US border patrol agent Michael Bernacke guns his SUV down the wide desert-sand road that lines the US-Mexican border through urban San Luis, Ariz.
To his right stands a steel wall, 20 feet high and reinforced by cement-filled steel piping. To his left another tall fence of steel mesh. Ten yards beyond, a shorter cyclone fence is topped with jagged concertina wire. Visible to the north, through the gauze of fencing are the homes and businesses of this growing Southwest suburbia of 22,000 people.
“This wall works,” says Mr. Bernacke. “A lot of people have the misconception that it is a waste of time and money, but the numbers of apprehensions show that it works.”
Bernacke, the patrol agent, says that since the triple fence was finished in October, there has been a 72 percent decline in illegal migrant apprehensions in the 120-mile swath of the US-Mexican border known as the Yuma sector. Eight hundred people used to be apprehended trying to cross the border here every day. Now, agents catch 50 people or fewer daily. Where U.S.-Mexico border fence is tall, border crossings fall 2008
Listened this morning to Pienaar witter on about Trump’s ‘racism and inflammatory rhetoric’ about stopping immigration…..either the BBC has a very short memory, is completely incompetent as a news organisation or it is deliberately misleading its audience as to the facts…..If Trump is a racist for wanting to build a wall to control illegal immigration……who else???? Hillary Clinton and the majority of her Democratic colleagues???? Absolutely ‘deplorable!!!…
Why Hillary Clinton voted for the anti-immigrant wall
4 October 2006
Last Friday, however, she did exactly that, joining Senate Republicans and the majority of her Democratic colleagues in voting for an ignominious piece of legislation known as the “Secure Fence Act of 2006.”
“I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in,” Clinton said “and I do think that you have to control your borders.”
“As president, I will not support driver’s licenses for undocumented people and will press for comprehensive immigration reform that deals with all of the issues around illegal immigration, including border security and fixing our broken system.”
Fact Sheet: The Secure Fence Act of 2006
“This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform.”
– President George W. Bush, 10/26/06
Today, President Bush Signed The Secure Fence Act – An Important Step Forward In Our Nation’s Efforts To Control Our Borders And Reform Our Immigration System. Earlier this year, the President laid out a strategy for comprehensive immigration reform. The Secure Fence Act is one part of this reform, and the President will work with Congress to finish the job and pass the remaining elements of this strategy.
The Secure Fence Act Builds On Progress Securing The Border
By Making Wise Use Of Physical Barriers And Deploying 21st Century Technology, We Can Help Our Border Patrol Agents Do Their Job And Make Our Border More Secure. The Secure Fence Act:
- Authorizes the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our Southern border;
- Authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting to help prevent people from entering our country illegally;
- Authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce our infrastructure at the border.
We all know that this has absolutely nothing to do with truth and facts, and is all about how moronic, headline chasing deviants have hijacked Al Shabeeb because it guarantees a continuous platform to propagate hatred and division among western civilisations.
Some magnificent articles over the last few days Alan. Great work
Funny thing is, the Republicans were complicit in the illegal invasion of the US. George W said, “Family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande.”
I imagine he was pushing corporate interests re cheap labour provided by illegals and at the same time screwing ordinary Americans.
No wonder Jeb Bush received such meagre support despite the huge sums pouring into his campaign, obliging him to drop out of the primary race embarrassingly early. Also no wonder why the opposition from the Bush clan and other establishment Republicans made little or no difference to the wave of support for Trump.
Because of its ingrained bias, the BBC can neither understand nor appreciate the factors behind the support for Trump. And what a great victory his election is over the fossilised socialists at the BBC.
Interesting times ahead.
To all the simpletons at the BBC who call Trump racist for wanting to deport mexicans illegaly in the USA: Since when was mexican a race? If Mr Trump moved to mexico and became a mexican citizen, would he have changed race? If you morons at the BBC want to use ad hominem attacks to cover up for not having any actual arguments then at least make them acurate.
As I mentioned in a post on the current Weekend Open Thread, the BBC made programmes years ago about illegal migration into the USA from Mexico and the walls and fences and broadcast them on Radio 4. I remember listening to them. The fact that this is ‘not remembered’ by anyone AT ALL at the BBC rather suggests that they prefer to ‘misrepresent’* things us now, perhaps for political purposes.
This is a disgrace.
(* misrepresentation = posh, long word for lying. Interestingly, having lied to people, ‘the Left’ – post-EU Referendum result – were quick to claim that it was the Leave Campaign and Leave voters who were the liars and that is why they won! ‘The Left’ do like to try to ‘re-write’ narratives to make themselves and what they have done appear somewhat different.)
They lie, over and over, because they can.
Tell it often enough combined with BBC editorial integrity. A potent combination in the wrong hands.
Katty Kay
“We did opinion polls afterwards that showed that, actually, if we were to hold the referendum again, Remain would win.”
Forgive me for being dumb, Katty but didn’t you do opinion polls before the referendum too? And didn’t they all say Remain would win? Now, I’m only a thicko pleb but it seems to me that opinion polls aren’t all that.
“If Heineken did opinion polls ………” 😉
Remember the storm of outrage when the now President Elect questioned the administration of the US election?
Remember how it was “an attack on democracy”?
This is the game the lightweight Katty Kay and the BBC generally are involved in.
It is one thing to tactically warn, during an election campaign that the process could be compromised by electoral rigging….and thereby put everyone on their toes to keep it clean, it is quite another to wait for the result then persistantly attempt to undermine it, by quoting spurious opinion polls or retrospectively attacking the electoral college arrangement or the mechanisms of the referendum.
This is the BBC attacking democracy. A dangerous and disreputable game.
But they SHOULD NOT LIE, GW, they should not do it. They will get into big trouble one way or another. For example, this morning the TODAY programme is trying to tell us that CO2 emissions for 2013, 2014 and 2015 were unchanged on previous years or even lower than previously thought. The BBC have been telling us that year on year CO2 emissions have set new records.
Now what are they going to do?
They could apologise profusely and sack Horrobin and McGrath.
They could apologise and send Horrobin and McGrath for “faithfully promised” post-Gilligan-style ‘re-training’.
They could weasel around and leave Horrobin and McGrath to come up with excuses, er, reasons why this adjustment or slight error has occurred.
All three scenarios are unlikely.
Meanwhile, the population of the UK watching and listening to the BBC will start to bracket the BBC with all those in the Remain campaign who, before and after 23rd and 24th June, were telling us things that were certain.
The BBC are playing a dangerous game. It will not be long at this rate before they are completely unbelievable and totally untrustworthy.
Thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded, U2S, what ‘should’ not happen is something the BBC has an unaccountable ability to flout and ignore at whim.
Eventually they will reap what they sow, but only once the numpties in Westminster figure out what excites the numpties at the BBC from the numpties on Twitter… really doesn’t float the boat of the shy, silent majority who every so often use their secret vote legitimately as part of actual democratic process.
No wonder they are trying to subvert it.
‘It will not be long at this rate before they are completely unbelievable and totally untrustworthy’
They already are!
Brilliant find, MH.
The BBC must be in a perpetual state of angst over Youtube.
I was listening to John Humphries interviewing one of Trumps right hand men on radio 4 at 8.00 am. Humphries asked him basically two questions, one on walls and illegal immigrants and two on Nato. I think Humphries was taken aback when this man stated that Obama had encouraged immigrants and so called refugees to bolster the Democrat vote and continued to blame various other connected detrimental issues on Obama. Not really the answer Humphries wanted. (Actually this is reminiscent of what Blair was accused of doing here in the UK.) Humphries quickly moved to the next question Nato. The man basically said the US wanted each Nato country to pay its way. Personally I cannot see anything wrong with that. Then Humphries introduced some snowflake Europhile and went straight to question two, obviously not wanting to discus immigrants. It was laughable.
“Actually this is reminiscent of what Blair was accused of doing here in the UK”
No, it what Blair and Co actually did, treason.
It’s what the left are still doing.
White, indigenous, voters will not support them, so they import more third world dregs of the planet, who we do not need, many hating everything Western Civilisation stands for. Bribing them with housing and benefits.
We have the right to self determination, and we will exercise this right.
Just like their amnesia about Obama’s position on gay marriage when he was running for president. As soon as he felt safe to come out his former position went down the memory hole. We can safely assume that Clinton has always been in favour of open borders.
The Achilles heel of the left is that what they really believe in is so nutty and stupid they have to reveal it in dribs and drabs. If the people ever discovered that they wanted to destroy the family, the economy and transform the demographics of the country they’d never get elected. They have to wait till there are enough voters on the payroll and immigrants on the Dem plantation before they come out into the open with their plan to bury America.
My favourite part of the coverage has been the tragic death of a dream shtick. Great piece on Huma Abedin weeping inconsolably at:
Beeboid stood in Manhattan for 6pm News tells us that Trump is backtracking, on Obamacare & border wall. But Trump always said that he would replace Obamacare, FFS his replacement has to have some common features. The crowing over the wall appears to be because Trump has accepted that the barrier in some places could be a fence. Surely sufficient current could render it as effective as a wall.