Over a year ago, reported by the Washington Post, Trump said he would keep the Obamacare provision for pre-existing conditions….somewhat late, the BBC has just reported this ‘news’ as a breathtaking u-turn by Trump having ‘spent the whole campaign promising to repeal Obamacare’…as BBC News is now reporting disingenuously without the qualification of the inconvenient truth.
The BBC is headlining with Trump loving Obamacare and u-turning on his pledge to repeal and replace it….John Humphrys began with the words that ‘opponents fear, and that is the right word, that 10 years of Democrat legislation will be repealed…..’…..Justin Webb ended the programme by suggesting Trump was a danger to the world….despite his desire for NATO countries to cough up the full 2% of funding and their failure to do so has long been a US complaint and that the BBC itself was highlighting attacks on the UK government for allegedly not doing so recently. The Head of NATO itself said that Europe was shirking its responsibilities.
On Trump’s ‘u-turn’?
The BBC is lying.
The BBC is engaged in massive distortion and misrepresentation of what Trump has said…the BBC’s intent? To sow doubt amongst his supporters and generate a feeling that he is betraying those who voted for him……their latest frontpage headline….
Trump rethink on abolishing Obamacare
Donald Trump says he is open to keeping parts of the 2010 health bill that he had labelled a “disaster”.
Trump: Obamacare key provisions to remain
US President-elect Donald Trump has said he is open to leaving intact key parts of President Barack Obama’s healthcare bill.
Mr Trump, who has pledged to repeal the 2010 law, said he will keep the ban on insurers denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.
There is no ‘re-think’.
This is not a u-turn…if the BBC was honest they would report that he said exactly the same thing in February this year in a televised debate……
Keep pre-existing condition coverage; not individual mandate
Q: Senator Rubio, you said that Mr. Trump thinks part of ObamaCare is pretty good. Which part?
RUBIO: The individual mandate. He said he likes the individual mandate portion of it; I don’t believe that should remain there. We need to repeal ObamaCare completely and replace it with a system that puts Americans in charge of their health care money again.
TRUMP: I agree with that 100%, except pre-existing conditions, I would absolutely get rid of ObamaCare. I want to keep pre- existing conditions. It’s a modern age, and I think we have to have it.
Q: The insurance companies say is that the only way that they can cover people with pre-existing conditions is to have a mandate requiring everybody purchase health insurance. Are they wrong?
TRUMP: I think they’re wrong 100%. Look, the insurance companies take care of the politicians [and vice-versa]. The insurance companies are making an absolute fortune. Yes, they will keep preexisting conditions, and that would be a great thing.
It literally took 30 seconds to find that quote and yet the BBC’s premier news programme that sets its news agenda for the day didn’t bother to look…because it didn’t want to. Instead it took from CBS what merely confirmed the BBC’s pre-existing opinions…its ‘reporting’ being merely rehashed news releases from other sources not its own actual journalism…as Paxman long ago complained of….
In this press of events there often isn’t the time to get out and find things out: you rely upon second-hand information – quotes from powerful vested interests, assessments from organisations which do the work we don’t have time for, even, god help us, press releases from public relations agencies. The consequence is that what follows isn’t analysis. It’s simply comment, because analysis takes time, and comment is free.
Of course it helps if the comment fits in with your own narrative.
It’s also in the Washington Post from August 2015….
Trump adds that he’ll cover catastrophic coverage and pre-existing conditions.
Note also that the BBC don’t headline with the very emphatic statement in the same interview seconds later that Trump would ‘repeal and replace’ Obamacare.
Why is the BBC, and others, pushing this narrative of alleged backsliding on his promises? Simply because they want to make out he is betraying those who voted for him and thus stir up as much trouble as possible.
Strange the BBC don’t explore the issues in this article also from CBS:
The unbearable smugness of the press
The mood in the Washington press corps is bleak, and deservedly so.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly #WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump’s victory. More than that and more importantly, we also missed the story, after having spent months mocking the people who had a better sense of what was going on.
This is all symptomatic of modern journalism’s great moral and intellectual failing: its unbearable smugness. Had Hillary Clinton won, there’d be a winking “we did it” feeling in the press, a sense that we were brave and called Trump a liar and saved the republic.
What’s worse, we don’t make much of an effort to really understand, and with too few exceptions, treat the economic grievances of Middle America like they’re some sort of punchline. Sometimes quite literally so, such as when reporters tweet out a photo of racist-looking Trump supporters and jokingly suggest that they must be upset about free trade or low wages.
We have to fix this, and the broken reasoning behind it. There’s a fleeting fun to gang-ups and groupthink. But it’s not worth what we are losing in the process.
Thank you for posting this Alan, it confirms what I thought as I listened to the radio this morning.
Why is the BBC and others pushing this narrative of alleged backsliding on his promises? Because it pours fuel on hatred and division, because that is now what the BBC has become. The BBC has become what it claims to abhor.
The bias that can be traced back years in the BBC has now evolved, “gone airborne” as Dustin Hoffman said in Outbreak. It’s moved from a bias towards liberal tolerance, into sectarian intolerance. It’s traded diversity of opinions, for diversity of folk with a polarity of views.
Again the BBC isn’t just traducing the man , they are insulting his supporters and voters , which the Beeb doesn’t do against Hillary Clinton voters .
They did the same against Brexit voters .
Yet when I shared some beers with an EU functionary , he agreed with my feelings that Britain should not be in the EU – meaning actually that he could see why my experiences made me anti EU although he was for it . No insults , just an exchange of views .
Reading the Guardian lately , I can see why the BBC and liberal / left are in shock . They have not debated with opponents views , they have given a narrative about the opponents instead . By just describing an opponent from a distance , instead of debating matters , you will get it wrong .
The government should reign in these license payer funded socialist progressive groupies in the BBC, before they damage our relations with the most important nation in the world.
This is more important now, as we are in the process of a hard Brexit.
The question we have to ask is why is the government failing to reign in the BBC and insist it keeps to its charter?
The outright lies and distortions of the state broadcaster is damaging Britain’s relationship with the new US administration.
Perhaps the Appeaser needs a rocket up her arse – she is letting the country down.
Here’s pointman’s take on the election:
If you haven’t heard of pointman before, here’s my take on him. An Australian blogger of many years he’s a fearless commentator of issues that many here will share.
For me, he’s cut from the same block as Mark Steyn and is every bit as good, IMO. If you haven’t stumbled upon his site before, do so. You’ve got many happy hours of reading to get through!
Sorry, turned off after his absurd interpretation of the Ukrainian crisis.
“In war, resolution; in defeat, defiance; in victory, magnanimity”
Who said this? Why, dear old Winston S Churchill, of course.
Who’s doing this? Why, Donald J Trump, that’s who.
No prizes for guessing whose bust will be re-adorning the Oval Office come January!
“In war, resolution; in defeat, defiance; in victory, magnanimity”
How true. Confronted with the massed ranks of the media, Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, politicians of every hue, Donald Trump never gave up hope.
Now he is being magnanimous. All signs of a great leader.
If OTH, Clinton had won, she would have gone after Trump, and his supporters, just as Obama did to honest, and patriotic Tea Party rank and file members.
Not surprising as in Obama’s view “patriotism” is a dirty word. For Obama, respect for the flag, and the US anthem does not fit with his view. So it is for Merkel – ashamed of the flag of Germany.
The day of the Globalist “We are the world”, “Open borders” politicians, is coming to an end.
The crazy thing is that the BBC itself played a quote from Trump in which he said he would retain certain aspects of Obamacare, in line with what he had already said.
You could call it lazy journalism. I call it prejudice.
The BBC have made mistake after mistake since labour lost power in 2010, rubbishing the Conservatives and Brexit voters in the UK and of course Trump in the USA. To do this, they have compromised journalistic standards and surely, in the end, will have driven a huge nail into the coffin of the current BBC funding regime.
Any one who has listened to Trump will know they are still making decisions on what to replace Obamacare with and all things are being considered .Obamacare will be repealed but any good bits that can be found will be incorporated.
Of course the BBC haven’t done any analysis of why Obama care is so unpopular ,they probably blame it on racism against the black president.
I believe Trump will deliver on his promises if at all possible ,the BBC on the other hand hope that he doesn’t.
America is yet to have a black president. Ask Obama’s mother if her son is black.
Alan – total agreement with your analysis and points raised by earlier contributors.
So I will not add thereto.
I do want to comment on your Paxman quote.
” . . . press of events there often isn’t the time to get out and find things out . . .”
Total bollox, the BBC is the best funded organisation, of its type, on earth.
AlBeeb should have more resources than other organisations “to find things out”.
AlBeeb journalists, if such existed, should be at the forefront of exposures and exclusives.
But they are not.
AlBeeb is not interested in finding out facts, especially if there are fears that these facts might be inconvenient.
Much more effort at AlBeeb consists of burying “bad” news, bad news being events which run counter to their project, efforts which runs like liquid sewerage through the veins of the nauseating BBC staff.
Especially when the news would be about the BBC itself – Savile etc.
The world’s least trustworthy broadcaster.
The world’s most expensive propaganda machine.
The world’s worst bang for the buck.
The world’s largest collection of overpaid non-journalists.
The world’s largest collection of vomit inducing liars.
I look forward to the day when Broadcasting House is burnt to the ground with the “journalists” inside, better even than Brexit and Trumpsit.
Incidentally I agree with the suggestion made elsewhere on BBBC that we need a thread every day to deal with the exponential growth in AlBeeb untruths.
Numbering the contributions would also help, as it does on another site I won’t mention.
I have actually reached a point where I only listen to BBC news (Today, WATO etc) for facts but I no longer listen to people put up to the BBC for discussion or to talk further on any issue. For example to hear that 7 people died at New Addington a couple of days ago – no problem. But as soon as the BBC has as a guest someone from a charity, union or political party, I just stop listening (except as an analysis of how the BBC tries to control our thinking). We know there is an agenda; doctors on strike, we know that the BMA junior doctors committee is committed to bringing down a Conservative government; an Amercan analysing a Trump victory will be a Hillary supporter; a medical report on a successful treatment of a condition will either be because the NHS needs to spend huge amounts of money (drugs to enable gay men to live a debauched lifestyle with a reduced chance of catching AIDS) or because the scientist hyped up his results (or as I found out recently uses a PR company to do it on his behalf) and plea for additional funding of his programme; or it is climate change which is lies from start to finish (hope this is the first thing that Donald cuts the funding for!).
I have become intolerant of people trotting out the lazy, BBC driven, opinion of Trump. The best ploy, whenever I hear it now, is to ask where they got the information used to form their opinion. The answer is invariably the BBC. Then ask them if they have watched any unedited versions of Trump’s speeches or interviews and compared them to the BBC version. The sad thing is you soon get to realise just how influential those TV poll tax funded activists are. They shamelessly exploit the naïve trust many in this country still have in an organisation they are completely unaware has been infiltrated.
OT, but as Ch4 is like the bastard child of the BBC raping the Morning Star, I think valid. Krishnan sends his loyal followers this message:
“President-elect Trump and Obamacare
President-elect Donald Trump finds himself at the centre of not just protests against his election but controversy over what will happen to Obamacare. No longer calling it a ‘catastrophe’ he’s now talking about keeping parts of it – the good bits. Indeed, his tone since he was elected (bar the odd tweet hiccup) has been most conciliatory. But will this change in tone keep those that elected him on side?”
Have to admire the notion of keeping the good bits of anything as controversial.
Maybe in their black versus white bubble you can only be against things no matter what their merits?
Today every BBC news BULL-etin claims Trump just made a U-turn.
..not true of course it’s not a policy change.
The truth is they are just reporting teaser PR for CBS’s oncoming Trump interview and have put spin on in
Shock Video: Black Mob Viciously Beats White Trump Voter