The BBC is relentless. Marine Le Pen, from what the BBC describes as the ‘Far Right’ National Front, was on Marr this morning [a 13 minute interview] and the one and only quote that BBC radio news took from her was that ‘UKIP is just like the National Front’. Listening to the interview and it is clear that this is only in relation to how UKIP and the FN see immigration into the EU….essential context which changes the interpretation when you hear it yourself. And it is a curious clip to extract, and extracted almost surgically avoiding the intro question from Marr which states UKIP say they are not like the FN and the end comment by Le Pen saying it maybe UKIP policy to say they are not the ‘bad guys’ like the FN. Just why did the BBC news miss all that out? Even in the write up the BBC still drags in UKIP who are forced to deny any links to the FN…
A spokesman for UKIP said the party had made it clear for many years that it does not share the same policies of the FN, whose immigration policy is driven by its “long standing antipathy to significant groups”.
“We believe that immigration is a boon to this country, but that it should be controlled, with no hint of favour for any group or ethnicity,” the spokesman added.
The BBC should just sack a good number of those who maintain this narrative and try to smear people and political parties with the tag Nazi, Far Right or Racist just becasue they don’t like their views on controlling immigration. Let’s have some diversity …of opinion….if they sack Whites to make way for BME people then why not sack Lefties to make way for those whose opinion doesn’t conform to the BBC prescribed orthodoxy….rather than keep up the BBC STENCH…Society for the Total Extinction of Non-Conforming Humans [Stole that from Carry On Spying on telly yesterday…very apt though]
Ironically the BBC sees no paradox in headlining this story….UK ministers ‘stoking fires’ with non-British worker numbers plan….when they themselves run a racial quota system which by definition needs to know the ethnic makeup of the workforce….or indeed councils up and down the country are quizzing people on their sexuality and race on questionnaires about waste disposal.
And why on earth are the BBC quoting the evermore ridiculous Corbyn on the subject of ‘hate’ against minorities?….
UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said both Mr Trump and Ms Le Pen use “awful and absurd language” against Muslims and other minorities.
He told the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show: “She uses this populism against minorities in order to get herself elected.”
Haven’t seen [Red Andy] Marr but I can only hope he skewered Corbyn on anti-Semitism that people not only blame Corbyn for allowing to happen but actually point the finger at him personally.
The BBC also allowed Corbyn free reign on the subject of Trump, Corbyn coming up with this nonsense…
US president-elect Donald Trump tapped into “real problems” faced by voters but has failed to offer a remedy, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has said.
Instead of offering solutions to issues such as falling wages and underfunded public services, Mr Trump has only blamed others, Mr Corbyn said….”There is deep anger at a political elite that doesn’t listen.”
Trump has no solutions? What? Like renegotiating trade deals such as NAFTA, like rebuilding America’s inner cities and infrastructure, like reinvigorating the coal industry, like putting US businesses first, like stopping the flow of illegal immigrants who undermine wages and result in increased taxes etc etc etc? Yeah…no policies.
Guess the one person who doesn’t actually listen to what’s going on is Corbyn himself.
Corbyn on the Marr show looked like Charlie Chaplin in his crumpled suit with bits of fluff on it and dishevelled shirt,he will never be an ambassador for Britain thank God.
Le Pen wasn’t even in the Beeboid studio but they still felt it wise to bus in their own people to protest against her very presence on this earth..
Most of these ‘protesters’ are paid for by the same people who paid rent-a-thugs to cause violence at Trump rallies, which of course was blamed on Trump himself. They are almost all funded by George Soros’s many far-left activist groups.
The most disgusting thing is, if Hitler returned today and declared war on Europe again, non of these human vermin would take up arms against him, indeed just like Corbyn and BBC employees, they’d head to the hill and become “conscientious” virtue signalling cowards for the entirety of the war…
Corbyn wouldn’t run! You malign him. He would share a platform with any enemy of Britain and western democracy.
Hitler could sit between Hamas, Islamists and leaders of the continuity IRA whilst Corbyn praised them.
probably like those at Lammas ..Oh sorry did I just say Lammas!
WE had the bBC News 24 on and between 1pm and 2pm the presenter was a fat white woman wearing a white suit. when the subject of Farage came up she in error named UKIP as U-Crap
The FN is, if anything, a party of the Left.
Yet another ‘inconvenient truth’ the BBC would rather its viewers didn’t know.
Yes thats my take as well, the FN (not NF) are essentially a left-wing party with conservative social values and anti-immigration policies.
It’s not just the BBC that are in denial , though they have a duty to be non partisan unlike most other media outlets, but the whole liberal left establishment and their tame MSM. This morning on the BBC, ITV and Sky, the liberal left establishment has paraded its ignorance of what is the driving force behind the People’s Revolution across the West. They are still in disparagement mode and regard those who dare to use the democratic process to protest about their globalist multicultural agenda as fools, racists ,bigots etc. They are now just beginning to admit that the People may a tiny bit of justification when it comes to the economy but they still cling to their blanket assertion that it is racist not to support unlimited immigration,and Islamophobic to have even a tiny concern at the galloping Islamificationof the West. The commentariat sagely nod their heads when this rubbish is trotted out by those that they interview.
But The People’s revolution will grow and grow unless mass immigration is halted and Islamification reversed. Of course the elite will try to hold onto power and will adopt ever more repressive measures against their own people in order to do. But as one shock follows another at the ballot box , The People grow stronger and the hold of the elite over them weaker. But beware a cornered elite will resort to ever dirtier tactics,for instance fomenting civil unrest which it will claim is the result of right wing agitators and use as an excuse to ban all views it disapproves of and lockup leaders it fears. This is not going to be easy and we will face a long and bumpy ride before we rid ourselves of globalists and their bankrupt philosophy.
I have just watched a recording of the Newsnight Special on Donald’s Trumps America and it exceeded my estimate for bias several fold over. But the nadir of the programme was a panel discussion chaired by Emily M in which a black female novelist and Emily ganged up on a white male commentator who was a mild Trump supporter. Emily cut him off every time he was making point favourable to Trump but allowed the black woman to go on at length about how awful Trump was going to be. Eventually he became thoroughly exasperated and I suspect that it began to dawn on him that he was just there to be humiliated as a kind of ritual sacrifice to multiculturalism. Emily is well known over here as a hard line multiculturalist but obviously this poor American chap didn’t realise that the chair was going to be a vigorously active participant in the anti Trump ‘debate.’ Even by the deplorable standards of Newsnight this programme was an outrageous example of liberal left globalist bias.
One point that Black woman thought important was to stress that Clinton won the popular vote. Wisely , in view of Brexit, Emily didn’t pursue the vital importance of having a majority vote in favour of anything.
Not to mention Clinton probably lost the popular vote, anyway. Votes declared aren’t the same as votes cast.
Since all the votes have now been counted, Trump won the popular vote as well.
‘The BBC should just sack a good number of those who maintain this narrative and try to smear people and parties..
Given Jasmine Lawrence was rewarded for her integrity with paid gardening leave and a promotion upon her return, as with much, the BBC and what ‘should’ happen in a snap world seldom are in step.
Interesting how they over dubbed with an interpreter. Just in case anyone could speak French and thus avoid hearing what she was really saying in context. Nice one BBC.
I noticed, Alan, that above you indicated that this was an 18 minute spot but the video is some 5 minutes shorter than this. Was this just a typo on your part or has the clip been shortened since then?
Yep…my fault…13…18…looks the same to me as Jimmy Savile might have said m’lud.
Thanks for pointing it out.
I didn’t see the interview with Corbyn but I don’t expect he was asked about any of the following:
– Open borders
– Gender segregation
– Wearing of the burka in public, and especially in the witness box
– Female genital mutilation
– Gender-based abortions
– Honour crimes
– The CPS’s refusal to bring prosecutions on any of those last three
– Widespread use of Sharia law in the UK
– Integration
I am seething. Martin Bashir, the new religious affairs correspondent on news at ten, has done a piece on the poor old persecuted Muslims now that Trump has been elected. Usual stuff how they are fearful for the future. He interviews a girl who has been seriously abused err no ,someone suggested that she should remove her headscarf . I then watched a programme on BBC2 about a wonderful Sikh who has been going to Iraq for the past 2years taking aid to the Christian Yazidis. He interviewed a mother who after the males of the village had been slaughtered was taken with her 11 year old daughter into sexual slavery. She saw her daughter being married off and doesn’t know where she is now. That’s persecution. But of course Muslims are much more important to Martin.
Someone ought to pooh in Bashir’s mouth. Just as he wished to do to Sarah Palin
This Borvo is what we are dealing with in the West.
We have ample evidence of the incompatibility of Islam within a western society and of sexual crimes and violence, at Rotherham, Cologne, Sweden, and of course the middle East, Not forgetting the teachings of the Koran itself which basically legalises the sexual enslavement of women who are not followers of Islam.
And yet we have the whole MSM led by the BBC which still tries to pedal the pack of lies that Islam is the “religion of peace”
In addition it is complicit in hushing up many crimes where the perpetrators happen to be “islamic” and also encourages the labeling of anyone who disagrees with islam as “islamaphobic”
Bearing in mind a phobia is an irrational fear – I would say that there is quite a lot of evidence just in the Koran (without even looking at the real world) that says Koran is pretty bloody threatening to most non muslim women. So what is irrational about fearing something that wants to hurt us?
Unfortunately Bashir appears to be yet another BBC, overeducated liberal drone. Encouraging Islam appears to be the current BBC raison d`etre (probably because it presents the most significant threat to our culture – which Aunty seems to despise for some reason).
The boy Bashir s (being a bit “efniky innit”) face fits perfectly and he will certainly never bite the hand that feeds him. The little bit about the Yazdis woman (whos daughter was married off/raped?) was put in probably to show that Martin cares for all – but you are right Borvo – I think we all know who Martin cares for most.
I suppose we can just be thankful that he did not accuse her of being “islamaphobic”
Just has UKIP Peter Whittle on the DP show. Jo Co just tried the same trick of equating Le Pen with UKIP by any means possible.