Well then. The morning after. I have never enjoyed watching the BBC more as it chokes on the news that Donald Trump has won convincingly and is President Elect. Their coverage of the Election has been SO one-sided, SO pro-Clinton and SO anti-Trump that watching their smug faces coming to terms with the fact that they completely mis-read it has been fantastic to behold. Even Andrew Neil, the one BBC political presenter who I respect, has been snide as can be about Trump and so he too had to choke on his words and his insults and his smugness. What a night. Ok – NEW Open Thread so over to you! Thoughts?
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I wonder if the BBC Trots are hoping that the anti Trump riots will grow to the point when Obama declares martial law and postpones the inaugauration. What a way to go Hussein.
I was driving home last night and listening to (I think) PM and the discussion with some American was about what Trump was able to actually do. The general gist, as anybody who has watched the Obama documentary will know, was very little actually. (So calm down snowflakes).
Anyway, the one area where it was felt that Trump can have influence was in choosing somebody for the vacant Supreme Judge position. This is very important apparently, and it is well established that the political leanings of the judges can shape USA society quite a bit, so who is chosen would be quite important.
The presenter then asked if it was possible that the choice of judge could change laws on abortion. Not at this stage, was the reply, but Clinton’s appointed judges are elderly so if both Scalia’s vacant position and one of Clinton’s were replaced with right-leaning judges then it was very much a possibility.
As I listened to this I remembered that just a few days ago this same BBC programme was giving significant airtime to people that said the independence of judges must never be questioned.
To listen to the BBC you would think our judges are infallible when in fact all they do is interpret the law.
For example let’s not forget how in the past 15 years or so they have interpreted human rights legislation in the cases of the government wishing to deport Islamic extremists – focusing entirely on their rights and safety rather than those of the British public.
Then more recently there was this:
Ofsted is set to appeal a High Court ruling that gender segregation by an Islamic state school is not discriminatory.
Considering the case of a school inspected by Ofsted, which is referred to only as X, the High Court concluded that “it is unhelpful to say that segregation on the ground of sex is inherently discriminatory.”
The court ruled that while “less favourable treatment on the ground of a protected characteristic is inherently discriminatory” without “proof of less favourable treatment” of female students there “is no discrimination at all”.
Ofsted had argued that the school was acting unlawfully by making “parallel arrangements” within the same site for pupils based on their gender.
The school was described as “applying a regime of ‘complete segregation’ for all lessons, breaks, school clubs and trips.”
But the judge said that Ofsted’s “argument would only be well-founded if it could be established that faith schools in general, and Islamic schools in particular, segregate the sexes because they regard the female gender as inferior, and/or that girls should be separately prepared for a lesser role in society.”
There is “no evidence in this case that segregation in a mixed school, still less segregation in an Islamic school, has a greater impact on female pupils”.
Common Purpose lefties and Islam-appeasers, almost to a man.
Is anyone else having trouble viewing the BBC News website Have Your Say comments?
I can view the usual fluffy HYS’s about Golden Eagles and the shape of Toblerones but if the HYS is about anything like Trump/politics/immigration I cannot view it anymore. I just get a message saying ‘the comments cannot be loaded’.
My comments usually get removed by BBC Nazi moderators so am I banned now?
Those hypocritical celebs.
Anyone interested in a little wager on how long before ITV’s Robert Moore joins the BBC? It would definitely appear to be his spiritual home.
Yes, he’s a snide bastard, who likes to keep calling Trump a racist to show how right on he is, because anyone in their right mind would love a house full of Mexican illegals living next door wouldn’t they?
He also keeps referring to Trump’s “racism” relating to Obama’s birthplace; yet he neglects to point out that it was Hilliary’s campaign team, when she was fighting for the Democrat presidential nomination 8 years ago, who initiated the controversy.
He’s an awful b@st@rd and you can hardly see those shifty eyes when he does his “reports”.
Fifa rejects Wales request to wear poppies against Serbia
Come on Wales, it would have been nice to stand up to the corrupt FIFA together. Let’s all win together or go down fighting together. It’s the age of confronting these corrupt organisations, not a time to capitulate. Get with the program.
Just in defence of the FAW. England are playing Scotland so it is unlikely that Scotland will complain. Wales are playing Serbia and there is the possibility they will complain.
IF they do complain then wales will lose points in a tight group and be fined, possibly heavily.
Though, I wonder how we’d react if a side from an Islamic country decorated their shirts with a commemoration of the thugs who flew into the twin towers or bombed the London underground. I think that is a serious possibility.
Serbia was our ally in the First World War and Yugoslavia was our ally in the Second – so they should be on-side with the poppies. Admitedly we bombed them in the 1990 when the Saudis told us to, so they may still have a grudge over that one.
The influence of the BBC or just a surfeit?
My local supermarket has a collection bin ‘for the food bank’. It has now been labelled “No more sugar needed”.
It always amuses me that it’s the customers who donate and not the supermarkets.
I’ve just seen BBC news (w)anchor Huw Edwards claim that the Trump victory was not forseen by “most people” – sorry, Huw, but “most people” isn’t the same as “most people at the BBC”.
I am afraid “most people” inhabit Londistan – all the rest of us are “Untermenschen”
Are there any presenters left at the BBC ?- they all appear to be at my expense having a great old jolly in the States.
And puts a woman out of work.
“Anonymous said…
Well, it’s official. It’s the first time in history a white billionaire will occupy public housing that was vacated by a black family!”
Can’t wait for the ‘TRUMP’ sign to go up over the front door. And as for ‘TRUMP FORCE ONE’, well why not?
Watching the BBC, listening to the BBC, watching C4 news, watching Newsnight, and Question Time,
The day after the Donald became the President Elect of the USA.
If Carlsberg made days after………..probably.
One of his best yet.
Yesterday’s R4 PM programme referred to Clinton’s concession of defeat speech as more significant than Trump’s acceptance of victory speech. It would only be more significant in a bizarre parallel universe where Clinton won.
I too heard the vast amount of live playdough given over to Hillary and Obama.
Both losers-but hey,winners in all BBC hearts.
Being liberal means you never lose-your success is just deferred. And maybe they`re right-they have no lives, no families, no jobs and no responsibilities.
Whereas we do.
It`s a lifelong cause and perpetual commitment to them-it`s mere reaction to us.
They waste and drain our time, only this time they`d better watch it.
We voted to leave the EU, we want Trump to drain his backyard swamp-and that`ll require us to help him over here.
If Russells Rebels fancy their chances-then we`ll be ready, we`ve had enough of `em.
New here, driven by the overload of fury, incomprehension and – most importantly – lack of proper journalism on the BBC. Irritated for a long time, and baffled by how they got away with the endless stream of comment-not-news – and now feeling strangely vindicated in a small, private way that they have exposed themselves so recklessly, first over Brexit, now over the the US elections. So bound up in their own narrative that they couldn’t and still can’t see the story in front of their noses.
Is this a turning point? Maybe only for those of us who are still capable of independent thought. I have been explaining to people for weeks why I would understand if the Americans voted for Trump, but still the nervous, eyes blinking responses I got showed that the BBC mindset prevailed. As for the young snowflakes, it is as if they have been brainwashed into un-reason like Red Guards in 1966. No logic, no sense, no understanding – but all tears and safe spaces. All I can say is that the educational left has succeeded in its aims of reducing the facebook generation to quivering docile jelly.
Two saving graces for anyone who looks further than the BBC’s narrative. First, the bright young people do not put their opinions on facebook and twitter, they stand back and laugh like the rest of us. (The BBC on the other hand seems to thing twitter is the Oracle of Delphi.) Second, more of a Brexit point, there are many ordinary people in France (where I am from) who are delighted that some backbone is being shown against the bureaucrats of the EU, and some uncomfortable light is being shone at the authoritarian ways of the EU. If only some journalists at the BBC would realise that, but for some reason they never seem to find those kind of Europeans to speak to.
Raphael, may I offer you a bonsoir and bienvenue.
Well said Raphael, et j’espère que vous apprécierez notre blog!
Welcome Raphael. You’ll find that most people on here had a similar ‘moment of clarity’ about the BBC that brought them here.
Merci bien, les amis! If the BBC (and other broadcasters) continue in this way, it will not be long before it’s all over for the propagandists. Too obvious!
Hillary Clinton likes rapists so much, she married one.
I’ve now been told so many sordid details about Hillary I’m starting to feel sorry for Bill. But I have to admit, they were made for each other.
I wonder when al beebus or C4 News will be showing this anti-Trump “protest”?
Apparently some Russian psychic has prophesied things many here have already realised are highly likely.
Baba Vanga prophesied that the 44th US president would be black and he would be ‘the last one’. She went on, saying that at the time of his stepping into office, there would be a spectacular economic crisis.
‘Everyone will put their hopes in him to end it, but the opposite will happen; he will bring the country down
Vanga is said to have made hundreds of predictions in her lifetime, including that there would be a ‘great Muslim war’ which would start with the Arab Spring in 2010.
She predicted it would take place in Syria and would come to a conclusion in 2043 with the establishment of a caliphate with Rome at its centre.
Vanga reportedly said Europe will ‘cease to exist’ by the end of next year, leaving the continent ‘almost empty’ and a ‘wasteland almost entirely devoid of any form of life
We will always have Paris.
Paris Climate Agreement will go. Hear that Harrabin
Obama’s Environmental Legacy Just Went Up in Smoke: ‘You can pretty much burn the Paris agreement’
Hope President Trump( oh, how lovely the sound of that, as Naughtie chokes on bespoke porridge) puts Climate Change top of that Bonfire of the Vanities as created by the Left in our lifetimes.
You know-a reverse Lewes, with Trumps effigy not getting burned( and is that OK with Mother Earth then, thought carbon shouldn`t be needlessly thrown up into space?)
But BBC Sussex required it, as did National liberal sensibilities and passions.
All the Green Meanies are scoffing the dope cake and kat from off the thighs of Joe Ortons boys in Marrakesh as we speak. Imagine how Clintons eco speakers must be feeling now?
Hot air, all words-but no job beyond 20th Jan if that!
Come On Donald…if we can see the end of the Green Fakirs, this could be fun!
I wonder if Rog and this chap will be hooking up?
IIRC, the WWF was one of the first out the traps asking for money to fight Trump, in comfort, apparently.
Apologies if this has already been spotted:
Teenagers arrested after schoolboy stabbing
It says: “Police were called to City of Birmingham School in Fentham Road, Erdington, just after 1.30pm on Thursday following reports a group of people had entered the school and stabbed a student……..Officers continue to search for other suspects.”
Gang rivalry or something more? Let’s wait and see whether reporting on the incident suddenly dries up.
I doubt it will be long, otherwise it will take up too much airtime that they have been devoting to that missing RAF chap.
so called question time, all it proves to me is they still aint listening, how much louder do we have to shout!
Oh dear. The topic of Trump on QT has triggered the first panelist (American female professor of American History and Clinton supporter). OMG Balls-Cooper has immediately gone stratospheric. Hope the BBC have set up some safe spaces in Southend because tonight there will be a mass-triggering.
How the hell does the BBC find a 99.9% anti-Trump audience?
Questions already being asked around the still bitter tear-dampened corridors of W1A as to how that 0.1% was allowed to slip past.
How did QT get a Trump hating audience …cos
#1 They pre-vet the audience “for political balance”
#2 Location ..was it near London ?
As someone points out they also vet the panel ..choosing a remarkably weak Trump supporting woman.
I’m surprised they did drag in a stereotypical redneck, with a baseball cap and holster.
Did Trump snub the Appeaser. He spoke to umpteen lesser leaders before ringing her. Perhaps he knows she represents everything his supporters voted against – pro Muslim, unwilling to initiate Article 50, part of the elite.
James O’Brien is interviewing his mate Ed Milliband on Newsnight
From breakfat to bed the BBC is 2 Labour Party Radio channels
and part of the Labour party’s TV network along with ITV and Sky,
: Channel 4 is quite a bit more Leftwing than the Labour party.
Now they just played a black woman crying , as they talk about Blacks not voting for Hillary
Staggeringly 12% of Blacks who voted for Trump, and just 4% black women
(The Times stats) But be careful You can’t judge by % cos its about electoral college votes ..Trump didn’t try for Democrat Heartlands like California so may not have been trying for the black vote.
* Now of course he needs to reach out *, not with the community bribes that Democrats used , but real opportunities for all ethnicities.
lmao my bollocks are aching with hilarity
wow that scottish race batin paki bitch really is helping make djt feel good about britain or at least scotland to the back of the trade queue
And now the fragrant Tasmina is clutching her pearls while wanting to ban the next president of the USA from entering the UK. The audience are 99% anti-Trump.
its all mens fault and racists and men
Eh up O’Brien saying “you are watching an endangered an endangered news prog
as the MSM is being attacked for not predicting or supporting Trump”
..of Newspapers 229 Dailys supported Hillary and only 9
Argued fromhis TV biz base …his Twitter support grew to be 20-30% bigger than Hillary’s
OB just introduced the boss of Slate as mainstream
..WRONG Slate is leftwing
OB “We could create our own media and not have our own views challenged”
His sarc is trying to parody rednecks ./.but of course is PROJECTION f typical of LeftMob.
R4 news at 9 ‘oclock The two have clashed before
(I’m thinking “but Trump and Obama never met”)
10pm TV news opens and confirms that : “This is the first time that Trump and Obama have met”
ITV news ends women correspondent saying 49.6% of American did not vote !
Well that is funny cos turnout was 56%
(I know too much)
That’s interesting. Only 51.4% of the electorate voted but the turnout was 56%. The difference must be all the dead people who voted for Hillary.
Dead lives matter.
OK. I get it, I get it. Clinton lost the election because of gender inequality and the new hate crime “misogyny”. There is gender inequality on QT tonight. It’s 4 women, 3 of whom are screeching, and one Dominic Raab who is coming across all beta-male.
Question Time
Jan Helper Hayes is a shockingly poor supporter of Donald Trump. I noticed she was on This Week with Andrrew Neill the other week and was very poor then. I believe the BBC saw the weaknesses in this supporter of Trump and she was duly invited on Question Time to debate against the biased lefty audience and unbalanced panel. Three anti Trump to one pathetic pro Trump.
Wronged. In that environment Anne Coulter or Milo Yiannopoulos would have made for a very interesting debate.
Quite right gb123. Quite right. Wouldn’t happen though as the BBC don’t like to hear the truth from articulate speakers.
god i would happily lose scotland if that bitch would would get off my tele
Does anyone know if Yvette Cooper has accepted an economic immigrant /refugee into her household yet?
Yvette is making personal attacks on Trumps hair.
Yvette, I think, goes to a man’s hairdresser, she looks a like a man in drag.
Being a Feminist I think she is pretending to be a man. Ed needs to keep going to the dance classes, he might meet a real woman not a him-she.
i think we all know the answer to that question
Sarah Churchwell the epitome of liberal bile. Clearly the bias panel and the equally bias audience were all set for a Clinton win.
1 like cant give you the obvious 10000 you deserve
Watched QT for the first time in many years. Now I realize why. At the risk of being misogynistic, it was pants. Sarah Churchwell needs some meds pronto. According to Wikepedia “She is known for her expertise in twentieth- and twenty-first-century fiction”. Seems like she was practising it in full today.
Member of the audience saying it was the Republicans fault Obama could not get his legislature passed. I seem to remember he had the House and Senate for the first 2 years. Also I believe he has used his executive order almost as much as FDR.
She works I think for the Guardian if not she should be.
Putin reaches out to Trump after the US election.
It gives me hope for the future. Putin states:
“”I have repeatedly said it is not our fault that relationships are in that poor state, but Russia is ready and wants to restore full relationships with the USA””
This in my opinion is profound progress. Russia and the USA share a common enemy. And it’s not Methodists.
That room looks very much like Trump’s apartment in Trump Tower. I think Putin and Trump will get along very well indeed.
23:50 R5 Lady caller saying some very sensible things
“These hysterical Trump haters are not helping and they and the BBC keeping repeating untrue statements like Trump is going to ban all Muslims”
As Al Beeb pours scorn on Trump, it has to report this ………
Who do you believe speaks common sense , Rees-Mogg or Milliband?
HYS is open, so get your comments in before it closes!
QT is coming under heavy fire .
Immediately after the farce that was Question Time we had a trailer for “Will Britain Ever Have a Black Prime Minster” followed by a 90% black trailer for Children In Need leading into the next program about a black youngster trying to find his real father (umm…)
And still they can’t get their collective heads around why people voted Trump and Brexit
They also had that “black prime minister” advert at 7p.m. last night after the first official bulletin following Trump’s victory.
Tonight’s BBC Question Time has been 60 minutes of hate. The liberal-left are now exposed in their bigotry and intolerance.
If you haven’t seen this, grab a glass of wine, and gloat.
Maybe they should stage a reunion between Anne Coulter and that show and its audience?
R5 Nolan “Your president mocks disabled people”
..He one time said something about a journo who happens to be disabled, it may have been close
ah Now they have a caller they want
“He’s a very dangerous man, this is scary, scary… terrifying moment in history ” ..etc
..what a nutter
Now the R5 nutter presenters are talking about the impossibility of The Wall
Totally unaware large parts already exist.
“If the wall isn’t built oh ah” ..tough Trump will be in power for 4 years
I heard that bit of disinformation from Fatty Nolan (sorry Stephen, I just couldn’t help mocking you there).
Trump does not “mock disabled people”. He took the piss out of a journalist who happened to be disabled. Not because he was disabled, but because he was biased against Trump.
That’s the thing about Trump, if you hurt him, he will hurt you right back. He is the only politician I have ever heard actually call out the biased press. Most just try to kiss their arse, but that’s not the Donald’s way. Still, he must be doing it wrong, Fatty Nolan (sorry, I did it again, my bad) said so.
Remind me which one will be moving into the White House on 20th January?
Al Beeb reporting a ‘surge’ of people wanting to leave the US to go to live in Canada and NZ following Brexit 2 .
Its the same as the surge of Brits wanting to leave the UK for the EU following our Brexit. Perhaps Al Beeb can tell us just how many have gone to the EU?
Its all huff and bluff .
Post your comments before it closes !
1,355 comments already and BBC getting hammered again.
“1,355 comments already and BBC getting hammered again.”
MPs are aware of this and can see the damage Al Beeb are doing with our trade prospects with the US.
They have been given ‘enough rope’ now and its time for the Government to act.
Certainly went out with a bang… 🙂
Is this True I doubt it?
Video claims to show man being beaten up because he voted Daily Mail
There are a myriad of reasons why Clinton lost and it will be discussed for decades to come.
The primary reason I believe tonight was her physical fragility, and the overriding sense that herself and Bill are simply too over the hill at this point for the task at hand.
Of course, it’s nothing to do with her covering up her husband’s predilection to rape and sexist abuse or her behaviour in cases like Whitewater and Benghazi, or the on-going FBI investigations WRT emails, or the alleged misappropriation of charitable funds.
As her cheerleader on QT tonight said “she had pneumonia”. A professor at a UK University! No wonder our current crop of students have enough snowflakes to make a 20ft drift to cover the Isle of Wight.
Yes, this was a particularly bad QT. How helpful that they managed to find a Republican who hated Trump. I was so amused when Dimblebore claimed not to have known beforehand that she disliked Trump. Did the old fool think we would believe that the BBC had honestly tried to find a Republican who actually supported Trump?
The other American woman, a foaming leftist, tried to claim it was perfectly fine for Clinton to have used a private email server as Secretary of State. Of course it was not. The FBI found she had committed numerous security breaches, but let her off prosecution on the spurious grounds that she had no “intent” to leak secrets, which is not a defence under the law. In short, it was a typical Clinton stitch up. Laws are for the little people.
But strangely, none of this was mentioned on QT. We just had four women who hated Trump, and one unfortunate Tory MP who looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights. And, of course, an audience recruited from the nearest chapter of the Socialist Workers’ Party, as per bloody usual. I gave it 20 minutes, and then literally could not watch a second more.
The reason Clinton was defeated by Trump is that there is a sea change in politics in the west.
After decades of identity politics and the lefts creation of “rainbow alliances” to exclude people who are loyal to their nation from many of the levers of influence within societies the excluded identity groups white, heterosexual males and their nation state loyal allies got the message and did what it had to do to protect itself through the ballot box.
The sea change is that globalisation has been seen through by the people. Most people want to live in a nation state, and do not want their jobs exported in return for a food parcel, and competition with newly arrived cheap labour for minimum wage jobs, housing and the inherited benefits of the society that their parents and grandparents built and fought for.
Despite all the protestations we’re starting to see, including the idea that Bernie Sanders or some other democrat candidate would have won……I think this is a false line.
It was about policy not personality.
Surprising voter swings
Swing of Women to Clinton was +1%
Swing of white people to Trump +1%
(yes that small)
The YOUTH vote was a +5% swing towards Trump ! (18-29)
similarly the middled aged +5%
It was the over 65’s who swung to Hillary 4% (baby boomers I guess)
Religions swung to Trump abt +8%, except Jewish -8%
College +10% Trump
Graduates and postgrad +8% Hillary
The “vote with my race swing”
was a 11% Asian swing to Hillary
was a 8% Hispanic swing to Hillary
was a 7% Black swing to Hillary
(Staggeringly only 12% of Blacks voted for Trump, 4% of black women
despite his pledges to help ALL)
..he didn’t need to bribe Black voters at everyone else’s expense ….I guess maybe
(So he’s got some major reaching out to do
..Maybe he can get direct to the people instead of Black Lives Matter leaders)
– Gore and Kerry both did significantly better than Hillary in electoral college votes !
My own analysis using figs from Thu Times
As I said I’d take national figs with a pinch of salt .. as Trump simply was not targetting areas which were entrenched Democrats
1:16am BBC-R5 “He thinks Mexican are rapists and thieves” Jeff Cohen NYC Prof speaking
Female useless presenter made no attempt to intervene and correct this smear.
Prof claimed media was biased towards Trump cos they gave so much early on free coverage.
..Yes but later on the media controlled it’s Trump coverage to highlight negatives.. and became heavily heavily biased against Trump and pro Hillary ..gatekeeping heavily against Hillary’s negative stories
“In the debates the candidates weren’t asked about climate change”
(Yes cos its a voter turnoff)
“This guy uis a denier for Christsake..denier ..denier”
Presenter made no attempt to stop this smear word
BBCWS biz prog also full of Trump attackers surprise surprise.
Looking at The Times stats
It should not have been a surprise to any member of the public that Trump won. His team had a plan of carefully targeting swing states and did not attempt to win California or NY etc.
So any media that gave you a simple whole nation poll was misleading you
..that did NOT matter only electoral colleges matters ..
(This is the same as CC propaganda ooh look temp went up 0.13 over 10 years for the whole planet.The only thing that matters is local catastrophes, cos otherwise life goes on as normal)
#1 That in the dying days of the election the fact MSM kept just repeating “Hillary is ahead in national polls” …
shows us something was up.
#2 This last week I detected a change in the BBC as if they knew Trump was going to win. Before it was 100% hostility ..yet suddenly they found and aired coherent Trump voters…As if BBC were backpeddling.
So it was the Swing States where the margin was 2% that it mattered,
As it happened Trump failed in 3 states and the Dems hung on but he succeeded in 5 (the 3 biggest ones and another 2).
Even if Hillary had held on to those 3 smallest swing states (in addition to those 3 she did hold) she would NOT have Won
Even if she had held the biggest state Florida that would not have been enough for her.
Alternatively if she had held onto the 2nd and 3rd biggest swing states that still would not have been enough for her.
– Gore and Kerry both did significantly better than Hillary in electoral college votes !
I’m worried about the Senate it’s only 51 to 48
…..a fall when Congress rose
What happens if 2 die or get sick ?
Tiberius stuff Nicky Campbell on Thursdays R5 Phone In (direct audio link)
about 10mins later on
Biased caller exaggerrated (Hanna from Women’s equlity party?)
Kept saying “Hillary was Cleared” (she wasn’t ..just not prosecuted)
“There is a child rape case against Trump” (Nicky did point out that was thrown out) ..paid off she tried to say
When the other guy pointed out Pilger/Assange interview was not covered on the BBC
she shouted “Those emails were reported again and again” totally clueless to what he was talking about
27 mins in “Oh we have grooming gangs from all over, it’s not a Muslim thing)
32m “I live in Bradford but here the Pakistanis don’t integrate, and I am not allowed to say that”
Despite saying the wouldn’t ..they immediately judged him
Nationally here in the UK we currently have a grand total of 5499 underage victims of state sanctioned sex abuse by members of the Islamic Community. With the BBC still failing to cover the stories.
Received an email from the BBC yesterday about their “Black and British Season” during November. That’s funny, I thought it was already Black and British season ad infinitum???