The New York Times [CEO the BBC’s Mark Thompson] is in meltdown as it reels in horror at a Trump Presidency declaring in its editorial….
Donald Trump’s Revolt
A heedless desire for change puts America on a precipice
Note that ‘heedless desire for change’…..not so long ago change was good, romantic, heroic….
As for ‘heedless’….clearly the New York Times hasn’t been paying attention to what The People are concerned about.
And thanks to Mice Height for this video….lest we forget that the Democrats created the Klu Klux Klan…
One video mentions Hillary’s amercican secrets! One of those secrets are the ones found by the FBI as the following email evidence suggests so its as well she got destroyed at the election box:
Trump was able to win because America still has the first amendment and he was able to accurately describe the threat to America from ALL Muslim immigration. Had Trump been British he would now be sitting in a prison cell next to Tommy Robinson courtesy of Labour’s race hate laws which ended free speech in Britain in order to appease Muslim rage and which the Conservatives have shamefully failed to repeal. I recommend the best book ever on this, Labour’s hate laws and the islamist takeover of Labour London, called “2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain” (Amazon), if it’s still there.
Coffee House US Election
The sneering response to Trump’s victory reveals exactly why he won
Angela Merkel Puts Trump on Notice to Uphold ‘Dignity of Man,’ Including Muslims
Merkel, offering advice to the oldest democracy in the world.
A Great Day for democracy and the people of the United States.
I look forward with hope for the future.
Has Mr Hussain Obama gone yet?
I will admit to being worried that he (BHO) might find some excuse to cling on. His face will be a picture in the few weeks he has left in the White House. That man has left a terrible legacy of worldwide destruction and incompetence. History will not judge his tenure very well and he has done the cause of equality in the USA extremely badly. That is a great shame and an opportunity missed that the people of the USA will not forget in a hurry. Even I had great hope for him. What a let down and sorry to say this but…… good riddance.
God Save the USA and all the very best of luck to President Trump.
As for the BBC. When can we have a vote to get rid of their sorry over paid faces?
“Has Mr Hussain Obama gone yet? ” Would anyone notice, OT?
I Thought the bitter old scot gremlin Naughtie had retired…but no…here he is…on a jolly to DC to cover the election… he was grinding his teeth…..BBC, not fit for purpose.
As anyone else noticed how ragged Obama’s speeches are when he goes off script like he did the other day in mocking that US Vet Trump supporter in the crowd at his own pro-Clinton rally!
I fail to see how any thinking person could have had any hope that Obama`s presidency would have been anything but an utter disaster. His history of associating with known terrorists and left wing extremists was well known, as was his relationship with Jeremiah Wright.
RT is reporting that CNN said “This is the first time a US election has been stolen by a foreign power : Russia”
Who are the haters ? RT Twitterfeed has tweets videos showing “F*ck #DonaldTrump” demos in LA , DC, and at Portland Uni where they bunt the US Flag.
More clearly listed on their RUPTLY feed
I don’t recall any demonstrations when Obama was elected. But that’s the left for you I suppose ….
I really don’t get Russia Today. They barely report on anything that’s actually happening within Russia today and seem to have split loyalties. It just seems to be the voice of teenage students who support Labour. Occasionally they do a good documentary but very occasionally.
I so wish Freeview had a rolling news channel that wasn’t blatantly left wing.
RT puts out Russia’s world view . So it concentrates on foreign affairs particularly Syria.
That said Max Keiser is good on finance once you get his viewpoint. Peter Lavelle has some very well informed people on Crosstalk.
Once you understand that RT is part of Russian foreign policy efforts it is easy to see past this. Overall it leaves the BBC standing.
It just shows what the left think of their own country by burning the flag and also democracy. Even when I’ve hated the result in this country, such as when Blair kept being re-elected, I never hated my country. I had a bit of contempt for the gullible fools who kept falling for the BBC lies, but accepted that’s what democracy means – sometimes you win and sometimes you lose but accept the result.
“This is the first time a US election has been stolen by a foreign power”
With Trump, that makes ten American Presidents born as British subjects, and eight Presidents having nine parents born as British subjects, excluding parents born in the Thirteen Colonies before 4th July 1776.
No it isn’t!
The US elections have consistently been bought by the Saudi headed oil rich Sunni cabal ever since they s/elected George Bush !
This is the first one in decades they have failed to influence would be a more accurate description !
Well said – you beat me to that one!
Biased? Just look at their forecasts. How can ANY so-called responsible organisation be THAT wrong?
This anomaly is what you get when polls are manipulated and misused to influence the future result rather than simply report the collected data.
Just waking up in the Eastern US….
CNN, MSNBC (including the BBC’s Katty Kay, putting on a brave face), ABC, CNBC and the rest of the mainstream media in complete meltdown, examining the entrails to try to discover just how this ‘disaster’ happened. It still doesn’t register that people really hate Clinton and the Democrats, and all they stand for – and they want real change, not the so-called change that Mr Obama promised.
Imagine, a Trump Presidency, The house and The Senate both with Republican majorities; the 2018 elections, where the majority of seats to be contested are Democrat-controlled at the present, and therefore susceptible to being lost; and to top it all, any elections to the Supreme Court in the next few years are liable to be young and right-wing…..a potentially generational change.
Then the prospect of the Clintons being investigated like never before.
Really, really delicious.
Really, really delicious.
It is not my custom to sit and watch BBC for any more then 5 minutes. But today is a special day. Just to watch the gloom, chagrin,and utter dismay, as BBC went into a period of mourning, was delicious.
BBC’s 24/7 campaign for Hilary, funded by the British license payer, has come to nought. Just to show how much I identified with their misery, I made myself a caffe latte – served cold.
One BBC reporter did grudgingly admit that Trump’s election was good for Britain, as Obama/Clinton had promised that they would put Britain at the back of the queue, in any trade negotiations. Trump of course has the opposite view.
Brexit followed by Trumpit.
I just had a thought for the violent Lefty Democrat REMAIN Obamists. They could appeal to the British High court, and have the election overturned.
You missed an X : The hashtag is #Trumpxit
Thanks for an education on hashtags. I’m a “deplorable”, so hope you will forgive an uneducated college graduate.
Hufpo thinking that ProjectSneer didn’t work

The Huffington Post has announced that it will no longer attach a note to its stories about the US presidential election calling Donald Trump a “serial liar”, “racist”, and “xenophobe”
What a fantastic year for politics. Now all we need is for Italy to vote to change the constitution on Dec 4 potentially leading to Italexit (or whatever it’s called).
#ItUscita maybe
You are in form today.
Careful. You may actually want Italy not to change the constitution, as that should cause Renzi to resign.
His reforms are quite sensible, but the referendum is being taken rather wider than its narrow aim by the “little people” who are less than enamoured with being whipping boys for Brussels, which, if I am correct, have been arranging the leadership of Italy for a little while now.
BBC’s 24/7 campaign for Hilary, funded by the British license payer, is not just unethical, but a waste of license payers money just to pander to BBC’s political preferences.
As the BBC is a quasi-state broadcaster, its actions are potentially a cause for diplomatic tension with the USA. Its not something we need, having left the EU.
I’m going to write to Theresa May about this issue. Lets all do so.
BBC – Diversity in everything (except political opinion).
Following events in the US makes it clear that all political opinions have a voice there in all parts of the media (maybe not the major players, but it’s there) – unlike in the UK. My only true information about the US Elections came from the US internet including Wikileaks and that would appear to be how the voters got their unedited information.
The BBC tried to get us all to vote Labour at the GE. – they got it wrong.
The BBC tried to get us all to vote remain in the EU vote – they got it wrong.
The BBC supported the Democrats and encouraged everyone in the US to do so – they got it wrong.
The BBC needs to detach itself from the small circulation/minded Guardian mindset and WAKE UP.
If they don’t they will have no voice at all as more people turn to multiple internet sources to formulate an opinion rather than take Dodgy Auntie’s word for everything.
Comparing the BBC output with the wide ranging US output was a real eye-opener.
Political and Scientific diversity is called “False Balance” by the BBC.
So for a “None-False Balance” at the BBC we have:
Political Diversity at the BBC:
(1) No Brexit supporters employed by the BBC can be found since Sir Patrick Moore died.
(2) No Trump supporters can be found either.
Scientific Diversity at the BBC:
(1) No Members of Parliament with scientific qualifications are allowed to debate Climate Change on the BBC.
(2) No Atmospheric Physicist or Solar Astronomer can debate Climate Change on the BBC without the approval of Friends of the Earth.
There is one downside to Trump winning.
All of the shite that would have gone to the USA will now be looking for somewhere else and that includes us.
I hope the politicians are taking notice of this result. You should fear the people now. No more treating us like rubbish and ignoring us. We have realised we can get rid of you if we don’t want you.
All of you who are remainers, either start doing democracy or you’ll be out and good riddance.
The worm is turning.
Another potential downside is the luvvies might want to move back!
And they will concentrate all their purulence on us.
Anyhow, they say what the USA does today – we do tomorrow – so let’s take OUR country back.
Has anyone had a look at the faces of the several un-elected presidents of the EU?
They look confused. They don’t know what hit them.
Merkel is reading out a list of compliances that Trump has to obey, before she graciously talks with him. I have a feeling she thinks she is Kaiserina Victoria.
It is offensive watching the European leaders trying to lecture one of the world’s oldest real democracies. Particularly if it is Germany or France.
The US under Trump should call their bluff. The only nations that will really matter in the future are Russia, China, India and the US. The others are just bit part players .
The BBCs coverage of the US election was lamentable. They did no analysis or digging to see why DT said the things he did and why it resonated with a large section of the population. They learnt nothing from Brexit. Instead we just got to hear what an ignorant, misogynist racist he was with bad hair.
Now the BBC are actually having to ask people outside of the bubble questions. It was summed up neatly on the World Service today, the BBC asked a radio host from Florida why the polls and media got it wrong he replied “they were all in the tank for Hillary”. Exactly.
Facebook has an odd habit (unless it is the author) of rerunning older posts.
Just saw this, which I felt was apt on several counts:
9 hrs ·
Donald Trump’s supporters think he’s done it, but it’s not over yet #ElectionNight #USElection2016
Latest results:
Hopefully someone will mark DJT’s card for him over the BBC and deny them a White House pass, or at least one for the present incumbent over there to make the point. Perhaps also with such as the NYT etc over there.
Gavin Esler wrote an interesting item in the DT yesterday that did not write DJT off.
If he pops over perhaps he can have a list of things said about him by whoever from the BBC interviews him and ask them to repeat them to his face!
Expect snide comments about the U.S. to return to Front Row (the arts programme which was always critical of Bush junior)
Yes, the forthcoming vitriol aimed at Trump will be like it was for Bush but on steroids.
This is good stuff.
American Uprising – Everything is about to change.
Barack Hussein Obama boasted that he had changed America. A billion regulations, a million immigrants, a hundred thousand lies and it was no longer your America. It was his.
He was JFK and FDR rolled into one. He told us that his version of history was right and inevitable.
And they voted and left him in the dust. They walked past him and they didn’t listen. He had come to campaign to where they still cling to their guns and their bibles. He came to plead for his legacy.
And America said, “No.”
Fifty millions Americans repudiated him. They repudiated the Obamas and the Clintons. They ignored the celebrities. They paid no attention to the media. They voted because they believed in the impossible. And their dedication made the impossible happen.
Americans were told that walls couldn’t be built and factories couldn’t be opened. That treaties couldn’t be unsigned and wars couldn’t be won. It was impossible to ban Muslim terrorists from coming to America or to deport the illegal aliens turning towns and cities into gangland territories.
Some 10 months ago I predicted that Political Correctness was going to die by the end of the year. Its dead already.
NCBBC – solid post.
Just got an emergency email from 38 Degrees.
They want money to get things back to the old ways.
Good luck with that.
Another has arrived, from
Seems Paul Mason has been busy stirring up the mo… encouraging civilised debate.
I wonder if Ian Katz will invite him back for old time’s sake to ‘share’ his unique insights?
And now I can add missives from the FOE and Sierra Club.
I get the distinct impression they do not like the result and feel this whole democracy thing is not on.
This arrived overnight. Possibly the best yet…
“Dear MoJo Reader,
This is a tough day. A lot has happened, and none of us can claim to fully understand it yet. As MoJo’s Washington bureau chief, David Corn, put it in his piece on election night, “the forces of animus have taken control…”
Don’t think David was referring to those in most major cities protesting the outcome of a democratic vote.
Today’s inbox shaping up a treat..
Sierra club Director Brune:
‘We can’t sulk. We can’t rest. We have to fight back like we never have before.’
On the beaches, fields? Places like that?
But But. It wasn’t supposed to happen. Its not fair.
To go along with “heedless desire for change” we have a BBC reporter telling us that Trump’s policy towards Cuba would not be just a change but would be “putting the clock back”. Positively neanderthal!
Don’t want to sound an old know it all but I knew Trump would win some weeks ago and indeed bet on it.
The average working class person votes in the evening as they tend to got to work early hence the ‘populist deplorable ‘ vote will increase in the evening, so Clinton’s ‘slight’ advantage early on was a good sign and would evaporate later in the day.
Crucially though we learnt a while back ( and this is what convinced me ) that the Hispanic and black vote had a substantially increased presence. I knew this was for Trump. Two reasons :-
1. The Clintons and Hillary in particular is on record ( on YT ) as being disparaging about blacks and drugs quite recently, they are no friends of the blacks and nor is Obama, blacks realize they are being used as pawns in a power grab, plus Trump has promised to bring back industry something the democrats have destroyed in so many areas. 2.The Hispanics are like all immigrants in that when you are the last wave of immigrant you want to close the draw bridge behind you, and Trumps wall will achieve this, hence their support for him.
Further isn’t it patronizing and arrogant in the extreme to assume a persons colour dictates their politics, did this help sway for Trump?
Pennsylvania is proof of the ethnic vote for Trump as it has always been Democrat, this time round the huge black turnout made it Trump ground.
I delight in the media and therefore elites not being able to grasp this as with Brexit. The narrative being that if you vote ‘right wing’ ( nominally ) you are white uneducated and by default racist. What the media have now done is not only alienate half of British voters by insulting them but they have done the same to half of America’s voters.
How big and powerful do the elites believe they really are?
Well lets see.. bring it on!
Bring it on, indeed.
You will like this from Cold Fury
The Leftys have always been ruthless. That is why a decent person kike Romney was torn apart. So the people have come up with Trump, ignoring a whole cast of good Republican contenders. They chose Trump instead, to go the rounds with the Left.
An example
When the Huffington Post said it was only covering Trump in the Entertainment pages next to the Kardashians, Trump responded with “I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man. He made a good decision.” When Ann Coulter describes this moment in her book In Trump We Trust, she adds, “Imagine Mitt Romney doing that.” She’s right. It’s unfathomable. He was too wholesome and that’s exactly why he lost.
Kike Romney?!!, steady on comrade, you might like it better here,
As the perpetrator of many a keyboard disaster myself, I jest of course.
Ha ha ha. Didn’t catch that.
Well spotted.
Spot on, NCBBC!
Romney should have gone for the kill against Obama after he had won the debate, but he backed off. It was a conscious decision not to be tainted as a racist that ultimately cost the US another 4 years of Obama hell.
What`s needed against the Left – as both Farage and Trump have proved – are street fighters who deal in straight talking and know how to put the leftist scum in their place.
Thats exactly what endeared Trump to ordinary Americans.
I notice the media are homing on the demonstrations against democratically elected Trump.
Conservatives win power, riots on the streets.
Brexit wins, riots on the streets.
Brexit supporter murdered, no riots.
Obama wins election, no riots.
labour wins election , no riots.
Britain joins the Common market, no riots.
Black man killed in London( rightly by police ), riots on the streets.
Muslims murder Lee Rigby, no riots.
Muslims blow up tubes and buses , no riots.
Labour close pits, no riots.
Tories close pits, riots on the streets.
Is there a pattern here?
The anti Trump and anti Brexiter mob (Rentamob are doing two demos for the price of one) tonight outside the US Embassy to stand up to racism.
Here is the Sun’s Headline.
Cockneys against Trump.
(Are there any cockneys in London?)
COCKNEYS AGAINST TRUMP Anti-racist protesters to stage demonstration against Donald Trump outside US Embassy in London
Cockney placard seller:

Yeah, as ever, it was the Socialist workers party…Here’s Weyman crying about both Trump and Farage from the same “gig” tonight..
HRC has come out with something vaguely statespersonlike and the BBC shares:
Clinton: Give Trump a chance to lead
Hillary Clinton, defeated presidential candidate, says President-elect Donald Trump must have chance to lead
For more details, see the BBC News website
It will be interesting how many BBC staff take this advice.
Alongside this breaking news email I received these:
Home and abroad, President-elect Trump has a few hurdles to overcome I reckon.
I’m looking forward to the BBC asking all those politians who wanted to ban Trump from entering the UK, not so long ago, if they still adhere to this demand.
We know of course that the BBC can’t wait to do this (not!)
This morning on Radio 5 the BBC interviewed what they described as the only MP to support Trump – a Conservative. When asked the usual questions he replied that he did not believe Trump should build a wall, did not support Trump’s plan to ban Moslem immigration and if the allegations turn out to be true he would strongly object to Trumps misbehaviour with women. All in all a good interview for the BBC
Yes, well worth reopening this front!
Well said cockneyboy, let`s see them revisit this.
Years ago, I saw a TV program about anti Nazis league protesting against a NF march. They screamed,stopped traffic, became a nuisance against everybody and then became non cooperative (usually by laying down on the road) when asked to leave by the police , which turned to aggressive resistance when arrested by the police all the while loudly bitching about the otherside. In contrast the much larger (and meaner looking ) BF thugs went quietly when arrested by the Police.(Note this is simply an observation and not support for the far right)
Over the years I have seen similar tactics used again and again used by the Left.
Tory party : Nasty Party
UKIP: Nazi Party
Tory win at the GE: Not everybody voted for the tories
Scottish independence vote: Nah, doesn’t count and we will run it again in which to prove that the Scottish people don’t want anything to do with the nasty evil English
EU referendum : Nah, didn’t count and want to run it again in which to prove that the vast majority of people don’t subscribe to the nasty evil ways of..English people
Look back at the past 30 years of leftwing protesting:
Pedophiles can only be Tories, yet the vast majority of rapists jailed have been leftwing. all the Tory MPs vilified have been found…innocent.
White English Males can only be evil, yet 99% of rape gangs have been found to be..Islamic.
Since Brexit UK has become more racist, the fact of the matter is more English people have been attacked,raped or murdered by None British people than the other way round.
The left sings the praises of Islam, Russia and the EU. Yet those three are much more intolerent than either the US or UK. I mean if the EU is so f-ing great why do they demand we take in thousands of economic migrants (Child Asylum seekers my arse) from a region which they claim is a much better place than the racist UK?
Then there is how the left hate Maggie with false lies:
Maggie thatcher the milk snatcher , Err no she wasn’t, Ted wanted to get rid of all milk, she fought for and won the right for younger children to keep their milk
Maggie Thatcher shut down the coal mines (The very same people bitching are the same ones demanding we shut down all coal powered power stations). Err she shut down half as many as Labour.
Maggie wanted war in the Falklands in which to win the Election, err no she didn’t
Maggie ruined British industry. err no she didn’t
The left use rumour and rife in which to character assassinate anybody who gets in their way. Just look at how they hate anybody who stands up for Israel, yet can anybody name me one Islamic country which affords any of the human rights found in Israel.
I for one am glad Trump won
The liberal media like to talk up Revolution-as long as they`re the rebel commanders and get the dog-whistle.
Been on the Guardian site with Jonathan Freedland-rather liked the idea of “Bringing Home the Revolution”…but one where drugs, takeaways and Afghan orphans can be brought home on a goodie bag too.
Freedland reckons it`s being the “wrong rebellion”, “unlicensed” by him and his Kensington cadre that is our problem. The Left Liberals want rage over Orgreave and Hillsborough long after it matters, but not re Mid Staffs and Rotherham where Labour would rather we NOT look into. But which matter far more to us now.
An Occupy and Russell Brand kinda rebellion, not a vulgar populist kind of rebellion. Like Trumps and Farages.
Remember-America itself is a revolutionary and rebellious construct at source-but the BBC would rather have Bon Jovi punching the air that one Michigan worker getting a job once more.
Sorry BBC-your pirate ship has sailed and circles in a spiral haemorrhaging all semblance of life, purpose or reason. They have to be scuttled.
Decided to watch al-Beeb (Bums, Boys, Children) for the election results just to watch the jaws dropping and I wasn’t disappointed.
As the results came in and things weren’t going their way some clown was analysing the results with graphs springing out of the floor.
It’s white males, it’s white males, it’s white males that’s destroying our propaganda.
Whites, males and evangelicals that’s robbing the world of our dear leader in waiting.
You couldn’t make it up.
Why is the BBC conducting a 24/7 political campaign for the Hillary, funded by license payers?
Tory MP’s do visit this site.
Thanks Thoughtfuland and reminder of my post on yesterdays “The ‘Old Deplorables” ….
Members of our Parliament, take note ….
For a so-called ‘impartial broadcasting channel’, why are there so many glum faces on Al Beeb this morning ?
The true faces of the propagandists.
Time to drain our swamp.
lol smiling all day, news night carrying on with their crap lmao
im sure djt wise enough to know whats going on with the bbc and wont hold it against us
he knows the msm dont reflect the views of the people, he’s experienced their bias he knows not to pay attention to it
The BBC’s Grauniad print division is splashing the anti-Trump protests all over its website, with the fervour usually associated with an alien invasion, or a new world war.
Of course, these silly Lefties think they are doing something noble, standing up for Good against Evil.
What has actually happened is that these people have been so spoiled and cosseted that nobody has ever said ‘No’ to them before, and they’ve been so supervised that there has always been an authority figure to help out in times of distress — either they can run to Mommy to make it better, or to the Dean of the college to make the nasty man go away.
Today, for the first time in their pampered lives, someone has said ‘No’ to them, and there is nobody to run to, to make it better. So, the toys go out of the pram.
Wonderful stuff.
Hey, after HRC makes a speech suggesting folk accept the result, move on and work to improve their country, guess what the BBC decides to do…?
They go off and find about 300 people who fit the narrative they prefer:
“TRUMP RESULT: We’re at a demonstration in Dallas. About 300 people are here but there are similar (and bigger) events across the US tonight. They’re angry at the Trump election result. Crowd seems a little split on how angry they are with Hillary Clinton – there’s obviously support for her Democratic Party opponent Bernie Sanders. But it’s clearly anti-Trump.”
Unique. This is the state broadcaster of another country.
The luvvies have too many voters messing up their Democracy (Constitutional Republic is truer of the USA). It is unfathomable why the grubby plebs won’t behave like turkeys voting for Christmas.
These demonstrators are literally (sorry lefty) demonstrating against democracy.
“These demonstrators are literally demonstrating against democracy” – with bibistan’s full approval, natch.