Funny old day…couldn’t tune in the radio at all…thought it was a lot of white noise or interference due to the stormy weather recently but actually was the sound of liberals squealing in horror as the Hillbilly rednecks shafted them mercilessly…..along with all those Hispanics, Blacks, women and oh yes…a majority of young college graduates who apparently voted Trump. All those people whom the BBC said would never vote for him.
Nihal on 5Live was in great distress as he received a deluge of messages from BBC ‘fans’ pointing out the disappointment he must be feeling as the ‘Disappointed’ are now comparing the People’s Revolt to the Arab Spring, or the ‘Springtime for Hitler’, as they, and Nihal, might prefer to call it.
Nihal didn’t react with grace to those callers, sneering and jeering at them telling us he was a real journalist…no idea where he got that idea from. When one pro-Trump caller, arguing against the notion that the US has suddenly become ‘racist’ ala the UK after Brexit, saying a country does not become racist and Fascist over night, Nihal jumped in and got the wrong end of the stick thinking the caller was saying the US was racist and Fascist. Nihal started off agreeing but then realised what he was saying, and what it revealed about him and his own prejudices, and trailed off…no different to his reaction to Brexit when he labelled Britain racist after the vote and said he now feared for his children’s future…talk about over-reacting….that was Nihal himself being racist in effect. The caller, when allowed to finish, made clear it was not the case that the US was racist or Fascist….and certainly there has not been a sudden radical change overnight on a vote for Trump.
Odd how when things don’t go their way the so-called Liberals, apparent defenders of free speech, thought and diversity [though not of opinion], get so fascist.
Brendan O’Neil in the Spectator examines their mindset in detail…and it’s not pretty…
The sneering response to Trump’s victory reveals exactly why he won
If you want to know why Trump won, just look at the response to his winning. The lofty contempt for ‘low information’ Americans. The barely concealed disgust for the rednecks and cretins of ‘flyover’ America who are apparently racist and misogynistic and homophobic. The haughty sneering at the vulgar, moneyed American political system and how it has allowed a wealthy candidate to poison the little people’s mushy, malleable minds. The suggestion that American women, more than 40 per cent of whom are thought to have voted for Trump, suffer from internalised misogyny: that is, they don’t know their own minds, the poor dears. The hysterical, borderline apocalyptic claims that the world is now infernally screwed because ‘our candidate’, the good, pure person, didn’t get in.
The anti-Brexit anti-democrats claimed they were merely opposed to using rough, simplistic referendums to decide on huge matters. That kind of democracy is too direct, they said. Yet now they’re raging over the election of Trump via a far more complicated, tempered democratic system. That’s because — and I know this is strong, but I’m sure it’s correct — it is democracy itself that they hate. Not referendums, not Ukip’s blather, not only direct democracy, but democracy as an idea. Against democracy — so many of them are now. It is the engagement of the throng in political life that they fear. It is the people — ordinary, working, non-PhD-holding people — whom they dread and disdain.
This nasty, reactionary turn against democracy by so many of the well-educated both explains the victory of Trump, which neatly doubles up as a slap in the face of the establishment, and confirms why democracy is more important today than it has ever been. Because it really would be folly, madness in fact, to let an elite that so little understands ordinary people, and in fact loathes them, to run society unilaterally. Now that would be dangerous, more dangerous than Trump.
The ‘Intellectuals’ and upper classes have always had a penchant for Dictators. Oxbridge was a well known recruiting ground for the Reds and with good reason. Hitler had a very supportive chorus line of useful idiots within the lofty social swirl in Britain. The fall of Berlin and then the Berlin Wall has meant they were without a master to follow…until the Jihad started. Glory be…a perfect solution for the Left…an anti-Western movement that had brown faces fronting it and which adopted the Left’s language of victimhood and grievance….an anti-colonial, anti-Christian, anti-free-speech, anti-capitalist, anti-Semitic, anti-white blitz that the Left latched onto and signed up to.
Even now the BBC is peddling the rhetoric of anti-West ‘intellectuals’ in a deliberate blast of propaganda against those voters who dared to vote for Brexit and against the West in general. The latest Reith Lectures ticked every box in the BBC’s ‘right-on’ criteria for a wonderful world….a black, gay immigrant delivered them, one who hates the nation state, hates borders, loves immigration, thinks there is no such thing as ‘race’, no such thing as Western civilisation, no such thing as religion [a religion can be whatever you want it to be]…but of course Islam is much misunderstood.
More on the Reith lectures later naturally.
Fantastic article again Alan, and of course from Brenden O’Neil.
The fact is most people are happy to be spoon feed other peoples opinions and views to then express as their own, but not have ANY idea or detail behind why they now believe them! They just repeat what political nazis like Al Shabeeb tell them like parrots….but make them aware of that fact and ***trigger warning*** they don’t like that….not one bit.
And that’s the problem. People like to believe they are well informed and tolerant and inclusive, and part of the concensus…. But don’t want to do the work or thinking to prove what they are parroting is actully true! They trust the deviant, white hating, social mentalists
I was at work yesterday and heard two supposedly educated, informed colleagues describing the election in literally the reverse of what their own lying eyes and ears would have told them had they actually bothered to do any research and not get their opinions from liberal media. They ran the gamut of liberal defence mechanisms, obviously claiming sexism and racism played a part, which of course their obliviously hypocritical and simplistic solution to was fewer white men. The funniest was when they claimed that Trump had more dirt on him than Clinton which should have been exposed by her campaign, but that she wasn’t prepared to stoop to his level. I literally had to leave the room for a minute to prevent myself from the same dismissive sneering guffaw that is usually the domain of the so-called tolerant left, except it would have been both completely justified as well as totally pointless since you can’t debate people who are that far removed from reality.
New-age liberals claim to be progressive because they pander to minorities and so on, yet the social progress that actually matters – the progression and diversification and evolution of ideas – is an alien concept to them. Their mindsets never changed and never will do. They are convinced of their righteousness no matter how much evidence proves them wrong. They are intellectually static, and that is why they are thankfully being left behind.
Nihalism is quite fashionable at the BBC.
Along with Mishalism.
“Not enough Hilary votes’.
Their pain is felt.
Yes Guest, the bbc’s pain is indeed felt… and savoured to the last drop!
(ps. I refuse to use capitals for that very lower-case organisation. Basket case in fact, or worst case even.)
I am quite happy to refer to our very own Auntie Beeb by George Orwell’s correct terminology: Ministry of Truth.
Excellent article, thank you.
Here is a take by an American Liberal, who voted for one of the third party candidates:
One of the interesting parts is where he is criticised by liberals but praised by Trump supporters: “I was mostly rejected by liberals for doing this, they didn’t understand why I was sharing things that made them uncomfortable, but now they know why. Ironically, I got far more support from Trump supporters for trying to tell Democrats the truth. I wasn’t expecting that.” Speaks volumes for the open-minded liberals…..
Here’s hoping Tony Hall (Director General of bbc) Squeal like a pig when a man in dungarees says. “You got a pretty mouth Boy”.
James O’Cryin’ on LBC was a joy to listen to.
The very personification of what encourages people to vote against the Left Wing establishment.
I hope Trump takes note of the illegal war that Clinton and Obama declared on Syria, all to appease Saudi Arabia. Syria is the only country that respected the right of Christians, and other religious minorities, to practice their faith freely and publicly.
Syria’s peace was destroyed by Clinton and Obama, as they used the available Jihadis and weapons, after the “liberation” of Libya. The mass murders of hundreds of thousands, and the refugee crisis in Europe, lies at the feet of these two war criminals.
Trump can stop this war by ordering Saudi Arabia to stop financing ISIS. Peace in Syria, will also lead to the relief of Europe. ISIS will simply vanish. The only thing left will be stop ISIS sneaking into Europe.
Perhaps other readers with a better knowledge of history can correct me, but I am pretty sure when Herr Hitler was elected, people weren’t squealing ‘they’ve elected another Kaiser!’. Hitler was quite popular and respected around the world, because he was seen as able to reverse the effects of what many thought were the too-harsh reparations imposed on Germany after the Great War. They also thought he would be a useful bulwark against soviet Russia.
This included many on the left – after all, the Germans had a non-aggression pact with Russia for the first two years of the Second World War.
Only a very few people had foresight about Hitler, and even they were not convinced until around 1936/37 when German expansionism started.
If we get ‘another Hitler’ it will be in a different guise, not in some form that snowflakes who once did a school project on Nazis when they were 12 will recognise!
The left has a very selective account of history, and an almost admirable ability to blame the right for the left’s evils, and to take credit for the right’s successes. Hitler was a socialist. The Nazi party was a leftist party. Hitler argument for revoking personal liberties and expansionism was a failing economy and civil unrest that could only be solved with continental takeover and cultural eugenics in the name of international unity, the exact same argument being put forward by the EU and the Democrats. Obviously I’m not suggesting that the end result is the same in all these examples, I’m simply stating facts of comparison that liberals always either ignore or are oblivious to, because they have a one-dimensional good vs bad outlook where they are the uphold ers of moral virtue and their ends always justify the means, which allows them to justify or ignore their hypocritical and often bigoted actions and rhetoric.
Socialism will never achieve diversity because, by its very nature and definition, Socialism has to remove all semblance of nuance and individuality.
I also noticed, Alan, that your friend Nihal reacted very, very badly to the suggestion that the BBC had a left wing bias. ‘Prove it’ countereds in a pretty arrogant and intimidating manner.
Perhaps Nihal should read these pages…not that it will make any difference.
Yes, noted by me as well; having accidentally tuned in to the show on car radio I was quite surprised by his behaviour, his lady co-host sounded quite embarrassed and went into “Calm down, calm down” mode.
R5 (barely) Live.Afternoon edition.
Actress prattling on about acting.
Asked about the ‘badge’ incident. Apparently the daily mail made an issue because it had the ‘c word’ on it. I get the impression it was offensive but she didn’t know. She explained the story. Our host chips in with ‘oh I see there was context’. Thats ok then. They go about the daily mail. ‘I suppose you wear it as a badge of honour?’ I get the distinct impression that neither of the hosts nor the actress think much of this newspaper