Well then. The morning after. I have never enjoyed watching the BBC more as it chokes on the news that Donald Trump has won convincingly and is President Elect. Their coverage of the Election has been SO one-sided, SO pro-Clinton and SO anti-Trump that watching their smug faces coming to terms with the fact that they completely mis-read it has been fantastic to behold. Even Andrew Neil, the one BBC political presenter who I respect, has been snide as can be about Trump and so he too had to choke on his words and his insults and his smugness. What a night. Ok – NEW Open Thread so over to you! Thoughts?
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Question Time Thursday 10/11/16 a veritable festival of neo liberal misandry directed at the US President elect.
A real joy to behold as Labour’s Yvette Cooper and the SNP’s Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh expressed such faux shock and horror.
What bit of “You ladies helped bring it on do you not understand”?
Well at least its boiling down like a bad jam now isn`t it?
The QT “cuties” blame MISOGYNY, RACISM and THICK WHITE OLD RACIST MEN” for the flopout of Hillary.
MISOGNY seemingly THE #1 factors according to a blonde Bonnie Greer, Mrs Salty Balls and some SNP harpie who clearly is Southend Through and Through. HER place on the panel would have nothing to do with the Muslim shillette having wanted Trump banned from his own golfcourse in June would it?
See-faux rebellion pays!,,,and pays well and over quite a long time too!
Trump today says that the “nationwide protests” at Trumps election(we never get numbers do we?)are being enacted by “PROFESSIONAL AGITATORS as INCITED BY THE MEDIA”. Truth telling has begun, and the BBC and their media mashers have nowhere to hide. It`s true.
I’ve listened to a bit of Today this morning, I’m struck by the number of references to muslims. They’ve had a correspondent in what they keep calling the “rust belt” who came out with this beauty…..
“most of the Trump supporting people I’ve spoken to aren’t shy about their voting for him and are talking about jobs and the economy, they aren’t mentioning building the wall or banning all muslims at all, I mean it’s possible that they hold racist views that they’re concealing from me……”
Then we’ve had the repeated references to Muslims in the news slots.
Why does the BBC feel the need to do this? It’s like listening to a Saudi news channel.
“The wise money is on a fine”
A slightly stilted turn of phrase but delivered with a cheerful accepting laissez faire attitude.
This was a BBC Breakfast sports beta-male reacting to the likely punishment from FIFA for the English and Scots footballers planning to wear poppies this Armistice Day. I’ve posted here before concerning the BBC’s relaxed attitude toward corrupt supra-national bodies bullying Britian over its customs and traditions – the BBC assumes this sort of thing to be the normal state of affairs. I have also noted our PM making a fuss on the subject – at no political cost to herself. I have also explained my reservations about the subject of allowing sportsmen to go virtue-signalling willy nilly – today poppies, tomorrow gay pride.
And by the way, the Welsh FA have chickened out and will go poppy-less – because they can’t afford the fine. And once again our BBC drone lets this go without comment.
Any chance of a thread for us to cover the life of Leonard Cohen?
BBC been OK so far…but here`s THE FUTURE by the Gent and Genius.
No better history to sum up all that`s happened sine Major and Clinton 1992,
“Don`t Stop”?
My rump! THIS is our history, happy to have cold legs this Sunday as I think on Mr Cohens passing-as well as OUR War poets and painters too!
There just wasn’t enough on Leonard Cohen on the Today programme this morning. There were pieces only every five minutes. And no explanation of who he was, for people like me who had never heard of him.
A Guardian writer tweeted this…..its her as its a blue tick verified account….her twitter,facebook and snapchat accounts have since been deleted
Bitch needs prosecuted
Surely she must be arrested and charged for tweeting that disgusting comment. The rest of the left-wing scumbag MSM will give this a stiff ignoring. The thin veneer has slipped everybody, this is what we are really up against.
Graun playing a blinder today…
Comments could be going better, frankly
Hate crime surely?
Donald trumps Clinton
It is worth remembering – because you won’t hear this in any BBC post mortem – the Trump campaign spent roughly half what the Clinton campaign spent.
All that nasty tainted cash in politics, eh? That’s usually a favourite BBC talking point.
Trump had very little in the way of an organised ground campaign dedicated to getting out the vote. And yet he still won against the odds.
Doesn’t the BBC usually prefer the underdog? Don’t the BBC usually enthuse about popular grass roots movements?
The bbc does not like billionaires funding their own campaigns.
The BBC does like candidates whose campaigns funded by billions, often uniquely, to the tune of £4Bpa.
Also interesting that an inexperienced outsider oversaw a campaign machine that worked.
Worth bearing in mind as the BBC discusses MPs like Abboot and Brown have the brains and maturity to decide Article 50 terms on behalf of the thick, racist constituents they too often fail to represent whilst patrolling every BBC Green room in the land.
Justin Webb yesterday sneered that Trump had spent more on baseball caps than he had spent on polling. Well as the polls were so wrong, didn’t he spend his money more wisely?
Actually sales of merchandise was a better indicator than the polls. Trump sold sold well, Hillary stuff stayed on the shelves. People spending their own money bought Trump stuff.
Don-iers = whining snowflakes who DENY reality of Trumps win.
Are there many Don-iers in your office ?
Maybe under a few car parks?
Good to hear DV on LBC this morning stick the knife into the BBC. Mind you, he was on somewhat friendlier territory.
(Hell, it takes forever to get down here to page 6 on my mobile!)
James O’Brian and Paul Mason failed to storm the studio then?
It appears to be a growing western phenomena where the left/liberal/multiculturalist types continually ‘bang the drum’ for so-called “Democracy” yet as soon as a legitimate, legal decision is made “Democratically” they abhor the outcome. As in the UK with ‘Brexit’, the communists (who have remained undeclared as such) now refuse to accept Brexit and declare they will not support it and indeed, will vote against when the opportunity arrives. Tim Farron, Ed Milliband and all the rest of the commies now show their true colours. All need stringing up.
Friends! Dedicated to all my friends here on Biased BBC. (This is my first Tweet re the Biased BBC on the Hard-Right Twitter.):
I love what you do, and it’s so subtle that many lefties can’t tell it’s a parody, kind of like a reverse Stephen Colbert. The “literally unbelievable” line is especially brilliant as it’s both accurate (it’s unbelievable because it doesn’t exist) and mocks the overuse of the word ‘literally’ to mean things that often aren’t literal, even though on this occasion it was accurately employed.
And they say conservatives aren’t creative and can’t do comedy. Keep up the good work.
Seconded-sublime was a Leonard Cohen word that he used for his wonderful backing singers-the Webb Sisters.
Oh dear-I`m off again. But agree that SOL is as much a Coming Man as Geert Wilders…only hope he`s not got that Trump/Wilders hair thing to contend with!
Keep me with my imaginings of you SOL…I see a Heathcliffe with a dash of Dennis Waterman without the Stella tendency he had with Big Rula.
Now back to keen and ululate over Leonard Cohens early LP covers…we`ll come to an agreed view on how SOL look s after choir tonight I expect!
Friend Alicia! As it happens, I *am* in need of a haircut! Unfortunately, you might be disappointed in my appearance – Groucho Marx (specs and – genuine – tache) is probably nearer the mark than Heathcliffe/Dennis Waterman.
Hope I haven’t missed any comments you’ve made recently, btw – not sure if BB’s email notifications are 100% reliable? (There isn’t any other way of checking notifications here, like there is on Disqus, I suppose?) Anyway, will be back tomorrow – enjoy those early LC LP covers :).
Thank you so much for your very kind comment, ALM :). Am so glad you enjoy my writings! I’ve been getting a bit of stick – not literally! – from an individual on Going Postal, who accuses me of Poe’s Law, which I think is a little unfair!
Admittedly, some people – both on the Left and the Right – do sometimes not “get” my stuff, but I think the main reason is often that people don’t bother to read things properly any more – they just see key “buzzwords” (which, of course, I employ heavily) and react, Pavlovian-dog style. And of course, some people simply don’t get irony. Hey ho, you can’t satisfy everyone!
Am just very pleased that there are people like your good self who enjoy it :). My aim is to put smiles on people’s faces, and if I succeed even some of the time, that’s good enough for me!
Up vote for Poe’s Law – never heard of this before. You’re right, intelligent use of irony is rapidly becoming a lost art. Keep up the good work SoL.
Thank you. Kind comments like yours are greatly appreciated, and an important reason why I’m happy to keep going with it!
Love PJW
And don’t forget,
It’s only a short video anyway but the link goes straight to my favourite part.
Best political appraisal of the US result. Should be broadcast throughout America, across the BBC and on media throughout the world.
So, the BBC has personally denigrated and spewed off streams of hate at Trump and his supporters, Farage and his supporters, UKIP and their supporters, brexiteers, the conservative party and its supporters, Daily Mail and Telegraph readers whilst supporting the labour party, the EURO, the EU and the Guardian.
Wonder how it has worked out for them?
Watching QT last night revealed that the BBC have learned nothing from Brexit vote and Trump’s victory. They are still peddling the Trump is a racist, misogynist line and accusing of Islamophobia.
Given the lies, bias and omissions from the state broadcaster whose campaigning in the US election was so obviously anti Trump I am sure that the Trump administration will not be kindly disposed towards the UK Government. The Appeaser has not taken steps to reign in the BBC and their propaganda will surely sour US relations with the UK.
If the Appeaser cannot stand up to the BBC, perhaps she should go.
With regard to the vitriol and violence coming from “liberal” lefties in the US, we should not be complacent about similar developments with regard to some of the “liberal” opponents of Brexit.
Meanwhile, here is Paul Mason (former Newsnight Economics Editor no less) writing on 7 November in the Grauniad, before the US election, about Nigel Farage’s proposed march to the Supreme Court in London on 5 December “If Nigel Farage leads 100,000 people to intimidate the supreme court, I intend to be on the other side of a police crash barrier opposing him. I don’t want to be flanked by only my anti-fascist mates from 30 years ago: I want to see an alliance of the left and the radical centre on the streets. That means bond traders from Canary Wharf, arm in arm with placard-carrying Trots. Masked-up Kurdish radicals alongside Mumsnet posters. Eighty years on from Cable Street, we don’t have many dockers and miners around, to help face down rightwing intimidation. Puny as we are, it’s up to us.” Note first the use of the word “intimidate” to characterise a perfectly legitimate and peaceful demo by citizens who fear that their democratic vote may be nullified. Note also the language on masked radicals, trots, and oblique connections to the violence at Cable Street. Not of course that Mason and the Grauniad are hoping for a violent counter-demonstration.
No, but the BBC will try and ferment, “….a violent counter demonstration”! They’re at it right now in the US. Sopel, yesterday, implied that if the demonstrations continue and intensify, the Police will likely join the demonstrators. May be a case of, ‘in his dreams’ but nevertheless, that’s what the BBC are up to.