‘It seems to me that over time you’ve been often ahead of your time, you’ve been sometimes misunderstood, fought off a lot of prejudice. Do you think that, today, America understands you and is ready to accept you?’
No, not a question to Trump, though it should have been, but a piece of fawning from a BBC journo to Clinton [H/T DB and Is the BBC biased?]
Has somebody died? Maybe the dream. [If only Spitting Image was still on our screens…Trump wouldn’t have stood a chance]
First thing I woke up to was the funereal tones of Nick Robinson announcing Trump has won. Cue avalanche of negative attacks on Trump…it’s the end of the world….and it’s so like Brexit, apparently…..a catastrophy for the world.
The BBC has almost completely ignored Trump’s economic policies other than to suggest he will reduce the US to an isolationist, nativist and protectionist irrelevance and Nick Robinson reinforced that simplistic caricature when he suggested this was the US withdrawing from the world as he spoke to Steve Hilton who responded by saying such a view was a misunderstanding based on sheer ignorance. That’s because the BBC just wasn’t interested in policy, just in demonising him…even now the BBC’s explanation for his victory dodges around mentioning economics or international politics….naturally it’s the fault of uneducated, hill-billy whites who were so fanatical and stupid that they ignored his terrible self, and of course the FBI who were in Trump’s pocket helping him out.
Russia? Trump looking to build relationships rather than fight? Dreadful says the BBC. How times change when they have spent the last 8 years praising Obama for his refusal to engage in world affairs with any forcefulness….an Obama who let Iran off the hook, allowed them to develop nukes faster, gave them billions of dollars and stopped sanctions……an Iran wich has nothing but hate for the West and in particular Israel….and an Obama who’s refusal to stand strong has led to Syria imploding and millions of immigrants heading to Europe.
Trump is getting the Thatcher treatment and will now have to deal not only with a hostile world but also a very hostile Media. The BBC spent years vilifying Thatcher, building a anti-Thatcher legend that she destroyed industry, the mines and welfare…the truth is she, not the EU, rebuilt the country and set it back on course. A similar negative legend is already in progress for Trump as they predict the end of the world under his rule.
The nice Alan Bennet got a lot of airtme over the last weeks on the BBC…a couple of weeks doing ‘Book of The Week’….he told us that Thatcher radicalised him [not years of a country being destroyed by a Labour Party in cahoots with Soviet funded Unions set on industrial and political sabotage?] and that she had no sense of humour..she was inhuman, a mirthless bully who deserved to be buried in the dark of the night. Charming. Gotta love these liberal luvvies…so forgiving and merciful.
Funny how mass murdering Muslim terrorists are almost celebrated by lefty ‘liberals’, definitely excused their murderous rampages because they feel a bit out of sorts with the world, but a right-wing politician should be buried in the dark of the night?…and probably shot first as the oh so liberal Hilary Mantell might dream about.
Ed West in the Spectator spells out the truth..that Liberals themselves created Trump and UKIP by ignoring what people really want and think….trying to force them to believe in the Bubble….decades of hate against white people, their history and politics….
Liberal ideology created Donald Trump
Essentially his message is that extreme multiculturalism, identity politics and diversity leads to massive distrust and a breakdown in a unified society.
West articulates what Alan Bennett has shown to be true…
The more utopian dreams fail the more virulent its believers tend to become towards opponents, but it doesn’t solve the existential contradictions. As a child, I remember a superpower tried changing human nature to create a paradise on earth; that didn’t work out too well.
Thatcher, the eternal liberal hate figure, now joined by Trump in the luvvies’ pantheon of hate.
Fantastic,Brexit,Trump victory, now we need Marine Le Pen and Geert Widers to be elected.
I have enjoyed listening to the moans from the Lefties at work and on FB this morning.
Clinton should fly a load of Remoaners over there to try and overturn it for her.
Brexit happened because of immigration, Germany is finished and America voted in Trump because of immigration. It’s all about immigration now because immigration is killing us and the BBC must be brought to account for its part in promoting the influx. Read “Britain’s Great Immigration Disaster” the only book that ever told the truth about the BBC and its love of immigration and Islam and its hatred of Trump/America and Israel.
The American Universities are going to need to expand their ‘safe spaces’ me thinks!
My favourite BBC line this morning, across all platforms, is the “divisiveness” of the White vote mobilised for Trump, and my next favourite…the “uneducated” nature of those White voters.
Of course the Black vote mobilised for Obama (but not for Clinton) was just dandy.
Anti White, and snobs the lot of `em….. and they call Trump voters deplorables….deplorables….That`s now a badge of honour. I`m proud to be numbered among us.
Just to remind the BBC…that`s now 4 major stories they`ve got completely wrong..our 2015 General Election, the Scots referendum, the EU referendum, and now the election of Donald Trump.
Were they wrong or were they biased? both, I think.
Yep, Trump voters are ‘uneducated’ but it’s the smart set at the BBC which keeps getting it wrong.
RE Trump victory… not felt so happy since Brexit day … look on BBC luvvies faces… ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… ha ha ha ha ha… ha ha ha…
The election did not create the division in America, it was already there as a result of the open borders, multiculti, Islam-appeasing policies of Obama and the Left.
But then the Left, including the BBC, already knew that. In their eyes it’s a price worth paying, a temporary obstacle on the road to their one-world Lennonist vision.
Well said. In fact, the Left’s entire philosophy depends on dividing society into separate groups that they can exploit and manipulate politically.
All last night it was spun in a positive manner that Clinton will win if the Black voters can be “mobilised”. This morning it was spun in a negative manner that Trump won because of the “divisiveness” of White voters.
This is racist reporting. If it is divisive for White voters to favour a candidate, then it is equally divisive for non-White voters to favour another.
Not in BEEB-think it ain’t.
They also claimed Thatcher was divisive. No, she wasn’t. It was the Left who took against her so vehemently, and in such an ugly way and all orchestrated by the fascist-left at the A-BBC that caused the division. Hilllary’s camp also have managed to do the same. Divisions are always caused by the left, they even did it to Dubya, although now recognised (by them) as a decent man because he was firmly in the Clinton camp.
The BBC bias against Trump has been unmitigated and without boundaries. It is what they would like to say openly about Farage, Brexit and the Tories.
Simon Schama was the first this morning on Today to repeatedly call Trump a fascist.
It would be in the corporation’s interest, if they could, to review their coverage and put some limits on what their staff were allowed to say about President Trump.
It was amusing listening to Bill Maher trying to apologise for previously crying wolf by calling past Republican candidates, racists, Nazis, Fascists etc etc, because now they’re facing what he perceives to be a “real one”.
If Trump wouldn’t have won, then they’d be saying exactly the same thing a few years down the line, but in even more shrill and frustrated tones.
As that prick, Dan Glass, who lead the mob that drove Farage and his family from a pub, will tell you – if you keep accusing anyone you disagree with of being “Nazis” and “Fascists”, then sooner or later you’ll come face to face with people who really are –
“…they were punching people left, right and centre…”.
I think you’ll find they were punching people left, left and left.
WHOSE STREETS? OUR STR……er, ooh! ouch! what a nasty man, i`m going on youtube to complain.
Members of our Parliament, take note ….
For a so-called ‘impartial broadcasting channel’, why are there so many glum faces on Al Beeb this morning ?
The true faces of the propagandists.
Time to drain our swamp.
Unimportant compared to the future of world politics and not relevant to bbc bias I’m afraid but I just cannot wait to hear when Samuel L Jackson gets on a plane to South Africa as promised, along with Miley, Whoopi et al.
These tax dodging multi-millionaire circus clowns have shown their hand and poked their noses in for the last time, I hope…
…although I’m sure the bbc will turn to Lily Allen for words of wisdom again
There’s nothing funnier than the left liberal elite in mourning when one of their open borders, one-world, eco-socialist bubble-dwelling leaders gets a good pasting from ‘the little people’.
This morning the Today programme stuffed their studio and airwaves with Trump-haters, plucked from this very same elite, who lost no time in spewing their vitriol and forecasting doom for the whole world. Simon Schama was a revelation, invoking the election of Hitler and how this is all about fascism – even the Klu Klux Klan are celebrating, he told us. He sounded like a teenager who’d been grounded by his parents for acting like a spoilt brat.
On the business news we had Jim Rogers, political and business partner in crime of George ‘Common Purpose Open Borders UN Agenda 21 One World Government I Love the EU’ Soros, telling us we would all be bankrupt – that would not be the royal ‘we’, by the way, as he and George have made sure through their immoral dealings they will never, ever have to face the financial hardships of ‘the little people’.
Then we had some bird from the Washington Post – ‘You had you’re head in your hands there, it looked like you were crying’, observes our Sarah – on with the US editor of The Economist who gave us a duet entitled ‘Project Fear Plus-Plus-Plus’.
Ans so it went for virtually the whole programme. ‘How will he build his wall?’ ‘Hate-filled America’. ‘How will he implement those extreme security checks on Muslims?’ – asked our shell-shocked BBC hacks.
Yes, this is a very sweet moment indeed.
Sit back and bask in the schadenfraude.
I thought Schamer was supposed to be a historian –
Predictions were that there would be financial collapse if Trump won.
As at 10.07am the FTSE 100 is up on the day.
The 10:00 O’Clock news on Radio 2 …
“the FTSE crashed before recovering some ground”
Imagine my surprise (not really) when I logged into ADVFN and found the FTSE to be slightly up.
Weather warning: heavy drifts as precious snowflakes flutter to the ground…
I’m sorry Alan but every time someone mentions that hag Hilary Mantell I think of the old children’s toy Weebles……remember them?? Now I’ve got that image in my head combined with that other hag Killary ……Killary wobbles but she don’t fall down….I may have to lie down I’m laughing so much.
Gosh yes Weebles!! Knock them down and they roll right back up again!!
Was the election lost because the Democrats had too many Fascist snowflakes?
It’s an interesting point raised in passing by a commentator on Radio 4 – no chance of them investigating in depth!
It seems that the Fascists just couldn’t help themselves being well – Fascists, and just like Hitler blamed everything on the Jews, the snowflakes blamed Trumps support on their favourite hate group – Middle age, middle class white males, and they went after this group with a vengeance, not trying to get their votes, but name calling them and blaming them to every other group.
It didn’t work
Trumps support base was far wider than the Fascists imagined and concentrating on alienating one group resulted in others closing ranks against them.
Lessons for the UK? Nah the Fascists cannot see anything wrong in their hate.
You are correct, I’m professional class female and nothing sends me into a virulent tailspin more than hearing all female, educated, urban voters were Hillary supporters. The job of POTUS is that of global pest controller. The best person for that is an uncorrupted tough and logical man.
I think there’s something in that, Thoughtful. I was bemused by shots of the Clinton campaign team which revealed so many tearful young female snowflakes. If that was the core of Hillary’s campaign no wonder she lost! It would be hard to find a group more out of touch with the mass of voters than these silly girls.
Hit the BBC HYS page
StewGreen – I loved this comment as well
5. Posted by Dave1965
on 1 hour ago
The BBC interprets ‘diversity’ to mean employing ethnic minorities.
More important is diversity of opinion. 95% of the BBC reporting staff are clearly out of step with majority public opinion on this side of the Atlantic (Brexit) and the other (Trump victory).
Let’s have some diversity of *thought* in reporting rather than BBC groupthink.
Only 95% ???????????????????????????????????????????
A joy to hear all those Today voices reprising the Brexit Bellicose Crawling tone as last heard on June 24th 2016.
Nigel called it right again, Piers Morgan actually grew in stature on ITV as poor Jerry Springer and a token black lady from Huff Po Huffed Pointlessly.
Great telly…great radio.
Wonder if all the libtards would care to dock as one in New York and risk a reverse sailing back to Southampton via that niceberg where Lord Toblerone holds his buffet soirees for all British journalists of discernment and distinction when they feel a bit-well, sad I`d say!
Save all those individual airmiles would it not?…a few days to collect their thought and reflect on Brexit flashbacks as well this year.
Funny that-all those poncey liberal hacks and their sharp clawed molls on power pads who get titles like “correspondent” “editor” for North America etc.
But Nigel goes over for a few days at no public cost and calls it 100% as he`s done since 1988.
The liberals may need to be cleared out of America for a few re-education classes, let Nigel speak for us all over there until we get a new generation with the likes of Milo and Douglas to tell us the true story of America 2016-20.
Sure as hell liars and poltroons like Snow, Sopel, Frei and Webb know zip and are hiding from their peers here. Traitors Gate still an option these days?
Media you lied and you lied and you lied
…………………………………………………………………. and you lost
Yes you BBC News, BBC Radio 5 live, BBC Radio 4, Sky and all (except Beibart and RT)
Women’s Hour has a Denialfest on now
They seemed to hve filled the studio with Hillary supporters ready for a celebration.
They just had Diane Abbott on the phone.
If Diane Abbott had been there, there wouldn’t have been enough room for the Hillary fans!
The BBC appear to have stopped updating their results page, e.g Arizona is frozen on the 95.8% counted when Trump passed 270. Who lost interest the Arizona electoral staff or the BBC?
I wonder if the late (un)lamented Scott/Jerrod/Manonthebus of this Parish has topped himself yet?
(What happened to him, by the way?)
Lobster, my theory was he and other trolls were moved ‘up the line’ to where the fighting was more evenly matched. I suspect they are engaging in ‘easy pickings’ with less erudite people elsewhere now. They were always bested in their arguments on here and hopefully beat a tactical retreat because of this.
@Posted by Dave1965 said
Posted by HowStupidDoYouThinkIAm
BBC News now : The UK markets have reversed their losses.
Has been up into positive.. now down a fraction
The president Trump speech seems to have calmed the market
Far too many moments to savour in the hours of paraded prejudice, but around 5.15 the mantis-like Jeremiah Vine weaving his way through utterly spurious and artificial column graphs ‘showed’ how 84% of women rejected Trump, 78% of blacks rejected Trump, 80% of Hispanics rejected Trump, 88% of whites supported Trump – all visual creations made long before final results were established. Despite constant attempts to deepen the divide by stressing the percentage of white voters, the reality showed that not only had all these ethnic groups supported him, the results clearly demonstrated that they had voted in their droves. Like so many liberal postures, as much here as in the US, the truth is that with the notable exception of muslims, established ethnic communities are as antagonistic towards immigrants from third-world countries as is the indigenous population.
So basically what they are saying is that women/blacks/hispanics and whites all voted according to their prejudicies, but I suppose only the whites will be condemned for it.
Don’t forget, according to liberal ideology only whites can be racist, and they’re to blame for being privileged when they’re victims of racism by minorities – which, of course, isn’t racism.
Liberalism used to mean something, now it’s just an echo chamber of deranged morons fighting against injustices that either don’t exist or that they themselves perpetuated.
Like all LiberalLeftoidspeak, ‘liberalism’ has gradually been distorted by self-styled Liberals and is now best described as ‘illiberalism’.
The Illiberal Left needs to realise that it is no longer possible to piss into the wind and not get soaked in piss. They would do well to heed the words of this Nobel laureate –
A very logical conclusion, Lobster.
Clive Myrie on BBC news online just now with a panel of crying regressives (not a single good word to say about Trump amongst the four of them – remarkable, isn’t it?).
Trump, who has just achieved a truly historical US election win, was described by one of the panellists as a ‘disaster’ for America. Clive, our ever-impartial BBC journalist, cleared his throat and let the remark go unchallenged (because, reasons).
All were agreed that Trump won because too many white men voted.
Yeah and I just heard an American talking head on Nick Ferarri state that Trump is mentally unstable and Ferarri said nothing.
And yet early analysis of the voting showed that Trump had significant support among women and Hispanics…. Oh dear, another Leftist meme shattered.
Yes indeed, I thought Clive was looking quite pale with the shock of it all.
LeftMob DramaQueens are highlighted on the 2 min Short for the 5-Live Phone in
Sarah from Manchester said she had “tears in her eyes” thinking of her children’s future
Yes, looming catastrophic energy shortages, mass immigration overwhelming our public services and infrastructure, Islam threatening our culture and freedoms…..
Hope I understood her correctly.
R4 WATO is doing masses of HOSTILE post hoc reasoning “Hillay Clinton got more votes from women” “Latinos and blacks”
but they are failing to context it properly by explaining much more women and Latinos voted for Trump than they predicted. (he often beat Mitt Romney’s vote percentages)
“Around the country, voter turnout was up 4.7% in the 2,135 counties — more than half of the country — that had reported all their votes by 1 a.m. Wednesday”
HOSTILE is how I would describe the BBC news coverage now
Hostile : Trump is ‘horrible, vile man’ – Beckett BBC Radio 5 live
I’m taking great delight in tuning in to BBC just to see their sulky faces. Still depressed about Brexit ,now they have Trump to contend with.
Britain at the front of the queue now BBC.
Well done President Trump. The BBC has responded to this notable victory by merely continuing its anti Trump campaign with nonstop horror visions of trade wars and even real hot war. They are very keen to paint this as a victory for those who hanker after an America of the past, reactionary white voters who fear change and of course they do this with their usual leftist sneer. As far asi can see they have resolutely avoided having any positive commentators on their programmes. It really is a re run of their reaction to Brexit.The BBC , in common with all of the liberal left , simply can’t accept that voters across the west are rejecting the globalist , multicultural liberal left. I welcome the BBC ever clearer liberal bias . The more theyaccuse those who do not share their world view of being morons, uneducated scum, stuck in the past etc etc, the more they are just alienating the people who pay the License Fee . Eventually those folks will say , enough , why should I pay for an overtly political organisation which regards me as the scum of the earth and advocates policies which are against my best interests ? And when that happens our cowardly politicians with lose their fear of the BBC and it will lose its hold on the nation and the LF funding.
RT is asking Americans “Do you trust the MSM now ?”
They also report CNN saying this is the first time a foreign power has stolen the election : Russia
Oh dearie me, I made the mistake of logging on to my Facebook page just now.
It’s like Brexit morning all over again – I think people have just repasted the same rants!
Voters. What are they like?
Skinned, filleted and roasted by the Illuminati, as per usual, they’re not bad at all!
RT just aired a Farage clip from the US Embassy ..was he there all night ?
..or has he just been invited ?
This morning the BBC kept announcing that Trump was the first person to become president that was a non-politician or had never served in the military. The tone was always negative, like he doesn’t deserve to be there.
WTF … this should be celebrated. That some ordinary billionaire, rather than one backed by the establishment, can defeat all the hurdles put in front of them, and convince the people to vote for him, is incredible. It would normally be celebrated, if it was a person the BBC approved of.
Obama was celebrated because he was the first Black president, and Clinton was to be celebrated as the first female president. The BBC would be absolutely correct to reprimand anybody that said they were not suitable because of their colour or sex, but their comments about Trump’s unsuitability because he is not from the establishment gives the impression that suitability is not the reason they approve of Obama and Clinton.
Quite. Who is likely to be a more effective leader, someone like Hillary or Obama, neither of whom has any significant experience outside of party politics, or someone who has built and controlled a significant business, involving all the many things that running a business entails?
If there is a criticism to be made it is that far too many of the political class emerges from university with a head full of ideas about how the world needs changing and then go straight into politics without any experience of ‘real life’.
We need more Trumps, not fewer!
I think this is worse than Brexit for the liberal elites and the snowflakes. In the UK this is now a war on two fronts for them – Brexit and Farage on one side, Trump and a majority of US citizens on the other.
So let’s keep tabs on how Trump will be discredited.
I think the first salvo will be that the election is invalid and/or ‘racist/sexist’ because of some breakdown of voters by ethnicity or sex. Eg, ‘x% of (insert ethnic group) voted against Trump so the whole election is racist and invalid’ type thing.
Ah yes, the logic of Nicola Sturgeon.
I didn’t vote for Trump, so he’s not MY president.
I,m old deplorable, I,m old deplorable , i,m old deplorable and i,m old deplorable…..
Stay old deplorable,
It’s your duty, be deplorable,
Stay old deplorable
If you want to be loved.
Has there been any sign of Hillary yet? Maybe she’s gone unserviceable and right now some technical types are trying to sort out her circuitry.
I suspect that she might be too hot and has overheated again.
claiming political asylum in Saudi!
I never thought anyone could describe her as “hot”.
The left claims to represent hope, tolerance, and freedom. Their actions and rhetoric display the exact opposite traits – they propagate in fear, they’re openly bigoted towards conservatives particularly white men whilst hypocritically screaming labels at anyone who challenges them, and when it looks like the might lose (or in the case of Brexit they’ve already lost) they do everything they can to frustrate, delay, and potentially prevent the result from standing and to keep the little plebs in their rightful place.
Liberals do not want a utopia. They want to maintain chaos tgat they can see themselves as constantly fighting. And they’ve been firmly put in their place for the time being, but they will ultimately be back making the exact same mistakes as before.
Imagine the frantic organisation required to get the right sort of audience for tomorrow night’s QT…
From the transcript of his CONCILIATORY speech
Does it sound like a racist man thet BBC/MSM monster him as ?
He then went on to thank his team
It’s incredible that the correspondents the BBC is bringing on are still banging on about White middle class middle aged misogynist white supremacists being the reason for Trumps victory.
It’s outrageous that they can cast these Fascist and racist slurs freely, because there’s no way the BBC would allow this language about any other social group.
Some nutcase on TWATO
“When the media were pointing out Trumps faults the voters didn’t see it as Trumps fault, but media bias” !
“We in the media are going to have to pay a lot more attention to right wing websites like Twitter and Facebook” !
What planet are these guys on
(Paul Mason)?
Thoughtful, I think one of the sentences you are citing was even worse than you report. I think it ran something like “We in the media are going to have to pay a lot more attention to right wing websites like Twitter and Facebook that we don’t coordinate.”
By any yardstick, that’s a stunning admission.
Ignore them all now. They have lost the argument and are finished for a generation. Lugenpresse is the apt word.
In fact we should encourage the BBC/MSM to over react . I have no further interest in anything the BBC/Guardian/ the rest of the lugenpresse has to say.
Hopefully the changes that are coming will be swift and put an end to the snowflake world.
What we can do is to demoralise and jeer at the BBC at every opportunity.
LOL, such arrogance. I keep an open mind, but the MSM really couldn’t dig up anything of significance about Trump. Bear in mind there will have been literally thousands of journalists spending thousands of hours trying to do so, but all they got were some dated accusations of groping and some ‘locker room banter’ from years ago. Now, either Trump has so many people in his pocket that he can get away with everything, which seems highly unlikely because if it were why would he get so many slurs against him, or – there really isn’t anything that serious in his closet.
THAT is why I think the media is biased against Trump!
We in the media
We in the media? The media is free to attempt to twist people’s political views if it wants as long as it’s privately owned, the BBC is not.
The fact that Paul Mason can openly make these suggestions on one of BBC’s main news programmes is chilling.
If Mason is calling for violence if Brexit marchers go to London then this is truly deplorable. There are other places in England where we can assemble in strength.
It is clear to me that London is part of our problem as Washington is in the US.
Trump will drain that swamp but it will be more difficult here. I suggest a complete boycott by the shires of London is well overdue. London is no longer the capital city I recognize.
What happened to Dimbleby? I turned the tv on this morning and it was Brillo chairing a discussion of Clinton fans. A black woman said that some Democrat supporters might not have voted as there wasn’t a polling booth nearby. She then slagged off Trump something chronic and Brillo said “Even accepting that all that is correct….” before making some general point. Isn’t he supposed to challenge this sort of drivel?
This Clinton defeat has got Eddie Izzards fingerprints all over it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha HA !