Fascinating, the presenter of BBC’s Newswatch’s reaction to the story about Justin webb and his false claim that Breitbart’s ex-chairman was anti-Semitic. Was the reaction of one of the BBC’s ‘watchdogs’ one of horror and apology for this outrageous slur? [H/T DB and Is the BBC biased?]
Errrr…no. Quite the opposite in fact. She, Samira Ahmed, wanted more….she thought the problem was that Webb allowed the interviewee [Joel Pollak, editor of Breitbart] to slap him down with a correction and this just wasn’t on…never mind that Webb was wrong and himself stated that the interviewee was quite right to protest.
Ahmed implicitly compared the Jewish founded Breitbart and its Jewish editor to Islamist extremists and said that Webb essentially wasn’t up to the job of asking searching, challenging questions and needed someone else on to challenge Pollak…such as an Islamist extremist perhaps?
She claimed that the interview was no more than PR for Breitbart…because the editor was able to correct the slander made by Webb. Can’t have truth getting in the way of a good story can we?
Interesting who joins the conversation….
@SamiraAhmedUK patently untrue assertions such as “he has never said a bad word about anyone” so hard to deal with live
Janine Gibson? Who she? Well you may have noted I have mentioned several times now how the BBC seems to be in a very close collaboration with Buzzfeed these days….Gibson is the editor-in-chief of Buzzfeed UK.
Buzzfeed are doing the digging for the BBC’s stories about ‘Fake News’ [LOL] and look who’s in there with them…the boys from Cardiff University …you know the ones…they whose research found that the BBC was in fact ‘right-wing’ [I’m running out of LOL’s]
This Analysis Shows How Fake Election News Outperformed Real News On Facebook https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/viral-fake-election-news-outperformed-real-news-on-facebook?utm_term=.ogA1J92Kzp … via
Back to Samira Ahmed. So she doesn’t do PR for ‘extremists’ and challenges those who come on her own programmes? Really? Well there’s Tommy Robinson who she calls a racist straight out of the box without detailing the reasons for this insult but who then goes on to make his case himself at length….
But look whose on the couch with him…one Inayat Bunglawala...a well known Islamist and, some say, anti-Semite…..
His stated belief that the BBC and the rest of the media are ‘Zionist controlled.'” You can see where Bunglawala made this clear here. His exact words were:
‘The chairman of Carlton Communications is Michael Green of the Tribe of Judah. He has joined an elite club whose members include fellow Jews Michael Grade and Alan Yentob…[They are] close friends… so that’s what they mean by a ‘free media”
Bunglawala has along and inglorious record of supporting terrorists….even after they have committed their acts of terror…and note…1993 is long before 2003 and the Iraq War which is the date from which the BBC says Islamic radicalisation began in Britain…thus blaming it all on Blair and the West…
In January 1993, Mr Bunglawala wrote a letter to Private Eye, the satirical magazine, in which he called the blind Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman “courageous” – just a month before he bombed the World Trade Center in New York. After Rahman’s arrest in July that year, Mr Bunglawala said that it was probably only because of his “calling on Muslims to fulfil their duty to Allah and to fight against oppression and oppressors everywhere”.
Five months before 9/11, Mr Bunglawala also circulated writings of Osama bin Laden, who he regarded as a “freedom fighter”, to hundreds of Muslims in Britain.
Ahmed is quite happy to step in to defend Bunglawala and others ‘who aren’t in the studio to defend themselves’...but conversely quite happy to see Webb slander someone who is not in the studio…in fact she wants more of it!
Rantzen calls Bunglawala a ‘moderate’….unbelievable when she has just heard what he has said in the past and who he worked for…the extremist MCB.
Ahmed is completely uninterested in tackling Bunglawala’s own radicalism and targets Robinson alone…though I have to say that far from being the challenging and rigorous interview she demanded from Webb hers was also pretty lighweight and Robinson was able to make his case pretty well despite being vastly outnumbered.
So Ahmed’s idea of a good interview is to pack in the critics and not only ignore the fact that one of them is a hardcore Islamist but to bat away any exploration of his extreme views whilst also failing to do her own research on Robinson…not defining what his views are, merely shouting ‘racist’ at him instead.
Great hypocrisy, great superiority and great arrogance. Great journalism. [oh look…one LOL left]
@MiceHeight powerful stuff from Paul Joseph Watson
“MSM you suck you lie. You lost the election, lost the arguments so you decided that anyone https://www.youwho contradicts your LeftMob mentality is FAkeNews”
…”So One of your LeftMob mates draws up a list of non-LeftMob websites and you circulate warning that these are all Fake News sites.”
…”There’s a differences between ‘Fake News’ and ‘having a conservative opinion’
“You BBC/MSM are the kings of Fake News
…look at this list starting with Hillary 95% sure to win”
And one of PJW’s previous ones about them concentrating on “locker room” banter instead of Wikileaks
“You wonder why no one trusts you any more ?”
I just watched Butt-Hurt Crying Hillary Voters Compilation ..very well edited
especially interesting that TV studio gasping as An Coulter says Trump will win.
Wow this recorded on June 19, 2015 (HBO) the first 40s are the relevant bit.
Watch the Left-leaning panel SNEER and the audience laugh as Ann Coulter predicts Trump will be president.
Oh here
Jon Gaunt covers it on his awesome radio show, too.
If you don’t already tune in to him daily, or catch his podcasts, then I suggest you start doing so right away!
It’s a great antidote to the BBC.
I remember Gaunty from days of old. I have seen his ad for his podcast on a bill board coming out of Londonistan on the M4. Does he actually have a radio station slot and if so what station is it?
He’s live in the mornings, but I only get a chance to listen to his podcasts in the evenings.
He choses the day’s biggest issues and debates them with anyone who has the balls to go up against him. No ‘no platforming’ on his show.
He exposed the Bedfordshire Constabulary’s ‘Anti Islamophobia’ campaign, which used the ISIS one finger salute to promote it, which then went on to be covered in the national press.
No point in wasting time on these people now. They and the BBc are finished as serious commentators and news gatherers.
Inayat Bunglawala! Good Lord, there’s a name I well remember from my old days.
Oh yes. His dad did a lengthy prison sentence for importing a massive amount of heroin into the UK. Of course young Inayat had no involvement in that whatsoever. No siree!!
The whole family should have been sent packing and deported years ago.
They truly are completely trapped in their paradigm aren’t they?
They will eventually be forgiven.
That will be a long time after the trials though I feel.
“Great hypocrisy, great superiority and great arrogance. Great journalism. [oh look…one LOL left]”…..
The thing is Alan, Samira is just being Islamic. The more Islamic you are, the more utter hatred, intolerant and blood thirsty you become. The more Islamic you are then the more determined you will become to carry out so-called prophet Muhammads instruction… his instruction of domination, slaughter, rape, humiliation, and complete destruction of the infidels…. at any cost, using whatever means necessary.
Samira is undertaking Jihad, and her form of warfare is through political and media sabotage. Her goal is the same as a suicide bomber in Israel, flying planes into the twin towers or butchering innocent children on the promenade in Nice… Winning the war for Muhammad.
As long as you understand her purpose and what is driving her, her hypocrisy is the least of our concerns
Good news though is that ‘Breitbart’ is being mentioned a lot in the lame stream media, so all good publicity.
I’ve seen this term ‘fact-checking’bandied about on news websites recently.
Eg in the Guardian the other day was an article about Google giving out dosh to ‘fact-checking’ organisations.
So I looked one of them up, and clicked on a few articles to see if it was impartial. I would say that by far the site confirms mainstream leftist opinion as the orthodoxy. It seems to use a lot of Government statistics (can you trust these anymore?) or quangoish ‘Institute of Studies’ research to back up their findings. Remind me how many right-of centre quangos there are..
But if you look at the ‘About’ page and who funds them, then you see a list of do-gooder social-activist charities like the Nuffield, Joseph Rowntree and Esme Fairbairn Foundations, plus pro-EU left-wing lawyers and a trade union.
All that being said, it’s an idea that could be useful – if a similar thing could be set up to link right-of-centre statistics and research, to stop the crazier ideas gaining traction and lessening our credibility.
Yep used to support Fullfact, but being in that clique, they couldn’t resists.. when it came to GlobalWarming and energy. I’ve had to call them out a few times on their Facebook page.
I’m getting very worried about the state of my mind. I’m currently in a state of utter confusion and I can’t decide if it is due to my age with the possible onset of early senility or perhaps it’s just too early in the day for me or if it’s because the bBBC are willing to include in their output any old crap in an attempt to discredit anybody and anything which supports Trump or who dares to go against the bBBC/MSM authorised propaganda version of alleged reality.
Haven’t the bBBC been pushing the idea that the person who has just left Breitbart, and therefore by implication Trump, is a fanatical Jew hater and rampant White Supremacist and that Breitbart is financed and supported by people with those attitudes?
Now I’m supposed to believe Breitbart is a Jew ridden mouthpiece for extremist Zionists who are the Jewish version of ISIS.
Can somebody please solve the problem of my confusion or is it just that the bBBC have gone into full panic mode and are willing to spread any kind of lie and propaganda to try to discredit anybody and everybody who dares to offer a different interpretation of world affairs other than the fantasy version authorised by the liberal Elite which we are supposed to slavishly accept without question.
Remember the comment about the Holy Roman Empire? That it was neither Holy, Roman or an Empire.
Well the liberal elite are the same, neither liberal or elite.
They are filthy, verminous, treasonous, scum who deserve all the horrors and tortures of hell, right now.
I do hope I do not have to remind anyone about this again.