Well THIS is the least surprising thing I have seen on the BBC. A full on character assassination of those it calls the “Alt Right”. Apparently they are Nazis, anti-Semites, Holocaust deniers and racists. Personally, I think this is the BBC projecting yet again!
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The author of this pathetic article employed by the radical alt left so called BBC is the same idiot that tried to ambush milo. Milo put the little fascist in his place
The Daily Telegraph ran a hit piece on Milo on its front page today (Tuesday) that needed two “journalists” to write. It must think that Breitbart is a serious rival to its internet edition. In reality it just demeaned itself with lies such as: “Milo Yiannopoulos, a 32-year-old British journalist who has become the face of America’s “alt-right” movement”. He explains the “alt right” at 4.26 in the above video, but he isn’t “the face” of it.
Anti-extremist squad prevent homosexual Jew from speaking out against militant Islam.
Heard on another radio station a caller, calling those protesters ‘Alt Left’. It would be nice if that sobriquet took off.
A caller to Jon Gaunt’s show had an even better suggestion – ctrl > left
Milo was a bit selective when it came to describing the beliefs of the Alt. Right. Some wish that homosexuals would go back into the closet & also do not believe in gender equality. Oh! Hail the mighty god Equality! people talk about it without thinking about whether it’s true or not.
I think Alex Jones, David knight, Paul Joseph Watson have attempted to define what is meant by alt-right. They and the Infowars team give a better coverage of news than the sodding bbc. Jeff Rense is also a good source, as is the Next News Network, all to be found on YouTube and not a fake news site amongst them. Which is more than can be said of the bbc and the American equivalents.
Think this is alt-R
A must-watch, in that it chronicles the nasty low and lying campaign by Americas entire press pack and elite to take Trump down.
No wonder the likes of Snow are bricking it-we KNOW what they were up to , and they are without excuse.
Hope Trump just speaks to us, sends his tweets out and turfs the BBC and assorted limey liberal hacks out of Cape Cod-thee are enemies of your country Sir!
At least the likes of Fox and Breitbart turn out to be relatively truthful, or at least generate a right controversy.
Whereas the Left just want us to be boiled alive, as they look on with oyster eyes.
Great telly-only wish that I`d heard the replies of the gorgeous KellyAnne…yet again, the right have all the dollies.
Got to go now-the BBCs “Costing The Earth ask “what will it mean for the environment,now Trumps been elected-for the life of me I can`t imagine what Uriah Heep will be saying….
And, of course, one N Farage would be able to mark DJTs card in respect of those among the UK press who should be removed from the White House press pass list, with our old friend the BBC at the top of the list.
“The President’s words are spoken by an actor as we have no live access”.
Wouldn’t you just love it.
Democracy began in Great Britain and taken up by the civilised world.
Brexit began in Great Britain ……..
Farage for Prime Minister .
Al Beeb absolutely hate the word Brexit listen to inflection of the voices of every Al Beeb newsreader and presenter when they pronounce ‘Brexit’.
Brrrrrexit Its a treat !
Why oh why does Murdoch nor recognise the huge potential market for a right of centre news operation in the U.K.
At present Sky is a junior version of the BBC, but could easily be turned into the channel of choice for the majority of non-liberal elite viewers who read right of centre papers in far greater numbers than the likes of the Guardian and Independent.
If the lefties are always painting him as the bogeyman he has got nothing to lose and perhaps some more dosh to gain by bumping up viewing figures.
Ofcom would ban it. Only the establishment’s version of impartiality is allowed to be broadcast over the airwaves.
@NCBBC… I don’t think Condell would appreciate being considered “alt-R.”
He lacks some of the prime credentials, e.g. he’s not an anti-Semite, white nationalist/supremacist or racist, supports Israel, etc.
From what I’ve seen on Twitter his IQ is also at least double that of the typical Alt Right warrior.
As a movement — and I’m not sure it’s quite that — the Alt Right is headed for shattering disappointment if it thinks Trump is going to seek its counsel and/or company, let alone act as enabler for what it hopes to bring about.
Just another day in the confused life of the liberal MSM. What to think , where to go , what to do. It is getting too much for them.
The young will always rebel against an orthodoxy and the liberal one is no exception. They thought it would be and are finding out the hard way.
Absolutely right, Dave!
Confusion reigns, and isn’t it just lovely to see beeb ‘journalists’ getting it wrong when they have only two minutes to state the msm case.
Imagine the wank-fest when they have something about Corbyn, then realise, they’ve not actually got it in them…
The “Alt right” were single handedly created by the odious left, in their outright doubling down, when the tide of every day Joe public opinion started to go against them, and thus demanded that their will be carried out to the letter of their politically correct law.
Leftists indeed exactly like the BBC, who are still in total denial about Brexit, and would willingly stoop to any underhanded tactic possible to stop us leaving THEIR leftist wannabe totalitarian European union.
And what will they do about it?…..Double down again…..They’ll never get it….Never!
Although most ideas we think of as ‘lefty’ have been around since the 18th century at least, they didn’t become part of popular western culture until the 1960s. What may be happening now is that the liberal/left ideas of the boomer generation are now finally starting to lose hold, and the younger and/or more insightful people are starting to realise the ideas no longer work, if they ever did. Some people and institutions can be very resistant to major cultural shifts like this, and I think the anger and denial in the MSM is part of this.
However…I say it ‘may’ be happening, because I thought something similar was happening in the Reagan/Thatcher era…instead the boomer mentality just got a tighter grip!
BBC now doubling down on the front page headlines here:
Deliberately conflating Alt-Right with Nazis, and claiming that even Donald Trump thinks they are Nazis and disavows them. BBC can’t stop themselves now, it’s a habit they must keep feeding.
That really was a shabby piece of work, even by the BBC’s standards. It bore all the hallmarks of a pre-planned hatchet job, too – the lack of a byline gives away that it was a ‘team effort’, no doubt cooked up at one of the BBC’s editorial conferences when the comrades were working themselves into a lather over the growing influence of the alt.right movement and, in particular, how the Right’s online media were threatening the MSM’s self-appointed role as arbiter of what we little people are allowed to see, hear and think.
In particular, the weaving of Breitbart in general and Milo Yiannopoulos in particular, was worthy of Goebbels. I’m no fan of Milo’s but trying to link him to a few lunatic Nazi supporters in the USA is an act of desperation and panic on the BBC’s front – not least because he is both gay and Jewish!
There is a good side to this piece of pathetic, childish squawking from the BBC. It shows they are worried. Very worried indeed. They know they and their fellow MSM dinosaurs are in serious trouble.
I agree and was amazed they included his video. Anybody that watches it will see him call the BBC on the attempted ‘white nationalist’ question (smear). Which is exactly what the article is – somebody dropped a bollock there.
Anybody else listening to the Today Programme this morning? Approx 6:14 there is a brief discussion about the Nazi supporting idiots on the far right, and the fact that Donald Trump was critical of these people. It immediately followed up with the question what is the Alt-Right, to which Brietbart was mentioned and the anti-Semitic slurs against Steve Bannon were repeated.
Has the sodding bbc ever investigated the Neo-cons; the Neo-Conservatives; in the Bush and Obama administrations? They sound like a modern version of conservative; ie Republican; politicians but in reality they are virtually all ex-Democrat party members and therefore collectivists and globalists. I don’t recall any opprobrium heaped on them or, accurately, labeling them as socialists. But that’s probably because in general they do things with which the bbc and their American equivalents agree.
A bit later on Today was a cosy chat between Humphries and a New York Times journalist. The two of them managed to agree that: “alt-right” = “far-right” = “fascists”. It was then stated that Trump has distanced himself from the fascists.
MSM are really worried about the demolition of their control of the narrative by the “alt-right”. Good.
Where were you yesterday?
Lindy West in AlGruniard
We are all Nazis.
Racist, even by GaadAluinr standards.
West is a whiteish fat ugly dimwit from Seattle with a long record of juvenile dementia.
The original model for “I hate being white”, all others are fakes.
Every cell in her fat body wishes to be black, and dead.
Nazi totalitarianism was a bad thing. It was as bad as Communist totalitarianism.
When the far left are treated to the same level of enquiry on the murderous totalitarian history of the movement they seek to impose on the rest of us, then I will believe that the communist fellow travelling left aren’t pulling the medias strings.
De communisation of the west is needed now as much as denazification was at the defeat of Nazi Germany.
Mc Carthy was right.
Behind every far leftist is a potential Stalin or Mao.
I agree about ‘decommunisation’. But who will do it? In 1945 there was a willing army (literally, in the case of the BAOR educationalists) of people whose left wing ideals made them perfect for the task of denazification. There’s no such group in the west capable of ‘de-communising’ because the ideas of communism are now so entrenched in western culture.
The wall came down a good few years ago. History seems to be forgotten quickly and anyone born in the 90s has no experience of it. Terrible to see that anyone from right of centre is now labelled far right, yet the far left is OK. If I have just seen one successful communist regime I would feel some hope for them. I would be interested to know what they teach now at schools about the 20th century nowadays.
I listening to Robinson interviewing General Petraeus earlier on Radio 4. Petraeus who said some pretty horrid things about Trump during the election campaign, now stated he would be willing to serve under Trump if asked. In other words where money and power are concerned principles fly out of the window. What really annoyed me though was Robinsons throwaway comment, he pointed out that the General had often been interviewed on the Russian propaganda channel RT. Propaganda channel, well that’s really rich coming from the BBC mouthpiece.
And the inevitable comparison: 60 million Americans voted for the Golden Don, 200 of which were filmed giving Nazi salutes. In other words, a far lower percentage of Trump fans gave Nazis salutes than the percentage of British Muslims who have joined ISIS.
DJ. Great link to Islamofascism.
Sharia and Islam make Nazis look like genuinely nice guys.
I think around 40% of British Muslims support the imposition of Sharia in the UK. That is, the overthrow of HM Queen Elizabeth II, and replacing her kingdom with a caliphate.
This makes them guilty of sedition against HM Queen Elizabeth II. For this, they can be stripped of their British citizenship, and dropped anywhere outside the territorial waters of the UK. Finished. They can row to the EU, if it will have them, or Switzerland.
HM government is not obliged in any way, to deport them to a safe place or anything.
In more commonsense times, they would have had a much rougher ride.
They’re using the fringe elements of the movement in order to discredit the rest. Why don’t they define the left by the Communists and black supremacists who vote for them?
Trump supporters sometimes dress up a cartoon frog as Hitler. Hillary supporters shoot police officers and burn down cities. Yet the BBC has only attempted to demonise one side.
Or the very current Labour members who are raving anti-Semites?
Clearly, this is a disinformation strategy dreamed-up by far Left agitators in the States. And, just as all the anti-Brexit nonsense here is being funded by mysterious sources, you can bet theirs it too.
Isn’t it, George?
We know where the funding is coming from, the big banks. The Wiki leaks, which were conveniently ignored by the mainstream media showed widespread collusion between the banks, the media, and the liberal establishment.
The Clinton campaign were literally proofreading stories for the media, and planting their own material with the consent of major networks.
It’s not ‘just’ the banks. Have a look at how many pies Soros has his mucky paws in.
I throw Soros in with those people. He’s a horrible human, crashes the markets whenever people vote against his agenda, Hillary was literally his pet.
And , of course, Hitler was a socialist !
Maybe it’s time David Vance came clean on his views. He appears to be espousing alt:right as if they reflect the views of those worried about BBC Bias. The Alt:right has a very different agenda, as worrying as the BBC’s pro-islamic one.
The BBC does a piece on the Alt Right. The Donald disowns any association with alt:right. Yet we have a list of posts supporting what is a white supremacist organisation, led by Vance.
Sadly, this site has become a home for people who deluded themselves that Trump and UKIP are white supremacists. Neither of them are. Nigel disowns La Pen, Trump the Alt: right. The BBC reports this but then Vance claim they are bias in reporting on modern fascists – who are claiming Trump as one of theirs. He ain’t.
The Alt:Right is not the heir to Churchill, Thatcher or Reagan. All three would have nothing to do with any muppet who supports these modern day fascists.
To use a popular alt:right phrase this site has become a shrill for modern British fascists and has lost its way. Very few regulars post now, replaced by apologists for fascism. You know who you are.
Count me out. No doubt this post will disappear quickly with me being blocked. I’ll join the many others now on Guido. You can be right-wing, it doesn’t make you something as odious and beneath contempt as an alt:fascist.
Interesting to see the lies and agitprop being peddled by the far Left is finding its intended target.
Good luck over at the Order Order. When you get banned, there’s always Going Postal.
The problem is that nobody is really sure what the Alt-Right means, it means different things to different people, clearly the media are completely clueless, which is why you shouldn’t be accepting their narrative of the movement. It’s a wide tent, it seems as though it began as an online white supremacist movement. But now people with other views have joined, mainly united by opposition to the traditional right, and these people want nothing to do with white supremacists. So in all this confusion, you can see why large numbers of reasonable people, who do see themselves as a resurgance of Thatcher/Reagan, are now angry that they’re suddenly being thrown in with Neo-Nazis by the media.
‘No doubt this post will disappear quickly with me being blocked.’
I don’t understand Invicta, if you’re blocked how has you’re post appeared here?
Which do you fear more, the “Far Right” or the “Far Left ” and please give your reasons ?
To my knowledge, the only person who has been blocked here in the last year or so was someone who was making anti-semitic comments. On this site we welcome all opinions and freedom of speech, in contrast to the Far Left Fascists !
Well said, Grant.
Dear Invicta
I don’t think I like Trump because the mainstream press are so biased in their reporting that I cannot hold an opinion on him. I know I don’t like Hillary because even parts of the mainstream media had to admit that she was using the Clinton Foundation as her personal bank (without paying tax) and she was obviously lying about both her emails and Benghazi. Had I had a vote in the US, on what I know from the likes of the BBC, I would have voted ‘neither of the above’.
However what I have enjoyed is seeing, after all the sneers from people on the BBC about the foolishness of supporting Trump on every programme from the News Quiz, to the One Show and everywhere else they could possibly lever it in, that the people in America said ‘enough’ and voted for Trump. The sadness of the BBC after the British people failed them by voting Brexit is a delight. I know that Trump will not be allowed to breathe without the BBC, CNN and other mainstream American networks claiming that he is exhaling the breath of the devil – but allow us to enjoy the moment until the BBC brushes themselves off, dust themselves down and start all over again. They already are doing so. Meanwhile Milo is magnificent in fighting the MSM, snowflakes, feminists etc at their own game and I am enjoying it.
Well said and Milo is a breath of fresh air ! I am still laughing at his comment ” All my boyfriends are black “. LOL !
My take on this sudden emphasis on the “Alt-Right” across broadcast and print media is that the oligarchy needed a new smear that their compliant media could run with – it was interesting that the BBC and the Telegraph ran hit pieces on Milo on the same day. The old lies that anyone who thinks for themself is racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, etc, etc no longer work because no one takes them seriously – except a few sad individuals like the one who posted at 11.21. We now know that in the UK there are 17.5 million of us who see through the lies, with the number rising, and in the USA there were enough to get Trump elected President.
There is a very perceptive analysis of how the US media lied and is lying, with references to all the details that you’ll never get from the BBC, here:
But be warned, the author hates Trump and sees his election as a disaster, but one that the media contributed to by its lies. I’ll paste in a couple of quotes so you can see what you’ll get.
” There is no evidence that Donald Trump is more racist than any past Republican candidate (or any other 70 year old white guy, for that matter). All this stuff about how he’s “the candidate of the KKK” and “the vanguard of a new white supremacist movement” is made up. It’s a catastrophic distraction from the dozens of other undeniable problems with Trump that could have convinced voters to abandon him. That it came to dominate the election cycle should be considered a horrifying indictment of our political discourse, in the same way that it would be a horrifying indictment of our political discourse if the entire Republican campaign had been based around the theory that Hillary Clinton was a secret Satanist.”
“Stop fearmongering. Somewhere in America, there are still like three or four people who believe the media, and those people are cowering in their houses waiting for the death squads.”
” Stop centering criticism of Donald Trump around this sort of stuff, and switch to literally anything else. Here is an incompetent thin-skinned ignorant boorish fraudulent omnihypocritical demagogue with no idea how to run a country, whose philosophy of governance basically boils down to “I’m going to win and not lose, details to be filled in later”, and all you can do is repeat, again and again, how he seems popular among weird Internet teenagers who post frog memes. In the middle of an emotionally incontinent reality TV show host getting his hand on the nuclear button, your chief complaint is that in the middle of a few dozen denunciations of the KKK, he once delayed denouncing the KKK for an entire 24 hours before going back to denouncing it again. When a guy who says outright that he won’t respect elections unless he wins them does, somehow, win an election, the headlines are how he once said he didn’t like globalists which means he must be anti-Semitic.”
It is well worth reading for the sort of analysis that you won’t find anywhere else.
Just to clarify how the BBC can use the term right wing to suit their own agenda, regardless of the actual mindset displayed, here’s an example.
About 7 years ago a poster of mine complained to the BBC regarding their referring to the BNP as right wing. Here’s their response: (highlights mine)
Dear Mr Digger
Thanks for your e-mail.
I understand you have concerns with our presenters and reporters referring to the BNP or similar parties as “far-right” when you feel that this description is inaccurate.
I can assure you that we carefully consider the terminology before referring to any organisation or person in our news reports.
The BNP was born out of the National Front – a “national” party, who like many parties purporting to represent the national interests of a particular country, claim themselves to be national socialists. NS is an extremely left wing form of political belief – Hitler’s Nazi party were national socialists, and therefore technically left wing – but so left wing as to appear right wing in their extreme and racist views. The same can apply to the BNP.
I would like to assure you that I’ve registered your feelings about this matter on our audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback which we compile daily for all programme makers and commissioning executives within the BBC, and also their senior management. It ensures that your points, and all other comments we receive, are circulated and considered across the BBC.
Thank you once again for taking the trouble to share your views with us.
Ross Montgomery
BBC Complaints
You couldn’t make it up! 🙄
The Political Spectrum according to the BBC:
A standard argument, or rather non argument, of BBC and leftists is derived from scouring through activities and statements attributed to one member of the movement they seek to discredit – say UKIP or the alt right – and present that as if it is widely held by the entire movement. Farage and Trump have faced that regularly, with KKK and racist policies attributed to them from selected examples of nuts within these movements. It was the standard argument Brillo used in his notoriois interview with Tommy Robinson.
So why not turn the non argument back on the left? Enjoy this video of a ‘typical’ Clinton supporter, the kind of activist the BBC must admire.
I never thought there was a case for the Burkha. But she has convinced me .
For… ‘balance’…
Milo explained he is NOT “alt-right” he is a conservative, but alt-right is something else it does encompass the extremist nationalists and fascists.
Neither is Breibart part of the Alt-right
The BBC’s trick is to blur conservative, right and Alt-right and put Breibart in the same basket as fascists it isn’t and we should not fall into the trap.
On video Milo explained that he wrote an article once about Alt-Right which led to lazy reporters getting mixed up and calling him Alt-right…again he said he not.
As other commentators have said it is all a bit of a distraction trick by LeftMob media cos even though you can find some fascist nutters the larger and day to threat comes from Islamic extremists and leftwing demonstrators who do spill over it to self justified violence and Alinsky techniques.
Tim Farron getting huge applause???!! WTF??!!! Oh now we have an `economist` after him going full retard…
sorry wrong thread