LOL ! Funnily enough it does the same thing when I access the Gambian ” Daily Observer ” but as that is the government paper , I guess “Threat is detected ” is a fair warning !
“Fuel duty is expected to be frozen next week under a Government package to help voters”
Pg4 Drone floodlights developed by Directline –
(BS cos there’s no way they’d carry enough enenrgy to fuel the drone and floodlights for’d need a microwave beam to upload power or something)
Devon cirl bunting has been brought back from near extinction says RSPB. 25 years ago only 100 pairs, now over 1,000
pg 27 David Aaronovitchn changes tack and blames Brexit and Trump uprising on authorities playing down the problem of some Pakistani/Muslims viewing western girls as sluts deserving abuse.
Page 28 Sadiq Khan is given a Times Comment column to oppose Heathrow R3
pg 36 Indonesia is using blasphemy law against its top Christian politician.
oil price ..Russia and Iran backing out of cutting production, and discovery of huge 20bn barrel new shale field in Wolfcamp Texas
Remember last months sex abuse gang trial ? the same time there was a trial going on about Asian guys getting involved in fighting with a demonstration in Rotherham
all 10 were cleared and are calling for an inquiry local paper
I think that number maybe diminishing cos the last list was Nov 14 Fires continue to burn across western U.S. listed 43
“More than 43 fires are burning across eight states in the southeast from Alabama to West Virginia. In N.C. 16,000 firefighters and 100 firetrucks are working to contain fires in 19 counties. The Party Rock Fire is one of them, but the largest is the Tellico Fire which is burning on more than 13,000 acres in Swain and Macon counties”
Had anyone noticed the Governments statement that they are dropping any attempt to rein in the Lords who, contrary to established procedure, vetoed a Statutory Instrument last year?
I smell a rat. the Miller case just a couple of weeks ago confirmed the need for Parliament to veto a Brexit. I do not believe that the appeal to the Supreme Court will change that. But hey, how wonderful it would be to point the finger at the awful Lords for not approving Brexit! ‘Not me Guv, its those nasty recalcitrant Lords’…………..
Hmm good to keep an eye out
#1 It was a Cameron plan
#2 I’m thinking it is not needed cos the govt doesn’t have to accept Lords votes , it can keep sending the vote back and then in the end use the parliament act to force it thru.
It’s just been reported on the West Midlands news that the annual Christmas German market in Birmingham may be under threat because of ………. Brexit(!)
FFS, there’s no respite is there?
Well I can’t see this is such a big loss. I don’t really get the attraction of paying £5 for a frankfurter you could buy in Lidl (about £2 for 6), in a bun without any butter, or a glass of gluwein that is similarly wildly over-priced at about £5 for a small glass.
I was speaking to a stallholder at the Manchester Christmas market last year and he tells me he works for about 5 weeks- 1 week setting up, 3 weeks selling and a few days going home – then he doesn’t work again the rest of the year as the takings are so good.
The council should just announce they are considering sponsoring an ‘English Christmas Market’ with food from around the UK. Watch the Germans come running back.
Retail sales annual increase 7.4 percent on year . Biggest increase since 2002. BBC pro remain economic doomster Andy Verity ( no he’s not the truth despite the name) manages to find the gloom in this unalloyed piece of good news . We are only spending money by getting into debt so it will all end in financial disaster . So Andy The Doomster implies consumers as well as all Brexit voters are just plain stupid . Tbe BBC like tbe rest of the elite just won’t give up.
Unfortunately, I can’t be so cheerful about this good news, or the recent stats about unemployment falling. When you are still importing hundreds of thousands of eastern europeans (on a low wage, claiming tax credits and crammed in 10 to a house!) who presumably still need to go out and buy necessities to live then that can will bump up retail sales figures. Meanwhile native Brits (who can’t realistically make ends meet on low wages) are left to rot on the dole.
I recently went into a local Council advice centre on a query about council tax. There were little booths dotted around with people being interviewed – mostly about housing benefit I imagine – quite a few had the help of interpreters. The employee who saw me was Spanish, at least he was properly fluent though!
Don’t see what any of this, however notable , has to do with October retail sales being up 7.4 per cent on the year before.
Regarding unemployment ,
I accept we are mostly creating jobs for immigrants on low wages. It’s a good thing we are , with net migration of over 300000 a year. Otherwise we would have huge social unrest a bit like Greece.
It’s true that this job creation is of little benefit to unemployed native Britons or those on low wages. They won’t be paying for their car being valeted or their children having nannies .
So when immigration is eventually cut to modest proportions and job creation slows , there will little impact on ordinary native Britons.
Our real problem is appallingly low productivity . This ensures rhat in the longer run, living standards cannot rise by much. We need higher interest rates and a growth of our higher productivity exporting sector and the flushing out of zombie businesses surviving on cheap credit as well as low productivity service jobs being created by the immigration .
I’m listening to WATO : and I have come to realise that Brexit is just too difficult to implement.
… I am a zombie, I am a zombie, I am thankful to have the BBC to think for me, I am a zombie …
Ah I’m better now ..the BB#C/MadStreamMedia has blown it, they’ve tried it on too many times .. and more and more people are escaping zombism.
Well done Stew.
When the headline was some EU/UKIP umbrella that none of us(even devotees like me)had ever heard of…wanting money from UJIP for dodgy accounting…well, where do you start with THAT as a “lead story”?
You don`t.
But Martha read it, her fat muffins wobbling on a jelly plate( that`s for grant to mull over!).
Previous I`d heard that whiplash claims may be getting some questions. So I`m now at Shepton Mallets polyclinic as BBC stiffs coach the disabled into doing cow-eyes to camera, and seek out the ONE bloody REAL case of whiplash who didn`t get his gold Porsche delivered on time in 2013!
This will be the face of heartless Tory whiplash policy post Lamont!
Oh, and some shit about whether Trump likes the Japs, because what he said on the campaign trail might just be coming to pass.
So unlike the Democrats then.
Oh what`s it TO YER Beeb?
Jap meets Trump in NYC…how is THAT news for Pink Robbo and the Webb fella.
Batman and Robin, with Humphrys as the creepy British Butler!
Heavens to Betsy Batman-this stuff is SHIT-so why re we saying it!
That kinda stirring of the pisspot
Sorry, mulled wine is so english. And Humphrys as a ” British Butler ” ? Well I suppose , at least he is Welsh. I wonder how his farm in Wales is doing and his house in Greece and who paid for all that ?
“Ten questions for a stunned elite on both sides of the Atlantic
By johnredwood | Published: November 14, 2016
1.Why did you let the banks expand credit far too much prior to 2007?
2. Why did you bring several banks down by refusing liquidity and not backing schemes for bank recovery,leaving others badly wounded in 2007-8?
3. Why have you gone for Quantitative easing and ultra low rates, which damages small savers and helps the super rich at the expense of everyone else?
4. Why didn’t you get on with the task of encouraging and enforcing recapitalisation of the banks so we can have a normal credit creating system again capable of financing recovery?
5. Why did you bring down a dictator in Libya without having a plan to rebuild a better government and society?
6. Why did you go to war in Iraq?
7. Whose side are you on in the Syrian civil war, and how is western military action helping?
8. Can you bomb people into accepting democracy?
9. Why did you back the Exchange Rate Mechanism, the Euro, the Remain campaign and the Clinton campaign, and what do you think of how they have done?
10. Why should people trust the economic and political judgements of the World Bank, the EU, the IMF, the Bank of England and the rest when they have got so many forecasts wrong?”
comments worth repeating
“realfish • 24 minutes ago (over on the Conservative woman blog)
The BBC’s tactic of having someone along to take a free kick at their opponents has been going on for some time, the erstwhile Five ‘Liver’, Richard Bacon was a master of it, Nicky Campbell also resorts to the same thing”
You have to smile – several skyscraper buildings in NY, having the Trump name removed to make them, ‘politically neutral’.
‘Vengeance is Mine’ say the elites and, ‘No, we’re not acting like spoilt children who didn’t get our own way!’.
Last week Corbyn asked at PMQs that the government provide an extra £10 million to local authorities to meet his concern on the day. That would be 0.01% of council spending, ridiculous that councils are so inept that additional national taxpayer funds are required to meet such an insignificant sum.
In similar vein we had this question at yesterday’s PMQs Dr Julian Lewis (New Forest East) (Con)
At the same time as the Government are rightly restoring hundreds of millions of pounds of funding to the BBC World Service, there are no current plans to restore the very modest £20 million a year it costs to run BBC Monitoring. Former members of the Intelligence and Security Committee such as Lord Menzies Campbell and I are dismayed that the BBC is proposing to cut the monitoring service further, to close Caversham Park and to break the colocation with its American counterparts. Will the Prime Minister agree to meet us and have a discussion before this disaster is visited on an incomparable source of open-source information on which so many Government Departments and intelligence agencies depend?
So with income of £4,000 million the BBC are holding the government to ransom for £20 million. Even after they have had the World Service funding revert to tax funding (first I had heard of the move)
I`ve heard so much random crap on the BBC today-will get back to it once I`ve returned from Guys Marsh…we`re on the news they say!
Until then-can I thank “quis quoise” for giving us the direction to Justin Webbs APPALLING interview with Joel Pollack at 7.10 today…please listen!
WE might be the basket of deplorables…but rather that than a hanging basket of despicables like Webb and his “just saying” style of assassination.
Hope Bannon knows-and sues Webb and the BBC for this…somebody needs to tell him and derail the likes of Webb-twat!
Heart stopping moment due to American pronunciation.
Thought she said, ‘Trump is a transsexual guy’.
She actually said, ‘….. transactional guy’.
Anyhow, Obama continues on his trash talking tour of Europe with added therapy session from Merkel. And gosh doesn’t Hillary look rough? The wages of sin……….
Nov 10th a local news station affiliated to Fox is hounded by the mob in Baltimore
1:18 “You work for the wide guy” is said three times.
Eventually the cops put the news team in a car and drive them out of there.
America is a big place so black people being racist to a TV crew one time is not the biggest deal I guess.
Trump-hating Left is what it condemns
DONALD Trump has exposed the hypocrites. His win has so deranged the Left that it’s now proved that it is what it condemns – the violence, the sexism, the contempt for democracy. Check the list.
Thanks for that. First time I have seen both these people. Milo is great ! Very ashamed that he feels he can’t visit England or Scotland.
Can anyone imagine an interview like that on the BBC. An informed interviewer asking intelligent questions and listening to the answer with no interruptions.
He`s just been on Channel 4 grant.
Cathy Newman spitting venom, as he laughs and tries(vainly) to get a word in.
Nobody else would have got such a reaction out of the serially useless and stupid Chatty Cathy.
Now we here would not have wanted a gay son.
Yes-obviously reflects on us( so we though way back)-but we genuinely feared for their futures too.
Of course, now it`s a prerequisite for most media telly now.
Would Allan Carr get a job unless he was? But Milo-he`s the son we would have been so proud to have had.
Vote of thanks to Mrs Yanopupulist.
Looks like St Sebastian after a hairdo with Geert Wilders!
The right, their blokes and that hair. A degree there soon?
BBC and MSM use brainwashing and gatekeeping cos it works
A couple of weeks ago I checked Andrew Bolt, Australia’s most common sense journalist but what was astounded to hear that he had fallen for it and was against Trump
3 days before the election he wrote this
Yet almost all his general public commenters disagreed
Bolt has a post election podcast
“most politicians won’t discuss the connection between Islam and terrorism ..and you know what the PEOPLE vote for the polis who do”
Yet again good Brexit News.
“UK retail sales rose at their fastest annual rate in 14 years in October,”
But according to Al Beeb its because of ‘Colder weather’ and Halloween?
Thats global warming out the window then ?
Hmmm San Francisco schools new lesson plan sets out to teach kids that America is, sexist, racist, islamophobic and has just elected a President that is all those things and more.
Interesting and something to look out for coming over here.
Given the clip on the previous page, if it is not intimately connected to Jersey Shore or Mrs. Pitt the Exer, even if taught they may not retain the info.
So just to recap.
This week we have had
1. Inflation falling
2. Record low unemployment
3. Google to create 3000 jobs in the UK
4. Record retail sales figures.
And I note ( though the bBBC of course do not) that the Pound has quietly gone up to Eu 1.17.
It really is NOT going well for the Bollocks Broadcasting Corporation this week, is it?
Still, I’m sure they can find a handpicked rent-a-gob left winger who ‘fears Brexit’ to feature prominently on the news.
You know something sluff?
Can`t see the radio of course.
But Trumps election following Brexit seems to have shafted them.
Trump and Farage know EXACTLY what these impotent blowback wind tunnels mean to us all. And how we have chosen THEIR path with them.
Snow and Humphrys must know that nobody listens but their 38% of fellow traitors.
So, yes the words come out-even with extra bile on them-but they`ve lost.
And Milo, Nigel and Mel, Rod have our ears. Polly, Owen and Will are dead in the water, And we hate their climate change nonsense.
Oh-to try and keep putting us in the stocks as we tack up a gallows for them.
Shrouds or linen suits? Both iron as well to me.
If getting out of the EU is so bad and catastrophic why on earth is Alstrom putting its investment in to the UK?
Do they know something that the ‘Remainers’ don’t know? Roll on Le Pen.
Radio 4’s dire ‘PM’ with ‘nice’ Eddie Mair never fails to disappoint me re. bias.
First item after the headlines (from about 17:05) was about the cost of housing shortages and putting people in temporary rooms through the council. It’s especially bad in England and they had a report from Barking and Dagenham. “Housing crisis” was an expression used.
Guess what contributory cause of increased demand and consequent housing shortages was NOT mentioned, even once, at any point in the five minute item? Here’s a crossword-style clue: -mm-g-at-o-. Readers with longer memories will recall that Nick Griffin of the BNP chose to contest this parliamentary constituency at the 2010 General Election against sitting MP Margaret Hodge. Now, why might Mr Griffin choose that particular seat? Could it be because he wanted to address problems such as housing shortages for indigenous British people and/or, at the very least, to exploit these problems for political gain?
I just don’t understand how any broadcaster worth its salt could mention the housing issue without acknowledging the greatly increased demand in part from mass immigration in areas like B & D. But then the BBC is, self-evidently, not worth its salt.
Here is one reason for the housing shortage ……….
Add on to that the million or so illegal immigrants here already and top up with the thousands that ‘Car moron’ ordered in from Syria before he left because of the Brexit vote.
Good bye ‘England’s green and pleasant land’ to make room for the housing developments on their way, all funded by St Obama’s “globalisation”.
Totally agree with the amazement at BBCs choice of headline this evening. it’s another example of news virtually being manufactured. We all know there’s a housing problem . It’s supply vs demand. What’s the point of the BBC being sympathetic to mass immigration when there are insufficient new homes being built for native Britons ? It’s rank hypocrisy.
As for picking Barking and Dagenham for the BBC report. We all know that Newham, Barking and other boroughs in East London are being vacated by whites and rapidly becoming Muslim ghettos . Plus their total population is rising due to this deliberate policy of islamic takeover putting pressure on housing and all public services. Why should British taxpayers fund new housing for these people , who treat our religion and culture with hostility ?
I did a back of an envelope calculation using the Guardian figures for immigration .
Being charitable , I presumed that they weren’t all men of a young age ( dangerous for any country to take ) and divided it into 4 as a normal nuclear family .
That still meant that 800 houses per day , every day , Christmas , New Year and Ramadan included , would have to be built to cope with the influx from abroad .
Or let’s see it another way . Tomorrow you are homeless . You need shelter . Preferably you want and hope to get a proper accommodation . Tomorrow though , the powers that be have let in another 1600 people into the country .
Think the liberal left hope that all these prefabs will cover the quack skills we`ll soon be losing when Trump has told them that they can stick their windmills somewhere dark and damp.
Why else have we had two days solid of this non-story being dropped into news and current affairs whinge shows.And-as you say-not a peep about migrants.
BBc 18:00 “Rising cost of the housing crisis.” Here we go more sob sob stories
without mentioning the root cause of the problem. How to solve it in one stroke, stop immigration and starting repatriation. Don’t think I’m going to hear anyone advocating that on a BBc broadcast though.
Today there has been a spat between the US press officer & RT in respect of the bombing of hospitals in Syria. The official refused to supply information on the identity of the hospitals or the source of the information to RT. He regarded RT as a Russian government organisation & insisted they ask their own government for the information. However the US did subsequently inform RT that the information came from the World Health Organisation.
The WHO then told RT that they could not identify the perpetrators or even if the damage was caused by bombs.
Odd then that this morning the BBC Radio (World Service or R4) was telling me that the hospitals were hit by a specific number of barrel bombs (Assad’s WMDs)? The BBC know more than the US government?
UNBELIEVABLE ! Only on the BBC. Top of the 6 o’clock news, the crisis in the housing shortage, with film footage of families living in hostel accommodation because councils have no housing stock available; and reports of just under 1000 council houses nationwide built this year.
20 minutes into the news and hello ? , 3,000 Syrian migrants being
accommodated – some in Scotland and how they are ‘fitting in’ with the community !!! with a further 20,000 due to ‘fly in’ during the next 5 years.
So, I can’t be the only one to see the lunacy in this. If there is bloody housing found and every facility going available to migrants – (ok refugees), why is this same ‘housing’ not available to our own who are stuck in temporary hostels ?
Our priorities are all wrong, and its getting worse by the day.
(all above must type quicker than me ! and I thought I was good with a one time speed of 75 wpm {45 years ago!}
I think in their heart of hearts both the MSM and our politicians must know this policy in the long term is both unsustainable and incompatible with sensible management of the housing stock and also decreases the likelihood of the new arrivals ever assimilating into our society.
Unfortunately most of our mainstream politicians (from Theresa down) appear to be totally gutless on this subject and whilst they may mutter vague concerns they are all paranoid that if they state the truth about immigration and its effects they will get the “Farage treatment” from the MSM spearheaded by the BBC.
The BBC who are hostile to our culture use this threat of public pillorying as a control measure to keep the politicians in their place. They know the money tree can not continue forever, and like all good little Stalinists it matters not that large areas of green space will be lost to help accommodate our new “residents”
I am afraid the last BBC charter review made it quite clear who is in charge and until we get a Prime Minister who cares more for our culture and country than their political profile nothing will change.
I saw the heart warming story of the Syrian migrants being warmly welcomed into Scottish life.
One of them was coaching some children in football. Obviously, a British person would have to pass a criminal records check. Equally obviously, there is no way to do this with a Syrian migrant, who may or may not be who he says.
What we do know for a fact is that many European children have been sexually assaulted and raped by undocumented Arab immigrants, yet in Scotland, they are quite happy to allow one of them to coach children playing football.
It seems as a society, we have put our desire to appear politically correct and welcoming to immigrants above basic security for defenceless children.
I can only conclude that our society is too stupid to survive. Any society which does not protect its children does not deserve to survive. And any society which keeps voting for Scottish National Socialism has plainly lost the will to survive.
Despite the positive headlines, the Welsh Assembly is making a mess of the NHS.
Its about time they got rid of the overblown bureaucracy rife in the Assembly and the the hospitals. The overpaid Trusts should start spending their money on doctors and nurses working on the front line, not accountants and pen-pushers.
Ask the the doctors and nurses, because they have the answers.
Earlier today I was interested in the latest (she does this a lot) ‘warning’ from our Ange, this time directed at her own crinklies to defer to der Jugend.
What a joke. Typical of the Economist. Russia has unfinished business with Germany . Mr Trump probably doesn’t care that much and if we can kiss goodbye and good riddance to the EU then let MRS M flood her country with the third world if she wants. The rest of Europe might have something to say about that.
Maybe the Germans will decide to save their culture maybe not..
I see Mrs M thinks the internet needs discipline. Stasi style perhaps. Just about sums the freedom loving German state up.
Another ‘bubble’, I see from an advert at the side of the road that Tesco have joined with John Lewis in wishing for a Black Christmas, (aren’t they outnumbered by the Muslims now?). Perhaps they are the one part of our ‘diverse’ community that has ignored the BBC’s anti-Christian message?
Anyway here is a BBC-approved, non-commercial Christmas message, with two of its big stars and.. a dog!
Not only John Lewis, but its a spot the white dancer in the House of Fraser Christmas ad on the tele.
Perhaps I’m misreading the stats, and its whites in this country who are the 14% !!! cos judging by the adverts, sports presenters, and outside roving reporters it bloody well feels like it. Oh, and while I’m in the mood, every time I see yet another mixed race relationship on the box, I think “here we go again” !!
I think we should all apply for visas to Donald Trump’s America. Black people, islamists and homosexuals are the sole interest and prerogative of the establishment and their BBC cronies. Maybe it’s time to just give it to them entirely and see what transpires.
Yes, sorry and all that but I am somewhat pressed for time today and thus, without so much as a blush, I am stealing a report from The Canada Free Press – and no, me neither! It was sent to me by my keen-eyed Australian source – no, no, not that drunken old Aussie ex-matelot – I mean the delicious and delightful Andra. I have no idea of the veracity or otherwise of this report but somehow, in some indefinable way, it feels true:
Who is the Queen Bee of Them All?
Copyright Canada Free Press
Total Personal Staff members for US First ladies
Mamie Eisenhower: One – paid for personally, out of President’s salary.
Total number of Personal Staff Members paid by Tax Payers
Jackie Kennedy: One
Lady Bird Johnson: One
Pat Nixon: One
Betty Ford: One
Rosaline Carter: One
Barbara Bush: One
Hilary Clinton: Seven
Laura Bush: One
Michele Obama: Twenty-two
Yep….your eyes don’t deceive you. You want to read WASTE? ….Scroll on down.
Michele Obama’s personal staff: Take a closer look
One.. $192,200 – Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
Two.. $160,000 – Frye, Jocelyn C. (Director of Policy And Projects)
Three.. $133,000 – Rogers, Desiree G. (White House Social Secretary)
Four.. $122,000 – Johnston, Camille Y. (Director of Communications)
Five.. $120,000 – Winter, Melissa (Deputy Chief Of Staff)
Six.. $110,000 – Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff)
Seven.. $104,000 – Lilyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary)
Eight.. $ 95,000 – Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance)
Nine.. $ 90,000 – Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects)
Ten.. $ 85,000 – Burnough, Erinn (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
Eleven.. $ 84,000 – Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
Twelve.. $ 82,000 – Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator)
Thirteen.. $ 80,000 – Fitz, Alan O. (Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director)
Fourteen.. $ 77,500 – Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide)
Fifteen.. $ 72,500 – Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary)
Sixteen.. $ 70,000 – Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide)
Seventeen.. $ 65,000 – Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence)
Eighteen.. $ 63,000 – Tubman, Samantha A. (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
Nineteen.. $ 60,000 – Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff)
Twenty.. $ 56,000 – Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
Twenty-Two.. $ 55,000 – Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence)
That’s a Total…$2,075,200 [my emphasis] in annual salaries – all for someone we did not vote for and apparently have no control over.
5 staff are Muslim and 13 African-American.
There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady’s social life.
This does not include:
“Makeup artist” Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49,
“First Hairstylist” Johnny Wright, 31,
Both of whom travelled aboard Air Force One on ALL Trips, Europe included.
As of 11/15/2015 the Obama Family has spent over $1,300,000,000 (one billion, three hundred million dollars) [my emphasis] on personal family trips. They were personal, not political or Government related.
How things have changed! If you’re one of the tens of millions of Americans facing certain destitution, earning less than subsistence wages stocking the shelves at WalMart or serving up McDonald cheeseburgers, prepare to scream and then come to realize that the benefit package for these servants of “Ms. Michelle” are the same as members of the national security and defense departments and the bill for these assorted lackeys is paid by YOU.
Copyright Canada Free Press
Odd, isn’t it that you never see this reported in most of the American press!
Saw a bit on Newsnight re Norman Bettison and the liberal usual Hillsborough take on things last night.
Usual tosh-Evan Davis rolling out his neck and waggling his bits to indifference as ever,
Blow me, for Alex Thomson has just done the selfsame thing to Norm just now. Same questions even,same embittered scouse accents, but different faces.
Basically, Channel 4 and the BBC seem to have agreed now to double up on their tiresome tripe until we cry uncle or whatever.
Still though, it`s always nice to see Milo on a silent screen as Cathy Newman seems to screech at him before dying like a guppy.
Don`t need to listen, but looked good.
Hoping Trump keeps the liberal reptiels well out of his meetings. The liberal press seem intent on giving us this endless impotent dry wank until they get news again. Not that they`d know it anymore.
I mean, Obama goes to Berlin and he hugs Merckel?
Looks like he hoped to get the brides bouquet and is now reduced to clutching a wreath for all he used to mean.
Which was never much. Not even a dead duck is he? But way worse than a lame one.
With whom do your sympathies lie? A young lass teaching in Baltimore, little older than the children she is overseeing, loses it as boys refuse to do what she asks of them, even when she tells one kid to leave the class. Her misery is recorded by some little charmer in the class, for all the world to see.
They taunt and harass her until she loses it. But she doesn’t actually call them niggers, which the news report does all it can to imply.
Here are her reported words: ““You’re idiots!” the teacher, who is white, is heard shouting at the room full of mostly black middle schoolers at Harlem Park Elementary/Middle School in West Baltimore. “You have the chance to get an education, but you want to be a punk-a** n***** who’s gonna get shot.””
She is sacked, the tv channel tuts loudly at her behaviour and yet the kids in her class get a free pass.
Just for a heads up Baltimore has a population of about 620,000, so it’s a little bigger than Sheffield. In 2015 there were 344 homicides, nearly all black men killed by other black men. That’s 55 murders for every 100,000 people. Those are war zone figures. The violent crime rate is 1,417 for every 100,000 residents. Rapes run at 40 for every 100,000 people there.
So this Young girl goes into the lion’s den to make a difference and ends up being vilified by the very people she ached to help.
I used to teach for my sins before getting a real job. She would be sacked here as well:
1. Physical contact is not allowed (reverse the sexes to see why): you are suspended on the spot and, if proved, asked to resign. The best advice I was given was sit on your hands. I’ve known a number of people who had to resign over this.
2. Losing your temper is human nature, but if you call every kid stupid then you lose all authority and teaching stops. She should have gone for help. She had totally lost it, hence the recording. (We exclude kids recording in the UK). In practice, she would be put on capability if she couldn’t improve and again encouraged to go.
3. She did use the N word. She’s white, she knew the impact. Had she been an English teacher in Ireland and called the class idiots and stupid Paddies she would be sacked. There is no difference. If you don’t respect, you get none back.
No sympathy: I taught in a number of inner City schools without ever having encountered racist abuse from kids or staff.
“Researchers say this is a critical step towards increasing crop production to feed a growing global population.”
It would be far better that they invest their resources in contraceptives and the education of the third world.
In short, they are ‘breeding like rabbits’ and cannot feed themselves. Feeding them will only exacerbate the problem. Hard words but a simple solution .
The middle-east and terrorism is a problem that can be fixed with a bit of determination. But I’ve long thought that aid to Africa (medicine, agriculture etc) and the subsequent population explosion will be the ultimate cause of Europe’s undoing.
America and Australia are too far, Russia and China won’t let them in. Western Europe will be the first to go.
Good video here from Hans Rosling showing the trend
The evidence: check out the Gapminder site which has all the world data for 200 years from every nation. Fascinating stuff (like Ireland being the only nation whose population has fallen). Noticeable that Tunisia has a profile similar to Europe: women having kids late 20s which explains why the Arab spring has held there. Look at Yemen and weep. Africa is improving and stable states will mean jobs and opportunities.
Farage is billed as being on R4 Any Questions?
Jonathan Dimbleby presents political debate from Westwood College in Leek, Staffordshire, with a panel including the former cabinet minister Lord Blunkett, UKIP interim leader Nigel Farage MEP, the author Eimear McBride and the Chairman of the Conservative Party Sir Patrick McLoughlin MP
Radio 4 ‘Today’ the rise of the ‘far’ right all across Europe is causing concern, so they wheel on a couple of left wing activists to support their ridiculous claims.
So who are these ‘far’ right groups? Imagined images of skinheads with banners shouting and throwing bottle at the Police.
Yet it’s nothing like that at all. The so called ‘far’ right are actually named as UKIP, France’s Front Nationale, and Italy’s Five Star movement.
It is outrageous that the far left BBC can show ‘concern’that voters might choose to exercise their democratic right in voting for a legitimate political party !
I can imagine this being discussed around the groaning dinner tables of Hampstead and Islington but the way they present it without any profile of the parties would have you thinking that they are some how foreign clones of the BNP !
There was no introspection during the piece that this might be a reaction to the far left Political Correct extremism we have endured over the last two decades.
Nor has there been any kind of report which I have heard about the speech by the Prime Minister of France in which he admitted that Europes political leaders have not been listening to the people, but doing what they wanted instead.
And when did you ever hear a Left wing organisation described as ‘far Left’ on the BBC? Just the other day I heard the ridiculous Southern Poverty Law Center described by the BBC as an ‘anti hate’ body. Not only is this a meaningless term, it is one deliberately created by far Left organisations to make them sound less threatening and unobjectionable. After all, who could be in favour of hate?
There’s a few nice videos going around of him saying he doesn’t interfere in other’s business, with an adoring look from Merkel at his side.
These are intercut with videos of him interfering with other’s business, and both of them agreeing the Internet is bad and the wrong kind of folk should not be allowed to comment on it.
No wonder they are keen to wrest control from the people; we keep not voting for them the way they want.
“”The UK receives £850m in research funds from the European Union each year. Full membership of one of the main EU funding programmes requires free movement of labour. British universities employ 30,000 scientists with EU citizenship””.
“”There have already been reports of UK scientists losing out in EU grant applications and of EU citizens not taking up posts in UK universities because of the uncertainty around funding and the residency status of EU citizens following the referendum result last month””.
Don’t they realise that we contribute far more to the EU than that. If there is any evidence that the EU is already punishing the UK, we should withold contributions and or start a trade war. In any “Tit for Tat”, we have the upper hand, but do we have the politicians with the guts to do it ?
tomoFeb 24, 09:24 Start the Week 24th February 2025 A conceited ideologue in government….
andyjsnapeFeb 24, 09:23 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Hello MarkyMark A bit like Indian landlords can buy up most houses in the UK, but foreigners cannot own land…
Fedup2Feb 24, 09:19 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The cash and Dan show will have a whole list of democrat Feds heading for the door….
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 09:16 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “”FUN, FRESH and THUMPING with ENERGY” – Jeff Kinney, bestselling author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid “MC Grammar is…
tomoFeb 24, 09:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Having followed Dan Bongino sporadically for several years that caused me to laugh out out 🙂 He know where a…
AsISeeItFeb 24, 09:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Nigel Farage would be wise to back off from his enthusiasm for proportional representation. The tendency – seen again and…
Surely there should be a Panorama Special on the BBC monopoly of news disinformation and propaganda? Just askin’ like ya know?
Coming soon in just over 20 minutes todays Jeremy Vine show, can’t wait to see which anti-Trump/Brexit subject they talk about today.
David Keighley gives the facile Sarah Montague both barrels over at Conservative Woman. Well worth a read…
Tried the link but was blocked by my laptop security with the words “Threat has been detected “. Sinister or what ?
You must be using that new browser Mysogyny1 😉
LOL ! Funnily enough it does the same thing when I access the Gambian ” Daily Observer ” but as that is the government paper , I guess “Threat is detected ” is a fair warning !
Some News bites from the Times
“Fuel duty is expected to be frozen next week under a Government package to help voters”
Pg4 Drone floodlights developed by Directline –
(BS cos there’s no way they’d carry enough enenrgy to fuel the drone and floodlights for’d need a microwave beam to upload power or something)
Devon cirl bunting has been brought back from near extinction says RSPB. 25 years ago only 100 pairs, now over 1,000
pg 27 David Aaronovitchn changes tack and blames Brexit and Trump uprising on authorities playing down the problem of some Pakistani/Muslims viewing western girls as sluts deserving abuse.
Page 28 Sadiq Khan is given a Times Comment column to oppose Heathrow R3
pg 36 Indonesia is using blasphemy law against its top Christian politician.
oil price ..Russia and Iran backing out of cutting production, and discovery of huge 20bn barrel new shale field in Wolfcamp Texas
“How Trump will help May to bury “Vote blue, go green” Mark Wallace at Conservative Home
Also via CH newsbites
‘Gay cake’ free speech vs discrimination case referred to the Supreme Court – The Guardian
Nicolas Sarkozy: Europe must reform into something the UK might wish to rejoin
..(bit late mon copain)
Australia : there is a similar war against the lies/groupthink of the ABC
Andrew Bolt leads it Media hysterics of Trump continue
Remember last months sex abuse gang trial ? the same time there was a trial going on about Asian guys getting involved in fighting with a demonstration in Rotherham
all 10 were cleared and are calling for an inquiry
local paper
working link local paper
In America – over 30 wildfires burning out of control.
I’ll wait to see them legislate against that.
I think that number maybe diminishing cos the last list was Nov 14
Fires continue to burn across western U.S. listed 43
“More than 43 fires are burning across eight states in the southeast from Alabama to West Virginia. In N.C. 16,000 firefighters and 100 firetrucks are working to contain fires in 19 counties. The Party Rock Fire is one of them, but the largest is the Tellico Fire which is burning on more than 13,000 acres in Swain and Macon counties”
Had anyone noticed the Governments statement that they are dropping any attempt to rein in the Lords who, contrary to established procedure, vetoed a Statutory Instrument last year?
I smell a rat. the Miller case just a couple of weeks ago confirmed the need for Parliament to veto a Brexit. I do not believe that the appeal to the Supreme Court will change that. But hey, how wonderful it would be to point the finger at the awful Lords for not approving Brexit! ‘Not me Guv, its those nasty recalcitrant Lords’…………..
Hmm good to keep an eye out
#1 It was a Cameron plan
#2 I’m thinking it is not needed cos the govt doesn’t have to accept Lords votes , it can keep sending the vote back and then in the end use the parliament act to force it thru.
I’m pretty sure that it is a deliberate ploy to delay the implementation of Britain’s leaving the EU.
There is nothing so underhand, devious and vile that it is beyond a Conservative PM – see also: Heath, Edward.
It’s just been reported on the West Midlands news that the annual Christmas German market in Birmingham may be under threat because of ………. Brexit(!)
FFS, there’s no respite is there?
If there can be an English Market in German towns – then fine.
Well I can’t see this is such a big loss. I don’t really get the attraction of paying £5 for a frankfurter you could buy in Lidl (about £2 for 6), in a bun without any butter, or a glass of gluwein that is similarly wildly over-priced at about £5 for a small glass.
I was speaking to a stallholder at the Manchester Christmas market last year and he tells me he works for about 5 weeks- 1 week setting up, 3 weeks selling and a few days going home – then he doesn’t work again the rest of the year as the takings are so good.
The council should just announce they are considering sponsoring an ‘English Christmas Market’ with food from around the UK. Watch the Germans come running back.
Retail sales annual increase 7.4 percent on year . Biggest increase since 2002. BBC pro remain economic doomster Andy Verity ( no he’s not the truth despite the name) manages to find the gloom in this unalloyed piece of good news . We are only spending money by getting into debt so it will all end in financial disaster . So Andy The Doomster implies consumers as well as all Brexit voters are just plain stupid . Tbe BBC like tbe rest of the elite just won’t give up.
Unfortunately, I can’t be so cheerful about this good news, or the recent stats about unemployment falling. When you are still importing hundreds of thousands of eastern europeans (on a low wage, claiming tax credits and crammed in 10 to a house!) who presumably still need to go out and buy necessities to live then that can will bump up retail sales figures. Meanwhile native Brits (who can’t realistically make ends meet on low wages) are left to rot on the dole.
I recently went into a local Council advice centre on a query about council tax. There were little booths dotted around with people being interviewed – mostly about housing benefit I imagine – quite a few had the help of interpreters. The employee who saw me was Spanish, at least he was properly fluent though!
Yes, and just to add to your point, there’s this headline from Breitbart:
“95 Per Cent of New UK Workers Are Immigrants, Official Figures Show”
Don’t see what any of this, however notable , has to do with October retail sales being up 7.4 per cent on the year before.
Regarding unemployment ,
I accept we are mostly creating jobs for immigrants on low wages. It’s a good thing we are , with net migration of over 300000 a year. Otherwise we would have huge social unrest a bit like Greece.
It’s true that this job creation is of little benefit to unemployed native Britons or those on low wages. They won’t be paying for their car being valeted or their children having nannies .
So when immigration is eventually cut to modest proportions and job creation slows , there will little impact on ordinary native Britons.
Our real problem is appallingly low productivity . This ensures rhat in the longer run, living standards cannot rise by much. We need higher interest rates and a growth of our higher productivity exporting sector and the flushing out of zombie businesses surviving on cheap credit as well as low productivity service jobs being created by the immigration .
I’m listening to WATO : and I have come to realise that Brexit is just too difficult to implement.
… I am a zombie, I am a zombie, I am thankful to have the BBC to think for me, I am a zombie …
Ah I’m better now ..the BB#C/MadStreamMedia has blown it, they’ve tried it on too many times .. and more and more people are escaping zombism.
Maybe it just separates men from boys – Tell a man something can’t be done just makes him try harder. Now that is a ‘British value’ (see BBC Charter).
Well done Stew.
When the headline was some EU/UKIP umbrella that none of us(even devotees like me)had ever heard of…wanting money from UJIP for dodgy accounting…well, where do you start with THAT as a “lead story”?
You don`t.
But Martha read it, her fat muffins wobbling on a jelly plate( that`s for grant to mull over!).
Previous I`d heard that whiplash claims may be getting some questions. So I`m now at Shepton Mallets polyclinic as BBC stiffs coach the disabled into doing cow-eyes to camera, and seek out the ONE bloody REAL case of whiplash who didn`t get his gold Porsche delivered on time in 2013!
This will be the face of heartless Tory whiplash policy post Lamont!
Oh, and some shit about whether Trump likes the Japs, because what he said on the campaign trail might just be coming to pass.
So unlike the Democrats then.
Oh what`s it TO YER Beeb?
Jap meets Trump in NYC…how is THAT news for Pink Robbo and the Webb fella.
Batman and Robin, with Humphrys as the creepy British Butler!
Heavens to Betsy Batman-this stuff is SHIT-so why re we saying it!
That kinda stirring of the pisspot
Sorry, mulled wine is so english. And Humphrys as a ” British Butler ” ? Well I suppose , at least he is Welsh. I wonder how his farm in Wales is doing and his house in Greece and who paid for all that ?
“Ten questions for a stunned elite on both sides of the Atlantic
By johnredwood | Published: November 14, 2016
1.Why did you let the banks expand credit far too much prior to 2007?
2. Why did you bring several banks down by refusing liquidity and not backing schemes for bank recovery,leaving others badly wounded in 2007-8?
3. Why have you gone for Quantitative easing and ultra low rates, which damages small savers and helps the super rich at the expense of everyone else?
4. Why didn’t you get on with the task of encouraging and enforcing recapitalisation of the banks so we can have a normal credit creating system again capable of financing recovery?
5. Why did you bring down a dictator in Libya without having a plan to rebuild a better government and society?
6. Why did you go to war in Iraq?
7. Whose side are you on in the Syrian civil war, and how is western military action helping?
8. Can you bomb people into accepting democracy?
9. Why did you back the Exchange Rate Mechanism, the Euro, the Remain campaign and the Clinton campaign, and what do you think of how they have done?
10. Why should people trust the economic and political judgements of the World Bank, the EU, the IMF, the Bank of England and the rest when they have got so many forecasts wrong?”
Excellent. I would love to hear the BBC’s answers but they won’t , of course.
Wot no Panorama Special?
comments worth repeating
“realfish • 24 minutes ago (over on the Conservative woman blog)
The BBC’s tactic of having someone along to take a free kick at their opponents has been going on for some time, the erstwhile Five ‘Liver’, Richard Bacon was a master of it, Nicky Campbell also resorts to the same thing”
Ah the cretin that is Richard bacon. Check out his twitter
Its like a loveletter to hilary and the dems.
another butthurt bbc idiot over hilary.
@KatieH AKA Richard “switch the radio off” Bacon
You have to smile – several skyscraper buildings in NY, having the Trump name removed to make them, ‘politically neutral’.
‘Vengeance is Mine’ say the elites and, ‘No, we’re not acting like spoilt children who didn’t get our own way!’.
Last week Corbyn asked at PMQs that the government provide an extra £10 million to local authorities to meet his concern on the day. That would be 0.01% of council spending, ridiculous that councils are so inept that additional national taxpayer funds are required to meet such an insignificant sum.
In similar vein we had this question at yesterday’s PMQs
Dr Julian Lewis (New Forest East) (Con)
At the same time as the Government are rightly restoring hundreds of millions of pounds of funding to the BBC World Service, there are no current plans to restore the very modest £20 million a year it costs to run BBC Monitoring. Former members of the Intelligence and Security Committee such as Lord Menzies Campbell and I are dismayed that the BBC is proposing to cut the monitoring service further, to close Caversham Park and to break the colocation with its American counterparts. Will the Prime Minister agree to meet us and have a discussion before this disaster is visited on an incomparable source of open-source information on which so many Government Departments and intelligence agencies depend?
So with income of £4,000 million the BBC are holding the government to ransom for £20 million. Even after they have had the World Service funding revert to tax funding (first I had heard of the move)
I`ve heard so much random crap on the BBC today-will get back to it once I`ve returned from Guys Marsh…we`re on the news they say!
Until then-can I thank “quis quoise” for giving us the direction to Justin Webbs APPALLING interview with Joel Pollack at 7.10 today…please listen!
WE might be the basket of deplorables…but rather that than a hanging basket of despicables like Webb and his “just saying” style of assassination.
Hope Bannon knows-and sues Webb and the BBC for this…somebody needs to tell him and derail the likes of Webb-twat!
It is such a good plan for the British National Broadcaster the BBC to alienate itself and insult members of the new US Government isn’t it?
Webb – get a Muslim on there and ask the same question. Oh, you have. You were fine with their answer.
I agree chrisH, sue and be damned!
Not being too cognisant about the interweb, how does one get this story a bit of traction and get zillions of hits in the twittersphere?
Heart stopping moment due to American pronunciation.
Thought she said, ‘Trump is a transsexual guy’.
She actually said, ‘….. transactional guy’.
Anyhow, Obama continues on his trash talking tour of Europe with added therapy session from Merkel. And gosh doesn’t Hillary look rough? The wages of sin……….
Nov 10th a local news station affiliated to Fox is hounded by the mob in Baltimore
1:18 “You work for the wide guy” is said three times.
Eventually the cops put the news team in a car and drive them out of there.
America is a big place so black people being racist to a TV crew one time is not the biggest deal I guess.
Bolt has a discussion
and column behind a paywall
Trump-hating Left is what it condemns
DONALD Trump has exposed the hypocrites. His win has so deranged the Left that it’s now proved that it is what it condemns – the violence, the sexism, the contempt for democracy. Check the list.
“You work for the white guy” .. dammed keyboard
Milo :”Getting back to common sense”
“The astonishing bigotry of the Left”
Thanks for that. First time I have seen both these people. Milo is great ! Very ashamed that he feels he can’t visit England or Scotland.
Can anyone imagine an interview like that on the BBC. An informed interviewer asking intelligent questions and listening to the answer with no interruptions.
I would love to see Evan Davies interview Milo !
He`s just been on Channel 4 grant.
Cathy Newman spitting venom, as he laughs and tries(vainly) to get a word in.
Nobody else would have got such a reaction out of the serially useless and stupid Chatty Cathy.
Now we here would not have wanted a gay son.
Yes-obviously reflects on us( so we though way back)-but we genuinely feared for their futures too.
Of course, now it`s a prerequisite for most media telly now.
Would Allan Carr get a job unless he was? But Milo-he`s the son we would have been so proud to have had.
Vote of thanks to Mrs Yanopupulist.
Looks like St Sebastian after a hairdo with Geert Wilders!
The right, their blokes and that hair. A degree there soon?
BBC and MSM use brainwashing and gatekeeping cos it works
A couple of weeks ago I checked Andrew Bolt, Australia’s most common sense journalist but what was astounded to hear that he had fallen for it and was against Trump


3 days before the election he wrote this
Yet almost all his general public commenters disagreed
Bolt has a post election podcast
“most politicians won’t discuss the connection between Islam and terrorism ..and you know what the PEOPLE vote for the polis who do”
Wonder if Obama will drop by the UK on his way home?
“Errr……… ..errr… Brexit…ermm…………… errr…..folks….erm ……hmmm ……..done…………… wrong.”
Obama wants Trump to stand up to the Russians ……….
Obama is so stupid he cannot see the irony.
What exactly did Obama do ? Gave them a free hand in Ukraine and Middle East. What a wanker.
Yet again good Brexit News.
“UK retail sales rose at their fastest annual rate in 14 years in October,”
But according to Al Beeb its because of ‘Colder weather’ and Halloween?
Thats global warming out the window then ?
But Global Warming will boost the economy – flood defences, wellies, mops etc..
Hmmm San Francisco schools new lesson plan sets out to teach kids that America is, sexist, racist, islamophobic and has just elected a President that is all those things and more.
Interesting and something to look out for coming over here.
Given the clip on the previous page, if it is not intimately connected to Jersey Shore or Mrs. Pitt the Exer, even if taught they may not retain the info.
On Fox News – “The scramble by the media to actually FIND some of the millions and millions of Trump voters”.
So just to recap.
This week we have had
1. Inflation falling
2. Record low unemployment
3. Google to create 3000 jobs in the UK
4. Record retail sales figures.
And I note ( though the bBBC of course do not) that the Pound has quietly gone up to Eu 1.17.
It really is NOT going well for the Bollocks Broadcasting Corporation this week, is it?
Still, I’m sure they can find a handpicked rent-a-gob left winger who ‘fears Brexit’ to feature prominently on the news.
Our National Broadcaster hates the Nation – how odd?
You know something sluff?
Can`t see the radio of course.
But Trumps election following Brexit seems to have shafted them.
Trump and Farage know EXACTLY what these impotent blowback wind tunnels mean to us all. And how we have chosen THEIR path with them.
Snow and Humphrys must know that nobody listens but their 38% of fellow traitors.
So, yes the words come out-even with extra bile on them-but they`ve lost.
And Milo, Nigel and Mel, Rod have our ears. Polly, Owen and Will are dead in the water, And we hate their climate change nonsense.
Oh-to try and keep putting us in the stocks as we tack up a gallows for them.
Shrouds or linen suits? Both iron as well to me.
Alstrom , the French train builder , is keen to restart MANUFACTURING in the UK .
But railfreight companies are axeing jobs due to the loss of coal business .
Neither it seems , is due to Brexit .
If getting out of the EU is so bad and catastrophic why on earth is Alstrom putting its investment in to the UK?
Do they know something that the ‘Remainers’ don’t know? Roll on Le Pen.
The sickness inexorably wrapping its tentacles around us.
Radio 4’s dire ‘PM’ with ‘nice’ Eddie Mair never fails to disappoint me re. bias.
First item after the headlines (from about 17:05) was about the cost of housing shortages and putting people in temporary rooms through the council. It’s especially bad in England and they had a report from Barking and Dagenham. “Housing crisis” was an expression used.
Guess what contributory cause of increased demand and consequent housing shortages was NOT mentioned, even once, at any point in the five minute item? Here’s a crossword-style clue: -mm-g-at-o-. Readers with longer memories will recall that Nick Griffin of the BNP chose to contest this parliamentary constituency at the 2010 General Election against sitting MP Margaret Hodge. Now, why might Mr Griffin choose that particular seat? Could it be because he wanted to address problems such as housing shortages for indigenous British people and/or, at the very least, to exploit these problems for political gain?
I just don’t understand how any broadcaster worth its salt could mention the housing issue without acknowledging the greatly increased demand in part from mass immigration in areas like B & D. But then the BBC is, self-evidently, not worth its salt.
Scrap it.
Here is one reason for the housing shortage ……….
Add on to that the million or so illegal immigrants here already and top up with the thousands that ‘Car moron’ ordered in from Syria before he left because of the Brexit vote.
Good bye ‘England’s green and pleasant land’ to make room for the housing developments on their way, all funded by St Obama’s “globalisation”.
Totally agree with the amazement at BBCs choice of headline this evening. it’s another example of news virtually being manufactured. We all know there’s a housing problem . It’s supply vs demand. What’s the point of the BBC being sympathetic to mass immigration when there are insufficient new homes being built for native Britons ? It’s rank hypocrisy.
As for picking Barking and Dagenham for the BBC report. We all know that Newham, Barking and other boroughs in East London are being vacated by whites and rapidly becoming Muslim ghettos . Plus their total population is rising due to this deliberate policy of islamic takeover putting pressure on housing and all public services. Why should British taxpayers fund new housing for these people , who treat our religion and culture with hostility ?
My 2 x income spending colleague at work is always moaning about being broke.
It seems that the equally delusional BBC is now moaning about housing shortages. Nothing to do with immigration, no, can’t be … la la la.
I did a back of an envelope calculation using the Guardian figures for immigration .
Being charitable , I presumed that they weren’t all men of a young age ( dangerous for any country to take ) and divided it into 4 as a normal nuclear family .
That still meant that 800 houses per day , every day , Christmas , New Year and Ramadan included , would have to be built to cope with the influx from abroad .
Or let’s see it another way . Tomorrow you are homeless . You need shelter . Preferably you want and hope to get a proper accommodation . Tomorrow though , the powers that be have let in another 1600 people into the country .
Because the left, through the BBC, say we should.
Housing shortage? Someone needs to tell the Emir of Londonistan then, inviting all the disgruntled septics to his Emirate.
We also know that, Social Care, Healthcare and the Prisons are not so hot and yet ………………
Think the liberal left hope that all these prefabs will cover the quack skills we`ll soon be losing when Trump has told them that they can stick their windmills somewhere dark and damp.
Why else have we had two days solid of this non-story being dropped into news and current affairs whinge shows.And-as you say-not a peep about migrants.
LOL ! “Quack skills” indeed . What are you on ?
BBc 18:00 “Rising cost of the housing crisis.” Here we go more sob sob stories
without mentioning the root cause of the problem. How to solve it in one stroke, stop immigration and starting repatriation. Don’t think I’m going to hear anyone advocating that on a BBc broadcast though.
So many comments above, am I repeating?
Today there has been a spat between the US press officer & RT in respect of the bombing of hospitals in Syria. The official refused to supply information on the identity of the hospitals or the source of the information to RT. He regarded RT as a Russian government organisation & insisted they ask their own government for the information. However the US did subsequently inform RT that the information came from the World Health Organisation.
The WHO then told RT that they could not identify the perpetrators or even if the damage was caused by bombs.
Odd then that this morning the BBC Radio (World Service or R4) was telling me that the hospitals were hit by a specific number of barrel bombs (Assad’s WMDs)? The BBC know more than the US government?
Nah; We all know that the BBC make it up to suit their own agenda.
UNBELIEVABLE ! Only on the BBC. Top of the 6 o’clock news, the crisis in the housing shortage, with film footage of families living in hostel accommodation because councils have no housing stock available; and reports of just under 1000 council houses nationwide built this year.
20 minutes into the news and hello ? , 3,000 Syrian migrants being
accommodated – some in Scotland and how they are ‘fitting in’ with the community !!! with a further 20,000 due to ‘fly in’ during the next 5 years.
So, I can’t be the only one to see the lunacy in this. If there is bloody housing found and every facility going available to migrants – (ok refugees), why is this same ‘housing’ not available to our own who are stuck in temporary hostels ?
Our priorities are all wrong, and its getting worse by the day.
(all above must type quicker than me ! and I thought I was good with a one time speed of 75 wpm {45 years ago!}
Totally 100% agree with you Brissles.
I think in their heart of hearts both the MSM and our politicians must know this policy in the long term is both unsustainable and incompatible with sensible management of the housing stock and also decreases the likelihood of the new arrivals ever assimilating into our society.
Unfortunately most of our mainstream politicians (from Theresa down) appear to be totally gutless on this subject and whilst they may mutter vague concerns they are all paranoid that if they state the truth about immigration and its effects they will get the “Farage treatment” from the MSM spearheaded by the BBC.
The BBC who are hostile to our culture use this threat of public pillorying as a control measure to keep the politicians in their place. They know the money tree can not continue forever, and like all good little Stalinists it matters not that large areas of green space will be lost to help accommodate our new “residents”
I am afraid the last BBC charter review made it quite clear who is in charge and until we get a Prime Minister who cares more for our culture and country than their political profile nothing will change.
R4 6 pm news item on the same theme – increase money being spent by councils to house the homeless. Not a mention of immigration, refugees, etc..
I saw the heart warming story of the Syrian migrants being warmly welcomed into Scottish life.
One of them was coaching some children in football. Obviously, a British person would have to pass a criminal records check. Equally obviously, there is no way to do this with a Syrian migrant, who may or may not be who he says.
What we do know for a fact is that many European children have been sexually assaulted and raped by undocumented Arab immigrants, yet in Scotland, they are quite happy to allow one of them to coach children playing football.
It seems as a society, we have put our desire to appear politically correct and welcoming to immigrants above basic security for defenceless children.
I can only conclude that our society is too stupid to survive. Any society which does not protect its children does not deserve to survive. And any society which keeps voting for Scottish National Socialism has plainly lost the will to survive.
Quite agree , but it is not purely a Scottish phenonemon , it is Western Europe -wide.
Brown legs good
White legs bad!
Despite the positive headlines, the Welsh Assembly is making a mess of the NHS.
Its about time they got rid of the overblown bureaucracy rife in the Assembly and the the hospitals. The overpaid Trusts should start spending their money on doctors and nurses working on the front line, not accountants and pen-pushers.
Ask the the doctors and nurses, because they have the answers.
Admirable editorial integrity between the headline (as seen on social media) and the content…
NHS Wales ‘well prepared’ for winter – Vaughan Gething
Hellllloooo… what’s this? BBC ‘quotes’? Could it be that space constraints interfered somehow?
Ah, yes…
The NHS in Wales is as “well prepared…. as it can be”
Clearly that last bit needed to drop. off.
The BBC does of course have a bit of form on the NHS, especially in Labour-controlled Wales…
OT, but you do have to love The Economist’s wistful ways, that so mirror those of the BBC:
Earlier today I was interested in the latest (she does this a lot) ‘warning’ from our Ange, this time directed at her own crinklies to defer to der Jugend.
Good luck with that, Liebchen.
What a joke. Typical of the Economist. Russia has unfinished business with Germany . Mr Trump probably doesn’t care that much and if we can kiss goodbye and good riddance to the EU then let MRS M flood her country with the third world if she wants. The rest of Europe might have something to say about that.
Maybe the Germans will decide to save their culture maybe not..
I see Mrs M thinks the internet needs discipline. Stasi style perhaps. Just about sums the freedom loving German state up.
Another ‘bubble’, I see from an advert at the side of the road that Tesco have joined with John Lewis in wishing for a Black Christmas, (aren’t they outnumbered by the Muslims now?). Perhaps they are the one part of our ‘diverse’ community that has ignored the BBC’s anti-Christian message?
Anyway here is a BBC-approved, non-commercial Christmas message, with two of its big stars and.. a dog!
Not only John Lewis, but its a spot the white dancer in the House of Fraser Christmas ad on the tele.
Perhaps I’m misreading the stats, and its whites in this country who are the 14% !!! cos judging by the adverts, sports presenters, and outside roving reporters it bloody well feels like it. Oh, and while I’m in the mood, every time I see yet another mixed race relationship on the box, I think “here we go again” !!
I think we should all apply for visas to Donald Trump’s America. Black people, islamists and homosexuals are the sole interest and prerogative of the establishment and their BBC cronies. Maybe it’s time to just give it to them entirely and see what transpires.
Off topic, but staggering info on
Yes, sorry and all that but I am somewhat pressed for time today and thus, without so much as a blush, I am stealing a report from The Canada Free Press – and no, me neither! It was sent to me by my keen-eyed Australian source – no, no, not that drunken old Aussie ex-matelot – I mean the delicious and delightful Andra. I have no idea of the veracity or otherwise of this report but somehow, in some indefinable way, it feels true:
Who is the Queen Bee of Them All?
Copyright Canada Free Press
Total Personal Staff members for US First ladies
Mamie Eisenhower: One – paid for personally, out of President’s salary.
Total number of Personal Staff Members paid by Tax Payers
Jackie Kennedy: One
Lady Bird Johnson: One
Pat Nixon: One
Betty Ford: One
Rosaline Carter: One
Barbara Bush: One
Hilary Clinton: Seven
Laura Bush: One
Michele Obama: Twenty-two
Yep….your eyes don’t deceive you. You want to read WASTE? ….Scroll on down.
Michele Obama’s personal staff: Take a closer look
One.. $192,200 – Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
Two.. $160,000 – Frye, Jocelyn C. (Director of Policy And Projects)
Three.. $133,000 – Rogers, Desiree G. (White House Social Secretary)
Four.. $122,000 – Johnston, Camille Y. (Director of Communications)
Five.. $120,000 – Winter, Melissa (Deputy Chief Of Staff)
Six.. $110,000 – Medina , David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff)
Seven.. $104,000 – Lilyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary)
Eight.. $ 95,000 – Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance)
Nine.. $ 90,000 – Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects)
Ten.. $ 85,000 – Burnough, Erinn (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
Eleven.. $ 84,000 – Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
Twelve.. $ 82,000 – Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator)
Thirteen.. $ 80,000 – Fitz, Alan O. (Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director)
Fourteen.. $ 77,500 – Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide)
Fifteen.. $ 72,500 – Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary)
Sixteen.. $ 70,000 – Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide)
Seventeen.. $ 65,000 – Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence)
Eighteen.. $ 63,000 – Tubman, Samantha A. (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
Nineteen.. $ 60,000 – Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff)
Twenty.. $ 56,000 – Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
Twenty-One.. $ 55,000 – Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
Twenty-Two.. $ 55,000 – Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence)
That’s a Total…$2,075,200 [my emphasis] in annual salaries – all for someone we did not vote for and apparently have no control over.
5 staff are Muslim and 13 African-American.
There has NEVER been anyone in the White House at any time who has created such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First Lady’s social life.
This does not include:
“Makeup artist” Ingrid Grimes-Miles, 49,
“First Hairstylist” Johnny Wright, 31,
Both of whom travelled aboard Air Force One on ALL Trips, Europe included.
As of 11/15/2015 the Obama Family has spent over $1,300,000,000 (one billion, three hundred million dollars) [my emphasis] on personal family trips. They were personal, not political or Government related.
How things have changed! If you’re one of the tens of millions of Americans facing certain destitution, earning less than subsistence wages stocking the shelves at WalMart or serving up McDonald cheeseburgers, prepare to scream and then come to realize that the benefit package for these servants of “Ms. Michelle” are the same as members of the national security and defense departments and the bill for these assorted lackeys is paid by YOU.
Copyright Canada Free Press
Odd, isn’t it that you never see this reported in most of the American press!
Problem is, if the BBC does give us something factual – we just ain’t gonna believe it. Roll on Brietbart, roll.
Just thank the Lord that the Obama Clinton era has passed – Hallelujah!
Saw a bit on Newsnight re Norman Bettison and the liberal usual Hillsborough take on things last night.
Usual tosh-Evan Davis rolling out his neck and waggling his bits to indifference as ever,
Blow me, for Alex Thomson has just done the selfsame thing to Norm just now. Same questions even,same embittered scouse accents, but different faces.
Basically, Channel 4 and the BBC seem to have agreed now to double up on their tiresome tripe until we cry uncle or whatever.
Still though, it`s always nice to see Milo on a silent screen as Cathy Newman seems to screech at him before dying like a guppy.
Don`t need to listen, but looked good.
Hoping Trump keeps the liberal reptiels well out of his meetings. The liberal press seem intent on giving us this endless impotent dry wank until they get news again. Not that they`d know it anymore.
I mean, Obama goes to Berlin and he hugs Merckel?
Looks like he hoped to get the brides bouquet and is now reduced to clutching a wreath for all he used to mean.
Which was never much. Not even a dead duck is he? But way worse than a lame one.
QT staff this week said ‘fuck it – forget balance’
PS – what the fuck was Grandpa Munster doing on the panel ?
A new low.
With whom do your sympathies lie? A young lass teaching in Baltimore, little older than the children she is overseeing, loses it as boys refuse to do what she asks of them, even when she tells one kid to leave the class. Her misery is recorded by some little charmer in the class, for all the world to see.
They taunt and harass her until she loses it. But she doesn’t actually call them niggers, which the news report does all it can to imply.
Here are her reported words: ““You’re idiots!” the teacher, who is white, is heard shouting at the room full of mostly black middle schoolers at Harlem Park Elementary/Middle School in West Baltimore. “You have the chance to get an education, but you want to be a punk-a** n***** who’s gonna get shot.””
She is sacked, the tv channel tuts loudly at her behaviour and yet the kids in her class get a free pass.
Just for a heads up Baltimore has a population of about 620,000, so it’s a little bigger than Sheffield. In 2015 there were 344 homicides, nearly all black men killed by other black men. That’s 55 murders for every 100,000 people. Those are war zone figures. The violent crime rate is 1,417 for every 100,000 residents. Rapes run at 40 for every 100,000 people there.
So this Young girl goes into the lion’s den to make a difference and ends up being vilified by the very people she ached to help.
No doubt the BBC will be all over it.
I used to teach for my sins before getting a real job. She would be sacked here as well:
1. Physical contact is not allowed (reverse the sexes to see why): you are suspended on the spot and, if proved, asked to resign. The best advice I was given was sit on your hands. I’ve known a number of people who had to resign over this.
2. Losing your temper is human nature, but if you call every kid stupid then you lose all authority and teaching stops. She should have gone for help. She had totally lost it, hence the recording. (We exclude kids recording in the UK). In practice, she would be put on capability if she couldn’t improve and again encouraged to go.
3. She did use the N word. She’s white, she knew the impact. Had she been an English teacher in Ireland and called the class idiots and stupid Paddies she would be sacked. There is no difference. If you don’t respect, you get none back.
No sympathy: I taught in a number of inner City schools without ever having encountered racist abuse from kids or staff.
“Researchers say this is a critical step towards increasing crop production to feed a growing global population.”
It would be far better that they invest their resources in contraceptives and the education of the third world.
In short, they are ‘breeding like rabbits’ and cannot feed themselves. Feeding them will only exacerbate the problem. Hard words but a simple solution .
The middle-east and terrorism is a problem that can be fixed with a bit of determination. But I’ve long thought that aid to Africa (medicine, agriculture etc) and the subsequent population explosion will be the ultimate cause of Europe’s undoing.
America and Australia are too far, Russia and China won’t let them in. Western Europe will be the first to go.
Middle East terrorism has being going on since 70s so I’d love to know a solution!
On the subject of population growth, education is the key: give a girl and education and she doesn’t want babies at 18.
Good video here from Hans Rosling showing the trend
The evidence: check out the Gapminder site which has all the world data for 200 years from every nation. Fascinating stuff (like Ireland being the only nation whose population has fallen). Noticeable that Tunisia has a profile similar to Europe: women having kids late 20s which explains why the Arab spring has held there. Look at Yemen and weep. Africa is improving and stable states will mean jobs and opportunities.
For most people 2017 will be better than 2016!
Milo to be on Radio5 Nolan show Friday night.
Seems to be live and long but no specific time announced.
Actual Show runs 10pm to 1am
Farage is billed as being on R4 Any Questions?
Jonathan Dimbleby presents political debate from Westwood College in Leek, Staffordshire, with a panel including the former cabinet minister Lord Blunkett, UKIP interim leader Nigel Farage MEP, the author Eimear McBride and the Chairman of the Conservative Party Sir Patrick McLoughlin MP
BBC Online News:
“”Jo Cox charity single brings together politicians and musicians””
I don’t remember the BBC luvvies getting together for Lee Rigby.
“You Can’t Always Get What You Want” unbelievable.
Is this the Remoaners anthem?
Radio 4 ‘Today’ the rise of the ‘far’ right all across Europe is causing concern, so they wheel on a couple of left wing activists to support their ridiculous claims.
So who are these ‘far’ right groups? Imagined images of skinheads with banners shouting and throwing bottle at the Police.
Yet it’s nothing like that at all. The so called ‘far’ right are actually named as UKIP, France’s Front Nationale, and Italy’s Five Star movement.
It is outrageous that the far left BBC can show ‘concern’that voters might choose to exercise their democratic right in voting for a legitimate political party !
I can imagine this being discussed around the groaning dinner tables of Hampstead and Islington but the way they present it without any profile of the parties would have you thinking that they are some how foreign clones of the BNP !
There was no introspection during the piece that this might be a reaction to the far left Political Correct extremism we have endured over the last two decades.
Nor has there been any kind of report which I have heard about the speech by the Prime Minister of France in which he admitted that Europes political leaders have not been listening to the people, but doing what they wanted instead.
Bias bias & more bias !
And why is it nearly always “far right”? “Right of centre” and “right-leaning” are hardly ever used.
Reminds me of the skewed left – right scale that somebody here linked to several months ago.
Fortunately, I think overstating the case in this way, like overusing the word “racist”, is starting to backfire.
And when did you ever hear a Left wing organisation described as ‘far Left’ on the BBC? Just the other day I heard the ridiculous Southern Poverty Law Center described by the BBC as an ‘anti hate’ body. Not only is this a meaningless term, it is one deliberately created by far Left organisations to make them sound less threatening and unobjectionable. After all, who could be in favour of hate?
The truth, of course, is very far different.
Maybe some, of a more puckish bent, may start referring to ‘right on’ ‘and ‘left behind’ media?
It was James Delingpole in a recent interview who was asked as to what benefits Obama had brought to the world?
Dellingpole said ‘Trump’.
There’s a few nice videos going around of him saying he doesn’t interfere in other’s business, with an adoring look from Merkel at his side.
These are intercut with videos of him interfering with other’s business, and both of them agreeing the Internet is bad and the wrong kind of folk should not be allowed to comment on it.
No wonder they are keen to wrest control from the people; we keep not voting for them the way they want.
As a reminder, BO-diddly squat’s people are already on it…
If you can’t play nicely I will take the toy away and neither of you will have anything to play with!
Can’t always get what you want was the campaign song of the Trump campaign. Should be ‘Democracy is coming to the USA’ Leonard Cohen hopefully
BBC gal Jenny Hill in Berlin tells viewers this morning:
“This was meant to be President Obama’s farwell tour but that’s been overshadowed by the election of Donald Trump”
What a shame it is when democracy messes with the smoothe running of the world and the well laid plans of the elite
Its actualy the Obama “good riddance” tour
Sky News reports that Obama has passed his baton on to Merkel. Not to May or Hollande. That says a lot.
And ‘Berlin’ is worried about Trump and Farage.
“”Berlin frets at the sight of Nigel Farage by Mr Trump’s side, of his advisers offering support to the Le Pen family””.
Time to fire up the Lancs?
Baton, you say, with HT to Godwin?
‘First they came for the social media not with the programme…’
Speaking of Godwin, and the habit of the BBC using a question for some much more, Jenny is one of the better value ones..
She’s sure in the right place now.
BBC Online News:
“”What does UK science do about Brexit?””
“”The UK receives £850m in research funds from the European Union each year. Full membership of one of the main EU funding programmes requires free movement of labour. British universities employ 30,000 scientists with EU citizenship””.
“”There have already been reports of UK scientists losing out in EU grant applications and of EU citizens not taking up posts in UK universities because of the uncertainty around funding and the residency status of EU citizens following the referendum result last month””.
More anti-Brexit drivel from the BBC. Funding has been assured by the government. But why let the truth get in the way of bias??
Don’t they realise that we contribute far more to the EU than that. If there is any evidence that the EU is already punishing the UK, we should withold contributions and or start a trade war. In any “Tit for Tat”, we have the upper hand, but do we have the politicians with the guts to do it ?
Was that the worst QT ever?
There was talk of a series of repeats over Christmas but to rebrand them as ‘When QTs Go Bad’
So they are just running all of them.
BBC headline: Trump election: Obama urges Trump to stand up to Russia
The BBC delivers that headline without any irony.
I’m sure the people of the Ukraine, Libya and Syria will know that Trump couldn’t be worse at standing up to Putin than the spineless Obama.
No doubt Have I got News for You will be all over that headline.
Yellow lines in the snow…. back a bit… now another… and, another….