The Updated Draft – From just a cursory look the BBC is, as we speak, in fundamental derogation of this Charter document. Has no one with any power or influence noticed?
For weeks they have supported a man who has
A. Come from nowhere
B. Taken on something with no previous experience
C. Been endlessly criticised by the intelligensia
D. Consistently confounded his critics
E. Seen off his opponents one by one.
E. Decisively won public support against the odds.
Sadiq running into a little trouble over amy lame appointment. Don’t think this will end up on bbc london. Shes the best for the job apparently. Really shown up for the nasty little cretin he is. Him and lame are really suited for each other. London take a bow for putting this little shit in power, you learned nothing from the livingstone years.
The Jasmine Lawrence Academy of Young Ladies Graduating Class of ’16 alumni are quite special.
Mr. Khan sets an interesting precedent on ‘petty points’ that it will be interesting to see the BBC mirror when the clubbing pumps are on the other hoof.
I have emailed Tony Hall about BBC appalling bias particularly though US election. Not received a reply yet! However one of the questions I bought up regards reporting especially John Piernaar. In a recent interview with US person he said Trump was a racist, when the interviewee started to object, Mr Piernaar interestly said and I quote ‘I am not employed by the BBC but just work for the BBC’, this from BBC political correspondent. Is he saying because he is not employed but just works, he can say what he wants, that he is beholden to the Charter. How other so call employees are not but just ‘work for’ and may be can ignore the impartiality charter.
Certainly that seems to be how the BBC acts via Twitter too.
The ‘doesn’t work for us’ is essentially a licence to lie.
As to asking Lord Hall Hall questions, he probably has a special ermine lined version of the ‘purposes of’ exemption to use on those interfering with the shit of state.
That is precisely the argument the BBC used to defend Chris Packham when he slagged off grouse shooting recently. In other words, thanks to the fact that 80% of the population believe every word he says, as an established expert – just like Harrabin and Monbiot – he can say what he likes because he is ‘a free agent’.
PS Grouse shooting brings in 2 billion to the Scottish economy so Krankie’s attitude will be ‘ambivalent’.
I suggest that, in my opinion, the three you named as experts, are nothing of the sort. They are Agendaists, are completely stupid, and are not worth the time of day – particularly the lisping Packham.
Oh do tell!
Will SOMEONE tell me what the Cable Guy says about Brexit, Trump and all other things that ail us?
The guy lays cables all day, all end up at the outhouse where nothing flushes.
Vince was in Deputy Dawg you know!
The disgracefully biased Laurie Taylor, and thinking allowed – but only far left ‘thinking’.
Population change – how will it transform the world? Laurie Taylor talks to Sarah Harper, Professor of Gerontology at the University of Oxford, about one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. She’s joined by Robert Mayhew, Professor of Historical Geography at the University of Bristol.
It’s basically the same old meme that the UK population is getting older because of low birth rates, and there is no possible other solution save unlimited open door migration into the UK, without a consideration for the consequences.
Taylor also condescendingly heads off complaints saying “I can just imagine the E mails we will be getting” well so can I and your disdainful admission shows just how you will treat those concerns.
Just to keep the numbers simple, assume that UK women have two children and that for stability they need three. So we make up the defecit by immigration.
That would be fine in principle if we imported orphan babies but they don’t mean that do they? Instead we import one adult, who brings in a spouse, who brings in the aged parents. They then go on to have four children.
The ‘missing’ child could have lived with their two siblings; the replacement adult needs a (big) house, a job and medical care for the grandparents. The replacement adult will get to old age thirty years before the ‘missing’ child and will also need medical care.
But no problem because world population will increase from 7 billion to 10 billion, then magically stabilise as women become ’empowered’ to say ‘no!’. Which pre-supposes that our sub-Saharian Africans will abandon their own culture and embrace sick Cultural Marxism with enthusiasm.
Thoughtful-we love and thank you.
But it`s Laurie Taylor FFS!
It`s “Finking`s a Groove Maan”
And he thinks he`s Howard Kirk with a Yorkie Bar in his holster.
But he`s a corduroy padded, lint livered casualty of the 60s posh Scouse movement like John Birt, Jane Garvey and (yes) Alexie Sayle. When even privately creamed posh scuttlers like John Peel could feign a Lennon accent for the birds.
The fukkaz NEVER on holiday either-if he were to leave the staff room of old leches and stained ciggie smoke, he`d not be given a smart card-so he`d be out of the sinecure he`s somehow got at the Beeb.
Liver Birds?..sorry Liver Spots!
That`s half an hour you`ll not get back…Laurie Taylor folds himself into a New Brighton seagull pooped deckchair every week from now until his empty florid Polly Dolly life drains from his useless familys colostomy bag of conceits and pretensions.
No-don`t care for the brilliantine hippie at all .
Now as for Winifred Robinson….
On the BBC it always comes down to the old “whos gonna wipe your arse when your old argument! – and they always have the same default position that all of us would rather flood our country with immigrants and lose our culture so we can all retire early rather than work a little longer.
The question that is never asked is this – when these immigrants also get old, how many more immigrants will they also need to wipe their arses?
At what point do we say enough immigration is enough. I am afraid regarding the BBC there is never “enough” immigration until they have wiped out all traces of our society.
The whos gonna care for us when we are old argument is another example of “compassionate smoke and mirrors” which is regularly wheeled out to make us feel guilty when asking the “wrong” questions.
I actually do believe that we should be more caring of our older relatives and I also believe that it is always one of the strengths of so called less “developed” societies which we should reclaim ourselves.
I absolutely detest the way the BBC assume that we all share their lazy and shallow view on life. That we would rather trade in our culture and values for the chance to retire early.
I guess that most beeboids dont really give a shit about their own elderly relatives and cant wait to pack them off to a home – out of sight and out of mind. I suppose when you so up yourself as that Grannies and Grandpas are a bit of an embarrassment and very uncool when you wanna hang with the guys!
Correct me if I am wrong but….
On the topic of ageing population, why has nobody as yet made the folowing connections and come up with the obvious solution?
Our population is living longer…
We currently have a wealth of unemployed people…
We also have emerging technologies and many of these will require less people to be employed (digital industries, robotic labour with factry production etc..)..
Surplus of University placments particularly in the Sciences and medical sphere..
An over reliance of the NHS on foriegn staff to cope with current and future demands..
Answer is simple…
Train our own population to work in the NHS
Maximising our technology sectors potential which will create wealth
Use the generated wealth to retrain staff no longer needed and offer incentives for them to study science and medical subjects..
For those factory workers who no longer carry out unskilled manual labour simply offer them positions within the social care sphere, but raise the current minumum wage level so that is 25% higher than an average zero contract hours employee currently recieves also put an end to zero hours contracting and insist all agency workers are paid the standard rates of contracted workers plus an extra amount (much the same as a locum medical professional would recieve if employed temporarily now)
Obviously it would be necessary to fund this process, but by recruiting directly the NHS and the core social care sector could cut costs directly and use those savings to raise incentives…. There are currently plenty of middle managers in many health trusts currently doing the same jobs, they could instead be given the job of recruitment instead….
As for the technologies sector, one only needs to look at South Korea, thier current birthrate is 1.30 births per woman, however thier tech industries will make it possible for a smaller workforce still capable of generating enough wealth to cope with the burden of an ageing population and also fulfill the future workforce requiremants to look after them by using thier freed up manual labour based industries..
Currently the NHS wastes an inexcusable amout of money on foriegn labour, mismanagement and a surplus of non medical staff…
We just need to start objectively planning now for the future and implement the process of training our indigeonous unused workforce, many of whom are highly capable and potentially just as good as any foriegner… They just need to be given the opportunity to show what they can do… Cutting the waste down, and growing the tech sector can pay for this…. We used to be world leaders before we got involved with the EU etc.. Our youth are no less well equipped to learn than any other countries in the world, reintroducing proper time servered apprenticeships for the skilled sector would also be an idea, offer both apprentices and master craftsmen incentives to it possible…
It sounds complicated, but the simple facts are this, we have unemployed and soon to be unemployed here now who can do the jobs, we have underfunded the training of subjects which are necessary and will gain students something useful in the real world, we currently pay more for a foriegn worker than we would if we gave the job to a British person (Take into account the extra finance required to bring in a foriegner, house them, provide them with medical cover and if they bring thier family with thier education, health and housing needs then add child benefits etc. and then add to that thier salaries) It all adds up… Totalling amounts far higher than employing someone already here…. I`m sure even the most reticent Chav would look after an old person if he was offered a genuine wage…
It seems to me that ignoring the indigeonous workers in favour of foriegners is nothing less than inverse racism…..
PS. sorry for such a longwinded post, but you get the general idea I hope…
Agreed Justin – but I am afraid Aunty only likes answers that fit with her warped narrative of us as a “Rainbow nation” Even if many of the “rainbows” hold us in contempt.
Your post is long but most solutions are not straightforward either. However the BBC likes to whittle everything down to ” we need lots immigration if you dont like it you must be waycist. I am afraid many of these snowflakes dont like a proper debate as they want to be able to label their opponents feel morally superior not look for a truly practical solution.
We don’t need more immigration for economic reasons. We really don’t. We need improved productivity. That’s a much better, greener and socially cohesive way to improve GDP. Immigration is favoured for political reasons and by those who benefit from cheap labour. EoS.
“British to provide Radio/TV to North Korea
With the BBC isn’t it happening the other way around
It seems North Koreans control the BBC ?
… ie North Koreans provides Radio/TV to the British
I am with my 91-year old mum and we were looking forward to watching the Antiques Roadshow just now on BBC2 at 5.15. One of the very few quality programs the BBC produce. But there was a tennis match , 2 boys knocking a ball over a net and it had gone on longer than expected. So the ” Antiques Road Show will be broadcast another time ” . BBC, always sensitive to their customers. Mum was very disappointed.
Well your compatriot Andy Murray was named best batman in the world the other weekend.
His opponent had a groin strain or such-so Gompertz or Swiss were courtside as Murray patted a ball to the ballboys.
Who patted in back.
For minutes.
Because Andy Murray is now Top Batsmsn in the World.
And they had no game to film, but heaven forbid that they`d junk their F***in Sport.
Humbrol paint dries quicker than most, the khaki one seems predisposed to drying faster than the gunwharf Blue…
Yesterday, we had low inflation figures and 3000 new jobs at Google.
Today, we learn that Unemployment is down to an 11 year low.
This story rates 6th on the BBC UK news website.
Higher up the website is the far more ‘important’ news that…errr….. a Breakfast TV presenter has had a baby.
To the Remoaners and Remainiac fanatics at the biased BBC, every day is a good day to bury good news.
I think they might have dropped an EU-shaped briquette earlier, Sluff. Yes, unemployment is down but also it’s mainly free-moving immigrant labour that has swelled the ranks. Then they said: but productivity is also down – and then realised that this information was obviously not needed since, as we know, immigrant labour is industrious, diligent, hardworking and continuously shames the indigenous population….
BBC News at Five. Brexit discussion. Presenter says “of course, access to the open market inevitably leads to freedom of movement.”
The professor she was interviewing snapped back immediately, “Not inevitably – politically”.
More interviewees need to challenge and correct the BBC hacks when they are peddling their agenda. Well done that Prof!
“of course, access to the open market inevitably leads to freedom of movement.”
So, where are the hordes of Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Thais, Brazilians, Americans, South Africans, Chileans, Mexicans etc freely and legally moving into and out of the mainland European single market areas? Where are the hordes of EU citizens freely moving a la Schengen into and out of the USA,Japan etc? I guess they must be using tunnels and disguising themselves as Japanese when the get to Tokyo.
Brendan O’Neill’s Handy Guide to the language used by the Trump Meltdown Lobby:
Fascism – anything I disagree with.
Populism – anything the public likes.
White people – stupid people.
White women – stupid people / selfish bitches.
White supremacy – election results which don’t go my way.
Middle America – shithole.
Rust Belt – shithole but I kinda feel sorry for it.
Experts – my friends who agree with me.
Low information – ignorant masses.
Internalised misogny – dainty female brains warped by cultural messaging.
Reach out – re-educate.
White nationalists – Them.
Cosmopolitans – Us.
Fascism – anything I disagree with./RACIST
Populism – anything the public likes./RACIST
White people – stupid people./RACIST
White women – stupid people / selfish bitches./RACIST
White supremacy – election results which don’t go my way./RACIST
Middle America – shithole./RACIST
Rust Belt – shithole but I kinda feel sorry for it./RACIST
Experts – my friends who agree with me./NOT RACIST
Low information – ignorant masses./RACIST
Internalised misogny – dainty female brains warped by cultural messaging./RACIST
Reach out – re-educate./THE RACIST
White nationalists – Them./RACIST
Cosmopolitans – Us. /NOT RACIST
Just had the misfortune of catching a bit of PM with Eddie Mair, on the way home. First up was a reporter from the utterly impartial New York Times, telling us that Trump’s transition was in turmoil.
Then we went to some brown-skinned Americans so they could tell us how petrified they are.
They didn’t ask them which of Trump’s policies made them afraid. I guess if they would have done, then it would have demonstrated that it’s in fact the lies of the BBC and other Left Wing media outlets that have created this hysteria.
Sorry Mice, you beat me to it – see below. Re. the alleged ‘turmoil’, the interview with Vicky something-or-other did counterbalance the one with the NYT man somewhat.
Depends on the MP. One of the six or so who know what the BBC is up to, it can add to their knowledge base. Otherwise it merely sees them reaching for the ‘national treasure’ stamp.
Another biased piece from Barbara Plett Usher on ‘PM’ (R4 from circa 17:24 to 17:30).
The ‘PM’ anti-Trump narrative consisted of promoting the ideas of (i) chaos in the establishment of ‘Team Trump’ (this was third up, after items on the Croydon tram crash and the Jo Cox murder trial) and (ii) fear on the part of Americans about extremism from Trump (from 17:24). So Barbara did a report from Pennsylvania and made sure she picked three ‘representative’ people to fit in with the agenda.
First was a snow-flake-type younger woman, fearful of what was going to happen. She had known Trump had won a week ago when she awoke to the sound of protests (So soon? Why of course!) All emotion and no argument.
Then a lovely peaceful Muslim man (teacher?) middle-class and integrated, moderate in his anxiety about the Donald but still on message. Next was a Black man who made some inane remarks that the election was about racism and put forward the idea that Trump voters were mainly males over 50 with $200,000 a year incomes … as if Trump could ever have won if he appealed only to that small section of voters.
All in all, a pathetic piece, fairly typical of ‘PM’ and the lousy BBC in general.
Yes, and all of a row with the usual Barbara Plett (now Plett Usher) style. She has been at it for years – gargling with her words as she struggles with English pronunciation and another incomprehensible hiring of a French Canadian by the BBC – more or less a guaranteed source of chip on the shoulder attitude you’d have thought.
And, of course, another French Canadian. If I were looking for a reliably snotty anti-British stance that’s one of the first places in the ‘West’ that I would start. Which, of course, makes me wonder if that isn’t precisely what some Marxist at the BBC did when these two goons were recruited.
The list is endless, Bown and many others. What I do not understand is their twisted psychology. In the Beeboid and Lefty mind how can good be bad and bad be good. Maybe it is me who has no moral compass ?
Oh, no. I’m quite certain that the loss of moral compass is on their part and that it is no accident.
There is a very interesting interview with a former KGB defector to the USA, filmed in what looks like the 1970s or ’80s, in which he explains how 80 per cent of the KGB’s activities during the Cold War weren’t in espionage but in political subversion. Over decades, the West was steadily undermined so that it lost all sense of morality and traditional belief. Unfortunately, I can’t recall where I saw it or I would post a link.
All the the BBC staff that we regularly discuss here are the direct product of this effort, their world views having been formed by a society, and in particular an eduction system, that was riddled with propaganda and subversion, deliberately designed to produce this effect.
It may have been Gordievsky ? Although there were others.
But, the Totalitarian view, as epitomised by the BBC, never works in the long run. But they get their kicks in the short term out of profiting from other people’s misery. Bastards .
I too hopped into some rage-a-thon against Donald Trump on PM, sure she was going to speak next-but I found something FAR more better to.
Picked the crunchy bites out of the cat litter since you ask!
How the hell does Trumps brother in law, Chris Christie and some New York Times cabbage constitute “chaos in the Trump camp?”
I could NOT construct any narrative, arc of a story-just jazz riffs and Clinton Sax parps,
Even worse and randomly spattered on a canvas bag than their drivel over the Junior Doctors-does anybody here even know what all that was about, apart from getting rid of Hunt?
No-this Trump and Chaos thing is akin to the current Brexit Chaos as squittered out by the BBC yesterday.
What the hell is WRONG with them-and how come the bitching airy entrails of East Coast politics gets any coverage on Eddie Mairs clapped out nag of a shitshow?
Ye Gods-we pay for this improv…send for that Channel 4 shitfest that had John Sessions, Josie Lawrence and bloody Clive Anderson in it…crap I tells`yer!
“Squittered ” ? I think I know what you mean, but when are you going to publish a “chrisHese-English” Dictionary ? I think we should be told and we should be told now ! Still waiting for my pint of scrumpy, in vain .
You got a 3D printer up there in the Trossachs or Auchterfekkan?
Cos I`ve got a nice picture of a foaming pint of Blackthorn with your name on it…a dimpled glass OK my friend?
Blackthorn ? Is that a racist insult ? Strangely, you are quite close . I am not a million miles away from the Trossachs and Auchterarder. And Glenturret distillery is close at hand. So you can keep your Blackthorn, thank you very much. I prefer a pint of Junckers anyday, preferably mulled.
Oh Lordy-can see now how that looks.
Whitethorn-or indeed ANY colour of “thorn” is -of course acceptable!
Don`t tell the BBC or SNP will you?
Ta for the progressive re-education though, have locked myself into a Political Correction Camp for the evening.Wall to Wally BBC Newsnight going round on an endless baggage carousel.
I have to say I find the invention of the `white` poppy a bit much though…… A disgraceful profiteering exercise carried out by a society of cowardly and abhorant individuals who use all thier profits to further thier own interests…. I`m actually surprised the BBC and the Guardian didn`t also champion the Black poppy too as it is the favoured variety of most of thier support… It really is a disgrace!!! i can honestly say if i saw someone wearing one I would be hard pressed not to punch him in his smug self righteous face!!!
Trump owes nothing to the MSM except that he knows how to play it to his advantage. Keeping them confused is a good ploy .
I very much hope he and his team will boycott the BBC.C4 . Except of course to wind them up.
There is no obligation on him at all to give our media any interview or statement.
Let’s see what else he’s capable of – “doxing” kids addresses on the internet perhaps, kids who hae Osman warnings because their dad is Tommy Robinson..
In sequence….This is what a left wing BBC supporting solicitor partakes in…..But it’s not “hate” don’t ya know..
Whilst I was away in Israel a Luton solicitor began posting the address my children live at, this morning I met him at his work
To many leftists out there think my life is a computer game, I don't what you say about me but don't endanger my innocent children
Then @bedspolice arrived , the partner in the firm who is sat in the room with me & the police officer were very fair & reasonable .
Ta for these clips D&C.
That “lawyer” looks like an evil twin of Denis McShane and Keith Vaz. And that`s the word we need here-EVIL.
Bet this quisling needs a hole in the back of his chair, so he can stick his tail through. People think of evil as being the likes of Le Vey or Crowley.
But I`d argue that Yoko Ono, Al Gore and this goon are better representations.
Quite! How ironic that would have been for the Jewish lawyer to be Islamically enriched by the followers of the Norwegian race this mentally ill Dhimmi is telling the world is peaceful and is the victim of heros like Tommy!
The only OTHER BBC clip I got today was Paddy O Connell talking to another BBC employee who seemed to think that we didn`t care enough about Syria.
Well no-but it doesn`t help him that it`s the same damn story EVERY night.
Groundhog Day-and the BBC seem keen for us to see MORE blood, have LESS awareness of what Muslims choose to do to other ones-and apparently we`ll only emote when we get messier pictures, so here`s hoping eh BBC voyeur in need of a Emmy 2017!
THAT tells you plenty of the BBCs priorities, in case you`d thought them NOT the willing fleas on the Muslim dig.
It’s the illness that inflicts all of the left ChrisH….the inability to control and deal with genuine or self created problems without utterly succumbing to self-righteousness and emotion.
If the problems in Syria were solely dealt with by using fact, truth, reason and common sense, the suffering would have ended years ago. The self-righteous, self-important, self-proclaimed deities that feel it is their destiny to make the world a better place have fucked everything up in Syria and the Middle East. Only like minded delusional morons like themselves, who are utterly detached and sheltered from reality believe in the mental illness that is Leftism and it’s “everyone is equal” bullshit.
Syrians hate the West. Muslims hate the West. Syrians hate each other. Muslims hate each other. At no stage was western intervention a good thing in Syria. Polishing your own self-righteous halo and trying to look morally superior than your white enemies is not a justification for going to war. Assad is brutal, but he needed to be to keep the kill crazy, world hating, death cult that is Islam in check. Islam unchecked becomes ISIS becomes death, rape, and genocide… Like we have seen in Syria.
We don’t care enough about Syria??!! If these lunatics on the left truly cared about anyone but themselves they would be championing the complete and utter oppression of Islam, just as Assad did, because the death, the destruction, the utter hell on earth we are currently seeing in Syria will be everywhere… It will be Muhammads purest instruction come to full fruition and everything and everyone not Islamic will be gone forever
I have a slightly different take on why the western powers decided in 2011 to depose Assad. He was Putin’s ally and as such Syria was a Mediterranean base for Russian warships. If he was deposed Russia would be disadvantaged. Of course that meant that Putin would try to keep him in power, but western politicians looked at how quickly regime change was imposed in Libya and Egypt and thought, in their arrogance, that Assad would collapse before Putin could intervene.
But then Assad didn’t fold, his army stayed loyal, the western supported rebels split into factions with some supporting ISIS, Syria became a battleground for Sunnies and Shia, and everything went to hell. When air strikes were debated in the House of Commons Cameron’s plan seemed to be that we would bomb ISIS at the same time as we were providing their air cover agaist the Syrian army, while Clinton wanted NATO to declare a no-fly zone and shoot down Russian aircraft to start World War III. It was a total shambles and since then it’s only got worse.
Bloody frightening Toobi – She seemed to have a weariness about her – definitely credible. Lets hope Trump truly does drain the swamp might find some Saudi footprints in the mud at the bottom.
She does seem to have a hard won knowledge of her subject and a genuine concern and afinity for the poor buggers trapped in that hell hole.
I was particularly interested in her take on the actions of the “White Helmets”, worthy recipients of the devalued Nobel Peace Prize according to the late Jo Cox!
I’ve sent this link to a few people in the US, my brother lives in the Big Easy but as soon as they see the name Ron Paul, they don’t bother watching the clip.
‘Nick Booth: BBC discovers Brexit survivalists sheltering in North London hills’
Unsurprisingly, the onset of democracy has deeply disturbed some of the world’s remote, nepotistic communities. The beeboids who live in the Hampstead, Camden and Primrose Hills exemplify this.
These tight communities tend to be inward looking both intellectually and socially, with few willing to encounter anything north of Barnet or south of the Thames. Those familiar with them say they tend to constantly monitor world news, but only selectively to absorb facts that can be used to confirm their own prejudices.
There is so much inbreeding at the BBC that some news reporters are said to have six fingers on their right hand, and 12 on the left. This is thought to be the source of the phrase “even handed BBC reporting”.
Black historian `explores` SLAVERY and remembers the BLACK sailors who fought at Trafalger (Expect lots of grievance mongering and assertions that Nelsons` full name was Mandiba Nelson Mandela and not Horatio…….
And no mention that the British were the first to abolish slavery. Or that the black Africans enslaved their own people and sold them to the highest bidder. And still do that today . Oh no, ” White skin bad, black skin good “. BBC wankers .
Well apparently the British Slavers would go ashore as far as sub saharan africa and snatch them from thier prayer mats or carry out encirclements of entire industrial enclaves and also university campuses depriving the enslaved of promising careers (usually as rappers or philosophers or Atomic theorists etc.) Subsequently it led to the downfall of the Empire of the Rastafarains….
How many of the Blacks at Trafalger do you think will be simply cases of white sailors with faces blackened by gunpowder etc??? Also any genuine black sailors would have been freed slaves who chose to stay onboard as they knew going `home` would lead to them being resold by thier own people to slavers again??
LOL ! In West Africa the slaving ships stayed offshore. The black ” Mansas”
( Kings ) rounded up the blacks from up to, maybe 500 miles inland. And marched them , in shackles, to the coast . Many died on that journey . Then the black masters selling to the Toubabs . No one’s hands were clean.
Best intoduction is ” A short history of slavery ” by Prof. James Walvin which puts it all in context. Should be compulsory reading for Beeboids
Most of the slaves were either captured in battle from adjoining tribal regions or were undesirables whom their rulers wished to dispose of…. The irony is of course that had these people not been sold into slavery then all the grievance mongering descendents now whining and demanding the participating countries of that eras modern day populations apologise and somehow compensate them for it (I feel personally I have nothing to apologise for as it happened centuries before I was even born) They seem to overlook the fact that had thier anscestors not been slaves then they would still be living in abject poverty and misery like `actual` Africans do….
Also, does the Western world demand compensation for having to put up with Kanye West? Dizzie Rascal? Or bloated bigotted political hambeasts like MP Diane f**king Abbott??? Without slavery they wouldn`t be who the hell they think they are today!!!
For the record my parents are Irish Catholics from Co.Derry, but i don`t harp on about the f**king potatoe famine!!!
I have posted this before but living in Gambia home of Kunta Kinta and of the fictitious “Roots”, I see many Afro-Americans (!) and black West Indians visiting on holiday. Most of them hate it and can’t wait to go home. Not much air con, power cuts, water shortages, poverty, disease etc.
But , many of them treat their local “brothers” with disdain and as second class blacks ! In Gambian slang it is called “spoffing ” which I would define as ” swaggering around, boasting of their wealth and superiority “.
All the above would make a great topic for a fearless documentary by the BBC.
Why not a programme about the estimated 1.2 million Europeans who were enslaved by the Moors during the 1600s? Very few ever escaped and the vast majority died of starvation; disease or ill treatment at the hands of these Muslim slavers.
I was in a junior school in October, 2005, the 200th anniversary of Trafalgar and asked the class if they had heard of Trafalgar, Napoleon, etc., (didn’t even bother with asking about Nelson) but they had been learning about the Romans and had been told about Horatio and his stand on the bridge over the Tiber. They still couldn’t make the connection to the name and the man up the column in Trafalgar Square though. So, they decided to look the name up on the LEA recommended website hosted by the BBC. Inputting Nelson into the search field resulted in over 80 pages on Nelson Mandela but only one for the hero of Trafalgar.
Surely no one expected anything other than a programme which bashed white Brits , extolled heroic but abused POCs, People of Colour, and further undermined white Britons culture ,traditions and history. I didn’t watch the programme because I knew exactly what the narrative would be. I don’t watch any BBC history documentaries now because you know what they are selling is a liberal left globalist propaganda message. But I suppose that if you are young and been indoctrinated at school and uni and of course by the BBC never ending propaganda, you may find this tripe has the ring of truth. Indoctrination has been going on for a few decades now so quite soon there will be few left who know the truth, untruthful books , in the Orwellian sense, will be burnt and a glorious utopian multyculty future awaits the world.
Shit ! And I thought that British kids were uneducated. At least the Americans smile are polite and seem happy. How the hell can they go through school and not know about the two most important events in US history ? The War of Independence and the Civil War. I despair .
Western kids are going to have to compete with Chinese and Indian kids in the future and we have been betrayed by our politicians and there is no way back now.
Good news! apparently Nigel Kennedy wants to leave good ol blighty for Berlin because we voted brexit and are all fascists and racists. Think he must have a new album coming out.
Lets hope he goes soon and takes that virtual signalling tosspot Lineker with him. Maybe he can give mama merkel a personal rendition of Didos Lament followed by a swift crywank with a pat on the bottom from Merkel for being a good obedient little boy.
Good riddence arshole please go soon. and take your inflated ego with you I promise we wont cry – and dont do what most of you lefty twats do and conveniently forget to go when your press coverage dies down
Nige ? Not exactly Jascha Heifetz is he ? But how many of the luvvies who have promised to go have actually gone ? About the same number who have taken ” migrants ” into their own homes . Bunch of tossers .
Grant – I am afraid he is no more than a twat with a crap haircut and mockney accent who can play the violin a bit. No great loss as far as I am concerned.
Just like Cumbertwat he is actually so arrogant that he actually reckons that people really do give a shit about what he thinks. Most people are too busy working to worry about offended luvvy egos.
Maybe he should stick to the violin and keep his self important gob shut. I am sure most people could not give a flying F##K where he is going.
Personally I dont like violin on its own much anyway – However did go to watch the Imperial College Orchestra at the weekend playing Mozart and Faure and was bloody impressed. – Monster innit!
Yeah, cool ! I was listening, on CD , to Wolfgang Schneiderhan and BPO , Jochum, Beethoven Viol concerto and compared it with Nige. Well, no comparison really ! Yo ! Cool !
“At present he’s doing Poland in a very big way. Having married a Polish lawyer named Agnieszka, having put together his own Polish jazz quintet, and with a house in Krakow plus a log cabin in the mountains near the Slovakian border, he’s gradually become, he says with shining eyes, an honorary Polish citizen. And he now wants to give something back. When the South Bank Centre invited him to “do something Polish” to chime with this year’s Chopin anniversary, he didn’t hesitate: next weekend, the South Bank will become Poland in miniature.”
He’s been an idiot for almost as long as I can remember. Even one of his friends said he probably thinks that Syria is an island off the coast of Italy.
Fortunately, most classical musicians have more sense. Perhaps they have learned from his example. If only actors would do the same.
I actually think that Nige is an exceptional violinist when he plays properly. However, I feel that such a talent is wasted on an imbecile like that. Will I cry if he leaves this country? No. Will I cry if he returns? No, but I will be disappointed. He wants to look cool but just comes across as a Jerk-First Class. His grin is reminiscent of Plug from the Bash St. Kids (showing my age).
Grant, I think his problems are his ego and his lack of intelligence coupled with a complete lack of self-awareness. I remember a few years ago there was a Prom built around him, one of his special guests was Jeff Beck. At the end of Beck’s bit Nige waddled over to him in that extremely odd gait of his, Beck held his hand out to shake but Nige decided that wasn’t cool enough as he wanted to do a fist touch instead.
Beck looked surprised at first but then played Nige’s game. But I must say that Beck (a man then nearing 70 and dressed in jeans and a vest with died hair) still looked so much more cool without trying than Nige who was trying so hard.
He probably does think that but he’s far more likely to put people off it. His ability with the violin is in direct inverse proportion to his ability as a human being.
Was there a point being made on PMQ’s today ? Jeremy Corbyn flanked by two non-white MP’s. Never seen that before. Part of Black & British week was it ?
The Hillary Clinton “turning violent after losing” rumours may well be false, but considering the way the BBC pounced on the “leaked memo” story, if Trump was the subject of these rumours, the BBC would be wetting themselves with joy.
“”Bad day? Bad 2016? Gilmore Girls might be the comfort you need””
“”If you were to stumble into Stars Hollow, the fictional Connecticut town which is home to Gilmore Girls, you’d be oblivious to the discontent felt across many parts of the US””
“”From Black Lives Matter to Not My President, 2016 has been a year marked by protests and political division””
“”It’s a week since Republican candidate Donald Trump won the US election””
“”Since then, some news reports suggest there has been an increase in racial, religious and misogynistic abuse””
“”So why does a programme like Gilmore Girls, about two white women, from a wealthy and privileged background, provide a refuge for so many viewers?””
“”In one post shared on Facebook, a woman describes being shouted at while driving her car, with the man yelling: “Trump won [racist abuse]! You lose [sexist abuse]!””
“”She concludes her story saying: “I’m really done with today. I really want to be home and in bed, watching Gilmore Girls.””
Fiona Bruce on news at 10 just now, looked and sounded annoyed about the unemployment numbers actually falling? Brexit not working out the way the BBC hoped?
Allow me to share with you a possible (quite likely) scenario which might happen during the Brexit negotiations.
Cast your minds back to the time of the BLiar government and the accession countries where a limit was places on the numbers of people allowed to move to the other members states. The UK decided not to impose this limit on the basis of an estimate which was woefully low.
During Camerons negotiations it was suggested that a temporary cap could be applied to migration numbers but this was dismissed as insufficient.
Imagine now that in exchange for access to the single market the EU make an offer of a cap on EU migration to the UK.
Have a little think here about what kind of number you might accept in return for this access.
Now have another think about what other people – many of which voted remain might think is sufficient?
It’s difficult to see the wedge which would quickly be driven into public opinion nor the way the BBC would play this.
I believe there is a very real possibility that the EU will make this kind of deal, and it wouldn’t be a surprise if they leaked to the BBC too.
Brexit was not just about freedom of movement, it was also about Democracy, Sovereignty and Freedom of Trade.
The ability of the people to get control of our own nation from an undemocratic despotic EU run by the French and the Germans.
Let’s get Britain Great again .
The MSM’s emphasis on economics in the Brexit debate is entirely deliberate. Economics is an esoteric art, not a science. Nobody knows what the economy is going to do tomorrow, next week or next year so you can argue all day about intangibles. This is exactly what the arts educated MSM is good at. Questions about sovereignty, immigration, border control etc ie the real Brexit issues, are black and white subjects firmly rooted in objectivity and the real world. The left know they cannot obfuscate on these subjects because their position and views on them can be shown to be idiotic. That is why the devious little losers avoid them.
Dover Sentry
2.23m Requiring houses, schools, doctors, transport, hospital, jails, food, imports, social security benefits sent to home their dependants, and all the other services.
Its all transparent propaganda promulgated by Al Beeb and the rest of the metro-centric media, out of touch with the ordinary working people of Great Britain .
“Why have we imported 2.23m EU workers when our unemployment is at 1.64m?”
Ask David Cameron and his mates and some of the easily led fools on here!
It’s because ALL white people are lazy and stupid, and hang around all day smoking drinking, taking drugs, and watching absolutely huge flat screen TVs.
None of them deserve their dole money – now I’ve slapped them all down I can give a big tax cuts to mates like Philip Green !
Tried the same Thoughtful!
Sir Shuttleworth clearly got there before me.
Because now the aisle is closed, a BBC goon looking at me grim-jawed and telling me its Closing Time…
Blue Tape up-“Clear the Streets”!
Oh fupoff Beeb!…your shop`s shit anyway!
Newsnight again in a jokey mood with Poor little Evan Davis quite unable to cope with the alt right professor who surprisingly told us that May was the number one call from Trump.
Maybe or maybe not as joking is the best way of dealing with the MSM left.
The whole lot of them are so serious they never twig when they are being sent up. You can tell them anything and they will believe it.
Trump is from planet X. The world is flat. These people are so credulous.
The left will go down in laughter.
Anyone who works night shift and listens to the World Service will be amazed at this news. BBC World Service expansion £289m investment…….
What are the Tory MPs doing with our money ? It would be far better invested in this country.
Last night on BBC Radio 4 News at Ten, a debate about whether UK aid to the third world is beneficial (despite massive corruption and little or no chance of pulling these failed states out of poverty). Conclusion: it is. Same news programme: the Royal Navy Frigates and Destroyers will have no anti-missile defence systems from 2018 as the current system will be obsolete and the Navy cannot afford a replacement system. No replacement until 2022 or after. Its reassuring to know that our Government has a grip on the nation’s defence. Good Governmental planning? Have they failed us and more importantly, the Royal Navy?
Question: albeit a little late being commissioned (but imminent), what missile defence systems will the two new aircraft carriers have apart from any planes they may fly (assuming we can afford planes)?
I was surprised that the news about the navy missiles wasn’t more prominent. Then again I suppose a token military force is all we can expect nowadays, if their job is morphing into a glorified ferrying service for illegal migrants!
Interesting to read the article and links you provide about Greece and then compare with this offering from our national treasure:
‘Mr Obama’s visit to Greece was marked by street protests by leftist groups which denounced US “imperialism”. Police used tear gas against about 2,500 demonstrators who had tried to reach the city centre on Tuesday.’
Unsurprisingly, the BBC version doesn’t really illustrate the depth of anti-Obama sentiment in Greece. What a surprise.
Bloody hell when you have to switch the beeb on because of Sky bias, something must be up.
Leading story on Sky ‘Top accountancy company warns it may have to quit Britain over post Brexit controls on immigration’
Cut to pre recorded interview with head of Deloitte !!!!
Followed by piece on Indian Lady concerned by post Brexit racism.
You couldn’t make it up. They simply won”t give up.
Ah, that’ll be the Deloitte which produced the bogus ‘government’s secret memo’ about 30,000 worker ants being needed to pilot Brexit, wouldn’t it? The ‘FAKE NEWS’ (c. SorosCorp 2016) which the BBC and Murdoch’s tenth rate Times swallowed hook, line and sinker.
Ha ha, BBC note to self … don’t invite Joel Pollak again.
Just heard him expose the BBC in general, and Justin Webb in particular, for their bias on the Today Programme (approx 7:15). Did anybody else let out a little cheer when slimy Justin Webb was put back in his box?
That should be the penny dropping for a few more listeners (as it did for me in June) and finding this and similar sites.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention. It was, indeed, a glorious few minutes of radio but not for the BBC. I do hope more people go on the offensive and pull the BBC up short for the manner and language they use in questioning. Joel Pollack absolutely destroyed sixth-form work experience interviewer Webb. To think we pay £4Bn a year for this (deliberately?) ill-informed and biased sh*te.
I recommend everyone has a listen, you will enjoy it.
Yes, it was a refreshing spectacle to listen to – Webb getting a verbal beating like that; it’s just a shame there aren’t more interviewees who counterattack like that. As someone said of Trump in the campaign:
“He doesn’t bring a gun to a knife fight, he takes a flame thrower.”
The interviewees whom al beebus are hostile to need to start taking their flamethrowers in with them, as this Breitbart chap has shown it’s the best policy.
Quite outrageous question which Pollack completely demolished
I note that no-one subsequently was asked if they were an anti-Semite, including twinkletoes who until recently was a leading light in a Labour movement that has real questions to answer
BBC clealry operating in a post-fact world – Bannon’s position on anti-Semitism is extreemely clear and has been established a long time ago
This is a Clinton campaign trope that obviously is still being pursued by Brits Backing Clinton
Listened and enjoyed every single bit of Joel Pollock’s response. However I did feel that the issues raised were due to Justin Webb and the BBC’s own type of anti-Semitism (some of my best friends are Jewish?) but Joel’s suggestion about the quality of journalism in the UK really hit the spot.
quisquose, thank you so much for posting and making my day!
That was a quick interview.. .you could almost hear the Editor screaming down his earphones, ‘Shut him up, Webb, he is talking far too much sense and is way out of our league.’
On another note, has anyone noticed at about 6.50 am on the ‘Today’ show , there seems to be a nature spot, free of any possible political bias? Afraid not..
Some lady, who found it hard to string 2 words together, without going ‘you know’ about some type of bird which are growing in numbers. Bilko managed to expound ‘if / when we leave Europe’….
The next item was about a few Germans shaking their heads, terrified about the thought of D Trump becoming President. Off switch.
“He doesn’t like Jews does he ?”
WTF you just introduced Breibart “the website as angry” “revels in causing offence”
..yet YOU BEEBOID begin with a question like that .. to the practicing JEWISH Pollack
..Learn some manners
Then he moves to another article which Pollack points is written by a Jewish writer with a Muslim editor
.. Jesus did you see how sharp the end of that item was ?
Beeboid “Joe Pollack thank you very much ..South Yorkshire Police ….”
Quisquose…yes, I heard that and it made my day to hear the webb-w****r squirm and squeal. And am I right in thinking that at one point , the sound went funny – only for a few seconds?
Yes, everyone, do listen – it’s worth it.
Earlier on, Embolden posted about yet more tedious, patronising, needless and offensive ‘black’ programming on our screens. Please allow me to add next week’s BBC Four programme on ‘Black nurses’ to this list, which I have just found as I scanned ahead to set-up my PVR.
If anything is guaranteed to promote ‘racism’ in this country, it is the BBC’s force-feeding of us with this tiresome nonsense. Between them, the BBC and the advertising luvvies (who appear to believe that only mixed race couples buy sofas) have done more to promote ‘racism’ than the National Front ever did.
A question President Obama is unlikely to be asked by our oh so progressive MSM.
‘Mr President, as America’s first black president, and having served 8 years in office, how would you assess the current state of race relations in the US compared with when you first took office?’
It`s definitely improved since the time when his father legged it back to Kenya after `racial tensions` with his mother…….. She should have employed Dwayne `DAWG` Chapman to track him down assuming Obama was actually born in Hawaii…
Is that the mother who never gets mentioned because she was white ? Now that Barry is retiring he will have time to write his second book about his parents ,”Dreams from my mother “. Otherwise he may be open to accusations of both racism and sexism.
On Toady this morning, Bilko interviewed a little delightful 4 year old girl, who had rung 999 when her mum had a seizure.
How nice to see Bilko interviewing at his own level of capability for a change!
Peak multiculturalism has been reached, we know it, they know it.
Hence the desperation to push it at us….like the EU all of whose problems are met by the response “the solution is more Europe”, the solution to the evident and growing problems around multiculturalism is “more multiculturalism”.
And if the response includes a growing resistance, so much the better as the far left and the the cultural Marxists can then mobilise their rent-a-mobs to attack and bring about their desired “revolutionary situation”.
Sadly, the silent majority winning an election or popular vote is never enough for the authoritarian left.
A, “Child Refugee” wanted by the Police –
The Home Office? Fit for purpose? They and they Refugee Charity friends are trying to cram every Muslim into the country however they can.
I bet that this is something else the corrupt BBC won’t be reporting on – just as Trump said, the election was rigged by the Democrats, to the tune of at least 3 million votes, and they still lost !
Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.
If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.
Europe: Relentless Nonwhite Invasion. NOVEMBER 16, 2016
The Third World invasion of Europe has continued relentlessly, even though the controlled media has given it almost no coverage of late. According to new figures released by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), at least 363,808 nonwhites have 363,808 nonwhites have landed illegally in Europe this year.
The full article reveals some alarming figures.
UK: A Typical “Child Refugee” NOVEMBER 16, 2016 BY TNO STAFF— IN EUROPE •
Police in Manchester, UK, have made fools of themselves—and the entire “refugee” industry by posting up a picture of a missing grey-haired middle-aged Iranian “asylum seeker”—and saying that they are looking for this “24-year-old” man. The invader had earlier been named as a suspect in an assault and robbery in the city in February 2015, when it was specified that his birth date was January 1, 1992.
Apologies…couldn’t get the photo of this “child” to appear here.
Invaders Use Fake Japanese Passports NOVEMBER 13, 2016
Nonwhite invaders pretending to be refugees have been arrested in Crete’s trying to board flights to the Continent while carrying forged documents—including fake Japanese passports. The invaders were also carrying forged Hungarian and Romanian travel documents—indicating the level of deception being used to enter Europe.
Now Merkel Offers Turks Asylum NOVEMBER 10, 2016
Not satisfied with last year’s massive “asylum” invasion, the Angela Merkel regime has now made an unconditional offer of asylum to all Turks who claim that they have been “persecuted” by Turkey’s government following the failed coup in that country. The offer is likely to spark off a new wave of hundreds of thousands of nonwhites claiming to be Turks flooding into Germany, just as the “asylum” offer to “Syrians” sparked off a similar invasion in 2015.
In the early hours of the morning about 4:30am our fact based impartial national uniquely funded broadcaster was inviting comments on “The Papers” on BBC News online. There were 38 comments then. Now there is no comment.
Reminds me of 1980s Russia with this kind of denial.
alt-printscreen is your friend normally
Those BBC HYS pages use a trick to hide the comments in a 3rd file which doesn’t get cached.
That’s why if you fear something will be deleted you should take a screenshot straight away
– press alt printscreen to copy them onto the PCs clipboard
– then in Paint or graphics prog click Ctrl-V to paste it onto the screen,
crop the relevant part
and save it as a jpg
On other pages where content is not hidden, you can recover deleted stuff from Googles cache version of the page
– Then also go to and get them to archive the page so future changes are archived
A formal protest on behalf of Republican Gov. Pat McCrory has been filed in North Carolina’s Bladen County over what was called a “blatant” scheme involving fraudulent absentee ballots that benefited gubernatorial candidate Roy Cooper and other Democratic candidates.
The protest included evidence of a “massive scheme to run an absentee ballot mill involving hundreds of ballots, perpetrated by and through the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC,” a political action committee funded by the N.C. Democrat Party and other prominent statewide Democrats, according to a Nov. 15 statement on the McCrory for Governor website.
The county and state Boards of Elections are investigatin
Sadly, this is all too typical of US elections. When I was first made of aware of how bad the problem was in the States I believed such things didn’t happen here, but I no longer believe that. Just the same as I no longer believe the BBC can be trusted to investigate election fraud in the UK.
From the BBC Charter. Read it and you can join the dozen or so who’ve also read it!
“To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them: the BBC should provide duly accurate and impartial news, current affairs and factual programming to build people’s understanding of all parts of the United Kingdom and of the wider world.
To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world: the BBC should provide high-quality news coverage to international audiences, firmly based on British values of accuracy, impartiality, and fairness.”
Lenin’s quote was, ‘ Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth’ If the liberal left gain control of the internet as well as the MSM which they already have in their pockets , then we will never know the truth.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Click to access Updated_draft_BBC_Charter_1.11.16.pdf
The Updated Draft – From just a cursory look the BBC is, as we speak, in fundamental derogation of this Charter document. Has no one with any power or influence noticed?
I think they have, however…
Apologies if this has been mentioned before….
How can we accuse the bBBC of bias?
For weeks they have supported a man who has
A. Come from nowhere
B. Taken on something with no previous experience
C. Been endlessly criticised by the intelligensia
D. Consistently confounded his critics
E. Seen off his opponents one by one.
E. Decisively won public support against the odds.
Yes, the bBBC just loves……Ed Balls.
Sadiq running into a little trouble over amy lame appointment. Don’t think this will end up on bbc london. Shes the best for the job apparently. Really shown up for the nasty little cretin he is. Him and lame are really suited for each other. London take a bow for putting this little shit in power, you learned nothing from the livingstone years.
The Jasmine Lawrence Academy of Young Ladies Graduating Class of ’16 alumni are quite special.
Mr. Khan sets an interesting precedent on ‘petty points’ that it will be interesting to see the BBC mirror when the clubbing pumps are on the other hoof.
I have emailed Tony Hall about BBC appalling bias particularly though US election. Not received a reply yet! However one of the questions I bought up regards reporting especially John Piernaar. In a recent interview with US person he said Trump was a racist, when the interviewee started to object, Mr Piernaar interestly said and I quote ‘I am not employed by the BBC but just work for the BBC’, this from BBC political correspondent. Is he saying because he is not employed but just works, he can say what he wants, that he is beholden to the Charter. How other so call employees are not but just ‘work for’ and may be can ignore the impartiality charter.
Certainly that seems to be how the BBC acts via Twitter too.
The ‘doesn’t work for us’ is essentially a licence to lie.
As to asking Lord Hall Hall questions, he probably has a special ermine lined version of the ‘purposes of’ exemption to use on those interfering with the shit of state.
Smells like a tax fiddle and hate speech combo
That is precisely the argument the BBC used to defend Chris Packham when he slagged off grouse shooting recently. In other words, thanks to the fact that 80% of the population believe every word he says, as an established expert – just like Harrabin and Monbiot – he can say what he likes because he is ‘a free agent’.
PS Grouse shooting brings in 2 billion to the Scottish economy so Krankie’s attitude will be ‘ambivalent’.
I suggest that, in my opinion, the three you named as experts, are nothing of the sort. They are Agendaists, are completely stupid, and are not worth the time of day – particularly the lisping Packham.
“I am not employed by the BBC but just work for the BBC”.
How piss-poor as a journalist do you have to be for even the BBC not to be willing to employ you?
OT, but SKY trying to out BBC the BBC with the A list guns… “You’re all doing very well!”…
Oh do tell!
Will SOMEONE tell me what the Cable Guy says about Brexit, Trump and all other things that ail us?
The guy lays cables all day, all end up at the outhouse where nothing flushes.
Vince was in Deputy Dawg you know!
Vince Cable ? Who is he ? Some politician who got everything wrong ? What a self-important useless wanker .
The disgracefully biased Laurie Taylor, and thinking allowed – but only far left ‘thinking’.
Population change – how will it transform the world? Laurie Taylor talks to Sarah Harper, Professor of Gerontology at the University of Oxford, about one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. She’s joined by Robert Mayhew, Professor of Historical Geography at the University of Bristol.
It’s basically the same old meme that the UK population is getting older because of low birth rates, and there is no possible other solution save unlimited open door migration into the UK, without a consideration for the consequences.
Taylor also condescendingly heads off complaints saying “I can just imagine the E mails we will be getting” well so can I and your disdainful admission shows just how you will treat those concerns.
Could this be a candidate for More Or Less?
Just to keep the numbers simple, assume that UK women have two children and that for stability they need three. So we make up the defecit by immigration.
That would be fine in principle if we imported orphan babies but they don’t mean that do they? Instead we import one adult, who brings in a spouse, who brings in the aged parents. They then go on to have four children.
The ‘missing’ child could have lived with their two siblings; the replacement adult needs a (big) house, a job and medical care for the grandparents. The replacement adult will get to old age thirty years before the ‘missing’ child and will also need medical care.
But no problem because world population will increase from 7 billion to 10 billion, then magically stabilise as women become ’empowered’ to say ‘no!’. Which pre-supposes that our sub-Saharian Africans will abandon their own culture and embrace sick Cultural Marxism with enthusiasm.
Odd? They bat on about Global Warming but conspire not to mention population.
Thoughtful-we love and thank you.
But it`s Laurie Taylor FFS!
It`s “Finking`s a Groove Maan”
And he thinks he`s Howard Kirk with a Yorkie Bar in his holster.
But he`s a corduroy padded, lint livered casualty of the 60s posh Scouse movement like John Birt, Jane Garvey and (yes) Alexie Sayle. When even privately creamed posh scuttlers like John Peel could feign a Lennon accent for the birds.
The fukkaz NEVER on holiday either-if he were to leave the staff room of old leches and stained ciggie smoke, he`d not be given a smart card-so he`d be out of the sinecure he`s somehow got at the Beeb.
Liver Birds?..sorry Liver Spots!
That`s half an hour you`ll not get back…Laurie Taylor folds himself into a New Brighton seagull pooped deckchair every week from now until his empty florid Polly Dolly life drains from his useless familys colostomy bag of conceits and pretensions.
No-don`t care for the brilliantine hippie at all .
Now as for Winifred Robinson….
I heard a bit of that as well Thoughtful
On the BBC it always comes down to the old “whos gonna wipe your arse when your old argument! – and they always have the same default position that all of us would rather flood our country with immigrants and lose our culture so we can all retire early rather than work a little longer.
The question that is never asked is this – when these immigrants also get old, how many more immigrants will they also need to wipe their arses?
At what point do we say enough immigration is enough. I am afraid regarding the BBC there is never “enough” immigration until they have wiped out all traces of our society.
The whos gonna care for us when we are old argument is another example of “compassionate smoke and mirrors” which is regularly wheeled out to make us feel guilty when asking the “wrong” questions.
I actually do believe that we should be more caring of our older relatives and I also believe that it is always one of the strengths of so called less “developed” societies which we should reclaim ourselves.
I absolutely detest the way the BBC assume that we all share their lazy and shallow view on life. That we would rather trade in our culture and values for the chance to retire early.
I guess that most beeboids dont really give a shit about their own elderly relatives and cant wait to pack them off to a home – out of sight and out of mind. I suppose when you so up yourself as that Grannies and Grandpas are a bit of an embarrassment and very uncool when you wanna hang with the guys!
Correct me if I am wrong but….
On the topic of ageing population, why has nobody as yet made the folowing connections and come up with the obvious solution?
Our population is living longer…
We currently have a wealth of unemployed people…
We also have emerging technologies and many of these will require less people to be employed (digital industries, robotic labour with factry production etc..)..
Surplus of University placments particularly in the Sciences and medical sphere..
An over reliance of the NHS on foriegn staff to cope with current and future demands..
Answer is simple…
Train our own population to work in the NHS
Maximising our technology sectors potential which will create wealth
Use the generated wealth to retrain staff no longer needed and offer incentives for them to study science and medical subjects..
For those factory workers who no longer carry out unskilled manual labour simply offer them positions within the social care sphere, but raise the current minumum wage level so that is 25% higher than an average zero contract hours employee currently recieves also put an end to zero hours contracting and insist all agency workers are paid the standard rates of contracted workers plus an extra amount (much the same as a locum medical professional would recieve if employed temporarily now)
Obviously it would be necessary to fund this process, but by recruiting directly the NHS and the core social care sector could cut costs directly and use those savings to raise incentives…. There are currently plenty of middle managers in many health trusts currently doing the same jobs, they could instead be given the job of recruitment instead….
As for the technologies sector, one only needs to look at South Korea, thier current birthrate is 1.30 births per woman, however thier tech industries will make it possible for a smaller workforce still capable of generating enough wealth to cope with the burden of an ageing population and also fulfill the future workforce requiremants to look after them by using thier freed up manual labour based industries..
Currently the NHS wastes an inexcusable amout of money on foriegn labour, mismanagement and a surplus of non medical staff…
We just need to start objectively planning now for the future and implement the process of training our indigeonous unused workforce, many of whom are highly capable and potentially just as good as any foriegner… They just need to be given the opportunity to show what they can do… Cutting the waste down, and growing the tech sector can pay for this…. We used to be world leaders before we got involved with the EU etc.. Our youth are no less well equipped to learn than any other countries in the world, reintroducing proper time servered apprenticeships for the skilled sector would also be an idea, offer both apprentices and master craftsmen incentives to it possible…
It sounds complicated, but the simple facts are this, we have unemployed and soon to be unemployed here now who can do the jobs, we have underfunded the training of subjects which are necessary and will gain students something useful in the real world, we currently pay more for a foriegn worker than we would if we gave the job to a British person (Take into account the extra finance required to bring in a foriegner, house them, provide them with medical cover and if they bring thier family with thier education, health and housing needs then add child benefits etc. and then add to that thier salaries) It all adds up… Totalling amounts far higher than employing someone already here…. I`m sure even the most reticent Chav would look after an old person if he was offered a genuine wage…
It seems to me that ignoring the indigeonous workers in favour of foriegners is nothing less than inverse racism…..
PS. sorry for such a longwinded post, but you get the general idea I hope…
Agreed Justin – but I am afraid Aunty only likes answers that fit with her warped narrative of us as a “Rainbow nation” Even if many of the “rainbows” hold us in contempt.
Your post is long but most solutions are not straightforward either. However the BBC likes to whittle everything down to ” we need lots immigration if you dont like it you must be waycist. I am afraid many of these snowflakes dont like a proper debate as they want to be able to label their opponents feel morally superior not look for a truly practical solution.
We don’t need more immigration for economic reasons. We really don’t. We need improved productivity. That’s a much better, greener and socially cohesive way to improve GDP. Immigration is favoured for political reasons and by those who benefit from cheap labour. EoS.
“Robert Mayhew, Professor of Historical Geography at the University of Bristol.”
They’re making these titles up. What next – safe-space-ology?
“British to provide Radio/TV to North Korea
With the BBC isn’t it happening the other way around
It seems North Koreans control the BBC ?
… ie North Koreans provides Radio/TV to the British
Now that is just too funny.
I am with my 91-year old mum and we were looking forward to watching the Antiques Roadshow just now on BBC2 at 5.15. One of the very few quality programs the BBC produce. But there was a tennis match , 2 boys knocking a ball over a net and it had gone on longer than expected. So the ” Antiques Road Show will be broadcast another time ” . BBC, always sensitive to their customers. Mum was very disappointed.
Well your compatriot Andy Murray was named best batman in the world the other weekend.
His opponent had a groin strain or such-so Gompertz or Swiss were courtside as Murray patted a ball to the ballboys.
Who patted in back.
For minutes.
Because Andy Murray is now Top Batsmsn in the World.
And they had no game to film, but heaven forbid that they`d junk their F***in Sport.
Humbrol paint dries quicker than most, the khaki one seems predisposed to drying faster than the gunwharf Blue…
Yesterday, we had low inflation figures and 3000 new jobs at Google.
Today, we learn that Unemployment is down to an 11 year low.
This story rates 6th on the BBC UK news website.
Higher up the website is the far more ‘important’ news that…errr….. a Breakfast TV presenter has had a baby.
To the Remoaners and Remainiac fanatics at the biased BBC, every day is a good day to bury good news.
I think they might have dropped an EU-shaped briquette earlier, Sluff. Yes, unemployment is down but also it’s mainly free-moving immigrant labour that has swelled the ranks. Then they said: but productivity is also down – and then realised that this information was obviously not needed since, as we know, immigrant labour is industrious, diligent, hardworking and continuously shames the indigenous population….
BBC News at Five. Brexit discussion. Presenter says “of course, access to the open market inevitably leads to freedom of movement.”
The professor she was interviewing snapped back immediately, “Not inevitably – politically”.
More interviewees need to challenge and correct the BBC hacks when they are peddling their agenda. Well done that Prof!
“of course, access to the open market inevitably leads to freedom of movement.”
So, where are the hordes of Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Thais, Brazilians, Americans, South Africans, Chileans, Mexicans etc freely and legally moving into and out of the mainland European single market areas? Where are the hordes of EU citizens freely moving a la Schengen into and out of the USA,Japan etc? I guess they must be using tunnels and disguising themselves as Japanese when the get to Tokyo.
I saw this over at
Brendan O’Neill’s Handy Guide to the language used by the Trump Meltdown Lobby:
Fascism – anything I disagree with.
Populism – anything the public likes.
White people – stupid people.
White women – stupid people / selfish bitches.
White supremacy – election results which don’t go my way.
Middle America – shithole.
Rust Belt – shithole but I kinda feel sorry for it.
Experts – my friends who agree with me.
Low information – ignorant masses.
Internalised misogny – dainty female brains warped by cultural messaging.
Reach out – re-educate.
White nationalists – Them.
Cosmopolitans – Us.
Fascism – anything I disagree with./RACIST
Populism – anything the public likes./RACIST
White people – stupid people./RACIST
White women – stupid people / selfish bitches./RACIST
White supremacy – election results which don’t go my way./RACIST
Middle America – shithole./RACIST
Rust Belt – shithole but I kinda feel sorry for it./RACIST
Experts – my friends who agree with me./NOT RACIST
Low information – ignorant masses./RACIST
Internalised misogny – dainty female brains warped by cultural messaging./RACIST
Reach out – re-educate./THE RACIST
White nationalists – Them./RACIST
Cosmopolitans – Us. /NOT RACIST
Just had the misfortune of catching a bit of PM with Eddie Mair, on the way home. First up was a reporter from the utterly impartial New York Times, telling us that Trump’s transition was in turmoil.
Then we went to some brown-skinned Americans so they could tell us how petrified they are.
They didn’t ask them which of Trump’s policies made them afraid. I guess if they would have done, then it would have demonstrated that it’s in fact the lies of the BBC and other Left Wing media outlets that have created this hysteria.
I save a lot of time by checking upcoming content and not listening to
the interminably predictable, ‘none news’ and propaganda.
Sorry Mice, you beat me to it – see below. Re. the alleged ‘turmoil’, the interview with Vicky something-or-other did counterbalance the one with the NYT man somewhat.
Does anyone reckon contacting your MP or Ministers re. the BBC has any effect at all?
Depends on the MP. One of the six or so who know what the BBC is up to, it can add to their knowledge base. Otherwise it merely sees them reaching for the ‘national treasure’ stamp.
This may change at the next election.
In my case no. My Mp replied to my remarks about the BBc with, I’m a MP what do you expect me to do about it.
Another biased piece from Barbara Plett Usher on ‘PM’ (R4 from circa 17:24 to 17:30).
The ‘PM’ anti-Trump narrative consisted of promoting the ideas of (i) chaos in the establishment of ‘Team Trump’ (this was third up, after items on the Croydon tram crash and the Jo Cox murder trial) and (ii) fear on the part of Americans about extremism from Trump (from 17:24). So Barbara did a report from Pennsylvania and made sure she picked three ‘representative’ people to fit in with the agenda.
First was a snow-flake-type younger woman, fearful of what was going to happen. She had known Trump had won a week ago when she awoke to the sound of protests (So soon? Why of course!) All emotion and no argument.
Then a lovely peaceful Muslim man (teacher?) middle-class and integrated, moderate in his anxiety about the Donald but still on message. Next was a Black man who made some inane remarks that the election was about racism and put forward the idea that Trump voters were mainly males over 50 with $200,000 a year incomes … as if Trump could ever have won if he appealed only to that small section of voters.
All in all, a pathetic piece, fairly typical of ‘PM’ and the lousy BBC in general.
Yes, and all of a row with the usual Barbara Plett (now Plett Usher) style. She has been at it for years – gargling with her words as she struggles with English pronunciation and another incomprehensible hiring of a French Canadian by the BBC – more or less a guaranteed source of chip on the shoulder attitude you’d have thought.
Cf. Lyse Doucet, who is similarly ‘phonetically challenged’ and anti-British.
And, of course, another French Canadian. If I were looking for a reliably snotty anti-British stance that’s one of the first places in the ‘West’ that I would start. Which, of course, makes me wonder if that isn’t precisely what some Marxist at the BBC did when these two goons were recruited.
And never forget that Doucet is anti-semitic , so fits in perfectly in the institutional anti-semitic BBC.
And who will ever forget Plett sobbing her eyes out when Arafat finally got what he so richly deserved (only several decades too late)?
Orla Guerin is another to add to the list, reliably emotive like Fergal K.
GC, Mustapha,
The list is endless, Bown and many others. What I do not understand is their twisted psychology. In the Beeboid and Lefty mind how can good be bad and bad be good. Maybe it is me who has no moral compass ?
Oh, no. I’m quite certain that the loss of moral compass is on their part and that it is no accident.
There is a very interesting interview with a former KGB defector to the USA, filmed in what looks like the 1970s or ’80s, in which he explains how 80 per cent of the KGB’s activities during the Cold War weren’t in espionage but in political subversion. Over decades, the West was steadily undermined so that it lost all sense of morality and traditional belief. Unfortunately, I can’t recall where I saw it or I would post a link.
All the the BBC staff that we regularly discuss here are the direct product of this effort, their world views having been formed by a society, and in particular an eduction system, that was riddled with propaganda and subversion, deliberately designed to produce this effect.
It may have been Gordievsky ? Although there were others.
But, the Totalitarian view, as epitomised by the BBC, never works in the long run. But they get their kicks in the short term out of profiting from other people’s misery. Bastards .
I too hopped into some rage-a-thon against Donald Trump on PM, sure she was going to speak next-but I found something FAR more better to.
Picked the crunchy bites out of the cat litter since you ask!
How the hell does Trumps brother in law, Chris Christie and some New York Times cabbage constitute “chaos in the Trump camp?”
I could NOT construct any narrative, arc of a story-just jazz riffs and Clinton Sax parps,
Even worse and randomly spattered on a canvas bag than their drivel over the Junior Doctors-does anybody here even know what all that was about, apart from getting rid of Hunt?
No-this Trump and Chaos thing is akin to the current Brexit Chaos as squittered out by the BBC yesterday.
What the hell is WRONG with them-and how come the bitching airy entrails of East Coast politics gets any coverage on Eddie Mairs clapped out nag of a shitshow?
Ye Gods-we pay for this improv…send for that Channel 4 shitfest that had John Sessions, Josie Lawrence and bloody Clive Anderson in it…crap I tells`yer!
“Squittered ” ? I think I know what you mean, but when are you going to publish a “chrisHese-English” Dictionary ? I think we should be told and we should be told now ! Still waiting for my pint of scrumpy, in vain .
You got a 3D printer up there in the Trossachs or Auchterfekkan?
Cos I`ve got a nice picture of a foaming pint of Blackthorn with your name on it…a dimpled glass OK my friend?
Blackthorn ? Is that a racist insult ? Strangely, you are quite close . I am not a million miles away from the Trossachs and Auchterarder. And Glenturret distillery is close at hand. So you can keep your Blackthorn, thank you very much. I prefer a pint of Junckers anyday, preferably mulled.
Oh Lordy-can see now how that looks.
Whitethorn-or indeed ANY colour of “thorn” is -of course acceptable!
Don`t tell the BBC or SNP will you?
Ta for the progressive re-education though, have locked myself into a Political Correction Camp for the evening.Wall to Wally BBC Newsnight going round on an endless baggage carousel.
I have to say I find the invention of the `white` poppy a bit much though…… A disgraceful profiteering exercise carried out by a society of cowardly and abhorant individuals who use all thier profits to further thier own interests…. I`m actually surprised the BBC and the Guardian didn`t also champion the Black poppy too as it is the favoured variety of most of thier support… It really is a disgrace!!! i can honestly say if i saw someone wearing one I would be hard pressed not to punch him in his smug self righteous face!!!
Trump owes nothing to the MSM except that he knows how to play it to his advantage. Keeping them confused is a good ploy .
I very much hope he and his team will boycott the BBC.C4 . Except of course to wind them up.
There is no obligation on him at all to give our media any interview or statement.
So just how does anyone measure the BBC approval rates?
It can’t be those scrappy 15 minute, ‘HAVE YOUR SAY’ programs?
They use pollsters. You know, those entrail-readers who have been so stunningly accurate with election predictions.
“Have your say ” . What a joke. Who edits it ? Not a Beeboid, surely ?
Just turned off the ridiculous, posing Andrew Verity, who seems to think he understands employment figures better than the rest of us.
What a prat. He clearly is ignorant of real, proven figures, preferring to look at numbers written for him by his ‘superiors’.
So anyway, this man in the Tweet below, one “Ian Mcloone”, is a leftist solicitor from Luton, who “has always been a staunch supporter of the BBC”
Let’s see what else he’s capable of – “doxing” kids addresses on the internet perhaps, kids who hae Osman warnings because their dad is Tommy Robinson..
In sequence….This is what a left wing BBC supporting solicitor partakes in…..But it’s not “hate” don’t ya know..
Ta for these clips D&C.
That “lawyer” looks like an evil twin of Denis McShane and Keith Vaz. And that`s the word we need here-EVIL.
Bet this quisling needs a hole in the back of his chair, so he can stick his tail through. People think of evil as being the likes of Le Vey or Crowley.
But I`d argue that Yoko Ono, Al Gore and this goon are better representations.
Typical coward. Frightened that Tommy was going to deal with him . You could sense his fear.
Dave S,
Yes, but why did a solicitor do something so irresponsible and possibly illegal ? And will there be a police investigation ?
Bedfordshire police????
That solicitor should be charged and prosecuted. What a bastard !
Charged! I can see the Al Shabeeb webshite headline now..
“Far-right, Muslim hating, anti-christ Tommy Robinson viciously attacks heroic lawyer after justice is served on the Islamaphobic bigot”
Ha ! At least the lawyer is white but what if he is Jewish ? All hell could break loose .
Quite! How ironic that would have been for the Jewish lawyer to be Islamically enriched by the followers of the Norwegian race this mentally ill Dhimmi is telling the world is peaceful and is the victim of heros like Tommy!
The only OTHER BBC clip I got today was Paddy O Connell talking to another BBC employee who seemed to think that we didn`t care enough about Syria.
Well no-but it doesn`t help him that it`s the same damn story EVERY night.
Groundhog Day-and the BBC seem keen for us to see MORE blood, have LESS awareness of what Muslims choose to do to other ones-and apparently we`ll only emote when we get messier pictures, so here`s hoping eh BBC voyeur in need of a Emmy 2017!
THAT tells you plenty of the BBCs priorities, in case you`d thought them NOT the willing fleas on the Muslim dig.
It’s the illness that inflicts all of the left ChrisH….the inability to control and deal with genuine or self created problems without utterly succumbing to self-righteousness and emotion.
If the problems in Syria were solely dealt with by using fact, truth, reason and common sense, the suffering would have ended years ago. The self-righteous, self-important, self-proclaimed deities that feel it is their destiny to make the world a better place have fucked everything up in Syria and the Middle East. Only like minded delusional morons like themselves, who are utterly detached and sheltered from reality believe in the mental illness that is Leftism and it’s “everyone is equal” bullshit.
Syrians hate the West. Muslims hate the West. Syrians hate each other. Muslims hate each other. At no stage was western intervention a good thing in Syria. Polishing your own self-righteous halo and trying to look morally superior than your white enemies is not a justification for going to war. Assad is brutal, but he needed to be to keep the kill crazy, world hating, death cult that is Islam in check. Islam unchecked becomes ISIS becomes death, rape, and genocide… Like we have seen in Syria.
We don’t care enough about Syria??!! If these lunatics on the left truly cared about anyone but themselves they would be championing the complete and utter oppression of Islam, just as Assad did, because the death, the destruction, the utter hell on earth we are currently seeing in Syria will be everywhere… It will be Muhammads purest instruction come to full fruition and everything and everyone not Islamic will be gone forever
I have a slightly different take on why the western powers decided in 2011 to depose Assad. He was Putin’s ally and as such Syria was a Mediterranean base for Russian warships. If he was deposed Russia would be disadvantaged. Of course that meant that Putin would try to keep him in power, but western politicians looked at how quickly regime change was imposed in Libya and Egypt and thought, in their arrogance, that Assad would collapse before Putin could intervene.
But then Assad didn’t fold, his army stayed loyal, the western supported rebels split into factions with some supporting ISIS, Syria became a battleground for Sunnies and Shia, and everything went to hell. When air strikes were debated in the House of Commons Cameron’s plan seemed to be that we would bomb ISIS at the same time as we were providing their air cover agaist the Syrian army, while Clinton wanted NATO to declare a no-fly zone and shoot down Russian aircraft to start World War III. It was a total shambles and since then it’s only got worse.
You won’t see this on the BBC
Bloody frightening Toobi – She seemed to have a weariness about her – definitely credible. Lets hope Trump truly does drain the swamp might find some Saudi footprints in the mud at the bottom.
She does seem to have a hard won knowledge of her subject and a genuine concern and afinity for the poor buggers trapped in that hell hole.
I was particularly interested in her take on the actions of the “White Helmets”, worthy recipients of the devalued Nobel Peace Prize according to the late Jo Cox!
I’ve sent this link to a few people in the US, my brother lives in the Big Easy but as soon as they see the name Ron Paul, they don’t bother watching the clip.
An open letter to James O’Cryin
In other news…
‘Nick Booth: BBC discovers Brexit survivalists sheltering in North London hills’
Unsurprisingly, the onset of democracy has deeply disturbed some of the world’s remote, nepotistic communities. The beeboids who live in the Hampstead, Camden and Primrose Hills exemplify this.
These tight communities tend to be inward looking both intellectually and socially, with few willing to encounter anything north of Barnet or south of the Thames. Those familiar with them say they tend to constantly monitor world news, but only selectively to absorb facts that can be used to confirm their own prejudices.
There is so much inbreeding at the BBC that some news reporters are said to have six fingers on their right hand, and 12 on the left. This is thought to be the source of the phrase “even handed BBC reporting”.
Brilliant – read on at:
BBC2 21:00 – Black and British
Black historian `explores` SLAVERY and remembers the BLACK sailors who fought at Trafalger (Expect lots of grievance mongering and assertions that Nelsons` full name was Mandiba Nelson Mandela and not Horatio…….
And no mention that the British were the first to abolish slavery. Or that the black Africans enslaved their own people and sold them to the highest bidder. And still do that today . Oh no, ” White skin bad, black skin good “. BBC wankers .
Well apparently the British Slavers would go ashore as far as sub saharan africa and snatch them from thier prayer mats or carry out encirclements of entire industrial enclaves and also university campuses depriving the enslaved of promising careers (usually as rappers or philosophers or Atomic theorists etc.) Subsequently it led to the downfall of the Empire of the Rastafarains….
How many of the Blacks at Trafalger do you think will be simply cases of white sailors with faces blackened by gunpowder etc??? Also any genuine black sailors would have been freed slaves who chose to stay onboard as they knew going `home` would lead to them being resold by thier own people to slavers again??
It`s starting now…… wheres my sliced onions??
LOL ! In West Africa the slaving ships stayed offshore. The black ” Mansas”
( Kings ) rounded up the blacks from up to, maybe 500 miles inland. And marched them , in shackles, to the coast . Many died on that journey . Then the black masters selling to the Toubabs . No one’s hands were clean.
Best intoduction is ” A short history of slavery ” by Prof. James Walvin which puts it all in context. Should be compulsory reading for Beeboids
But , Justin, I get your point !
Most of the slaves were either captured in battle from adjoining tribal regions or were undesirables whom their rulers wished to dispose of…. The irony is of course that had these people not been sold into slavery then all the grievance mongering descendents now whining and demanding the participating countries of that eras modern day populations apologise and somehow compensate them for it (I feel personally I have nothing to apologise for as it happened centuries before I was even born) They seem to overlook the fact that had thier anscestors not been slaves then they would still be living in abject poverty and misery like `actual` Africans do….
Also, does the Western world demand compensation for having to put up with Kanye West? Dizzie Rascal? Or bloated bigotted political hambeasts like MP Diane f**king Abbott??? Without slavery they wouldn`t be who the hell they think they are today!!!
For the record my parents are Irish Catholics from Co.Derry, but i don`t harp on about the f**king potatoe famine!!!
Justin Casey
Give them the cash for a ‘one way ticket’ back to their ‘roots’.
How many will take that up ?
Does black history month celebrate Marcus Garvey and the “back to Africa” movement?
He was often mentioned in the reggae music of the 70s and 80s though that aspect of black music rarely gets mentioned these days either.
I have posted this before but living in Gambia home of Kunta Kinta and of the fictitious “Roots”, I see many Afro-Americans (!) and black West Indians visiting on holiday. Most of them hate it and can’t wait to go home. Not much air con, power cuts, water shortages, poverty, disease etc.
But , many of them treat their local “brothers” with disdain and as second class blacks ! In Gambian slang it is called “spoffing ” which I would define as ” swaggering around, boasting of their wealth and superiority “.
All the above would make a great topic for a fearless documentary by the BBC.
PS I have even seen black tourists in restaurants clicking their fingers at waiters and shouting “boy” and not as a joke.
Why not a programme about the estimated 1.2 million Europeans who were enslaved by the Moors during the 1600s? Very few ever escaped and the vast majority died of starvation; disease or ill treatment at the hands of these Muslim slavers.
I was in a junior school in October, 2005, the 200th anniversary of Trafalgar and asked the class if they had heard of Trafalgar, Napoleon, etc., (didn’t even bother with asking about Nelson) but they had been learning about the Romans and had been told about Horatio and his stand on the bridge over the Tiber. They still couldn’t make the connection to the name and the man up the column in Trafalgar Square though. So, they decided to look the name up on the LEA recommended website hosted by the BBC. Inputting Nelson into the search field resulted in over 80 pages on Nelson Mandela but only one for the hero of Trafalgar.
Thanks, ToobiWan for that post. Very disturbing.
You mean `Mandiba` Nelson mandela surely?????
Black Heroes of Trafalgar, Justin, from the “Independant”, 2005.
I would rather stick hot pins into my eyes than read that link ToobiWan…
Sorry if this upsets anyone but this picture just about covers my sentiments on the subject…

Surely no one expected anything other than a programme which bashed white Brits , extolled heroic but abused POCs, People of Colour, and further undermined white Britons culture ,traditions and history. I didn’t watch the programme because I knew exactly what the narrative would be. I don’t watch any BBC history documentaries now because you know what they are selling is a liberal left globalist propaganda message. But I suppose that if you are young and been indoctrinated at school and uni and of course by the BBC never ending propaganda, you may find this tripe has the ring of truth. Indoctrination has been going on for a few decades now so quite soon there will be few left who know the truth, untruthful books , in the Orwellian sense, will be burnt and a glorious utopian multyculty future awaits the world.
Quite a few Brits fought at the Alamo but we don’t harp on about it.
Alamo? what’s an Alamo?
God help us.
Amazing place. Seem most of the defenders were disgruntled Welsh, Scots and Irish football fans IIRC the wall plaque.
Must say it being simply part of the street was a surprise having seen it all isolated in the movies.
‘We did?’. Top answer.
Is David Lammy headed there as a visiting Perfesser?
Shit ! And I thought that British kids were uneducated. At least the Americans smile are polite and seem happy. How the hell can they go through school and not know about the two most important events in US history ? The War of Independence and the Civil War. I despair .
The problem for the US and us is that Chinese and Indian students w0uld probably know the correct answers.
Dave S,
Western kids are going to have to compete with Chinese and Indian kids in the future and we have been betrayed by our politicians and there is no way back now.
Good news! apparently Nigel Kennedy wants to leave good ol blighty for Berlin because we voted brexit and are all fascists and racists. Think he must have a new album coming out.
Lets hope he goes soon and takes that virtual signalling tosspot Lineker with him. Maybe he can give mama merkel a personal rendition of Didos Lament followed by a swift crywank with a pat on the bottom from Merkel for being a good obedient little boy.
Good riddence arshole please go soon. and take your inflated ego with you I promise we wont cry – and dont do what most of you lefty twats do and conveniently forget to go when your press coverage dies down
Nige ? Not exactly Jascha Heifetz is he ? But how many of the luvvies who have promised to go have actually gone ? About the same number who have taken ” migrants ” into their own homes . Bunch of tossers .
Perhaps Nigel should join up with The Dead Kennedys, if they’re still going over in the U.S.
Grant – I am afraid he is no more than a twat with a crap haircut and mockney accent who can play the violin a bit. No great loss as far as I am concerned.
Just like Cumbertwat he is actually so arrogant that he actually reckons that people really do give a shit about what he thinks. Most people are too busy working to worry about offended luvvy egos.
Maybe he should stick to the violin and keep his self important gob shut. I am sure most people could not give a flying F##K where he is going.
Personally I dont like violin on its own much anyway – However did go to watch the Imperial College Orchestra at the weekend playing Mozart and Faure and was bloody impressed. – Monster innit!
Yeah, cool ! I was listening, on CD , to Wolfgang Schneiderhan and BPO , Jochum, Beethoven Viol concerto and compared it with Nige. Well, no comparison really ! Yo ! Cool !
Collio indeed dude!
Deliberate mistake – a Collio is a chilled sheepdog! -man!
Hey boy, gimme 5
So Nigel Kennedy is leaving? Cue the violins ……
(Sorry, too good an opportunity to miss!)
Hopefully Lobster Cheered me up lots – I will even forgive you your joke – just!
He is leaving the U.K. because Villa are crap and will probably drop into division one. (Hopefully).
Didn’t the midlands vote massively for Brexit? Looks like he won’t be seen at Villa anymore.
But then he won’t go anyway.
Hopefully there are no strings attached? Gets coat and exits………
Don’t fret about it !
Always thought he was a bit of a fiddler.
Taffman ,
Maybe he is leaving for tax reasons ?
He thinks Poles are worse than us. However:
Nigel Kennedy: Don’t just sit there. Do something Polish
“At present he’s doing Poland in a very big way. Having married a Polish lawyer named Agnieszka, having put together his own Polish jazz quintet, and with a house in Krakow plus a log cabin in the mountains near the Slovakian border, he’s gradually become, he says with shining eyes, an honorary Polish citizen. And he now wants to give something back. When the South Bank Centre invited him to “do something Polish” to chime with this year’s Chopin anniversary, he didn’t hesitate: next weekend, the South Bank will become Poland in miniature.”
He’s been an idiot for almost as long as I can remember. Even one of his friends said he probably thinks that Syria is an island off the coast of Italy.
Fortunately, most classical musicians have more sense. Perhaps they have learned from his example. If only actors would do the same.
I actually think that Nige is an exceptional violinist when he plays properly. However, I feel that such a talent is wasted on an imbecile like that. Will I cry if he leaves this country? No. Will I cry if he returns? No, but I will be disappointed. He wants to look cool but just comes across as a Jerk-First Class. His grin is reminiscent of Plug from the Bash St. Kids (showing my age).
Nige was a wunderkind but seemed to go downhill as he got older. His Elgar, when he was in his twenties was great. What is his problem ? Waccy baccy ?
Grant, I think his problems are his ego and his lack of intelligence coupled with a complete lack of self-awareness. I remember a few years ago there was a Prom built around him, one of his special guests was Jeff Beck. At the end of Beck’s bit Nige waddled over to him in that extremely odd gait of his, Beck held his hand out to shake but Nige decided that wasn’t cool enough as he wanted to do a fist touch instead.
Beck looked surprised at first but then played Nige’s game. But I must say that Beck (a man then nearing 70 and dressed in jeans and a vest with died hair) still looked so much more cool without trying than Nige who was trying so hard.
I also wonder if Nige thinks that his antics will people to listen to classical music who otherwise would not do so ?
He probably does think that but he’s far more likely to put people off it. His ability with the violin is in direct inverse proportion to his ability as a human being.
Beeb going for Boris again
Boris Johnson attacked over ‘Prosecco insult’
As ever though the HYS comments section isnt going well for them, enjoy.
Was there a point being made on PMQ’s today ? Jeremy Corbyn flanked by two non-white MP’s. Never seen that before. Part of Black & British week was it ?
The Hillary Clinton “turning violent after losing” rumours may well be false, but considering the way the BBC pounced on the “leaked memo” story, if Trump was the subject of these rumours, the BBC would be wetting themselves with joy.
The BBC spent a huge amount of effort attacking the Tory General Election win.
The BBC spent a huge amount of effort attacking the Brexit win.
The BBC are spending a huge amount of effort attacking the Trump win.
Is there a pattern here?
So much for post-Brexit racism reported by the BBC.
BBC Online News:
“”Eastern EU workers in UK ‘up post-Brexit vote””
BBC Online News:
“”Bad day? Bad 2016? Gilmore Girls might be the comfort you need””
“”If you were to stumble into Stars Hollow, the fictional Connecticut town which is home to Gilmore Girls, you’d be oblivious to the discontent felt across many parts of the US””
“”From Black Lives Matter to Not My President, 2016 has been a year marked by protests and political division””
“”It’s a week since Republican candidate Donald Trump won the US election””
“”Since then, some news reports suggest there has been an increase in racial, religious and misogynistic abuse””
“”So why does a programme like Gilmore Girls, about two white women, from a wealthy and privileged background, provide a refuge for so many viewers?””
“”In one post shared on Facebook, a woman describes being shouted at while driving her car, with the man yelling: “Trump won [racist abuse]! You lose [sexist abuse]!””
“”She concludes her story saying: “I’m really done with today. I really want to be home and in bed, watching Gilmore Girls.””
Amazing (or perhaps not amazing) how the BBC twists an everyday subject to match their political hard Left bias.
Fiona Bruce on news at 10 just now, looked and sounded annoyed about the unemployment numbers actually falling? Brexit not working out the way the BBC hoped?
Allow me to share with you a possible (quite likely) scenario which might happen during the Brexit negotiations.
Cast your minds back to the time of the BLiar government and the accession countries where a limit was places on the numbers of people allowed to move to the other members states. The UK decided not to impose this limit on the basis of an estimate which was woefully low.
During Camerons negotiations it was suggested that a temporary cap could be applied to migration numbers but this was dismissed as insufficient.
Imagine now that in exchange for access to the single market the EU make an offer of a cap on EU migration to the UK.
Have a little think here about what kind of number you might accept in return for this access.
Now have another think about what other people – many of which voted remain might think is sufficient?
It’s difficult to see the wedge which would quickly be driven into public opinion nor the way the BBC would play this.
I believe there is a very real possibility that the EU will make this kind of deal, and it wouldn’t be a surprise if they leaked to the BBC too.
Brexit was not just about freedom of movement, it was also about Democracy, Sovereignty and Freedom of Trade.
The ability of the people to get control of our own nation from an undemocratic despotic EU run by the French and the Germans.
Let’s get Britain Great again .
The MSM’s emphasis on economics in the Brexit debate is entirely deliberate. Economics is an esoteric art, not a science. Nobody knows what the economy is going to do tomorrow, next week or next year so you can argue all day about intangibles. This is exactly what the arts educated MSM is good at. Questions about sovereignty, immigration, border control etc ie the real Brexit issues, are black and white subjects firmly rooted in objectivity and the real world. The left know they cannot obfuscate on these subjects because their position and views on them can be shown to be idiotic. That is why the devious little losers avoid them.
Official figures show there’s now a total of 2.23m EU workers in Britain
UK unemployment is at 1.64m
Why have we imported 2.23m EU workers when our unemployment is at 1.64m?
That’s partly because British workers won’t live in shacks or rotten caravans for a pin money or go work for Sports Direct.
Dover Sentry
2.23m Requiring houses, schools, doctors, transport, hospital, jails, food, imports, social security benefits sent to home their dependants, and all the other services.
Its all transparent propaganda promulgated by Al Beeb and the rest of the metro-centric media, out of touch with the ordinary working people of Great Britain .
“Why have we imported 2.23m EU workers when our unemployment is at 1.64m?”
Ask David Cameron and his mates and some of the easily led fools on here!
It’s because ALL white people are lazy and stupid, and hang around all day smoking drinking, taking drugs, and watching absolutely huge flat screen TVs.
None of them deserve their dole money – now I’ve slapped them all down I can give a big tax cuts to mates like Philip Green !
Perhaps it`s the result of `Global Swarming`??? 🙂
Take a look at the comments on this story. If the BBC ever do read them then they must realise just how out of touch they are with the people.
Got a message “Sorry, unable to load comments”!!! LOL!!
Tried the same Thoughtful!
Sir Shuttleworth clearly got there before me.
Because now the aisle is closed, a BBC goon looking at me grim-jawed and telling me its Closing Time…
Blue Tape up-“Clear the Streets”!
Oh fupoff Beeb!…your shop`s shit anyway!
Newsnight again in a jokey mood with Poor little Evan Davis quite unable to cope with the alt right professor who surprisingly told us that May was the number one call from Trump.
Maybe or maybe not as joking is the best way of dealing with the MSM left.
The whole lot of them are so serious they never twig when they are being sent up. You can tell them anything and they will believe it.
Trump is from planet X. The world is flat. These people are so credulous.
The left will go down in laughter.
“Doxed” back, and Tommy Robinson goes around the house of a cowardly solicitor..
“Obama defends globalisation on Germany visit”
“Mr Obama arrived in Germany from Athens where he had warned of threats to modern democracy.”
Well Mr Obama should tell the EU Commissioners, the EU and Al Beeb what ‘Democracy’ is all about…………….
Perhaps Al Beeb will also report on the demo meeting Obama when he arrived in Greece …………
Anyone who works night shift and listens to the World Service will be amazed at this news. BBC World Service expansion £289m investment…….
What are the Tory MPs doing with our money ? It would be far better invested in this country.
Last night on BBC Radio 4 News at Ten, a debate about whether UK aid to the third world is beneficial (despite massive corruption and little or no chance of pulling these failed states out of poverty). Conclusion: it is. Same news programme: the Royal Navy Frigates and Destroyers will have no anti-missile defence systems from 2018 as the current system will be obsolete and the Navy cannot afford a replacement system. No replacement until 2022 or after. Its reassuring to know that our Government has a grip on the nation’s defence. Good Governmental planning? Have they failed us and more importantly, the Royal Navy?
Question: albeit a little late being commissioned (but imminent), what missile defence systems will the two new aircraft carriers have apart from any planes they may fly (assuming we can afford planes)?
I was surprised that the news about the navy missiles wasn’t more prominent. Then again I suppose a token military force is all we can expect nowadays, if their job is morphing into a glorified ferrying service for illegal migrants!
Maybe it would be cheaper to contract out our defence to the Russians ?
Interesting to read the article and links you provide about Greece and then compare with this offering from our national treasure:
‘Mr Obama’s visit to Greece was marked by street protests by leftist groups which denounced US “imperialism”. Police used tear gas against about 2,500 demonstrators who had tried to reach the city centre on Tuesday.’
Unsurprisingly, the BBC version doesn’t really illustrate the depth of anti-Obama sentiment in Greece. What a surprise.
BBC Online News:
“”I wanted to curl up, says Clinton””
“”What went wrong for Clinton?””
Oh, dear. How sad. Never mind.
Just remember Hillary, Everyone’s a winner and coming second is still very very good.
I’m surprised the BBC haven’t come up with the lines:
Hillary runner-up. Trump next to last.
Bloody hell when you have to switch the beeb on because of Sky bias, something must be up.
Leading story on Sky ‘Top accountancy company warns it may have to quit Britain over post Brexit controls on immigration’
Cut to pre recorded interview with head of Deloitte !!!!
Followed by piece on Indian Lady concerned by post Brexit racism.
You couldn’t make it up. They simply won”t give up.
Ah, that’ll be the Deloitte which produced the bogus ‘government’s secret memo’ about 30,000 worker ants being needed to pilot Brexit, wouldn’t it? The ‘FAKE NEWS’ (c. SorosCorp 2016) which the BBC and Murdoch’s tenth rate Times swallowed hook, line and sinker.
You couldn’t make it up……
They could though and do…
Ha ha, BBC note to self … don’t invite Joel Pollak again.
Just heard him expose the BBC in general, and Justin Webb in particular, for their bias on the Today Programme (approx 7:15). Did anybody else let out a little cheer when slimy Justin Webb was put back in his box?
That should be the penny dropping for a few more listeners (as it did for me in June) and finding this and similar sites.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention. It was, indeed, a glorious few minutes of radio but not for the BBC. I do hope more people go on the offensive and pull the BBC up short for the manner and language they use in questioning. Joel Pollack absolutely destroyed sixth-form work experience interviewer Webb. To think we pay £4Bn a year for this (deliberately?) ill-informed and biased sh*te.
I recommend everyone has a listen, you will enjoy it.
Well said qusiquose!
Yes, it was a refreshing spectacle to listen to – Webb getting a verbal beating like that; it’s just a shame there aren’t more interviewees who counterattack like that. As someone said of Trump in the campaign:
“He doesn’t bring a gun to a knife fight, he takes a flame thrower.”
The interviewees whom al beebus are hostile to need to start taking their flamethrowers in with them, as this Breitbart chap has shown it’s the best policy.
Quite outrageous question which Pollack completely demolished
I note that no-one subsequently was asked if they were an anti-Semite, including twinkletoes who until recently was a leading light in a Labour movement that has real questions to answer
BBC clealry operating in a post-fact world – Bannon’s position on anti-Semitism is extreemely clear and has been established a long time ago
This is a Clinton campaign trope that obviously is still being pursued by Brits Backing Clinton
Listened and enjoyed every single bit of Joel Pollock’s response. However I did feel that the issues raised were due to Justin Webb and the BBC’s own type of anti-Semitism (some of my best friends are Jewish?) but Joel’s suggestion about the quality of journalism in the UK really hit the spot.
quisquose, thank you so much for posting and making my day!
That was a quick interview.. .you could almost hear the Editor screaming down his earphones, ‘Shut him up, Webb, he is talking far too much sense and is way out of our league.’
A must listen!! at 1hr .09m
On another note, has anyone noticed at about 6.50 am on the ‘Today’ show , there seems to be a nature spot, free of any possible political bias? Afraid not..
Some lady, who found it hard to string 2 words together, without going ‘you know’ about some type of bird which are growing in numbers. Bilko managed to expound ‘if / when we leave Europe’….
The next item was about a few Germans shaking their heads, terrified about the thought of D Trump becoming President. Off switch.
direct link to audio
The trick is to add #playt=XhYmZs to the end of the URL where X=hours Y= minutes
“He doesn’t like Jews does he ?”
WTF you just introduced Breibart “the website as angry” “revels in causing offence”
..yet YOU BEEBOID begin with a question like that .. to the practicing JEWISH Pollack
..Learn some manners
Then he moves to another article which Pollack points is written by a Jewish writer with a Muslim editor
.. Jesus did you see how sharp the end of that item was ?
Beeboid “Joe Pollack thank you very much ..South Yorkshire Police ….”
Yes yes yes. Loved it.
Oh boy, did Justin Webb get what he so richly deserved.
Joel Pollak 10, Useless Biased BBC Tossers 0.
Quisquose…yes, I heard that and it made my day to hear the webb-w****r squirm and squeal. And am I right in thinking that at one point , the sound went funny – only for a few seconds?
Yes, everyone, do listen – it’s worth it.
Poor little Webb. Out of his depth and accused of lying. Just about the gold standard now for a BBC hack.
Brilliant ! Webb is like a naughty little boy who is given a dressing down by the Headteacher. A typical utterly pathetic Beeboid.
Earlier on, Embolden posted about yet more tedious, patronising, needless and offensive ‘black’ programming on our screens. Please allow me to add next week’s BBC Four programme on ‘Black nurses’ to this list, which I have just found as I scanned ahead to set-up my PVR.
If anything is guaranteed to promote ‘racism’ in this country, it is the BBC’s force-feeding of us with this tiresome nonsense. Between them, the BBC and the advertising luvvies (who appear to believe that only mixed race couples buy sofas) have done more to promote ‘racism’ than the National Front ever did.
A question President Obama is unlikely to be asked by our oh so progressive MSM.
‘Mr President, as America’s first black president, and having served 8 years in office, how would you assess the current state of race relations in the US compared with when you first took office?’
It`s definitely improved since the time when his father legged it back to Kenya after `racial tensions` with his mother…….. She should have employed Dwayne `DAWG` Chapman to track him down assuming Obama was actually born in Hawaii…
Is that the mother who never gets mentioned because she was white ? Now that Barry is retiring he will have time to write his second book about his parents ,”Dreams from my mother “. Otherwise he may be open to accusations of both racism and sexism.
On Toady this morning, Bilko interviewed a little delightful 4 year old girl, who had rung 999 when her mum had a seizure.
How nice to see Bilko interviewing at his own level of capability for a change!
Strangely he didn’t ask her if she was an anti-Semite
Apparently her mother’s condition was not affected by Brexit
Ah, but no one said it wasn’t due to Trump?
I bet the 4 year old came out on top. Did he manage to squeeze in the required Brexit/Trump references?
Peak multiculturalism has been reached, we know it, they know it.
Hence the desperation to push it at us….like the EU all of whose problems are met by the response “the solution is more Europe”, the solution to the evident and growing problems around multiculturalism is “more multiculturalism”.
And if the response includes a growing resistance, so much the better as the far left and the the cultural Marxists can then mobilise their rent-a-mobs to attack and bring about their desired “revolutionary situation”.
Sadly, the silent majority winning an election or popular vote is never enough for the authoritarian left.
Correction – the solution is ALWAYS ‘more muslims’
A, “Child Refugee” wanted by the Police –
The Home Office? Fit for purpose? They and they Refugee Charity friends are trying to cram every Muslim into the country however they can.
I bet that this is something else the corrupt BBC won’t be reporting on – just as Trump said, the election was rigged by the Democrats, to the tune of at least 3 million votes, and they still lost !
Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.
If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.
Another week of “news we weren’t told” by Albeebistan” from
Europe: Relentless Nonwhite Invasion. NOVEMBER 16, 2016
The Third World invasion of Europe has continued relentlessly, even though the controlled media has given it almost no coverage of late. According to new figures released by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), at least 363,808 nonwhites have 363,808 nonwhites have landed illegally in Europe this year.
The full article reveals some alarming figures.
UK: A Typical “Child Refugee” NOVEMBER 16, 2016 BY TNO STAFF— IN EUROPE •
Police in Manchester, UK, have made fools of themselves—and the entire “refugee” industry by posting up a picture of a missing grey-haired middle-aged Iranian “asylum seeker”—and saying that they are looking for this “24-year-old” man. The invader had earlier been named as a suspect in an assault and robbery in the city in February 2015, when it was specified that his birth date was January 1, 1992.
Apologies…couldn’t get the photo of this “child” to appear here.
Invaders Use Fake Japanese Passports NOVEMBER 13, 2016
Nonwhite invaders pretending to be refugees have been arrested in Crete’s trying to board flights to the Continent while carrying forged documents—including fake Japanese passports. The invaders were also carrying forged Hungarian and Romanian travel documents—indicating the level of deception being used to enter Europe.
Now Merkel Offers Turks Asylum NOVEMBER 10, 2016
Not satisfied with last year’s massive “asylum” invasion, the Angela Merkel regime has now made an unconditional offer of asylum to all Turks who claim that they have been “persecuted” by Turkey’s government following the failed coup in that country. The offer is likely to spark off a new wave of hundreds of thousands of nonwhites claiming to be Turks flooding into Germany, just as the “asylum” offer to “Syrians” sparked off a similar invasion in 2015.
Aborigine L…
Thank you.
Was a bit over my head to figure it out!
“last seen in a run-a-way pram clutching a cuddly toy”
Growing litter problem around inner city schools.
Consists mainly of fast food containers, iPhone boxes, and empty bottles of Grecian 2000.
When he reaches the pension age (in BBC years) of 65+ the poor mite will be about 100 in normal years.
The appeal of twitter to Graun CiF and BBC HYS and CECUTT seems clear..
Like speech, some comment is less free than others in certain hands.
In the early hours of the morning about 4:30am our fact based impartial national uniquely funded broadcaster was inviting comments on “The Papers” on BBC News online. There were 38 comments then. Now there is no comment.
Reminds me of 1980s Russia with this kind of denial.
I noticed that on another article last night. 2078 (largely negative) comments suddenly vanished.
alt-printscreen is your friend normally
Those BBC HYS pages use a trick to hide the comments in a 3rd file which doesn’t get cached.
That’s why if you fear something will be deleted you should take a screenshot straight away
– press alt printscreen to copy them onto the PCs clipboard
– then in Paint or graphics prog click Ctrl-V to paste it onto the screen,
crop the relevant part
and save it as a jpg
On other pages where content is not hidden, you can recover deleted stuff from Googles cache version of the page
– Then also go to and get them to archive the page so future changes are archived
The patently obvious for the rest of Europe and the UK as well?
A formal protest on behalf of Republican Gov. Pat McCrory has been filed in North Carolina’s Bladen County over what was called a “blatant” scheme involving fraudulent absentee ballots that benefited gubernatorial candidate Roy Cooper and other Democratic candidates.
The protest included evidence of a “massive scheme to run an absentee ballot mill involving hundreds of ballots, perpetrated by and through the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC,” a political action committee funded by the N.C. Democrat Party and other prominent statewide Democrats, according to a Nov. 15 statement on the McCrory for Governor website.
The county and state Boards of Elections are investigatin
Sadly, this is all too typical of US elections. When I was first made of aware of how bad the problem was in the States I believed such things didn’t happen here, but I no longer believe that. Just the same as I no longer believe the BBC can be trusted to investigate election fraud in the UK.
Or, indeed, almost anything else.
From the BBC Charter. Read it and you can join the dozen or so who’ve also read it!
“To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them: the BBC should provide duly accurate and impartial news, current affairs and factual programming to build people’s understanding of all parts of the United Kingdom and of the wider world.
To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world: the BBC should provide high-quality news coverage to international audiences, firmly based on British values of accuracy, impartiality, and fairness.”
Who said comedy is dead at the BBC?
Tell a lie often enough and some people will believe it !
Lenin’s quote was, ‘ Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth’ If the liberal left gain control of the internet as well as the MSM which they already have in their pockets , then we will never know the truth.
Thanks, that is the one I was thinking about !