A Biased BBC reader writes;
“The truth. The BBC seems to hate it. Look at this story about “An extremist in the family”, which will pull on the heartstrings of those feeling sorry for the poor, delicate radical wannabe Islamic terrorists out there waging war, raping, torturing and butchering for fun.
We hear from Nicola Benyahia, painting her son who has gone off to Syria to be pure and angelic, all with a blasé, matter of fact approach to dumping your life and going off to fight for IS. As if to normalise the most deplorable of acts and point fingers at everyone else. Trawling through the puff piece, we here that:
“Nicola had been caught up in the so-called “Trojan Horse” allegations in Birmingham schools whereby it was alleged there had been attempts by some Muslim governors and teachers to impose an austere Islamic ethos on students….Nicola was a governor at one of the schools in the spotlight and says she stuck it out, despite her concerns, because she had wanted a progressive Muslim female voice to be heard.”
That’s interesting. Perhaps I will do what I am sure the BBC hack did; a quick Google search for “Nicola Benyahia”…
According to the BBC, back in 2014 “the board of trustees at the centre of the alleged “Trojan Horse” Muslim takeover plot has resigned”.
“Park View Educational Trust chairman Tahir Alam said the decision had been made in the interests of the children.The trust has been in the spotlight since allegations emerged about hardline Muslims trying to extend their influence in schools. It ran Park View Academy, Nansen Primary and Golden Hillock schools in Birmingham……A statement from the trust said three new members, mutually agreed with the Department for Education, would be appointed to replace Mr Alam, Dave Hughes and Nicola Benyahia.”
Right, so the BBC is misreporting its own bloody stories. Let’s go back to today’s story: “Nicola was a governor at one of the schools in the spotlight and says she stuck it out, despite her concerns, because she had wanted a progressive Muslim female voice to be heard.”
Caught up? Stuck it out? Her concerns?
No, no and no! The BBC said she resigned and blamed the whole Trojan Horse scandal on someone else. Now, she is some “progressive Muslim female voice”. What? Now we have this woman, who has resigned after the school in which she was a governor of was caught up in a plan to radicalise children, two years later opining about how it could be possible that her own child was radicalise without a jot of irony, consistency or honesty.
Obviously her “progressive Muslim female voice” didn’t carry much sway with either the school or with her own son.
Whatever. Let’s just blame the PREVENT programme instead…’
Trojan Islamic horses speak Taqiyya.
“whom the BBC is not naming for legal reasons.”
I wonder how they decide wether or not to name someone?
Not naming for legal reasons? like Cliff Richard.
“I wonder how they decide wether or not to name someone?”
It’s a simple rule – embarrass the innocent and protect the guilty.
As in naming Jim Davidson, DLT, Cliff Richard, Leon Brittan, Edward Heath (and linking in Margaret Thatcher) and many others.
They even decided why Jo Cox was murdered even before anyone was charged with her murder.
They have a crystal ball very much tinted red!
All this Islam stuff is driving me nuts. As a relief, a Nature article.
A long apology for a 1400 year old disgusting nonsense sect.
Muslims the victims? Hilarious.
Where are all the AlBeeb reports about Christians being murdered by these lovable, misunderstood, Muslims.?
Beware Stories of Muslim “victims” are made up just as Palestinian Arabs make up stories against the Israeli’s . Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer explores an incident of “Islamophobia” that the Huffington Post reported under the headline “Islamophobia Just Drove This Boy And His Family Out Of America.” There was just one problem: it didn’t happen.http://unitycoalitionforisrael.org/?project=robert-spencer-on-yet-another-islamophobic-hate-crime-hoax
See YouTube video there – 04:36 (Nov 15, 2016)
Dhimmis, the longest suicide note in history.
A concerned voice on R4 tonight began telling me about how the Buddhists are oppressing the “Rohinga musslim minority in Myanmar”……and…..off.
Wherever there are musslims, and whoever lives nearby….always….trouble and strife.
very little from the BBC about the Islamic terrorism in South Thailand. The BBC just don’t care how many die . And they know that the Islamic terrorists will not target them , because they know that the BBC is supporting Islamic terrorism. By the way , where are the trolls these days ?
The BBC learned a long time ago, sometime when the Lebanon civil war was going on, that criticising Islamic Jihadis carried a stiff penalty – like getting beheaded. Lesson learned – specially after the Terry Waite affair – another clueless twit.
Since then, the BBC has been consistently pro-Islamic.
And who get them all released – Col North and Pres Reagan – Republicans.
Gosh, that family’s having no luck at all! Mum gets caught up in an extremism probe, for totally no reason at all, then Junior goes jihading completely out of the blue with no warning whatsoever. Maybe they could hire O J Simpson to help find the ‘real jihadists’?
Strangely, when it comes to other flavors of alleged extremism, the BBC doesn’t seem quite as sympathetic:
Webb got a right Pollaking.
As for the anti-semitism of the BBC, see them interviewing Israeli politicians. The mass murdering Muslim Palis, get an easy ride though. BBC make al Jazeera look fair and balanced.
Unless we protest to PM Theresa May, that the activities of the BBC are putting severe strain on the relations between the US and UK, the irresponsible BBC will continue their vindictive anti-American anti- Trump anti-West anti-Christian propaganda.
We hear from Nicola Benyahia, painting her son who has gone off to Syria to be pure and angelic, all with a blasé, matter of fact approach to dumping your life and going off to fight for IS.
Perhaps there’s another reason for the other-worldliness of the way she views her son: perhaps she never reads the western media and so is completely unaware of the beheadings and general barbarity being carried out by the people her son is so keen to join. On the other hand, she seems to have duped the BBC with her version of the Trojan Horse affair, so why should she be given the benefit of the doubt.
As for the BBC, are they serially incompetent or simply once more deploying their own brand of taqqiya?
You decide, dear reader.
Either way, they’re bastards.
May I propose a toast to the drone pilot who put a stop to this jihadists activities?
Has he?
Reportedly, mind you it was the BBC quoting the Islamic State via Nicola Benyahia so your scepticism may be well placed.
Let’s hope not.
Anyway, here’s to the drone pilot, whoever he or she may be.
Another story with a joyful ending, proving that the new voluntary repatriation programme is working a treat.
Lets hope we get to hear about many more similar instances very soon.
Mein Kampf was banned because of hate speech and racism. The Quran, despite containing exponentially more hate speech against a much larger group of people, is freely sold in bookshops around the world. Can someone please enlighten me as to why this is?
The mistake Hitler made was not making Nazism a religion. He could have chosen Thor as his preferred deity. Then EU laws would protect Nazism.
The only thing that surprised me about this bit of BBC propaganda was that Nicola Benyahia wasn’t clutching hold of a teddy bear as she was interviewed.
If Dimbles and Pudsey ever adopted…
Surely a beheaded Paddington.
Careful! You might upset Teddy Bear.
BBC baked potato station memo:
“Brothers! Yesterday’s paintballing session was cancelled due to global warming. Please gather in the U-bend to march on the DfE to demand Milo’s head instead. Cameron and May endorsed hate exemption badges are available from the foyer behind the barrier to keep out those not wanted in the building. A police escort will suppress any interfering with our Ji… legitimate protest”.
Apparently. Sources close to the BBC have said. According to a spokesgenderconflictedperson.
An extremist in a Muslim family???
All Muslims are committed to “struggle” (peaceful, violent etc), to implement Sharia in every country. One can regard the aim as a normal requirement to be a Muslim.
Any Muslim who denies that, is either lying, or is not a Muslim. I would say the former is far more likely, and should be assumed, unless there is strong evidence to the contrary.
I saw this woman being interviewed and I was less than convinced by her faux naivety . Clearly for the BBC she is a role model . As the google search shows, however, she may be just another part of the Muslim propagandising machine which emphasises victimhood and innocence when they do not exist .
She didn’t look Arabic, north African, East African or Asian and I would be interested to know her background . First name Nichola ? Maybe a convert . Always the most fanatical.
Radio 4 this morning, Humphries, was waxing lyrical. Apparently there is a White Supremacist Group in America that are celebrating the election of Donald Trump. Oh what a terrible thing and moans and groans from Humphries, then he continued to say the 200 strong group etc. Why should this be so important to warrant a mention on the main news. 200 within the population of America. The Lefties are grasping at straws here.
It was typical left wing BBC disinformation. The views of 200 people out of the 60 million who voted for Trump are immaterial, except insofar as they can be used to discredit Trump by association. Obviously, the support Obama received from black racists is never reported.
They think we are stupid, but we are not. As with Brexit, the people have seen through the MSM’s bullshit, and no longer believe. John Humphrys is an old fool talking to himself in an empty room.
I will be amazed if Nicola Benyahia is not a presenter on
” Midlands Today ” on BBC before very long. Be quick ” Midlands”
or the Londonistan programme presented by Riz Lateef and Asad Ahmad
will poach her very quickly from you!
The BBC should be tried for treachery. Nicola Benyahia had to resign from a Birmingham educational trust two years ago due to her central involvement in the Trojan Horse plot in bringing radical Islam into the classroom to radicalise schoolkids.
But she has now succeeded in this Trojan Horse of a BBC story that turns her and her terrorist kid into victims. You can’t read the story without being bombarded with images of her son as a sweet kid and her as a grief stricken mother – it is propaganda pure and simple to make the reader feel sorry for them and blame Britain for her situation.
Absent are any images of the raped and murdered women and children, victims of her ISIS terrorist son and fellow radicalised European youth, currently fighting and destroying to bring radical Islam into the Middle East.