The BBC has long smeared UKIP with the ‘Far Right’ tag and even made allusions to Nazism and of course is blatantly involved in the campaign to undermine Brexit with claims it is unleashing a tidal wave of racism, hate and fear across the UK…so much so that BBC journalists fear for the future of their children in Britain.
Now they have the template established for how to deal with unwanted election results why let it go to waste? Why not link Trump to Nazi anti-Semitism and to the worst excesses of the Communist regime?…
Trump’s rude awakening for Germany
A few hours after US President-elect Donald Trump took to the stage to make his acceptance speech, as evening fell in Berlin, small candles were quietly lit and carefully placed in front of aged, stone doorsteps and along the darkening pavements.
Berliners were marking the anniversary of Kristallnacht (when Jewish people and their businesses were violently attacked in 1938).
It was barely noted amid the febrile howl of international reaction to the US election. Neither was the 27th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which shares the same date.
But both events – and all that they represent of this country’s past – explain, partially at least, why Germans were so repulsed by Donald Trump’s election rhetoric and why so few (4% by one poll’s reckoning) wanted him in the White House.
So Trump’s election will bring a return of Kristallnacht-like pogroms and the tyranny and subjugation of a Communist regime [the BBC wishes] where the people are viciously oppressed and dissenters with differing opinions are shot or sent to the Gulag [again…so like the BBC].
The BBC still peddling the lie about Trump and his policies on immigration….exactly why would Germans be repulsed by his views in light of Kristallnacht and the Soviet tyranny? Please explain BBC…where’s the link other than your attempt to smear Trump as a Nazi or bizarrely at the same time, as a Communist? Just what did Trump say that was so abhorrent? The BBC doesn’t want to look to hard at the truth and instead prefers to shout racist or Islamophobe…and indeed is going down exactly the same road it did with Brexit as it tries to portray Trump’s election as unleashing demons…
US Election 2016: Are hate crimes spiking after Trump’s victory?
Never mind that ‘protestors’ are urging people to kill Trump and indeed white people…even the Guardian gets in on the act...via Guido…[not sure how she hasn’t had her collar felt]…
Three days of anti-Trump rioting and protest, attacks on whites, calls to kill Trump and whites and the BBC thinks Trump voters are the problem? Just as it ignored threats to kill Farage, massive hate campaigns against Leave voters and the fact that a multitude of the most serious hate crimes are being executed, often literally, by Muslims…often against their own co-religionists who don’t meet their exacting standards of what a Muslim should be. Muslism are being killed and attacked in the UK because they don’t fit the mainstream criteria that defines what a Muslim should be…and the BBC refuses to point out the fact that it is mainstream Muslim dogma that is driving these attacks….the MCB itself defining Ahmadi Muslims as non-Muslim…thus ‘unleashing demons’….no?
Collar felt?
Lucky she did not allude to a female SJW snowflake on a panel show being a bit easy to see, and an entire Poice Scotland squad would be diverted from a pile up to get her in the nick quick smart.
I’m sure its what Jo Cox would have wanted.
#HateTrumpslove or have I got that the wrong way round ?
TrumpTrumpsHate. Hate is all that SJW liberals have.
#Lovetrumpshate, it turns out, means riot and arson.
The liberal left have said that, although he won the Electoral College vote, he did not win the popular vote. However, it appears that he DID win the popular vote (albeit only just):
#PopularVote: #Trump: 62,972,226 #Clinton: 62,277,750
#ElectoralCollege vote #Trump 306 #Clinton 232
I upticked you, Joe, but it has to be said that arguing the toss about who won the popular vote is irrelevant to the outcome of the US Presidential election which has its rules of engagement clearly defined differently to ours.
It’s like asking if soccer ‘Ace’ Gary Lineker would have made a better quarterback than the Panther’s Cam Newton – pointless.
Just as American Football is a different animal to Soccer, American politics is not the same as that of the UK.
Even if Trump trounced Clinton with the popular vote, the SJW’s would just move the goalposts again – Facebook and Twitter ‘Likes’ probably 🙂
If the BBC did not run such a headline and piece after the election victories of Obama or Bill ‘Give that Girl a Cigar’ they have some explaining to do.
Which they won’t, ‘because purposes of..’.
Just looked on the Guardian to ask them why that woman they employ is inciting a presidential assassination, but almost all subjects are closed to comments, are they having a hard time?
It’s a good indication that they are, Bill. It’s clear that their cosy POV has been demolished beyond their worst nightmares and they’re in full panic mode – a pretty sight it’s not and won’t be for a very long time.
It’s also interesting to note that the phrase ‘Fund our Journalism …’ is now competing with ‘This comment has been …’ for the top-spot Guardian cliché. Financial Armageddon beckons and it couldn’t happen to a better bunch – unless you include the New York Times which is also holding out the begging bowl in a desperate attempt to its once-subscribing ‘Deplorables’ – Karmas a real B*tch, isn’t it.
What next for these two once respected organs of the Fourth Estate – Tip Jars? That seems to have worked for the bloggers in the Fifth Estate!
As that eminent Nobel Laureate famously said ‘The times they are a’ changing’.
Yup, Mr Zimmerman was spot on and the SJW chatterati aint chuffed:-)
If they are having a hard time, as they are not as uniquely funded as the BBC to publish or censor according to the tastes of very few, much is explained if still not excused…
“In the Guardian mentality, you cannot carry a story of an ex-muslim persecuted for his apostasy for fear of inspiring hate against muslims. Thus a genuine case of hate crime is ignored on the grounds it could lead to other, imagined hate crimes.”
I have a feeling that this the general idea through a lot of the MSM,don’t report Muslim attrocities if at all possible as it only makes them worse.
It’s a shame the BBC with it’s £3.5bn annual extorted income, can’t even begin to compete with a tiny, Canadian, online media outlet.