A B-BBC reader writes
“In 1265 Simon De Montfort formed the first parliament in England . Six hundred years later the common man still did not have the right to vote . The Chartist Movement was formed in 1808 , and the Reform Act 1867 , nearly sixty years later , brought in most of their demands . But still not everyone had the vote ; women were left out . It wasn’t until 1928 that we finally had universal suffrage for everyone . A worthy ideal one would have thought .Not it seems for many of the BBC liberal/left self proclaimed intelligentsia . The workers in the north voted for Brexit , the ordinary Joe in America voted for Trump . They were in the D and E social strata , they didn’t go to college , they earned less than $ 33 000 , they were over 40 , they yearned for a time long ago , they had no union , they didn’t understand the complexities of the issue(s) , they were easily manipulated .
Basically , they are too stupid for the right to vote .
So these “progressives ” actually are talking about changing the voting systems or even if there is a post democracy age ! No wonder the term Populist is such an anathema to them . When you’re a bossy sort of person you need the power so you can hector and curtail other people’s activities without their comeback .
These BBC liberal/ left workers champions aren’t alone in their thinking though . The Apartheid regime had the same mindset , that there were some people who were just too stupid to vote . In the Boers case it was Black Africans . We thought in Britain that we had got over that in 1928 but it now seems the One Man , One Vote is out of favour with the elite .
It’s not just what you voted for that upsets the BBC , but who you voted with . It seems if you are white and voted for Trump , that is terrible , but if you are black , Latino or Muslim and voted for Clinton , that is laudable . How you’re supposed to vote for Trump if you are white without being part of a bloc and not an individual with preferences is beyond me . It must also be galling to a black American to feel he is pigeonholed about his preferences , that he voted for X because he/she is black , not because of any individualism . Again the BBC has more in common with apartheid than democracy .
If only awkward people from the ranks hadn’t pushed such notions as All Men Are Born Equal and Government Of The People then the liberal / left BBC would have its ideal – rule by The Now Show .”
The Left love democracy so long as they get the result they want .
Yes Grant, and none of the recent results have gone their way. Shame.
Mr G ,
My heart is bleeding, but I love watching them squirm !
Please, Marine le Penn, win the French election, Please!
Saturday (I think) evening BBC news, first story, Martine Croxall is talking to a young woman called Alexis Grenell, who was captioned as a political consultant from the USA. They were trying to unpick the horror of the Trump victory. Martine asked Alexis if she could explain why 52% of white women voted for Trump considering he was such a misogynstic bastard. Alexis replied “Because they preferred their white privilege to their gender identity.”
Of course it’s statements like that, which led to Trump winning. The level of denial and incomprehension shown by Ms.Grenell, and evident in all of her peers, is staggering.
Populist politics = politics not approved by the Guardian and its broadcast arm.
Popular politics = politics approved by the Guardian and its broadcast arm.
Talking of the Guardian I wonder if the BBC has made lots of £49(?) donations to keep the Guardian alive and providing leads, stories, commentators from the approved viewpoint.
Has it sacked the journalist who suggested assassinating a President (elect?)?
Britain delivers a straight majority answer on the EU, and the leftists say it’s too simplistic and it should go to Parliament which is ‘sovereign’ and the bastion of British jurisdiction. Trump easily win the presidency based on the electoral college, and the leftists say it’s too archaic and complicated and that they should retroactively ignore the fabric of how American politics operates in order to have a straight popular vote.
The hypocrisy is anathema to them, but the result is obviously the same. They despise democracy, because they often lose when the decision is put to the people. That they claim their attacks on democracy is actually an attempt to protect it is the icing on the cake of delusional double-standards.
Luckily, more and more people are waking up to this, and the more these hacks continue to expose themselves, the more support their opponents receive, and the more determined the people become that they will shake these parasites off once and for all.
Once upon a time we were a robust people. Old Cobbett once said that he could ride to London from – I forget where- and from each village choose a farmer or tradesman or labourer to take to London and sit in the Commons. There to run the country just as well as anyone.
Still true today but these snowflake lefties think that their snowflake privilege entitles them to rule.
Same with the Lords. A more useless bunch I have yet to see and they want to dictate to us?
Sorry Guardian and the BBC. This is the time of the deplorables everywhere in the West and we just might save our way of life and our civilisation so move out of the road. You are history.