Well then. The morning after. I have never enjoyed watching the BBC more as it chokes on the news that Donald Trump has won convincingly and is President Elect. Their coverage of the Election has been SO one-sided, SO pro-Clinton and SO anti-Trump that watching their smug faces coming to terms with the fact that they completely mis-read it has been fantastic to behold. Even Andrew Neil, the one BBC political presenter who I respect, has been snide as can be about Trump and so he too had to choke on his words and his insults and his smugness. What a night. Ok – NEW Open Thread so over to you! Thoughts?
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Friends! I am trying to cheer up the poor little darlings who are still covering themselves in grief over vicious Hard-Right TRiUMPhalism. Here’s a crumb of comfort for them:
Huzzah!…Ladies Zumba 11.30 SOL.
What`s the Word…Johannesburg still is it?
Friend Alicia! Great to hear from you as ever! Was it you who asked for the Trump Blog? If so, I am very grateful to you … I hadn’t planned to, but after seeing your(?) requests, I basically recycled a piece I’d written for the Graun earlier. It seems to have been generally well received, even though a couple of Right-wingers took it seriously!
Well today i`m going to try and give the Hillary voters an outlet that they can access from thier safe spaces…..

I`ll use this image to get thier attention…..
Then i`ll helpfully provide them with this easy to fill in document…. I`ll be posting it later on all the BBC facebook groups, then i`ll spend a few hours reading my death threats sent to me via private messaging…
A joy to see this back again-ran out of copies in June,now with added artwork!
Ta Justin!…all the comedy is ours these days.
Excellent! Seems that Hugs are the most popular cure!
So true, at least some of us see the truth = wonderful!
More good post-brexit news…..
“Liberty’s executive chairman Sanjeev Gupta said: “The reopening of Tredegar is very good news for our economy because it will be replacing imports with home-made product and creating sustainable skilled jobs here in Wales.”
Are you being told this in England?
Today Programme becomes more and more The Grauniad on air. This programme is so degraded now it’s hardly worth listening to. Examples from this morning of anti Trump/ leftie interviewees
Jim Radcliffe interviewed to denigrate Trumps trade policies. Raises prospects of 1930s style protectionism across the world.
Yannis Varoufakis interviewed for same purpose. DeAnn Julius says a Trump will fail to help middle and low income Americans.
Madeleine Allbright , ex Clinton administration, bemoans Hillarys defeat. Cannot understand why all women didn’t vote for her.
Trump Tower engineer, who had fallen out with Trump, rubbishes him and says he us unsuited to be president
Some feminist called Woolfe has another go at Trump, immediately followed by Emily Thornberry (aka Fat Lady Nugee of Rochester) tells us what Corbin can learn from Trump ( crazy notion in itself as Corbyn learns nothing post 1970s extreme left politics).
When can we have interesting unbiased analysis?
Naomi Klein put Nick Robinson in his idiot box after the 8.30 news.
Yes, a privileged gorgeous lefty-but she DID write the influential “No Logo” which still stands as a classic anti-globalisation text of its kind.
She neatly skewered the European Liberal idiot take on Trump and brexit-and funnily enough Nick stayed in the idiot box, proving her every point with his inane, insane questions-scripted you see, no need to rethink the BBC script even as Klein shafted its underlying premise with every tart comment.
And-once Nick had been delivered of his “maybe Sanders won `ave wun it like our Corbyn did it” crap-guess what, here`s Emily Thornberry to try and put Naomi back up her clever dick shelf!
She`s only American, probably Jewish anyway?
The BBC-simply unable to get off the tram, one rail-runing on empty, self regard-and now hellbound.
Will now try and draw a cartoon with Don and Nigel in a lovely swimming pool, with Geert and Marine about to head up the platform to dive in, despite all the blue tape, red warning lights being put up by the BBC, dead tree press and the EU. UN and political lardies worldwide.
Heck-the BBC even get Liberias woman Prez to trash Trump for fun…who the hell knew of HER? Just a bat from the belfry to put up their own nighties…or attempt to play quick cricket or such.
Bye-Bi-Buy-BBC-how many sharks must you jump between June 23rd and Jan 20th 2017 then?
wrong surname it was feminist Naomi Wolf
Thanks Stew, I `ve made this error too.
thanks for correcting.
Radio 5 8:50 John BBC top Political Correspondent Piannar’s on drugs
24 hours ago on video from the US Embassy, Farage said the EU ambassador idea was a JOKE.
Yet Pienarr reported it as probable fact.
On Today, to be fair, I did hear the dawning of understanding from Naomi Klein who eloquently described the experiences of people in the US “bubbles of the rich but a disappearing middle class and, for most people a struggle to keep things together, working two jobs, worrying about keeping a minimum wage job and housing” she acknowledged that it was this that Trump had successfully addressed with voters whilst Hillary had not.
Then we heard Nick Robinson asking “Lady” Thornberry what Corbyns comments (equivocal about Trumps victory and critical of Globalisation) meant…he surprisingly skewered her with this exchange (I paraphrase but it was on Today at 8.30-8.45 ish)
Trump has campaigned on stopping muslims entering the US, controlling immigration whereas the Labour party goes into working class areas telling people that more immigration is a good thing and there needs to be more of it….there was a silence and then she went off on a complete tangent.
A very revealing moment.
The struggle between the politics of globalisation and national interests crosses all party lines
Globalisation is THE crucial issue of our times. (Islamisation in the west is a symptom of globalisation).
My point, a little earlier in the thread, is that only people in the Grauniad Bubble would want to run a piece asking what Corbyn could learn from Trump. Corbyn will never attempt to build a coalition of white working class discontented Northern and Midland voters together with non-whites and settled EU migrants who are integrated into the British way of life, want to work hard and pay their taxes. To do that he’d have to ditch all his other prejudices and beliefs . The only lesson for Corbyn from Trumps election is to resign immediately from the labour leadership , disband Momentum and take communist fellow travellers like McDonnell with him. Plus ambitious unprincipled hangers on like Thornberry/Nugee.
My guess is that Trump will not be as anti globalisation as most assume. The main exception to this will be free movement of labour and unrestricted migration from low wage countries and Muslim countries whose people simply don’t buy into western culture but just want to cherry pick what suits them economically. Britain of course faces exactly the same issues as these hence Brexit and the desire to curb Muslim expansion in our country.
And Jeremy has not built a multi billion dollar company or achieved a historical result. Corbyn is a small time, agitator and destroyer, not a builder.
The current problem in UK politics is nothing to do with Corbyn.
It is to do with UKIP.
We need a UKIP that is able to operate as it was operating before the Brexit vote, or the Banks-Farage alliance needs to act quickly to build their movement and continue to oppose the lib-lab-con (it hasn`t gone away, you know)
Otherwise we “deplorables” will have nowhere to vote,
and Brexit will be diluted to the taste of those who wish to remain in the EU and the anti nation state interests they are supporting.
Totally agree Embolden. I am afraid some of the members of the NEC need to put the country before their bloated egos.
They also need to remove “double agents” such as Carswell and self serving, individuals such as Neil “damaged goods” Hamilton.
Labour is now totally discredited, The so called Brexit government led by a Prime Minister who does not seem to be committed to Brexit and seems to bend whichever way the wind is blowing. An anti brexit biased media, judiciary and establishment.
There is a desperate need for strong anti EU opposition but I am afraid all they seem to want to do is to fight like`five year olds over who has the last chocolate finger.
No wonder Nigel Farage seems to have had enough. Not only did he have to fight the media and establishment – he had to fight his own party too – who just do not seem to realise or care how much the country needs a grown up opposition.
Great summary, EEexpects. I hope you don’t mind but I copied and pasted (pretty much) on the Guardian comments under Roy Greenslade’s piece about how the media got it so wrong. Some poster with snowflake tendencies was reheating the old argument of the BBC – in this case, Radio 4 – being just as biased to the right (so they had it about right). So far, no response!!
Now that BBC have accepted Trump’s win they are reporting the news with gems like:
Donald Trump election win sparks protests in US cities
Donald Trump as president: Who should worry about it?
US Election 2016: A survivor’s guide to unexpected voting results
The last one is a real beauty as it crowbars in The Peoples MP Jo Cox
I think you meant `Saint` Jo Cox didn`t you?? When she ascended to Heaven she left an empty seat, luckily Tracy Brabin was inspired enough to take on the task of being an MP whilst waiting for the scriptwriters at Corrie to request her services once again…
Jo who?
You know who `Jo` is surely?? She was married to Brendan, the guy who had to resign from his position as a Save The Children executive. After some women complained about ‘inappropriate behaviour’…
Here`s a picture of them having a family day out with the children, teaching them how to tell fishermen who will lose thier livelihoods to “F**k Off!!”

Here you can read all about them both…. http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2016/06/the-selective-compassion-of-jo-cox/
Hope that clears up the mystery for you mate.. 🙂
Ah St Jo of the White Helmets who were nominated in her fund.
Sorry pressed report comment by accident
Justin – of course I knew who was being referred to but ‘Jo who?’ is just the standard response on various blogs. Thanks for the info though, much obliged Squire!
I didn`t for one second think that you didn`t know of Saint Jo Save Our Sense … I just felt it was an opportunity to remind everyone given that the focus right now seems to be all about remembering those who died defending our xenophobic interests and racism before the EU came along and saved us from ourselves..
The beebistan reporting US violent anti-Trump demos with glee. Funny, they were full of censure when any of Trump’s supporters got a bit rowdy.
Ptg, at least they are distracted from Brexit. Now they’ve got a more important person to denigrate and condemn and/or interview selected individuals to achieve that same end.
The leader of the Londonistan caliphate, Sadiq Khan, present at the scene of the tram accident delivered a statement conveyed by BBC News yesterday evening. He said, and I quote verbatim, “……our thoughts and prayers.” He stopped there for some reason. why did he not finish the common statement with, “…..go out to the victims and their families”? I’ll leave it to others to speculate why………..
Not sure about that G. This clip on youtube has Khan saying ‘My prayers, my thoughts are with family members and loved ones.’
He was referring to his own family members and loved ones, not the victims`….. Subtle isn`t he???
I see the Emir still isn’t wearing the “Christian” tie. Some people might have thought it a small mark of respect to have worn a tie in a situation like this.
If he can bring himself to attend the Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph on Sunday, I do hope he finally makes the effort.
I hope people don’t think that I am being insensitive in saying that the Transport Secretary was Chris Grayling was there too (quite rightly) but he doesn’t qualify for the exposure that Khan gets.
On which subject, I know that there were other things happening yesterday, but not so today. So I can’t help but notice the difference in coverage that this accident is getting, compared with rail accidents in the early 00’s when there was rolling news and a host of Labour politicians, ‘experts’ and ambulance chasers, platformed by the BBC, all queuing up to blame the evil Tories because of the failures of rail privatisation. The noise generated then was tremendous.
In the absence of such noise today, it can be only assumed that because this tragedy is Khan’s led TFL’s, it’s a more acceptable type of accident.
Apologies if that observation upsets anyone.
I hear BBC favourite Yanis Varoufakis was on the Radio 4 Today programme yet again this morning.
Beware Greeks talking economics
Yanis Varoufakis correctly understood that membership of the Euro was destroying the Greek economy, but he does not have the moral courage to argue that the whole Euro concept is flawed, and that Greece should leave. He is too wedded to the political idea of the European Union to accept the logic of his position, which is that Greece must leave the Euro.
Like all leftists, if it comes down to a choice between his economic and social theories and reality, reality loses every time.
R5 now caller is sticking it to Campbell
‘Its you BBC that is the problem’
You LABEL ….
Lefty caller intervenes ‘Racist !”
Next Caller Steve : Media is the problem peddling lies … You sneer at the working class.
The media BBC didn’t report Pilger Assange”
Lefty :” oh there was lots of coverage.”
“Just because you are white”
Shes Hannah from The Women’s Equality Party.
R5 coming up : Emma Barnett “Is it because Hillary’s a woman?”
Ha ha, Nick Robinson tried this “feminist” line on Today with Naomi Klein.
She completely trashed the idea, and pointed out that Trump had campaigned on the concerns of poorer Americans….she went as far as to say feminism was a side issue in comparison, and that Hillary had lost because she was seen as too closely aligned with Wall Street and Goldman Sachs NOT because she was a woman.
To hear that this “feminist” line is being run on more than one “platform” suggests that somewhere a meeting at W1A has decided a BBC line.
That`s bias isn`t it?
There is no barrier to a woman becoming President of the United States. The Democrats just happened to choose the most disliked, corrupt, tired, ill and discredited woman imaginable to be their candidate in 2016.
If the Republicans had fielded a successful woman who campaigned on the same policies as Trump, that candidate would have won.
For years, the RINO elite have fielded squishy candidates who did not like to say boo to a goose. If it was up to them, they still would have done, and Jeb Bush would even now be going back into comfortable obscurity, after having given a gracious concession speech. Instead, the ordinary people first of all had to wrest the choice of candidate from the RINOs, and then backed him all the way to the White House. It’s called democracy, and how the ruling class must hate it this morning!
The American people did something truly historic on Tuesday. No, they did not elect a corrupt and greedy woman to the White House, but for the first time in 240 years they elected a candidate who was not part of the political or military elite. In theory any American citizen can become President, but Donald Trump is the first person in the history of the Republic to make it happen. The entire political establishment was defeated on Tuesday. Now let’s hope Trump gets to work, and builds that wall and drains the swamp!
Top post, Rob!
You’re welcome.
Carly Fiorina.
Excellent post Rob.
Thanks for your kind words.
Correction..Naomi Wolf. sorry.
Emma darling, a few questions:
What do you think of the sexist people who shouted “Ditch, ditch, ditch the Bitch!” against Margaret Thatcher? Isn’t ‘bitch’ a sexist word?
Have you any comment about those filmed dancing and singing “Ding! Dong! The Witch is Dead!” when Lady Thatcher died?
What about the demonising of Andrea Leadsom as ‘Andrea Loathsome’?
Do you think Sarah Palin attracted particular hatred for being female?
Do you consider the hatred towards Angela Merkel as being gender-inspired?
Yes, Angela Merkel, Theresa may, Margret Thatcher, etc etc didn’t get anywhere because they were women.
Emma Barnett lacks any capacity to challenge her soft left orthodoxies, so she is ideal for the BBC and Sky then.
Emma Barnett “Is it because Hillary’s a woman?”
It appears that not all black Americans are Hillary supporters.
Great video, thanks for posting. The sudden outburst of laughter caught me completely by surprise and had me laughing along heartily with that chap as well. I am sure I watched a blog by him during the campaign that was very calm, thoughtful and considered. I was expecting the same, hence the surprise!
Ha Ha ha …..
A Brexit guide for the losers.
The BBC still has comedy after all 😉
Ha Ha taffman ‘Do Yoga, watch a box set or have sex’
Not all at once I hope !
I’ve been drinking in snowflake tears for over 24 hours and I’m still not sated. Margaret Beckett was interviewed yesterday and she was fuming, she called Trump a vile liar. Pretty rich coming from someone who served under Blair.
The papers and news channels are comedy gold at the moment.
Comedy gold. All the boxes ticked -Ethnic Minority, Support Worker, Common Ground, Echo Chambers, “Survivors” and last but by no means least; St Jo Cox. Score one brownie point for the author.
“I’m really worried about the UK and US” – care to go into any more detail about that?
“I’d contemplate moving to Sweden” can only have been said by someone who inhabits a “social media echo chamber”.
BBC Radio “More or Less” and yes, you guessed it, the obligatory anti Trump bit.
But they find some of his claims exaggerated and some spot on. Well, I am confident that he is not the very first candidate who has used hyperbola to make a point. Keep it up BBC – maybe, one day, you might find something relevant, genuinely informative and even factual to broadcast.
Here we go again as the BBC mounts an attack and strategy of seeking to over turn the rule of law and the democratic decision.
“Anti-Trump protests SWEEP US cities”.
Anti Trump riots in the USA. Clearly none of the rioters belong to the religion of peace or there would be bombs and bullets – give it time.
PS Does the BBC hope to inspire similar anti Brexit riots? The BBC is desperate to make Trump and Brexit a Left/Right struggle and that demonstrates that 1)They are dangerous idiots or 2) They are evil.
Enjoy this
Nobel Prize material.
The little sketch at the end is rather funny. Not the sort of skit you’re likely to see on any mainstream ‘comedy’ programme, particularly on the BBC!
Another brilliant video, thank you. Trump’s black supporters (this lad isn’t, strictly, one of them) are a joy to watch and the BBC just doesn’t know how to handle them. In the BBC’s bigoted little mind black people aren’t allowed to think for themselves but must join the ethnic voting block en masse and await instructions. How racist. I have news for the BBC, the black, Hispanic, gay, lesbian etc etc people I know bear no resemblance to the minority interest rabble rousers you give airtime to. In fact, most of your cherished people’s champions are an embarrassment to those they have elected themselves to represent.
There are currently viscous, hate filled protests against the democratic decision of the peoples of the US. Sooner or later someone will be hurt, else possibly killed, by this mindless rage.
Do the US tv channels and the BBC have a responsibility to stop inflaming this hate and start reporting the facts?
The snowflakes believe in gun control, the rednecks believe in gun ownership.
As ever, the snowflakes really haven’t thought this one through have they?
Had to share. Things like this run so counter to the BBC narrative.
The arrest of Dindo Nuttin
The BBC – The Worlds Most Irresponsible Broadcaster.
Oh no, the reports of a financial meltdown if Trump wins were true, the FTSE 100 is heavily down again for the second day in a row……………………Oh hang on, sorry, I accidently clicked last weeks figures – that was what happened after the FBI stated they wouldn’t be prosecuting Hillary.
Today the markets are up again, same as yesterday – my mistake.
Brilliant Thirdoption
Amazing – the unreal, fantasy, deluded narrative typified by that woman protester in the US. ‘Not on the same planet’ is about right. In her HEAD she seems to be fighting battles from history, the Civil War, Russian Revolution, World War Two and so on. ‘People will have to die for us to get change’, she screams. Really? Really very weird. Now that IS something to be fearful of.
No one thought people would Bling King instead of the Sleaze Queen.
Not to be outdone, the sports department are now getting in on the act. Even the Olympics and World Cup are under threat, in this laughable piece of “journalism” full of cliches and what-ifs.
GND, the BBC news is 5% fact and 95% speculation.
Any one hear the nicky show on 5 dead this morning .A person named Titus put the boot into the BBC and Campbell,the way it was playing the race,lgbt,etc on every subject rather than being a journalist searching for the truth.Nicky interrupted him to go to the cricket for a update on the score.Then came back with another caller on another subject to defuse the conversation.
Think Campbell like the others was just following orders? I really wonder.
Hot Chocolate, Shock Blankets and Therapy Dogs for the traumatized ‘children’ of America.
Or a good kick up the arse.
Rapidly disappearing ‘Free Speech’ in Canada:
Next step, Europe which is well on its way:
For sure, the Muslims and their acolytes are well organised and have particularly influential people in very high places……….
The headlines on the BBC News site are just shrill and hysterical! I literally can’t find anything comparable elsewhere!

Anti-Trump rally – take your pick:
Something for everyone. You can even choose between “Refugees & migrants welcome here” and “Refugees welcome here”, depending on your level of stupidity. It doesn’t say exactly where “here” is, of course. Perhaps “Refugees & migrants welcome in white, working class northern dumps” might be more accurate.
Great photo.
I think you omitted a few words though.
Should read ‘ Refugees and migrants welcome in white working class northern dumps…..well away from where I live’
I left the words out because I am assuming that there isn’t a dump, northern or otherwise, within 100 miles of where they live.
York, dump-free, is probably as close as they’re likely to get.
I wonder how many takers they’d have for a poster that read “Refugees & migrants welcome in my house“?
Or Daddy’s house – in the spare room, next to my sister’s.
Sky and BBC both major on a few smallish protests in theUSA over President Trump’s triumph. They continue to parade a non stop diet of biased anti Trump bile and are working hard to portray the US election and Brexit as examples of white racism. They refuse to acknowledge that in fact both results are demonstrations that ordinary people in both countries reject globalisation and the abolition of their countries and heritage. I suppose that if they did admit this truth then millions more folks would realise what the leftist elite globalisation plan is actually about and so even more folks would reject it. Sky were even worse than the BBC , which takes some doing, with Bolton simply unable to comprehend why the PM welcomed President Trump far more warmly than Merkel did. You have got to be dim not to see that in Brexit terms President Trump is good news for the UK and bad news for the EU and for pro Muslim Merkel. Of course if you want a Brexit to fail then this is definitely bad news and Bolton is indeed a Remoaner.
A lesson and message for Al Beeb’s researchers to pass on to the Board of Governors at tomorrow’s Team Meeting .
Your pro Labour propaganda during the GE – failed.
Your pro EU propaganda during the referendum – failed.
Your pro Clinton propaganda during the US elections – failed .
We the British people can see through your amateur propaganda and you are playing ‘fast and loose’ with Licence Fee payer’s hard earned money.
Apparently today Jean Claude Junket is demanding clarification from The Donald on a range of issues.
I so hope Trump’s response is…. F off, who elected you?
Or will The Drunkard insist, in classic EU style, that America’s voters be given another chance to come to the ‘correct’ decision?
5 Live has just been tallking to three snowflakes distraught at Trump’s historic victory. Apparently, the only reason anyone could vote for Trump was because of misogyny, racism and xenophobia. Bad luck snowflakes, that’s half your country you have just written off. Have you ever stopped to wonder why they hate you so much?
Then, a comment from the Chief Rabbi, who is “worried”. What about? The rising tide of anti-semitic attacks caused by unrestricted muslim immigration across Europe? No, because Donald Trump is a “racist”. Yes, the man who just might be the best friend American Jews ever had if he can stop the USA going the way of Europe. Who knew the Chief Rabbi was a snowflake too?
Of course, they could not find anyone who was in any way pleased that Donald Trump had won the election. Maybe they were all at work or something, I don’t know, but I am sure that, for the purposes of balance, the BBC must have tried.
I always wondered how this country could find itself at Civil War – Sadly, I’m starting to understand.
I read a quote from a history of the Spanish Civil War,to the effect that “the real cause of the war was that so many of us Spaniards couldn`t stand each other”. (this quote also appears in an episode of an old Granada TV documentary series on the civil war on youtube)
It`s a history that seems frighteningly relevant today…another feature was an initially moderate left government, who when faced with opposition reacted by calling its opponents fascists (they were actually monarchists and conservatives)and playing fast and loose with electoral procedures……
until some years later real fascists gained mass support and took the fight to the ever more leftist government who had allied themsleves with communists and anarchists until the army stepped in.
Excellent snippet in today’s D/Mail……
Self-assured American writer Bonnie Greer has appeared recently on the BBC’s Question Time, Newsnight and The Daily Politics, claiming preposterously that President Obama’s threat to put the post-Brexit UK at the back of the queue for trade deals was “a mistake of politesse as opposed to a mistake of reality”. My source says; “As a person of colour and a female foreigner, Bonnie ticks BBC boxes. If she’d had a wooden leg she might be invited on even more shows”.
Finally, there are those at the Beeb who share our views !!!! Hallelujah !
(as an aside: new John Lewis Xmas advert out today – non-white family taking centre stage. Clearly 14% of our population are the new elite. Just saying)
(as an aside: new John Lewis Xmas advert out today – non-white family taking centre stage. Clearly 14% of our population are the new elite. Just saying)
I wouldn’t say that, but the ‘cute’ urban foxes where I live are a verminous menace.
I’d just like to thank the BBC for giving me a list of celebrities to whom I should not give a penny of my hard-earned.
US election 2016: Celebrities react to Donald Trump victory
Yesterday I joked that Ryanair could offer to fly people to ‘safe havens eg: Sweden, Belgium etc..
America, with it’s business head, is offering discounted Canadian flights and hotel stays. Oh, to be a pop or movie star and realize that no one gives a tinkers’ cuss what you say.
Cher threatened to move to Jupiter if Trump wins
Graham Norton is moving to Uranus …..
I thought he’d been already living there for some years…
Sorry Lobster, I’ve just heard that his passage has been blocked. Unfortunate double-booking entry apparently.
James Cook down by the US/Mexico border. Speaking of the “fear” that people are feeling, after America elected a President who thinks that all Mexicans are “Rapists” and “Criminals”.
If you look beyond the biased spin, in reality Trump only referred to illegal immigrants by derogatory names, and the only people living in fear are those who are living in America illegally, or those harbouring illegal migrants from the authorities.
I’m baffled as to why the BBC keep suggesting that Trump’s approach to border control is racist, when all he wants to do is enforce laws that are already in existence. It seems as though his opponents want a border in place, but are not willing to police it, by deliberately under-funding the border control authorities in order to make their job practically impossible, and by not doing enough to pursue those who broke the law. I would have a lot more respect for them if they simply admitted that they don’t want a border, and are happy for anyone to cross.
I have frequently heard the BBC accuse Trump of calling ALL Mexicans criminals and rapists.
It is not just the BBC doing this of course, but then other media organisations don’t share the BBC’s privileged position which is supposedly backed by a charter of impartiality.
At least he’s not accused of being, smelly, wearing holey pants, having dragon breath, kitten torturing or pulling scary faces to babies – give it time.
The Mexicans actually agree with Trump building a wall – they just want him to do it on their southern border!
“It seems as though his opponents want a border in place, but are not willing to police it, by deliberately under-funding the border control authorities in order to make their job practically impossible”
That sounds just like this country as well.
It appears that Sky are suffering from it as well as Al Beeb. It must be contagious…..
Sky and the BBC are just two cheeks of the same backside. They are as bad as each other, which is why I cancelled my Sky subscription.
The law abiding amongst us of course see SKY a necessary collateral removal along with cancelling the TVL DD.
This SKY?:
“The magnet’s isolationist threats” ???
I assume they mean “magnate”, but it shows the standard of journalists they employ, doesn’t it?
Did they mean vote magnet?
The continuing miscalculation of the Left continues. Tears, tantrums and Therapy Dogs are just not going to cut it. Especially when they are supposedly at war with a movement led by the likes of Hitler, Genghis Khan and Franco.
From Zero Hedge
‘Meanwhile, From Canada…’
The flood of Trump-fearing American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week. The Republican presidential campaign is prompting an exodus among left-leaning Americans who fear they’ll soon be required to hunt, pray, pay taxes, and live according to the Constitution.
Canadian border residents say it’s not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, liberal arts majors, global-warming activists, and “green” energy proponents crossing their fields at night.
“I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn,” said southern Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota. “He was cold, exhausted and hungry, and begged me for a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn’t have any, he left before I even got a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?”
Continue reading at:
Anyone hear BBC Radio 5 this morning with their discussion on Trump’s America. They had one Trump supporter against the BBC tart and a couple of anti Trumpers, one a Professors no less. They assumed beyond doubt that the ‘well educated’ voted for Clinton and the ‘less’ educated for Trump, the racist, misogynist bigot. But when it came to Trump’s promise to dump the Paris agreement and disband the EPA the experts were full of dire warnings.
Does that mean, and this goes for us as well, that the majority of our countries are uneducated?
Friends! I hope you’ll agree this Tweet sums up the Left’s position on freedom of speech pretty accurately:
…and then I will tell you what to say anyway. Especially if we on the Progressive Left hate what you said.
Excellent addition, Friend SOS! Unfortunately, the Far-Right Twitter’s vicious 140-character limit – made still worse by Hard-Right Brexit and Trump, of course – literally prevented me from making that valuable extra point.
Ah don’t get me started on the uber-Right Trump – we will, literally, have to do everything in our power to limit his character, just like the Fascist Twitter limits yours. 🙂
ON this grim day for we ex hippie chicks of a certain vintage?
Has The Peoples Tweeter got words of comfort and wisdom to make sense of the death of the great Leonard Cohen?
Was he a cultural catalyst as I think-or do I go all counter cultural and denounce him as a tool of Abbie Hoffmann and/or Roy Jenkins?
So confusing-and no rose allowed until 7pm tonight either apparently!
Good morning, Friend Alicia. Apologies for a somewhat rushed reply as I have to head out fairly soon. I was genuinely sorry to hear about the passing of Leonard Cohen, even though I have to admit I wasn’t a great fan of his music. (I’m more of a bourgeois Mr Blue Sky type, you’ll be shocked to hear!)
I think Lefties are supposed to like Our Leonard. Righties doubtless will make their minds up on what they regard as the merits of his actual songwriting/singing abilities, in their boring individualistic way …
Sorry for this (semi-) serious post, btw. I literally don’t know what’s come over me …
Move over BBC, there’s a new sheriff in town. Sky have just completely out-BBCed the BBC. A documentary about how Trump won the election has just aired. Even Hillary, just after she realised she’d lost could not have penned a more dishonest, biased, vitriolic script. It was also the third time in an hour that Sky had aired the first part of Trump’s words about banning Muslim immigrants, leaving out the second part ‘until we find out what the hell is going on’.
Somebody has to start an unbiased News Channel, it’s driving me mad.
But nobody is FORCED BY LAW to pay for SKY, so they can say what they want and let their subscribers make a call as to whether they want to keep financing the propaganda.
Unbiased News does have a good ring about it though.
SKY ‘Believe in Bullshit’
Feminist writers, Black writers, LGBT writers but no, Masculine writers, no White writers? What price equality?
I have just heard an excellent example of endemic BBC bias on R4’s The World at One.
A BBC nonentity asks an American academic “who is behind it?. The word “behind” seems to suggest some kind of nefarious plot with sinister motives to which blame has to be attached. What the Beeboid actually wanted to know was what the demographics of Trump voters were. So why the fear and paranoia?
I can’t help thinking that the last episode of Poldark was the way the BBC thought things should go. The hideously white, toothless, pitchfork toting yokels intent on burning out the Warmleggins were placated by the eloquent intervention of the gallant and charismatic Captain Poldark. “Desist stout fellows with your folly lest your children and wives pay the price” The best efforts of the portly and grandiloquent Colonel Clarke, the whining, pasty-faced Subaltern Clegg and the gurning village idiot Fallon do not seem to have had much effect on the Brexit rabble. Now the gun-toting hillbillies have upset the applecart in America. Once the sturdy Dutch and French peasants get going, the elites and their media lickspittles are going to have a lot to be fearful and paranoid about.
Did this story ever make it to the BBC national news?
It should have!
You remember how all victims of ‘abuse’ can no longer be called ‘victims’ but must be called ‘survivors’ – as in (as in: ‘Pandora is a gender conforming conversation at school survivor’)
Well the BBC has now published – and I kid you not:
“A survivor’s guide to unexpected voting results. – The election of Donald Trump has left some Americans thunderstruck in the same way as the UK’s vote for Brexit stunned those British voters who could not imagine a future outside the European Union.”
Sound tips though:
– Break out of the “echo chamber” and engage in dialogue with people whose opinions differ.
– Question your own views – and accept that you may not actually know best.
No doubt the whole of the BBC will emerge better people form their own ‘survivorship training’.
Nice to know our license fees are being so wisely spent on this high quality web content. . .
What makes me think that if Hillary Clinton had won, the BBC and MSM in general would not have given a shit for the thoughts and fears of Trump supporters?
Judging by the tears and tantrums – it’s resilience training they need or maybe a spine.
Here is an interesting data analysis of who voted for Trump.
Oh look the bBC is promoting the view that a jailed jihadist can only be a an innocent schoolboy:
Ibrahim Halawa’s family issue plea to Irish government
Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you and here is what David Vance had to say on the subject