After the public reprimand, Dixon became a hero to the left as they applauded his “courageous” stand for equality. However, Dixon should have kept his mouth shut or at least waited till he scrubbed his Twitter account clean.
It seems that Dixon is another liberal who does not practice what he preaches, imagine that. You see Dixon forgot this little gem on his Twitter account where he jokes about raping white women. I bet you he is wishing he deleted this tweet, right?
Always nice to have the night off from the BBC.
Brexit causes death of Labour MP.
Brexit causes problems in the fish industry
Brexit due to push up food prices says the Irish bloke who makes Pret a Manger sandwiches.
Brexit puts Tories in the dock re projected economic data
Police let gay chef kill gay blokes he mat on Grindr…which will be linked to Brexit any minute now.
AS I say-night off!
Frankly I do not like my ‘balance’ delivered by the BBC favoured method of letting down all sides, the cause of accuracy, any credibility, and the trashing of integrity.
Especially on their 100:1 ‘split’ basis.
I just want facts, debated objectively, and honestly, with fair moderation.
JOBsworth is an embarrassment the BBC can indulge in because, from the rotten head sideways, it is allowed to.
Absolutely appalling doom and gloom, hair shirts, and bleak prospects from the biased BBC 6pm news, ‘reporting’ on the Autumn Statement.
This must surely imply a total financial bllodbath.
Oh wait. The FT100 went down by…..2 points.
And the pound is UP to Euro 1.18.
And we seem to still be one of the fastest growing major economies.
What a pity the biased BBC could not enjoy its own deep recession !
Superlative posts. Best PC video yet.
Re Snow…what an arrogant, sneering arsehole….real aggressive, fascist stuff…he was even losing his temper whilst he was talking (well, shouting actually) to a member of his own profession.
Although was he shouting or was he panicking and just beginning to realise that now ‘The Donald’ is in charge his world may be changing soon?…I hope so
I believe one or two people marched in London today to insist that Article 50 be enacted.
But-funnily enough Jo Cox seems to have snuffed out the story-as indeed has Philip Hammond, OBR book cookings and fatasy finances-and indeed w walking piece of toast if you`d prefer that.
But there was no Brexit march in London. No.
They still don’t get it do they?
The referendum was not a question asking if the UK would be financially better off, or worse off in the EU. It was a choice between bringing back power and control to our own parliament and people, or, remaining in an undemocratic and corrupt institution with an exorbitant membership fee.
It is not up to The City to decide.
It is not up to the politicians to decide.
It is not up to celebrities and sports personalities to decide.
It is not up to Gary Lineker to decide.
It is not for the courts to decide.
It was for the people to decide, and….THE PEOPLE HAVE VOTED TO LEAVE!!!
This was a decision about the next 50 or more years, not the next 2 or 3 or even 5. Who knows what the long term cost of remaining in a failed EU would be to the UK economy. Remaining in the EU would ultimately have resulted in joining the euro, and the Schengen zone. Just ask the Spanish, Greeks and Swedes how marvelous that would be.
I listened to the ever tedious Paddy O’Connell hosting the Jezza Swine Show this lunchtime. The subject (again) was whether Farage should be the UK ambassador in Washington. The two guests were Sir Christopher Meyer and Lord Monckton, Meyer had been brought in to stick the boot in regarding Farage’s unsuitability (in al beebus’ eyes) to fulfil that role; unfortunately for them it backfired in quite a satisfying way.
O’Conned played the clip (yet again) of Farage speaking (post referendum) to all the scum in the EU parliament: “Well, you’re not laughing now etc etc” and clearly he expected Meyer to say how obvious it was that someone who would dare do such a thing would clearly be a terrible ambassador. But he didn’t, he praised N.F.’s talents and said that sometimes you need to speak like that as a diplomat. It was amusing to picture O’Cunnell’s and the production team’s faces as what they’d just teed up had not gone where they expected at all.
I didn’t think much of Meyer at all before today, however he was fair in what he said about Farage and the reasons he gave for not wanting him to be the UK ambassador were valid ones but it was great to hear him not play al beebus’ game.
They made up for it though later, when a caller was allowed to link (unchallenged by Paddy) the Brexit vote and Jo Cox’s killing.
You were lucky to miss the Saint Jo piece earlier then?
Julia Ebner of the Quilliam Foundation and Pakistani-African Yasmin Alibhai-Brown were in full-flow. Apparently they believed that Thomas Mair was a terrorist. Julia Ebner said that because he shouted “Britain First!” that was OK, if he had shouted “Allahu Akbar” then he would have been denounced as a terrorist and this was typical of how we are unfair to Muslims. Alibhai-Brown, of course, concurred.
Two things.
1) The BBC told us that this killing was the fault of Nigel Farrage and ‘his poster’. They haven’t told us how Mair found time to buy all his ‘right-wing’ German ‘left-wing’ scocialist books and his gun and ammunition following his ‘radicalisation’ by ‘the poster’.
2) Ebner must be listening to a different BBC to the rest of us. The phrase “Allahu Akbar” is absolutely verboten on the BBC, as it is a giveaway that an ‘event’ might just have something to do with Islam. Another word that doesn’t appear on the BBC is ‘terrorist’, which suggest a degree of disapproval, far better to use ‘militant’, ‘activist’ or ‘freedom fighter’.
I expect if Ed Balls wins ‘Strictly’ then Ebner and Alibhai-Brown will spin even that into anti-Muslim bias too!
It only takes one murder by a right-wing extremist (if indeed politics were what drove him to do it) and all of a sudden we have a problem with right-wing terrorism that is easily the equal of anything Islamic.
That’s what the BBC hope they have led their listeners to conclude, anyway.
The Jo Cox tragedy is difficult to speak of unless you are from the left and want to emphasise her sainthood . Mair got what he deserved, no question. Murder is murder.
But did the judge need to describe Jo Cox as a patriot ? I don’t think she was, although this in no way excuses her murder . Jo Cox had witnessed her community change beyond recognition in her lifetime . She showed no concern for constituents who disagreed with those who allowed this to happen . She seemed to revel in it and play very much to her Asian constituents. She had a professional left-wing charity, no borders background and mentality. She wanted more immigration, not less and hence wanted to stay in the EU.She took to a boat on the Thames to join Geldoff in sneering at UK fisherman damaged by the EU. Her death was tragic but let’s not call her a patriot or someone morally superior to those who disagree profoundly with her politics . Judges, BBC, C4 and ITV please note .
No justification for her murder, but she was an evil bitch who never lifted a hand or spoke out against the muslim bastards in her own backyard. And the BBC and the Left will never speak out against that .
I’m still puzzled over the murder. It’s now official that it was politically motivated, yet at the trial Mair ignored the most perfect opportunity he will ever have to expound his political views. We are to believe that he was so angry that he took a life, but not so angry that he would take the time to tell us what he was angry about. It’s not as though he had a deal to keep his mouth shut in return for a lighter sentence.
I must have missed something, but I can’t work out what it is. Does anyone have an explanation as to why there was no defence?
I am as well, RJ, but now the matter is at an end.
Jo Cox’s killing was no better, no worse than any other murder except that, in my view, it was also an attack on our democracy and the British way of life. Mair, in staying silent, deserves now to languish in prison totally forgotten, with everyone else staying publicly silent as far as he is concerned.
Jo Cox was not the first Member of Parliament to die for being an MP. There have been too many in my lifetime. One would be too many. Then there are those who have been badly injured or crippled for life in attacks on MPs. I sincerely hope that Jo Cox is the last.
I would like everyone who has rioted in an American city or town since 9th November to read this post and feel deeply ashamed.
People newly sentenced to life imprisonment are placed on suicide watch for an initial assessment period and are further examined by a forensic psychiatrist, to assess and plan the management of any risk of the prisoner harming self and others, whilst in Prison.
Mair may have been advised that a political statement may jeopardise any future claim of, or treatment of his mental health problems.
There may have been some backstairs consideration given to avoiding a spectacle like that which occurred in the trial of the Yorkshire ripper, when Sutcliffes defence of diminished responsibility led to a dispute between several expert witnesses….psychiatrists….who had to decide whether he was criminally responsible, a detailed discussion held in the glare of daily publicity….in the event he was convicted of murder but then, in short order transferred to the special hospital system for treatment of paranoid schizophrenia.
In Mairs case, he may have been advised that he may be likely to be at risk of serious harm in prison, and therefore need to be put in segregation with sex offenders……or he could keep quiet, (thus avoiding the potential for expert witnesses being called on to publicly discuss the rationality of his politics and motives for several days, with all the ensuing press and social media coverage) and in due course have the possibility of a transfer into the special hospital system where his mental illness can be addressed therapeutically.
All speculation of course, but a non defence does seem odd in a case held to be politically motivated.
I served on a jury once were no defence was offered. The court appointed the defence barrister but he could do nothing as the accused would not say anything. I thought the judges comments when sentencing were well over the top . When this murder occurred much was made of his mental problems. Where did this info come from? Locals who knew the man or some reporter who thought it might be a RoP crime and getting excuses in early. If he does have mental problems then clearly the lawyers knew about it but the prosecution did not want to raise it and the defence were not allowed to by their cleint
“It is believed he had mental health problems and was quoted as praising a particular passage of care he had undertaken in the past.
In 2011, he was photographed by the local paper volunteering in nearby Oakwell Hall country park. The previous year he was quoted in the Huddersfield Daily Examiner, saying he had begun volunteering after attending Pathways Day Centre for adults with mental health problems.
“I can honestly say it has done me more good than all the psychotherapy and medication in the world,” he said. “Many people who suffer from mental illness are socially isolated and disconnected from society, feelings of worthlessness are also common, mainly caused by long-term unemployment.
“All these problems are alleviated by doing voluntary work. Getting out of the house and meeting new people is a good thing, but more important in my view is doing physically demanding and useful labour.
“When you have finished there is a feeling of achievement which is emotionally rewarding and psychologically fulfilling. For people for whom full-time, paid employment is not possible for a variety of reasons, voluntary work offers a socially positive and therapeutic alternative.”
Guilty, “beyond all reasonable doubt” of murder.
And also labelled a “terrorist” by both BBC and Police spokespeople despite not having been charged with, let alone convicted of a terrorist offence.
The more I see the more puzzled I am. Was it not possible for the defence to bring on some character witnesses who would affirm his contribution to voluntary work?
And yet haven’t we been told, over and over again, that the BBC disparages the use of the word terrorist because it is too ‘judgemental’?
Meanwhile, one of several odd factoids about this trial that I have never understood and seen scant reference too. Within hours of Mair being identified I believe a photograph of him was provided by the Sorors glove puppet, the deeply suspect ‘Southern Poverty Law Center’ – a US far Left activist organisation.
I have mentioned here of her connection to the White Helmets, ostensibly an aid organization in the Middle East but there is evidence to suggest that they act as a conduit for weapons and aid to Syrian rebels with terrorist connections. ME politics is dirty and I would advise a young MP to focus on her constituents rather than an organization that is not associated with saints
I wouldn’t have said, having read and heard her endless encomia on the BBC, that she, like most Labour MPs, was very concerned by the people of her own country. Virtue signalling about ‘global affairs’ seems more the order of the day in a Labour party that appears embarrassed by the British working class.
A great read Al.
Reminded me what a nasty piece of work Brendan Cox is, over and above his “inappropriate ” behaviour at Save the Children. The importance of opposing Cox et al on unlimited migration is the asymmetry . if they win it’s game over and no going back. If we win
it’s only a temporary victory and battle can recommenced at any time. Cox tacitly admits this in his quoted article , go for the young, he says, and one day we will
inevitably win.
I know one shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, but is it required that they must be treated as a saint? Listening to the News at 10 just now, one was left in no doubt by the BBC that she was the perfect MP who could do no wrong. There was no room for any suggestion that she might be deeply misguided and causing more harm than good.
Too many things about this case just don’t seem right, but don’t expect any questions from the sheep in the media.
Roland, thinking back to the murder of Airey Neave MP by the INLA, I don’t remember him being portrayed as a saint or a martyr. My memory might be distorted, but it tells me that he was generally portrayed as a fairly nasty, right-wing thug and a moving force behind Mrs. Thatcher.
This, I suppose is a plea for understanding of how it is – which is not how it should be but ……………….
As a TV newsperson on a very, very good salary and promise of a very good pension and little extras like income from books and promise of a ‘retirement’ job on, say Classic FM.
You stay somewhere very nice when broadcasting then return to your very nice house in somewhere very nice. You buy from very nice shops in very nice places.
So how the hell can you possibly know or have any connection with real people?
BBC's Nick Robinson: 'It was my job to report what those in power were doing or thinking…That is all someone in my sort of job can do.'
“Jo Cox: Man jailed for ‘terrorist’ murder of MP”
Terrorist is not a word used by Al Beeb for ‘home grown’ these days.
Its normally ‘millitants’ etc ..
But notice the word terrorist is used in inverted commas.
I wonder why ?
I don’t think that the majority of the public will view Thomas Mair as a terrorist, despite the BBC’s best efforts . He was a loner with a specific grudge against an individual . Having an interest in the Far Right doesn’t make him a terrorist . We know, for example from Irish, Palestinian and Islamist terrorists, that an ideology has to be combined with random attacks on non- politically involved citizens in target countries whose politics the terrorists dislike .
The BBC must be gutted that Mair had no friends , was not in a conspiracy with others on tbe Far Right or planning random attacks on residents in Batley, Leeds etc
So the BBC’s current obsession with the alt right wil have to find other outlets .
It’s weird how the far left, so obviously evident now in the fields of law, media and civil rights has, with the aid of a stiflingly managed social media, the presumption to hold up an image of Thomas Mair as the threat to democracy in the UK.
Any reaction against their destructive propaganda seems to be termed ‘post-truth’, I’d call it ‘post-delusion’.
Saint Jo’s husband has been on the news calling Thomas Mair a ‘terrorist’, a word which the BBC doesn’t use, as I said earlier.
We are seeing yet another example of the ‘left’ redefining words to suit its purposes. A terrorist is surely someone who aims to create terror, or fear, in the civilian population. A violent act by an individual where the individual gets caught or dies at the scene can’t create terror because there is no remaining threat. If there is an organised group behind that individual then there is potential for terror as others may repeat or extend the violence.
Breviks and Mears would appear to be loners. Only the demented think there is some lost legion of the SS dormant, literally underground, waiting to ‘rise up’. Alhibai-Brown was telling us yesterday that 300 Welsh schoolchildren had been referred to ‘Prevent’ for expressing ‘right-wing’ views, all potential ‘terrorists’ no doubt? Unlike the other 90% of ‘Prevent’ cases that come from a ‘mainstream’ community that is allowed, nay encouraged, to hang onto a 7th century belief that they are ‘the chosen’ who must eliminate everyone else.
Yes, it’s all done and dusted and the poor introverted loner will be locked away as a ‘terrorist’ for the rest of his life – and no mention of where he got the rifle. Does he have a Firearm Certificate, who granted it, who checked him and his security out? Or then again, if he has no FAC, how did he get the rifle and the ammunition, was it already illegally cut down or did he do it himself? And does it matter?
Well, yes, it does actually. If it’s another police cock-up – one of many where gun ownership is concerned – then someone should be held responsible, and if the rifle was supplied ‘on the black’ who supplied it, and why?
The truth is it’s ‘case closed’, so let’s all listen to Brendan emoting so bravely and publicly, that’s the important part.
Because there was no mention of it, we can fairly assume he did not legally own the .22 rifle. If he had, it would have been big news, as another stick with which to beat legal gun owners.
So a “loner” with no friends and mental health issues somehow got hold of a sawn off .22 rifle, a type of firearm which is exceedingly rare in criminal use in Britain. Since there has been no story, we have to assume the police have been unable to trace it, otherwise they would have told us it had been stolen or somehow illegally acquired.
This is a very great mystery in the heart of this case, but it seems to have gone down the memory hole. Did Mair have contact with people who influenced him? From what I gather, he did not even own a computer, but used the library one. He had no sort of social life. Yet somehow he got hold of a very hard to get firearm, and then committed a murder which was guaranteed to put the Brexit vote in doubt one week before the referendum. I really thought Jo Cox’s murder might have cost us the vote.
Then, at his trial, a man who was allegedly a Nazi sympathiser, with a large collection of books on the Nazis, and Nazi memorabilia, and who had, on the face of it, carried out a crime motivated by his political beliefs, offered no defence, and kept quiet on his one and only chance to explain why he had done it, and have his views heard across Britain and the world. Yet he stayed silent.
There is a great deal about this case which does not add up, and I doubt we will ever get to the bottom of it.
I don’t understand why someone (who was fully compos mentis) would think that a bolt action sawn off .22 rifle would be of much help in a political right-wing-nutter type assassination. It was obvious he had no serious plans to escape the crime scene anyway. It seems if you’re a right wing loony, there’ll be no cushy mental health defence allowed, plus a full life in prison tariff. Somehow I can’t see the same outcome if someone tried to do in Nigel F (God forbid).
A search through You Tube will find a discussion emerging about the oddities of this case. Some theories are wild, but remember the BBC are a bunch of liars.
Do we believe the so called ‘experts’ any more ?
The MSM and Al Beeb are trying to pull out ‘all stops’ to prevent Brexit .
Is the present Government complicit ? I have my doubts about their sincerity about getting out of the EU especially with the transparent propaganda that seems to be broadcast in the last few days .
It is important that we understand the depth of contempt the elite has for us and the way we voted. Everything they do and say tells us that we are not going to be allowed to leave the EU.
They do not care if the traditional English notion of democracy is trashed. In fact I think they would revel in it.
Farage seems to be hinting at this recently and it must depress him .
It will go like this. The Lords will be used to obstruct every detail. The judges will always rule in favour of the elite view. In the end May will announce that it is just too risky to leave the single market and make a direct appeal to us via a General Election.
This she will win as there is no alternative party fit to govern.
In the long term it will be a disaster for us the people but the elite has no care for us and never has had.
The MSM is fully on board with this and I suppose they really think it is for the best. Delusion runs deep in our ruling class. Opposition will be bought off or silenced in a very British way.
Sneering and scoffing the elite will celebrate that once again they have put us back in our place. That it will mean the end of England and the probable end of Europe itself has no interest for them. The BBC? The voice of the ruling elite as it always was and was set up to be.
Dave S
There is hope .
The British want their country back hence the Brexit vote .
Who would have thought Trump would have become President . Al Beeb and the MSM are becoming more and more transparent with their propaganda almost to the extent that it is becoming childish and amateur .
Finally, predict that the EU will implode.
For a short while I thought the present government were reluctantly moving towards Brexit, then the delays over invoking article 50, and today I am informed that it is not necessary – we can just leave. I don’t trust May and see her in many ways tied to the BBC, its Islamophilia along with Europhilia. We will not leave until May is out
Why doesn’t the BBC have done with it and just rename itself Guardian TV ?
No prizes for guessing which minority interest newspaper our BBC presenter Naga Munchetty chose with which to open her short post-Autumn Statement newspaper review this morning.
The Guardian, in maudlin mood, fetches out the Saint Jo Cox wedding photo album for their front page spread – alongside a gloomy head line about post-Bexit deficits.
Can’t say I recall the Guardian too often previously posing as the most fiscally cautious press organ. But now suddenly it voices concern over public spending deficits.
As our BBC anchor hurriedly flicks through some other wide-circulation newspapers we glimpse the fact that there are some rather more positive perspectives on the economy available in the British press.
But the tone for the upcoming interview with the Chancellor has clearly been set by the Guardian front page – Brexit doom and gloom. And that nasty unspoken undertone – Jo Cox, anti-Brexit Saint and Martyr. Brexit, Tories, Nasty Nasty.
In a way I believe it is – guaranteed supplements to the Guardian salary by constant appearance money e.g. Owen Jones, Polly Toynbee, so that it helps with the wages bill
The BBC constantly puts job adverts in the Guardian – completely unnecessarily as it only needs to create a ‘Jobs’ section on it’s website and has no need to pay any advertiser a single penny.
Hence licence fee payers are directly funding the Guardian whether they like it or not.
I do not know what the current figures are but about five years ago over 90% of BBC national newspaper staff advertising expenditure went to the Guardian.
The remainder was distributed among newspapers that had 30X Guardian daily sales. There’s balance and impartiality for you.
Even cameramen (or should that be camerapersons) had to be left wing so no opportunities for lying with the camera, to the advantage of the Marxists and traitors, were missed.
Will this be the most awkward Thanksgiving ever?
The similarities between the US election result and the result of the brexit referendum are so profound that the tunes we now hear in the media might as well have been written by the same composer. What, they were? That’s uncanny.
I thought that democracy was the shining light of modern man. Power to the people and all that. Well it is, until the result doesn’t go as expected. But what did they expect? it’s a vote after all. The media abused their position and tried to inflict a political view on the voters but that’s not the way democracy works. People come from all walks of life. Some are rich some are poor but, contrary to what the media will have us believe, they are not stupid. The media, with more degrees than a thermometer from Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Princeton et al made a fatal mistake. They thought they could subvert democracy, give it a tweak in the right direction. Just because you stand in front of a tv camera does not make you judge and jury, it does not make make you better than the ordinary people.
Watching the presenters performing on Al Beeb this morning, I am of the opinion that their so called ‘News Channel’ is morphing into ‘Blue Peter’ .
What say you?
Certainly taffman.
“And here`s one we made up earlier” rings true.
In fact , they are paid from the public purse to make their confections, their tissues of lies and threadbare rags…albeit expensively-coiffed , made up and in designer outfits the rest of us won`t be affording.
As I write now-what do we think Channel 4 and the BBC are doing NOW?
All prepping for the 6, 7 and 10pm news…and all aimed at Trump, Brexit and getting the Tories replaced.
And this lot are publicly paid. able to draw on huge resources, contacts worldwide and trawling for evil and liberal hegemony.
Note that Channel 4 News has no adverts to fund it now…so why the hell are we paying for Snow and his water cooling wankstains to lie ceaselessly on behalf of Soros and Heseltine, Juncker and Corbyn, Branson and Brand?
That is one of the finest speeches I have ever read. Of course, he will be found guilty. It is a political show trial. And when he is, it makes it more likely that it will happen here and we all know who will be the target.
Time for some good cheer.
For some unaccountable reason there is a ‘Have your Say’ to go with Kamal Ahmed’s gloom and doom review of the Autumn Statement on the bBBC website.
And it’s fair to say that things are not going too well for him………….
Pathetic “reporting ” from teenage journalists. It should be illegal for journalists to quote anonymous sources. Otherwise we have no evidence that the quotes are not fabricated.
The liberal fascist cadre that run things in this country are just incoherent dribbling nutjobs raving around the bubble. Like a chaotic see-through hamster wheel bangin` on around the room.
Cue this morning-and Justin Webb after 8.30 tells me that Skyscanner is a big story just in.
Big in their terms in that it gets their anti-Tory juices going…no other reason. Means nothing to anybody but the likes of Kuennsberg and Webb, economic illiterates, Sino-thickos,only business knowledge is in pimping expenses from us via the BBC stooges who pay them.
But it`s nothing but an excuse to attack the Tories again.
And this is 24/7-we`re so used to it, we don`t see how steeped in liberal groupthink we`ve become.
For my part, I refuse to have a license and listen, watch their crap.
The same scum who led me to Cologne Cathedral on News Year Eve 2015 are NOT going to be allowed to lead me home on New Years day 2016.
The BBC have no paths, no ideas and no motivation but to get us raped, silenced and murdered in one form or another…from Tommy Robinson to Roger Scruton, they just select from their few remaining options.
They`ve got to go-or else Islam will think we`ll also be their bike racks, arses up and out of the ground for them.
For all those interested in AGW/Climate Change there was an apparently very good scientist on BBC R4 TODAY at 6.52am today explaining what they and we do not know. As what as what they are learning. Justin Webb gave her a respectful but firm grilling because, I guess, the B-BBC ‘does not like uncertainty’. She stood up to it very well.
We told you so, BBC, but you did not listen then. Listen up now.
Posted earlier.
BBC documentary about the so called “Trojan Horse” schools that examines the truth behind an alleged plot by ‘hardline’ Muslims to seize control of British schools. With interviews from those at the centre of the story, the programme asks what really happened and whether the authorities got it right
Now just a minute BBC … so called?, alleged?
I thought you were against fakery in the news? these schools had to be put under special measures, teachers, headmasters sacked, forced out – 12 schools reported
a distinct possibility of many more
B Mail – Trojan Horse is still a threat to Birmingham schools – it’s just gone underground. National head of school inspection service Ofsted tells Government he is still deeply worried about Birmingham.
B Mail – Education Secretary again urged to act, over concerns that Birmingham was failing to ensure “children are not being exposed to harm, exploitation or the risk of falling under the influence of extremist views.
B Mail – Growing concerns as hundreds of children missing from Birmingham schools and slip off council radar
Doesn t sound much like so called, or alleged to me, or maybe that’s just the BBCs erm “impartiality” ie being untruthful yet again.
“His softer nature and that vulnerability in him was manipulated [by saying] ‘Oh this is the Caliphate, this is what you must do, if you don’t do this, if you don’t do this journey then you’re not a believer, you’re not a Muslim, you’re not a good Muslim’.
Now, Rasheed Benyahia’s mother,(governor of a group of schools at the epicentre of the scandal), claims that it was concern and action about Trojan Horse itself that turned him jihadi?
WHAT? … in what universe!! 😀
You literally couldn t make it up.
“the case might have been used by extremists to turn him against Britain”
“Except Murray has already lifted the prize twice”
So it’s Buggins’ turn?
“It is blindingly obvious to dismiss it by saying: “He has not connected with the public.” The question has to be why. This is a two-way street; the onus is not simply on him to do the connecting.”
Well, let’s face it, sticking your fingers into the top of your head is not actually that amusing. It might also be a reaction to being confronted by his image day-in day-out by the BBC and others after the Olympics.
I received a month’s free subscription to Netflix so thought I’d give it a go as I wanted to see ‘The Crown’. Apparently the BBC was offered it, but it turned it down, supposedly because of cost.
I am glad about this because I think the BBC would not be capable of making this without shoehorning its political views into it. There is not one single black face in the first episode, and Churchill is shown to be favoured by his late majesty King George VI over Labour’s Clem Atlee.
There was nothing PC about it either; there was heavy smoking, duck shooting, dirty limericks and even a traditional Anglican church service. I can’t imagine the BBC standing for that. They’d probably have a line saying ‘You can’t become Queen – you’re a woman!’
Mr Caplan, I’ve only watched the first episode so far, but what I’ve seen looks good. Respectful but not hagiographic, which is as it should be. That said, the next episode is the Commonwealth tour of 1952 which would be fertile ground for PC commentary…and it also has Greg Wise (aka Mr Emma Thompson) in it…so I will reserve judgement…
I watched the first episode of The Crown, although things about the royals aren’t really my cup of tea it was done pretty well in my opinion. Surprised to see John Lithgow (6’3″) as Churchill (5’5″) so no wonder he was stooping a lot lol! But anyway as you say the BBC wouldn’t have touched it for the sea of white faces and fag smoking alone.
Haven’t been commenting much lately, but been kept royally amused (and dare I say, saner and better informed) by all of you on here – so big thanks for all that!
What prompts me this morning is the invidious – and ever-increasing – linkage, conflation, smearing by association of people who voted Leave, in a democratic referendum in a supposedly leading democratic nation, with the Nazis. I know this is what everyone here has been saying underneath the joking and the one-liners, but I wanted to try to spell out just why it is so very offensive. I realise I’m preaching to the choir here, but just in case anyone else should just happen to read this…
For a start, anyone who conflates Brexit with Nazism simply has no knowledge of history and the horrors of WW2. They are just parroting the laziest, most vile and inflammatory slur that their brainwashers have supplied them with. In my book, it would be Hate Speech, but obviously that doesn’t seem to be the case if you are on the BBC/Channel4/Guardian axis.
The very use of the word “Nazi” is a convenient short-circuit to evoke war in Europe and all its terrors – even when it’s being cleverly deployed to deny that there are any parallels. It’s a heads we win, tails you lose: the emotive word has been detonated. It’s even more effective when it’s often repeated, so that listeners catch an impression, such as the insistent linking of it to Thomas Mair and the murder he committed. The murder of an MP, an appalling act of evil, but we heard little in comparison about his mental problems, and the reporting about the far-Right literature in his possession posed more questions than it answered. It was bad reporting because it was used to block any further understanding of how this terrible crime came to be committed. Only emotion was permitted.
We have all said it here: we live in Orwellian times. Democracy is ceasing to mean what we think it should. Liberal seems to mean quite the reverse. And here’s the bombshell to all those who are slinging the insult: the EU has far more in common with the Fascist pan-European state that Hitler dreamed of creating than a Europe of friendly sovereign nations bound by deep links between its people. In fact, there are theories that the EU was the dream that was kept alive by die-hard Nazi associates (they weren’t all stormtroopers). I’m not saying that I subscribe to that, I just put the thought out there. What is indisputable is that the EU was born out of the ashes of WW2, and it was built on many lies to the people of Europe, using economic ties to creep towards a political union. (Philip Toynbee: “We should lie if we have to, deny with the left hand what the right is doing” – that’s a paraphrase, the proper quote is easily looked up.)
There’s also the seemingly forgotten background that in the dark days of the 1930s, it was the educated elites and the aristocracy who were taken in by Herr Hitler and his party. I don’t think the masses, who had lived through WW1 had their heads turned.
Which brings me to my final point, (sorry about the length of this; it has swirling around in my head for days and I wanted to see if anyone else agreed). Nowadays, much promoted by the BBC, it is a given that millions of conscripted soldiers who died in WW1 were “lions led by donkeys”. But now, somehow, the descendants of those “lions”, the ordinary people of Britain whose honest judgement was sought in a referendum and who refused to be cowed from what they felt in their guts to be right, are slandered by implication as “Nazis”.
A simple application of logic, but I think it says much about the failings of this ludicrous and divisive propaganda war being pumped out by the BBC and others.
Yes, the theory that the EU is the result of negotiations between the Nazis and the Swiss in Hungary at the end of WW2 has a certain amount of evidence for it, and this formed the basis of the novel ‘The Budapest Protocol’.
The word ‘nazi’ like ‘racist’ has ceased to have any meaning now. It is just hate speech used by the left who have no logical arguments left. It’s the equivalent of ‘witchcraft’, ‘heretic’ or ‘blasphemer’ in the middle ages.
Quite agree. We should never forget that the Nazis were a socialist party and that the Left are far more fascist than the Right. Witness their behaviour following the General Election, Referendum and Trump victory. And , like the Nazis, their whole ideology is based on hate and the suppression of free speech.
Grant, exactly. I find this reversal very disturbing, especially in the distortion of words and meanings. It doesn’t stand up to logic though, and the good news is that more and more people are rumbling what’s going on.
What I can’t understand – perhaps neither can the media bods themselves! – is why you would carry on doing it ever more loudly when the game is clearly up with at least 17.4 million people.
I hope you’re right, Cranmer, that the words have less and less meaning. Another example of the crazy Left throwing the baby out with the bathwater, though. To some people, the words really do mean something – and might look to our understanding of these terms for genuine protection.
I think this narrative creation by the media & by losers in recent UK & US democracy is not really an attempt to understand but to write off in attempt to overturn the results. Most Remain campaigners will not go out and throw rocks at Boris Johnson’s front door & attack Leave voters in the street. Only relatively extreme Democrat Party members (together with criminal elements along for the ride?) trashed cities and towns in the US within a day or so of Trump’s victory.
Rather better behaved Remainers in the UK spend their time trying to find excuses.
Leave lied, Remain had a bad campaign, mostly old people voted Leave (Michael Gove was woken in his bed by young Leave Campaign team members with news of the surprise vote), mostly poorly educated people voted Leave (heroes or stars of the Leave campaign number a Professor, Oxbridge educated ex-Mayor of the world’s leading city and a PM’s former advisor among many others), the old Leave voters all want to return to the past (despite them having first-hand knowledge of how bad that was & wanting to avoid a re-run!), leave voters dislike foreigners (despite many being immigrants themselves!) and so on and on and on and on and on.
When that fails and reduction to single word adjective insults arise: poor, ignorant, nostalgia ridden, xenophobic, it becomes so easy to tack racist and Nazi onto the list. Especially so when there are ‘attacks’ on ‘foreigners’ being reported daily if not hourly. More so when there is no careful investigation to find out if these events are correctly described and not false-flag attacks or result from Referendum unconnected grudges.
It was amusing to listen to the BBC on Radio 4 doing it all over again after 9th November, in exactly the same way.
They have no credible intellectual arguments for their side. In the US, Trump was clever: he stayed away from that largely and operated around the media persona he had created for himself. Hillary Clinton did not have to nor could she advance positive messages for her manifesto or attack Trump’s manifesto with practical & detailed opposition, she was drawn into and forced to match him in the slogan slug-fest.
I was in a battle with some folk on-line who are of an ardent socialist persuasion, some were Scots and already on a losing side in one referendum, and as I challenged their roseate view of the EU, I started to realise how little they knew about it. Some lived & worked elsewhere in the EU, others had holiday homes or holidayed regularly in Europe, others had family who did so. Yet they knew little beyond the soundbites emanating from Brussels about the Four Freedoms and avoiding another war in Europe and the fact that travel is slightly easier (or was) across EU borders.
They had no intellectual argument when the belief that there is total freedom of movement was shown to be false, no argument about what VAT is for & the desire for tax harmonisation across the EU, no argument about how the UK contributes, so instead they just attack the person who challenges their knowledge and belief. In the 21st century, there was no shortage of information available about the EU.
Perhaps this is because of the limited span of attention in modern life, the number of distractions in a 24/7 life style? Or maybe it is just lazy politics. Easy believism as critics of American Christian mass-evangelists might say.
They stick the tag racist and Nazi on the little old Indian lady who has been in the UK for forty-five years just as much as the white gent who wears his WW2 medals in a wheelchair on 11 November each year. Neither believe what they do about the EU so the label must be unquestionably right.
We are going have to suffer this for some time.
We can always ask awkward questions if the ‘Far Right’ theme persists on the BBC into next weekend:
What do you mean by ‘populism’?
What do you mean by ‘Far Right’?
Are you aware of the fact the notion of the existence of a ‘Right’ is being researched and challenged by academics?
Have you researched those studies?
What about the proven existence & problems created by the ‘Far Left’ and ‘Hard Left’ and other forms of Socialism during the last 150 years?
Thanks, Up2snuff. That’s exactly it – they have no intellectual arguments. I’ve been waiting a long time for a persuasive, intelligent pro-Europe argument to be presented, but there have been none. I mean, the best that arch Euro-prat Clegg could come up with on national TV was mobile roaming charges! (Which has since been quietly dropped, I think.) That was quite astonishing.
They just can’t keep on the subject, either. As soon as anyone questions their beliefs they start shouting and hurling offensive assumptions. Viz, Jon Snow the other night. Vile name calling, too. There is no real debate of really important issues, no sense at all that as a country we should be able to discuss the way forward as a whole, to the benefit of as many people as possible. By all logic and study of their language, the BBC and others have set themselves AGAINST the country. Do they consider that they already live in Globalworld – on the money that we slaves are condemned to give them in taxes?
There’s also a great vacuum on the BBC where conversations with normal, intelligent, well-educated Leave voters should be. Not the Leftist think-tankers or public sector workers, or the Bransons of this world. People like us that they pretend don’t exist!! And they wonder why we have fled to other sources for our news.
What with Pakistan deporting 300,000 unlawfully resident Afghans, Israel and Saudi Arabia refusing to allow any migrants or “Refugees” entry and Qatar now expelling 9,000 mainly Pakistani illegals with no intervention from the UNHCR or any Liberal Western multicultural charity, do these countries know something Western Governments don’t?
Another day another tedious predictable rant from James O’Brian on LBC!
Phoney indignation about not enough attention given by the Daily Mail and others to the Jo Cox murder trial (done to death at the time of her murder to try to promote the Remain cause), used as a pretext to have another of his generic rants about the ‘far right’, ‘white supremicism’ ‘racism’, ‘hate’ (or so called).
This man is such an arrogant bigot and so lacking in self reflection.
Wish people would stop ringing him in a way!
Yep that is a good image
some BBC staff speak as if they are yelling down a Momentum microphone ?
Logo of the organisation
BBC Reporter at work
..someone could glue the Momentum logo onto megaphones’s in similar photos
Now and again I would switch on LBC and I would hear Nigel Farage or Katie Hopkins. Most other times it was some leftist idiot presenter laying into some caller who had the temerity to question the prevailing mainstream groupthink. Saying that, the format of those call-in shows is flawed, just like listening to a pointless argument.
I really ought to check out the schedules and find out when the Leftist idiots are on..but it’s such a shame there is very little antidote to the BBC leviathan-like domination of the airwaves. You’d think that the commercial stations would gladly offer up an alternative, but no – and the adverts are just extra irritation.
BBC’s Daily Politics show – economist, Patrick Minford gives Jo Colburn a right pasting on the Autumn Statement and Brexit, so she resorts to normal BBC joshi tactics of shouting over him, then declaring that “we have to move on” when he doesn’t back down. Minford declaring Hammond’s performance as being unnecessarily downbeat is spot on.
I see employee perks are to lose their tax breaks.
Never mind, you social justice warriors at the BBC, I’m sure Lord Hall-Hall will compensate the losses on your private medical insurance with a nice little pay rise.
Over in America, there’s starting now a real push back against PC or Leftist Mind-set as it should be called. Let’s hope it gets here very soon. Re-writing Grimm and Disney would make even Bowdler and Stalin very uneasy.
Great to see that great exponent of Misandry Yvette Cooper once again spouting her poison on the Daily Politics.
I guess she is pushing for a reward from Brussels, note how she now emulates the tone of her bearded leader as she castigates those she addresses.
Today she is strangely quiet about her time on Bill Clinton’s staff.
‘Huge pressure on living standards’ bellow the BBC on the lunchtime news. The usual suspects – Andy Verity, Norman Smith are ecstatic . The Resolution Foundation and the IFS produce variants of the Government’s already dodgy forecasts to show living standards won’t go up in the decade after the 2008 crash.
Storming Norman is convinced that he’s proved Theresa May a liar . She won’t be helping the just managing types after all. The BBCs stooge think tanks are just trading in unreliable forecasts . They are proving nothing . But that won’t worry the BBC.
When exactly did Tommy Mair turn from a registered psychiatric patient under the care of a CPN and on medication…therefore a charge of the NHS…into a “hate filled,right wing extremist, terrorist and murderer”?
Anybody got the timeline-for I sense the liberal fascists are already cleaning their trails and timelines to remove the NHS psychiatric case notes, and replacing them with a Peter Hitchens column or a Brexit leaflet that he`d read the day before?
I say this-because the Guardian seems to have removed the NHS bit from their latest stories…seem to think that not making a plea is normal, not being allowed to speak from the dock is OK.
Had he shouted “Allah Akhbar”, not “Britain First”-and had he killed a Tory and not once of their own…the lad would be out on a tag, with Hunt getting blamed for closing the CPN section of the local GPs walk-in centre.
This one stinks-and safe to say, from June to now-absolutely NO efforts to go behind the real facts to this story. Brendan Cox would surely not have been so happy to appear before the one local camera had it been a Muslim who`d killed his wife.
But this is safe, fertile territory-why let a pointless death go to waste if The Common Purpose is to be served.And what esel do THIS lot serve if not the Greedy Green Goddess?
I`ve yet to see Mr Cox actually LOOK upset-like Geldof, I think he`ll not have to work again now , as it all suits them to wheel this one out as suits.Like Millie Dowler-a death transformed into the liberal Horst Wessel.
I always thought that “Britain First” was the name of Viscount Rothermere’s, owner of the Daily Mail, private aircraft. This was built afer his paper challenged the aviation industry, in the 1930’s, to come with a fast commercial aircraft to carry two crew and six passengers. This aircraft became the Bristol Blenheim, when we started to have trouble with people in “Europe” at the end of the 30’s. Plus ça change and so on.
BBC lunctime news – Andrew Verity (inappropriate surname) tells us all about how we’re suffering from low productivity per capita in the UK. No mention, of course, that this is probably due to the country being flooded with unskilled (ie not very productive) labour from Eastern Europe, and instant benefit claimants from Central Asia (ie not productive at all). These BBC reporters are either thick or wilfully dismissive of the truth.
But I thought they were all highly qualified engineers*/nuclear scientists*/brain surgeons*/computer designers* (*= delete as appropriate).
Do you mean they’re not? Oh, bugger …..
The real threat to democracy. Generalissimo, You will carry on voting until you vote the way I tell you, Antonio Blair.
Quote from one of his heroes “I feel very proud, even though they didn’t elect me, to be President of the Argentines.” Remove Argentines and replace with Europe to see his ambition.
Galtieri was the nearest one with the arrogance and blind ambition with nothing to back it up I could find.
When I was working in Brazil some Brazilians referred to Argentinians as jumped up Italians who think they are Germans in response to Argentinians calling them woolly monkeys. The jumped up Italian phrase is apt for Blair’s attitude.
“France on the verge of total collapse” –
Likely to end in civil war if Marine Le Pen is given the power.
I hear a BBC documentary objectively analysing the background is imminent…….
Ha! ha!
Sound Bite or is this classed as a Smith on Smith strike?
More of this, please Tories
Iain Duncan Smith strikes back at Norman Smith just now on TV news:
“This is what the BBC always do, you take the worst possible forcast and treat it as though it were reality!”
Good to hear the Honourable Member for Chingford and Woodford Green bite back at the Dishonourable Moaner for the BBC, Labour and all points Leftward.
For a long standing politician of note to say this, on air to a reporter of our taxpayer funded National Broadcaster, you might think something, anything just might possibly, however slight, be done about the BBC?
Detail of the 20 YEAR plan for a takeover of the West from Al Qaeda:
1)Use the lax immigration rules to move to the West.
2)Wrap yourself in the rights and freedoms of the West.
3)Infiltrate Western society at all levels.
More from the ‘settled science’, courtesy of the so-called climate scientists’ best 28gatemates – your very own BBC, which delivers in its own unique, sleight-of-hand style:
Some data collected by whaling vessels suggests the extent of Antarctic summer (December, January, February, March) sea-ice was significantly higher during the 1950s, before a steep decline returned it to around six million square kilometres (average across the four months) in recent decades.
But the log books of the “heroic explorers” show that over the long term, the amount of ice has changed very little. It has merely ebbed and flowed….
Dr Jonathan Day of the University of Reading who led the study says his analysis indicates that the extent of Antarctic summer sea-ice is at most 14% smaller now than during the early 1900s.
“The Antarctic sea-ice a hundred years ago was fairly similar to what it is today. That is not much if you contrast this with the Arctic which has lost 26% of its extent,” he told BBC News.
So historical charting of sea ice shows not much change in Antarctica over the last century. Fine. But the Arctic has ‘lost 26% of its extent’ – since when? Well, since 1979 when satellite records began actually (AND they never tell you 1979 was something of a peak) – but the BBC don’t mention this crucial fact. So, you might ask, could there be any old records of Arctic ice extents? Well, yes there are – incomplete but they give a clue, yet they’re obviously a little bit haram in the BBC eco-socialist googlesphere:
Finally in 1923 something new happens: The ice east of Svalbard and east of Novaja Zemlja is on retreat.
In 1930, the retreat has gone even further: Svalbard Is ice free, and ice free waters have been observed far east of Novaja Zemlja. In addition, the Baffin bay is now almost ice free. Puzzling is, that the ice extends on the pacific side of the Arctic remains rather constant in all these years.
In 1932 we see in August open ice almost all along the Russian shore. So even though we do not see the September ice minimum here, we almost have an open NE passage.
On the lunchtime news feature of this very topic lil’ old Palab muses that the difference could be due to the Northern Hemisphere being more densely populated. Ha ha ha – duh! GLOBAL warming, you keep telling us Palab – there’s a clue in there somewhere you lazy numbnut. As for the ‘settled science’, we now have so many layers of hypotheses the likes of Palab and Horrorbin are in danger of disappearing up their own overheating arseholes.
Your BBC – trying to fool all of the people, all of the time, but never quite succeeding.
Your BBC – trying to fool all of the people, all of the time, but never quite succeeding.
But sadly, they are succeeding largely. Almost everyone I know believe all the BBC guff about disappearing icecaps, hottest quarter past twelve since records began etc etc and they are the sort who get all of their news and information from the BBC/Guardian.
Try to mention that other sources of information are available and they sneer and scoff contemptuously – without ever investigating other sources of course. They already have Big Brother to do all their thinking for them.
(There’s just about time enough for them to pop out for a quick ten minute hate [Brexit voters] before tea).
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
You’ll remember that pompous arse of a hamilton actor lecturing Mike Pence on ‘respect’
Well well well…..what a lowlife piece of work he turns out to be….
After the public reprimand, Dixon became a hero to the left as they applauded his “courageous” stand for equality. However, Dixon should have kept his mouth shut or at least waited till he scrubbed his Twitter account clean.
It seems that Dixon is another liberal who does not practice what he preaches, imagine that. You see Dixon forgot this little gem on his Twitter account where he jokes about raping white women. I bet you he is wishing he deleted this tweet, right?
And here is a feminist site laughing it off.
In the feminist world it’s only reprehensible if white males do it.
Does this mean all feminists are racist? Seems likely to me.
Note that this is not a httpS.
White Femmies fantasise about being raped by a black man. They just won’t admit it.
Always nice to have the night off from the BBC.
Brexit causes death of Labour MP.
Brexit causes problems in the fish industry
Brexit due to push up food prices says the Irish bloke who makes Pret a Manger sandwiches.
Brexit puts Tories in the dock re projected economic data
Police let gay chef kill gay blokes he mat on Grindr…which will be linked to Brexit any minute now.
AS I say-night off!
ITBB as ever very good value…
Sneaky, eh? Or, maybe, just totally bent…
Frankly I do not like my ‘balance’ delivered by the BBC favoured method of letting down all sides, the cause of accuracy, any credibility, and the trashing of integrity.
Especially on their 100:1 ‘split’ basis.
I just want facts, debated objectively, and honestly, with fair moderation.
JOBsworth is an embarrassment the BBC can indulge in because, from the rotten head sideways, it is allowed to.
Absolutely appalling doom and gloom, hair shirts, and bleak prospects from the biased BBC 6pm news, ‘reporting’ on the Autumn Statement.
This must surely imply a total financial bllodbath.
Oh wait. The FT100 went down by…..2 points.
And the pound is UP to Euro 1.18.
And we seem to still be one of the fastest growing major economies.
What a pity the biased BBC could not enjoy its own deep recession !
Dazed and Confused and Guest who…………..
Superlative posts. Best PC video yet.
Re Snow…what an arrogant, sneering arsehole….real aggressive, fascist stuff…he was even losing his temper whilst he was talking (well, shouting actually) to a member of his own profession.
Although was he shouting or was he panicking and just beginning to realise that now ‘The Donald’ is in charge his world may be changing soon?…I hope so
I believe one or two people marched in London today to insist that Article 50 be enacted.
But-funnily enough Jo Cox seems to have snuffed out the story-as indeed has Philip Hammond, OBR book cookings and fatasy finances-and indeed w walking piece of toast if you`d prefer that.
But there was no Brexit march in London. No.
The Russia News Ticker does indeed mention such a march on Parliament today.
They still don’t get it do they?
The referendum was not a question asking if the UK would be financially better off, or worse off in the EU. It was a choice between bringing back power and control to our own parliament and people, or, remaining in an undemocratic and corrupt institution with an exorbitant membership fee.
It is not up to The City to decide.
It is not up to the politicians to decide.
It is not up to celebrities and sports personalities to decide.
It is not up to Gary Lineker to decide.
It is not for the courts to decide.
It was for the people to decide, and….THE PEOPLE HAVE VOTED TO LEAVE!!!
This was a decision about the next 50 or more years, not the next 2 or 3 or even 5. Who knows what the long term cost of remaining in a failed EU would be to the UK economy. Remaining in the EU would ultimately have resulted in joining the euro, and the Schengen zone. Just ask the Spanish, Greeks and Swedes how marvelous that would be.
Pat Condell with a message to the progressives
I listened to the ever tedious Paddy O’Connell hosting the Jezza Swine Show this lunchtime. The subject (again) was whether Farage should be the UK ambassador in Washington. The two guests were Sir Christopher Meyer and Lord Monckton, Meyer had been brought in to stick the boot in regarding Farage’s unsuitability (in al beebus’ eyes) to fulfil that role; unfortunately for them it backfired in quite a satisfying way.
O’Conned played the clip (yet again) of Farage speaking (post referendum) to all the scum in the EU parliament: “Well, you’re not laughing now etc etc” and clearly he expected Meyer to say how obvious it was that someone who would dare do such a thing would clearly be a terrible ambassador. But he didn’t, he praised N.F.’s talents and said that sometimes you need to speak like that as a diplomat. It was amusing to picture O’Cunnell’s and the production team’s faces as what they’d just teed up had not gone where they expected at all.
I didn’t think much of Meyer at all before today, however he was fair in what he said about Farage and the reasons he gave for not wanting him to be the UK ambassador were valid ones but it was great to hear him not play al beebus’ game.
They made up for it though later, when a caller was allowed to link (unchallenged by Paddy) the Brexit vote and Jo Cox’s killing.
You were lucky to miss the Saint Jo piece earlier then?
Julia Ebner of the Quilliam Foundation and Pakistani-African Yasmin Alibhai-Brown were in full-flow. Apparently they believed that Thomas Mair was a terrorist. Julia Ebner said that because he shouted “Britain First!” that was OK, if he had shouted “Allahu Akbar” then he would have been denounced as a terrorist and this was typical of how we are unfair to Muslims. Alibhai-Brown, of course, concurred.
Two things.
1) The BBC told us that this killing was the fault of Nigel Farrage and ‘his poster’. They haven’t told us how Mair found time to buy all his ‘right-wing’ German ‘left-wing’ scocialist books and his gun and ammunition following his ‘radicalisation’ by ‘the poster’.
2) Ebner must be listening to a different BBC to the rest of us. The phrase “Allahu Akbar” is absolutely verboten on the BBC, as it is a giveaway that an ‘event’ might just have something to do with Islam. Another word that doesn’t appear on the BBC is ‘terrorist’, which suggest a degree of disapproval, far better to use ‘militant’, ‘activist’ or ‘freedom fighter’.
I expect if Ed Balls wins ‘Strictly’ then Ebner and Alibhai-Brown will spin even that into anti-Muslim bias too!
It only takes one murder by a right-wing extremist (if indeed politics were what drove him to do it) and all of a sudden we have a problem with right-wing terrorism that is easily the equal of anything Islamic.
That’s what the BBC hope they have led their listeners to conclude, anyway.
The Jo Cox tragedy is difficult to speak of unless you are from the left and want to emphasise her sainthood . Mair got what he deserved, no question. Murder is murder.
But did the judge need to describe Jo Cox as a patriot ? I don’t think she was, although this in no way excuses her murder . Jo Cox had witnessed her community change beyond recognition in her lifetime . She showed no concern for constituents who disagreed with those who allowed this to happen . She seemed to revel in it and play very much to her Asian constituents. She had a professional left-wing charity, no borders background and mentality. She wanted more immigration, not less and hence wanted to stay in the EU.She took to a boat on the Thames to join Geldoff in sneering at UK fisherman damaged by the EU. Her death was tragic but let’s not call her a patriot or someone morally superior to those who disagree profoundly with her politics . Judges, BBC, C4 and ITV please note .
EE – This is worth another look after the verdict today.
No justification for her murder, but she was an evil bitch who never lifted a hand or spoke out against the muslim bastards in her own backyard. And the BBC and the Left will never speak out against that .
And a friend if gaza/enemy of Israel
People like that are no friends of mine
Number 6,
The Left have no qualms about terrorism and murder if it furthers their cause.
I’m still puzzled over the murder. It’s now official that it was politically motivated, yet at the trial Mair ignored the most perfect opportunity he will ever have to expound his political views. We are to believe that he was so angry that he took a life, but not so angry that he would take the time to tell us what he was angry about. It’s not as though he had a deal to keep his mouth shut in return for a lighter sentence.
I must have missed something, but I can’t work out what it is. Does anyone have an explanation as to why there was no defence?
I am as well, RJ, but now the matter is at an end.
Jo Cox’s killing was no better, no worse than any other murder except that, in my view, it was also an attack on our democracy and the British way of life. Mair, in staying silent, deserves now to languish in prison totally forgotten, with everyone else staying publicly silent as far as he is concerned.
Jo Cox was not the first Member of Parliament to die for being an MP. There have been too many in my lifetime. One would be too many. Then there are those who have been badly injured or crippled for life in attacks on MPs. I sincerely hope that Jo Cox is the last.
I would like everyone who has rioted in an American city or town since 9th November to read this post and feel deeply ashamed.
People newly sentenced to life imprisonment are placed on suicide watch for an initial assessment period and are further examined by a forensic psychiatrist, to assess and plan the management of any risk of the prisoner harming self and others, whilst in Prison.
Mair may have been advised that a political statement may jeopardise any future claim of, or treatment of his mental health problems.
There may have been some backstairs consideration given to avoiding a spectacle like that which occurred in the trial of the Yorkshire ripper, when Sutcliffes defence of diminished responsibility led to a dispute between several expert witnesses….psychiatrists….who had to decide whether he was criminally responsible, a detailed discussion held in the glare of daily publicity….in the event he was convicted of murder but then, in short order transferred to the special hospital system for treatment of paranoid schizophrenia.
In Mairs case, he may have been advised that he may be likely to be at risk of serious harm in prison, and therefore need to be put in segregation with sex offenders……or he could keep quiet, (thus avoiding the potential for expert witnesses being called on to publicly discuss the rationality of his politics and motives for several days, with all the ensuing press and social media coverage) and in due course have the possibility of a transfer into the special hospital system where his mental illness can be addressed therapeutically.
All speculation of course, but a non defence does seem odd in a case held to be politically motivated.
I served on a jury once were no defence was offered. The court appointed the defence barrister but he could do nothing as the accused would not say anything. I thought the judges comments when sentencing were well over the top . When this murder occurred much was made of his mental problems. Where did this info come from? Locals who knew the man or some reporter who thought it might be a RoP crime and getting excuses in early. If he does have mental problems then clearly the lawyers knew about it but the prosecution did not want to raise it and the defence were not allowed to by their cleint
The reports about Mairs history of mental illness were carried in the Guardian, amongst others.
“It is believed he had mental health problems and was quoted as praising a particular passage of care he had undertaken in the past.
In 2011, he was photographed by the local paper volunteering in nearby Oakwell Hall country park. The previous year he was quoted in the Huddersfield Daily Examiner, saying he had begun volunteering after attending Pathways Day Centre for adults with mental health problems.
“I can honestly say it has done me more good than all the psychotherapy and medication in the world,” he said. “Many people who suffer from mental illness are socially isolated and disconnected from society, feelings of worthlessness are also common, mainly caused by long-term unemployment.
“All these problems are alleviated by doing voluntary work. Getting out of the house and meeting new people is a good thing, but more important in my view is doing physically demanding and useful labour.
“When you have finished there is a feeling of achievement which is emotionally rewarding and psychologically fulfilling. For people for whom full-time, paid employment is not possible for a variety of reasons, voluntary work offers a socially positive and therapeutic alternative.”
Guilty, “beyond all reasonable doubt” of murder.
And also labelled a “terrorist” by both BBC and Police spokespeople despite not having been charged with, let alone convicted of a terrorist offence.
The more I see the more puzzled I am. Was it not possible for the defence to bring on some character witnesses who would affirm his contribution to voluntary work?
And yet haven’t we been told, over and over again, that the BBC disparages the use of the word terrorist because it is too ‘judgemental’?
Meanwhile, one of several odd factoids about this trial that I have never understood and seen scant reference too. Within hours of Mair being identified I believe a photograph of him was provided by the Sorors glove puppet, the deeply suspect ‘Southern Poverty Law Center’ – a US far Left activist organisation.
Why and how?
Why and how?
The BBC has editorial integrity and strict guidelines.
Until it doesn’t suit.
Then they don’t.
It’s just one of those unique things.
I have mentioned here of her connection to the White Helmets, ostensibly an aid organization in the Middle East but there is evidence to suggest that they act as a conduit for weapons and aid to Syrian rebels with terrorist connections. ME politics is dirty and I would advise a young MP to focus on her constituents rather than an organization that is not associated with saints
I wouldn’t have said, having read and heard her endless encomia on the BBC, that she, like most Labour MPs, was very concerned by the people of her own country. Virtue signalling about ‘global affairs’ seems more the order of the day in a Labour party that appears embarrassed by the British working class.
A great read Al.
Reminded me what a nasty piece of work Brendan Cox is, over and above his “inappropriate ” behaviour at Save the Children. The importance of opposing Cox et al on unlimited migration is the asymmetry . if they win it’s game over and no going back. If we win
it’s only a temporary victory and battle can recommenced at any time. Cox tacitly admits this in his quoted article , go for the young, he says, and one day we will
inevitably win.
I know one shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, but is it required that they must be treated as a saint? Listening to the News at 10 just now, one was left in no doubt by the BBC that she was the perfect MP who could do no wrong. There was no room for any suggestion that she might be deeply misguided and causing more harm than good.
Too many things about this case just don’t seem right, but don’t expect any questions from the sheep in the media.
Roland, thinking back to the murder of Airey Neave MP by the INLA, I don’t remember him being portrayed as a saint or a martyr. My memory might be distorted, but it tells me that he was generally portrayed as a fairly nasty, right-wing thug and a moving force behind Mrs. Thatcher.
This, I suppose is a plea for understanding of how it is – which is not how it should be but ……………….
As a TV newsperson on a very, very good salary and promise of a very good pension and little extras like income from books and promise of a ‘retirement’ job on, say Classic FM.
You stay somewhere very nice when broadcasting then return to your very nice house in somewhere very nice. You buy from very nice shops in very nice places.
So how the hell can you possibly know or have any connection with real people?
“This administers the last rites to the infamous claim that 3 million jobs would be lost if we left the EU.”
The Kipper’s response to the Autumn Statement as I cant see nowt on Al Beeb about it?
Just to pop that one out there.
“Jo Cox: Man jailed for ‘terrorist’ murder of MP”
Terrorist is not a word used by Al Beeb for ‘home grown’ these days.
Its normally ‘millitants’ etc ..
But notice the word terrorist is used in inverted commas.
I wonder why ?
I don’t think that the majority of the public will view Thomas Mair as a terrorist, despite the BBC’s best efforts . He was a loner with a specific grudge against an individual . Having an interest in the Far Right doesn’t make him a terrorist . We know, for example from Irish, Palestinian and Islamist terrorists, that an ideology has to be combined with random attacks on non- politically involved citizens in target countries whose politics the terrorists dislike .
The BBC must be gutted that Mair had no friends , was not in a conspiracy with others on tbe Far Right or planning random attacks on residents in Batley, Leeds etc
So the BBC’s current obsession with the alt right wil have to find other outlets .
It’s weird how the far left, so obviously evident now in the fields of law, media and civil rights has, with the aid of a stiflingly managed social media, the presumption to hold up an image of Thomas Mair as the threat to democracy in the UK.
Any reaction against their destructive propaganda seems to be termed ‘post-truth’, I’d call it ‘post-delusion’.
Saint Jo’s husband has been on the news calling Thomas Mair a ‘terrorist’, a word which the BBC doesn’t use, as I said earlier.
We are seeing yet another example of the ‘left’ redefining words to suit its purposes. A terrorist is surely someone who aims to create terror, or fear, in the civilian population. A violent act by an individual where the individual gets caught or dies at the scene can’t create terror because there is no remaining threat. If there is an organised group behind that individual then there is potential for terror as others may repeat or extend the violence.
Breviks and Mears would appear to be loners. Only the demented think there is some lost legion of the SS dormant, literally underground, waiting to ‘rise up’. Alhibai-Brown was telling us yesterday that 300 Welsh schoolchildren had been referred to ‘Prevent’ for expressing ‘right-wing’ views, all potential ‘terrorists’ no doubt? Unlike the other 90% of ‘Prevent’ cases that come from a ‘mainstream’ community that is allowed, nay encouraged, to hang onto a 7th century belief that they are ‘the chosen’ who must eliminate everyone else.
Yes, it’s all done and dusted and the poor introverted loner will be locked away as a ‘terrorist’ for the rest of his life – and no mention of where he got the rifle. Does he have a Firearm Certificate, who granted it, who checked him and his security out? Or then again, if he has no FAC, how did he get the rifle and the ammunition, was it already illegally cut down or did he do it himself? And does it matter?
Well, yes, it does actually. If it’s another police cock-up – one of many where gun ownership is concerned – then someone should be held responsible, and if the rifle was supplied ‘on the black’ who supplied it, and why?
The truth is it’s ‘case closed’, so let’s all listen to Brendan emoting so bravely and publicly, that’s the important part.
Because there was no mention of it, we can fairly assume he did not legally own the .22 rifle. If he had, it would have been big news, as another stick with which to beat legal gun owners.
So a “loner” with no friends and mental health issues somehow got hold of a sawn off .22 rifle, a type of firearm which is exceedingly rare in criminal use in Britain. Since there has been no story, we have to assume the police have been unable to trace it, otherwise they would have told us it had been stolen or somehow illegally acquired.
This is a very great mystery in the heart of this case, but it seems to have gone down the memory hole. Did Mair have contact with people who influenced him? From what I gather, he did not even own a computer, but used the library one. He had no sort of social life. Yet somehow he got hold of a very hard to get firearm, and then committed a murder which was guaranteed to put the Brexit vote in doubt one week before the referendum. I really thought Jo Cox’s murder might have cost us the vote.
Then, at his trial, a man who was allegedly a Nazi sympathiser, with a large collection of books on the Nazis, and Nazi memorabilia, and who had, on the face of it, carried out a crime motivated by his political beliefs, offered no defence, and kept quiet on his one and only chance to explain why he had done it, and have his views heard across Britain and the world. Yet he stayed silent.
There is a great deal about this case which does not add up, and I doubt we will ever get to the bottom of it.
I don’t understand why someone (who was fully compos mentis) would think that a bolt action sawn off .22 rifle would be of much help in a political right-wing-nutter type assassination. It was obvious he had no serious plans to escape the crime scene anyway. It seems if you’re a right wing loony, there’ll be no cushy mental health defence allowed, plus a full life in prison tariff. Somehow I can’t see the same outcome if someone tried to do in Nigel F (God forbid).
A search through You Tube will find a discussion emerging about the oddities of this case. Some theories are wild, but remember the BBC are a bunch of liars.
A Happy Thanksgiving to any Americans who visit this site.
Do we believe the so called ‘experts’ any more ?
The MSM and Al Beeb are trying to pull out ‘all stops’ to prevent Brexit .
Is the present Government complicit ? I have my doubts about their sincerity about getting out of the EU especially with the transparent propaganda that seems to be broadcast in the last few days .
It is important that we understand the depth of contempt the elite has for us and the way we voted. Everything they do and say tells us that we are not going to be allowed to leave the EU.
They do not care if the traditional English notion of democracy is trashed. In fact I think they would revel in it.
Farage seems to be hinting at this recently and it must depress him .
It will go like this. The Lords will be used to obstruct every detail. The judges will always rule in favour of the elite view. In the end May will announce that it is just too risky to leave the single market and make a direct appeal to us via a General Election.
This she will win as there is no alternative party fit to govern.
In the long term it will be a disaster for us the people but the elite has no care for us and never has had.
The MSM is fully on board with this and I suppose they really think it is for the best. Delusion runs deep in our ruling class. Opposition will be bought off or silenced in a very British way.
Sneering and scoffing the elite will celebrate that once again they have put us back in our place. That it will mean the end of England and the probable end of Europe itself has no interest for them. The BBC? The voice of the ruling elite as it always was and was set up to be.
Dave S
There is hope .
The British want their country back hence the Brexit vote .
Who would have thought Trump would have become President . Al Beeb and the MSM are becoming more and more transparent with their propaganda almost to the extent that it is becoming childish and amateur .
Finally, predict that the EU will implode.
Ingrid Detter de Frankopan said Theresa May and her Brexit ministers were wasting time getting bogged down on Article 50 details – and claimed the UK could leave the 28-country bloc today if it wanted to.
For a short while I thought the present government were reluctantly moving towards Brexit, then the delays over invoking article 50, and today I am informed that it is not necessary – we can just leave. I don’t trust May and see her in many ways tied to the BBC, its Islamophilia along with Europhilia. We will not leave until May is out
Not if this POS gets his way.
Why doesn’t the BBC have done with it and just rename itself Guardian TV ?
No prizes for guessing which minority interest newspaper our BBC presenter Naga Munchetty chose with which to open her short post-Autumn Statement newspaper review this morning.
The Guardian, in maudlin mood, fetches out the Saint Jo Cox wedding photo album for their front page spread – alongside a gloomy head line about post-Bexit deficits.
Can’t say I recall the Guardian too often previously posing as the most fiscally cautious press organ. But now suddenly it voices concern over public spending deficits.
As our BBC anchor hurriedly flicks through some other wide-circulation newspapers we glimpse the fact that there are some rather more positive perspectives on the economy available in the British press.
But the tone for the upcoming interview with the Chancellor has clearly been set by the Guardian front page – Brexit doom and gloom. And that nasty unspoken undertone – Jo Cox, anti-Brexit Saint and Martyr. Brexit, Tories, Nasty Nasty.
I’m wondering if the tv licence is directly paying the wages of the guardian employees.
In a way I believe it is – guaranteed supplements to the Guardian salary by constant appearance money e.g. Owen Jones, Polly Toynbee, so that it helps with the wages bill
The BBC constantly puts job adverts in the Guardian – completely unnecessarily as it only needs to create a ‘Jobs’ section on it’s website and has no need to pay any advertiser a single penny.
Hence licence fee payers are directly funding the Guardian whether they like it or not.
What do the BBC care? It’s only our money!
I do not know what the current figures are but about five years ago over 90% of BBC national newspaper staff advertising expenditure went to the Guardian.
The remainder was distributed among newspapers that had 30X Guardian daily sales. There’s balance and impartiality for you.
Even cameramen (or should that be camerapersons) had to be left wing so no opportunities for lying with the camera, to the advantage of the Marxists and traitors, were missed.
Will this be the most awkward Thanksgiving ever?
The similarities between the US election result and the result of the brexit referendum are so profound that the tunes we now hear in the media might as well have been written by the same composer. What, they were? That’s uncanny.
I thought that democracy was the shining light of modern man. Power to the people and all that. Well it is, until the result doesn’t go as expected. But what did they expect? it’s a vote after all. The media abused their position and tried to inflict a political view on the voters but that’s not the way democracy works. People come from all walks of life. Some are rich some are poor but, contrary to what the media will have us believe, they are not stupid. The media, with more degrees than a thermometer from Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Princeton et al made a fatal mistake. They thought they could subvert democracy, give it a tweak in the right direction. Just because you stand in front of a tv camera does not make you judge and jury, it does not make make you better than the ordinary people.
Great post, seismicboy. So true.
Who coined the expression ‘television will eat itself’ ?
Anyone know?
Will this be the most awkward christmas ever ?
Given wall to wall Mrs Brown is being pitched as a ‘bonanza’, for some, probably.
Watching the presenters performing on Al Beeb this morning, I am of the opinion that their so called ‘News Channel’ is morphing into ‘Blue Peter’ .
What say you?
… and here’s an item of news we made up in the studio earlier today, didn’t we Bill? Yes, we had a lot of fun making that one up, didn’t we Naga?
…then there is the elephant in the corner, too.
Composing what the readererouters intone off the ‘tell it often enough’ screen.
The elephant in the corner, The White one ? .
I missed that!
It must have been camouflaged by all the ‘Snowflakes’ that were there .
Certainly taffman.
“And here`s one we made up earlier” rings true.
In fact , they are paid from the public purse to make their confections, their tissues of lies and threadbare rags…albeit expensively-coiffed , made up and in designer outfits the rest of us won`t be affording.
As I write now-what do we think Channel 4 and the BBC are doing NOW?
All prepping for the 6, 7 and 10pm news…and all aimed at Trump, Brexit and getting the Tories replaced.
And this lot are publicly paid. able to draw on huge resources, contacts worldwide and trawling for evil and liberal hegemony.
Note that Channel 4 News has no adverts to fund it now…so why the hell are we paying for Snow and his water cooling wankstains to lie ceaselessly on behalf of Soros and Heseltine, Juncker and Corbyn, Branson and Brand?
Become acquainted with, “Civilisation Jihad” –
Quick quiz for you all
No 6
Lol ! Did it but didn’t submit it. I know the result, I am a Nazi !
Me too
With bells on
Final Statement of Geert Wilders at his Trial –
Now name one British MP who has the balls to make this speech
Well, there is , err, umm and , wait a minute. Ah, let me get back to you on this one. Well, actually, maybe Jacob, but I am not even sure about him.
That is one of the finest speeches I have ever read. Of course, he will be found guilty. It is a political show trial. And when he is, it makes it more likely that it will happen here and we all know who will be the target.
Time for some good cheer.
For some unaccountable reason there is a ‘Have your Say’ to go with Kamal Ahmed’s gloom and doom review of the Autumn Statement on the bBBC website.
And it’s fair to say that things are not going too well for him………….
Without the word ‘could’ and ‘quotes’ from unnamed people hidden in the copy, how would BBC ‘reporting’ manage?
“analysis claims the squeeze on living standards could be worse”
“position the government could find itself in”
“likely to be worse off”
“released later this morning and seen by the BBC” (I’ll bet)
“Sources close to Mr Hammond have told me”
Guest Who,
Pathetic “reporting ” from teenage journalists. It should be illegal for journalists to quote anonymous sources. Otherwise we have no evidence that the quotes are not fabricated.
Almost as pathetic as the CECUTT and FOI replies when challenged on this very point.
First lot fall back on ‘belief’ or ‘editorial integrity’, and the latter the ‘all purposes o’f exemption.
In the wrong hands it is a licence to lie.
And the BBC has 40,000 of them.
Something for the BBC to consider. Do we need to invoke Article 50? Just leave. The Referendum was about leaving not about invoking Article 50.
This raises the question whether May and her Remain Government ever intend to leave the EU.
Here is six pennyworth. We won’t be out until May is out
1. Tell EU we are out.
2. Stop paying the sub.
3. Let EU come to us for a deal.
A50 = EU’s rules, not ours. It shouldn’t have to drag on like this.
9:45 R4 4th Trump hater of the week given a platform
“Jill Lepore on political women, Trump, and Hillary is just terrific”
Tmw philosopher John Gray
Actually they switched dates that was yesterday making 3 out of 3 Trump haters
Today Andrew Sullivan is laying into Hillary
But hangon he said he voted for her cos Trump is bound to be worse.
Now he seems pleased
Tmw Radio Times says its philosopher John Gray a Trump realist :
The liberal fascist cadre that run things in this country are just incoherent dribbling nutjobs raving around the bubble. Like a chaotic see-through hamster wheel bangin` on around the room.
Cue this morning-and Justin Webb after 8.30 tells me that Skyscanner is a big story just in.
Big in their terms in that it gets their anti-Tory juices going…no other reason. Means nothing to anybody but the likes of Kuennsberg and Webb, economic illiterates, Sino-thickos,only business knowledge is in pimping expenses from us via the BBC stooges who pay them.
But it`s nothing but an excuse to attack the Tories again.
And this is 24/7-we`re so used to it, we don`t see how steeped in liberal groupthink we`ve become.
For my part, I refuse to have a license and listen, watch their crap.
The same scum who led me to Cologne Cathedral on News Year Eve 2015 are NOT going to be allowed to lead me home on New Years day 2016.
The BBC have no paths, no ideas and no motivation but to get us raped, silenced and murdered in one form or another…from Tommy Robinson to Roger Scruton, they just select from their few remaining options.
They`ve got to go-or else Islam will think we`ll also be their bike racks, arses up and out of the ground for them.
Wow they might not have Ferero Roche at the Ambassador’s dinner parties but looks like Trump does!
Oh dear Nigel, should you be handing out those chocolates?
Brilliant – Nigel Farage certainly knows how to take the piss!
Theresa must have been fuming!
There’s a Have Your Say on Nigel. Go stick your tuppence worth in, everyone. And your votes.
For all those interested in AGW/Climate Change there was an apparently very good scientist on BBC R4 TODAY at 6.52am today explaining what they and we do not know. As what as what they are learning. Justin Webb gave her a respectful but firm grilling because, I guess, the B-BBC ‘does not like uncertainty’. She stood up to it very well.
We told you so, BBC, but you did not listen then. Listen up now.
Posted earlier.
BBC documentary about the so called “Trojan Horse” schools that examines the truth behind an alleged plot by ‘hardline’ Muslims to seize control of British schools. With interviews from those at the centre of the story, the programme asks what really happened and whether the authorities got it right
Now just a minute BBC … so called?, alleged?
I thought you were against fakery in the news? these schools had to be put under special measures, teachers, headmasters sacked, forced out – 12 schools reported
a distinct possibility of many more
B Mail – Trojan Horse is still a threat to Birmingham schools – it’s just gone underground. National head of school inspection service Ofsted tells Government he is still deeply worried about Birmingham.
B Mail – Education Secretary again urged to act, over concerns that Birmingham was failing to ensure “children are not being exposed to harm, exploitation or the risk of falling under the influence of extremist views.
B Mail – Growing concerns as hundreds of children missing from Birmingham schools and slip off council radar
Doesn t sound much like so called, or alleged to me, or maybe that’s just the BBCs erm “impartiality” ie being untruthful yet again.
“His softer nature and that vulnerability in him was manipulated [by saying] ‘Oh this is the Caliphate, this is what you must do, if you don’t do this, if you don’t do this journey then you’re not a believer, you’re not a Muslim, you’re not a good Muslim’.
Now, Rasheed Benyahia’s mother,(governor of a group of schools at the epicentre of the scandal), claims that it was concern and action about Trojan Horse itself that turned him jihadi?
WHAT? … in what universe!! 😀
You literally couldn t make it up.
“the case might have been used by extremists to turn him against Britain”
And so it goes on, and on, and on. The DT is no better:
Mo Farah must win SPOTY award ahead of Andy Murray – and the campaign starts here
“Except Murray has already lifted the prize twice”
So it’s Buggins’ turn?
“It is blindingly obvious to dismiss it by saying: “He has not connected with the public.” The question has to be why. This is a two-way street; the onus is not simply on him to do the connecting.”
Well, let’s face it, sticking your fingers into the top of your head is not actually that amusing. It might also be a reaction to being confronted by his image day-in day-out by the BBC and others after the Olympics.
Black and British: A Forgotten History was a sadly topical caution against poisonous notions of racial otherness – review
Slavery, or should I say just one period in slavery’s long history – yet again.
I received a month’s free subscription to Netflix so thought I’d give it a go as I wanted to see ‘The Crown’. Apparently the BBC was offered it, but it turned it down, supposedly because of cost.
I am glad about this because I think the BBC would not be capable of making this without shoehorning its political views into it. There is not one single black face in the first episode, and Churchill is shown to be favoured by his late majesty King George VI over Labour’s Clem Atlee.
There was nothing PC about it either; there was heavy smoking, duck shooting, dirty limericks and even a traditional Anglican church service. I can’t imagine the BBC standing for that. They’d probably have a line saying ‘You can’t become Queen – you’re a woman!’
OK, I’m sold.
You describe perfectly why BBC drama no longer holds any attraction.
BBC, SKY, the DT, in fact most of the MSM most of the time – waste of time.
Mr Caplan, I’ve only watched the first episode so far, but what I’ve seen looks good. Respectful but not hagiographic, which is as it should be. That said, the next episode is the Commonwealth tour of 1952 which would be fertile ground for PC commentary…and it also has Greg Wise (aka Mr Emma Thompson) in it…so I will reserve judgement…
I watched the first episode of The Crown, although things about the royals aren’t really my cup of tea it was done pretty well in my opinion. Surprised to see John Lithgow (6’3″) as Churchill (5’5″) so no wonder he was stooping a lot lol! But anyway as you say the BBC wouldn’t have touched it for the sea of white faces and fag smoking alone.
Haven’t been commenting much lately, but been kept royally amused (and dare I say, saner and better informed) by all of you on here – so big thanks for all that!
What prompts me this morning is the invidious – and ever-increasing – linkage, conflation, smearing by association of people who voted Leave, in a democratic referendum in a supposedly leading democratic nation, with the Nazis. I know this is what everyone here has been saying underneath the joking and the one-liners, but I wanted to try to spell out just why it is so very offensive. I realise I’m preaching to the choir here, but just in case anyone else should just happen to read this…
For a start, anyone who conflates Brexit with Nazism simply has no knowledge of history and the horrors of WW2. They are just parroting the laziest, most vile and inflammatory slur that their brainwashers have supplied them with. In my book, it would be Hate Speech, but obviously that doesn’t seem to be the case if you are on the BBC/Channel4/Guardian axis.
The very use of the word “Nazi” is a convenient short-circuit to evoke war in Europe and all its terrors – even when it’s being cleverly deployed to deny that there are any parallels. It’s a heads we win, tails you lose: the emotive word has been detonated. It’s even more effective when it’s often repeated, so that listeners catch an impression, such as the insistent linking of it to Thomas Mair and the murder he committed. The murder of an MP, an appalling act of evil, but we heard little in comparison about his mental problems, and the reporting about the far-Right literature in his possession posed more questions than it answered. It was bad reporting because it was used to block any further understanding of how this terrible crime came to be committed. Only emotion was permitted.
We have all said it here: we live in Orwellian times. Democracy is ceasing to mean what we think it should. Liberal seems to mean quite the reverse. And here’s the bombshell to all those who are slinging the insult: the EU has far more in common with the Fascist pan-European state that Hitler dreamed of creating than a Europe of friendly sovereign nations bound by deep links between its people. In fact, there are theories that the EU was the dream that was kept alive by die-hard Nazi associates (they weren’t all stormtroopers). I’m not saying that I subscribe to that, I just put the thought out there. What is indisputable is that the EU was born out of the ashes of WW2, and it was built on many lies to the people of Europe, using economic ties to creep towards a political union. (Philip Toynbee: “We should lie if we have to, deny with the left hand what the right is doing” – that’s a paraphrase, the proper quote is easily looked up.)
There’s also the seemingly forgotten background that in the dark days of the 1930s, it was the educated elites and the aristocracy who were taken in by Herr Hitler and his party. I don’t think the masses, who had lived through WW1 had their heads turned.
Which brings me to my final point, (sorry about the length of this; it has swirling around in my head for days and I wanted to see if anyone else agreed). Nowadays, much promoted by the BBC, it is a given that millions of conscripted soldiers who died in WW1 were “lions led by donkeys”. But now, somehow, the descendants of those “lions”, the ordinary people of Britain whose honest judgement was sought in a referendum and who refused to be cowed from what they felt in their guts to be right, are slandered by implication as “Nazis”.
A simple application of logic, but I think it says much about the failings of this ludicrous and divisive propaganda war being pumped out by the BBC and others.
Yes, the theory that the EU is the result of negotiations between the Nazis and the Swiss in Hungary at the end of WW2 has a certain amount of evidence for it, and this formed the basis of the novel ‘The Budapest Protocol’.
The word ‘nazi’ like ‘racist’ has ceased to have any meaning now. It is just hate speech used by the left who have no logical arguments left. It’s the equivalent of ‘witchcraft’, ‘heretic’ or ‘blasphemer’ in the middle ages.
Quite agree. We should never forget that the Nazis were a socialist party and that the Left are far more fascist than the Right. Witness their behaviour following the General Election, Referendum and Trump victory. And , like the Nazis, their whole ideology is based on hate and the suppression of free speech.
Grant, exactly. I find this reversal very disturbing, especially in the distortion of words and meanings. It doesn’t stand up to logic though, and the good news is that more and more people are rumbling what’s going on.
What I can’t understand – perhaps neither can the media bods themselves! – is why you would carry on doing it ever more loudly when the game is clearly up with at least 17.4 million people.
Yes , it really is out of Alice in Wonderland and 1984 !
I hope you’re right, Cranmer, that the words have less and less meaning. Another example of the crazy Left throwing the baby out with the bathwater, though. To some people, the words really do mean something – and might look to our understanding of these terms for genuine protection.
“it has swirling around in my head for days and I wanted to see if anyone else agreed”
In a word, yes.
Thanks, Andrew!
Stella, a good post.
I think this narrative creation by the media & by losers in recent UK & US democracy is not really an attempt to understand but to write off in attempt to overturn the results. Most Remain campaigners will not go out and throw rocks at Boris Johnson’s front door & attack Leave voters in the street. Only relatively extreme Democrat Party members (together with criminal elements along for the ride?) trashed cities and towns in the US within a day or so of Trump’s victory.
Rather better behaved Remainers in the UK spend their time trying to find excuses.
Leave lied, Remain had a bad campaign, mostly old people voted Leave (Michael Gove was woken in his bed by young Leave Campaign team members with news of the surprise vote), mostly poorly educated people voted Leave (heroes or stars of the Leave campaign number a Professor, Oxbridge educated ex-Mayor of the world’s leading city and a PM’s former advisor among many others), the old Leave voters all want to return to the past (despite them having first-hand knowledge of how bad that was & wanting to avoid a re-run!), leave voters dislike foreigners (despite many being immigrants themselves!) and so on and on and on and on and on.
When that fails and reduction to single word adjective insults arise: poor, ignorant, nostalgia ridden, xenophobic, it becomes so easy to tack racist and Nazi onto the list. Especially so when there are ‘attacks’ on ‘foreigners’ being reported daily if not hourly. More so when there is no careful investigation to find out if these events are correctly described and not false-flag attacks or result from Referendum unconnected grudges.
It was amusing to listen to the BBC on Radio 4 doing it all over again after 9th November, in exactly the same way.
They have no credible intellectual arguments for their side. In the US, Trump was clever: he stayed away from that largely and operated around the media persona he had created for himself. Hillary Clinton did not have to nor could she advance positive messages for her manifesto or attack Trump’s manifesto with practical & detailed opposition, she was drawn into and forced to match him in the slogan slug-fest.
I was in a battle with some folk on-line who are of an ardent socialist persuasion, some were Scots and already on a losing side in one referendum, and as I challenged their roseate view of the EU, I started to realise how little they knew about it. Some lived & worked elsewhere in the EU, others had holiday homes or holidayed regularly in Europe, others had family who did so. Yet they knew little beyond the soundbites emanating from Brussels about the Four Freedoms and avoiding another war in Europe and the fact that travel is slightly easier (or was) across EU borders.
They had no intellectual argument when the belief that there is total freedom of movement was shown to be false, no argument about what VAT is for & the desire for tax harmonisation across the EU, no argument about how the UK contributes, so instead they just attack the person who challenges their knowledge and belief. In the 21st century, there was no shortage of information available about the EU.
Perhaps this is because of the limited span of attention in modern life, the number of distractions in a 24/7 life style? Or maybe it is just lazy politics. Easy believism as critics of American Christian mass-evangelists might say.
They stick the tag racist and Nazi on the little old Indian lady who has been in the UK for forty-five years just as much as the white gent who wears his WW2 medals in a wheelchair on 11 November each year. Neither believe what they do about the EU so the label must be unquestionably right.
We are going have to suffer this for some time.
We can always ask awkward questions if the ‘Far Right’ theme persists on the BBC into next weekend:
What do you mean by ‘populism’?
What do you mean by ‘Far Right’?
Are you aware of the fact the notion of the existence of a ‘Right’ is being researched and challenged by academics?
Have you researched those studies?
What about the proven existence & problems created by the ‘Far Left’ and ‘Hard Left’ and other forms of Socialism during the last 150 years?
Thanks, Up2snuff. That’s exactly it – they have no intellectual arguments. I’ve been waiting a long time for a persuasive, intelligent pro-Europe argument to be presented, but there have been none. I mean, the best that arch Euro-prat Clegg could come up with on national TV was mobile roaming charges! (Which has since been quietly dropped, I think.) That was quite astonishing.
They just can’t keep on the subject, either. As soon as anyone questions their beliefs they start shouting and hurling offensive assumptions. Viz, Jon Snow the other night. Vile name calling, too. There is no real debate of really important issues, no sense at all that as a country we should be able to discuss the way forward as a whole, to the benefit of as many people as possible. By all logic and study of their language, the BBC and others have set themselves AGAINST the country. Do they consider that they already live in Globalworld – on the money that we slaves are condemned to give them in taxes?
There’s also a great vacuum on the BBC where conversations with normal, intelligent, well-educated Leave voters should be. Not the Leftist think-tankers or public sector workers, or the Bransons of this world. People like us that they pretend don’t exist!! And they wonder why we have fled to other sources for our news.
What with Pakistan deporting 300,000 unlawfully resident Afghans, Israel and Saudi Arabia refusing to allow any migrants or “Refugees” entry and Qatar now expelling 9,000 mainly Pakistani illegals with no intervention from the UNHCR or any Liberal Western multicultural charity, do these countries know something Western Governments don’t?
I think almost everyone outside the BBC, Guardian, SKY etc knows something that Western Governments don’t.
Geert Wilders certainly does.
Islam, the religion of charity – apparently not that either?
Another day another tedious predictable rant from James O’Brian on LBC!
Phoney indignation about not enough attention given by the Daily Mail and others to the Jo Cox murder trial (done to death at the time of her murder to try to promote the Remain cause), used as a pretext to have another of his generic rants about the ‘far right’, ‘white supremicism’ ‘racism’, ‘hate’ (or so called).
This man is such an arrogant bigot and so lacking in self reflection.
Wish people would stop ringing him in a way!
And about Corrie McKeague, the missing RAF man?
The BBC has abandoned any pretence of impartiality and is now belligerently barking down the Momentum Megaphone 24/7.
Yep that is a good image

some BBC staff speak as if they are yelling down a Momentum microphone ?
Logo of the organisation
BBC Reporter at work
..someone could glue the Momentum logo onto megaphones’s in similar photos
Regarding O’Brien, I’ve only heard this guy once and I would categorise him as a prat . My advice, don’t listen to LBC.
Now and again I would switch on LBC and I would hear Nigel Farage or Katie Hopkins. Most other times it was some leftist idiot presenter laying into some caller who had the temerity to question the prevailing mainstream groupthink. Saying that, the format of those call-in shows is flawed, just like listening to a pointless argument.
I really ought to check out the schedules and find out when the Leftist idiots are on..but it’s such a shame there is very little antidote to the BBC leviathan-like domination of the airwaves. You’d think that the commercial stations would gladly offer up an alternative, but no – and the adverts are just extra irritation.
BBC’s Daily Politics show – economist, Patrick Minford gives Jo Colburn a right pasting on the Autumn Statement and Brexit, so she resorts to normal BBC joshi tactics of shouting over him, then declaring that “we have to move on” when he doesn’t back down. Minford declaring Hammond’s performance as being unnecessarily downbeat is spot on.
A few OTs, but pertinent to current BBC output cited here…
Can’t help put feel ‘The Front’ is a better movie to quote.
Comedy break.
Meanwhile, Godwin says Heil…
I see employee perks are to lose their tax breaks.
Never mind, you social justice warriors at the BBC, I’m sure Lord Hall-Hall will compensate the losses on your private medical insurance with a nice little pay rise.
Over in America, there’s starting now a real push back against PC or Leftist Mind-set as it should be called. Let’s hope it gets here very soon. Re-writing Grimm and Disney would make even Bowdler and Stalin very uneasy.
Undeniably moving toward the 4th Reich.
Great to see that great exponent of Misandry Yvette Cooper once again spouting her poison on the Daily Politics.
I guess she is pushing for a reward from Brussels, note how she now emulates the tone of her bearded leader as she castigates those she addresses.
Today she is strangely quiet about her time on Bill Clinton’s staff.
‘Huge pressure on living standards’ bellow the BBC on the lunchtime news. The usual suspects – Andy Verity, Norman Smith are ecstatic . The Resolution Foundation and the IFS produce variants of the Government’s already dodgy forecasts to show living standards won’t go up in the decade after the 2008 crash.
Storming Norman is convinced that he’s proved Theresa May a liar . She won’t be helping the just managing types after all. The BBCs stooge think tanks are just trading in unreliable forecasts . They are proving nothing . But that won’t worry the BBC.
When exactly did Tommy Mair turn from a registered psychiatric patient under the care of a CPN and on medication…therefore a charge of the NHS…into a “hate filled,right wing extremist, terrorist and murderer”?
Anybody got the timeline-for I sense the liberal fascists are already cleaning their trails and timelines to remove the NHS psychiatric case notes, and replacing them with a Peter Hitchens column or a Brexit leaflet that he`d read the day before?
I say this-because the Guardian seems to have removed the NHS bit from their latest stories…seem to think that not making a plea is normal, not being allowed to speak from the dock is OK.
Had he shouted “Allah Akhbar”, not “Britain First”-and had he killed a Tory and not once of their own…the lad would be out on a tag, with Hunt getting blamed for closing the CPN section of the local GPs walk-in centre.
This one stinks-and safe to say, from June to now-absolutely NO efforts to go behind the real facts to this story. Brendan Cox would surely not have been so happy to appear before the one local camera had it been a Muslim who`d killed his wife.
But this is safe, fertile territory-why let a pointless death go to waste if The Common Purpose is to be served.And what esel do THIS lot serve if not the Greedy Green Goddess?
I`ve yet to see Mr Cox actually LOOK upset-like Geldof, I think he`ll not have to work again now , as it all suits them to wheel this one out as suits.Like Millie Dowler-a death transformed into the liberal Horst Wessel.
I always thought that “Britain First” was the name of Viscount Rothermere’s, owner of the Daily Mail, private aircraft. This was built afer his paper challenged the aviation industry, in the 1930’s, to come with a fast commercial aircraft to carry two crew and six passengers. This aircraft became the Bristol Blenheim, when we started to have trouble with people in “Europe” at the end of the 30’s. Plus ça change and so on.
BBC lunctime news – Andrew Verity (inappropriate surname) tells us all about how we’re suffering from low productivity per capita in the UK. No mention, of course, that this is probably due to the country being flooded with unskilled (ie not very productive) labour from Eastern Europe, and instant benefit claimants from Central Asia (ie not productive at all). These BBC reporters are either thick or wilfully dismissive of the truth.
But I thought they were all highly qualified engineers*/nuclear scientists*/brain surgeons*/computer designers* (*= delete as appropriate).
Do you mean they’re not? Oh, bugger …..
The real threat to democracy. Generalissimo, You will carry on voting until you vote the way I tell you, Antonio Blair.
Quote from one of his heroes “I feel very proud, even though they didn’t elect me, to be President of the Argentines.” Remove Argentines and replace with Europe to see his ambition.
Galtieri was the nearest one with the arrogance and blind ambition with nothing to back it up I could find.
When I was working in Brazil some Brazilians referred to Argentinians as jumped up Italians who think they are Germans in response to Argentinians calling them woolly monkeys. The jumped up Italian phrase is apt for Blair’s attitude.
The country could sure use that BBC TV Tax of £3.7 billion a year.
“France on the verge of total collapse” –
Likely to end in civil war if Marine Le Pen is given the power.
I hear a BBC documentary objectively analysing the background is imminent…….
Ha! ha!
I have every reason to think that this is correct. It could be that an imminent military takeover is possible. The situation is not sustainable.
Sound Bite or is this classed as a Smith on Smith strike?
More of this, please Tories
Iain Duncan Smith strikes back at Norman Smith just now on TV news:
“This is what the BBC always do, you take the worst possible forcast and treat it as though it were reality!”
Good to hear the Honourable Member for Chingford and Woodford Green bite back at the Dishonourable Moaner for the BBC, Labour and all points Leftward.
For a long standing politician of note to say this, on air to a reporter of our taxpayer funded National Broadcaster, you might think something, anything just might possibly, however slight, be done about the BBC?
And you have to wonder why these all knowing BBC pundits don’t go into politics?
But they have.
Detail of the 20 YEAR plan for a takeover of the West from Al Qaeda:
1)Use the lax immigration rules to move to the West.
2)Wrap yourself in the rights and freedoms of the West.
3)Infiltrate Western society at all levels.
All going swimmingly.
More from the ‘settled science’, courtesy of the so-called climate scientists’ best 28gatemates – your very own BBC, which delivers in its own unique, sleight-of-hand style:
Some data collected by whaling vessels suggests the extent of Antarctic summer (December, January, February, March) sea-ice was significantly higher during the 1950s, before a steep decline returned it to around six million square kilometres (average across the four months) in recent decades.
But the log books of the “heroic explorers” show that over the long term, the amount of ice has changed very little. It has merely ebbed and flowed….
Dr Jonathan Day of the University of Reading who led the study says his analysis indicates that the extent of Antarctic summer sea-ice is at most 14% smaller now than during the early 1900s.
“The Antarctic sea-ice a hundred years ago was fairly similar to what it is today. That is not much if you contrast this with the Arctic which has lost 26% of its extent,” he told BBC News.
So historical charting of sea ice shows not much change in Antarctica over the last century. Fine. But the Arctic has ‘lost 26% of its extent’ – since when? Well, since 1979 when satellite records began actually (AND they never tell you 1979 was something of a peak) – but the BBC don’t mention this crucial fact. So, you might ask, could there be any old records of Arctic ice extents? Well, yes there are – incomplete but they give a clue, yet they’re obviously a little bit haram in the BBC eco-socialist googlesphere:
Finally in 1923 something new happens: The ice east of Svalbard and east of Novaja Zemlja is on retreat.
In 1930, the retreat has gone even further: Svalbard Is ice free, and ice free waters have been observed far east of Novaja Zemlja. In addition, the Baffin bay is now almost ice free. Puzzling is, that the ice extends on the pacific side of the Arctic remains rather constant in all these years.
In 1932 we see in August open ice almost all along the Russian shore. So even though we do not see the September ice minimum here, we almost have an open NE passage.
On the lunchtime news feature of this very topic lil’ old Palab muses that the difference could be due to the Northern Hemisphere being more densely populated. Ha ha ha – duh! GLOBAL warming, you keep telling us Palab – there’s a clue in there somewhere you lazy numbnut. As for the ‘settled science’, we now have so many layers of hypotheses the likes of Palab and Horrorbin are in danger of disappearing up their own overheating arseholes.
Your BBC – trying to fool all of the people, all of the time, but never quite succeeding.
But sadly, they are succeeding largely. Almost everyone I know believe all the BBC guff about disappearing icecaps, hottest quarter past twelve since records began etc etc and they are the sort who get all of their news and information from the BBC/Guardian.
Try to mention that other sources of information are available and they sneer and scoff contemptuously – without ever investigating other sources of course. They already have Big Brother to do all their thinking for them.
(There’s just about time enough for them to pop out for a quick ten minute hate [Brexit voters] before tea).