Excellent satire here!
BBC Children in Need raised a record £46.6m after the show unexpectedly featured actual children. Details surrounding this year’s charity event were unclear following the BBC’s ongoing coverage of the ‘child’ migrant crisis. Viewers were unsure if the BBC’s definition of children still meant ‘children, children’ or if it had been updated to mean 6ft tall 30-somethings who smoke roll-ups.
This is via The Codpiece, a friend of Biased BBC. Give their Facebook page a like please as an encouragement.
Satire or as the BBC now calls it ‘fake news’.
Given the problem of defining a child, especially with the 6 foot bearded child migrants, the answer may be found in Saville’s contemporaries in the BBC. I am sure they will know what a child is…if you know what I mean.
A nod is as good as a wink !
Funny how the virtue signalling wankerati telling us we need to take in more economic migrants posing as child refugees and vetting them is ‘racist’ have no interest in a campaign looking to help actual children already living in the UK.
Scum, the lot of them.
When it comes to children, they just want some fresh meat .
Has anybody noticed how the left is painting the wearing of a red poppy something of a hate crime , as they claim it glorifies war. Yet it is a real charity which helps people without handing hods of cash to celebrity arseholes.
Now look at
childrenAdult not in need. Where a jumped up 3rd rate Tv thing is paid to fly around the world in which to run with a sob storiy in which to grab your cash. I give to to the former, I don’t for the latter.Pounce,
Isn’t it amazing that the left turn everything upside down. The Poppy symbalises the very opposite of glorifying war. They really are shameless.
I saw this knitted vagina poppy on a left feminist web site to symbolise feminist resistance to war mongering poppies.
They really are sick. These are the same people who think that no-one should “give offence”. Milo would have a field day with this one !
Perfectly illustrates what I think of them.
That is so crass and tasteless I’m left speechless.
It’s vile and ungrateful on so many different levels.
I’m of a generation that didn’t really know any of those who fought in the Great War, and most of those who fought in WW2 were already old men when I was a child, but I have an interest in (real) history and as I’ve got older myself have really started to appreciate what the people of Britain went through during two world wars. Not just the soldiers on the front line, but those at home here in Britain too, my Grandmother, now long gone, lived in Coventry and had her brother killed in action, and two homes flattened and neighbours killed by Luftwaffe bombers.
I can’t imagine how anyone can’t be moved and feel a debt to those who gave so much, for so little, all I can imagine is the morons involved in this ‘vagina knitting’ have NO idea what they’re talking about.
What would they have had our ancestors do?! I’m intensely proud some of my ancestors fought for their country so that we weren’t made part of some Germanic Empire (or worse ‘Nazi’ one!). I’m also proud of those, like my Grandmother, who stayed strong here in Britain and didn’t give up during ‘Britain’s darkest hour’. The Poppy I wear is, as far as I’m concerned in memory of all those people.
The Poppy also symbolises those of our forces who have fought in more recent conflicts, and whether you agree with the conflict (Iraq!), or not, I don’t see how you can’t be proud of our veterans who’ve gone and fought for our country – even when they didn’t agree politically themselves! How many of those knitting ‘vaginas’ voted for Tony Blair who sent our guys out there to fight and get killed and maimed?!!!! Hypocrites of the worst kind!!!!!
If I saw someone wearing one of these I’d be hard put to stay civil.
Sorry for the rant, but I’m angry about this, very…
I am angry too. These ungrateful bitches and all Leftist bastards do not realise that their freedom to spout juvenile crap was paid for by the blood of millions of good, brave, people. They really are the scum of the earth. Vermin.
In similar vein, BBC Radio 4 currently fielding a series of responses from actual women rather than those they prefer to associate with and quote too often for their own good.
“they claim it glorifies war”
I remember hearing that sort of nonsense from spotty, immature students, decades ago. That was at a time when people with first hand memories of WWII were easier to find, and even within the Labour Party. Of course they had no interest whatsoever in speaking to them otherwise they would have realised that they were the last people on earth who would want to glorify war and repeat the process. My grandparents, like many here I suppose, lived through two.
The silly Left has learned nothing. It’s all about their assumed moral superiority over everyone else.
Sadly the left have all the mainstream propaganda outlets working for them. The only means we have at our disposal is word of mouth and some parts of the Internet that haven’t yet been closed down by the wankerati. Try sharing something from Breitbart or from an anti-global warming site on Facebook and see how often it fails to turn up on your homepage. We can never stop fighting them.