The site received this email and I am sure the author would like me to share. He is The typos and grammar are not mine, btw 🙂
“So now that it has been established beyond a shadow of a doubt that Thomas Mair was ‘politically’ motivated, and the full details of her horrendous murder made clear. Along with his refusal to give evidence.
Are you going to apologise for your and your ‘audiences’ grostesque comments back when it happened?
Ive rarely seen people so despicable and so willing to try and justify and cover up their prejudices.
Its clear on some level you are deeply ashamed of yourself, elst you wouldnt be justifying it, but that you dont have the moral courage to admit it.
However awhile along when the history of this era is assesed your website and the record of your bigotry will be accounted for.
Shame on you, you utterly revolt me.”
and a merry Christmas to you too.
Jonathon sounds a really nice bloke. He must be gay.
I’m gay, but I hope to Christ I ain’t like him!
A bed wetter, more apt.
Nobody at any point claimed that Mair wasn’t politically motivated, they simply – and correctly – pointed out the blatant double-standard of the BBC and other pro-EU media outlets announcing this as a Brexit hate crime before it had ever been formally established that it had anything to do with it (and it still hasn’t, by the way) when they refuse to make links between Islamic extremism and Islam. Nor do they, for that matter, acknowledge the many instances of bigotry and hate crimes from Europhiles towards Brexit voters, which clearly includes your thinly-veiled (and entirely empty) threat that this site will “be accounted for”.
On top of that, the fact that he has known mental illness issues was basically glanced over, yet in the cases of several high-profile Islamic attacks the media pushed a narrative that it was mental illness that was responsible. Another blatant double-standard.
So no, Jonathon. We don’t feel any shame, and nor should we. We said straight away that Jo Cox’s murder was a terrible event that should never have happened. We simply did not accept that it should be exploited in order to push a pro-EU agenda, which it was within hours of it occurring. THAT is the despicable, offensive action that was taken here, and your silence on that speaks volumes for your ‘flexible’ morals.
It is you, attempting to emotionally intimidate people while not demanding the same standards of virtue and ethics from those with similar political dispositions to yourself, that is an embarrassment. And it is you, thankfully, whose hollow words are starting to lose their power as more and more people realise that you have no intentions of putting them into practice.
All lives,
Exactly. “Your bigotry will be accounted for “. What could that possibly mean ? If Johnathon has any balls, hr will come on here and debate.
ALM, Beautifully put, thank you
“Jonathan Harker”?? Wasn’t he the lawyer bloke sent to find Dracula??
Yes, but this is “Jonathon Harker”, who can’t spell even his own assumed name, apparently. (If you search for “Jonathan Harker” in Yougle-know-what, the panel at the righthand side is headed “Jonathon Harker”[sic].)
Bah! you beat me to it! I was going to mention the character in Bram Stoker’s Dracula & the spelling error!
Oh Scotty stop it. You crack me up.
I still think there’s something not quite right about the whole Jo Cox business. I haven’t been paying any attention to the trial but one thing has stuck in my mind – for someone who had been badly injured, according to the muslim woman who gave evidence the last words of Mrs Cox were remarkably lucid; she’s supposed to have said something to the effect ” you get away and let him attack me”. I’m sorry but I don’t believe it. It might be true but it doesn’t sound plausible to me.
Dear Jonathan, Thank you for your interest in our postings.
As a simple exercise can we compare and contrast 2 politically motivated murders during recent times.
Lets deal with the murder of Jo Cox first. This murder is politically motivated but lets have a look at how the facts were treated in what is really a show trial. Thomas Mair has a long history of mental illness (fact) and was probably mentally retarded as well judging by some of the “neighbour observations”. This has never been mentioned in the case at all. Was he even properly assessed and what were his defence counsel doing in this regard? We had the full on Nazi, right wing agenda thrown at this by the prosecution and full treatment by the MSM.
Now lets look at the case of Fusilier Lee Rigby. Make no mistake Lee Rigby wasn’t murdered because he was Lee Rigby. He was murdered because he was a soldier. Could have been any soldier from those barracks. He was murdered because he represented a) the armed forces and b) the State. So this was an attack on the State and therefore all that the State represents.
Now lets look at the trial of his two murderers. At the outset the trial Judge ruled that no evidence about the two men’s religious or political beliefs would allowed to be aired in the trial “because he did want not to give their beliefs a public platform”. So the whole trial was based on the pure facts of how the murder was effected. Some time was spent by the defense on how troubled the 2 individuals were and how ostracized they felt as individuals from their community. etc etc.
The whole hypocrisy of these 2 trials is totally self evident. This is the system at work. If you’re a white male we are to going to throw the whole sink at you even if you’re a bit retarded because we don’t want other white people getting similar ideas. When it comes to 2 Muslim extremists doing the same thing. Lets not expose the ideology behind this for fear of a serious backlash by white people.
This is not a balanced justice system. This is a politically motivated justice system sending out political messages in bold type.
‘. . . he did want not to give their beliefs a public platform.’
A sin of omission which continues to the present day, and which epitomises the difference in the treatment of the two murders that TigerOC has elaborated with patient clarity.
Fusilier Rigby was murdered by Mujahid Abu Hamza and Ismail Ibn Abdullah. Those are the names by which Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale asked to be known as they stood trial. They are also the names by which the convicted have hardly ever been known since. I wonder why their right to self-determination is not accorded the same respect as that afforded to (say) pre-pubescent children presenting as transgender patients.
I don’t actually. I know perfectly well why not.
Excellent post. I have no confidence in the police and judicial system of the UK. It is purely political now.
And don’t forget the tens of thousands of systematic brutal rapes of vulnerable young White girls by Muslims. These were deliberately hidden by mainly the Labour government. Most of these brutal gang rapes were committed in Yorkshire and Midlands.
I wonder who, and how many Labour MPs, were involved in keeping this war crime under wraps.
When I think of this WAR CRIME, I feel ashamed, and would like to suppress the incident as a nightmare, that I would wake from.
As Vladimir Putin states ‘A society that can’t defend its children has no tomorrow’
I believe the key from the original reports was that he repeatedly shouted “Britain First”, which was leapt upon by those of a BBC / Guardian persuasion to relate to a body under that name. Yet one witness denied hearing that said.
I have not followed the trial closely but what little I read still left me a little confused as to the exact sequence of events and what he did say.
If anyone knows of an honest (therefore obviously not BBC produced) summary of the events I would be pleased to be advised of it.
Barry George?
I think you will find that it was one , and only one, witness who claimed he had shouted “Britain First”. And when was the last time you heard of a judge instructing a jury that the could draw their own conclusions from the fact a defendant was not going to give evidence in their own defence?
As far as I am aware the usual instruction from judges to juries is that they should not draw any conclusions about that when considering their verdict in a trial.
In English law it is the job of the prosecution to prove that the accused is guilty and not the job of the accused to prove themselves innocent and that is why judges, when giving guidance to a jury, instruct them not to draw conclusions from the accused person’s silence.
Spot on, the old caution commenced “You are not obliged to say anything……” the revised caution under PACE begins “You do not have to say anything……” That is the choice afforded to everyone and no assumption either way is invited because of the choice an accused person makes.
A Pakistani witness was said to have heard Mair shout ‘Britain First’. The Pakistani witness later denied he had heard this being said at all, and that this statement was falsely attributed to him.
The BBC didn’t of course report this bit.
Of course why would ‘Britain first’ be assumed to mean ‘Britain First’ the organization in the first place!
Fortunate that the Pakistani guy didnt hear ” Make Britain Great Again” – or we would never hear the end of it.
So a Nazi imbecile murders his local M.P., and according to some Socialist nut sack going by the pseudonym of a Bram Stoker character, that’s the fault of David Vance and the website “The Biased BBC”?
Yawn!….Move on….
His misuse of male and female pronouns, in the first paragraph, prove beyond doubt that he’s Transphobic!
And still the hypocrisy continues to amaze me
Grotesque comments? Yes I remember well, while everyone was trying to comprehend what had just happened various news outlets, notably the BBC, were already reporting that Mair shouted “Britain first”, I doubt she was even dead when they were already trying to make political capital out of her attack. I seem to remember Angela Eagle very early on tweeted this accusation too, what concern she showed for her fellow MP, which she then had to delete when it became clear this wasn’t true.
Also grotesque was the claim that Nigel Farage had “blood on his hands”, in what world is there any connection between Nigel Farage and Thomas Mair?. Of course there is none but hey why not smear your opponent for political gain while the poor woman is fighting for her life?
Let’s see what were those were words again? Oh yes, Grotesque, Prejudice and Despicable. Those examples above perfectly encapsulate those words.
I notice you don’t mention anything regarding mental health, how strange, but I suppose that might detract from the narrative that everyone who voted leave is a rabid, xenophobic racist. This was main point of contention at the time and has been ever since. It appears that politicians, not doctors, now decide who is mentally stable.
Another word you use is “Bigotry”. This year we had the most fair and democratic vote in my lifetime, one person, one vote and all votes equally important, whoever got the most votes would win, simplicity itself. The Remainers lost, fair and square, yet some are actively trying to overturn the result. There’s bigotry in action for you
Here’s a word for you…..”Hypocrite”. Take a long hard look in the mirror, if you have any sense what you see will revolt you, realise you’re the one who should be ashamed and stop trying to justify your hypocrisy and bigotry because your arguments fail even basic scrutiny.
Spot on. Their minds are so twisted they don’t even see the hypocrisy.
No defence. That in itself is remarkable isn’t it? yet there is absolutely no interest shown by the media in explaining this oddity.
IRA murder cases in the 70s were sometimes marked by statements by the defendants that they didn’t recognise the court so would not defend themselves but in this case…..nothing.
So an MP is killed in the street, some evidence is produced of some books and memoribilia being found in the suspects flat that links him to a long dead political party and an interest in white history….and this is significant, and “far right political beliefs” presented as the motive.
Yet in cases where an Islamic religious slogan is cried out during the commission of the offence, and there are close links with mosque attendance, (we never hear if a Koran or books of Hadith have been found in the suspects home) it is NTDWI.
A murder trial, an MP is dead, no defence is mounted and no questions asked. Most unusual, but no mainstream journalist will go near it. A show trial indeed.
If I were judged on the books I own you could not decipher my political views as I have both Mein Kampf and Das Kapital.
However if I were to attack someone would the BBC just report I had a copy of Mein Kampf in my home and forget to mention the copy of Das Kapital I also have…rhetorical question by the way!
Without association reporting, BBC news could not function.
Especially the brand they adopt where conflation is played up when it suits and censorship kicks in when it doesn’t.
A murder trial, an MP is dead, no defence is mounted and no questions asked. Most unusual, but no mainstream journalist will go near it. A show trial indeed.
There is a story to be told here, and as far as I can see it could be very sleazy indeed. An MP with connections to a US and EU supported organization – the White Helmets – ostensibly committed to administering aid, but also involved in arming anti Assad rebels, is killed and her death used to support the objective of remaining in the EU. And so neatly is the discovery of far right literature in his home which will serve to identify extremists, Islamophobics and members of the alt right in the predictable onslaught on right of centre thoughts and opinions by this government.
He writes in the Guardian.
Writes for the Guardian! an oxymoron judging by his Grammar!
So the “Grauniad”, as was once the joke, was not referring to mis-types but gives proof that their journalists suffered the socialist education system and are therefore unable to write correct or coherent English.
Just had to thoroughly check the above for mistakes. Nervous.
I would suggest that Bob Geldorf has blood on his hands. After all the sight of a bunch of over privileged champagne swilling t*ssers, mocking hard working Fishermen on the Thames the day before, might have pushed any mental case over the edge with rage.
The fact that Jo Cox and her family were buzzing along in a dinghy and joining in the mockery might well have caused a loony constituent with a grudge, to decide to put his ghastly plan into action.
Lets get one thing straight, infuriating actions on the Thames or not, the murder of Jo Cox was a terrible crime, distressing to read about and deeply sad. But the idea that people who voted leave or comment on this site, are somehow at fault is completely flawed.
The MSM and remainers, tried their hardest to use the death of someone’s Mother to push their agenda. And for that they should hang their heads in shame.
(All grammatical errors and spelling mistakes are Authors own)
The killing of Jo Cox and the motives attributed to the killer, emphasized so heavily by the BBC, will be cited in response to any condemnation of Islamic inspired knife and bomb attacks.
I am not going to refer to all the comments above but this is biased BBC at its very best. Superb !
The p-poor prose and ‘shame on you’ invective resembles that of one or two of our fondly-remembered former posters.
Hey, wasn’t Jonathan Harker himself a notorious racist, best remembered for harassing a Romanian immigrant?
The Count was just biting the necks British people won’t bite.
But he entered illegally through Whitby. Not only that, he arrived as a dog without a pet passport.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, he went to London and exacerbated the housing crisis by buying property there. Lazy bugger slept most of the day and never got a job.
No sympathy. These Romanians are a pain in the neck.
Well done Jonathan.
However awhile along when the history of this era is assesed your website and the record of your bigotry will be accounted for.
I hope they consider the devastation New Labour has created by importing millions of Muslims to the UK. Terrorism, mass murder, all to the shouts of “Allah Ackbar”, FGM, criminality, mass gang rape of young “Infidel” girls, the uprooting of centuries of tradition for a backward culture that hates homosexuals, and non-Muslims alike, with equal opportunity. And for what? So New Labour could stay in power for ever and a day.
Approaching the season of goodwill to all men, I sincerely hope that you too will cherish the fact that we still live in a tolerant society, despite the occasional horrific murder. But rest assured Jonathan, that the process New Labour has unleashed in Britain, will destroy any semblance of tolerance that we, and from what you write, cherish.
I recall myself and some others on here asking people to pray for Mrs Cox while she was critically ill. The general tone on here was one of shock and disgust at such a terrible crime. What we objected to was the way the BBC and others subtly tried, or at least this was how we perceived it, to take advantage of the crime to influence the EU referendum and to portray the MP as some sort of saint in order to manipulate public opinion. It seems the complainant did not read sufficient comments on this site.
Lefty tactic. Write a silly hate-filled email. Provoke a rational well-argued response. Don’t debate, just disappear. Lefties, eternal teenagers.
Sending an e-mail like this to a website shows nothing but desperation, reminds me of Sun morning 2am posts after too much “fizzy pop”. Don’t worry Jonathan, you will feel better soon.
Mair has just been found guilty of Jo Cox’s murder. However the motive has been decided as terrorism although no terrorist charge was made just murder ( how does that work! ).
For me crucially we were told that he said, and I quote from the radio, ‘HE SAID SOMETHNIG ALONG THE LINES OF.. ‘THIS IS FOR BRITAIN’ or ‘BRITAIN FIRST’.
So we have a terror charge brought on no specific provable quote. The two quotes above have one word in common ‘Britain’. For me this case stinks of a political stitch up and Mair is being used as a fall guy to attack patriotism. Further no mention was made of his mental issues, unlike Islamic murderers, Lee Rigby’s being a case in point.
So there we have it no proof by witnesses of his motive as he did not speak in court. ‘Britian First’ is a political group and ‘this is for Britain’ a sentiment, these are two separate things yet neither of these quotes were in fact authenticated beyond doubt.
This isn’t about me trying to defend the ‘right’ it is simply about facts and provable facts of this case, I believe assumptions have been allowed to influence this case.
If I have hurt special snowflake Jonathon Harker perhaps he would like to comment below.
No doubt of his guilt, but it was a political show trial. The judges and police are just a tool of the Left.
It is also a trial of how far the judiciary is willing to bend the rules on sub judice statements in the media.
Not for the first time recently they have been found wanting.
I myself am happy to tell everybody that we`d have won the Brexit vote by a far bigger majority had Mair been on his meds-or at least able to access his CPN that fateful Thursday night when his GPs clinic was closed(maybe to plan the junior doctors strike and its media releases?…just put it out there, the thikfux have no sense of timelines). AND-if you take Krankieland and Planet Weird(London)out of the vote-we`d have won 70-30 had Mair not been a plant for the EU.
See-we can make it up too…about time we did.
Gives Coxes pippins the pip does all that-facts, figures and drive-by tosh…let THEN unravel it.
Why does Johnathon (sic) use the words “horrendous murder”?
Are some murders nice ones and others are horrendous ones? I suppose it depends on the skin colour of the killer.
Jo Cox murder: Her voice is strengthened, not silenced, says husband
How does her husband get so much air time on the BBC? Anyone?
How many times will the BBC repeat her phrase “we do have more in common than that which divides us”. All because she said it doesn’t make it true.
“How does her husband get so much air time on the BBC? Anyone?”.
I don’t remember the families of Lee Rigby or Kriss Donald getting much.
They were murdered with shouts of “Allahu ackbar” thats why.
The BBC, in its first re-play of the mobile phone video, deliberately edited out the part where the two Jihadis give explicit Koranic reasons why they did it, referring to specific suras. Its only when blog sites and American news sites, started to play the unedited version, that the BBC changed
tack. But then removed the whole from their reports.
The BBC are so stupid. They do not really understand that many people have access to the internet and can get to the real truth, uncensored .
Quite right. They do believe, that the only world there is, is the one they have live in, and control.
This is what happens when people dont really have to work for a living. They play-act the whole day, and take home a huge pay. Its not good for the character, that grown men and women behave like adolescents, on their parents credit card.
Totally sheltered in their narrow-minded little world. Life is just a game for them.
Verses of the Sword.
Sura 8/9
And verses the butcher cited were 9.29 with ref to the prior verse regarding you and me.
I would have thought he should be given a psychiatric assessment before being imprisoned. Does anyone know if this will happen as the judge must be aware of his mental instability?? Especially as he has a history of mental illness and medication etc. etc. Thomas Mair might need psychiatric help but I doubt if the general public will ever find out.
Or is it more of a case of – lets put the monster down for having the audacity to murder a saint and use it as a massive lever against the Brexiteers. Yes definitely.
They are such low lives to use this case as a ‘leg up’. The ‘powers that be’ have stooped to an all time low and unfortunately many people will believe what they read…….
I am SO sick of all the ‘Saint Jo the martyr’ lefty self righteousness and mouth frothing going on right now, wouldn’t be surprised if you couldn’t buy gold framed icons in her image to carry around as you whip yourself in sack cloth and rant about ‘death to the fascists’.
Once again it just proves how totally wrong and out of touch the loony left are though. Like most others here I suspect, I had nothing against Jo Cox the person, the politician, the wife, the mother, even the aggressive socialist campaigner, and no desire to see her harmed in any way – in short, her murder was horrific and tragic, BUT it had nothing to do with me, or my political views, so you’re barking up the wrong tree ‘Mr Harker’ and making yourself look more ridiculous than you can possibly imagine.
BBCReject. Hear hear. They must think we are all so stupid. Had Mair been of a different culture media would have rolled out articles of a very opposite nature. In other words, there would have been no media interest at all.
#1 Absolutely condemn Mair’s violence and no similar events should occur in the future.
Violence can only ever be used as a last resort to prevent a greater violence.
#2 I also think of the INCREASING number of migrants who have DIED this year.. about 6,000 who have died cos people like Jo Cox have failed to do things to stop “pull factor”. Lives would have been saved if they had. We should take steps against queue jumping migrants and give priority to refugees who take the proper steps.
#3 Unfortunately this trial is unsatisfactory :
I think that over time there is a lot more info to come out :
I still don’t know if this guy is mad or politically motivated
…I note the legal process has not fully ended re appeals etc.
– If he was politically motivated then, there are techniques to get your message across..debate should be free and fair.
#4 If the guy was mad : Well steps need to be taken to stop mad people getting hold of fire-arms
eg stings against people using undercover police, cos what ever was in place before wasn’t good enough.
A partial responsibility down to the frankly fascist way LeftMob conduct political debate with their vile name-calling, gate-keeping, comment deleting ..they should be aware that that conduct could lead to pushing MAD people over the edge.
#5 A partial responsibility is LeftMob crying wolf too many times eg over Twitter threats which either turn out to false or made by kids etc.
We are told that Jo Cox had previously been genuinely threatened : If so where was her security protocol ?
Where was her minder who step out of the car first and watches her back whilst she gets out ? etc.
#6 I fully accept that this time it was not a LeftMob person who did a murder, but I am afraid that like Islamic terrorists their own sense of self justification and entitlement is so high that they like mad people will cross a line and step into violence … we have seen this with the Trump haters in the US ..So far I am unaware of Hillary condemning such people.
Too many loose ends to this trial. So far the left and remain camps have blatantly used this terrible murder for their political objectives.
But if Mair was politically driven as stated at the trial and in the media – echoed by the Home Secretary who today in response promises a crack down on far right extremism – why did this right wing terrorist not take the opportunity to speak out for his cause? Why silent?
And why no crack down on Left Wing extremism ?
This gives us an insight into the thinking of this government and who is influencing its priorities on matters like security
Jo Cox: Man jailed for ‘terrorist’ murder of MP
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said Mair had “robbed the world of an ambassador of kindness and compassion”.
“The single biggest tribute we can pay to Jo and her life will be to confront those who wish to promote the hatred and division that led to her murder, he said.
Does he mean those bastards that voted Leave by any chance?
I know we live in a time of soundbites but can anyone really believe we can fight “hate” just like the futile “war on terror ™”.
This is aimed at the future French and German elections too, just like Trump in the US, the thought of a right or centre-right victory is something to be fought vigorously with all tools to hand including revisiting this case, which was seen as an opportunity to those on the left numbed by years of islamic barbarism.
For a politically motivated murderer anxious to hammer home his views on white supremacy or the Aryan brotherhood or whatever cause he was espousing – Brexit, even – he’s kept remarkably quiet in court, considering how much he seems to have said at the scene and in in the aftermath of the murder.
I totally agree with you. He didn’t even do a Nazi salute on his way out of court unlike Norwegian Anders Breivik who did just that.
90% of referrals to Prevent aren’t about right wing extremism, so said a senior cop on PM just now.
Actually he said 10% of referrals are about right wing extremism.
Now the 90% who are they? I can think of Muslims, animal rights extremists, Irish and Leftists that might come to the attention of Prevent…..a proper journalist might have asked for a fuller explanation….Eddie Mair of course didn’t.
Though there was an attempt to link the EDL and the BNP to a loner with a history of mental illness and an interest in German nationalism who was able to obtain a firearm and a commando style dagger and was “not known to police”, though information about mail order nazi books supplied from the US was reported just a day after the murder of Jo Cox MP in Birstall.
The usual tiresome attempt to play down Muslim terrorism. The real threat, of course, comes from the 17 million who voted for Brexit – they are all crypto-Nazis building gas chambers in their backgardens ready to swing into action when the Trump Machtergreifung takes place. They fact that the “far right” are not butcheing scores of British citizens is just a “cunning plan” to lull us into a false sense of security.
It was mentioned that Europeans were handling right-wing extremism more effectively than in Britain, yet the German authorities did not even realise for 10 years that ten Turks had been murdered by the NSU group. Merkel’s immigration non-policy has lead to hundreds of arson attacks. The Reichsburger movement which seems to ape American white supremacism has many followers.
Irish terrorism is a greater threat than the violent extreme right in Britain.
If Mair was part of a neonazi group plotting violence, it had a membership of one.
Anybody else yet hear the BBC squauk about the cuts to NHS funding in the psychiatric community provision in this case of Tom Mair? Or that he didn`t enter a plea even?
A lack of interest in his psychiatric history, his inability to get help when he wanted it the day before he killed?
Normally all this would condone, cover the killings and we`d be expected to bring Jeremy Hunt to the Commons to blame him for getting distracted over junior doctors.
Oh-Brexit-equates the likes of us with IS, so maybe we need more monitoring then?
“If Mair was part of a neonazi group plotting violence, it had a membership of one.”
Nail on head.
On yer bike Jonathan.
Am I wrong, that it was NOT called terrorism in court ?
Surely terrorism is when you say to your target group
“Do what we want or we will terrorise you !”
A guy walking up to someone he see,s to have never communicated with and killing her, doesn’t seem like terrorism to me”
This time when it genuinely is a lone nutcase, the Muslim BBC guy on 10pm news is saying “This IS TERRORISM”
Other commenters are right inthat Mair’s total silence doesn’t seem like terrorist approach.
To me it seems offensive cos what it does is diminish the plight of real victims of terror.
Like some people who live in Northern Ireland or people like army officers under threat from Islamic terror who both live in day to day fear..which is different from the 1 in a billion chance that they will be targeted by a lone mental patient who’s got hold of a gun somehow.
Probably no one has ever heard of Renate Künast in Britain. She is a German Green/Leftist MP and should be thought of a Hackney Hippo analogue, but is, of course, a “woman off colour” rather than a “woman of colour”. She was subjected to a tsunami of invective recently when she criticised the German police for shooting dead an axe-wielding Muslim terrorist. She thought it was an outrage that the police had not tried to incapacitate the terrorist instead. Puzzled why thousands of people used the social media to tell her she was ” a loud-mouthed cunt” she and a Spiegel journalist set out to track down all those men (who else) who had been “foolish enough” to use their real names. You would think an MP would have better things to do with her time, than indulge in vigilante Gestapoism. She no doubt expected her victims to be knucle-draggers marching arount their homes in SS uniforms singing the Horst Wessel Lied, but was disappointed to find middle class people behind it all. She was surprised that no one wanted to apologise or recant their views when she appeared on the doorstep.
German politicians are obviously scared shitless by the wave of criticism flowing their way through the social media. No wonder Maas the interior minister is putting pressure on the American-owned social media to obey German law and abandon that outdated belief in freedom of expression. It’s all hate speech and Volksverhetzung.
The Bundestag even spent a day debating populism and voted “Nein zum Popularismus”.
British politicians and the BBC are always talking about “tone” as if sanitisation of a topic in some way leads to clarity. Direct communication with the public is anathema to these people and their plan is to so restrict expression on the social media that only mind-numbing platitude and soporific waffle, so loved by politicians and media, is the staple diet.
If anything good came out of this sorrry affair it must be finding out that Thomas Mair was not a Brexiter like the BBC told us. If his bookshelf tells us that he was a neo-nazi, his carrying Remain literature on his person must prove he was a Remainer.
The BBC has long ago abdicated any commitment to truth and objectivity. News will have to be obtained from other sources. Many are unreliable.
However, there are people out there, with many different motives, who are questioning the official version of the murder of Jo Cox. Most at present are barmy. But as there are so many unanswered questions regarding the trial a few stones should be lifted.
I draw no conclusions from this video