Armed police have to be deployed in Britain to protect a Muslim who converted to Christianity…and so far the BBC have shown not the slightest interest despite their usual massive coverage for ‘hate crimes’ committed by Whites….or non-Muslims such as Louis Smith who was publicly shamed by the BBC for joking about.
You might think it odd that a few white racist loons and thugs get so much coverage from the BBC when the really dangerous hate crimes are being committed in the name of a ‘respected’ ideology, an ideology being preached day-in day-out up and down the country which takes its tenets from a blue print in a book that is freely available, one that we are told we must treat with the utmost respect, and yet which preaches hate….under its laws gay people can, should, be killed, apostates can be killed, women are second class citizens, non–believers are immoral, unwashed animals who must pay a protection tax or convert or leave any place where this ideology reigns supreme. This is an ideology that teaches its followers that it will take over the world and it is their duty to make that happen…and that their reward is the land of those conquered, their gold, their belongings, their women. An ideology that preaches it is okay to take slaves, that is okay to use non-Muslim women as prostitutes and sex slaves. Doesn’t really sound like a religion of peace now does it?
What’s going on in the Middle East now is the blue print in action, it is the re-enactment of what Muhammed did 1400 years ago. Mainstream Islam , that is, Islam, is a 1400 year old ideology that remains unchanged and cannot change as only God can alter it and Muhammed was the last prophet…therefore there can be no more prophets and thus no one left to deliver a new revelation…
Allah says: “But (he is) the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the Prophets and Allah has full knowledge of all things.” [Sûrah al-Ahzâb: 40]
Moreover, the Prophet (peace be upon him) made the meaning of this verse perfectly clear when he said: “I am the last of the Prophets” “There is no Prophet after me.” “There shall be no prophethood after me.” and “Indeed, prophethood and messengership have come to an end.”
All of these statements are established with authentic chains of transmission and can be are found in the major books of hadîth like Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim.
…thus Islam is the final and lasting revelation, perfect in its infinite, universal and unchanging form….it cannot be reformed nor can there be that thing so beloved of the BBC’s wishful thinking and propaganda device…a ‘British Islam’. There ain’t no such thing and never will, nor can, be.
The BBC tries to blame Brexit for a rise in racist attacks and by making such a false association tries to delegitimise it and make a case for abandoning it. No such similar stance about the very real concerns about Islam and Muslim immigration into Western, democratic, Christian Europe despite massive evidence that introducing such an ‘alien’ ideology, that is so at odds with Western civilisation, culture and values, is a dangerous experiment that will lead to , and has led to, violent conflict along with marked social and political instability and breakdown.
It seems liberals have never bothered asking themselves precisely why we have such an influx of middle Eastern refugees in the first place. It’s precisely because they want to escape the regressive, brutal regimes of Islamic nations and settle in peaceful European countries with superior cultures. The left instead treats Europe as the oppressors and Islam as the victim, the answer to which of course is to let in all and sundry which has been exploited by economic migrants and Isis, who are intent on turning Europe and now the US into the same hellholes that the true asylum seekers escaped from.
enough is enough”
islam is invading the west and “our” government is paying them to do so
death to all traitors, or at least de-select do not vote for them
France is just one Jihadi attack from civil war. All of France is in a state of full alert. Full deployment of the armed forces and civil forces. Hollande has asked for volunteers. When that kicks off, so will it start in Belgium, Holland, and parts of Germany and Austria. Germany is ferreting out Jihadis from its armed forces.
Then it will depend on which way America blows. Will it be Clinton-Muslim Brotherhood-Saudi Arabia axis, or Trump- NATO-the West.
Britain will go the way the US goes. Thats it. ” Hello, Hello…”
They want to escape the regressive, brutal regimes of Islamic nations and then turn our Europe into the same hellhole.
How the bBC has became the whitewasher of Islamic bad news in the UK:
bBC version: 1500hrs Sunday Man charged after girl, 3, snatched from mother in Blackburn supermarket
A man has been charged after a three-year-old girl was snatched from her mother by a stranger at a supermarket. The girl was carried off at Morrisons in Railway Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, at about 15:00 GMT on Thursday. The man initially took the girl down a travelator but then put her down and she was able to run back to her mother.A 44-year-old man, of Chester Street in the town has been charged with taking a child so as to remove them from a person having lawful control.
Lancashire telegraph: 0700hrs Sunday.Man, 44, charged after suspected Blackburn supermarket abduction
BLACKBURN man has been charged with a child abduction offence after a mother complained that her three-year-old daughter had been picked up by a stranger at a supermarket.Forty-four-year-old Mohmed, Dadhiwala, of Chester Street, will appear before Blackburn magistrates tomorrow accused of taking a child so as to remove her from the lawful control of her parent.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst.
Awhh! After all, he was only looking for a new wife!
G, she was 3. Wouldn’t that be a bit old for him, or do you think he prefers the more mature infant.
The UK government has already sold out the UK to islam, according to this report. The meat, so to speak, starts about a third of the way through. I have put this on FB, amongst like-minded “friends” hoping that it would run, yet, nobody seems to be interested……
Googled ‘Lancaster plan’ and only found your link,so it seems dubious?
Wild Bill. Reading it through, and the way things are going now, it SEEMS to make sense…… The whole narrative in the link is plausible…. I would like to think that our government wouldn’t sell us down the river. But, it’s happened before, pace Heath and Common Market.
Not forgetting the traitor, Blair!
Re Lancaster Plan. Can anyone come up with a more convincing alternative to explain why our government, police, judiciary, universities and the media, have accepted the Islamification of Britain? Is it fear, bribery, stupidity on a massive scale?
I think you are all being a little cynical here.
The BEEB is more than willing to discuss these “difficult issues”
Why I have just heard a trailer on R4 for a programme on Thursday where they will discuss “Does Islam present a threat to French Society?”
I think I can probably spare you all the effort and potential C02 emmissions of having to listen to it. Using my extensive powers of prediction I can confirm that the programme will be fronted by a concerned and earnest reporter, where we will hear.
1 A bit about Frances colonial legacy and immigration from Algeria etc
2 Lots of interviews with muslim residents complaining about housing, lack of jobs, Lack of representation and of course waycism.
3 A bit about the rich and diverse Muslim community
4 Lots about the threat/hostility the “far right” and Le Pen pose to these communities and how it threatens the integration into french society.
5 We will hear how of course “radicalsised yoof” who have no prospects are pushed towards the Jihadis/radicals
6 If we are very lucky we will also be granted a wishy washy statement alluding to some of the less pleasant aspects of cultural relativism (known as FGM, sexual abuse, intolerance – to you and me) but we will be told this will change in time as they become more integrated (is that what happened in Rotherham?)
7 It will conclude with a statement saying these communities could threaten french society but with more jobs , better housing, more money and of course more control of the “far right” and of course a change in french attitudes everything will be spammy!
So really it is all down to the french.
Or instead in answer to the question “Does Islam represent a threat to french society? – you could just say yes and switch off the bloody radio and treat it as another large helping of disingenuous bollocks that Aunty has become a master at.
I wonder whether I should apply to Aunty for any script writer jobs for these sort of documentaries – i could do it all from home for half the money, wouldnt have to visit anywhere and always come to the “right” conclusion,
If like me you too find BBC presenters blanket across the board adoption of poppies to be little more than a hollow unconvincing virtue signal toward support for the personnel and welfare of our armed forces, then you too may have been amused by BBC London’s winsome Alice Oldfield’s minor wardrobe malfunction at 7.30am this Monday morning. One moment the poppy is pinned on, no doubt by a harrassed minor production assistant, broadcast begins and whoops – the poppy falls out.
You are right AISI – Looking at Gina Millar the other day – She has reduced the poppy to nothing more than a cheap, seasonal fashion accessory. To be honest when I see that devious reptile wearing it I too feel “physically sick!”
“It will conclude with a statement saying these communities could threaten French society but with more jobs , better housing, more money…everything will be spammy!”
Don’t forget the obligatory BBC call for an expansion in the size of the public sector.
Religion of War? – Yes Alan, Yes All Lives, Yes Kaiser, Yes Wild Bill, Yes Pounce, Yes Joe, Yes Oak, Yes AsISeeit, Yes Wild, Yes Yes Yes, it must all be said and exposed and repeated over and over.
Just one criticism Alan: why the question mark after Religion of War? It’s not in question, it’s a fact!!!
It’s all our own fault, the islamisation of Europe and then America. We are not having enough children. The bankers and corporations who really run things are not satisfied with our breeding efforts and so are importing others who will breed in large numbers and thus keep their profits exponentially rising.
Just wait, by this time next year our corrupt politicians will have legitimised Sharia law in the UK because Saudi & friends have told them to. The Home office and Commons inquiries will both find there is no case to answer and the courts fulfill a useful function.
Of course this will be the thin end of the wedge, like women vicars will not lead to women Bishops – which they did, and that civil partnership will not lead to gay marriage – which it did.
Prepare yourselves to be governed by Sharia law because our so called democratically e;elected government is being paid by another country to govern it in the way they wish.
Why would the Establishment worry about a few Muslims converting to Christianity. They are an ineffective tiny minority.
They didn’t worry as Christians were being massacred, and even crucified by ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact they supported ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood. All to appease Saudi Arabia – atleast thats what I hope..
But ISIS went too far( when in fact all they were doing is true Islam) in a US election year. So the US ( Obama and Clinton), and the UK, have belatedly, turned to bombing a few ISIS targets, and condemning Russia for being too literal with what is meant by Jihadis.
A guide to Syriaspeak
Mosul – The liberation of innocent civilians. Hard military assault by army, artillery, airstrikes on enemy positions results in unfortunate but necessary civilian collateral damage. Bombardment of civilian areas, and deaths caused, is justified in order to achieve a speedy end to the campaign.
Aleppo – An attack on innocent civilians. Hard military assault by army, artillery, airstrikes on schools, hospitals, orphanages, children’s zoos and cute puppies result in criminal civilian death and injury. Bombardment of civilian areas, and deaths caused, is unjustified and a war crime
White Phosphorus – Use by Iraqi and US forces assaulting Mosul to provide smokescreens is necessary to save friendly soldiers lives. Collateral damage to innocent civilians including appalling burn injuries is regretted.
White Phosphorus – Use by Syrian and Iranian forces assaulting Aleppo is a war crime using prohibited substances and can never be justified.
USAF / RAF airstrike on wedding party – An unfortunate case of target misidentification of a gathering at which known terrorists were known to be present. Collateral damage is regretted.
Russian Air Force airstrike on wedding party – The deliberate targeting of innocent civilians by overwhelming military force. A war crime, without doubt.
Use of Mustard Gas on civilians by US/Iraqi forces – An over-zealous recourse to emergency munitions by a commander fearing for his safety. Use of banned substances and civilian collateral damage is regretted
Use of Mustard Gas on civilians by Syrian Army – A calculated war crime using prohibited gas against innocent civilians.
NCBBC – You forgot the “barrel bombs” – dont forget the barrel bombs!”
I had a discussion about Syria with our works lefty. He said to me – “They kill kids and civilians with barrel bombs – have you seen those things – barrels filled with explosives” ! I pointed out that the wedding guests who were “collateral damage” in the RAF/USAF airstrike were probably not that impressed that they had been obliterated with “proper” bomb shaped bombs, rather than ones in barrels – theres no pleasing some people!
Ooops. Sorry.
Barrel bombs.
Terrible these Improvised Barrel bombs. Use is prohibited by the UN. War crime – definite.
Thanks NCBBC – BBC reporters need to hear about the barrel bit so they can get properly outraged.
It would be interesting to know just how many people have died in Syria (especially non muslims)) since the west de-stabilised the country at the behest of the Saudis. Probably quite a few more than were dying under the Assad regime.
I am afraid brutal though he is. Assad definately held the country together. But I dont think that is a fact the BBC will be reporting any time soon.
All the BBC wants to see are pictures of injured children. Handy so they can point fingers at Assad and of course the Russian bogeyman.
It will also be a handy justification for more “children” to come here. The threat of the “barrel” bombs being dropped in Aleppo is so frightening that it is forcing many “children” to flee here from as far away as Africa!
The BBC uses ‘ISLAM’ to overthrow ‘capitalism’ which it links to ‘Jews’ primarily. As they cannot directly attack ‘Jews’ openly (it would be called a bias) they attack ‘Catholics’ for creating the ‘western World’ they despise (as Communism despises all religons, they are very much aware that ISLAM is NOT a ‘religon’ but a third world ‘way of life’ totally alien to Westerners and far more open to ‘Marx’ ideology. This is further cloaked in Liberal (equality) fantasy as the fundemental principles are NOT compatible in Europe or US (any more than they are in (say) Russia or China) are. So the BBC know full well what they are doing and (would insist) they have the support of the UN (which is how the BBC is able to ‘trump’ our own laws with its own ‘vision’ – endorsing ‘Islamic values’ as being (somehow) good finacially for Britain and the ‘WORLD’. The fact that it is endorsed by the EU – permitting Turkish ‘entry’ into the EU block (at the ‘right’ moment of our full integration and subjegation and final humiliation is less clear. Qui Bono?
A recent report called ‘WHATS WRONG WITH ISLAMIC FINANCE’ shows how Cameron, (like Blair before him) has created a ‘trojan-horse’ of opaque Islamic finance ‘bonds’ that are totally at odds with open and fair banking. The reason why Cameron created such a London credibility for Saudi money – at the same time that (is known) to supply and purchase weapons and bombs (against us British or anybody else who questions the Islamic doctrine). That much is clear.
It deserves a wider discussion on why we encourage Islam and help destroy our own culture by accepting ‘Sharia law’ in finacial transactions in London. If you watch the video you’ll see how far these ‘appeasment laws’ have created a cheap money for terrorists (as the money cannot be traced). This is fundamental problem of financial accountability and its all controlled NOT in the Bank of England but under Saudi control involving Sharia law which we are NOT entitled to question where the money goes and to whom and who pays tax (and in which country).
Its not a complex question. But its not hard to see why the BBC are enthrall to Islam. It is clash of cultures and if they cannot get the ‘western civilisation’ to crash it will try another way by promoting something totally ‘alien’ in its place and call it ‘equality’, when they know nothing is exactly equal, and they know it will eventually lead to Turkish style imprisonment and dentention ‘at leisure’ for those who dare to say ‘ISLAM’ or ‘MARXISM’ is not equal to a better quality of life (it isn’t) and never was.
The crucial thing to remember here is that ‘money’ and paying interest on that money is a closely guarded secret that is totally subject to Sharia Law and Cameron has signed us all up 100%. Nobody dares ask that it is used to undermine our own country and others around us. No wonder the BBC insist on equality issues (at the same time they have an appaling record of financial mismanagement and ‘bungs’ which is very much how Arabic and African dictator nations ‘trade’.
‘Islamic finance has been welcomed uncritically into the UK. Today there are over twenty lenders in the UK offering Islamic financial services. The British government has been promoting Islamic finance for some years and Britain is the largest provider of Islamic finance courses in the world. In 2014, Britain made history by becoming the first non-Muslim country to issue a sovereign Islamic bond.
Read Booklet :(In this twenty-four-page booklet we outline ten problems with Islamic finance). Download here: Watch video ‘What wrong with Islamic finance’ here:
Ask yourself which side the BBC is on. Why we adopt Sharia Law (at all) and then make it a PC directive to never question it.
I was shown some old photos of Manchester and Birmingham city centres about 30 – 40 years old. There are plenty of Asian men and women walking the the streets among local folk, but what’s interesting is very few of the Asian women have their heads covered or more to the point none are wearing burkas. The wearing of the burka seems to be a more recent thing within British society. So when the first Asians, Pakistani’s and Indians came here in the 50 s, perhaps when the Asian women saw our western women with their heads uncovered, they would do the same and maybe they did not feel the same religious pressures as they would in their home countries. However now this culture has become more and more established in the UK with Mosques and religious centres and huge numbers of Muslims the pressure is back on to conform or else.
Perhaps initially they were trying a little to integrate, but eventually their religion has stopped them doing so and no doubt will continue to do so.
I have a Dutch friend and he is married to a Indonesian Muslim lady. In her own country she always had her head covered. When she came to the UK she was very surprised that no western women had their heads covered, she followed by example and never covers her head now and says how pleasant it feels to have the wind blow through her hair and how good it makes her feel. Of course when she returns to Indonesian to visit relatives the headscarve goes back on.
The reason why a Muslim community starts to wear identifiable clothes, is when they know that its time to assert their presence.
Its a sign that the takeover process has started.
Political Islam by Bill Warner has a detailed analysis on his blog.
You may have noted “our” Nadiya wears plain headwear leaving only her face exposed.
When she went “home” to Bangladesh she stood out quite noticeably from the locals.
So bang on the money NCBBC!
Not me. Bill Warner was the one who first identified the signals as signs of takeover.