Last week we had three huge untruths from the BBC, three headlining heavyweight political stories that were fake…made up by the BBC for their own political purposes
That Trump had made a spectacular u-turn on Obamacare…when in fact he had made the same statement, that some parts of Obamacare were good and he would keep them, over a year ago and continued to make it openly on TV debates.
That the NHS was ‘secretly’ making reforms and hiding them from the public…based upon a report whose author smacked down Justin Webb for suggesting there was a ‘secret’ plot going on to hide bad news…and yet the BBC kept on reporting this as fact.
That there was a ‘leaked’ cabinet memo that damned the government over Brexit…turns out this was not commissioned nor solicited by government…it was a private exercise by a consultant company panhandling for work….and yet the BBC continued to report the memo as if it were fact even after admitting it was not a ‘cabinet memo’.
Today we had another doozy, from Emma Barnett….In an argument with John Whittingdale she insisted that there were no foodbanks before the evil Tories came to power in 2010…when pressed on the facts she suggested, after telling us she had done her research, that there might have been 3 foodbanks pre-2010. Well apparently there were around 59, so spot on Emma! Barnett was trying to claim that any economic problems were a result of the Tories economic policies completely failing to ‘remember’ they were in fact the result of Labour’s mess inherited by government post 2010.
Naturally the number of foodbanks, or indeed the number of people using them, tells us nothing about the state of the economy especially as the Trussell Trust, which has most foodbanks and from whom the BBC gets most of its ‘facts’ about them, is run by a Labour Party supporter who uses the foodbanks as a political weapon to attack the Tories….his aim to get a foodbank in every town and city…so the increase in foodbank numbers and the rise in people using them is misleading because they hadn’t been there before, so there would naturally be a ‘rise’ in use as people go to this new set up, and they are being set up as a deliberate political ‘lightning rod’ in the knowledge that the media will use the foodbanks as a shorthand way to illustrate the evils of welfare reforms.
What else was the world’s finest news broadcaster caught out on this week?
Oh yes…on Wake Up to Money a leading City businesswomen insisted that low productivity [that great ‘productivity puzzle’ the BBC refused to find the real answer to] was a result of a failure to invest in training and innovation and a failure to do R&D as a result of decisions by companies to take the easy option and import cheap labour from abroad instead. The presenter really wanted to move on from that and not talk about it….cheap immigrant labour.
In another WUTM programme we had Digby Jones come on and slamdunk the Remainers who talked of ‘Soft Brexit’ as a viable option. Jones said in no uncertain tones that they were lying [his word] and that there was no such thing as a ‘soft Brexit’…such a thing was in fact pretty much the status quo with us remaining in the EU. The BBC of course peddles the myth of a Soft Brexit as a viable option without spelling out that it actually means a reversal of Brexit.
So again and again the BBC’s narrative and ‘analysis’ has been proved wrong….that’s what happens when you turn yourself into a campaign group, a political party, instead of a news source that people can rely on for honest, impartial and accurate news.
And then there’s their reporting on the budget….lol…all the fault of Brexit…we’re doomed, doomed I tell ya!!!
Just now on the Today Programme I heard Justin Webb remind us about the uncertainty in forecasting the economy by stating there would be “dips and troughs”. lol
Keep it up Alan.
The Gulag loving Bolshevik mass murderers at AlBeeb must be contemplating suicide due to the reversals, shunts into sidings and becoming detached from the rails/truth their lying propaganda train is suffering.
To any BBC employee or associate who reads this I have one word of advice.
If the BBC had any desire whatsoever to live up to it’s self proclaimed moniker of being impartial it would put out a statement apologising profusely for the car crash interview that Justin Webb conducted last week with Joel Pollak from Brietbart.
It would state that Webb’s obvious deception and bias were totally unacceptable and an embarrassment to everyone seeking quality journalism. It would admit that incidents such as this only diminish the standing of the BBC in the eyes of the public and cannot be tolerated, especially so when on it’s premier political show, the Today program. It would offer up the resignation of Webb due to gross negligence and incompetence and assure the public that from now on it will simply report the facts and allow the public to make up it’s own mind rather than attempt to deceive them with bias and untruths.
Instead they responded with “I think we got it about right”
Fear not, comrades. Tony Blair has returned to save us from post-truth politics.
Emma Barnett has fitted in well at Five Live since her arrival. Yesterday she also declared that the full economic impact of Brexit has not yet been felt.
And in the aftermath of the Trump election, she spent two days worth of broadcasting trying to convince people that it was all about Clinton’s gender.
Sadly, it seems that there is now yet another at the BBC who is using her microphone for her own agenda.
Well if you don’t like the Emma Barnett and her Feminist Socialist line on R5 at 10am
..then you can turn over to Radio4 Woman’s Hour where they take Feminist Socialist line
OK give up on the Radio and switch too BBC 2 where it’s Victoria and her Feminist Socialist line
Jeez give up on the BBC
..try LBC where at 10am you have James “shutup I’m, letting the socialist speak” O’Brian and his Feminist Socialist line
I no longer listen to James O’Marx, however his whiney rancid leftie voice buts in Ferrari’s last few minutes before his 3 hour commie rant. Earlier this week it was of course another Islamomarxfembashfest on Trump, his intro being that Trump speaks like Hitler sounds like Hitler and unbelievably he said walks like Hitler.
The simple fact is that Leon PolpotO’Brien has lost the plot, he has a seething violent mentally unstable mind, just let him hoist himself up on his own petard. I actually enjoy his anger as I know it hurts him.
He is in fact on the wrong side of history when it comes to the Tories being elected, UKIP Brexit and Trump’s successes, and there is more to come.. he should self destruct by the end of the year.
If we make more foodbanks, more people will use them,I would take free food if it was offered to me. We had cases in our local paper where people were getting donations from a foodbank then selling it to get drugs,didn’t surprise me at all.
I would refuse to give food to people who smoke,cigarettes cost a lot of money.
It’s not just the continuous and blatant bias that is annoying, it’s also the remorseless negativity. The BBC must be the only state broadcaster that actually hates the state, and it’s people.
I remember when the BBC used to portray the UK in a positive way, not now.
I agree. I used to quite like ‘South Today’ with Sally Taylor as it was largely political free and covered local topics.
However, of late it has broadcast more ‘national’ stories many on the NHS but of course make it appear local by talking about a ‘local’ hospital.
Two nights ago they reported on a ‘leaked’ document about the cash shortfall in a local hospital, it was quite dramatic, unfortunately there was absolutely no source given for this alleged ‘leaked document’. I will be writing to them about this.
Last night on ‘ST’ we had the usual Brexit scaremongering from Sainsbury’s which of course isn’t local but national about the rise in food costs. Cheese was mentioned… cue to make it a ‘local’ story they went to a cheese deli in Pangborne thus making the story local.
What we have on South Today now are national scare stories wrapped up as local stories which in reality means that the national news at six is now news ( BBC style ) till seven o’clock. The one thing I would regularly watch is now pretty much off the menu.
In a way as much as I am angered I am also saddened.
Excellent point about national negativity being shoe-horned into local news. You might get local good news reported, but never national good news in the same way. I’ve noticed it myself, and my wife grumbles about it too.
Since Batley is in our local news region, you can imagine how wrist-slitting awful it was yesterday.
so @Jerry they gave a big mention to the Calderdale child rape gangs that were jailed on the same day as JoCo’s murder ?
What’s the normal local coverage of those cases ?
I bet its not day by day like it is when a London media Leftmob bod is involved.