Grant – that’s odd because when I grew up in the 50’s neither we nor virtually anyone near us had a car / fridge / freezer / washing machine / t.v. / central heating / fitted carpets / telephone / record player / etc.
What a load of cobblers.
It is strange . Neither did I. And neither do most poor people in the world today. But the Lefties do not give a monkey’s toss about reality . Living conditions in much of the world are not much different than during WW2. Cobblers ? More like bollocks !
Like many others, I’ve been reading but not commenting recently, but I have to say that it is good to see Grant back from West Africa and the repartee with Lobster makes bBBC “comedy” look like the dross it is.
Let alone mobile phones, computers, central heating, jet travel, colour TV, hip replacements, laser eye surgery, double glazing, microwaves, stereo, cd, led lighting, natural gas, abs, central locking, tea bags, quilts and yoghurt. And a zillion TV channels.
My granny in her 2 up 2 down terraced in a S.Yorkshire mining village, had the bath installed in one of her 2 bedrooms ! (after the tin bath wore out from many years of service in front of the fire). AMAZINGLY she would have been very fashionable now, with the trend for standalone baths in bedrooms. Sadly the toilet was still at the bottom of the yard, in darkness with spiders, and sheets of newspaper hung on a nail – Izal was considered a luxury !
She could tell us a thing or two about poverty – as a child back in the early 1900’s she was sent to school on bread and lard, and only 3 pairs of shoes between 11 children ! Children in Need ? because they haven’t got access to a phone ? nuff said.
I remembered overnight stays at my grandparent’s house in the late 1940s, which had no water supply upstairs. But there was a gazunder for night-time ‘relief’, and a washstand in the bedroom. Gran would bring up a tall jug of warm water first thing in the morning. Naturally, there were no such luxuries as a fridge or a telly.
Eee, we ‘ad it ‘ard in them days.
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o’clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our Mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing “Hallelujah.”
And you try and tell the young people today that… and they won’t believe ya’.
Definitely remember getting our first fridge, and also going to a friend’s house and seeing……an Automatic washing machine. We had a twin tub. Got central heating heated by a Parkray with smokeless coke. And BBC2 on 625 lines. All late 1960s.
The bBBC just hasn’t got a clue
In my garage I have a dolly tub. Mum used to do the washing in it with a dolly peg. And then squeeze it nearly dry in the mangle before pegging it out on the clothes line.
What hold does Paul Johnson of IFS have over BBC News ? *
main headline on R4 news 2pm 3pm “UK wages will be stagnant for 10 years …according to IFS”
(without mentioning IFS is a Labour party front)
* bet there is a girl/boyfriend or husband/wife connection with the BBC staff
“What hold does Paul Johnson of IFS have over BBC News ?”
I imagine he must have some compromising photos of someone high up in the bbc. How else would a supposedly independent organisation be scoring party political points on a supposedly independent news channel based on a pure guess about a process which hasn’t even begun yet???
Er, oh yeh, I get it now. The IFS and the BBC are the new Labour.
Don’t think it’s anything quite so sinister although that might just perhaps be an improbable additional link. I think George Osborne asked the IFS to always run the rule over his Budget & other economic plans a few years back. The BBC as Her Majesty’s Disloyal Opposition have now got the habit of consulting them before trashing what the Conservative Government have announced or are doing.
Don’t know if its just me but I thought the negative trashing of HMG & UK & Brexit (a mere add-on today) was relentless through WatO and 6pm News. I managed to miss PM.
Perhaps I had a lucky escape there?
I can’t see Hammond jettisoning the IFS now. Like the MPC and the poor we will have them with us always. Think what the BBC would say if the IFS were done away with!
Was reminded this a.m. on the TODAY programme by Sarah or Michal that my 24/11 post @ 7.42 is wrong. I was replying last night about the IFS when I had the OBR (office for Budget Responsibility) in mind.
The matter was the first question on Question Time (planted question)
The prog is from South London, but that is one time the whole panel has no blacks.
Jeez it’s south London man . it often has streets full of blacks. OK if you go far enough out it can seem like old England. As well most of the studio audience seem white as well …This is all weird for all the overcompensation of the BBC.
It is outrageous Stew.
The BBC never mentions the crazy sums of money Paul Johnson has trousered, 7.5 million quid from the EU. For that sort of money I’d pretend the EU is wonderful, an oasis of prosperity and that the UK is heading for the knackers yard cos of Brexit.
Every time Paul Johnson looms onto our TVs the BBC should state exactly his interest in keeping the EU money making machine going for him.
Paul Johnson was Gordon Brown’s economics advisor under the last labour government. Clearly a man with his finger on the button. So yes, he will attend the right parties.
Mark Radcliffe on The Folk Show plays Merry Hell singing “We Need Each Other Now”:
As borders crumble land and sea…
…We need each other now!
“I think we can all get behind that”, says our Mark.
The wise used to say “Good fences make good neighbours” but our arrogant social ‘engineers’ think we can all be mixed up and live in harmony. Unfortunately some of our ‘neighbours’ don’t do folk songs and pub drinking, or ‘tolerance’ for that matter.
Funny how all these folk acts and the folk industry have nothing to say about England , Brexit or why the heck we`d have voted for it.
Thought that they were meant to honour our identity.
The Scots and Irish surely do.
But when it comes to England-even those who`ve actually WRITTEN a song or two about “the negation of England”-all were Remainiacs to a man.
Except for Frank Turner and the Wurzels.
Bet they`d never get to Maida vale Studio again if they voted “out”. Cultural Diversity eh?
“I think we can all get behind that”, says our Mark.
The BBC thinks it speaks for the nation.
If the nation were comprised of a huge mountain of fat, hairy bollocks then it would.
As it is they are unable to comprehend life – especially the ‘working class’ variety – outside the North London bubble, basically because they never get anywhere near it.
Hell, we so need a referendum on the BBC. I could maybe give the license fee to some needy English children.
Stick a meter on my TV and I’ll happily pay for the BBC channels I actually watch ie: zero.
Justt heard some woman in the USA is trying to get a recount of the Presidential vote!
She claims the system is flawed and hacking not difficult.
So why wasnt she campaigning for improvments BEFORE the election?
It’s just like our Bremoaners all over again, complaining the result was too close! So why did theey not complain before and try to get the terms of the referendum altered?
Jon Snow feels good about this-as will Matt Frei and all the other Channel 4 lefties.
Then they go into a blurb about the undermining of democracy by “fake news on Facebook getting Trump into power”.
No irony-no linkage, no awareness.
Must be great to simply read off the cue…no brain engaged.
Unchallenged is one of their words. Like unhelpful and lessons will be learned etc. Essentially meaningless but in PC speak it means whatever the PC elite want it to mean. Bit like 1984 really.
In the England of the future us deplorables will be sent for challenging and re-educating.
Just for a second I got a whiff of the old moral equivalence.
Right-wing Jihad is on it’s way, only the BBC will have to find a different name. How’s about ‘Yee-had’?
Now pick a few countries where our far-right Yee-hadists can go and wreak havoc, torture and slaughter innocent people. Hmmm, it’s starting to fall apart – guess it will have to happen here. But what can they fight for – not a Caliphate, that’s for sure. Oh, I’ve got it – democracy!
Al beebus will dine out on Mair’s murder of Saint Jo of Birstall for years, until Brevik came along the only “Far Right” terrorism progressives could point to was that carried out by Timothy McVeigh; Mad Mair is “home grown” and will tick virtually all al beebus’ “Far-Right terrorist” boxes.
The only surprising thing to me, is that after all the provocations which indigenous Britons are increasingly subject to: there aren’t far more attacks like this.
On a related subject, considering how obsessed al beebus are with “hate crimes” I wonder why this hasn’t been reported here? Then again it hasn’t been reported in the U.S. much either – imagine if those arrested hadn’t been black.
And yet Ofcom perpetuates the problem, thus confirming that the reason governments create these bodies is to favour their friends and allies, not to serve the public interest.
‘BBC DG Lord Hall might need someone to tell him that giving departments to James Purnell doesn’t make everything alright’
Well he might. However Lord Hall has often shown he gives a flying monkeys about what is right other than saying the BBC about gets it by saying so ad nauseam.
The fearless sages of the Ofcom Content Board have spoken. FOX News has broken their rules.
Nobody complained, but Ofcom decided to do some “routine monitoring” of the Hannity show during the Presidential election campaign, and decided that three one-hour episodes were in breach of their code.
As most reasoned thinkers would be of the opinion that Fox News, being an American news channel, has got ball-all to do with Ofcom, one can only assume this was a training exercise in preparation for them having to tackle the more difficult real-world challenges i.e. the BBC.
Here`s hoping that football is booted off our screens until all the pervs have been rounded up.
I make no apology for this.if it protects just one middle aged bloke from historical sex abuse-then the BBC MUST get all that pervy football off their seedy screens.
And NO sports in schools until we`ve had a full investigation.
Helicopter live on telly at Wembley Stadium-NOW!
We can`t be too careful can we?
Can`t all be Robbie Savile to blame and if football gets the same abuse from the media as did churches, scout troupes in terms of being shunned, vilified and closed off as a means to attract young boys(and girls of course since last year!)-then maybe they`ll all go back to church and let football wither on the vine.
Fuckball-got to go…if the likes of Lineker have to go and get other jobs mopping the brows of Syrians,then fine by me.
Left Right or whatever – if they kill innocents and want to impose their will by violent means, they are evil.
I am so tired of the fluffy, pink, pussyfooting around and having to pass everything thru’ the political correctness filter.
“Why didn’t the Daily Mail put the jailing of Jo Cox’s murderer on its front page?
Jane Martinson”
Jane Martinson, Head of Media, formerly Head of Women or something, in the sinking ship once known as The Manchester Guardian.
A hagiography of Saint Jo, in which The Daily Mail, which sells ten times as many copies as the, chipshop use only Guardian, is told how to organise their paper.
This “article” with no sense of Guardian inadequacies ends :-
“So it is even more important that the media, which prides itself on real, not fake news, does not hide the true story – however unpleasant or contrary to their own worldview it might be.”
Fake News, the Guardian has done it for decades, these days it does little else. Which is why nobody buys your propaganda strewn rag and why it will shortly cease production.
Noticing that Channel 4 News are now now running with this “fake news o F/B costing Hillary the election” meme of theirs.
Dials all set to eleven then again.
Luckily the liberal fascist press and telly are unaware of what trap they will be falling into soon.
As if we get NOTHING but false flags and hitjob stories from them all the time.
‘Nobody buys your propaganda strewn rag’
Nobody with sense, and nobody contributes to the fund to keep it alive.
Here’s a tip. Want to read it for free? Go on Face Book, enter any of the loony left group pages – Left Unity, Class War, UAF, and all the Trots, and there you can read their chosen articles. Remember, the loony left do not think, argue or write – they copy the Guardian, which is why they are a joke.
Following John Lewis’s ‘Boxer’ black Christmas I saw Tesco were copying the theme using a poster with two girls of colour under a dining table. This week Debenhams have taken over the same hoarding with their young girl of colour under the Christmas tree.
Christmas is officially ‘Black’ and ‘Female’ this year in the ‘creative’ industry. Will the UK ever have a Muslim Christmas, or are we ‘too racist’ for that? I’m sure the BBC will investigate!
I wonder just how they hope to spin a Muslim Christmas. A real intellectual problem for our media but I am confident they can handle it. Always on the ball and always correct about everything.
Anyone have any knowledge of any other European country running adverts that are as over-the-top PC and diversity ridden as the UK ? One ad I’ve seen just has a black man standing in the snow complete with bobble hat whilst a white family in xmas jumpers run past him – whats that all about ? clearly a case of just creating a part for a person of colour. We are now in the realms of insanity.
The Brexit vote has exposed the Tory party as being anti British and pro Europe. Their sole motivation is to continue feeding from the EU trough for life.
I now know thanks to Brexit who our enemy is. The whole bloody political establishment.
Step forward UKIP, please. They have not only my vote, but also the vote of family and friends.
It looks that way and it just confirms many of our doubts. When an entire governing class and it’s apologists turns on the people then a new situation is created the end of which is uncertain to say the least.
This is a common theme in the West. The last Czech president said that the elites have declared war on the people. This is Victor Orban’s view as well and you have only to read Gert Wilders address to his judges to understand the peril that we last freemen are in. Without free speech we are lost.
Brexit is a turning point. How and which way it turns is up to us . There will be no help from our governors or elites now.
No wonder they hate Mr Trump so much.
Much bias is about controlling the narratives.
Something interesting just came up.
Some LeftMob guys are seeking to control the narrative about Breitbart by using the “label and dismiss trick”
Basically they want to put it in the “Alt-Right”(extreme rightwing) category
To that point they hijacked the Wikipedia page, re-editing to take away conservative description and put in “far right” and “Alt-right” no matter how weak the citations.
So now it’s been locked with the negative edits still in . And there is a massive 40 person flame-war going on in the TALK section.
I found out when a Lefty told me Breitbart is described as Alt-Right by Bannon on Wikipedia. What I found is that Wikipedia quotes USA Today, which quotes a Leftwing magazine article 1 year old , which has a quote saying that “Breitbart is a platform for the Alt-right”
Wonder what the original context is ? Cos you could say the Guardian comments section is a platform for Militant activists..which it is, but you wouldn’t describe the Guardian as an arm of Militant.
I will be astonished if Alan’s Snackbar isn’t involved. According to RT it’s a retirement home for African monks and there are two dead by all accounts.
The bBBC are saying that French media is saying that there is no evidence that it is terrorism related. There’s no evidence that it isn’t terrorism either, absence of evidence not being evidence of absence.
BBC Question Time is just like last week. The entire audience and panel (apart from one lone audience member boo’ing) is Anti-Trump, Anti-Nigel Farage and Anti-Brexit.
Tim Fallon is having a right rant against Nigel Farage saying he doesn’t speak for anyone in the UK. Well Tim…. why don’t you go f*** youself?
Tim Farron / Yvette Cooper which one do you think would stop to take a breath first if they had to debate each other??? They have to be the most irritating gobshites in politics…. They should make Jo Coburn have them both on the same programme…. Nice to hear that Diane Abbott is the new shadow minister for Immigration apparantly she decided that the position should belong to her as she is the most experienced and “Its a matter very close to her heart”
First on the agenda is the rise of Neo-Nazism and the covert BNP membership within UKIP……
I know I am stating the bleeding obvious, but the audience is ‘fixed’ and so is the panel. Its a charade and the Tory government let them get away with it.
Given the current political strength of the Conservatives, now is the time to attack the BBC.
Missed opportunity.Spineless,hopeless,ineffective Tories.
QT tonight was very bitchy. Very offensive. Unfair and unrepresentative. Normal service resumed.How do the BBC get away with it?
Any Tories on this site want to justify Tory inactivity against the biased BBC.
In doing nothing the Tories clearly believe that the BBC is perfectly fine.
“Any Tories on this site want to justify Tory inactivity against the biased BBC.”?
I tried that one before and the silence was deafening ?
Perhaps Essexman will return to this site and give us an answer?
It must be difficult for a Tory on this site to criticise the BBC as their inaction suggests BBC/Tory compliance.
Maybe I’ve been blaming the ‘Lefties’ too much when I should have directed my ire more at the BBC loving Tories.
I don’t recall them being so reluctant to claim it was a terrorist attack when Mad Mair murdered Saint Jo, nor for them to name him and launch into speculation as to his motivation; that is once it was clear (to their covert delight) it hadn’t been carried out by a RoPER.
Followed your link taffman, just above the map there is the curious somewhat out of context line,
“The man was not known to authorities.”
Which man? Reads like a bit of cut and paste key phrase ‘reporting’.
If the killer turns out to be a Muslim the BBC will drop the story. If he isn’t, then it will be headlines for weeks. By the way, where have all the trolls gone ? Are they sulking ?
Gert Wilders trial. Not of much interest to our snowflakes in the media. Thank God for the internet so we can read his address to the “court” made this week. If free speech dies in Holland then what price it staying anywhere in Europe. Does the BBC care? F off . Of course not. Too busy bringing lies into our world and venom and the rest of it.
Milo is banned in Kent on the most specious of grounds. Gradually the tyranny advances and the May government just can’t wait to silence people like us.
No wonder so much hope is placed on Mr Trump and it is important that he understands how things are here in Europe .
If May really was a second Thatcher: she’d pull the trigger on a general election and bring the whole roof down on Labour and the LibScums, but she isn’t and so she won’t.
What a missed opportunity! Anyone cynical might think she likes having such hard work made for the government she leads in Parliament, with regard to Brexit; to spin it out for as long as is possible.
But here is the catch …………..
“The process for leaving the EU and determining our future relationship will be a complex one, so we need to take time to think through our objectives and approach. We want to ensure the best possible outcome for Britain and the future UK-EU relationship. As part of this, the government will of course work closely with the devolved administrations to ensure we get the best deal for the UK as a whole. We should not trigger Article 50 until we have a UK approach and objectives, so Article 50 should not be invoked before the end of this year.”
It reminds one of the quote from an old ‘Western’ …….”him speak with forked tongue”
BBC finally tippytoe s onto the subject of Israel s fires of Jihad, more muslim jew hating insanity, yesterday it was forest fires, today wildfires (with a very hushed uttered under the breath possibly, maybe, some started deliberately).
Been watching the reports for a few days, and Arab social media, burn burn them all, “let allah burn them entirely”, “May they burn on the grill like a kebab”, Kirdaha [Syrian President Bashar Assad’s hometown], today in the Zionist entity, and tomorrow, inshallah, in the dirty hearts of Tehran and Moscow.” etc
No mention on any BBC website of the French missionary/monk retirement home in Montpellier where “a man” perhaps a Norwegian with mental health issues has killed a wonan and is holding 70 hostages. Any ideas why not?
Meanwhile the bBBC continues obsessing about sexually abused footballers……
Not exactly bbc bias but distortion nonetheless. Lewis Hamilton on Sky – “2016 has been a bad year what with brexit and trump”. Why do news channels allow celebrities to make political statements? (I have just realised what a naive question that is, given the recent US presidential campaign).
I met Rosberg’s father Keke in the Pentagon bar at Brands Hatch many moons ago and I found him a fine gentleman. I’m afraid my support now goes to his son in this final race and LH can crash on the first corner as far as I am concerned. There is nothing worse than abuse of position in any walk of life.
On a different note, it is amazing how little it takes to become a ‘celebrity’ these days. I just happened to tune in to ITV2 last night and watched a bit of that parasitic wannabee jungle celebrity after-program thingy. It would appear that if you are a clueless bint, as ugly as sin, have had a buff-up with a 60 minute makeover and your bleached teeth are visible from outer space then you are a ‘celebrity’. Amazing.
I have been delighted to watch Hamilton become the most successful British driver of all time and was hoping for a fourth championship this year. Having read this I also support Rosberg in the last race.
No-want F1…and F.U for that matter -banned.
Gas -guzzling techies with way too much money and influnce.
Dreadful for the planet.
Like fuckball-I want sport off the telly and onto subscription.
Toxic God Syndrome.
Wonder if the BBC will care to look inot abuse at Silverstone now? Same culture as footy I`d imagine.
LH is clearly good at his job, but he still looks a plonker the way he wears a baseball cap, and I can’t take anything seriously by a man who wears sparklers in both ears !
Coordination –
noun – the organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work together effectively.
Anyone else fine the rant of Paul Johnson, director of the IFS and John Major and Tony Blair coming out of the woodwork to block brexit a remarkable coincidence?
May must know if she fucks up with brexit it will be the end of her and the end of the Tories for decades.
What annoys me is the constant tweets from snowflakes saying Nigel Farage has no mandate conveniently forgetting that he is still an elected Member of the European Parliament. Major, Blair, Branson, Soros have no mandate and it is inexcusable to refer to Brexit as “The tyranny of the majority”.
I think Britain voted against the The ‘Tyranny of the Minority’ – those such as in AL’s list, plus the EU secretariat, with their well known wealth, vested interests, and self- serving agenda. And all unelected and unaccountable.
Thank you Sluff.
Hope someones keeping a list of these cliches for us all.
“Tyranny Of The Majority”
Bet there`s a link between hysterical newly-minted stock aggronyms and glib phrases-and their desperate scrambling and scraping around the bottom of their pork barrel.
Time to ram the corkscrews in. A mass civil disobedience campaign to to pay the TV License should be a runner. Tell your local imam.
Hope she`s still got her Ashcrofts to hand.
She is only PM now because the Tories had to get somebody. ANYBODY.
And if she doesn`t want to be a Callaghan, let alone a Brown?
She will HAVE to give us Brexit in March, for leaving in 2019.
Anything other-and the screws will be applied to her festering Party.
Which is where Ashcroft can tell her what we`ll do at the ballot box to her and her party.
Let alone what the streets will be like on the run up to it all.
Hope she`ll choose wisely, sh`s done OK so far in difficult times.
Your call Mother May!
And-in this political advisory role of mine this a.m
I myself would start with this one-and let`s hope Ed Balls Footy Team in Westminster have not been trying out their little boys up north shall we?
Tom Driberg surely not the ONLY Lefty Ball Boy was he?…any team with Keith Vaz on the bench is likely to be slippy, I`d have thought.
I`d watch for Tom Watson myself, but Hodges Childrens Homes may yet emerge as problems.Team Chaplain-Paul Flowers?
Listened to the OBR topbod on Toady this a.m.
Chote I thought gave a reasonable explanation that the forecast is based on scenarios using as much known information as possible. Future trading arrangements outside the EU are likely to be better than in the forecast but cannot be included because the deals are not yet struck. This is an accceptable argument IMO , even if we disagree with it.
All this is sure to be written in their small print, which the bBBC either choose not to read, or fail to mention if they do.
Thus these caveats are never mentioned by the bBBC, just the relentless focus on the worst case doom and gloom scenario.
Another clear case of bias by selectivity.
Dear Marjorie
The leaves in my back garden have totally re-arranged their positions overnight.
I think it has something to do with the random changes in wind direction.
But a contact in the BBC newsroom tells me it is all to do with Brexit and Global Warming.
I am completely confused.
Please can you help?
Alice N Spayer
When Obama leaves the BBC edit suite will be busy with the tributes. Here’s a version I doubt Newsbeat, pop up, magazine, trending, etc will be running…
Jan 20 2017 is going to another sore day for the beeb and its friends just as nov 9th was. The knives will be out as the donald evicts the black family from the white house and the beeb realises it hasnt been a dream. The Don will be the top man and barry may head to the beeb as its new golf pundit. Had to laugh last night as the labour buffoon on question time posed the idea of hilary clinton as the us ambassador to the uk. Just in another fantasy world.
Amazing clip. They all love Obama, but don’t know why. The best one girl could come up with is that he has ” a good sense of humour “. Well, that passed me by !
Another rant from James O’Brian this morning another variant on same old same old – why we should have another referendum today.
Same old claims that he has ‘destroyed your argument’ ‘proved you wrong’ etc
What a puffed up bigot the man is.
Wish he’d be run over by a bus frankly.
Probably watched little timmy on question time talking complete crud and getting clapped for it buoyed him up a bit. Farron really is a nasty piece of work going by his performance last night and the beeb keep giving him airtime.
I turned on the Today programme at about 8.20 this morning.
They began talking about the host of the Daily Show, Trevor Noah. I had heard that he had not proved popular following the departure of Jon Stewart, and expected to be told he had been sacked. But no, he was on Today, to plug his book (of course) and talk about how Donald Trump reminds him of an African dictator. He played a few clips of Trump saying some words, followed by Idi Amin saying similar words. Case closed for clever Mr Noah, and the off switch hit by yours truly, so I am afraid I cannot tell you how this joke interview proceeded.
We all know that if Hillary Clinton had won the election, the BBC would not be talking about Whitewater, cattle futures, Vince Foster, or any of the scandals which have dogged her throughout her career. They would not be inviting “comedians” on to compare her to Winnie Mandela (although that is quite a fair comparison: Winnie only got her position in politics because of who she married, she was extremely corrupt, and her opponents ended up conveniently dead).
I don’t suppose it occurred to Trevor Noah that the USA has allowed him, a South African, into their country, given him a hugely well paid job, allowing him to mock the President Elect, secure in the knowledge that nothing whatsoever will happen to him. He is one of the luckiest and most privileged men in the world, yet all he and the BBC leftists do is mock and condemn the man who has been properly elected to the position of President. They truly make me sick.
Before noah got the gig on the daily show he appeared at the royal variety show in 2014 i think and went into an anti english rant which was supposed to be a joke but wasnt. I thought to myself you are a nasty little shit for doing that at that show. A short while later he got the daily show gig and i was like how the fuckity fuck did that unfunny twat get the gig?
Just before the news at 0800 on BBC Today, Chopes, (he’s apparently head of the OBR), was interviewed by Montague re their hotly contested Report that’s clearly stimulated the BBC’s juices (if it needed any for further damnation of Brexit!). No help here though. Montague questioned precisely what info the OBR was given by Government on which to found the Report. Effectively no information was given by Government and the OBR report, the public has to conclude, is virtually a total fiction. Surely, any sane organisation, anxious to maintain its credibility would have refused to even consider providing a report if there was no facts to base the report on. One wonders why they proceeded in view of, as Jacob Rees Mogg said, throughout the pre-Brexit period they did not get one report correct.
The “news” and propaganda appears to be on a cycle or loop…
This week it`s the turn of promoting mixed race relationships by referring to a history of Africa in the time before “equality” ruled the world.
Noahs book about his mixed race upbringing in Apartheid South Africa is being promoted simultaneously with the film “A United Kingdom” about Seretse Khama and his mixed race relationship.
See what they did there? and the film title?….never ending propaganda loop, with added Thomas Mair to provide a counterpoint.
But now that apartheid has gone, RSA , like all independent African countries, is a model of good governance. It is amazing to me that the UK, which used to be a model democracy, although not perfect, is going the way of an African plutocracy.
Trump like an African dictator ? How many people has he murdered ? A Gambian friend of mine, Momodou Sabally, who is Head of GRTS, the Gambian National broadcaster, has gone missing for 10 days now, along with many others in Gambia. No police investigation, no Government statement. Imagine if Tony Hall just disappeared ! Uh, don’t answer that ! And this wanker Noah compares Trump to an African dictator ? Unbelievable .
Yes, Trevor Noah was just allowed on the BBC to plug his book (no adverts on the BBC? Really?) and make his snide comparison between Donald Trump and Idi Amin, as if The Donald had seized power in a coup and fed his enemies to the crocodiles.
In a way, I don’t so much mind the BBC hive mocking Trump, it’s just that I know for an absolute certainty that they would never do the same thing to Hillary Clinton if she had been elected, even though she is more like a cross between Lady Macbeth and Winnie Mandela.
The BBC is irredeemably biased and utterly beneath contempt.
I wonder if knuts like Noah and the BBC really know what Amin did . Do they know what he did to Obote’s people ? If they do , then how can they compare Amin to Trump ? If they don’t, then how can they be so lazy and ignorant not to find out ? Either way, Beeboids are twisted bastards.
Noah, I think, hosts an American satirical chat show. He’s a S.African comedian who has lived in the UK.
You are right, Grant, Amin was a murdering despot. Unfortunately he has been whitewashed (I use that word deliberately) by comedians over decades so the true horror of his crimes and the problems he caused many countries are overlooked. I think the same, to an extent, is true of Mugabe and Winnie Mandela.
” The Last King of Scotland ” only hints about the reality. The UN and “International Community ” did nothing as they did with Biafra , as they did with Mugabe’s Genocide of the Matabele, as they do with all evil.
It’s Friday of colour – can’t believe the BBC are still using its former (obviously racist) title. Go buy some more Chinese tat and make yourself happy. My attic is full of bargains!
BBC mid day TV news is quickly turned off after their head lines. Our national broadcaster has really jumped the shark today. Is this the theatre of wet dreams or a media theatre of the absurd, we wonder, as news editors go cock-a-hoop over linking child sex abuse to soccer. They shoot they score. Vicky Derbyshire (fingers crossed) asks “Is this as bad as Savile ?” to which she elicits the reply “This man makes Savile look like a choirboy”. No boy scout, eh? Whoops, awkward choice of simile there but it’ll do just nicely for the BBC for a sound bite. Then the gay date drug killer and it looks as though the Police are to blame, natch. Be fair BBC, the London Bobbies didn’t catch Jack the Ripper either. Then we have more Met Police in the dock, this time over historic abuse cases – the problem here was they took some fantacist (wasn’t he amusingly named ‘Nick’) far too seriously to the ruinous detriment of honest innocent individuals – whose only crime was to have been famous. But don’t let the direction of criticism spoil a good clutch of anti-establishment BBC-absolving head lines.
So to that world statesman of huge stature – the PM of Malta, no less, banging on Brexit bashing. In these sort of cases can we not revoke their honours – such as the George Cross? It was a different time, obviously.
The beeb are wall to wall with this soccer abuse today, cannot get enough of it yet when its 1400 girls in rotherham and elsewhere its ignore all the way and even deny that it s going on. Call me cynical but something stinks about the coordination between charities involved and the beeb with this story.
You’re not. Unless I am too. Which is always possible.
I don’t recall any co-ordination by the Beeb, or the NSPCC to encourage women who as young girls were groomed and raped by certain sections of the community to come forward like this.
I generally avoid The Today Prog’ on Radio 4 these days but did catch some of it after 8 a.m. on Thursday.
It was amusing to hear Nick (who was once in the Young Conservatives, dontcha know?) Robinson’s Road-to-Damascus moment on debt. The BBC has usually been against ‘Tory cuts’ and austerity, preferring Labour’s Keynesian reflation fantasy of taxing, borrowing and spending more. Now Mr Hammond has signalled some relaxation of Mr Osborne’s previous targets for deficit reduction.
Robinson and the rotten BBC, who were always relaxed about the annual overspend by Labour (which reached ~ £150 billion at its worst) now affect concern about an overspend which is much lower (under £80 billion when I last checked). ‘Red Robbo’ talked of “two TRILLION” of total debt by the end of the parliament, feigning horror at the figure. Well Nick, all the time the UK runs an annual deficit, it will add to the total mountain of debt; even if the overspend were reduced to, say, £10 billion a year, that would still be adding to the £1.6 trillion of existing debt. The best that can be hoped is to move towards balancing the books and not adding to the mountain.
Of course, it all depends WHO is piling up debt, if you are the BBC. The coverage of the US Election made little or nothing of the massive debt under Obama and the Democrats (now ~ USD 20 trillion, i.e. nearly 3 times what he inherited from Bush, who himself had borrowed so much for foreign wars). There’s no need to wonder why: it would not have been helpful to Hillary and the Democrats to raise the issue of finances, so the issue was ignored, with the usual emphasis on touchy-feely hopey-changey stuff. Now Trump has been elected, can we expect more GASPS from Red Robbo about the STAGGERING levels of debt? Probably.
Aren’t the BBC lucky that they get their income so easily , they do not have to borrow. It is amazing how many Beeboids , journalists and politicians do not understand the difference between “deficit” and “debt”. Lazy ignorance.
They were quite gentle. But you could never imagine the pathetic British police doing anything like that, unless someone was occupying a mosque , of course .
Just heard Nick Clegg on WatO either making himself out to be very stupid or trying to deceive Radio 4 listeners. I used to have some respect for the guy in that he was always honest and openly pro-EU & after full UK membership, including the Euro.
He has now lost all that respect, because he is obviously not stupid. He was also being deceptive when Shaun Ley asked him if he thought that liberalism was still under threat. A clever question. Liberalism plainly is not under threat in that it is now totally & inextricably woven into western society. If it faces any threat it is still some way off from Islam. Nick Clegg claimed it was under threat but the unexpressed hint was that it’s all to do with Brexitism & Trumpism.
The Liberal Party, despite a recent increase in membership, is the structure under threat at the Ballot box if it seeks to keep the UK in the EU by stealth.
Now, an example of blatant bias. Today’s interventions from Tony Blair and John Major were briefly considered along with a pro-Brexit comment. In the news summary at 1.44pm Shaun gave Blajor Maair the last word on the matter.
yes, Clegg set off on a speech that flew passed the normally excellent Ley. Would have thought some of the nonsense he spoke could have been challenged.
Clegg said at one point about challenging Trump, which I took as campaigning against his election.
As John Major says re Brexit, uncritically reported by the BBC, its to do with “the tyranny of the majority”. Odd, Major never mentioned “the tyranny of the majority” when he won the election to become prime minister. The BBC never spoke about the tyranny of the majority when Labour won 3 elections in a row.
Nick Cleggs policies weren’t just rejected by the electorate, they were totally binned! Unfortunately the BBC and a lot of the meeja aren’t at all interested in what the people think or being in touch with them, and carry on as if nothing has happened.
We definitely need a Donald to bring the country out of its division since the BLiar government the Tories are not up to the job (or any job for that matter!).
Think Shaun or the Brexiteer MP mentioned that point. Actually, John Major was a hero for democracy and the Ballot Box at one point when he called and won a General Election in 1992 when his back was against the wall. It all went wrong not long after.
If only he had let us have a vote on the EEC/EC to EU Treaty! I think we would have left with far less trouble and would have avoided near bankruptcy on Black Wednesday.
Grant, ‘Enlightened’ folk may not but the Beeb will wheel him out when Farron goes quiet, then they’ll put Clegg away and have a go with Cable before wheeling out Farron again. All in the interest of balance: promoting the Liberal Party & its views equally with all the others. (In order to undermine Brexit.)
I just hope that Blair’s & Major’s latest interventions in the EU process, together with anything that the Liberals, Labour, Plaid & the SNP have to offer, will so enrage the people – in a nice quiet, democratic, British sort of way – that the Government have no choice but to press the red button and bring a single line Bill to Parliament so that we leave the EU at the moment of its passing.
It may be the only way in the end to free ourselves from the tentacles of the EU twenty-octopus. Having typed that, I’ve just changed my mind and think you should change yours. It is VERY important what Clegg, Farron, Major & Blair (the latter above all) think & say in public. Keep pushing, guys.
God save the Queen and come on UK residents; let us push back against them for the sake of democracy!
I’d like one of those little counter clocks, a private one, that is hard-wired to a binary pro-EU/contra-EU indicator in every brain registered to vote in Britain.
I like to think there would be a sporadic but constant click-click-click as the pro-EU brains switched over to a contra-EU position.
The British are a placid people, thank God, [except when fuelled by alcohol 🙁 ] but we can be resolute, especially in respect of freedom, fairness and underdogs. Perhaps if the ‘great & the good’ keep pushing away with anti-Brexit, increasing amounts of iron & steel (maybe some coal, too, ho ho! – see what I did there?) will increasingly stiffen our resolve to free ourselves from the EU.
On almost every forum about this there are posts that the head of the EU will decide once again in isolation and without agreement from anyone else, that Germany will open its borders to as many migrants as can get there, and in the process devastate Europe.
We have to accept that the German people, for too long cossetted by a bubble of comfortable living standards are going to vote this woman back into power, even if it means she will destroy life for them as they know it.
We can only hope this happens to them sooner rather than later.
Germany now is probably as lost as Sweden and it is only a matter of time before it collapses. We can only sit back and look on with a growing realisation that we got out just in time!
I would be delighted if it happened to the Germans. They deserve everything that is coming to them. But , I just do not want their disease to spread to the UK.
Sorry, Grant, I do not. I like the Germans & Germany. I don’t really have any proper fears but I do worry that Germany will be destroyed by Mutti’s Madness. On the morning of 23rd June this year, that was an extra incentive pushing me with enthusiasm to the Polling Station at a rate of knots.
The GDR was pure evil. I would hate to see it return in similar or different form.
After watching what has happened in Sweden and Germany I would urge a block on allowing them here in case they do to us what they have done to their own countries.
I should add that there are many individual Germans among my beast friends and colleagues, but collectively they have become self destructive
Agree that there are some “good Germans “, but there is a collective psychotic illness which goes back hundreds of years and the evidence from history is overwhelming .
I do agree with you. There is something very peculiar about Germans, as many of my German friends will acknowledge. I cannot put my finger on it but Hitler knew how to touch it and now the left and Merkel style progressives are awakening it with reminder of guilt. An old Jewish pal of mine whose family escaped in the thirties, used to say that their theorizing would block out reality for them
Have waited patiently for the BBC’s report on the pro Brexit protest meet at Westminster on Wednesday 23/11/16.
Of course I wait in vain. Reports from some who attended said that thousands turned out. Reuters reported just 200.
17 million of us voted to escape the loony tunes EU. To become once more a sovereign nation with the ability to make our own laws control our own borders and trade with whomsoever we wish.
Following the referendum decision – the anti Brexit mobs filled the airways for days with their shrill doom laden rants. The MSM were (and still are) eager to showcase any group or individual who espouse the correct narrative. You could not pick up any newspaper of any political persuasion without it being prominently remarked upon. The opposers of democracy have had a very long time to become completely assimilated not only within the MSM, which they more or less control but also large swathes of our public services and local government.
Here’s my point. If we are going to make our voices heard, we need a representation at Westminster or wherever that the MSM CANNOT ignore. Not hundreds – but thousands, Aand many thousands at that. Anything less offers up a counter productive propaganda hit for the remainers and their MSM cheerleaders.
So far, the ‘Progressives’ are making all l the running aided as they are by their propaganda commissars at the BBC (soon to be allied with the B liar creature).
If we are serious about making the referendum result follow through – then when we have a protest meeting/march whatever – IT HAS TO COUNT.
If we do not put up – then we become merely the echo chamber we have so often been portrayed as.
The murder at the French “religious ( i.e. christian ) home has disappeared from the BBC website. So we can assume that the suspect is muslim. Meanwhile ” 2 die in fire at Lesbos migrant camp “. !!!!
Grant, no it’s still there if you just look hard enough on the Home>World>Europe page, but they didn’t kill anyone, they just attacked the building. Can you find it!
I’m wondering whether it has started to dawn on BBC bosses that they are increasingly out of step with their public and they do not know what to do. Crashing or restricting the system is a way of putting off facing up to many very pressing issues.
BBC – Israel
After their feeble, lets say erm “impartial” reporting on the fires of jihad story.
At least a dozen have been arrested already on terrorism … oops! I apologise BBC its not T Mair, so its… obviously arson.
As usual Yolande Knell, pops up with, “With security officials saying many of the fires could have been caused by arson, several Israeli politicians have implicated Arabs.
They note how Arabic social media posts – from around the region – have been celebrating scenes of Israeli cities ablaze. Some Israeli media added their own fuel, speculating about a possible “fire intifada”, or uprising, after a spate of knife, shooting and car ramming attacks over the past year”.
“Spate”! … the ones the BBC refused to report half the time? isolated incidents, or lone wolves etc etc?.
More Good Brexit News ..
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BBC website ” UK living standards worst since the war “. No comment required.
Grant – that’s odd because when I grew up in the 50’s neither we nor virtually anyone near us had a car / fridge / freezer / washing machine / t.v. / central heating / fitted carpets / telephone / record player / etc.
What a load of cobblers.
It is strange . Neither did I. And neither do most poor people in the world today. But the Lefties do not give a monkey’s toss about reality . Living conditions in much of the world are not much different than during WW2. Cobblers ? More like bollocks !
Grant – I was going to say “bollocks” but there is a woman’s bike parked across the road, so I thought it best that I moderated my language!
LOL !!! The Leftist bike may take offence !
Like many others, I’ve been reading but not commenting recently, but I have to say that it is good to see Grant back from West Africa and the repartee with Lobster makes bBBC “comedy” look like the dross it is.
Let alone mobile phones, computers, central heating, jet travel, colour TV, hip replacements, laser eye surgery, double glazing, microwaves, stereo, cd, led lighting, natural gas, abs, central locking, tea bags, quilts and yoghurt. And a zillion TV channels.
The lies are becoming ridiculous.
I know for a fact that many Victorian terraced houses didn’t even have indoor toilets.
Fridge – no
TV – hardly anyone
Central heating – what’s that?
Telephone – next year, maybe.
Andrew – I think the indoor toilets were called “chamber pots”!
I’d love to see what they do with one of those on “Homes Under The Hammer”!
Lol ! I know what I would like to to do with the contents of a chamber pot. ” Tony Hall, are you free for a meeting with reality ? “
My granny in her 2 up 2 down terraced in a S.Yorkshire mining village, had the bath installed in one of her 2 bedrooms ! (after the tin bath wore out from many years of service in front of the fire). AMAZINGLY she would have been very fashionable now, with the trend for standalone baths in bedrooms. Sadly the toilet was still at the bottom of the yard, in darkness with spiders, and sheets of newspaper hung on a nail – Izal was considered a luxury !
She could tell us a thing or two about poverty – as a child back in the early 1900’s she was sent to school on bread and lard, and only 3 pairs of shoes between 11 children ! Children in Need ? because they haven’t got access to a phone ? nuff said.
It wasn’t all bad.
Izal and a comb made a very good mouth organ.
I remembered overnight stays at my grandparent’s house in the late 1940s, which had no water supply upstairs. But there was a gazunder for night-time ‘relief’, and a washstand in the bedroom. Gran would bring up a tall jug of warm water first thing in the morning. Naturally, there were no such luxuries as a fridge or a telly.
Eee, we ‘ad it ‘ard in them days.
I was 21 before I lived in a house with a fridge in it, 23 a phone, 27 central heating and 32 a shower.
Oh, and 43 before me and the missus had our first foreign holiday.
The BBC have taken leave of reality.
You were lucky ! Beeboids are spoilt brats. Never knew any hardship in their lives. Wankers .
Show off.
Oh, and 43 before me and the missus had our first foreign holiday
Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o’clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our Mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing “Hallelujah.”
And you try and tell the young people today that… and they won’t believe ya’.
Sorry guys … but I couldn`t resist….. no offence
I never went to bed, had no shoes on my feet when walking to school on broken glass carrying a sack of coal on by back.
You lot had it easy!
You lucky bastard.
“Oh, and 43 before me and the missus had our first foreign holiday.”
In Yorkshire, that would have been a holiday in Lancashire.
Definitely remember getting our first fridge, and also going to a friend’s house and seeing……an Automatic washing machine. We had a twin tub. Got central heating heated by a Parkray with smokeless coke. And BBC2 on 625 lines. All late 1960s.
The bBBC just hasn’t got a clue
In my garage I have a dolly tub. Mum used to do the washing in it with a dolly peg. And then squeeze it nearly dry in the mangle before pegging it out on the clothes line.
Are you all still with me?
What hold does Paul Johnson of IFS have over BBC News ? *
main headline on R4 news 2pm 3pm “UK wages will be stagnant for 10 years …according to IFS”
(without mentioning IFS is a Labour party front)
* bet there is a girl/boyfriend or husband/wife connection with the BBC staff
“What hold does Paul Johnson of IFS have over BBC News ?”
I imagine he must have some compromising photos of someone high up in the bbc. How else would a supposedly independent organisation be scoring party political points on a supposedly independent news channel based on a pure guess about a process which hasn’t even begun yet???
Er, oh yeh, I get it now. The IFS and the BBC are the new Labour.
As the IFS can accurately predict the economy 5 years hence they must make a killing on the stock market and not need any external funding.
Don’t think it’s anything quite so sinister although that might just perhaps be an improbable additional link. I think George Osborne asked the IFS to always run the rule over his Budget & other economic plans a few years back. The BBC as Her Majesty’s Disloyal Opposition have now got the habit of consulting them before trashing what the Conservative Government have announced or are doing.
Don’t know if its just me but I thought the negative trashing of HMG & UK & Brexit (a mere add-on today) was relentless through WatO and 6pm News. I managed to miss PM.
Perhaps I had a lucky escape there?
I can’t see Hammond jettisoning the IFS now. Like the MPC and the poor we will have them with us always. Think what the BBC would say if the IFS were done away with!
Was reminded this a.m. on the TODAY programme by Sarah or Michal that my 24/11 post @ 7.42 is wrong. I was replying last night about the IFS when I had the OBR (office for Budget Responsibility) in mind.
The matter was the first question on Question Time (planted question)
The prog is from South London, but that is one time the whole panel has no blacks.
Jeez it’s south London man . it often has streets full of blacks. OK if you go far enough out it can seem like old England. As well most of the studio audience seem white as well …This is all weird for all the overcompensation of the BBC.
It is outrageous Stew.
The BBC never mentions the crazy sums of money Paul Johnson has trousered, 7.5 million quid from the EU. For that sort of money I’d pretend the EU is wonderful, an oasis of prosperity and that the UK is heading for the knackers yard cos of Brexit.
Every time Paul Johnson looms onto our TVs the BBC should state exactly his interest in keeping the EU money making machine going for him.
I imagine he attends the right dinner parties in Islington.
Paul Johnson was Gordon Brown’s economics advisor under the last labour government. Clearly a man with his finger on the button. So yes, he will attend the right parties.
Wages stagnant?
And there’s me thinking the honourables have managed an 11% rise.
The agenda spans all programmes.
Mark Radcliffe on The Folk Show plays Merry Hell singing “We Need Each Other Now”:
As borders crumble land and sea…
…We need each other now!
“I think we can all get behind that”, says our Mark.
The wise used to say “Good fences make good neighbours” but our arrogant social ‘engineers’ think we can all be mixed up and live in harmony. Unfortunately some of our ‘neighbours’ don’t do folk songs and pub drinking, or ‘tolerance’ for that matter.
Funny how all these folk acts and the folk industry have nothing to say about England , Brexit or why the heck we`d have voted for it.
Thought that they were meant to honour our identity.
The Scots and Irish surely do.
But when it comes to England-even those who`ve actually WRITTEN a song or two about “the negation of England”-all were Remainiacs to a man.
Except for Frank Turner and the Wurzels.
Bet they`d never get to Maida vale Studio again if they voted “out”. Cultural Diversity eh?
“I think we can all get behind that”, says our Mark.
The BBC thinks it speaks for the nation.
If the nation were comprised of a huge mountain of fat, hairy bollocks then it would.
As it is they are unable to comprehend life – especially the ‘working class’ variety – outside the North London bubble, basically because they never get anywhere near it.
Hell, we so need a referendum on the BBC. I could maybe give the license fee to some needy English children.
Stick a meter on my TV and I’ll happily pay for the BBC channels I actually watch ie: zero.
BBC very keen to correctly identify a serial killer’s victims as gay. Not so keen to identify the killer as gay.
Justt heard some woman in the USA is trying to get a recount of the Presidential vote!
She claims the system is flawed and hacking not difficult.
So why wasnt she campaigning for improvments BEFORE the election?
It’s just like our Bremoaners all over again, complaining the result was too close! So why did theey not complain before and try to get the terms of the referendum altered?
Didn’t she get the memo from The Messiah?
USA election: Obama calls Trump’s election rhetoric ‘dangerous’.
President Barack Obama has said Republican Donald Trump’s insistence that he might not accept the election result is “dangerous”.
Jon Snow feels good about this-as will Matt Frei and all the other Channel 4 lefties.
Then they go into a blurb about the undermining of democracy by “fake news on Facebook getting Trump into power”.
No irony-no linkage, no awareness.
Must be great to simply read off the cue…no brain engaged.
BBC in ‘we’re losing control of the narrative’ shock.
Finds one degree of separation quotes person it likes.
“an echo chamber of unchallenged, extremist ideas”
… sums up the Al BBC perfectly
“Unchallenged” and that is the, gigantic BBC elephant in our rooms that craps all over us 24/7.
Unchallenged is one of their words. Like unhelpful and lessons will be learned etc. Essentially meaningless but in PC speak it means whatever the PC elite want it to mean. Bit like 1984 really.
In the England of the future us deplorables will be sent for challenging and re-educating.
‘Far right radicalisation’
Just for a second I got a whiff of the old moral equivalence.
Right-wing Jihad is on it’s way, only the BBC will have to find a different name. How’s about ‘Yee-had’?
Now pick a few countries where our far-right Yee-hadists can go and wreak havoc, torture and slaughter innocent people. Hmmm, it’s starting to fall apart – guess it will have to happen here. But what can they fight for – not a Caliphate, that’s for sure. Oh, I’ve got it – democracy!
‘It’s only like….’
No, it most definitely effing isn’t.
Al beebus will dine out on Mair’s murder of Saint Jo of Birstall for years, until Brevik came along the only “Far Right” terrorism progressives could point to was that carried out by Timothy McVeigh; Mad Mair is “home grown” and will tick virtually all al beebus’ “Far-Right terrorist” boxes.
The only surprising thing to me, is that after all the provocations which indigenous Britons are increasingly subject to: there aren’t far more attacks like this.
On a related subject, considering how obsessed al beebus are with “hate crimes” I wonder why this hasn’t been reported here? Then again it hasn’t been reported in the U.S. much either – imagine if those arrested hadn’t been black.
“the BBC dominates UK local and national news markets”
Not my words, but Ofcom’s.
And yet Ofcom perpetuates the problem, thus confirming that the reason governments create these bodies is to favour their friends and allies, not to serve the public interest.
The nazi stuff he had at his home included a DVD of Schindler’s list.
I have that DVD.
What does that make me then.
And in other news…
‘BBC DG Lord Hall might need someone to tell him that giving departments to James Purnell doesn’t make everything alright’
Well he might. However Lord Hall has often shown he gives a flying monkeys about what is right other than saying the BBC about gets it by saying so ad nauseam.
‘Nobody complained, but Ofcom decided to do some “routine monitoring”
By way of balance, the whole country could complain about the BBC, and OFCOM would likely go walkabout.
The fearless sages of the Ofcom Content Board have spoken. FOX News has broken their rules.
Nobody complained, but Ofcom decided to do some “routine monitoring” of the Hannity show during the Presidential election campaign, and decided that three one-hour episodes were in breach of their code.
As most reasoned thinkers would be of the opinion that Fox News, being an American news channel, has got ball-all to do with Ofcom, one can only assume this was a training exercise in preparation for them having to tackle the more difficult real-world challenges i.e. the BBC.
No? Ah, well….
Well I’m sure Fox will be having some sleepless nights over this.
Here`s hoping that football is booted off our screens until all the pervs have been rounded up.
I make no apology for this.if it protects just one middle aged bloke from historical sex abuse-then the BBC MUST get all that pervy football off their seedy screens.
And NO sports in schools until we`ve had a full investigation.
Helicopter live on telly at Wembley Stadium-NOW!
We can`t be too careful can we?
Can`t all be Robbie Savile to blame and if football gets the same abuse from the media as did churches, scout troupes in terms of being shunned, vilified and closed off as a means to attract young boys(and girls of course since last year!)-then maybe they`ll all go back to church and let football wither on the vine.
Fuckball-got to go…if the likes of Lineker have to go and get other jobs mopping the brows of Syrians,then fine by me.
Left Right or whatever – if they kill innocents and want to impose their will by violent means, they are evil.
I am so tired of the fluffy, pink, pussyfooting around and having to pass everything thru’ the political correctness filter.
“Why didn’t the Daily Mail put the jailing of Jo Cox’s murderer on its front page?
Jane Martinson”
Jane Martinson, Head of Media, formerly Head of Women or something, in the sinking ship once known as The Manchester Guardian.
A hagiography of Saint Jo, in which The Daily Mail, which sells ten times as many copies as the, chipshop use only Guardian, is told how to organise their paper.
This “article” with no sense of Guardian inadequacies ends :-
“So it is even more important that the media, which prides itself on real, not fake news, does not hide the true story – however unpleasant or contrary to their own worldview it might be.”
Fake News, the Guardian has done it for decades, these days it does little else. Which is why nobody buys your propaganda strewn rag and why it will shortly cease production.
Noticing that Channel 4 News are now now running with this “fake news o F/B costing Hillary the election” meme of theirs.
Dials all set to eleven then again.
Luckily the liberal fascist press and telly are unaware of what trap they will be falling into soon.
As if we get NOTHING but false flags and hitjob stories from them all the time.
c4 news calling anyone “fake news”
irony bypass
This Channel 4
‘Nobody buys your propaganda strewn rag’
Nobody with sense, and nobody contributes to the fund to keep it alive.
Here’s a tip. Want to read it for free? Go on Face Book, enter any of the loony left group pages – Left Unity, Class War, UAF, and all the Trots, and there you can read their chosen articles. Remember, the loony left do not think, argue or write – they copy the Guardian, which is why they are a joke.
More ‘bubble’ Christmas:
Following John Lewis’s ‘Boxer’ black Christmas I saw Tesco were copying the theme using a poster with two girls of colour under a dining table. This week Debenhams have taken over the same hoarding with their young girl of colour under the Christmas tree.
Christmas is officially ‘Black’ and ‘Female’ this year in the ‘creative’ industry. Will the UK ever have a Muslim Christmas, or are we ‘too racist’ for that? I’m sure the BBC will investigate!
I wonder just how they hope to spin a Muslim Christmas. A real intellectual problem for our media but I am confident they can handle it. Always on the ball and always correct about everything.
No it wouldn’t be Muslim Christmas, an “Islamic Winterval” perhaps?
Anyone have any knowledge of any other European country running adverts that are as over-the-top PC and diversity ridden as the UK ? One ad I’ve seen just has a black man standing in the snow complete with bobble hat whilst a white family in xmas jumpers run past him – whats that all about ? clearly a case of just creating a part for a person of colour. We are now in the realms of insanity.
“Christmas is officially ‘Black’ and ‘Female’ this year in the ‘creative’ industry.”
Buy your DVD now, before it goes on the Index Prohibitorum
Bit of balance from those wonderful people who brought you the Ardennes Offensive…
Not sure the Musician’s Union isn’t involved too. But Clarkson certainly was advising.
The Brexit vote has exposed the Tory party as being anti British and pro Europe. Their sole motivation is to continue feeding from the EU trough for life.
I now know thanks to Brexit who our enemy is. The whole bloody political establishment.
Step forward UKIP, please. They have not only my vote, but also the vote of family and friends.
It looks that way and it just confirms many of our doubts. When an entire governing class and it’s apologists turns on the people then a new situation is created the end of which is uncertain to say the least.
This is a common theme in the West. The last Czech president said that the elites have declared war on the people. This is Victor Orban’s view as well and you have only to read Gert Wilders address to his judges to understand the peril that we last freemen are in. Without free speech we are lost.
Brexit is a turning point. How and which way it turns is up to us . There will be no help from our governors or elites now.
No wonder they hate Mr Trump so much.
Dover Sentry, Dave S.
Spot on. Please hope UKIP gets their act together, we need their voice
Much bias is about controlling the narratives.
Something interesting just came up.
Some LeftMob guys are seeking to control the narrative about Breitbart by using the “label and dismiss trick”
Basically they want to put it in the “Alt-Right”(extreme rightwing) category
To that point they hijacked the Wikipedia page, re-editing to take away conservative description and put in “far right” and “Alt-right” no matter how weak the citations.
So now it’s been locked with the negative edits still in . And there is a massive 40 person flame-war going on in the TALK section.
I found out when a Lefty told me Breitbart is described as Alt-Right by Bannon on Wikipedia. What I found is that Wikipedia quotes USA Today, which quotes a Leftwing magazine article 1 year old , which has a quote saying that “Breitbart is a platform for the Alt-right”
Wonder what the original context is ? Cos you could say the Guardian comments section is a platform for Militant activists..which it is, but you wouldn’t describe the Guardian as an arm of Militant.
BBC Online News:
“”Cash cards for Syrian refugees””
What could possibly go wrong?
Sky News (Not yet mentioned by the BBC):
An armed man has burst into a retirement home for monks near Montpellier on the south coast of France, according to AFP.
The man is armed with a knife and a sawn-off shotgun, reports say.
More follows…
I will be astonished if Alan’s Snackbar isn’t involved. According to RT it’s a retirement home for African monks and there are two dead by all accounts.
The bBBC are saying that French media is saying that there is no evidence that it is terrorism related. There’s no evidence that it isn’t terrorism either, absence of evidence not being evidence of absence.
‘No evidence of terrorism’ = muslims
Good to see a few Europeans joining in hoping that other countries will follow Britains lead.
Brexit protest.
Dover, Justin, Lobster…..
No doubt Jon Snow will blame Trump, or Brexit for this, or spin the story so at the very least they get mentioned.
Tim Farron getting huge applause???!! WTF??!!! Oh now we have an `economist` after him going full retard…
Is there a single panel member tonite on QT who isn`t an EU stooge?
BBC Question Time is just like last week. The entire audience and panel (apart from one lone audience member boo’ing) is Anti-Trump, Anti-Nigel Farage and Anti-Brexit.
Tim Fallon is having a right rant against Nigel Farage saying he doesn’t speak for anyone in the UK. Well Tim…. why don’t you go f*** youself?
The Limpdems are finished – simples!
Fallon is socialist scum of the highest order / just like Saint Jo ditching the indigenous people of this land
Tim Farron / Yvette Cooper which one do you think would stop to take a breath first if they had to debate each other??? They have to be the most irritating gobshites in politics…. They should make Jo Coburn have them both on the same programme…. Nice to hear that Diane Abbott is the new shadow minister for Immigration apparantly she decided that the position should belong to her as she is the most experienced and “Its a matter very close to her heart”
First on the agenda is the rise of Neo-Nazism and the covert BNP membership within UKIP……
I know I am stating the bleeding obvious, but the audience is ‘fixed’ and so is the panel. Its a charade and the Tory government let them get away with it.
Given the current political strength of the Conservatives, now is the time to attack the BBC.
Missed opportunity.Spineless,hopeless,ineffective Tories.
QT tonight was very bitchy. Very offensive. Unfair and unrepresentative. Normal service resumed.How do the BBC get away with it?
Any Tories on this site want to justify Tory inactivity against the biased BBC.
In doing nothing the Tories clearly believe that the BBC is perfectly fine.
Vote/Support UKIP, your country needs you.
“Any Tories on this site want to justify Tory inactivity against the biased BBC.”?
I tried that one before and the silence was deafening ?
Perhaps Essexman will return to this site and give us an answer?
It must be difficult for a Tory on this site to criticise the BBC as their inaction suggests BBC/Tory compliance.
Maybe I’ve been blaming the ‘Lefties’ too much when I should have directed my ire more at the BBC loving Tories.
The simple answer to the ‘shy’ Tory voters and supporters is for them to canvass their MPs about the bias.
Over to you Tories……
There was some good news at the beginning of QT – “John Mc Donnell has been replaced by ???…??? as he has been taken ill”.
Possibly laryngitis from all the droning on he has been doing recently.
More terrorism ?
Ah ! They have read my post …..
I don’t recall them being so reluctant to claim it was a terrorist attack when Mad Mair murdered Saint Jo, nor for them to name him and launch into speculation as to his motivation; that is once it was clear (to their covert delight) it hadn’t been carried out by a RoPER.
Has the name of the “Swiss” train attacker ever been released?
Has the RAF chap who went missing / had been kidnapped turned up yet?
Followed your link taffman, just above the map there is the curious somewhat out of context line,
“The man was not known to authorities.”
Which man? Reads like a bit of cut and paste key phrase ‘reporting’.
They kind of lost me at the template “There is so far no indication that this is a terrorist incident, sources close to the investigation said”.
That manages to combine two BBC well honed weasels into one sentence.
Frankly Katie can leap as much as the BBC fears. However, this response seems harsh…
I guess the local plod will suddenly find a traffic accident they at last need to attend?
BBC Website heading ” One dead at French religious home “.
If the killer turns out to be a Muslim the BBC will drop the story. If he isn’t, then it will be headlines for weeks. By the way, where have all the trolls gone ? Are they sulking ?
Gert Wilders trial. Not of much interest to our snowflakes in the media. Thank God for the internet so we can read his address to the “court” made this week. If free speech dies in Holland then what price it staying anywhere in Europe. Does the BBC care? F off . Of course not. Too busy bringing lies into our world and venom and the rest of it.
Milo is banned in Kent on the most specious of grounds. Gradually the tyranny advances and the May government just can’t wait to silence people like us.
No wonder so much hope is placed on Mr Trump and it is important that he understands how things are here in Europe .
If May really was a second Thatcher: she’d pull the trigger on a general election and bring the whole roof down on Labour and the LibScums, but she isn’t and so she won’t.
What a missed opportunity! Anyone cynical might think she likes having such hard work made for the government she leads in Parliament, with regard to Brexit; to spin it out for as long as is possible.
“The British people have voted to leave the EU and their will must be respected and delivered.”
But here is the catch …………..
“The process for leaving the EU and determining our future relationship will be a complex one, so we need to take time to think through our objectives and approach. We want to ensure the best possible outcome for Britain and the future UK-EU relationship. As part of this, the government will of course work closely with the devolved administrations to ensure we get the best deal for the UK as a whole. We should not trigger Article 50 until we have a UK approach and objectives, so Article 50 should not be invoked before the end of this year.”
It reminds one of the quote from an old ‘Western’ …….”him speak with forked tongue”
For ‘Fork Tongue’ read ‘Tory Tongue’.
BBC finally tippytoe s onto the subject of Israel s fires of Jihad, more muslim jew hating insanity, yesterday it was forest fires, today wildfires (with a very hushed uttered under the breath possibly, maybe, some started deliberately).
Been watching the reports for a few days, and Arab social media, burn burn them all, “let allah burn them entirely”, “May they burn on the grill like a kebab”, Kirdaha [Syrian President Bashar Assad’s hometown], today in the Zionist entity, and tomorrow, inshallah, in the dirty hearts of Tehran and Moscow.” etc
… never mind BBC … must be global warming
No mention on any BBC website of the French missionary/monk retirement home in Montpellier where “a man” perhaps a Norwegian with mental health issues has killed a wonan and is holding 70 hostages. Any ideas why not?
Meanwhile the bBBC continues obsessing about sexually abused footballers……
Don’t forget it’s mental illness, not islamic terrorism. I mentioned muslims once but I think I got away with it.
Not exactly bbc bias but distortion nonetheless. Lewis Hamilton on Sky – “2016 has been a bad year what with brexit and trump”. Why do news channels allow celebrities to make political statements? (I have just realised what a naive question that is, given the recent US presidential campaign).
I met Rosberg’s father Keke in the Pentagon bar at Brands Hatch many moons ago and I found him a fine gentleman. I’m afraid my support now goes to his son in this final race and LH can crash on the first corner as far as I am concerned. There is nothing worse than abuse of position in any walk of life.
On a different note, it is amazing how little it takes to become a ‘celebrity’ these days. I just happened to tune in to ITV2 last night and watched a bit of that parasitic wannabee jungle celebrity after-program thingy. It would appear that if you are a clueless bint, as ugly as sin, have had a buff-up with a 60 minute makeover and your bleached teeth are visible from outer space then you are a ‘celebrity’. Amazing.
I have been delighted to watch Hamilton become the most successful British driver of all time and was hoping for a fourth championship this year. Having read this I also support Rosberg in the last race.
No-want F1…and F.U for that matter -banned.
Gas -guzzling techies with way too much money and influnce.
Dreadful for the planet.
Like fuckball-I want sport off the telly and onto subscription.
Toxic God Syndrome.
Wonder if the BBC will care to look inot abuse at Silverstone now? Same culture as footy I`d imagine.
LH is clearly good at his job, but he still looks a plonker the way he wears a baseball cap, and I can’t take anything seriously by a man who wears sparklers in both ears !
Coordination –
noun – the organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work together effectively.
Anyone else fine the rant of Paul Johnson, director of the IFS and John Major and Tony Blair coming out of the woodwork to block brexit a remarkable coincidence?
May must know if she fucks up with brexit it will be the end of her and the end of the Tories for decades.
What annoys me is the constant tweets from snowflakes saying Nigel Farage has no mandate conveniently forgetting that he is still an elected Member of the European Parliament. Major, Blair, Branson, Soros have no mandate and it is inexcusable to refer to Brexit as “The tyranny of the majority”.
I think Britain voted against the The ‘Tyranny of the Minority’ – those such as in AL’s list, plus the EU secretariat, with their well known wealth, vested interests, and self- serving agenda. And all unelected and unaccountable.
Thank you Sluff.
Hope someones keeping a list of these cliches for us all.
“Tyranny Of The Majority”
Bet there`s a link between hysterical newly-minted stock aggronyms and glib phrases-and their desperate scrambling and scraping around the bottom of their pork barrel.
Time to ram the corkscrews in. A mass civil disobedience campaign to to pay the TV License should be a runner. Tell your local imam.
Hope she`s still got her Ashcrofts to hand.
She is only PM now because the Tories had to get somebody. ANYBODY.
And if she doesn`t want to be a Callaghan, let alone a Brown?
She will HAVE to give us Brexit in March, for leaving in 2019.
Anything other-and the screws will be applied to her festering Party.
Which is where Ashcroft can tell her what we`ll do at the ballot box to her and her party.
Let alone what the streets will be like on the run up to it all.
Hope she`ll choose wisely, sh`s done OK so far in difficult times.
Your call Mother May!
And-in this political advisory role of mine this a.m
I myself would start with this one-and let`s hope Ed Balls Footy Team in Westminster have not been trying out their little boys up north shall we?
Tom Driberg surely not the ONLY Lefty Ball Boy was he?…any team with Keith Vaz on the bench is likely to be slippy, I`d have thought.
I`d watch for Tom Watson myself, but Hodges Childrens Homes may yet emerge as problems.Team Chaplain-Paul Flowers?
Listened to the OBR topbod on Toady this a.m.
Chote I thought gave a reasonable explanation that the forecast is based on scenarios using as much known information as possible. Future trading arrangements outside the EU are likely to be better than in the forecast but cannot be included because the deals are not yet struck. This is an accceptable argument IMO , even if we disagree with it.
All this is sure to be written in their small print, which the bBBC either choose not to read, or fail to mention if they do.
Thus these caveats are never mentioned by the bBBC, just the relentless focus on the worst case doom and gloom scenario.
Another clear case of bias by selectivity.
Dear Marjorie
The leaves in my back garden have totally re-arranged their positions overnight.
I think it has something to do with the random changes in wind direction.
But a contact in the BBC newsroom tells me it is all to do with Brexit and Global Warming.
I am completely confused.
Please can you help?
Alice N Spayer
Friday funny.
When Obama leaves the BBC edit suite will be busy with the tributes. Here’s a version I doubt Newsbeat, pop up, magazine, trending, etc will be running…
Jan 20 2017 is going to another sore day for the beeb and its friends just as nov 9th was. The knives will be out as the donald evicts the black family from the white house and the beeb realises it hasnt been a dream. The Don will be the top man and barry may head to the beeb as its new golf pundit. Had to laugh last night as the labour buffoon on question time posed the idea of hilary clinton as the us ambassador to the uk. Just in another fantasy world.
Amazing clip. They all love Obama, but don’t know why. The best one girl could come up with is that he has ” a good sense of humour “. Well, that passed me by !
The HIGNFY and MTW Xmas specials look set to be an absolute hoot..
I cannot help thinking that the BBC’s anti Americanism is encouraged by our pro EU Government.
Another rant from James O’Brian this morning another variant on same old same old – why we should have another referendum today.
Same old claims that he has ‘destroyed your argument’ ‘proved you wrong’ etc
What a puffed up bigot the man is.
Wish he’d be run over by a bus frankly.
Probably watched little timmy on question time talking complete crud and getting clapped for it buoyed him up a bit. Farron really is a nasty piece of work going by his performance last night and the beeb keep giving him airtime.
I turned on the Today programme at about 8.20 this morning.
They began talking about the host of the Daily Show, Trevor Noah. I had heard that he had not proved popular following the departure of Jon Stewart, and expected to be told he had been sacked. But no, he was on Today, to plug his book (of course) and talk about how Donald Trump reminds him of an African dictator. He played a few clips of Trump saying some words, followed by Idi Amin saying similar words. Case closed for clever Mr Noah, and the off switch hit by yours truly, so I am afraid I cannot tell you how this joke interview proceeded.
We all know that if Hillary Clinton had won the election, the BBC would not be talking about Whitewater, cattle futures, Vince Foster, or any of the scandals which have dogged her throughout her career. They would not be inviting “comedians” on to compare her to Winnie Mandela (although that is quite a fair comparison: Winnie only got her position in politics because of who she married, she was extremely corrupt, and her opponents ended up conveniently dead).
I don’t suppose it occurred to Trevor Noah that the USA has allowed him, a South African, into their country, given him a hugely well paid job, allowing him to mock the President Elect, secure in the knowledge that nothing whatsoever will happen to him. He is one of the luckiest and most privileged men in the world, yet all he and the BBC leftists do is mock and condemn the man who has been properly elected to the position of President. They truly make me sick.
Before noah got the gig on the daily show he appeared at the royal variety show in 2014 i think and went into an anti english rant which was supposed to be a joke but wasnt. I thought to myself you are a nasty little shit for doing that at that show. A short while later he got the daily show gig and i was like how the fuckity fuck did that unfunny twat get the gig?
Just before the news at 0800 on BBC Today, Chopes, (he’s apparently head of the OBR), was interviewed by Montague re their hotly contested Report that’s clearly stimulated the BBC’s juices (if it needed any for further damnation of Brexit!). No help here though. Montague questioned precisely what info the OBR was given by Government on which to found the Report. Effectively no information was given by Government and the OBR report, the public has to conclude, is virtually a total fiction. Surely, any sane organisation, anxious to maintain its credibility would have refused to even consider providing a report if there was no facts to base the report on. One wonders why they proceeded in view of, as Jacob Rees Mogg said, throughout the pre-Brexit period they did not get one report correct.
The “news” and propaganda appears to be on a cycle or loop…
This week it`s the turn of promoting mixed race relationships by referring to a history of Africa in the time before “equality” ruled the world.
Noahs book about his mixed race upbringing in Apartheid South Africa is being promoted simultaneously with the film “A United Kingdom” about Seretse Khama and his mixed race relationship.
See what they did there? and the film title?….never ending propaganda loop, with added Thomas Mair to provide a counterpoint.
But now that apartheid has gone, RSA , like all independent African countries, is a model of good governance. It is amazing to me that the UK, which used to be a model democracy, although not perfect, is going the way of an African plutocracy.
Trump like an African dictator ? How many people has he murdered ? A Gambian friend of mine, Momodou Sabally, who is Head of GRTS, the Gambian National broadcaster, has gone missing for 10 days now, along with many others in Gambia. No police investigation, no Government statement. Imagine if Tony Hall just disappeared ! Uh, don’t answer that ! And this wanker Noah compares Trump to an African dictator ? Unbelievable .
I am sorry to hear that.
Yes, Trevor Noah was just allowed on the BBC to plug his book (no adverts on the BBC? Really?) and make his snide comparison between Donald Trump and Idi Amin, as if The Donald had seized power in a coup and fed his enemies to the crocodiles.
In a way, I don’t so much mind the BBC hive mocking Trump, it’s just that I know for an absolute certainty that they would never do the same thing to Hillary Clinton if she had been elected, even though she is more like a cross between Lady Macbeth and Winnie Mandela.
The BBC is irredeemably biased and utterly beneath contempt.
I wonder if knuts like Noah and the BBC really know what Amin did . Do they know what he did to Obote’s people ? If they do , then how can they compare Amin to Trump ? If they don’t, then how can they be so lazy and ignorant not to find out ? Either way, Beeboids are twisted bastards.
Noah, I think, hosts an American satirical chat show. He’s a S.African comedian who has lived in the UK.
You are right, Grant, Amin was a murdering despot. Unfortunately he has been whitewashed (I use that word deliberately) by comedians over decades so the true horror of his crimes and the problems he caused many countries are overlooked. I think the same, to an extent, is true of Mugabe and Winnie Mandela.
” The Last King of Scotland ” only hints about the reality. The UN and “International Community ” did nothing as they did with Biafra , as they did with Mugabe’s Genocide of the Matabele, as they do with all evil.
It’s Friday of colour – can’t believe the BBC are still using its former (obviously racist) title. Go buy some more Chinese tat and make yourself happy. My attic is full of bargains!
BBC mid day TV news is quickly turned off after their head lines. Our national broadcaster has really jumped the shark today. Is this the theatre of wet dreams or a media theatre of the absurd, we wonder, as news editors go cock-a-hoop over linking child sex abuse to soccer. They shoot they score. Vicky Derbyshire (fingers crossed) asks “Is this as bad as Savile ?” to which she elicits the reply “This man makes Savile look like a choirboy”. No boy scout, eh? Whoops, awkward choice of simile there but it’ll do just nicely for the BBC for a sound bite. Then the gay date drug killer and it looks as though the Police are to blame, natch. Be fair BBC, the London Bobbies didn’t catch Jack the Ripper either. Then we have more Met Police in the dock, this time over historic abuse cases – the problem here was they took some fantacist (wasn’t he amusingly named ‘Nick’) far too seriously to the ruinous detriment of honest innocent individuals – whose only crime was to have been famous. But don’t let the direction of criticism spoil a good clutch of anti-establishment BBC-absolving head lines.
So to that world statesman of huge stature – the PM of Malta, no less, banging on Brexit bashing. In these sort of cases can we not revoke their honours – such as the George Cross? It was a different time, obviously.
How do you make a Maltese cross? Just ignore his ludicrous anti-Brexit posturing.
The beeb are wall to wall with this soccer abuse today, cannot get enough of it yet when its 1400 girls in rotherham and elsewhere its ignore all the way and even deny that it s going on. Call me cynical but something stinks about the coordination between charities involved and the beeb with this story.
Or am i being too cynical?
You’re not. Unless I am too. Which is always possible.
I don’t recall any co-ordination by the Beeb, or the NSPCC to encourage women who as young girls were groomed and raped by certain sections of the community to come forward like this.
Not so long ago the BBC were driving a campaign against “homophobia” in football.
Think that might need to go on the back boiler for a time.
I predict the BBC line will be….A sex abuse scandal in the making….with no girls involved, but absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality.
Another small gesture and sign of the beginnings of the long-overdue resistance to the Islamisation of Europe, perhaps –
I generally avoid The Today Prog’ on Radio 4 these days but did catch some of it after 8 a.m. on Thursday.
It was amusing to hear Nick (who was once in the Young Conservatives, dontcha know?) Robinson’s Road-to-Damascus moment on debt. The BBC has usually been against ‘Tory cuts’ and austerity, preferring Labour’s Keynesian reflation fantasy of taxing, borrowing and spending more. Now Mr Hammond has signalled some relaxation of Mr Osborne’s previous targets for deficit reduction.
Robinson and the rotten BBC, who were always relaxed about the annual overspend by Labour (which reached ~ £150 billion at its worst) now affect concern about an overspend which is much lower (under £80 billion when I last checked). ‘Red Robbo’ talked of “two TRILLION” of total debt by the end of the parliament, feigning horror at the figure. Well Nick, all the time the UK runs an annual deficit, it will add to the total mountain of debt; even if the overspend were reduced to, say, £10 billion a year, that would still be adding to the £1.6 trillion of existing debt. The best that can be hoped is to move towards balancing the books and not adding to the mountain.
Of course, it all depends WHO is piling up debt, if you are the BBC. The coverage of the US Election made little or nothing of the massive debt under Obama and the Democrats (now ~ USD 20 trillion, i.e. nearly 3 times what he inherited from Bush, who himself had borrowed so much for foreign wars). There’s no need to wonder why: it would not have been helpful to Hillary and the Democrats to raise the issue of finances, so the issue was ignored, with the usual emphasis on touchy-feely hopey-changey stuff. Now Trump has been elected, can we expect more GASPS from Red Robbo about the STAGGERING levels of debt? Probably.
Aren’t the BBC lucky that they get their income so easily , they do not have to borrow. It is amazing how many Beeboids , journalists and politicians do not understand the difference between “deficit” and “debt”. Lazy ignorance.
I would dearly love to hear the BBC’s views on this –
Iceland’s Police dealing with illegal Muslims (who are immediately deported) –
They were quite gentle. But you could never imagine the pathetic British police doing anything like that, unless someone was occupying a mosque , of course .
First heard on the BBC? Well, no. Wouldn’t catch the BBC undermining the Islamification of Europe and the West!
Germany: A “safe haven” for so-called “Refugees”? Maybe, but no longer a “safe haven” for indigenous Germans or business.
Don’t ask DHL –
Just heard Nick Clegg on WatO either making himself out to be very stupid or trying to deceive Radio 4 listeners. I used to have some respect for the guy in that he was always honest and openly pro-EU & after full UK membership, including the Euro.
He has now lost all that respect, because he is obviously not stupid. He was also being deceptive when Shaun Ley asked him if he thought that liberalism was still under threat. A clever question. Liberalism plainly is not under threat in that it is now totally & inextricably woven into western society. If it faces any threat it is still some way off from Islam. Nick Clegg claimed it was under threat but the unexpressed hint was that it’s all to do with Brexitism & Trumpism.
The Liberal Party, despite a recent increase in membership, is the structure under threat at the Ballot box if it seeks to keep the UK in the EU by stealth.
Now, an example of blatant bias. Today’s interventions from Tony Blair and John Major were briefly considered along with a pro-Brexit comment. In the news summary at 1.44pm Shaun gave Blajor Maair the last word on the matter.
They should be locked up!
yes, Clegg set off on a speech that flew passed the normally excellent Ley. Would have thought some of the nonsense he spoke could have been challenged.
Clegg said at one point about challenging Trump, which I took as campaigning against his election.
As John Major says re Brexit, uncritically reported by the BBC, its to do with “the tyranny of the majority”. Odd, Major never mentioned “the tyranny of the majority” when he won the election to become prime minister. The BBC never spoke about the tyranny of the majority when Labour won 3 elections in a row.
Nick Cleggs policies weren’t just rejected by the electorate, they were totally binned! Unfortunately the BBC and a lot of the meeja aren’t at all interested in what the people think or being in touch with them, and carry on as if nothing has happened.
We definitely need a Donald to bring the country out of its division since the BLiar government the Tories are not up to the job (or any job for that matter!).
Think Shaun or the Brexiteer MP mentioned that point. Actually, John Major was a hero for democracy and the Ballot Box at one point when he called and won a General Election in 1992 when his back was against the wall. It all went wrong not long after.
If only he had let us have a vote on the EEC/EC to EU Treaty! I think we would have left with far less trouble and would have avoided near bankruptcy on Black Wednesday.
Who gives a monkey’s toss what a total failure like Nick Clegg thinks about anything ?
Grant, ‘Enlightened’ folk may not but the Beeb will wheel him out when Farron goes quiet, then they’ll put Clegg away and have a go with Cable before wheeling out Farron again. All in the interest of balance: promoting the Liberal Party & its views equally with all the others. (In order to undermine Brexit.)
I just hope that Blair’s & Major’s latest interventions in the EU process, together with anything that the Liberals, Labour, Plaid & the SNP have to offer, will so enrage the people – in a nice quiet, democratic, British sort of way – that the Government have no choice but to press the red button and bring a single line Bill to Parliament so that we leave the EU at the moment of its passing.
It may be the only way in the end to free ourselves from the tentacles of the EU twenty-octopus. Having typed that, I’ve just changed my mind and think you should change yours. It is VERY important what Clegg, Farron, Major & Blair (the latter above all) think & say in public. Keep pushing, guys.
God save the Queen and come on UK residents; let us push back against them for the sake of democracy!
Actually, you make a good point. The more publicity these failed wasters get, the more it plays into our hands .
Grant, I sure hope so.
I’d like one of those little counter clocks, a private one, that is hard-wired to a binary pro-EU/contra-EU indicator in every brain registered to vote in Britain.
I like to think there would be a sporadic but constant click-click-click as the pro-EU brains switched over to a contra-EU position.
The British are a placid people, thank God, [except when fuelled by alcohol 🙁 ] but we can be resolute, especially in respect of freedom, fairness and underdogs. Perhaps if the ‘great & the good’ keep pushing away with anti-Brexit, increasing amounts of iron & steel (maybe some coal, too, ho ho! – see what I did there?) will increasingly stiffen our resolve to free ourselves from the EU.
Migrant crisis: Turkey threatens EU with new surge
On almost every forum about this there are posts that the head of the EU will decide once again in isolation and without agreement from anyone else, that Germany will open its borders to as many migrants as can get there, and in the process devastate Europe.
We have to accept that the German people, for too long cossetted by a bubble of comfortable living standards are going to vote this woman back into power, even if it means she will destroy life for them as they know it.
We can only hope this happens to them sooner rather than later.
Germany now is probably as lost as Sweden and it is only a matter of time before it collapses. We can only sit back and look on with a growing realisation that we got out just in time!
I would be delighted if it happened to the Germans. They deserve everything that is coming to them. But , I just do not want their disease to spread to the UK.
Sorry, Grant, I do not. I like the Germans & Germany. I don’t really have any proper fears but I do worry that Germany will be destroyed by Mutti’s Madness. On the morning of 23rd June this year, that was an extra incentive pushing me with enthusiasm to the Polling Station at a rate of knots.
The GDR was pure evil. I would hate to see it return in similar or different form.
After watching what has happened in Sweden and Germany I would urge a block on allowing them here in case they do to us what they have done to their own countries.
I should add that there are many individual Germans among my beast friends and colleagues, but collectively they have become self destructive
Up2 and GWF,
Agree that there are some “good Germans “, but there is a collective psychotic illness which goes back hundreds of years and the evidence from history is overwhelming .
That’s new to me. Is that from their tribal pagan past? That was a long time ago.
I do agree with you. There is something very peculiar about Germans, as many of my German friends will acknowledge. I cannot put my finger on it but Hitler knew how to touch it and now the left and Merkel style progressives are awakening it with reminder of guilt. An old Jewish pal of mine whose family escaped in the thirties, used to say that their theorizing would block out reality for them
Have waited patiently for the BBC’s report on the pro Brexit protest meet at Westminster on Wednesday 23/11/16.
Of course I wait in vain. Reports from some who attended said that thousands turned out. Reuters reported just 200.
17 million of us voted to escape the loony tunes EU. To become once more a sovereign nation with the ability to make our own laws control our own borders and trade with whomsoever we wish.
Following the referendum decision – the anti Brexit mobs filled the airways for days with their shrill doom laden rants. The MSM were (and still are) eager to showcase any group or individual who espouse the correct narrative. You could not pick up any newspaper of any political persuasion without it being prominently remarked upon. The opposers of democracy have had a very long time to become completely assimilated not only within the MSM, which they more or less control but also large swathes of our public services and local government.
Here’s my point. If we are going to make our voices heard, we need a representation at Westminster or wherever that the MSM CANNOT ignore. Not hundreds – but thousands, Aand many thousands at that. Anything less offers up a counter productive propaganda hit for the remainers and their MSM cheerleaders.
So far, the ‘Progressives’ are making all l the running aided as they are by their propaganda commissars at the BBC (soon to be allied with the B liar creature).
If we are serious about making the referendum result follow through – then when we have a protest meeting/march whatever – IT HAS TO COUNT.
If we do not put up – then we become merely the echo chamber we have so often been portrayed as.
The murder at the French “religious ( i.e. christian ) home has disappeared from the BBC website. So we can assume that the suspect is muslim. Meanwhile ” 2 die in fire at Lesbos migrant camp “. !!!!
Grant, no it’s still there if you just look hard enough on the Home>World>Europe page, but they didn’t kill anyone, they just attacked the building. Can you find it!

BBC web-site is chaos at present.
I’m wondering whether it has started to dawn on BBC bosses that they are increasingly out of step with their public and they do not know what to do. Crashing or restricting the system is a way of putting off facing up to many very pressing issues.
The Turks are threatening with unleashing hundreds of thousands march into Europe if he doesn’t get his own way.
So I guess we must build a wall …
I feel for Greece and the east European countries in the EU. They are in the front line and do not deserve this, especially not now.
BBC – Israel
After their feeble, lets say erm “impartial” reporting on the fires of jihad story.
At least a dozen have been arrested already on terrorism … oops! I apologise BBC its not T Mair, so its… obviously arson.
As usual Yolande Knell, pops up with, “With security officials saying many of the fires could have been caused by arson, several Israeli politicians have implicated Arabs.
They note how Arabic social media posts – from around the region – have been celebrating scenes of Israeli cities ablaze. Some Israeli media added their own fuel, speculating about a possible “fire intifada”, or uprising, after a spate of knife, shooting and car ramming attacks over the past year”.
“Spate”! … the ones the BBC refused to report half the time? isolated incidents, or lone wolves etc etc?.
More Good Brexit News ..
“Jaguar Land Rover’s chief executive Dr Ralf Speth has laid out a future vision which could see 10,000 new jobs created in the West Midlands.”
BBC as we speak sweating – how to put a negative spin on this?