‘To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia — fear of Islam — seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke.
Judged purely on its scripture — to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques — it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. We look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s mediaeval ass? ‘
Boris Johnson [Now Foreign Secretary]
Pienaar interviewed John McDonnell this morning, there was no grilling over his call for violent, armed revolution and the overthrow of the Establishment…a mere 5 years ago.
Then we had Adrian Goldberg carrying on with the BBC’s mission to undermine and destroy the anti-terror Prevent programme. Who did he ask as to why we should reconsider Prevent? MEND….the very type of people Prevent is actually concerned about….Islamists who press all the wrong buttons within the Muslim community…as far as Western, democratic, liberal society is concerned.
So the BBC is not concerned about a far left revolutionary calling for armed struggle, nor about a group of people who most people would consider Islamist extremists in their ideology.
What does concern the BBC?
Well There’s Trump himself of course…we were told he would be a danger to world peace by his desire to maintain good relations with Russia…curiously the BBC made absolutely no mention of that previous analysis by them when it turns out he may want Mitt Romney as his Secretary of State, someone who said in 2012 that Russia was the US’s “number one geopolitical foe.”. So is Trump going to prostrate himself in front of Putin as Obama did in front of Iran as the BBC were suggesting oh such a short time ago…or will he take a measured, balanced and calculating approach to geopolitics as such an appointment might suggest?
Then there’s Sessions and General Flynn…listen to BBC news bulletins and you’d think the KKK had got a representative in the government and that all Muslims will be machine-gunned. The truth is naturally a lot different…but even the supposedly more comprehensive BBC write ups don’t bother to provide the full truth and a more rounded picture.
Sessions, they tell us, is essentially a racist…how do they know? Well a black man who worked with Sessions said so…case closed…nevermind this same man had made allegations about others…serial complainer?
Sessions, despite the BBC’s sly linking of him to the KKK by saying the KKK have praised his appointment, was actually instrumental in the destruction of a KKK organisation after he prosecuted the son of the Alabama Klan leader for the killing of a black man…and had him executed. Why does the BBC not menion that inconvenient fact rather than try to imply he is a racist? He also pushed for the desegregation of schools. Some racist.
We do not disassociate Islam from war. On the contrary, disassociating Islam from war is the reason for our defeat. We are fighting in the name of Islam. Religion must lead to war. This is the only way we can win.’
Said by the moderate and respected Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, February 2006
As for Flynn…the BBC is outraged that he once said that it is entirely rational to fear Muslims.
Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL: please forward this to others: the truth fears no questions…
This is the video he links to…
Good old Boris might agree…‘To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia — fear of Islam — seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. ‘
When you look at what Muslim community leaders and groups attempt to do, not just the violent ones, and you look at what Islam means in the real world, to gays, Jews, women, apostates, non-Muslims and those who ‘offend’ Islam, you can understand what he means. Just look at the UK’s most representative, mainstream Muslim group, the MCB…extreme in its conservatism, fundamentalist, at the heart of the Trojan Horse plot,with an anti-British foreign policy stance, a senior member advocated attacks on British forces, and of course is adamently against Ahmadis being decribed as Muslim…hence we get attacks on Ahmadis, Ahmadis being killed in the UK because they are not ‘Muslim’ as described by the MCB. A so-called ‘moderate’ Muslim group is anything but moderate in any Western sense of the word.
Is Islam compatible with a Western, liberal democracy? Even Muslims would tell you not. So is Flynn right?
The BBC says he was sacked from his job for saying uncomfortable truths about Islam but then implies that he was actually sacked for being a bad manager…
Former US officials who worked closely with Gen Flynn described him as extremely smart, though a poor manager.
Curiously Flynn says absolutely not…So why does the BBC not believe him?…..
I asked the DNI (Gen. James Clapper) if my leadership of the agency was in question and he said it was not; had it been, he said, they would have relieved me on the spot.
The BBC also, disapprovingly, cherry picks his thought that the Islamic world is an epic failure…who could really disagree with that….1000 years of Muslim imposed Dark Ages upon so many countries? Even the Islamist Mehdi Hasan [once such a BBC darling] admits Islam has failed…and encourages Muslims to ‘battle’ the West…and to do so they must encourage education above all else…and Muslims must infiltrate the Media in order to press Muslim ideology and gain influence…. to make Islam the dominant religious and political force in Britain
What has Mehdi Hasan got to say?
He states that there are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world….and between them they have a total of 10 Nobel prizes. The Jews, with a population of 12 million have 150 Nobel prizes. All 6 Jewish Universities are in the top 20 in a world ranking. There are no Muslim universities in the top 200.
He goes on to say:
We wonder why we are losing battles, we are not being out fought, we are being out thought.
We are not under armed, we are undereducated.
We have lost the ability to think, to acquire knowledge, to advance intellectually and then we wonder why our community is in such decay.
But the BBC thinks both Flynn and Sessions are ‘controversial’…and yet have nothing to say about McDonnell and MEND.
Hasan also quotes from this fellow , who must presumably also be considered an anti-Muslim bigot…despite, like Hasan, being a Muslim:
Pervez Hoodbhoy is professor of nuclear and high-energy physics at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. This article is based on a speech delivered at the Center for Inquiry International conference in Atlanta, Georgia, 2001.
In the twelfth century Muslim orthodoxy reawakened, spearheaded by the cleric Imam Al-Ghazali. Al-Ghazali championed revelation over reason, predestination over free will. He refuted the possibility of relating cause to effect, teaching that man cannot know or predict what will happen; God alone can. He damned mathematics as against Islam, an intoxicant of the mind that weakened faith.
Islam choked in the vicelike grip of orthodoxy.
It was the end of tolerance, intellect, and science in the Muslim world. The last great Muslim thinker, Abd- al Rahman ibn Khaldun, belonged to the 14th century.
For Muslims, it is time to stop wallowing in self-pity: Muslims are not helpless victims of conspiracies hatched by an all-powerful, malicious West. The fact is that the decline of Islamic greatness took place long before the age of mercantile imperialism. The causes were essentially internal. Therefore Muslims must introspect, and ask what went wrong.
The best definition of Islamophobia I’ve seen is from the Religion of Peace website
A non-Muslim who knows more than they are supposed to know about Islam
The “irrational” fear of being oppressed, targeted, and ultimately killed and replaced by a theocratic ideology that openly states these as the aims of its existence.
Islamophobia is a word created by fascists and peddled by idiots to manipulate cowards.
From the same website is this statistic which is constantly updated:
The question that needs levelling at the left wing media and our politicians in light of this is why shouldn’t we be afraid?
Boris’s quote dates back to 2013 and he said it after he did what he does best – lying about the death of Lee Rigby, and that there was nothing in the Qur’an about the actions of the killers.
I am quite convinced that if he does not have his snout in the Saudi trough, then he seriously thought he would be when he became Prime Minister.
He knows full well that Sunni oil wealth funds these Mosques and Madrassahs and that in return for that money they require that the intolerant backwards and violent Wahabist view of Islam is preached.
But Boris lies again when he says he doesn’t understand, because Austria has banned the building of Saudi funded religious buildings because of this very reason.
Back in the 60’s 70’s and early 80’s Islamic terror was almost unheard of in Europe, that is until one Tony B Liar invited in any terrorist who wanted to come here, on the proviso that they didn’t commit their acts of terror in the UK – Europe it seems was fine ! Earning the UK the epithet ‘Londonistan’.
Sadly the spineless and inept Tories have done absolutely nothing to undo the damage, preferring instead appeasement, and we all know where that leads in the end.
That’s why many disillusioned Labour and Tory voters switched to UKIP. If they don’t get on with Brexit there will be many, many more.
The British are gradually waking up. Let’s hope that its not too late.
When Chamberlain appeased Hitler he had a valid excuse, Britain was nowhere near stable enough to enter another war. They would have been defeated easily and it would have made the eventual war effort much harder for the Allies. He increased military spending and manufacturing significantly for the inevitable conflict and this helped Britain survive. That’s what appeasement used to be about, and what Trump’s definition of the term is regarding Putin – to keep enemies and rivals within range, to not rush into things that can’t be backed up. Unfortunately, as you allude to, the modern interpretation of appeasement is to ignore that there’s any issue at all, and worse, to demand that the natives give up some or all of their own culture and liberties to make the invaders feel more welcome.
Really good logic Thoughtful. Just one correction the ’60’s brought the very first and now fashionable suicide bombings and the hijacking of aircraft. This all originated in the Saudi backed palestinian terrorism. They developed the modern blue print for Islamic terrorism. Munich massacre of Jewish athletes 1972.
Hood analysis.
I am an atheist , but I believe that, generally, Islam is an evil religion and , generally , Christianity is benign. So I wonder why the BBC love Islam and hate Christianity. Surely, that makes the BBC evil too ?
The BBC is staffed by reverse-racist, West-loathing Marxists whose end goal is to destroy European societies. They see Islam as the best chance of this happening which is why they pander to it at all times, even though all sensible people can see that this directly contradicts their claims of promoting religious tolerance, women’s rights, and LGBT issues.
All Lives,
Yes, spot on ! But I do not know why they fan the flames of their own destruction. It seems that it is a mental illness. I am more than happy for these bastards to commit suicide, but why should they drag the rest of us down ?
…But I do not know why they fan the flames of their own destruction.
Grant, based on all we have observed from the BBC over the years I would propose 2 reasons, and suggest it is a combination of the two that cause it.
Fear and Greed.
!. They think they will avoid attacks on themselves and be valued. (Dhimmi)
2. In their pursuit of being the World’s Media Organisation, they can’t achieve it without being promoted by the Islamic regimes. (Dim)
My feeling is that in the cushioned and easy lives which people like the Beeboids inhabit, compared to those of our grandparents, they have not actually grown up and become realists. They have remained stuck in some sort of sixth-former campaigning, do-gooding groove and don’t accept that money-making is ACTUALLY necessary to fund do-gooding. And secondly, and very importantly, they don’t grasp the fact that the majority of people outside their bubble want to live amongst their own kind – as pointed out by Sir Trevor Phillips – and don’t recognise the happyclappy rainbow-coloured bubble as something desirable. It does’t make us racist to be like that, F.G.S. and Vive la differance.
Unfortunately they go from 6th form campaigning to Younie campagning to MSM campaigning without ever getting their feet muddy.
It amazes me just how many people don’t even question the BBC’s version of the truth until you open their eyes to the Beeb’s editing tactics.
Reagan- Thatcher and Pope John Paul, were instrumental in bringing about the fall of the socialist paradise. For this sin, all three of them have earned the hatred of the Leftist BBC.
Reagan and Thatcher are now gone, but Christianity is still around. For this the BBC will ally even with Islam.
A fairly regular acquaintance of the BBC is Mohammed Shafiq, who is the Chief Executive of the Ramadhan Foundation. He usually appears on any media outlet to defend his faith and seems to like the catchphrase, particularly when he gets defensive, “bringing people together”. In this clip, shown on RT following comments made by Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, back in September, when the Cardinal claimed “that many Muslims wanted an invasion of Europe” at a function celebrating the 333rd Anniversary of Christian armies victory over the Ottoman forces at the Battle of Vienna (12th September, 1683) Mohammed goes into his full Taqiyya victimhood routine. He is up against Alexander Markovics, a Spokesperson of Generation Identity:
Even in this clip he manages to inform us, which may be a surprise to many, that: “the Muslim faith is about bringing people together”. Hmmm.
The interviewer let the Muslim constantly talk over the Christian. He never allowed him to talk freely although he lyingly claimed he gave both a fair go. He then called him a fascist. The mics were set to quiet for the Christian and 11 for the extremist. I don’t know who the interviewer is but I’m sure he would be able to snap up a job at the BBC if he just showed them this as his CV.
Even in this clip he manages to inform us, which may be a surprise to many, that: “the Muslim faith is about bringing people together”.
I was under the impression that Islam is about taking people apart -piece by piece.
But what the hell do I know.
Does anyone know if the BBC is broadcasting ” Songs of Praise ” today ? I can’t seem to find it on the schedules .
It’s been on earlier…It was part and parcel of the BBCs – Black lives matter/Black Britain series. So even with songs of praise, they’re politicising it to the extreme..
In Songs of Praise, the BBC always make sure there are lots of black people. But the never make the link to all the black christians in African being abused by muslims . BBC, British Bastard Corporation
I regret to say I live in the West Midlands and my local BBC radio station is Radio WM where bias, multicultural crap and rubbish broadcasting is the norm.
“Then we had Adrian Goldberg carrying on with the BBC’s mission to undermine and destroy the anti-terror Prevent programme. Who did he ask as to why we should reconsider Prevent? MEND….the very type of people Prevent is actually concerned about….Islamists who press all the wrong buttons within the Muslim community…as far as Western, democratic, liberal society is concerned.”
Adrian Goldberg is always on, except when he is doing something for Radio 5 Dead. Goldberg’s partner of twenty odd years is Savra, a woman of Pakistani Muslim heritage (he rarely mentions this), so you hardly say he can be objective about the Muslim community.
Hi, Cassie. If adrian is a Jew with a muslim girl, this should be big news !
Grant I seem to recall hearing him once say that he was brought up as Roman Catholic. I may be wrong but I think his father was German Jewish and his mother Irish Catholic.
Confused identity, I guess .
Jihadis are not the problem. In fact, they are alerting us to the coming existential crisis. Muslim population growth is several times larger then European rates. In less then 50 years, Muslims will be a majority. And that’s that. Sharia, and the end of Western civilisation
As the Muslim population increases, attacks will get more frequent, with “moderate“ Muslim demands that the state give more to the “marginalised” Muslim youth, or they will become even more radicalised. And so on. The more you give to the so-called moderates, the more our society will become Islamic. Moderate and radical Muslims play the good cop bad cop routine.
As the late Laurence Auster wrote:
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization. But we cannot destroy Islam.
· · Nor can we democratize Islam.
· · Nor can we assimilate Islam.
· · Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves
Exchange Christians in Islamic countries, before they are all killed by Muslims, for Muslims over here, and stop this nonsense belief that all cultures are the same.
Else we are looking forward to a civil war that will make Bosnia look like a garden party. And in the end, millions displaced and heaven only knows how many dead, as in every civil war, winner will take all. It will not be pretty.
While on the topic of war, and the war that is being waged on the West by Islam, and its allies -Facebook, Twitter, Google etc, we have a new social media outlet
It is well known that Google, Facebook, Twitter and BBC, were waging an all out attack on Trump. Its time to dump them all.
Totally agree NCBBC – You have spoken the truth which the media dares not state. (Despite the Koran being quite explicit on these things)
It is in effect the Elephant in the room hiding in plain site. And despite all the Saint Jo Cox flavoured Syrup which we are all being force fed about Islam, the “vinegar” of realisation will become increasingly evident as time goes on.
When you have virtue signalling idiots covering up their own rapes and assaults by migrants so as not to give “refugees” a bad name I do wonder whether a collective delusion seems to be affecting a large minority of our population. – Worrying .
Thank you Oaknash.
Its amazing, Muslims are committing mass murder, mass rape, and even crucifixions of Christians, and if anyone points this out, is labelled a racist, Islamophobe, Xenophobe and what not, and who is making little Muslim girls lie awake in the night, for fear of lynch mobs. No one gives a damn for Christians who are the ones who are being murdered. So the more Muslims murder and rape, they become even more the victim class.
This is the world that Leftys live in – a topsy turvy world of denial.
But now that Trump, against all the odds, has won, what can only be termed a miraculous victory, the walls of PCness have come tumbling down. Its now our duty to speak out openly against the rottenness and corruption of PCness. In public. If they cant stand the truth, rub it in. Kindly and with soft words, as you want them to admit the error of their ways, but rub it in. PCness has not only harmed the body politic but actually leading to the death if the West.
Spot on. Lefties do not care who suffers so long as they do not. Perverts.