An inexhaustible supply of BBC bias to report. Here’s a typical example.
The BBC describe Trump here as an Internet Troll:
“”Only this morning, Trump renewed his online trolling of the New York Times, firing off three Tweets after cancelling a meeting with its executives and editors. “Perhaps” a new meeting would be set up, he wrote, but, “In the meantime they continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone!””
He was not trolling. To ‘troll’ is to be an internet pest. He was responding to the blatant NY Times bias. Not really the way for the BBC to endear themselves to the US President. Perhaps he in time could deal with the biased BBC?
I made the mistake of catching Jackie Longs intro to Trump on Channel 4 last night on Jon Snowflakes old tampon of a show.
But then I chose to listen again an hour later, just so I could confirm Snows screeching at a Stacey Washington in St Louis(bet THAT confused him!). I then counted the drive by slurs (night stalking tweets, poor media bullied,failing to jail Hillary “as he`d promised”…Lord, where do I start, how does it ever end?).
Counted 18 uses of language what were defamatory, slanted, lies, cliche stock house speak, otherwise insulting and slurs…in three minutes or so…then came Krishnan like a cantilever heeled tag team pixie to carry on…and then Snow.
Would like to know how these chains are linked-and by who….really sinister, twenty minute hates will lead to trouble if we don`t cauterise these jumped up elitist scum on Charlotte St or wherever they`re holed up.
Need to make it Saigon, so lets loose those Jesus nuts and get them dropped and dead( spiritually, influence wise only)
R4 “Horrible” Harribin turns up on Toady
BBC R4 – “Letters from”, fully endorsed Al Beeb Trump hater oops … I mean “America”
and lots of airtime for some “poor me” mother of “dual heritage” child whilst dealing with prejudice, isolation, loneliness and,(wait for it) … racism.
He didn t know his Jamaican father, who never knew his
She made sure the little love learned Patwa??? and went to a “diverse” nursery etc etc.
Sigh! like I ve never been away
… just a lot worse.
BBC 5-Live Drive at 4:43 this evening they talk about Donald Trump promising to abandon the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal as soon as he takes office.
The BBC hack tries to get Jeffries Briginshaw to say that abandoning TPP will be bad for the UK, but Jeffries Briginshaw, who represents a group of businesses that actually do trade with the USA, says that the news should be positive and he can think of no negatives. This is clearly a disappointment for the allegedly impartial BBC reporter who tries again to push the conversation towards a negative one for the UK, but Jeffries Briginshaw is not buying into ANY of Farrington’s negative agenda.
I for one think (the) Donald knew exactly what he was doing when he suggested Nigel as being GB’s ambassador to the US. This is just delightful.
Theresa May (who I wouldn’t trust as far as I could spit) dopey Jezza, the poisonous Guardian and the dreadfully biased BBC have all been royally pissed off.
BBC correspondents have been wandering about looking like they’ve bought tickets for their own funerals. Delicious!
Can things get any better?
Think I’ll buy a lottery ticket tomorrow…
Think Donald Trump as a media insider is playing a game. He knows which ‘buttons’ to press, how hard to press them and when. He is making them dance to his tune. “Trump is so out of the ordinary, I could not serve under him.” Justin Webb’s question to David Patreus just as I typed this!
Just hope Trump gets it all 100% right, 100% of the time.
I have considerable sympathy with Jonathan Aiktin’s view, expressed in The Mail this morning, on a Farage ambassadorship. Such a thing could work rather well, I think.
I don’t understand why the beeb have to interview a past ambassador, and expect him to do or say anything right or wrong or indifferent about President Elect Trump’s position. He may have had some political insight, but he’s not the best commercial advisory is he! Why does he think Nigel Farage wouldn’t be suitable? Perhaps he doesn’t like him.
They’ve had Mr Trump in their sights for years, and he’s responded with the vote, but so what? The American people have voted in accordance with the way they are advised, and they’ve done a good job in getting out of the Washington millstream.
It’s history now! We’ll be seeing President Trump in The White House in January and somehow, the beeb will have to understand and correctly report the situation.
All of us who wanted this outcome will enjoy watching the following years unfold. It’s why we do things these days.
Do you know where and when any of the funerals will be, because I want to organise bus trips to the cemetery to hold a fancy dress celebration of the death of the BBC , or even just a tiny part of it, complete with Unionflags, bands and free booze. It’s not only the left that can party , particularly when something so brilliant happens.
excuse my language but what is all this bollocks about brittish black season on albeeb?
there is a whole month dedicated to how great blacks are and how dumb and racist whites are, some of the programmes included are:
will britain ever have a black prime minister?
Black Nurses: The Women Who Saved the NHS
There is no need for a special season on islam , as bbc kiss muslim ass 247 already,
if SAD DICK KHAN can become mayor of london then i suspect a black PM could be likely in the near future, how about getting the best person for the job? that would be racist, how about a season on how blacks negatively changed england forever? the guns, drug dealing, rapes etc?
certain parts of england are no go areas thanks to these feral “yoofs”
but they know how to dance and rap so there is that
Can anyone imagine having an anglo saxon white season on the bBBC?
Imagine the uproar. Diane Flabott would be all over it. The sisterhood and the Equalities industry would be apoplectic. And the effnic minority (except for white people in Leicester, Southall, ans Slough obviously) spokespersons would be spitting blood.
The hypocrisy of this ‘season’ is truly vomit inducing.
I find the off button provides a most effective remedy to the bollocks Rusky describes so accurately
I work in a school up north that amazingly has no black children at all at the moment, (we had three a while back and they were lovely polite kids),but every year we have “Black History” and we also have Korans all over the place. Why?
No.7, the problem with Kalegri’s plan is that, what amounts to a ‘dilution’ of the European peoples, can only work if the Europeans want to breed with Africans and Arabs and the Africans and Arabs integrate. This will not happen for cultural reasons. The other problem is the obvious ‘dumbing down’ of the people as a whole. It is not a case of Africans and Arabs et al. rising to aspire: their lazy ad hoc way of life will bring the European’s quality of life down. If only caused by having to pay for the migrants. For big business, there’s no money in the Kalegri concept.
Agree G, and I think big business have missed this. Africans and ordinary Arabs (as opposed to the minority at the top) will not engage in the extent and nature of consumer spending that indigenous white Europeans do.
Their plan for inbreeding will also fail. I have a white Irish cousin in the US who married a very dark skinned Costa Rican lady. They have a baby daughter who is as white as a milk bottle with strawberry blonde hair and the bluest of eyes.
Ultimately Nature will thwart the most devious of political machinations.
When is Yellow History Month?
Where are the documentaries about the contribution made by people from SE Asia?
Why isn’t it necessary to investigate the number of SE Asian kids stopped and searched?
Why isn’t it necessary to investigate the number of SE Asian kids sent to prison?
Why aren’t there claims that SE Asian kids are under represented on our top university courses?
Why isn’t it necessary to invent all sort of clever schemes to get kids of SE Asian origin into performances of European music and drama?
Why do I see SE Asian kids in our museums and art galleries?
Why are there so many SE Asian businesses in racist Britain?
Why does nobody seem to get excited about “excessive” immigration from SE Asia?
Why doesn’t anyone have to ask why there are no SE Asians in our orchestras?
Why isn’t anyone concerned about the absence of slitty eyes in Cornwall, Devon, the Lake District?
Why is there no Yellow Farmer dressing up SE Asian kids in tweeds to get them accepted in the Devon countryside?
I live in the Lake district,Cumbria, we have had Chinese in our towns since the 50s, they have just moved in, started businesses and got on with life, no bother at all,they just blend in, same goes for Italians,and Indians, so no one has really had cause for any ‘racist’ attacks against these people.
So what makes Pakistani (or other)Muslims so special?
“and got on with life, no bother at all,they just blend in”
The interesting thing is, the older generation of Chinese people didn’t go out of its way to blend in at all; they could be quite distant – the old “inscrutable” stereotype. This was largely, I suppose, because many of them struggled with English. The younger generation of course is a different matter.
They created “Chinatowns” in London and Manchester, a cynic would call them “ghettos” but, harmless jokes apart, nobody seems to mind. Why? Because, as you say, they “got on with life”. And it’s not as if our historical relationship with China has an unblemished record. I’d just add one other reason – they don’t expect us to change to accommodate them and they don’t want to rearrange the furniture.
BBC Pro Islamic Bias,
BBC – Tell The Truth About Sharia Law – Sign the Petition …
“Due to on-going government inquiries, the BBC has recently covered sharia councils in the UK. During debates and discussion on the issue, BBC presenters did not mention the fact that sharia law has been declared, by the European Court of Human Rights, as “wholly incompatible” with human rights and democratic principles; due overwhelmingly to its treatment of women. Nor has the BBC provided significant details about sharia law, such as that it allows men to use physical force against their wives, mothers have no rights over children, and a woman’s word is worth less than a man’s.
Moreover, secular or Islam-critical voices have not been included in these debates.
As licence-fee payers, we demand that the BBC provide complete coverage of this important matter and to fully inform the public. We also demand that those who believe in a single democratic law for all are given every opportunity to object to sharia councils, for whatever reason, and that our voices must be heard.
It is not for Muslims alone, to determine whether or not the United Kingdom accommodates sharia law, or what form that should take”.
Rusky ………….certain parts of england are no go areas thanks to these feral “yoofs” but they know how to dance and rap so there is that …
And we all know how stupid Willy Haig looked in a baseball cap ! One can only imagine a black PM with a back to front baseball cap. Hope I’m not alive to see the day.
Question for the BBC?
Is “Alt Right” what you resort to when certain parties keep threatening to sue you
and expose your lying far right/anti-Semitic smears?.
and what 😀 is all this Al BBC concern over ahem “fake” news?
ROFL … you literally couldn t make it up, they only need to read their homepage!.
Yup-Twelve years a Slave, Django Unhinged…Rosa Parks, Harriet Beacher-Stowe, Tubman, Corinna and Mary Seacole.
Get back to the cotton pickin`.
Jon Snow was up on his highest overseer horse as the hoseboy tended his bike, and Owen Jones polished his socks for him.
Never seen such an awful interview-and the sad libelar gelded useless eunuch DARED to blame the omnishambles of a racist callout on “technical delays”
Send the linen suit and tofu-noised scum off to Fray Bentos…quite the nastiest little excuse for a “News Outlet” I`ve yet to see. Lop his head off and the pixies around him will dissolve in their own tears.
Sink the Bizz Mark, Skid Mark and No Marx that infest C4 for a licey-ricey hour of fuelled liberal hate speech…pith off Snowjob you cnut!
BBC covering news items (TODAY R4 7-8am Undercover Policing) when they are running entertainment items on the same or similar subject. (R4 Afternoon Drama 2.15-3pm)
This has happened three or four times now this year.
At best, it appears to be poor scheduling. At worst, it appears to be slightly more sinister, blurring the lines between news and drama.
Well we have known this for a while now ever since the 28gate scandal revealed the identity of the top climate scientists who gathered at the BBC in 2006 to discuss CAGW and conclude that the consensus was so overwhelming that the BBC no longer had to maintain a veneer of impartiality. The BBC has since then effectively denied airtime to climate sceptics.
After a long campaign pursued by a lone unfunded sceptic to get the BBC to reveal the identity of those attending the meeting, he lost and it appeared that the attendees would not be revealed. In a subsequent coup for the wayback machine, the minutes of the meeting were revealed and the attendees identified. Needless to say there were few climate scientists in attendance (and no sceptics) but lots of green campaign groups and some curious others. But most interestingly, the BBC was out in force with attendees from News, Drama, Comedy and Children’s programmes. So once the decision to promote CAGW had been taken – the BBC machine swung into full propaganda mode and the message was to be pumped out on all these channels.
I thought the UK Honours List was just for celebrities but the USA have the same.
Barack Obama said it was easy to forget the risk Ellen DeGeneres took to come out as gay in 1997.
He said her bravery helped “push our country in the direction of justice”.
The BBC love this sort of narrative. For every gay person to ‘come out’ they have ‘changed history for the better’ and fought against those facists/nazis/ukippers out there.
The fact so many people ‘come out’ and face no loss of career doesn’t mean they are brave – it just means their perceived view of others as being homophobic is incorrect. A view the BBC still like to push though.
Coming out as gay in Hollywood in 1997 is hardly putting your life on the line is it. Maybe back before the 80s but now? The BBC will be keen to do a follow up about the gay people who really are at risk due to the RoP, some of them in this country.
Barry didn’t waste time honouring Robert De Niro; could his little hissy fit hard man rant at Trump have helped him there?
The whole awards thing looked like a blatant thank you to Hollywood for their campaigning on behalf of that loser Clinton.
And if he ever gets ‘outed’ as being straight, he can claim to be bisexual, thus scoring double points, or even ‘non-gendered’ and winning the entire jillpot.
I read this on Breitbart but it made me chuckle so here it is again. ‘President Kennedy’s achievement was to put a man on the moon. President Obama’s was to put a man in the ladies’ lavatories.’
You know them by the company they keep
Despite the prevailing background of growing democratic scepticism and impatience with so-called Experts, this morning the BBC brings in two of its favourite hoary old perennials to pontificate yet again to the viewers – a safe predictable BBC-approved left-liberal line on the impending Autumn Statement.
Greek jail bird Vicky Pryce has been a serial main squeeze to Lib Dem and Labour liars and fraudsters.
Presumably her chromosomes still tick a box at the BBC. She’s an odd feminist role model however; when her case came to Court she pleaded ‘marital coercion’. The poor little wifey act must have failed to impress since she was duly convicted and received the same eight month sentence as her then husband Chris Huhne – at least there was no prison time ‘pay gap’ to complain of!
Our Vicky obviously has a ‘type’ and has developed the taste for a bit of porridge as she proceeded to shack up with Denis MacShane, former Labour MP for Rotherham (where – he insists – he was never once informed by a constituent about the mass sexual exploitation of children taking place under his nose). He is also a dyed-in-the-wool EU enthusiast and convicted Parliamentary expenses fraudster and… jail bird.
Possession of dirty laundry on this scale makes fellow BBC go to expert David Orr look like a choirboy….
David Orr runs the National Housing Federation – a lobby group that unashamedly lobbies as a trade association for social housing providers. NHF members claim to house 5 million people – that’s less than 10% of the population, by the way. He’s a rabble-rousing Guardian contributor and staunch opponent of benefits caps – well, Government largess in the form of housing benefit goes straight into the coffers of his NHF members.
Vicky the Greek shacked up with Denis Mc Shane?
Wow?…some MR and Mrs THAT would make…why don`t they compete with Huhne and his trannybird on stilts?
And-of course-John Mills/Tessa Jowell…Constance Briscoe and Eric….and all for Red Cross Drones to fly the Berlin Airlift into Pentonville and Guys Marsh.
When Support Our Lefty comes by again…put in for the Royal Watchers Post -or celebrity goss column…matching Mai Tais and boob tubes , a sleepever at Piers Morgan and we`re in! 3 A.M we are!
Currently working on the self-righting drone that does not impair the flow of Korma from kitchen to slop bucket…it`s all we watch the weather for.
We see ourselves as the Few, you know!
The most recent piles of unsold copies were donated to an asylum centre where the inmates used them as steps to get over the wall. Police are looking for a large group of architects, doctors and bomb-making technicians.
The right-on bimbo’s excuse was “I didn’t think at all.”
Most of us have by now worked out that that is the default thought process of all leftists and social justice warriors, but it is always nice to have it confirmed.
And it’s one more in a long line of reasons to give “Sherlock” a miss in the BBC’s Bumper Festvities Offering.
Not BBC related, just very pleasurable viewing.
It’s worrying to think that this clueless cretin will be going on to corrupt the minds of future generations in the classroom though.
Can`t thank you enough Mice Height.
These little glimpses up the nightdress of the liberal brainless fascists of tomorrow tell you all you need to know about what`s coming.
1. Empty words and cliches hollowed out of any meaning but that of the New Soviet Re-education Camps that would one have been “universities”.
2, A complete disconnect between his own self-loathing, guilt ridden privileges-and that of those he`d surely be enabling if he pissed off to the Rust Belt, thereby giving his tuition fees to a deserving kid from Youngstown instead.
3. The media savvy hoping that this TV appearance will be available to be used, come the day he becomes a -wait for it-school teacher in HISTORY.
My God!…
A must-see for all that`s been allowed to happen as we let our Snows, Blackstones, Bakewells and Mandelsons loose in higher education…as showpony ” Degrees Conferred”(Russell T Davies/Cardiff Uni) or as political meddlers, fiddlers and groomers.
Do like this Carlson-so thanks MH! Keep `em coming sir!
Coming to a venue near you soon , thought I`d give Mice Height another glimpse of tomorrow, albeit from under the cubicle door!
Springsteen canned music piped through…”Shit Me With Your Rhythm Sick”
I hate to admit it but that young pillock reminds me, to some degree, of myself when I was a youngster.
I “marched” with CND, joined the young socialists, I had the duffle coat, the anti war badges, the whispy beard and the ubiquitous long hair. They’ve all gone; the naive ideals, the manky coat, the beard.
The only thing I miss is the hair…
It’s both amusing and embarrassing to remember one’s ill informed, cliche riddled young political opinions.
Well, it most certainly is in my case!
Rarely do we still believe at 60 what we so earnestly believed at 16.
Unless you’re Billy Bragg, Diane Abbott or Jezza Corbyn…
If I was in the British military, in combat in a foxhole and up against overwhelming odds, I’d be extremely delighted to see an American flag, especially if there were lots of them on helmets on top of lots of heads.
I’m in danger of doing a long, long post on here sometime trying to get my head around all this Crybully snowLeft, snowright, snowfront & snowbehind mob-ake.
They are a real headache, pain in the butt and influenzax100, all at the same time.
I used to think Carlson was a beer until I discovered Tucker. The pathetic thing about “student boy” is that he has to stop and think before answering every question. It seems that he has never had this kind of discussion before . Scary !
Regressives handing out self-congratulatory gongs to other regressives…nothing much changes in the world of the virtue-signalling left. Obama, fast running out of time, decides to dish out a few utterly meaningless awards to his friends in the regressive bubble.
Ellen DeGeneres lauded for gay rights influence
Comedian Ellen DeGeneres was praised by the US president for her influence on the gay rights movement as she received the country’s highest civilian honour. Celebrities including Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro and Michael Jordan were also among the 21 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Barack Obama said it was easy to forget the risk Ellen DeGeneres took to come out as gay in 1997. He said her bravery helped “push our country in the direction of justice”. “It’s easy to forget now, when we’ve come so far… just how much courage was required for Ellen to come out on the most public of stages almost 20 years ago,” he said during the award ceremony at the White House. “What an incredible burden that was to bear – to risk your career like that – people don’t do that very often. And then, to have the hopes of millions on your shoulders.”
So brave. So very, very brave. So incredibly rich, successful and privileged. So utterly hypocritical.
Funny, nobody gave me any medals after I was punched in the face and physically knocked to the ground, whilst out with my gay partner twenty years ago. Nor do I recall receiving any special award for ‘bravery’ after a random gang of skinheads hurled glass beer bottles at me and my friends as we queued-up outside a well-known London gay night club one chilly winter’s evening…
Just how many award ceremonies do these narcissistic luvvies actually need? How many do they organise for themselves and their friends every year?
“Breitbart loading slowly.”
Another contributor to BBBC noted this recently.
I thought it was just my old laptop not having enough RAM.
So I just tried Breitbart on my new phone, which has more RAM than my PC. Breitbart still loaded slowly.
Tried the ROP (which also loads slowly on my PC) on my phone, loaded very slowly.
So is it just me?
Googled “Breitbart loads slowly”, 360,000 results.
So, no it is not just me.
Is there a plot to make information unavailable by delaying it?
Is this plot organised by the left? Against patriots.
Thank you for the advice.
I downloaded it a couple of years ago.
It did stop the adverts.
But up popped a little window telling me every time it did so!
I expect you can turn this off if you make a “donation”, I was not going to make a donation until I knew the software worked.
I just uninstalled it with a couple of mouse clicks, if only killing the BBC was that easy.
The version I’ve got simply runs on the back of IE, BUT I’ve also got pop-up blocker on. I think (a long while ago) it’s in either Norton or Google Toolbar.
TS – or you could give the Opera browser a go. It’s got it’s own built in ad blocker which from my experience is more effective than trying to incorporate a separate ad blocker into your existing browser.
Advice for the Luvvies on moving to Canada if you don’t like Trump. (Also applies to those not accepting election results or the Referendum). I especially like the reference to Nunavut (pronounced “none of it”). That should be where to send the BBC so we have none of it!
I wonder if Trumpy, having thought about everything he said, and promised, during his campaign, is backpedaling somewhat? First we have Hil-liary apparently off the hook, his having promised to throw the book at her, and thought better of it, and now instead of summarily shredding the Paris Climate Agreement (which he swore that he’d do), he is going to “give it some thought”, and is looking at climate change “very carefully”. I hope he doesn’t let us down…
He was always going to back pedal. Pretty sure I said somewhere on this very site that if elected he’d disappoint a large chunk of his followers. Or, if I didn’t say it, I thought it loudly.
Reality always kicks in – and to be honest I would find it unsettling for a victorious candidate in an election to use their new position of power to prosecute the loser.
He has to get Congress to approve his appointments to the key offices of state. It might be controlled by the Republican Party, but the GOP leaders hate him. Once his people are in office he’ll still be constrained by the need to get legislation passed, but will have more freedom to act.
On the issue of Hillary, he might have decided not to appoint a special prosecutor because that might look vindictive, but I’ve heard nothing about him stopping the FBI investigation. He can just let justice take its course, and it will be nothing to do with him. I’m waiting to see if Obama pardons her before he leaves office.
Looking at the news and posts today it looks like we are heading for a mass melting of the snowflakes.
I am very sad as are most of us here.
The BBC/C4 needs to do a Panorama on just how awful this year has been for them . it is a tragedy in the making. Lives blighted. Hopes dashed. Awful.
Can it get any worse? I sincerely hope so.
We can expect massive anti Brexit fall out from the BBC following the Autumn Statement . Already , before it even starts , we are seeing the BBC’s correspondents teeing things up with gleeful predictions of forecasts from the OBR of lower growth, rising inflation , lower tax returns which will result in rising unemployment and lower public services , all as a result of Brexit. No doubt the Remoaners will be given a platform by the BBC to tell us ‘ we told you so’ and once we do actually leave the EU it will be all so much worse. There will be no attempt at balance just all our pro Remain propaganda. Why does our government, supposedly determined to deliver the Brexit the people voted for allow the BBC such free rein to undermine the will of the people? Every time the BBC is allowed to bellow anti Brexit without sanction , it makes me doubt the determination of the government to deliver.
If the BBC were truly impartial, it would be examining each and every doom-laden prediction of Project Fear to see how accurate they turned out to be.
But it is not truly impartial. In fact, it carries on broadcasting those very same predictions ad nauseam and most likely will carry on doing so until one of them materialises. Then with maniacal fervour they will pounce on this solitary, paltry example (which most likely will not be caused by Brexit anyway) and gleefully dance their little EU goose-step whilst singing ‘We told you so’ to the tune of Beethoven’s 9th.
Briefly, on the subject of Caitlyn Jenner and a solution for when your ratings have fallen, you are bored, self obsessed, more than just a little unhinged and have far too much money.
Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Autumn Statement is relegated from the BBC News Channel to BBC 2 at short notice as the Beeb revel in the gory details of the killing of Saint Jo Cox “murdered for her politics” – one might add by a lone nutter who didn’t even mention his politics to his own brother – but let’s not cloud the prevailing left-liberal narrative.
I don’t recall the BBC going quite so heavily head-over-heals about the motivations and the trial of the murderers of Lee Rigby.
Whilst nobody in their right mind could condone Jo Cox’s murder, correct me if I’m wrong but my impression of her ‘politics’ is that she seemed to spend more time caring about refugees and ‘refugees’ than she did her own indigenous constituents, and that could breed a hell of a lot of resentment, especially when you add in the preferential treatment certain immigrant ‘communities’ are given from housing to ‘cultural practices’.
Now that the trial is over, I am still none the wiser where the sawn off .22 rifle came from. Firearm Certificates are not easy to come by, and a man with mental health issues won’t get one. I have never heard of a sawn off rifle being used in a crime in this country. It’s another mystery in this very odd case.
Rob, exactly. I have been saying the same thing. You’re right on him not being able to obtain a legal firearm. And how would he know how to go about obtaining an illegal one, certainly without raising suspicion. I wouldn’t know where to start if I decided I wanted one.
I had to slide my chair back from the monitor as I couldn’t take in the full headline due to its size. Very much in the Sun ‘GOTCHA’ style. Anyone else recall such a ridiculous BBC website front page?
Mr Wissmann, president of the German Automotive Association, said: “We need, relatively soon, a clear answer… Will we have tariff and non-tariff barriers between Britain on the one hand and the European Union?
“That means a long period of uncertainties will block future investments in Britain, and that makes me really concerned.
“Therefore I hope that the British government, at a certain crossroads within the next 12 months, decides to go for the single market and not for any other regime which would need years to discuss and negotiate.
Listen up, you arrogant little Eurotwat, if you want to keep selling your cars here YOU’LL need to start thinking quickly about a ‘regime’ outside of the single market – we voted to leave the EU and history should tell you we don’t take kindly to Teutonic threats against our precious democracy.
Yes. I have posted before that, in any trade war , the EU have more to lose than the UK. Personally, I think we should get our retaliation in first and tell them that we mean business. But I don’t really think the British politicians are serious and have any balls.
Surely it’s access to the single market whilst not in the EU that might need years to negotiate? Whereas having no agreement leaves things clear almost at once: it’s WTO rules.
It’s even simpler than that. We leave, we say we will apply no tariffs and only reciprocate if the EU applies them. (We are then free to make the same offers of reciprocation to the US, Australia, India … etc)
All the negotiating has to be done within the EU, and they can’t agree if it’s tea or coffee at lunchtime, never-mind take actions that would result in tariffs on their biggest export market.
It’s only Remoaners that want it to seem complicated.
Number 10 is looking for the 10 reasons desperately. Imagine the lot of them bawling their eyes out when Mr Trump made it. Just the last thing May and her lot need as they plot how to keep us in.
Autumn statement? Just more bollocks.
Johnny: “Listen up, you arrogant little Eurotwat …”
Just wish you were part of the negotiating team, Johnny!
What is it about the Germans? They have crushed most of the economies in Europe just to increase their own exports now they want to screw us over.
Anyone would think that, as the UK is the second largest net provider of money to the EU, that Germany, the highest provider, is terrified it will have to cough up a load more cash to keep the EU corpse twitching.
“With our world-class content, we could use our current output and the richness of our archive to create a Netflix of the spoken word,” said Lord Hall.
Maybe Audible and Podcasts have yet to introduce themselves to Tony!
Audible Inc. is a seller and producer of spoken audio entertainment, information, and educational programming on the Internet. Audible sells digital audiobooks, radio and TV programs, and audio versions of magazines and newspapers.
plural noun: podcasts
a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.
The BBC is scared and sees the future slipping out of their hands.
A voluntarily subscribed radio service might have been fine for the 1930s but this, I’m reliably informed, is the second decade of the 21st Century.
Even Amazon have audio books. Maybe The Grand Tour Team can make a few to really rub it in. How about Jeremy Clarkson’s best BBC insults. Or how Top Gear became Bottom Gear. Or TV presenting 101 for people with ginger hair and glasses.
Germany has transported in a vast number of, ‘workers’ and is keen on building a ‘Euro Army’. Thinking ahead, when the Faragists have taken over in the UK – the Germans can come and liberate us? Won’t that be nice.
Unfortunately heard a bit of Jeremy Hardy on BBC WS.
After telling us what he does isn’t so hard and he ‘suffers’ with idleness we had verbal contortions that were simply astounding e.g. “People complain they can’t get housing but a Kurdish family can. But they didn’t get housing before and anyway if they were offered a flat, they probably wouldn’t like it.”
Such empathy and compassion for his own countrymen? – The definition of a parasitic, idle, elite. A complete waste of good, human organs.
BBC. Sweden – “As part of the BBC’s 100 Women season, we travelled to her hometown of Stockholm, as she once again took to the streets to make a stand”
Against rapefugees?, the rising crisis of attacks by gangs of “migrants”? maybe the growing numbers of no go areas in Swedish cities, or escalating rabid Jew hatred by muslim groups … attacks on Jewish schoolchildren, any remaining synagogues perhaps?.
Sorry folks, this is the BBC so as Sweden goes down the toilet we have newspages, TV reports and programmes on the far right,(I bet Islamofauxbia turns up somewhere too).
Always amazing and worthy of serous research – how the ‘flagship of truth’ can simply turn the blind eye and deaf ear while puking over themselves.
At least the three monkeys were consistent and not selective.
re the post a long way above here about a Yellow History month at the BBC. (Something that had also occurred to me during the BBC’s current bit of ‘Black’ obsessing.)
The BBC has already drawn my attention to the fact that 31 October next year will be the Quincentenary of the Lutheran Reformation. I do hope we will have a month of programmes celebrating Germany and all its neglectednesses and overlookisms and contributions and achievements of the last five hundred years.
God bless and save Germany!
(It may be in need of some serious miracles by then.)
Martin Luther – the most quoted person at the Nuremberg war criminal trials where the Nazi’s used his anti semitism to justify the holocaust.
So who are the protestors? Well we know there’s the luvvies and elites.
Then there’s kids living off parents and students living off loans they will never pay back and various adults on various benefits. But there’s also the ‘Corporation’ (wouldn’t want your TV to have an ‘accident’ would you?) who run a nice little protection racket.
So for the most part, no one doing an honest days work.
For those who see the Guardian as the print extension of the BBC here is that paper’s attempt to link St Jo’s murder with the Brexit campaign. Carefully written but the point is there.
Rather than bias, I bring you for a change an example of utter crassness.
On Toady this morning at 0650 we had, fair enough, a report on the total obliteration by IS of the Christian community in the town of Karamles, Iraq.
Immediately afterwards, Humphries became tongue tied and in giggles did a messy handover link to the weather forecast commenting on how awful the weather was.
Not as awful as being a Christian in Karamles, John.
You seemed to quickly forget that bit.
Still, by diverting attention you pleased the ROPers, no doubt.
Heard a few mins of Toady this morning. Ann Atkins OK on TFTD.
Then John Humphrys said that “some people worried a few years back about undercover police getting into the knickers of CND protesters” or suchlike.
SOME PEOPLE…now who else but the BBC and ECHR give a stuff-all consenting adults, all over 18.
But nice of the BBC to reheat a story from yonks ago to keep the fuzz on the hop.
So out I hopped-bloody wind up radio never went away did it?
Oh get stuffed Hump…dismal Desmond.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has grown heartily sick at the Beeb’s constant obsession with being black.
And if I see that bloody statue of Mary Seacole once more! Why put the darned thing in the grounds of St Thomas’s Hospital? God’s teeth, talk about re-writing history, it’s shameful.
Let’s get this straight once and for all; Mary Seacole was NOT a nurse. The only reason that her statue has been erected opposite the Houses of Parliament is due to the endless badgering by ultra left-wing fanatics. Using left-wing logic they would remove the statue of Bobby Moore from outside West Ham’s ground and replace it with Nelson Mandela. Jesus, don’t give them any ideas!
These same lefties also wanted Mary (who wasn’t a nurse) to replace Florence Nightingale (who actually was a nurse) as Britain’s emblem of nursing. You really couldn’t make it up…
Mary Seacole sold blankets and drinks and, as far as I can make out, was liked by British soldiers during the Crimean war. No doubt she offered succour and comfort to the injured, and I don’t doubt she was a lovely person. However….
My uncle used to sell hot dogs and burgers outside St George’s Hospital in Tooting. He too was a nice, decent, hard working person. As far as I’m aware there are no plans to erect a statue to him in the grounds of the hospital.
Mind you, he wasn’t black…
Driving home this afternoon and thought (against better judgement) I’d chance BBC radio 4. Tuned into a programme called “One on One” in which some woman droned on about how we’d all behaved abominably towards her son, whom she referred to as “mixed heritage” (I think this used to be “mixed race” but I’ve never been good at keeping up with fashion) Usual tedious and tiresome BBC rubbish so I switched off and gave it half an hour, hoping for something more interesting but no, I got some bloke on Laurie Taylor’s programme moaning about the US founding fathers being “committed, determined and confident racists”. No doubt tonight on telly I’ll get another dose of Britain’s Black History. Just when, if ever, are they going to let up on this drivel?
Nothing to do with any of the above, I just wondered if any one saw last nights Public Accounts Committee questioning Chris Wormald and Bob Alexander of the NHS (sorry, NHS England ) on why they have consistently failed to collect payment from health tourists.
The quality of cross examination from MP’s from both sides, Messrs Flint and Elphick amongst others, was superb and incisive. The responses from Mr. Wormald were amateurish at best, but Bob Alexander was pure and unfathomable public sector speak….”cohort…….. innovative tools………cohort…..cohort ” he said absolutely nothing but was allowed to get away with it, ironic really as I am sure he is paid at least 4 times an MP’s salary for 1/4 of the intellect. Had he been representing a private health care provider I am sure he would have been roasted.
BBC documentary about the so called “Trojan Horse” schools that examines the truth behind an alleged plot by ‘hardline’ Muslims to seize control of British schools. With interviews from those at the centre of the story, the programme asks what really happened and whether the authorities got it right
Now just a minute BBC … so called?, alleged?
I thought you were against fakery in the news? these schools had to be put under special measures, teachers, headmasters sacked, forced out – 12 schools reported
a distinct possibility of many more
B Mail – Trojan Horse is still a threat to Birmingham schools – it’s just gone underground. National head of school inspection service Ofsted tells Government he is still deeply worried about Birmingham.
B Mail – Education Secretary again urged to act, over concerns that Birmingham was failing to ensure “children are not being exposed to harm, exploitation or the risk of falling under the influence of extremist views.
B Mail – Growing concerns as hundreds of children missing from Birmingham schools and slip off council radar
Doesn t sound much like so called, or alleged to me, or maybe that’s just the BBCs erm “impartiality” ie being untruthful yet again.
I’m always baffled when George Allagaiah & Co refer to ‘the So-Called Islamic State’. He never talks about the So-Called European Union or the So-Called Conservative Party etc. Presumably disingenuous BBC shorthand.
nogginator, I downloaded the so-called, Trojan Horse report at the time. I recall that members of staff in some of the schools were found to have promoted the idea to children that Lee Rigby was not murdered by the two Islamic devotees that carried out the savage butchery – It was a fabrication by MI5. The Boston Bombings were also referred to as a fabrication by the CIA to denigrate the muslim population.
On 15 March 2004, Kriss Donald a wholly innocent 15-year-old local white boy of slight build was abducted from Kenmure Street, Glasgow by a gang of five Pakistani men. He was tortured, burnt and stabbed and then murdered. Three men of Pakistani origin were eventually arrested after absconding to Pakistan and sentenced, the maximum was 25 years. The BBC were criticised at the time for not considering this newsworthy and only reporting the verdict and later admitted “they got it wrong”
How could they bury should a horrible racially motivated crime like this when on the other hand they seek to align everybody who voted Brexit, admires Trump and is patriotic, as a white supremacist. When will this cherry picking of news issues and twisting the facts to further the BBCs Left Wing Agenda stop. I resent paying my licence fee for nothing more than left wing propaganda.
Unbelievable performance from Snow. More intent on shouting over the (very composed) lady to get his own leftist opinions across. The hilarious thing was that, in so doing, he proved Trump’s point.
And thanks to t’intynet being shared far and wide, covering folk as it travels.
That lady was a sweetheart.
Seemed utterly saddened at the state of UK media standards.
Snow will have this hanging off any future broadcast opinion former foray like the dag Mishal carries around after her outburst on the acceptable number of dead Israelis.
Jon Snow shouting over Stacey Washington as she is trying to make her point,”He doesn’t want people speaking freely on the media.” All with no sense of irony.
Jon Snow, you complete and utter twat.
In TV and films of the 60s, 70s and into the 80s, there was a stock figure of a red faced, retired Indian Army major type character in a blazer, who would get worked up into an irrational fury over any challenges or changes to his world view.
That generation has died out now, and has been replaced by the Jon Snows of this world. Sputtering and shouting because the sun is setting on their empire.
Saw that live last night and it was one of the worst i’ve seen from snow. Just spitting pure bile because the lady was not playing his game and he did like the answer about the media that lied about Trump. Lets not forget his cohorts at c4 news they are not innocent either and are just as bad with the levels of hate and spite since brexit and Donald winning. Kylie morris, guru murthy, jackie long, fatima and the rest of the gang the game is up and people are seeing you for what you are.
Jon Snow is losing any semblance of the impartiality that a news presenter should show in our publicly funded system . He needs to know that all viewers pay for him, not just left liberal identity politics snowflake types . I’m sure we all feel pity for him because his philosophies were rejected by voters decisively in 2015 and twice in 2016 but this does not excuse his bile.
Two more stories that illustrate just what a pile of biased sh*te the BBC tries to pass off as news these days.
Shameless use of an awful murder to further their anti-Brexit agenda. Note the use of quote marks a round the word terrorist. That is the weasel’s device to get the bias in but, consequently, to be able to claim it as not your own work. The word terrorist was used by the prosecution, hardly an impartial source in a trial but it suits the BBC so in it goes. Brexit and terrorist conflated so job done.
Next, the grim tale that is modern Sweden:
A former liberal paradise being torn apart because it was too welcoming to an alien culture. Some of the original population decide to protest against this but what does the BBC decide is the real problem? Yes, the ubiquitous but, in reality, non-existent far-right.
What the BBC is trying to achieve is a mystery. If those they champion relentlessly do ever gain control there will be no BBC in its current form that much is certain.
Depends if Andrew Neil is interviewing the brain dead Labour or SNP splatter MP advocating lowering the voting age, or Justin, Mishal, Emily, James, Tim, Jeremy, Evan, etc….
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
An inexhaustible supply of BBC bias to report. Here’s a typical example.
The BBC describe Trump here as an Internet Troll:
“”Only this morning, Trump renewed his online trolling of the New York Times, firing off three Tweets after cancelling a meeting with its executives and editors. “Perhaps” a new meeting would be set up, he wrote, but, “In the meantime they continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone!””
He was not trolling. To ‘troll’ is to be an internet pest. He was responding to the blatant NY Times bias. Not really the way for the BBC to endear themselves to the US President. Perhaps he in time could deal with the biased BBC?
I made the mistake of catching Jackie Longs intro to Trump on Channel 4 last night on Jon Snowflakes old tampon of a show.
But then I chose to listen again an hour later, just so I could confirm Snows screeching at a Stacey Washington in St Louis(bet THAT confused him!). I then counted the drive by slurs (night stalking tweets, poor media bullied,failing to jail Hillary “as he`d promised”…Lord, where do I start, how does it ever end?).
Counted 18 uses of language what were defamatory, slanted, lies, cliche stock house speak, otherwise insulting and slurs…in three minutes or so…then came Krishnan like a cantilever heeled tag team pixie to carry on…and then Snow.
Would like to know how these chains are linked-and by who….really sinister, twenty minute hates will lead to trouble if we don`t cauterise these jumped up elitist scum on Charlotte St or wherever they`re holed up.
Need to make it Saigon, so lets loose those Jesus nuts and get them dropped and dead( spiritually, influence wise only)
R4 “Horrible” Harribin turns up on Toady
BBC R4 – “Letters from”, fully endorsed Al Beeb Trump hater oops … I mean “America”
and lots of airtime for some “poor me” mother of “dual heritage” child whilst dealing with prejudice, isolation, loneliness and,(wait for it) … racism.
He didn t know his Jamaican father, who never knew his
She made sure the little love learned Patwa??? and went to a “diverse” nursery etc etc.
Sigh! like I ve never been away
… just a lot worse.
Welcome back Noggin !
BBC 5-Live Drive at 4:43 this evening they talk about Donald Trump promising to abandon the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal as soon as he takes office.
The BBC’s Sean Farrington interviews Jeffries Briginshaw of the British American Business Council.
The BBC hack tries to get Jeffries Briginshaw to say that abandoning TPP will be bad for the UK, but Jeffries Briginshaw, who represents a group of businesses that actually do trade with the USA, says that the news should be positive and he can think of no negatives. This is clearly a disappointment for the allegedly impartial BBC reporter who tries again to push the conversation towards a negative one for the UK, but Jeffries Briginshaw is not buying into ANY of Farrington’s negative agenda.
Absolutely pathetic.
I for one think (the) Donald knew exactly what he was doing when he suggested Nigel as being GB’s ambassador to the US. This is just delightful.
Theresa May (who I wouldn’t trust as far as I could spit) dopey Jezza, the poisonous Guardian and the dreadfully biased BBC have all been royally pissed off.
BBC correspondents have been wandering about looking like they’ve bought tickets for their own funerals. Delicious!
Can things get any better?
Think I’ll buy a lottery ticket tomorrow…
Think Donald Trump as a media insider is playing a game. He knows which ‘buttons’ to press, how hard to press them and when. He is making them dance to his tune. “Trump is so out of the ordinary, I could not serve under him.” Justin Webb’s question to David Patreus just as I typed this!
Just hope Trump gets it all 100% right, 100% of the time.
Good luck, go well, go safely, Donald Trump.
God bless and save America!
I have considerable sympathy with Jonathan Aiktin’s view, expressed in The Mail this morning, on a Farage ambassadorship. Such a thing could work rather well, I think.
I don’t understand why the beeb have to interview a past ambassador, and expect him to do or say anything right or wrong or indifferent about President Elect Trump’s position. He may have had some political insight, but he’s not the best commercial advisory is he! Why does he think Nigel Farage wouldn’t be suitable? Perhaps he doesn’t like him.
They’ve had Mr Trump in their sights for years, and he’s responded with the vote, but so what? The American people have voted in accordance with the way they are advised, and they’ve done a good job in getting out of the Washington millstream.
It’s history now! We’ll be seeing President Trump in The White House in January and somehow, the beeb will have to understand and correctly report the situation.
All of us who wanted this outcome will enjoy watching the following years unfold. It’s why we do things these days.
Do you know where and when any of the funerals will be, because I want to organise bus trips to the cemetery to hold a fancy dress celebration of the death of the BBC , or even just a tiny part of it, complete with Unionflags, bands and free booze. It’s not only the left that can party , particularly when something so brilliant happens.
excuse my language but what is all this bollocks about brittish black season on albeeb?
there is a whole month dedicated to how great blacks are and how dumb and racist whites are, some of the programmes included are:
will britain ever have a black prime minister?
Black Nurses: The Women Who Saved the NHS
There is no need for a special season on islam , as bbc kiss muslim ass 247 already,
if SAD DICK KHAN can become mayor of london then i suspect a black PM could be likely in the near future, how about getting the best person for the job? that would be racist, how about a season on how blacks negatively changed england forever? the guns, drug dealing, rapes etc?
certain parts of england are no go areas thanks to these feral “yoofs”
but they know how to dance and rap so there is that
Can anyone imagine having an anglo saxon white season on the bBBC?
Imagine the uproar. Diane Flabott would be all over it. The sisterhood and the Equalities industry would be apoplectic. And the effnic minority (except for white people in Leicester, Southall, ans Slough obviously) spokespersons would be spitting blood.
The hypocrisy of this ‘season’ is truly vomit inducing.
I find the off button provides a most effective remedy to the bollocks Rusky describes so accurately
I work in a school up north that amazingly has no black children at all at the moment, (we had three a while back and they were lovely polite kids),but every year we have “Black History” and we also have Korans all over the place. Why?
I could probably be sacked for saying that.
In other words, what Brussels, the politicians and the BBC are keeping under their hats.
No.7, the problem with Kalegri’s plan is that, what amounts to a ‘dilution’ of the European peoples, can only work if the Europeans want to breed with Africans and Arabs and the Africans and Arabs integrate. This will not happen for cultural reasons. The other problem is the obvious ‘dumbing down’ of the people as a whole. It is not a case of Africans and Arabs et al. rising to aspire: their lazy ad hoc way of life will bring the European’s quality of life down. If only caused by having to pay for the migrants. For big business, there’s no money in the Kalegri concept.
Agree G, and I think big business have missed this. Africans and ordinary Arabs (as opposed to the minority at the top) will not engage in the extent and nature of consumer spending that indigenous white Europeans do.
Their plan for inbreeding will also fail. I have a white Irish cousin in the US who married a very dark skinned Costa Rican lady. They have a baby daughter who is as white as a milk bottle with strawberry blonde hair and the bluest of eyes.
Ultimately Nature will thwart the most devious of political machinations.
Rusky, its merely a part of the BBC’s ‘Dream World’. Their fantasies will not be realised the way the World view is shifting.
But why is this necessary in the first place?
When is Yellow History Month?
Where are the documentaries about the contribution made by people from SE Asia?
Why isn’t it necessary to investigate the number of SE Asian kids stopped and searched?
Why isn’t it necessary to investigate the number of SE Asian kids sent to prison?
Why aren’t there claims that SE Asian kids are under represented on our top university courses?
Why isn’t it necessary to invent all sort of clever schemes to get kids of SE Asian origin into performances of European music and drama?
Why do I see SE Asian kids in our museums and art galleries?
Why are there so many SE Asian businesses in racist Britain?
Why does nobody seem to get excited about “excessive” immigration from SE Asia?
Why doesn’t anyone have to ask why there are no SE Asians in our orchestras?
Why isn’t anyone concerned about the absence of slitty eyes in Cornwall, Devon, the Lake District?
Why is there no Yellow Farmer dressing up SE Asian kids in tweeds to get them accepted in the Devon countryside?
I’d like to know.
I live in the Lake district,Cumbria, we have had Chinese in our towns since the 50s, they have just moved in, started businesses and got on with life, no bother at all,they just blend in, same goes for Italians,and Indians, so no one has really had cause for any ‘racist’ attacks against these people.
So what makes Pakistani (or other)Muslims so special?
“and got on with life, no bother at all,they just blend in”
The interesting thing is, the older generation of Chinese people didn’t go out of its way to blend in at all; they could be quite distant – the old “inscrutable” stereotype. This was largely, I suppose, because many of them struggled with English. The younger generation of course is a different matter.
They created “Chinatowns” in London and Manchester, a cynic would call them “ghettos” but, harmless jokes apart, nobody seems to mind. Why? Because, as you say, they “got on with life”. And it’s not as if our historical relationship with China has an unblemished record. I’d just add one other reason – they don’t expect us to change to accommodate them and they don’t want to rearrange the furniture.
Wonderful people, IMO.
BBC Pro Islamic Bias,
BBC – Tell The Truth About Sharia Law – Sign the Petition …
“Due to on-going government inquiries, the BBC has recently covered sharia councils in the UK. During debates and discussion on the issue, BBC presenters did not mention the fact that sharia law has been declared, by the European Court of Human Rights, as “wholly incompatible” with human rights and democratic principles; due overwhelmingly to its treatment of women. Nor has the BBC provided significant details about sharia law, such as that it allows men to use physical force against their wives, mothers have no rights over children, and a woman’s word is worth less than a man’s.
Moreover, secular or Islam-critical voices have not been included in these debates.
As licence-fee payers, we demand that the BBC provide complete coverage of this important matter and to fully inform the public. We also demand that those who believe in a single democratic law for all are given every opportunity to object to sharia councils, for whatever reason, and that our voices must be heard.
It is not for Muslims alone, to determine whether or not the United Kingdom accommodates sharia law, or what form that should take”.
Signed and shared.
The BBC see Trump as Public Enemy Number 1. They feel that they can say what they want without any criticism or sanction.
This is what happens when the BBC and their Left Wing friends co-exist. They study their sanitised world through a blinkered and biased prism.
Of course, critics are scorned as being from the mythical Far Right in order to put them in their place and justify the BBC’s narrative.
This cannot be allowed to continue.
Rusky ………….certain parts of england are no go areas thanks to these feral “yoofs” but they know how to dance and rap so there is that …
And we all know how stupid Willy Haig looked in a baseball cap ! One can only imagine a black PM with a back to front baseball cap. Hope I’m not alive to see the day.
yes willie boy was trying to “get down with the yoof” almost as bad as camoron and his hug a hoodie nonsense,no one wears a hoodie like trayvon
Question for the BBC?
Is “Alt Right” what you resort to when certain parties keep threatening to sue you
and expose your lying far right/anti-Semitic smears?.
and what 😀 is all this Al BBC concern over ahem “fake” news?
ROFL … you literally couldn t make it up, they only need to read their homepage!.
Interesting that the BBC think now is the perfect time to give Alexis Sayle his own radio show.
Dermot, Justin, Cathy…. please welcome Jon to the group…
Is it something in their drinking water?
Yup-Twelve years a Slave, Django Unhinged…Rosa Parks, Harriet Beacher-Stowe, Tubman, Corinna and Mary Seacole.
Get back to the cotton pickin`.
Jon Snow was up on his highest overseer horse as the hoseboy tended his bike, and Owen Jones polished his socks for him.
Never seen such an awful interview-and the sad libelar gelded useless eunuch DARED to blame the omnishambles of a racist callout on “technical delays”
Send the linen suit and tofu-noised scum off to Fray Bentos…quite the nastiest little excuse for a “News Outlet” I`ve yet to see. Lop his head off and the pixies around him will dissolve in their own tears.
Sink the Bizz Mark, Skid Mark and No Marx that infest C4 for a licey-ricey hour of fuelled liberal hate speech…pith off Snowjob you cnut!
Snow hectoring the young woman, telling her what she ought to be feeling.
‘Your a professional (and you should be offended by Trump’s attacks)’ seem to be his point.
Yes she is, Snow. And she has integrity too. You’re not a professional and you have no integrity.
Worrying BBC Radio trend?
BBC covering news items (TODAY R4 7-8am Undercover Policing) when they are running entertainment items on the same or similar subject. (R4 Afternoon Drama 2.15-3pm)
This has happened three or four times now this year.
At best, it appears to be poor scheduling. At worst, it appears to be slightly more sinister, blurring the lines between news and drama.
Well we have known this for a while now ever since the 28gate scandal revealed the identity of the top climate scientists who gathered at the BBC in 2006 to discuss CAGW and conclude that the consensus was so overwhelming that the BBC no longer had to maintain a veneer of impartiality. The BBC has since then effectively denied airtime to climate sceptics.
After a long campaign pursued by a lone unfunded sceptic to get the BBC to reveal the identity of those attending the meeting, he lost and it appeared that the attendees would not be revealed. In a subsequent coup for the wayback machine, the minutes of the meeting were revealed and the attendees identified. Needless to say there were few climate scientists in attendance (and no sceptics) but lots of green campaign groups and some curious others. But most interestingly, the BBC was out in force with attendees from News, Drama, Comedy and Children’s programmes. So once the decision to promote CAGW had been taken – the BBC machine swung into full propaganda mode and the message was to be pumped out on all these channels.
I suspect the same thing is happening here.
Ellen DeGeneres lauded for gay rights influence
I thought the UK Honours List was just for celebrities but the USA have the same.
Barack Obama said it was easy to forget the risk Ellen DeGeneres took to come out as gay in 1997.
He said her bravery helped “push our country in the direction of justice”.
The BBC love this sort of narrative. For every gay person to ‘come out’ they have ‘changed history for the better’ and fought against those facists/nazis/ukippers out there.
The fact so many people ‘come out’ and face no loss of career doesn’t mean they are brave – it just means their perceived view of others as being homophobic is incorrect. A view the BBC still like to push though.
Coming out as gay in Hollywood in 1997 is hardly putting your life on the line is it. Maybe back before the 80s but now? The BBC will be keen to do a follow up about the gay people who really are at risk due to the RoP, some of them in this country.
Barry didn’t waste time honouring Robert De Niro; could his little hissy fit hard man rant at Trump have helped him there?
The whole awards thing looked like a blatant thank you to Hollywood for their campaigning on behalf of that loser Clinton.
Yes, if she had “come out ” in Iran, that really would have been brave .
I am acquainted with someone working at the BBC, who claims to be gay, and has even been the recipient of some “pride prizes”.
Privately the individual is straight as a post.
And if he ever gets ‘outed’ as being straight, he can claim to be bisexual, thus scoring double points, or even ‘non-gendered’ and winning the entire jillpot.
I’ve just come out as involuntary asexual. Can I get a grant?
Grant is male.. Gotcha.. your fake!
LOL !!!
Fcuk Ellen-if you`re daring or she`ll let you…as if…wha`EVAZ!
And-we`ll go to war over this one.
I read this on Breitbart but it made me chuckle so here it is again. ‘President Kennedy’s achievement was to put a man on the moon. President Obama’s was to put a man in the ladies’ lavatories.’
You know them by the company they keep
Despite the prevailing background of growing democratic scepticism and impatience with so-called Experts, this morning the BBC brings in two of its favourite hoary old perennials to pontificate yet again to the viewers – a safe predictable BBC-approved left-liberal line on the impending Autumn Statement.
Greek jail bird Vicky Pryce has been a serial main squeeze to Lib Dem and Labour liars and fraudsters.
Presumably her chromosomes still tick a box at the BBC. She’s an odd feminist role model however; when her case came to Court she pleaded ‘marital coercion’. The poor little wifey act must have failed to impress since she was duly convicted and received the same eight month sentence as her then husband Chris Huhne – at least there was no prison time ‘pay gap’ to complain of!
Our Vicky obviously has a ‘type’ and has developed the taste for a bit of porridge as she proceeded to shack up with Denis MacShane, former Labour MP for Rotherham (where – he insists – he was never once informed by a constituent about the mass sexual exploitation of children taking place under his nose). He is also a dyed-in-the-wool EU enthusiast and convicted Parliamentary expenses fraudster and… jail bird.
Possession of dirty laundry on this scale makes fellow BBC go to expert David Orr look like a choirboy….
David Orr runs the National Housing Federation – a lobby group that unashamedly lobbies as a trade association for social housing providers. NHF members claim to house 5 million people – that’s less than 10% of the population, by the way. He’s a rabble-rousing Guardian contributor and staunch opponent of benefits caps – well, Government largess in the form of housing benefit goes straight into the coffers of his NHF members.
Vicky the Greek shacked up with Denis Mc Shane?
Wow?…some MR and Mrs THAT would make…why don`t they compete with Huhne and his trannybird on stilts?
And-of course-John Mills/Tessa Jowell…Constance Briscoe and Eric….and all for Red Cross Drones to fly the Berlin Airlift into Pentonville and Guys Marsh.
When Support Our Lefty comes by again…put in for the Royal Watchers Post -or celebrity goss column…matching Mai Tais and boob tubes , a sleepever at Piers Morgan and we`re in! 3 A.M we are!
Currently working on the self-righting drone that does not impair the flow of Korma from kitchen to slop bucket…it`s all we watch the weather for.
We see ourselves as the Few, you know!
A match made in heaven. Don’t knock it !
‘…Denis MacShane, former Labour MP for Rotherham…’
Or, as the BBC prefer to say, ‘Denis MacShane, former MP for Rotherham’
Feeling the love #1
Who says there is no such thing as bad publicity?
Feeling the love #2
At least she didn’t say it was to spare coloured people from Benedict’s racy comments.
I’d like to bin stacks of Guardians, but I can’t find any.
The most recent piles of unsold copies were donated to an asylum centre where the inmates used them as steps to get over the wall. Police are looking for a large group of architects, doctors and bomb-making technicians.
Try checking the BBC editorial offices, they use them as crib-sheets after all!
The right-on bimbo’s excuse was “I didn’t think at all.”
Most of us have by now worked out that that is the default thought process of all leftists and social justice warriors, but it is always nice to have it confirmed.
And it’s one more in a long line of reasons to give “Sherlock” a miss in the BBC’s Bumper Festvities Offering.
IMO the only thing worth watching with Cumberbatch is where he leads the doomed cavalry charge in ‘War Horse’; the clip is available on Youtube.
I would love to bin the BBC (who pay this daft cows wages) but unfortunately I could be criminalised for doing so.
Scrap the licence fee #stopfundingshite
Not BBC related, just very pleasurable viewing.
It’s worrying to think that this clueless cretin will be going on to corrupt the minds of future generations in the classroom though.
Thanks ! That silly little boy falls into every trap. Again, would we ever get an interview like that on the BBC ? Or any other British channel ?
Can`t thank you enough Mice Height.
These little glimpses up the nightdress of the liberal brainless fascists of tomorrow tell you all you need to know about what`s coming.
1. Empty words and cliches hollowed out of any meaning but that of the New Soviet Re-education Camps that would one have been “universities”.
2, A complete disconnect between his own self-loathing, guilt ridden privileges-and that of those he`d surely be enabling if he pissed off to the Rust Belt, thereby giving his tuition fees to a deserving kid from Youngstown instead.
3. The media savvy hoping that this TV appearance will be available to be used, come the day he becomes a -wait for it-school teacher in HISTORY.
My God!…
A must-see for all that`s been allowed to happen as we let our Snows, Blackstones, Bakewells and Mandelsons loose in higher education…as showpony ” Degrees Conferred”(Russell T Davies/Cardiff Uni) or as political meddlers, fiddlers and groomers.
Do like this Carlson-so thanks MH! Keep `em coming sir!
Coming to a venue near you soon , thought I`d give Mice Height another glimpse of tomorrow, albeit from under the cubicle door!
Springsteen canned music piped through…”Shit Me With Your Rhythm Sick”
It’s probably the first time he’d encountered anyone with differing opinions from his own.
With that level of stupidity, I’m sure he could land a teaching job at any British state school.
I hate to admit it but that young pillock reminds me, to some degree, of myself when I was a youngster.
I “marched” with CND, joined the young socialists, I had the duffle coat, the anti war badges, the whispy beard and the ubiquitous long hair. They’ve all gone; the naive ideals, the manky coat, the beard.
The only thing I miss is the hair…
It’s both amusing and embarrassing to remember one’s ill informed, cliche riddled young political opinions.
Well, it most certainly is in my case!
Rarely do we still believe at 60 what we so earnestly believed at 16.
Unless you’re Billy Bragg, Diane Abbott or Jezza Corbyn…
MH, why can we not get this type of program on UK television?
If I was in the British military, in combat in a foxhole and up against overwhelming odds, I’d be extremely delighted to see an American flag, especially if there were lots of them on helmets on top of lots of heads.
I’m in danger of doing a long, long post on here sometime trying to get my head around all this Crybully snowLeft, snowright, snowfront & snowbehind mob-ake.
They are a real headache, pain in the butt and influenzax100, all at the same time.
For ‘I want to be a history teacher’ read ‘I want to be in charge of The Memory Hole’.
I used to think Carlson was a beer until I discovered Tucker. The pathetic thing about “student boy” is that he has to stop and think before answering every question. It seems that he has never had this kind of discussion before . Scary !
Regressives handing out self-congratulatory gongs to other regressives…nothing much changes in the world of the virtue-signalling left. Obama, fast running out of time, decides to dish out a few utterly meaningless awards to his friends in the regressive bubble.
Ellen DeGeneres lauded for gay rights influence
Comedian Ellen DeGeneres was praised by the US president for her influence on the gay rights movement as she received the country’s highest civilian honour. Celebrities including Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro and Michael Jordan were also among the 21 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Barack Obama said it was easy to forget the risk Ellen DeGeneres took to come out as gay in 1997. He said her bravery helped “push our country in the direction of justice”. “It’s easy to forget now, when we’ve come so far… just how much courage was required for Ellen to come out on the most public of stages almost 20 years ago,” he said during the award ceremony at the White House. “What an incredible burden that was to bear – to risk your career like that – people don’t do that very often. And then, to have the hopes of millions on your shoulders.”
So brave. So very, very brave. So incredibly rich, successful and privileged. So utterly hypocritical.
Funny, nobody gave me any medals after I was punched in the face and physically knocked to the ground, whilst out with my gay partner twenty years ago. Nor do I recall receiving any special award for ‘bravery’ after a random gang of skinheads hurled glass beer bottles at me and my friends as we queued-up outside a well-known London gay night club one chilly winter’s evening…
Just how many award ceremonies do these narcissistic luvvies actually need? How many do they organise for themselves and their friends every year?
“Breitbart loading slowly.”
Another contributor to BBBC noted this recently.
I thought it was just my old laptop not having enough RAM.
So I just tried Breitbart on my new phone, which has more RAM than my PC. Breitbart still loaded slowly.
Tried the ROP (which also loads slowly on my PC) on my phone, loaded very slowly.
So is it just me?
Googled “Breitbart loads slowly”, 360,000 results.
So, no it is not just me.
Is there a plot to make information unavailable by delaying it?
Is this plot organised by the left? Against patriots.
TS – Try using Adblocker plus. Breitbart carries a lot of ads and they can take some time to load. I noticed a significant improvement.
Thank you for the advice.
I downloaded it a couple of years ago.
It did stop the adverts.
But up popped a little window telling me every time it did so!
I expect you can turn this off if you make a “donation”, I was not going to make a donation until I knew the software worked.
I just uninstalled it with a couple of mouse clicks, if only killing the BBC was that easy.
Totally concur re. BBC.
The version I’ve got simply runs on the back of IE, BUT I’ve also got pop-up blocker on. I think (a long while ago) it’s in either Norton or Google Toolbar.
TS – or you could give the Opera browser a go. It’s got it’s own built in ad blocker which from my experience is more effective than trying to incorporate a separate ad blocker into your existing browser.
One man stands up to bullies and makes them cry. Well done sir.
Virtue signalling:
– reaches new heights
– plumbs new depths
…according to your point of view.
Advice for the Luvvies on moving to Canada if you don’t like Trump. (Also applies to those not accepting election results or the Referendum). I especially like the reference to Nunavut (pronounced “none of it”). That should be where to send the BBC so we have none of it!
I wonder if Trumpy, having thought about everything he said, and promised, during his campaign, is backpedaling somewhat? First we have Hil-liary apparently off the hook, his having promised to throw the book at her, and thought better of it, and now instead of summarily shredding the Paris Climate Agreement (which he swore that he’d do), he is going to “give it some thought”, and is looking at climate change “very carefully”. I hope he doesn’t let us down…
Old Goat, yes I’m also getting a little nervous about apparent back-pedalling.
He was always going to back pedal. Pretty sure I said somewhere on this very site that if elected he’d disappoint a large chunk of his followers. Or, if I didn’t say it, I thought it loudly.
Reality always kicks in – and to be honest I would find it unsettling for a victorious candidate in an election to use their new position of power to prosecute the loser.
I think the world has become a reality TV show and we are now forced to participate.
That’s why I gave up watching telly all those years ago.
Now I’m forced to live in it?
Euoooo yuk!
He has to get Congress to approve his appointments to the key offices of state. It might be controlled by the Republican Party, but the GOP leaders hate him. Once his people are in office he’ll still be constrained by the need to get legislation passed, but will have more freedom to act.
On the issue of Hillary, he might have decided not to appoint a special prosecutor because that might look vindictive, but I’ve heard nothing about him stopping the FBI investigation. He can just let justice take its course, and it will be nothing to do with him. I’m waiting to see if Obama pardons her before he leaves office.
No word on BBC of course.
And now, well done Madam.
Impressive, but what was she talking about ?
Editing something?
Impressive forefinger!
Almost a dangerous weapon.
Looking at the news and posts today it looks like we are heading for a mass melting of the snowflakes.
I am very sad as are most of us here.
The BBC/C4 needs to do a Panorama on just how awful this year has been for them . it is a tragedy in the making. Lives blighted. Hopes dashed. Awful.
Can it get any worse? I sincerely hope so.
Is a melting snowflake a bit of a drip?
More like a puddle of piss.
Dave S,
It is wonderful to behold and I am loving every minute of it.
Dave S
I am soooo very upset about it……….
Could it be due to climate change?
We can expect massive anti Brexit fall out from the BBC following the Autumn Statement . Already , before it even starts , we are seeing the BBC’s correspondents teeing things up with gleeful predictions of forecasts from the OBR of lower growth, rising inflation , lower tax returns which will result in rising unemployment and lower public services , all as a result of Brexit. No doubt the Remoaners will be given a platform by the BBC to tell us ‘ we told you so’ and once we do actually leave the EU it will be all so much worse. There will be no attempt at balance just all our pro Remain propaganda. Why does our government, supposedly determined to deliver the Brexit the people voted for allow the BBC such free rein to undermine the will of the people? Every time the BBC is allowed to bellow anti Brexit without sanction , it makes me doubt the determination of the government to deliver.
If the BBC were truly impartial, it would be examining each and every doom-laden prediction of Project Fear to see how accurate they turned out to be.
But it is not truly impartial. In fact, it carries on broadcasting those very same predictions ad nauseam and most likely will carry on doing so until one of them materialises. Then with maniacal fervour they will pounce on this solitary, paltry example (which most likely will not be caused by Brexit anyway) and gleefully dance their little EU goose-step whilst singing ‘We told you so’ to the tune of Beethoven’s 9th.
Briefly, on the subject of Caitlyn Jenner and a solution for when your ratings have fallen, you are bored, self obsessed, more than just a little unhinged and have far too much money.
Viewer discretion advised.
Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Autumn Statement is relegated from the BBC News Channel to BBC 2 at short notice as the Beeb revel in the gory details of the killing of Saint Jo Cox “murdered for her politics” – one might add by a lone nutter who didn’t even mention his politics to his own brother – but let’s not cloud the prevailing left-liberal narrative.
I don’t recall the BBC going quite so heavily head-over-heals about the motivations and the trial of the murderers of Lee Rigby.
Whilst nobody in their right mind could condone Jo Cox’s murder, correct me if I’m wrong but my impression of her ‘politics’ is that she seemed to spend more time caring about refugees and ‘refugees’ than she did her own indigenous constituents, and that could breed a hell of a lot of resentment, especially when you add in the preferential treatment certain immigrant ‘communities’ are given from housing to ‘cultural practices’.
Now that the trial is over, I am still none the wiser where the sawn off .22 rifle came from. Firearm Certificates are not easy to come by, and a man with mental health issues won’t get one. I have never heard of a sawn off rifle being used in a crime in this country. It’s another mystery in this very odd case.
Rob, exactly. I have been saying the same thing. You’re right on him not being able to obtain a legal firearm. And how would he know how to go about obtaining an illegal one, certainly without raising suspicion. I wouldn’t know where to start if I decided I wanted one.
Mair found guilty.
Note BBC headline – found guilty for murdering MP a week before the referendum.
Geddit. Murder, MP, a week before the referendum. See the link. Brexit murderer.
I had to slide my chair back from the monitor as I couldn’t take in the full headline due to its size. Very much in the Sun ‘GOTCHA’ style. Anyone else recall such a ridiculous BBC website front page?
More Brexit fearmongering and Germanic sabre-rattling from our impartial EU Broadcaster, covered on this morning’s news.
Mr Wissmann, president of the German Automotive Association, said: “We need, relatively soon, a clear answer… Will we have tariff and non-tariff barriers between Britain on the one hand and the European Union?
“That means a long period of uncertainties will block future investments in Britain, and that makes me really concerned.
“Therefore I hope that the British government, at a certain crossroads within the next 12 months, decides to go for the single market and not for any other regime which would need years to discuss and negotiate.
Listen up, you arrogant little Eurotwat, if you want to keep selling your cars here YOU’LL need to start thinking quickly about a ‘regime’ outside of the single market – we voted to leave the EU and history should tell you we don’t take kindly to Teutonic threats against our precious democracy.
Yes. I have posted before that, in any trade war , the EU have more to lose than the UK. Personally, I think we should get our retaliation in first and tell them that we mean business. But I don’t really think the British politicians are serious and have any balls.
Surely it’s access to the single market whilst not in the EU that might need years to negotiate? Whereas having no agreement leaves things clear almost at once: it’s WTO rules.
It’s even simpler than that. We leave, we say we will apply no tariffs and only reciprocate if the EU applies them. (We are then free to make the same offers of reciprocation to the US, Australia, India … etc)
All the negotiating has to be done within the EU, and they can’t agree if it’s tea or coffee at lunchtime, never-mind take actions that would result in tariffs on their biggest export market.
It’s only Remoaners that want it to seem complicated.
It’s always the traitors way to offer 10 reasons why something can’t be done.
Number 10 is looking for the 10 reasons desperately. Imagine the lot of them bawling their eyes out when Mr Trump made it. Just the last thing May and her lot need as they plot how to keep us in.
Autumn statement? Just more bollocks.
Solid post, quisquose.
Johnny: “Listen up, you arrogant little Eurotwat …”
Just wish you were part of the negotiating team, Johnny!
What is it about the Germans? They have crushed most of the economies in Europe just to increase their own exports now they want to screw us over.
Anyone would think that, as the UK is the second largest net provider of money to the EU, that Germany, the highest provider, is terrified it will have to cough up a load more cash to keep the EU corpse twitching.
Germans just can’t stop being German can they?
Who’s going to step off the plane with the piece of paper –
“Trade in Our Time”?
They will never change. They just can’t help it
They will have changed a lot in a hundred years’ time. I doubt much bier and wurst will be sold in Germany by then.
Correct RiC, it will mainly be camel urine and kebabs made from halal slaughtered lambs.
Rob and Al,
Lol !
BBC boss Tony Hall wants Netflix-style service for radio
“With our world-class content, we could use our current output and the richness of our archive to create a Netflix of the spoken word,” said Lord Hall.
Maybe Audible and Podcasts have yet to introduce themselves to Tony!
Audible Inc. is a seller and producer of spoken audio entertainment, information, and educational programming on the Internet. Audible sells digital audiobooks, radio and TV programs, and audio versions of magazines and newspapers.
plural noun: podcasts
a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.
Next up “Reinventing the Wheel” a BBC exclusive!
The BBC is scared and sees the future slipping out of their hands.
A voluntarily subscribed radio service might have been fine for the 1930s but this, I’m reliably informed, is the second decade of the 21st Century.
I’m loving the term “Legacy Media” and working it into every HYS post!
Why is Tony Hall such a silly wanker ?
Grant – It’s probably years of practice. Perhaps he was Mark Thompson’s right hand man …..
LOL ! What could you possibly mean ?
And charging for the re-invented wheel bought & paid for by Licence Fee payers.
Even Amazon have audio books. Maybe The Grand Tour Team can make a few to really rub it in. How about Jeremy Clarkson’s best BBC insults. Or how Top Gear became Bottom Gear. Or TV presenting 101 for people with ginger hair and glasses.
There’s also Librivox, the audiobook equivalent of Project Gutenberg, which produces free audiobooks of out of copyright materials.
Germany has transported in a vast number of, ‘workers’ and is keen on building a ‘Euro Army’. Thinking ahead, when the Faragists have taken over in the UK – the Germans can come and liberate us? Won’t that be nice.
Don’t the Germans have a bit of history on this ? Slave workers, military . Seems to ring a bell.
Grant, I’ll Google it and get back to you.
Unfortunately heard a bit of Jeremy Hardy on BBC WS.
After telling us what he does isn’t so hard and he ‘suffers’ with idleness we had verbal contortions that were simply astounding e.g. “People complain they can’t get housing but a Kurdish family can. But they didn’t get housing before and anyway if they were offered a flat, they probably wouldn’t like it.”
Such empathy and compassion for his own countrymen? – The definition of a parasitic, idle, elite. A complete waste of good, human organs.
BBC. Sweden – “As part of the BBC’s 100 Women season, we travelled to her hometown of Stockholm, as she once again took to the streets to make a stand”
Against rapefugees?, the rising crisis of attacks by gangs of “migrants”? maybe the growing numbers of no go areas in Swedish cities, or escalating rabid Jew hatred by muslim groups … attacks on Jewish schoolchildren, any remaining synagogues perhaps?.
Sorry folks, this is the BBC so as Sweden goes down the toilet we have newspages, TV reports and programmes on the far right,(I bet Islamofauxbia turns up somewhere too).
Always amazing and worthy of serous research – how the ‘flagship of truth’ can simply turn the blind eye and deaf ear while puking over themselves.
At least the three monkeys were consistent and not selective.
I see Tim Farron has been out again on Sky News discussing the Autumn Statement.
His mum really needs to get that lock on his bedroom window fixed.
His mum probably threw him out in the first place.
re the post a long way above here about a Yellow History month at the BBC. (Something that had also occurred to me during the BBC’s current bit of ‘Black’ obsessing.)
The BBC has already drawn my attention to the fact that 31 October next year will be the Quincentenary of the Lutheran Reformation. I do hope we will have a month of programmes celebrating Germany and all its neglectednesses and overlookisms and contributions and achievements of the last five hundred years.
God bless and save Germany!
(It may be in need of some serious miracles by then.)
“Quincentenary of the Lutheran Reformation”
Sorry, wrong Luther.
Martin Luther – the most quoted person at the Nuremberg war criminal trials where the Nazi’s used his anti semitism to justify the holocaust.
Does Africa have a, “White History Month” ? …………..I’ll get me coat.
So who are the protestors? Well we know there’s the luvvies and elites.
Then there’s kids living off parents and students living off loans they will never pay back and various adults on various benefits. But there’s also the ‘Corporation’ (wouldn’t want your TV to have an ‘accident’ would you?) who run a nice little protection racket.
So for the most part, no one doing an honest days work.
For those who see the Guardian as the print extension of the BBC here is that paper’s attempt to link St Jo’s murder with the Brexit campaign. Carefully written but the point is there.
‘Prosecutors acknowledge privately that the febrile atmosphere in which the EU referendum campaign was waged appears certain to have contributed to Mair’s decision to murder his MP, but this played no part in their case. There was no need to refer to the referendum in order to establish his guilt.’
‘acknowledge privately’ ‘appears certain’ my arse.
As far as I’m aware there was only one murder that can be directly linked to the referendum. How much print have The Guardian spent on that?
I assume you mean the one in Manchester, where a Remain supporter murdered a Leave supporter. But that’s the one we’re not allowed to mention.
Rather than bias, I bring you for a change an example of utter crassness.
On Toady this morning at 0650 we had, fair enough, a report on the total obliteration by IS of the Christian community in the town of Karamles, Iraq.
Immediately afterwards, Humphries became tongue tied and in giggles did a messy handover link to the weather forecast commenting on how awful the weather was.
Not as awful as being a Christian in Karamles, John.
You seemed to quickly forget that bit.
Still, by diverting attention you pleased the ROPers, no doubt.
Heard a few mins of Toady this morning. Ann Atkins OK on TFTD.
Then John Humphrys said that “some people worried a few years back about undercover police getting into the knickers of CND protesters” or suchlike.
SOME PEOPLE…now who else but the BBC and ECHR give a stuff-all consenting adults, all over 18.
But nice of the BBC to reheat a story from yonks ago to keep the fuzz on the hop.
So out I hopped-bloody wind up radio never went away did it?
Oh get stuffed Hump…dismal Desmond.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has grown heartily sick at the Beeb’s constant obsession with being black.
And if I see that bloody statue of Mary Seacole once more! Why put the darned thing in the grounds of St Thomas’s Hospital? God’s teeth, talk about re-writing history, it’s shameful.
Let’s get this straight once and for all; Mary Seacole was NOT a nurse. The only reason that her statue has been erected opposite the Houses of Parliament is due to the endless badgering by ultra left-wing fanatics. Using left-wing logic they would remove the statue of Bobby Moore from outside West Ham’s ground and replace it with Nelson Mandela. Jesus, don’t give them any ideas!
These same lefties also wanted Mary (who wasn’t a nurse) to replace Florence Nightingale (who actually was a nurse) as Britain’s emblem of nursing. You really couldn’t make it up…
Mary Seacole sold blankets and drinks and, as far as I can make out, was liked by British soldiers during the Crimean war. No doubt she offered succour and comfort to the injured, and I don’t doubt she was a lovely person. However….
My uncle used to sell hot dogs and burgers outside St George’s Hospital in Tooting. He too was a nice, decent, hard working person. As far as I’m aware there are no plans to erect a statue to him in the grounds of the hospital.
Mind you, he wasn’t black…
Driving home this afternoon and thought (against better judgement) I’d chance BBC radio 4. Tuned into a programme called “One on One” in which some woman droned on about how we’d all behaved abominably towards her son, whom she referred to as “mixed heritage” (I think this used to be “mixed race” but I’ve never been good at keeping up with fashion) Usual tedious and tiresome BBC rubbish so I switched off and gave it half an hour, hoping for something more interesting but no, I got some bloke on Laurie Taylor’s programme moaning about the US founding fathers being “committed, determined and confident racists”. No doubt tonight on telly I’ll get another dose of Britain’s Black History. Just when, if ever, are they going to let up on this drivel?
Nothing to do with any of the above, I just wondered if any one saw last nights Public Accounts Committee questioning Chris Wormald and Bob Alexander of the NHS (sorry, NHS England ) on why they have consistently failed to collect payment from health tourists.
The quality of cross examination from MP’s from both sides, Messrs Flint and Elphick amongst others, was superb and incisive. The responses from Mr. Wormald were amateurish at best, but Bob Alexander was pure and unfathomable public sector speak….”cohort…….. innovative tools………cohort…..cohort ” he said absolutely nothing but was allowed to get away with it, ironic really as I am sure he is paid at least 4 times an MP’s salary for 1/4 of the intellect. Had he been representing a private health care provider I am sure he would have been roasted.
I recommend any BBBC contributors take a look.
Sadly what we’ve come to expect – no one to blame because no one is responsible so, da dad dad daaaa, no one can be sanctioned!
If Number 10 had a webcam – we could watch the tumbleweed.
Pat on good form again !
BBC documentary about the so called “Trojan Horse” schools that examines the truth behind an alleged plot by ‘hardline’ Muslims to seize control of British schools. With interviews from those at the centre of the story, the programme asks what really happened and whether the authorities got it right
Now just a minute BBC … so called?, alleged?
I thought you were against fakery in the news? these schools had to be put under special measures, teachers, headmasters sacked, forced out – 12 schools reported
a distinct possibility of many more
B Mail – Trojan Horse is still a threat to Birmingham schools – it’s just gone underground. National head of school inspection service Ofsted tells Government he is still deeply worried about Birmingham.
B Mail – Education Secretary again urged to act, over concerns that Birmingham was failing to ensure “children are not being exposed to harm, exploitation or the risk of falling under the influence of extremist views.
B Mail – Growing concerns as hundreds of children missing from Birmingham schools and slip off council radar
Doesn t sound much like so called, or alleged to me, or maybe that’s just the BBCs erm “impartiality” ie being untruthful yet again.
I’m always baffled when George Allagaiah & Co refer to ‘the So-Called Islamic State’. He never talks about the So-Called European Union or the So-Called Conservative Party etc. Presumably disingenuous BBC shorthand.
BBC – The So Called News Provider.
They also never refer to Jo Brand, Sandi Toxic, Jeremy Hardy or David Mitchell as so called comedians.
The “So-called IRA”?
It might be a so-called ‘state’ but it is very definitely Islamic.
Do remember, when this first surfaced, the BBC declared the Trojan Horse allegations, ‘A hoax’.
nogginator, I downloaded the so-called, Trojan Horse report at the time. I recall that members of staff in some of the schools were found to have promoted the idea to children that Lee Rigby was not murdered by the two Islamic devotees that carried out the savage butchery – It was a fabrication by MI5. The Boston Bombings were also referred to as a fabrication by the CIA to denigrate the muslim population.
On 15 March 2004, Kriss Donald a wholly innocent 15-year-old local white boy of slight build was abducted from Kenmure Street, Glasgow by a gang of five Pakistani men. He was tortured, burnt and stabbed and then murdered. Three men of Pakistani origin were eventually arrested after absconding to Pakistan and sentenced, the maximum was 25 years. The BBC were criticised at the time for not considering this newsworthy and only reporting the verdict and later admitted “they got it wrong”
How could they bury should a horrible racially motivated crime like this when on the other hand they seek to align everybody who voted Brexit, admires Trump and is patriotic, as a white supremacist. When will this cherry picking of news issues and twisting the facts to further the BBCs Left Wing Agenda stop. I resent paying my licence fee for nothing more than left wing propaganda.
OT, but Justin left a big mouth to put boots in. Jon delivers…
“The sheer arrogance of @jonsnowc4’s “We are the media” diatribe beggars belief.”
He is not alone in this.
Jon Snow spitting pure, Left-Wing bile and hate. Disgusting little teenage creep.
The lady remains calm and puts Snow back into his cage.
Said cage should then have been well weighted and pushed off a boat 8 miles out in the North Sea.
That’s not fair on the North Sea…
Unbelievable performance from Snow. More intent on shouting over the (very composed) lady to get his own leftist opinions across. The hilarious thing was that, in so doing, he proved Trump’s point.
All to believable, sadly.
And thanks to t’intynet being shared far and wide, covering folk as it travels.
That lady was a sweetheart.
Seemed utterly saddened at the state of UK media standards.
Snow will have this hanging off any future broadcast opinion former foray like the dag Mishal carries around after her outburst on the acceptable number of dead Israelis.
Jon Snow shouting over Stacey Washington as she is trying to make her point,”He doesn’t want people speaking freely on the media.” All with no sense of irony.
Jon Snow, you complete and utter twat.
No wonder Anna Ford poured a glass of wine over him. I would pour a bucket of shit over him. He is a total wanker.
If you need help filling that bucket…
Yes please. But it seems that the hatred and anger of Lefties do not soften over time. And they never have a sense of humour or irony.
In TV and films of the 60s, 70s and into the 80s, there was a stock figure of a red faced, retired Indian Army major type character in a blazer, who would get worked up into an irrational fury over any challenges or changes to his world view.
That generation has died out now, and has been replaced by the Jon Snows of this world. Sputtering and shouting because the sun is setting on their empire.
Saw that live last night and it was one of the worst i’ve seen from snow. Just spitting pure bile because the lady was not playing his game and he did like the answer about the media that lied about Trump. Lets not forget his cohorts at c4 news they are not innocent either and are just as bad with the levels of hate and spite since brexit and Donald winning. Kylie morris, guru murthy, jackie long, fatima and the rest of the gang the game is up and people are seeing you for what you are.
Jon Snow is losing any semblance of the impartiality that a news presenter should show in our publicly funded system . He needs to know that all viewers pay for him, not just left liberal identity politics snowflake types . I’m sure we all feel pity for him because his philosophies were rejected by voters decisively in 2015 and twice in 2016 but this does not excuse his bile.
Yes, Jon Snow is a very nasty piece of hate-filled stuff.
Kylie Morris is a particularly nasty piece of work.
Two more stories that illustrate just what a pile of biased sh*te the BBC tries to pass off as news these days.
Shameless use of an awful murder to further their anti-Brexit agenda. Note the use of quote marks a round the word terrorist. That is the weasel’s device to get the bias in but, consequently, to be able to claim it as not your own work. The word terrorist was used by the prosecution, hardly an impartial source in a trial but it suits the BBC so in it goes. Brexit and terrorist conflated so job done.
Next, the grim tale that is modern Sweden:
A former liberal paradise being torn apart because it was too welcoming to an alien culture. Some of the original population decide to protest against this but what does the BBC decide is the real problem? Yes, the ubiquitous but, in reality, non-existent far-right.
What the BBC is trying to achieve is a mystery. If those they champion relentlessly do ever gain control there will be no BBC in its current form that much is certain.
Most of them would be getting “flying lessons”.
Just popping this one out there…
It may cause a few problems, spending which fondly held advocacy is being promoted.
Guest Who, it must be music to the BBC’s ears!
Depends if Andrew Neil is interviewing the brain dead Labour or SNP splatter MP advocating lowering the voting age, or Justin, Mishal, Emily, James, Tim, Jeremy, Evan, etc….
So long as a camper can be parked on the BBC executive floors all night, and licence fee money used to prop up poorly performing pensions, all good.
Oh Joy!
And this is what “comprehensive education” produces.
An oxygen waster.