It is a curiosity that the BBC, so insistent that the Leave campaign was one big lie ignores the Remain lies, the ‘Corporate’ narrative being that Leave are liars...and yet above we have ‘outlier’ Andrew Neil pointing out a ‘Remain’ piece of fabrication.….trouble is such evidence doesn’t filter through to the troops on the everyday BBC frontline…they happily ignore it and continue to peddle the lie about Leave lying…an approach very much in evidence as recently shown by the BBC’s blatant and disgracefully misleading story about the ‘cabinet memo’ that wasn’t…the BBC knew full well this was nothing to do with the government but continued throughout the day, and the next day, to mislead its audience…insisting the public really wanted to know about this memo and that it revealed something important, and of course damaging, about Brexit and the government….despite neither of those things being true.
The Left, BBC, pro-EU stooges, have that new buzz-word that they bandy about as if it were kryptonite…‘Post-Truth’.
The intent is of course to say that the referendum was invalid because the Leave campaign based their campaign upon a barrage of lies…and Remain, naturally, was a picture of probity and unsullied virtue. The Left et al carefully avoid mentioning the huge lies told by Remain, the economic armageddon, the mass unemployment, the third world war that would immediately result the day after a vote for Brexit….in much the same way they all ignore the vast amount of hate, abuse and violent threats sent by Remainers to Leave voters and politicians whilst preferring instead to highlight every ‘hate crime’ small and large, and many no doubt ‘imaginary’ [to be generous], committed by Brits after the 23rd of June and to blame it on Brexit. Odd how the BBC gleefully reported Poles going home ‘because of Brexit’. Really? Proof of that or just opportunistic chance to blame Brexit when they were going home anyway? No mention of course of the 10’s of thousands who came from Eastern Europe immediately after the vote, Number of Eastern European migrants working in the UK surges since EU referendum ….that does not play into the narrative of East Europeans living in fear of a neo-Nazi uprising in Britain [Curiously of course it was not long ago that the BBC was stating that East European countries were racist having been left behind morally by years under the Soviet yoke]
Here’s a story from the Telegraph which illustrates the twisted narrative of those at the top who try to literally forge a ‘post-truth’ narrative about stupid, ignorant, Fascist voters..
Leading French philosopher: Marine Le Pen may win election as people have lost interest in whether politicians tell the truth
France may follow America’s lead by electing National Front leader Marine Le Pen as its next president because they have lost interest in whether politicians tell the truth, the country’s leading philosopher has said.
“As for Le Pen it is unlikely that she wins but it is possible, and that is partly because the people have lost interest in policy, instead focusing on personality.”
“The people listen less and less to policy and they even seem less concerned about whether the candidates are telling the truth or not.”
He added: “They are more interested in the performance, in the theatrical quality of what is said than whether it is true. And as we know, a fascist can put on a very successful performance.”
He’s wrong, he has got things completely backwards…People have not given up on truth, they are in fact desperately seeking those who speak it, the truths that have been suppressed by the ‘elite’ for so long…about immigration, about the economy, about the EU and about Islam in their countries and the threat it poses.
Far from being ‘post-truth’ we are now in an era of ‘neo-reality’ where the truth is out there and it’s going to hurt….hurt those who have sought to suppress it for so long in order to further their own ideology and to fill their own pockets with gold and power.
Strangely the BBC managed to miss another big story, one you think they would be very interested in seeing as they are so concerned about the progress of Black and ethnic minority people….yet it seems they are only interested when they can use a story to portray white Britons and British society as racist.
Here’s a Mail story …Ethnic minorities are now more likely than whites to secure a top managerial job in Britain – because they work harder at school, report find which the BBC ignored in favour of this piece of manufactured, speculative anti-white racism...Will Britain ever see a Black Prime Minister?
You have to think this is just one of those pieces of BBC thinking that is designed not to reveal actual truth but to impart a message by engineering questions however unreal the basis for their conclusions…taking no account of Obama in the ‘racist’ US, or Sadiq Khan…or of the fact that there are vastly more Whites in Parliament than BME people because there are more Whites in the country…and I’m sure the BBC is all in favour of a properly representative Parliament for White people. It is just another piece of racial agitprop from the BBC trying to generate an undercurrent of thought that Britain is racist, if not blatantly so then ‘unconsciously’, and BME people have no chance…they are all victims of racism. Who did the study? A Muslim…Dr Faiza Shaheen….and the article written up by black actor David Harewood. Not exactly uninterested in how this is presented.
Speaking of which….
BBC faces a bias backlash as producer who joined Bob Geldof’s pro-EU ‘luvvies’ flotilla is to head up a flagship Brexit show
The BBC has been accused of bias after a pro-EU producer who joined Bob Geldof during his bungled attempt to sabotage Nigel Farage’s Leave flotilla on the Thames back in June was given the job of handling a sensitive debate on Brexit.
Remainer Nick Pisani has been given the job of producing a 50-minute debate on the issue on the BBC World news channel next weekend.
Mr Pisani, 53, was prominent behind Geldof, when the former Boomtown Rats frontman stuck two fingers up at Leave campaigners, including Farage, in a clash on the river in London.
You just can’t trust the BBC at all….a BBC that is seemingly intent on sowing discontent, whipping up anti-white hate and generating an angry mob mentlaity amongst non-white communities. The BBC is supposedly meant to maintain citizenship and civil society…but one look at what it actually does and it is evident that what it actually ‘maintains’ is a grievance culture, a culture of victimhood, a culture that says that non-whites and Muslims are oppressed by Whites, a culture that generates a ‘them and us’ attitude, that encourages ‘ghetto’ mentality and the segregation of communities…identity politics on steroids…the result is Muslim radicalisation, terrorism and riots.
The BBC is a danger to democracy and a stable, cohesive society.
I think maybe we are entering the “Post democracy era”
Where result of any democratic referendum does not count unless it agrees with the lefty pro migrant, pro globalisation narrative. Hence we have continued Brexit and Trump bashing in the MSM and especially the BBC which from being almost amusing has morphed into something much nastier with more in common with Kim Jong Un and Goebbels than Blue Peter.
I would not be so concerned if the Government actually called the media out on this. However the best it can manage is coming out with platitudes such as brexit means brexit and in effect shooting any messenger such as Farage who has the gall to flag this bias up.
Yet it appears silent on the outrageous bias of our state broadcaster thus further emboldening the BBC which now seems to see itself as HM Official Opposition TV. This in turn further encourages those Quislings who wish to overturn the referendum result because it does not fit in well with their lofty, left wing, pro globalisation ideals.
History teaches us that weak politicians who have no true vision, leads to weak leadership which in turn leads to weak Government. The route we are currently following will inevitably lead to chaos. Maybe this is what the Government truly wants. In which case we will continue to have a left wing media led Government until the people have had enough. And if we dont – then as a nation we will get the Government we deserve.
David Davis should be Prime Minister of this country, not least because he’s one of the few prominent politicians that has pointed out the blatant bias of the BBC and the havoc it’s causing to his government’s Brexit plans – plans that, despite the moronic retroactive attempts by a small number of gormless Remoaners like to claim, was unambiguously voted for by the electorate.
It was a yoghurt commercial a few years back which, IIRC, suggested that for every good thing that happens, a bad one its needed in balance.
With editorial integrity the BBC tends to work more on a substantially dubious ratio, so here is the first:
As with ‘views their own’ on twitter, the BBC main programmes do like their degrees of separation, often citing sources that are less than clear.
Or, it seems, each other, somehow making it nothing to do with the BBC.
Truly, unique.
Alan, et al,
This video is a good example of exposing conformation bias and quote mining.
Bear this in mind when you consider pitching your tent on one side or the other. It isn’t often any of you regulars (at BBBC) take any notice of such “nuances” as confirmation bias or quote mining. Let this be a lesson.
These ‘you regulars’ of whom spoken? Are there a lot?
AL Beeb often misquotes Trump’s statement ‘Ban on all Muslims’
But what he did say ………..
The reason behind the claims by the bBBC’s insistence that it is only the Leave Campaign’s claims which were based on lies whilst the Remain Campaign only told the truth is that the bBBC, in their inbred belief in their own infallibility, are fanatical believers in the Marxist/Stalinist mantra that Anything Which Does Not Conform Totally to My Version of The Truth Must Be Decried as A Complete Lie.
The bBBC, as is their wont, were impartial in their view that the only choice in the referendum was to vote Remain and that only the claims of the Remain Campaign should be believed as being the truth. In their warped minds it automatically follows that everything the Leave side claimed must therefore be a lie if it differed from whatever the Remain side insisted was based on a fact.
The fact that almost none of the Remain sides Doom and Gloom fantasies have shown even the slightest sign of coming into being is, as far as the bBBC is concerned, a total irrelevance and the unfounded insistence that Leave was based on lies and fantasies must be maintained at all costs. Their assertions are based on the same basis as Stalin’s Tractor Factory output claims, never mind what you see in front of you, just say you accept the figures claimed in the propaganda version or risk paying a long visit to the Gulags where your version will not be heard.
The bBBC’s version of the Gulags is simply to not allow anybody disagreeing with their version of things any airtime and, when they briefly give their own biased version of your views, to immediately follow it with somebody, usually describes as ‘an expert’, to totally denigrate your claims whilst portraying you as some kind of fanatical moron, and that technique is something the bBBC have spent decades perfecting.