The BBC has suddenly become very interested in protecting Jews from anti-Semitic political figures, no not those in the Labour Party but those who come from the ‘Alt-Right’ as the BBC’s new Newspeak lexicon of words and phrases hunts out new ways to define and defame Trump and his supporters ….along with the great phrase ‘Post Truth’ . [What’s so great about that phrase is that it immediately identifies the user as a lefty and an idiot who can be safely ignored as someone who doesn’t think for themselves but just parrots the ‘right’ right-on phrases they’ve picked up in the Guardian or in the New Stateman hoping it makes them look and sound clever]
Ironically the BBC itself may be said to be one of the major causes of the rise of anti-Semitism as it buries the deadly effects of immigration into Europe of those who hold such views and encourages us to welcome ever more of them into Europe, and by its reprehensible, extreme and one-sided reporting about Israel and its close working association with Hamas members in Gaza…the BBC infamously and blatantly revealing its views about Israel when a reporter suggested that Jews should expect to be attacked in Europe because of what Israel does.
So yes, Labour’s little problem gets relatively little attention, Jews being forced to flee Europe once again also receive scant attention, certainly the real causes of that barely merit investigation but someone from a right-leaning news website, Breitbart [founded by a Jew] who goes to work for Trump is inexcusably and inaccurately accused by Justin Webb [He who told us all the evidence pointed towards the Boston bombs being the work of white supremacists] of not liking Jews….from Guido…
An entertaining Today programme to-and-fro about Breitbart’s chief Trump strategist Steve Bannon. Justin Webb boldly told Breitbart* editor Joel Pollack that Bannon “doesn’t like Jews”, Pollack replied that he [Pollack] is an orthodox Jew who observes the Shabbat and eats kosher food, and that Bannon is not an anti-Semite. Undeterred, Webb asked why a Breitbart report mentioned that the journalist Anne Applebaum is Jewish. Pollack replied: “I don’t know, why don’t you ask the Jewish author of that sentence?”
Justin Webb gets slapped down in no uncertain terms [for the second time this week as he earlier this week falsely told listeners that the NHS was attempting to keep reforms secret] and then whines, unconvincingly, that he wasn’t at all meaning that Bannon or anyone else was anti-Semitic….and kosher pigs will fly. [If only more politicians and interviewees would stand up to the BBC’s bullying and intimidation]
Curiously the BBC doesn’t tackle the real story today…that the Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, incited people to armed rebellion……how is it that the BBC can ignore the second most senior person in Labour encouraging people to attack politicians, the police and the army…on a day when the killer of Jo Cox is on trial for the murder of a politician that the BBC and its chums on the Left all told us was an appalling attack on democracy, the result of an atmosphere of disrespect and hate for politicians driven by the Right. The reality is it is the Left which drives the most dangerous anti-politician, anti-Establishment narrative, one that the BBC is at the forefront of supporting be they black rioters, student rioters or Occupy aiming to smash Capitalism and all that.
McDonnell wrote this in 2011….a mere 5 years ago, not when he was an overexcited, hot-headed youth, but supposedly a mature, experienced and measured politician in a very senior position….
Who knows what other operations the secret police and secret services carry out against those who campaign for change in this society? Imagine what lengths the ruling class would go to in order to preserve all of its wealth and power.
“In fact, we don’t have to imagine; there are clear examples of it in recent history. In Chile in the 1970s there was a Popular Unity government that enacted the mildest reforms, while the people demanded more rapid change.
“The Chilean ruling class response, with the backing of the US, was to unleash a bloody dictatorship that led to the murder and disappearance of thousands of people.
“Any government of the working class would face violent resistance from the ruling class and would need to immediately disband and break up the armed wing of the rich and powerful – the police, the army and the secret services. This could only be done with the working class being armed and ready to take power.”
“This timely pamphlet details the devastating effect of the cuts now underway as well as the range of resistance to them.
“Our response is also beginning to emerge. It can go one of two ways. We can acquiesce and do nothing or we can stand up and tell them we are not taking it any more.
“Saying no to this government’s plans can take many forms ranging from our demonstrations to direct action and industrial action, to cultural interventions by artists and writers. All should be aimed at creating a climate of resistance that brings this government down.”
McDonnell is clearly saying that the working class should arm themselves because the only way the Establishment can be overturned is with force as they will resist the revolution, and he wants that revolution….so if you instigate revolution you know it will be met with force, therefore you must use force…therefore you are urging armed revolution….as any revolution can only succeed using the force of arms.
Curious the BBC ignores such an inflammatory and dangerous statement made so recently by someone so senior at the centre of our politics and yet concerns itself with the words of a bitter divorcee about an American advisor to Trump that are clearly false, had the BBC bothered to do the slightest research…research that didn’t just confirm its own prejudices….never mind spending the whole of the election demonising Trump for saying he could, if he wanted to, grab a woman by the ‘pussy’ as an illustration of what rich and powerful men like him could get away with if they wanted to….however he never said he actually did such a thing…a point conveniently missed by the BBC. Funny what interests the BBC.
Looks like wagons are circling.
Newswatch should be a hoot, unless the focus on, well, anything but this….
The clearly gormless Webb needs to be careful here. Even if he argued successfully with Samira Ahmed who do we think the BBC would side with?
Interestingly, Ahmed’s tweets reveal that she is not concerned with finding out the truth, merely that the left must be seen to have the upper hand even when lying.
Brilliant interview with Joel Pollack absolutely eviscerating Webb.
Guido has also picked this up
The BBC still don’t think anything has changed and that the old lies will still work.
Pollack nails a pillock!
Does the fact that Webb is the son of Peter Woods lead him to see the BBC as family and thus very unlikely to discipline him for such idiocy? Only asking.
Webb gets a pollacking.
Pretty disgusting behaviour by Webb on that clip, Mr Pollak retorted very well. I get the impression Justin Webb has never even looked at Breitbart’s website.. if he had, he would have noticed the Breitbart Jerusalem section along with all the other sections. Or maybe he has seen it and he’s just trying to smear Breitbart for having a different opinion to that of the BBC.
I agree with John McDonnell, the working class should be armed, indeed, the working class should never have been disarmed, because to be armed is to be a free citizen of a country, able and willing to defend that freedom. For that reason, I rather think that an armed working class would prove to be a huge shock and disappointment to Mr McDonnell and his fellow leftists.
Does this extend to Americans’ right to bear arms ?
The American right to keep and bear arms is derived from the English right, which existed since time immemorial, but was codified in the Bill of Rights of 1689. This right has never been abolished, because the Bill of Rights cannot be abolished without undoing the entire constitutional settlement of the Glorious Revolution. So Parliament and the courts prefer to pretend it does not exist.
The US Supreme Court went into the English background of the US Second Amendment when they considered the right to keep and bear arms in the landmark Heller case, when they determined that the right was indeed a right of all citizens, and not connected to service in a militia.
The fact that Hillary Clinton would have changed the membership of the USSC and worked to overturn the Heller decision is, in my opinion, an important reason why she lost the election, although you will never hear it on the British MSM, which is against private gun ownership to a man, woman and gender fluid.
Yes, but does McDonnell know all that ? And does he the American working class should be armed ?
Gun Control isn’t about guns, it’s about control.
I seriously doubt McDonnell knows much about anything, beyond the arcane fringes of the Marxist dialectic. I would not expect him to follow through the logic of his position on whether to have a cheese sandwich for lunch, much less whether it is right that the American working class should be armed. I just can’t begin to try and follow the thought processes of a leftist.
You are assuming that they have thought processes !
Apparently even slugs have the capacity for some limited level of thought, and as I am in a generous mood tonight, I would put McDonnell on the same level as a gastropod.
Obviously, I apologise to any gastropods who might have been offended by being compared to John McDonnell.
Wow, what a great ‘bitchslap’ dare I say a great ‘Jewish bitchslap’!
But would the referendum be “advisory” as is the current fashion. Apparently
“But would the referendum be “advisory” as is the current fashion. Apparently”
That would depend on who won. When we win it’s advisory, when they win it’s mandatory.
Aren’t you glad that we have the best judges that money can buy?
Webb must just be a useful idiot, he knows full well that “Jewish American” is a construction that can be used without a charge of anti-Semitism – how often used in connection with Woody Allen’s life work?
Bannons appointment has got them rattled .No more business as usual. All they have is smearing and they are taking their cue from the American MSM who have not let up on Trump ever since he announced he was running.
The BBC only sees anti semitism when it suits them .Look around our towns and cities, BBC , or maybe you only notice it if you are a Jew.
And the BBC is institutionally anti-semitic, but it is OK when it comes from the Left.
The outpouring of hostility from Webb & co towards anything even centrist (not even right) leaning genuinely seems to have cranked up by some 50% since the 9th November. Will it burn out or are they in it for the duration of trump/Brexit years? Scary thoughts.
It is a sign of their weakness. Long awaited the counter revolution is well under way. The turning of the world as it is always prone to do when least expected by those in power.
Nothing can stop it in the West as the power structure ,although capable of viciousness ,lacks the killer instinct and that is fortunate.
It had to end as reality always asserts itself. Webb and the rest are soon to learn a valuable lesson and those of them capable of change will change too.
The idiots and that includes the modern left SJWs and the Guardian whining class will just fade into irrelevance .What I term traditional socialism has a real part to play in the future.
It was never realistic to expect the West to commit suicide and although Sweden and Germany appear to be casualties that cannot be avoided the rest of the West will survive.
The case of Sweden is unusual and shows us what happens when a majority become irrational. In the case of Germany this has much to do with the history of that sad country in the 20th century and it will require some effort by the West to prevent Germany in it’s haste to destroy itself from dragging others into chaos.
Here the current elite will try to prevent Brexit and that includes most of the Commons and Government . Foolish in the extreme and with President Trump in power very unlikely to succeed.
Dave S,
Quite frankly I do not give a damn about Germany and the Germans . They have done enough damage in history. Let them sink in their own shit. They should have been dealt with at the end of WW2. Am I racist ? Yes !
I take the point but Germany is just too large and powerful especially if it becomes semi Islamised and will then really threaten stability in Europe. That has been a feature of Germany since 1870s.
Dave S,
Yes, exactly. The allies made a big mistake when they did not partition and fragment Germany after WW2 , so that the country would no longer exist. They should have ensured that Germans were in a minority in their host countries. That failure of vision has created the problem that Germany is today. Of course, all with the benefit of hindsight !
It is just beyond words – Merkel calling the shots with France and then Belgium hanging on her coat tails. If Germany hadn’t caused enough suffering they are now busy developing the ultimate weapon of Islamisation.
They will never change . Always looking for destruction and starting conflict. I think the only person who can deal with them is Putin.
“…the American MSM who have not let up on Trump ever since he announced he was running…”
Delicious irony! The leftist MSM was all for Trump in the primaries. They actively promoted Trump to be the GOP nominees, because they perceived him to be the weakest candidate to face off Clinton. As soon as Trump was nominated, the dynamic changed – they just wanted to sit back and enjoy the freak show, constantly pouring scorn and vitriol on him as they confidently expected him to implode in front of their pressure. They greatly underestimated him and he beat them hands down – a remarkable achievement when you consider all the forces of hatred from the political elite and the MSM that were lined up against him..
Justin Webb makes a big song & dance about anti-Semitism in the critical remark but completely ignores the derogatory reference to Poles. Why should Jews alone be specially picked out as an oppressed victim group? Poles, Americans & ‘elitists’ are also defamed in the contentious remark. Nothing about them is there? The BBC is using the criticism of anti-Semitism because its listeners are all brainwashed into believing that it is the mark of utmost evil & of course associated with Nazism.
The BBC has lost one great weapon against anti semitism — the truth .
Previously if you were arguing against a neo Nazi who denies the holocaust happened , you could refer to the BBC and Dimbleby senior and the liberation of Belsen .
But you can’t now because anyone can rightly say the BBC is a lying Gramscian filled organisation . Well done modern Beeboids for hollowing out something great and making more irrelevant by the day .
This is the MSM versus the new media and I think we’re going to see much more of this over the at least next 4years.
It’s interesting but I don’t remember Breitbart getting too much attention from the BBC (or other news organisations for that matter) before Trumps victory, but now they suddenly seem to have become more prominent. The MSM are becoming less relevant and they’re threatened by the likes of Breitbart so they attack, but they can’t attack using facts as their whole narrative is based on lies and fearmongering so they smear and ridicule instead, and it’s not working.
This week also saw the spectacle of Dermot Murnaghan’s attack on Breitbart’s own Raheem Kassam for not wearing a poppy, which Kassam calmly explained the reason for and for which Murnaghan became increasingly incensed by.
In both cases both interviewees stood up to the bullying and smear tactics and argued their cases strongly using logic, reason and facts and made the interviewers look pathetic and angry. It’s as though logic, reason and facts are a foreign language now to the likes of BBC, Sky and the rest of the MSM.
We also saw the BBC smear tactics at work against another Breitbart employee just before the election, Milo Yiannopoulos, when it was insinuated that he was a “White Nationalist”, a truly incredible charge as anyone who’s followed Milo will know. Milo was wise enough to film the interview himself and posted the hilarious spectacle on YouTube. I wonder if the BBC ever aired parts of it?
VICE may not be immediately obvious as a name connected to the MSM, but with assets of $2.5bn and investments from the likes of Disney it most certainly is, even it’s only amongst millennials. They’ve recently written this article…
It attacks Paul Joseph Watson, Sargon of Akkad, and someone I haven’t watched (but thanks to VICE I will now) called The Irate Bear. It’s a comically bad article and the last paragraph is sensational in it’s hypocrisy and stupidity. But it’s not what the article says that bothers me (the BBC has desensitized me to hypocrisy and stupidity) but it’s why was it written in the first place?. These people are hardly household names and can’t have had any influence on the US elections. Maybe it had something to with their fact based arguments? Many of which proved true.
Yet even an organisation the size of the BBC has started to take an interest, as demonstrated by their recent request on twitter for an interview with Paul Joseph Watson. In another demonstration of the rejection of the MSM, Watson replied with the classic “No thanks, BBC, I’d rather eat my own ball sack shavings.”.Priceless!.
I hope that this interview with Joel Pollack, and the many more similar interviews that are sure to follow over next few months and years, will finally lead to the end of the BBC licence fee.
If the black wing nut and Frau Knoedel get their way, the BBC and worse could be around for a very long time.
Interesting, but doomed to failure. It’s notable that we used to be told how fabulous the Internet was, how it’s a wonderful power for sharing information and that it was going to change the world, all views I agree with completely.
However, now they’ve seen that their narrative has failed, Trump is going to be the next POTUS despite the all out assault against him, suddenly controlling the Print media is not enough. Now the Internet is not the fabulous and wonderful invention it once was, now it’s a “disruptive technological force”. Pathetic, absolutely pathetic, and a typical response by the Leftist elite. Rather than debate the opposing view, or even consider for a second that maybe they’re the ones who are wrong, their only answer is censorship.
Love the hypocrisy in this quote from Merkel…
“Digitisation is a disruptive technological force that brings about deep-seated change and transformation in society. Look at the history of the printing press, when this was invented what kind of consequences it had. Or industrialisation, what consequences that had.”
The same could be said of Islam but she just can’t, or won’t, see it.
Modern German history being what it is I can at least understand Merkel feeling particularly sensitive to the rise of the Right wing, even though I disagree totally. I sense she seems to equate the rise of the Right with the rise of Hitler which is just crazy. Hitler didn’t happen because Germany was a haven for Fascists or Far Right loons, he came to power due to a set of unique and unfortunate circumstances. Namely their defeat in WWI and the subsequent Treaty of Versailles, Hyper-inflation and finally the Wall St Crash. Given those same circumstances an Adolf Hitler could’ve happened anywhere, unluckily for Germany it happened there.
I see the attack has already begun as they link to this article in the Independent….
I wonder how many of those sites lean towards the Right? Nice to see Breitbart is on the list. What really gives the game away is the inclusion of Project Veritas. I can’t possibly imagine their motives for that one. 🙂
I`ll amend Merkel`s piece for her:
“Enforced mass immigration is a disruptive social engineering experiment that brings about deep-seated change and transformation in society. Look at the history of Muslim immigration into Sweden, when this was imposed, what kind of consequences it had. Likewise, my own diktats here in Germany – look at the consequences these are having.”
Excellent post !
Thanks, I just found out on the Open thread that Milo appeared on C4 news with Cathy Newman tonight, which only further illustrates the point. I found this link…
Apparently Newman “destroys” Milo. Considering that C4 had editing control, and judging from the ratio of likes to dislikes, I doubt many would agree.
Newman demonstrates in the first sentence her left wing inability to accept that people have different views within a movement,
And she shrieks. And shouts him down, oh dear. They don’t help themselves.
Women are equal? Only if the equality is nice, eh Cathy.d
Destroy? I don’t think so. Cathy should go home and take Snow with her.
Yes, Cathy certainly destroyed Milo there, a bit like the Japanese Navy destroyed the Americans at Midway. He sank all her aircraft carriers of complacent left wing thought, and she was too stupid even to notice.
What a nasty bitch, and I am not referring to Milo ! Newman is so full of hate .
Trump has a golden and perhaps unique opportunity to go for the kill and fatally wound the MSM by exposing it to the ridicule it so richly deserves. Except for the terminally deluded ranks of far left academia and the low-information snowflake/Kardashian/gangbanger generation, there can`t be anyone left in the US that isn`t aware of the distortions, bias and flat-out lies perpetrated by the media in the recent US election. Trump should be constantly using that as a powerful stick to discredit EVERYTHING they say.
Watched ITV News at Ten last night.
DJT seems to have the media floundering. He would not appear to be giving them “access all areas” which means endless suppositions and therefore doubtlessly much wrong footing in their takes when he finally announces his team.
Meanwhile St. Obama continues on his farewell (good riddance?) tour of Europe. Apparently Germany has been his European number 1. Just as well he did not want anything military from them while he has solved all the world’s problems during his tenure to have something tangible to show for his Nobel Peace Prize (doesn’t that look a little premature now).
Presumably the tour was planned in advance to mark cards for his clone following, so now looks a faintly ridiculous effort.
Has any UK journo asked where he thinks we might be now in the queue for a trade deal? As sure as hell the BBC hacks will not!
Mr Trump has them floundering because he is behaving in a very ancient and proven manner long forgotten by our soundbite politicians.
He is making sure who he can trust and who will be at his side when the time comes for action. He is also flushing out those who will be his enemies. That includes most of the MSM and our BBC/C4 is not going to like being shunned as they well deserve.
Probably most of his appointments will dismay and enrage the MSM etc. All to the good.
As I’ve said before, the first thing he needs to do is to vet the list of White House accredited correspondents. He could deal a huge blow to the culturally Marxist MSM if he simply refused to let the likes of the BBC, NYT and CNN have the privileged access they currently get.
Love the way Webb resorts to another catch all tactic used by the left “but isn’t the website ANGRY”
Angry…..always thrown out to try to unsettle, cos angry…..well it’s code for angry MAN and of course in the lefts lexicon all men carry the left defined “original sin” of their sex whilst women and gay men…..they’re never ANGRY are they? Passive aggressive is more their tiresome style.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when a leftist starts calling you angry, it’s an admission that their argument has failed and they’re resorting to an ad hominem, and implying their superiority….they can read your inner feelings……it’s always an invitation to dissect their stupidity……which Joel Pollack did with forensic brilliance, and which we must all do when provided with the opportunity in our dealings with lefty liberals.