A Biased BBC reader contributes..
“Children see ‘worrying’ amount of hate speech online, squeals the BBC. Our children are being bombarded with online putrid anger directed at people based on their gender, religion, disability, sexuality and gender identity.
The only trouble is that, according to the stats, they ain’t! Ofcom says that 62 per cent of children have, er, never seen hate speech online thus totally discrediting the Beeb’s agenda. This is impressive, considering all the trolls and hatemongers out there. In fact, factoring in the 27 per cent that “sometimes” see hate speech and the four per cent who don’t know, just seven per cent of children regularly see hate speech and 93 per cent don’t.
Total and shameless bias and misreporting to push the victim narrative. The Beeb can’t even bring itself to report the facts; most children polled have NEVER seen hate speech online as it flies in the face of their fairytale of an evil, hate-filled, facsist Britain.
Also, notice the hate speech question: “In the past year, have you seen anything hateful on the internet that has been directed at a particular group of people, based on, for instance, their gender, religion, disability, sexuality or gender identity?”
These kids can’t be reading the BBC regularly as otherwise their answer would have been a resounding “yes” at the volume of hate speech against people based on gender (men), religion (non-Muslims), disability (anyone not disabled), sexuality (heterosexual) or gender identity (so-called “cisgender”)?” Combine all of the identities and you have the most wicked, wretched and warped sub-human scum on the planet…the average white man.”
I notice that the list don’t include “hate speech” against Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, Tories, Margaret Thatcher, UKIP voters, Tommy Robinson, or Climate Change “Deniers”. Funny, that.
I even pointed this out on the HYS and was, without irony, subject to personal abuse for it by the likes of repeat trolls Terry Boyle a and Zac. Their lack of self-reflection is notched only by their lack of insight.
The regressive left are all about division and race-baiting. This has now become their de facto mantra: everything they say or do is now focused entirely on identity politics and ‘equality of outcome’. That last one is real worry; it shows, beyond any doubt, that the regressives have not ever been taught any real history. Too busy being mollycoddled and wrapped in cotton wool from the harsh facts of history by their Marxist university professors.
I’ll use just one example of how ‘equality of outcome’ works in practice (although there are many littered across the 20th century’s bloodied record, from National Socialism to Soviet communism – and don’t even get me started on Chairman Mao)…
Pol Pot, a militant communist socialist, an ideologue, a race-baiter (examine his hate-filled views on the Vietnamese if you don’t believe that) and a mass murderer-in-chief, espoused ‘equality of outcome’ for all in ‘Democratic’ Kampuchea (formerly Cambodia, the beautiful rice-bowl of SE Asia – a true jewel in SE Asia).
To achieve ‘equality of outcome’ as mandated by his socialist collective ideology, Pol’s armed thugs, the Khmer Rouge, set about murdering all intellectuals, burning books, banning education, emptying entire cities and urban centres, breaking apart families (and the idea of families) and returning everyone to the fields (slavery, in other words) to begin creating his grand agrarian socialist collective in which everyone would, in his vision, become ‘equal’.
His reign of complete and utter terror – fascistic, totalitarian in every sense – left over 2 million Cambodians dead (brutally murdered by agents of the state or starved to death by famine) and the country in almost complete ruin. Only when neighbouring Vietnam finally invaded were ordinary Cambodians finally saved from almost certain death at the hands of their socialist dictator.
How did the 2 million dead and their surviving relatives feel about the Khmer Rouge’s little experiment in ‘equality of outcome’? How did that go for them?
None of this is taught in Universities. Truth, it turns out, can be very inconvenient to regressive educational programmes when it is pointed out that ‘equality of outcomes’ (the rallying cry of SJWs today) always – always – eventually leads, one way or another, into the wretched squalor of the killing fields.
And never let it be forgot that Pol Pot was nurtured, trained and encouraged by French academics – some of the worst on the planet.
Boris Yezmenov (Soviet defector) warned us of this 30 years ago.
Milo Yiannopoulos put over the gist of this in his interview with the skanky Cathy Newman –
Courtesy of Guido.
We need Milo Yiannopoulos on the Question Time Panel
It was interesting that the volume control on her microphone was set much higher than on his. It wasn’t really to her advantage as it just gave her a screech effect – or does she really sound like that.
ADF Anti-Defamation-League-backs-down on calling Bannon and Breitbart Anti-Semitic.
..After TV presenter points out the accusation.
In the article Breitbart clearly state that they are NOT part of the label “Alt-Right”
..which can be used to refer to far-right groups.
..I think I have seen Breitbart describe itself as conservative and alternative.
The ADL have form on this. Some years ago they backed calls for congress to debate the alleged Turkish Genocide of Armenians and then changed their minds !
You mean they denied the Armenian Holocaust and eventually changed and apologised.ADL’s Official Recognition of Armenian Genocide Ends Years-Long Controversy May 16, 2016
The ADL was established in 1913 to ‘stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.’
At the time, it was clear that the ADL shared the Turkish government’s opposition to U.S. Congress discussing and voting on a non-binding resolution affirming the Armenian Genocide.
They have chopped and changed their views over time. I am not sure what their current position. Jews are in a difficult position. Some feel that the more Genocides they acknowledge, the more it detracts from the Holocaust.
There have been thousands of Genocides in history. I am not aware of the ADL pushing for recognition of the Genocide committed by white settlers in North America against native Americans, for example !
oops typo again “After TV presenter points out the accusation IS LIBELOOUS”
Hate speech?
“We native Brits are so bloody stupid that we need an injection of intelligent people, young people from outside who come in and wake us up from time to time.”
Lord Kerr, who has served as an ambassador both to the US and EU for the UK government, was a panelist for a discussion hosted by the Institute for Government yesterday.
It was attended mostly by senior civil servants. Apparently none of these people appeared shocked by his repulsive comments. Peter Lilley walked out in disgust.If he hadn’t been there it may never have come to public knowledge.
This man was a senior diplomat, who previously held the Washington role.
He knew exactly what he was saying. It was no thoughtless slip, no ‘Trumpism’. He meant what he said!
http://uk.businessinsider.com/lord-kerr … 50-2016-11
This was reported this morning by Nick Ferrari , one of LBCs better presenters.
This very powerful Bilderberger is doing his damndest to prevent Brexit.
Any mention of his vile anti BRitish rant on the BBC?
James O’Brien is already trying to say its OK because he said ‘we’!
Even the Guardian distrust this dark force who works in the shadows:
Somehow going by his names I suspect his father, a well known doctor, John Duke Olav Kerr, had ‘an injection’ of foreign DNA.
Liberals are bigots and assume both that everyone else is as warped as they are, and that attacking their own absolved them of guilt. Hence how muppet like Kerr can project racism onto non-racist things while themselves making racist statements about whites and the British.
It’s a bit like irregular verbs.
I have an opinion
You are a hater
He is a racist
If the British are stupid it is because the Left have dumbed down the education system and the “conservatives” have done nothing about it.
Yes, “Olav”, the clue is in the name. The son has always been an idiot.
Peter Lillie has grown in stature since his silly phases with “little lists” and all that.
Says it as it is, has a physics background and enjoys stuffing the Warmons when he crosses their paths.
Like Nigel Lawson, the sort of bloke who should be getting all manner of offers to sort UKIPs policies out.
These old stagers are too good to be Tories now.
Nazi ideology said that the Jews are stupid, but scientific evidence puts them on top of the tree just above Northern Orientals and then Europeans, including Brits at 100. Mensa was founded in Britain.
The loony left-wing Liberal Fascist ideology in academia in our Universities seem to have a need to produce contradictory findings that show that people who come to Britain from poor third world nations, are superior to the indigenous people of Europe.
But I find that there is one point that they agree that white people are superior to other races. That is that white people have the superior ability to hold down all other races. In the left-wing academic mind, it explains why non-Whites are so poor.
But then wasn’t Kerr, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing’s “Himmler type Character” on that “European Convention” and its plan to create a “European Reich“.
To be fair to Kerr, the Wankeratii have spent half a century dismantling public education in Britain, so he probably thought he was just giving an uncontentious progress report.
Another twat who thinks ‘little people’ should not vote (he’s not keen on democracy either) and it goes on for a while in same vein… is Lord Judge (a name you won’t have heard of as he was former lord chief Justice (2008 – 2013) during Tony Blair’s inquisitions.
In today’s (Saturday) SATURDAY INTERVIEW. (Lord what-a-wanker talks) a double page spread. A complete smug Lord Judge writes (cobblers).
‘A great British asset: judges who won’t be bribed or told what to do’ (unless Junckers tell them they loose their index linked pension..) Strewth. A gift for the BBC, this one is All false patriotism (like the BBC itself, it charms and disarms but swings to the left).
Well, some kids may ‘love’ the fictional story of Petra Pan going down on Christine Robin this Xmas, but most likely are watching Netflix or Youtube.
Ofcom says that 62 per cent of children have, er, never seen hate speech online thus totally discrediting the Beeb’s agenda
Still, one for ex-Beeboid and ever forgetful when it suits Nick Pollard when he’s on the case…
No mention there about his internal, secret, redacted inquiry into his old chums, where he gave them a slap wrist and a pass.
Likely no space? Or time? or something.
BB-rothers and C-isters shout “Hallelujah !”
TheBBC/MSM staff are MISSIONARIES from the Church of SJW who are out to save the world.
This time it was DoF Cathy Newman (Defender of the Faith ) an apostle of Saint Jon of Snow
as Guido said “Rather than learn the lessons from the election the liberal media has reverted to its perennially outraged misfiring attack mode…”
Cathy the DoF and crew are telling us that “That Breitbart output are the words of the Devils, don’t listen to them !”
..Leftmob’s sudden crusade against anti-Semitism is a bit rich.
And the obvious thing is that they want NOT to stop criticism of Jews, but rather stop criticism of LeftMob.
Shouting “He’s a witch…burn him” “Bannon is a witch !”
That’s what Cathy Newman did, and Justin Webb the day before
On Bilderberger John Olav Kerr.
His father Dr Olav Kerr, was a Glasgow doctor and later Professor, this small extract from a biographic travel book is telling:
“In the medical field I was attached at various times to Dr Olav Kerrs unit in the Western.
He was a Glasgow Academical and he undoubtedly favoured the select few.”
So an elitist, an intellectual snob, attitudes he clearly passed on to his clever, but perhaps not quite as clever, son (failed academic, uncompleted attempt at PhD, turned to the Civil Service).
I’m surprised he’s not referred to as Juan Kerr.
unless it’s osama who instead of calming the protest down actually encourages them to continue: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3948558/President-Obama-encourages-Trump-protesters-eggs-young-voters-engage-not-just-upsets-ignores-Republicans-pleas-end-week-chaos.html#v-7965417515900910758
The confusion on what to hate, and hence ban, is of course not new…
But don’t be like Samantha; that was a different time.
Be more like Yusuf, Zain, and Sheikh…
Some of them look rather older than the average British student. Former “child refugees”, maybe?
“Some of them look rather older than the average British student. Former “child refugees”, maybe?”
Given how quickly they age in the refugee camps, every one is a child prodigy.
In my time at uni the student union leaders used to be quite generous in the union bar. I do hope it’s the same at City University.
Teddy Teddy I sobbed, I’m having a tewwible twaumatic wecuwwing dweam. Teddy hugged me and told me he still loved me and that if I closed my eyes weally tightly and wished vewy vewy hard, then all this pain would go away and I’d wake up and pwincess Hillawy weally weally would be pwesident.
Teddy says all the white, ignorant, uneducated, mysogynistic, racist, islamophobic male bigots should say sowwy for their selfishness and insensitivity in denying Hilawy her birthright er he means opportunity to smash the glass ceiling and be an inspirational icon to all the worlds phalocrat oppressed and subjugated wimmin. Teddy says he wants the evil race of European untermenchen to vote for Marine LePen and Frauke Petry in 2017 or he’l be vewy vewy angwy….
Then my wife came into the room. Put Teddy down and stop this hysterical nonsense. Youre a 63 year old, white, anglo saxon male and if this is what watching CBeebies does to you…….Well thank you for being so supportive I thought….