The BBC broadcasts what turns out to be – by most realistic measures – a mediocre and innocuous interview with French presidential contender Marine Le Pen. Whilst the BBC – always hypersensitive to the protests and the wailings of the Left – feels the need to justify itself.
“We are, after all, a news organisation”, bleats Andrew Marr. I’m reminded of John Lennon cautioning the over-feisty of his fellow travelling Revolutionaries, ‘You ask me for a contribution, Well, you know, We’re all doing what we can’.
Lost in translation
A small point but significant; the conversation was always going to be somewhat stilted given the language barrier. Frost-Nixon or heaven forbid Bashir-Diana this was not.
The script was predictable – Andrew Marr was always going to accuse his interviewee of ‘racism’ – the only deviation from the template was that Marr opted to attack Le Pen’s father for his antisemitism. The sins of the fathers – how progressive an attitude is that? Funny that Marr should feel the need to delve back into history for his line of attack. It was once said of the French Bourbon monarchy ‘They learned nothing and forgot nothing’ – shades of the BBC there.
I suspect the tactic was in fact carefully chosen so as to paint Le Pen’s party as 1930s-style nationalists.
And of course, let’s not forget this interview is prepared for the consumption of a British audience where the BBC have a long-running beef with UKIP; so Marr is mindful to pursue the guilt by association charge whenever possible.
Then we have the odd turnaround of the undergraduate Oxbridge Trotskyite Red Andy bemoaning Le Pen’s lack of enthusiasm for NATO with the BBC man painting Russia as the bogeyman of Europe. Seems the BBC advocates for a return to the Cold War.
Did Andrew Marr miss the fall of the Berlin Wall and did he forget 9/11? Does the BBC really consider Putin’s Kremlin to be the sworn enemy of Western Civilisation? Clear and present danger…?
I don’t see armed soldiers are patrolling the streets of Paris and British Bobbies, guns poised, at London tube stations against the threat of KGB spies in trilbies and raincoats wielding poison-tipped umbrellas.
Plat du jour
The real bone of contention here is Le Pen’s rejection of the BBC’s favourite menu of Globalisation, the EU and Mass-immigration. All that Centre Left and Centre Right establishments have on offer is the same stale menu for the erosion of the Nation State, the elevation of a narrow supra-national corporate World Elite speaking their own incomprehensible language of Political Correctness – and for the poor plebs left back at home nothing but distain, Welfare Stateism and income stagnation.
Sick of that old recipe perhaps instead we will add a large baguette to our basket of deplorables.
Anybody able to tell me a day when a Marine Le Pen interview would be deemed OK by our liberal puppetmasters?
To hear them suddenly summoning up the Dunkirk Spirit to hide their evils behind is pretty galling. These are the same people who`d have whistled “Lili Marlene” as the Jewish kids were tricked onto the Auschwitz wagons at Drancy or Westerbork. And the very same people who think our Armed Forces are dispensable, and able to be Corbyns Cones , come the Glorious Day.
So no- There`d NEVER be a good time for Le Pen to be allowed to speak her truth to the rest of us. BBC hypocrites as ever.
“The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures. …
“A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the states (38 of 50 states).”
Now there is no way this is simply down to the persuasion of the Trump campaign nor the corruption of Hilary Clinton, and this is where the BBC disinformation and propaganda is relevant.
The only way this devastation of democrat legislatures could happen is with the current President having failed his country so badly that it’s a wipe out at the polls. This is probably a worse result than the Tories under John Major suffered when they lost to Bliar !
I wonder if the BBC will report this seeing as it really should worry them that Trump can change the constitution, but then that’s probably all they’ll report and not the reasons why it happened, nor the significance.
You are right, Thoughtful. I watched the Trump vote, fairly late on Wednesday, climb to the point where I was thinking ‘Oooh! Trump really spanked Hillary!’. Then I thought that the BBC would never report it, either in those terms or couched in more formal language.
Because their web-site pages on the US vote result were still showing that there was doubt over whether Trump and the Republicans had won in the Senate and in Congress, and even in some States for the Electoral College which were normally Democrat voting. The BBC were reluctant to provide information on the true result and were slow to update their web-site.
The BBC are playing a dangerous game that they will lose.
Pure comedy on the BBC’s TOADY programme this morning (Radio4 6-9am), especially in the 7.30 to 8am slot. Comedy and contradiction. This formerly flagship News programme is disappearing into a farrago of farce.
BBC World Radio – “Theresa May will be leading the charge to remake globalism”.
Any idea what they might mean?
See UK and France snubbed Junkers meeting to draw up ‘rules’ for the new US President.
She can’t and it is meaningless. These people are the problem and as with all great changes they are never never part of the solution. The insurrection of the West’s deplorables is under way.
We are only starting Act One. Our men are Trump, Farage, Orban, and Le Pen not the tired old 68ers of the past.
Probably May is a nice lady but this is not her time .
Oh crap! I just tried LBC – NEVER AGAIN! Same old, same old and tears down the phone because the Antichrist has been elected but hey, that’s America. We don’t live in America.
Me too Gaxvil. O’Brian saying that David Duke and the Klan will be running the country ffs. Mind you he’s not called London’s Biggest C*** for nothing, is he!!
LBC very much depends upon the presenter. Nick Ferrari had DV on last week and told him “I like the cut of your jib”. Can you imagine any BBC presenter ever saying that?
I’ve never listened to James O’Brien and never willingly shall, because he comes across as a smug know-it-all lefty wanker just from the LBC Twitter feed.
Same old, same old and tears down the phone because the Antichrist has been elected …
gaxvil, you also posted this above:
See UK and France snubbed Junkers meeting to draw up ‘rules’ for the new US President.
Isn’t it a strange world we live in that a democratically elected President of the US is the subject of violent protest and anti-democratic outpourings yet an unelected bureaucrat/failed politician can strut around the EU barking orders – barking being the operative word – like he runs the shop? Stranger still that the BBC perpetually miss this oh-not-so-subtle distinction.
The Chartist movement started in 1808 campaigning to give the working man the vote . It was resisted by the powerful of the time because they thought the working class was too stupid to be able to vote . The Suffragette movement was formed to fight for women to be given the vote .that was resisted as some thought women were too stupid to be given the vote . Universal Suffrage was not completed until 1928 .
Now the BBC. , the luvvies and liberal/ left want to nullify the votes of the ordinary people on the grounds we were unaware of what we voted for , that we were bamboozled by one bus and a few newspaper headlines .
In other words we are too stupid to vote .
Heard some of Today-not enough to laugh, too much to not get hacked off with `em.
Seems to me that EVERY story-no matter how tangential-ends up in the same damn frame.
The pictures might seem different-but they`re all framed by Liberal anti-democratic and Neo-marxist student leaders and rag week pram pushers.
The Frame is the Same-always pastel, always rainbow, always seeming to be stable and fit for purpose to set the picture. But it`s lies, pipe cleaners and pasta goo when you look up close. And no other options allowed by the Cyclops BBC monoloids with an affected eye patch should it all be too painful and true to them.
Why are we paying for this free 24/7 CBT for liberal liars and loafers in meltdown-they`re all BUPA druggies, so why do WE end up paying for their deluded bellyachings? They`ve learned nothing.
Brexit and Trump with more to come-one big long “Whinge-O Rama”, as I`ll now be calling it. THAT is the only new thing I learned with the BBC today-won`t do other but try to like Jeff Lynne and ELO.
Never got him-but too many blokes that I like seem to, so “Wild West Hero” is on repeat shuffle until I like it.
BBC are never off repeat shuffle are they- but it`s St Vitus dance and eructations in their cases.
Perhaps we should adopt the phrase that the commies used against normal Americans; bitter clingers. Our collectivist losers are bitterly clinging to their dream of the EU superstate; they are the real Bitter Clingers.
Seems out there despite the invoking of the magic banishing words i.e.: racist, fascist etc., we’ve had Brexit and a Trump win. Their World has been turned upside down and yet their World will not change will it? Even if the Left gets trounced in Europe there won’t be KKK shops on every street corner, there won’t be genocide, or ritual sacrifice.
To hear them go you’d thing ISIS had taken over the West – Now that would give them cause but ask them in a couple of years, how has your life fundamentally changed? Their present reaction is beyond pathetic and I struggle to find rational answers that don’t reflect badly on them.
That’s a great image.
There you are debating a Lefty
when suddenly unlike Harry Potter they behave like Harry Nutter
shouting the the magic banishing words
i.e. “Sexist, Racist, Fascist, Troll ..Begone ..I win”
The horror that is now very quickly unfolding before our eyes can be likened to watching a Steven Spielberg horror epic in slow motion. I, for one, do not feel comfortable being a participant in this unfolding horror. I just feel gratified that, being in my late autumn years, I will not get to see the horror reaching its completeness in thirty to forty years time.
Coming to a Town or City near you in the not too distant future:
It just requires the Muslim population to reach critical mass for this and other similar events, to become the norm. Anyone who has lived in the Middle East understands exactly what this means.
As all western governments (perhaps less one from 08.11.16!) and virtually all media organisations are complicit in this conspiracy, I cannot see that even a rising and application of so-called, “Democracy” within all the respective state’s political systems reversing the creeping sickness.
A minimum of 34 years from now.
It could be argued that the critical mass has already been achieved. Muslims don’t have to make up the majority, (the old democratic politics), we are now in an era of protected minorities, the smaller the better. In the past minorities, as individuals, were protected by the concept of equality under the law – the large corporation was just as subject to the law of contract as its customer – but now ‘wrong’ is determined by the ‘victim’, there is no common concept that applies to all. Because of this it is better to ‘play safe’.
As a result of this Muslims don’t have to demand anything or to need a majority, our leaders instead attempt to be ‘culturally sensitive’ and to anticipate their demands beforehand. Thus halal butchered meat is edible; let’s feed it to everyone. Schools need uniforms so what harm is there in specifying a uniform head covering? We don’t need to draw cartoons, so why draw them? We don’t need to mock religion, so why do it?
Of course when they do attain a majority we won’t have the option of objecting to any of this.
It’s amazing really, we already have a Muslim Mayor in London,our capital city, remember how corrupt the Muslim Mayor of Tower Hamlets was, and how hard it was to get rid of him?
When you think about it the USA have had a lucky break getting rid of Obama and getting Trump in place, hope he does a good job.
This news from Egypt (not really news, it is what Islam has been practising across the Middle East one way or another for the last 1400 years) is not only being carefully withheld by our major news broadcasters but is most definitely ‘haram’ as far as Religious Studies in our schools are concerned.
Generation Snowflake and its successors are in for one hell of a very, very rude awakening.
There was tradition in the U.S. of very wealthy men only wanting to be paid one dollar a year, when they served in the military in WW1 and WW2; I believe they were called “dollar men”.
To the Clintons and Blairs, you could add the Roosevelts (the second lot) another very greedy pair by all accounts.
Friends! That Far-Right neoliberal racist rag, the so-called Guardian, has published a surprisingly wise editorial on how Hard-Right Trumpery will literally destroy this World – and indeed elsewhere – by dint of Far-Right Climate Change.
Friends, I literally could not resist – literally – wading in to support them:
"Friends! Far-Right Climate Change is real, it is deadly, and it is happening NOW! The only people who claim oth…"
The last Ice Age ended approximately 11,500 years ago and we now live in an interglacial period. Average world temperatures have been declining slowly during this interglacial period but this trend has changed over the last 100 years with temperatures rising. The rate of the present warming is significant. An Ice Age does not simply end on a fixed date, it takes a period of time. This is typically 5 thousand years over which period the Earth’s temperature will rise by 4 to 7 degrees Celsius. This is a warming rate of between 0.08 and 0.14 degrees per century. The current rate of warming is 0.7 degrees per 100 years. This anomaly is on a scale and over such a short time period as to make it unlike anything seen before.
These are the facts. You can draw your own conclusions.
Nail hit on head. Unfortunately for us it doesn’t fit in with the globalist agenda to have a sustainable and much reduced world population. It would hit their profits, you see. The mantra of ever increasing GDP has been adopted by every political stripe and the only way to guarantee an ever increasing GDP is to have an ever increasing population. Hence the west, who have rather selfishly decided to have fewer children are being replaced by those who breed like rabbits. A population decrease is the elephant in the room no self respecting liberal wants to talk about. The right needs to come up with a position other than “Its all lies, it isn’t happening”. Just because the libtards say it is so doesn’t mean that it isn’t, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
The mantra of ever increasing GDP has been adopted by every political stripe and the only way to guarantee an ever increasing GDP is to have an ever increasing population.
I can see where you’re coming from, but the other option is increased GDP through artificial intelligence and more and more mechanisation.
The paradox in what most on here know as Agenda 21 is that it is backed both by eco-socialist movements such as WWF and Friends of the Earth on the one hand and George Soros and his global political/financial elitists e.g The Club of Rome, on the other. Maybe it’s just ultimate power which drives them both – who knows.
The BBC website is now resurrecting the dead to try to paint a false picture of climate change. Under the headline “2016 ‘very likely’ to be world’s warmest year”, is a picture of dead cattle lying on a dry savanna.
Turns out the pic was taken in 2006. Someone has pointed this out and the BBC has changed the image.
The current rate of warming is 0.7 degrees per 100 years. This anomaly is on a scale and over such a short time period as to make it unlike anything seen before.
Not, in fact, since the Medieval Warm Period. Oops, I forgot, that was neutralised by the Hockey Stick Effect.
So all these climate models that got the 18-year (and counting) ‘pause’ wrong – still being used are they?
What is it you do not understand about “rate of warming”?
Of course there have been warmer periods within the holcene, notably the Holocene Climatic Optimum (HCO) and cooler periods too like the Little Iceage. But it is a fact that the rate of change of temperature has never been higher than it is at the moment which makes it an anomaly.
Why should I believe anything coming out of the AGW industry which has shown a laughable deficit in its understanding of natural climate variation, given us… The Hockey Stick (scientific fraud), ‘hide the decline’, spectacular failure of climate models, ‘no more snow’, glaciers gone by the 2030s, endlessly ‘adjusted’ temperatures, withholding of data and computer code, unprecedented childish name calling of sceptical fellow scientists (‘deniers!’), a so-called scientific reporting process which involves politicians and environmentalists to come up with the ‘correct’ summary of its findings, spectacular failure of ‘extreme climate event’ predictions, the idea that you can ‘tweak’ the earth’s temperature like a thermostat just by reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, a ‘settled’ science that changes almost by the day to cover unpredicted phenomena – I could go on and on and on.
Any suggestion that what is happening is ‘unprecedented’ in the entire history of the world’s climate and therefore by deduction can only be down to mankind’s intervention is an absolute joke coming from this bunch of fraudulent, moronic, eco-socialist, one-world authoritarians who also, coincidentally, control the world’s temperature data sets. Maybe you don’t understand Agenda 21 or who’s behind it.
Seemed reasonable but then :
“The current rate of warming is 0.7 degrees per 100 years. This anomaly is on a scale and over such a short time period as to make it unlike anything seen before.”
That’s fallacy of certainty beyond the available evidence.
.. What you said is a possible scenario
..but denies things like the Medieval Warm Period
In the real world the relationship between CO2 and temperature does not seem to be linear like Lab Models assume.
I repeat “That’s fallacy of certainty beyond the available evidence.”
The systems for guessing the past temperatures are not accurate enough to back up your statement
..You don’t really know how fast past temperatures rose and fell.
Friend Lobster! They didn’t *want* to fly there! But until something like video-conferencing is invented, which would enable them to talk with each other without having to physically travel there, they literally have no choice.
With half the BBC there on autumn break to avoid the nasty British November rain, surely it’s a hop, skip and jump away?
‘Apparently BBC editors did not consider that these two stories would contribute to meeting their remit of building understanding of “international issues”.’
To the Desk Of the Supreme Leader Sir Leftington.
Bit understated today then Supreme Leader?
I think it`s more than real-it is more than real.
And you say it`s deadly-I think that it is deadlier than that.
This is quite literally what is known as backsliding in a false conscientiousness manner.
No pink floppiness here…we demand red meat and blood as Socialism rises proud and pert. No sell out!
Thank you, Friend Alicia! I think you’re correct. I was displaying disturbingly neoliberal tendencies, and – literally – selling out. I promise not to do so again.
DT: “BBC editors too often seem to view their airwaves as intellectual game reserves where liberal herbivores can safely graze.” (I would have said ‘bovine’)
Good opinion piece by Robin Aitken on Le Pen / Marr /beebistan…
Aitken is the author of ‘Can We Trust The BBC?’ Readers of this blog will know the answer to that question.
Liked the bit about the BBC being a “game reserve for the liberal herbivores”.
An image to treasure now the Big Beasts(the REAL ones, not the liberals stag beetles and dung moles like Clarke, Blunkett and Heseltine) have been introduced to the paddocks.
A Golden Eagle and a British Lion-what a picture THAT is that we all saw on Saturday-still dreaming about it!
That Marine Le Penn is a rather attractive woman. I’d be happy for her to invite me for dinner. Anyone else agree?
Why is it that Left wing women are so gobby, dull, plain and ugly? Perhaps, when women find out then men don’t find them attractive, they resort to the Left?
Sturgeon’s nick name is seaweed. When she was younger, even the tide wouldn’t take her out.
Dover – I think there are some very attractive women on the left. For instance Diane Abbott, Margaret Beckett, Clare Short, Jo Brand, Emily Thornberry, Glenda Jackson …….
That reminds me, I’ve got an opticians appointment this afternoon.
Said this before – yes, Marine L-P is definitely a good looking woman. Of course, mileage may vary and objects in the mirror may be more/less attractive than they appear. Or something.
You should look at Marion Le Pen.
She’s absolutely gorgeous.
Edit. Just seen your picture Peter.
We really do have the lookers on our side.
Melania is also a beauty.
Now, compare them to (whispered) ….”Andrew………”
Many thanks. Dipping in and out these days. But great to see a lot of new posters here just in the last few week. And the enemy have not shut the site down yet !
But to my dying day I shall remember what all those out there, protesting and crying did and said in response to the thousands enslaved, raped, mutilated and murdered by the likes of IS, Boko Haram and of course Assad. Their icons Obama, Clinton et al presided over the rise of such groups and did little or nothing to stop the carnage but wring their hands and call for the emptying of those millions into Europe. These people Like to think themselves so morally superior and yet ………….
They did _considerably_ more than little or nothing. The west in general, the U.S. and UK in a leading role, all recent US regimes since Bush on both sides but Obama as president and Clinton as SoS in particular have done a whole lot more to create, support, finance and aid and abet the financing by SA of ME terrorist groups.
Steady on. I wouldn’t put Assad in the same camp as ISIS, Boko Harram and Al Shabaab. Assad is the legally recognised leader of Syria, the rest are terrorist groups. Assad is fighting to save his country falling to terrorist groups armed, trained and funded by USA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel. He is more sinned against than sinning.
Maybe these countries have dictators because it takes a dictator to run them. Remove the dictator and there is no nice West leaning paragon of democratic values to take over. There is only another dictator worse than the first.
There is only another dictator worse than the first.
Or chaos. Experience over the last 20-odd years teaches us that only iron-fisted dictators can keep a lid on these madhouses aka Arab states – the alternatives have proved to be ten times worse.
I think he is saying what would appear to be the only way that any mainly Muslim country in the Middle East can be “peaceful”.
Democracy is not a concept that is understood.
Oh dear. It seems that same concept is increasingly not understood here and in the U.S. too. The Muslims never had it and we are in the you don’t know what you have got until it is gone phase.
Are you sitting down?
Because……two cheers for the Beeb.
In the car, caught a bit of File on Four yesterday. A programme pointing out the decidedly lacklustre approach of the UK authorities to (allegedly) money laundering in London by deposed dictators and refusal to co-operate with countries trying to get their own money back.
The hypocrisy of this, given by contrast the enthusiasm of the authorities in other spheres, from making allegations against Cliff, or prosecuting people for putting rubbish in the wrong bin, is extremely telling.
Oh that the Beeb would spend more time on this sort of stuff and less on its unceasing left wing bias.
A programme pointing out the decidedly lacklustre approach of the UK authorities to (allegedly) money laundering in London by deposed dictators and refusal to co-operate with countries trying to get their own money back.
Hmmm, not too sure about the Beeb’s motives here. If they were truly concerned about money laundering they might report a bit more on the millions, if not billions, leaving the country via our cash-economy, drug-importing Muslim communities.
Oh dearie me, Paddy O’Connell is sitting in for Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 this lunchtime and his anti-Trump bile is bubbling to the surface.
Arron Banks (UKIP donor) has just returned from meeting the President elect in Trump Towers and so Paddy asked him whether he’d spotted any attractive woman in the building and discussed groping them with Donald Trump, “because that’s what Trump likes to do.”
He then managed to find some bloke from Aberdeen who lives next to Donald’s golf course up there and Paddy asked him whether Donald had built a fence to cut off his property and guess what?, yep, Donald had built a fence and it was “cheap and nasty”.
Paddy, not the brightest gay in the village, then spoke to someone who had also met the Donald in Trump Towers and exclaimed “Wow, it seems everyone’s been to Trump Towers apart from me and almost everyone else.”
I listened to that (briefly) this lunchtime, O’Connell is Alan Partridge sans the humour and really belongs on something like BBC Radio Rutland or Penzance or similar.
When I heard that Arron Banks was going to be the first interviewee I was interested, after all he is a serious chap: business man; MAJOR donor for UKIP and the referendum campaign also very insightful about things when I’ve heard him on other programmes.
What was Paddy going to ask him? After all Banks and Farage are the first people from U.K. politics to actually meet the man who is going to be the next president (oh I’m sorry! “Elect!” As Paddy quickly interjected when Banks referred to meeting “President Trump”.
Who are the people Trump is bringing into his cabinet?
Did the next president or his staff give an indication of what their policy towards the U.K. would be?
What did Mr Trump or his inner circle have to say about Brexit?
What do you think his new U.S. policy towards Britain post Brexit will be?
Had the comments by British government ministers ruffled feathers in what will be the new administration? And would that be a problem for May to sort out?
No, no, no none of the above. The questions he was asked were basically variations of:
“Did you talk about grabbing women?”
“Were there any attractive receptionists?”
“Nigel Farage warned Trump not to grab Theresa May didn’t he?”
Absolutely pathetic. Arron Banks should have told him that Paddy was wasting his (Banks’) time and hung-up, it was excruciating to listen to; I don’t much like Fatty Feltz but she would never have made herself look such a total lightweight by asking questions like these. A new low for Paddy – which is really saying something! I listened to it for about 4 minutes and could take no more.
After last week’s disastrous rise my bank shares have crashed even further upwards. I blame Trump/Brexit.
No doubt the BBC can explain what’s caused this.
I have no doubt that most of those who voted Remain and lost regret the outcome. Everyone I know who voted Leave has only one complaint – that we still haven’t invoked Article 50.
As to the validity of Katty’s comment the clue is in the first 5 words that Guido quotes:
“We did opnion polls afterwards”.
I’m sure the opinion poll industry is relieved to learn that someone, somewhere still believes in them.
Dear Katy, In the words of Marine Le Pen put to another one of your BBC reporters Mr Stephen sack of ….
“You are British and you believe in opinion polls!”
“”Trump: The women protesting against the President-elect””
“”Women’s groups and feminist associations are organising a mass protest in Washington DC for 21 January, the day after President-elect Donald Trump will be sworn into office””
When exactly did news require a backing track? Music is about articulating a narrative through emotion, news is about facts. No wait…no that’s all wrong. Forget this, as you were emoting bBBC.
I saw a fine example of the problems at the BBC this morning. We have a TV on the wall in our staff area tuned permanently to BBC News, with the sound down and subtitles displayed. They were interviewing a former Time magazine White House correspondent, who was following the BBC line that the biggest worry was that Trump may try to placate the ‘Far Right’ of the GOP. However the ‘translator’ for subtitles on teletext instead advised us that he may be trying to placate the ‘Far White’ of the Republican party, leaving me wondering exactly what universe the BBC manage to find people to whom ‘Far White’ is a thing, and a thing that can be accidentally substituted for ‘Far Right’. Or maybe the terms are interchangeable behind the scenes at the BBC
Sounds like a Freudian Skip to me, the BBC accidently revealing their true opinions. Either that or Jonathan Woss has been put in charge of subtitling.
I am hearing impaired and use subtitles on tv at home, the BBC are the worst, they are too slow,too big on the screen and frequently have mistakes,the need to learn from NETFLIX whose subtitles are excellent.
Briefly running through the BBC “news”, the presenter said that the BBC were going to expose the sixfold increase in the profits made by the energy Companies, very strange is it not? I recall that our DECC, as was, demanded that the companies used a percentage, 20% was it in all supplies and also told them the price he was going to pay, well above the £40 per MWh of a conventional power station. And so, as business men they did. But do our so good, not, BBC actually investigate, not at all. They just repeat like a set of parrots the latest
greenpiece b/s as gospel. They do not have one single decent journalist on any of their channels.
They had a follow up on Five Live. Rather than have the bloke from Energy UK, who commissioned the report the BBC was featuring, they simply played a tape of him from an earlier interview, leaving the field free for someone from an activist consumer group to have the floor to himself.
The assertion, though, from the BBC expert was completely in line with the BBC’s group think. He opined that those people who have found a fixed price deal for themselves are paying TOO LITTLE for their energy and are being subsidised by those who are on standard variable tariffs. They should therefore PAY MORE so that people who haven’t shopped around can get a reduction.
The BBC’s socialist thinking in action; get off your arse and do something about your energy costs and you get penalised. Sit on your arse, whinge and moan and expect someone else (with the encouragement of the BBC) to cough up for you and you get a rebate.
It’s right up there in line with Corbynomics – a metaphor for our times.
Remarkably credulous Oxbridge-educated Benjamin ‘Ben’ Brown news anchor with BBC News Channel happily accepts the news that 2016 is the hottest ever (or somesuch).
Please Sir, it’s only half way through November… can we really believe this statistic when two months or a sixth of the data can’t yet be in?
Queue amatuerish Skype link to a so-called expert. Our Ben’s only questions are about whether we are doing enough about this supposed problem.
Seems US policy is now a worry. Newsflash – the US (due to fracking) is the only ecomony that has met its prior obligations on CO2 emissions. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Our lady prof on Skype tells us nothing of the above but reassures us that ‘China is now on message’ Well there’s a relief for us all.
Global Warming?
Has anyone approached ISIS regarding all the oil fires they’re setting or approached God regarding the massive Worldwide wildfires in America, Canada, Australia?
PS: Now they’ve added ‘anti Semitic’ to Trump’s list – Evidence?
Gaxvil. The BBC does not need ‘evidence’ it just needs ‘twitter’. All NUJ staff working at the BBC have Twiiter accounts and free ipads. The news is whatever the BBC ‘thinks’ it’s news can be. The BBC collective decides what is ‘news’ even if it is entirely false or misleading. If its repeated enough – it becomes news.
Trump’s adult children are all either married to or dating Jews, one daughter has converted to Judaism. What more proof do you need that he’s anti-semitic?
There is no way that ” Mother Theresa” is going to appoint Nigel Farage in any diplomatic
role. It is an anachronism that she has become Prime Minister because of Farage’s efforts in
winning the Brexit vote. However this really is a poison chalice to her. She despises Farage
in having to become Prime Minister in these circumstances.
Nigel Farage would make the perfect UK Ambassador in Washington . But there are two hopes of that happening under Theresa May. No Hope or Bob Hope. The reason is simple it is that Farage
is not part of the Establishment. However good it would be for the UK’S relationship with the Trump administration in all aspects. Because of May’s vindictiveness towards Farage , it will never happen!
Disagree there Foscari. We need Farage as an ‘unofficial’ diplomat as it was Farage that ‘advised’ Trump. I think (TM) will do whatever she needs to get a US trade deal underway. The Daily Mail has this to say about it… And its something I would support as practical.
I think I’d rather see Farage as Trump’s advisor on the EU, give him power to s**t all over those revolting Schultzes and Junckers, while offering advantageous trade deals to free nations run by Wilders, Le Pen, Orban and so on.
You are, of course, right. If they were going to employ Farage it would have happened by now. It would take a Trump style result for real change to happen here.
Now when I had to watch a bit of football way back there was an Italian system that used a “libero”.
Just wanders the pitch as the spirit moves, as I recall-Maldinis dad, Beckenbauer types.
That`s Nigel-he must be free to cause his havoc.
That Trump/Farage picture stays in our hearts-why cage the British Lion?
Let him free-only Americas EU Ambassador for Brexit or such a self-described mash-up will do him, and serve his people.
Man tasked with getting rid of the BBC would be a good one too.
Keep him OUT of politics like Mays He is LONG and WAY past that.
On me head son! Liquid football as Alan Partridge knew.Maybe HE should stand for something Big-he`d walk it these days!
I am beginning to think that Nigel Farrage is probably the most astute politician we have had in this country for generations.
With the degree of MSM and political motivation it is obvious he will never be allowed to win a political seat. Crikey cant have anyone in the Commons who tells the truth – it might give Ken Clarke indigestion.
I am sure Nigel has already “worded up” – “The Donald” regarding our sharia loving Prime Minister and her Machiavellian lack of commitment to the Brexit process. I am also pretty dam sure that the President Elect is also now fully aware of the duplicity of both UK politicians (including Bojo and May) and the outright hostility of some so called EU “leaders” regarding him personally.
The Goverments vinegar response to the suggestion that Farage should somehow be included in negotiations with Trump spoke volumes about how Theresa Government regards those who speak the truth.
It was interesting that St Theresa “the slippery” has been on the one hand praising globalisation and at the same hand demanding better border controls (leaky borders being her specialty when Home Sec). I suppose this is to placate the globalists and still try and look good with us brexiteers when the brexit appeal is thrown out next month.
With Big Ears going back to Toytown and assumimg the Trump is the “real deal” Theresa might find it a little more difficult trying to blow smoke up everyones arse as she has been doing so up to now. The “Woman of few Principles” may need to find some pretty dam quick if she wants to avoid becoming an irrelevance and have America turn its back on Europe and the UK in particular.
If she does so I think we can thank Nigel for it and if she doesnt at least the rest of the country will finally be aware of what a duplicitous operator she is.
Hello Grant – where you been? – I was worried that wee Jimmy Krankie was keeping you a prisoner as a sex slave in some Caledonian dungeon of SNP misery!
The BBC doubles-down, knowing full well that now that Trump is set to occupy the White House their precious CAGW political agenda is set to be derailed. Trump has already spoken of refusing to sign the Paris Agreement and has big plans for US fracking.
This is what we need to remember about both Brexit and Trump: Yes, they were both victories against the progressive left, but the regressive left – divisive, race-baiting thugs and bullies – will double-down and employ every dirty trick in their filthy Alinskyite Book of Dirty Tricks to push their sickening social engineering and virtue-signalling at every turn.
The BBC is just doing what it’s always been doing: acting as The Media Party for a pro-EU, pro-CAGW, pro-immigrant, anti-nation state, borderless, globalised world view. As long as they retain ready access to an annual budget in the £billions which they don’t have to earn and obtain by demanding it with menaces they are going to keep this stuff up.
They have to be fought all the way, all the time. Trump might land a few crippling punches into the gut of CAGW, but they are going to fight back with lies, disinformation and every lever of culture, media and government they still control.
Getting Trump into the Oval Office was just the start. This battle is just beginning.
And if you read that (notice of intent), you’ll find Proof positive that the BBC are engaging with Science at the top level of ‘collective’ Science as an opportunity for 9-11 years olds.
If a girl wants to be an engineer and has the aptitude then fine but why does every profession have to have an equal or greater number of women than men in it? If there is a good reason then what jobs shouldn’t women be doing and what efforts are being made to encourage boys to go into those?
Using the same logic we should aim for equality for materials. Far too many bridges are made of steel, more should be made of lead! I don’t think anyone has made any aircraft of lead either. It is so unfair!
Climate concerns strikes me like painting a house that’s sliding down a cliff.
Tell me underground nuclear tests don’t affect the planet anyone concerned? Think not – selective blinkers work really well.
Marr show gues list has clear list of bias
“Oh that Farage he’s been on 19 times
and UKIP 22 !” says LeftMob guy who was complaining
I checked Corbyn has a slightly higher appearance rate
since Sunday 26th July 2015
He’s been on 9 times in 17 months
Farage 19 in 58 months
But it’s the Party rate that’s more shocking
77 Labour Party
33 Conservative
21 Lib Dem
10 SNP (Does anyone watch in Scotland ?)
10 Green Party
See Lefty Parties get to be on 55 times vs 118 times for Lefties
21 Lib Dem appearances actually
I see you forgot to mention 77 Labour Party Appearances
15 of them were Ed Miliband
Jeremy Corbyn has a slightly higher appearance rate
since Sunday 26th July 2015
He’s been on 9 times in 17 months
Farage 19 in 58 months
44 appearances from musicians
110 appearances from actors
all since January 2012
Watched DP today during which Peter Whittle of UKIP wrung out of Mrs Balls that uncontrolled mass immigration ,may , under certain circumstances, not be a good thing. Ms Coburn looked stoney faced throughout the discussion ,as she usually does whenever something is raised that goes against liberal left orthodoxy. However , the liberal left world was soon put to rights when the Conservative guest agreed with Mrs Balls that the driving force of the People’s revolt against globalism right across the west was purely economic and that only a small minority of racists bigots had concerns about migrants. Peter Whittle laughed at them and said they could believe that if they wanted to , but the people who elected them did have deep concerns about migration and were not racist bigots and so UKIP would keep harvesting votes until main stream politicians put forward policies which addressed the legitimate concerns of the people
I suppose we are seeing a little progress, even a couple of years ago no politicians from Labour would have dared to admit that there were any circumstances were mass immigration wasn’t a blessing.
If the west keeps voting for no more immigrants , particularly no more from outside the West, even the thickest leftist will realise we have had enough of their dangerous multyculty nonsense. They can of course hope to win the votes of migrants as per the New Labour plan, but these migrants will soon split into their ethic groups and seek their own representatives. But now we , the Westeners , have at last formed our own ‘ special interest group’ , we need to keep on voting for it, despite all the lies and repression we will experience from the ruling liberal left elite.
….but these migrants will soon split into their ethic groups and seek their own representatives
I think we’re already there, DT:
There were three independent candidates: Zirwa Javaid, Zia Samadani and Smiley Smillie.[10] Ankit Love, who was a candidate in the London mayoral election, stood for One Love Party.[10] Akbar Ali Malik stood under the banner of the Immigrants Political Party….
Oh, there was one gem on the DP that I forgot to mention. Chukka was on and talking about the interconnected nature of manufacturing. He gave an excellent example of the way that so many components of cars assembled in the U.K. came from the EU . For instance , he said, the leather for car seats came from the EU. Well , perhaps Chukka only rides in posh cars with leather seats , but most of us don’t , but of course most of us aren’t Labour MPs pretending to care about working class people.
Panorama have stealth changed the title of today’s show
From : America’s Most Hated President?
To : Trump’s New America
Here are screen grabs note both have the same URL
Yesterday’s screengrab
Today’s screengrab
They may have changed it online, but it still has its original title in the weekly TV guide in the MoS and all the others too I bet.
They’re the scum of the earth (IMHO) and they reinforce my view of them daily.
Trying to keep up – so now Trump is a, racist, xenophobe, misogynist, Islamophobic, anti- Semitic, Global Warming Denier, Rapist, Fascist, KKK head, warmonger, isolationist, protectionist, and anti Globalist.
Have I missed any is the Guinness Book of Records aware?
Credit where it is due Sweden’s chief prosecutor is questioning WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange about a rape allegation at the Ecuadorean embassy in London., says the BBC.
Kay Burley & pavement based colleague on Sky News insist on using the term “sexual assault”.
Credit where it’s due, Julian Assange and Wikileaks: doing the job journalists used to.
After watching that Pilger interview with Assange (which someone posted on here) I’ve changed my opinion about him; if what he said was correct in the interview, the woman he is alleged to have assaulted / raped says that he didn’t and the Swedish police made it up.
20:30 Radio4 guy fears Brexit will hurt visa free travel for him around Europe.
Cos years ago As Indian born guy he had visa free travel for him around Europe
Now he’s a British prof with UK passport
Each of 27 countries can veto any long-term deal between Britain and the European Union.
Professor Menon visits four European countries where politicians will face their electorates next year.
It was not that long ago when the smug BBC came up with a plan for to aid the ‘failing local regional newspapers’ (to adopt more BBC news or perish). You may remember that the BBC offered to redistribute its’ own BBC regional for ‘free’ (reported in The Guardian)! This of course followed the BBC ‘offensive’ in muzzling the national free press, with it’s ‘luvvies’ press charter (to not report anything that might be termed ‘offensive’) to what celeb ‘luvvies’ do in private (or as being re-employed by the BBC as a case in fact). The Mail, Times and Telegraph all are rankled by how the BBC uses the public ‘TV license fee’ to finance its own private agenda whilst ‘poncing off’ the rest of ‘free’ press – (which is struggling with revenues ‘to be properly independent’ from the BBC). Even the BBC closest ally ‘The Grauniad’ (sic) gets all it news frequently ‘stolen’ (by the BBC staff) and nobody can say ‘ouch’, that’s theft… because that’s how the BBC operates. Lazy Journalism is the BBC motto.
In todays Daily Mail; (SHAKESPEARE section) explores the lefties MEDIA dilemma… COMRADES’ weekly New Statesman has joined The Guardian in begging readers for money. The Lefties mag’s editor Jason Cowley emailed them last week pleading for ‘donations’. The sanctimonious Guardian lost more than £60 million last year.’
And the question is – will the BBC come to the aid of its only source of news?
Send all answers to the head of BBC strategy (James Purnell), New Broadcasting House, Oxford Road, Manchester. M60 1SJ. Sending a SAE (as the corporation – mock sniff -cannot afford to reply to ALL listeners (or any TV viewers). Its worth noting also that ‘Readership for British national newspapers, as estimated by the National Readership Survey, has fallen 13 percent on average compared to the previous year, with particularly bad results for the Independent, Daily Mirror and Guardian.’
I think it’s even more sinister than that. I have the impression that Cox wasn’t bright enough to know too much and not reveal it. I do remember at the time that people provided plenty of evidence on here that this kind of assassination, i.e. a young (and in most cases female) politician, had happened a number of times before. It always happened in the run-up to a tight election or referendum and always to a leftist. It looked like the politicians in question were being sacrificed to win some sympathy votes. Thankfully it didn’t work this time.
As far as the killer goes, it appeared that he never discussed politics and wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box. I would imagine that someone like that could easily be manipulated into thinking that they are doing the right thing by killing her, just convince him he is doing it for the country.
Another thing, I wouldn’t have the first idea where to get a gun even if I wanted one. How could someone like this have managed it? It must have been provided by someone else (i.e. his manipulator).
I could just imagine a secret lefty planning room where they were going through a list of candidates for execution, i.e. one whose picture is very presentable, is young, female and has a family. Next find a dupe who can be led into doing it for them.
This is the second time recently I have felt myself reaching for the tin-foil helmet but this murder was just too convenient for the Left.
10:40pm ITV #TheAgenda Tonight and more
@George_Osborne, @GuardianAnushka (Political Editor at the Guardian)
Alastair Campbell (Fighting for REMAIN, calls for BA to boycott Mail
“Looks like @realDonaldTrump has managed to make America hate again”)
@StacyMHilliard Commentator on US Affairs- #Republican (who voted Hillary?)
& David Starkey join @tombradby.
So no friends of UKIP or Trump …All #LeftyEstablishment
BBC to introduce wider range of religious shows to address Christian ‘bias’Indy
Hmm LeftMob religion is in 50% of shows
and GHreen Religion is in about 25%
Christian progs amount to Songs of Praise and Clare balding on R2
..Does the Mad Bishop on Sun nights on R5 count ?
I wonder if Asian network carries any religion progs or Radio Leicester Or Bradford etc.
asian Network does do spiritual specials about once per month
I’m not sure if the BBC has any business doing any religion shows
Any religion can plug it’s cause on the internet or satellite
How can you do an Islam show the various sects will vie against each other
Same really for Christians/Hindu’s Chinese religion
So, we should have the Religion of peas and the Pastafarians to make the BBC religious content more diverse and tasty. Come to think of it, we could add in the hamish as well and have a religious master chef to replace bake off! Makes as much sense as any BBC policy.
At a guess, I’d say because the Islamic culture is 100 times superior to our own, and always has been (‘Crusades’, ‘Golden Age of Islam’, ‘Family Values’, ‘Religion of Peace’ etc etc refer).
Another hypertension-filled half hour or so watching BBC news programmes at lunchtime.
Thankfully I missed the headliner of ‘2016 set to be the hottest year on record’. Well NASA and co. having doctored the 1930s temperature record ever downwards and post-1945 datasets ever upwards (conveniently eradicating the post-war cooling) – the 1930s having for some time been acknowledged by proper scientists as the ‘hottest on record’ – 2016 WOULD stand a good chance wouldn’t it, especially with the help of an El Nino.
Anyroad, moving on, it appears a new narrative has been formed by the BBC which I recommend you look out for. Apparently those who voted for Trump and Brexit are ‘people who felt left behind’. Funny that, cos I had the impression they were ‘people pissed off to the eyeballs with having mass immigration, Islam, multiculturalism, climate change, gay rights and all the other leftist ideologies rammed down their throats and then screamed at for being racists, homophobes, Islamophobes, Little Englanders, climate change deniers etc etc if they didn’t like it’. Still, what would I as a working-class-lad-made-good-and-now-middle-class-pensioner-who-doesn’t-feel-left-behind-who-voted-Brexit know..
Then on North West News we had working class icon and virtue-signaller-in-chief Maxine Peake, bewailing the threat of closure to some working class shrine (a library) close to her native Bolton. Sweet Jesus, that woman sounds like she is permanently re-fighting workers battles from the 1930s. The fact it is under threat due to lack of public money is a sign of the (paraphrased) ‘kind of country we now live in’.
Poor Maxine, her comprehensive education and acting career has left her innumerate and somewhat out of touch with the real world of income vs expenditure (ironically the real working class I grew up part of would have been disgusted by such fiscal indiscipline). Look, Maxine luv – we are £1.5 trillion in debt and still running a £70 billion annual deficit, we have PFI debts totalling another £500 billion and unfunded public sector pensions liabilities of £1.3 trillion. That’s the ‘kind of country we now live in’ – in other words one that has been living the life of a rock star on a window cleaner’s wages for far, far too long.
Not that the BBC challenged her with any of that, of course, or anything remotely like it – in fact, there was no challenge at all.
More exciting news for eleven year old BBC science munchkins being elevated to editor as we speak, is that the words ‘very likely’ may seem a nifty way to cover a pert backside in W1A, but will certainly not impress any qualified types marking exams… other than in East Anglia.
Exactly Johnny, the BBC never challenge anyone asking for the state to borrow more money and give it to them.
I am hoping to get on BBC’s breakfast time tomorrow: No provision is made for someone suffering from depression because their football team is near the bottom of the league and their national football team is being disappointing. I feel anguish and blame Brexit and the Trump victory. No money has ever been given to a lazy sod like me with my ailments and the Tories won’t listen to my demands. Hmm, I am male though, not seen many hideously white males on demanding dosh.
Ah, Maxine Peake. Self-confessed far-Left, once (maybe still) Communist. Daughter of a Communist father. She gets quite a bit of air-time to pontificate – strangely without disclaimer or apology from the impartial BBC.
Another glorious shot in the foot if their so-called journalists think we are “people left behind”! Funnily enough, only discussing today with an old friend (millionaire, lives some of the time in the South of France, Oxbridge degree, very successful businessman) about how people like us who voted Leave are never heard or seen by the BBC. They prefer to showcase and sneer at people who are not very articulate (but who understand something the media hive don’t). We have another friend, also extremely successful in venture capital, Oxford masters, and passionate Leaver on the grounds of understanding the economics and politics behind the failed project. All our clever children have worked it out, too, no snowflakes they. Go on, BBC, you keep making fools of yourself…
The BBC’s relentless demonization and denigration of Donald Trump is incitement, barely disguised. They and other broadcasters are, in part, responsible for the personal injury and property damage now unleashed in the USA. They really should consider this. But they won’t.
Spot on, Bob – just as they must be held accountable for the lives that surely will be lost when their Great Renewables Revolution fails to provide for our basic energy needs and the poor, sick, old and vulnerable are left in the dark, freezing cold fighting to survive.
Not very subtle BBC reporting of the trail of Mair this evening. Despite the prosecution not mentioning it, the BBC thinks it is relevant to remind listeners in each bulletin that Jo Cox was a Remain supporter, and her murder happened just days before the referendum… which is relevant why exactly?
Let us (and the BBC) remember what Mr Mair said in 2010 to a local newspaper:
“I can honestly say it has done me more good than all the psychotherapy and medication in the world. Many people who suffer from mental illness are socially isolated and disconnected from society, feelings of worthlessness are also common mainly caused by long-term unemployment.
All these problems are alleviated by doing voluntary work. Getting out of the house and meeting new people is a good thing, but more important in my view is doing physically demanding and useful labour.
When you have finished there is a feeling of achievement which is emotionally rewarding and psychologically fulfilling. For people for whom full-time, paid employment is not possible for a variety of reasons, voluntary work offers a socially positive and therapeutic alternative.”
Curious article on the Today programme this morning at 7:22.
“Social media is acting like an “echo chamber” and polarising political debate, says entrepreneur and former senior adviser to David Cameron Rohan Silva. His comments follow Mark Zuckerberg’s commitment to tackle fake news on Facebook, which he denied had aided Donald Trump’s presidential election victory.”
The two things aren’t really the same thing, and Rohan Silva wanted to discuss the sensible idea that algorithms used in social media could be tweaked so that users didn’t just get a polarity of opinions. Justin Webb however wanted to direct the discussion towards the dangers of fake news, and the two dangerous examples he gave?
1. The Pope endorses Trump.
2. Hillary Clinton to get a presidential pardon.
Fake news, it seems, is only a danger when it’s contradicts with the BBC’s own polarised viewpoint.
See my comment above. How dare she! Absolute self-seeking tosh!! If anything, people I speak to about the vote now understand a bit more and wish they had got off the Remain fence to stand square behind Brexit. Especially now Project Fear has been shown up for what it was.
I think you could well be right. If the aftermath of the US election is anything to go by, they will just spin ever faster in illogical Remainer circles! Hopefully until they combust.
“Just a hunch but, I suspect , if there is a second ref. we will get a bigger majority. What will the Remainer fascists do then ?”
Grant, now that they know the scale of the problem they face they’ll make a better effort to rig the result. They under-estimated us last time, but they won’t make that mistake next time.
Perhaps I am being over critical, but I watched Pointless earlier and one of the categories of questions was about famous people who had Biblical names, such as Isaac Newton and Abraham Lincoln. There were the usual jokes and quips about the names, it didn’t bother me particularly as I have no real religious beliefs, but I couldn’t help wondering if they would ever dare to do anything similar , but with names from the Koran. Silly question I suppose.
Doubtless the puerile jibes about names were from Richard Osman. I never liked that man very much, but hadn’t realised until quite recently what a very nasty piece of work he really is. ‘Pointless’ has been off my watch list for some time, and will stay that way.
MartinW, I enjoy Pointless and record it. However, I agree with you about Osman, I used to like him but now feel the same about him as you. There was one comment he made about Bush stealing the election from Gore. I don’t believe it to be true, but I remembered this when the Left were up in arms about Trump saying he may contest the election, when they claimed that everybody alweays acepts the result and moves on. Well, Osman shows that the Left don’t do that themselves, even 16 years later some are still contesting an election that I believe was fair albeit narrow.
Every time the BBC has mentioned the murder of Jo Cox they have also mentioned in conjunction that it was ONE WEEK BEFORE THE BREXIT VOTE, and that she had been a PASSIONATE REMAIN CAMPAGNER.
They are clearly attempting to smear Brexit voters as ‘racist’ and far right activists.
Constant reference to his shouting ‘Britain First’ will link the killing to the far right. This will be a cue to the Appeaser to get tough and ban several far far right patriotic movements. Tommy Robinson can be interviewed again by Brillo before they lock him up again.
They also seem to think the shouting of “Britain First” is particularly nefarious.
Only butchery accompanied by an “Allahu Akhbar” has the blessing of the BBC.
I had PM Radio4 on tonight and was not paying attention to the hourly ritual condemnations of Trump when I thought I heard the phrase “Waffle-SS”. How apt I mused. Have the BBC had an gnothi seauton momemt?
I for one am keenly awaiting the trial for it to establish the actual sequence of events.
One witness denied hearing Britain First and according to various reports of how he stabbed her while reloading the gun and struggling with her the sequence of actual events was, to say the least, a tad confusing.
I complained to the DT about their coverage describing events which was ridiculously contradictory..
If you try to shout while you are grappling with someone I think you will actually find it quite difficult.
On Radio 2 around mid-day, some BBC turd was doing a fairly perfunctory ‘for balance’ interview with a member of the UKIP entourage who had recently been entertained at Trump Towers. He signed off the snide little chat with the gratuitous quip “…and did you talk (with Trump) about women and what you’d like to do to them?”!!!
The BBC turd was Paddy O’Connell (sorry, me neither) standing in for often absent turd Jeremy Vine, who was presumably doing a nice little earner elsewhere on Crimewatch, Eggheads or some other tosh while filling the coffers of his Jelly Vine Productions.
Did anyone else notice Marr stating that Farage was ‘gurning’ in his photo with Trump?
He would never have said that about a Labour/Democrat politician. Could you imagine him saying that about a photo of President Clinton shaking Corbyn’s hand?
Could it be evidence of bias?? Marr is a self admitted Marxist. How else would he have got the BBC job?
“He was once a member of the Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory (an offshoot of the International-Communist League, now known as the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty). At Cambridge, Marr says he was a “raving leftie”, and he acquired the nickname ‘Red Andy'”
Yes, that struck me as a gratuitous personal insult over and above the usual sneery BBC tone.
As I mentioned somewhere else a BBC pundit asked “who was behind the Trump victory”. This is a strange turn of phrase when all he wanted was a demographic breakdown of Trump voters. Voting against Clinton is in the eyes of the BBC some form of dark conspiracy against the natural order. One American horrified by the Trump win exclaimed “they are voting like a minority”. “They” being white Trump voters. The strange assumption being that in the age of identity politics the only right and proper way for white voters to vote is in the interests of another racial group, i.e. to reject “racism”.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Le Pen et ma tante
The BBC broadcasts what turns out to be – by most realistic measures – a mediocre and innocuous interview with French presidential contender Marine Le Pen. Whilst the BBC – always hypersensitive to the protests and the wailings of the Left – feels the need to justify itself.
“We are, after all, a news organisation”, bleats Andrew Marr. I’m reminded of John Lennon cautioning the over-feisty of his fellow travelling Revolutionaries, ‘You ask me for a contribution, Well, you know, We’re all doing what we can’.
Lost in translation
A small point but significant; the conversation was always going to be somewhat stilted given the language barrier. Frost-Nixon or heaven forbid Bashir-Diana this was not.
The script was predictable – Andrew Marr was always going to accuse his interviewee of ‘racism’ – the only deviation from the template was that Marr opted to attack Le Pen’s father for his antisemitism. The sins of the fathers – how progressive an attitude is that? Funny that Marr should feel the need to delve back into history for his line of attack. It was once said of the French Bourbon monarchy ‘They learned nothing and forgot nothing’ – shades of the BBC there.
I suspect the tactic was in fact carefully chosen so as to paint Le Pen’s party as 1930s-style nationalists.
And of course, let’s not forget this interview is prepared for the consumption of a British audience where the BBC have a long-running beef with UKIP; so Marr is mindful to pursue the guilt by association charge whenever possible.
Then we have the odd turnaround of the undergraduate Oxbridge Trotskyite Red Andy bemoaning Le Pen’s lack of enthusiasm for NATO with the BBC man painting Russia as the bogeyman of Europe. Seems the BBC advocates for a return to the Cold War.
Did Andrew Marr miss the fall of the Berlin Wall and did he forget 9/11? Does the BBC really consider Putin’s Kremlin to be the sworn enemy of Western Civilisation? Clear and present danger…?
I don’t see armed soldiers are patrolling the streets of Paris and British Bobbies, guns poised, at London tube stations against the threat of KGB spies in trilbies and raincoats wielding poison-tipped umbrellas.
Plat du jour
The real bone of contention here is Le Pen’s rejection of the BBC’s favourite menu of Globalisation, the EU and Mass-immigration. All that Centre Left and Centre Right establishments have on offer is the same stale menu for the erosion of the Nation State, the elevation of a narrow supra-national corporate World Elite speaking their own incomprehensible language of Political Correctness – and for the poor plebs left back at home nothing but distain, Welfare Stateism and income stagnation.
Sick of that old recipe perhaps instead we will add a large baguette to our basket of deplorables.
Anybody able to tell me a day when a Marine Le Pen interview would be deemed OK by our liberal puppetmasters?
To hear them suddenly summoning up the Dunkirk Spirit to hide their evils behind is pretty galling. These are the same people who`d have whistled “Lili Marlene” as the Jewish kids were tricked onto the Auschwitz wagons at Drancy or Westerbork. And the very same people who think our Armed Forces are dispensable, and able to be Corbyns Cones , come the Glorious Day.
So no- There`d NEVER be a good time for Le Pen to be allowed to speak her truth to the rest of us. BBC hypocrites as ever.
Well here’s a turn up the BBC aren’t going to be very keen on reporting. It’s quite recent so keep an eye out.
“Democrats now control only 13 state legislatures (26%). If they lose 1 more they fall below the % needed to stop constitutional amendments.”
This is very important, because it means:
“The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures. …
“A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the states (38 of 50 states).”
Now there is no way this is simply down to the persuasion of the Trump campaign nor the corruption of Hilary Clinton, and this is where the BBC disinformation and propaganda is relevant.
The only way this devastation of democrat legislatures could happen is with the current President having failed his country so badly that it’s a wipe out at the polls. This is probably a worse result than the Tories under John Major suffered when they lost to Bliar !
I wonder if the BBC will report this seeing as it really should worry them that Trump can change the constitution, but then that’s probably all they’ll report and not the reasons why it happened, nor the significance.
You are right, Thoughtful. I watched the Trump vote, fairly late on Wednesday, climb to the point where I was thinking ‘Oooh! Trump really spanked Hillary!’. Then I thought that the BBC would never report it, either in those terms or couched in more formal language.
Because their web-site pages on the US vote result were still showing that there was doubt over whether Trump and the Republicans had won in the Senate and in Congress, and even in some States for the Electoral College which were normally Democrat voting. The BBC were reluctant to provide information on the true result and were slow to update their web-site.
The BBC are playing a dangerous game that they will lose.
Pure comedy on the BBC’s TOADY programme this morning (Radio4 6-9am), especially in the 7.30 to 8am slot. Comedy and contradiction. This formerly flagship News programme is disappearing into a farrago of farce.
Listen on iPlayer.
BBC World Radio – “Theresa May will be leading the charge to remake globalism”.
Any idea what they might mean?
See UK and France snubbed Junkers meeting to draw up ‘rules’ for the new US President.
She can’t and it is meaningless. These people are the problem and as with all great changes they are never never part of the solution. The insurrection of the West’s deplorables is under way.
We are only starting Act One. Our men are Trump, Farage, Orban, and Le Pen not the tired old 68ers of the past.
Probably May is a nice lady but this is not her time .
Apologies to Gert Wilders for leaving that fine man out.
Oh crap! I just tried LBC – NEVER AGAIN! Same old, same old and tears down the phone because the Antichrist has been elected but hey, that’s America. We don’t live in America.
Me too Gaxvil. O’Brian saying that David Duke and the Klan will be running the country ffs. Mind you he’s not called London’s Biggest C*** for nothing, is he!!
JOB’s worth it for every person he drives in the direct opposite direction to his agenda.
I commend this to the house:
Of course, this will be seen in the BBC as a CV plus point.
Great letter. Can’t abide the man.
Brilliant open letter but will deflect over O’ Brien’s impenetrable socialist skull I fear.
LBC very much depends upon the presenter. Nick Ferrari had DV on last week and told him “I like the cut of your jib”. Can you imagine any BBC presenter ever saying that?
I’ve never listened to James O’Brien and never willingly shall, because he comes across as a smug know-it-all lefty wanker just from the LBC Twitter feed.
Same old, same old and tears down the phone because the Antichrist has been elected …
gaxvil, you also posted this above:
See UK and France snubbed Junkers meeting to draw up ‘rules’ for the new US President.
Isn’t it a strange world we live in that a democratically elected President of the US is the subject of violent protest and anti-democratic outpourings yet an unelected bureaucrat/failed politician can strut around the EU barking orders – barking being the operative word – like he runs the shop? Stranger still that the BBC perpetually miss this oh-not-so-subtle distinction.
The Chartist movement started in 1808 campaigning to give the working man the vote . It was resisted by the powerful of the time because they thought the working class was too stupid to be able to vote . The Suffragette movement was formed to fight for women to be given the vote .that was resisted as some thought women were too stupid to be given the vote . Universal Suffrage was not completed until 1928 .
Now the BBC. , the luvvies and liberal/ left want to nullify the votes of the ordinary people on the grounds we were unaware of what we voted for , that we were bamboozled by one bus and a few newspaper headlines .
In other words we are too stupid to vote .
Heard some of Today-not enough to laugh, too much to not get hacked off with `em.
Seems to me that EVERY story-no matter how tangential-ends up in the same damn frame.
The pictures might seem different-but they`re all framed by Liberal anti-democratic and Neo-marxist student leaders and rag week pram pushers.
The Frame is the Same-always pastel, always rainbow, always seeming to be stable and fit for purpose to set the picture. But it`s lies, pipe cleaners and pasta goo when you look up close. And no other options allowed by the Cyclops BBC monoloids with an affected eye patch should it all be too painful and true to them.
Why are we paying for this free 24/7 CBT for liberal liars and loafers in meltdown-they`re all BUPA druggies, so why do WE end up paying for their deluded bellyachings? They`ve learned nothing.
Brexit and Trump with more to come-one big long “Whinge-O Rama”, as I`ll now be calling it. THAT is the only new thing I learned with the BBC today-won`t do other but try to like Jeff Lynne and ELO.
Never got him-but too many blokes that I like seem to, so “Wild West Hero” is on repeat shuffle until I like it.
BBC are never off repeat shuffle are they- but it`s St Vitus dance and eructations in their cases.
Perhaps we should adopt the phrase that the commies used against normal Americans; bitter clingers. Our collectivist losers are bitterly clinging to their dream of the EU superstate; they are the real Bitter Clingers.
Any one for Trump Brexit Bingo?
I’d recommend you put the whole of Out of the Blue on repeat shuffle. You can’t go wrong.
Seems out there despite the invoking of the magic banishing words i.e.: racist, fascist etc., we’ve had Brexit and a Trump win. Their World has been turned upside down and yet their World will not change will it? Even if the Left gets trounced in Europe there won’t be KKK shops on every street corner, there won’t be genocide, or ritual sacrifice.
To hear them go you’d thing ISIS had taken over the West – Now that would give them cause but ask them in a couple of years, how has your life fundamentally changed? Their present reaction is beyond pathetic and I struggle to find rational answers that don’t reflect badly on them.
When you open the pods there is nothing inside.
That’s a great image.
There you are debating a Lefty
when suddenly unlike Harry Potter they behave like Harry Nutter
shouting the the magic banishing words
i.e. “Sexist, Racist, Fascist, Troll ..Begone ..I win”
The horror that is now very quickly unfolding before our eyes can be likened to watching a Steven Spielberg horror epic in slow motion. I, for one, do not feel comfortable being a participant in this unfolding horror. I just feel gratified that, being in my late autumn years, I will not get to see the horror reaching its completeness in thirty to forty years time.
Coming to a Town or City near you in the not too distant future:
It just requires the Muslim population to reach critical mass for this and other similar events, to become the norm. Anyone who has lived in the Middle East understands exactly what this means.
As all western governments (perhaps less one from 08.11.16!) and virtually all media organisations are complicit in this conspiracy, I cannot see that even a rising and application of so-called, “Democracy” within all the respective state’s political systems reversing the creeping sickness.
A minimum of 34 years from now.
It could be argued that the critical mass has already been achieved. Muslims don’t have to make up the majority, (the old democratic politics), we are now in an era of protected minorities, the smaller the better. In the past minorities, as individuals, were protected by the concept of equality under the law – the large corporation was just as subject to the law of contract as its customer – but now ‘wrong’ is determined by the ‘victim’, there is no common concept that applies to all. Because of this it is better to ‘play safe’.
As a result of this Muslims don’t have to demand anything or to need a majority, our leaders instead attempt to be ‘culturally sensitive’ and to anticipate their demands beforehand. Thus halal butchered meat is edible; let’s feed it to everyone. Schools need uniforms so what harm is there in specifying a uniform head covering? We don’t need to draw cartoons, so why draw them? We don’t need to mock religion, so why do it?
Of course when they do attain a majority we won’t have the option of objecting to any of this.
It’s amazing really, we already have a Muslim Mayor in London,our capital city, remember how corrupt the Muslim Mayor of Tower Hamlets was, and how hard it was to get rid of him?
When you think about it the USA have had a lucky break getting rid of Obama and getting Trump in place, hope he does a good job.
This news from Egypt (not really news, it is what Islam has been practising across the Middle East one way or another for the last 1400 years) is not only being carefully withheld by our major news broadcasters but is most definitely ‘haram’ as far as Religious Studies in our schools are concerned.
Generation Snowflake and its successors are in for one hell of a very, very rude awakening.
Could anyone on here imagine the Clintons doing this? Or the Blairs come to think of it.
There was tradition in the U.S. of very wealthy men only wanting to be paid one dollar a year, when they served in the military in WW1 and WW2; I believe they were called “dollar men”.
To the Clintons and Blairs, you could add the Roosevelts (the second lot) another very greedy pair by all accounts.
Friends! That Far-Right neoliberal racist rag, the so-called Guardian, has published a surprisingly wise editorial on how Hard-Right Trumpery will literally destroy this World – and indeed elsewhere – by dint of Far-Right Climate Change.
Friends, I literally could not resist – literally – wading in to support them:
Every year I too experience the effects of global warming. Strangely, it always seems to start in Spring.
No one here remembers the last Ice Age, it happened around 10,000 years ago, so what influence did humans have in causing that?
It must have been all those dinosaurs breaking wind, Or Trumping as it is known these days!
The last Ice Age ended approximately 11,500 years ago and we now live in an interglacial period. Average world temperatures have been declining slowly during this interglacial period but this trend has changed over the last 100 years with temperatures rising. The rate of the present warming is significant. An Ice Age does not simply end on a fixed date, it takes a period of time. This is typically 5 thousand years over which period the Earth’s temperature will rise by 4 to 7 degrees Celsius. This is a warming rate of between 0.08 and 0.14 degrees per century. The current rate of warming is 0.7 degrees per 100 years. This anomaly is on a scale and over such a short time period as to make it unlike anything seen before.
These are the facts. You can draw your own conclusions.
My using smokeless fuel will make very little difference but
a massive reduction in the World population would.
Nail hit on head. Unfortunately for us it doesn’t fit in with the globalist agenda to have a sustainable and much reduced world population. It would hit their profits, you see. The mantra of ever increasing GDP has been adopted by every political stripe and the only way to guarantee an ever increasing GDP is to have an ever increasing population. Hence the west, who have rather selfishly decided to have fewer children are being replaced by those who breed like rabbits. A population decrease is the elephant in the room no self respecting liberal wants to talk about. The right needs to come up with a position other than “Its all lies, it isn’t happening”. Just because the libtards say it is so doesn’t mean that it isn’t, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
The mantra of ever increasing GDP has been adopted by every political stripe and the only way to guarantee an ever increasing GDP is to have an ever increasing population.
I can see where you’re coming from, but the other option is increased GDP through artificial intelligence and more and more mechanisation.
The paradox in what most on here know as Agenda 21 is that it is backed both by eco-socialist movements such as WWF and Friends of the Earth on the one hand and George Soros and his global political/financial elitists e.g The Club of Rome, on the other. Maybe it’s just ultimate power which drives them both – who knows.
The BBC website is now resurrecting the dead to try to paint a false picture of climate change. Under the headline “2016 ‘very likely’ to be world’s warmest year”, is a picture of dead cattle lying on a dry savanna.
Turns out the pic was taken in 2006. Someone has pointed this out and the BBC has changed the image.
If propaganda doesn’t work, try lies.
The current rate of warming is 0.7 degrees per 100 years. This anomaly is on a scale and over such a short time period as to make it unlike anything seen before.
Not, in fact, since the Medieval Warm Period. Oops, I forgot, that was neutralised by the Hockey Stick Effect.
So all these climate models that got the 18-year (and counting) ‘pause’ wrong – still being used are they?
What is it you do not understand about “rate of warming”?
Of course there have been warmer periods within the holcene, notably the Holocene Climatic Optimum (HCO) and cooler periods too like the Little Iceage. But it is a fact that the rate of change of temperature has never been higher than it is at the moment which makes it an anomaly.
You entirely miss my point.
Why should I believe anything coming out of the AGW industry which has shown a laughable deficit in its understanding of natural climate variation, given us… The Hockey Stick (scientific fraud), ‘hide the decline’, spectacular failure of climate models, ‘no more snow’, glaciers gone by the 2030s, endlessly ‘adjusted’ temperatures, withholding of data and computer code, unprecedented childish name calling of sceptical fellow scientists (‘deniers!’), a so-called scientific reporting process which involves politicians and environmentalists to come up with the ‘correct’ summary of its findings, spectacular failure of ‘extreme climate event’ predictions, the idea that you can ‘tweak’ the earth’s temperature like a thermostat just by reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, a ‘settled’ science that changes almost by the day to cover unpredicted phenomena – I could go on and on and on.
Then there’s the BBC’s role e.g.
Any suggestion that what is happening is ‘unprecedented’ in the entire history of the world’s climate and therefore by deduction can only be down to mankind’s intervention is an absolute joke coming from this bunch of fraudulent, moronic, eco-socialist, one-world authoritarians who also, coincidentally, control the world’s temperature data sets. Maybe you don’t understand Agenda 21 or who’s behind it.
And then you quote wiki to make your point?
Good luck with the candles and blankets.
Seemed reasonable but then :
“The current rate of warming is 0.7 degrees per 100 years. This anomaly is on a scale and over such a short time period as to make it unlike anything seen before.”
That’s fallacy of certainty beyond the available evidence.
.. What you said is a possible scenario
..but denies things like the Medieval Warm Period
In the real world the relationship between CO2 and temperature does not seem to be linear like Lab Models assume.
I refer you to the answer I just gave. It is not the temperature which is anomalous but the rate of change of temperature.
I repeat “That’s fallacy of certainty beyond the available evidence.”
The systems for guessing the past temperatures are not accurate enough to back up your statement
..You don’t really know how fast past temperatures rose and fell.
I wonder how long it took them all to cycle or walk to Marrakech? I assume they didn’t use any fossil fuels, as they aren’t hypocrites are they?
Friend Lobster! They didn’t *want* to fly there! But until something like video-conferencing is invented, which would enable them to talk with each other without having to physically travel there, they literally have no choice.
Marrakech? Isn’t that in Morocco?
With half the BBC there on autumn break to avoid the nasty British November rain, surely it’s a hop, skip and jump away?
‘Apparently BBC editors did not consider that these two stories would contribute to meeting their remit of building understanding of “international issues”.’
Oh…. it’s an ‘editorial integrity’ issue? Got it.
Nice Arab boys too. But I would not like to imply anything .
Marrachech? Is that anywhere near Marrakesh? Maybe on the way to Myanmar? Not far from Kalkata, perhaps? Or….
To the Desk Of the Supreme Leader Sir Leftington.
Bit understated today then Supreme Leader?
I think it`s more than real-it is more than real.
And you say it`s deadly-I think that it is deadlier than that.
This is quite literally what is known as backsliding in a false conscientiousness manner.
No pink floppiness here…we demand red meat and blood as Socialism rises proud and pert. No sell out!
Thank you, Friend Alicia! I think you’re correct. I was displaying disturbingly neoliberal tendencies, and – literally – selling out. I promise not to do so again.
DT: “BBC editors too often seem to view their airwaves as intellectual game reserves where liberal herbivores can safely graze.” (I would have said ‘bovine’)
Good opinion piece by Robin Aitken on Le Pen / Marr /beebistan…
Aitken is the author of ‘Can We Trust The BBC?’ Readers of this blog will know the answer to that question.
If I may suggest… ‘ovine’? They simply follow each other’s daggy tails around the paddock.
Liked the bit about the BBC being a “game reserve for the liberal herbivores”.
An image to treasure now the Big Beasts(the REAL ones, not the liberals stag beetles and dung moles like Clarke, Blunkett and Heseltine) have been introduced to the paddocks.
A Golden Eagle and a British Lion-what a picture THAT is that we all saw on Saturday-still dreaming about it!
That Marine Le Penn is a rather attractive woman. I’d be happy for her to invite me for dinner. Anyone else agree?
Why is it that Left wing women are so gobby, dull, plain and ugly? Perhaps, when women find out then men don’t find them attractive, they resort to the Left?
Sturgeon’s nick name is seaweed. When she was younger, even the tide wouldn’t take her out.
Beauty, they say, comes from within – that’s a clue.
Dover – I think there are some very attractive women on the left. For instance Diane Abbott, Margaret Beckett, Clare Short, Jo Brand, Emily Thornberry, Glenda Jackson …….
That reminds me, I’ve got an opticians appointment this afternoon.
Should have rioted at Specsavers…
You forgot the hotties, Toksvig and Calman!
The human race has achieved many amazing things. They can put a man on the moon. But they can’t put a man on Nicola Sturgeon.
Dover, Gaxvil, Lobster, Guest – Marion Le Pen. No comment necessary.
Said this before – yes, Marine L-P is definitely a good looking woman. Of course, mileage may vary and objects in the mirror may be more/less attractive than they appear. Or something.
You should look at Marion Le Pen.
She’s absolutely gorgeous.
Edit. Just seen your picture Peter.
We really do have the lookers on our side.
Melania is also a beauty.
Now, compare them to (whispered) ….”Andrew………”
There are definitely hate crimes post Trump election. Except not the way BBC would have us believe.
Maybe less reporting opinion instead of provable facts might let people have a more grounded opinion.
Rod Liddle should reprise his Annabelle Snowflake creation for the USA…
I enjoyed that – very much.
Excellent. Confirms the view that the UK is desperately waiting for an alternative to alternative ‘comics ‘, who are not only not funny but boring.
And soooooooooooooooo predictable.
Guest who,
Thnak you ! Rod has more talents than I thought. Wonderful pisstake of the remainers. I am sure the BBC will broadcast it. LOL !
I meant “thank”. Should never have had that second glass of wine !
Welcome back, Grant.
Many thanks. Dipping in and out these days. But great to see a lot of new posters here just in the last few week. And the enemy have not shut the site down yet !
But to my dying day I shall remember what all those out there, protesting and crying did and said in response to the thousands enslaved, raped, mutilated and murdered by the likes of IS, Boko Haram and of course Assad. Their icons Obama, Clinton et al presided over the rise of such groups and did little or nothing to stop the carnage but wring their hands and call for the emptying of those millions into Europe. These people Like to think themselves so morally superior and yet ………….
They did _considerably_ more than little or nothing. The west in general, the U.S. and UK in a leading role, all recent US regimes since Bush on both sides but Obama as president and Clinton as SoS in particular have done a whole lot more to create, support, finance and aid and abet the financing by SA of ME terrorist groups.
Steady on. I wouldn’t put Assad in the same camp as ISIS, Boko Harram and Al Shabaab. Assad is the legally recognised leader of Syria, the rest are terrorist groups. Assad is fighting to save his country falling to terrorist groups armed, trained and funded by USA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel. He is more sinned against than sinning.
His methods, even before the Arab Spring revolt, leave a lot to be desired.
Maybe these countries have dictators because it takes a dictator to run them. Remove the dictator and there is no nice West leaning paragon of democratic values to take over. There is only another dictator worse than the first.
There has only ever been one democracy in the ME and it is target number one of just about all the rest and of our snowflakes.
There is only another dictator worse than the first.
Or chaos. Experience over the last 20-odd years teaches us that only iron-fisted dictators can keep a lid on these madhouses aka Arab states – the alternatives have proved to be ten times worse.
To put it mildly !
Space monkey,
Are you saying that Assad is not a terrorist ?
“Are you saying that Assad is not a terrorist ?”
I think he is saying what would appear to be the only way that any mainly Muslim country in the Middle East can be “peaceful”.
Democracy is not a concept that is understood.
Oh dear. It seems that same concept is increasingly not understood here and in the U.S. too. The Muslims never had it and we are in the you don’t know what you have got until it is gone phase.
Fair point. Their minds are still in the Middle Ages and so are the Left Liberals who support them .
It’s his culture.
Are you sitting down?
Because……two cheers for the Beeb.
In the car, caught a bit of File on Four yesterday. A programme pointing out the decidedly lacklustre approach of the UK authorities to (allegedly) money laundering in London by deposed dictators and refusal to co-operate with countries trying to get their own money back.
The hypocrisy of this, given by contrast the enthusiasm of the authorities in other spheres, from making allegations against Cliff, or prosecuting people for putting rubbish in the wrong bin, is extremely telling.
Oh that the Beeb would spend more time on this sort of stuff and less on its unceasing left wing bias.
A programme pointing out the decidedly lacklustre approach of the UK authorities to (allegedly) money laundering in London by deposed dictators and refusal to co-operate with countries trying to get their own money back.
Hmmm, not too sure about the Beeb’s motives here. If they were truly concerned about money laundering they might report a bit more on the millions, if not billions, leaving the country via our cash-economy, drug-importing Muslim communities.
Oh dearie me, Paddy O’Connell is sitting in for Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 this lunchtime and his anti-Trump bile is bubbling to the surface.
Arron Banks (UKIP donor) has just returned from meeting the President elect in Trump Towers and so Paddy asked him whether he’d spotted any attractive woman in the building and discussed groping them with Donald Trump, “because that’s what Trump likes to do.”
He then managed to find some bloke from Aberdeen who lives next to Donald’s golf course up there and Paddy asked him whether Donald had built a fence to cut off his property and guess what?, yep, Donald had built a fence and it was “cheap and nasty”.
Paddy, not the brightest gay in the village, then spoke to someone who had also met the Donald in Trump Towers and exclaimed “Wow, it seems everyone’s been to Trump Towers apart from me and almost everyone else.”
Good work BBC, we’re all proud of you.
It backfired though,most of the people he spoke to said Trump was a very nice man, the prog got a kicking on Facebook too.
I listened to that (briefly) this lunchtime, O’Connell is Alan Partridge sans the humour and really belongs on something like BBC Radio Rutland or Penzance or similar.
When I heard that Arron Banks was going to be the first interviewee I was interested, after all he is a serious chap: business man; MAJOR donor for UKIP and the referendum campaign also very insightful about things when I’ve heard him on other programmes.
What was Paddy going to ask him? After all Banks and Farage are the first people from U.K. politics to actually meet the man who is going to be the next president (oh I’m sorry! “Elect!” As Paddy quickly interjected when Banks referred to meeting “President Trump”.
Who are the people Trump is bringing into his cabinet?
Did the next president or his staff give an indication of what their policy towards the U.K. would be?
What did Mr Trump or his inner circle have to say about Brexit?
What do you think his new U.S. policy towards Britain post Brexit will be?
Had the comments by British government ministers ruffled feathers in what will be the new administration? And would that be a problem for May to sort out?
No, no, no none of the above. The questions he was asked were basically variations of:
“Did you talk about grabbing women?”
“Were there any attractive receptionists?”
“Nigel Farage warned Trump not to grab Theresa May didn’t he?”
Absolutely pathetic. Arron Banks should have told him that Paddy was wasting his (Banks’) time and hung-up, it was excruciating to listen to; I don’t much like Fatty Feltz but she would never have made herself look such a total lightweight by asking questions like these. A new low for Paddy – which is really saying something! I listened to it for about 4 minutes and could take no more.
Link To that Facebook post where BBC got a kicking
It got shared 27 times , whereas the guy commenting about BBC bullying got 87 likes.
After last week’s disastrous rise my bank shares have crashed even further upwards. I blame Trump/Brexit.
No doubt the BBC can explain what’s caused this.
The BBC’s World News America presenter Katty Kay is somewhat creatively telling US television viewers that Britons regret voting for Brexit.
She must be getting her evidence from the ramblings of Michael Moore
I have no doubt that most of those who voted Remain and lost regret the outcome. Everyone I know who voted Leave has only one complaint – that we still haven’t invoked Article 50.
As to the validity of Katty’s comment the clue is in the first 5 words that Guido quotes:
“We did opnion polls afterwards”.
I’m sure the opinion poll industry is relieved to learn that someone, somewhere still believes in them.
An American, “We do the polls – then have the election to check if the polls were right.”
Dear Katy, In the words of Marine Le Pen put to another one of your BBC reporters Mr Stephen sack of ….
“You are British and you believe in opinion polls!”
BBC Online News:
“”Trump: The women protesting against the President-elect””
“”Women’s groups and feminist associations are organising a mass protest in Washington DC for 21 January, the day after President-elect Donald Trump will be sworn into office””
Four ugly/plain feminist women vent their left wing fascist views against Trump. All accompanied by sad piano music. No opposing view of course.
They were shocked that 52% of white women voted for Trump!
Oh, the pain, agony and verity of Democracy!
> “All accompanied by sad piano music.”
When exactly did news require a backing track? Music is about articulating a narrative through emotion, news is about facts. No wait…no that’s all wrong. Forget this, as you were emoting bBBC.
They should take an RSPCA appeal video and paste on the faces of ‘Bitter Clingers’.
Is it actual-NEWS
……or BBC-Views ?
Why do those four women think they have the right to go against the Democratic choice of the millions of women who voted for Trump?
I saw a fine example of the problems at the BBC this morning. We have a TV on the wall in our staff area tuned permanently to BBC News, with the sound down and subtitles displayed. They were interviewing a former Time magazine White House correspondent, who was following the BBC line that the biggest worry was that Trump may try to placate the ‘Far Right’ of the GOP. However the ‘translator’ for subtitles on teletext instead advised us that he may be trying to placate the ‘Far White’ of the Republican party, leaving me wondering exactly what universe the BBC manage to find people to whom ‘Far White’ is a thing, and a thing that can be accidentally substituted for ‘Far Right’. Or maybe the terms are interchangeable behind the scenes at the BBC
Sounds like a Freudian Skip to me, the BBC accidently revealing their true opinions. Either that or Jonathan Woss has been put in charge of subtitling.
Excellent Razza
I am hearing impaired and use subtitles on tv at home, the BBC are the worst, they are too slow,too big on the screen and frequently have mistakes,the need to learn from NETFLIX whose subtitles are excellent.
The BBC has given up reporting the facts.
Now they’re open about reporting imaginary things.
Biden and Obama memes: Jokes on Trump imagined
My aching sides.
Hmmm…….. ‘Do you find the world upsetting because everyone doesn’t think like you ?
You’ve had Fantasy Football, Final Fantasy IV and Fantasy Island, now try FANTASY NEWS from the BBC
The BBC – Believe in Better (but don’t expect too much, you won’t get it)’
Roland, when you analyse it, the tripe from the BBC is 95% speculation and 5% actual fact. In my book, that’s not, ‘news’.
Its propaganda and the government do nothing . Simples .
FFS,I’m glad my licence fee isn’t being wasted.
Briefly running through the BBC “news”, the presenter said that the BBC were going to expose the sixfold increase in the profits made by the energy Companies, very strange is it not? I recall that our DECC, as was, demanded that the companies used a percentage, 20% was it in all supplies and also told them the price he was going to pay, well above the £40 per MWh of a conventional power station. And so, as business men they did. But do our so good, not, BBC actually investigate, not at all. They just repeat like a set of parrots the latest
greenpiece b/s as gospel. They do not have one single decent journalist on any of their channels.
They had a follow up on Five Live. Rather than have the bloke from Energy UK, who commissioned the report the BBC was featuring, they simply played a tape of him from an earlier interview, leaving the field free for someone from an activist consumer group to have the floor to himself.
The assertion, though, from the BBC expert was completely in line with the BBC’s group think. He opined that those people who have found a fixed price deal for themselves are paying TOO LITTLE for their energy and are being subsidised by those who are on standard variable tariffs. They should therefore PAY MORE so that people who haven’t shopped around can get a reduction.
The BBC’s socialist thinking in action; get off your arse and do something about your energy costs and you get penalised. Sit on your arse, whinge and moan and expect someone else (with the encouragement of the BBC) to cough up for you and you get a rebate.
It’s right up there in line with Corbynomics – a metaphor for our times.
Remarkably credulous Oxbridge-educated Benjamin ‘Ben’ Brown news anchor with BBC News Channel happily accepts the news that 2016 is the hottest ever (or somesuch).
Please Sir, it’s only half way through November… can we really believe this statistic when two months or a sixth of the data can’t yet be in?
Queue amatuerish Skype link to a so-called expert. Our Ben’s only questions are about whether we are doing enough about this supposed problem.
Seems US policy is now a worry. Newsflash – the US (due to fracking) is the only ecomony that has met its prior obligations on CO2 emissions. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Our lady prof on Skype tells us nothing of the above but reassures us that ‘China is now on message’ Well there’s a relief for us all.
Brrrr, is the heating on?
Global Warming?
Has anyone approached ISIS regarding all the oil fires they’re setting or approached God regarding the massive Worldwide wildfires in America, Canada, Australia?
PS: Now they’ve added ‘anti Semitic’ to Trump’s list – Evidence?
Gaxvil. The BBC does not need ‘evidence’ it just needs ‘twitter’. All NUJ staff working at the BBC have Twiiter accounts and free ipads. The news is whatever the BBC ‘thinks’ it’s news can be. The BBC collective decides what is ‘news’ even if it is entirely false or misleading. If its repeated enough – it becomes news.
Trump’s adult children are all either married to or dating Jews, one daughter has converted to Judaism. What more proof do you need that he’s anti-semitic?
There is no way that ” Mother Theresa” is going to appoint Nigel Farage in any diplomatic
role. It is an anachronism that she has become Prime Minister because of Farage’s efforts in
winning the Brexit vote. However this really is a poison chalice to her. She despises Farage
in having to become Prime Minister in these circumstances.
Nigel Farage would make the perfect UK Ambassador in Washington . But there are two hopes of that happening under Theresa May. No Hope or Bob Hope. The reason is simple it is that Farage
is not part of the Establishment. However good it would be for the UK’S relationship with the Trump administration in all aspects. Because of May’s vindictiveness towards Farage , it will never happen!
Disagree there Foscari. We need Farage as an ‘unofficial’ diplomat as it was Farage that ‘advised’ Trump. I think (TM) will do whatever she needs to get a US trade deal underway. The Daily Mail has this to say about it… And its something I would support as practical.
‘PM urged to exploit Farage’s bond with Trump’
I think I’d rather see Farage as Trump’s advisor on the EU, give him power to s**t all over those revolting Schultzes and Junckers, while offering advantageous trade deals to free nations run by Wilders, Le Pen, Orban and so on.
You are, of course, right. If they were going to employ Farage it would have happened by now. It would take a Trump style result for real change to happen here.
She can’t stop Trump appointing Farage to some office. Perhaps that is what he will do.
Now when I had to watch a bit of football way back there was an Italian system that used a “libero”.
Just wanders the pitch as the spirit moves, as I recall-Maldinis dad, Beckenbauer types.
That`s Nigel-he must be free to cause his havoc.
That Trump/Farage picture stays in our hearts-why cage the British Lion?
Let him free-only Americas EU Ambassador for Brexit or such a self-described mash-up will do him, and serve his people.
Man tasked with getting rid of the BBC would be a good one too.
Keep him OUT of politics like Mays He is LONG and WAY past that.
On me head son! Liquid football as Alan Partridge knew.Maybe HE should stand for something Big-he`d walk it these days!
The EU would be spitting bricks !
I am beginning to think that Nigel Farrage is probably the most astute politician we have had in this country for generations.
With the degree of MSM and political motivation it is obvious he will never be allowed to win a political seat. Crikey cant have anyone in the Commons who tells the truth – it might give Ken Clarke indigestion.
I am sure Nigel has already “worded up” – “The Donald” regarding our sharia loving Prime Minister and her Machiavellian lack of commitment to the Brexit process. I am also pretty dam sure that the President Elect is also now fully aware of the duplicity of both UK politicians (including Bojo and May) and the outright hostility of some so called EU “leaders” regarding him personally.
The Goverments vinegar response to the suggestion that Farage should somehow be included in negotiations with Trump spoke volumes about how Theresa Government regards those who speak the truth.
It was interesting that St Theresa “the slippery” has been on the one hand praising globalisation and at the same hand demanding better border controls (leaky borders being her specialty when Home Sec). I suppose this is to placate the globalists and still try and look good with us brexiteers when the brexit appeal is thrown out next month.
With Big Ears going back to Toytown and assumimg the Trump is the “real deal” Theresa might find it a little more difficult trying to blow smoke up everyones arse as she has been doing so up to now. The “Woman of few Principles” may need to find some pretty dam quick if she wants to avoid becoming an irrelevance and have America turn its back on Europe and the UK in particular.
If she does so I think we can thank Nigel for it and if she doesnt at least the rest of the country will finally be aware of what a duplicitous operator she is.
Spot on ! ” Blow smoke up everyone’s arse “. LOL ! But so true .
Hello Grant – where you been? – I was worried that wee Jimmy Krankie was keeping you a prisoner as a sex slave in some Caledonian dungeon of SNP misery!
2016 ‘very likely’ to be world’s warmest year
The BBC doubles-down, knowing full well that now that Trump is set to occupy the White House their precious CAGW political agenda is set to be derailed. Trump has already spoken of refusing to sign the Paris Agreement and has big plans for US fracking.
This is what we need to remember about both Brexit and Trump: Yes, they were both victories against the progressive left, but the regressive left – divisive, race-baiting thugs and bullies – will double-down and employ every dirty trick in their filthy Alinskyite Book of Dirty Tricks to push their sickening social engineering and virtue-signalling at every turn.
The BBC is just doing what it’s always been doing: acting as The Media Party for a pro-EU, pro-CAGW, pro-immigrant, anti-nation state, borderless, globalised world view. As long as they retain ready access to an annual budget in the £billions which they don’t have to earn and obtain by demanding it with menaces they are going to keep this stuff up.
They have to be fought all the way, all the time. Trump might land a few crippling punches into the gut of CAGW, but they are going to fight back with lies, disinformation and every lever of culture, media and government they still control.
Getting Trump into the Oval Office was just the start. This battle is just beginning.
And if you read that (notice of intent), you’ll find Proof positive that the BBC are engaging with Science at the top level of ‘collective’ Science as an opportunity for 9-11 years olds.
I didn’t vote for the BBC Party.
If a girl wants to be an engineer and has the aptitude then fine but why does every profession have to have an equal or greater number of women than men in it? If there is a good reason then what jobs shouldn’t women be doing and what efforts are being made to encourage boys to go into those?
Using the same logic we should aim for equality for materials. Far too many bridges are made of steel, more should be made of lead! I don’t think anyone has made any aircraft of lead either. It is so unfair!
And we may be quite sure that ‘climate change’ indoctrination will be prominent.
Climate concerns strikes me like painting a house that’s sliding down a cliff.
Tell me underground nuclear tests don’t affect the planet anyone concerned? Think not – selective blinkers work really well.
Like comedy , Al Beeb don’t do science , just arty farty.
Marr show gues list has clear list of bias
“Oh that Farage he’s been on 19 times
and UKIP 22 !” says LeftMob guy who was complaining
I checked Corbyn has a slightly higher appearance rate
since Sunday 26th July 2015
He’s been on 9 times in 17 months
Farage 19 in 58 months
But it’s the Party rate that’s more shocking
77 Labour Party
33 Conservative
21 Lib Dem
10 SNP (Does anyone watch in Scotland ?)
10 Green Party
See Lefty Parties get to be on 55 times vs 118 times for Lefties
21 Lib Dem appearances actually
I see you forgot to mention 77 Labour Party Appearances
15 of them were Ed Miliband
Jeremy Corbyn has a slightly higher appearance rate
since Sunday 26th July 2015
He’s been on 9 times in 17 months
Farage 19 in 58 months
44 appearances from musicians
110 appearances from actors
all since January 2012
Watched DP today during which Peter Whittle of UKIP wrung out of Mrs Balls that uncontrolled mass immigration ,may , under certain circumstances, not be a good thing. Ms Coburn looked stoney faced throughout the discussion ,as she usually does whenever something is raised that goes against liberal left orthodoxy. However , the liberal left world was soon put to rights when the Conservative guest agreed with Mrs Balls that the driving force of the People’s revolt against globalism right across the west was purely economic and that only a small minority of racists bigots had concerns about migrants. Peter Whittle laughed at them and said they could believe that if they wanted to , but the people who elected them did have deep concerns about migration and were not racist bigots and so UKIP would keep harvesting votes until main stream politicians put forward policies which addressed the legitimate concerns of the people
I suppose we are seeing a little progress, even a couple of years ago no politicians from Labour would have dared to admit that there were any circumstances were mass immigration wasn’t a blessing.
If the west keeps voting for no more immigrants , particularly no more from outside the West, even the thickest leftist will realise we have had enough of their dangerous multyculty nonsense. They can of course hope to win the votes of migrants as per the New Labour plan, but these migrants will soon split into their ethic groups and seek their own representatives. But now we , the Westeners , have at last formed our own ‘ special interest group’ , we need to keep on voting for it, despite all the lies and repression we will experience from the ruling liberal left elite.
Yes, can’t wait for the Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Polish parties to emerge.
As mass immigration is such a benefit it is unfair of the West to hog it all, Africa and Asia need it more!
….but these migrants will soon split into their ethic groups and seek their own representatives
I think we’re already there, DT:
There were three independent candidates: Zirwa Javaid, Zia Samadani and Smiley Smillie.[10] Ankit Love, who was a candidate in the London mayoral election, stood for One Love Party.[10] Akbar Ali Malik stood under the banner of the Immigrants Political Party….,_2016
Oh, there was one gem on the DP that I forgot to mention. Chukka was on and talking about the interconnected nature of manufacturing. He gave an excellent example of the way that so many components of cars assembled in the U.K. came from the EU . For instance , he said, the leather for car seats came from the EU. Well , perhaps Chukka only rides in posh cars with leather seats , but most of us don’t , but of course most of us aren’t Labour MPs pretending to care about working class people.
Panorama have stealth changed the title of today’s show

From : America’s Most Hated President?
To : Trump’s New America
Here are screen grabs note both have the same URL
Yesterday’s screengrab
Today’s screengrab
They may have changed it online, but it still has its original title in the weekly TV guide in the MoS and all the others too I bet.
They’re the scum of the earth (IMHO) and they reinforce my view of them daily.
Nice detective work, Stew! We really to keep an eye on these serial dissemblers 24/7!
Trying to keep up – so now Trump is a, racist, xenophobe, misogynist, Islamophobic, anti- Semitic, Global Warming Denier, Rapist, Fascist, KKK head, warmonger, isolationist, protectionist, and anti Globalist.
Have I missed any is the Guinness Book of Records aware?
Credit where it is due
Sweden’s chief prosecutor is questioning WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange about a rape allegation at the Ecuadorean embassy in London., says the BBC.
Kay Burley & pavement based colleague on Sky News insist on using the term “sexual assault”.
Credit where it’s due, Julian Assange and Wikileaks: doing the job journalists used to.
After watching that Pilger interview with Assange (which someone posted on here) I’ve changed my opinion about him; if what he said was correct in the interview, the woman he is alleged to have assaulted / raped says that he didn’t and the Swedish police made it up.
20:30 Radio4 guy fears Brexit will hurt visa free travel for him around Europe.
Cos years ago As Indian born guy he had visa free travel for him around Europe
Now he’s a British prof with UK passport
Each of 27 countries can veto any long-term deal between Britain and the European Union.
Professor Menon visits four European countries where politicians will face their electorates next year.
It was not that long ago when the smug BBC came up with a plan for to aid the ‘failing local regional newspapers’ (to adopt more BBC news or perish). You may remember that the BBC offered to redistribute its’ own BBC regional for ‘free’ (reported in The Guardian)! This of course followed the BBC ‘offensive’ in muzzling the national free press, with it’s ‘luvvies’ press charter (to not report anything that might be termed ‘offensive’) to what celeb ‘luvvies’ do in private (or as being re-employed by the BBC as a case in fact). The Mail, Times and Telegraph all are rankled by how the BBC uses the public ‘TV license fee’ to finance its own private agenda whilst ‘poncing off’ the rest of ‘free’ press – (which is struggling with revenues ‘to be properly independent’ from the BBC). Even the BBC closest ally ‘The Grauniad’ (sic) gets all it news frequently ‘stolen’ (by the BBC staff) and nobody can say ‘ouch’, that’s theft… because that’s how the BBC operates. Lazy Journalism is the BBC motto.
In todays Daily Mail; (SHAKESPEARE section) explores the lefties MEDIA dilemma…
COMRADES’ weekly New Statesman has joined The Guardian in begging readers for money. The Lefties mag’s editor Jason Cowley emailed them last week pleading for ‘donations’. The sanctimonious Guardian lost more than £60 million last year.’
And the question is – will the BBC come to the aid of its only source of news?
Send all answers to the head of BBC strategy (James Purnell), New Broadcasting House, Oxford Road, Manchester. M60 1SJ. Sending a SAE (as the corporation – mock sniff -cannot afford to reply to ALL listeners (or any TV viewers). Its worth noting also that ‘Readership for British national newspapers, as estimated by the National Readership Survey, has fallen 13 percent on average compared to the previous year, with particularly bad results for the Independent, Daily Mirror and Guardian.’
‘Send all answers to the head of BBC strategy (James Purnell)’
That’s Labour’s James Purnell, by the way.
Third rate placeman
You are far too generous. A tenth rate bozo.
So just how does the bbc get by the Monopolies Competition Board?
Prosecutor says :
\\Labour MP Jo Cox was shot and stabbed to death for a “political and/or ideological cause”//
We’ll have to see what the defence say.
No doubt in th BBC’s mind that Mair is guilty. All the allegedly’s in the book won’t conceal the BBC’s verdict.
The Independent also has him guilty and provides the motive.
Jury might as well go home.
I will stick my neck out as a conspiracy theorist. Mair was a patsie. Cox knew too much.
I think it’s even more sinister than that. I have the impression that Cox wasn’t bright enough to know too much and not reveal it. I do remember at the time that people provided plenty of evidence on here that this kind of assassination, i.e. a young (and in most cases female) politician, had happened a number of times before. It always happened in the run-up to a tight election or referendum and always to a leftist. It looked like the politicians in question were being sacrificed to win some sympathy votes. Thankfully it didn’t work this time.
As far as the killer goes, it appeared that he never discussed politics and wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box. I would imagine that someone like that could easily be manipulated into thinking that they are doing the right thing by killing her, just convince him he is doing it for the country.
Another thing, I wouldn’t have the first idea where to get a gun even if I wanted one. How could someone like this have managed it? It must have been provided by someone else (i.e. his manipulator).
I could just imagine a secret lefty planning room where they were going through a list of candidates for execution, i.e. one whose picture is very presentable, is young, female and has a family. Next find a dupe who can be led into doing it for them.
This is the second time recently I have felt myself reaching for the tin-foil helmet but this murder was just too convenient for the Left.
10:40pm ITV #TheAgenda Tonight and more
@George_Osborne, @GuardianAnushka (Political Editor at the Guardian)
Alastair Campbell (Fighting for REMAIN, calls for BA to boycott Mail
“Looks like @realDonaldTrump has managed to make America hate again”)
@StacyMHilliard Commentator on US Affairs- #Republican (who voted Hillary?)
& David Starkey join @tombradby.
So no friends of UKIP or Trump …All #LeftyEstablishment
Don’t bother with it. It is yesterday’s people with today’s rubbish.
BBC to introduce wider range of religious shows to address Christian ‘bias’Indy
Hmm LeftMob religion is in 50% of shows
and GHreen Religion is in about 25%
Christian progs amount to Songs of Praise and Clare balding on R2
..Does the Mad Bishop on Sun nights on R5 count ?
I wonder if Asian network carries any religion progs or Radio Leicester Or Bradford etc.
asian Network does do spiritual specials about once per month
I’m not sure if the BBC has any business doing any religion shows
Any religion can plug it’s cause on the internet or satellite
How can you do an Islam show the various sects will vie against each other
Same really for Christians/Hindu’s Chinese religion
So, we should have the Religion of peas and the Pastafarians to make the BBC religious content more diverse and tasty. Come to think of it, we could add in the hamish as well and have a religious master chef to replace bake off! Makes as much sense as any BBC policy.
I wonder if Asian network carries any religion progs..
Stew, because Asian Network is predominantly about Muslim issues, I’d say definitely.
If the BBC can represent Islam with only 4.5% of the population being muslim; why can’t it represent the 52% who voted for Brexit?
At a guess, I’d say because the Islamic culture is 100 times superior to our own, and always has been (‘Crusades’, ‘Golden Age of Islam’, ‘Family Values’, ‘Religion of Peace’ etc etc refer).
KERRRPOWWW!!! there Space monkey!
Another hypertension-filled half hour or so watching BBC news programmes at lunchtime.
Thankfully I missed the headliner of ‘2016 set to be the hottest year on record’. Well NASA and co. having doctored the 1930s temperature record ever downwards and post-1945 datasets ever upwards (conveniently eradicating the post-war cooling) – the 1930s having for some time been acknowledged by proper scientists as the ‘hottest on record’ – 2016 WOULD stand a good chance wouldn’t it, especially with the help of an El Nino.
Anyroad, moving on, it appears a new narrative has been formed by the BBC which I recommend you look out for. Apparently those who voted for Trump and Brexit are ‘people who felt left behind’. Funny that, cos I had the impression they were ‘people pissed off to the eyeballs with having mass immigration, Islam, multiculturalism, climate change, gay rights and all the other leftist ideologies rammed down their throats and then screamed at for being racists, homophobes, Islamophobes, Little Englanders, climate change deniers etc etc if they didn’t like it’. Still, what would I as a working-class-lad-made-good-and-now-middle-class-pensioner-who-doesn’t-feel-left-behind-who-voted-Brexit know..
Then on North West News we had working class icon and virtue-signaller-in-chief Maxine Peake, bewailing the threat of closure to some working class shrine (a library) close to her native Bolton. Sweet Jesus, that woman sounds like she is permanently re-fighting workers battles from the 1930s. The fact it is under threat due to lack of public money is a sign of the (paraphrased) ‘kind of country we now live in’.
Poor Maxine, her comprehensive education and acting career has left her innumerate and somewhat out of touch with the real world of income vs expenditure (ironically the real working class I grew up part of would have been disgusted by such fiscal indiscipline). Look, Maxine luv – we are £1.5 trillion in debt and still running a £70 billion annual deficit, we have PFI debts totalling another £500 billion and unfunded public sector pensions liabilities of £1.3 trillion. That’s the ‘kind of country we now live in’ – in other words one that has been living the life of a rock star on a window cleaner’s wages for far, far too long.
Not that the BBC challenged her with any of that, of course, or anything remotely like it – in fact, there was no challenge at all.
Good post Johnny
More exciting news for eleven year old BBC science munchkins being elevated to editor as we speak, is that the words ‘very likely’ may seem a nifty way to cover a pert backside in W1A, but will certainly not impress any qualified types marking exams… other than in East Anglia.
Exactly Johnny, the BBC never challenge anyone asking for the state to borrow more money and give it to them.
I am hoping to get on BBC’s breakfast time tomorrow: No provision is made for someone suffering from depression because their football team is near the bottom of the league and their national football team is being disappointing. I feel anguish and blame Brexit and the Trump victory. No money has ever been given to a lazy sod like me with my ailments and the Tories won’t listen to my demands. Hmm, I am male though, not seen many hideously white males on demanding dosh.
Ah, Maxine Peake. Self-confessed far-Left, once (maybe still) Communist. Daughter of a Communist father. She gets quite a bit of air-time to pontificate – strangely without disclaimer or apology from the impartial BBC.
Another glorious shot in the foot if their so-called journalists think we are “people left behind”! Funnily enough, only discussing today with an old friend (millionaire, lives some of the time in the South of France, Oxbridge degree, very successful businessman) about how people like us who voted Leave are never heard or seen by the BBC. They prefer to showcase and sneer at people who are not very articulate (but who understand something the media hive don’t). We have another friend, also extremely successful in venture capital, Oxford masters, and passionate Leaver on the grounds of understanding the economics and politics behind the failed project. All our clever children have worked it out, too, no snowflakes they. Go on, BBC, you keep making fools of yourself…
The BBC’s relentless demonization and denigration of Donald Trump is incitement, barely disguised. They and other broadcasters are, in part, responsible for the personal injury and property damage now unleashed in the USA. They really should consider this. But they won’t.
They SHOULD be charged with broadcasting ‘Hate Speech’ because that is what it is1
Spot on, Bob – just as they must be held accountable for the lives that surely will be lost when their Great Renewables Revolution fails to provide for our basic energy needs and the poor, sick, old and vulnerable are left in the dark, freezing cold fighting to survive.
Not very subtle BBC reporting of the trail of Mair this evening. Despite the prosecution not mentioning it, the BBC thinks it is relevant to remind listeners in each bulletin that Jo Cox was a Remain supporter, and her murder happened just days before the referendum… which is relevant why exactly?
Let us (and the BBC) remember what Mr Mair said in 2010 to a local newspaper:
“I can honestly say it has done me more good than all the psychotherapy and medication in the world. Many people who suffer from mental illness are socially isolated and disconnected from society, feelings of worthlessness are also common mainly caused by long-term unemployment.
All these problems are alleviated by doing voluntary work. Getting out of the house and meeting new people is a good thing, but more important in my view is doing physically demanding and useful labour.
When you have finished there is a feeling of achievement which is emotionally rewarding and psychologically fulfilling. For people for whom full-time, paid employment is not possible for a variety of reasons, voluntary work offers a socially positive and therapeutic alternative.”
Another tragic death from “care in the Community”
British Army humour to lighten the day a bit. I know this is an old one but the Bin Laden take off is interesting in 3 bits begins0, 1.31,3.1
The BBC have to be careful when commentating on the trial of Jo Cox’s alleged murderer.
To connect the incident with Brexit could in the opinion of the Judge unfairly influence the jury.
The BBC have other Judges.
Curious article on the Today programme this morning at 7:22.
“Social media is acting like an “echo chamber” and polarising political debate, says entrepreneur and former senior adviser to David Cameron Rohan Silva. His comments follow Mark Zuckerberg’s commitment to tackle fake news on Facebook, which he denied had aided Donald Trump’s presidential election victory.”
The two things aren’t really the same thing, and Rohan Silva wanted to discuss the sensible idea that algorithms used in social media could be tweaked so that users didn’t just get a polarity of opinions. Justin Webb however wanted to direct the discussion towards the dangers of fake news, and the two dangerous examples he gave?
1. The Pope endorses Trump.
2. Hillary Clinton to get a presidential pardon.
Fake news, it seems, is only a danger when it’s contradicts with the BBC’s own polarised viewpoint.
More fake news:
Katty Kay, BBC: Briton’s regret the outcome of the EU referendum and will vote to remain in a re-run.
See my comment above. How dare she! Absolute self-seeking tosh!! If anything, people I speak to about the vote now understand a bit more and wish they had got off the Remain fence to stand square behind Brexit. Especially now Project Fear has been shown up for what it was.
Just a hunch but, I suspect , if there is a second ref. we will get a bigger majority. What will the Remainer fascists do then ?
I think you could well be right. If the aftermath of the US election is anything to go by, they will just spin ever faster in illogical Remainer circles! Hopefully until they combust.
They are living in the past and the world has moved on. Not much from them about Trump cosying up to Putin ! You could not make it up !
“Just a hunch but, I suspect , if there is a second ref. we will get a bigger majority. What will the Remainer fascists do then ?”
Grant, now that they know the scale of the problem they face they’ll make a better effort to rig the result. They under-estimated us last time, but they won’t make that mistake next time.
That’s why I used my own marker pen to vote with.
Perhaps I am being over critical, but I watched Pointless earlier and one of the categories of questions was about famous people who had Biblical names, such as Isaac Newton and Abraham Lincoln. There were the usual jokes and quips about the names, it didn’t bother me particularly as I have no real religious beliefs, but I couldn’t help wondering if they would ever dare to do anything similar , but with names from the Koran. Silly question I suppose.
Well there will be no revenge from christians and the twisted cowards at the BBC know that.
I would love the BBC to do a piece on the muslims who contributed as much to civilisation as Newton and Lincoln.
“I would love the BBC to do a piece on the Muslims who contributed as much to civilisation as Newton and Lincoln”
Barack Hussein Obama?
LOL ! Well he got the Nobel Prize for bringing peace to the World. Just that he forgot about Putin !
Of course not. It’s ‘cool and right on’ to have pops at the monarchy or Christianity.
Yes , easy targets who will not retaliate. So brave for the BBC wankers to attack them !
Doubtless the puerile jibes about names were from Richard Osman. I never liked that man very much, but hadn’t realised until quite recently what a very nasty piece of work he really is. ‘Pointless’ has been off my watch list for some time, and will stay that way.
What’s “Pointless”?
MartinW, I enjoy Pointless and record it. However, I agree with you about Osman, I used to like him but now feel the same about him as you. There was one comment he made about Bush stealing the election from Gore. I don’t believe it to be true, but I remembered this when the Left were up in arms about Trump saying he may contest the election, when they claimed that everybody alweays acepts the result and moves on. Well, Osman shows that the Left don’t do that themselves, even 16 years later some are still contesting an election that I believe was fair albeit narrow.
Every time the BBC has mentioned the murder of Jo Cox they have also mentioned in conjunction that it was ONE WEEK BEFORE THE BREXIT VOTE, and that she had been a PASSIONATE REMAIN CAMPAGNER.
They are clearly attempting to smear Brexit voters as ‘racist’ and far right activists.
and murderers.
Constant reference to his shouting ‘Britain First’ will link the killing to the far right. This will be a cue to the Appeaser to get tough and ban several far far right patriotic movements. Tommy Robinson can be interviewed again by Brillo before they lock him up again.
Maybe shout, ‘Bradford first, Rotherham second.’
They also seem to think the shouting of “Britain First” is particularly nefarious.
Only butchery accompanied by an “Allahu Akhbar” has the blessing of the BBC.
I had PM Radio4 on tonight and was not paying attention to the hourly ritual condemnations of Trump when I thought I heard the phrase “Waffle-SS”. How apt I mused. Have the BBC had an gnothi seauton momemt?
I for one am keenly awaiting the trial for it to establish the actual sequence of events.
One witness denied hearing Britain First and according to various reports of how he stabbed her while reloading the gun and struggling with her the sequence of actual events was, to say the least, a tad confusing.
I complained to the DT about their coverage describing events which was ridiculously contradictory..
If you try to shout while you are grappling with someone I think you will actually find it quite difficult.
On Radio 2 around mid-day, some BBC turd was doing a fairly perfunctory ‘for balance’ interview with a member of the UKIP entourage who had recently been entertained at Trump Towers. He signed off the snide little chat with the gratuitous quip “…and did you talk (with Trump) about women and what you’d like to do to them?”!!!
They would never ask that question of Corbyn !
I bet he never mentioned Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky!
Two words from ANY Ukippa worth their salt.
Not get to buggery..whcih is what you`re all about anyway Beeboid!
And BBC involvement in glory holes.
The BBC turd was Paddy O’Connell (sorry, me neither) standing in for often absent turd Jeremy Vine, who was presumably doing a nice little earner elsewhere on Crimewatch, Eggheads or some other tosh while filling the coffers of his Jelly Vine Productions.
What a shame we cannot flush them away.
How do we know, like Lee Harvey Oswald, he wasn’t a patsy for Remain?
Get it right. Oswald was a Leaver who killed JFK because he was pro-EU. As for that bastard Wilkes, how did he know that Lincoln would be a leaver ?
And then Eddie Mair asked Mrs Lincoln what she thought of the play.
She said it reminded her of that old tv series “Tales of the Unexpected”.
Andrew Marr on Sunday morning BBC TV.
Did anyone else notice Marr stating that Farage was ‘gurning’ in his photo with Trump?
He would never have said that about a Labour/Democrat politician. Could you imagine him saying that about a photo of President Clinton shaking Corbyn’s hand?
Could it be evidence of bias?? Marr is a self admitted Marxist. How else would he have got the BBC job?
“He was once a member of the Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory (an offshoot of the International-Communist League, now known as the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty). At Cambridge, Marr says he was a “raving leftie”, and he acquired the nickname ‘Red Andy'”
(Updated from my post at the very end of last thread).
The Today Dover Sentry
Yes, that struck me as a gratuitous personal insult over and above the usual sneery BBC tone.
As I mentioned somewhere else a BBC pundit asked “who was behind the Trump victory”. This is a strange turn of phrase when all he wanted was a demographic breakdown of Trump voters. Voting against Clinton is in the eyes of the BBC some form of dark conspiracy against the natural order. One American horrified by the Trump win exclaimed “they are voting like a minority”. “They” being white Trump voters. The strange assumption being that in the age of identity politics the only right and proper way for white voters to vote is in the interests of another racial group, i.e. to reject “racism”.
Yes DS, I picked up the gurning comment too….at first thought I had mis-heard, but never went for second viewing to confirm it.