You couldn’t make it up…that’s what the BBC is for.
The BBC is very concerned that the Public is being misled by dodgy news outlets masquerading as genuine, reputable, accurate, honest, credible and authentic purveyors of news…such as itself….
The rise and rise of fake news
The deliberate making up of news stories to fool or entertain is nothing new. But the arrival of social media has meant real and fictional stories are now presented in such a similar way that it can sometimes be difficult to tell the two apart.
While the internet has enabled the sharing of knowledge in ways that previous generations could only have dreamed of, it has also provided ample proof of the line, often attributed to Winston Churchill, that “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on”.
Ah yes, just another BBC attempt to whip up concerns about the internet in the hope that some lapdog MP will jump on the bandwagon as they see a ’cause’ that they can make some noise about and get their names in the papers….and of course the BBC hopes, set in motion a government move to control ever more closely what and who is allowed onto the internet….thus maintaining the BBC’s and other MSM’s grip on the news and information…and thus political control.
The BBC does not like the internet…far too democratic and honest despite what the BBC is now telling us….it not only allows the People to obtain the information that the likes of the BBC don’t want them to have but gives them a powerful voice.
The BBC itself is renowned for manipulating the news, manufacturing it, distorting it and misleading viewers on a massive scale. How it reports on Israel is not only highly dangerous but based upon a sympathy for Palestinians [who have only themselves to blame for their predicament], how the BBC reports on Islam is dangerous as it seeks to not only downplay but actually dismiss any concerns about the problems associated with such an ideology thus leaving society unprepared for them, how it reports on the US election is a classic where Trump has been almost the sole focus of BBC attention which has been entirely negative, demonising and mocking him relentlessly in an attempt to sway US viewers and voters, how the BBC reports on Iraq and ISIS has been entirely shaped by its failure to report on the Iraq War accurately and truthfully to start with…the BBC has spent the last decade trying to justify itself and prove Hutton wrong…or failing that to discredit him as too stupid, uninformed and in the pay of the government [such respect for the independence of those who hold inquiries].
The BBC naturally won’t class itself as one of those dodgy fake news sites…at least those sites do it honestly….for money…the BBC has a more sinister motive in that it seeks to influence and mislead people, alter their views and behaviour in a massive social engineering exercise that aims to make us all good, obedient left wing yes-men.
The BBC won’t even admit its outhouse journal, the Guardian, is similarly compromised and struggles with the truth….as shown recently when it peddled a fake news story fed to it by the Labour Party in support of its attempt to nationalise the railways….
The Guardian admits its ‘traingate’ story about Jeremy Corbyn was mostly wrong
The Guardian’s readers’ editor has published a gruelling dissection of the paper’s exclusive on Jeremy Corbyn failing to find a seat on a crowded train last month. He concluded that:
- It contained “flaws.”
- It functioned to “mislead readers.”
- It was written by a “partisan” pro-Labour activist.
- He called it a “misjudgment” that contained a “significant error.”
The BBC’s final word….
So if fake news sites aren’t going away, Buzzfeed’s Craig Silverman says that more needs to be done to ensure that people aren’t duped by them.
“Journalists need to get training so that they can quickly spot fakes, and people in school should learn how to read things critically online – they should learn how to research and check multiple sources online.”
Hmmm…once again the BBC is working closely with Buzzfeed….it seems that Buzzfeed is almost part of the BBC it comes up so often in BBC stories as a co-author.
People should certainly learn how to research and check news by going to multiple sources….every time you read a BBC report you have to check it…and of course the only way you can do that is by using the internet which the BBC wants to control…just as it wants to control the Press, the Right-wing Press certainly…just look at how they manipulated the recent stories about the Judges, the ‘enemies of the People’ ….the counter attack designed to make out that the ‘Brexit supporting papers’, as the BBC said, were out of control, reckless and dangerous…thus they need control.
Same old BBC..out to silence the opposition.
The easiest way to anger most people is to lie. The easiest way to anger a liberal is to tell the truth.
Love it!
But was it Winston Churchill that said “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on”. (Pants? I know his mum was American but really?)
A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes
The internet is a multi-edged sword.
Fake news fills the gaps where real news should be…like the news that the referendum was “advisory” which certainly seems to have been a late discovery by the BBC who I can`t recall having mentioned it during the long, long campaign of misinformation that failed to deliver a remain vote, indeed the appalled response by all remainers on Independence day suggests that this was expertly concealed by HM Government and HM Opposition.
But once the will of the people has been expressed so clearly, even our shabby EU collaborating rulers and their legal and media enablers have to take account that some rather bright lights are shining on them, and show no signs of being switched off.
My congratulations to the leave side for not falling into the trap of boycotting the vote…..the lights are very bright now, aren`t they?
Clinton has been at this game too. She wants the ban Breitbart and Infowars. Obama has already given control of ICANN to the UN so those well known bastions of free speech China and Saudi Arabia can take control if the internet.
Unfortunately the bBBC doesn’t just spin the news to its left wing agenda it surpresses any news that it can’t manipulate to its own satisfaction that goes against its group-think. Anything that depicts migrants other than women/children/LBGT etc is either ignored altogether or embedded deep down in a regional corner. Ditto anything adverse about Clinton.
Which leaves me with the problem…How do you cross-check Al Beebistan AND find the news it won’t print?
For news on Israel that the BBC won’t publish try BBC Watch.
The BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate is the main issue for Solar Astronomers and Atmospheric Physicists. A lot of them recently attended an unreported (Not Secret) International Climate Science Conference in London.
But I doubt that many, if any of these Causational Climate Scientists would be invited to the Climate junket in Morocco. But the BBC would report the junket as including “10,000 of the worlds best scientific experts”
So that’s (1) Censorship of real Climate Scientists. Followed by (2) The presentation of fake scientists (Environmental and Political Activists) as Scientists, who usually if and when caught out, give their opinion of what they think scientists say.
But the evidence is that the Internet is infinitely more truthful than the BBC. All you need is the key words or phrases from articles not censored by the BBC.
Speaking of ‘the cuts’, and in the vein of the BBC saying something making it so, Capitain Picard…
Affair latte,
Take a trip over to Breitbart London,Guido Fawkes, Steynonline,Joanne Nova or Andrew Bolt. And for the truth about the global warming scam, try Bishophill blog, WUWT and try any of their linked sites down the left hand sides.
Hope this helps, happy hunting.
I give you Guido and the case of one of Bruin’s particularly vitriolic spin doctors.
Guido 1. McBruin 0.
He’s currently got his teeth into Baroness Scotland.
Wasn’t she involved in a “conspiracy to pervert the course of justice” case involving a Libdumb politician who was jailed? Looks like she’s got a problem.
Yes, there’s some male cow manure on T’internet. There’s also a lot more on the “respected?” MSM.
When the BBC offered to ‘take over’ the press of all struggling regional newspapers with its ‘exclusive’ news and comment, I wonder where they will get the local ‘news’ from? And when the current Editor of the (steadally failing in sales) national ‘Grauniad’ (sic) states that his biggest competitor is actually the BBC (because they don’t pay him for the ‘news’ often pinched (or quoted from The Guardian journalist either). They quote (he says) but they don’t ‘pay’! (But they DO employ them as staff afterwards). But the BBC are very quick to defend ‘impartiality’ which is also patently obviously untrue, and the use of public money to prop up the worst aspects of the NHS, British Rail strikes (by RMT), Public sector pensions (£1, million plus) within the BBC, as another (TORY!) attack on their INDEPENDENCE!
How can an organsiation that leaches public money and steals stories from ‘Twitter’, ‘The Guardian’ or ‘Facebook’ be compared to anthing other than a rehash of prejudices dressed as ham. The BBC has little in the way of news (but a lot of repeats). Listen to one (BBC) station and you hear them all i-denti-kit rehash of the same story from a BBC perspective. Maybe that is the news they (only) want us to hear. But I read the papers, and avoid the BBC. I never trust the BBC.
The deliberate making up of news stories to fool or entertain is nothing new. But the arrival of social media has meant real and fictional stories are now presented in such a similar way that it can sometimes be difficult to tell the two apart.
Ha ha ha ha! Ho ho ho! Cough, splutter…. Oh please – no more.
Go on, BBC, tell us about that 28gate thing again…