Samira Ahmed has this pinned to the top of her Twitter feed…
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Trying to find English metaphor for how Trump’s presidency feels to his critics. Come up with: Like Rob from The Archers taking over Radio4.
Let’s help her out….a metaphor for the Trump revolution from England…how about the other great outsider, Winston Churchill, who took over unexpectedly in the middle of a war and won….not sure she had anything so heroic in mind….
I do hope so as we need someone to take our lives back from the brink.Nigel Farage is a true Brit and the powers at be hate him and what he stands for.Both remind me of Churchill and both get my vote and loyalty every time.
The fact that President elect Donald Trump is hated by the Islamo-fascist loving BBC, is proof enough that he is the new Churchill.
And therefore the perfect person to have been elected as the next President.
Notice how in Obama’s recent meeting with Trump in the White House, that Obama ensured that a bust of a black man was on show behind Trump?
Trump has said that he will return Churchill’s bust to it’s rightful place. Obama had it removed when he took office.
(See from 1 minute into the video)
Look at poor little Barry’s face. Nothing to show for 8 years in office and he knows it. The only other way to get a face like that is by licking p*ss off a nettle.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ etc.
Obama has a nice suit though. Whether it is empty or not is debatable.
PS: Compared to Trump, Obama has small hands.