A Biased BBC reader writes…
“The News at Ten carried a rather gratuitous and grizzly feature last night where Ian Pannell prances around with the drug cartels, ghoulishly watching people inject heroin and dishevelled child drug mules, to show what an amazing journalist he is. The images of squalor, desperation, jacking up and overdosing were framed against Donald Trump’s “build a wall” policy.
We know that, for the BBC, exposure to facts and genuine information does not matter anymore. If you can stomach the vulgarity and exploitation of the report – and if only the BBC could look beyond its bias and rhetoric – then facts and genuine information would suggest that improved border security – like a wall – is vital to stop the spread a heroin plague sweeping America, leaving countless people dead in its wake.
Shame then that the BBC has spent the last 18 months stating that “build a wall” policy is vile and racist, born from hate speech and intolerance. I wonder what would have happened if they ran this report when Trump announced the policy…”
If the BBC are against walls and security perhaps they would like to make their premises open at all times to the public .
We already have one . What’s all the fuss about ?
If they are ‘legal’ entrants they will pass through just like any other well managed border control that you would find in seaport or air terminal.
Innocent people will have nothing to fear.
So do the Americans. Mexico-United States Barrier. It just doesn’t go all the way.
I must have been asleep in 1996 when Clinton was campaigning for election as President. Or maybe what BC said then was not controversial at the time? Certainly I don’t remember any sort of fuss being made.
Fortunately others on this site have given a link to a Youtube video showing him advocating the building of a barrier to keep out illegal immigrants.
Sounds like Mr Trump has been plagiarising or appropriating ideas from the Democrats.
You didn’t hear this first (or ever) on the Bbbc.
Perhaps the BBC can’t justify a Mexico-USA wall because that would compromise their position on the Israel – Palestine Authority wall?
I am going to monitor the progress of the construction of the wall against that of Sadiq’s 80,000 new homes per year. There must be 40,000 nearing completion already ?