very clear that anything to do with a Treaty came under the Royal Prerogative, and Parliament came into play when legislation was required to implement the Treaty provisions.
This time they have been asked the same question by those in favour of the EU and they have given the opposite answer. Neither the law nor the constitution has changed in the last 20 years. The only difference is which side of the argument asked the question.
I’m tempted to say that we have the best judges that money can buy, but I don’t think it’s a question of money; only one of prejudice.
I don’t expect the BBC to give any coverage to this significant change of legal opinion.
Well spotted, RJ. Judges tend to not like being overturned on Appeal and therefore try to get their judgements right. Am sure there is some mileage in this to run & run. Clive Colman’s brow may be furrowed for a while? There were some good contributions on Anita Answers Back today, BBC R4 2.03pm onwards. Sorry that should read: Any Answers.
The group under, ‘call me Dave’ as leader, promoted the European Referendum Act 2015. It was he/they who deliberately planted the self-destruct bombs (or is the euphemism now, “bomblets”) tucked away in its legislative Sections. I confess I have not looked through the Act previously but now have. Many of its provisions stink.
I did work from the outside as a ‘Consultee’ to a Government department some years ago, with the creation of new legislation and was privy to Parliamentary Counsels’ communications with the Government department sponsoring that legislation (nothing whatever to do with this issue). On that basis, I can tell you the scrutiny that goes with the analysis of any term or word proposed is virtually absolute. No word is used that creates uncertainty unless that uncertainty is desired or serves a useful purpose. Hence the obvious ‘bomblets’. Moreover, the likely challenges to the resulting legislation will have been thought through and the different legal angles assessed so, in my view, any legal action to derail the ‘Spirit’ of the Referendum would have been well debated before the European Referendum Act 2015 was enacted. It was also approved by other political parties whose senior people will have been made aware, probably briefed off the record, of what the intended outcome was i.e. ‘Remain’. So, they probably all steamed on in the knowledge that the legislation was weak and happily, it had its own inbuilt legal flaws that would assure no Brexit. Problem is, as we now know, the country voted in a totally unexpected manner and there was no Government, ‘Plan B’. So the bombs quietly ticked away. If anyone is to blame for this fiasco it is Cameron and all those who subscribed to the conspiracy. It would have been a relatively simple matter to have included all the resulting actions required in the Act in the event of the voter taking a Brexit decision so the current legal challenges would have had no grounds. Problem here is that had the Act been comprehensively worded, it would not have been accepted and passed by Parliament. It is my view that the battles should have occurred then not now. No wonder ‘call me Dave’ made a quick exit before any fingers were directed at him.
Don’t leave the one-eyed-son-of-the-manse out of that list, who didn’t even have the guts to stick his moniker on the Lisbon Treaty in public, but did so behind closed doors!
G, do you think it necessary for the PM to appeal that judgement? Could she not instead – perhaps after a courtesy call to J-C Juncker – bring forward an immediate Bill to invoke Article 50 straight away, or if deemed necessary to stick exactly to the previously stated timetable, with a rider ‘activation date to be set by Cabinet’?
Parliament then has its say for two hours, in line with the judgement, and the Bill goes through on the nod with a few ‘token Noes’, from the SNP and the like. Cabinet keeps its options open for invocation of the measure.
Broad proposals for a Revocation Bill for the EC Act (UK) 1972 can then be dealt with and debated fully in the weeks ahead.
The argument of those who fake that they do not want to stop brexit is a mystery to me. Trash. What I don’t understand in my humble mind is since the referendum question was answered and it can be honoured by invoking article 50 what is there to vote for in parliament? Especially considering that negotiations on the terms can be initiated only after invoking it….So…
I note that, G.W.F., and have seen another opion that questions the ruling in full or part. There is additional succour from previously strong pro-Remain Parliamentarians who now say that the UK leaving the EU is indisputable. Hilary Benn was very interesting on TODAY this morning. I wonder if he is actually a secret Brexiter and took his Remain position purely for show and/or positioning himself for Party leadership or both. His late father was no fan of the EU and wanted to get out. He may privately hold the same view.
If you didn’t hear Benn at time of broadcast I’d recommend a listen via the BBC w/s. Listen for the change of tone in his voice.
The other piece of comfort from this judgement is that it makes or reinforces the pre-eminence of the Westminster Parliament. If Nicola Sturgeon is able to comprehend that fact at all, especially while celebrating the initial apparent success of those who wish to delay or derail an EU-Brexit, then it puts a bit of a brake on any attempt by her to use the EU Referendum result to get Scotland out of the UK.
“”What would a Donald Trump win mean for UK politics?””
“”Mr Oliver (of the Left wing LSE) says ……, “an erratic president who appears willing to do anything when it comes to torture, bombing, relations with authoritarian states”.
“”If he gets elected, then we will have to go into the Washington version of Kremlinology, trying to work out what’s really going on.”” (Says Mr Oliver of the LSE).
So, there you have it. One of an endless stream of anti-Trump BBC features. Nothing positive at all about Trump. And it’s now slowly dawning on the BBC/Left that Trump could win.
Imagine the BBC penning the same about Clinton? Dream on…
It’s a disgrace. However the bbc is not alone. I find the same on every news outlet. Even lbc with matt frei (where are katie hopkins or farage) or the mail this morning are clearly hoping for a spirit cooking extravaganza results party. Let’s look through my crystal ball…I can just see the dnc with strange dolls and needles meeting right now
Having been alerted to the BBC’s screeching on its website about criticism of the three stooges, I took a look.
What a shock! The story is nothing more than a hastily cooked-up mess of tripe and onions thrown together by Remainiac Labourites and reported as if Corbyn had just tripped down the mountain with tablets of stone.
Once again the BBC acts as Labour’s press office. It’s quite like old times.
So, the vile Kirsty on the vile Newsshite on vile bbc2 plays the vile Sex Pistols’ God Save The Queen to mock the Tories, the Queen and patriotism, and all the vile Islington beeboids fall about laughing, ‘dahling, simply hilarious’.
Off with their vile heads, NOW!
Aux armes, citoyens…
Can anyone think of any other country in the world, apart from perhaps the USA, where it would be considered not only funny, but morally virtuous, to viciously mock the head of state and the national anthem?
I find all this talk of pre- or even post-negotiation votes in Parliament over Brexit terms nonsensical.
The Remoaners continue to badger the PM over what her proposed terms will be – why? Anyone with any sense or memory of past history will realise that Brussels won’t ever give up anything the UK wants. Whatever deal is hammered out there will still be some Italian tomato farmers collective or Belgian regional assembly that objects.
We are heading for timed out ‘Hard Brexit’ or no Brexit. Get used to the idea now.
Dear God! The Now show is worse than normal and that’s saying something!
Here’s a run list
Moan about Brexit
Moan about Donald Trump
Some whiney horrid Feminist lauding Ken Cockroaches I Daniel Blake, including criticism of anyone who doesn’t like it as ‘haters’.
Then she goes on to tell us we can take every migrant that the world can throw at us and how much she likes the Guardian
Celebration of the BBC plus a moan about the Daily Mail.
Then another moan about Trump again
Brexit again
And so it goes on.
The programme seems now to be comedy-averse.
All I heard was somebody from Chatham house being seriously interviewed( to be fair,she was balanced, in contrast to the questions asked)-and then some creaking piece of crap from a hipster at a piano doing a hideously-unfunny version of an REM song.
As I say-comedy averse. Poor dears can`t find anything to laugh at any more. But we can-and they don`t like it do they?
Once again David Keighley (ex-BBC) nails the Corporation in another fine article on Conservative Woman, this time over its disgusting treatment of Nigel Farage.
The more angry we all are, the better the content above.
Some great post above, the girls will love them-especially that “Lawyers for Britain” post.
The 1pm news headlines links the “anti-judiciary” tone of the Right Wing press with the claim that Gina Miller is getting harassed online,and has told the police.
So now-not only can the elite, stuffed with lefties and EU house-trained poodles, judge themselves to be above the electorate if they choose the wrong thing?
But the Press need to be muzzled as well, and the Home Secretary expected to rein in any criticism of there bare naked political bias?
Never seen anything like it, outside of The Pearl River Delta.
And as for that “boo hoo they`re all being nasty to me”?
Has Gina once put her millionaires barnet above the sandbags to see how her friends trash Trump, Farage,Sir Cliff, MacAlpine, Tommy R, Coulson, Murdoch, Boris etc?
Or-even closer to her plied trade-Fred the Shred, Mike Ashley or Sir Philip Green?
Oh wait-it was the Left and the BBC putting these peoples lives in danger.
Which would have to be a good and virtuous cleansing of the organic barn then?
Gina was moaning about threats of gang-rape and beheading. At least our Muslim communities are showing strong support for Brexit in the traditional manner. Insallah!
All the excitement of post Brexit demonstrations, sissy schlebs having their beret nicked and the judiciary doing its best to throw a spanner in the works could have been avoided by triggering article 50 first thing on 24th June. Fait accompli as our dear dear chums over the water would say.
Today’s News Snippets
Telegraph and Mail home both lead with possibility of May calling an election soon.
Times small bit on RE teacher being struck off for Marching with Britain first
There was an issue of looking at porn on a school laptop.
The principle to me is that teachers should be able to have what political views left/right they want as long as they keep it out of their teaching
Review to be hidden as published on US election day
Controversy as the Met is publishing the review into the failed VIP sex investigations Operation Midland on US election day
Green Mafia watch
“10,000 Fly into Marrakesh for doomed Climate talks ”
“after 2 weeks they are likely to suspend talks until 2018”
Fears Hammond will remove carbon floor price in budget
“putting gas plants at risk” (strange idea cos it would make them more profitable, they argue more coal biz will go to coal plants)
Does anyone else get the message, “Site will not accept your connection” ?
I get it every Wednesday 5pm to around Saturday 10am on only this site.
Tried the Technical Contact – don’t seem to send ?
I have to confess to being only half awake listening to the Today programme this morning when I heard this….or thought I heard it. Was I dreaming?
They had a piece on about that virtue signalling bore, Lily Allen. She’s given yet another apology; don’t panic, this time it wasn’t to a thirty year old schoolboy.
Apparently on one of her pop videos (sadly I missed it) some of her background dancers were “twerking.” For the uninitiated this is essentially wiggling your bottom about in a suggestive manner. Own up, we’ve all done it! According to the oh so pc Allen this is a clear case of “cultural appropriation.” Lily is such a sensitive little thing that she feels guilty because this is something that comes from black culture. Ye gods, if this isn’t a case of the most poisonous inverted racism, I don’t know what is.
Someone should take Lily to one side and advise her get a life and to shut the fxxx up!
Perhaps the increasingly sinister Evan Davies will interview this poor precious creature on News-night and she can have another little snivel and manage to squeeze out a few more tears.
I’d bet my bottom (twerking) dollar she won’t be wearing a poppy…
Jeff, I’ve noticed a trend now in which actors and entertainers use virtue signalling as a way of keeping in the public eye without really doing anything. A sort of 21st century version of opening supermarkets. Emma Watson seems to be doing this a lot – she hasn’t really had any major roles since Harry Potter but that was years ago. But she’s always appearing for some cause or other.
Fortunately, in the 21st century M&S are about to come to their aid, providing more work opportunities to increase their fortunes and they can go around closing supermarkets or even walking up & down outside, clutching emotive placards, protesting about closure or something like a shortage of thongs or socks or pate de foie gras.
All she will end up being known for is Harry Potter (hope I spelled that right). She will be 40 irrelevant and only known for Harry Potter. She has no idea how to be a grown-up
As I prepare to travel through Westminster this afternoon, I note that I am likely to be delayed by marauding leftists in Guy Fawkes masks. I often wondered why they chose Guy Fawkes as their hero but then it came to me. LOSERSssssssss.
Ta for these OG!
Can`t say I rate him as a speaker or anything other than being what the liberal left hare, fear and dread. No other reasons or questions required.
Only hope when he gets in that the likes of Benson, Rice, Powell and Bolton are ready willing and able to give us an outward looking, experienced and resolute administration.
Coulter as US Ambassador here?…Palin for Paris and Berlin?…oh , let me dream!
I am waiting for Palin. Hillary wins this time and dives in 2020. Palin must be ready.
Main problem – the hostile media. If Trump wins he and the media will fight to the death. Neither will survive beyond 2020. Enter Palin arising out of the ashes of the left media, clear, patriotic and in tune with a political mood which Trump is riding
I liked Cruz as well ..He’s a climate Truth hero.
But Trump proved himself special by being to come from nowhere and beat all the Republic contenders in a public ballot.
and Trump came up with this narrative of smash the corrupt establishment ..and you know that is worth a punt even if he can’t pull it off.
It will be good for Left, Right, gays, black whoever. Like Brexit even if there are short term costs, it is a price worth paying.
If so minded, there is much sport to be had with the BBC and one of their favoured daughters here on many a basis…
You didn't have a problem appearing alongside me on Channel 5 a few years back. Is it coz you lost the debate then and you will now?
I listened to ‘From Our Own Communistpondent’ today on R4 for a few minutes then switched off. A long moan about how Indians don’t want to trade with us and we’ll never be able to do any sort of deal with them.
Watch RT, Freeview Channel 135, 9.30pm, for some secrets revealed by Hilary Clintons emails. An interview of Julian Assange by John Pilger.
Assange thinks that Trump will not be allowed to win, presumably because of voting machine fraud, produced by non-verifiable electronic voting machine results that always drastically favour Hillary Clinton, in contrast to hundreds of pre-election polls. As it has been found that the companies that produced the machines, donate heavily to the Clinton Foundation.
Also, it looks as if Bernie Sanders would have won the nomination, if it wasn’t for voting fraud.
But then it looks as if Hilary Clinton will face impeachment the day she starts her Presidency, and Trump will not recognise the win and demand both an FBI investigation into Voting fraud, and a rerun of the Presidential Election.
Assange explained Trump hate; it’s about Class
The Trump base is working class
The media etc are all middle class who look down on the working class
.. Therefore they cannot show any sympathy to Trump cos they can’t face betraying their class.
On Twitter there is a photo of a pre prepared Newsweek cover for a Hillary win
..but that is normal. For big events they prepare alternative stories ready for publication when results come in.
Ive found it even more literally (lol) perplexing listening to leftists over these past few months. They go on about how bad Trump is, yet these lefties sound exactly the same as Trump banging on about how we need to get the best trade deals possible.
Free Trade agreements are nothing of the sort. When one reads such an document, from the first paragraph to the last they are full of restrictions to free trade to protect vested interests.
Have we got a free trade agreement with the EU? Try going to Luxembourg and filling your car with ciggies and see what happens when you get back to blighty
I found this strange message tucked into my post somewhere. I am sure it’s for Friend Lefty, not for me, but I think he may not mind if I share it immediately here:
Dearest Friend Lefty,
Those other Hard-Right Bigots along with their Xylophonic Right-Hard Collaborators in the media, especially the BBC, have been digging away for years trying to undermine our Parliament and place it firmly in the explosive stratosphere of Europe under the control of an unelected minority of one at the head of a small cabal.
Remember, remember! Friends, conservatives, Britons, it is a cardinal rule that anyone who wears funny hats should be made to face a bonfire of their vanities at regular intervals before they get poped into the ash can.
God save The Queen! God bless all in the UK! God bless and save Europe! God bless and save America, especially next Tuesday!
Friend Up2! Of course I don’t mind you sharing it! It is essential that the Progressive Left Massage [Sic! – J.C.] is disseminated as widely as possible, especially as the Hard-Right BBC viciously censors anything that does not fit in to its racist and neoliberal world view.
Well, I`ve been giving it a bit of thought, but it STILL gets no better.
Is anybody able to tell me why Erdogan using the Turkish judiciary is a BAD thing?
But multimillionaire hedge fund migrants using British judges to snuff out the democratically-decided decision is NOT a bad thing…but a GOOD thing.
Same use of the judiciary to dodge the demos.
Yet the BBC have been full of Erdogans slippery slope to a dictatorship being “undemocratic”.
But judges doing exactly the same thing to us here in this once-free nation is somehow required.
And while we think on that, one thing we CAN say.
Even Erdogans goons and bought-up lawyers and new media employees-EVEN THEY-would not go running to their pliant captive press stoolies to protest any effort in Turkey to call out their unelected party placement stooges who JUDGED all this to be OK and “legal”.
Not even Erdogans Minister of the Interior has been asked to “stand up for the stooges at the Central Courts”…even THEY are not so shameless, gratuitously stupid and offensive to suggest THAT!.
But here in Britain-we get unelected,rejected discards and floaters on our media every day to do just this.
Maybe Turkey joining the EU would make us a bit more democratic now.
Just as well we`re going eh?
And if we have to drag a few Oxbridge EU poncies along on the back of a Morris Minor in the streets of Holborn to ensure this-well so be it.
Any of you been watching Wilkie Collins The Moonstone? No?! Just as well.
I taped all five episodes and intended enjoying them over a couple of nights with a glass or two…but this is the BBC and their unhealthy obsession with Orwellian thought control has been at it again.
There’s a character in the story, an old retainer on a large family estate, Gabriel Betteredge. He’s a pleasant, rather wise fellow, obsessed with the book Robinson Crusoe, but with opinions, particularly of foreigners, that were popular at the time; ie he wouldn’t be employed by the BBC.
I very nearly choked on my Merlot when The Beeb’s Betteredge appeared on screen. At no point in the original novel did Wilkie Collins tell us that this character was an elderly West Indian! This is English literature and should be left alone from any fashionable, politically correct distortions.
Some of these historical (or do I mean hysterical) BBC costume dramas should carry a health warning.
God’s teeth if the Beeb decided to make Pride and Prejudice today they’d have Elizabeth Bennett wearing the full hijab and Mr Darcy would lecture us about the benefits of halal cuisine.
There’s a worrying whisper that the Beeb are thinking of making a World War 2 docu-drama focusing on the relationship between Churchill and Monty.
I wonder what part Lenny Henry will be playing…
A BBC docu-drama about Churchill and Monty? Bloody hell! We’ll see Monty on the eve of the Second Battle of Alamein, fretting about the lack of special latrines for transgendered soldiers. Churchill will be a strict abstainer from smoking and booze. And heaven help us if the scriptwriters make anything of bizarre recent claims that he was a secret Muslim!
Sweden: Invaders Blame Whites for Violence
NOVEMBER 5, 2016 Third World invaders living in Sweden have blamed whites for the orgy of non-white crime in that state, saying that “racism” and “boredom” originating with white people is the cause of their unrest. “We take out our frustration by destroying and vandalizing,” and it “felt good to burn cars,” non-whites were quoted as saying, by media.
Hungarian Fence Halts Balkan Route
NOVEMBER 5, 2016
The Hungarian government’s building of a fence along its border with Serbia—and its assistance to other states in building similar fences—has all but halted the Balkans route non-white invasion of Europe. As a result, the number of Third World invaders crossing into Austria from Hungary has plummeted to 5,800 this year—compared to 300,000 in 2015.
Germany: More ISIS Invaders Jailed
NOVEMBER 5, 2016
Three more non-white invaders with German nationality have been jailed for joining up with Jihadists in Syria, underlining the danger of legal Third World immigration to Europe. A court in North Rhine-Westphalia last week jailed Fadil Rudolf S., 26, Mohamed A. 24, and Mustafa P., 26, for going to Syria and receiving training from ISIS, before returning to Germany.
New Wave of Invader Attacks Rocks Austria
NOVEMBER 4, 2016 A new wave of non-white invader-refugee attacks upon whites has rocked Austria, and have included sex attacks and other assaults in Innsbruck, Mödling, and Kremsmuenster in Upper Austria. The ever-increasing refugee violence in Austria is expected to play a significant role in the outcome of the presidential election rerun set for December 4—in favour of the anti-invasion candidate, Norbert Hofer.
Another Refugee-Terrorist Arrest in Germany
NOVEMBER 3, 2016
Yet another refugee-terrorist has been arrested in Berlin for planning to bomb a German airport—the second such incident in less than three weeks—reinforcing the fact that Angela Merkel’s mass Third World invasion has endangered all of Europe. The non-white invader had been living in Germany pretending to be a refugee since 2015.
White British: Minority within 50 Years
NOVEMBER 2, 2016
Mass non-white immigration, explosive immigrant birth rates, and declining white reproduction will have ethnically cleansed white people in Britain into minority status within the next 50 years, new statistics have confirmed. A new report has revealed that white populations in towns and cities are dwindling at record levels and in many cases have halved over the past ten years alone.
Invader Rampage through Paris
NOVEMBER 2, 2016 Thousands of non-white invaders rampaged through the streets of Paris in a mass brawl between Afghans, Eritreans, and sub-Saharan Africans near the Stalingrad Metro station where they have been camping out for the past several weeks. It is not known what caused the brawl, but the non-whites attacked each other with sticks and other makeshift weapons in the hours’long battle, much to the horror of local businesses and residents.
Germany: Muslim “Youth” Stone Christian Priest
NOVEMBER 1, 2016 Young non-white Muslim invaders stoned a Christian Ethiopian priest last week outside Frankfurt, Germany, indicating in the clearest terms where the Third World invasion of Europe is inevitably leading. The vicar, dressed in priest gear with a crucifix around his neck, was attacked while visiting the town of Raunheim in the Gross-Gerau district in Hesse, which forms part of the Frankfurt urban region.
“A court in North Rhine-Westphalia last week jailed Fadil Rudolf S., 26, Mohamed A. 24, and Mustafa P., 26, for going to Syria and receiving training from ISIS, before returning to Germany.”
Hang on a minute Soapbox. I don’t know about Fadil and Mohamed, but “Mustafa P” was a character from Round The Horne in 1967.
I don’t remember that, but the film ‘Carry on follow that camel’ featured a religious leader called Mustapha Leak. As I recall, his followers had to bow down on the ground every time his name was mentioned. I can’t imagine the BBC showing this film any more! Come to think of it, ‘Carry on up the Khyber’ took a few pot-shots at the RoP, didn’t? Wasn’t there a character called the Khazee of Jacksie who stamped numbers on his harem as couldn’t remember their names?
Ah yes….Juncker’s new EU army takes shape. The Continentals apart from France never bothered to fund our actual NATO defence forces so they’ll get all the funding they need now from Saudi Arabia.
Not BBC, but in looking through the usual dire, dismal programme list, I passed by Channel 4 this evening – a programme about China – first thing I saw/heard was about a melting glacier, and some child telling us that we must ‘save the water’ which was running from this melting glacier. It occurred to me that if it wasn’t melting, there wouldn’t BE any water emanating from it. You can’t watch anything promising, these days, without being lectured to about ‘eco’ this, or ‘saving the planet’, or other greenie twaddle. I dwelt for a minute, literally (as Friend Lefty might say), and moved on…
Water falls from the sky daily for months on end in the U.K yet we can still manage to engineer a water shortage. We are run by such stupid people that they will shortly be generating an energy crisis on an Island built of coal. Drove up the M1 today past still giant wind-turbines that couldn’t boil a kettle. Roger Harribin what say you?
The BBC have finally decided to tackle the subject matter of “hate preachers”….However, these are “Christian hate preachers”, and so obviously aligned to Trump……..Their cynical bias is utterly relentless.
Just to prove they’re all in this together. Sky has just aired a one-hour special ‘The problem with Hillary Clinton. Not one mention of the email scandal, no mention of Weinergate, the new tranche of 350,000 emails and Huma’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. This was followed by a 15-mine news item about the election. Again not a single word about Weinergate, the new emails, Huma or the fact that the NYPD were talking about making arrests based on the new emails and the Department of Justice was trying to block them. Watch out BBC, you’ve got competition in the scumbag stakes.
Spiderman, I saw it too, and sadly I ended up shouting at the TV, but that’s what Sky news is doing to me these days. Are they really ignorant of what is going on or hiding it?
They mentioned the emails but no details, nothing about the FBI deal, the Banghazi possible leaks, the deletions, the lying, etc.. Nothing about the Wall Street speeches, in fact nothing about anything.
The BBC Bending The Trending blog has just done a piece about misinformation and reporting Trump …but not in the way you’d think it’s just pirating of a Buzzfeed story , that fits the BBC’s ProjectSmear narrative
Cashing in on pro-Trump and conservative websites
About 55,000 people live in Veles in central Macedonia – where more than a hundred pro-Trump and conservative websites are run from
Would you guess that websites with names and URLs like Donald Trump News and were run out of Macedonia?
Well they are. A Buzzfeed investigation has learned that more than a hundred websites appealing to American conservatives and Trump supporters are being run out of the small town of Veles in Macedonia.
Why? Well people running these websites have learned that sensationalist stories that get shared a lot on Facebook can earn them a rather reasonable income – up to 277,000 denars ($5,000, £4,000) a month in one instance cited. Not bad when you consider that the average monthly salary there is less than a tenth that.
Buzzfeed spoke to some of the people running these websites and found they did not really care whether the content was sensationalist or false – in fact they were aware such stories were shared the most on Facebook.
“These sites open a window into the economic incentives behind producing misinformation specifically for the wealthiest advertising markets and specifically for Facebook… as well as within online advertising networks such as Google AdSense,” Buzzfeed said.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has called on the government to spell out its plans for negotiating Brexit to Parliament “without delay”…………..
Yes, Mr Corbyn wants us show the EU what our negotiating hand consists of before we get into bargaining with the EU , just like Mr Car Moron did .
Breaking news …….
‘Some say’ that It looks as if someone ‘has had a go’ at Donald Trump?
Lets hope that Trump exploits this as would the media if it had happened to Hillary .
Over to you Al Beeb and MSM……
Lets see how you play it down ?
Piqued by his own experiences, when dealing with the numerous obfuscations of the Consensus Climate Change Posse (CCCP) and recognising the similarity of the techniques employed by them and the HRC campaign cabal, his opening salvo will not be universally welcomed!
Steve never takes his eye off the pea and his relentless logic is rightly feared by those who have something to hide and have unwisely attempted to cross swords with him!
For those like me, who couldn’t understand the problem with the email server, climateaudit’s explanation of what was going on is brilliant. If you are interested, do use NoLiveTvinMyHouse’s link. I had written to a Hillary supporting cousin in the States for an explanation and her response came back just saying that both sides were telling lies.
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Will Trudeau block your bank account if you do not comply to his orders?
Fedup2Mar 6, 08:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Guest – it’s just a general point – once plod / msm filter the truth they can never be trusted…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:29 Midweek 5th March 2025 Campbell representing around quarter of its audience? Per day.
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Time will tell. RIP the victims. Round here black BMWs are often associated with insurance scams or ignoring double yellow…
BBC favourite Saira Khan admits to having been sexually abused by her uncle when she was 13 years old
“Saira grew up in a strict Muslim home, but says abuse isn’t a religious or ethnic issue. It’s across every section of society.”
So let’s just clarify – The uncle is Pakistani and a muslim but she claims the abuse isn’t religious or ethnic……you need to speak to a few people in Rotherham or Rochdale Saira.
Oh God no, this is remorseless. Hillary Benn now. Saturday’s Today programme is only two hours, and we must have had more than an hour of anti-Brexit/Trump propaganda already.
I wish Hillary Benn…..
Spacemonkey I’m in a library and your comment could get me evicted for laughing out loud 🙂
…was more like his Father; dead.
Why the censorship?
IMHO Al Beeb appear to be in ‘Trump damage limitation’, so it looks as if he is about to win ?
If he does its triple trump…..
Conservatives won last General Election
Farage won Brexit
Trump to win ?
I hope so .
Don’t forget
AfD in Germany
The freedom party of Austria
Front National in France
Geert Wilders in Netherlands
The anti migrant referendum in Hungary
Not everyone drank the kool-aid….
First we have Al Beeb on ‘migrant backlash’ and now we have ‘court backlash’……….
The Judge Community living in fear.
#TellYerHonour now on BBC Trending all week.
So a big piece on the US elections with Nana and the eunuch bloke on the couch – Hillary is stable and Trump will signal the end of the World – all over the internet is the story about the NYPD and the very serious business of what is exactly in the Weiner e-mails and not a mention by the Worlds top Broadcaster and news gatherer. A five year old could do better news gathering than them.
… but it’s nothing to do with news gathering capability. It’s equally about news suppression at the BBC!
total suppression of the truth will not end well for them
BBC must have screened this vile woman who wished illness on children of Brexit voters. Perhaps she went too far for them
But the question must be asked whether people who are so fanatical about remaining should be employed in the NHS.
We are familiar with arguments about restricting therapy on decisions concerning life style, is the envy of the world proposing to restrict treatment on voting preferences.
Sack the bitch.
She didn’t go too far for them, she simply got caught. Did you hear an apology from the BBC, or any sense that she might have gone too far?
It is interesting who the BBC filter selects.
Dizgoostin even.
Anyway, she works in the right place to see her wishes enacted.
Now all that is needed is to get Andy Burnham back as boss.
No to sacking her. Just simply ship her over to Europe where, she will quickly realise that our Worlds, “Most Trusted Broadcaster” has completely failed to enlighten its viewers/listeners as to the massive crime wave sweeping Europe which increasing numbers of individual national Police services say is now totally out of control.
Agree, if we call for the dismissal of people whose views we do not agree with then it will be visited on us 100 fold. There is nothing the Fascists would like more than to deny employment to anyone who fails to follow their vile & twisted views. God knows what life must be like for anyone who is even slightly right of centre at the BBC.
She is subject to the disciplines of her profession and in my estimation is in breach of those. At the very least she has disgraced her once revered employer.
The Left plays a very hard game, either overtly trying to get people sacked when they fall foul of it, or making sure anyone who doesn’t kowtow to their notions is never employed in the first place.
Time they had a bucketful of their own medicine.
And who writes those disciplines?
We are currently facing a Fascist onslaught which is seeking already to have people who do not share those values sacked. Why are you proposing to jelp the Fascists? Whose side are you on?
Let me give you a list of the reasons why some one could be fired
causing offence (what ever that means)
etc etc etc
She was not there as a representative of her employer, and was commenting in her own free time. It’s called freedom of speech, and if you don’t like it then perhaps it’s time you voted Labour so you can further destroy it!
The point is that we are BETTER than they are and we can address the infantile stupidity which came out of her mouth without resorting to the levels of the Fascist Left.
They can never even begin to structure a counter argument anymore, they have lost that skill because they constantly resort to isms & phobias to silence debate.
We do not need these words because we have the truth and right on our side.
The situation is now out of control and very far beyond the point where this sort of pusillanimous ‘we’d be as bad as they are if we did X, Y or Z’ makes sense.
The Left has staged a coup d’etat in Britain. It controls just about every major organ of state. We have to fight them using every tool available and if that includes using their own damned hypocrisy back at them, so be it.
We saw what happened when the Nobel Laureate Sir Tim Hunt was forced from his post when that jumped-up ‘professor’ Connie St Louis brought him down using the usual Leftist tactics of half-truths, smears and faux outrage.
Would I have advocated having St Louis sacked? More… much more.
It’s time to take the gloves off.
I see where you’re coming from, Thoughtful but… we’re in a war now.
And all’s fair.
Quite – and it’s a war we are very close to losing. This situation calls for a Bomber Harris not a Mother Theresa.
In most conflicts the state broadcaster is the first to be targeted & taken down. Come the revolution…..
Ricks Assessment
If no one paid the absurd telly poll tax it would soon be ‘taken down’. Starve it at its source .
Interesting you should mention this. The German BBC recently reported that burglary rates in German cities have almost doubled in the last 5 years. Some uninformed Germans, minds warped by prejudice, seem to thing it is to do with Eastern European gangs, attracted by the rich pickings in Germany, who travel to Germany, go on a burglary spree and then quickly return home where they will never be brought to justice. What a boon freedom of movement à la EU is.
This cnut was the type that would be giving Saville the keys and the do not disturb sign.
Friends! More Lefty “logic” for you. Hope I don;t end up being taken in by my own Tweets!
Sex attacks on young girls by members of the Cult of Submission aka, ‘The peaceful religion’: Starting in Canada –
Only to be expected. This deviant behaviour is the norm for acolytes of, The peaceful religion’. More deviants, more sex crime.
BBC Breakfast and Today programmes turned all their guns this morning on those who objected to the High Court ruling on Article 50. It was a good example of the BBC’s tendency to make the news rather than report it. The remainiac BBC didn’t like yesterday’s papers’ reaction to the ruling and attacked it, or claimed others unknown were attacking the way most papers covered the ruling. The BBC sees this as endangering the independence of the judiciary. There was a confusion in the BBC approach between judges being independent of the government and having unbiased judgment, but the BBC didnt worry about that and used the two meanings interchangeably.
I’m not aware that any serious commentator is implying an end to judicial independence in the sense of the separation of powers so the BBC should leave that accusation alone. On independence in the sense of unbiased judgment, we all suspect that these three judges did not keep their pro EU views out of their ruling but of course its unprovable . But BBC please note , it’s not an offence to mention it.
The Naga woman’s interview with Stephen Glover of the Mail on Breakfast was a particularly venomous one . But Glover kept his cool and saw her off. He made her look silly in fact.
Have you seen the size of the headline on the BBC website demanding that May should curb criticism of judges that made a decision that they agreed with! It’s on a scale of a very major news event.
Of course, the BBC would never question the judiciary … oh wait
Judges should be as subject to criticism as anyone else. Trust the BBC not to understand why.
So let’s get this straight….. the left are now defending the Royal appointed Judiciary who have ruled against the will of the people democratically expressed in a referendum that was proposed and voted for in Parliament…..
And they say capitalism will fail due to its internal contradictions LOL!
They haven’t “ruled against the will of the people”. They ruled on a point of law, and the lawyers on both sides agreed that it was completely appropriate for them to do so. Read paragraph 5 of the ruling:
Click to access judgment-r-miller-v-secretary-of-state-for-exiting-the-eu-20161103.pdf
The notion that the judgement is against the will of the people is a fiction. Don’t fall for it.
Parliament already ratified the referendum last year. The referendum leaflet, published of course under the misplaced belief that the UK would vote to remain, stated unambiguously that the result was binding. This idea that it was ‘advisory’ is a retroactive attempt to subvert the result. While I still believe that we will leave the EU, mostly because no self-respecting MP would now vote against it, it’s clear that this whole suit was far more about obstructing Brexit because of the personal views of the claimants and was accepted by judges with known liberal leanings. They may have technically been correct, but in that case the government already got it wrong by saying it would be binding without being certain they could follow through without parliamentary backing, in which case the integrity of the whole thing is compromised.
I don’t really blame the judges, they were damned either way. What I will attack is the hypocrisy of the lawyer, who brought this case about because she didn’t get her way in the referendum, now demanding that the government accept the court ruling without appeal. Not to mention the hypocrisy of remainers who said holding any referendum would cause turmoil and insisting that this was a once-in-a-lifetime deal immediately demanding a second one because they got beaten.
All Lives Matter
Yes, there has been a lot of harumphing about an independent judiciary and acceptance of m’ludly verdicts, but the left have for years accused the judges of impartiality or “institutional bias” because they were too hideously pale, male and stale. Why else the calls for judges to be “more representative” of Britain as a whole? If age, sex and race cloud judges’ judgment why not class as well? Were they Brexiteers?
As apparently judges have been getting the law on joint enterprise wrong for 30 years!! maybe they just did not understand the complex question put to them rather like those simpletons who did not understand the referendum question or its consequences.
“Parliament already ratified the referendum last year.”?
No they didn’t. The EU Referendum Act only established that there would be a referendum and said nothing about it being binding.
Not that it matters in this case, because whether or not the government should pursue Brexit was not up for consideration in the court case. It was about whether the Royal prerogative was appropriate. Stop believing the lies spread by the right-wing press who are so desperate for gullible people like you to not bother checking the facts.
Tomi, the referendum was the expression of the will of the people through the ballot box.
The question set and agreed by parliament was whether to remain in or leave the EU.
No legal sophistry can disguise that fact.
No confections of “complexity” can disguise that fact.
As far as I am aware, no result of any previous referendum held in the UK has been overturned, not even the 1975 referendum since the EEC is a different body than the EU due to subsequent treaty changes never put to the electorate.
The “right wing” press on this occasion, as on many before speaks for the majority of the people of the U.K.
All Lives Matter – Sums up the situation perfectly.
All Lives Matter – “because no self-respecting MP would now vote against it”
And there lies the flaw in your argument. There are no self-respecting MPs in either the Liberal Party or SNSP, very few in the Labour Party and insufficient in the CINO Party. This will almost certainly fail in the Commons, or be watered-down to the level of leaving us in a worse situation with the EU than we already are.
Even if (and very unlikely) Brexit actually means Brexit in the commons then it will be stalled for as long as possible in the Lords which is now stuffed to the rafters of anti-British placemen and women loaded by the anti-British Blair and Cameron.
The only possibility of getting the People’s wish is for the Supreme Court to give the only just ruling of a go-ahead for Brexit. We then have to hope the Great Appeaser doesn’t water it down too much herself as I still don’t trust her “Brexit means Brexit” statement. I am extremely depressed as I thought we would avoid civil war, and that may yet be our last option.
Demon – hopefully civil war will not be necessary. Having said that I feel the time is coming where we may have to put up or shut up.
As a bit of a smalltime lefty I went to a few demos in the 80 s – and they are not pleasant – particularly kettling when the police force large nos of people into restricted spaces.
Having said that. If we value our culture and society we need to show this unholy alliance of the left and the privileged elite, that if they do not listen to the will of the people (demonstrated in an referendum) then they will be releasing a tsunami of anger that will be almost impossible to quell.
I also remember that back in the 80 s a small number of demonstrators running amok in the City prevented the introduction of the Poll tax. Think how many more there are of us than them . If even a small percentage of us get going they will realise that they have unleashed an unstoppable force.
It is a path I do not want to go down again but in truth I love what this country was and what it can be and feel that I owe to my kids (even if they did both vote remain) to stand up and be counted. Maybe I am just in the middle of a mid life crisis but I feel I have to be true to myself.
At the end of the day it is about who has the strongest will. Its nice expressing my opinion from the safety of a keyboard – But these bastards have upped the anti and we have to respond or lose everything we hold dear.
I suggest you take note of the following.
G.C. The last two paragraphs of that lawyersforbritain piece are pure gold, thank you for posting it.
Here’s another more recent bit from the same group:
Why should judges be independent ? . No-one else who works is .
They use this excuse of independence as an excuse for their arrogance . Do they feel they should be independent from the Ten Commandments ?
A point also made by Dan Hannan earlier today. Since when has the judiciary been above criticism?
I recollect a time when the House of Lords used to overrule the ‘Judiciary’ in some of the daft court decisions they made.
Unfortunately the H.o.L is full of ‘Lib-lab-tards’, some put there by the Ex Tory PM .
Nice guy Gavin Esler gives Lib Dem Lord Lester complete free rein to spout his ‘enemy of the Daily Mail’ and ‘enemy of Brexit’ spiel.
“No, no, this was not a political decision by the judges… I’m in favour of the EU”
BBC News Channel lefty anchor Esler can’t find a tricky question for the unelected former barrister no matter how hard he dosn’t try.
Then, snidely, Esler turns to the camera and bleats about the Government not putting up a minister for interview. Gavin, there’s 17 million of us out here ready to speak against you and that smug lefty Peer.
Absolute bias.
And Gavin breaks into the news to tell us Jeremy Corbyn is speaking somewhere ‘live’ and we have to endure this superannuated hippy.
Gavin, just a question, mate… have you got anything at all for us that’s not blatantly left wing?
Corbyn is only interupted by the Travel Show – cool runnin’s, was that Bob Marley with the dreadlocks in a wheelchair racing down a hill – not a holiday as Judith Chalmers knew it.
Cool Runnings – a regular on French TV! But titled as the less politically correct – Rasta Rocket!
There must have been a StopTrump BBC strategy meeting the same as they did for Global Warming, setting out how Trump/Hillary would be reported..agreeing that the revelations of ProjectVeritas and Wikileaks would be suppressed etc.
All based on their premise that Trump must not be allowed to win.
I’m wondering if they have had similar strategy meetings about Muslim sex gang events and ho certain reporting would be suppressed.
Then have they had a strategy meeting about how trans lifestyle will be promoted and negatives suppressed ?
A strategy meeting about how Calais and Mediterranean immigration would be reported ?
There is no physical evidence for such meetings, but there wasn’t with the 38gate Climate strategy meeting until they screwed up and the attendance list got released.
What is the extent of BBC’s news filtering operations ?
Stew, there absolutely has to have been an anti-Brexit meeting and plan made at the Beeb. No other explanation for the consistent unrelenting bias.
Any Virtue Signalling on R4 Loose Ends at 6.15pm today ?
Ah I see they have a “campaigner” guest Jack Monroe
Who’ll be the first to bash Trump in the prog ?
She’ll still be Melissa to her poor old mum.
Why isn’t a desire to ‘change gender’ (mutilation of genitals) considered to be a psychiatric disorder?
I’m not against it on any sort of moral grounds, I just think that perhaps treating this as a mental illness might be better than surgery.
Well the Remoaners don’t like the fact they are getting abuse while trying to stop the democratic choice of the country…..what did they expect flowers….dinner…..let me assure you my left wing friends you ain’t seen nothing yet!!!!
I don’t object to this ‘legal’ ruling by the judges, I think we can probably assume they were asked to decide the answer to a ‘legal’ question and answered it to the best of their professional capabilities. To be fair they even clearly stated that it wasn’t a ‘political decision’ and they didn’t want to get involved in the politics of the referendum.
The issue I have is what exactly was achieved by it? It was, blatantly, an attempt to derail the Brexit process by the appellants, otherwise why bother? But, has it achieved that? Not really, it’s just given a green light to those who petulantly want to delay and frustrate the process for as long as possible because the referendum vote didn’t go the way they wanted. It’s like naughty school kids locking teacher in the cupboard, it might seem fun at the time, but it’s not going to change the fact an exam is looming and you still have a lot of coursework to get through.
It’s often claimed that a civilised country observes the rule of law. That might well be true, but a civilised country also respects democracy.
There is a widespread feeling, which I suspect is growing, that the legal system is a self-serving and very lucrative game played by the legal profession.
I’m sure we can all think of instances where the law has not reflected what is morally right. Furthermore, legal brains often disagree. At the end of the day, laws are made by people, are changed by people, and wise people (and by “wise” I don’t necessarily mean highly educated) know that there are times when they should be ignored.
The police and the CPS are very selective about which laws they enforce.
Agreed and we have also suffered from a new breed of activist judges who seem to feel it is their divine right not to interpret the law as made by parliament but to torture it into the shape they think it should have had when it was made.
Never let it be forgot that the megalomanic traitor Blair was a lawyer.
“Never let it be forgot that the megalomanic traitor Blair was a lawyer.”
His wife still is. I believe this “civil rights” lawyer is currently challenging the recent tax changes to the law on rented property on behalf of her large portfolio of client landlords. Follow the money.
The Blairs, the Obamas and the Clintons – all f*cking lawyers. Just look at the collective damage they have done.
“but a civilised country also respects democracy.”
I forgot to add that, IMO, a civilised country also respects freedom of speech. Another right that members of the hallowed legal profession are happy to stamp on when it suits.
a Judicial Review (JR) will ONLY legally scrutinise the process leading up to a decision made by Government (or any public body). It has no authority to question the actual decision reached although if a JR proves successful in identifying serious flaws in the procedure or process, it may ultimately mean a re-run of the whole process and a different end result may be obtained. The judges in this challenge are seasoned and the JR process is more akin to rail tracks: once the case is ‘mounted’ on the rails, it will not be influenced by anything which detracts from the scrutiny of the process. For me, I feel safe in the knowledge that those three judges will have ignored the element of millions of voters involved in the Referendum. That is the reason why the British Judiciary is the best in the World.
“I don’t object to this ‘legal’ ruling by the judges, I think we can probably assume they were asked to decide the answer to a ‘legal’ question and answered it to the best of their professional capabilities.”
In the 1990s the judges were asked by those opposed to increasing EU powers about the limits of the Royal Prerogative and the role of Parliament, in relation to the Lisbon Treaty (previously badged as the EU’s new Constitution). The judges were very clear that anything to do with a Treaty came under the Royal Prerogative, and Parliament came into play when legislation was required to implement the Treaty provisions.
This time they have been asked the same question by those in favour of the EU and they have given the opposite answer. Neither the law nor the constitution has changed in the last 20 years. The only difference is which side of the argument asked the question.
I’m tempted to say that we have the best judges that money can buy, but I don’t think it’s a question of money; only one of prejudice.
I don’t expect the BBC to give any coverage to this significant change of legal opinion.
Well spotted, RJ. Judges tend to not like being overturned on Appeal and therefore try to get their judgements right. Am sure there is some mileage in this to run & run. Clive Colman’s brow may be furrowed for a while? There were some good contributions on Anita Answers Back today, BBC R4 2.03pm onwards. Sorry that should read: Any Answers.
Thanks for that interesting observation RJ – can you recall the exact circumstances in which the earlier case arose?
The group under, ‘call me Dave’ as leader, promoted the European Referendum Act 2015. It was he/they who deliberately planted the self-destruct bombs (or is the euphemism now, “bomblets”) tucked away in its legislative Sections. I confess I have not looked through the Act previously but now have. Many of its provisions stink.
I did work from the outside as a ‘Consultee’ to a Government department some years ago, with the creation of new legislation and was privy to Parliamentary Counsels’ communications with the Government department sponsoring that legislation (nothing whatever to do with this issue). On that basis, I can tell you the scrutiny that goes with the analysis of any term or word proposed is virtually absolute. No word is used that creates uncertainty unless that uncertainty is desired or serves a useful purpose. Hence the obvious ‘bomblets’. Moreover, the likely challenges to the resulting legislation will have been thought through and the different legal angles assessed so, in my view, any legal action to derail the ‘Spirit’ of the Referendum would have been well debated before the European Referendum Act 2015 was enacted. It was also approved by other political parties whose senior people will have been made aware, probably briefed off the record, of what the intended outcome was i.e. ‘Remain’. So, they probably all steamed on in the knowledge that the legislation was weak and happily, it had its own inbuilt legal flaws that would assure no Brexit. Problem is, as we now know, the country voted in a totally unexpected manner and there was no Government, ‘Plan B’. So the bombs quietly ticked away. If anyone is to blame for this fiasco it is Cameron and all those who subscribed to the conspiracy. It would have been a relatively simple matter to have included all the resulting actions required in the Act in the event of the voter taking a Brexit decision so the current legal challenges would have had no grounds. Problem here is that had the Act been comprehensively worded, it would not have been accepted and passed by Parliament. It is my view that the battles should have occurred then not now. No wonder ‘call me Dave’ made a quick exit before any fingers were directed at him.
Excellent post, G.
Absolutely right. In Blair and Cameron, we have had in succession the two most dishonest self-serving PMs in our history.
Don’t leave the one-eyed-son-of-the-manse out of that list, who didn’t even have the guts to stick his moniker on the Lisbon Treaty in public, but did so behind closed doors!
G, do you think it necessary for the PM to appeal that judgement? Could she not instead – perhaps after a courtesy call to J-C Juncker – bring forward an immediate Bill to invoke Article 50 straight away, or if deemed necessary to stick exactly to the previously stated timetable, with a rider ‘activation date to be set by Cabinet’?
Parliament then has its say for two hours, in line with the judgement, and the Bill goes through on the nod with a few ‘token Noes’, from the SNP and the like. Cabinet keeps its options open for invocation of the measure.
Broad proposals for a Revocation Bill for the EC Act (UK) 1972 can then be dealt with and debated fully in the weeks ahead.
The argument of those who fake that they do not want to stop brexit is a mystery to me. Trash. What I don’t understand in my humble mind is since the referendum question was answered and it can be honoured by invoking article 50 what is there to vote for in parliament? Especially considering that negotiations on the terms can be initiated only after invoking it….So…
A few arguments in the commentator for the Appeal against the three Blair appointed pro EU judges with grudges against Brexit
I do hope the Appeaser will not muck up the appeal like she mucked up attempts to deport terrorists. I don’t trust the woman
I note that, G.W.F., and have seen another opion that questions the ruling in full or part. There is additional succour from previously strong pro-Remain Parliamentarians who now say that the UK leaving the EU is indisputable. Hilary Benn was very interesting on TODAY this morning. I wonder if he is actually a secret Brexiter and took his Remain position purely for show and/or positioning himself for Party leadership or both. His late father was no fan of the EU and wanted to get out. He may privately hold the same view.
If you didn’t hear Benn at time of broadcast I’d recommend a listen via the BBC w/s. Listen for the change of tone in his voice.
The other piece of comfort from this judgement is that it makes or reinforces the pre-eminence of the Westminster Parliament. If Nicola Sturgeon is able to comprehend that fact at all, especially while celebrating the initial apparent success of those who wish to delay or derail an EU-Brexit, then it puts a bit of a brake on any attempt by her to use the EU Referendum result to get Scotland out of the UK.
BBC Online News:
“”What would a Donald Trump win mean for UK politics?””
“”Mr Oliver (of the Left wing LSE) says ……, “an erratic president who appears willing to do anything when it comes to torture, bombing, relations with authoritarian states”.
“”If he gets elected, then we will have to go into the Washington version of Kremlinology, trying to work out what’s really going on.”” (Says Mr Oliver of the LSE).
So, there you have it. One of an endless stream of anti-Trump BBC features. Nothing positive at all about Trump. And it’s now slowly dawning on the BBC/Left that Trump could win.
Imagine the BBC penning the same about Clinton? Dream on…
Pass the pop-corn, please?
It’s a disgrace. However the bbc is not alone. I find the same on every news outlet. Even lbc with matt frei (where are katie hopkins or farage) or the mail this morning are clearly hoping for a spirit cooking extravaganza results party. Let’s look through my crystal ball…I can just see the dnc with strange dolls and needles meeting right now
Having been alerted to the BBC’s screeching on its website about criticism of the three stooges, I took a look.
What a shock! The story is nothing more than a hastily cooked-up mess of tripe and onions thrown together by Remainiac Labourites and reported as if Corbyn had just tripped down the mountain with tablets of stone.
Once again the BBC acts as Labour’s press office. It’s quite like old times.
So, the vile Kirsty on the vile Newsshite on vile bbc2 plays the vile Sex Pistols’ God Save The Queen to mock the Tories, the Queen and patriotism, and all the vile Islington beeboids fall about laughing, ‘dahling, simply hilarious’.
Off with their vile heads, NOW!
Aux armes, citoyens…
“Ça ira! Ça ira! Ça ira! Ça ira!”
Va te faire foutre, Kirsty ma pute!
Can anyone think of any other country in the world, apart from perhaps the USA, where it would be considered not only funny, but morally virtuous, to viciously mock the head of state and the national anthem?
In the case of Obama, I believe mocking him to be a civic duty.
I find all this talk of pre- or even post-negotiation votes in Parliament over Brexit terms nonsensical.
The Remoaners continue to badger the PM over what her proposed terms will be – why? Anyone with any sense or memory of past history will realise that Brussels won’t ever give up anything the UK wants. Whatever deal is hammered out there will still be some Italian tomato farmers collective or Belgian regional assembly that objects.
We are heading for timed out ‘Hard Brexit’ or no Brexit. Get used to the idea now.
Dear God! The Now show is worse than normal and that’s saying something!
Here’s a run list
Moan about Brexit
Moan about Donald Trump
Some whiney horrid Feminist lauding Ken Cockroaches I Daniel Blake, including criticism of anyone who doesn’t like it as ‘haters’.
Then she goes on to tell us we can take every migrant that the world can throw at us and how much she likes the Guardian
Celebration of the BBC plus a moan about the Daily Mail.
Then another moan about Trump again
Brexit again
And so it goes on.
I did enjoy the Jon Holmes bit though, and Mitch Benn.
Agree: it was one of the most biased ever and the audience lapped it up.
When Trump wins next week, just what will ‘The Now Show’ do then?!
Dissolve in a puddle of acid self-righteousness, with any luck.
The programme seems now to be comedy-averse.
All I heard was somebody from Chatham house being seriously interviewed( to be fair,she was balanced, in contrast to the questions asked)-and then some creaking piece of crap from a hipster at a piano doing a hideously-unfunny version of an REM song.
As I say-comedy averse. Poor dears can`t find anything to laugh at any more. But we can-and they don`t like it do they?
Once again David Keighley (ex-BBC) nails the Corporation in another fine article on Conservative Woman, this time over its disgusting treatment of Nigel Farage.
The more angry we all are, the better the content above.
Some great post above, the girls will love them-especially that “Lawyers for Britain” post.
The 1pm news headlines links the “anti-judiciary” tone of the Right Wing press with the claim that Gina Miller is getting harassed online,and has told the police.
So now-not only can the elite, stuffed with lefties and EU house-trained poodles, judge themselves to be above the electorate if they choose the wrong thing?
But the Press need to be muzzled as well, and the Home Secretary expected to rein in any criticism of there bare naked political bias?
Never seen anything like it, outside of The Pearl River Delta.
And as for that “boo hoo they`re all being nasty to me”?
Has Gina once put her millionaires barnet above the sandbags to see how her friends trash Trump, Farage,Sir Cliff, MacAlpine, Tommy R, Coulson, Murdoch, Boris etc?
Or-even closer to her plied trade-Fred the Shred, Mike Ashley or Sir Philip Green?
Oh wait-it was the Left and the BBC putting these peoples lives in danger.
Which would have to be a good and virtuous cleansing of the organic barn then?
Gina was moaning about threats of gang-rape and beheading. At least our Muslim communities are showing strong support for Brexit in the traditional manner. Insallah!
All the excitement of post Brexit demonstrations, sissy schlebs having their beret nicked and the judiciary doing its best to throw a spanner in the works could have been avoided by triggering article 50 first thing on 24th June. Fait accompli as our dear dear chums over the water would say.
Today’s News Snippets
Telegraph and Mail home both lead with possibility of May calling an election soon.
Times small bit on RE teacher being struck off for Marching with Britain first
There was an issue of looking at porn on a school laptop.
The principle to me is that teachers should be able to have what political views left/right they want as long as they keep it out of their teaching
Review to be hidden as published on US election day
Controversy as the Met is publishing the review into the failed VIP sex investigations Operation Midland on US election day
Green Mafia watch
“10,000 Fly into Marrakesh for doomed Climate talks ”
“after 2 weeks they are likely to suspend talks until 2018”
Fears Hammond will remove carbon floor price in budget
“putting gas plants at risk” (strange idea cos it would make them more profitable, they argue more coal biz will go to coal plants)
IS this the Marrakesh conference that the corrupt Clinton was accused of taking money to organise there ?
Does anyone else get the message, “Site will not accept your connection” ?
I get it every Wednesday 5pm to around Saturday 10am on only this site.
Tried the Technical Contact – don’t seem to send ?
I’ve never encountered that. I’ve never had a problem logging on or posting.
My computer security has started to say this is not a safe site to enter.
I’m now wondering if my computer security is safe. I am also wondering if my computer security is taking money from the EU via the BBC to tell on me.
Perhaps I should switch to the BBC’s favourite: Apple?
Then I will not be able to sign in or connect to anything.
I have to confess to being only half awake listening to the Today programme this morning when I heard this….or thought I heard it. Was I dreaming?
They had a piece on about that virtue signalling bore, Lily Allen. She’s given yet another apology; don’t panic, this time it wasn’t to a thirty year old schoolboy.
Apparently on one of her pop videos (sadly I missed it) some of her background dancers were “twerking.” For the uninitiated this is essentially wiggling your bottom about in a suggestive manner. Own up, we’ve all done it! According to the oh so pc Allen this is a clear case of “cultural appropriation.” Lily is such a sensitive little thing that she feels guilty because this is something that comes from black culture. Ye gods, if this isn’t a case of the most poisonous inverted racism, I don’t know what is.
Someone should take Lily to one side and advise her get a life and to shut the fxxx up!
Perhaps the increasingly sinister Evan Davies will interview this poor precious creature on News-night and she can have another little snivel and manage to squeeze out a few more tears.
I’d bet my bottom (twerking) dollar she won’t be wearing a poppy…
Do hope Clapton realises he’s been playing the blues in a ‘racist and culturally misappropriating’ way all these years?
I wonder if the silly cow considers this to be “cultural appropriation”?
Somehow, I suspect not.
“We must not benefit from their culture but they must benefit from ours”? All sounds terribly colonial what these leftists are preaching.
Consistency was never one of their strong points, was it?
AL – What possible benefit could the West gain from anything in their “culture”?
We haven’t gained anything from it so far: so I wouldn’t hold your breath.
An excellent rendition of the Hayden, a favourite of mine along with the Vivaldi concerto.
I wonder if Lilly the musical mong has a new album out? Just in time for Christmas. Kerching!!
Jeff, I’ve noticed a trend now in which actors and entertainers use virtue signalling as a way of keeping in the public eye without really doing anything. A sort of 21st century version of opening supermarkets. Emma Watson seems to be doing this a lot – she hasn’t really had any major roles since Harry Potter but that was years ago. But she’s always appearing for some cause or other.
Wonderful, Cranmer. LOL x 3.
Fortunately, in the 21st century M&S are about to come to their aid, providing more work opportunities to increase their fortunes and they can go around closing supermarkets or even walking up & down outside, clutching emotive placards, protesting about closure or something like a shortage of thongs or socks or pate de foie gras.
All she will end up being known for is Harry Potter (hope I spelled that right). She will be 40 irrelevant and only known for Harry Potter. She has no idea how to be a grown-up
A very pertinent observation. I’m sure that is exactly what it is, from Leo do Idiot on down
Where was Snowflake Lilly when Whacko Jacko was culturally appropriating the skin of a white man?
dropping the link here for the sake of completeness…
The BBC will NOT be giving this any exposure – that’s for certain.
Steve McIntyre of has a blogpost up about the links between climategate and HRC&Co. email sagas (yes… there are some)
The clear, fair minded and informed analysis is definitely worth a read – I doubt that it will get the public prominence that it deserves.
As I prepare to travel through Westminster this afternoon, I note that I am likely to be delayed by marauding leftists in Guy Fawkes masks. I often wondered why they chose Guy Fawkes as their hero but then it came to me. LOSERSssssssss.
Another good vid from Paul
In his defense he is a great supporter of the US pie industry.
This is outright sackofshitaphobia! Moderate sackofshitists will be very upset and set up a petition.
Just turned on to see the weather and how well Trump is doing, and Mrs Scroblene pressed some sort of button and ‘Mastermind’ appeared.
The first ‘contestant’ wanted questions about some odd programme called ‘The Office’.
What a sordid dumb-down.
Trump is doing very well – he’s live, in North Carolina at the moment:
Ta for these OG!
Can`t say I rate him as a speaker or anything other than being what the liberal left hare, fear and dread. No other reasons or questions required.
Only hope when he gets in that the likes of Benson, Rice, Powell and Bolton are ready willing and able to give us an outward looking, experienced and resolute administration.
Coulter as US Ambassador here?…Palin for Paris and Berlin?…oh , let me dream!
I am waiting for Palin. Hillary wins this time and dives in 2020. Palin must be ready.
Main problem – the hostile media. If Trump wins he and the media will fight to the death. Neither will survive beyond 2020. Enter Palin arising out of the ashes of the left media, clear, patriotic and in tune with a political mood which Trump is riding
I would prefer Ted Cruz, as he would eviscerate any Dem in a debate. Would also love to see Trey Gowdy as AG.
I liked Cruz as well ..He’s a climate Truth hero.
But Trump proved himself special by being to come from nowhere and beat all the Republic contenders in a public ballot.
and Trump came up with this narrative of smash the corrupt establishment ..and you know that is worth a punt even if he can’t pull it off.
It will be good for Left, Right, gays, black whoever. Like Brexit even if there are short term costs, it is a price worth paying.
Powell? You mean Colin Powell? He’s one of the biggest RINOs out there and a staunch Hillary whore.
If so minded, there is much sport to be had with the BBC and one of their favoured daughters here on many a basis…
I listened to ‘From Our Own Communistpondent’ today on R4 for a few minutes then switched off. A long moan about how Indians don’t want to trade with us and we’ll never be able to do any sort of deal with them.
Think I heard a bit of that or a trail for that. Funny thing is they have been doing it for years, EU or not!
Lauren has got it just about right on the UK and Western Europe. BBC take note You are the main culprits
If as hoped the Don takes it,we should run a sweep on who will be the first beeboid who’s head explodes on air
Meanwhile,this is the funniest video ive seen in ages….please do watch….its hilarious
I’m waiting for the “Hitler in the bunker” video, when he hears that Trump has won.
I really really felt his pain. I wanted to reach out to him and give him a hanky.
Watch RT, Freeview Channel 135, 9.30pm, for some secrets revealed by Hilary Clintons emails. An interview of Julian Assange by John Pilger.
Assange thinks that Trump will not be allowed to win, presumably because of voting machine fraud, produced by non-verifiable electronic voting machine results that always drastically favour Hillary Clinton, in contrast to hundreds of pre-election polls. As it has been found that the companies that produced the machines, donate heavily to the Clinton Foundation.
Also, it looks as if Bernie Sanders would have won the nomination, if it wasn’t for voting fraud.
But then it looks as if Hilary Clinton will face impeachment the day she starts her Presidency, and Trump will not recognise the win and demand both an FBI investigation into Voting fraud, and a rerun of the Presidential Election.
Video on Youtube
There is a longer 1 hour video On Pilger’s website
Assange explained Trump hate; it’s about Class
The Trump base is working class
The media etc are all middle class who look down on the working class
.. Therefore they cannot show any sympathy to Trump cos they can’t face betraying their class.
On Twitter there is a photo of a pre prepared Newsweek cover for a Hillary win
..but that is normal. For big events they prepare alternative stories ready for publication when results come in.
Ive found it even more literally (lol) perplexing listening to leftists over these past few months. They go on about how bad Trump is, yet these lefties sound exactly the same as Trump banging on about how we need to get the best trade deals possible.
Free Trade agreements are nothing of the sort. When one reads such an document, from the first paragraph to the last they are full of restrictions to free trade to protect vested interests.
Have we got a free trade agreement with the EU? Try going to Luxembourg and filling your car with ciggies and see what happens when you get back to blighty
🙂 It made me laugh, anyway.
I found this strange message tucked into my post somewhere. I am sure it’s for Friend Lefty, not for me, but I think he may not mind if I share it immediately here:
Dearest Friend Lefty,
Those other Hard-Right Bigots along with their Xylophonic Right-Hard Collaborators in the media, especially the BBC, have been digging away for years trying to undermine our Parliament and place it firmly in the explosive stratosphere of Europe under the control of an unelected minority of one at the head of a small cabal.
Remember, remember! Friends, conservatives, Britons, it is a cardinal rule that anyone who wears funny hats should be made to face a bonfire of their vanities at regular intervals before they get poped into the ash can.
God save The Queen! God bless all in the UK! God bless and save Europe! God bless and save America, especially next Tuesday!
Arthur Fifty-Quickly (Major, ret’d.)
Friend Up2! Of course I don’t mind you sharing it! It is essential that the Progressive Left Massage [Sic! – J.C.] is disseminated as widely as possible, especially as the Hard-Right BBC viciously censors anything that does not fit in to its racist and neoliberal world view.
Glad you enjoyed it, Friend Obi :).
Well, I`ve been giving it a bit of thought, but it STILL gets no better.
Is anybody able to tell me why Erdogan using the Turkish judiciary is a BAD thing?
But multimillionaire hedge fund migrants using British judges to snuff out the democratically-decided decision is NOT a bad thing…but a GOOD thing.
Same use of the judiciary to dodge the demos.
Yet the BBC have been full of Erdogans slippery slope to a dictatorship being “undemocratic”.
But judges doing exactly the same thing to us here in this once-free nation is somehow required.
And while we think on that, one thing we CAN say.
Even Erdogans goons and bought-up lawyers and new media employees-EVEN THEY-would not go running to their pliant captive press stoolies to protest any effort in Turkey to call out their unelected party placement stooges who JUDGED all this to be OK and “legal”.
Not even Erdogans Minister of the Interior has been asked to “stand up for the stooges at the Central Courts”…even THEY are not so shameless, gratuitously stupid and offensive to suggest THAT!.
But here in Britain-we get unelected,rejected discards and floaters on our media every day to do just this.
Maybe Turkey joining the EU would make us a bit more democratic now.
Just as well we`re going eh?
And if we have to drag a few Oxbridge EU poncies along on the back of a Morris Minor in the streets of Holborn to ensure this-well so be it.
Any of you been watching Wilkie Collins The Moonstone? No?! Just as well.
I taped all five episodes and intended enjoying them over a couple of nights with a glass or two…but this is the BBC and their unhealthy obsession with Orwellian thought control has been at it again.
There’s a character in the story, an old retainer on a large family estate, Gabriel Betteredge. He’s a pleasant, rather wise fellow, obsessed with the book Robinson Crusoe, but with opinions, particularly of foreigners, that were popular at the time; ie he wouldn’t be employed by the BBC.
I very nearly choked on my Merlot when The Beeb’s Betteredge appeared on screen. At no point in the original novel did Wilkie Collins tell us that this character was an elderly West Indian! This is English literature and should be left alone from any fashionable, politically correct distortions.
Some of these historical (or do I mean hysterical) BBC costume dramas should carry a health warning.
God’s teeth if the Beeb decided to make Pride and Prejudice today they’d have Elizabeth Bennett wearing the full hijab and Mr Darcy would lecture us about the benefits of halal cuisine.
There’s a worrying whisper that the Beeb are thinking of making a World War 2 docu-drama focusing on the relationship between Churchill and Monty.
I wonder what part Lenny Henry will be playing…
Funny thing, Jeff, but I’d swear blind that Betteredge wasn’t coloured, wasn’t West Indian in the BBC Radio version of The Moonstone.
A BBC docu-drama about Churchill and Monty? Bloody hell! We’ll see Monty on the eve of the Second Battle of Alamein, fretting about the lack of special latrines for transgendered soldiers. Churchill will be a strict abstainer from smoking and booze. And heaven help us if the scriptwriters make anything of bizarre recent claims that he was a secret Muslim!
Charging around the North African desert in tanks leaves an enormous carbon footprint. What would ‘environment analyst’ Roger Harrabin make of that?
Another week of “news we weren’t told” by Albeebistan” from
Sweden: Invaders Blame Whites for Violence
NOVEMBER 5, 2016 Third World invaders living in Sweden have blamed whites for the orgy of non-white crime in that state, saying that “racism” and “boredom” originating with white people is the cause of their unrest. “We take out our frustration by destroying and vandalizing,” and it “felt good to burn cars,” non-whites were quoted as saying, by media.
Hungarian Fence Halts Balkan Route
NOVEMBER 5, 2016
The Hungarian government’s building of a fence along its border with Serbia—and its assistance to other states in building similar fences—has all but halted the Balkans route non-white invasion of Europe. As a result, the number of Third World invaders crossing into Austria from Hungary has plummeted to 5,800 this year—compared to 300,000 in 2015.
Germany: More ISIS Invaders Jailed
NOVEMBER 5, 2016
Three more non-white invaders with German nationality have been jailed for joining up with Jihadists in Syria, underlining the danger of legal Third World immigration to Europe. A court in North Rhine-Westphalia last week jailed Fadil Rudolf S., 26, Mohamed A. 24, and Mustafa P., 26, for going to Syria and receiving training from ISIS, before returning to Germany.
New Wave of Invader Attacks Rocks Austria
NOVEMBER 4, 2016 A new wave of non-white invader-refugee attacks upon whites has rocked Austria, and have included sex attacks and other assaults in Innsbruck, Mödling, and Kremsmuenster in Upper Austria. The ever-increasing refugee violence in Austria is expected to play a significant role in the outcome of the presidential election rerun set for December 4—in favour of the anti-invasion candidate, Norbert Hofer.
Another Refugee-Terrorist Arrest in Germany
NOVEMBER 3, 2016
Yet another refugee-terrorist has been arrested in Berlin for planning to bomb a German airport—the second such incident in less than three weeks—reinforcing the fact that Angela Merkel’s mass Third World invasion has endangered all of Europe. The non-white invader had been living in Germany pretending to be a refugee since 2015.
White British: Minority within 50 Years
NOVEMBER 2, 2016
Mass non-white immigration, explosive immigrant birth rates, and declining white reproduction will have ethnically cleansed white people in Britain into minority status within the next 50 years, new statistics have confirmed. A new report has revealed that white populations in towns and cities are dwindling at record levels and in many cases have halved over the past ten years alone.
Invader Rampage through Paris
NOVEMBER 2, 2016 Thousands of non-white invaders rampaged through the streets of Paris in a mass brawl between Afghans, Eritreans, and sub-Saharan Africans near the Stalingrad Metro station where they have been camping out for the past several weeks. It is not known what caused the brawl, but the non-whites attacked each other with sticks and other makeshift weapons in the hours’long battle, much to the horror of local businesses and residents.
Germany: Muslim “Youth” Stone Christian Priest
NOVEMBER 1, 2016 Young non-white Muslim invaders stoned a Christian Ethiopian priest last week outside Frankfurt, Germany, indicating in the clearest terms where the Third World invasion of Europe is inevitably leading. The vicar, dressed in priest gear with a crucifix around his neck, was attacked while visiting the town of Raunheim in the Gross-Gerau district in Hesse, which forms part of the Frankfurt urban region.
WHY are we not informed about these incidents?
“A court in North Rhine-Westphalia last week jailed Fadil Rudolf S., 26, Mohamed A. 24, and Mustafa P., 26, for going to Syria and receiving training from ISIS, before returning to Germany.”
Hang on a minute Soapbox. I don’t know about Fadil and Mohamed, but “Mustafa P” was a character from Round The Horne in 1967.
I don’t think Mustafa P would have been too keen on Julian and Sandy! (Strictly for Round The Horne fans!)
I don’t remember that, but the film ‘Carry on follow that camel’ featured a religious leader called Mustapha Leak. As I recall, his followers had to bow down on the ground every time his name was mentioned. I can’t imagine the BBC showing this film any more! Come to think of it, ‘Carry on up the Khyber’ took a few pot-shots at the RoP, didn’t? Wasn’t there a character called the Khazee of Jacksie who stamped numbers on his harem as couldn’t remember their names?
Dont forget ‘bunged-it-in’
How long before that great Carry On film is banned? It can only be a matter of time.
And this
Germany fears Islamic State is trying to infiltrate its army
Ah yes….Juncker’s new EU army takes shape. The Continentals apart from France never bothered to fund our actual NATO defence forces so they’ll get all the funding they need now from Saudi Arabia.
Because of ‘backlashophobia’.
AL Beeb suffers from it along with the rest of the MSM.
Not BBC, but in looking through the usual dire, dismal programme list, I passed by Channel 4 this evening – a programme about China – first thing I saw/heard was about a melting glacier, and some child telling us that we must ‘save the water’ which was running from this melting glacier. It occurred to me that if it wasn’t melting, there wouldn’t BE any water emanating from it. You can’t watch anything promising, these days, without being lectured to about ‘eco’ this, or ‘saving the planet’, or other greenie twaddle. I dwelt for a minute, literally (as Friend Lefty might say), and moved on…
Water falls from the sky daily for months on end in the U.K yet we can still manage to engineer a water shortage. We are run by such stupid people that they will shortly be generating an energy crisis on an Island built of coal. Drove up the M1 today past still giant wind-turbines that couldn’t boil a kettle. Roger Harribin what say you?
The BBC have finally decided to tackle the subject matter of “hate preachers”….However, these are “Christian hate preachers”, and so obviously aligned to Trump……..Their cynical bias is utterly relentless.
BBC once again questioning the First Amendment
Only the BBC in a documentary about Christian hate can feature the Paris terror attacks and make no mention of Islam.
Just to prove they’re all in this together. Sky has just aired a one-hour special ‘The problem with Hillary Clinton. Not one mention of the email scandal, no mention of Weinergate, the new tranche of 350,000 emails and Huma’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. This was followed by a 15-mine news item about the election. Again not a single word about Weinergate, the new emails, Huma or the fact that the NYPD were talking about making arrests based on the new emails and the Department of Justice was trying to block them. Watch out BBC, you’ve got competition in the scumbag stakes.
Spiderman, I saw it too, and sadly I ended up shouting at the TV, but that’s what Sky news is doing to me these days. Are they really ignorant of what is going on or hiding it?
They mentioned the emails but no details, nothing about the FBI deal, the Banghazi possible leaks, the deletions, the lying, etc.. Nothing about the Wall Street speeches, in fact nothing about anything.
Someone has just been yelling at me
“You don’t anything about Trump, I do I’ve been watching it all on the BBC for months”
Did you try this?
That is excellent ..distribute as widely as you can.
It really sums up Trump in a nutshell.
The BBC Bending The Trending blog has just done a piece about misinformation and reporting Trump …but not in the way you’d think it’s just pirating of a Buzzfeed story , that fits the BBC’s ProjectSmear narrative
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has called on the government to spell out its plans for negotiating Brexit to Parliament “without delay”…………..
Yes, Mr Corbyn wants us show the EU what our negotiating hand consists of before we get into bargaining with the EU , just like Mr Car Moron did .
Breaking news …….
‘Some say’ that It looks as if someone ‘has had a go’ at Donald Trump?
Lets hope that Trump exploits this as would the media if it had happened to Hillary .
Over to you Al Beeb and MSM……
Lets see how you play it down ?
RT gets an interview with one of the major actors of the American election
while the BBC give us this crap
Steve McIntyre of Climate Audit has turned his awesome intellect to spotlight the HRC and Huma Abedin e-mail affair with a new post on his blog:
Piqued by his own experiences, when dealing with the numerous obfuscations of the Consensus Climate Change Posse (CCCP) and recognising the similarity of the techniques employed by them and the HRC campaign cabal, his opening salvo will not be universally welcomed!
Steve never takes his eye off the pea and his relentless logic is rightly feared by those who have something to hide and have unwisely attempted to cross swords with him!
For those like me, who couldn’t understand the problem with the email server, climateaudit’s explanation of what was going on is brilliant. If you are interested, do use NoLiveTvinMyHouse’s link. I had written to a Hillary supporting cousin in the States for an explanation and her response came back just saying that both sides were telling lies.