A Biased BBC reader writes…
“We hear that Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has withdrawn a bill that pardons men convicted of sex with underage girls if they have married them. There were lots of protests across Turkey which, in fairness, has been one of the more progressive Muslim-dominated societies (they even banned the burqa, which I guess makes them Islamaphobes).
As per usual, the BBC skips around and deliberately ignores the Islam angle, suggesting instead this is some weird quirk of Turkish culture. They even soften the horror by using sinister terms such as “statutory rape” rather than “rape” to imply that these children are all somehow consensual (imagine if they used that term with Jimmy Savile) in the process and “taking child brides”, making it sound almost romantic. “I married a 12-year old girl; she just really gets me on an emotional level…”
You will notice that the article has no mention of the history and rationale for this abhorrent practice of child rape and marriage. Where does it come from and why? The Beeb, of course, won’t tell us because it exposes the truth about the founder of Islam. To ironically misquote a popular acronym, WWMD?
Muhammed married his child bride Aisha when she was six and consummated the marriage/raped her when she was nine. And he is meant to be the perfect human. This is the reason behind the proposed legislation – and many like it – but the BBC ignores that, mainly because it is probably just bigoted hate-speech (aka the truth)..
I am glad to see al-Beeb is now expanding and fine-tuning its knowledge of lies and misinformation under sharia. We are used to their Taqiyya (the blatant lies) and now are seeing them learn the more refined aspects, such as Kitman techniques (lying by omission) as well as Tawriya (intentionally creating a false impression)”
As the Qur’an says to believe in the Gospel, perhaps John 8.44 is worth quoting: “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
Interesting contrast with the story above. The BBC & The left – but I repeat myself – are sure that everyone who ever said anything positive about Brexit are partially responsible for driving a known loon over the edge. Meanwhile, the fact that the individual who is described as the “Perfect Man for All Places and All Times” married a child bride has no impact whatsoever on a trend for people marrying child brides.
Did the BBC move headquarters to larger premises to make room for more smoke and mirrors?
It is so farcical to see the BBC twist and writhe to create news to fit their agenda. Unfortunately their agenda quite simply does not match the observable facts of human nature the world over. Their ideal of a soviet world will never ever happen, the downfall of the USSR should have taught them a lesson. The fact that the left have infiltrated the institutions is irrelevant when the observable outcome of their subversive efforts is rejected by the masses ( a phrase they wet over ).
Trump and Brexit are just the first in a long line of defeats the fascist left are going to suffer.
Muslims can do what ever they want and the BBC and Leftists will support them. Woe betide the rest of us !