Guido Fawkes published a story on Friday about Sadiq Khan appointing a new aide called Amy Lame.
This charming woman thinks it’s funny to want the Queen dead and calls all Tories scum.
Here’s a picture of the gorgeous babe next to a midget
Surprise, surprise she used to work as a presenter on BBC London.
I think he wore a tie a few days after his coronation when he went to some Jewish do. It struck me as odd as I had never seen the scruffy sod wear one before.
Now I have switched photos on (low broadband limit) something seems strange.
Is that a lady ?
Ah she is a Khan’s top Lesbian
Having worked at First Out, a London lesbian and gay cafe, Amy became prominent in London’s alternative lesbian and gay scene co- launching club night ‘Duckie’ in 1995 which continues to run today.
Amy’s varied TV career began on BBC2’s Gaytime TV, she developed and presented Channel 4’s The Staying In Show’, and is a regular on both TV and radio
The assuredly noble ambitions of the Founding Fathers have somehow become lost along the way and America now seems mired in a latter day and all too real version of the, “Gangs of New York”.
BBC Radio4 Started The Week – with a disproportionate attack on hetero-sexuality.
In the first item on the prog we were told about a Victorian woman who married and then realised she was a lesbian, who gave birth to 4 or 6 children “none of which exhibited heterosexuality” “She ended up living in her house with her lesbian lover, whilst her daughter also lived in the same house with her lesbian lover”
(I think that was Susie Orbach speaking)
I checked it was Simon Goldhill talking about his new book on the Benson family (first one was an archbishop) A Very Queer Family Indeed – University of Chicago Press
at 24 he proposed to a 12 year old, they waited until she was 18
“none of the 6th children had heterosexual sex”
After his death The wife lived in Lambeth Palace with her lesbian lover and everyone knew they slept in the same bed.
He argues that people took people non-hetero-sexual behaviour for granted and didn’t think of themselves as gay or straight. People didn’t use such words at that time 1860 to 1925.
Why is there nothing in the msm about Clinton calling one of her black servants the ‘N’ word. If Trump was accused of this it would be front page news.
Rhetorical I know. The msm is, like the BBC, completely biased in favour of Clinton.
The fix is in for Queen Hillary – nothing shall stop her from assuming the throne tomorrow! Progressives are quite clear about this, in the same way that, back here in Blighty, they are clear that nothing will stop them from scuppering Brexit.
Until non-progressives realise these people mean to subvert and control every lever of power to suit their agenda – right up to and including the very highest echelons of government, media and culture – we will always be on the losing side (even when, as with Brexit, we actually ‘win’).
Over in the States, meanwhile, the FBI simply know which way the wind is blowing and have capitulated accordingly. The Clinton Crime Cartel have now been officially enabled to embark on a whole new level of plundering and intrigue.
The BBC are delighted. I was hopeful Trump could actually do it – despite electoral fraud, despite the mud-slinging, despite the combined forces of a 98% bought-and-paid for democrat media…
But the fix is in. All hail the new Queen of Washington and god save us all.
“The fix is in for Queen Hillary – nothing shall stop her from assuming the throne tomorrow!”
At the risk of upsetting people here, I (sort of) hope she wins.
I’m quite sure that if she wins, if will be a tumultuous four years provided she lasts that long. It will expose the political class for what it is.
Seems to me that only around half of the US population, and almost none of the MSM, realise what a cesspit it has become. If Trump is elected, Clinton will become “the greatest President the US never had”. Trump would never be able to convince them otherwise.
True, but if Clinton does assume the throne tomorrow, she will take the Presidency fatally weakened, dogged by unresolved controversy, scandal and criminal investigation. She’ll be a lame-duck President, vulnerable from day one. Impeachment might not be too far off.
Not much of a victory march for the Democrats. More of a limp.
I am terrified of a Clinton win. When/if it occurs we cannot be complacent and assume an inevitable collapse due to incompetence of oppressive institutions. The media must be our first target. I’m already on a celebrity/media news blackout/boycott and rely on alternative sites for news updates.
Sorry Obiwan but my natural pessimism is in overdrive since those wicked judges stymied the British People, and now Comey has caved in to pressure from the MSM/Clinton camp (same thing).
That’s why she is pushing for full-scale war against Russia. If that’s underway then there is no way that the FBI or any other organisation will try to impeach her as they need stability. A smaller war would not be sufficient to stop the impeachment, but against Russia they would not rock the boat. I am actually quite worried about the almost certain imposition of the Clinton presidency. Foil hats please.
Agreed, Demon. The MSM have been lining up for a war against Russia since the Western take over of Ukraine. Allegations against Russia and specifically Putin are thrown about unchallenged as if they were established facts. We saw something very similar before the invasion of Iraq. Then it was Saddam who was the pantomime villain, now it is Putin.
If Clinton gets into power tomorrow she will be so weakened by the campaign that going to war against Russia would be the only way to save her presidency. She has already said that she would respond to alleged Russian cyber attacks with military force and advocates a no fly zone in Syria. She has a history of always taking the most hawkish option when she was SoS and cackled triumphantly when she had a head of state killed. She is evil and will stop at nothing.
Also, with Clinton as President, a full-on widened Middle East war will do Europe, the EU and the UK no good at all, economically and in other ways, and could derail Brexit.
I was reading some Blogs recently that seemed to make sense that took the view that both main candidates were awful but that Trump, temper or no, would be less inclined to go to war & more easily restrained by good advice from the military.
On that latter point, I can imagine a situation with Hillary as President & wanting to go to war, against the advice of the Joint Chiefs, getting into a screaming hissy fit and overriding them as Commander in Chief.
Evan Davis, star reporter of the BBC, desperately trying to convince Susan Sarandon, to vote for Hillary.
It doesn’t get any more shameful then this – A BBC reporter, a Brit from a foreign state funded media giant, trying to affect an American election.
This should be stopped. American policy affects us all, specially the UK. This type of behaviour would be just about OK from a private media organisation. The BBC is not, and this behaviour carries with it implication that the British government supports this view.
The General
Interesting , if you cast your mind back to our referendum you will remember the whole process was rigged. Al Beeb & The media , the government’s one sided pamphlet advising us to ‘stay in’ . Our PM and the head of the Bank of England , and the ‘parachuting in’ of Saint Obama, Mick Jagger and ‘Tom Dick and Harry’ et al , the threats of the world coming to an end and much, much more .
To the chagrin of the Prime Minister who thought it was ‘in the bag’, we Brexiteers still won !
It was a win that shocked the world!
Great Britain leads the world , it is the cradle of democracy.
The FBI was forced to “re-open” the case because the NYPD found the documents on Anthony Weiner’s laptop which they had seized due to the sex allegations against him.
It appears that Hillary Clinton’s confidential correspondence as Secretary of State was downloaded from her illegal private server on to Huma Abedin’s Blackberry, and then backed up on to Anthony Weiner’s totally insecure private PC.
We are only talking about four years’ worth of classified correspondence between the most senior people in the US government. Obviously nothing to see here folks, please move along…
Aaaaaah, poor Ryanair. bBBC Toady most concerned re the profit warning issued by Ryanair, and possible causes. It couldn’t be due to Brexit could it? What a surprise, owner Michael Oleary agrees (box ticked), but there are other factors, ATC strikes, terror attacks by RoP, and ‘alleged climate change’ impositions. Why is bBBC bothered about how the UK leaving the EU effects an Irish company and Irish owner from an EU member country?….what about all the export opportunities for UK business!!
Well, I thought quality of service also matters. I would think their tiny seats, inconvenient airports, expensive drinks, uninterested staff and better competitors may have something to do with it. Well then again easier to blame all failure on Brexit.
In 1992 John Major used the Royal Prerogative to sign the Massstricht Treaty giving away UK powers to the EU. Made without reference to Parliament. In 2004 Tony Blair used the Royal Prerogative to sign the Treaty of Rome giving away UK powers to the EU. Made without reference to Parliament.. In 2008 Gordon Brown used the Royal Prerogative to sign the Lisbon Treaty giving away UK powers to the EU. Made without reference to Parliament. The ruling by the 3 judges states that use of the prerogative cannot be used to overide legislation enacted by parliament. If this ruling stands then the Maastricht, Rome and Lisbon must all be by definition deemed as unlawful as all three were signed using the Royal Preogative. If upheld this will throw EU/UK law onto the bonfire as we have been punishing individuals and communities through taxes, fines and even imprisionment unlawfully based on their introduction aligned to treaties that have no lawful basis.
This is not my view. We the voters are supreme. We elect a parliament and in this case that parliament has asked us for a decision. The judges have ignored or not understood that the 17th century arguments revolved around supremacy and that Charles 1st claimed it by divine right. 1649 ended this nonsense. His son was only permitted to return if he accepted parliament as supreme. James tried to reassert divine right and had to go.
It has always been implicit that parliamentary authority comes from us hence the continual widening of the franchise and the now near universal belief that this is the definition of democracy in Britain.
So a series of big decisions made without a parliamentary vote (I haven’t checked them)
– 1992 Maastricht Treaty – John Major used the Royal Prerogative to give away UK powers to the EU
– 2004 Treaty of Rome – Tony Blair used the Royal Prerogative to give away UK powers to the EU
– 2008 Lisbon Treaty – Gordon Brown used the Royal Prerogative to give away UK powers to the EU
But now the ruling by the 3 judges states that use of the prerogative cannot be used to over-ride legislation enacted by parliament !
34 million public guesses are better than 650 ones from MPs
That is the principle of the Wisdom of the Crowd The crowd has a wisdom no expert can match : writes Matt Ridley in the Times
“Elitists who pour scorn on the people’s views don’t appreciate how often democracy comes up with the right decision”
He uses the piece to warn about scoffing at the masses voting for Trump
eg the writer of a new book who said democracy makes people more biased and mean
– But “Members of Parliament are not experts, let alone omniscient ones”
– “The problem is today that the technology is giving undue weight to a minority of extreme voices”
eg In the US that small group got to choose the 2 candidates.
So then the public vote on the Qn Who is the least awful ?
In the UK : Same for Labour party leader election.
His recent posts are free on his blog about 1 week after they are in the Times
Good points Mr Goldstein but can a ruling be made to apply retrospectively like that? For example in 1965 Parliament ruled it unlawful to execute people for capital crimes. But that didn’t mean that everyone executed before that had been killed unlawfully. Oddly enough we do seem to be going down that road, however, with the posthumous pardon of Alan Turing, for example.
However, we can argue until we’re blue in the face about legality and Parliamentary soveriegnty, but if the powers that be don’t want us out of the EU they’ll cook up any old hash to keep us in.
The BBC will claim after the election “oh we had Balance, cos we had ONE programme with pro-Trumps” . Yes tonight at 11:30pm (England only) there is a prog which may not be the normal hit job Trump’s Unlikely Superfans already available on Iplayer cos it’s been on BBC3
Accused of being racist, sexist and a liar by some in his own party, millions of others have been inspired to join his campaign, believing he can ‘Make America Great Again’. To investigate his meteoric rise Angela Scanlon meets the devoted and passionate people stumping for Trump and explores why his bold and often controversial policies appeal to them.
She talks to the twin sisters who, despite his comments about women, still adore him, a second-generation Mexican American who wants nothing more than Trump to build a wall to keep illegal immigrants out, and a young black American who believes Trump is precisely the president the country needs to pull itself up by its bootstraps.
Whenever you hear that you know the person is advocating a course of action detrimental to the people of this nation
“” …a nation of immigrants …. A tolerant society …..a parliamentary democracy …..engaged with Europe…and plenty more , which usually means no borders , criminals on the streets and not in jail , MPs overturning the wishes of the people , and Britain subsumed and paying heavily to be in the EU .
History though tells us otherwise . Invaders have been fought against , tolerance was lacking for criminals till the Gramscians infested the legal system , Britain has been an absolute monarchy and a republic and an oligarchy , and we had the Splendid Isolationist period until the First World War .
Not that the BBC knows anything like that . Pity they didn’t read Ladybird books instead of the Guardian Bumper Book of Historical Revisionism .
Here’s a checklist.
The BBC is supposed to be impartial so would any of you out there care to take this questionnaire.
Is the BBC pro Trump, pro Clinton or neutral.
Is the BBC pro Brexit, pro eu or neutral.
Is the BBC pro immigration, anti immigration or neutral.
Is the BBC pro UKIP and Farage, anti or neutral.
Is the BBC pro Islam, anti Islam or neutral.
There are many other topics but if you answer the above honestly, do you find the BBC to be neutral as it is supposed to be.
I appreciate this website is already questioning the BBC but in my mind there is absolutely no doubt about the bbc’s political leanings and the political agenda it is pushing.
Of course, the ‘so called’ BBC is NOT neutral. It is far left without a doubt.
11.15 ITV #TheAgenda
“Tonight at @Peston is joined by @EmilyThornberry, @Nigel_Farage, @Baddiel, Tim Shipman (Political Editor, The Sunday Times)
& Jan Halper-Hayes from Republicans Overseas (who said ‘Trump is “truly mentally unbalanced”‘ in August)
Almost as soon as the referendum votes were counted people were asking for polling on whether people regretted their decision. There is still a certain audience who seem downright desperate to find polling showing that people do not, after all, want to leave the European Union (and, I suppose, a (slightly larger) audience who want to see polls showing they don’t!). I guess this is the curse of a referendum decision that takes a couple of years to actually implement.
The most straightforward way of measuring Bregret is to ask the referendum question again – how would people vote if the referendum question was asked again now. Several polls have done that:
All of these suggest a very small movement towards Remain, and given Leave’s lead was only four points that’s enough to flip the result in a couple of cases. However, I’d be a little cautious in reading too much into the results. All of these polls are just straight “how would you vote questions” with no attempt to account for differential turnout, when at the referendum Leave voters were more liable to turnout. If you look at the actual tables for these you’ll find there is very little movement between remain and leave, the shift is down to people who didn’t vote in the referendum claiming that in a referendum tomorrow they would vote in favour of Remain. That’s possible of course (perhaps people who assumed a Remain victory in June and didn’t bother to vote, now realising their vote really would count)… but I’m rather sceptical about people saying they’d vote in an EU referendum who didn’t bother to vote in the one we just had.
In contrast YouGov have regularly asked if people think the decision to leave was right or wrong, and have tended to find slightly more people saying it was the right decision. The pattern of opinion is pretty consistent – movement between Remain and Leave is small and tends to cancel out, people who didn’t vote at all tend to split in favour of it being the wrong decision:
YouGov/Times (11th-12th Oct) – Right to Leave 45%, Wrong to Leave 44%
YouGov/Times (13th-14th Sep) – Right to Leave 46%, Wrong to Leave 43%
YouGov/Times (30th-31st Aug) – Right to Leave 47%, Wrong to Leave 44%
YouGov/Times (22nd-23rd Aug) – Right to Leave 45%, Wrong to Leave 43%
YouGov/Times (8th-9th Aug) – Right to Leave 45%, Wrong to Leave 44%
YouGov/Times (1st-2nd Aug) – Right to Leave 46%, Wrong to Leave 42%
Looking across the board at all this polling, there is a suggestion that public opinion may have moved very slightly towards Remain, and with only a four point lead that’s enough to change the lead in some polls. However, in most cases that apparent movement isn’t people changing their minds, but is down to the opinions of those people who didn’t actually vote last time. That means if there was another referendum right now, if turnout was similar to June the result would probably be similar too.
My expectation is that, given time, we probably will see “Bregret”, simply because Brexit is going to be tested against reality while Remain isn’t. The road ahead has a lot of obstacles and some Leavers’ hopes and expections will be dashed (Remainers’ hopes and expectations of what would have happened if we’d stayed won’t, of course, face the same collision with reality). The lead at the referendum was only 4%, so it really won’t take that many people having second thoughts to flip opinion over.
To those who really want to see evidence of Bregret in the polls – have a bit of patience. It will probably come in time, but the data really isn’t there to support it now.
Unlike a GE when the purpose of polls is only to indicate voting intention, the Leave/Remain polls taken since the referendum have an ulterior motive. If they can consistently show that there has been movement in favour of Remain they will be used as ammunition by Blair/Clegg Remoaners to say that the nation is having second thoughts and we really must have a second referendum to confirm whether we stay or leave. You Gov is run by fully paid up member of the liberal left Europhile Remoaners Elite and it is highly likely that the polls will be massaged to give them the result they want, when the time is ripe. The BBC will then go into full overdrive to mould public opinion into having either a second referendum or accepting a featherlite Brexit which the Remoaners find acceptable.
Achieving a Brexit which moves us outside the jurisdiction of the EUropean Courts and gives us back our sovereignty without strings being attached , is looking under threat. If we want a proper Brexit we need to up the anti and make the Remoaners realise that they are playing with fire by cheating us and attempting to reverse our decision.
If Killary gets it, then the RINO never-Trumpers will get their come-uppance from the mass of true Republicans and not-Hillary Democrats. The Bushes, Romneys, Kaisch and their like will not be forgiven. Pray hard that the Clinton Crime Syndicate doesn’t get into the White House.
These two should be the next BBC US correspondents, or maybe one for Sky and one for the BBC. Not sure I’d notice the difference between them and the current ladies Sky has in the US and their attitude to Trump.
Nothing to do with the BBC, but this made me smile!
Subject: Mathematics Can Get You There or Maybe Did! So Concentrate Please ….
This comes from 2 maths teachers with a combined total of 70 yrs. experience.
It has an indisputable mathematical logic.
It also made me laugh –
This is an unbiased mathematical viewpoint… and it goes like this:
What Makes 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%.
How about achieving 103%?
What makes up 100% in life?
Here’s a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
I have a solution for the lack of an impartial broadcaster:-
Split the license fee 48/52%. Use the 52% to create an alternative broadcaster.
That would be ‘fair AND balanced’ and total anathema to the BBC?
An inspired suggestion. Maybe let each telly tax payer say where their tax goes. Wait, wouldn’t you get the same result making all the BBC channels subscription?
Yes, but with my system I can’t see what defence the BBC could offer since they would be guaranteed a sum of money and that’s always been their reason to object to pay per view.
I have often thought that to be truly unbiased the BBC should have output which matches the printed press in general. So there could be a serious highbrow TV channel or radio station with content similar to the Guardian, a more conservative and traditional one like the Times or Telegraph, and a knockabout fun channel with bingo ‘n’boobs like the Sun or the Daily Star.
Instead we just get the ‘Revolutionary Communist Party (Islington Branch) Gazette’ across all stations!
I do hope that any BBC journalists that survive that will come to realise that the politically correct, gay and transgender loving country they had promoted was completely and utterly at variance with the laws of Islam. Although that will be at the point when the steak knife meets their neck. Oh dear!
TWATO today and their US female correspondent interviewing a feminist American writer about Hillary’s coronation/election. Some discussion fifteen minutes from the end about the vitriol in the US press around this election. TWATO’s stooge jumps in with ‘right wing press you mean’.
For fuck’s sake, and I’m so incensed I won’t use the normal contraction!
Sorry this is so long. I had to get it off my chest and it’s fine if no one reads.
Radio 4’s World at one needs to be dragged outside and quietly buried. Its gratuitous flag waving for Clinton and loathing of Trump reflects everything it broadcasts.
Firstly, Martha Kearny entertained herself for what seemed like an age as she caught up with her childhood in Pittsburgh, USA.
For those who stayed awake she went on to chat to a democrat representative.
From there to a Clinton rally to interview more democrats.
Then to a local union rep who is, of course, a through and through Clinton supporter.
She then managed to meet a Trump supporter – ‘what,’ you say ‘in a land where there is 50/50 in support for the two candidates, she actually found a Trump supporter? Amazing.’
Then onto a supporter of Trump who has his doubts about Trump. Followed by a few more trump supporters.
From there to a long interview with academics predicting ‘mindless hell’ if Trump is elected. No facts, just emotion.
Onto an ex CIA head for his views on Trump/Clinton and the FBI investigation into Clinton’s emails. Now the CIA despise the FBI, and are engaged in a relentless turf war with them. The FBI cover domestic security whilst the CIA cover overseas security. But to the anger of the CIA, Clinton’s deal with the FBI was to reduce the severity of her email classifications in return for FBI postings overseas. The BBC forgot to mention this. So, what do you think might be the CIA’s views of the FBI investigating Clinton so openly? Yep. They do not approve. Surprise.
He went on to say Trump is not an acceptable candidate and only supported by ‘a primal scream’. He made a ludicrous argument that the FBI should not have been honest to the peoples of the USA by saying how they are investigating Hillary. Martha invited him to a say what is wrong with Trump yet not Clinton. He spoke wholly unchallenged for a few minutes.
In other words, during the entire program there was not one single reasoned argument for why Trump is running neck and neck with Clinton. Yet offering a whole load of negatives as to why Trump and his supporters are close to winning. Trump supporters are apparently, like Brexit voters, evil, dark, stupid, misguided, ignorant, uneducated, etc.
To ‘balance’ the program she interviewed Marilynne Robinson, a left wing feminist, who supports the democrats for her unbiased view.
I hope the yanks who hear this one-sided diatribe from the BBC still do the right thing on Tuesday.
The academics Martha interviewed, I think she said, had been friends of her parents. They were fearing hell and damnation if Trump wins. I thought it confirmed the circles in which Martha had been brought up.
I agree, today’s TWATO was dreadful. I kept waiting for balance but it never came! There was always an anti-Trump angle and almost nothing critical of Hillary Clinton; anyone would think Wikileaks had never happened.
Martha K, some friendly advice: stick to bee-keeping in future.
Another curious TV prog’ was on BBC4 on Sunday evening, part of the ‘Storyville’ series, dealing with Anthony Weiner and his disgrace for 90 minutes. Weiner is married to glamorous Huma Abedin, who was there on screen for much of the broadcast. Talk about hiding in plain view! Maybe the film was made before recent revelations but it was astonishing to see her there, like a giant decorated elephant in the room, with no comment whatsoever about HER role in matters much more serious than Weiner’s exhibitionist stupidity.
Maybe I’m reading too much into this but was it an attempt to misdirect the viewer? To me, it left the impression that Huma HAD been touched by scandal … BUT that she was the victim of her husband’s infidelity and had suffered humiliation through his ‘sexting’ AND THERE WAS NOTHING MORE THAN THIS TO ANY SUPPOSED ‘SCANDAL’ SURROUNDING HER.
Sky isn’t much better than the BBC these days. The US election coverage has been diabolical in its support for Clinton. The narrative is as follows….Reporter from some state in the US selects clinton and trump supporters. The Sky news anchorperson syas ‘who are you going to vote for?’ US person says Hilary. Sky anchor says ‘why is that?’ US person gives.
1. positive statement
2. positive statement etc etc
Sky anchor asks next person ‘who are you going to vote for?’ Person says Donald Trump. Anchor ‘Really!’ (faux surprise) But what about ..
1. Negative statement
2. Negative statement
3. Negative statement etc etc.
Seen it played out like this many times on Sky. I don’t bother with BBC news
Can the BBC spell, “journalistic integrity” ?
I think not but they have no need to demonstrate the fact, every hour of every day across all media.
Never mind whether the BBC can spell. Where did Hillary get two ‘ll’s’ in her name? Can we really have the first female president who cannot spell her name?
(They argue that many of the emails were duplicates of known ones that is why searching was so quick)
“Based on our review of the emails we have not changed our conclusionS (plural) since July”
They didn’t conclude that she was innocent they just concluded they weren’t going to prosecute her.
With hope ..there will be a BACKFIRE effect as public
..say “this is the establishment protecting one their own”
New benefit cap starts amid fears for single parents
So what relation to ‘business’ does this have exactly?
The cap – which limits the income households receive in certain benefits – has been reduced from £26,000 a year to £20,000 a year outside London.
The government says the cap is “a clear incentive to move into a job”.
But the policy has been criticised by campaigners and unions.
Someone wants to tell these unions and campaigners that there’s nothing stopping them from making up any shortfall themselves, although they shouldn’t expect any gratitude if they do !
“Under the new system, Ms Bradley’s benefits will be capped unless she works at least 16 hours a week.
Speaking to BBC Breakfast on the day the new system was introduced, the mother-of-four from Coventry said she would “quite happily work”, but the childcare costs and the job of looking after her four children made it much harder to do so.”
So she only has to work 16 hours a week just 4 hours a day for 4 days a week, and she can’t manage that!
Under the new cap, those living in the UK outside of Greater London will receive a maximum of:
£384.62 per week (£20,000 a year) for a couple
£384.62 per week (£20,000 a year) for single people whose children live with them
£257.69 per week (£13,400 a year) for single people who do not have children or whose children do not live with them
Remember that most single people are disgracefully treated by the benefits system and can be expected to survive on just £65.00 per week.
Also that the benefits cap, for a woman who of her own free will CHOSE to have 4 kids does not include any maintenance payments, made by the father/s if she has CHOSEN to disclose who it is (and many don’t).
£20K pa because she doesn’t think she should even have to work 4 hours a day and she’s complaining it isn’t enough for her! Worse the lefties are supporting her – but not with their own money of course.
As a pensioner, I’m getting a quarter of that amount given to these people, having paid in for 50 years.
How much is this living wage I keep hearing about. How does it compare to the uk pension. Is this living wage about the same as the pension that is judged to be a living wage for us.
How does the minimum wage compare to the uk state pension. I’ve heard it’s too low to live on yet it’s double the state pension.
The more you’ve paid in the more you SHOULD get out.
It is utterly unfair that someone who’s worked all their life will retire on the same pension as someone who’s never done a stroke.
The out of work benefits system was designed to be a temporary safety net and not the lifestyle choice it has become especially under Labour.
The other day I was in a cafe and there was a middle aged couple who obviously had ‘special needs’. They had two carers with them who had to help them order their food, eat it properly etc. You would need the patience of a saint to do that kind of thing for a living, but at least these poor folk get to lead a semblance of a normal life. This is the kind of thing our taxes SHOULD go towards – not workshy layabouts!
I thought recently that maybe the BBC do take notice of what is posted here. After my comments about the BBC’s obsession with the so-called UK obesity crisis and the hypocrisy of their web-site with a guaranteed three items across the main Homepage together with sometimes as many as three others, that page went quiet on the subject for a few weeks. The standard three item bar, which appeared just above halfway down, disappeared and there were few other references to food items on the Homepage.
Now food is back. It crept in around Halloween with party suggestions and now it is back big time today with six Cauliflower Cheese recipes, Yorkshire Parkin, six fruit crumbles in the horizontal bar and eleven quick veggie recipes immediately below.
So, if you hear BBC News & Current Affairs presenters talking about obesity and its cost to the nation, take some comfort from the fact that you’ll know the BBC is doing its bit to encourage the crisis and to keep it growing.
A fly on the wall during an editorial meeting at the BBC reports: “How can we spin this as anti-Brexit? The £ went up last week after the High Court decision. We’re still close to that decision, how can the £ be down?”
“I know! It’s because the vote for Article 50 may come sooner than next year and Labour and others have agreed to back it. The £ is down because of Brexit.”
“Er, are you sure it’s not just normal market movements due to economic news?”
“No!!! It cannot possibly be due to that. It must be because of Brexit! Or Trump.”
From last week so apologies in that respect – what I heard last Wednesday on Radio 1 made me so unbelievably angry I was motivated to join this site.
BBC Radio 1 the Annie Mac Show, featuring a discourse with Lily Allen, french singer Christine & The Queens and a UK rapper called Kano.
Brexiteers were first up for attack (nothing new there), Annie Mac asked Christine what the response in France was to the vote, her answer was they couldn’t believe it, that people could be against unity. This quote was then posted directly onto the Radio 1 twitter page. No mention was made on the broadcast of the fact that France itself voted against Lisbon in 2005!
However things turned very dark when the panel then discussed, and concluded, that white middle classes should not create and perform music inspired by black artists. Lily Allen and Christine said they deeply regretted their past performances in which they borrowed from black sounds, and Annie Mac and Kano said whites should not make grime records as whites have not struggled. Even Eminem and Justin Timberlake were called out as offensive.
It was truly terrifying to hear, the abject venom and hate.
“Lily Allen and Christine said they deeply regretted their past performances in which they borrowed from black sounds”
So are they going to give back the money they earned from them? Like f**k!
So will there be calls for Adil Ray to apologise for using white US TV genre of Situation Comedy for his side-splitting? show ‘Citizen Khan’, which for some unknown reason is the funniest thing since sliced dog shit in W1A and North London. Lily should be told to calm down dearie, and have a nice hot cup of tea.
That french bird that fronts christine and the queens was on the front cover of time a few weeks back, bigging her up as some representative for the youth of the world. Lets not forget this mag made hitler man of the year in 1938 so they have form with winners.
Just another gobby sjw feminist with a big ego like Lily and Annie Mac. Lily allen is just a complete idiot and shes getting worse everyday. Her twitter feed is full of venom and bile and lets not forget the beeb gave this idiot her own chat show a few years back. She seems to be slowly morphing into that other cretin Jack Monroe.
Annie Mac has gone awfully strange like so many other broadcasters at the BBC. It’s really depressing to observe and makes you wonder what the hell is going on in there. She’s supposed to be a dance DJ yet her twitter feed is full of pro-refugee articles and anti-Brexit diatribes. She’s also pregnant yet recently posed in a pro-abortion sweatshirt to help the abortion campaign in Ireland. Classy. Expressing political opinions absolutely ok of course, but there comes a point where surely you don’t want to cut off 50% of your audience if you’re a performer?? If punters think you despise them and don’t want their money ultimately they’ll bugger off. And Lily Allen simply needs help.
My real concern are the anti-democratic cultural changes that are being forced on us by stealth and brainwashing the young. It is very frightening.
i suggest they keep their music, but dont play it on OUR instruments, dont write it down on OUR music sheets , dont record it on OUR equipment dont distribute it on OUR media, or listen to it on OUR radios
and ps stay out of OUR cars, trains, planes, whilst they are at it
oh and dont use electricity or anything powered by it either
and hopefully they dont get ill because they dont have any medicines
Black Rappers treat women like dirt in their songs.
Sending the message that when it comes to “Black Lives Matter”
…it’s blacks who care the least
(Was something I heard on weekend radio, maybe during R4 Loose Ends)
I thought after her last little episode that Lily Allen couldn’t sink any lower, I should’ve known better. I believe what she’s referring to is the latest libtard fad of “cultural appropriation”, the idea that it’s somehow oppressive to other cultures when white people (it only seems to apply to whites apparently) adopt elements from another culture.
Who would’ve thought that the sharing of ideas from one culture to another was a bad thing? Obviously segregation of different cultures is the way forward, who knew?
Now that Saint Lily, for that is thy name, has shown me the way I shall be sure to burn all my Rolling Stones and Eric Clapton records and I hereby promise never to eat Indian, Chinese or Mexican food again.
Lily, sorry I mean Saint Lily, is on the fast track to a padded cell.
Cultural appropriation is another one of the esoteric justifications liberals use to denigrate the achievements of whites, and only whites. Ironic given that they also like to use the line that we all came from Africa anyway.
Surely if British people follow political ideas from continental Europe rather than Britain, ie, top-down rule by state diktat, this is a form of ‘cultural appropriation’? Ergo, we should leave the EU immediately!
I haven’t listened to Radio 4 Today programme for quite some time. Today while listening to James Naughtie living out his pension plan, I was reminded of the rather startling omission the BBC continues to make. In the course of it’s hysterical and obsessive coverage of US elections the BBC chooses to focus exclusively on the Presidential elections. For some bizarre reason ignoring completely the issue of senate and representatives elections. The reason for this is simple. The BBC’s candidate for president is quite likely to win, whereas the BBC candidates for senate and representatives are quite likely to remain in a minority. Hence the BBC is focusing on the prospects of its chosen candidate to create an illusion that the US political mood is the same as that which the BBC supports.
The BBC are busily trying to cobble together a narrative which firstly claims that those papers which they disapprove of , Mail, Express etc , are abusing the freedom of the press by criticising the high court three stooges , secondly that ministers have no right to criticise judges, thirdly that Nigel Farage is inciting people to violence. Basically if Leavers protest the BBC claims its undermining the Independence of the judiciary, undermining democracy and inciting civil unrest. They are attempting to create justification for further Remoaners attempts to gag the voice of the people.
“Brexit will need immigration compromise, Carwyn Jones says”
“He told AMs that maintaining “full and unfettered” access to Europe’s single market without extra costs was a more important issue than immigration.”
The Welsh have decided but Carwyn is still NOT listening to the People of Wales. He is dictating to us.
His job is to listen or get out .
“Meanwhile Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood said the public needed clarity on Brexit from UK and Welsh ministers.”
Wood has lost the plot. Brexit means exit , Wood has lost the plot .
This is the lady who told us how plaid cymru were going to rejuvenate the welsh economy with green jobs. As ALL green jobs are subsidised by the poor sods in the private sector, that would be impossible.
You are right about Carwyn, he is just not listening and doesn’t give a toss about democracy. Labour will suffer at the next polls.
Wood et al are right on message, the Elite message that is. They believe they have a good chance of avoiding Brexit altogether and at the very least making the whole process so difficult that the government, which may or may not (no pun intended) be complicit with them, are willing to accept a compromise the elite are comfortable with. The voice of the people will be ignored unless the unrest is too great to be easily contained. Things are going to get very unpleasant if we folks continue to stick up for ourselves.
The EU took over from the Welsh Development Agency in terms of pouring millions of Pounds into Wales. Virtually all wasted. Fact is, when you analyse the situation, Commercial Wales is still in the backwoods (as anyone from other places will vouch) and will forever be in need of hand-outs. Hence the desire to cling to the EU money tree.
So, how many English people, settled in India or Pakistan for example are MPs, Mayors or even comedians etc., in those countries. Additionally, how many of them criticise or poke fun at the culture, customs, religion and laws of those countries?
Answers on a very small postcard please.
Apparently there are many mansions in Pakistan built by ethnic Pakistani British How city of Mirpur became ‘Little England’
So there might well be British ethnic Pakistani mayors
But even that is nothing compared to his most recent foray into development Mirpuri-style. He has now finished building an entire “British street”.
“It’s a home away from home for UK Pakistanis,” he says, proudly showing me the little semi-detached houses and their neat gardens that he hopes to sell on.
Well all the ‘neat gardens’ owned by ‘British’ Pakistanis’ in the road where I was brought up have been stripped out to park large German cars and Range Rovers. The even larger back gardens have been stripped out, (they don’t do gardening), to provide a courtyard for granny to sweep with a bunch of twigs and to provide space for marquees when the extended family calls.
However, perhaps Mirpur might take us as refugees?
Digital Human or how snowflakes are using technology to force people to care about ‘refugees’ !
The world we experience through screen based technology is two dimensional which some argue creates distance between the viewer and the viewed but can modern day virtual reality story telling using a three dimensional perspective go further than any other medium of technology to enable us to really experience the lives of others, to walk in another man’s shoes?
Aleks speaks to Gabo Arora the Director of the UN’s Virtual Reality Lab who has produced several virtual reality films including Clouds Over Sidra featuring 12 years old Syrian refugee Sidra. As Sidra introduces the viewer to life in a refugee camp, Aleks questions whether these types of films reduce the distance between the viewer and the viewed, changing our perspective and increasing our empathy because we are able to walk in another person’s shoes.
Increasing our empathy? in other words it is a deliberate use of technology to guilt trip decision makers into accepting refugees into our countries and those who won’t name calling the others for not taking enough.
I caught the end of this and I wondered if Aleks was going to speak against the work of the UN film maker. No such luck! (Hardly a surprise, being the BBC).
Basically they are trying to work out how to improve their propaganda methods, the only counter from Aleks was that she thought that ‘we’ might get wise to it!
It made me think of those appeals for the poor kids with cancer that go viral. Either they are fake or the family doesn’t know what to do with 200 million cellophane wrappers and beside the kid died 15 years ago! How will the UN turn off the appeals once the ‘crisis’ is over?
There is a wider issue: I’m sure most of us have enogh problems in our own lives, immediate family, friends and workmates, do we really want our ‘moral horizon’ and ’empathy’ extended to include the other 7 billion on this planet? Could we cope? I would also challenge the right of these extended empathy advocates to act as absolute arbiters of what is ‘moral’.
“As I reached the BBC building near Regents Park a guy called out to me”
A model explained that after offering a casting for a Harley Davidson shoot
She went the next day : and so began a story of being drugged and held as a sex slave for more than 1 week, until she escaped
It’s all in a new movie Selling Isobel (Times )
8:30pm BBC1 Damilola Taylor film as part of Black British season
(he was born in Lagos, Nigeria)
“(7 December 1989 – 27 November 2000) was a ten-year-old Nigerian schoolboy who died in England in what became one of the country’s most high-profile killings. Several young boys were cleared of murder charges after a lengthy trial, and later two brothers were convicted of manslaughter.”
I wonder how the film will deal with the issue of that although the blood was found on clothes of the young boys found guilty of manslaughter it was also found on the clothes of a mugger called “Hassan Jihad” ?
Not a great name to give a man.
There is absolutely no danger in this world of al beebus EVER making a dramatisation about either: the Kris Donald murder or the Islamic child-rape and prostitution gangs which prey on working class, indigenous females throughout the U.K.
Em weren’t the emigration rules being broken left right and centre ? Both parents had previously only studied in the UK and had no right to remain. The family was basically on holiday visa yet the boy was admitted to the school. Somehow the 2 older children had got British passports thru being born here only. Maybe the rule changed in 1983, but you can’t be a British citizen thru only being born here, your parent has to be a citizen or have right to reside, (surely that doesn’t mean just be on a student visa ?)
After the incident the family petitioned to have special right to remain.
PM yesterday featured some anti-Brexit company that test crash test dummies in Camridgershire.
There`ll be thousands of companies up and down the country that will now be free to trade.
But they`re not EU Licensed do-gooding HSE approved toadies that the Chinese or Angolans, Indians and Uruguayans will want.
No wonder that the BBC and our EU_compliant hi-tec wizards don`t like the cooling breeze of competition round the door jambs.
Eddie Mairs point? By voting Brexit, you lot out there are now putting kids at risk from deaths in car crashes.
Really is time to pack the BBC up and roll them to Raqqa.
Didn’t I read in the last month that the BBC was going to keep its anchor men in the studio (possibly London understood), so what is Hew Edwards doing in Wahington and Martha Kearney in Pennsylvania? The free holidays with a little work attached have not stopped.
And bye the bye Jon Soppel seems to be impressed and named all those pop stars who support Hillary. Would he really decide where his vote went on the advice of Jay Z?
And I realise nobody has mentioned that I am aware of in this campaign, Bill’s success as President. If I remember correctly it was Bill’s pressure on Fanny Mae and Fanny Mac to lend money to poor Americans who never had a hope of keeping up their repayments that led to the financial crisis.
I think it was more said anchor persons of little brain were a little concerned they may be required to get down off the balconies of hotels overlooking the likes of Tahrir Square and into the nasty rapey bits below, and so it looked like a ‘it’s the cuts’ morsel to throw the peanut gallery in Westminster.
Jollies to fun places where a warm welcome (not courtesy of an ignited Pirelli radial) is assured, most certainly do not count.
Yes, you’re right Deborah. It was also hubby Bill’s successful Presidency and wee little Northern Iraq No-fly Zone and US fighter patrols FROM THE US MAINLAND to police it on a 24/7 basis, that helped create AGW and incentivised Saddam Hussein to muck around in and muck up the oil business, helping us to pay more tax on ever higher fuel prices, and which also led to a small incident in New York and also small but not very successful military expeditions called ‘Afghanistan’ and ‘Gulf 2’ that ended up with a lot of maimed US and UK kids, let alone hundreds of thousands of dead Afghans and Iraqis, the consequences of which are being felt around the planet to this day, especially in Germany and Belgium and France and Britain and Canada and America.
You know how Hollywood likes to do remakes? Especially in unsettling times?
Vote Hillary tomorrow.
I reckon we, around the world, could all be sitting down to ‘enjoy’ an epic remake of Bill’s time in office if she wins. I don’t like Trump but political instinct tells me he may end up being more ‘mini-series on the Shopping Channel’ than ‘blockbuster movie to end all blockbuster movies’ – ‘ever again’.
And Jim Naughtie has been on extended reporting assignment (holiday) in the US for months now, giving his latest report on R4 Today this morning. What is the point of Jon Sopel as North American editor if everyone flies over there on the slightest pretext?
My favourite BBC jolly was in August 2015 when Feargal ‘Sharkey’ Keane was sent to Japan to report on…wait for it…the 70th anniversary of Hiroshima! It wasn’t in any way ‘news’, it was a commemoration of news from 70 years previously, that everybody knows about already.
So a BBC presenter and presumably a camera/sound crew and other fixers were sent to Japan to do a few shots of some cherry trees and some elderly Japanese people, while Mr Keane intoned his sub-Yeatsian narration over it.
Just think for a moment what the cost of that trip would be, even if it was just one person.
The whole thing could have been done in a studio in the UK with stock footage for about 10p!
Today is the 29th Anniversary of the Enniskillen Massacre on Remembrance Sunday 1987.
It`ll be 30 next year-but it`ll be as remembered by the BBC and the other IRA supporting channels as todays was.
Namely, not much if at all.
But Hiroshima, Chernobyl?…can`t get enough.
Mid-Staffs, David Wilkie or Aberfan?..hardly Hillsborough or Orgreave are they now?
Ah, well, at least it is almost all over… bar the shouting, of which I anticipate a fair bit.
The topics of integrity, trust, etc have been raised, often with the BBC’s dead hand involved, so I share a few links from today that seemed complementary….
“the Corporation seems to be spending on creating content especially for the hugely-profitable social media site big time. (It may be the other way round, but I’m sure we’ll never be told)
All lovely risk-taking stuff, but distinctive enough to come out of the licence-fee ?”
You could always try an FOI, Bub, but the BBC has an App for that, and it crashes EVERYTHING.
How much money (your TV Licence Money) is being used by Al Beeb to promote Clinton’s Campaign ?
Time our government took action and investigated Al Beeb.
Where are the Tory MP’s on this?
I only caught little snatches while driving home with shopping. The thing that I noted – apart from Martha K being on a little Licence Fee-funded jolly back to her childhood – was that she appeared to be discovering, despite the obvious contributor bias, that Trump could actually win.
Then on PM, Naughtie was suggesting “it could be close”. Perhaps the Beeboids have learned something or are merely ‘preparing for the worst’.
But even the India bits are framed in terms of ” May wants trade, Modhi wants more migrating students allowed into the UK”.
Er-no he doesn`t.
But the BBC does-and here`s an emetic professor from Bangalore who went to Keble with us, and we`ve got his number and he`ll say just this.
Only with the required Peter Sellars accent.
The BBC really needs to be called S.O.R.O S.
Should she lose, will we be too worried about getting it back? I suspect we will be immersed in celebration, and extending one finger (or two) to the BBC, et al.
They think it’s all over. Let’s face it, it going to be Hillary, so here’s how she might run the White House
Our Gavin is earning a bit of cash on the side from the Telegraph (subscription required to read). Let’s hope it’s just more groupthink from the BBC hive
I really wonder if it ever strikes the zealots that millionaire ‘entertainers’ are so insulated from the real world that it don’t matter to them who’s in power?
“Entertainers” is right. What is happening in recent months is most perplexing. It’s as if those in the public eye, many of whom we respected and enjoyed, are being recruited into some form of closet “cultural army”: all disparaging of democracy, all promoting policies that threaten the most vulnerable, all dispirited in interviews and dead behind the eyes.
Channel 4 Dispatches on at the moment investigating the housing shortage – apparently too few houses are being built as developers are hanging on to land to increase their profits.
I don’t suppose for one minute that there might be another reason why there are too few houses …….
Wish the developers were hanging on to them in my area! Every bit of green belt and every dirty urban corner is being built upon. A whole small farm adjacent to my town is now being concreted over by several big national devlopers.
I simply can’t, the Six O’clock was bad enough. I’ve never heard the term “white” used so negatively. Apparently only older, white working class, less educated people are voting for Trump. Hmmmm, I’m sure I heard the same thing about another hugely important vote his year but I can’t seem to quite remember where, answers on a postcard please.
Oh, and that nasty Trump called Hilary a criminal, but she’s been cleared by the FBI twice don’t ya know?!
Had just about enough of the vomit enducing, one sided, blatantly biased trash coming out of the BBC regarding the US election. Yesterday was the final nail in the coffin after the news broke golden girl Clinton was once again off the hook, all the BBC presenters and “so called” experts were in full blown gushing mode with their glee plainly written all over their faces and giving the impression the election must now surely be a one horse race now golden girl had been exonerated. Personally I don’t like either Trump or Clinton however I will be saying my prayers before bed tomorrow night in the hope of waking up to a Trump victory, just to watch all the lefty, luvvie, safe space loving, snowflakes down at the Beeb squirm reporting the news like when dimblebore nearly choked on his false teeth reporting the result of the referendum back in June
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Why can’t we have our own UK Radio Station? Even the Muslims have their own.
gaxvil, I presume you are referring to the BBC as the MBBC?
Well no, “Awesome Radio” – the Islamic station.
More like “Awful Radio”.
We can:
Guido Fawkes published a story on Friday about Sadiq Khan appointing a new aide called Amy Lame.
This charming woman thinks it’s funny to want the Queen dead and calls all Tories scum.
Here’s a picture of the gorgeous babe next to a midget
Surprise, surprise she used to work as a presenter on BBC London.
Are there any fat, ugly, left-wing “comedians” that the BBC haven’t given license-payers money to?
That dress? – I took those curtains to the tip months ago!
PS Why the poppy? It’s not a Halal poppy.
At least he is not wearing a tie which according to his lot represents the crucifixion.
Sad IQ’s father was a bus driver you know. Apparently not a lot of people know that 😉
Yes, the Emir has not worn a “Christian” tie since he was elected.
As for his new friend, I do hope for his sake she’s not hungry, because he wouldn’t even count as a snack.
If she were hungry, I suppose he’d be halal wouldn’t he?
Or would she have to slit his throat?
I think he wore a tie a few days after his coronation when he went to some Jewish do. It struck me as odd as I had never seen the scruffy sod wear one before.
gaxvil :”That dress? – I took those curtains to the tip months ago! ”
Well gaxvil lets hope she keeps them drawn.
I thought Ronnie Barker had passed on?
Are you sure it looks like Olive of “On The Buses”
Dear old Olive was like Jennifer Aniston compared to this one.
I see just a hint of Michelle Obama there – albeit after some weight gain on a face that has been bombarded with skin whitener.
Is she wearing one of those hideous clown costumes?
The ventroquilist dummy on her left looks somewhat familiar!
“..a new aide called Amy Lame.” Typo: Amy ‘Male’.
Wonder if he does a Gene Pitney tribute act dahn ‘is local pub.
Oh, hang on a minute…
Now I have switched photos on (low broadband limit) something seems strange.
Is that a lady ?
Ah she is a Khan’s top Lesbian
I think she may prove the exception to the rule “no muff too tough”
Is that not Bessie Bunter Billy’s sister?
It’s only the consumption of pigs that’s Haram then. Employing them is acceptable.
The BBC don’t have comedians .
Another useless tool, whose birth certificate is actually a letter of apology from a prophylactic company.
The assuredly noble ambitions of the Founding Fathers have somehow become lost along the way and America now seems mired in a latter day and all too real version of the, “Gangs of New York”.
BBC Radio4 Started The Week – with a disproportionate attack on hetero-sexuality.
In the first item on the prog we were told about a Victorian woman who married and then realised she was a lesbian, who gave birth to 4 or 6 children “none of which exhibited heterosexuality” “She ended up living in her house with her lesbian lover, whilst her daughter also lived in the same house with her lesbian lover”
(I think that was Susie Orbach speaking)
That will be the lesbian therapist Susie Orbach? No agenda there then.
She gives therapy to lesbians? I know a good way to cure lesbians…
I checked it was Simon Goldhill talking about his new book on the Benson family (first one was an archbishop)
A Very Queer Family Indeed – University of Chicago Press
at 24 he proposed to a 12 year old, they waited until she was 18
“none of the 6th children had heterosexual sex”
After his death The wife lived in Lambeth Palace with her lesbian lover and everyone knew they slept in the same bed.
He argues that people took people non-hetero-sexual behaviour for granted and didn’t think of themselves as gay or straight. People didn’t use such words at that time 1860 to 1925.
The speed the FBI can work must only be matched by the Met when investigating tweets critical of migrants
The pressure brought to bear on the FBI by Hussein/Hillary must be astronomical.
Why is there nothing in the msm about Clinton calling one of her black servants the ‘N’ word. If Trump was accused of this it would be front page news.
Rhetorical I know. The msm is, like the BBC, completely biased in favour of Clinton.
The selective deafness of America astounds me.
Comey had better hope Killary wins – if Trump’s in, Comey’s out.
The fix is in for Queen Hillary – nothing shall stop her from assuming the throne tomorrow! Progressives are quite clear about this, in the same way that, back here in Blighty, they are clear that nothing will stop them from scuppering Brexit.
Until non-progressives realise these people mean to subvert and control every lever of power to suit their agenda – right up to and including the very highest echelons of government, media and culture – we will always be on the losing side (even when, as with Brexit, we actually ‘win’).
Over in the States, meanwhile, the FBI simply know which way the wind is blowing and have capitulated accordingly. The Clinton Crime Cartel have now been officially enabled to embark on a whole new level of plundering and intrigue.
The BBC are delighted. I was hopeful Trump could actually do it – despite electoral fraud, despite the mud-slinging, despite the combined forces of a 98% bought-and-paid for democrat media…
But the fix is in. All hail the new Queen of Washington and god save us all.
“The fix is in for Queen Hillary – nothing shall stop her from assuming the throne tomorrow!”
At the risk of upsetting people here, I (sort of) hope she wins.
I’m quite sure that if she wins, if will be a tumultuous four years provided she lasts that long. It will expose the political class for what it is.
Seems to me that only around half of the US population, and almost none of the MSM, realise what a cesspit it has become. If Trump is elected, Clinton will become “the greatest President the US never had”. Trump would never be able to convince them otherwise.
True, but if Clinton does assume the throne tomorrow, she will take the Presidency fatally weakened, dogged by unresolved controversy, scandal and criminal investigation. She’ll be a lame-duck President, vulnerable from day one. Impeachment might not be too far off.
Not much of a victory march for the Democrats. More of a limp.
Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.
Applies in the UK as well.
I am terrified of a Clinton win. When/if it occurs we cannot be complacent and assume an inevitable collapse due to incompetence of oppressive institutions. The media must be our first target. I’m already on a celebrity/media news blackout/boycott and rely on alternative sites for news updates.
Sorry Obiwan but my natural pessimism is in overdrive since those wicked judges stymied the British People, and now Comey has caved in to pressure from the MSM/Clinton camp (same thing).
That’s why she is pushing for full-scale war against Russia. If that’s underway then there is no way that the FBI or any other organisation will try to impeach her as they need stability. A smaller war would not be sufficient to stop the impeachment, but against Russia they would not rock the boat. I am actually quite worried about the almost certain imposition of the Clinton presidency. Foil hats please.
Ironic – the West has so much more in common that with China or the Arab world.
Agreed, Demon. The MSM have been lining up for a war against Russia since the Western take over of Ukraine. Allegations against Russia and specifically Putin are thrown about unchallenged as if they were established facts. We saw something very similar before the invasion of Iraq. Then it was Saddam who was the pantomime villain, now it is Putin.
If Clinton gets into power tomorrow she will be so weakened by the campaign that going to war against Russia would be the only way to save her presidency. She has already said that she would respond to alleged Russian cyber attacks with military force and advocates a no fly zone in Syria. She has a history of always taking the most hawkish option when she was SoS and cackled triumphantly when she had a head of state killed. She is evil and will stop at nothing.
Also, with Clinton as President, a full-on widened Middle East war will do Europe, the EU and the UK no good at all, economically and in other ways, and could derail Brexit.
I was reading some Blogs recently that seemed to make sense that took the view that both main candidates were awful but that Trump, temper or no, would be less inclined to go to war & more easily restrained by good advice from the military.
On that latter point, I can imagine a situation with Hillary as President & wanting to go to war, against the advice of the Joint Chiefs, getting into a screaming hissy fit and overriding them as Commander in Chief.
Evan Davis, star reporter of the BBC, desperately trying to convince Susan Sarandon, to vote for Hillary.
It doesn’t get any more shameful then this – A BBC reporter, a Brit from a foreign state funded media giant, trying to affect an American election.
This should be stopped. American policy affects us all, specially the UK. This type of behaviour would be just about OK from a private media organisation. The BBC is not, and this behaviour carries with it implication that the British government supports this view.
I’m not watching it. Bet he said, ‘but Trump hates women?’.
The US voting is almost as rigged as ‘Strictly’
The General
Interesting , if you cast your mind back to our referendum you will remember the whole process was rigged. Al Beeb & The media , the government’s one sided pamphlet advising us to ‘stay in’ . Our PM and the head of the Bank of England , and the ‘parachuting in’ of Saint Obama, Mick Jagger and ‘Tom Dick and Harry’ et al , the threats of the world coming to an end and much, much more .
To the chagrin of the Prime Minister who thought it was ‘in the bag’, we Brexiteers still won !
It was a win that shocked the world!
Great Britain leads the world , it is the cradle of democracy.
The FBI was forced to “re-open” the case because the NYPD found the documents on Anthony Weiner’s laptop which they had seized due to the sex allegations against him.
It appears that Hillary Clinton’s confidential correspondence as Secretary of State was downloaded from her illegal private server on to Huma Abedin’s Blackberry, and then backed up on to Anthony Weiner’s totally insecure private PC.
We are only talking about four years’ worth of classified correspondence between the most senior people in the US government. Obviously nothing to see here folks, please move along…
The FBI did it 6 days.
You gotta be impressed.
And on the seventh day, they rested.
On Oct 29th I made a prediction

“Bet it’s a stunt find Hillary innocent 2 days before the election or something.”
oops wrong graphic

(that one was an illustration of how INTOLERANT leftmob are when you dare challenge their shouting)
I read, some where, today, that they had some 600,000 seconds to process said 600,000+ emails before announcing the decision.
I rest my case m’lud.
Aaaaaah, poor Ryanair. bBBC Toady most concerned re the profit warning issued by Ryanair, and possible causes. It couldn’t be due to Brexit could it? What a surprise, owner Michael Oleary agrees (box ticked), but there are other factors, ATC strikes, terror attacks by RoP, and ‘alleged climate change’ impositions. Why is bBBC bothered about how the UK leaving the EU effects an Irish company and Irish owner from an EU member country?….what about all the export opportunities for UK business!!
Anecdotes would suggest that the fear of terrorism is the major factor in declining travel. Not that any progressive wolud be keen to accept this.
Well, I thought quality of service also matters. I would think their tiny seats, inconvenient airports, expensive drinks, uninterested staff and better competitors may have something to do with it. Well then again easier to blame all failure on Brexit.
Ah, those heady days when our Mike was the devil incarnate.
But then, it was a different time.
Already questions about the veracity of Democratic linked organisations involved with the US voting procedures:
“No smoke without fire…..”
Not quite biased BBC stuff but it should be said.
In 1992 John Major used the Royal Prerogative to sign the Massstricht Treaty giving away UK powers to the EU. Made without reference to Parliament. In 2004 Tony Blair used the Royal Prerogative to sign the Treaty of Rome giving away UK powers to the EU. Made without reference to Parliament.. In 2008 Gordon Brown used the Royal Prerogative to sign the Lisbon Treaty giving away UK powers to the EU. Made without reference to Parliament. The ruling by the 3 judges states that use of the prerogative cannot be used to overide legislation enacted by parliament. If this ruling stands then the Maastricht, Rome and Lisbon must all be by definition deemed as unlawful as all three were signed using the Royal Preogative. If upheld this will throw EU/UK law onto the bonfire as we have been punishing individuals and communities through taxes, fines and even imprisionment unlawfully based on their introduction aligned to treaties that have no lawful basis.
The Three Judges also claim that as parliament is supreme, parliament have no authority to pass the decision to the people.
However, having done so, the Three Judges now require parliament to uphold their primacy by revoking their original primacy.
This is not my view. We the voters are supreme. We elect a parliament and in this case that parliament has asked us for a decision. The judges have ignored or not understood that the 17th century arguments revolved around supremacy and that Charles 1st claimed it by divine right. 1649 ended this nonsense. His son was only permitted to return if he accepted parliament as supreme. James tried to reassert divine right and had to go.
It has always been implicit that parliamentary authority comes from us hence the continual widening of the franchise and the now near universal belief that this is the definition of democracy in Britain.
So a series of big decisions made without a parliamentary vote (I haven’t checked them)
– 1992 Maastricht Treaty – John Major used the Royal Prerogative to give away UK powers to the EU
– 2004 Treaty of Rome – Tony Blair used the Royal Prerogative to give away UK powers to the EU
– 2008 Lisbon Treaty – Gordon Brown used the Royal Prerogative to give away UK powers to the EU
But now the ruling by the 3 judges states that use of the prerogative cannot be used to over-ride legislation enacted by parliament !
34 million public guesses are better than 650 ones from MPs
That is the principle of the Wisdom of the Crowd
The crowd has a wisdom no expert can match : writes Matt Ridley in the Times
“Elitists who pour scorn on the people’s views don’t appreciate how often democracy comes up with the right decision”
He uses the piece to warn about scoffing at the masses voting for Trump
eg the writer of a new book who said democracy makes people more biased and mean
– But “Members of Parliament are not experts, let alone omniscient ones”
– “The problem is today that the technology is giving undue weight to a minority of extreme voices”
eg In the US that small group got to choose the 2 candidates.
So then the public vote on the Qn Who is the least awful ?
In the UK : Same for Labour party leader election.
His recent posts are free on his blog about 1 week after they are in the Times
Good points Mr Goldstein but can a ruling be made to apply retrospectively like that? For example in 1965 Parliament ruled it unlawful to execute people for capital crimes. But that didn’t mean that everyone executed before that had been killed unlawfully. Oddly enough we do seem to be going down that road, however, with the posthumous pardon of Alan Turing, for example.
However, we can argue until we’re blue in the face about legality and Parliamentary soveriegnty, but if the powers that be don’t want us out of the EU they’ll cook up any old hash to keep us in.
The BBC will claim after the election “oh we had Balance, cos we had ONE programme with pro-Trumps” . Yes tonight at 11:30pm (England only) there is a prog which may not be the normal hit job
Trump’s Unlikely Superfans already available on Iplayer cos it’s been on BBC3
Thwere is muxch more info In this review
A more primetime slot at 9pm on BBC4 is given to comedian Rich Hall for a 90 minute special (I expect that will be more of a bash Trump piece.
“Britain has always been ………”
Whenever you hear that you know the person is advocating a course of action detrimental to the people of this nation
“” …a nation of immigrants …. A tolerant society …..a parliamentary democracy …..engaged with Europe…and plenty more , which usually means no borders , criminals on the streets and not in jail , MPs overturning the wishes of the people , and Britain subsumed and paying heavily to be in the EU .
History though tells us otherwise . Invaders have been fought against , tolerance was lacking for criminals till the Gramscians infested the legal system , Britain has been an absolute monarchy and a republic and an oligarchy , and we had the Splendid Isolationist period until the First World War .
Not that the BBC knows anything like that . Pity they didn’t read Ladybird books instead of the Guardian Bumper Book of Historical Revisionism .
Here’s a checklist.
The BBC is supposed to be impartial so would any of you out there care to take this questionnaire.
Is the BBC pro Trump, pro Clinton or neutral.
Is the BBC pro Brexit, pro eu or neutral.
Is the BBC pro immigration, anti immigration or neutral.
Is the BBC pro UKIP and Farage, anti or neutral.
Is the BBC pro Islam, anti Islam or neutral.
There are many other topics but if you answer the above honestly, do you find the BBC to be neutral as it is supposed to be.
I appreciate this website is already questioning the BBC but in my mind there is absolutely no doubt about the bbc’s political leanings and the political agenda it is pushing.
Of course, the ‘so called’ BBC is NOT neutral. It is far left without a doubt.
11.15 ITV #TheAgenda
“Tonight at @Peston is joined by @EmilyThornberry, @Nigel_Farage, @Baddiel, Tim Shipman (Political Editor, The Sunday Times)
& Jan Halper-Hayes from Republicans Overseas (who said ‘Trump is “truly mentally unbalanced”‘ in August)
This should be of great interest to readers although not to the BBC:
Almost as soon as the referendum votes were counted people were asking for polling on whether people regretted their decision. There is still a certain audience who seem downright desperate to find polling showing that people do not, after all, want to leave the European Union (and, I suppose, a (slightly larger) audience who want to see polls showing they don’t!). I guess this is the curse of a referendum decision that takes a couple of years to actually implement.
The most straightforward way of measuring Bregret is to ask the referendum question again – how would people vote if the referendum question was asked again now. Several polls have done that:
YouGov/Eurotrack (20th-25th Oct) Remain 44%, Leave 43%
BMG (19th-24th Oct) Remain 45%, Leave 43%
YouGov/Eurotrack (21st-22nd July) Remain 43%, Leave 44%
YouGov/Eurotrack (3rd-4th July) Remain 45%, Leave 45%
All of these suggest a very small movement towards Remain, and given Leave’s lead was only four points that’s enough to flip the result in a couple of cases. However, I’d be a little cautious in reading too much into the results. All of these polls are just straight “how would you vote questions” with no attempt to account for differential turnout, when at the referendum Leave voters were more liable to turnout. If you look at the actual tables for these you’ll find there is very little movement between remain and leave, the shift is down to people who didn’t vote in the referendum claiming that in a referendum tomorrow they would vote in favour of Remain. That’s possible of course (perhaps people who assumed a Remain victory in June and didn’t bother to vote, now realising their vote really would count)… but I’m rather sceptical about people saying they’d vote in an EU referendum who didn’t bother to vote in the one we just had.
In contrast YouGov have regularly asked if people think the decision to leave was right or wrong, and have tended to find slightly more people saying it was the right decision. The pattern of opinion is pretty consistent – movement between Remain and Leave is small and tends to cancel out, people who didn’t vote at all tend to split in favour of it being the wrong decision:
YouGov/Times (11th-12th Oct) – Right to Leave 45%, Wrong to Leave 44%
YouGov/Times (13th-14th Sep) – Right to Leave 46%, Wrong to Leave 43%
YouGov/Times (30th-31st Aug) – Right to Leave 47%, Wrong to Leave 44%
YouGov/Times (22nd-23rd Aug) – Right to Leave 45%, Wrong to Leave 43%
YouGov/Times (8th-9th Aug) – Right to Leave 45%, Wrong to Leave 44%
YouGov/Times (1st-2nd Aug) – Right to Leave 46%, Wrong to Leave 42%
Looking across the board at all this polling, there is a suggestion that public opinion may have moved very slightly towards Remain, and with only a four point lead that’s enough to change the lead in some polls. However, in most cases that apparent movement isn’t people changing their minds, but is down to the opinions of those people who didn’t actually vote last time. That means if there was another referendum right now, if turnout was similar to June the result would probably be similar too.
My expectation is that, given time, we probably will see “Bregret”, simply because Brexit is going to be tested against reality while Remain isn’t. The road ahead has a lot of obstacles and some Leavers’ hopes and expections will be dashed (Remainers’ hopes and expectations of what would have happened if we’d stayed won’t, of course, face the same collision with reality). The lead at the referendum was only 4%, so it really won’t take that many people having second thoughts to flip opinion over.
To those who really want to see evidence of Bregret in the polls – have a bit of patience. It will probably come in time, but the data really isn’t there to support it now.
Unlike a GE when the purpose of polls is only to indicate voting intention, the Leave/Remain polls taken since the referendum have an ulterior motive. If they can consistently show that there has been movement in favour of Remain they will be used as ammunition by Blair/Clegg Remoaners to say that the nation is having second thoughts and we really must have a second referendum to confirm whether we stay or leave. You Gov is run by fully paid up member of the liberal left Europhile Remoaners Elite and it is highly likely that the polls will be massaged to give them the result they want, when the time is ripe. The BBC will then go into full overdrive to mould public opinion into having either a second referendum or accepting a featherlite Brexit which the Remoaners find acceptable.
Achieving a Brexit which moves us outside the jurisdiction of the EUropean Courts and gives us back our sovereignty without strings being attached , is looking under threat. If we want a proper Brexit we need to up the anti and make the Remoaners realise that they are playing with fire by cheating us and attempting to reverse our decision.
Paul Flynn, Labour MP, told us all the other day that the vast majority of leave voters regret their decision!
How can we possibly think he’s wrong?
If Killary gets it, then the RINO never-Trumpers will get their come-uppance from the mass of true Republicans and not-Hillary Democrats. The Bushes, Romneys, Kaisch and their like will not be forgiven. Pray hard that the Clinton Crime Syndicate doesn’t get into the White House.
The reaction from the beeb on wednesday if the Donald triumps. Then again its probably and everyday thing in the bbc newsroom.
These two should be the next BBC US correspondents, or maybe one for Sky and one for the BBC. Not sure I’d notice the difference between them and the current ladies Sky has in the US and their attitude to Trump.
It really is fun looking at “progressive” heads explode.
Despite the emotional provocation, the guy keeps his cool.
These are the college educated students, who will vote for Hillary.
Its been known for sometime, that college education is of such a low standard, that it is far better not to have gone to college, and be brainwashed.
The blonde one when she gets going reminds me of Amanda Walker on Sky News.
Very odd – they are displaying all the characteristics they accuse Trump and his supporters of ?
I like the one who accuses the man of being uneducated then she goes on to say “… vote for the leader of this great world“
Oh the irony!
“Why Russians watch TV news they don’t trust”
Absolutely Bloody Brilliant.
To be college educated in a soft subject, is far worse then not going to college. Its also a very expensive.
Nothing to do with the BBC, but this made me smile!
Subject: Mathematics Can Get You There or Maybe Did! So Concentrate Please ….
This comes from 2 maths teachers with a combined total of 70 yrs. experience.
It has an indisputable mathematical logic.
It also made me laugh –
This is an unbiased mathematical viewpoint… and it goes like this:
What Makes 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%.
How about achieving 103%?
What makes up 100% in life?
Here’s a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
But ,
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far ass kissing will take you.
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty, that while Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there.
Its the Bullshit and Ass Kissing that will put you over the top.
Now you know why some people are where they are!
Very good!
Bloody hell 150%! That’s got to be the way to succeed!
BBC must be using this forumula…
9+12+16+1+18+20+9+1+12 = 98%
12+5+6+20+23+9+14+7+2+9+1+19 = 127%
I have a solution for the lack of an impartial broadcaster:-
Split the license fee 48/52%. Use the 52% to create an alternative broadcaster.
That would be ‘fair AND balanced’ and total anathema to the BBC?
An inspired suggestion. Maybe let each telly tax payer say where their tax goes. Wait, wouldn’t you get the same result making all the BBC channels subscription?
Yes, but with my system I can’t see what defence the BBC could offer since they would be guaranteed a sum of money and that’s always been their reason to object to pay per view.
It is a good idea.
Brilliant idea.
Can our channel have ordinary uneducated presenters who are happy to have a wages cap of 30,000pa. who do it because they love it.
Can’t see why not.
Have term limits for presenters.
I have often thought that to be truly unbiased the BBC should have output which matches the printed press in general. So there could be a serious highbrow TV channel or radio station with content similar to the Guardian, a more conservative and traditional one like the Times or Telegraph, and a knockabout fun channel with bingo ‘n’boobs like the Sun or the Daily Star.
Instead we just get the ‘Revolutionary Communist Party (Islington Branch) Gazette’ across all stations!
I do hope that any BBC journalists that survive that will come to realise that the politically correct, gay and transgender loving country they had promoted was completely and utterly at variance with the laws of Islam. Although that will be at the point when the steak knife meets their neck. Oh dear!
TWATO today and their US female correspondent interviewing a feminist American writer about Hillary’s coronation/election. Some discussion fifteen minutes from the end about the vitriol in the US press around this election. TWATO’s stooge jumps in with ‘right wing press you mean’.
For fuck’s sake, and I’m so incensed I won’t use the normal contraction!
Next UK General Election Ballot Paper:-
Conservative _
Labour _
Lib Dem _
Green _
Independant _
Sorry this is so long. I had to get it off my chest and it’s fine if no one reads.
Radio 4’s World at one needs to be dragged outside and quietly buried. Its gratuitous flag waving for Clinton and loathing of Trump reflects everything it broadcasts.
Firstly, Martha Kearny entertained herself for what seemed like an age as she caught up with her childhood in Pittsburgh, USA.
For those who stayed awake she went on to chat to a democrat representative.
From there to a Clinton rally to interview more democrats.
Then to a local union rep who is, of course, a through and through Clinton supporter.
She then managed to meet a Trump supporter – ‘what,’ you say ‘in a land where there is 50/50 in support for the two candidates, she actually found a Trump supporter? Amazing.’
Then onto a supporter of Trump who has his doubts about Trump. Followed by a few more trump supporters.
From there to a long interview with academics predicting ‘mindless hell’ if Trump is elected. No facts, just emotion.
Onto an ex CIA head for his views on Trump/Clinton and the FBI investigation into Clinton’s emails. Now the CIA despise the FBI, and are engaged in a relentless turf war with them. The FBI cover domestic security whilst the CIA cover overseas security. But to the anger of the CIA, Clinton’s deal with the FBI was to reduce the severity of her email classifications in return for FBI postings overseas. The BBC forgot to mention this. So, what do you think might be the CIA’s views of the FBI investigating Clinton so openly? Yep. They do not approve. Surprise.
He went on to say Trump is not an acceptable candidate and only supported by ‘a primal scream’. He made a ludicrous argument that the FBI should not have been honest to the peoples of the USA by saying how they are investigating Hillary. Martha invited him to a say what is wrong with Trump yet not Clinton. He spoke wholly unchallenged for a few minutes.
In other words, during the entire program there was not one single reasoned argument for why Trump is running neck and neck with Clinton. Yet offering a whole load of negatives as to why Trump and his supporters are close to winning. Trump supporters are apparently, like Brexit voters, evil, dark, stupid, misguided, ignorant, uneducated, etc.
To ‘balance’ the program she interviewed Marilynne Robinson, a left wing feminist, who supports the democrats for her unbiased view.
I hope the yanks who hear this one-sided diatribe from the BBC still do the right thing on Tuesday.
The academics Martha interviewed, I think she said, had been friends of her parents. They were fearing hell and damnation if Trump wins. I thought it confirmed the circles in which Martha had been brought up.
Yes Deborah, the circles they all swim in. This is how they achieve self fulfilling group think. They all agree with each other.
I agree, today’s TWATO was dreadful. I kept waiting for balance but it never came! There was always an anti-Trump angle and almost nothing critical of Hillary Clinton; anyone would think Wikileaks had never happened.
Martha K, some friendly advice: stick to bee-keeping in future.
Another curious TV prog’ was on BBC4 on Sunday evening, part of the ‘Storyville’ series, dealing with Anthony Weiner and his disgrace for 90 minutes. Weiner is married to glamorous Huma Abedin, who was there on screen for much of the broadcast. Talk about hiding in plain view! Maybe the film was made before recent revelations but it was astonishing to see her there, like a giant decorated elephant in the room, with no comment whatsoever about HER role in matters much more serious than Weiner’s exhibitionist stupidity.
Maybe I’m reading too much into this but was it an attempt to misdirect the viewer? To me, it left the impression that Huma HAD been touched by scandal … BUT that she was the victim of her husband’s infidelity and had suffered humiliation through his ‘sexting’ AND THERE WAS NOTHING MORE THAN THIS TO ANY SUPPOSED ‘SCANDAL’ SURROUNDING HER.
Sky isn’t much better than the BBC these days. The US election coverage has been diabolical in its support for Clinton. The narrative is as follows….Reporter from some state in the US selects clinton and trump supporters. The Sky news anchorperson syas ‘who are you going to vote for?’ US person says Hilary. Sky anchor says ‘why is that?’ US person gives.
1. positive statement
2. positive statement etc etc
Sky anchor asks next person ‘who are you going to vote for?’ Person says Donald Trump. Anchor ‘Really!’ (faux surprise) But what about ..
1. Negative statement
2. Negative statement
3. Negative statement etc etc.
Seen it played out like this many times on Sky. I don’t bother with BBC news
Can the BBC spell, “journalistic integrity” ?
I think not but they have no need to demonstrate the fact, every hour of every day across all media.
Never mind whether the BBC can spell. Where did Hillary get two ‘ll’s’ in her name? Can we really have the first female president who cannot spell her name?
(They argue that many of the emails were duplicates of known ones that is why searching was so quick)
“Based on our review of the emails we have not changed our conclusionS (plural) since July”
They didn’t conclude that she was innocent they just concluded they weren’t going to prosecute her.
With hope ..there will be a BACKFIRE effect as public
..say “this is the establishment protecting one their own”
Wow the Mail has an incredible headline today,d.ZGg&psig=AFQjCNHxR_-ZLmJ390b0xBzgIrzAsmLspw&ust=1478623379808539%5B/img%5D
“Houdini Hillary gets out of Jail”
BTW strangely when I search on that headline Google gives me the BBC page as top
The Times is part of ProjectSmearTrump
Its business section is headlined : Trump will knock millons of share prices
“Anonymous said…
New benefit cap starts amid fears for single parents
So what relation to ‘business’ does this have exactly?
The cap – which limits the income households receive in certain benefits – has been reduced from £26,000 a year to £20,000 a year outside London.
The government says the cap is “a clear incentive to move into a job”.
But the policy has been criticised by campaigners and unions.
Someone wants to tell these unions and campaigners that there’s nothing stopping them from making up any shortfall themselves, although they shouldn’t expect any gratitude if they do !
“Under the new system, Ms Bradley’s benefits will be capped unless she works at least 16 hours a week.
Speaking to BBC Breakfast on the day the new system was introduced, the mother-of-four from Coventry said she would “quite happily work”, but the childcare costs and the job of looking after her four children made it much harder to do so.”
So she only has to work 16 hours a week just 4 hours a day for 4 days a week, and she can’t manage that!
Under the new cap, those living in the UK outside of Greater London will receive a maximum of:
£384.62 per week (£20,000 a year) for a couple
£384.62 per week (£20,000 a year) for single people whose children live with them
£257.69 per week (£13,400 a year) for single people who do not have children or whose children do not live with them
Remember that most single people are disgracefully treated by the benefits system and can be expected to survive on just £65.00 per week.
Also that the benefits cap, for a woman who of her own free will CHOSE to have 4 kids does not include any maintenance payments, made by the father/s if she has CHOSEN to disclose who it is (and many don’t).
£20K pa because she doesn’t think she should even have to work 4 hours a day and she’s complaining it isn’t enough for her! Worse the lefties are supporting her – but not with their own money of course.
A lot of the people round where I live can only dream of earning 20k a year gross, let alone taking that much home like she does!
As a pensioner, I’m getting a quarter of that amount given to these people, having paid in for 50 years.
How much is this living wage I keep hearing about. How does it compare to the uk pension. Is this living wage about the same as the pension that is judged to be a living wage for us.
How does the minimum wage compare to the uk state pension. I’ve heard it’s too low to live on yet it’s double the state pension.
The more you’ve paid in the more you SHOULD get out.
It is utterly unfair that someone who’s worked all their life will retire on the same pension as someone who’s never done a stroke.
The out of work benefits system was designed to be a temporary safety net and not the lifestyle choice it has become especially under Labour.
The other day I was in a cafe and there was a middle aged couple who obviously had ‘special needs’. They had two carers with them who had to help them order their food, eat it properly etc. You would need the patience of a saint to do that kind of thing for a living, but at least these poor folk get to lead a semblance of a normal life. This is the kind of thing our taxes SHOULD go towards – not workshy layabouts!
Mz Bradley, four children, no mention of a husband of course.
Or their names – if she can remember…..
I thought recently that maybe the BBC do take notice of what is posted here. After my comments about the BBC’s obsession with the so-called UK obesity crisis and the hypocrisy of their web-site with a guaranteed three items across the main Homepage together with sometimes as many as three others, that page went quiet on the subject for a few weeks. The standard three item bar, which appeared just above halfway down, disappeared and there were few other references to food items on the Homepage.
Now food is back. It crept in around Halloween with party suggestions and now it is back big time today with six Cauliflower Cheese recipes, Yorkshire Parkin, six fruit crumbles in the horizontal bar and eleven quick veggie recipes immediately below.
So, if you hear BBC News & Current Affairs presenters talking about obesity and its cost to the nation, take some comfort from the fact that you’ll know the BBC is doing its bit to encourage the crisis and to keep it growing.
Oh dear! The £ is down.
A fly on the wall during an editorial meeting at the BBC reports: “How can we spin this as anti-Brexit? The £ went up last week after the High Court decision. We’re still close to that decision, how can the £ be down?”
“I know! It’s because the vote for Article 50 may come sooner than next year and Labour and others have agreed to back it. The £ is down because of Brexit.”
“Er, are you sure it’s not just normal market movements due to economic news?”
“No!!! It cannot possibly be due to that. It must be because of Brexit! Or Trump.”
“Or Trump AND Brexit?”
“Yes, that’s it!”
From last week so apologies in that respect – what I heard last Wednesday on Radio 1 made me so unbelievably angry I was motivated to join this site.
BBC Radio 1 the Annie Mac Show, featuring a discourse with Lily Allen, french singer Christine & The Queens and a UK rapper called Kano.
Brexiteers were first up for attack (nothing new there), Annie Mac asked Christine what the response in France was to the vote, her answer was they couldn’t believe it, that people could be against unity. This quote was then posted directly onto the Radio 1 twitter page. No mention was made on the broadcast of the fact that France itself voted against Lisbon in 2005!
However things turned very dark when the panel then discussed, and concluded, that white middle classes should not create and perform music inspired by black artists. Lily Allen and Christine said they deeply regretted their past performances in which they borrowed from black sounds, and Annie Mac and Kano said whites should not make grime records as whites have not struggled. Even Eminem and Justin Timberlake were called out as offensive.
It was truly terrifying to hear, the abject venom and hate.
“Lily Allen and Christine said they deeply regretted their past performances in which they borrowed from black sounds”
So are they going to give back the money they earned from them? Like f**k!
I deeply regret all of Lily Allen’s past performances. Full stop.
So will there be calls for Adil Ray to apologise for using white US TV genre of Situation Comedy for his side-splitting? show ‘Citizen Khan’, which for some unknown reason is the funniest thing since sliced dog shit in W1A and North London. Lily should be told to calm down dearie, and have a nice hot cup of tea.
That french bird that fronts christine and the queens was on the front cover of time a few weeks back, bigging her up as some representative for the youth of the world. Lets not forget this mag made hitler man of the year in 1938 so they have form with winners.
Just another gobby sjw feminist with a big ego like Lily and Annie Mac. Lily allen is just a complete idiot and shes getting worse everyday. Her twitter feed is full of venom and bile and lets not forget the beeb gave this idiot her own chat show a few years back. She seems to be slowly morphing into that other cretin Jack Monroe.
Annie Mac has gone awfully strange like so many other broadcasters at the BBC. It’s really depressing to observe and makes you wonder what the hell is going on in there. She’s supposed to be a dance DJ yet her twitter feed is full of pro-refugee articles and anti-Brexit diatribes. She’s also pregnant yet recently posed in a pro-abortion sweatshirt to help the abortion campaign in Ireland. Classy. Expressing political opinions absolutely ok of course, but there comes a point where surely you don’t want to cut off 50% of your audience if you’re a performer?? If punters think you despise them and don’t want their money ultimately they’ll bugger off. And Lily Allen simply needs help.
My real concern are the anti-democratic cultural changes that are being forced on us by stealth and brainwashing the young. It is very frightening.
I suggest they compose songs on the piano only using the white keys, just to be on the safe side.
Just what are “black sounds” in commercial music? Doesn’t most of it, and the instruments used, have origins in European music?
There is African music and there are African musical instruments, sure, but blacks outside Africa seem to have little interest in them.
Can we have our instruments and our tuning system back please? Invent your own.
i suggest they keep their music, but dont play it on OUR instruments, dont write it down on OUR music sheets , dont record it on OUR equipment dont distribute it on OUR media, or listen to it on OUR radios
and ps stay out of OUR cars, trains, planes, whilst they are at it
oh and dont use electricity or anything powered by it either
and hopefully they dont get ill because they dont have any medicines
god this could be the longest rant of all time
Or, alternatively, continue to make use of our inventions but be a little less f***ing graceless about it.
And similar advice applies to stupid, hypocritical whites who whinge on their behalf.
Louis Armstrong had more sense, but that was a long time ago.
Black Rappers treat women like dirt in their songs.
Sending the message that when it comes to “Black Lives Matter”
…it’s blacks who care the least
(Was something I heard on weekend radio, maybe during R4 Loose Ends)
And vastly more blacks are shot by other blacks than white cops – FACT.
I thought after her last little episode that Lily Allen couldn’t sink any lower, I should’ve known better. I believe what she’s referring to is the latest libtard fad of “cultural appropriation”, the idea that it’s somehow oppressive to other cultures when white people (it only seems to apply to whites apparently) adopt elements from another culture.
Who would’ve thought that the sharing of ideas from one culture to another was a bad thing? Obviously segregation of different cultures is the way forward, who knew?
Now that Saint Lily, for that is thy name, has shown me the way I shall be sure to burn all my Rolling Stones and Eric Clapton records and I hereby promise never to eat Indian, Chinese or Mexican food again.
Lily, sorry I mean Saint Lily, is on the fast track to a padded cell.
Cultural appropriation is another one of the esoteric justifications liberals use to denigrate the achievements of whites, and only whites. Ironic given that they also like to use the line that we all came from Africa anyway.
Surely if British people follow political ideas from continental Europe rather than Britain, ie, top-down rule by state diktat, this is a form of ‘cultural appropriation’? Ergo, we should leave the EU immediately!
I haven’t listened to Radio 4 Today programme for quite some time. Today while listening to James Naughtie living out his pension plan, I was reminded of the rather startling omission the BBC continues to make. In the course of it’s hysterical and obsessive coverage of US elections the BBC chooses to focus exclusively on the Presidential elections. For some bizarre reason ignoring completely the issue of senate and representatives elections. The reason for this is simple. The BBC’s candidate for president is quite likely to win, whereas the BBC candidates for senate and representatives are quite likely to remain in a minority. Hence the BBC is focusing on the prospects of its chosen candidate to create an illusion that the US political mood is the same as that which the BBC supports.
The BBC are busily trying to cobble together a narrative which firstly claims that those papers which they disapprove of , Mail, Express etc , are abusing the freedom of the press by criticising the high court three stooges , secondly that ministers have no right to criticise judges, thirdly that Nigel Farage is inciting people to violence. Basically if Leavers protest the BBC claims its undermining the Independence of the judiciary, undermining democracy and inciting civil unrest. They are attempting to create justification for further Remoaners attempts to gag the voice of the people.
“Brexit will need immigration compromise, Carwyn Jones says”
“He told AMs that maintaining “full and unfettered” access to Europe’s single market without extra costs was a more important issue than immigration.”
The Welsh have decided but Carwyn is still NOT listening to the People of Wales. He is dictating to us.
His job is to listen or get out .
“Meanwhile Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood said the public needed clarity on Brexit from UK and Welsh ministers.”
Wood has lost the plot. Brexit means exit , Wood has lost the plot .
“Wood has lost the plot”?
She never had the plot.
This is the lady who told us how plaid cymru were going to rejuvenate the welsh economy with green jobs. As ALL green jobs are subsidised by the poor sods in the private sector, that would be impossible.
You are right about Carwyn, he is just not listening and doesn’t give a toss about democracy. Labour will suffer at the next polls.
scribblingscribe & All
Plaid Cymru are a well balanced party .
They have a chip on both shoulders.
Wood et al are right on message, the Elite message that is. They believe they have a good chance of avoiding Brexit altogether and at the very least making the whole process so difficult that the government, which may or may not (no pun intended) be complicit with them, are willing to accept a compromise the elite are comfortable with. The voice of the people will be ignored unless the unrest is too great to be easily contained. Things are going to get very unpleasant if we folks continue to stick up for ourselves.
The EU took over from the Welsh Development Agency in terms of pouring millions of Pounds into Wales. Virtually all wasted. Fact is, when you analyse the situation, Commercial Wales is still in the backwoods (as anyone from other places will vouch) and will forever be in need of hand-outs. Hence the desire to cling to the EU money tree.
So, how many English people, settled in India or Pakistan for example are MPs, Mayors or even comedians etc., in those countries. Additionally, how many of them criticise or poke fun at the culture, customs, religion and laws of those countries?
Answers on a very small postcard please.
Apparently there are many mansions in Pakistan built by ethnic Pakistani British
How city of Mirpur became ‘Little England’
So there might well be British ethnic Pakistani mayors
White British ..hmm not many I would expect
about 200 years too late for white mayors in Pakistan.
But even that is nothing compared to his most recent foray into development Mirpuri-style. He has now finished building an entire “British street”.
“It’s a home away from home for UK Pakistanis,” he says, proudly showing me the little semi-detached houses and their neat gardens that he hopes to sell on.
Well all the ‘neat gardens’ owned by ‘British’ Pakistanis’ in the road where I was brought up have been stripped out to park large German cars and Range Rovers. The even larger back gardens have been stripped out, (they don’t do gardening), to provide a courtyard for granny to sweep with a bunch of twigs and to provide space for marquees when the extended family calls.
However, perhaps Mirpur might take us as refugees?
Some still voting here too.
Pakistani Christians are routinely referred to as “infidels” in Pakistani school books.
I doubt white Christians would fare any better and as for left wing comedians poking fun at the “religion of peace”…….
Digital Human or how snowflakes are using technology to force people to care about ‘refugees’ !
The world we experience through screen based technology is two dimensional which some argue creates distance between the viewer and the viewed but can modern day virtual reality story telling using a three dimensional perspective go further than any other medium of technology to enable us to really experience the lives of others, to walk in another man’s shoes?
Aleks speaks to Gabo Arora the Director of the UN’s Virtual Reality Lab who has produced several virtual reality films including Clouds Over Sidra featuring 12 years old Syrian refugee Sidra. As Sidra introduces the viewer to life in a refugee camp, Aleks questions whether these types of films reduce the distance between the viewer and the viewed, changing our perspective and increasing our empathy because we are able to walk in another person’s shoes.
Increasing our empathy? in other words it is a deliberate use of technology to guilt trip decision makers into accepting refugees into our countries and those who won’t name calling the others for not taking enough.
I caught the end of this and I wondered if Aleks was going to speak against the work of the UN film maker. No such luck! (Hardly a surprise, being the BBC).
Basically they are trying to work out how to improve their propaganda methods, the only counter from Aleks was that she thought that ‘we’ might get wise to it!
It made me think of those appeals for the poor kids with cancer that go viral. Either they are fake or the family doesn’t know what to do with 200 million cellophane wrappers and beside the kid died 15 years ago! How will the UN turn off the appeals once the ‘crisis’ is over?
There is a wider issue: I’m sure most of us have enogh problems in our own lives, immediate family, friends and workmates, do we really want our ‘moral horizon’ and ’empathy’ extended to include the other 7 billion on this planet? Could we cope? I would also challenge the right of these extended empathy advocates to act as absolute arbiters of what is ‘moral’.
“As I reached the BBC building near Regents Park a guy called out to me”
A model explained that after offering a casting for a Harley Davidson shoot
She went the next day : and so began a story of being drugged and held as a sex slave for more than 1 week, until she escaped
It’s all in a new movie Selling Isobel (Times )
Near the BBC building ? hmmm.
8:30pm BBC1 Damilola Taylor film as part of Black British season
(he was born in Lagos, Nigeria)
“(7 December 1989 – 27 November 2000) was a ten-year-old Nigerian schoolboy who died in England in what became one of the country’s most high-profile killings. Several young boys were cleared of murder charges after a lengthy trial, and later two brothers were convicted of manslaughter.”
I wonder how the film will deal with the issue of that although the blood was found on clothes of the young boys found guilty of manslaughter it was also found on the clothes of a mugger called “Hassan Jihad” ?
Not a great name to give a man.
“Black British season”? Isn’t it always the “Black British season” with the BBC?
I don’t suppose Kriss Donald will get a mention anytime soon.
Good post Lobster.
There is absolutely no danger in this world of al beebus EVER making a dramatisation about either: the Kris Donald murder or the Islamic child-rape and prostitution gangs which prey on working class, indigenous females throughout the U.K.
Em weren’t the emigration rules being broken left right and centre ? Both parents had previously only studied in the UK and had no right to remain. The family was basically on holiday visa yet the boy was admitted to the school. Somehow the 2 older children had got British passports thru being born here only. Maybe the rule changed in 1983, but you can’t be a British citizen thru only being born here, your parent has to be a citizen or have right to reside, (surely that doesn’t mean just be on a student visa ?)
After the incident the family petitioned to have special right to remain.
Anything about the Black History of the Preddie brothers?….
Sarf London Bwoys innit?
When is the “White British season” due to be broadcast?
I believe it’s due to be screened on either November 31st or February 30th.
Despite Brexit yet more good news ! ……..
“A north Wales defence agency has won a multi-million pound contract to help repair and maintain fighter aircraft from across Europe.”
PM yesterday featured some anti-Brexit company that test crash test dummies in Camridgershire.
There`ll be thousands of companies up and down the country that will now be free to trade.
But they`re not EU Licensed do-gooding HSE approved toadies that the Chinese or Angolans, Indians and Uruguayans will want.
No wonder that the BBC and our EU_compliant hi-tec wizards don`t like the cooling breeze of competition round the door jambs.
Eddie Mairs point? By voting Brexit, you lot out there are now putting kids at risk from deaths in car crashes.
Really is time to pack the BBC up and roll them to Raqqa.
Didn’t I read in the last month that the BBC was going to keep its anchor men in the studio (possibly London understood), so what is Hew Edwards doing in Wahington and Martha Kearney in Pennsylvania? The free holidays with a little work attached have not stopped.
And bye the bye Jon Soppel seems to be impressed and named all those pop stars who support Hillary. Would he really decide where his vote went on the advice of Jay Z?
And I realise nobody has mentioned that I am aware of in this campaign, Bill’s success as President. If I remember correctly it was Bill’s pressure on Fanny Mae and Fanny Mac to lend money to poor Americans who never had a hope of keeping up their repayments that led to the financial crisis.
I think it was more said anchor persons of little brain were a little concerned they may be required to get down off the balconies of hotels overlooking the likes of Tahrir Square and into the nasty rapey bits below, and so it looked like a ‘it’s the cuts’ morsel to throw the peanut gallery in Westminster.
Jollies to fun places where a warm welcome (not courtesy of an ignited Pirelli radial) is assured, most certainly do not count.
Yes, you’re right Deborah. It was also hubby Bill’s successful Presidency and wee little Northern Iraq No-fly Zone and US fighter patrols FROM THE US MAINLAND to police it on a 24/7 basis, that helped create AGW and incentivised Saddam Hussein to muck around in and muck up the oil business, helping us to pay more tax on ever higher fuel prices, and which also led to a small incident in New York and also small but not very successful military expeditions called ‘Afghanistan’ and ‘Gulf 2’ that ended up with a lot of maimed US and UK kids, let alone hundreds of thousands of dead Afghans and Iraqis, the consequences of which are being felt around the planet to this day, especially in Germany and Belgium and France and Britain and Canada and America.
You know how Hollywood likes to do remakes? Especially in unsettling times?
Vote Hillary tomorrow.
I reckon we, around the world, could all be sitting down to ‘enjoy’ an epic remake of Bill’s time in office if she wins. I don’t like Trump but political instinct tells me he may end up being more ‘mini-series on the Shopping Channel’ than ‘blockbuster movie to end all blockbuster movies’ – ‘ever again’.
And Jim Naughtie has been on extended reporting assignment (holiday) in the US for months now, giving his latest report on R4 Today this morning. What is the point of Jon Sopel as North American editor if everyone flies over there on the slightest pretext?
There’s clearly no cost control applied.
My favourite BBC jolly was in August 2015 when Feargal ‘Sharkey’ Keane was sent to Japan to report on…wait for it…the 70th anniversary of Hiroshima! It wasn’t in any way ‘news’, it was a commemoration of news from 70 years previously, that everybody knows about already.
So a BBC presenter and presumably a camera/sound crew and other fixers were sent to Japan to do a few shots of some cherry trees and some elderly Japanese people, while Mr Keane intoned his sub-Yeatsian narration over it.
Just think for a moment what the cost of that trip would be, even if it was just one person.
The whole thing could have been done in a studio in the UK with stock footage for about 10p!
Today is the 29th Anniversary of the Enniskillen Massacre on Remembrance Sunday 1987.
It`ll be 30 next year-but it`ll be as remembered by the BBC and the other IRA supporting channels as todays was.
Namely, not much if at all.
But Hiroshima, Chernobyl?…can`t get enough.
Mid-Staffs, David Wilkie or Aberfan?..hardly Hillsborough or Orgreave are they now?
Ah, well, at least it is almost all over… bar the shouting, of which I anticipate a fair bit.
The topics of integrity, trust, etc have been raised, often with the BBC’s dead hand involved, so I share a few links from today that seemed complementary….
…if not complimentary, to the point of sugar rush, and projectile vomitting.
I have yet to check Facebook, but anticipate Aunty is quite active there, and over the pond, at this critical time.
“the Corporation seems to be spending on creating content especially for the hugely-profitable social media site big time. (It may be the other way round, but I’m sure we’ll never be told)
All lovely risk-taking stuff, but distinctive enough to come out of the licence-fee ?”
You could always try an FOI, Bub, but the BBC has an App for that, and it crashes EVERYTHING.
Still, not all is rosy with the BBC’s BFFs 4evva…
Titter ye not. Well, maybe a little..
How much money (your TV Licence Money) is being used by Al Beeb to promote Clinton’s Campaign ?
Time our government took action and investigated Al Beeb.
Where are the Tory MP’s on this?
Did you catch World At One today? Basically just a 45 minute rant against Trump, broken up with a few snippets about Brexit and Theresa May in India.
I only caught little snatches while driving home with shopping. The thing that I noted – apart from Martha K being on a little Licence Fee-funded jolly back to her childhood – was that she appeared to be discovering, despite the obvious contributor bias, that Trump could actually win.
Then on PM, Naughtie was suggesting “it could be close”. Perhaps the Beeboids have learned something or are merely ‘preparing for the worst’.
But even the India bits are framed in terms of ” May wants trade, Modhi wants more migrating students allowed into the UK”.
Er-no he doesn`t.
But the BBC does-and here`s an emetic professor from Bangalore who went to Keble with us, and we`ve got his number and he`ll say just this.
Only with the required Peter Sellars accent.
The BBC really needs to be called S.O.R.O S.
Tell me honestly that the BBC is not in derogation of it’s Charter?
Should she lose, will we be too worried about getting it back? I suspect we will be immersed in celebration, and extending one finger (or two) to the BBC, et al.
They think it’s all over.
Let’s face it, it going to be Hillary, so here’s how she might run the White House
Our Gavin is earning a bit of cash on the side from the Telegraph (subscription required to read). Let’s hope it’s just more groupthink from the BBC hive
I really wonder if it ever strikes the zealots that millionaire ‘entertainers’ are so insulated from the real world that it don’t matter to them who’s in power?
“Entertainers” is right. What is happening in recent months is most perplexing. It’s as if those in the public eye, many of whom we respected and enjoyed, are being recruited into some form of closet “cultural army”: all disparaging of democracy, all promoting policies that threaten the most vulnerable, all dispirited in interviews and dead behind the eyes.
Channel 4 Dispatches on at the moment investigating the housing shortage – apparently too few houses are being built as developers are hanging on to land to increase their profits.
I don’t suppose for one minute that there might be another reason why there are too few houses …….
Wish the developers were hanging on to them in my area! Every bit of green belt and every dirty urban corner is being built upon. A whole small farm adjacent to my town is now being concreted over by several big national devlopers.
It’s exactly the same here. I can think of nowhere in the South East of England that isn’t under threat of concrete cancer.
It’s always the same whenever we get a Tory government – the property spivs’ party of choice. ‘Conservative’ as a word has no meaning for them.
The rest of the world like Singapore, Brazil etc ..has massive 50 story towers for homes. Nothing wrong with them. They have a park on the roof often.
BBC Headlines You Are Unlikely To See:-
1. Could One Million Recent Migrants Contribute To Our Housing Shortage And NHS ‘Crisis’?
2. Why Are The Aged Blamed For NHS Failings And A Housing Shortage?
3. Why Does the Media Favour Clinton?
4. Trump Has A Positive Side.
5. Trump Not Investigated By The FBI.
6. White British Heterosexual Males Are Important Both To Society And The Economy.
7. UK people are comparatively quite nice actually.
Not BBC, but a podcast that I’m sure many on here will enjoy –
Anybody watching the BBC Ten O’Clock News just now? Crikey, it’s just gone “please please perleeese vote for Hillary” ballistic.
I simply can’t, the Six O’clock was bad enough. I’ve never heard the term “white” used so negatively. Apparently only older, white working class, less educated people are voting for Trump. Hmmmm, I’m sure I heard the same thing about another hugely important vote his year but I can’t seem to quite remember where, answers on a postcard please.
Oh, and that nasty Trump called Hilary a criminal, but she’s been cleared by the FBI twice don’t ya know?!
Even my 16-year-old daughter, not a Trump fan, was heard to remark “The BBC is so biased!” when she heard that.
Roland Deschain “The BBC is so biased!”
If your 16-year-old daughter and Boris noticed it, why does the government not notice it?
The mind boggles.
Jon Sopol
The human emetic……makes you want to vomit
Had just about enough of the vomit enducing, one sided, blatantly biased trash coming out of the BBC regarding the US election. Yesterday was the final nail in the coffin after the news broke golden girl Clinton was once again off the hook, all the BBC presenters and “so called” experts were in full blown gushing mode with their glee plainly written all over their faces and giving the impression the election must now surely be a one horse race now golden girl had been exonerated. Personally I don’t like either Trump or Clinton however I will be saying my prayers before bed tomorrow night in the hope of waking up to a Trump victory, just to watch all the lefty, luvvie, safe space loving, snowflakes down at the Beeb squirm reporting the news like when dimblebore nearly choked on his false teeth reporting the result of the referendum back in June
If Clinton wins, the BBC will pat themselves on the back for a job well done. The BBC is full of self-importance and ego.
This is an interesting Sky Feature. They suggest that even if Trump loses, he has actually won by changing the politics of America:-
“”Whatever the result, politics – both in the US and elsewhere around the developed world – will surely have to change forever””
“”If that change does not come, we can only expect more disaffection, more chaos and more unhappiness in the years to come””
“”Why? In large part, because Mr Trump has a point””