A Biased BBC reader writes..
“I like the BBC’s attempts to brainwash our children; it is a fun as it is fascist. All their ideological indoctrination is fantastically exposed in this video about re-educating children over the “sexist” Cinderella.
After receiving a beginner’s guide to political correctness, patriarchy and sexism, the kids are tasked with rewriting Cinderella. The end result? Well, it is pretty much the same story of servitude and relying on a man to rescue her but they:
· Rename “Cinderella” as “Cindy”;
· Remove the Fairy Godmother (not sure if that counts as vile sexist, matriarch that she is);
· Change a glass slipper to a trainer;
· She doesn’t marry the prince but goes exploring the world instead.
Perhaps this next generation is not beyond saving…”
Rename Cinderella as Fatima
Remove the Fairy Godmother and replace her with a jinn
Change the Prince to Caliph
They marry aged 6 and have 7 children all claiming benefits.
There that’s much more realistic.
Surely the Fairy is marched up to the top of a tall building and then thrown off?
They got rid of the Fairy Godmother? Isn’t that homophobic? Maybe it would be if it was a Fairy Godfather. These progressives don’t seem to realise that the relationships between men & women expressed in these stories are quite natural, they are not social constructs or products of a ‘bourgeois’ ideological hegemony, e.g. it is quite natural for a woman to seek the protection of a man. There is nothing ‘sexist’ about it. If they are allowed to succeed they will create a totally unnatural world which will of course be totally dysfunctional.
Those poor children 🙁
It’s obvious from their faces and body language that they’ve been “selected” against their will to take part in a stupid, leftist stunt to try and make a circle square with the story of Cinderella.
Honestly, the mentality of these liberal lefties is past demented.
One thing that did strike me though was how blond and blue eyed most of them are.
How did that slip through the BBC net?!
I have just watched the video in the link above, and I think I have just lost the will to live.
I suppose they had to use a lost trainer as no doubt the glass slipper in the original would have been a health & safety issue.
Blonde white Kids deliberately selected because they don’t want to imply that black kids need this brainwashing exercise because they’re perfect. Either that or they are all off making Christmas adverts for virtue signalling grocery shops.
Surely ‘Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves’ or ‘Sinbad the Sailor’ are more appropriate themes for contemporary British pantomime than Cinderella?
Sinbad the sailor pantomime, about to open at Newham Politically Correct Community Theatre, formerly known as the Theatre Royal Stratford East.
Every production aimed at the ethnic community .The hilarious thing is ,the ethnics have no history of theatre going and in the main don’t go so its packed out with white middle class lefties who love to luxuriate in diversity without living it.We Eastenders have long since abandoned it.
Its my local but I have boycotted it for several years .Their pantomimes are excruciating ,all historical references deleted .So for example ,in Dick Whittington , London Town is renamed as Newtown.
I boycott BBC most of the time ” Horrible histories ‘. showed me how they are brainwashing our children.
“The hilarious thing is ,the ethnics have no history of theatre going and in the main don’t go so its packed out with white middle class lefties who love to luxuriate in diversity without living it.”
I’ve been to the Theatre Royal Stratford East on several occasions and can attest that this isn’t true. Both the bar/restaurant and theatre have a very mixed crowd.
“Its my local but I have boycotted it for several years.”
Which probably explains why your recollection of it isn’t borne out by reality. If you don’t go because you boycott it, why should anybody believe what you say about the people who go to a place you don’t?
OK, feminists are not really concerned about women, but are really Marxists. That is why they have nothing to say of Islam, and the wonderful way it treats women.
This type of coercion, could be regarded as child abuse.
One of the few occasions when a burka might be appropriate.