Gave up watching the Beeb news months ago, but Sky are no better. Watched an interview between Sir Malcolm Rifkind and pudgy faced Adam Boulton this morning. At least M Rifkind always referred to ‘MR’ Trump, unlike his interviewer, but when the subject turned to Nigel Farage, Rifkind said he wouldn’t resort to calling ‘MR’ Farage names, to which obese (I’m too fat for my suit) Boulton said “oh, please do” !!!! Dear Lord what sort of people are these journalists who can instigate name calling on air like bullies at school !
We`re now at the stage where we really DON`T need to chronicle the endless bias of the BBC.
This morning Today at 8,45 or so had a Katya Adler previewing some coming hit piece on Trump-and then gave us you blowback nobodies in the form of Rifkind and Old Ma Beckett. Green Rooms booked, Pollyfilla slap and a Hinge and Bracket scoop for the BBC.
For both these titans were once Foreign Secretary you know!
Don`t remember much but their fiddled expenses and willingness to be Chinese rickshaws for hire.
I switched off-what else was there to do ?
LISTEN to them?
Beckett gave us Corbyn-but would rather we not want Trump?
So I repeat-yes we need a skeleton army to call out the gratuitous bias when it sloshes over the night soil bucket.
But otherwise let them die of our indifference.Refuse to fund them and kick their zombie corpse with comedy, no funding and mockery at every turn.
Get UKIP ready to do a Five Star, enjoy the collapse of Italy over Christmas-and plan 2017 knowing that vast chunks of the EU wall(and therefore the BBCs)are crumbling fast.
Don`t shine your searchlight TOO much on them-get it pointing where the real threats are going to be in your towns.
Get UKIP electable.
He may well have been, and I don’t know, is the answer; but my point was the type of cringeworthy interviewing we are now witnessing by journalists on all channels, and I find it most uncomfortable viewing. They maintain they’re doing they’re job and yes I agree, from the days of Bernard Levin there has always been aggressive interviewing, but this bunch are in a different league to suit their own agendas.
The BBC is busy Brexit bashing as usual this evening. R 4 Analysis has some alleged academic from Kings College trailing around Europe to the refrain ‘we are on the road to nowhere ‘. Every interviewee tells him what a lousy deal Britain will get in its Brexit negotiations. His choice of interviewees is clearly slanted to getting the answers he wants. For example he asks a German MP if they will relax the 4 freedoms yet allow Britain to stay in the Single Market. Surprise, surprise the Germans answer is no. Well here’s a reminder – we don’t want to stay in the Single Market. If we do we won’t have left the EU.
This programme is ridiculously biased . An insult to anyone’s intelligence .
And the latest estimates in France are that 60% of the population want to get out of the EU’s tentacles and rather admire the liberty, equality and fraternity of Brexit. You’re right, EnglandExpects, an insult to the intelligence. This Radio 4 useful idiot can’t have trailed around much of Europe. Wonder if he dared to visit Bavaria while he was in Germany?
Radio 4 is insufferable. Yet its remaining listeners (in all senses) still parrot its conclusions and smugly pat themselves on the back for being well informed.
Actually I didn’t think it was that bad for the BBC
Typically he went to the government people, and they said “yeh we are going to make it tough”. Then he went to the other side or neutrals who explained that all these gov have the Non-Lefty parties on their backs, so they want to seem tough. But I picked up the implication, that by being tough they are going to cause the same old backfire effect and before you know it will non-LeftMob who are the powerful players in Europe like Geert Wilders and la Pen,.
He didn’t mention a trick that came up today that soon we could declare some of our ports freeports so that goods coming in and out are untaxed as long as they don’t cross the fence. So could bring in Chinese components + German components tariff free , assemble them inside the port and export them to Africa ..all without special new treaties.
“”Mr Putin wished Mr Trump “success in implementing the election programme””
“”Mr Trump has expressed admiration for Mr Putin, saying he “has been a leader far more than our president””
“”Mr Putin in turn has called Mr Trump “a very outstanding person, talented without doubt””
“”The Kremlin revealed the pair had discussed Syria and agreed that current Russian-US relations were “extremely unsatisfactory” during the phone call””
Through my Facebook page and other meteorological sites, I point out the rabid prooganda that the BBC pushes out 24/7. People are listening. This I just received via Facebook:
How could the NHS survive without foreign nurses and doctors?
I’ve heard this so often from our BBC/Left.
Ok. Why do we have so many foreigners in the NHS? Because it’s cheaper for Hospital Trusts to recruit from overseas. The Trusts recruit staff who have been trained in their home countries at no cost to ourselves.
An example is the Philippines who are a rich source of trained nurses. These nurses earn far, far more than at home. They only work a few years here whilst sending their earnings back home, and whilst often living in crowded accommodation. But they of course don’t mind.
My source of information is a member of NHS Casualty staff with managerial experience.
We need to employ our people. I doubt that the French or Pakistani equivalent of the NHS is staffed almost wholly by foreigners.
I asked a customer, who is a consultant anaesthetist, whether it was true that the NHS would collapse without its foreign staff; his response: “No, it’s complete b******s!”.
Oh yes, and of course they add to the economy. Er, not true. Most of the Phillippinos I worked with in the NHS lived on site in discounted accommodation and their salaries were sent back home ! They are only here to earn the money, not spend it !
DS et al, every now and then the guard slips and little bits of information pop out. About 18 years ago there was an Any Questions panel with a successful businessman present. He let slip the information that £6 billion of private (ie. non-Aid) money left the UK every year to go to the Indian sub-continent alone.
I have to point out that that is not all a bad thing in that it CAN help lift prosperity in a recipient country and bring worldwide benefits. At a time of rapidly increasing world population, the number of people living with daily hunger around the world fell substantially. A great achievement.
On the other hand, it does weaken the economy of the country it leaves. At the same time as that vast outflow was going on together with Foreign Aid giving, money was also leaching out of the UK to off-shore havens. Blair & Brown appeared to be oblivious to this and took no action.
As DS correctly suggests, all these lovely ‘dedicated’ outsiders who, “do so much for the UK economy and pay their taxes” send most of the money earnt OUT the UK. I’ve said it before and its worth stating again: what could British businesses do with an extra £5.56 BILLION spent with them every year? Maybe create jobs for Brits, invest in the economy? – the things ‘old fashioned’ businesses did before this illusion of the benefit of mercenary ‘migrants’ gained traction. Note the Guardian (“Facts are Sacred”) reported value (“just over” $3.2 Billion Dollars)
Whereas the National Archives document (I cannot find a document date) suggests estimated figure of £5.56 Billion POUNDS – (see page 4) –
My daughter is a student nurse. The qualifications required to get on the degree courses is crazy such is the demand for places, just a few UCCA points less than doing medicine. (My daughter needed three B grade ‘A’ levels!)
We have enormous numbers of bright capable young people that want to work in the NHS, and yet have the door shut firmly in their way due to the lack of training routes into employment. And then we fill the demand with foreign staff with unknown qualifications and capabilities. It’s outrageous.
I’m not sure if you realise, but this is “Jonathan Pie” a character created by a satirical comedian.
“Jonathan Pie is a satirical news reporter character created and played by British actor and comedian Tom Walker. He is known for his outtake-like rants of a conflicted reporter speaking his mind about the state of UK politics.[2][3][4] He moved into international coverage after the 2016 US elections, where Pie’s report video on Trump’s win went viral to become a YouTube trending video. Conversely, some media, including PJ Media did not recognise he was a satire character, and his report was commentated on as a professional “British lefty reporter”.
His first spoof news report was released just after the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of opposition in the UK Parliament. The “report” was in response to mainstream media reporting, in particular the weight given to a past relationship with Diane Abbott and the fact that he “stuck his willy in a woman”.
Walker was soon approached by several media companies, including RT UK, the Russian government-funded television network, who offered him complete creative control. He worked with them for several months until deciding to split in July 2016 prior to a show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
The BBC 1 Panorama programme tonight on Trump’s victory was a classic.
It was plainly cobbled together from some other Black Lives Matter project and even blamed Trump for the recent (I think) killing of a schizophrenic.
Hang on a Black guy is currently President not Trump.
Hillary’s defeat was so unexpected they hadn’t bothered to prepare anything in advance on a Trump victory except the usual whingerama.
I presume the thought of such a defeat was just unthinkable.
This is one of Nigel Farage’s best interviews on Fox News (in my opinion). A somewhat euphoric Nigel (the morning after the Trump Tower meeting) is fawned over by the Fox trio and treated with the admiration he so deserves, unlike the UK MSM and Westminster who sneer and snark. Well, tough shit guys because Farage is a superstar in the USA. Farage is the most significant UK politician since Thatcher and Blair (and that’s not just my opinion).
Will watch it-but know I don`t need to.
But I will-and thanks Mr Golightly!
Stopped it after 8 seconds, and pinched myself-think Nigels got the bigger hands, so let me reflect on this…
Surely our Christmas Card this year!
And he looks and sounds like this? After surely a king-size hangover after another booze-soaked euphoric night in the Gold Room!
And hats off to the interviewers-thoughtful and even gently lobbing Nigel his slammed shots-so unlike the wicked BBC etc.
Radio 48% the network for Remainers, Farage/Trump haters
Over on one of the Facebooks forums Leftmob listeners block me. Seemingly not sharing their hate is not acceptable tolerant is that ? So some members blocked me, meaning I can’t participate in their discussions so they have the comfort echo chamber discussions. I have a trick to see these discussions and they are a bit raving.
They don’t seem to accept that the 52% should be represented on Radio 4 at all.
We see it in climate debate, that we are all up for discussing stuff , checking facts and Leftmob are the opposite they just won’t do fair debate, they run away from it and do things like close down comments and practice gatekeeping.
StewG, interesting times. The Western world seems to be splitting into a 48/52 world where the pragmatic and objective, “old grey males types” prevail with a mere couple of percentage points above their communist/left/liberal counterparts. Where it all goes, I could not speculate but short term it does seem to be the fundamental recipe for civil disorder.
Currently the Al Shabeeb webshite has a ‘Trump presidency: your questions answered’ facility, where the anti democratic, anti free speech, anti any other views but the same as their own – Al Shabeeb will ‘answer’* the questions put to them about Trumps presidency…
Of course Al Qabeeba are going to sensor all ‘not to their narrative’ questions, so I have put a couple of honest, justified and fact driven questions to them that are guaranteed to be answered… (limited characters is always a bast*rd!)
1: “With Obama seen as the worst president in history by a significant portion of the US, is Trump guaranteed to be a success?”
2: “Will this the anti-democratic, bigoted fascists who are rioting begin to accept Trump when he makes the US great again, or does hate Trump love?”
Already looking forward to headlining the Al Shabeeb webshite! ?
For pure bile and bias (outside of al beebus) in their reporting of current political events in the U.S. Robert Moore of ITV News sits atop that particular table (IMHO); he appears to be suffering from extreme PTSD Post Trumptastic Stress Disorder (as Mark Steyn put it).
Just had the misfortune to endure Newsnight which was wall to wall anti Trump propaganda, no nuance, no insight just monotonous bitching. Can we please start to drain the BBC swamp ?
As someone on Trumps team said.
“Whoever heard of a swamp that ever wanted to be drained?”
I am now sat cross-legged in lotus position in a Leonard Cohen gnomic fashion….but reflect on that great phrase.
It’s incredible isn’t it. It’s like being in a universe where people just believes weird sh*t and have kneejerk sneering and namecalling without the simplest of fact checking
There is Farage with his German wife , quite comfortable with living in Europe.
There is Trump with his immigrant wife, children with grandparents of different continents etc.
A daughter who converted to Judaisim years ago, a Jewish son in law he entrusts with business.
Yet the newsnight woman is screaming
“Trump has just put one extreme-anti-Semite in his team and another a senior KKK member”
And supposedly educated people throw sneeing labels around like “racist” …”anti-immigrant” etc.
..Like how difficult to see a difference between legal and illegal immigration ?
Guess the Snowflakes spend so much time screaming in debates or in silence in their Safe Spaces at their US Unis, DS, that they haven’t learned enough to comprehend what Trump said in his Acceptance Speech. Either that or they didn’t stop wailing long enough to listen.
One of the very very few programs I watched on the BBC was Traffic Cops, but I see they can’t even keep hold of that, the new series being on Channel 5 tonight (is it because more often than not the ‘baddies’ are not who the BBC want them to be?)
No Top Gear, no cricket, no F1, no horse racing, no football, no Bake Off (not bothered), no comedy, just wall to wall unwatchable and transparent diverse lefty PC bullshit thinly stretched over a myriad of pointless and unnecessary networks.
What fucks me off most is that they think they’re giving us good value.
I spoke to a friend of mine in the U.S. earlier and he’d heard that some of those Trump “protesters” are being paid $100 – $150 per day; good old George, he certainly likes to spread his money around – doesn’t he?
Newsnight is now venturing into absolute absurdity. Not difficult for the BBC but on our money not really the thing to do.
The final discussion on Trump and us deplorables was a textbook example of podism (see Invasion of the Bodysnatchers) and an outmoded form of arrogance ( see that idiot so called Tory Parris) .
Two being interviewed by Evan Davis which makes three pods in a row.
This is why we are literally ( apologies to Lefty) revolting. And it aint going to stop any time soon.
It occurs to me that we really need to make Mr Trump aware of just how hostile and condescending our political and media class is to him personally- Parris is a prime example. So that he may disregard the lot of them and either address us deplorable British directly or just get on with whatever he has to do and completely ignore the pods and the snowflakes of Europe.
It is going to come to this unless the media and their tame politicians back off and start to treat him with some respect and stop the hysteria.
The USA is the cornerstone of Western defence and to behave as our useless lot are is to imperil all of us. The Scottish attitude to him is beyond disrespect and that Tory leader Ruth Davidson even went so far as to call him names I do not wish to repeat.
This cannot go on and it is important that somehow we let Mr Trump know what is happening and that millions of us are with him.
Is it fair to say that Matthew Parris competes with Eddie Izzard for the Liberal Albatross Award?
I mean that, as soon as he attaches himself to the hull of any ship-he seems to turn it all to matchwood, adrift on a sea of self-righteous bile?
Maybe Gordon Brown in that muffin mix, but Plaster of Parris seems to end up killing whatever we place it around.
Got the Times today.
And articles from the wild old men and mad cat ladies like John Bolton,Nigel, Peter Hitchens-Ann and the titanic Melanie Phillips abound.
Still dreaming. Breitbart, no longer our dirty porn mag, but as seemingly vital to understanding Trump as -well the wildest shores of the Mail, Telegraph and Salisbury Review.
These are the days of miracle and wonder (Day 6)
by Tom Mills (The Guardian 14/11/2016).
… … …
“More worrying and less discussed is how the BBC’s daily reporting is skewed in favour of conservative movements and business interests – a bias that is rarely challenged. Conventional wisdom has it that BBC political reporting is impartial, or even left-leaning. This makes sense if your comparison is with the Sun or Daily Mail. But closer scrutiny reveals a less comforting picture.
The BBC is assiduous when it comes to political balance. But its point of reference is a media and political system heavily slanted towards economic elites and conservative ideas. Take the EU referendum debate. Research by Cardiff University found that the two sides of the official campaign were evenly represented in TV news. But overall the voices of the right dominated, with the Conservatives and UKIP making up almost 80% of political sources. … … …
Not only do government and Westminster sources dominate the BBC’s news output with a slant towards the right, the research shows, but the right-wing press has an agenda-setting function that influences the BBC’s output, favouring conservative interests. For decades now the left has adopted a defensive posture on the BBC … …
… …
… Under the leadership of its director general John Birt especially … … … The overall result was that the BBC became less independent of governments and big business, and even less favourable to workers and their representatives, to social movements, and to political opinion falling outside the Westminster consensus.
… …
… … it is time for those of us who take the values of public and democratic media seriously to advance a realistic critique of the BBC and an ambitious programme of reform. This might mean saving the BBC from itself, not just from Rupert Murdoch.”
[Tom Mills is a lecturer and is the author of ‘The BBC: Myth of a Public Service’]
Having read some of the blurb regarding his book, I couldn’t help noticing this:…
“Despite its claim to be independent and impartial, and the constant accusations of a liberal bias, the BBC has always sided with the elite”
I immediately hear alarm bells ringing as the author is trying to paint the ‘elite’ and ‘liberals’ as two distinct factions. Oh dear, how out of touch can you get? Good luck with the book, Tom.
Seismicboy, this is a very good point. There have been out of touch, arrogant elites throughout history, but has there ever been one such as our metropolitan liberal elite which thinks it is NOT an elite?
Of course all the old Stalinist rulers were called Comrade and were nominally equal with the plebs, but I’m pretty sure none of them actually believed that. Yet our current elite genuinely seem to think they are representative of majority opinion in this country, which is why, I suspect, the Brexit vote was such a shock to them.
The innocent explanation is that Mills is insane, leftists often are. The sinister explanation is tha he writes this garbage at the behest of the BBC so the corporation can claim that it is attacked for being biased from both left and right, so it must be getting it about right.
I posted a version of this on another thread yesterday, so I apologise if some people have already seen it.
Seriously, how far into far-left delusion do you have to be to think this? My God, a person who is genuinely far-Right appears on the BBC in 2009, so that’s the basis of the balance?! By this reasoning, surely Mills is inferring that there have been none since, until Marr interviewed Le Pen. Probably placed precisely so that the slow worms at the BBC can say “Look, lots of people think we are too Right-wing so we are getting it just about right!”
Just for some sport, google Tom Mills and in a matter of minutes you will see that he is a sociologist. He retweets Momentum. He puts the word fascist in the same line as Trump. He also seems to hammer the world as it is into his narrow view to “prove” his points. And he quotes the findings by Cardiff University researchers that the Right – Cons and UKIP – made up 80% of political sources during the EU referendum.
This is where you have to be so careful to look at every word. Here the weasel word is “sources” that are 80% Right wing. But surely they are counting government figures from a Cons-led Remain campaign, seized upon at every opportunity by the BBC to please its EU paymasters? Conservative politicians and commentators who were for Remain? And I am pretty sure that they’d count Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry as Right wing. Then we come to the times Gove and Farage were invited to speak (Right wing) only to be knocked down and sneered at. I think that 80% percent figure could be interpreted in a number of ways, some of which would make a nonsense of his argument.
Raphael, I was listening to LBC the other day and some scouser called up to say Jeremy Corbyn wasn’t a socialist, he was a capitalist. He then started droning on in this most boring scouse accent about socialism until I was forced to retune the car radio at the risk of having an accident. This leftie madness goes deep in British society!
Please, Mr Mills,
‘I know you’ll lead me up to heaven We’ll go together hand in hand to the Promised Land
The Promised Land’ – (Promised Land Lyrics compliments of MetroLyrics)
Personally, Mr Mills, I’ll let you go on your own………
So the BBC this morning is LEADING on all channels with an alleged leaked (to the BBC and The Times only) ANONYMOUS and UNDATED memo that is critical of the the Government and Brexit.
Yes QQ – like a disease it has just spread to SKY News. How long before the Labour party start hanging their Tutu on this. A set up – expose the leaker and have he or she explain to we uninformed.
So it was a deloitte minion responsible – never been in Downing street or met the PM but lapped up by auntie beeb as it is in their brief to hammer brexit and the government. Now they are laughingly reduced to interviews with SNP reps in an effort to shift the impetus up north and worm their sneaky little way out of the situation.
It took Jmac just an hour to put on his shirt and tie and join in with the Beeb who aired this gushingly at 6am this morning on R4 – wonder how Jmac is feeling now? More BBC bullshit to follow.
I’m starting to think that this ‘anonymous’ letter was written by an apprentice journalist that works for the BBC or The Times.
What braindead person could imagine we need 30,000 extra civil servants to manage Brexit? Whoever wrote that memo put 300 initially, but thought it didn’t look scary enough, so changed it to 3,000, still not scary enough, before plucking 30,000 out of thin air.
Had the misfortune to be tuned into C5 Wright Stuff. Mathew Paris oozing about this story. Said he knew this story is true (no evidence but his inner Buddha I suppose).
And it now turns out then memo was a begging letter written by Deloitte, no doubt hoping to provide some, or all, of the 3 million (that was the figure, wasn’t it?) highly paid rocket scientists required to do the job.
And the BBC (and its house clown, Parris) believed every word.
And no-one at the BBC is bright enough to stop and think for one moment ‘We could be being led by the nose, here.’.
Yet they make programmes about WW2 and the deliberate misinformation and tricks to flush out spies and Fifth Columnists. They’ve all watched ‘Yes, Minister’. Yet they still get spun and spoofed again and again.
I loved the medical research study which was handed to the TODAY team for early morning broadcast a year or two back. It suggested that so many years could be added to a person’s life by them going out and speed walking for a number of hours each day. No-one on the TODAY team had thought to let alone bothered to run the numbers through a calculator.
You could hear the sound of a nation’s duvets being pulled over heads to stifle the laughter in case it woke other family members!
Yet they are SO reluctant to use any of the Wikileaks emails (verified as genuine) because they would show that many prominent people al beebus support, are corrupt; unstable and mendacious in the extreme.
Feature has a photo of two four year old children. But those 200 who go missing permanently are without doubt the many child-adults with beards. No mention of this of course.
Facebook has pledged to tackle fake news. But one spoof website said some people prefer “carefully-constructed fake news” to the “utter garbage” of the mainstream media.
The very part-time Laura Kuenssberg is back at work and has Blogged but as usual informing, educating, entertaining, open democracy is off the agenda at the BBC and registered BBC users are not allowed to comment.
OK, that hyper-active, hard working, Nick Robinson set the bar at a very high level but I wonder why Part-Time Laura does not allow comment on her Blogs unlike, say, Kamal Ahmed or Nick Triggle? I do hope that Laura is not paid a full-time salary. And that, in the usual way of things, it is not a vast increase over that paid to Nick Robinson.
That would be very, very bad value for money for the taxpayer.
Bernie Saunders on ‘Today’ – it was upsetting , the bloke obviously needs help. He is so concerned that women might have their fundamental human right to murder their babies interfered with. We then had the usual speculation, fake news and no news.
I do wish they’d make their minds up – either Trump will nuke Russia or be mates with Putin – they seem terrified of both outcomes?
Then again stating there’d be no job for Farage. Clearly they’ve not heard, ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’.
And then the rising UK homeless. Around 130,000 children will spend Christmas in one room ‘bed and breakfast’ accommodation. They really should hire some rubber boats and sit on the beech – Kerching!
They might all be working their socks off but May isn’t much of a communicator.
We hear they’re team building and there are the inevitable disagreements BUT following such a truly momentous vote – a little update would be nice.
ive decided im going to boycott anyone i dont like
hence email to lego
see you’ve dumped the daily mail
ok thats up to you
in the run up to christmas, you’ve managed to lose my money
i wont be buying anything off any company to weak to stand up to a few marxist social justice warriors with the aim of stopping free speech.
reply lego
Dear Sir,
I’m sorry to hear you’re not happy that our agreement with the Daily Mail has finished. We really care about our fans, so I’m grateful that you took the time to share your views with us.
For 80 years, our core values have been Fun, Creativity, Imagination, Learning, Quality and Caring. Children are our main concern and the central focus of our company. We’ll continue to focus our efforts on creating inspiring play experiences for children all over the world.
Friends! This Tweet is specially dedicated to anyone here who has just endured sitting through the Far-Right Daily Politics programme, whose Far-Right neoliberal bias is obvious to even the meanest intelligence, i.e. me:
Friends! I have been literally fighting against totally illegal, ever-higher Bedroom Taxes since before Thatcher was literally born.
Didn`t I see you at the Battle of Vince Cable Street SOL?
And didn`t you take a ballot in the gluteus for literally opposing the Blueshirts of the Greyfriars Brown Nosers of Blackwells Tunnellers?
Well that`s what your coming biography says- no need to “Search For the hero Inside Yourself” anymore-because (Like Hillary Clinton) you can now write your OWN truths! The Left requires this!
Friend Chris! Your first line contains something I was planning to use at some point in the future – great minds think alike eh!
I’m so glad you are still positive re the upcoming book – did I mention to you (it may have been Alicia) that I’ve got a provisional title of “Lefty’s Little Read [sic] Book Of Blogs ‘N’ Tweets – Cartoons by Josh’. What do you reckon?
The left’s agenda is not to oppose bigotry or ignorance.
It is to gain power and control. For decades, liberals have stamped upon all opposition to the left’s revolutionary attempt to remake society in its own image. The Brexit/Trump uprising is the first time they have been defeated.This is the culture war, and both in Britain and America it will be fought every inch of the way amid maximum confusion, contradictions and distasteful alliances. My Times column (£)
Been watching a few Farage compilations. That is one tough bloke to put up with that for all these years.
Also worth noting the amount of pure hate and rage directed at him. Those debating with him, the ones that don’t just go ape, just sound like, none too bright, ten year olds.
Good news everyone! Following the Ched Evans case, the BBC have clearly overhauled their reporting to take account of the fact that some convictions in rape cases may be dodgy.
At least, I assume why they’re running softball interviews this time round…
Seriously though, note that the felon in question is merely intending to ask the CCRC to look at her case at some point in the future. Meanwhile, even after Ched Evans had his initial conviction quashed the BBC persisted in either ignoring his appeal or interviewing members of the Sisterhood about how he was still an obvious wrong un.
Germany : ‘Koran distributor’ group ‘The True Religion’ raided and accused of being a front for ISIS radicalisation
9:45am the 0.9% inflation fig comes in the reporter seemed very disappointed
(BTW bet that the inflation people feel is higher than that , tho I still wouldn’t panic, the dollar fall will counteract it)
They had a teary interview “Fighting Fake rape conviction”
Leila Ibrahim false rape jailed for 3 years in 2010
Bottomline for an appeal you need new evidence ..they don’t have any
(Yes of course the seg featured complaining about judges !)
It will be interesting to see difference between Chad Evan
Thursday Victoria Live will have 2 UKIP leader candidates on
R4 3:30pm Eco prog : talk about new Cruise Liner port planned for Greenwich
yes of course bunker fuel would be a pollution problem
Now I wonder how much of London’s NOx comes from boats
Like does it drift in wind from Tilbury and the ports downriver where there is a lot of traffic ?
9pm BBC4 Women, Sex and Society
“Helen Castor examines the fundamental shifts that have taken place
… From the heroic suffragette struggle for the female vote in the early part of the last century, right through the social and sexual rebellion of the 1960s and beyond, Helen explores how change has been driven by successive waves of feminism and activism, with each wave redefining what women want.”
Bet it doesn’t mention Thatcher or Mrs May much
Or that in the workplace women increasingly control management, but its still the men that make up 90% of workplace deaths.
Radio4 11pm The BBC is giving a chance to An Innovative new right wing comedian his name is Alexei Sayle’s ……Imaginary Sandwich Bar
at least he can be funny unlike today’s new lefty comics
Now Stew.
A great respecter of your posts-but Alexei Sayle…funny?
Don`t wish to go all Jeff Lynne here-but thought both of them useless.
But got a fair few people onto me re Jeff(who-is a nice, humble guy-and Dylan/Petty don`t work with the like of Jeff unless he IS good…I know!).
But Alexie Sayle-can I let this stand?
As if it matters-but I`m a pompous and stubborn ass!
Alexei Sayle does have more self-awareness than some. He once said in an interview that he grew to dislike performing at left-of-centre events: he’d come to notice that after delivering a punch-line, there would be a perceptible pause as the audience worked out whether political correctitude would allow them to laugh at the joke he’d just made . . . and then, having reassured themselves it was appropriate to laugh, they’d laugh.
His attitude was that if it’s funny, it’s funny. But that way Bernard Manning lies, of course, who was a technically excellent stand-up, as most leftish comedians of the same vintage admitted. Grudgingly. In private.
Can’t remember if AS was a print or broadcast interview, and it was a long time ago, so no links and no hope of links. But it sounds plausible, doesn’t it?
I remember a very un-PC sketch many years ago in which he appeared as a certain type of council house tenant. He said: “I used the toilet this morning but the council hasn’t been round to flush it yet”.
I suppose they have to conform to certain norms in order to work.
So far as applause is concerned, it reminds me of the irritating habit of applauding worthy jokes instead of laughing at them. I think it started in the US where they applaud anything. But then jokes aren’t expected to be funny any more, they must serve a right-on purpose.
Every time I see Nick Clegg on the TV, I think I am seeing another William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw), Germany calling, Germany calling. Germany calling for you to go and live there.
I am aware that people like Peter Mandelson undertook an EU oath whereby they (Commissionaires) have to promote the EU in order to qualify for an EU pension. The pension is withdrawn if they fail to do so. I am aware that Mandelson’s pension is worth 30K tax free. He fails to tell people this when interviewed.
Is the same also true of Nick Clegg? He did after all work for Leon Brittan when he was a commissionaire? Would the modern Lord Haw Haw qualify for the EU pension? Did he take the EU oath.
Maybe it’s only for Commissioners.
Does anyone know?
If so why was he not recused during the referendum?
What IS the point of Nick Clegg and Tim Fallon ? Like beige wallpaper, they are just walked past and ignored. They remind me of bods around a conference table who say their bit, nobody replies and then the next item is discussed.
I think of Spitting Image-Farron and Clegg being David Steels pocket puppets, if that is possible.
I`d do them as two empty scrotal sacs on David Steel-or maybe the two haliboranges where Viagra was hoped for.
IMages that the BBC would spit at-but never use.
But they work for me.
Ah-was it Ahmed from Harlesden?
Did vary-but a truly brilliant spoof.
Votizpoyt…entered our language here.
A kindred spirit there Mustapha…oh….get your name now!
Thought you were a moderate Muslim taking names for Friday prayers!
Ha ha! Every time my 80-year old Mum (who’s not especially political) sees Clegg on the telly her face lights up and she starts croaking ‘Germany calling! Germany calling!”. Reminds her of her childhood.
Every time I see Nick Clegg on the TV I have to go out and buy a new one the following day. It’s getting expensive.
With facial recognition so advanced, I’m hoping some expert will devise a system for filtering out people you don’t want to see. It would need a large memory though because my blocking list would be quite long.
In the Radio 4 1:00 news the BBC admitted (sort of) that the memo bigged up by the Times and the BBC is a memo from Deloittes, “leaked” (ie either emailed or handed over on paper) by Deloittes direct to two of its MSM friends in the Remainder camp: the Times and the BBC. Accordingly, not a government memo or, indeed, anything to do with the government. However, that didn’t stop the BBC (this is the news remember) – in full knowledge of the pepetration of this hoax – repeating this morning’s Labour criticism of the government based (let’s be charitable here) on Labour’s misunderstanding of the antecedents of this crapola.
Even so the BBC continues to retail, in its flagship radio news programme no less, Labour criticism of the government that both the critics and the BBC now know is based on a mischievous memo prepared and distributed by a private organisation dedicated to preventing brexit (and, maybe, getting a little bit of business for itself). A respectable news organisation would have highlighted (or even investigated before giving it legs) the source and purveyors of this hoax. Not the BBC which is neither respectable nor a news organisation but simply a transmission belt for every bien pensant piety popular in Islington and W1A.
At 2:30 the BBC have incorporated elements of the government rejection of Deloitte’s kite into their previous report, but it is done in a grudging & piecemeal fashion, continuing to repeat those claims not specifically rejected, rather than replacing the previous article with a statement that the leaked memo was in fact total bollocks
Well done on getting to 2.30 MISA. I threw my Roberts out of the pram at 2pm, after hearing only a few minutes of some crap fussing over deserter soldiers in WW1(were there any in WW2?)that had been on beforehand.
Let me say at the onset that I won`t condemn frightened kids with shellshock who were treated terribly-not even those who were wilful cowards need to be trashed 100 years on-they`re all “square with the house”, and I may well have done the same. Who knows?..I`ll not dare to judge them.
BUT-only TWO days after Remembrance Sunday? We`re expected to favour the dead who deserted over those who pissed, shat themselves into an early grave in stinking rat-infested mud? But who chose to die with their pals or regiments instead?
The BBC seem to go out of their way to seek the victim, the deviant and the exceptions-they don`t give a stuff about the ordinary, the beige, drab dull and dutiful.
So we`ll get crap over Chelsea Manning-and nothing much about Robert Blackwood. Loads on Mark Duggan and HIS souljas…nothing much on OURS-lie Lee Rigby and Keith Blakelock(yes, I know-but the point holds).
The BBC need to be overthrown with their shit, their continual chipping away at the Portland Bonnets, the Cenotaph memorials…I`m just SICK of this agenda of theirs.
They seem to want an Edstone back, not any real commemorating of ALL our dead…bastards!
Analysis that the BBC would now never dare publish in the face of the Scottish Nazi Party.
Matthew Lynn in the DT financial section analyses the steady decline in the number of businesses in Scotland against an increase in the UK. By analysing per head the figures are rather grim for Scotland and just as the SNP start to get more tax raising powers. If your taxable base is declining raising taxes only makes matters worse.
If anyone has the ability to link to the article I would recommend it as providing extremely good ammunition to fire at wee Jimie Krankie and her friends.
As a Scot, based in Gambia, but currently visiting Scotland, I would say the situation here is pretty grim. Krankie and her SNP monkeys are living in fantasy land. Whatever they do , this country is stuffed and the SNP and their supporters only have themselves to blame. Idiots .
Welcome home Grant!
One or two things have happened since you`ve been away.
Now then-how stands the pound against the Gambian Dalasi since June 23rd?…and how many conch shell and hooch hawkers are now at threat of losing their jobs-indeed their very LIVES-due to our irresponsible and peremptory vote to tell the EU to jog off?
If you could look into your selfiephone with extra sad eyes, and pose outside the Irn Bru factory than now lies empty-that would be nice too!
Good to have you back old friend-whenever I want to yell up at Sturgeons idiocies-I think of you and Chic Murray-and thank God for your great country.
Have been very busy organising care for my mum who has dementia.
Well £/dalasi rate is also affected by ludicrous attempts by President Jammeh to fix a rate which suits his own pocket. He is a moron. The rate stayed steady at about 60 following the referendum then moved down to about 52 in the last few weeks. Jammeh is continually try to keep the dalasi “strong” against all the odds.
“Selfiephone” LOL !! You never cease to amaze me !
I am crying for Scotland . We are in the hands of lunatics, a bit like Gambia but without the weather. By the way , have the Trolls been active in the last few weeks ?
Thoughts and prayers to you and your poor mum, bloody awful prognosis, so get some time for yourself too eh?
But-if you were to ring into BBC Scotland, give them some bull about hoe Brexit has stuffed Gambia-may well be a consoling dram coming early-but sense you`re honourable and fair(and therefore failing to rage and emote as they require for the Ipm news)-which means it`ll be bloody Liberain oil prices and the threat to women presidenst there…as per.
Take care friend-the pound ought to rally when the good guys come home in out hour of need. Brexit scares us, as you`ll have heard!
If, only if and a big if – Labour were to be elected how would they handle Trump’s America ? Not very well I reckon, which would require a serious rear-guard action to suck back up to the EU but they’ve fell out with us? Can’t see it myself.
Watching today’s daily politics show I think it should be renamed ‘The Coburn constantly interrupts and talks over any guest that does not follow the so called BBC’s far left political agenda but will let tame BBC political agenda supporters talk uninterrupted show’
Watched a video of an interview with Farage and May on a sofa. Like she was wishing for a much longer sofa.
She came over like a 14 year old fresh from the Convent – not very impressive.
Hmmm – Cruise Ship Port for Greenwich – Good thing? Jobs,Investment, Reconstruction, Revival?
‘Fraid not as the snarly, sneery presenter (Roger Harrabin) is telling us on Radio 4. “The elderly could die six months earlier” although the technology exists to fix it – £3m from the port and 0.5m per ship.
Cue Lung Doctor OK, cue pollution expert OK, cue activist OK, cue politicians OK, cue child with asthma not OK and can only find child who’s come all the way from Africa where, I imagine, air quality is very good. Cruise ships are racist!
Burning oil fields of Mosul IS having a strong effect on local pollutions levels
so you-d think that topical BBC eco show ould cover that.
…But No, self flagellation and “magical thinking” solutions are ingrained in their nature.
BTW cruise ships under construction do have much cleaner engines, its just that upto now many have been burning bunker fuel cos our govs driven by mad Green-NGOs have prioritised things thgat give subsidies to their Green-Mafia mates.
Melanie Phillips Explains LeftMob’s Mudslinging Tactics
in a long Facebook post about them smearing Stephen Bannon as an anti-Semite
(Melanie is a Jerusalem Post writer of course)
\\As I wrote in my Times column today, both the election of Donald Trump and the UK’s Brexit vote represent the first defeat for the left in decades of the culture wars as the people finally fight back against the attempt to undermine and destroy western society. Having lost these democratic elections, the left has resorted to its well-honed strategy of smears, character assassination and intellectual intimidation to destroy its opponents.
This is how it works. False allegations are made against Donald Trump and his new head of strategy Stephen Bannon, smearing them as antisemites, fascists and racists. Whether through laziness or ideological malice, these smears are recycled uncritically throughout both mainstream and social media.
This foments a hysterical hatred against the two men which takes on a life of its own. That same hatred is then channelled against anyone who tries to point out that these allegations are false and these men have been smeared. Those thus motivated by the need to uphold truth against lies and defend the victims of malevolent and libellous hatred are then smeared in turn as antisemites, racists and fascists, or at the very least as their fellow travellers. ……//
My view of the tactic
: When they can’t beat you debate they sling mud
: That forces you to defend yourself
: Thus they’ve got you on the backfoot as it takes 5 times to unpick a smear as to make it
..But some one like Farage is able to deal with these tactics by saying something like “You are talking rubbish and slinging mud it’s all rubbish ..lets get back to the real topic and issues”
Melanie Phillips is one of the only prominent mainstream editorial writers who has challenged the lies of Marxist neo-liberalism and, most commendably of all, third-wave feminism and the myths that still pertain in the media about domestic violence being exclusively male-on-female. That she also stands up for Brexit and Trump being democratically selected and criticises the fascistic leftist crybullies trying to intimidate people into letting them get their way makes me respect her even more.
She`s in the Pantheon of Greats.
Whether Education, Forced Feminism, Londonistan or the Islamics about to roll over our Lady Di-Eco liberal, Jew baiting western codes?
Melanie has covered them from 1998-2009.
Our Ann Coulter, but more forensic and holistic, less in need of a booksale.
WE love Melanie-and am in her Appreciation Society now. And in Pat Condells too.
Seems Evan Davies and his research team either don’t check on such folk as Melanie, or if they do choose to ignore anything she says that might mess with their attack lines.
Which represents either a professional lapse or one of editorial integrity.
Useful in propaganda tools. Usually fatal for news media, unless funded by compulsion.
I would love to hear Melanie Phillips interviewed by Jenni ( I wish Id shown my kids porn) Murray on wimmins hour. But I shant hold my breath on that one.
Even “Skeletor” Davis is far more likely to get the gig owing to the fact that Melanie has bigger “metephorical” balls than Evan ever will and also Jenni prefers to interview fellow lefties whos heads are so far up their sphincters they think midday is midnight.
A few links from the day I found interesting, I hope you may too…
First off, an OT, where Jon Snow channels Mother Jones, who are currently spamming my inbox all day long with their Trump obsessive deranged wittering, trying to outdo BBC on Facebook:
The comments are worth looking at. Just two of balancing value:
Will Eaves @WillEaves
@jonsnowC4 @paftersnu Terrifying – and the terrifying background problem is how to communicate the danger to a media-pacified populace.
Deka Wilson @THX1974
@jonsnowC4 @petemont @sarahposner what’s a whitelash Jon? Explain it to me.
Ah well, at least Ch4 is only part uniquely funded by the media pacified populace. How about the full Monty? Up for a laugh, a giggle a hoot and a holler…?
Again the comments could explain why the BBC needs money extracted by compulsion for its ‘comedy’.
But of course, the BBC is there to present all sides…. and try and destroy the one they don’t like. Sadly, Evan Davies is not quite the optimal tool to do so:
Well, Laura, it mattered a lot to the BBC at first, for one set of poorly checked reasons (cough… McAlpine… cough), but then sort of had to be looked at differently when the narrative went tits up, as it does tend to do, a lot, with the world class propaganda organ that is the BBC.
With a straight face PM leads with the story that Google wants to tackle ‘fake news’ stories.
Then the 5pm news summary reports that Deloitte have admitted that their leaked memo wasn’t from government. However no mention that this was the BBC’s ‘exclusive’ anti-Brexit story this morning.
Oh they get it alright. They just refuse to acknowledge that “fake news” (ie the Deloittes scam) which advances the anti-brexit bit of the Narrative is still fake. Accordingly, Kuenssberg (in Guest Who’s comment above) still seeks to challenge/criticise/hold the government in contempt with an item she admits is fake.
Irony on steroids, the BBC is running stories that Google and Facebook are trying to weed out ‘fake news’ stories and this on the day the BBC ran the Deloitte memo claiming it came from the Cabinet Office! They even are claiming Trump won because of fake news stories.
I expect that the BBC are just doing this to eliminate news they don’t like along with the rest of the MSM. It is really just a form of enlist leftist censorship. The elite are fighting back, and trying to take control of the internet, it’s going to be long struggle to get rid of them
But the BBC running stories about fake news is ironic beyond words.
Just noticed the top rated comment. Can’t wait to find out what Ian Katz, Evan, Emily and team have planned next:
jimmy •
Just a heads up to any BBC licence fee payers – Emily Maitliss is continuing to tweet trying to falsely link Trump to the KKK and Nazism.
She isn’t too keen to start tweeting about the violent assaults on Trump supporters or the way Clinton and Obama have gone silent as their supporters wreak havoc.
Maitliss was sent by the BBC to cover the US election and her exorbitant wages are paid by BBC licence fee payers.
Complaining won’t work. All we can do is insist on using more truthful news outlets – be it blogs like this one or Breitbart News – and STOP paying the licence fee. Search online for details but even if you want to keep watching a handful of BBC shows it’s easy to just stop paying, they will come to your door, just tell them to go away. They have no legal right of entry. If they get a court order to search your property the police will come and they will not agree to smash down a door to see if someone is watching TV. Just make sure you NEVER sign any document they give you and then they won’t take you to court. I haven’t paid the licence fee for years and it feels good.
Hats off to Al Shabeeb today, as they have crowbar an utterly agenda driven, highly politicised non story of a non story, as they try and brainwash/make white people feel really guilty and bad about themselves/grievance and hate farm black people to make them really angry at non existing racist white people…with an headlining article about Michelle ‘gangster rap loving, bitch and hoe encouraging, gang violence and cop killing champion’ Obama.
This laughable non event is clearly headlining because a white woman calls a black woman an ape, even though someone calling you an ape is that persons subjective opinion. To the man hating, white hating, British hating, freedom hating, division loving, Islam Loving, hate loving Cultists at Al Shabeeb, this is the item 4 on the ‘how to be utterly intolerant’ modern day fascist Bible….and oh my they see this as the worst atrocity in living memory.
Completely pointless article which is basically about name calling and snowflakes non existing feelings…… Oh and throwing in a dig about the state this woman is from voted for Trump!!
Great work Al Shabeeb. Glad to know the Trump vote has made you see sense and stop the bullshit
Another news item that won’t get much air time on the BBC about the “not my president” protests in Portland. 112 arrested, “Twenty-five protesters who were arrested did vote.”
The did not vote camp sound about the same as the “yoof” that complained about Brexit and did not vote. The main difference is that in Portland some did not even come from Portland. It would be like bussing in crowds from Iceland to Demo in London.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Gave up watching the Beeb news months ago, but Sky are no better. Watched an interview between Sir Malcolm Rifkind and pudgy faced Adam Boulton this morning. At least M Rifkind always referred to ‘MR’ Trump, unlike his interviewer, but when the subject turned to Nigel Farage, Rifkind said he wouldn’t resort to calling ‘MR’ Farage names, to which obese (I’m too fat for my suit) Boulton said “oh, please do” !!!! Dear Lord what sort of people are these journalists who can instigate name calling on air like bullies at school !
I thought Rifkind had been totally discredited along with Jack Straw. Why has he been rehabilitated ?
We`re now at the stage where we really DON`T need to chronicle the endless bias of the BBC.
This morning Today at 8,45 or so had a Katya Adler previewing some coming hit piece on Trump-and then gave us you blowback nobodies in the form of Rifkind and Old Ma Beckett. Green Rooms booked, Pollyfilla slap and a Hinge and Bracket scoop for the BBC.
For both these titans were once Foreign Secretary you know!
Don`t remember much but their fiddled expenses and willingness to be Chinese rickshaws for hire.
I switched off-what else was there to do ?
LISTEN to them?
Beckett gave us Corbyn-but would rather we not want Trump?
So I repeat-yes we need a skeleton army to call out the gratuitous bias when it sloshes over the night soil bucket.
But otherwise let them die of our indifference.Refuse to fund them and kick their zombie corpse with comedy, no funding and mockery at every turn.
Get UKIP ready to do a Five Star, enjoy the collapse of Italy over Christmas-and plan 2017 knowing that vast chunks of the EU wall(and therefore the BBCs)are crumbling fast.
Don`t shine your searchlight TOO much on them-get it pointing where the real threats are going to be in your towns.
Get UKIP electable.
“…call out the gratuitous bias when it sloshes over the night soil bucket”.
Nice one, ChrisH.
Both accurate and demeaning, if that makes sense.
He may well have been, and I don’t know, is the answer; but my point was the type of cringeworthy interviewing we are now witnessing by journalists on all channels, and I find it most uncomfortable viewing. They maintain they’re doing they’re job and yes I agree, from the days of Bernard Levin there has always been aggressive interviewing, but this bunch are in a different league to suit their own agendas.
Yes quite agree.
Grant, think Rifkind, sorry – Mr Rifkind, was maybe found to be ‘Not Guilty’, or ‘Not Proven’ as they like to say in Scotland?
I can’t quite remember the details but I think there was video evidence that Rifkind was doing something naughty although maybe not illegal.
Brissles, I suspect that the media are both fearful and in denial. The tsunami is on way.
The BBC is busy Brexit bashing as usual this evening. R 4 Analysis has some alleged academic from Kings College trailing around Europe to the refrain ‘we are on the road to nowhere ‘. Every interviewee tells him what a lousy deal Britain will get in its Brexit negotiations. His choice of interviewees is clearly slanted to getting the answers he wants. For example he asks a German MP if they will relax the 4 freedoms yet allow Britain to stay in the Single Market. Surprise, surprise the Germans answer is no. Well here’s a reminder – we don’t want to stay in the Single Market. If we do we won’t have left the EU.
This programme is ridiculously biased . An insult to anyone’s intelligence .
And the latest estimates in France are that 60% of the population want to get out of the EU’s tentacles and rather admire the liberty, equality and fraternity of Brexit. You’re right, EnglandExpects, an insult to the intelligence. This Radio 4 useful idiot can’t have trailed around much of Europe. Wonder if he dared to visit Bavaria while he was in Germany?
Radio 4 is insufferable. Yet its remaining listeners (in all senses) still parrot its conclusions and smugly pat themselves on the back for being well informed.
Actually I didn’t think it was that bad for the BBC
Typically he went to the government people, and they said “yeh we are going to make it tough”. Then he went to the other side or neutrals who explained that all these gov have the Non-Lefty parties on their backs, so they want to seem tough. But I picked up the implication, that by being tough they are going to cause the same old backfire effect and before you know it will non-LeftMob who are the powerful players in Europe like Geert Wilders and la Pen,.
He didn’t mention a trick that came up today that soon we could declare some of our ports freeports so that goods coming in and out are untaxed as long as they don’t cross the fence. So could bring in Chinese components + German components tariff free , assemble them inside the port and export them to Africa ..all without special new treaties.
BBC Online News:
“”Trump and Putin speak over the phone””
“”Mr Putin wished Mr Trump “success in implementing the election programme””
“”Mr Trump has expressed admiration for Mr Putin, saying he “has been a leader far more than our president””
“”Mr Putin in turn has called Mr Trump “a very outstanding person, talented without doubt””
“”The Kremlin revealed the pair had discussed Syria and agreed that current Russian-US relations were “extremely unsatisfactory” during the phone call””
All of a sudden, the world has become a safer place. It must have hurt the BBC to report the above.
Through my Facebook page and other meteorological sites, I point out the rabid prooganda that the BBC pushes out 24/7. People are listening. This I just received via Facebook:
How could the NHS survive without foreign nurses and doctors?
I’ve heard this so often from our BBC/Left.
Ok. Why do we have so many foreigners in the NHS? Because it’s cheaper for Hospital Trusts to recruit from overseas. The Trusts recruit staff who have been trained in their home countries at no cost to ourselves.
An example is the Philippines who are a rich source of trained nurses. These nurses earn far, far more than at home. They only work a few years here whilst sending their earnings back home, and whilst often living in crowded accommodation. But they of course don’t mind.
My source of information is a member of NHS Casualty staff with managerial experience.
We need to employ our people. I doubt that the French or Pakistani equivalent of the NHS is staffed almost wholly by foreigners.
I asked a customer, who is a consultant anaesthetist, whether it was true that the NHS would collapse without its foreign staff; his response: “No, it’s complete b******s!”.
Al, tut, tut, such language from a consultant, clearly he was a Brit…….
Clearly he was carrying out a vescectomy at the time.
Oh yes, and of course they add to the economy. Er, not true. Most of the Phillippinos I worked with in the NHS lived on site in discounted accommodation and their salaries were sent back home ! They are only here to earn the money, not spend it !
DS et al, every now and then the guard slips and little bits of information pop out. About 18 years ago there was an Any Questions panel with a successful businessman present. He let slip the information that £6 billion of private (ie. non-Aid) money left the UK every year to go to the Indian sub-continent alone.
I have to point out that that is not all a bad thing in that it CAN help lift prosperity in a recipient country and bring worldwide benefits. At a time of rapidly increasing world population, the number of people living with daily hunger around the world fell substantially. A great achievement.
On the other hand, it does weaken the economy of the country it leaves. At the same time as that vast outflow was going on together with Foreign Aid giving, money was also leaching out of the UK to off-shore havens. Blair & Brown appeared to be oblivious to this and took no action.
We all then felt the effect of that in 2007-2009.
Like the £1 billion sent home every year by the Poles alone.
I don’t blame them – but it all is counted in the GDP calculation, along with prostitution and drug dealing.
As DS correctly suggests, all these lovely ‘dedicated’ outsiders who, “do so much for the UK economy and pay their taxes” send most of the money earnt OUT the UK. I’ve said it before and its worth stating again: what could British businesses do with an extra £5.56 BILLION spent with them every year? Maybe create jobs for Brits, invest in the economy? – the things ‘old fashioned’ businesses did before this illusion of the benefit of mercenary ‘migrants’ gained traction. Note the Guardian (“Facts are Sacred”) reported value (“just over” $3.2 Billion Dollars)
Whereas the National Archives document (I cannot find a document date) suggests estimated figure of £5.56 Billion POUNDS – (see page 4) –
Click to access uk-remittances-report.pdf
My daughter is a student nurse. The qualifications required to get on the degree courses is crazy such is the demand for places, just a few UCCA points less than doing medicine. (My daughter needed three B grade ‘A’ levels!)
We have enormous numbers of bright capable young people that want to work in the NHS, and yet have the door shut firmly in their way due to the lack of training routes into employment. And then we fill the demand with foreign staff with unknown qualifications and capabilities. It’s outrageous.
Not BBC related but interesting all the same. Why Trump won according to the left.:)
I’m not sure if you realise, but this is “Jonathan Pie” a character created by a satirical comedian.
“Jonathan Pie is a satirical news reporter character created and played by British actor and comedian Tom Walker. He is known for his outtake-like rants of a conflicted reporter speaking his mind about the state of UK politics.[2][3][4] He moved into international coverage after the 2016 US elections, where Pie’s report video on Trump’s win went viral to become a YouTube trending video. Conversely, some media, including PJ Media did not recognise he was a satire character, and his report was commentated on as a professional “British lefty reporter”.
His first spoof news report was released just after the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of opposition in the UK Parliament. The “report” was in response to mainstream media reporting, in particular the weight given to a past relationship with Diane Abbott and the fact that he “stuck his willy in a woman”.
Walker was soon approached by several media companies, including RT UK, the Russian government-funded television network, who offered him complete creative control. He worked with them for several months until deciding to split in July 2016 prior to a show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
The BBC 1 Panorama programme tonight on Trump’s victory was a classic.
It was plainly cobbled together from some other Black Lives Matter project and even blamed Trump for the recent (I think) killing of a schizophrenic.
Hang on a Black guy is currently President not Trump.
Hillary’s defeat was so unexpected they hadn’t bothered to prepare anything in advance on a Trump victory except the usual whingerama.
I presume the thought of such a defeat was just unthinkable.
“Hang on a Black guy is currently President not Trump.”
You’re nit-picking now, that’s a mere technicality!
This is one of Nigel Farage’s best interviews on Fox News (in my opinion). A somewhat euphoric Nigel (the morning after the Trump Tower meeting) is fawned over by the Fox trio and treated with the admiration he so deserves, unlike the UK MSM and Westminster who sneer and snark. Well, tough shit guys because Farage is a superstar in the USA. Farage is the most significant UK politician since Thatcher and Blair (and that’s not just my opinion).
Brilliant Lord Farage! Thanks for posting this Mr.Golightly. I’ve not seen it before.
Will watch it-but know I don`t need to.
But I will-and thanks Mr Golightly!
Stopped it after 8 seconds, and pinched myself-think Nigels got the bigger hands, so let me reflect on this…
Surely our Christmas Card this year!
And he looks and sounds like this? After surely a king-size hangover after another booze-soaked euphoric night in the Gold Room!
And hats off to the interviewers-thoughtful and even gently lobbing Nigel his slammed shots-so unlike the wicked BBC etc.
This year’s Christmas card in the Sinclair and Golightly households.
Radio 48% the network for Remainers, Farage/Trump haters
Over on one of the Facebooks forums Leftmob listeners block me. Seemingly not sharing their hate is not acceptable tolerant is that ? So some members blocked me, meaning I can’t participate in their discussions so they have the comfort echo chamber discussions. I have a trick to see these discussions and they are a bit raving.
They don’t seem to accept that the 52% should be represented on Radio 4 at all.
We see it in climate debate, that we are all up for discussing stuff , checking facts and Leftmob are the opposite they just won’t do fair debate, they run away from it and do things like close down comments and practice gatekeeping.
StewG, interesting times. The Western world seems to be splitting into a 48/52 world where the pragmatic and objective, “old grey males types” prevail with a mere couple of percentage points above their communist/left/liberal counterparts. Where it all goes, I could not speculate but short term it does seem to be the fundamental recipe for civil disorder.
Currently the Al Shabeeb webshite has a ‘Trump presidency: your questions answered’ facility, where the anti democratic, anti free speech, anti any other views but the same as their own – Al Shabeeb will ‘answer’* the questions put to them about Trumps presidency…
Of course Al Qabeeba are going to sensor all ‘not to their narrative’ questions, so I have put a couple of honest, justified and fact driven questions to them that are guaranteed to be answered… (limited characters is always a bast*rd!)
1: “With Obama seen as the worst president in history by a significant portion of the US, is Trump guaranteed to be a success?”
2: “Will this the anti-democratic, bigoted fascists who are rioting begin to accept Trump when he makes the US great again, or does hate Trump love?”
Already looking forward to headlining the Al Shabeeb webshite! ?
If Dermot Murnaghan is not market rated back over to the BBC in short order, I will be most surprised.
Anyone who can dig that deep a hole whilst jumping a shark is a talent only Aunty’s deep pockets were made for.
For pure bile and bias (outside of al beebus) in their reporting of current political events in the U.S. Robert Moore of ITV News sits atop that particular table (IMHO); he appears to be suffering from extreme PTSD Post Trumptastic Stress Disorder (as Mark Steyn put it).
Just had the misfortune to endure Newsnight which was wall to wall anti Trump propaganda, no nuance, no insight just monotonous bitching. Can we please start to drain the BBC swamp ?
As someone on Trumps team said.
“Whoever heard of a swamp that ever wanted to be drained?”
I am now sat cross-legged in lotus position in a Leonard Cohen gnomic fashion….but reflect on that great phrase.
It’s incredible isn’t it. It’s like being in a universe where people just believes weird sh*t and have kneejerk sneering and namecalling without the simplest of fact checking
There is Farage with his German wife , quite comfortable with living in Europe.
There is Trump with his immigrant wife, children with grandparents of different continents etc.
A daughter who converted to Judaisim years ago, a Jewish son in law he entrusts with business.
Yet the newsnight woman is screaming
“Trump has just put one extreme-anti-Semite in his team and another a senior KKK member”
And supposedly educated people throw sneeing labels around like “racist” …”anti-immigrant” etc.
..Like how difficult to see a difference between legal and illegal immigration ?
BBC Online News:
“Nobody said democracy’s supposed to be easy”
“”President Barack Obama urges Donald Trump to send “some signals of unity” after the US election campaign””
A non-biased BBC would ask as to what signals of unity Obama sent after his closely contested election?
Guess the Snowflakes spend so much time screaming in debates or in silence in their Safe Spaces at their US Unis, DS, that they haven’t learned enough to comprehend what Trump said in his Acceptance Speech. Either that or they didn’t stop wailing long enough to listen.
One of the very very few programs I watched on the BBC was Traffic Cops, but I see they can’t even keep hold of that, the new series being on Channel 5 tonight (is it because more often than not the ‘baddies’ are not who the BBC want them to be?)
No Top Gear, no cricket, no F1, no horse racing, no football, no Bake Off (not bothered), no comedy, just wall to wall unwatchable and transparent diverse lefty PC bullshit thinly stretched over a myriad of pointless and unnecessary networks.
What fucks me off most is that they think they’re giving us good value.
Well posted, Geoff but can I just add a bit…… – and they truly believe they are impartial.
I spoke to a friend of mine in the U.S. earlier and he’d heard that some of those Trump “protesters” are being paid $100 – $150 per day; good old George, he certainly likes to spread his money around – doesn’t he?
Newsnight is now venturing into absolute absurdity. Not difficult for the BBC but on our money not really the thing to do.
The final discussion on Trump and us deplorables was a textbook example of podism (see Invasion of the Bodysnatchers) and an outmoded form of arrogance ( see that idiot so called Tory Parris) .
Two being interviewed by Evan Davis which makes three pods in a row.
This is why we are literally ( apologies to Lefty) revolting. And it aint going to stop any time soon.
It occurs to me that we really need to make Mr Trump aware of just how hostile and condescending our political and media class is to him personally- Parris is a prime example. So that he may disregard the lot of them and either address us deplorable British directly or just get on with whatever he has to do and completely ignore the pods and the snowflakes of Europe.
It is going to come to this unless the media and their tame politicians back off and start to treat him with some respect and stop the hysteria.
The USA is the cornerstone of Western defence and to behave as our useless lot are is to imperil all of us. The Scottish attitude to him is beyond disrespect and that Tory leader Ruth Davidson even went so far as to call him names I do not wish to repeat.
This cannot go on and it is important that somehow we let Mr Trump know what is happening and that millions of us are with him.
Post zombie Strictly and bouncy castle, Newsnight was already well in the asylum.
With whom neatly illustrated by their use of ‘quotes’, or not, here…
Of course, as they turn on each other, there may not be enough popcorn…
Is it fair to say that Matthew Parris competes with Eddie Izzard for the Liberal Albatross Award?
I mean that, as soon as he attaches himself to the hull of any ship-he seems to turn it all to matchwood, adrift on a sea of self-righteous bile?
Maybe Gordon Brown in that muffin mix, but Plaster of Parris seems to end up killing whatever we place it around.
Got the Times today.
And articles from the wild old men and mad cat ladies like John Bolton,Nigel, Peter Hitchens-Ann and the titanic Melanie Phillips abound.
Still dreaming. Breitbart, no longer our dirty porn mag, but as seemingly vital to understanding Trump as -well the wildest shores of the Mail, Telegraph and Salisbury Review.
These are the days of miracle and wonder (Day 6)
by Tom Mills (The Guardian 14/11/2016).
… … …
“More worrying and less discussed is how the BBC’s daily reporting is skewed in favour of conservative movements and business interests – a bias that is rarely challenged. Conventional wisdom has it that BBC political reporting is impartial, or even left-leaning. This makes sense if your comparison is with the Sun or Daily Mail. But closer scrutiny reveals a less comforting picture.
The BBC is assiduous when it comes to political balance. But its point of reference is a media and political system heavily slanted towards economic elites and conservative ideas. Take the EU referendum debate. Research by Cardiff University found that the two sides of the official campaign were evenly represented in TV news. But overall the voices of the right dominated, with the Conservatives and UKIP making up almost 80% of political sources. … … …
Not only do government and Westminster sources dominate the BBC’s news output with a slant towards the right, the research shows, but the right-wing press has an agenda-setting function that influences the BBC’s output, favouring conservative interests. For decades now the left has adopted a defensive posture on the BBC … …
… …
… Under the leadership of its director general John Birt especially … … … The overall result was that the BBC became less independent of governments and big business, and even less favourable to workers and their representatives, to social movements, and to political opinion falling outside the Westminster consensus.
… …
… … it is time for those of us who take the values of public and democratic media seriously to advance a realistic critique of the BBC and an ambitious programme of reform. This might mean saving the BBC from itself, not just from Rupert Murdoch.”
[Tom Mills is a lecturer and is the author of ‘The BBC: Myth of a Public Service’]
Having read some of the blurb regarding his book, I couldn’t help noticing this:…
“Despite its claim to be independent and impartial, and the constant accusations of a liberal bias, the BBC has always sided with the elite”
I immediately hear alarm bells ringing as the author is trying to paint the ‘elite’ and ‘liberals’ as two distinct factions. Oh dear, how out of touch can you get? Good luck with the book, Tom.
Yes. Bon chance. As with every other Dick. And Harry.
Seismicboy, this is a very good point. There have been out of touch, arrogant elites throughout history, but has there ever been one such as our metropolitan liberal elite which thinks it is NOT an elite?
Of course all the old Stalinist rulers were called Comrade and were nominally equal with the plebs, but I’m pretty sure none of them actually believed that. Yet our current elite genuinely seem to think they are representative of majority opinion in this country, which is why, I suspect, the Brexit vote was such a shock to them.
The innocent explanation is that Mills is insane, leftists often are. The sinister explanation is tha he writes this garbage at the behest of the BBC so the corporation can claim that it is attacked for being biased from both left and right, so it must be getting it about right.
I suspect that is exactly what this is for, Doublethinker!
I posted a version of this on another thread yesterday, so I apologise if some people have already seen it.
Seriously, how far into far-left delusion do you have to be to think this? My God, a person who is genuinely far-Right appears on the BBC in 2009, so that’s the basis of the balance?! By this reasoning, surely Mills is inferring that there have been none since, until Marr interviewed Le Pen. Probably placed precisely so that the slow worms at the BBC can say “Look, lots of people think we are too Right-wing so we are getting it just about right!”
Just for some sport, google Tom Mills and in a matter of minutes you will see that he is a sociologist. He retweets Momentum. He puts the word fascist in the same line as Trump. He also seems to hammer the world as it is into his narrow view to “prove” his points. And he quotes the findings by Cardiff University researchers that the Right – Cons and UKIP – made up 80% of political sources during the EU referendum.
This is where you have to be so careful to look at every word. Here the weasel word is “sources” that are 80% Right wing. But surely they are counting government figures from a Cons-led Remain campaign, seized upon at every opportunity by the BBC to please its EU paymasters? Conservative politicians and commentators who were for Remain? And I am pretty sure that they’d count Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry as Right wing. Then we come to the times Gove and Farage were invited to speak (Right wing) only to be knocked down and sneered at. I think that 80% percent figure could be interpreted in a number of ways, some of which would make a nonsense of his argument.
Raphael, I was listening to LBC the other day and some scouser called up to say Jeremy Corbyn wasn’t a socialist, he was a capitalist. He then started droning on in this most boring scouse accent about socialism until I was forced to retune the car radio at the risk of having an accident. This leftie madness goes deep in British society!
Please, Mr Mills,
‘I know you’ll lead me up to heaven We’ll go together hand in hand to the Promised Land
The Promised Land’ – (Promised Land Lyrics compliments of MetroLyrics)
Personally, Mr Mills, I’ll let you go on your own………
So the BBC this morning is LEADING on all channels with an alleged leaked (to the BBC and The Times only) ANONYMOUS and UNDATED memo that is critical of the the Government and Brexit.
That isn’t news it’s propaganda.
Yes QQ – like a disease it has just spread to SKY News. How long before the Labour party start hanging their Tutu on this. A set up – expose the leaker and have he or she explain to we uninformed.
So it was a deloitte minion responsible – never been in Downing street or met the PM but lapped up by auntie beeb as it is in their brief to hammer brexit and the government. Now they are laughingly reduced to interviews with SNP reps in an effort to shift the impetus up north and worm their sneaky little way out of the situation.
It took Jmac just an hour to put on his shirt and tie and join in with the Beeb who aired this gushingly at 6am this morning on R4 – wonder how Jmac is feeling now? More BBC bullshit to follow.
From those wonderful people who brought you McAlpine?
BBC anonymous sourced, unverified and FOI exempted ‘news’ these days is seldom worth bothering with.
I’m starting to think that this ‘anonymous’ letter was written by an apprentice journalist that works for the BBC or The Times.
What braindead person could imagine we need 30,000 extra civil servants to manage Brexit? Whoever wrote that memo put 300 initially, but thought it didn’t look scary enough, so changed it to 3,000, still not scary enough, before plucking 30,000 out of thin air.
The BBC ‘has seen the document’ so it must be true. But then I’ve seen Copperfield disappear an elephant.
Had the misfortune to be tuned into C5 Wright Stuff. Mathew Paris oozing about this story. Said he knew this story is true (no evidence but his inner Buddha I suppose).
And it now turns out then memo was a begging letter written by Deloitte, no doubt hoping to provide some, or all, of the 3 million (that was the figure, wasn’t it?) highly paid rocket scientists required to do the job.
And the BBC (and its house clown, Parris) believed every word.
And no-one at the BBC is bright enough to stop and think for one moment ‘We could be being led by the nose, here.’.
Yet they make programmes about WW2 and the deliberate misinformation and tricks to flush out spies and Fifth Columnists. They’ve all watched ‘Yes, Minister’. Yet they still get spun and spoofed again and again.
I loved the medical research study which was handed to the TODAY team for early morning broadcast a year or two back. It suggested that so many years could be added to a person’s life by them going out and speed walking for a number of hours each day. No-one on the TODAY team had thought to let alone bothered to run the numbers through a calculator.
You could hear the sound of a nation’s duvets being pulled over heads to stifle the laughter in case it woke other family members!
Yes, these are the people who are so keen on stamping out ‘fake news’ aren’t they?
Yet they are SO reluctant to use any of the Wikileaks emails (verified as genuine) because they would show that many prominent people al beebus support, are corrupt; unstable and mendacious in the extreme.
BBC Online News:
“Child trafficking: Scores missing from UK care homes”
Feature has a photo of two four year old children. But those 200 who go missing permanently are without doubt the many child-adults with beards. No mention of this of course.
That’s nasty!
BBC Newsbeat on Facebook delivers again….
Facebook has pledged to tackle fake news. But one spoof website said some people prefer “carefully-constructed fake news” to the “utter garbage” of the mainstream media.
Fake or real: what do you want to read?
At least they asked before carrying on as always.
The very part-time Laura Kuenssberg is back at work and has Blogged but as usual informing, educating, entertaining, open democracy is off the agenda at the BBC and registered BBC users are not allowed to comment.
OK, that hyper-active, hard working, Nick Robinson set the bar at a very high level but I wonder why Part-Time Laura does not allow comment on her Blogs unlike, say, Kamal Ahmed or Nick Triggle? I do hope that Laura is not paid a full-time salary. And that, in the usual way of things, it is not a vast increase over that paid to Nick Robinson.
That would be very, very bad value for money for the taxpayer.
Bernie Saunders on ‘Today’ – it was upsetting , the bloke obviously needs help. He is so concerned that women might have their fundamental human right to murder their babies interfered with. We then had the usual speculation, fake news and no news.
I do wish they’d make their minds up – either Trump will nuke Russia or be mates with Putin – they seem terrified of both outcomes?
Then again stating there’d be no job for Farage. Clearly they’ve not heard, ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’.
And then the rising UK homeless. Around 130,000 children will spend Christmas in one room ‘bed and breakfast’ accommodation. They really should hire some rubber boats and sit on the beech – Kerching!
More delaying tactics? Article 50, just get on with it and sign the bloody thing.
putting that silly memo aside, can anyone tell me what Mrs May has actually done so far apart from telling us what she is going to do?
They might all be working their socks off but May isn’t much of a communicator.
We hear they’re team building and there are the inevitable disagreements BUT following such a truly momentous vote – a little update would be nice.
ive decided im going to boycott anyone i dont like
hence email to lego
see you’ve dumped the daily mail
ok thats up to you
in the run up to christmas, you’ve managed to lose my money
i wont be buying anything off any company to weak to stand up to a few marxist social justice warriors with the aim of stopping free speech.
reply lego
Dear Sir,
I’m sorry to hear you’re not happy that our agreement with the Daily Mail has finished. We really care about our fans, so I’m grateful that you took the time to share your views with us.
For 80 years, our core values have been Fun, Creativity, Imagination, Learning, Quality and Caring. Children are our main concern and the central focus of our company. We’ll continue to focus our efforts on creating inspiring play experiences for children all over the world.
I’d be interested to know just who they do advertise with?
Their promotion with the Mail was a big con anyway.
Socialist Worker and stop the coalition maybe 😛
Friends! This Tweet is specially dedicated to anyone here who has just endured sitting through the Far-Right Daily Politics programme, whose Far-Right neoliberal bias is obvious to even the meanest intelligence, i.e. me:
Didn`t I see you at the Battle of Vince Cable Street SOL?
And didn`t you take a ballot in the gluteus for literally opposing the Blueshirts of the Greyfriars Brown Nosers of Blackwells Tunnellers?
Well that`s what your coming biography says- no need to “Search For the hero Inside Yourself” anymore-because (Like Hillary Clinton) you can now write your OWN truths! The Left requires this!
Friend Chris! Your first line contains something I was planning to use at some point in the future – great minds think alike eh!
I’m so glad you are still positive re the upcoming book – did I mention to you (it may have been Alicia) that I’ve got a provisional title of “Lefty’s Little Read [sic] Book Of Blogs ‘N’ Tweets – Cartoons by Josh’. What do you reckon?
Melanie Phillips :
posted here on her Facebook
Winchester tomorrow 6:30pm : Event Univ Winchester: “Climate change, migration, society and the role of business”
It says free but prior booking required ..which is probably a way of screening out non-True believers don’t give your name as Farage
Drinks/snacks and mingle before and after
Been watching a few Farage compilations. That is one tough bloke to put up with that for all these years.
Also worth noting the amount of pure hate and rage directed at him. Those debating with him, the ones that don’t just go ape, just sound like, none too bright, ten year olds.
BBC is not Cliquish ..just cos today’s : R4 A Good Read
features Michael Grade and Brian Coxes wife (who used to be a presenter on 5 Live)
That’s just Dimbleballs.
We updated yesterdays joke
The State of Human progress
– The Americans got a man on the moon
– but the Scots can’t even get a man on Nicola Sturgeon
………….. Well at least the English Conservatives got a man on a pig
Good news everyone! Following the Ched Evans case, the BBC have clearly overhauled their reporting to take account of the fact that some convictions in rape cases may be dodgy.
At least, I assume why they’re running softball interviews this time round…
Yes DJ see below I just posted how : VictoriaLive sympathetically covered a woman trying to overturn her conviction for “false Rape Reporting” in 2010
Great minds, huh?
Seriously though, note that the felon in question is merely intending to ask the CCRC to look at her case at some point in the future. Meanwhile, even after Ched Evans had his initial conviction quashed the BBC persisted in either ignoring his appeal or interviewing members of the Sisterhood about how he was still an obvious wrong un.
Titbits form Victoria .. (on their Twitter feed also
Germany : ‘Koran distributor’ group ‘The True Religion’ raided and accused of being a front for ISIS radicalisation
9:45am the 0.9% inflation fig comes in the reporter seemed very disappointed
(BTW bet that the inflation people feel is higher than that , tho I still wouldn’t panic, the dollar fall will counteract it)
They had a teary interview “Fighting Fake rape conviction”
Leila Ibrahim false rape jailed for 3 years in 2010
Bottomline for an appeal you need new evidence ..they don’t have any
(Yes of course the seg featured complaining about judges !)
It will be interesting to see difference between Chad Evan
Thursday Victoria Live will have 2 UKIP leader candidates on
R4 3:30pm Eco prog : talk about new Cruise Liner port planned for Greenwich
yes of course bunker fuel would be a pollution problem
Now I wonder how much of London’s NOx comes from boats
Like does it drift in wind from Tilbury and the ports downriver where there is a lot of traffic ?
9pm BBC4 Women, Sex and Society
“Helen Castor examines the fundamental shifts that have taken place
… From the heroic suffragette struggle for the female vote in the early part of the last century, right through the social and sexual rebellion of the 1960s and beyond, Helen explores how change has been driven by successive waves of feminism and activism, with each wave redefining what women want.”
Bet it doesn’t mention Thatcher or Mrs May much
Or that in the workplace women increasingly control management, but its still the men that make up 90% of workplace deaths.
Radio4 11pm The BBC is giving a chance to An Innovative new right wing comedian his name is Alexei Sayle’s ……Imaginary Sandwich Bar
at least he can be funny unlike today’s new lefty comics
Now Stew.
A great respecter of your posts-but Alexei Sayle…funny?
Don`t wish to go all Jeff Lynne here-but thought both of them useless.
But got a fair few people onto me re Jeff(who-is a nice, humble guy-and Dylan/Petty don`t work with the like of Jeff unless he IS good…I know!).
But Alexie Sayle-can I let this stand?
As if it matters-but I`m a pompous and stubborn ass!
Alexei Sayle does have more self-awareness than some. He once said in an interview that he grew to dislike performing at left-of-centre events: he’d come to notice that after delivering a punch-line, there would be a perceptible pause as the audience worked out whether political correctitude would allow them to laugh at the joke he’d just made . . . and then, having reassured themselves it was appropriate to laugh, they’d laugh.
His attitude was that if it’s funny, it’s funny. But that way Bernard Manning lies, of course, who was a technically excellent stand-up, as most leftish comedians of the same vintage admitted. Grudgingly. In private.
Can’t remember if AS was a print or broadcast interview, and it was a long time ago, so no links and no hope of links. But it sounds plausible, doesn’t it?
Interesting you should mention him.
I remember a very un-PC sketch many years ago in which he appeared as a certain type of council house tenant. He said: “I used the toilet this morning but the council hasn’t been round to flush it yet”.
I suppose they have to conform to certain norms in order to work.
So far as applause is concerned, it reminds me of the irritating habit of applauding worthy jokes instead of laughing at them. I think it started in the US where they applaud anything. But then jokes aren’t expected to be funny any more, they must serve a right-on purpose.
Following on the theme of politicians.
Every time I see Nick Clegg on the TV, I think I am seeing another William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw), Germany calling, Germany calling. Germany calling for you to go and live there.
I am aware that people like Peter Mandelson undertook an EU oath whereby they (Commissionaires) have to promote the EU in order to qualify for an EU pension. The pension is withdrawn if they fail to do so. I am aware that Mandelson’s pension is worth 30K tax free. He fails to tell people this when interviewed.
Is the same also true of Nick Clegg? He did after all work for Leon Brittan when he was a commissionaire? Would the modern Lord Haw Haw qualify for the EU pension? Did he take the EU oath.
Maybe it’s only for Commissioners.
Does anyone know?
If so why was he not recused during the referendum?
What IS the point of Nick Clegg and Tim Fallon ? Like beige wallpaper, they are just walked past and ignored. They remind me of bods around a conference table who say their bit, nobody replies and then the next item is discussed.
They are a kind of very poor mans Obama and Clinton.
I think it was said of Clement Atlee that an empty car pulled up and he stepped out. Clegg and Farron , total nonentities.
I think of Spitting Image-Farron and Clegg being David Steels pocket puppets, if that is possible.
I`d do them as two empty scrotal sacs on David Steel-or maybe the two haliboranges where Viagra was hoped for.
IMages that the BBC would spit at-but never use.
But they work for me.
But no sex scandals for them…… Yet !
I’m imagining that foreign-sounding man who used to phone in to ‘Gary Bellamy’ on Radio 4’s spoof “Down the Line”:
“Tim Farron, vot iz point?”
What indeed!
Ah-was it Ahmed from Harlesden?
Did vary-but a truly brilliant spoof.
Votizpoyt…entered our language here.
A kindred spirit there Mustapha…oh….get your name now!
Thought you were a moderate Muslim taking names for Friday prayers!
Ha ha! Every time my 80-year old Mum (who’s not especially political) sees Clegg on the telly her face lights up and she starts croaking ‘Germany calling! Germany calling!”. Reminds her of her childhood.
“Every time I see Nick Clegg on the TV”
Every time I see Nick Clegg on the TV I have to go out and buy a new one the following day. It’s getting expensive.
With facial recognition so advanced, I’m hoping some expert will devise a system for filtering out people you don’t want to see. It would need a large memory though because my blocking list would be quite long.
In the Radio 4 1:00 news the BBC admitted (sort of) that the memo bigged up by the Times and the BBC is a memo from Deloittes, “leaked” (ie either emailed or handed over on paper) by Deloittes direct to two of its MSM friends in the Remainder camp: the Times and the BBC. Accordingly, not a government memo or, indeed, anything to do with the government. However, that didn’t stop the BBC (this is the news remember) – in full knowledge of the pepetration of this hoax – repeating this morning’s Labour criticism of the government based (let’s be charitable here) on Labour’s misunderstanding of the antecedents of this crapola.
Even so the BBC continues to retail, in its flagship radio news programme no less, Labour criticism of the government that both the critics and the BBC now know is based on a mischievous memo prepared and distributed by a private organisation dedicated to preventing brexit (and, maybe, getting a little bit of business for itself). A respectable news organisation would have highlighted (or even investigated before giving it legs) the source and purveyors of this hoax. Not the BBC which is neither respectable nor a news organisation but simply a transmission belt for every bien pensant piety popular in Islington and W1A.
At 2:30 the BBC have incorporated elements of the government rejection of Deloitte’s kite into their previous report, but it is done in a grudging & piecemeal fashion, continuing to repeat those claims not specifically rejected, rather than replacing the previous article with a statement that the leaked memo was in fact total bollocks
Well done on getting to 2.30 MISA. I threw my Roberts out of the pram at 2pm, after hearing only a few minutes of some crap fussing over deserter soldiers in WW1(were there any in WW2?)that had been on beforehand.
Let me say at the onset that I won`t condemn frightened kids with shellshock who were treated terribly-not even those who were wilful cowards need to be trashed 100 years on-they`re all “square with the house”, and I may well have done the same. Who knows?..I`ll not dare to judge them.
BUT-only TWO days after Remembrance Sunday? We`re expected to favour the dead who deserted over those who pissed, shat themselves into an early grave in stinking rat-infested mud? But who chose to die with their pals or regiments instead?
The BBC seem to go out of their way to seek the victim, the deviant and the exceptions-they don`t give a stuff about the ordinary, the beige, drab dull and dutiful.
So we`ll get crap over Chelsea Manning-and nothing much about Robert Blackwood. Loads on Mark Duggan and HIS souljas…nothing much on OURS-lie Lee Rigby and Keith Blakelock(yes, I know-but the point holds).
The BBC need to be overthrown with their shit, their continual chipping away at the Portland Bonnets, the Cenotaph memorials…I`m just SICK of this agenda of theirs.
They seem to want an Edstone back, not any real commemorating of ALL our dead…bastards!
Analysis that the BBC would now never dare publish in the face of the Scottish Nazi Party.
Matthew Lynn in the DT financial section analyses the steady decline in the number of businesses in Scotland against an increase in the UK. By analysing per head the figures are rather grim for Scotland and just as the SNP start to get more tax raising powers. If your taxable base is declining raising taxes only makes matters worse.
If anyone has the ability to link to the article I would recommend it as providing extremely good ammunition to fire at wee Jimie Krankie and her friends.
You can only sell so much, whiskey, haggis and tartan.
As a Scot, based in Gambia, but currently visiting Scotland, I would say the situation here is pretty grim. Krankie and her SNP monkeys are living in fantasy land. Whatever they do , this country is stuffed and the SNP and their supporters only have themselves to blame. Idiots .
Welcome home Grant!
One or two things have happened since you`ve been away.
Now then-how stands the pound against the Gambian Dalasi since June 23rd?…and how many conch shell and hooch hawkers are now at threat of losing their jobs-indeed their very LIVES-due to our irresponsible and peremptory vote to tell the EU to jog off?
If you could look into your selfiephone with extra sad eyes, and pose outside the Irn Bru factory than now lies empty-that would be nice too!
Good to have you back old friend-whenever I want to yell up at Sturgeons idiocies-I think of you and Chic Murray-and thank God for your great country.
Have been very busy organising care for my mum who has dementia.
Well £/dalasi rate is also affected by ludicrous attempts by President Jammeh to fix a rate which suits his own pocket. He is a moron. The rate stayed steady at about 60 following the referendum then moved down to about 52 in the last few weeks. Jammeh is continually try to keep the dalasi “strong” against all the odds.
“Selfiephone” LOL !! You never cease to amaze me !
I am crying for Scotland . We are in the hands of lunatics, a bit like Gambia but without the weather. By the way , have the Trolls been active in the last few weeks ?
Thoughts and prayers to you and your poor mum, bloody awful prognosis, so get some time for yourself too eh?
But-if you were to ring into BBC Scotland, give them some bull about hoe Brexit has stuffed Gambia-may well be a consoling dram coming early-but sense you`re honourable and fair(and therefore failing to rage and emote as they require for the Ipm news)-which means it`ll be bloody Liberain oil prices and the threat to women presidenst there…as per.
Take care friend-the pound ought to rally when the good guys come home in out hour of need. Brexit scares us, as you`ll have heard!
If, only if and a big if – Labour were to be elected how would they handle Trump’s America ? Not very well I reckon, which would require a serious rear-guard action to suck back up to the EU but they’ve fell out with us? Can’t see it myself.
Watching today’s daily politics show I think it should be renamed ‘The Coburn constantly interrupts and talks over any guest that does not follow the so called BBC’s far left political agenda but will let tame BBC political agenda supporters talk uninterrupted show’
Watched a video of an interview with Farage and May on a sofa. Like she was wishing for a much longer sofa.
She came over like a 14 year old fresh from the Convent – not very impressive.
The Today Programme
How much does one episode of The Grand Tour cost?
Mishal Husain spars with former Top Gear executive producer Andy Wilman to get a figure…
At least it was not about a satisfactory number of dead Israeli kids.
I wonder how a presenter of a non BBC show would get on asking a BBC anyone about anything? Or, for that matter a licence fee payer. Or DCMS Minister.
If NETFLIX etc., carry on pinching BBC stuff – I foresee a demand for an urgent BBC Tax increase.
Hmmm – Cruise Ship Port for Greenwich – Good thing? Jobs,Investment, Reconstruction, Revival?
‘Fraid not as the snarly, sneery presenter (Roger Harrabin) is telling us on Radio 4. “The elderly could die six months earlier” although the technology exists to fix it – £3m from the port and 0.5m per ship.
Cue Lung Doctor OK, cue pollution expert OK, cue activist OK, cue politicians OK, cue child with asthma not OK and can only find child who’s come all the way from Africa where, I imagine, air quality is very good. Cruise ships are racist!
Burning oil fields of Mosul IS having a strong effect on local pollutions levels
so you-d think that topical BBC eco show ould cover that.
…But No, self flagellation and “magical thinking” solutions are ingrained in their nature.
BTW cruise ships under construction do have much cleaner engines, its just that upto now many have been burning bunker fuel cos our govs driven by mad Green-NGOs have prioritised things thgat give subsidies to their Green-Mafia mates.
Melanie Phillips Explains LeftMob’s Mudslinging Tactics
in a long Facebook post about them smearing Stephen Bannon as an anti-Semite
(Melanie is a Jerusalem Post writer of course)
\\As I wrote in my Times column today, both the election of Donald Trump and the UK’s Brexit vote represent the first defeat for the left in decades of the culture wars as the people finally fight back against the attempt to undermine and destroy western society. Having lost these democratic elections, the left has resorted to its well-honed strategy of smears, character assassination and intellectual intimidation to destroy its opponents.
This is how it works. False allegations are made against Donald Trump and his new head of strategy Stephen Bannon, smearing them as antisemites, fascists and racists. Whether through laziness or ideological malice, these smears are recycled uncritically throughout both mainstream and social media.
This foments a hysterical hatred against the two men which takes on a life of its own. That same hatred is then channelled against anyone who tries to point out that these allegations are false and these men have been smeared. Those thus motivated by the need to uphold truth against lies and defend the victims of malevolent and libellous hatred are then smeared in turn as antisemites, racists and fascists, or at the very least as their fellow travellers. ……//
My view of the tactic
: When they can’t beat you debate they sling mud
: That forces you to defend yourself
: Thus they’ve got you on the backfoot as it takes 5 times to unpick a smear as to make it
..But some one like Farage is able to deal with these tactics by saying something like “You are talking rubbish and slinging mud it’s all rubbish ..lets get back to the real topic and issues”
Melanie Phillips is one of the only prominent mainstream editorial writers who has challenged the lies of Marxist neo-liberalism and, most commendably of all, third-wave feminism and the myths that still pertain in the media about domestic violence being exclusively male-on-female. That she also stands up for Brexit and Trump being democratically selected and criticises the fascistic leftist crybullies trying to intimidate people into letting them get their way makes me respect her even more.
She`s in the Pantheon of Greats.
Whether Education, Forced Feminism, Londonistan or the Islamics about to roll over our Lady Di-Eco liberal, Jew baiting western codes?
Melanie has covered them from 1998-2009.
Our Ann Coulter, but more forensic and holistic, less in need of a booksale.
WE love Melanie-and am in her Appreciation Society now. And in Pat Condells too.
Seems Evan Davies and his research team either don’t check on such folk as Melanie, or if they do choose to ignore anything she says that might mess with their attack lines.
Which represents either a professional lapse or one of editorial integrity.
Useful in propaganda tools. Usually fatal for news media, unless funded by compulsion.
I would love to hear Melanie Phillips interviewed by Jenni ( I wish Id shown my kids porn) Murray on wimmins hour. But I shant hold my breath on that one.
Even “Skeletor” Davis is far more likely to get the gig owing to the fact that Melanie has bigger “metephorical” balls than Evan ever will and also Jenni prefers to interview fellow lefties whos heads are so far up their sphincters they think midday is midnight.
A few links from the day I found interesting, I hope you may too…
First off, an OT, where Jon Snow channels Mother Jones, who are currently spamming my inbox all day long with their Trump obsessive deranged wittering, trying to outdo BBC on Facebook:
The comments are worth looking at. Just two of balancing value:
Will Eaves @WillEaves
@jonsnowC4 @paftersnu Terrifying – and the terrifying background problem is how to communicate the danger to a media-pacified populace.
Deka Wilson @THX1974
@jonsnowC4 @petemont @sarahposner what’s a whitelash Jon? Explain it to me.
Ah well, at least Ch4 is only part uniquely funded by the media pacified populace. How about the full Monty? Up for a laugh, a giggle a hoot and a holler…?
Again the comments could explain why the BBC needs money extracted by compulsion for its ‘comedy’.
But of course, the BBC is there to present all sides…. and try and destroy the one they don’t like. Sadly, Evan Davies is not quite the optimal tool to do so:
Not quite Milo in counter, though. Evan does get his ‘controversial’ and ‘a lot of people’ in, of course. Seems BBC like some satire and not others.
As for coarsening, the BBC I believe is running with Frankie Boyle, the renowned silken tounged troubadour of gentle joshing.
Requires a TV licence to view:
Anyway, off tea again… where the BBC treads, who might follow?….
That went well for Dermot and his news market rate paymasters, then.
Back to Aunty…
Well, Laura, it mattered a lot to the BBC at first, for one set of poorly checked reasons (cough… McAlpine… cough), but then sort of had to be looked at differently when the narrative went tits up, as it does tend to do, a lot, with the world class propaganda organ that is the BBC.
In BBC cost cutting it seems, the fact checkers were the first to go.
With a straight face PM leads with the story that Google wants to tackle ‘fake news’ stories.
Then the 5pm news summary reports that Deloitte have admitted that their leaked memo wasn’t from government. However no mention that this was the BBC’s ‘exclusive’ anti-Brexit story this morning.
They just don’t get it do they?
“They just don’t get it do they?”
Oh they get it alright. They just refuse to acknowledge that “fake news” (ie the Deloittes scam) which advances the anti-brexit bit of the Narrative is still fake. Accordingly, Kuenssberg (in Guest Who’s comment above) still seeks to challenge/criticise/hold the government in contempt with an item she admits is fake.
Irony on steroids, the BBC is running stories that Google and Facebook are trying to weed out ‘fake news’ stories and this on the day the BBC ran the Deloitte memo claiming it came from the Cabinet Office! They even are claiming Trump won because of fake news stories.
I expect that the BBC are just doing this to eliminate news they don’t like along with the rest of the MSM. It is really just a form of enlist leftist censorship. The elite are fighting back, and trying to take control of the internet, it’s going to be long struggle to get rid of them
But the BBC running stories about fake news is ironic beyond words.
Anyway, from the end of the world to saving it… by er, destroying it again…
Roger Harrabin awaiting the next FOE press release one is sure.
But… with or without shredder to hand?
Just noticed the top rated comment. Can’t wait to find out what Ian Katz, Evan, Emily and team have planned next:
jimmy •
Just a heads up to any BBC licence fee payers – Emily Maitliss is continuing to tweet trying to falsely link Trump to the KKK and Nazism.
She isn’t too keen to start tweeting about the violent assaults on Trump supporters or the way Clinton and Obama have gone silent as their supporters wreak havoc.
Maitliss was sent by the BBC to cover the US election and her exorbitant wages are paid by BBC licence fee payers.
Complaining won’t work. All we can do is insist on using more truthful news outlets – be it blogs like this one or Breitbart News – and STOP paying the licence fee. Search online for details but even if you want to keep watching a handful of BBC shows it’s easy to just stop paying, they will come to your door, just tell them to go away. They have no legal right of entry. If they get a court order to search your property the police will come and they will not agree to smash down a door to see if someone is watching TV. Just make sure you NEVER sign any document they give you and then they won’t take you to court. I haven’t paid the licence fee for years and it feels good.
Hats off to Al Shabeeb today, as they have crowbar an utterly agenda driven, highly politicised non story of a non story, as they try and brainwash/make white people feel really guilty and bad about themselves/grievance and hate farm black people to make them really angry at non existing racist white people…with an headlining article about Michelle ‘gangster rap loving, bitch and hoe encouraging, gang violence and cop killing champion’ Obama.
This laughable non event is clearly headlining because a white woman calls a black woman an ape, even though someone calling you an ape is that persons subjective opinion. To the man hating, white hating, British hating, freedom hating, division loving, Islam Loving, hate loving Cultists at Al Shabeeb, this is the item 4 on the ‘how to be utterly intolerant’ modern day fascist Bible….and oh my they see this as the worst atrocity in living memory.
Completely pointless article which is basically about name calling and snowflakes non existing feelings…… Oh and throwing in a dig about the state this woman is from voted for Trump!!
Great work Al Shabeeb. Glad to know the Trump vote has made you see sense and stop the bullshit
Another news item that won’t get much air time on the BBC about the “not my president” protests in Portland. 112 arrested, “Twenty-five protesters who were arrested did vote.”
The did not vote camp sound about the same as the “yoof” that complained about Brexit and did not vote. The main difference is that in Portland some did not even come from Portland. It would be like bussing in crowds from Iceland to Demo in London.