Employment rising
Inflation down
Manufacturing up
Consumer spending up
Investment in Britain up….massive investments.
How’s the BBC analysis of the ‘Brexit effect’ going? And how about their nose for geo-political world currents?….
What of the rise of the dreaded Far Right that the BBC warns us of? Er…did they mean the Left…….Greece? Italy? Portugal? Or indeed in Britain…Corbyn and Co. Odd how the BBC is unconcerned about the rise of the ‘Far Left’ across Europe…the Left being the people who have killed millions upon millions across the world in the last century and who now back the Islamist terrorists and agitators intent on creating a new world order….based on Islam of course. The BBC actually seems to support that and looks back fondly on the supposed Golden Age of Muslim empire as an example for us all. Oddly many of these supposed right-wing groups denounced by the BBC are actually politically left-wing…it’s just that they want to control immmigration that gets them labelled ‘right-wing’ by the BBC.
Reality has yet to intrude upon the BBC world narrative but maybe one day….just as Trump, Farage, Le Pen and the AFD all in their own ways are smashing the political elite’s grip on the narrative the internet, the bloggers and news sites, the new production companies that produce stunning and brilliant TV, are crashing through the barricades set up by the likes of the BBC and other mainstream media and are bringing a true, or truer, democracy to the shut off media environment giving a much bigger voice to the audience….who are often the producers now as well.
And just one other thing…the BBC keeps telling us this new media climate has resulted in the end of the ‘water-cooler’ moment where people gather to talk about the latest hot TV programme….this just isn’t true….people may not all watch the same thing at the same time but they watch something, tell someone else they’ve watched that thing and that it’s ‘great’ who then watch it and they talk about it….as usual the BBC is wrong…just as they were wrong about the end of the ‘supermarket’…apparently we are all supposed to be shopping at Tesco Express and other convenience stores now…it’s the new thing. Not.
BBC analysis? Who needs it.
The Lefties world is crumbling and they are in disarray.
The lefties have run out of new insults and worn out the old ones. Racist, mysogonist, homophobe etc etc just don’t cut it any more as misuse and overuse have reduced their power to shock and subdue. Sadly, your average lefty thinks they re-invigorate these terms by screeching them ever louder.
Far-right is the most laughably misused term of all because, as anyone who pays any attention to politics at all can tell you, what the left means by far-right translates to centre-right at the very most in the real world.
Yes. They have almost nowhere to go now . They have failed to incite serious violent insurrection in Europe or N. America . So what next for them ?
Disarray? They are in total panic mode verging on uncontrollable hysterical mental breakdown.
The tabloids are leading with a story about a Nick Pisani. BBC have selected him to produce a Brexit programme, irrespective that he was on the protest boat with Geldorf.
Ah, but… as many the market rate BBC executive has intoned before, Mr. Pisani is a professional who leaves his politics at the door.
Hence the BBC scoring another big win in their unerring choice of winners.
Oh, bloody hell.
Just read the DM link on the weekend thread.
I was mocking BBC predictability, and they have only trotted out an anonymous spokes-weasel to actually intone precisely that.
Of course no senior named person who can be questioned though; I got that wrong.
And so to bed.
Clare is clearly a BBC favourite. Don’t be like Clare.
Clare in the Community is, I find, actually quite good.
Clare to me fits almost to a T the image of a Guardian reading social worker, and to be fair to the writers they do quite regularly draw attention to the “do as I say” against “do what I do” problem that such virtue signallers find themselves up against.
I loved the episode where the nanny sets her up by describing a brother and sister at the nursery that are always ill. Clare is quite explicit that under no circumstances should her child be allowed near the sick pair. The, (‘right wing’), nanny then asks for confirmation that she is to keep her charge away from ‘the black children’, at which point Clare goes into full-on PC conflict mode. Having set Clare up, the nanny innocently points out that ‘black’ is the surname of the children, not their colour!
What have Egyptian crocodiles got in common with the BBC? The both live in denial!
Talking of BBC ‘analysis’, I had the misfortune to hear Radio 4’s Analysis last night on our EU partner’s likely response to Brexit.
The ‘analysis’ consisted of a BBC bastard meeting up with EU bastards collecting phrases relating to living with the consequences of one’s decisions. It all sounded a lot like Islam or Hotel California, the only way to leave is death. Absolutely no ‘analysis’ however.
“Denial”. Ha! “Calypso”, my favourite restaurant in Gambia, has tables by the croc pool prompting me to tell the waiters the old joke “Waiter , a crocodile sandwich and make it snappy “. Alas, they had never heard it before and keep repeating it every time I go there. Don’t think they would understand your joke though !
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