Any attacks on the Guyanan woman and that Brazilian who led that court case against the British People are called racist. Surely the fact that they hold the British People in such contempt, they clearly hate us, and will do such a negative action against us means that they are the racists.
Grahame Pigney’s LinkedIn site recognizes Gina Miller as an associate. Lord Thomas who is presiding over the case brought by Miller is a member of the European Law Institute which was considered a Soros Open Society apparatus since its founding. And so the circle is complete.
Miller, New Star, Lord Thomas, Grahame Pigney, the entire exploiters of the anti-BREXIT vote, are now attempting to uproot the voters via pressure from Soros.
What say you UK? Who is your Master?
You, The People, have a say, have rights, have the power, if you choose. And like the US, you can rise up against the shadows and just say – NO! Because, our world, our history, our future are at stake. And that’s worth fighting for!
Been(quite literally) looking at the scroll above!
A joy to see all this common sense in one go-and such an antidote to the endless slurry of the media.
Won`t normally write on a Sunday, busy day.
But WILL say this.
1. Just saw “A Point of View”s trailer for Radio 4.
Apparently Adam Gopniks “point of view” is that electing Trump would be a disaster for America!
THAT is a Point of View?
My Lord, that is ALL the media tell us, there IS no point of view in this-just bias confirmation for the 1001th time!
So it should NOT have been described as a Point of View, implying that this was different from all the rest of BBC output.
At least the sermon from St Columbas in the preceeding programme was worth listening to THAT was a Point of View in that such thought and care is NEVER given to anything that the BBC itself puts out as “news”.
Only thoughtless incontinence of their minds…and the world shall think as one” to slightly amend their Lennon mantra.
Trump will drain the swamp on the 9th. Have we a brownfield site where we can take back our exported crap like Snow, put tariffs on pointless privileged imported laamebrains like Gopnik, Grier and Churchill(C)?
PS-yes above, did mean Powell C… have checked, sorry I was wrong sir!
If anyone was still under the delusion that the BBC was impartial in its covering of the US Presidential election (okay, I know no honest person does), the ‘A Point of View’ on R4 today 6 Nov 2016 shows that they are without doubt not impartial. I listened to Adam Gopnik’s diatribe against Donald Trump with increasing incredulity, not only because of his vitriol, but that it was full of downright and shameless lies. At the end of his spewings, I was left metaphorically breathless by the sheer dishonesty of it. Gopnik’s essay went very far beyond any biased anti-Trump broadcast we have hitherto endured, and constituted a blatant violation of the BBC’s Charter. Naturally, it was timed so that there would be no time for a POV criticising Clinton.
Things have gone far enough. The broadcasting of Gopnik’s essay needs investigation at the highest level, including the roles of the producer Adele Armstrong and the controller of Radio 4. A wider investigation of ‘Point of View’ is also needed; over the many years it has been broadcast, three-quarters of them have been from left-wing speakers.
The BBC is now brazen in its impartiality, not just regarding the US election but just about everything. Its arrogance appears to know no bounds. Here is another example following an incident at Trump’s Nevada rally:
Just look at this unbelievable comment regarding the gun from that article:
‘A few journalists who left the media pen and headed towards the commotion were treated to manhandling and verbal abuse. There was no gun, of course, and the drama quickly subsided.’
Arrogant, sanctimonious BBC bullsh*t. I find it hard to believe any of the journalists, particularly the BBC, headed towards the commotion. Remember the brave Eamon Holmes’ response when protesters got into the studio:
The ‘of course’ is a gem. There is no ‘of course’ about it. However, we can be assured that if Trump wins, he will immediately have the highest level of protection, and so will his family. (By the way, the political progress of the quite impressive Eric Trump might be worth keeping an eye on!).
I hope when Trump becomes President someone in his administration will draw attention to the failure of the UK Government to enforce the BBC’s charter. We can guarantee that Trump and supporters will be ready to deal with the liars in the media both sides of the pond. A humiliating denial of access to BBC propagandists to his administration would be a start
My hope is that President Trump will remove press accreditation from, let’s say, nine tenths of the BBC’s multitude of political agitators who masquerade as ‘journalists’.
That “Point Of View” was absolutely outrageous, irrespective of whether you are a Clinton supporter Trump supporter or neither.
I hope that somebody gets it written down.
Of course the BBC will defend itself by claiming that Gopnik’s views are his, and not necessary the BBC’s. This line of defence needs to be demolished for the nonsense that it clearly is.
Friends! For those of you who enjoy my Tweets [That has to be a contradiction in terms, Lefty! – J.C. Oh Jeremy! You can be so bitchy at times! – L.], here’s my weekly roundup, published in the Hard-Right WordPress:
Marr this morning, intro for the piece about the visit last week of the (elected) President of Colombia. Marr opened that Colombia ‘was the type of country with which the UK’ would seek trade deals post-Brexit. Clearly Marr would be much happier with a trade deal with Venezuela or North Korea. Subtle or what?
The bias is ever more apparent, and I didn’t think it could get any worse! Foolish me!!
‘Drip, drip, drip’ should be the new motto of the BBC. The national treasure seems to be very interested in last night’s bonfire parade in Lewes. Can anyone guess why?:
The BBC has become a sixth form political society with views of a similar level of sophistication.
Quoting Brooke Binkowski from ‘fact checking’ website Snopes hardly adds credibility to the article, which reads like a second rate Soviet Unionesque attempt by the state braodcaster to damage alternative media sources. Snopes?? ffs.
The Gold standard for good news sources is that should have open comments.
That way if the content is bunk, looking at the top comments will show that.
Does the BBC Trending blog have open comments ? …No
Good point. Which reminds me to ask, since when has the BBC been open to ‘fact checking’ when it lies (as it frequently does) about ‘man made global warming’?
On the contrary, of course, it goes out of its way to smother any awkward facts that might contradict its ‘narrative’
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live with ethnic minority Naga Munchetty will today be discussing transgender, Sharia councils and interviewing an ethnic minority Asian actress.
One of the first guests is someone called ‘Jack’ who looks like a woman but they start with yet another interview (10th this week?!?) with socialist leftie Ken Loach.
Is there anything “British” Naga could be talking about instead?
She is the lawn-munching single mum who made a fortune producing a cook book (whilst on benefits, of course) and who writes, from a Leftoid viewpoint naturally, in the Guardian.
Poor JK had to live on a tin of beans a week while she wrote that Harry Potter crap – she is an inspiration to nobody. Didn’t I read somewhere that that was all a lie too as she came from a family of money
I heard she was on ‘benefits’ (or the dole as used to be called). I rather resent having contributed to the free time she had to cobble together other people’s ideas and pass them off as her own.
I don’t know whether Rowling is or is not, but the ‘Jack’ on the programme is, I believe from the preview I saw on Pandy Marr’s propaganda broadcast, one Jack Monroe, lawn-munching, single mother, long-time benefit recipient now wealthy from her cookbook and too-frequent and painful media appearances and her ‘writing’ (wittering on) about poverty in the Guardian.
What the fuck she knows about poverty having been supported by my and others’ taxes I’m damned if I know!
Gina Miller even managed to get Nigel Farage to agree with her on some points and vice versa \
9am….poor old #marr was expecting a ‘fight’ 5 min video via Twitter
Gina MillerLite or whatever name wants to save this country .
Donald Trump wants to save his country .
Gina M takes what action she feels is available to her .
Donald T takes what action is available to him .
Gina M and the judges face criticism in the press ( though not the BBC) .
Donald Trump faces criticism in the press and especially the BBC .
Trending on the BBC and liberal/ left ; unfair to criticise Gina and the judges .
Sometimes when I’m faced with a difficult decision I find it useful to turn the problem around and then the answer becomes much more clear.
For example; the question should not be whether or not parliament should have a vote on triggering article 50 but rather would it be legal for parliament to vote against triggering article 50?
Given that parliament voted by 6 to 1 to allow the referendum and that the largest number of people voted for leaving than have ever voted for anything in UK history, I think it would not be lawful for parliament to vote against triggering article 50.
In this case, for the judiciary to force a vote on the matter would seem perverse, would lead to further uncertainty, speculation and delay which can only be to the detriment of the British people.
It isn’t only dear old aunty Beeb who is biased beyond all ryme or reason, Sky news are just as bad.
They just had a very balanced piece on this morning where a biographer of Clinton and another of Trump were interviewed. Of course the Clinton biographer was pro Hillary through and through while the Trump biographer was resolutely anti Trump. Way to go, Sky!
In other news;
How long do you think it will take for BBC, Sky, C4 or ITV to report on the Clinton campaign manager John Podesta being involved in black magic rituals?
Oh, it’s a meme among SJWs. One woman of my acquaintance seriously pretends she took to her bed for a week, she was so distraught. Such delicate little flowers…
The Sunday Times (pay-walled), has, in it’s Comments section, a typical anti-Trump piece where it states:-
“Trump leads by substantial margins among male voters, white voters, over-64 voters and degree-less voters. In short, his support looks a lot like the support for Brexit.”
Clearly they think the only reason Trump can win (and the only reason the Brexit vote was successful) is down to old, racist, thick men.
Good luck on Tuesday Donald – the champagne guzzling, guardian reading, BBC loving, LGBT hugging media might not want you to win, but the future of the civilised world may depend on it.
“Trump leads by substantial margins among male voters, white voters, over-64 voters and degree-less voters. In short, his support looks a lot like the support for Brexit.”
And, by implication, whose opinions are worthless. That sounds a lot like the BBC’s take on things. As ever, scratch a socialist, discover a camp guard.
Ah, the usual comments about age, social class and lack of degrees. It always amuses me how supposedly egalitarian Socialism almost invariably goes hand in hand with insufferable snobbery.
Edit – GC, we must have been posting at the same time – I totally agree with you. Great minds think alike …..(LOL!).
Ah yes Lobster, degrees, didn’t they mean something once? Whenever lack of education among the great unwashed is highlighted I’m always reminded of the fabulous Peter Medawar and his scathing line,
“the spread of secondary and latterly tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well-developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.”
What value a degree when wielded by an educated idiot? Give me common sense and experience any day.
Only a few days ago I heard about an “investigation” at a UK university (might have been York) into earworms (those catchy songs or musical phrases that you don’t seem to be able to get rid of).
I don’t remember precisely how this pioneering work was described but apparently they have come to the conclusion that an earworm must be simple and memorable.
After Higgs boson, another mystery solved.
Glad our academic establishments (York is Russell Group) are doing something useful to ensure our place in the world against competition from America, the Far East, and certain emerging countries.
It wouldn’t surprise me if it was York. Weren’t they the place that had “consent classes” for all first year male students? York used to be a good university at one time, before they all got on the kool-aid.
Especially those degrees associated with climate change perhaps, which certainly equate to a stifling and diminution of knowledge. Come to think of it, that sums up a fair percentage of any Guardian print-run too.
On Broadcasting House this morning they too were reporting rather wistfully that if it was only women voting, the Clinton would win by a landslide. Presumably, but unsaid, if it were only men voting, the Trump would win by the same amount.
Andrew Marr and a load of other BBC freeloaders have penned a letter to The Sunday Times:-
“As radio professionals, we are extremely worried about the proposal (in the draft BBC Charter and Agreement) to put 60% of BBC national radio output out to competitive tender….”
Fantastic news. I hadn’t realised they were proposing to sell off over half of BBC radio. Hopefully it’ll lead to the likes of Jeremy Vine, Fatty Nolan and Nicky Campbell having their six figure taxpayer salaries cancelled first.
As Whittingdale managed to sneak this one past Cameron I’ll have to revise my opinion of him. He didn’t succeed in producing an honest Charter review, but it looks like he tried and did what he could.
I have just been watching one of the most sickening pieces of anti-Brexit and anti-British propaganda I have ever seen. In Europamagazin on a German version of the BBC the topic was Deutsche Pässe für britische Juden – German passports for British Jews. The suggestion was, of course, that post-Brexit even Jews whose families were murdered by the Nazis now prefer Germany to Britain, which by implication is worse than the Third Reich for Jews. The old BBC favorite Julia Neuberger was on explaining how Britain had become a place of darkness. Previously she had felt uncomfortable visiting Germany, but now she felt that Merkel’s New Germany had been welcoming to refugees while Britain had been “mean”. Merkel’s wish for Germany to be a “moral superpower” in the 21sr century, seems to have inspired some. Tom Harding, author of “The House by the Lake”?? also appeared. Strangely enough Neuberger and Harding gave their interviews in English and don’t actually seem to be taking up residence in the Vaterland anytime soon. Like Anjem Coudhry, the Britishness of these people is nothing more than a legal procedure, exploited to implement their various agendas and will be jettisoned when advantageous to them. Unfortunately I an not British of some foreign descent, once my country has been turned into a third world shithole, I cannot suddenly decide I an really German, Polish or Pakistani and return to the home of my fathers. I wonder if this is the reason why wearing the poppy has become so important of late. Native Britons instinctively realise that in 50 or 100 years time, the majority of people living in Britain will have nobody to remember who actually fell fighting for what was Britain in the two world wars.
What does that left-wing Neuberger mean that Britain has become a place of darkness? Is that a racist observation about the new “Britons”? She is welcome to live in the soon-to-be hell-hole that Germany is rapidly becoming due to Mad Merkin’s stupid anti-German policies. I for one would not miss her or any of the other lefties who hate Britain, decency, fairness, truth and democracy so much.
I take it that those Jews preferring Germany have yet to encounter the hoardes of followers of the “Peaceful Religion” flooding into the place in their millions.
Yes, the islamic Germany to come will be no place for Jews. One outcome of Merkel’s insanity is that she will complate Hitler’s plan and render Germany completely Judenrein.
And also why the liberal media is in overdrive trying to portray the poppy as a bad thing. The Guardian said that it should be changed to a symbol of regret for British oppression in saving the world twice from tyranny, and that it currently legitimises war as a political tactic when any sensible person would know that war is not only legitimate but necessary in certain situations. Then again the Guardian also thinks Argentina owns the Falklands and Thatcher only defended them to posture on the world stage. Amazingly, the Independent was even more ridiculous as they claimed the poppy is a symbol of racism.
The left had a pretence of intelligence, fairness and balance until they started to lose control, which has now led to them showing their true colours as morally indefensible, intellectually vacuous bigots.
There were many Left wingers (and some very far Left wingers) who fought in WWII (in particular) who would cheerfully slit the throats of such Guardianistas, not recognising them as anything even vaguely resembling socialists but in fact being good, old fashioned traitors.
Agreed. I have a great deal of respect for some of the old-fashioned left. Unfortunately the movement gradually lost the plot as the twentieth century wore on. Orwell pointed out the beginnings of what we would call political correctness and virtue-signalling in the 30s. I suspect most decent people gave up any real belief in communism after the invasion of Hungary, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union it became clear it couldn’t work as an economic system. It was after that the generation of 1968 radicals – the real loons – came of age, which lead to the Terror instituted by Blair.
Indeed. Even the post-war Labour government, riddled as it was with Soviet spies and traitors, managed a better job of looking after our defence than have recent governments of both (ostensible) persuasions.
Enforcer enters left stage and smoothly collects the speaker and exits right, smooth as a mob hit, I hope the young man is not now sleeping with the fishes.
I would love to have seen him drop that fat, bearded c**t, with a short left upper cut, the second he caught hold of his arm; then just carried on with his speech.
These type of interactions with progressives should be conducted via the only medium which truly gets through to them: non-verbal communication; since that is their favoured method when dealing with those whom they profoundly disagree.
There seems to be some confusion amongst some folks out there. Primarily amongst BBC employees. It may come as a shock to many who really should know better but the BBC is a broadcasting organisation and NOT a political party.
PS: And as a broadcasting organization, to affiliate itself with the aims and objectives of a political party is to put it in serious contravention of its Charter.
It was alleged Donald Trump had 10-month affair with Karen McDougal months after marrying his third wife Melania in 2005
Wall Street Journal reported that Ms McDougal was set to go public about alleged relationship this summer but was paid off by National Enquirer
Mr Trump’s spokeswoman issued a swift denial, calling it ‘totally untrue’
A commenter says “she waited 10 years and 3 days before the election to tell us this ?”
A good commenter says
Very simple, have your bank pull the records from that time period and prove to everyone that you were given “hush money”. If you can’t provide any proof other than here say, shut your mouth and go away.
File on 4, Radio 4 is all about whether councils are doing enough to rehouse the homeless. Every figure they give compares now with 2010 and the cuts to councils. Although the programme has not yet finished,, there has been no mention of what 2 million additional people may have done to the stock of social housing. One young lady is living with her three small children in a very small room in a converted old people’s home. No mention of why she was homeless. Where were her parents, why could they not help? Or where was the father of her children and why couldn’t he help? I am not denying these people were in distressing conditions, but no questions why. The solution was always presented as more money from central government. But the BBC always fails to understand that more money from central government means more tax to be paid by everyone paying tax.
Yes, heard it. What always strikes me in these cases is that, charity does begin at home and what makes an Somali immigrant family worth more than an English family?
I have somehow managed to hear this programme twice.
As part of my day job I sometimes get caught up in trying to find emergency accommodation (including someone who recently made themselves intentionally homeless and was horrified to find that she would not be given flat the same day, thus arriving in hospital because “she did not feel safe” in emergency accomodation with a shared bathroom).
In the R4 programme there was no mention of the fathers of the 3 children and an utter belief that because they are a family then a house / flat should be arranged. There were complaints that the “emergency” accomodation was more expensive than providing a flat immediately. Surely the point of emergency accomodation is that it provides somewhere safe and warm in a state of crisis – not everyone should have access to long term funded housing in the area of their choice.
For pities sake! Will no one rid me of the purulent broadcaster.
Flicked on Radio 4 in the loo – “The Unbelievable Truth” and the first words out of his mouth for the intro? A jibe about Trump. So witty, so original, so inventive and inspired, so I TURNED IT OFF.
Incredibly full and verbose “Breaking News” on BBC news website. Normally breaking news just has the headline and a comment saying they will update as more becomes available.
Most are already dismissing this news because it’s not possible for the FBI to get a fair conclusion of 650,000 emails in just a few days. Many are even theorising that this was the plan all along, to reopen and close the investigation with days to spare so the media can exonerate her and claim this means people should vote for her after all. It should completely backfire as the nature by which the investigation was handled just confirms most peoples’ suspicions of collusion between the FBI and the government.
Anyone who wants a real laugh -and a taste of how biased media can be- should tune in now to BBC News 24 where a pro-Clinton presenter has been joined by two pro-Clinton ”tomorrow’s press” reviewers to reinforce each others’ outrage that the peerless and pure Clinton was ever subjected to anything so unnecessary as an FBI investigation in the first place.
Handy hint; remember to have a sickbag ready and available.
BBC eulogising Clinton yet again now with an upbeat campaign report, just in case anyone missed how vilely misused the poor innocent lamb has been. Someone on now from the States talking about Hillary’s message of ”unity and hope”. I thought for a moment it was someone from Team Clinton, but unsurprisingly it turned out to be the BBC’s own reporter.
Wait, they’ve now turned to showing clips of Trump calling St. Hillary ”corrupt” and suggesting that ”doubts about his temperament persist”. Then screening one US interviewee who’s ”very sad” about the ”tone of the campaign”.
I’m certainly no Trump fan but how on earth does this vile broadcaster ever get away with half of its news/current affairs output? Has the Charter been scrapped so Auntie doesn’t even need to pretend to be abiding by its requirements anymore?
There is a superb, succinct, detailed analysis here (listen from around 1m25secs in to about 6m30s – 7m to hear it) by Sean Bergin on the Political Cesspool yesterday; of what prompted the FBI to renew its investigation of Clinton and her emails. The corruption and depravity of the Clintons and their coterie are staggering in their scale.
BTW There was another thing about the BBC2 doco about cop that shot a shoplifter kid.
It wasn’t an anti-black thing cos the cop had previously shot a white kid in similar circumstances ..No one knew that until after to keep the court case clean.
Neither kid was armed, neither would have died if policing was more careful. It seems this cop is trigger happy or it’s a product of working alone.*
As I said the doco was quite straight not appearing to take an angle
But the black activists did have an angle, the normal chip on the shoulder angle, like the mother was screaming for vengeance that the cop must suffer
* That police dept must bear responsibility for their system and training. If the cop had been in a pair they would have been able to cover each other so wouldn’t have been so jumpy.
So it was unlawful killing, but fault of the system/training.
– I see no point in prosecuting the cops or army who accidentally kill people, cos serving is already like being a prisoner anyway, they are already giving more than the normal citizen, and the screwups are not a direct profit to them like corruption would be.
Surely the potatoes come from the UK and the fish are caught off the UK’s waters?
This is profiteering and Anti Brexit Bias. Any Tory MPs reading this ?
I can’t speak for the rest of the BBC’s output, but Radio Scotland seems to have an entirely different tone today with regard to the US election. They’ve actually been reporting in quite an even-handed manner this morning!
Have I just been lucky in the bits I’ve been listening to or is something up?
Maybe… a few, a very few journalists and editors with slight glimmers of integrity have realised that they are pretty much at the core of the cess pit that out of 350M Americans and 70M in the UK has seen Trump and Clinton and Blair, Brown, Miliband & Corbyn, and Patten and Chakrabarti somehow ooze to the top thanks to their machinations?
Or… as with the fall of the wall, it has sunk in that what was once felt worth recording may be read by a less than forgiving audience?
The Blacks hate the Hispanic Latinos,Whites and Mexicans.
The Hispanic Latino’s hate the Blacks, Mexicans and Whites.
The Mexicans hate the Blacks, Whites and Hispanic Latinos.
America is a powder keg about to explode.
Clinton has a strong belief in failed multiculturalism.
Clinton’s core vote is the non white American and the Liberal,politically correct,safe space, pro open borders White.
Now if I was a White American how would I vote, for my destruction or against it?
I can believe that. Once away from the influence of the London-centric, Lefty nest it is possible to hear a little balanced reporting. Even the BBC World Service Radio has its moments!
Comey was threatened with prosecution for interference with a General Election – an indictable offence.
But even ignoring the Emails, there’s the funny money and dodgy deals of the Clinton Foundation ‘Charity’.
Makes Nixon look like a rank amateur, guilty of the equivalent of a bit of schoolboy scrumping, compared to the Clinton’s big league criminality.
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 10:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Pakistan: Muslim cleric who repeatedly supported jihad suicide attacks is killed in jihad suicide attack” Mar 5, 2025 4:30 pm…
vladMar 6, 10:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 More on Jihad around the world, here:
Rob in CheshireMar 6, 10:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Castro’s lad can’t help himself can he? His dad must be so proud.
Why doesn’t Marr ask Gina Miller who she is representing or who supports her view? I don’t know anyone
Any attacks on the Guyanan woman and that Brazilian who led that court case against the British People are called racist. Surely the fact that they hold the British People in such contempt, they clearly hate us, and will do such a negative action against us means that they are the racists.
Try George Soros…….
Grahame Pigney’s LinkedIn site recognizes Gina Miller as an associate. Lord Thomas who is presiding over the case brought by Miller is a member of the European Law Institute which was considered a Soros Open Society apparatus since its founding. And so the circle is complete.
Miller, New Star, Lord Thomas, Grahame Pigney, the entire exploiters of the anti-BREXIT vote, are now attempting to uproot the voters via pressure from Soros.
What say you UK? Who is your Master?
You, The People, have a say, have rights, have the power, if you choose. And like the US, you can rise up against the shadows and just say – NO! Because, our world, our history, our future are at stake. And that’s worth fighting for!
Been(quite literally) looking at the scroll above!
A joy to see all this common sense in one go-and such an antidote to the endless slurry of the media.
Won`t normally write on a Sunday, busy day.
But WILL say this.
1. Just saw “A Point of View”s trailer for Radio 4.
Apparently Adam Gopniks “point of view” is that electing Trump would be a disaster for America!
THAT is a Point of View?
My Lord, that is ALL the media tell us, there IS no point of view in this-just bias confirmation for the 1001th time!
So it should NOT have been described as a Point of View, implying that this was different from all the rest of BBC output.
At least the sermon from St Columbas in the preceeding programme was worth listening to THAT was a Point of View in that such thought and care is NEVER given to anything that the BBC itself puts out as “news”.
Only thoughtless incontinence of their minds…and the world shall think as one” to slightly amend their Lennon mantra.
Trump will drain the swamp on the 9th. Have we a brownfield site where we can take back our exported crap like Snow, put tariffs on pointless privileged imported laamebrains like Gopnik, Grier and Churchill(C)?
PS-yes above, did mean Powell C… have checked, sorry I was wrong sir!
Does the Daily Mail consider The Mail on Sunday , its sister paper to
be “an enemy of the people?”
It was trying to sell us Remain, so I would devoutly hope so!
The editors of the “Daily Mail” and “Mail on Sunday” hate each other, and would oppose the other no matter what the issue was. Childish, but true.
If anyone was still under the delusion that the BBC was impartial in its covering of the US Presidential election (okay, I know no honest person does), the ‘A Point of View’ on R4 today 6 Nov 2016 shows that they are without doubt not impartial. I listened to Adam Gopnik’s diatribe against Donald Trump with increasing incredulity, not only because of his vitriol, but that it was full of downright and shameless lies. At the end of his spewings, I was left metaphorically breathless by the sheer dishonesty of it. Gopnik’s essay went very far beyond any biased anti-Trump broadcast we have hitherto endured, and constituted a blatant violation of the BBC’s Charter. Naturally, it was timed so that there would be no time for a POV criticising Clinton.
Things have gone far enough. The broadcasting of Gopnik’s essay needs investigation at the highest level, including the roles of the producer Adele Armstrong and the controller of Radio 4. A wider investigation of ‘Point of View’ is also needed; over the many years it has been broadcast, three-quarters of them have been from left-wing speakers.
The BBC is now brazen in its impartiality, not just regarding the US election but just about everything. Its arrogance appears to know no bounds. Here is another example following an incident at Trump’s Nevada rally:
Just look at this unbelievable comment regarding the gun from that article:
‘A few journalists who left the media pen and headed towards the commotion were treated to manhandling and verbal abuse. There was no gun, of course, and the drama quickly subsided.’
Arrogant, sanctimonious BBC bullsh*t. I find it hard to believe any of the journalists, particularly the BBC, headed towards the commotion. Remember the brave Eamon Holmes’ response when protesters got into the studio:
The ‘of course’ is a gem. There is no ‘of course’ about it. However, we can be assured that if Trump wins, he will immediately have the highest level of protection, and so will his family. (By the way, the political progress of the quite impressive Eric Trump might be worth keeping an eye on!).
I hope when Trump becomes President someone in his administration will draw attention to the failure of the UK Government to enforce the BBC’s charter. We can guarantee that Trump and supporters will be ready to deal with the liars in the media both sides of the pond. A humiliating denial of access to BBC propagandists to his administration would be a start
My hope is that President Trump will remove press accreditation from, let’s say, nine tenths of the BBC’s multitude of political agitators who masquerade as ‘journalists’.
That “Point Of View” was absolutely outrageous, irrespective of whether you are a Clinton supporter Trump supporter or neither.
I hope that somebody gets it written down.
Of course the BBC will defend itself by claiming that Gopnik’s views are his, and not necessary the BBC’s. This line of defence needs to be demolished for the nonsense that it clearly is.
I have tried complaining to the BBC before and it gets the same response each time;
“The BBC thanks you for your comments. Your input is very important to us.
Now f$*k off!”
Andrew Marr on the UK media:
“It’s not been very pro-Trump, it’s fair to say.”
And the cheer leaders are?
Friends! For those of you who enjoy my Tweets [That has to be a contradiction in terms, Lefty! – J.C. Oh Jeremy! You can be so bitchy at times! – L.], here’s my weekly roundup, published in the Hard-Right WordPress:
That witch bitch alibhai brown back on the organisation that calls itself the bbc again
Someone do us all a favour and strangle that hateful cow
Marr this morning, intro for the piece about the visit last week of the (elected) President of Colombia. Marr opened that Colombia ‘was the type of country with which the UK’ would seek trade deals post-Brexit. Clearly Marr would be much happier with a trade deal with Venezuela or North Korea. Subtle or what?
The bias is ever more apparent, and I didn’t think it could get any worse! Foolish me!!
In fact….a few firing squads need assembling… sure we could make use of some walls currently unemployed and put them to good use
We really are in need of a revolution in this country….its going to be the only way to rid ourselves of this utter shower of shit
I think we’d need to use Hadrian’s wall.
‘Drip, drip, drip’ should be the new motto of the BBC. The national treasure seems to be very interested in last night’s bonfire parade in Lewes. Can anyone guess why?:
The BBC has become a sixth form political society with views of a similar level of sophistication.
BBC1 10 am debate about a BBC Pet issue beginning with T
can you guess which one ??
BTW They have the same person who was on R4 Loose Ends last night
What a surprise
The first issue prog starts with is Lefty Loaches film
Helpful advice from the BBC.
“” you need to have a fake news site that looks legitimate as can be,” ”
Really?, we hadn’t noticed.
Quoting Brooke Binkowski from ‘fact checking’ website Snopes hardly adds credibility to the article, which reads like a second rate Soviet Unionesque attempt by the state braodcaster to damage alternative media sources. Snopes?? ffs.
The Gold standard for good news sources is that should have open comments.
That way if the content is bunk, looking at the top comments will show that.
Does the BBC Trending blog have open comments ? …No
Good point. Which reminds me to ask, since when has the BBC been open to ‘fact checking’ when it lies (as it frequently does) about ‘man made global warming’?
On the contrary, of course, it goes out of its way to smother any awkward facts that might contradict its ‘narrative’
Don’t you just love the total lack of any self-awareness in the BBC’s headline to that article,’The rise and rise of fake news’.
More hypocrisy from The Cult of Submission, you know the one that claims it is peace loving –
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live with ethnic minority Naga Munchetty will today be discussing transgender, Sharia councils and interviewing an ethnic minority Asian actress.
One of the first guests is someone called ‘Jack’ who looks like a woman but they start with yet another interview (10th this week?!?) with socialist leftie Ken Loach.
Is there anything “British” Naga could be talking about instead?
She is the lawn-munching single mum who made a fortune producing a cook book (whilst on benefits, of course) and who writes, from a Leftoid viewpoint naturally, in the Guardian.
I didn’t know that J.K.Rowling was a lesbian?
I didn’t know some people actually consider her a writer.
Poor JK had to live on a tin of beans a week while she wrote that Harry Potter crap – she is an inspiration to nobody. Didn’t I read somewhere that that was all a lie too as she came from a family of money
I heard she was on ‘benefits’ (or the dole as used to be called). I rather resent having contributed to the free time she had to cobble together other people’s ideas and pass them off as her own.
I don’t know whether Rowling is or is not, but the ‘Jack’ on the programme is, I believe from the preview I saw on Pandy Marr’s propaganda broadcast, one Jack Monroe, lawn-munching, single mother, long-time benefit recipient now wealthy from her cookbook and too-frequent and painful media appearances and her ‘writing’ (wittering on) about poverty in the Guardian.
What the fuck she knows about poverty having been supported by my and others’ taxes I’m damned if I know!
Gina Miller even managed to get Nigel Farage to agree with her on some points and vice versa \
9am….poor old #marr was expecting a ‘fight’ 5 min video via Twitter
Gina MillerLite or whatever name wants to save this country .
Donald Trump wants to save his country .
Gina M takes what action she feels is available to her .
Donald T takes what action is available to him .
Gina M and the judges face criticism in the press ( though not the BBC) .
Donald Trump faces criticism in the press and especially the BBC .
Trending on the BBC and liberal/ left ; unfair to criticise Gina and the judges .
Sometimes when I’m faced with a difficult decision I find it useful to turn the problem around and then the answer becomes much more clear.
For example; the question should not be whether or not parliament should have a vote on triggering article 50 but rather would it be legal for parliament to vote against triggering article 50?
Given that parliament voted by 6 to 1 to allow the referendum and that the largest number of people voted for leaving than have ever voted for anything in UK history, I think it would not be lawful for parliament to vote against triggering article 50.
In this case, for the judiciary to force a vote on the matter would seem perverse, would lead to further uncertainty, speculation and delay which can only be to the detriment of the British people.
It isn’t only dear old aunty Beeb who is biased beyond all ryme or reason, Sky news are just as bad.
They just had a very balanced piece on this morning where a biographer of Clinton and another of Trump were interviewed. Of course the Clinton biographer was pro Hillary through and through while the Trump biographer was resolutely anti Trump. Way to go, Sky!
In other news;
How long do you think it will take for BBC, Sky, C4 or ITV to report on the Clinton campaign manager John Podesta being involved in black magic rituals?
Apparently, Gina Miller was so disgusted by the vote to leave the tyranny of the EU that she was physically sick at 4 am.
Now don’t get me wrong I have often been physically sick at that time, usually after a skinful of foolishly consumed alcohol.
Surely someone who is physically sick at the democratic decision of the peoples of this country needs a therapist not lawyers.
Oh, it’s a meme among SJWs. One woman of my acquaintance seriously pretends she took to her bed for a week, she was so distraught. Such delicate little flowers…
Pass me the glyphosate!
The Sunday Times (pay-walled), has, in it’s Comments section, a typical anti-Trump piece where it states:-
“Trump leads by substantial margins among male voters, white voters, over-64 voters and degree-less voters. In short, his support looks a lot like the support for Brexit.”
Clearly they think the only reason Trump can win (and the only reason the Brexit vote was successful) is down to old, racist, thick men.
Good luck on Tuesday Donald – the champagne guzzling, guardian reading, BBC loving, LGBT hugging media might not want you to win, but the future of the civilised world may depend on it.
“Trump leads by substantial margins among male voters, white voters, over-64 voters and degree-less voters. In short, his support looks a lot like the support for Brexit.”
And, by implication, whose opinions are worthless. That sounds a lot like the BBC’s take on things. As ever, scratch a socialist, discover a camp guard.
Ah, the usual comments about age, social class and lack of degrees. It always amuses me how supposedly egalitarian Socialism almost invariably goes hand in hand with insufferable snobbery.
Edit – GC, we must have been posting at the same time – I totally agree with you. Great minds think alike …..(LOL!).
As always!
Ah yes Lobster, degrees, didn’t they mean something once? Whenever lack of education among the great unwashed is highlighted I’m always reminded of the fabulous Peter Medawar and his scathing line,
“the spread of secondary and latterly tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well-developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.”
What value a degree when wielded by an educated idiot? Give me common sense and experience any day.
Do degrees in gender studies count? There are degrees these days where you come out knowing less than when you went in.
Funny you should mention that.
Only a few days ago I heard about an “investigation” at a UK university (might have been York) into earworms (those catchy songs or musical phrases that you don’t seem to be able to get rid of).
I don’t remember precisely how this pioneering work was described but apparently they have come to the conclusion that an earworm must be simple and memorable.
After Higgs boson, another mystery solved.
Glad our academic establishments (York is Russell Group) are doing something useful to ensure our place in the world against competition from America, the Far East, and certain emerging countries.
It wouldn’t surprise me if it was York. Weren’t they the place that had “consent classes” for all first year male students? York used to be a good university at one time, before they all got on the kool-aid.
Especially those degrees associated with climate change perhaps, which certainly equate to a stifling and diminution of knowledge. Come to think of it, that sums up a fair percentage of any Guardian print-run too.
On Broadcasting House this morning they too were reporting rather wistfully that if it was only women voting, the Clinton would win by a landslide. Presumably, but unsaid, if it were only men voting, the Trump would win by the same amount.
Andrew Marr and a load of other BBC freeloaders have penned a letter to The Sunday Times:-
“As radio professionals, we are extremely worried about the proposal (in the draft BBC Charter and Agreement) to put 60% of BBC national radio output out to competitive tender….”
Fantastic news. I hadn’t realised they were proposing to sell off over half of BBC radio. Hopefully it’ll lead to the likes of Jeremy Vine, Fatty Nolan and Nicky Campbell having their six figure taxpayer salaries cancelled first.
I am also extremely worried that they are only putting 60% to competitive tender. It ought to be 100%.
As for Marr and the other freeloaders – put them out to graze
“….put them out to graze”
I’d rather see them put out of their misery – permanently.
As Whittingdale managed to sneak this one past Cameron I’ll have to revise my opinion of him. He didn’t succeed in producing an honest Charter review, but it looks like he tried and did what he could.
I have just been watching one of the most sickening pieces of anti-Brexit and anti-British propaganda I have ever seen. In Europamagazin on a German version of the BBC the topic was Deutsche Pässe für britische Juden – German passports for British Jews. The suggestion was, of course, that post-Brexit even Jews whose families were murdered by the Nazis now prefer Germany to Britain, which by implication is worse than the Third Reich for Jews. The old BBC favorite Julia Neuberger was on explaining how Britain had become a place of darkness. Previously she had felt uncomfortable visiting Germany, but now she felt that Merkel’s New Germany had been welcoming to refugees while Britain had been “mean”. Merkel’s wish for Germany to be a “moral superpower” in the 21sr century, seems to have inspired some. Tom Harding, author of “The House by the Lake”?? also appeared. Strangely enough Neuberger and Harding gave their interviews in English and don’t actually seem to be taking up residence in the Vaterland anytime soon. Like Anjem Coudhry, the Britishness of these people is nothing more than a legal procedure, exploited to implement their various agendas and will be jettisoned when advantageous to them. Unfortunately I an not British of some foreign descent, once my country has been turned into a third world shithole, I cannot suddenly decide I an really German, Polish or Pakistani and return to the home of my fathers. I wonder if this is the reason why wearing the poppy has become so important of late. Native Britons instinctively realise that in 50 or 100 years time, the majority of people living in Britain will have nobody to remember who actually fell fighting for what was Britain in the two world wars.
ID – Very good post.
What does that left-wing Neuberger mean that Britain has become a place of darkness? Is that a racist observation about the new “Britons”? She is welcome to live in the soon-to-be hell-hole that Germany is rapidly becoming due to Mad Merkin’s stupid anti-German policies. I for one would not miss her or any of the other lefties who hate Britain, decency, fairness, truth and democracy so much.
I take it that those Jews preferring Germany have yet to encounter the hoardes of followers of the “Peaceful Religion” flooding into the place in their millions.
Yes, the islamic Germany to come will be no place for Jews. One outcome of Merkel’s insanity is that she will complate Hitler’s plan and render Germany completely Judenrein.
And also why the liberal media is in overdrive trying to portray the poppy as a bad thing. The Guardian said that it should be changed to a symbol of regret for British oppression in saving the world twice from tyranny, and that it currently legitimises war as a political tactic when any sensible person would know that war is not only legitimate but necessary in certain situations. Then again the Guardian also thinks Argentina owns the Falklands and Thatcher only defended them to posture on the world stage. Amazingly, the Independent was even more ridiculous as they claimed the poppy is a symbol of racism.
The left had a pretence of intelligence, fairness and balance until they started to lose control, which has now led to them showing their true colours as morally indefensible, intellectually vacuous bigots.
There were many Left wingers (and some very far Left wingers) who fought in WWII (in particular) who would cheerfully slit the throats of such Guardianistas, not recognising them as anything even vaguely resembling socialists but in fact being good, old fashioned traitors.
Agreed. I have a great deal of respect for some of the old-fashioned left. Unfortunately the movement gradually lost the plot as the twentieth century wore on. Orwell pointed out the beginnings of what we would call political correctness and virtue-signalling in the 30s. I suspect most decent people gave up any real belief in communism after the invasion of Hungary, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union it became clear it couldn’t work as an economic system. It was after that the generation of 1968 radicals – the real loons – came of age, which lead to the Terror instituted by Blair.
Indeed. Even the post-war Labour government, riddled as it was with Soviet spies and traitors, managed a better job of looking after our defence than have recent governments of both (ostensible) persuasions.
Truth at a Clinton Rally.
Enforcer enters left stage and smoothly collects the speaker and exits right, smooth as a mob hit, I hope the young man is not now sleeping with the fishes.
Literally ‘No platforming’, the key to left wing discussion.
I would love to have seen him drop that fat, bearded c**t, with a short left upper cut, the second he caught hold of his arm; then just carried on with his speech.
These type of interactions with progressives should be conducted via the only medium which truly gets through to them: non-verbal communication; since that is their favoured method when dealing with those whom they profoundly disagree.
Friends! Well, since no-one else seems prepared to defend Jeremy against vicious harassment by Hard-Right media elements, I guess it’s down to me:
There seems to be some confusion amongst some folks out there. Primarily amongst BBC employees. It may come as a shock to many who really should know better but the BBC is a broadcasting organisation and NOT a political party.
PS: And as a broadcasting organization, to affiliate itself with the aims and objectives of a political party is to put it in serious contravention of its Charter.
“the BBC is a broadcasting organisation and NOT a political party”.
Will you tell them this, or do you want to leave this one to me?
But how to get their attention?
Mail leads with a hit piece against Trump Trump rocked by a sex scandal on the eve of the Presidential vote: Donald ‘cheated on his wife with a Playboy model’ who was then ‘paid £120,000 in hush money’
(What I read before was that National Enquirer paid her this year, but then never ran the story)
A commenter says “she waited 10 years and 3 days before the election to tell us this ?”
A good commenter says
File on 4, Radio 4 is all about whether councils are doing enough to rehouse the homeless. Every figure they give compares now with 2010 and the cuts to councils. Although the programme has not yet finished,, there has been no mention of what 2 million additional people may have done to the stock of social housing. One young lady is living with her three small children in a very small room in a converted old people’s home. No mention of why she was homeless. Where were her parents, why could they not help? Or where was the father of her children and why couldn’t he help? I am not denying these people were in distressing conditions, but no questions why. The solution was always presented as more money from central government. But the BBC always fails to understand that more money from central government means more tax to be paid by everyone paying tax.
Yes, heard it. What always strikes me in these cases is that, charity does begin at home and what makes an Somali immigrant family worth more than an English family?
I have somehow managed to hear this programme twice.
As part of my day job I sometimes get caught up in trying to find emergency accommodation (including someone who recently made themselves intentionally homeless and was horrified to find that she would not be given flat the same day, thus arriving in hospital because “she did not feel safe” in emergency accomodation with a shared bathroom).
In the R4 programme there was no mention of the fathers of the 3 children and an utter belief that because they are a family then a house / flat should be arranged. There were complaints that the “emergency” accomodation was more expensive than providing a flat immediately. Surely the point of emergency accomodation is that it provides somewhere safe and warm in a state of crisis – not everyone should have access to long term funded housing in the area of their choice.
For pities sake! Will no one rid me of the purulent broadcaster.
Flicked on Radio 4 in the loo – “The Unbelievable Truth” and the first words out of his mouth for the intro? A jibe about Trump. So witty, so original, so inventive and inspired, so I TURNED IT OFF.
The FBI is not charging that trash. Incredible.
Incredibly full and verbose “Breaking News” on BBC news website. Normally breaking news just has the headline and a comment saying they will update as more becomes available.
What, they checked 650,000 emails in the few days since getting a warrant? Aye, right.
Just think of all the compensation claims at the FBI for repetitive strain injury caused by all that keyboard-bashing!
FBI cant find anything wrong with Clinton’s emails. BBC holding huge party.
FBI should have looked harder.
Just in time to help her. Gross. In the meantime obama invites illegals to vote.
Yep, voting on Tuesday and an on cue exoneration on Sunday afternoon/teatime.
You could set it to music and hum it. No prizes for guessing who’s been putting pressure on the FBI hierarchy to get this stopped.
Just in the nick of time, eh? It’s like the arrival of the 5th Cavalry in the Westerns we used to watch at the Odeon on Saturday mornings.
Most are already dismissing this news because it’s not possible for the FBI to get a fair conclusion of 650,000 emails in just a few days. Many are even theorising that this was the plan all along, to reopen and close the investigation with days to spare so the media can exonerate her and claim this means people should vote for her after all. It should completely backfire as the nature by which the investigation was handled just confirms most peoples’ suspicions of collusion between the FBI and the government.
I just had to leave the room cos of the 10pm BBC Gloatfest at the news
Relax, everyone, the Clinton News Network says Hillary’s in the clear.
The BBC is beside itself with unbridled glee. Time to get the throne room ready for the coronation…
It makes the Tower Hamlets election seem like a paragon of propriety.
If Trump had been cleared so quickly….what would the BBC’s reaction have been?
Anyone who wants a real laugh -and a taste of how biased media can be- should tune in now to BBC News 24 where a pro-Clinton presenter has been joined by two pro-Clinton ”tomorrow’s press” reviewers to reinforce each others’ outrage that the peerless and pure Clinton was ever subjected to anything so unnecessary as an FBI investigation in the first place.
Handy hint; remember to have a sickbag ready and available.
More Or Less had a ‘good news’ section this week.
We had two women reporters to tell us that the number of women legislators around the world was ‘progressing’ and ‘moving in the right direction’**.
That this is ‘good news’, ‘progressing’ and ‘right direction’ are opinions not facts.
Has the quality of legislation around the world improved, or is that not important to the BBC?
[** In one African country they are in the majority so doesn’t that require a reversal of direction there?]
JimS – The fact they are in the majority in one country merely offsets the injustices of the past, natch!
Or something along those lines …..
BBC eulogising Clinton yet again now with an upbeat campaign report, just in case anyone missed how vilely misused the poor innocent lamb has been. Someone on now from the States talking about Hillary’s message of ”unity and hope”. I thought for a moment it was someone from Team Clinton, but unsurprisingly it turned out to be the BBC’s own reporter.
Wait, they’ve now turned to showing clips of Trump calling St. Hillary ”corrupt” and suggesting that ”doubts about his temperament persist”. Then screening one US interviewee who’s ”very sad” about the ”tone of the campaign”.
I’m certainly no Trump fan but how on earth does this vile broadcaster ever get away with half of its news/current affairs output? Has the Charter been scrapped so Auntie doesn’t even need to pretend to be abiding by its requirements anymore?
There is a superb, succinct, detailed analysis here (listen from around 1m25secs in to about 6m30s – 7m to hear it) by Sean Bergin on the Political Cesspool yesterday; of what prompted the FBI to renew its investigation of Clinton and her emails. The corruption and depravity of the Clintons and their coterie are staggering in their scale.
Quick period on the bench on full pay, then a promotion and all good….
Not pressing charges is not the same as proving someone innocent.
BTW There was another thing about the BBC2 doco about cop that shot a shoplifter kid.
It wasn’t an anti-black thing cos the cop had previously shot a white kid in similar circumstances ..No one knew that until after to keep the court case clean.
Neither kid was armed, neither would have died if policing was more careful. It seems this cop is trigger happy or it’s a product of working alone.*
As I said the doco was quite straight not appearing to take an angle
But the black activists did have an angle, the normal chip on the shoulder angle, like the mother was screaming for vengeance that the cop must suffer
* That police dept must bear responsibility for their system and training. If the cop had been in a pair they would have been able to cover each other so wouldn’t have been so jumpy.
So it was unlawful killing, but fault of the system/training.
– I see no point in prosecuting the cops or army who accidentally kill people, cos serving is already like being a prisoner anyway, they are already giving more than the normal citizen, and the screwups are not a direct profit to them like corruption would be.
Surely the potatoes come from the UK and the fish are caught off the UK’s waters?
This is profiteering and Anti Brexit Bias. Any Tory MPs reading this ?
“Jeremy Corbyn forced to clarify Labour will not block the triggering of Article 50”
Although Corbyn will go for ‘out’, I can’t find nowt on All Beeb about this ?
LBC Twitter feed currently running poll on Clinton v Trump.
I can’t speak for the rest of the BBC’s output, but Radio Scotland seems to have an entirely different tone today with regard to the US election. They’ve actually been reporting in quite an even-handed manner this morning!
Have I just been lucky in the bits I’ve been listening to or is something up?
Maybe… a few, a very few journalists and editors with slight glimmers of integrity have realised that they are pretty much at the core of the cess pit that out of 350M Americans and 70M in the UK has seen Trump and Clinton and Blair, Brown, Miliband & Corbyn, and Patten and Chakrabarti somehow ooze to the top thanks to their machinations?
Or… as with the fall of the wall, it has sunk in that what was once felt worth recording may be read by a less than forgiving audience?
The Blacks hate the Hispanic Latinos,Whites and Mexicans.
The Hispanic Latino’s hate the Blacks, Mexicans and Whites.
The Mexicans hate the Blacks, Whites and Hispanic Latinos.
America is a powder keg about to explode.
Clinton has a strong belief in failed multiculturalism.
Clinton’s core vote is the non white American and the Liberal,politically correct,safe space, pro open borders White.
Now if I was a White American how would I vote, for my destruction or against it?
I can believe that. Once away from the influence of the London-centric, Lefty nest it is possible to hear a little balanced reporting. Even the BBC World Service Radio has its moments!
Comey was threatened with prosecution for interference with a General Election – an indictable offence.
But even ignoring the Emails, there’s the funny money and dodgy deals of the Clinton Foundation ‘Charity’.
Makes Nixon look like a rank amateur, guilty of the equivalent of a bit of schoolboy scrumping, compared to the Clinton’s big league criminality.
Al Beeb in full anti-Trump Bias this morning .
Even the Clinton supporters must be aware of this?
Morning all. Two Tweets for – literally – the price of one.
Sorry about all the Hitler references – I mentioned him twice, but think I got away with it all right.