The BBC’s World News America presenter Katty Kay is somewhat creatively telling US television viewers that Britons regret voting for Brexit. Last night Katty said on NBC’s Meet the Press that people didn’t really want to Leave and that Remain would win a second referendum:
“We did opinion polls afterwards that showed that, actually, if we were to hold the referendum again, Remain would win. There were people who came on the BBC who said, “You know what? I voted to leave but I didn’t actually think we were going to leave. It was a protest vote.” And I think what we’ve seen during the course of this week is the kind of simple, clarion call of change crashing up against the complexity of actually governing.”
This is for the birds, as recent YouGov polls and the pollster Matthew Goodwin have explained:
“There is scant evidence of buyer’s remorse. As the tumultuous summer of 2016 drew to a close, 52 per cent of voters still said that Brexit was the “right decision”.”
The Beeboids just don’t get it
One of the most deeply satisfying things about the BBC’s US election coverage, and there were many, was the sight of Katty Kay’s arrogant demeanour disappearing like a deflating balloon. Early on, she interviewed a former Governor of Virginia, a senior and respected Republican figure. An old-fashioned Southern gent. All went ok, until Ms.Kay suddenly dropped the Trump sexual assault bomb into the conversation with a tone and sneer designed to embarrass, and by implication also impugn the elder statesman for his support of Trump. He visibly flinched at Kay’s attack. Subsequent interviews with Hillary people were conducted in a very different manner.
And then it all started going wrong. And I’m still laughing as I type. Karma’s a bitch isn’t it Katty?
Its so wonderful to get up in the morning, and break out in a fit of laughter at the discomfiture of the highly “educated” progressive morons at the BBC and the MSM.
The highly “educated” & scientifically illiterate progressive morons with dubious “Honours” in Media or Gender Studies, are now finding that the Climate Change (aka AGW) hoax that the MSM and the progressives had perpetrated to tax the ordinary deplorables, is going to be trashed. They are pinning their hopes that the treaty will survive, as it is too important (for them), even though the USA will withdraw from it.
It wont survive. China, Japan and India, were dead against it anyway, as the “science” was debatable at best, and the data, questionable. If America drops out of the Climate Change treaty, so will China, Japan and India. BINGO. Finito.
BBC Resurrecting the Dead to Make Up Climate News
Anthony Watts / 17 hours ago November 14, 2016
Tom Barr writes: The BBC is up to its old tricks, using any old snap to support its warmist position.
The trouble is that this picture is Getty Images # 57127741 which was, in reality, was taken over a decade ago on March 16, 2006.
The Climate Change AGW so-called scientists, and their media lackeys, have done great damage to the reputation of science. Once science and scientists were trusted, as honest and truthful. Now they are treated with the same scepticism as politicians and journalists.
Ah, the dear old BBC Climate Lies department. Here’s a story you definitely won’t be seeing courtesy of Harrabin and his masters of spin!
China, Japan and India, were dead against it anyway, as the “science” was debatable at best, and the data, questionable.
Man-made climate change is still a hypothesis – many would say a failed one at that as the only data underpinning it come from climate models which have been comprehensively trashed by real-world observations i.e. not a single one predicted an 18 year-plus flatlining of global temperatures.
I feel sorry for the Left’s captive Andrew Neil who has become the token impartial in the vichy-BBC now run by Marxists and Islamists, all explained by “2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain” by David Vincent (Amazon). BBC never mention Soros either and his role in trying to destroy Europe’s nation states by financing mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East or breaking American democracy by financing the violent anti white racists Black Lives Matter. There’s a warrant out for his arrest in Russia and let’s hope he is extradited ASAP by President Trump.
I saw that hateful cow on al-Beebs US election coverage. Poor Andrew Neil has now become the vichy-stooge of the marxists and Islamists who are now running things and remains in order to lend the corp its spurious pre-charter legitimacy (read “2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain” by David Vincent). BBC say nothing about Soros either and his role in the refugee crisis or Black Lives Matter. There’s a warrant out for his arrest, but how would we know?
My feelings of schadenfreude know no bounds, so let’s all enjoy the suffering again and again and again…..
Katty who? Is anything she says actually important? To anyone?
Nope. Thought not.
My worry is that the liberals in US will take her ‘reports’ , lies actually , at face value and believe that the UK doesn’t now wish to leave the EU. This will reinforce their attempts to undermine President Trump at every turn. What the BBC is doing is using tax payers money to try and stop the People’s Rebellion against the liberal left elite i.e. Taking a line that is diametrically opposed to what the majority of those who fund the corporation have voted for.
Every BBC news bulletin should carry a banner stating that what the BBC is reporting only occasionally matches what the majority of the British people think. The BBC does not represent the people of Britain so why do we have to pay for it?
The “liberals”(who are , in reality, anything BUT!) boths ides of the Atlantic WILL take her seriously.
Not because she`s right or credible-but because she mirrors their idiocy, parrots THEIR One Love Agenda.
Love is never having to say you`re sorry-or that you might ever have been wrong.
To them, failure is mere deferred success in suspension…up to us to scare them off this.
And we`ve FINALLY -at nine minutes to midnight-woken up and smelt the slurry.
I still don’t get it. Even if people voted leave as a “protest”, what were they protesting about if everything was so hunky-dory.
If there was a vote to have me given a million pounds per day, I wouldn’t vote against it.
Not only the polls are corrupted by manipulation, but so are the facts.
Two days after Trump won the popular vote, and Wikipedia still has Clinton winning the popular vote.
Why, I suggest the Democrats control Wikipedia and cannot bring themselves to accept reality by showing the final result. While Republicans also want Wikipedia to be discredited by not correcting the page.
Also I have noticed changes to the College Education table. First results showed that Trump voters were better educated, then a mainstream media survey shows the exact opposite, and now it has the addition of a column that shows that white college educated voters, voted for Trump.
Reasons that I have found for this are that the mainstream media survey could have been restricted to areas with poor performing Colleges in areas of poverty, as well as habitually Democrat voting Jewish areas. The survey itself is based on less that 30,000 people, which looks like a similar number of people to the number of employees of the consortium that produced the survey.
The fact that there are no correlations between wealth and education that show that the richer you are, the less well educated you are, or the collection of correlations in the “Bell Curve” that show that white people are more than just better educated. I think we can safely say that Trump won both the popular vote, and the College Educated vote.
Can I have your source of your information regarding the ‘popular vote’ result?
As I tried to find this out two days ago with no luck. Thanks.
Trump: 62,972,226
Clinton: 62,277,750
Thanks for that!
This does not appear to be correct, however in response to losing the “popular” vote
“The former Celebrity Apprentice host took to Twitter on Tuesday, November 15, to address the popular vote results, writing, “If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily. The Electoral College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is so much different!”
There was no ‘popular’ vote at all for anybody, because 100 million US citizens didn’t even bother to vote. I suppose you could say that that was the most popular vote ?
There is a pattern emerging of pollsters who are working for the left-liberal media initially very bad misjudging the popular vote – but then pronoucing with bold certitude the supposed detailed social makeup of the electorate.
Do you go to the duff tipster who gave you the wrong tip for the winner of the horse race and then take his word as gospel as to the skill of the jockies, the relative strength of the horses and the attributes of the track?
I doubt Katty Kay saw the Brexit vote coming – but she is now convinced she knows how we would vote a second time. What does she want – best of three? Actually, I guess supporters of the EU do have form on this. She like others say this because it is what they want – another campaign and another chance.
Ta Richard and AISI above.
As you say-how did the “final polls of demographic trends” manage to be so correct(days after the naqba of their liberal dreams going?)-when all their real time, live feed Big Data polls were so fantastically and fantasical , farcically Downright bloody WRONG. Good too to remind ud all of this before its knotweed liberal roots become set in their liberal histories.
And WE internalise it and accept is as “truth”-“post truthers” that they are.
Thanks for reminding us-no passeran as we lefties once said!
and how many people here have ever been polled ? I have not. I suspect that it is all rigged .
Never heard of her.
No doubt the BBC polls were carried out directly after the referendum, whilst ‘Project Fear’ was still in full effect, but before all their doom-laden predictions for Q3 and Q4 of this year had been proved to be complete and utter shite.
Not for the first time, the BBC reporting what it wants to be true, rather than what actually is true.
It’s high time Ms Kay was given a job equal to her abilities. There must be someone who needs a cup of tea.
I wouldn’t trust her with a kettle.
The bogs need cleaning get to it Kay…
even cleaners need integrity
According to wikipedia, “A short time later, friend Matt Frei came out with a tape recorder and persuaded her to become a journalist.” Wonder how many of Frei’s friends are NOT Guardian reading soft left folk who despise the peoples of the UK and US?
Needless to say she has a book on Women in Business, because I guess there arent enough books on women in business.
Anyways, wasn’t it wonderful watching her on election night, as her demeanor fell from bouncy little girl at her own 5 year old party to a person who could not believe how sad and stupid everyone else is?
Well, Katty, just relax a little and you will realise that you have your Atlantic map upside down. America is on the left when you get it the right way up. That’s on the left of your screen and teleprompt, OK? Now, in America they will re-run their ‘referendum’, actually a US Presidential Election: be patient, it will happen in four years time. [Actually, in reality it will start in less than three! Oh joy. 🙁 ]
Now, over on the right of the Atlantic, that’s an ocean by the way, there is Britain and Europe. We had a Referendum to leave (resign) from an organisation of European countries, the EU. Our General Election for a Government was last year; that is run every five years under current arrangements. That is the one we do again. And again. And again.
The EU Referendum was a one-off, once in a lifetime, Texas-type [the Scottish band] thing. It doesn’t have a re-run unless you get rid of democracy, which I agree can be awkward but is something they have done elsewhere in the EU with a spectacular lack of success.
Which tends to highlight a failing of democracy if you try to re-run elections. A bit like Snowflakes going around wrecking American cities when they didn’t get their oh-so-priviliged little way last Tuesday in America. But that’s different, because a Presidential Election in the US is every four years and will be here a lot sooner than many of us would like. The little brats should really calm down. Now, here’s a suggestion: why don’t you go out to Portland, Oregon and give those little brats some of your wisdom and get them to stop wrecking stuff and assaulting people and go home, be patient and wait for four years for another go?
It will be a shorter wait than for another EU Referendum in the UK.
A lot shorter wait.
The BBC to announce today that the Clintons are racist, Islamophobic, bigoted Nazi’s ?
Opinion Polls ? Evidence and track record to date show that they are “make it up as you go along”.
We have had the vote and we all want out ! – live with it.
Move on .
We have now got to the stage where the BBC fabricates ‘ evidence’ to create news stories rather than report what’s happening in tbe real world. Kay’s opinion poll is now followed by the leaked unsolicited report on Brexit from Deloitte. People like the ludicrously named Katty Kay are from a left liberal elite who think they are born to rule. They have no place on a taxpayer funded broadcasting service that once was impartial and authoritative.
I listened with amusement when the BBC waxed lyrical that Clinton had won the popular vote, saying more people voted for her than Trump. Well unfortunately for her this is not the way the electoral system works. The BBC did not use the same terminology when referring to UKIPs success polling more votes than the Liberal Party and the Scottish National Party combined during the general election, did they? They certainly did not.
I wonder if the ‘polls’ indicating that Brits would now vote Remain are the same polls that got the referendum wrong last time, and the general election, and the US election?
When I see the grandiose opening shots of so-called bbc so-called news, with huge banks of computers on vast open-plan floors, I now see it as a hubristic totalitarian monument to oppression and distortion like Ceausescu’s obscene Palaces. And for all your obscenely huge funding and resources and personnel and computers (with our money) you keep getting it wrong you useless morons: the UK election, the Referendum and now the US election. I swear to never pay them a penny in license fee, when will the people rise up and do likewise in their millions?
If only we knew how to organise a nation wide LF payers strike. One hundred thousand strikers organised in nation wide protest would be enough to cause panic at the BBC and perhaps put some backbone into the Toriesso that they would dare to cut the BBCdown to size. I’m sure there are many more than a hundred thousand who would join such a strike if only it could be organised. If enough folks joined the strike prosecution would be impossible. I would be willing to do so and to work for a strike committee but how do you organise such a movement.
They did not get the memo that “1984” was NOT a how to do book but a warning! Fortunately some people are beginning to wake up to this fact and reacting in a proper manner.
Just a small point.
“We” carried out opinion polls.
Who is the we she refers to?
I cannot believe that the BBC would not have plastered it all over their coverage.
We have had a few months now and I wonder how many who voted Remain because of Armageddon, that has no happened and ditto to reform the EU from inside – the aircraft carrier talks quickly showed there was no intention to reform, rather continue to ever closer union and the EU army – may be less keen now.
I suppose the Remain argument the second time around would be centred on Project Love – I feel a very difficult concept to sell!
Relentless BBC subversion.
We expect nothing more, nothing less.
I wonder if there is a uk version?
A collapse that is accelerating as the BBC exports its market rate ‘talent’ far and wide.
Take a bow, Mark Thompson, Paul Mason….